R THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 1802. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL , DLUPFa OFFICE ! - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. Ctlimrd ly Carrier to any pnttof the Cltr II. W , THVTON. - MANAGER. Ilmlneaa Office . No 41 KlBllt Krtllor n 3IKXTWX , N Y. Plumbing Co. liostou store for dry goods. Council Binds Lumber Co. , Governor Boloi at Chautnun.ua Saturday Ml & llonn EUoman entertained n early of friends last evening ut the Grand hotel. IHnncho Mulvancy ana Mary Doty were fined flfl.10 In pollco court yesterday for drunkenness and sent to Jnll. H. P. Douds cut his foot badly yesterday morning \vlillo cutting down a big trco at the corner of Madison and Plorco street ? . The Council muffs bnso ball club xvill go to I'lattnmouih , Noli. , Sunday , aud will play ttio club of that place two games on Sunday and Monday. Tlio bnrbucuo nrranjzcd for the Fourth at Chautnuiiun Is to bo freo. * Ktcry onowho npplica at ttio doslpnutcci nlaco will got a hot roast bsuf sandwich. Swift & Co. donated Ilio ox , which weighs 2,000 pounds. Captain W. A. Hnye < t was arrested yostor- dny on an Information Hied In the ofllco of the city clerk clmmlng him with drunkenness - ness and disturbing the ncaco. Ho will hnvo a trial In pollco court this morning. The Imperial aunrlotto ot Chlcntro , which npucais next tiaturdny ntChntiiuqun , has the i imputation of being the finest mnlo quartette in the west. The ussurnnco 1 > Riven that they will nrouso moro enthusiasm tirro than uny quartette u blcli has over appeared horo. Charles lllcks , 5 farmer residing near llnucnclc , was bcfoto the commissioners of Insanity jcsterday for an cxamlnutlon. Ho Is subject to fuqucnt unmanagcablo spoils , when ho wants to kill some one. Tbo cou.- inUsloncrs ordered him cunllncd Iti St. Uor- nurd's nsylum. The clothing wnlch was found by tbo police - lice near Ullbcrt's Ice house Tuesday night , sunposed to buvo been placed there by thloves , bus been Identified by Jack Mills , Jnck 1'urnell und Willlum Madden as their proicrty. It : was stolen from tholr room uurlng Tucsduy evening. Porter King was tried before Justice SweatIngen yostcrdnv afternoon on a charge of ctnbrz/llng W , which ho collected for E. D. Burito whllo ho was In his employ and foiled to turn over. Ho pleaded guilty to collecting the money but claimed to have given it to Burke. Ho was dUcbarccd. Allss Eva Nason ontettaincd n low frlonds informally last evening nt her homo on Benton - ton street , in honor of MIsiLonaFnudn. who lias Just returned from an eastern trip. Those present were the Misses Nclllo Hnrdln , Miuo Senly , Mao Bryant nnd Lena Fonda , nnd Messrs. Will Martin , Lou Chapln , KtrkStod- Uurd nnd Ucorgo Maync. A flro was discovered at 3 o'clock yester day morning In a small building at the cor ner of Plorco nnd South First streets. The origin of tbo blnzo Is a myt > tcry , but it took only a few mlnutoa to rxtlngulsb it. Tun building Is ouoof the old landmarks. It was erected In 184'J by a man nuniod Cbudwlck , who disposed ot It to C. O. Mynstor nnd given by him at his death to his son , W. A. Mynstor , to whom It still belongs. In 1850 it bora the distinction of being the only wentherboardrd house in the city , all tbb rest being composed entirely of logs. Oniccrs Murphy and Peterson bad a lively flkirmlsh last evening whllo trying to arrest John Dovanoy , who lives at tbo corner of Fifteenth avenue and Seventh street , nnd ngnir.st.vliom a complaint had been made nt headquarters on account of a row that ho was making ; In which tbo wbolo neighbor hood wns Involved. Whoa the oftlccrs arrived ut bis house they found him administering a whipping to his wife. They took a hand , but Dcvnaey showed his dUnl'cnsuro ' at their Interfering with his tousohold discipline by uslnc bis Hsu upon the ofllccrs In an easy , graceful manner. In the scufllo Ofllcer Peterson lost bis watcb , Ofllcer Murphy had bis watch chain "broken in three pieces and lost one of them , while Dcvanoy only lost his liberty. Ho If , charged with disturbing the pccco und resisting an ofllcor. Colfnx glnecr ale and mineral water flold at wholesale by Duquette & Co. . manufacturing confectioners. Ilurcl .Man to Heat. Yesterday was a hot dnv and there were only two Royal Hurdmnn pianos Eold by thn Mueller Piano and Organ company , 103 Pearl street. But it makes no difference how hot or how cold it cuts it don't ' ulfoot the sale or the glory of the Ilardmitn piano. It is always hard to beat the Royal Ilardman , and the Har rington is a close second in popular favor because it is made by the Hard- nmn company and is the best middle grade instrument in tlio world. HlK Tlmo At Manhattan beach , Lake Mannwa , \on the Fourth. .Swimming races , tub 'races nnd all sorts of wntor games. Ex teiihlvo flioworks in the evening. I'KHSUX.IL I'.l Prof. Hyde has cone to Texas to spend his vacation. C. B. Towlo leaves today tor a visit to Now Hampshire. T. J. Evans and family leave today for an outing at L'nlro OlioboJI. P. Wind returned yesterday from Ma- rongo , wboro ho secured thu contract for the erection of tbo now court house of Iowa county forM8,000. W. H. StUlwcll , superintendent of tha Iowa division of the Hock Island road , who has been In the city for several duys mist , returned yesterday morning to bis homo lu DCS Molnes. Cliiiut'iiuiua Trains. Leave Council BlulTa from Rock Island depot at 0:10 : a. m. , 8:30 : n. m. , U0 : ! ! it. m. , 10:27 : a. m. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1:50 : p. in. , 5:50 : p. in. , 7:00 : p. m. , 7:30 : p. in. For Rent First class saloon ; good cation ; fine fixtures. Responsible party can got long lease on good terms. Ad dress 1) 21 , Boo ollico , Council Li lulls. International C'uro association rooms nro in annex to Grand hotul , 520 First tivonuo , Council BlulTs , lu. For euro of alcohol and opium dibcaso. The Cominlttitu Ilennl Prom. For several weeks past there has beer considerable discussion among the farmers and horttculturnlisls as lo the possibility of petting up an ngileultural fair m Potta wattnmlo county this full. The move ment has finally tuken form and a commit- tea has been appointed to Issua a call to the farmers of ttio county asking them to ninemblo anil altcutg the advisability of nucli un cntorprlie. Tnls commlltco an. pointed by the Pottnwattamle Countv Horti cultural society has drafted the following call : , OdU.NCii , nLitrw , In. . Juno M. 1S02. To the ' 1'unnura of I'olUiwiUUinilo County ! Tlii-ru will lie u mi-etlnn or nil thoto Interested In Ct'ttlir.1 fulr for ' up u I'ottnwuttamlo county , to tin Mold this ( nil Mii.iotvliuru In until rouniy , in thu t'oiirt homo In the city of Council llluirk , July V , in 10 u. in. , to tuku suel m Hun in may tliun und there bu ileemei mlvmuldr. U Is to lu hoped that n full ropro luiitntliin of the fninicis und tho.-.e mteri'stotl In HilHiiuituiiiuiil will bu hud ut Hint time , rutliiwiittniiilix-ouniy etui Imvu n nuiunlll- ti'iit iMiuiity fnlr II the nropcr utrort undion- i'.i t of action U ualiiud , The roinmltleo consUts of J. J. Btoadman , W. L. Suupp , D.V. . Boruff. H. S. Vuiklus J. H. Slvcr , J. A. llurell and J. P. Hess. Prof. Zorltowbky will accept u few moro scholar * on the violin or violin- cello. Addrct-s 305 N. 7th. ICO people in this city use gas stoves. 'Ilia CiiibCo. puts 'cm in ut cost. . Hot weather prices in ploturo frames at Rlloy & Shorradon'u art btoro. McPhail plunos , 110 Stutsmnn Btreot. Hand pugo 0 , Chautauquti progruui. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Ninth District Methodist Conference ) Ses sion Commenced Yesterday , SOME INTERESTING CHURCH QUESTIONS Matter * rprtiilnliiB to the S promt of the Woril nnil tlin ( laoit of the Cause Unilcr Deliberation 1'ru. grain for Toiluj- . The ninth district convention of the Mcth- odlil Episcopal church , to which the Ep- worth Icaguo * convention was a prelude , opened yesterday morning ot the Trinity Methodist chut en. Over fifty delegates were present nt the opening of the session. In the morning J. D. Docking epoko on the "Mission of Methodism. " In the nftcrnoon J , B. Harris ot Donlson gnvo a review - view of the general confuranco for tbo bono- flt of UIDSO who were not present , nnd A. E. Grlnith of Bhenandoah dlscu&sbd the ques tion , "Shall wo have n summer revival cnm- palgn on every cbargol' Fletcher brown , vtco preslacntof tbo Simpson Centenary college at InUinnoln , presented thu claims nnd needs of tlio- Institution before the confer- ciico. In the ovcnlni ; thcra was a cong and revival seivlce , led by Hov. Hush Llnn ol Northboro , nsslstcd bv Hev. C.V. . Urower , p.istor of tbo Fifth Avcnuo Mcthoalstcburcb of this city. The following Is the program for today : MornliiR Session SM. : devotional service. led by .lusoiiUulliipi 0OJ : , btmlnuns ! ll0."Ulty ! ' Kv.uiKcllir.iUon , " hov. II , II. Mutton , Afternoon l.U : , dovotloniil snrvlce , E. M. lloir : tu , "riio Need of Methodism , " A. U I'uniiocki ' . ' :4 ; "la llio : > , Orpunlc Union of nil MctlioUlst UliiiieliL-3 Deslruble ? " C. M. Waul ; ' ' Luslncsa. Dr. Chnmborlnir , oyo. ear , throat catarrh. ShrRtii't block , Council BlulTs AVJKK : OK TIIK .IUNI : SAM : . At the Hcmtoii Store. BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPART MENT. Spcchvl bargains in figured china silica for this woolc only , nil our U5c iind Too figured china silks for 50c. 6,000 yards corded tnffotii , sale price 12ju , worth 19c , ono of the ptottiost wash goods on the inarUot. Chiffon , the latest cruzo In nenk wear , just received , over 500 yards in all the newest shades nnd combinations , on sale now at 25o a yard , worth from 39c to 50c. Wash goods. Our line of wash goods is the most complete in the west. Every thing from thoJJc chnllio to the linest all wool. See our line of challics at 3c , 4c and Gc. worth 60 per cent more. Cropons , Bedford cords. Taffeta cords , pongees , etc. , all in at IL'jc , makin < r the prettiest line of wash goods to bo found itnvwhoro. Ladies' waists in white , black , black and white , fnucy percale , etc. , in end- 'ess variety from 48o to $2.2o. Children's lace caps , all our 31.00 and 81 2-3 caps during sale for 60c. All our 50c. Goo and 7oo caps for 25c , this week only. Sttnwlmtsin misses' nnil children's , don't have your children got sunstnick wheu you can got a 2oc hat for 12e , a 60c ha't for lOc , a Too and $1.00 hat for c. c.Ladies' nnd misses' black silk mitts , wo show the finest line over shown over any retail counter. See our line at 15c , 2oc , IKlc , 30c , 50c , 68c , 05c nnd T5c , with out a doubt the best value over olTorcd in such goods , see them , and you will bo with us. Mosquitoes ! Mosquitoes , bad fiends' , don't know that wo have pot. to have thorn , but wo are sure to have thorn , prepare for their coming , have your windows secured again&t them with the patent adjustable window screens , they are offering for 2oc each at the Boston storo. Towels , 50c dozen ; all linen towels , fancy colored borders , knotted fringe ; the price you might style ono of the seven wonders , 12jc. Ask to see them. Hosiery and underwear. Wo have always led. This season wo hnvo outdone - done all previous efforts. See our line in onyx , fast black , Hormsdorf , royal stainless. Louvre , otc. Ask to see our Indies' fast black hosu nt 2uc a pair , a world boater. BOSTON STORE , Fothorlngham , Whltolnw & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Still Kicking on TIIXVH. Suits were begun In the district court yes terday by the Union Pacillc nnd the Union Elevator companies by which tboy hope to got out of paying the taxes which have been assessed against them by the board of equalization of Council Bluffs. The Union Pacific has un assessment of J ion , 000 against it for the east hnlf of the bildgo across the Missouri river , ana S1.5UU for furniture , making a lotal assess ment of 8100,500. i'licy tervod notice upon thn board of equalization. that they consid ered the assessment cxcesslvo ana unlawful , but the boiud icfuBoil to maUo any reduc tion. Ttiov now ask the court to doclura It illcpul , cxcesslvo und unauthorized , und to give them a Judgment for costs. The elevator companp was assessed * , ' ! 0,000 upon its property , but upon raising nn oujoo- tlon tbo amount wus reduced to $20,000. They wont through the snmo program before the board of equalization with the snmn re sult. The court Is asked to make a ruling In tbclr favor. The Cliuutiiiiijim Opening , Every detail lo being carefully ar ranged for the grand opening of the Ohautauqua assembly next Saturday af ternoon. The address of tne day will bo by Governor Boies. Tho'io who have never heard him will of course bo anx ious to , especially since ho has won n , national reputation. Those who have only hoard him on political topics will bo glad to hear him onanonpnr- tisan theme. His address Saturday Is to bo on "Tho History and Progress of Iowa. " The musical features of the day will bo ospuclally attractive * . Besides the assembly band there will bo the Imper ial quartette of Chicago and Mrs. Nellie Bungs Skolton , the pianist. Prof. CitrniM will give recitations in connection with the muslcalo in the ovoning. In opening the Chautuuqua , Hon. James McCaba will give the address of welcome. Rev. Dr. CJoorgo Elliott of Washington , D. C. , will give the intro ductory uddiosB. They 1'usieil Itcnolutlaiu. A mooting was held at tbo Congrcgatlona church lust evening to take action with roforcnco to tbo rcsliraatlou of Hov. G , \V. XJroft , which has bcou under considera tion for some time past. It was ( Itemed to accept the resignation aud sot of resolutions were unanimously adopted warmly endorsing his work as pastor and commending him to any fluid In which bo may cheese to labor hereafter. Ho was re quested to continue his pastoral rotations , until September 1 , with the understanding that ho should bo allowed to talco such vaca tion as ho suould think best. Miss Antm Oborboltzer was elected church cleric and E. C. Smith uiembor of tbo board of trustees to fill vacancies. U was acclucd to I'rect u Congregational headquarters on the Clmutauqua assembly grounds similar to that , of previous scasoni for the bonolltoftbo members of tbo denomination ntid tholr lllctidi who uiay vUlt the grounds. llimtClub Alliiln. Member * of the boat ilub are making a strong effort to increase tbo membership ( of the club preparatory to matting It ono ot tbo leading soclul aud athlotlo organizations of lull part of tba country. TUo mem- bcrshlp is now about seventy-five , nnd 100 Is the fleuro ut which they arc aiming. There li talk of adding n new feature to the club , by renting a lull and titling It up as an ntnlotlo club room , with all kinds ot nppitr- atus , so that the club may bo kept together during the winter as well ns In the summer. A tnaotlne U to bo hold next Monday even ing , at which the plan will bo talked over. If your old furnnco needs overhauling , or if you contemplate putting in n new one , you should examine the Uoynton Gaslight. Mr. LnutJrwnssor , with Shugnrt & Son , is a practical furnace man , nnd will bo glad to ulvo you hla experience in puch matters if you choose to consult him. Don't wait until fall. Cnmllilntn fur Hemp. Foster Durns , a colored man , was brought before Justice Swoaringcn yesterday morn ing In pollco court to answer to the charges ot Insulting ladles nnd assault with intent to do great bodily Injury. During his trial It was learned that .Burns had tried to'cntlco a coupto of llltlo girls away tbo other day. They were frightened at his advances nnd told their mother , who wont after the brute. Ho thereupon draw n razor out of his nockot nna threatened to kill her It sbo made him nny trouble. When ho was tried before Justice Swearingcn ho was bound over to the grand Jury and his bond wns llxea at $250. Ho has ueon employed as a hostler at the driving pnrk for some tlmo past. Trains leave Mnmiwa dally at 8 and 10 a. m. , 12m. , and 1. 2 , iWH i ) . , : 0 , 4 , 4)0 : ) , 6 , 6'iO : , 0 , 0 : 0. T , T:30 : , 3 , S:30 : , I ) , 3:80 : , 10 , 10:30 : , 11 and 11:35 : p. in. The 11:56 : train will ninko connection with the last electric motor ci r for Omaha. \Vnnt8 ll\K \ Diltimgcs. A libel suit was commenced In the dlstrlo court yesterday by George II. Mcschendorf airnlnst Thomas U. Tolle , J. H. Pace , M. Wclker nnd F. M. Scanlan to recover ? 10,000 for Injuries to his character , which ho claims to have suffered by reason of tbo article recently pub lished in tbo Omnha sensational shcotlot of which To Ho used tn bo tbo Coun cil Blurts correspondent. The three last named dofcndunts are well known butchers of this city , nnd Mcschondort claims to have reason for believing that they have boon bucking Tollo In the charges which ho made against Mcschcndorf. I.Ix cry in u Luxury. There is no more bonsiblo , enjoyable luxury , no moro henltn-giving , pleasure- nblo uno than a horse and buggy or n tenm and carriage. Old and young , babies und all win share in tbo enjoy ment. Mr. Holland , who has recently returned from Los Angeles , Cal. , has planned for furnishing Council BlulTs people the luxuty of livery in its best form. Ho has secured what has been known ns the "Rink" stable , ' and' has completely remodeled it , making it not only ono of the largest , but ono of the most complete of any In the west Everything is so or derly that a lady or child can go through the entire establishment with no moro cause of ofTonse than in a dry goods store or other business house. Mr. Holland prides himself on having his business conducted on this policy , nnd what Is t-nuj of the stables Is also true of the stock. Trusty horses now buggies and line carriages , now harness , roliahlo drivers , in fact everything necessary for a first class livery stable ire provided , the assurance being given that it will bo maintained thus as the linest livery stable in the city. Mr. IIol- "nnd has had years of experience and not only knows what is needed , but how to supply the need. Besides the lively ho ivill board horses and take the same care of private rigs that ho does of hiso\vn. In remodeling the stables new floors ' ; iavo been laid , now stalls built , now harness room , wash rooms , etc. , in fact there is little to remind ono of the former appearance , except the walls. The pub lic will appreciate tbo improvements made , and Mr. Holland will doubtless speedily win a liberal share of the pat ronage. SOUTH O.U.lllA. Neglect of the City Council to Make u Tux I.ety. Will South Omaha bavo a tax levy this year Is an interesting question which has Just been raised. No steps have as yet boon taken by the city council to make a levy , and the tlmo for the preliminary steps In the matter as provided bv law has explrea. Tba charter governing cities of tbo tlrst class , having moro than 10,000 copulation , plainly provides hew the city council shall proceed In mulling tbo annual tax lovy. The' Ih-st step necessary is tbo procuring of an as sessment roll from the countv clerk and which shall be la tue hands of the city clerk not later than the third Monday In Juno. Immediately thereafter tbo council snail give six days notice of its sitting ns a board of equalization , which shall last , flvo tlavs. Tills must bo done bofora the liiuo for the first mooting In July , nt which meeting the levy must bo mado. Tbo asscssmont roil has not yet bcon re ceived oy the city clerk from the county clerk nor has tha council given any notice o'f its intention to sit as a board of equalization. The regular July meeting of the council oc curs next Tuesday evening nnd by the pro visions of the charter the levy should bo mudo nt that mooting. It will bo Impossible to muko tha levy at chat ttmo and the ques tion arises bow will the didlculty bo over come. It has been suggested that tbo council should sit as a board of equali zation as soon as possible , and when Tues day evening's mealing Is held take a recess for a stifllclont length of time to onabio the provisions of the taw to bo compiled with. Another suggestion Is that the absence of a quorum Tuesday evening would bring about tbo desired result acd give asufllclont length of tlmo to secure the assessment roll and enable - able tno council to meet as un equalizing board. The blame for this oversight of the coun cil Is not laid at any particular person's door , and can to attributed only to tbo fact ihat the members are not as familiar with tbo provisions of the law for tax levying as tbev should bo. Tbo members will undoubtedly provo equal to the emergency , but tbo ques tion Is bowl Will Ho InittuMi'cl Tiiumlay livening. South Omaha ledge , No. CO , Ancient Order of Unltcd\Voricmcn , has elected the follow ing ofllcors aud they will bo installed Tues day evening : Past wortny workman , H. 13. Monofca ; master workman ) ( J. W. Miller ; foroman.M.V. Doyle ; overseer , Henry Prod- maiiBon ; receiver , Edward Elstor ; financier , H. C. Hllllitcr ; recorder , Jacob Jasknlek ; guldo , Philip Kern ; Inner watch , J. I' , Webb ; outer watch , Henry Dotrlck. rirkuil Dp on tliu Strci'td. At 3 o'clock yoitorday afternoon n child about 11 years old uui picked up at Twenty- fourth and A streets by a motorman and turned over to the police. The youngster narrowly escaped bclnf. run over , and per sisted in gdttmg In the way ot passing trains. Later in tbo evening the boy wus recognized as belonging to Prank 'Daro , living ut Twonty-llftb and A streets , and was taken to bis home. Isotc * niul 1'ernoimU , Miss Ida Weltucr has gene on a visit to Harvard. James W. Murphy ioft last evening lor Nooln , lu. Ciiarlos Horn of Wilcox was the guest ot J. I'Vobb yesterday , Dr. und Mrs. ESL. Krnbout returned last evening from Atluntlo , la. Tbo bachelor * who make the Leo hotel their homo will give a ball on tbo evening of July 4. Mr , und Mrs. Francis Doyle entertained a party of f rtends last evening. Dancing was tbo order of the evening. Jonathan Johnson of ttio Cudahy Packing company returned yesterday from an ox- loaded vUlt lu Now England. Ed Doud returned this morning from Liverpool , England , wbero ho wociwltifa largo shinmuat of export cattlo. The members of It II Livingston poet , Grand Armr of the Uopribltc , will attend the Council Bluffs Clf qtauqua in n body Hammond' * cut on tbo „ , , , by n tailing timber. > v At next Tuesday < jvcnlng's meriting Itho Board of Education wlll.ibjoct the teachers for South Omaha > cn , < i6U for the ensuing year. There are thlrtyvyb positions to bo Martin Welsh , not'urf ; known as "Ono- EyoJ Htloy , " was nrrrstcd hist evening on tbo charge of houso-br nklng. Ho broke into Maurmslr's blacksmith shop Tuesday evening. The High school nlumnl was organized yesterday. The oClcers nro : Miss Mary Uccd , president : Miss Marlor. Thompson , vice president ; Miss Jcnnclto Mullen , secre tary , nnd Charles Johnson , treasurer. Pat O. Hnwes was la South Omaha last evening nnd wns endeavoring to interest prominent cltlions In a schema to advertise the Magic City during the big convention. His suggestion Is several banners being car ried through the streets on which should ap pear the following : "Tnko the South Omaha motor trains nnd see the great Magic cltv the third largest packing center In the world. " Pat's schema U bomg considered. Ylsltoil IMko'n 1'enk. MAXITOU , Colo. , Juno 20. ( Special Tele gram to Tun Bcc.J-Tho Colorado grand comranndery Ivnlghts Temi.lar , in company with Plko's Ponk commander ? No. 0 , made a pilgrimage for inspection nnd drill to the summit of PlKo's Peak today. The party numbered over 100. They oxpurloncod suu- alilno , ruin , hall and snow lu the ascent o'vcr the road. The cntlro day was ocuiplcd In this trip. The following iclcprnm was sent from the summit to the head of llio order : SmtMITTH' I'lKli'R 1'FAK , Colo. . Jllno SO. TO John I1. S. tlohln , Lebanon. I'.i. : The grand coinninndery nnd triennial committee sund Kiilulitly ( 'rcotlnz to the gr.nid imislor and Invltuthc prnnd encampment to bold iiscs- slon of Its next eonulavo horo. V , It. lltr.L , 11. U OAIIII. Chulrniun. Urund Commander. For N-\v Scl . I Jlullilliigs. Last night the Board ot Education decided to erect ton-room buildings on the Lathrop nndcal Omaha sites ; a twelvo-room buildIng - Ing on the Center slip , am' to have plans for the Windsor ploco school drawn to cost not ever $ 5,000. A contract for tha boiler house nnd ether tmprovomcntstat the Park school was lot. A committee was appointed to con fer with Landscape Architect Cleveland with a vlow to beautifying the school grounds. ARE YOU SUFFERING ? FHOM Female Weakness , Catarrlior Chronic , Nervous or Private ; " Diseases. IF SO , OAIiTj ON Or. Searles & Consultation Free. Acknowledged to bo tbo most successful spo- clullsts In nil I'litvATE , lli.ooo , NKIIVOUS , SKIN AMI UlllNAHV DUKASE-l Ooiiorrli.u i in f m-ii .1 to fl davs. Syphilis cured without Mercury. All st i es for life. 8T1IICTUHK pprmsncnlir cured , roiuovnl com- plcto , without cuttlnu , cnuillc or tlllntntlon. Cure nHcctptl at liomo by luitlont without u moment's AND ilBCTAI , UMB1U curoa wstlioat | ) i ln or detention from bmlnvas. HVnitOCei.R ANI > VAlllCOCKl.i : crmnnontly and > ucccf > > ( ullr cured. Method naiv nnd unfailing. WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) , Made so by too clo3 nppll- cntlon to business or Btudyi novoro mental strainer or Krlof ; SEXUAIj H.BSSHS tn mliullo llfo , or from the effects of youtliful follloi. WiiAK MBN AllU VICTIMS TO NKllVOUS DK- IIIUTY or EXHAUSTION , WASTINK VVKAKNKsS iNVOI.UNTAltY IXJS8KS with KAItIA' DECAY In YOUNH nnd M1DULK AGKO ; lock of vim , vlROr nnd strength , with soxunl orKuna Impaired nnd \\fnkcneneil prctnnturolj In uppronclilnx old nvo. All rlnld readily to our njw treatment for loss ot vltnlpOHcr. Cnll nn or nddruiH wltli Btninpfor clrculnra , Iroo book und receipts. Dr. Scarlcs & Seafles , 1IS WIA.5lSliroot NoJtttoI'ostOnico. uinininiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinniniinTiTiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiimiirii i : Locks with small keys are countless most of them are worthless. The word "Yale" , or this mark ( Y&T ) on lock or key will enable you to discrimi nate. Vale ft Towne Mfg. Co. aumiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimif ; DEATH IN WATER , The Millions of Danger. ) Witter Contains nml llio Hipldlly With Which They In. crcn c Don't Take Atiy I'h.uic ' . s. Few people lii\7 * my Men how Impure even Itio riTo'l drinking nntcr l . Tlio Tory best knrmn l f l of germ * . They nro the mo l prollllo trcMuw of wlilch wo hnvo nny kfiowleilRO , for n vlixlo one m y jo llio cnn ntltr psrcnt of moro Jinn Ut-oi : million , lltolniiidrcd llioii'nn 1 ilc-ccnJnntA In n ilny. Thcr nronl'o iio c scil of grent Tltnllty.for llicy mnbo cnrrlcitKrpfttill t.inco' In wnter without lo lni tholr : ioifcrof producing < ll c.i o. They rim befrotcn or Dvrn boiled without tielnit dc'lroyctl. Thof nmybo kept itrloil for jrnn nmt yet when | il ceit In n jultnblo medium will ronio In Ufa Hint produce fermentation nnil ilcc y. Thpy nro the prcnl producers of nmlnrlnl rover , crlo , nnd most serious dl oa es. Hut , " you sny , " what can bo done to nrold norms f Into they cnnnot ho killed by bol Inul" 1 lioro I * but cno thing which will clTectlvcly destroy them nn'l ' thnt I ; romlng In contact with spirits. A sinnl fimountof iHirorplrltsIn the wnlcr lll offeeluiilly kill them nnl deMrojr their evil ctroeK but U Miovil.1 bo berne In mind thitt nothing but the purest nnd went ipltlts thoiild bo u ed for this purpo ennd thii nothlnit U equal to wlilsioy. Not the ordinary whiskies which nro upon tba mnrkat , but Miniothlng inrnboTo tlioiu-tomollilnu which Is hlRhly endorsed by tho.'clentlHe world , fcuc'.i n whiskey Is Dairy's liirr * MtitLwiilrh U in 1.ir mnrn tinnnlnr thnn ever bpforo In Itihl torynnl which Is dolnit wonder * to destroy the germs ot every Oupiue. There nro hun dreds of fnmlllos who < i o It constantly In connec tion with their ilrlnklnx wnter , loth ut tlioliblo nnd between menli. lloirnra of nny ilniKKlst or grocer who ooks to oner you romotlihiK ho mysls "JuiUsBooJ. " Duffy' * It the only pure tiicillclnRl hlAgy iipjn tu omnrkut. h llr < t ilow oft oil nntunlilicd the In- nllil , glvhifr elasticity of mlnii.lmoy1 imcy orlimly , gooil illge lowols nnil Milhl llcslu ITIci' , ! . To the owners ot lots and pi\rts of lots nnd re il cotsite 11)0112Hh ) struct from Hues strcut to 1'iiclllo street und 1'aolllo struct from " 1th stii-ot toS.Mhvemio In the city nf Oin.ttin. Von mo hereby notidoil that thu nndnr- slmioil. three disinterested freoholdcraof the city of Omnlii. liuvo boon duly appointed bv the iniiyorlth tbo approval of the city council of snld oity , to assess the damage to tht > owners respectively of the property uf- fectod by the ulianirn of cr.tdo of 3th street from lioi-s Btroat to 1'nclllo street nnd I'nclflo street f rum Mlth street to SUli axcnuu , de clared nceossnrv bj ordinance 1S4 , piissod Mny i'O , A. I ) . V-1. ' . npurovt-d Muy 'is , A. 1) . IbO. . You are further notified , that having nc- copted suld nppolntnicnt. nnd dulv qunllllod us required bv law , wo will , on tbo llth uuy of July. A. I ) . 1MW , iittlm hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , nt the ofllco of John R flack , rooin.'ul , Oliuiubor ot Coniinorco within the corporate limits of said elty , meet , for the nurposn of eonslderlne nnd iiiuklnitlio assess ment of danmgo to the owners respectively iif said prouprly. ulToctoil bv siilrt chnniro of grade , tuitltu Intoconslderntlouspocliil Lono- Votiro ! notlfled to bo present nt the tlmo nnd ulnco nfnrcsnld and niitkc nny olijecllons tnnr statements concerning suld assessment of dumugcs ns yon may consldor nropcr. JOHN I1 , r IjALtlv , OEO. J. I'AtlU OIIAIILKS THOMAS. Commlltuo ot Appraisers. Omnha. Juno 23. Mi J29dl3t ami Srail IMSTITffTE. Eye I Ear INFIRMARY FOR. TI-IE TREATMENT OP ALL Gifc al Swl § Disi rcFtfncllitlcs , epunratus "u nn liotnodioi forsiiccosstul tra itmant of ivorv form of Ulsoaso renulrln i ii.odlo.il or uurjloat tro.ittnunt. 60 beds for p.ulonts , bo iril nnJ attoadanaa Uest uccotnojiitions In the trosr. Wrlto for circulars on deformities nnJ br.icos. triissos. club foot , ourv.ituros of suluo , plica , tumor-i , o moor , o.itirrli , bronchitis , Iti- huliuion.oloctrlelty , p iralysls , collnusy , kld- nev. bmddor. oyg. oar. skin an 1 blooi n < l all aurizleal opor.ttloiis. DISEASES OF TOMBN fto5kpoSSfAJJ55 ! Women KKKK. Wo liavolutolv ad led ; x lyltu- In ( lop irltnont for women durlnz eonllnumont. strictly pr v.ito.l Onlv Kollablo Mudloal lu- stltuto inaklnc a Snoul iltyo. , PKlVAl'JSDlSHASES All Hood Ulsu.isos Hticcoistully troatol. Syphtlltlo 1'olson romovcd from the Byitoin without ini-roiiry. Now itostoratlvo Truat- ment for Loss ot VITAL I'OWKIt 1'orsouH unable - able to visit us mav bo tro itod at homo by torro.suon lonco. All conimtinle.Ulons conll- dcntlal. Mod clues or liislruiiinnt > aont L > y mail oro\iress. ] socuruly packed , no m ir s to Ind catucontentbor Hendcr. Una person.il In- torv.ow prufurro I. Call anil eons.ilt us or soud history of your case , und wo will send In plain wrunuor , our Pnnif Yfl MPtJ FREE : Uuon I'rlvata , DUUK IU MCflf , bpooiul or Nervous n- oiisos , Impotenoy , S/phllla , Gloot an 1 Vurluo- cele , wtthiiuo-.t'on HsU Unices. Apnllances for Deformities * Truaui. Only in'iauf.iotory intho Weatot ItKVOtl U- iry lu'i'Li.iAVtsit , 'J.'ttUaati , KLKUJL'IHU JA IIKK IKSAZUJl KT. I .S. Oinalia Mctlidil and Surgicil InstitutJ , 26th and Broadway , Oounoll BlaDfi Ton mlniitos' rldo from cantor ot Omulrv on Omaha and Oounoll Ululfi uloatrlu motor Huo. ABSOLClLYPURE - F.r.JAOUEi & .CO. KAN3AS CITV.MO. THEGREXT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures nil dlsordo&Cof the Stomach , LIror , lluiroh , Kl.Ioiy : < , Itlulibr , Nerv : u ; , Loss of Apfoctlto , Hcadat'lte. ( 'onsllpntlun , Costlvoir.S' ) , Iti IliraUi in , lill- oai ness , , 1'eicr , 1'iljpj-jjEtc , , nnd rcnlors thn syslont Ics * llabln to coiitiMct dlsu.tsa. RADWAY'9 PILL * are oiiro for this compiulnt They tone up the Internal secretions to bcalthy notion , restore HtWiiUli to tha Htoinnch. uud oiiablo It to perform Its functions , ' I'rlce 2 ou box. 8ol l by all dnuuUts , or mulled by HAD WAV A : CO. . 'J-J Wurron Street , Now York , on receipt OTprico. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th * eminent i | > etlall t la norvoai , clironlr , prlvnlo. blooi , tklaand unnarr dlirnioi. A rorvlar and rcnltti'rod yraduato In mudclno , ui dlp.omm nnil curilllratvi cliow. It till treallntr wllli tha greatint nurcvii rularrti , iporniBlorrhocs. lost mantiuoil.iamln&l w . * alinu s. ntgal lotiei , linpoteuoj , sirphllu. > trlcluro. icon * orrlitiea. Klovt. rarlcocule.cto. No mercury u eJ. Nor ; trentmunt for Ion of rlial puwi-r , i'arllei uniiblu to vUUmu umj l > lroato I t liuiuu Ly oorru i > ouilcncu. JlcJklnt or Iniirunirnt * > unt by nmllureiprnii > ourolrpnckeil , nouiarki tolnillcato contuiiti ortenititr. Duo uerxmal luiurrlaff pruiaireil. C < iii uli tloo Irva. Corrcipundunfo Hitctlr prlTAta. Hook ( Mjritirlti or U : J teat tin. OUau buur < Ub. u. lo D p. m. iuuilnji IU . ui.to ilia.taouu > Umior rupir. rupir.BE Kvery MAN cm l > < BE ft MAH OUOUBln 8'JKONQ all and reipecli VIQ. _ _ _ by utinK SI'ANIBIl NMUVINK , tbesrcat Spanlah Itemed7. YOUNQ M1JN Oil OLD ullrrluu from NIUIVOUB CII1II < ITY , tOHT 01 1'AII/INO UANHOOO , iilKbllXfinjisioni , convuliloni , nervous protlrailODCHUiid bylbeuie of opium , tobacco or alcoholwake * fulneii , mental iiepre > iion , Ion otpower in either lex , ipermalor * eirnonit AMU AITKH ui , rnuia cauied brseliabuta and overlndulRencr or any perional weak * neiicau be rnloroU to jicifccl bealib and Ilie NOUl/U VZTAIITY Of STIIONO MliN. Wo give a written guarantee with C bema to cure any caie or refund the money , | i t boijd koiei (5 For Sals In Omaha by Snow 'L.und & Co. THEY WASH THEIR CLOTHES WITH SOAR t eif style. MADE ONLY BY N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO. V TWIN CITY STEA.M DYE WORKS. G. A. Schoodsack , Proprietor. OIUcos 021 Brondway , Council BlulTs and 162 Farnam St , Omaha. Dye , clean nnd rcfinioh goods of every deter ption. P'icU ' iraos recoivoa nt either ollico or nt the Works , Cor. Ave. A and 20th St. , Councl Bluffs. Send for price list. . . . , Merchants who have shop worn or soiled fabrics of nny character con have them rodyod nnd tin ( shod equal to now. , , _ . , , , , . , , „ - rr > n r t A BED FEATHERS RENOVATED AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the most nppvroved machinery , at less cost than you ever paid before . W. PANgLE , ffl. D. The Coed Samaritan. 20 Years' Eipericnto. READER OF DISEASES OF MEN AMD WOMEN. rilOPItlETOll OF T11E WOItI.D'S IIKUIIAt , UISl'KN- SARY OF MEDICINE. /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the llcad , Throat , and Lungs : DI * . oases of the Eye and Ear , Kits nnd Apoplexy , Itcnrt Disease , Liver Ooinjilalut. Kidney Cornplalnt , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness. Diabetes. Brlghfs Dl'case , St-Vltus' Danco"Kheurbatlsm , roralysls , White Swelling , Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knife or drawlna a drop of blood. Woman with htr delicate orpans re stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given * ° P vato and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 85O to S50O forfeit for any Venereal DIsease - ease i cannot cure without moroury. Taix ) Worms removed In two or three hours , or 110 pay. llcuiorrholda or Piles cured. THOSE WHO AKE AFl'LTCTED Will tavo llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Physician who can toll -what nllo a person without asking n question. All correspondence strictly confidential , lledlolno cent by express. Address all letters to BS5 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Io Ara COUNCIL BLUFFS STEil DYE WORKS Allklnilnof DyolnRnnJ Olnunliudono In till highest style of the art. I'.ided and Htalnul fabrics made to look as good us new. Had feathers olo.ino I by steam In Hrat-claiti man ner. Work proigptly Uonu and ilellvero I In.UI parts of the country. Keu.l for urleo IUU C. A. JIAOUAN , - - I'HOl'H IlUUroadw ly , Near NortliwoitJr.i u IILUl't'l. IOr\ . W. C. ESTEP , Funeral Direclar , Emlulmsr 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL HMJKl-'H. G. E. MYERS , FINE FURNITURE , end every other erndo domanilol by all clueson ot trade. IIKISHU'B OLD STAND , 203ANI ) 107 IIUUADWAYCouucI 1 Illuiri , tlce In the vtuto tan fedcul Jcourlfc. licoia a. ! . uuU 5 Uliugu llcuro block , Council Ulutf * , In. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ANTKD Oooil Klrl for Rcnoriil hoiiso- \\orlt. Good wases. Mrs George Ivcellnu. IUJ ittsi : t'loruc street , FOR UHNT TlioilwollliiBiiii Klrst iivcnttn nnil nirhth street formerly iiecniilcd by M. K Sinltli : II rooms. " b.ith rooms and nil modern ltnprovumotit.s : cooil Mublo mid out building ; rout $ > u per month. C. U. ijhoafo. FOKSALK-KlonrltiK tuiil Rrlst mill with a stool : of tfeneral tnoreliundhu iinddwollln/ ' . I'rleo 112,500 ; will trade for uaslnrn Nubr.iska or KiuiH.is linul. K. ll.Slimfu , WANTKO Kxporloneeil canvassers to Hell the latest und Kre.itnst nnvolty In fruit In I'ottowattomlo and Mills counties , Iowa. Address A 23. lleo. Council lllarfg. TOKAOR and Coinmlsslon-Stovo ? . furnt- tnru , etc. , stored nnd sold on commission at lowoatr.itoi. L. Klimoiian. ; i-M llroadway. Tj'OIt SALK On small payments , fruit nnd " garden land near Council ItlulTa. C. H. "ho.ifo , Itrondway aail.Maln struct. FOR ItnNT Two of the best OarrixS lain on Fourth street. YOU have anything for silo or trade BOO IK H. 11. She ifo , llro idway and Main street. RiNT DwolllnzR In all parts of the city. 1'X II. Kli.mfe. llro.idway and Main. FOR SALE Purnltue fixtures loa o anil eood will of hotel with 40 rooms In a itood fcbiaskaolty ; will trade for ntouk of ponur.il norchandlio. B. U. Hlioafe , llroadway unJ ilnln street. _ _ , I71OR RKNT-niKht-room dwolllns. 2JI Wash- * Inu'tou uvo. , modern style and oonvon- oneot , hi excellent ropalr , rent iili II. ilicato. Ilroitdwny and Main sts. FOR SALE Hotel nnd rcstaurnnt In a pros- liotona Nobraslta city , pivliiK buslnesn. peed roainus for Holllnir , price II.UJJ. It Is n. s nap. H. II. bliuate. llro idway anil Main street. $ h.V ) will buy a nice new honso ; monthly navmontrf , ( ) > foot lot In OrlmiiR1 adillllou 1S5I. "Lariro Hat of property for aalo , John- atoii & Van I'littcu. _ _ OR S/VLi : Standard bred mare. 7 years old , Hired by Dr. Archibald. No. 2013 ; llrsb dam by ( Jluriwood , record 278ho : Is u fins chchtiuit , haHHliowii : oed spocd. U uuntlo anil we'll broUuu to drlvo Mln Io or donblu , weight ubont I.OJJ lb . May bo soon at barn of W. O. UltorbaoU. ' - Sent llroadway , Council H lu ITs. 1'rlco 8i. l. JacobSlms. _ FOR hALi ; 1'iirm , 32) ) acres , In Dlokonsoit Co , Iowa. 210 acres broke , balance foncu.l iiasturo and meadow. I'rlc'j t2ian acre. li II shoafo , Itro.ulway Mid Main street. _ FOR SALE Oholco fiirniHln I'otta'vattamlo Co , , Iowa. U U. Shtmfo , llroadway and "Main KtrotiU J7IOR SALU 1',001 * stock of KOnoral mor- -L chandlsc. uell lou ited .vlthln ItK ) inllud of Omaha. Will take p irtln lanl of best qual ity. liiilanco cash. U U. Shu.ifo. Ilioadwair and Main .street. OR BALK Grocery stook tlzturos , I otc. 1'rleo JW ! ) . Kxculleut trade , well rstablUhod , lar o prolltsi must be sold at once , for goo'l cause. K. II , Hliu.io , Ilroadwn/ and Main btrcut. FOR SALE The stamping buslnons and nr needlework malorlaU ; am k'olnn to leave city ; uood chance for a lady to uo In huslnos . Mis. il , I'.MlcH , 403 llroudway , Council Illull T\7ANTKI-Ea8tcrn ) Nnbraska lands In ox- > liliiuiKii for Council lllulTii propuily. E. H. Bhoafo , llro.i.-t\tuy and Main attuot. FRUIT lands , garden , lati'ls , furins and olty property for nalo or trade. Day & Hcsi. a'i ' 1'oarl street. "I71OR SALE Klovator with corn shelter. JH 4,000 bu. il.iliy ; corn urlndur , IUJ bu. nil hour ; oaw mill attauhnient , 4il II , I1 , oiixlno : dolni ; n uood biiHinuas ; locatoil near Council ItlulfH. Will t'lkoKO"1'Inud ' In exchange or Boll cheap for cash. II II. Hhu.ifo , llro.idw.iy and Main utroot. T7IOR SALE-Tho loadln- ' hotel In a Nebras- JL1 kuellv lit -"O/iOJ : liaiiJ ) rooms. feodnU ) eacli meal , rood b.ir trade , nets t.Vtl.uu par montb , IpntfOHtabllHhoil. lease has three voamto run ; urlco. HUMIW , half o.mli or will trade for Oinuliu rosldenee. E. U , Hlieufe , llroadway and Main Htuiet , FOIlb'AU-Sl ; c'.cof ' merelmncllK'jimclbiilliJ- IIIK In irood loiru town ; Htoo t Invoice ! ! tl.500.00i huHKooJ trudo ! building , fl.ooi.OJi u baritulni will tithe uood lowu Uinl In ex- cliiuiKe. R II. Hlioafe , HriKuliv.iy und Mulu mm : IIIOIHT : HAIUIAIN Doutiio rest ilenco lot. No. * ' " - * toutli Klrnt Htraet , 8 fuut front ; best locution und bent Imrjuln In thu elty If taken ut oncu. Dux & Mess. U ! > 1'0'irl Blroia. fliO coiuiiutontlndlcti und contloriien ffiO a -L month und traveling oxpei od No ciui- vuenlUL1. Dull C.'i First avenue , Council lIlutTv. 0 u. in. to 4 p. m , FOR HA l.i ; Iteoil lathe , foot or nower. Sfeet lonu , 1 InuheHWldu , buckicuHrud und screw cuttliur , with eu'iipletu chunuu o Ke'irniK , > t chuoks. ono C-lncli , unu 4-mch nnil 1 drill chuck : 3 sou motnl turnlnz tooli. utc.t nUo ono 'l-liorno power oil enxliitt , with hliiiftlnu. uiilluyM , belt 1111 ; . etu. All In KOOC ! onlor anil will bu gold obu.iii for eimh or un tlmo to rluht linrty. Aildn'ih llox lKlllott , li. : CITIZENS St ATE BANK Of Council Ilium UapltilBtco'c' & 1.1OOO burulununJ i'rotlti NUuu NctOupltal an ) HurpUu. . SVao.out * Director * J , II , iMaiulU ; > i , a. ti. S iu < ir ( , r' J. Qleaion , K. K. llnrt , I , ii , Utllir , J. V. idnmuit acdCliarlei IU llnimau. Traniactsonvr il InnU- Ing buuuiusa. l ur ei * . capital auJ nurulujot uny bunk lu Kouthwevtorn Inwa. INTER ESP ON TIMH