THE OMAHA DATL'Y BEE * THURSDAY , JUNK 30 , 1802. HIS LIFE IS THE STAKE If Nick Fox Playing a Gnmo It is for the IBcst of Roasous. DEEPLY AFFECTING SCENE IN COURT Llltlo Itoy Vex Vnt on the Stnnil to Tell How Illit 1'ntlicr Killed HI * Mother AVIint the Witnesses Hirorc To. The stoto has made out Us case npnlnst Nicholas Fox , the wife murderer. The tcs- ttmony is nil In nnd. last nlcht ttio defense commenced the Introductton of ovldcnco tending to show that Fox Is nod for years has been nn Insane man. Tho.cvldonco \ In Uio form of depositions of parties resldlnR at Valparaiso , Intl. ' The depositions In sub stance contained the ovliloneo noted m yesterday's Bnn. The usualcroivd that attends murder trials was on hana when the criminal court opuucd yesterday morning. Nicholas l-'ox , the murderer , scorned as bright as n dollar , though moil tally ho presented a somewhat disfig ured appoaracco. tlo was not as violent as when In court , Tuesday after- noou , though ho continued to keep up his In coherent mumblings. Jailer Miller , who has made n careful study of the prisoner's condition , Is confident lhat'Fox Is playing n deep name , one In which his llfo Is the Btalto to win or loo. Tuesday night after Fox \vu taken to his cell ho rairod and torn around until the Jailor hod loft the corridor. Then ho quieted down and seemed burled In thought. In this condition ho romalnod until hu cell was approached , whonho would screnin , tear at the bars mid rnlso hades generally. Twelve Jurors who had not formed nor ox- iircmoi an opinion worn secured , sworn and cautioned not to road anything In the news papers purporting to bo the facts In the case. The lawyers raado tholr statements to the Jury , and then the taking of testimony com menced. Tulilnc Trstlmuny. Dr. ICclley of South Omaha vrni the first witness sworn. Ho was nulled to the house on the morning of the commission of the crime. Ho found Mrs. Fox very weak. Shn had boon shot , Tito ball had entered the abdomen , Just nbovo and three Incuot to the left ot the navel. It had passed through the left kidney and lodged In the back near the splno. Dr. Slubnugh of South Omaha was called to attend Charity Fox on the morning of De cember 2'J. Ho made nn examination of her body and found her suffering from the effects of a .pistol wound. The description of the wound was the same as detailed by the former witness , la a conversation with Mrs. Fox s.ho told the doctor that she had boon shot by her hus band and that sba would dio. In making his examination the doctor found bruises and cuts upon the body , limbs and head of Mra. Fox , nil of which she told resulted from blows struck by her bus- bnnd. . MOSCB Doucherty , who resided In the house adjoining the Fox house , was awak ened on the morning of December 22 by the report of a nlstol. tlo immediately arose and dressed , and going to the door of his house heard Uoy Fox. a boy 12 years of npo , cry out : "Mother Is shot. " Ha hoard Mrs. Fox say : "I am shot. " Then ho heard her fall to the lloor , und ai she fell bo looked through tbo window and saw Fox klclc her on the bond. She arose , ran out of the house and to the homo of the Shermans , two doors away. Witness heard the llttlo boy cry , "You tiavo shot mamma , " and Fox told him to shut up- Witness then wont Into the Fox house and found the prisoner Bitting on the table , the olood htrnamlng from his throat. Ho said : "Dour .neighbor. 1 have shot my wlfo , cut my throat and will bo dead ) n llvo minutes , and I want you to stay and see mu die. " Witness told Fox that ho would not die , but that ho would llko to take the razor and finish the Job. Fox then gwo : him the re volver .saying , "That Is what 1 used in lulling rny wife. " Witness asked Fox why ho committed the cnmo and was informed that his wlfo had been untrue. At no time did Fox talK In a manner that would indicate that his mind was unhinged. All of the time ho Insisted that ho had killed bis wife and that within llvo minutes ho himself would bo dead. San to Accuse the i'lithcr. At the session of the court yesterday after noon there was a pathctlo sccno , and ono that brought tears to the eyes of many of ' the spectators in the great court room. Roy Fox , an unusually bright llttlo boy 10 years of age , wns placed upon the witness stand. As the litllo fellow seated himself In the witness cluur nud glanced at his unnatural and wlld-oycd father , ho Durst Into tears. The great audlonco listened to the sobs that echoed through the room , whllo moro than otio heart , full of BVEpathy , wont out to the llttlo follow. Forcing back the team , ho told a straightfor ward story , but every time ho turned his face toward his father bo would bruak down And trc"mble. . HU testimony was to the effect that the evening before the murder his father quar reled with bis mother. Ho accused her of receiving letters from Anderson , n man who had boarded at the house sorno months pre vious. The mother denied the charge and then the family retired. The next morning Hey wns awakened bv the screams of his mother , and Jumping out of bed ho wont into tno next room , where bo saw his fattier Btrilto lib mother 6u the and knock her down , nftcr which ho 11 rod the pistol ball Into her body. Hey testified that ho wont towhorobls mother was lying , when ho wns caught by his father and burled uack Into the bedroom. From there ho escaped and went to the house Of his grandfather , F , A. Sucrmaii. They Intoiuloil to Kill Him. William Sherman , a brother of Charity Fox , the murdered woman , resided at homo , four doors from the Fox homo. At D o'clock on the morning on which the murder was committed bo was nwnkonod by the cries of his sister. Ho at otico unlocked the door on a Blio foil Into his arms , exclaiming : "Nick has killed mo. " ' She wns laid on llio bed , and after dress ing , the mother went out to hunt Fox. Ho saw Fox running toward the Sarny county line , when ouddonly ho stopped nud drew u razor across his threat. As Sherman up- proanhed Fox said ! For God's ' sulio let mo dio. I have cut inv throat. " John Sherman , another brother of Charity Fox , followed the murderer toward the Karpy county line and cnught ut > with hi in lust ut the time when ho cut his throat. Ho tad his brother Intended \o \ kill Fox , but kf tor cclng that ho had drawn tbo razor over bis t'jrottt and was bleeding freely , they thought ho would dio. Mrs. Kato Smith \vus called to the Sher man IIOUBO the morning of the murder. Sbo was n witnois to the dying statement made bv Mrs. Fox. who said that Fox knocked bar down , kicked bur and then bhot her through the bouy. Then ha placed the pistol nt her forehead and attempted to shoot ugivln , but the cartilupo failed tooxplodo. Suu know Charity Fox uud know she was trua to her husband , Fox wi)3 unusually calm during tbo after- nooti session of tbo court , and the opinion luut ha Is playing a part is rapidly crowing. TvKtliuonlaU published In bobalf of Hootl'a Sarsaparilla uro not extravagant , ura not "written up,1 nor uro they from its employes. They uro ' { anli , und proyo that Hood's Sarat.pnrilU possesses absolute merit nud U worthy the full confidence of the people. Hood's Pill arc pure vegetable , perfectly liarnilo i , but do uot cause.pain or grluo. Ho euro to get Hood's. Dcitji of.Mra. lllrnry , News of the du'ath of MM. Major J , U. Dir- ncy at Denver \yas received lu the city yes terday. Mrs. BIrnoy was the o ( Dr , -II. II. nirnoynnd Clarke A. Jilrnoy of. this city. The remains nro being brought to Omaha aud will bo buried from the residence pi her son Clurlco at 1120 South Thirtieth uvenuo , tliU morning. Mn. I * It. I'&tton , UocKforJ , III. , wrlteit "From puMonul uxpurlanco f cm rucomtnond DoAVltVB Sarnapirillu , a euro for liuuara bloou uud ccucrul domUty.1 STONEHILL'S ' STORE FOR RENT Every Dollars Worth of Stonehill's ' Bank rupt Dry Goods Stock MUST BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE It' * no T.nnccrn Question orl6it , tlio Iloom .Must bo Ync.itcil unit the Stock C'loieil Out n * Quick ns t'oinlblo. The Boston Store desires to Inform the public thnt the Stonohill store must . bo Vnetitod ut once , nnd In order to do BO \ wo must dispose of the stock inimcdl- I fttoly. Tomorrow wo begin to sacrificu the silks nnd dress goods , All the pollen dots In blnulc ground , nil the 18-Inch pros grains , nil the summer slllcs , in fact nil of Stono- hill's silks Unit hu sold ut 75c nnd 8 < Jc and which wo offered up to todhy us n , grout Imrgnin ut GOc u yard , go tomor row nt 2oo yard. All Stonohlll's silks with sntln stripes in cream , white , yellow nnd gray , worth up to & 0c , go tomorrow nt lUio yard. All the double wurp surahs in black nnd white nnd black und colored funcv stripes , nil Stonohill's molro bilks , nil the $1.00 satins , nil the black faille franculso thnt Stonohill sold nt 31.00 , go ut 39(5 ( n ynrd. All the high price silks thnt Stonohill sold t > t 81.60 , $1.75 , black nnd colored gros grain , fiilllo francnlso , tuITotus , sutln rhudaincp , plain chnngeubles , brocaded silks , novelty stripes , ut the ridiculous price of 05c. COLORED AND BLACK DRESS GOODS. Wo nrc determined to soil dross goods nt any cost. It mnttcrs not how good the quality , every yard of goods will bo offered nt sacrifice prlco , Hero for Instance arc wool twilled plaids in tans , grays , brown und other colorings , whicii neither Stonehlll or any other house over Bold less tliun 25o. Our price to eloso , 5c yard. And hero nro part wool double-fold bedford cords , und fancy weaves In alpaca. Stonohill's price , 2Sc , our price to close , Be. And hero nro tl'o44inch summer cashmeres in black and colors that 'Stonohill used to udvortiso at SOc. All the striped Henriettas , all the broadhoad twilled plaids , all the 40-tneh summer brliliuntlnes ; in the lot you will recognize goods that Stonchllls sold up to 75o and which wo sold up todato for 50e , go to morrow to o'oso ut 2oc. And hero uro beautiful chock serges , sillc striped all wool twills , various col ored stripes and fancy figures that Stonohill sold at 89c ; our price to close , 61) ) pieces all wool nnd silk cheek mix tures and stripes , all wool bedford cords and cropons , storm serges in fancy weaves nnd till colors , Stonohill's price from Sl.OO to S1.25 , our prlco , to close , 50c. BLACK AND 'COLORED SILK GLORIA. Full 60 inches wide , the most dcslro- able fabrics for summer wear , finely fin ished , shedding dust , excellent in their wearing qualities. Stonohill's price , and ovcrv other house's price for this qual ity , $2.00 ui'ard , our price , to close , just about half. THE BOSTON STORE N \V. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas , and at STONEHILL'S OLD STAND. RIFLE SHOOTINGK Onicurs Xnmml Tor the Annual Contest lit llollovuo In Auguat. Arrangements nro almost completed for the annual rmo competition for tbo uopart- mont of tbo Platte at the Bcllovuo rifle rauco. This competition wilt begin cm the 1st of August and continuo about two wcoks. Immediately otter the rifle competition has boon completed the annual cavalry competi tion for the Departments of the East , the Platte ana California will bo tnkon up , be ginning on the 15th ot Aucust. Captain Charles A. Coolldco of the Seventh Infantry has boon designated as commander of the camu tor both competitions. Ills staff , so far as appointed , will consist of Lieu tenant Edgar W. Howe of Fort Robinson , adjutant and signal ofllccr ; Lieutenant Harry E. Wilkius , Second infantry , quartermaster aud ordnance olllcer : Lieutenant James M. Arrasmltb , Second Infantry , commissary and exchange oQlcor ; Lieutenant Arthur B. Hoyl , usslstaut surgeon United States army , medical ofllccr of the camp. Other oQlcors will he appointed later on. General L. A. Grant , ilrst assistant secre tary of war , loft lost evening for Minne apolis. General John U. Broolto post of the Army and'Navy union will meet on Saturday even ing to install the newly elected officers at the headquarters of tbo post In TUB BEE building. Major Boll , for the past thrco ynars chief commissary of tbo Department of the Platte , has been appointed purchasing agent for tbo donartmcul at Denver and departed for his now post of duty yesterday. Captain Oi- pooci will fill the position made vacant , for a time at leas t. To Clcnnxo tlio System Effectually yet gently , when uostlvo of bilious or when the blood Is fm'puro or slug- RHII , to permanently euro habitual constipa tion , to awaken the kidneys and liver to a hcnltbv activity , without Irritating or weak ening them , to- dispel headaches , colds or fevers , use Syrup of Figs. WATEIiY FOUNDATION. Work on the I'oslolllco Ucltyrtl In Anticipa tion of mi Appropriation , Work on the now postofllcd building is progressing - grossing as rapidly as could well bo expected. The footings for lb.o outside wall are all la and the south wall In ready for the Iron lin tels. Part of the Iron Is already on the ground and will bo placed in position as soon us worn 03 that part of tbo structure eau bo begun to advantage. Tbo wntor Ueups seeping into tbo excava tions for tuo footings for the piers and makes It accessary to keep the pumps running nearly all the time. Assistant Superintend- ant Overbcck says , however , that the founda tion is a bolld ono. Ho has tested nearly every foot ot ground with portable piers , upon which ho had the men pllo six tons of Mono. 'J liCbo tnstlug piers are only QUO foot in diameter , With six tons of stone upon thorn they settled but a few inches la the day. Superintendent Bolndnrft has ordered the workmen to cease cutting stone for tbo west wall because there appears to bo some likeli hood that the additional apmoprlutlou will bo secured und the west wing may yet bo carried up with the uiuln portion of thu build- lag. Mr. Overbook is now working stxtv men , aud as soon us tuo work has prou-rosso'd far enough to put u larcor force on the brlolc work tbo number will bo Increased to 100. Impaired digestion repaired by Boocham's Pills , NONE EQUAL "THE BOSTON" The Boston Store's Stonolrill Halo Today I Stands Without a Parallel. . NO SALE AS GREAT EVER HELD IN OMAHA No Such Trices , No Hitch Inrjnln , Nn Stock So Well Known nnd Apprcclutoil Utor Tut on tlio Mnrltot by Living Man. AND THESE PRICES WILL STARTLE THE COMMUNITY. Stonehill's entire stock of light colored calicos nt Ho n ynrd in The Duston Store basement. Stonehill's entire stock of wnsh goods nnd white goods , inuludlng nil ulmlllos , crepe clotlis , colored batistes , white goods nnd nil other grades of summer wnsh dress goods , worth up to U5c , gent nt 3jc in The Boston Store basement. SlonohlU's cntito stock fine outing flannels , summer domot llnnnots und nil his dress ginghams go ut oo n ynrd in The Boston Store basement. Stonohlll'a entire stock of men's snteon nnd mudrus cloth shirts go ut iJoc , Stonohill's prlco 76c. Stonohill's 25o domot shirt waists go ut 12jc. Stonohlll's 50c shirt wnlsts go ut 25c. Stonohill's $1.00 rod tublosproads gent nt 23c. Stonohill's 25o doublofold bedtlcklncr , Oo. Oo.Stonohill's 2oo bluck organdy luco stripes with white figure , lOc. Bluck Iron frame grenadines , Stone hlll's price 2Cc u yard : our prlco 4lo ) fern n full pattern , contulnlng 10 yurds. BOSTON STORE MILLINERY DEPT. The greatest millinery dopurtmont ill nil Omuhu. During the Inst few days others huvo ndvortiscd untriramed hats ns great nnd unusual bargains ut from 35o to $1.00. Wholesale houses who bonst of un- eqi ullod facilities , think they nro giv ing you something beyond the roach of others. Wo don't know whnt ethers can do , BUT The Boston Store WILL duplicate uny Sl.OO hut offered , will give you the sumo quality of bruld , nnd if pos&iblo the same shupo , no ninttor if it is a nCOo shape or $2.50 shupo , nil this summer's goods , for just 25c , oxuctly one-fourth of those marvelous wholesale prices. TRIMMED HATS. All of the remaining trimmed hats in the Stonohill stock will be sold ( rognrd- "loss of former price or cost of production ) ut just $1.00. THE BOSTON STORE , N. W. corner 10th nnd Douglas. FOUIS KXCUKSIONS EAST. Vlil the \Vllbl3h : Line. 1st Cincinnati and return 319.10. For the national prohibition conven tion the Wubash will sell round trip tiekots ut ubovo nvto on Juno 27 and 28. 2d Now Yo.k nnd return $23.73. Loss than half furo. For the Younjr Pooplo'a Society of Christian Endeavor convention the Wubash will sell round trip ti'ikotn ut ubovo rates on Juno 4 , 5 and 0 with choice of routes viu St. Louis or Chicago. 3d Surntoirn , nnd return 330.55. For the National Educational associa tion the Wtibash will sell round trip tickets ut above rnto July 4 to 10 , with choice of routes via St. Louis or Chicago. 4th Detroit nnd return $20.60. For the Baptist Young People's union the Wubash will sell round trip tickets lit ubovo rule 7uly 12 und 13. For tickets , Stooping cur accommoda tion and n folder giving lists of routes , side trip ? , cost of same , with other valuable information , call nt Wnbash offlce , 1C02 Fnrnum street , or write GEOHQKN. CLAYTON , N. W. P. und Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. Konti Duo July Int. Payable at company's office , BEH building. 5 per cent discount allowed if paid before duo. , Now York anil Itnturn , July 4 to 0 ono faro for the round trip. Choice ol routes from Chicago. Return Utnit August 15. Call nt Chicago cage , Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ticket ollicn , 100 ? Farniun street. CHAS KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. Vd BEVOISK , City Tkt & P. A. Hayden Bros. 3-strmtr cabinet grand upright piano , now scale , $187.50. Dr. Culllmoro. oculist. Baa building Jtomict Trip Tickets. The only line running through trains direct to Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou and Puoblo. Low rates , o ull points in Colorado , Utnh orPacifii vmst points. Fust timn on ologunt vestibulod trains , free reclining chair cars and the colobratcd "Rock Island dining cara. " Comfort , Biifoty und speed secured when ticketed via the 'Grout Rock Island Route. " Ticket olllno 1(502 ( Farnum s troot. CHAKLKS KENNEDY , ' J. L. DBBKVOISK' , G. N. W. P. A. City Ticket and Pass. Agt. The I'oniinylvniiiii Linos' First Cliisn Excur sions from Chicago tu Now York , At nil their Chicago olllcos , on Tues day , July C , on Wednesday , July 0 , nnd on Thursday , July 7 , agents of the Pennsylvania Shoit Lines will sell first class excursion tiekots to Now York und return ut unusually low rates. Tiekots will bo good to return for 40 dnys , or until August 15. You can lourn all about It by addressing LUCK , 248 Clark street , Chicago. NERVY BUKQLAHS. no Money , Thuy lloglii to.Hovo tlio Vurnlturu 1'roui u lloiuo. Jack Gaughan is an old-tltno tough , who once served time for the robbery of abode which ho drovo. Dan Thomson has made his face familiar to tbo police court habitues by gutting caught ut tbo crlmo of larceny many a time , Mike ICorus is u highway robber aud will take anything loose. This trio last made an attempt to raise the wind la a manner entirely original. They visited tbo house of Bella Brandon , a woman of the town. The inmates of the house were asleep , und evidently no money was lying about loose , for the robbers boeau moving the furniture out Into the street , and had got nut a couple of burcuub whoa some cue awoke and gave the alarm. They were all arrested. "Lato 1 bed and carjy to rise will sbortot the road tc your homo In the skies. " Bun early to uod und "Llttlo Early Klio < " , " tbo pill that tuauoa llfo longer und bolter and wiser. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Thousands who have suffered , and have been cured , gratefully tes'tify to the remark able success attained by Dr.J.RMcGREW The Specialist who , for more than 17 years , has devoted his time tojthe treatment of Private Diseases. And surely no physician in this broad land is entitled to so much praise for the wonder ful good he has accom plished. He substan tiates eveny statement ; he fulfillsevery prom ise. Reliable , Skillful , Reasonable and Fair , are the universal en dorsements given Dr. J. E. McGreW , of this city. dHe is one of the most successful spe cialists throughout the west , in the treatment of Private Diseases and all diseases of Youth and Manhood. Those who place themselves in his care can safely rely upon him , as every case is regarded in the strictest confidence and treated in the most skillful manner. Among tbo most successful medical exports und specialists In the . \vebt Is Dr. J. E. MeGrow of this city , lie Is thoroughly read ana con scientious. " [ The Omsilm Uce , Jan. 1st. , 1S9L > . "Dr.O. E. Slcdrow has devoted his llfo to the study and treatment , of private diseases. The Doctor Is painstaking and conscientious. " IThu World.Herald , Omaha. Sept. 4th , 1BUI. "Dr. McOro-.v Is a doctor on whom you can depend , and that Is tbo roasdh why ho Is so well known and praised umoux the Swedes of Omaha and all over the country. " L'i'ho Swed ish Tribune , Omuhu , Sept. 4th. 1891. "There Is no specialist who stands higher in the estimation' f the people of Onmlm und throughout the ( 1st than l r. JlcOrow. as Ijls eminent ability add success In thu practice of lilfl profession will testify. Ho Is known throughout the entire west us a muster of his profession. Ills untiring olTorts In behalf of young men , nro too well Known to ruqtilro mention. " L'i'ho Omuhu Commercial , Octo ber , IB'- ) "Wo do not hffiltnte to slnslo out Dr. J. E. MeGrow , of Oinuha , ns a specialist worthy of the highest praise. Ho Is a thoroughly trained physician , a scientist of no uncertain standing , a deep tblnlcor , u koun rouboner , a persistent reader of the literature of his pro fession and hence u jvlda awuko.nml Intelli gent specialist. During onr-'O years us uows- papur correspondent wo have never hud occa sion to comment on a hnslnoss conducted moro In keening with the principles of fair denllni ; and honor. " . [ The Chlcaxo Trade He- view , November , ISDL. The doctor's success slnco 1 nttng In Omiihaluiu boon turnout fluttering one both professionally uud' ' tlnunclully , und ho fully appreciates the putronugo which has boon given Him lu Omuhu , und throughout tlio surrounding utiitos. as well as the west and northwest , Ono of his chief desires is , that be may over continue to deserve this recognition of his professional skill as a specialist. Dr. McGREW iMinBiirpnsseil In the treatment of alt forma of PIUVATU DI8&A8K8 , and ull dUor.lon and dolillltloauf youtli uud munbuo'l. 17years' cxperlciico. IH rosmircos and facilities uro prautloully unlimited. The Doctor U recom mended by thu } ire < s , aud endorsed In the BtronKout terms by thu people for fair treat ment uud luinastjrQfi > MJional udvlco. Tlio most powerful ICCTg. . . known to modern fclonco for tlio Huc uontut treatment of the followtnsdUousos : GONOniUIOHA IintnedlKto relief. A com- nuiouuru ; wiuiuui 1110 iu ut uu uuuru lima from liuKlnoss. . . . QIiEET Oim of tlio most complete nnd uo- ccHJful troutinttiiu for Kloot and ml annoym4 dlBOhur ceyut known tu llio mo-Jloul profoj- tlou. Thd rosuiU uru truly wonderful. STJITOTUKK Oreiitost knonn romoJy for tlio iroatmciit of btrloturo , without p-tln. cut- tlni. . oril littlnr , A inoitroiuurU'ililu ru nuUv , 8VJHIIIS No tri'iitinont for thU turrlblo Ijlooil dIsuaBo haa ovur uoeu inorokui-uomful. norludRtronecroiidoriioiiienta In tlio light of modern suCrmco tins dsuiso U positively cur.ib.o and ovury trace of tuo pobou entirely ruinovoil from tno blooJ. LOST MANHOOD , nud ambition , ncrvotli- nou. timidity , duipondoncy and nil we.iUiiM ] .aud UUor4ors af youth or ulaiiuuod. ItolluC 'nlitnluud ut ou.- . . . . . . . SKINDXSeTAyEa , und till dlsua o of thi kiomacii. l > lood. liver. Id meytf airtl bladder nro iroatuU * u ccewfuliy w.tli tlio pruato known roinudlc for tiioif , < jnj . , Wrlto foroa ul it uuduuuUlon lUt. frii jidnuim iru. . . . , Aji CREDITORS * s SALE AT Public Auction- I A Of the Stock of JOHN BA.UMBR THE. At His Store , 1314 Farnam Street1- -M Will commence , Thursday , June 30 , at 10:30 : a , m. , and continue daily until the debts are paid.'C --'C M > Hots of Sale , 10:30 : a , ni 2:30 : and 1:30 : p. This Stock consists of Diamonds , Fine Watches , Jewelry , * * , . . Silver and Silver Plated Ware , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Opera Glasses , etc. , to be sold in single lots to suit buyers. Sale absolute to highest bidder. xJ. PL KREXNOH "Will Conduct tlie Seile. 1 ! All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STETSON'S SOFT and STIFF hATS. AULABAHGH FUR CO. HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Stored and Repaired. TUB SHORTEST LIKE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukes & SL Paul R'y , as represented on this map. CEDAR RAPIDS OAJffayif Olnff.PE3 MOIRES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled. trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9145 a. m. City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. Tooth-Food. Tliis medicine for babies prevents and cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to sleep with an opiate , for it contains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming ingredients which are lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI , O. Save Your Ryes tested free bynn HXPRIIT OPTICIAN I'orfect adjiisttiiont. Superior lonsoi. Norv- oiislioaduoUo cured liy imlnit our Spootaclcj nnd Kyozlitbsos I'rlcoj low for flMt clm THE ALOE & PEHFOLD CO , , 1148 lift St. . C.'jUMt i 3 )3 > NEBRASKA National B ank. U. S. DEPOSITOR. OMKHV.NU oner ! nJmremri-ll vr W. Vat i.nMil ln > It. CiOiuhliu. Tloaprsjljjat U d. .UUlai.j ( V f Mor , John4. Cclllo , J. M. IL l'4trlg < . t < MU A llceil. Cuiblar , TWK. IKON BANK , DR. C. GEE WO. The only lozillr gr.itlimtgl Chlnsso phyilclnn ElKbt years' aludToi jroirs practical ovpor'- once with nil known illjoiiei. Treats encujsjitillr allcliroulocaieialvua up l > y nthor iloctort Call ami BCD him or wrlto for ( itiustlon blink. Do not think your cua liuiolo * * IIUCJIM j your ilactor tails yon no , buttrythaChlnoso doctor with Mi nuw un I vronclorful rcniudlci. uuil resttlvo notr honollt im.l a norraanontcure wliut otbcr iloatori cinnul KTJ. ! llerbs , Itoon anil 1'lantn nntiiro'n remjcllohli meillclnos. The worU his wltrioM. Ono thoimuul tcstlmonlnla lu tlirao yoara * practice ) . No Injurtoit * decoctions , no nnrcotlci , no poison , troatmcut au < l permanent onru. riitc.iBOSBuccoisfully trJ.iti'J nil enrol , etvun up by nthor ilcctorn ; Thof. CouKhllu , Ml.1 Ilarnny street , chronicrhoii- nmtlsm II yeurB. hhlnay nnil liver troubles. Tlios. Cillvort , I''lli nml Kurn un Blreoli. ncncrnl iloblllty , Inillvaitlon , Ion of ntraiuUi mill vitality. Took mcdlclno for yo ira but not no roller , lil. U AmloHon. I.UI Cuuilnutr iot , oUirrh , nutiinmnml bronchitis of nftoan yu ira 8tuilliu. : Ha for sala the followlnit prepirol romcMloi nt ILOUnbottlo. nix bottloa forJIUJ , for thu euro of AHtlnn.i , CiiUrrli , Hlci lluaiUcho , ln < lU34tlon. lllooil I'olsoaliitf , Illioumatltni , fuuialo Woiknuss. Kidney and I.lvur CoinpluInU No nxonl" . Hold only by Chliioso Mcdlclnu Co , Capllul , SIUJ.KJJ. Office , IGlh and Califowii SU , Oinah , Neb TmsrCLAau Lai-cot rkuwniwriuvoinnila.loiisuniicellnl. Fottrit niul. Finest In the World HEW VOilK. LOHDOHDERRY AHO QIASQQW. NEW YORK , ( inTtAl.Ti'fll'nna NAPLES , Atrccnlnr Inlcrvnln. SALQOHi SECQHD-CIASS AND STEERAGE rnteaonlowOBttnrmsto nml from the I'rliirlpla ' osoica. siisLisn , men & Ait COMUWKUTAL rowzo. Eicurslon tlcliet avallnl.lo to mtiirn liy clllifr llio plo. turotque Cl vdo & No'lli f In-lnnil or Knplca * Cllljr U r lintti atl Ucnir OrJou ( : r Air Acout at Uvt-.t Situ. Apply to any of our local Arcnta or to UUHU1SUSUM UltOYUUUM. ClilouKO , II ! . " "ALLAN "LINE" HOYAfi MAIf' STEAMSIIIIV. CAI1IN. SMB to MH'i. ' AcciirilHiB to btuuiuui and location of titalurooin. STATE ALLAN LINE MNR ) HTKAMSItri'S. NRW VOUKnndOhAHOOW. la Londonderry , every riirlnlKht. JiinoSOli , . . Hl'ATK OKNKVADA . II' . M . . . . . . Or' NKIIUAHK.V . II1. M jur&tli . bTATKOK CA1.1KOUSIA. Ii30 I' M Cabin , HO , bcconil Cnliln * .W , KtbcrMO , $13 , Apply lo AI.IMM \ CO , . I hlcnuo. II. l ; . ilOOIli : . lil'J Iloivard Kt. , Uuialia. \Vo , onil Die marvclnui Fronrht ItemcJr CALTHOO fr i- . ptifOa4 ' fiTOP DUcliorcM < t inl : ! ani. feE- CllltC. HnrrmnTarrliea.VaileMrla iu > a CliftTMIIK lx t Vlc r. m Use it and toy 1/iatlsfted. A rr , VON MOIIL CO. . fiol * i&ttrtc * * IftiUi U rljipAlltbl ) , A lliorouL'U ficliool , J'rcji.-ncs for Caller' v * IluilneM. Wllliln i-U > Het' > ( ht I.oiil. . 1 OOU. WILUIB UROV/H , Superintendent. The LOU ! W G SCHOOL HAVE YOU FILED YOUR ian Do ) CLAIM YET ? You'd better not waste any more time if you expect to get anything : from the gov ernment. Unless you put your claim on record before March 3 , 1894 , you will never have another chance. It takes time to put an plication in shape , and there is not a bit of spere tima left. Whatever you have lost by the Indians , under the conditions described in the law , can be recovered if you go about it in the right way. Tha Baa Bureau of Claims knows just how to ? M go to work. Write and find out. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb. Elastic Stockings VOll Weak Limb s , Varicose Ve4fl3f Swellings , at ) sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformity Braces , Medi cinal Supplieso THEMM MM COMPANY. 114S. iOlIi Jit , Next to 1'osl ' Ofdcft Is the purest , richest , smoothest and roost wholesome whiskey produced In America. It is distilled from Rye a grain , containing moro nutrition than any other , vastly superior to corn ( from which Bourbon whiskies are distilled. ) You may know it by its exquisite flavor nnd the proprietary holtlo in which it is served. For sale ot all first-class drinking places and drufju etores. Call for " Crff.ui J'ttrt W take no other. C PALLEMAND ft CO , . 5" WEMTWORTH i HP % * qp ACADEMY CUiuetl . Ut.r.rr. : Bclentlflo Court * of ftudr In , ( ntrr and AttllWr drill nd Mo. ' TttMorlll ' ' , Olilral l Mllllnry Hrtinol In M JOC U"BXJUI&U , , H.A. , iu * u i u , M .