J6 THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : SUNDAY JULY 3 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. SPORTS FOR THE DOG DAYS Ehort Dissertations on This , That nud the Other in Base Ball , WHAT THE NATIONAL LEAGUE MEANS The Coming Ilonch .Show Tlio IVstlvo lljkcir Knniiy Only' * Olmnri-s The Horicmnn'N Chut and llrcczy General N'otci. HEN the minor boso bull oreanlzallons ilovlso ways and means of cxtstctico without holding themselves sub- scrvlunt to the National ion cue , then nnd only then , will the canto de velop oven Into a satisfactory busi ness vonturn. The Westurn longuo pays so much per club to the major body for the privlloeo ol drawluK tholr brc.ith. This tax Is also aupposod to assure the lessor organizations Immunity against Inroads from unscrupulous managers nnd base ball agents , aiiU several other varieties of protection. But tin fact is It assures or insures nothing , absolutely nothing , BO far as the National league Is concerned. It Is all powerful , how ever , among the organizations of the minor order. They nro not allowed to monkey with each other In any paitiosUr , but forced to live like cooing doves together. . If there Is nnv monkoving to bo done the National will do It. They hnvo plenty capacity , plenty Inclination nnd plenty tlmo to do nil the monkeying for the whole base ball conlIngcney. - If the nntlonul IcuR'jo wants a player from the ranks of any of the minors , she gets him by hook or crook. If the club who holds his contract refuses to surrender him for n nom inal figure , in order that the transaction may have a business like aspect , it will bo found that some one of the National league clubs linvo an old prior claim on him , and they gobble him up without reward or conscience. The Ocnlns case for Illustration. It Is the sntno with umpires nud every thing else. This spring Nick Young declared that Jack McQunlil should novorutnpiro nno thor pamo In the Notional league. JacK said ho thought Now York made Boston several presents last tall in order to boat the grand old man of Chicago out of the championship. That tnado Undo Nick , as well ns nil Boston nnd Now York , vcrv sere on His McQunld- lota. nnd notwithstanding ho was the most finished and competent umplro In the business , they refused him njob this spring. They hud n lot of Hursts , Emslies , Maccullars , Walters , Mahonoys aud similar vegetables on hand , and Informed Mr. Me- Qunld that ho might go back to carrying the hod for all they cared. So JncK. ho signed with the Millenium Plan outllt. Ho is the only real umpire wo have hna , but wo hnd to give him up. The league staff , nsldo from IC'.ng Gaff. ( quickly proved very Wnlly Fesscndon , nnd to keep the populace in line in several cities , it was ncccssarv that n helper for GalTuoy bo secured. That meant Jnelc McQunid. Now the story is being circulated that Mc- Qunld's contract with President Williams this spring was n conditional one , nnd his ro.-dgnntlon was gracefully accepted. The truth ot the matter Is the arrogant Icaguo slniplv reached out nnd picked Colonel McQuuld oil the Western bush , just HUe the urcpping of n rotten npplo. r The ivtnor organizations , sooner or Inter , will do tvroght to contracts that will bind , Irrespective of league protection , assistance or advice. Tim srslu secret of the nonsuccess cess of nil the minor organizations over in corporated , is the fact that from their in- ctptoncy the National league opens up its lifo-sapping tactics. It Will I ! " Kepviilufl. The great nnd only bate ball rule-maker , Nlchodomus E. Young , has n little job ou hand which , It is honed , bo will attend to at his earliest comenienco , and that is the abro gation of the Idiotic law that denies a 'man his base when struck on the hand or forearm by n pitched ball. This rare piece of leglsln- ti'on ccrtalnlv never evolved from Grandpa Nick's Citglo brain , nnd 1 know n ; soon as his massive ova falls on tills for grandpa has ' read TIIU'UEI : for lol these ninny years ho will set about securing its appeal , Wlion Indiruirfpolis wus hero the last time , Frank Genius received n etnasti on the hand from ono of VicKory's cannon shots that fairly pulvor- l/cd his arm up to the elbow. It not only knocked him out of the game , but kept him nn Uio bench for n week afterwards , nnd for a tlmo it was highly doubtful whether ho would ever permanently recover from the hurt or not. It wus n hornblo smash , and that night Frank's hand wus as black ns your hat. But he novur got his base. Gun- thcr. the novelist , was umpiring , nnd no jo- fuscu to allow Genius to will It down , not , liouovor. because ha wus cognizant ol any rule providing for such n decision , but because - cause ho claimed that it was the wrong hand that received the blow. Ho said ifitlmd been his rlcht instead of bis. loft , ho would Imvu nllowul Urn his base. And Kdltor Hiuhtcr is so glad Guiithy , hU protege , is doing well out west. But to return to the rule In onostion. It wgs originally formulated to reach the cnso of such fo'xy boys ns Curt Welch. There is the boy who can make his Oaso nbout twlca out of three times by ndroltlv receiving the ball against bis hand , arm or shoul der , nnd n man who can nnd does do this , Is not only deserving of Ills base , but ought to ba allowed to score , to boot. But , in several particulars , there Isn't n tialf dozen Curt Wclchs In tlio business. On the contrary the average ball player is as fear ful of being hit by tt.u ball , as hu Is of facing his landlady , and the Welch trick wus a rare one Indetid. A Itiiru Work nl Art. > * What n pretty mois was mudo out of the 'Western league schedule In the first cham pionship division this season , to bo sure. This , however , was partly owing to tha pcr- ilstont Interference of J. Pluvins , but mainly to the bhortslghtodnoss of the schoaulo com mittee , Not onca this spring bus tha Omaha rrmilcs been given nn opportunity to see what kind of hall either the Milwaukee or Mlnnciipolis teams nut up. 'I hey were both hero for n series of games , but in each In- itanco wore forestalled bva lioavonly shower until. On the ether bnnil Omaha hus been dosed with St. I'nul-Fort Way no to the extent - tent that the sight of old Cy Sutcllffo , Fully Dugdnloor the Hogurlvor 1s enough to turn the average fun's stomach. Wo hnd 'em hero to open the season , they came back In May , ngaln in Juno , and ye goas and little libhos , they will bo indicted on us for the fourth successive time ono week from next Wednesday , whan they nro hooked for only four moro games. About half tbo local cranks already bdlovo that there nro only Iwo teams In the circuit , Omaha and Fort Wnyno , so uccustomed hnvo they become to tbo battles between thcsotwo. But that Isn't ' ult. Milwaukee will not bo scon on thu homo grounds until August 19 , nor Minneapolis till the Dili , but In the meantime wo will have Indianapolis und Toledo' , two more old land marks , until you can't rest. I am not quite sure whether this beautiful ichodulo is part and parcel of the great millennium plan or not , but Judging from its aritstlu llnlsh It must bo a component part ot the cblcfckt character , Triumphal Miiroli. The Omnhas are now engaged in the first series of the second championship division. They have three moro games rtith Toledo , ono this afternoon nud two tomorrow , morn ing and afternoon , After the Pirates have been all manucled aud chucked away In the hold , Joe Walsh will saunter along wltii bl bunotuous band ot Uuokoycs , They will bo bora July 0 , 8 , 0 and 10. Undo Dave ayj lie's vlmply going to kill 'em. But somehow or other it is the custom of late to take the old man's assertions with a liberal allowance of salt. Still ho mcaui everything he says , nnd if ho will Just muUo his word good thU limo ho can bavo'n portfolio in the people's pr.-iidimt'H cabinet. If I have to give It to Mm uivenlf. And U will bo In the war do- purunent , too. Aficr larruping Columbui four Ktralcht. the White Sox will go right lu their triumphal murch and iclvo I't. WINDING UP the STOCK In just thirty days from now licllman's administrator will bs out of a job , as far as disposing of the Hellman Clothing- stock is concerned , as it is now definitely settled that the Columbia Clothing Company , Of St. Louis , take possession of the stock , store and fixtures , In the meantime greater cuts than ever will be nude in all departments. The time is now limited and your time to secure the greatest bargains you ever heard tell of is now at hand. Suits that were $ S , $9 , $10.50 , $12 and $13 are now $5. All the $16 , $18 , $20 and $22 suits are now cut toio. Styles are sjaclcs , frocks , cutaways and prince alberts , in all kinds of fabrics , silk mixed cassimeres , corkscrews , clay worsteds , cheviots , crepe cloth and the finest im ported fabrics ; bound and unbound edges ; at any rate you are bound to buy. They will please you , for we can fit anybody , be they slender and tall , fat and short , let the weight be TOO or 600 pounds. Sizes range from 33 to 50. As to summer clothes , coats , vests , etc. , in alapacas , lustres , flannels , serges , drap d'ete , pongee silks , in fact any kind of summer fabiic , in short and extra long sizes , 32 to 50 : you can have them as long as they last at any price most to take them away. A lot of 35C neckties go at i5c. Those genuine all silk out ing'shirts' , fancy colors , with black grounds , plaids , stripes , etc. , now go for $1.50. Hcllman got $4 for them. We did sell them for $2. All sixes. All over the store everything is cut to the core and your chance of a life time has now come. THIRTY DAYS MOR.EX. HELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR'S CLOSING SALE. WINDING * UP THE STOCK COR. 13th AND KAR.NAM STS. Wavno such a licking she will bo clad to of the sea stay away frW uoro the balance son. The Koktongas will take their medicine on the u , ! > , H nnd ID. Following Barnlos' gang comoj Sharslg's What-U-Hs. They haven't had n smell so far , and shnnt during the entire - tire season , wo Just hnto these beastly Indl- un nS Kansas City will wind up the .onos. She will bo hero July 3D and 31 and August 2 nnd : t , and when undo cots 1" " " * n. with her , her nnmo will bo rubbed oft the maps. Wo haint goln' to lose 'nothor game tnis year. _ _ Jnelc rrinco DiiliiK tlio Hosse * . Z\NE3Viu.n , O. , Juno 30. To the Sporting Editor of TUB BEK : Just n line. You see by Inclosed clipping that I am on the war path again 'wld do mashoen.1 t am riding a high-geared safety , and am sure to do well before the season "closes. I had a great race in Columbus the ether night nud have another hero tomorrow. Will bo In Omaha this Jail with a big athletic combination. JACK PIUXCE. "Following is the clipping referred to : Fully l.OOU people were prusent at rnnk- - lin park last evening and witnessed the race between Jaclc Prince , the champion long dis tance bloyclist of the world , and "Sorrel Doc , " a trotter owned by John lirown. a ho stnrt was made shortly after 7 o'clock , and for tbo llrst hall mlle the horse and bicycle kept together. The second hnlf Prince took the lead down the stretch und Kept it until the fourth half-mllo. when they passed unucr the wire slao bv side. The third milo was iliilshod with the horse nbout nfty foot in the load. Pri.ico gradually closed the gap. and on tbo next half-railo wni fifty foot in the lead , finishing the fourth half-rnilo about 100 loot nho'id of the horse. The next half found him ll'Ji ) feet , in the lead , and the fifth mlle was tlnishcd with Prince over nn eighth of n mlle nheud of the IIOMO. 'i ho en tire live miles was made In 10 minutes and 2H seconds. Tho. best mlle was made in Jl : . Prince rode a Cleveland pneumatic geared to sixty-eight inches. Manv of the loading horsemen nro discuss ing the Question of whethoror not Prince can beat llvo horses In a llve-milo relay raco. In that way the horses would oaiy trot ono milo each anil Prince would have to do the llvo miles at an average of y.DO or bettor. It Is qulto likely that such ' * race will bo arranged within a few days. Xtinosvlllo Signal. Ono of Undo' * riu.iit tntrlog. "Safe ! " crtou Charlie Suydor as Tim O'Kourko slid Into second last Thursday at Columbus , after being punched in the nocl : > vitn the ball In Shlobock's hands. "Oh , Chnrllo , 1'vo broken his nockt" cried Shv Imploringly. "I said ho was safe , " replied tbo autocrat of the mask. Then Undo wulkol In from flr t and , placing his big , knotty fist uudor Snyder's probdscli , ho shook It suggestively , with the following pleasant bit of raillery : "You big loafer , what do you monn by such work ! For a half a cent I'd.broak your ugly fncol" "That will coit you Just 5)5 ! " interjected the uoro of the hotting sheds as ho backed away from Undo. " \Vbat'a that ) " fiercely demanded Uncle , who was now so hot under the collar that his undor&hlrt was scorching , aud ho mudo a reach for Snydor's jaw. "You nro a nlco specimen to bo Judge of a ball came , hain't you I Why you couldn't referee a cock fight. Twonty-llvo dollars 1 I'll mnko you oat the Flm National bunk , you big loafnrl" and Uncle was about to kill him , ivhou the police were called out , and Uncle was assisted Into a pnicton and driven from the grounds. Then the White Sox Jumped onto FreJ- orlckus Clausen and beat him 3 to U. Wliu Kiuil Uiinth nun Unity. Nlcbol of Toledo was at the bat , Guanthor umpiring. "Ono strikol" called HIchtor's protege , a ono nf Darby's high ones fairly scraped the cobwebs from the clouds. "Two utrikoi , three strikes and out ! " crlod Gunth , asNIckol smashed at a curve , whirlIng - Ing clean round from sheer forcoof the blow. "That1 * only two , " yollca Nlcbol lu dot- poration , as ho turned to tbo serene Mr. Guontbdr. "I say it Is three , " ho calmly ropllod ; "you truck at that ono twice. " AndJ lehol fell dead at bis feat. Why didn't the leagua tune Quonther and Uavous McQuuidlj John T. Buy * It Isn't So. The report sent out from Loulsvltlo ilx or elxht days ago that the last meeting of the Rational IMKUO considered ttio delinquency of the Western Icairue , is dented by John T. Brush , writes Manager Sharsig from Indlan- npolls. Billy says mat Mr. Brush , emphat ically declared that no such matter was con sidered , and that the proceedings show'thera w'a's no reference whatever to the Western league. Ho further savs that tbo matter of duos could not coma before the league , but instead would go to the board havlu ? caargo the national agreement. It is stated in con nection with tno Western league that , w'ullo it , has suffered heavy financial loss during tbo first half of the season , which was duo to the weather , there Is reason to believe- that all losses can bo recovered before the close of the season in Sspteiubcr next. The low snlnry limit has been its salvation , and nothing but good weather and good ball play ing nro necessary from now on to insure a prollt. Tlio Onmlm Kunnul Club. The encouragement accorded the Omaha IConnol club during the first year of Its exIstence - Istonco by many admirers of the dog has lad tbo directors to feel confident that a bench show can bo successfully arranged during the coming fall , and have consequently llxod noon the ' . ' 3th and 25tb , inclusive , of October next for the first exhibition , which will beheld held under the auspices or the American Kennel cinb , and of xvbich full and duo no- tlco will bo given. There , are a great num ber and variety of exceedingly woll-orod dogs owned in Nebraska uud adjoining states , tbo owners of which may bo calculated upon to ox 111 bit. This publication is made with the earnest hope that the public's good wishes and best efforts are with us in our en- dcavora , and so aid us In bringing our state to thu front rank In the stock of host blooded dogs , contributing nnutbcr quota of healthy advertisement of Nebraska's productive fea tures. It is a noticeable fact that all our loading cttlos maintain their kennel clubs. Uonat'ons can bo paid to tbo club's credit with the Omaha National bank or to thu sec- rotary. Tbo club has nlroady prepared a bill for presentation to the legislature relative to legalizing the dog as personal propcrtv aim will exert its utmost Influence with that ob ject in view at the next session , and which we feel assured will have tbo hearty com mendation of nil owners nnd lovers of mnn's friend , the dog. Address communications to 13. L. Maraton , secretary , P. O. box 023. JOHN T. EVINS , Prosldont , J. C. MOUIUSON , VIce President , E. L. M\itsrox , Secretary , C. W. WATKKUAN , Treasurer , W. E. NASOX , JOHN II. SHOUT , CllAKUS : F. Flll'.NZBII , H , U. KKNNEDV , Du. J , O. WUINNEIIV , Directors. A IIiuicli ot ItiittllnuIIItH. . Two gnmos tomorrow. Tbo first will bo called at 10:30 : nnd the second at 3 : : iO , There will bo n loud-voiced congregation assemble at Sportsman's park tomorrow. Jooko Fields has caught on with Buffalo , whllo Herman Bauer is on his uppers. Booze 1 Troy has captured the Bird recently re leased by St. Louis. A little salt did tbo business. , Hereafter Indies will bo admitted free at Sportsman's park excepting ou Sundays and holidays. 'Jocko IlatllBMi has been benched b.v Balti more , nnd Harrv Haymond kicked out into tbu frigid world by Washington. Sandy McDermott , 'who Is umpiring In the California league , has been roasted so much that ho looks llko a big baked cow. On tholr last eastern trip the O malms won seven games and lost throe , a bettor record tuan any ether western team mado. Toad Katnsoy , formerly of Loulsvlllo but later of Deuyer , hns been resurrected by Eyansvlllo , fays Colonel Hen Mulford. Jimmy Coonoy broke his ash pan the other day tryinc to catch a liuor from Latlmm'a bat , nnd Undo 1s ou the lookout for a new short. . Dirty Danny Shannon has succeeded Dirty Danny Stearns at mUmsnaeor of the But- fulos. Now look for an early dlibandontnctit of the Bisons , A cablegram from Europe announces that Nick Ivory has signed with Odkosb , and u * a consequence stock in the brewers trust has gone up 'JOO per cent. Norman Bauer hat boon appointed on the umplro itaff to succeed McQuald. Ho will m lto his debut at Kansas City this alter- noou , Hero's luck , Losllo. The next thing you know tbo Notional league will take all tbo western loazuo'n best bats away from thorn , Wo uro lucky to ba allowed to play ball at all. All talk about the National league wanting westornJtilayors is-rot. There .dsn't n half dozen Woitorn league players who would last over night with the old organization. The scconatichamplonshtp division in the Western league la now bn , and promises to bo n vast improvement over the first. The local team nas been materially strengthened and will assuredly make a good showing. Jiggs Pnrrott. the Minneapolis third base man , they say , Is making a great rep. Wo don't Know anything about -tho youu man down bora because wa hnvo ncvjr bad a chancotoico him play , and-theseason is more thaa naif ovor. Uolumnus will not have tbo walkover In the second division she enjoyed in the first. Sbo made a lucky start , whllo all the ether teams fell down , but the present race will bean an equal ono all through. Several surprises are iu store for tbo enthusiasts. Ujiclo Dave is too quick tempered and loses many a point by constantly antagonizing the umplro. If Undo would only wait until after the game , and than take htm bobind the drosslngroom nnd out on the mitts with him , tbo general results would be batter. Charlla Hoover , who is certainly a eri-eat backstop , is catching out of sight in the Montana leaguo. Hoover and old John Bar leycorn were a great pair in the Western league , and it was tholr Intimacy that led to the former's ejection from the ranks. Emmut Story was oTorod ( an engagement by the Western loncrue , but &s ho owns a pineapple plantation la Florida , bo says ho cannot nffurd to play anvwboro but in the big league. Exchange. That's his double , then , gobbling up flies dov/u In Indianapolis' outtiold. The second championship soaion promlioi to rcdoorn the losses of the iirat. Omaha is In bettor condition than at any time during the year , and is playing superb ball. Big crowds nro a cortalnty during the present week , ns tno town Is overrun with strangers with nothing to do but kill tlmo. Manager Frank Leonard of the Blngham- ton iUastorn League club , is engaged locating the number of ties botwcen Bine nnd Lowell , MUSH. When managing the Omaha toara In ' 93 Frank ma Jo himself very popular , but. his tank was too full of the milk of human kindness , for successful work with a ball team. After all Frank Gonlns will play the season - son out with Indianapolis. By the peculiar processes known only to the big league. Cin cinnati secured Frank , und as John T. Brush owncs botn Cincinnati uu Inddlannpolis , base balllc'illy speaking , ho will kcop ( ienlns on the HoosiorV payroll , auywayuntll there is a break in Cincinnati's outllold , George Keofo , who struck the banana pool oarlv In the fight , has jumped Fort Wavno and has boon blacklisted. In the light that ICoofo was to bo 'chased" anyway as soon as a man could bo found to fill his place , his punishment seems irtrillo tough. The wily Cunningham started Koofu on the down crado nud Is the most guilty of tbo two. The dx-allogod > base ball magnate any body can guess who It Is who attondi the games at Sportsman's park on n dead-head ticket presented fcim by Prosldont Stout , and spends his litno In fool abuse of the local club , will run up against a circumstance 0.10 of these line days. Take up bis pass that is n courtesy tnatuovnr should have boon shown him. President Stout'ln speaking of the wild- eyed report from Doulsvillo , says : "Tbo entire report can , I think , ba resolved Into these facts. Louisville and St. Louis nro not drawing wall ; they do not stand up In tbo raco. Tbeyt-n ° ell .voung players of Ability. The Western contains such mater ial , which , however , thov can not golzo until the close of the season. This they appreciate nnd buvo taken thin way toiocure their onds. Now the Western can pay Its duos to the league ata moment's notice ; they uro but MM ) per club bobind and last year the Eastern league did not pay up uctil ulmoat the closn of the season. Mlaculliinociiu f.oritl Nporti. Fishing parties to Honey crook and Horseshoe - shoo are of dhlly occurrence The backers of Tommy Hynn ma > lo their second deposit of J500 with S. G. V. Urls- weld Thursday , Haro'ina , this state , will enjoy a nig nth- lollc tournament on the Fourth , to include bicycle racing , base ball , sprint running , tug of war , tub , sack and wheelbarrow race , sparring , jumping aud wroitllng. Jack Wllkos was In the city Friday on- route to his training quarters near Sioux City. Ho looked big and strong and the very plctura of perfect health. Ho expects , of course , to put Hyan out. The Omaha gun club and the KarmonU gun club noot a race Saturday. July U , ilvo men from each club , at tlfloon ilnglo targuti , ruplu llrln ? , ilftcou targets unknown angle * and flvo pair targets each man. The Ray mends are not talking to any extant and the Omaha warriors thinlc they will have loss to say at ( J p.m. July 0. Never In the history of the ring have there boon so many good lights In n brief space of tlmo as are now on the carpot. The heavy- wolght championship will bo settled at Now Orleans botvvoen Sullivan nnd Corbott in September , tbo lightweight championship between Billy Myer and Jack McAullfTo the same month , the welterweight champion ship between Tommy Ilyun nnd Jack Wllks on July .1J nt Omaha , and California is on dock with a half dozen llrst class events for the next two months. Globo-Datnocrat. No man who earns his bread In the swoal of a two-ounco glovu ever made a moro favor- abln impression than has HUlo Dan Daly , who is to fight young Smith July 8. If ho fights as well as bo behaves hlmsolf outsldo tno ring Smith will have a chance to got rather well acquainted with him baforo tno campmcoting Is ovor. Solly Smith U the preferred candidate in the mateb , however , though Djly has , as n matter of course , sttong friends. But Smith's friends think tboro is something beyond this match In store for him. Tney think they have a world boater. "If ho wins two or three moro flrst-rato contests ho will bo ready to go against Dlxon or any of the bo t of thorn , " thov say , and thov believe It , too. San Fran cisco Chroulclo. It looks llko a lead pipe for Daly at this end of the strlnc. Sport. Ed. The following nro scores made by tbo Omaha Uun club nt their regular shoot on season averages yesterday. William Brewer shot in splendid form and will glvo Parmo- leo n tlcht rub for llrst place if his $10 Lo- fovcr don't wear out before the season closes : 1'nrmeloo llllllllll 111111101111101-2.1 KOISIT inn lion loin mm Hint ' 'i Hurdln lOllttllUOO 11010 1IUI1 I1HW-U Hruwcr 111111111111111 HllUOIllI-SI 1'urmoleo 11111 lllll 11111 ilOlOOUII-23 Uwln 100JOOO)01 I10JII 1011000101- llnrdln 10JII lllll 11011 10110 11111-20 Kos 11110 11011 111101111010111-20 HnK-ker" . . . . . . .01011 lllll lllll I11IO JlJj"- ? ! Townsond. . . . . . . .1310110101110110011111111 17 llrii "ko" . . . . . . . . iiiui null mil Moot 10111-20 Nnso . ) 11110 lllll lllll jOljl-in llrowur lllll 11101 Hill Ollll 11111-2.1 Uwln. . neil II01C 111/J lutoi 0 0 - 5 " Towusond" ! l.lUDil. Ulil 1101001111-19 \Vlil poritiis ol tlia Wheel. Ho ! for Hastings. Clue news is u scarce article this weok. T. W. Collies has rctJtca from Knox- villa , 111. Joe Elllck , ono of the Fremont Vhcol club boys , has boon a guest of E. II. Smith for several days. A party of wheelmen , with their lady friends who cycle , rode ever to Lake Mannwn ono evening of last week and enjoyed a soil on the lake , returning by wheel. Tbo Missouri Valley Wheel club bold n road race to Calhoun , In. , distance twelve mlloi , on the -JSth Inst. The prlzo was a handsome gold modal and was won by Aug. HHs in forty-eight minutes. W. It. Jonoi secured sucond placo. The Klnr County wheelmen hold n race meet at Manhattan Hold , Now York on Juno 15. ! Onu ot the events as usual was a novice safety event. Two hundred entries were re ceived for the event alone. People In York stuto cycle just a Hit lol It. L. Young , the genial vice president of the Tourist wheelmen. Hurts today for a month's trip over the eastern states border ing on the Atlantic. While away Hob will represent tbo Tourist ! ut tbo great national moot of the L. A. W. at Washington. T , M. Tblobold , representing the Daunt less line ot wheels , has been showing off the good points of hit wheel to tlio local dealers during the past week. The Dauntless U mudo in Toledo , O. The Humbor man wus also In town a few dura looking up un agent. A. II. Pornco , Lester Holton , William Snoll , Harrv Mulihall , JI. Muntofonng , J. H. Kasttnan and H. K. smith , loft for Hast ings this inoinlng to pond boveral houra with tbo mcrrv whoclmun at the state munt. Holton und Sn'ell are uuturod in nearly nil of tbo race ovonts. The tnombors of tbo Omaha Wheel club are now interesting themselves In nnothor loca tion for their clubhouse. ThU time the property U located at the corner of Seven teenth lind Chicago , pjiposltothoprescntdub. housu. Now plans have been drawn and nro u great improvement on tbo old ones. It Is to bo hoped tl.at the enterprise will bo a suc cess this timo. All wheelmen who remain In the city are Invited to take purl in the parade ttio'morn- lug of tbo Fourth , Mujor ( Uorkson , who bus charge of the military and trades pro- cobblon , will assign the whoelinon to a divi sion wbcro they will not bo cramped for room , it U estimated there will bo at loan 100 wheels in lino. Decorate your mount , boys , and fall In with the ro.U. Tno Omaha Wbeol club were somewhat disappointed on Sunday morning when the shower came as It spelled the pleasant rldo they had scheduled for the d y. The club were anticipating nn enjoyable day at Bon- illusion with the Fremont Wheel club , who were to wheel down from Fremont. As it was the run had to bo abandoned. Tno scoring for the "Tourist Wheelman gold medal Is given bolow. This scaring is for the months of May and Juno. The load has boon taken up by W. M. Barnum , acorn- pnrativelv now man to the roads. Thnro is plenty of time , however , for the "dark horse" to win outyot : Huns Ituns . . . . , _ Attended. Mibsod. MHcs. , > ! narnum It 5 202 W. K. Smith 13 0 24 ! ) K. U I'otter n 8 M \v. W. Comiovan | 0 ! ) ] 5D Louis Kloschor C la 140 W.S.UIploy 7 12 j | | R J. Wnllaco 7 12 no W. A. Klngsloy fi 14 10J M. O. I.ixcm 2 17 04 J. II. luislimiu 4 15 01 J. O. Cully l 18 < ! > O. U. DoJd 5 14 to E. K. Smith 5 14 5(1 ( K. U Young 3 10 51 William Snoll 1 IS 44 L. II Holton 1 13 44 Nineteen others have failed to score tbo necessary Hfty mlloi for the month of June. Some of those will bo "In it" for July milo- ngo , whou the score will bo materially enangod. E. L. Potter , captain Cf the Tourist Wheelmen - mon , started bright nnd early Saturday morning to visit Missouri Vnlloy , In. Ho made the trip so easily that ha determined to finish the day with n century sixty-two miles no had aalready covered. After din ner he started for Plattsmouth , n round trip which would score forty-four miles. Out of Omaha a short distance bo puntnrod his tire and had to return for another mount. Tl.ls ha scoured and proceeded on hii way , but only reached Ln I'latto , where his tire punc tured again. Koturnlng to Omaha ba ob tained another mount and started for Cres cent City , la. This trip ho made nil O. 1C. , and pulled Into Omnna as the dusky shade * of night was falling , tlrod , dusty , hungry and footsore but triumphant. Ho had rld- dou his 1UU miles In juit eight hours und thirty-one mlnuths. This is the lint cen tury made by nn Omaha cyclist for iho period of two years. Some of the old-tunors will never forgot tlio famous Hod Oak , In. , century made by the Omaha Wheel club In ISS'J ' , when so many of the boys foil b.v tlio roadstdu nnd were brought in by the Pull man ambulance. The Tourlu wheelmen started for Glon- wood , In. , lust Sunday moniinir before "Old Sol" had opened his eves nbovo the eastern norlzun. The ro ds were line , tlio uir Trash und the sky clear ; the boya were fooling qulto nervy as they whirled swiftly along ever the smooth road , when n low rumble In tholr roar warned them of rapidly approachIng - Ing storm. The rain clouds came up very fast and the storm wus fairly on them bmoro they thought of soaking sboltcr. Tbo mud clogged uji the sprocket wheels und chains and riding being out of the question tbo be draggled tourists took possession of a farm er's barn and made themselves comfortable until after the shower. Then ensued n weary two hours of "mud plugging" along railroad tracks and country roads. The club pulled Into Omaha ut 13 o'clock , their clothing from houd to foot being coated with a noltd muss of mud. Several of tha boys spent an hour or so washing the mud from tholr cycles , Messrs. j\I. O. Daxon and Lou Flesehar wcru the only ones who made tbo round trip to ( jlonwood , they having rlddon within n few miles of Glenwood botoro thu storm overtook thorn. This li the llrst barn party the Tourists have experienced thU season. A lliltrll ol Anmlrlir .Sillllin. Gadko Is catching good'ball , but not hit ting up to hla standard , McGinn Is Is at homo on the old bag again aud showing up in line form. Butler is ona of the finest loft fielders In tno state and no mean hitter , either. The Fort team uro a strong aggregation of Etlokcrs for a pitcher to run airninst. In Duberry and Coady the Fort Omahu'b have ono of tha llnan amateur butteries in the sftto. The Fort Omahas are doing eood team work and will make any umutour team pluy bull in order to win. Trapper of the Fort team aeenu to bn right at homo at short , at was scoa by his work in last Sunday's gamo. \Vrigbl Is a Hue captain , and the hoys all know It. Ho U also making qulto a record for himself with thu stluk , Sunday and Monday , 'id and ith , the Fal coner's of Omaha will play tuu crauU Blulr "Ued Birds" on the Inttor's grounds. The. . loams nro very evenly matched aud oxcitlu * games nro assured. Marrow of the Falconers Is ono of the coming - ing amateur third basemen of the country , lie is fondly praised overvwhoro ho played this season. Tlio Nonpareils did the Falconers n great injustice by advertising thnt the Falconers were beaten Sunday last without n hit , ns they made no less than six bits. Tbo Non pareil score man Is cither blind or don't know what a base hu Is. CliH-Clmt of the Unas Men J. 11. Loohr , Hampton , la. , has bred Orphan Fulry , by Corsair , to Surccnut , Frank Shaw thinks some of Inaugurating a fall running mooting in this city. It would bo u tremendous wlnnor. A Boone county farmer claims to own A mare iminod Belgian Maid which made a mark n few days alnco of 2.14 , In his mind probably. Hon. O. M. Spencer , St. Joseph , Mo. . hn purchased the chestnut goldlni ; Borddii. 'Ji''U , by Mansflcld , 2:20 , and will place him In tralnlnir. W. II. Oaks , secretary of the Silver City Driving Park association , hns the sporting editor's acknowledgment for courtesies re ceived. There will bo uomo great sport , over there on July 4 nnd 5. \yilllam Looft , Davenport , In. , hns sold to A. U. Camp of Chicago , tba chestnut poldlne Billy MaMuhon 2:24 , by MoMnbon 22I ; , unrn by Bump's Tuokaliou. Ho was bought for parties In England , wburo ho will bo shipped and used on tbo road. Work is progressing fast at the now tract ! at Davenport , In. , nnd U Is rapidly approach ing completion under the managou-font of buth urinin. A Im-go force of carpenters nro H so busy building fences nnd stables nnd erecting the nmphlthnnter. Everything will be in line stinno by the llm week 'la August , when the initial mooting occurs. Ociostlon i ii < l Aimvori. There nro letters nt this ofllco for Dim Hughoy , bull player , ana Jack Wllks , pugl- list * J * _ , ° u.vpA. July l.-To the Sportlna Editor of I IIK HKE : IJOCB the Oninliu ball toniii play m Omaha July 4 ; If HI ) , with what toniii ? Cuiion will bond down a delegation. II , E , Adiima. Ans. Yes , two gomes , morning and after noon , with Toledo. fnV",1' , ? ' B-Noli , Juna.10.-To the Bportlnj Kdltor of TIIB IlKis : I'louso publish In MU.NIIAV Jr.ii ! unsnur to iho following nmntl < in : Tlio ImlHiiun In his box. In putting out of lliu way of thu Uali delivered by the pltuher. Bald ball hits the batsman's bat nnd bound * Insldo the v foul llnua. Ja said balsmuu entitled lo taUo a bnboitonntunt roudur. Ans. If he isn't thrown out. . .IWVB.SN.A. . Nob. , Juno : n. To the Sportlnjc Kdltor of Tim HBK : Wo are going to imvua I'lillliiiC mulch on ihu Kourtli. u tug-of-wnr. Woulu you ploasu send us rules und rii ula- tlonu forsaino. as thurn In no ono hero know * anything uliout them ? -Joseph Hluion. Ans. The rules have been mailed you. 1UNCUOIT , Nob. . Juno 3 } . To the Sporting Kdltor of TUB Her. : 1'Iuaio itute In Sunday' * I'Hiio who hits Uu > fastest , loj-ynrd record In Nebraska , and where hu lives ? 0. I1. Will * inont. Ans. Leon Lozler , Omaha , ten seconds. Dial , lUi'iiiw. H. I.liino23.-To tint Sport- ln i : Iiurrif TIIB HBK : Will you kindly un- Hwor the following iiuuullon In Hundriy'g IIES ? blmll u Hcoru fount fftho bHio-riinnor touches , hoiniilulubufpio | third man U ontj that U > supposn thu following- o : Man on third biisu , bailer bats ball to shorUtop , who fum bles It. and man CCOJSCH pluto from Ihlrd b - forollMl-bahOHMiiKaliiholiU the bull on lint busu. although Ilrni-b.iboiiianKoU It In tlmo to- put , out Iho butter ? U. Kliiney. Ans. Ths run does not count. MANNIKO. Iu. . Jnn < > 2.1. To the prn KdUji-of i'HK 1IBE ! Will you pleubUDiihlisli In 1 in : HKI : at un oirly dittu ihu rulua uovitrii- ! . " , , , ! , ' . ' . ) ' known it a "the lUK-cif'Wart" II U. Williams , Ans. Any number of men on a team , from 4 10 10. Inch and a quarter rope * Length of pull , 7 loot. * , There are loiters ut Frank Handle's bn > 6 ball homUiimrlors for Misses Bdlo Hyde aud Maeglo Clnrko , nud they can't ' have 'urn unlosi they call for thorn in person. "Th V'e . what Frank says. BUTTOX. Nob. . July l.-To the BporlliiB Hill- torolTiiK IlKKi i , u rucobetwoon u hoolt and ludder und hose carl , how uluiiild iliur lurli1 nliould thehosuuitrt ( Iwo whceU ) turt with V.IU frotlt ' " ' < 1 hub 011 the murk ? U. A , U. Ans. In the first thing n race between ft. hose and hook and ludder cart U uu unutua ) aliuir. However , tbo tour wheel * of both truclts niujt rest on iho HarlliiK point , and nil persons taking patt In any run must start with the c'otnpauy from the lUrtlpg polot , li