Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ISDAY , JUNE 29 , 1892 ,
faeavy Judgment Against tbo Missouri
Pacific Not to Bo Paid.
lltzgcmlil & Mnttory Construction Cnmrmnr
Will lie Itrqulrfcd to ARiiln I'roiont
It * Olil Clnliiis In the Denver '
& Atlantic Drill.
Ltxcoi.r ? , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tun
tJnr ] The lareost and most voluminous
briefs ever fllod In the Nebraska suproma
court , wltti but ono exception , ronchod Clark
Campbell today. It Is the brief ana argu
ment of B. P. WnRK'onor on behalf ot the
defendant in the case of John FltZRornld and
the BtooKboldors of the Vltzgorald ft Mnllory
Construction corapnny against the Mlsiouri
, fncifla Hallway company , IhU case was
V Instituted by John Fitzgerald , as a stock
holder of the construction company , OR Must
the Missouri I'uclflo and the FltzRorald &
Mullory Construction company to compel an
accounting between the two companies , on
the bulls ot a certain contract , dated May 4 ,
ISbO , whereby the construction company
agreed to sell and the Missouri Pad lie agreed
to purchase contain bonds and stocks of the
Denver , Memphis & Atlantic railway , which
the construction company was to receive for
the construction of a certain line of railway
lor the Denver company , under a contract
Ontod April 28. ll&O.
The trial in the district court tosulted In a
Uncling anil Judgment ngalnu the Missouri
"Toclllo for J4Uri73.43. ! ! From that Judgment
the Missouri I'nclfle company appeals.
< ! < > ll > lit thu Stiitu House.
Articles of Incorporation ot the Knlgnts
Jowi-1 company of Omaha were fllod with the
ccrctary of state today. The company has
a capital stock of 1,000 and the Incorporaton
are W. A. Olhvorth , H. M. DuiUnoll.Hlchard
O'Ni'lll , W. S. HamlUon , E. M. Billings , H.
M. ShaclTcr nnd W. L Seism. The company
will engage In tbo publication of newspapers
and other periodicals.
Hon. W. K. Andrews republican candl-
data for conirress In the Fifth district , was a
culler at the state bouse this afternoon.
J. O. Tnto , grand master workman of the
Nebraska Ancient Order of United Work
men , wns a visitor today.
Low May called nt tlio state house today to
receive his commission as a member of the
Dtato ilsh commission from the nunds of
Governor Uojd.
lllluil Jinn \vlthn Orln\nnco.
Austin Curtis and a young man named
"Wilson , the former colored and both pupils
at the Nebraska City State Asylum lor the
Blind , called on Governor Boyd this fore
noon to complain of Ill-treatment at the
hands of Principal Knkostiaw. They formed
thu rear guard of what seems to liavo been n
preconcerted move on the governor , for sev
eral delegations from tbo same Institution
preceded them. Governor Boyd questioned
them closely. Doth admitted inut they had
not bcun Ill-treated themselves , but that
Piof. RakcsUkw was In the habit of speak
ing to tbo pupils In peremptory tones and
that ho was persistent In his efforts teen *
force discipline. Neither would prefer
dollnlto chnrccs. ( Governor Boyd informed
them that they had assorted nothing that
. .e-'could bo considered as a complaint against
" -f Prof. Uauoitraw.
WnrrliiR OIHclnlg nt thu Asylum.
For some weeks past the local newspapers
of this city have contained sensational ac
counts of mismanagement on the part of tbo
ofllclols ut the stuto hospital fur the Insane.
There is undoubtedly a painful look of har
mony among tbo ofllclals and employes of
that Institution. Tbo disagreements , ac
cording to u statement made by Governor
I3oyd to THE Bui : representative this after
noon , Is the result of a misunderstanding
nmoni : the asylum people as to which shall
exercise authority ever the other. Governor
Boyd stilted that no charges of ofllcial mis
conduct hndlbcon laid before him mid that
ho M ll retained tlio highest confidence In
the integrity of Superintendent Bou-mac ,
tbo reports to tbo contrary notwithstanding.
The affairs of iho asylum were being man
aged economically and honestly. Further
than this the governor stated that thu potty
dissensions among the employes themselves
bad no Interest for him.
Trinity College Sold.
Trinity ball , the Episcopal school for boys ,
which has heretofore been conducted by
private Interests , has boon sold to the Epis
copal dlocoso of Nebraska , the prlco for the
building and grounds bolng (05,000. The
Bchool was Inaugurated by ROT. John Hewitt ,
rector of Holy Trinity church of this city.
and tbo magnificent building has been erected
by Lincoln caoltal. It Is located three miles
north of the postofllco. Arrangement ! had
boon made to open tbo school September 13.
Under the new state of nff airs It Is not known
what arrangements will bo made , further
than that tbo institution will bo actively sui > -
portcd by the dlocoso and will bo made ono
of the leauiug educational institutions of iho
- v ,
Acknowledged lilt ( Juilt.
> John A. Blair , vho was arrested yesterday
on the cbnrga of attempting to assault the
pretty 10-yeur-old wife of Charles Hlskoy ,
ivus urr.ituned in pollro court this forenoon.
Ho denied that bo bad tried to assault Mrs.
Hlskoy , but ho ploadcd guilty to using obscene
language In her presence and of makinc Im
proper propobalu to her. Ho vjns lined 10
and costs by Judge Waters. Tbo Hlskoys ,
notwUhlngany further notoriety , declined
to push iho uuso on the mora sorlous charge
of assault.
* lH > ly NutKliburliooil 1'rucns.
Mrs. Bridget Sullivan was arrested this
tuornlng on the charge of using language
lending to provoke an assault , the complaint
being tiled bv H. F. Bruco. The arrest was
the result of a lively neighborhood row
which occurred last evening at ttio corner of
becond'nnd F streets. Hocks , brickbats and
clubs pluycd an exciting part In Iho brief
and bloodless encounter. A gentleman
named Cnrothors attempted to restore peace
nd qulot In the neighborhood , but younp
Patsy bulltvan drew a revolver and at
tempted to use It. Carothers wrenched the
weapon from the boy's hand and gave him a
severe thrashing. The woman was lined
II and costs unu her eon bold on the charge
of assault.
Hunt to the lleform School ,
Mmnlo Wlllouchby was arrested and token
before Judge Lansing on tbo ohnrgo of Incor-
rlglblilty , and was today placed in the girls'
reform school at Geneva. Her two slstors
were sent to the snmo Institution lust week
on tbo charge of lascivious conduct. The
coujplmnlB against nil tluvo of the girls were
fllod by their oxvn father. Ills divorced wife ,
who is the proprietress of u dtsordcily house
lu this city , resisted tbo proposal to pluce the
girls In the reformatory , but tbo case against
all of i bom was clear.
Lincoln In llrlof.
The lire department was called to 1020 Q
trcctut 1:10 : tola afternoon br u bliizo in u
barn. A small toy's premature Fourth of
July enthusiasm caused the ulurir.
An Imuntu of the Insane asylum , named
Balucr , escaped this morning , The police
ore on tbu Icouout.
The 4-yccr-old son of Chief of Police Otto
died at l:4uthls : aftoruoou of summer com
plaint ,
buvua hundred member * of the Ancient
Order ol United Woilcmcn hold u plcnia at
Lincoln park tills afternoon , Gran a Master
Workman Tuto delivering tin add i ess.
Deputy Shcritf Mcncko of Washington
county arrived In the city today to take
charge of Charles lluutcr , who Is wanted on
a charge of robbery.
Mr * . J. Fitzgerald , the aged mother of
John Fitzgeiald , Is suffering from a light at
tack of puiuljsU.
The luntrul of Myron 1'nUt took place
from Ilenton's undoruUlng rooms niU o'clock
this ufteruoon , there bolng butubinallal-
lii' * 1'rupuiiuil Id-union.
OAKDJII.C , Neb. , Juno -Special [ to TUB
BUR , ] Preparations have been made for a
grand time hero at the north Nebraska dis
trict reunion of Iho Grand Army of the Ho-
public. The program U complete for tbo
four days * session and comprises u full list
of umucmcut > In addition to the routine of
the cauip , The committee bus conditional
engagement * with lion. John J. Inu-ulla utid
collator A. S. i'addock
to bo present and aa-
cress tbo audlooco durlugllioieuulon. Chop-
M H B ettmi
BiBBHBH BHMH BBMBMBB r B ff mgnH * * * * * * *
15e Some people want only the coat ittul
vest out of n suit ixnil that's why \ro have
Ilallmnn. used to got 25c nnd 3ac for a whole lot ot
thoin. colored tics , silk
Fancy lipht
brocades and natln , locks fronts and , stripes 4-ln-lmnds. , checks , dots , ODD PANTS
All the 50c and 75c YOU NEED NOT MUCH MONEY.
. On linml out of $12 niul $15 Btiita that wo
oloso out this \vook tit
NECKTIES A little money goes an awful long ways towards getting a complete
25c outfit at Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale. . In fact , the goods are $1.50
As good us anybody wonrs. being sold regardless of price because they must be cleared out. Thou .
All the Black Satin sands and thousands of dollars' worth have already been disposed of , A PAIR.
Madras Shirts but if has not taken thousands and thousands of dollars 'to buy them. Fancy worsted , light color , striped
Look at the prices at the side of these remarks and see if you ever heard nnd plaid
And Outing Flannel
50c tell of buying a genuine all wool pair of pants for a dollar and a half that PANTS
belongs to a $12 or $1.5 suit ; or a neck-tie for IS cents. You will like
Holltnun sold thorn for 75o , $1 and
" 1.25. Look lu the window. them , Lots of stores sell 50c ties that are not a bit better. What does it
Genuine ALL matter to you what it costs you so long as you know it is worth three or $2.50
four times what you paid for it. That's the way everything in the store
Silk Shirts llollmnn or anybody else would got $1
is going. You're not obliged to say you have on an $8 suit simply be for thoni.
$1.50 cause it cost you that. You can safely rely on its being a $15 or $20 EXTRA SIZE
Elegantly potion up and Hollman . never - suit , Then straw hats , or any kind of a hat , for that matter , well , come in ,
or sold thorn for less thtm $4. PANTS
BROWS ECBDAKDSOUD BLACK we will guarantee to astonish you. The goods must absolutely go and
, that's all there is to it. If you have been here once , come again ; it
Half Hose will pay you to supply yourself for years to come , for no such goods
at such prices will ever be on sale in Omaha again.
15c For long . , loan , lank ; short , stubby ,
stout mon. Holliniin's prlco was $5.
Everybody else gets 25c. Administrator's prluo $3.
At Most Any Price. u (
lulq Lozlor will bo present during the ontlro
reunion. Liberal prizes for nil amusements
have boon hung up. The officers of the
camp are : W. H. VnnGlldcr , colonel ; L. M.
Norton , adjutant ; OnuiKO Brittle , quarter
master ; W. F. Ooiiwoll , surgeon ; 13. F.
Dlublo. marshal ; D. E. Bocliwltb , assistant
marshal. ,
Must KxplHln How Ailiuns County's Fumls
Were Apiiroprlntod.
HASTINGS. Neb , , Juno US. [ Special to Tun
BKB. ] This moriilnir the case of tbo state of
Nebraska against Charles H. Paul , late
treasurer of Adams county , was called for
trial. Mr. Paul Hied nn nftldavlt-statlnR
that ho was unable , to engage attorney * and
asited that judge W. B. McCroary nnd Ma
jor B. P. Smith bo appointed counsel. The
state was Inclined to bollevo that , except , in
capital caios , but ono counsel was allowed
by the stnto. Finally , however , Mr. Paul's
request was granted and the jury box was
filled from the regular panel. The attorneys
manifested a disposition to combat every
inch ot the ground.
Besides County Attorney Chris Hooppnnr ,
the state was represented by General A. U.
Bowen , Judge U. A. Batty nnd ox-County
Attorney J. A. Casto.
Tbo prosecuting attorney In bis statement
ot tbo case to tbo panel stated that it was a
case in which Charles H. Paul wns accused
of having , about January 0 , appropriated to
his own use $54,909.88.
The examination of jurors proceeded
slowly , tbo defense ana prosecution contest
ing ovcry point and interposing objections
and exceptions nt each mooted point. At
1:30 : lu the attornopn the regular panel of
jurymen was exhausted and the sheriff or
dered to summon talesmen. Only one of the
cloven peremptory challenges had been usud
when an adjournment was taken till 930 ; to
Will Moot In Omulm Xoxt Tlmo.
WKST POINT , Neb , Juuo " 3. ( Special to
TUB BRK.J The grand lodge of tDo C. S. P.
S. of Nebraska , nftor a 50331011. of three days
closed its labors yostorday. A grand picnic
was hold at Rivcrsido park Monday after
noon. The next mooting of tbo grand lodge
will bo bold In Omaha in four years. Tbo
following delegates were nresont : Wadav
Flala , V. L. Vodlcka , F. Lvoboda , Omaha ;
F. V. Shonko , Vnduv Maly , U. Sudlk ,
Soliuvlor ; Joseph Jermun , West Point ;
Frank Gross , Wuhoo ; Jan Kaspcr ; Pracruo ;
A. Borocky , T. K. Mnllat , V. Sestok , Wll-
her ; Joseph Jliidra. J. 11. Jcnista , Cruto ; F.
A. Witt , W. Skalak , Humboldt ; T.
TlkoIMcr , Vtrrdlgreo ; Joseph JJryak ,
Pisbolvlllo ; F. Hynos. Morao Bluffs ; F.
Sudlk , David Cit ? ; Jan ttabloudil , Ord ;
Emll Uuldl , Odcll ; Olid Mntods. Platta.
mouth ; Anton Soukup. North Bond ; Joseph
Spuvacok , Kuvonnu ; Pavel Anton , Mllllgan :
W. F. Krlz , Dodge ; A. Kuboc , F. ICotvn , Al.
Boukal , Omaba ; J. Mlcbul , B. Utcntbter ,
South Omaha ; J , U. Matbausor , Clarkiou ;
Jun Staua , Bruno ; Tain Duda , Liu wood.
To AiiUt Nclinmku lit thu I'ulr.
HASTINOS , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special Tolo-
gra ) to . .Tar. BCB.J TbU afternoon tbo
Adams county auxiliary of tbo World's Co
lumbian exposition was organized at the
court houso. Mr. W. W. Cox , supoiln-
tendunt for this district , was present nnd ad
dressed tbo mooting. Air. James M , Clurko
was elected president , E. S. Fowler , treas
urer mitl Colonel Isaao Leclloyt , secretary.
A committed was * appointed to confer wltb
tba. Board of Supervisors and If possible to
gat the board interested in the matter at tba
next meeting. Vlco presidents from each
township In tbo county will bo chosen.
Ono of tlui .Mlmoiirl' * I'rwikn.
Nr.iniASKx Cur , Noli. , Juno 28. [ Special
Telegram to TIIK Buu. j The Missouri rtvor
took one of Its sudden freaks at this city today
day and began cuttiucr badly on the cait'sldo ,
undermining tbo bank under the span of the
B. &M. A largo force of men has been at
work. ell day tilling in with rook and bruh
and tiopo to bo able to atop the damage.
Died of 1IU
Nob. , JUDO 28 [ Special to
TUB Bun , ] iJhns Dlotrich , tbo man so badly
injured lu u runaway lu the street * of this
vlilugo about ton days ago , ulcd thu morn-
Ing. _
runorul of Air * . Uitvltl Cluypnlo.
COZAII , Nob. , June 23. [ Special to Tun
IlL'c.J The funeral eorvlcos of Mrs. David
Clay polo were held hero yesterday. TUo
Liudsey post , No. 51 , Women's Uellef Corps ,
of which Mrs. Claypolo w s an nctlvo mem- |
oor , had charge of the services. The do-
'coasod was formerly a resident of Hastings.
Ncbrimlm School Mutter * .
GOTHKNUUIIO , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to
TUB BBE.J The annual school mooting was
hold last night. The report * of the treasurer
and director show the district to bo iinun-
clally and otherwlso in a prosperous con
dition. The census shows an enumeration ot
208 children of school age , a largo increase
during the past year. The district adopted a
change from common to high school and
elected six trustees as follows : C. F.
Spencer , U J. Malmsten , W. D. Grlflln , H.
C. Booker , E. O. West , F. M. Sprlnsteon.
Ton months' school were voted for and a tax
levy of 22 mills ordered. The present school
site was ordered sold and two other sites se
lected and tbo souse of tbo meeting was
unanimously in favor of bulldme a erich
school bousb at a cost of $10,000 or ovor.
NEIUUKA , Neb ; , Juno 28. [ Special to THE
BKK. ] At tbo school election yesterday the
village voted to build a $5,000 briok school
POSOA , NOD. , Juno 28. [ Special to TUB
BEK.J The annual school election was hold
in the Garabo opera house yesterday after
noon. J. A. Mobr nnd A. S. Wassou were
elected to tbo board for threevoars to suc
ceed themselves , and A. W. Hose was
elected for ono voar to 1111 tbo vacancy caused
by the icslgnntlon of M. L. Kossitor.
STANTQ.V. Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to THE
BEG.I At the school election in this city , A.
A. Kcarnoy and M. C. Gambia were elected
for tbo ensuing term of tioo years. Of the
total vote zust , 131 , Mr. Kearney received all
but two.
UUSIIVILLK , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to
Tin : Buii.J At tbo school election yesterday
a motion was curried to cbango from a public
to a high school government in pursuance of
which tbo foltcwing board wns elected : H.
C. Dale , August Brockmau , W , M. Alexan
der , J. W. Grubb , W. H. Wostovor , J. H.
Hamsborgor. Prof. W. I. Austin , ( tbo pres
ent cfllciont principal , was rotulncd.
Will Cololirato tlio l < 'ourth.
HAUTIXOTON , Nob. , Juno 28. Hartlngton
does not intend to take a baclc seat in the
celebration business on the i'ourth. Nearly
$500 has boon raised for iho occasion , Hon.
W. A. Poynter , the Independent candidate
from this district , will deliver tbo oration.
Musio will bo furnished by tbo Company "I"
band of this citv.
HUSUVILI.I ; . Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to
TIIK BBK.I The patriotic citizens of Hush-
vlllo bavo completed preparations for a
rousing , old fasbloned celebration on the
Fourth , and a big crowd and a good time are
expected. Nearly $500 has been raised to
help the eagle scream , 225 of which Jwill DO
expanded for a mammoth tent. A special
train from Cbndron has been chartered. A
larcro delegation of Sioux Indians from Plue
Hldgo will participate and favor tbo crowd
with an Omuba danuo in the evening ,
bovoral trotting and running races and a
gumo of base ball between tbo Cbadron and
Hushvlllo clubs are on tbo program. Hon.
S. M. Smyser of Hemiugford will bo orator
of tbo day.
Holt Comity Crop I'ronpuctg.
O'NEILL , Neb , , Juno 28. [ Special to Tim
BEE.J A refreshing rain fell last night In
this section of Holt county. Crop prospects
wore uovor butter , especially for small
grain. The injury to corn in the north part
of the county , which was caused by recent
heavy rains , was exaggerated at tlio tluio of
the llrst report aud farmers from that
direction report that the loss will be small.
STANTON. Neb. . Juno 23. jBpootal to TUB
BEK , ] A line rain visited this section ol iho
country lust night , accompanied by some
wind. Butlltnoor no duiuugo was dono.
Crops of alt kinds are looking well and the
prospects for all Kinds of grain are very good.
Ho \Vll\hlunil \ Trial.
KBAUNBV , NOD. , Juno 28. jSpectal Telegram -
gram to Tnu BEE.J John Barnd , ox-cashier
of tbo defunct Commercial and Savings bank
of this city , returned and gave himself up
vosterday. This afternoon bis oxaminatlon
was held in tbo county court and ho was
bouud ever In the sum of $25,000. Ho was
allowed twenty-four IIOUM to procure it ,
Bo aura and USD Mn. Wlnslow's Soothing
syrup for your children wbilo teething. 23
cents u bottlo.
ruyineuu to Indium ,
Special Indian Agent Cooper Is In tbo city.
Colonel Cooper has just Disbursed annuities
amounting to (100,000 , at Pine Hid go , Uoso-
bud , Cheyenne Hivor , Standing llocit , Fort
ICough nnd'Tonguo ' Rivet. "Conlpany I , See
and infantry'Fort ' Omaha , also catno in for a
Colonel Cooper will proceed to Kansas
City , Kan. , where be will pay out to citizen
Indians about $30,000 , under the treatv ot
1855. ono of the old tangled up deals wblch is
now adjusted , and orders for the payment of
which await Agent Cooper at Kansas City.
Preparations Fur Kiiougli Along to Insure
n ( Stand Colobriitlon.
Tbo nrrangomants for Omaha's celebra
tion of tbo great national holiday are rapidly
being completed , and the success of the
demonstration is assured.
The parade will bo ono of tbo most elab
orate and unique over soon in Nebraska.
This feature of the affair is under the per
sonal management of Major Clarkson , Who
is much pleased with the interest taken by
the business men of tbo city. Each firm
will DO limited to ono wagon or float.
Tbo committo ha ? written to a number of
the leading orators of tbo city , but as no re
plies have been received * tbo speaUers have
'not been decided on.
The proaram will bo carried out at Jeffer
son square , where two platforms will bo
erected at diagonal corners. Tbo Dec
laration of Independence will bo road ,
and short addresses by the speakers.
The expense of the colouration
Is still partially unprovided for , but
the committee has no doubt
of Its ability to raisa the required amount.
The Board of Trade will contribute ) $ .250 and
the Individual subscriptions of its members
will aggregate an equal amount. The county
commissioners bavo appropriated $500 and It
is expected the city council will contrlbuto
? 1,5U. ( ) The Board of Education has appro
priated $500 and tbo banks will also con-
tilbuto liberally.
Secretary Nnson of the Board of Trade re
quests all business mon who are will
ing to contrlbuto $1 or more to
the undertaking to send the amount to him
at the Board of Trade rooms.
Sliorintiu'H Hummers.
All Sons of Veterans nnd young men from
17 yojtrs pf ago to 20 that will volunteer to
turn'out on horseback In the parade on July
4 to represent Sherman's "bummers" of 1804
are asked to moot tbo oantatn at 8 o'clock
sharp on Saturday evening at Custer post
hall. No. 110 North Fifteenth street , to make
llnal arrangements for tbo parade.
VVsi. H. STEPHENS , captain.
Itnllroad Notes ,
Pat Humphrey , advance pusher and gen
eral rustler for the Lake Shore , was in the
oity yesterday on rout o west.
President S. H. H. CWrk of the Union Pa
cific loft for the west Monday on the fast
mull to join bis associates , Messrs. Dickin
son , Lomax , Koity. Bfl&klngham and Ma-
Connell , wbo are taklng's'trip ' ' overtbo west
ern divisions of tbo roacliJU
Tboro nro three "ofllciol1"1 railroads already
announced to carry the delegates to tbo na
tional convention of tbp Woplo's party. Ttao
B. & M. will run two specJaln from Chicago to
Omaha , leaving iho fornlir city JunoiK ) , and
ono from St. Loult. EaiM' of these xpeclals
will consist .of six sloop"efs , two chair oars
and ono ba gage oar , ttud will arrlvo in
Omaha before noon July1 ! ! '
L. H. Korty , at tbo lastrannual meotlntr of
railway telegraph suptiflhtendenta hold in
Denver , was olcctod president for the ensu
ing year , a position wul tij.ho Is otnluotitly
able to 1111 on account of-lils long association
with the telegraphic service of the Union
Pacific. At present MrJ Korty Is with tbo
party of Union Pacific dfllclals who are In-
speotlng the western system , and In
not expected back before tbo mlddla of
Tor renovating the entire system ,
eliminating all I'olsonn from the
_ Jllooil , whether of scrofulous or
1 origin , this jirciaratlou has no cijuaL
"For eighteen months I had an
catlnc eoro on my tongue. I was
- B treated by l > cst local iihyslolaus ,
but btained no relief i tlio sore gradually grew
worse. I llnally took B. H. S. , and was entirely
cured after using a few bottles. "
C. 11. JICLEMOIIK , Henderson , Tex.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlv
cases mailed fruo.
Atlanta , da.
To be Inscribed upon ttie marble slab which
inall mark the last testlUf ; place of
IB alrssdy written. But before you abandon all
hope and give yourself op to die. have a private
consultation with America's most gifted and
luccesflful Specialists , the famous
nboae greatest triumphs bare been won in the
euro ol cases which others failed to cure.
All ipeedlljr , safely and permanently cured
by their roanelous skill and modern metbodi.
Bend 4 cents In stamps for their lundsomelr
Illustrated new book ot 120 pages , worth Its
weight In gold.
Consultation free. Call upon or address wlU
stamp ,
110 South llth St. tf.liJ. Corner 14th
and Douglas Sti
About the Columbia I'nouiiiutio Tire It
woitrs Tested to two hundred pounds
ikbuvo rlilliiK prcsauro A compound tube of
rubbers vulcanized with OUIIVUH Uvurn
Kueli part utrunk'tliunlni ? the othurs 0rout-
em resistance to puncture Must resilient
roud tire 1'rooiloiii from liiolnu. wrirnlnK
unU other obJoctlonuDlunolnts TholiUhoit
L-rudo tire of bolentillu sliiiplloity Abau-
lutoly guaranteed for a yuan
All about It and Columbia's cycles In our
book about Uolumblus , irco on application
to any Columbia iigonU orsoiit hy until for
two two-cunt stumps t'opo Mfc. Ca , I..1 !
Columbus Avu , Itanium
Elastic StOGkings
Weak Limbs
Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdominal -
minal Supporters
ters , Deformity
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
1616 St. , Next to Post Office
The use of stimulants in moderation lo
recommended by the wisest physicians ,
especially for the weak , aged and those suf
fering from pulmonary or heart troubles.
is a carefully selected whiskey distilled
from the most nutritious grain , viz , Rye ;
unlike inferior whiskies , including Bourbons
bens , it will not rasp or scald the throat or
stomach. It is strictly pure and is known
by its delicious flavor and the proprietary
bottle in which it is served. Call for Cream
Pure Rye and take no other. For sale at all
first-class drinking places nnd drug stores ,
5 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago.
Unlike ie Dutch Process
No Alkalies
OK '
Other Chemicals
are used in the
preparation of
Breakfast Cocoa ,
which iB absolutely pure
and soluble.
It has more than three times the ilrcnyih
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , and is far mora economical ,
costing less than one cent a cup. It
is delicious , nourishing , and i ; A SILT
Sold by Crocors everywhere ,
W. Baker & Go , , Dorchester , Mass.
Save Your Eyesight
Ryes tested free byan KXl'KHT OI > naiAN
I'orfuctadjuiitmuiit. Uuperlur louses. Nurv-
oushoadaohu cured hy uslii : ; our Snoolucles
and Eyoglnssos I'rlcu-i low for llrst clu i
JUS. ISthSt. , Crol htaa H lock
Apis in Palaces
That is the sort of thing Th3
Bee Bureau of Claims \vas \ or
ganized to correct. The
Bureau believes in giving
the veterans the benefit of
the laws that were passed
to help them. It wages
war on the sharks consequently
quently the sharks don't like
it. But as long as the sol
diers aie grateful it is satis
fied. If you are a veteran ,
or the widow , child or de
pendant parent ol a veteran ,
write to li.B Bej Bureau of
Claims and find out how
much the government is
willing to do for vou.
Bee Bateau of Claims
1512 Douglas Street , Omaha.
Western Agents Wright & UlUon's
A full line of Koncrnl Atlilotle Gooila.
llnniiiincks. HutliliiK BiiIK L'oot HiillR. Indian
Clnhs 1 hi in I ) Ildilx. llniiti , Niits. bullies ,
' TuckU' , eU > , , eta
Bono for onlulogno nnd prlccH. at
tention gh en to mull orclorri ,
Frank Cross Gun Co. ,
1812 Douglofi Stree' .
RVKItVf 111X11
Call ( in tit AT ONCI ! unit linvo Ilicm oxnni-
lnvdKHKKOKCIIAHlh ( ( ) by our Optician , ami ,
If netuMiiry.mtocl wlthii imlrof our ' 1
BUM.NTIKHAIIY mm Krimi luntvn to roii-m
H | | thu vnrluui ilofctu of vlnlmi , nidi in
UVl'KUMK'lJIUl'lA ( fur "ll.'l't ' > , MIOl'U Ini-ar
ultttit ) , 1'UKHII VOl'IA ( old UljtAH'l ) HIM A'l IBM
( Irri'xulnr Bliilit ) , AbTllKMM'IA ( weak lthti !
mn-oriA ( iiuupiu iuiit ) , AMSUMKTUUIMA
( unoiiial | nUlit ) , HJHAlllSMUd ( | iilntor cruM
uyu ) , etc , out.
KYBGLASSHS from $ . ' < Upwards.
EYEGLASSES from $1 Upward.
the Eyou from COo Up.
Practical Opticians.
ami JGlh Sts. , OMAHA.
Established I8G6.