THE OMAMA UlLY BEE : TIIWUSDAY. JUNE"70 , 1892. SPE01RL NOTICES. A HVKUT18KMI5NT8 KOll THKSK COLUMNS .vnlll bo tnkcn until 12:30 p. m. for the end until 8:30 : ] i. m. for the mornmi ; or Sanilnr edl- All 0 * < Ttli"'mont * | n tlic-o colnmnn m c6nt n * tril ) for flr t Innntloti nnrt 1cent n TOM , fur mtch tbicquent Intcrtlon or n per linn | > cr month No mlvprtleemcnt tnken Tor U' * t nan 2.'i cent * for tlio 111 ft Innrrtlon. Term * rnMi In.tdranco , Inltlnl * , tluurcn , Bymlni ! ' . ctn.pncli count1 nil rv word. All ndTortlupmcntn mint run con- f peutlToly. ArtTcrtliom , bjr rcquoitlni ; n nnmbcrort rlirck , t-nn linrn thn Ictlcri nildreocd ton num. licrnl letter In enroot TIIK IlKK Anawcru > < > ml- flroncil will bo delivered on presentation of the chick. SITUATIONS V ANTED A-WANTBH. I1Y - lioiiBCkocpcr In hotel or club C 4(1 ( , lloo , _ ' 'X-WANTKI ) . SITUATION IIV A YOUNO MAN < tXnt bookkeeper nr unlosrnnn In a liiiMnoM lioiitc , Mtlior ilonblo > r nlnzlo entry , run ulvo tioort rcfir- ; n -o nml upcnk Ocrinnn nnu ISngllBli. II. n. > box \St \ , tfcrllinor , Neb. IS * W ANTED-MAI.E HELP. _ " J-/i "OENI H " "wANTKIt IN KVKUY TOWN : AND cltr In the nont on extrn llbornl tnrmt , to roll " ba popular ton jour policy of thn Mntiml Ito- * rtol-iinilMfn nmoclnlloni al o the now 110,000 comblnntlnn roller of ho 1'reforrfil Mntiml Accl- dmt r.snoclntion of New York ! cost only flit per year for preferred rlikil are money by Insuring , nmkn money by rcprcsentlnK these wldcawnko r nipnnle l flrp nitcDta can itonblo their Income. \Vrltn for clrculnrn nnd ternn to U. H. lloblon , G'tnrral ManiiKor , Omnhn , Neb. 1" It 1MAN WITH PUSH WANTKU IN KAril CITY , JJUntn anil hamlet to Introclucn the fa9ti > t BOlllnij lioimeholil nrtlclo on record. Over n million nohl In I'hllnrtelphln. Will pay eonmetcnt person II per unjt /\iit'rn with .tamp W. U. Wllllnmiion. 41 N. lib tttcct , riillndclphltt. I'n. 1121 Jr30 _ TpriAMSTKII8 AN IU U. I.AIIOUEIW FOH , l > Wyomlni or tfouth Dakota. COOS. Uth it. 1 15 * JuU * -WANTKIl , TKAM8TKH8.SI10Vni.KIIS ANI1 irockmrn for Wyoming nnd Boiith Dakota. Al- rlKht Ijibor Agency , 1I8U 1'nrnnm street. 174 JV ) T > WANTKI ) . AHKNT8 IN KVKUY TOWN IN JJllio , t to torcpre.ent the United Malu. MutuM Arclilent ns.oclnUon of N. Y. .Noir pollclon , mo t Illiernl In form and rcasonnhlo In cost oror Issued. II , A. Wagner , stiito occiit , Uronlia , Neb. Wl TJ-WK 1'AY BA1MI1Y WIJKKI.V'TO OOOIJ JJnu'enls , former oxperlencn iinnocoosary , aliry | paid weekly. Hinder olllco. JSIti lioniiln 821Jyl8 - AT SW MAIN ST. . B-llllKADHAKKUWANTEU 5I 7 - WITH GOOD 11KFKUKNCK1 AT B American Wringer Co. , IBH Howard. M8'J3jy23 J-WANTttD. A GOOD SINGLE I1UTCIIEU WHO inpenks German. Address Cli , care Omaha Hee. J-1CXPKUI1CNCHI ) PATHNT IlIOHT BALES- man. Address Lock Ilex 755 , Fremont. H'J-WANTKI ) . H FIIIST t'LAiS OAUPKNTE1IS , Jibcnch mechanics for InMdo work. Steady cm- iloyment. Address U. I. Lumber Co. , Itock MuMl , r,1,1 , , - . ) ) . - 8TKAHY B-.pLUMlKU8WANTKI.FIItHT-CLA8S ; ; wages I.I nnd MM for 8 hours. Wlllard , Powell A riiirk. Siiluth , Minn. " 7 ' - ) CAN UK MADK MONTHLY B-f7500TOI2M)00 F. Johnson A Co. . MW 2 4J 8 Main street , Itlebraond , V . M 1000Jy2j' - - IN EVKUY TOWN In United Btntes. Kxtonslvo experience not re quired. Hcnd for purtlculnm. Universal Detective Agoncy. box 10U1I , Chicago , III. M1I8-1 * AND liniD. I1YLKWWALLACK , 33 , ilU pugi'K. only II..W ; fSpcr day for solicitors , la- cllci or genllemon. Publisher , Ilex 7W , Omiilin - . AN INTKLL1O15NT HOY 14 TO 18 years old , who Is willing to It-nrn n trade. Per manent situation. Address , with reference ) , C M. lire. -COOl ) IlKLIAIILK IlllKAD AM ) CAKE bakers. KSH ICth. .Ml55 J * n -TIIB GUAIIANTHK INVKSTMKNT COMPANY J ) ants reliable ngonts thro'iglinut Nebrnika and . Apiily llooui W , Douglas block , Omaha , TI-WANTKD , SCO MKN FOU IIAILUOAD COM- 4'pany work In Nebraska nnd lown , free fare ; 600 iniMi for Montana nml Great Northern work. ICrn- mer A O'llcnrn labor agency , 30J S. llth St. 1 > WA.NTKD. A IlKGlbTKUlID DUUGGIST AT J'onrotm.ii lhnva good referi'nco , not married. One that bus worked In n grocery Btoro preferred dilrt-ss , stntlMe .ntperh-nce , and salary exix-ctod , j , W. LawrcncoVKlk Creek , Nub. I8J - WANTKD ATONCK FOIITHKOMA' B-AGKNTS and olllclal edition of the "Life of Cleveland nnd Stevenson. " Outllt free , fond lOc for postage. Liberal terms. Freight paid. Credit Blvun. Urdonrnlck.U.H. . Woodwnrd 3e t o. , Hal- tlmo re , MO. M200 . .O' TJ-WANTKI ) . 1MMKDIATULY KOll PAVILION 'JlJTbeatcr Co. two nrtors tlint ran double In bmss. Write staling lowest salary , Lyceum Co. , Wnunetla Nob. 2I * * - , SALESMEN , SALAHY OH COM mission , to handle greatest novelty patented. ICxcluslvo territory. Bells at sight. Particulars tree. Sample Wo. Unity 1 > . C. Co. , Dcpt. W. Unity bldg. , Chicago. MHC230' T ) WANTK.I ) . FOU MANUFACTUIl Jng | Co. : nil business done under our Instruo lions : experience not nrvessnry. pnico to bo ' opened In your town. To the right man ho li worth JMn week to u . with prospert of morosal err : no nonsense. Addioss with stamp the limn flonburg Mfg. Co. , Dayton. O. M2U1 30 - , AN BXPKUIBXCKD SALESMAN B-WANTKD Nebraska by Inruo shoo manufao- turlneand Jobbing hmno In thu west. None but rail-smell of experience In this line with n built up trade nlll bo considered. Address C 4'J ' , this onito , Btatlng particulars. Mi < UU "WANTKD. MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL TO B tukolnterestln a good business. Wi N. Y. Life. M20I . 002 N. V. Life.M2G3 M2G3 WANTED-FKMA1.E HELP. ri WANTKD. LADIKS Oil YOUNG MB.V TO Vjtako light , pleasant work nl their own homos ; 11.VO to UOO per day can bonulotly made : work sent by mall ; no canvassing , tor pirtlctilars ad- i1ress"llabo Mfg. Co. , Ilex UJI , llostoii , Muss. " Kslabllshcd IShO. MJ04Jy3 * / I-WANTK.I > . A LAU.NDUK33. APPLY W. II. d , Omaha Nat. bank. 60S /-I-WANTBD A FKW LADIB3 CAN RICCUI1B V > hsndsome salary for homo work permitting othordntlos. W.Springsteen , llox 2IJ , Chclaao. III. A Cllll. FOU HOIlflKWOUK. st bo good cook and laundruiH. 1130 ho. Mi etre7 ! M712 C-WANTKD , HIlhT CLAPS COOK AT TIIK Hamplon , 21th and Douglas. 842 C -WM7Trn7N iiiL ibu GKXKHAL work. K4Wrheriuan- . I'll ' C-WANTI'.D AT ONCB , (11IIL I Oil ( JBNHUAI. hoiibework : must bo u good tonk , 2007 ht. Mury'savenno. JI''JI ' C - WANTKD , WKTNUU8K OF MONTHS , IM mcdlutely. Apply 9111 Nurth .Uth. 115 C-ro.\IPBTKNTOIUL FOU CKNKIIAL HOUHK- work , vai Capitol nvo. IIB ! 1-WA.NTKD , AT TUB ItOSTON vStore , Omaha ; must have lltet clans roferences. IM2V 1-WANTKD , (5OOI ) nillb FOU ( IKNKIIAI , -'housework , KUSownrd street , MIM 1 C-WANTKD. I1KAI ) WAITUKSS. ADD1IKSS postorilco hur I4U'.I , Lincoln , Neb. MIW 30 p-WANTlCD. ( SIIIL FOU OKNKUAL JKIIIHU- /work. HIS ( ioorgln nvenue. IC7-WJ CfrlllL FOIl ( JKNKIlAIi HOUbl.'WOllK. H.MAI. I. mily rOI Chlrago. p-WANTKD , CintMAN OU IIOIIKMIAN 111 HI. V for houmnrork ; only lady and child In family , HIN.ibtiii-tniot. m so * p-WANTKD. (1I11L FOIl OKNKUAL IIOU8K l work , 2U.S7 loiliu . , | ) | , hlih school. MIDI fV-IIIIUL FOU ( JUNUHAL IIOUSKWOHIC , 2J1J * S nilcBgo. 805-30' nWANTKD. . ( UIII.TO 1)0 ) llOU8KWOIlk7 FOUU Uln fumll .iiuclillilrcui ir.ll S. suit t. 2lit > pYANTKD. . WAT * ? ! ' AND HKIIIT FINIHIIKIIS VMorsu Dry < Joi > ds Co , zii rj CWANTKD. . A IUIiFOULlliIITI10UHKW01llC n. w cor. litli nnd llarnuy , Jrcl door , eutmnro or lluriify. aWAN'i'BD. A ( Mill. FOIUIKNKIIAI , HOUHK work. Must lion good cook. Fatally of two , apply * 7M Jackioii street. _ 11274 | n-WANTKD AT OXOK , UV PIIIVATB FAMILY Un Klrl cook. ? r.Hurl. . M2M ! _ p-WANTICD AT ONCK , F1I1ST CLASH LAD\ VVrclnuchor. Uart s studio , Hlalr 'ub , rt-WAXTKD. IMMBDIATKLY. FIUVT CLASS iL'whlil Hnl.bur and apprentice girls at 1WJ a Uth Itrott. M-U4 V _ _ ri-WANTKI > . FIIIST CLASS IIAIll DUKS3KIL , with rcleronco , U ( J , Ilco onioe. n MHI W SOU. JIENT-UOUSKS. D lllOUrttf. . ALL I'All'M 1UK CITY. PHINTKI list l * . Uoorgu J , Paul , IUU taruaui struct. D-COATIia. IIUNTAL AUKNCV , iCU FAUNAM \ SK-iH fVUU UI1.-ST. DKSIHAULB UOIMUB AND s-'ic.ldfnco Hals , cbcaii. Houses for sale on uoatbly pnypiiuis. J , W. f < julro , 1st ! < al. bunk. , M4 < UyT I ) ( -KIHJ.T OMBa UK81DKNCK FLATS , a OU t ruiiiin ; new blotk. Hoppi U , C1U b. nd. Ml D'llV11 WT.TYllOOM DKTAtllUl ) UOUriK , jJ/"l la D. lia < liitr i . balli. Uuudry. slo. . : blocks from tourt Uouxi rvforvucu required , fcavla Jn l * uu. ill B. Wth st. s J FOR RENT-HOUSES. -KOll 11KNT , TWO GOOD 8-HOOM IIOUSKS , IMOO ; within limlnntps walk of court honso. The o. F. Davis Co. , IMJ Farnam alroiit. M' ] D-3 UOOMH ON JIST ST.ll ALF 1II/3CK MOUTH of Grnco , (700 , city water. Alto othur rooms anrt houses at lowest prices. O. F. Hulls , room 4 , L'oo building. 3J7-Jy4 "TV-MODKHNO-noOM HOUSE. 821MS. 20TIL K if F.HIngor , lM9F rnnin UC4-30 * -FOU FUHNI8HED 7-room hoiiso. All conveniences. Knqnlro CI5 I'nrk nvcnuc. -Ml 10 jyft - 0ll UKNT. TWO IIOUSKS , 111 AND IIS S. I8lh slrrM. Very handy to business. Modern onvonlonc. . . ! . I ) . T , Mount. 2133. lllli m. 1C8 -roit iTitNT.TWo NICK IIIIICK HOUSESNEAH llanscom park , Nos. 1142 nnd 1141 S. ,12d H. , Just north of I'opplcton nvo. These houses have B rooms each , with Imlh , furnace , splendid brick cellars , Ac. are on the llanscom park nud Pacitlo street motor I no. Good neighborhood ; poaant ! and henlthy ocntlon. Will rent for (45each. Koysnl my otllco. Geo. N. lllcks , lloom 803 , N. Y. Life Hulldlng.IMJ IMJ M V-FOH HUNT. A FUHNISI1ED HOUSE M /block from motor 1L23 Corny U 2OT 3 * D-KOU HUNT. 7-UOOM COTTAOK. 55TII AND ChclBRo st . II. 'r. Clarke , Utb nml Cnsor 719 "loaad of ! rade. 7B3 \-A LAHGK SIX IIOOM HOUSE , GOOD LOCA- -'lion. Ml 8.21 st. M20I I' FOK KENT-FUHNISHED KOOMS. E rUUNISIlKII UOO.MB TO IU8NT WITH ALL modern conveniences. 012 Douglas etrcot. etrcot.MG21 E-LA HOB DESIUAHLB IIOOM FOH HENT , suitable for Iwo. 1V1II Doduo st. H - , > HOO.MS TO MAN E-VOIUIKNT,8KUIINISHKI nnd wife , no children ; rent taken In bonrd. 3111 North Kill 51. M1KI E NICK IIOOM , CONV1EN'CK3.K23IAVKNI'OHT 610 4 E-NICBLYKUKNlHIIii ) ItOOMSAT 8103 DOUG tail vtroet. MiKM U * E-1.AHOK , 1IANDOOMBI.Y rUUNIbHIKl ) 15A8T front room , also two or three other nlco rooms. 520.V. 3Jd. IS'JM * E-TIIHKK NICKLY KUUMSI1KI ) IIOOMS J-OH llKbt housekeeping , 18JJ Capitol avenue.MI03M MI03-M * FURNISHED HOOMS AND BOARD. T7-S10K IIOOM AND HOAIIII KOHTWO OKNTLK- J-men ! one-half block from motor ; Kooit , nlco homo 318 So. tali St. MWI T7-DK81IIA1ILK FIIIST AND BUCOND FLOOIl X south rooms at "Tho Kramer , " 110 N. 2Mb street. Mill Z ITi-FUKNISIIKtl IIOOM8 AT TUB 1IAMITON ; L' firstcli-ss board ; roforonocs required. SOI 9. 24th , " 01 E-I1ACK PAUI.Oll OH LAHOK Fit ONT IlOOSt with bay window nnd hoard for two ; $13. W per mnnth. Cmnllerroom for two with board , JIU 03 per month ; modern conveniences ; elegantly fur nished ; private family. CIS North 2Jd street. M928 7-KUUNiaiUtD SOUTH IIOOM WITH 11OAIID. : Heforcnccs. 2I4 Knrnam. MflS 3U * F-A VKHY DKSIUAI.i : SUIT OF IIOOM B , Oil will rent separately , ono fronts jouth'nndono at , with nil alcove , best In city. 213 H. 25th st. .1)91 ) : > I1KST KAST FUONT IIOOM IN CITY , 210 . south Mill street. Mill 1KOIl HUNT. FUHNISHKD HOOMS WITH L1 llrst class board , nt the Utopia , 1721 Davenport street. 1814 * T7-NICKLY FUUNlSlini ) UOO.MS WITH KIIIST J- class board ; references exchanged. MM N. 18th st M1DT2 * ? -FIIHNISIIKD IIOOM WITH UOAltD. 2SSJ St. Mary's hvo. 20 Cl FOR RENT-UNrURNISHEl ) ROOMS. G FOU UBNT , 4 HNl'UllSISIIKD UOOMS SUIT ; nblo for bousokcoplug 170J Wobsler slrect " " - IlKNT i7N"FUUNI8"ilKI ) Al'AllTMKNTS G-FOU for light housekeeping , gas nnd bath. 2318 Doug las Btrcut. Ib8 V G TIIHKB UNFUIINISHKD UOOMS TO UKNT liil.'l Doduo st. 210 ft * BOARDING. H-PULLMAN'HOU3U , UIQDODUK. FOU GOOD board nlca rooms , conveniences , rat } nnd loca tion It cannot be excelled , Mrs. Horn , prop. 47S-Jy B 3OR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T FOU UKNT , TIIK 4 STOUY IIIUCK UU1LD1NG .I'JIII Furnnmst. The building has n Hrunroof ce ment bunomcnt , completj Ktenmhoatlng llxturos ; water on nil the iloors , gas , etc. Apply at tbo olllce of The Deo. 818 L FOU UKNT , BTOIIU WHO , 1118 JACKKON' 3411 I-I-OU HHNT , KLKOANT LAIIGK IIOOM , FIUBT lloor , N. Y. Life lllJg. Ulcks , agent , 303 N. Y , Life. 16029 FOR RENT--M.ISCELLANEOU3. T FOU UKNT. TUB OLD 11ASKKT FACTO11Y AT ' Kckormann place , 40xn ) . 2 stories with boiler nnd engine M ) per month. C. F. Harrison , DUN. Y. Life. T TIIK "L1TTLK OKM BTADLKS" AT 1718 " Cnss street Is now pcn and solicits the board and care of gentlcninn's roadsters and family horses. Customers patronizing this stable may rely upon prompt uttcntlon nnd securing for their horses and carriages the very highest class of care and treatment. M 13.S WANTED-TCKRENT. K WA'NrKlKTcHKD 1IOUSK IN DKSII able locution , not less than 10 rooms. J. llanui , 1210 Ilarney. 6151 K IIOOM AND 110A11D IN PIUVATK FAMILY by single gentleman , west sldo preferred rof- onocs exchanged. Address 4.1 C , lieu. MI94-30 * A GKNTLKMAN WITH HIS W1FB ANI K sister , well connected , desire to secure suite ol three furnished or partly furnished rooms and board In a good family. Address Lock Ilex 1.7.1. MSO ) 3 RENTAL AGENCIES. - - ! ! . C. GAUV1N It CO. , 20USI1UKLKY I1LOCK. -t U33 STORAQE. M -OLDKHT. CIIKAPKST AND IIKST STOHAGB house In tlio city. Williams & Crossl-'ll llnruoy. ' WANTED--TO BUY. VT--FUHNITUHK I1OUGUT , SOLD , bTOUKD. .1 Wells. Illl Fnrnain st IM AT-CI.AIMH FOIl SALAIUF.S , 8BUVIC158 AND i ' wages analnstflty. county , corporation , Indl vldiials bought or advanced on. W , H. Darin. It. 20 , Continental Hlock. I740 XT DON'T Se.LL I'UHNITUUK UNTIL YOU 8KB -i' Omaha Seronil Hand Furnlturo Co. Hlcbost prccs ptild. Oil N. llitli. M744 Jyl7 PAID FOU FIHST-CLASd ( JltOCKUV slocks , largn or mnnll. All communication- strictly conndeiulal. C. o. 1) . DrownOmaha , fc'outl OuiHlin and Council UlulTs. bts \T-TIIK OMAHA LOAN A..T11UST COMPANY 1'Savings Hank pays thn highest price for both county nnd city warrants , llrown block , liith nnd ' Doughis. M1I31) ) HAIINUBS AND CAUIHAdK ; MUSI be llrst class , cheap und safe for lady. Address I ! 40 , llei > . 170 VT-WANTKD , 8KCOND HAND B-HOUSK POWKII J. ' upright engine nnd boiler combined , 29 llrond way , ronncll Illulls. JIHW3 FOK 8A3JE-FURNITURE. 0-FOIl 8ALK , A LOT OF NF.W HOAHUINO house furniture , used only n few months , very cheap. ln | ulro Uoo mil I. Hoard Trade. 887 O'FOIt RAI.K. IIOUSKIIOLD FUUNITUUK , sultablo for lluht housekeeping ; also baby car rlok-o. Inqulro 11)11 ) Farnam. 151 SU' 0--FOH BALK CHKAP. FUHNITUUK OF A COM plele 10-room furnished house must be sold nt once. Omaha Mortgage l-onu Co. , lloom 11 , Crrluh ion block , Uth street , south of postolUcu. M LT.I FOB SALE-HORSES , WAOONS , ETC. | J-MH 8ALK , A H1XTY DOLLAH TOP UUdFY , 1 forUiOO. II. K.Colo. Contlnnntiil block , X'tU 1J-VKHV KINK. STYLISH YOUNO DUIYING hurso , must Lo sold at once : weight kbcut LIU bs. Thos. F , Hall , W7 1'snton block. V73 1FOIt HAi.i : , A COOD. STYLISH DIUVINO liorsu for uentleuiua or lady , with piano box tup bugiiy , full width. In good urder. harness , etc , lomplele. for Knqulru ut Park Stablu , 2Sth mul Lravenwurth. 143 2U * P-FOH SALK.ONK I1LACKFINBOAITEDSAI ) JL via horse , 6yt > ars old. Euod single and double OrlTlng horse , nl Ita Cioulh IClh St. , Omaha , Neb. Ill 2V P-FOH HALK , VKHYhTYLISH UN YOKHOMAHA J made speeding buggy , roil ftiO. now , must sol this week , rash only. Uwuer , Ilex 7 > I8 , Omaha. Neb. ll'j W FOR SAtE-MI30BLLANEOTJ3. Q-IOHSALV.ONHII1LLIAUD ANI ONK Poor table. Ilrunswlck-llalke make , almost new. In quire of tirand hotel. Council lllorfs. 340 Q-tOll HALK , S4 IIUAD FltKBIl MILCH C1W I lr , Jvttvrls , Tib. oua ( Jrsco street. MI4I 3' Q -SeCONlMlANDlllCYCLK FOU BALIS CIIKA1 lie quick. Address 0II JU fl. 203-A * CLAIRVOYAKTS. S-MTlS. N.CNNIM V , NVAHUKN. cTLuilYOYAN r rellabla bBslurss meOluai , Ultli year at lit ) N Ictu U > 8 C-MADAMB FII1T2J5) CUMINU faTHKKT , clairvoyant and trance iu Uluia | lodtpoudeul < voice * : Ivlls past and ( uluro. liyu JIJ' CLAIRVOYANTS. Continued. C AIUHVAL KXTHAOHDINAllYl WONDBHFUI. Jrovclatlons. Challenges thn worm. Mrs. Dr. M. Legrnve , dead trance clairvoyant. nutroloalM , rnlmlst and life readvr ; tells your life from the radio to grave ; unites the separated ! causes mar- lage with iho one yon love ; tells where yon will iiccecd , and In what bu8lne beat adapted for ; has ho celebrated Kgyptlan breastplate for luck , and to lestroy bad Influences : cures Ills , Intemperance nrd all private complaints with massage , hath and alcohol treatment. Send H.OO , lock of hnlr , name and date of birth and receive accurate lite chart ; 1 cents In stamps for circular ; glvolnltlala of 0110 you wilt maryt also photon of Bamc , Olllco 17 South llth street , upstairs ; hours , V n , m , Io9 > . ra , Como ono , como nil , and be convinced ot bis wonderful oracle M648 Jy 1 * c - M US. im. VANTHUB.MIND HKADKU AND 3fori'Castcr , hns arrived from California. She ells , past , present and rntuturowlth perfect truth ; gives ndvlco on all matters of Interest , love , mar riage , divorce , domestic troubles , speculations , lo < t or stolen properly , hidden treasures , restores lost affection and unites the separated , descilbcs friends nnd enemies , warns you of Impending disaster. Without trickery , pretense or sham , bnt In the broad , open light ot sober sense , she will read your otitlrnllre. Positively no mnssngo trenlment or anything of n questionable character nollcllcd or tolerated. Letters cnntnlnlniMt will receive atton- lon. Consultation free , 403 N. 15th nt. l'IJ-1" ' M.ASSAPE , BATHS , ETC. ni MASHAGB THKATMKNT. KLKCTHO-TlIKIt- X mnl baths , scalp ami hair treatment , mnnloiiro r.ndchiropodist. Mrs. Fost,319tf8 Uth , Wlllmcll blk UK1 rp-MADAMK SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS STHKKT , JL room 7,8d floor. Alcohol , sulphur nnd sea baths MW2-Jyl' fP TUHK1SH AND 11U8SIAN IlATIISi LADIKS J.days Tuesdays nndj Fridays , 8 to I ; under Far- nnm Slrcot thoalor. > MISS STOWB , MA83BUSB BLECTU1CIAN , JL322 Hamgo block , MlM2Jyl' ' [ -MADAME LA HUB , MASSAGE , 418 SOUTH 15th Btrcct , lint 4 , 3d lloor. .MIM 1' MUSIC , ART AND LANOU-AGE. 17-G F. GELLENHKCK , UANJO TEAOHKU , with Hospc , or 013 N. IStli St. VI3 r I1KFOHK 11UYINO A PIANO I'.XAMINB TII13 ' nowscnloKlmball plnnol A. Hospo.lSU DoiiElos. vn MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \V-HBAI. KSTATI1 LOANS , 0 TO T PI3U CKNTi vv no additional chnrees for commission ornttor * ocy's fees. W. II. Molklo , First National Hank bldg , KM W -MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVKD CITY ; property , low rnto. A. C. Frost , Douglaj blk. \v CKNTHAL LOAN * TRUST CO. 1JKB I1LDG. Wl T C. F. UAIUUSON , 812 N. Y. LIFE. OW W WIUTK THE 8KCUUITY AUSTUACT AND Investment Co. of llroken How , Nob. , regard ing their novel plan of farm Investments , 910Jv23 * W MONEY TO LOAN O lMPUOVrD OU UN Improved Omaha property nt lowest rates on sLortnotlco. Cash on hand. Fidelity Trust com pa ny , 1014 Fnrnam street. 7Ctl wG. . W.P. COATI5S , CITYAFA11MS , 1114 FAIL ISO \\r-O.MAHA SAVINGS HANK MAICKS LOANS ' i on real cstnto at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo sums and for short or long tlmo. No commission Is charged , nnd the loans nra not sold In the east , but can always bo found nt the bunk on the cornerof Uth and Douglas streets. 993 \\T C.vr. UAINKY.SIiOMAHANAT. B'K HLIXJ VT Utymortgagos. Lowestrates. Money tn hand \\r-7 PKIl CENT MONEY NET TO ItOItllOW- < < prs on Omahn city property. No ottrn chnrgo ofnnyklnd. Why pay high rates ? Money li cheap Youcnn gnt full boncat of low rates from Glouj Loan & Trust Co. , ICtb nnd Dodge 11.1 \T7-ANTHONYLOANANDTIIU8TCO. , 313 N. Y. " ' Life , lends nt low rat'js fur choice security ou Nebrnskaor Iowa farms or Omaha city property.U97 U97 \\7--JI2.XlOOTOLOAN. SUMSOFJo,003 UPWAUD3 ; * can place loans on any Inside Improved prop erty to any amount where value Is bank of the loan. Amos Heal Estate Agency , 1(07 Farnam sU VUJ W WANTKD AT ONCE , APPLICATIONS FOU loans of 11,000 and upward , rosl doncoor farm properties. G. J. Paul , Itioi Fanmm 8J-JJV4 * W LOANS. G. 0. WALLACB , 312 BUO W N IILK. 101 W LOANS ON IMPUOVKD A D UNIMPUOVBD ' city proportyJCOO and upwards , u to 8 per cent. No delays. W. Farimm Smith &Co.,13th and Uarnny. Oft WiPUIVATJ : MONUY.IST AND 3D MOUTOAHK loans , low rates. Alex. Moore. 401 Uoo hulldlnir. W DON'T FOIUJKT THAT WH AUK MAKING loir rates on Improved and unimproved loans on Omnha property. No flMlny und alt business transacted nt this olllco. Fidelity Trust company , 1GI4 Farnam street. 7Ui MONKY TO LOAN-OHATrELS. X-1F VOU WANT MONBV ON FUUNITUUK , PIANOS. 110H81W. WAGONS , CAK11IAUKH , ETC. , CALL AT TUB OFFICK OF OMAHA MOUTOAQB LOAN CO. AND OUT TBKMS 11ECFOIIK DKAL1NO BLSEWUEUK. Loans made In amounts from (10 lo 110,000 at the lowest rates on very short notice without publicity , and with the privilege of keeping your goods In your own possession. You can pay the money back In any amounts you wish nml at anytime , nnd each payment so mndo will reduce the cost of the loan In proportion. 'I hero will bo no expense or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive the fnl uuiount of the loan , OMAHA MOHTOARK LOAN CO. lloom 11 Crelnhton lllock. lith St. , South of postonico The only Incorporated loan company .In Omaha. 832 MONBY TO LOAN. X : FIDELITY LOAN Q UAHANTBH CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , muleswagons , olo. nt the lowest posslblo rates without publicity , removal of property of change of possession. Payments of any amount can bo made at any tlrnoreducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patrons all the benoliuof the partial pay ment plan. Monsy always on hand ; no delays ; no publicity ; lowest raten : busliiosscontldeutlnl. F1DKL1TY IMAN OUAIIANTBB CO. . Id ! H 4 , Wlthnoll Dlk. , 15th nnd Ilarney. X WILL LOAN MONBY ON ANY KIND OF security ; strictly conlldontlal. A. B. IIAIIUIS , room 1 , Continental block. 103 X \-PlUTClIAItD , SI DOUGLAS IILIC. 10 4 Dodge. lai X WHEN YOU WANT A CIIATTKL IXAN 8BH W. It. Davis , room 20. Continental block. 101 V-CUATTKL LOANS MADH O.V KUHN1TUUB yv. pinnos , Hvo stock , eta. without publicity or ro. niovul property nt the lowest rates and tlu easiest payments. Dull Oreun , rooms 6 and tf Darker block. 175 r RU.OUO TO 1/AN ON CHATTEL BECUHITY business contldontlaL lloom 403 Unrbnch block. 241 Jr2 * X-f 10. KJ. liO. $100 , ANY SUM TO LOAN ON KIW- nlturc , horses , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. MlO Douulas st. US7 BUSINESS OHANOES. Y-FOIl 8A1.B , A WELL-PAYING AII8THACT business In ono of the western counties of this state. Address 11 i7 , lieu olllco. M7W I * y-FOH SALE , COMPLETE 3-CIIAlll IIAUIIBH shop , will sell the whole or In sots , aw 8th' street , at cigar store. 107-4 * Y-FOH BALK GIIKAl1 FOH CASH. TUB LATB "NonrKra" printing and Job presses ; complete outtlt. For price and terms addro Henry Noteca- blo , bouth Horn ] , Neb. U47 W Y-FOll BALK , A COMPLKTK KLKCTHIO LIIIIT- Ing outnt. Including boilers and onKlne , all In good condition. Will bo sold cheap. For particu lars address U M , Ilee. 11101 t V-ONK-HALKOU A LI. OF A GOOD PAYING HA X loon lo trade or sell on time. Address C 37. lleo MIC21- Y-I-OH BALK OH THADB , ONK OF TIIK HE8T and cleanest general stocks of mdse , In Ne braska. IV 111 take one-half In clear Nebraska lauds , balance cash or gilt edge notes. II , Chambcrlln , Kearney , Neb. 1KJ7 r roil 8ALK-A F1UST CLAH8 MILLINK11Y L store. Address P. O. Ilex 111 , Ida GrOve , la. 1832' V-FOIl BALE. CHEAP FOU CASH. SALOON J- and boarding house , with complete fixtures , Ilest location. Uood reasons for selling. Address U4 ! , Ilee , IIIt'll V-W WILL 1IUY LKA8K. BTOCK AND Fl.Y- i lures ofu confectionary department of a Urge buslnvsi centrally located. Only parties meaning business need apply , Address C 45 Ilco , 201 W FOR EXCHANGE. r/-CLUANSTOUICorBXKUALM'D'a UYiU ; , /Jtakereal estate * money. liox2A Frankfurt , Iml y-FOIl BXUHANGK-FINBUKS1DHNCB , NBW. AJ1J , rooms , modem Improvements ; on motor line. I wile from P , O. Will nxchunco for good busl ness lot or farm Iand . W. , P. O. box l > U , Ouiaba. 10J rA VALUA1ILB COUNKH LOT ON b. JIT11 T. tJtor suburban property , A vslu ulo equity In lot for good horse , balanoa T ry a yluruis. Fldollly Trust Co. , UlF Fi rn m - SALE OU Z-FOIl BXCIlANllK-PLANINd aillllSlb Dd Mason slredts , OuaaUo. John M. Bheclny. Uih tndMasoa streets. MM4 Jr It * V-MODHUN HOUHK. 10 IIOOM J , KINB IXM3A * J on. to exchange for smaller haute. W. T. tlr b m , &i UcCagaw block. FOR Contdnirii. Z WANTKD. B OH T KOIMI10USr3 INSIDR OF two mile line. In excharurrfnr 11-A ncro lot near nstltule. with Hnc Improvcju nU. Will double In TRlne Inside of i years , p Fidelity Trust Co. , 1R14 'arnam. , , MftM J7 AN KLKGANT HOMBMJ ) HASTINGS , 1XT | S2xI32 , on Hastings nw fu , for Omaha prop crtytnsnap for it IlastlnOTi'insn , ridollty Trust : o , 1CII Farnam. lifl -MUI4 JyT rHOUSBB UOOMS. KUU/ixTT. ON MILITAHY A/avcnun near Hamilton tUBOt. to exchange for ot or will sell choop. W.X Graham , 30 } McCneuo ir. . . y-T8 FKBT OS SAUNDlfUS 8TUK1TT TO KX- . A/changn for Improved mopdfly. W. T. Graham SOS McCnguo block. 'itsi P < H Z-WB IIAVK sOO.OOO WOHTH OF CITY PUOP- nrty to trade for Und. What have you to odort Western KxchnncaCo. , Columbus. Nebraska.MIM MIM SO * Z-FOH G.XCIIANGB. 1IKAUT1FUI. MODKIIN residence , two lots , nice barn , tin motor line , lor business residence properly. What have you ? 1 * . O. Ilex 71X1 , Omaha. in 4 r/-I IIAVK CASH ANI ) HIUL KSTATK'.To /-Jtinilofor mcrchandlio. Lock UoxOI , I'npllllon , Nob. W6H3' rFOU JALB OH BXUtANGR FOU A STOCK f-J of general merchandise , town lots In Ponder , Ncl > . . the booming county seat of Thurslon Co. Address T , P , lllnck , Ovcrlon , Neb. 207-5 rFOH THADK , STOCK OF I1AUDWAUK , WILL / trndo for clear Ncbrnsku or Kansas land , want some money. Address H. F. Wills , Klrklln. Ind. 213 SO' Z VALUAI1LU FIXMttDA LANDS. CLEAN , PKH- feel title ; want fl.lMO In merchandise or clear real cstato. Address , Uox 41O , Central City , Neb. M ! 7 FOR SAIjE-REAL ESTATE. HR , ItKAIjKSl'ATK 1IAUUA1NS. MxIOO near Ilnnsrom park 13.00000 lUOxlUi > ornor lBtiind Pnrlflo TAPOUO Hlill.'vcorner SOth nnd Pacific lU.UOOOO U'lTl.'M. l.owu munlii ! iincl Jackson 'i.WWCO COxlUO , Puclllonqar3lst 4UMOU 8 room bouse ucarllnnncom park fl.SOOCO I ) room house. olPKiinlly llnlshod , 3210 Pop- pleton nrcnuo 7,20000 8-room modern house , J1W I'opplcton nvc- niiu 7,00001) ) 8 room brick nml frame cottage , 3111 I'nclllo street , 7OOW 0 room brick-cottage , near lllftli school. . . . 3.MJOO 8-rootn cottage , Ucorgla avenue near park 4,000.00 A acres close to bolt railway. . 3.IWO.CO 10 acres with cottage , near city 6. ( > 0000 10 acrcH , nil ) plat Into 43 lot * O.UOOOO : Oncrcs4W miles from court house 7,00000 JO acres , llnest tract around city 18,10000 60 acres 6 miles from postolllco 20,000.00 Trackage property. 1,200 fcet by 2SO 15,00000 Trackage lot , WxllO,13th ) street . . ! U.IXX)00 ) lllcks , 303 N. V.Itc. ADAKQAIN. ItAVBAGOODSlXKLOT ABOUT 200 foot from Sherman Are. , 8U minutes' walk from postonico ; splendid neighborhood. Will build to suit customer on easy terms. It will pay you to Investigate tbls odor. A. U. Frost , lloom Z ) , Douglas block , Ilith nnd Dodge stn. 75 HMIB I1ONDS CAUItlKD AND DODOU BTIIISKT Xwlll soon bo paved clear to thane choice & and ID- acre tracts which we can still soil for a short tlmo at the old price of $100.00 per acre. Don't delay , Wright A Lasbury. 1U1 Howard street. M82J LAFAYKTTB I'LACK : YOU MUST 8KB THIS property to appreciate It ; two homo * for sale nt bargain. Call for terms , etc. , Fidelity Trust company - pany , 1614 Fnrnom at. 117 3 BEAUTIFUL 11O.MKS RTILlj FOR HALK IN I.ufnyetto place. You will make n mistake If you buy without seeing us about these homos. Kent for WS 00 nnd I10.CO per month. Finest Investment In the city. , 2SS Jy 8 FOIlSALB-HOMKS.ANVflllCK , } 7W , 11,250 UP ; easy terms ; take clear ptitr/orty as first payment , Q. a. Wallace , llrown DlocL--t6'li and Douglas. Uu 110 50 FEKT ON HAMILTON. STIIKKT WUST OF Lowe avenue , for sale cheap. W. T. Uriihnm 305 McCnguo block. ' " ' 1LS , TTOllBALKr-lllO I1AHGA.JN1IN OIICI1A11D -1- lot , will take good horse 3 , Hrst payment , bal ance , monthly payments , . * Wo will sell you n lot dirt"cheap nml furnish money to build you u homq'tfb monthly payments ; several locations. - 9" \Vo will huttd iron ticottn ate ( suit on monthly paymentH ; small pnymont lown. Two now5 room cottages'ln ' Klrkwood , ono bleak from cnr line , cheap on monthly p lymonts. nurgaln In clear lot In Wairillt Illll. only SI,100 OT. Ilargaln In clear lot In Orchard HIM. only t700 OJ. Ilargnln In clear lot In CrcUhton IIolc.'Us , rsOO.OO. Itargaln lu n beautiful hoIn | I tfayotte Place , the finest residence torraccju Omaba. overyonond- inlfi It. Ixit us shoir It you. For terms , prices , otc.onll on Fidelity Trust Co. . 1814 FnrnaniJit. xm" ) 117 HOUSES ANDHATTLKTtSTUUKp AT bTOCK farm , Ilollevtio U. T.Clarke. . ' , * 2W.UJonrd of " . ( Trailo. Omaha. ' " " , ,3 , 17O11 BALK. NCJ3. 4103.AND II i aveln Lafayette Place : , now 8-room dwellings , with batb , noa. eUr. , cIvctrttTKaSllgtltluR and OTCry other modern Improvement , line lawn , trees and sur roundings ono block from cloetrlo cars. Those two IIOIISCH will bo soldnt n big bargain ; will tnko lot as part payment ; let 'us ; liow you tbo property FldolltyTruslcotapany , IliU Farnnm at 117 17OIISALB 3fm AGIIK3 OF NKUItASICA LAND A' nt great sacrlllce. Apply for particulars to O. II. Peterson , owner , 1IU3. llth street , Omnha. M193 JyT T ACKY'S ADDITION-FINK LOTS NEAK MOTOIl Inline , 1200 each ; H cash , bal. t , 4. 0. , 7 per cent. Itosldonco lots within 2k miles of postolllce f3M each ; 1-10 cash , bal. long tlmo at 7 percent. Flue lot with six-room cottage at 33th and Ilnrt streets. Price. S2.80J : ! Y)0 ) cash , bal. easy. Potter A Ueorgo Co. , S. W. cor. 10th nnd Farnam. M317 Jy4 AFINU ACtl5 LOT IN 1JUN8ON ADD , CIXSK to motor , only ( tW ; easy payments , ridollty Trust Co. . 1614 Farnam. , M0 Jy7 /10UNEII LOT ON CU.M1NIJ ST. , CAIITIJAGB \s add. nt tl.OOO. W. T. GrahamMcCaguo blk. T7011 BALK ATA IIAUOAIN , LOT IS , BLOCKS , J-1 W. L. Solby's llrst addition to South Omaha ; small payment down , bnlanca montblylt desired Inquire U. II. Tzschucti , OnuhaUoo. 334 AIIM , ICO ACHES IN CISNTKAL NKIIUASKA for sale , (3.00 po lucre , buyer to get share of the growing crop. Co-oparallvo Land & Lot Co. . 3K N. ICtb st. U7530 SOUTH OMAHA ACIIKS. II acres H mile west , J12iOO. 2U acres H mile southeast. Ill.OOa 8 acres H mlle southeast , already platted Into 40 lots , $10.500. C acres 2 miles south , 11.600. 5 acres 3 miles southwest , with small homo , f 1,000. CO acres 1H miles southwest In & or 10 aero tracts , jllo per acre , 21 acres at a bargain. Tall for price. Terms. H cash , balance to suit. Potter & George Co. 10th and Faninm sts. M103 3 _ FOIl HALE-AN KLKOANT 20-AC11K TllACT west of KImwood Park will no on the market this week only. G. N. Jones , 10 ! ) South 1Mb. _ 1763 FOIl BALK Oil IlKNT Wcstlawn Park , conidst- Inuof the beautiful grove and grounds on the Holt railway , opposlto Itusor's summer garden nml yclniUi'n parknnd Just this sldo of the now fair grounds and now KImwood parkin West Omaha. A big bargain If taken at onoo. tor price , terms , etc. , apply to George N. lllcks , N , Y. l.lle building. 1NKLY IMPI1OVKD KAIIM8 MILKS FllOM P. O. Will snll W or I in acres very loir , Wright & Lasbury , ICth and Howard. \fJU3 I > ASTUI11C 'OU avi-TLKiHOIlSKS. T.MUIlllAY _ 203 WANTKD-IIOUSH3 TO I'ABTUItB , CALLKI ) for aud delivered. G. A. Llndijuost 310 8. 15th. ' "IJAHTUHAOK FOIl HOU1KS. COI/M , CATTLK. J-200 ncrcs imsturo ; barn room caio ofntorni. My farm ranch la one mile from 2lth street motor car. south ou ( illmoro road , I call nnd dullvor. Address mo , J. H. Ilrusb , P. O. box 1.X1 , South Omaha. Mu > l Jyl4 * PA3TUHKFOIICA1TLBA OIISI3. T.MUltllAY _ r. a ; b70 Oslrcet , sorrel mare , wcJt-MJto. llonard for return - turn to abum address. YIJT 1M ? J * LOST. A SMALL WIIITB1MOX , COTA1NINO SKV- . ural articles of jowulry.'KlnunK others , n silver sarpout ring. Its rutiiru will be rewarded at Mr. A. J , I'ouplelon's , 11/JJ Miurmflti.ovo , Itil ilO 08T-ONK IIKlF01lHfigUD , CAPK , MODK color , velvet collar. MWL lining saruo shade. Liberal ron-ard paid ntlMi , y. Life bldg. , . 202 29 * [ LOST LA Jill's WOOL UAUY COVKIl. 23U AND Webster ktrccts , bundnrt .U 47 lieu ottlce. ; rj | . . 217-30 * LOST , JDNK 17. DOUC4f > 'KAlt OT1I Oil 1GTII st. , uenr Capllol nvo.,1)fBlr black mitts and small dark pookut book cutlMnlng $ | | . Kinder will bo rewuriled by leaving at Jice ucicit nr address J,3th ! ) and CasssU J . jjo j-j LOST-BILK UJIIIllUl.liyP NATUIIAL WOOD handle , marked NotbonJ'iltiiward If returned to 710 8. UOth strout , city , * W MJ70 80 * 1610 DODUK ST. IBJJJu * 1JIIKII MOIILK , OFFIOH'lilHTFAIlNAM BT. i _ - _ 111 AQEMOY. ' /C V/ui | tttlrs ; male nnd futiula' liulp , fol' i. PUOPO3ALS FOR 'CONSTUUCTI N OC1 WATKB WORKS. Boalcd prouoiala will bo rucolvod at tlio of- flcoof tlio city olork until iloon , July SO. Itw , for fiirnlsliliiKtlio material iiml aoliiK nil thu work , or any uortloti of either , for a syntom of water works In the city of 1'oiiea , Dlxon county. NoU. IMaiiu and ipuoltlcallon * may boobtnlnoil by adilrosuluK tlio' clerk of Bald city. lllcU will bo opcuoJ In the iircuonco of bidder * at 4 o'uloak p. in. sharp , tit the ollloa of tlioolty clerk , on July 30. IS'Ji The right to reject any and all bid * u bcrobrosorvoJ. . fluted I'onca. Mob. . Juuo VI. . K. M. DOItSICV , Mayor , E. WIIU8B. OltyOlork. J28 leaves ICUlOAGOANOItTUWUarrSUN Arrlvoi Trnnsfer ) Union Depot. Council llluffs. Transfer Ixmvc.i O .MA 11A A ST. LOUIS. Arrives Omahal U. P. depot. 10th nnd Marcy Bis. Omaha I. p m | HI. l-onls Cannon Hall | 12.1ipm Leaves K. C. . ST. JOB A C. It. Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot , Council lllutts. ( Transfer lOOOa ml . . . .Kansas City Day l xprass .1 S't ) p m 10.15 pm . . .Kansas titv Night Kxpre < > . . . | ( V.M a ra Leaves l' . LOUId. ( Arrives Transfer Union .Depot. Council Ilium. Transfer 4,40JinI ft. Louis Canon Hall II.IJ p m Leaves I SIOUX CITY ft PACIFIC. Arrives Transfer ! Union Dopot. Council Uluffn. I Transfer 7.45 u nil . .tilonx City Accommodatlou. , I10UO p m t.OO p m | St. Paul Kxprsss I U.40a m NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To tlio owners of nil lots nnd parts of lots And real ostata ulons the nllcy ruimlns oust nnd west adjolnliiK lots 'M , 31 , 32. IJJ. H4. 33,110,117 , US. y. ) and 40 , In block 4 , Campbell's addition , from . Oil ] street to ' . ' 1st strcot. i'ou arahcrobv nntlflod that tbo umlor- sl neil , three dfslntereatecl froolioldcrs of the city of Omaha , liuvo been duly appointed by tlio mayor , with tlie approval of the city council of said city , to assess the diun.ico to the owners respectively of the property affected liy graulng alloy In block 4 , Unmp- liell's addition , from 20th street to 21st street , declared necessary by ordlnunco : U04 , passed Juno 14 , Ib93. approved Juno K , 1802. You tire further notlllcd , that having accepted said apDoIntmont , and duly qtiul- I lied as required bylaw , wo will , on tlio 7tli dav of July , A. I ) . ISOat tlio hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at McCulIocli , room 81'-1. N. Y. Life building , within the corporate limits of said city , meet for the purpose of considering and untieing the iissossirontof dnmuKO to tbo owners respect ively of said property , affected by said grad ing , tnklnglntoconsltlorutlonspoclalbcnotUi , If any. You arc notified to be present at the tlmo and place aforesaid , anri make any objections to or etatoinantt ! concerning said assessment of damages as you may consider proper , Mctiur.i.ocir , OIIAULEB u THOMAS , O. S. llKNEWA. Omaha , Juno 23,1893. J2l(110t ( NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES POR CHANGE OP GRADE. To ihu owners of all lots , parts of lots and real estate along Twenty-ninth Btrcut from Hickory to Martha street , and Intersecting streets : You are licroby notified that tlio under signed , three disinterested fron-holdom of tbo city of Onmlm , have been duly appointed by the mayor , with the nf the city council of said city , to assess thoMamngCii to tin- owners respectively , of the property uf- fucted by chniiKo of grade of Twenty-ninth Btrcctfrom Hickory to Martlui strnutu and In- totsuctlng streets , declared necessary by or- dln.inco No. I8. > , passed May 31 , ibir ' , ana ap proved Juno - ' , Ihiri You n ro further notlflod that having nc- coptcd said appolntii ent and duly qualified us required by law. wo will , on the ! Wtli day of Juuo A. D. 1HK. ! nt the Lour nf 10 o'clock In the forenoon , nt the olllco of Minvur & O'Donahoo I40J Farnain streut , within the corporate llmlUof said city , moot for thu purpose of considering and making the nssossmont of daniKgat to the owners respectvoly ) of said property. alTected by said clinngo of grade , taking Into consideration special benefits If any. are notified to bo present nt the tlmo and place aforesaid and make any objeu'lons to or statements concerning said assessment of damages as you mny consider proper. OEOHCJKO , Hl'lAY. JNO. V. Ii'LAOIC. Onalia. No Juno I8th Jl'lU lOt NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To the owners of lots and lands fronting upon street Improvement dlstrluU numbered and described 11 * follows : No. 473 Alloy from lUth to llth streets , DO- twcon Jackson and JOMOJ streets. No , 474 nth street from Karinun strcot to II arnoy street. In the city of Omahn , und subject to assess ment for thapitvlng or repaying of the baino. You are hereby notified In pursuance of or- dlniincos Nos. Tins and 31Io. passed and ap- uroved JnnoSJrd. ISO. , to select nnd doter- niluo upon the kind of material to bo used In paring and repaying said Improvement dU- trlcls on or bo-fore the S3nl lav of July , IB'Ji or tlio city council will determine said mate rial. If shoot asphalt Is petitioned for by prop erty owners , they mustatutnln lliolr petition fur paving whether pltoh-I'iko , land or ovor- tlnry nr O.illfornla usuhult U to bo used. -lUtcd at Omalm linn-'Bill duy of Juno , 1892. 1' . W. JllItKllAUBEK , Chulrmun Hoard of 1'ubllc Works , TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You uro hereby notlflod that the bank of oarlh now- existing on lot 6 , blook 4. Onmp- lioll's addition to the elty of Onmlm , has boon declared by ordinance No. 3110 to bo n nul- aanco. You are hereby directed to abate said nui sance by grading down suld bank of earth so us to prevent the wasting , fulling or washIng - Ing of earth from H4ld lot upon thu ildewnixs or streets udjacont thereto within twenty d y from the "J > l day of June , IS'or ' said nulsanco will bo abated by the olty authorities and the expense thereof lavlnd nti UHDuclal lux against the property on which suld nuslanco exists. Dated thU 28th day of Juno.S'fl \ I' . W. lllltKHAIJHEIt , Chairman of the Hoard of Public Work * . 23-29-30 July 1-3 Headache and Neuralgia These distressing Kickapoo and annoying trou Indian bles tlint arc such common com * Sagwa frequently plaints , so quently and easily cured ; not requiting one-fourth of a bottle of this simple remedy of Nature to accomplish the purpose. " Pint Blood , PnUct Hcilth , "Nrl , M. FANNIE WEST , of Chester , N , H. , writes i "For yeara I hail tuffendfrom lick head' ache and neuralgia , and fount no relief. I uat recommcnrferf to iry Ktckapoo Indian Sagwa. I did to , and my distressing tnublt uai cured In ont week. I feel etry grateful , and recommend It to all tufferers. " Why sufier from this malady when Nature has provided a cure ? ei.OO a bottle. All drugglstl. . Kickapoo Indian Salve heals ull sklO HHIHiODs. 3 > J rents. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Ouroo Chapped Hands , Woundo , Burns , Etc. Removes and Provonto Dandruff. WH5TE Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. A Family Affair Health for the Baby , j Pleasure for the Parents , New Life for the Old Folks. oot Reer bsi M " " mtmrn Bf THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK "is a family affair a requisite ) of the home A US cent package makes B gnllon * of n delicious , strengthening , effervescent bovcragc. I Don't bo deceived If n dealer , for Mho cake of larger profit , tella you Eomo oilier kind Lf'tuctoagood" 'tis false. No ImHatlon tens good C3 the conuluo Hints' . MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO , " th Wonderful Hpnnlsh Itpinnly , la sold with a Written Guarantee to cure all Ncivous Dis poses , such as Weak Memory , Loss nf Drain Power , Ilcndnch * . Wakefulness , Lost Man * hood , Nervousness , Lu- Bllude , all drains and Before & After Uso. lasi of power of the Photographed from life. Generative Oicans In either scr , caused by over-uertlon , youthful Indlscrctjonsor the excessive < of tobacco , opium , or stimulants , which ultimately lend tn Innrmlty , Uimuimptlon and Inianlty. I'ut up In convenient form to carrv In tlie vest | > ncket , Pilca | 1 ft packnue. or C for 5. With every { 3 order we give written Rimrontoo to cure or refund the money. Bent by mall lo any address. Circular free In plain envelope. Mention this paper. Address , MADHIO CHEMICAL CO. . Branch Office for U. B. A. 359 Dearborn Street. CniCAQO , ILL. eOR SALE IN OMAHA. NED. , BY Knti A Co. . Co.r IStu & Pouxlas SU. * .A. Fuller & Co. . Cor 14tb ft Douslu Sts. DB-K.C. WKST'S NKUVBANDllllAINTnBAT' MKNT. aiuooldofor Hystorlo. Dlnlnuss , Fill , Nu < ralgla , Headache , Nervous Prostraton cnuseil by alcohol or totmcoo , Wakefulness , Mental Douroi- Ion , Softness of the Drain , causing Insanity , misery , decayd ; .b. Premature Old Aue , Ilarrenuis , Lost of Power ! : : either sex , Impolenoy , Leuoorrboaanl all fcouialo Woaknesses. Involuntary Ixissei , Upgr matorrhea caused by over-axortlun of the brain Helf-abuioover-lndulguuco. A month's troatmon II , (1 ( forts , by mail , Wo guarantee six boxes to oura Kacn order fortiboxei , wltli 13 will oond wrltt Buarnnteoto refund If not ouroJ. Uuarantoo Isi'm only by A. Schrotor , druggist , solo agout , soutbai corner 10th and Faraani Ms , Omaha. CURB Anew smd Complete Treatment , conilstlni o ; Bupposltorlts. Ointment la 'Vipsuloi , ulso In Ilex nd Pllli : B Positive Curs for External , Internal blind or Bleeding Itching , curonlo , Hcoent or Heredi tary Piles. T4ls Itumejy hsoi never bvan known to fall. II per box. 0 for I ) ; sent by mill. Why sutler from this terrible disease when a written guarantee Is positively gl > eo ivltU 0 boxoi or refund tbo money II not cured Hand stamp for frco Bamplu. GuarsJItoa Issued by Kuhn A Co. , Druggists , Sole Agents , corner 10 ma DOB xlMstrosU , Oman * . NuO. A Written Onnnxntoo SYPHILIS to Cure Every Caio or Money Refunded. Our cur * Is pcrm neat snJnol patching p. Case ) treated s r n years ago h v noror seen symptom ilaee. Ilydeicrlblni ease fully we cum treat you by nail , suid we giro the s toe strong gTi r nt to euro or rfuod all monsy. Those who prefer to com * h r forlreatmentcaodo sound we will pay nllrosxlfkn totk ways and hotel bills while here , If vre fall to ear * W entiling * ttio world fem CMH Ui t our Maila Iteutdy will not cure , write for parttcuUrs anl gat tbttTldenoe. In ours v n years practloa with the Usjilollcmedy It has been most difficult to ovtroom * tlie prejudices against socalled spcclflcs. Hut under ourstroDf guirunloo thousands ara trying Hand be Ingeared. Woguarantea to cure or rsfund every dollarand KB wtbav * roput\llon toprovoot , also financial backing of KOOAJOIt U perfectly s f to all who wlli try tbo treatment , Herotofor * you btvf rutting up and paying out your money for dlfforsml treatmtnts.andallbouga you are not yet cure ! no one batptld back your money , We will positively cure you , Old , chronic , deep seated caioi carsiSInO ) toWdayi. Inreitlctto our dnanolal standing , oar reputation M business men. Write us for nsinss anJ addresses of tbpio we have cured who have glrso permission to r fer to tbsm. It r.o U yo only post- Ktodo this. If your symptoms r ser tUroat , mucous ystcbesln mouthrbtjustlim la boats JoInU , hair falling out , eruptions on ny put of ton bo < lyf sllD of gan rsj deprassloa , poles U btidoi bones. Tou k v no Urn * to wut . Tno who ( CDsUaUr Uklng mercury anil potaib , should dis continue. It. unof then drugs will Barely trlug sores SJid enllog ulo rsla tba eaO. Doa't full to write. All eorrwpondonc * sent stsltd la plain * u- vulop * . Wo lavte tb most Hull lavtitlgatlou kail will do all la our powerto all you la lu Addrcst , COOK KEMBDY CO. . - . Omaha. Neb LAWINC FOR THE ELEVATOR Railroad Companies Haul E.ioh Other Up in tin Iow.OouYu. . FRANK PEAVEY'S ' LITTLE 2-CENT REBATE Tranicrronimiiciit Which I * Not by boiito of the O\vunr4 nf thn Conn. ell Itluir * Union I'.loviUiir Tcinitir.irlly | The Union olovntor In Council IlhilT-t Is llkoly to prove n torpor sized olep'.inut than was originally thought it won hi bo , U the Hock Island , tlio liurllnpton mul the Mil- \vnultco railroads have nay sny in the mtUlor , anil It looks now as K they unit. Tuesday oVctntif the locnl representatives of thcio roads presented a petition in Judge. Uoomor's ' court at Couacll IJIuffs nsKlng for an ardor lompornrlly restraining Frank II. Peavey , . .hovoll known olovntor nnd grain rann ot Minneapolis , from occupying or operating the elevator nrul from preventing lu nny manner the oxcluslvu occupation of It by Secretary li. A. Stiydor for the olovatoi company. Ana they also nsk thnt tin assignment of a loaio to Ponvoy by a formci lossco , i > . Brookmnu , bo hold. Inoftoctua ) , fraudulent nnd void. AllHlri oT the Company. The Union Elevator company was organ ized In 1SSI with a capital stock of > 0 ( > , ' ) uX ) , It WAS provided that It might begin uuslnosi on n paid up capital of $ J. > 0OOu. The purpota of Its crontlon was that It might run n grain olovntor for the benefit of the general public and nil railroads terminating nt or near Council UlulTs. Thostock was tnkon equally by the plnlntlfT companies nnrt the Union Elevator company , the Union 1'nclflo , Chl- cage & Northwestern and the Wabaih Hull- road companies nnd frank II , Penvoy , who nr inado joint defendants In thu notion. A board of six directors was cloctod nnd u by-law passed In Juuo , 1SSU , provided thnt eneh com pany represented should have the privilege of naming n director. Therouuon T. L. Klinbn.ll , vice president of tbo Union Paclllo ; A. J. Enrllng. ponornl mnnnpot of the Cnlcngo , MlhvnuUoo &St , PaulV. ; . H. Stillwoll , ono of the auporlntondonls of the Chicago , Hock Island it Paclllo ; J. M. Whitman , general manager of tbo Chicago & Northwestern ; Charles M. Ilavs , general mutineer of the Wnbash , nnd J. w. Ulytho , general solicitor ot the Chicago , Hurilnptou & Quiucy , wci'o mndo directors , nnd Imme diately thereafter IClmbnli was uindo presi dent , Karllng vlco president nnd II. A. Snyder secretary. Lenses anil Complications. In September , 1890 , n lease of the olovntor win mndo to Brown 13ros. Grain companv , nua a year Inter thnt llrra assigned to P. Brocluimn Commission companv of St. Louis. The assignment was accepted by the president of the company. On iho 1st of Mny the liroekmnn cooipnny abandoned the elevator nnd two trusted employes ot the elevator com pany , were placed In charge of the property in order to comply with the terms of the in- surunco policies. Advertisements to lunso tbo olcvntor were published , butno blda worn received. On Juno 23 two employes of Frank H. Penvoy went to the olovntor nnd demanded admission. They were armed with nil assign ment of the Brockmnn lease. They were ro- iuscd admittance , whereupon they ran n train Into the elevator and forcibly proceeded to take possession of the property , throwing the elevator company's representatives forcibly from ttio place. The petition then goes on to sayjUint F. H. Penvoy , who Is nn extensive shipper of grain , has n contract with the Union Pncilla nnd Northwestern to ship nil grain over those roads to (3tilcngo nnd Lnko Superior points In consideration of which ho receives n rebate - bate of 2 cents per 100 pounds from the pub Hshod tnrllTs. It is also charged thnt Peavey hna a almilnr arrangement with the VVabusti on St. Louis shipments. And for those and other ronsons the injunction Is nskcd. Cook's Extra Dry bus no superior. Cook's Imperial Is perfectly puro. Cook's Champagne , splendid boquot , IN A TERRIBLE PLIGHT. Airs. Knto Uurllrk Destitute and Sillier I MR Dreadfully. A sad case of destitution and suffering li enlisting the sympathies of thn people who reside In the vicinity of Eighteenth nnd Wil liams streets. A woman lies dangerously 111 m a base ment under the building nt 1710 Williams strcot. Tlio room Is bare nnu comfortless. There Is no carpet on the iloor nnd the furnt- turo Is limited to ono or two broiton apologies for chairs , a small stand nnd the bed upon which the woman lies. There- no veMlao of niiythlng to oat and no facilities for cookIng - Ing it if the cupboard was full. The nick woman Is Mrs. Knto Garlick , who obtained a $1100 verdict tigninst Tom Murray for criminal nssault some tlrao ago. She cnmo to the plnco about three weeks nco nnd since then ban worked when nblo nt washing for some of the neighbors. She was tniccn sick Saturday and lay without assistance until the attention of some of the neighbors was called to tlio case Tuesday night. The woman had been entirely without attend ance and the stench from tbo bed was almost unbearable. She was evidently suffering from the of- fecU of a criminal operation , but steadfastly' refused to tnlk. The county physician was called as wall as several others , but the neighbors claim that they uhownd no inclina tion to nllovlato the sufferings of tbo appar ently dying woman. When you goto Donvorstop nt the Ameri can house. Hates J2.BO to f.'J.M. Homouolod throughout. { Till : KKAI.TY MAIIICKT. rNSTHUMENTB placed on rouord Juno 20 , WAHIfANTY DlfllDS. OS Bolt ? to A O Holts , lot I ( Urns III feet of n side ) ( ? ) and lot 3 , blouk I , I'mldook plnco f 12,000 H K Do HoU to IIII I'nync. lot 17 , block 'J. I'orllntid plnno 000 H O MoUwlf to W J Wllllnirlmm , w 2 ? fcot lot L' . block lDiOiimlm : 10,000 II N I'omeritml wife to Hull Hchwurtr. . n & 7 foot lot a. blook a sub of J 1 UoilloU'H add , lot 24 , blouk I , Wise Ac I'arnioluo'fl vela , loti J , : i and 4 , llndHiiy'n add , and lot 1 ? , liloekl' . Hod ford pliicc , 12,000 I/A nrotr nnd wife to M M lull , lots VU,111 and ia , and a 8 feet of lot fcU , ndd 18,003 John Bullion and wlfo to H T Miller , lot : i. hlookl ) . I'nlliiiaii nlnfo 400 KTMIIInr to K K Malonov , name IW K Ou'.dniiKOn nnd liiiHhiind to II A UruiiR. loUUJ and.'ll , llollulrndd , , . , , . l.WO O W K Uorioy ot nl to Vnlloy Oper.i Homo iihso'iiliitlon , lot 7. hluuk 'J , Miivno'Hlbt mill to Vallmr IPO I'ctor l-'llnr to Kutiir/inin I'llar , purl lot Oiind 10 , blook 1:1 : , Wilcov nild 10 M M lob to L A ( Irofr , loti 2. II , 15 , ni , ( W nnd b" , Nrlnon'8 ndd 15,000 Mi Mapos and lnmbaiul tu II I' Do Hull , lot 111. llool(5 , WcHtKnd ndd 3M ) 0 II ItaHimibsen and wlfu to OlirN UlirlH- tlniinon. lot 7 , Dovrlo'a mibdlv 1,700 VI M Van Hia.v ) HIII ! himband tu W J Wagoner , lot I , block 'J. l-'owlur I'liica. 000 WUUoardorlTU ) II J Whitney , lot U. blook ! > .HIitiirsM : add 2.230 South Omaha Idiml company to I'tter VOIIH : : , lot IB. blouk ICT. Kouth Umtliu. 000 0 I * Illrbott nnd wlfo to II A Illrkitlt. lot 0. blook St'J ' , Omnhn 1 Hnine to HUIIIO. p-irt lot H. block 'JlQ , nunn : 1 W J Wavonor nnd wife to Wauuh ft , U'citorflold. lots i mul 2. blouk 2. I uw- lor I'lnru , 4ota 1 and , blook ! , l t add to I'owliT Place , lut 17 , Wntronor .V I'hnlnn'H siibdlv , lot I' ' , hloclc n. lut mill to 1'owlur 1'lace , and lot 17 , bluuk " , Ixgun 1'luce , , , . , . . , . 1,800 QUIT CLAIM nnBDH. Charles Ilnrrnuk nnd wife to Andrew KoHowntur. lotW. AnUllcId X Hdvrard Alnecoir tu Omnhn and l''lnr- unci ) I.OUM and Tntit comnnny , | OH ! l , 0.1 * , 10 and K' . blook YU , and loU I , 4 , C , II11 nd 13. block III , K.'orunou . W Kdwiird I'lieliin and wlfo to W J WUK. oner , lots 17 and IB , blook 3 , layman 1'luco . . . . , . . . , t DKK1H. Annlo nnd Ellznboth Dnynr to I' ublle. , dudlcntlon of plLt nf "Ottawa I'lacc , located In blnokU , 1'urk I'laco , N K C'owlfs to IOWH ! rctorn. lot 0 , block 1. Covfles'llrat ndd to Ynlloy 33 I N Wuuon. vpeclal niu tur , to J V Iluntur , lot" , blook 6 , Jurowo 1'urU , . . , 5.600 Tel l amount of transfers , , l 83,193