2 THE OMAHA DAILY PEEfWEPNKSlUY | ; , JUNE 23 , 1832. UNDER THE HOODOO'S ' BAN Omaha's Team Again Finds Jteclf Power less in Columbus Champions' Presence. COULD NEITHER BAT NOR FIELD Kvory Knur Mnilo liytlin Hint let * Counted n Score for tlm IJurhoyc ltnn Cltr Coiifllilrrntrly tlritH Toledo Other ( Juntos. Columbus , S ; Omaha , 0. Kansas City , 4 ; Toledo , 'I. Milwaukee , fi ; Indianapolis , 1. Fort Wnyuo ruin. Coi.Uiinug , O. , Juno 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hr.B.J Oavo Howe's Hustlers mot with a sorry fntu lioro today , anil nine Innlnirs wcro not long enough for them to score. In tbo fifth Collopy got as far nround the ba < o * ni the third corner , hut ho lano- tnlnlously perished nt the pinto whllo fool ishly trying to score on an Intlola hit of Darny's. Yet tlm satno boy Collopy mndo n sensational running cntch ofT the bat of Joe Walsh , in the sumo Inning that was a hair ralnor. O'Day pile-hod wonderful ball , nnd two of the four hlls poutided out by the Uustlors were scratches. The Kelly ana ( 'ollopy hits wi-ro the only ones mndo by the visitors. Darby pitched a strong gnmo until tno eighth Inning when Colunious hit him hard. The orrow of Sueibock were very costly. In the first Inning nn error of Collopy lot Wnlsh lo second , where ho was forced outby O'Hourko's hit to Darby , Uunipau hit a grounder to llenglo , but Itoxva droppoa the n-tMst and the runner reached Bocond. Lai- ly's SBcrlllco scored O'Kourko und McClol- Inn's thrco bilso hit over Visner drove In ( jntnpau , In the seventh McClollan's base on ball" , 4 n wlttl throw of lluycs to catch him nt Bocond and Merrill's single scored Me- Clnllan. In the eighth Omaha wont to pieces nnd with soniu hard hitting flvorur.s woroscorod l > y Columbus. Sholbock raado twn nnd Kelly ono error In this Inning , and with singles by McCiollan , Abbey and Morritt , n double by Lally , a huso on balls to Campau nnd Q'Uburlto's forcu bit , the dnmaeo was dono. The Omulm team played poorly nnd acted ni if It wcro beaten before n ball was pitched. Score : OMAHA. Totals a2 H 0 l LT II 1 scone nv IN.NIMIS. Omahii 0 Columbus 2 0 U 0 0 n 1 fi8 SUMMAKV. Ilnnsonrned : Columbus , 4 , Two-base hits : l.ally , McrntL Throo-lmsu MIL : McCIollun. llaso 'oil tKills : Off Darby , 4 : oil' O'Day. a. Btriiokoul ! Hy Daruy. : by O'D.iy. 4. Loft on buses : Onltiha. 4 ; Columbus , 4. Tlmii of trumn : One hour : inJ forty-live mlnuues. Um pire : Snyder. Helped Omulm Out. Tot.Kiio , O. , June 28. Kansas City played a stiff catno this afternoon and by timely balling won a hard aarnod uamo f rom'Tolodo. Wonllinr fair. Allundnncc , KK. Score : ( HI Clurk , 1 : HIT rajrnu , 2 , Molcn bnnos : Ciiuiilon | , Mchul. lilt l > 7 iiltrliur : Cnmplon. Struck out : lljr l-ajrnc. 4 ; b > Clnrk , 1. 1'agwl liills : : lly Dorl- IIIK , 1. \\lhl | iltclicn. Hy Clnrk. Tlmo of Knmc : Duo hour und thirty ndnutds. Uaiplro : riurad. They Fullcil to Kiit. .is , Ind. , Juno 23. Inability to hit Burrell lost Indianapolis today's ' garao. Attonaanco , 1'JOO. Score : Kcoiu ; nv INNINOS. Inillnnapolla . 0 1 MUnnukcv . . . . . 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 5 Bt'.MM.\UV. Knrncil runs : Milwaukee , 3. Tiro-bnso lilt : O'HrliMi. 'Ihreii-linji ) him : Henry , Ilnnnliuu. llonhla l > liijr : llonaluuitii Karl , llaso on bulls : on Hulll viui,3 : on lliirrcll.il. Hacrlllco liltn l.olcher , Her- iicr , Twllclu > ll , lluiirjr , llunnliuo , Hniiiburi ; . stolen hnii's : \Vnrcl. ICnrl. Henry. Struck out : II T MilH- run , 4 : br Iliitroll , I. rninuil lnillt : llr Nnulo. Iluioof Knnin : Unaliournntl tblrty-llvo mlnutca. Iliuplro : .Mi-CJunUl. NATIONAL Ro mill Clnvtiluna Try Huril to ( Jet Oir Ciinie , lint I'ull. UIIICAOO , 111. , Juno 23. A heavy rain at 3 o'clock soaked the grounds so that tlioy were unlit to play on , but after a halt hour's delay a game was called with Luby and Youne as pitchers. Tha Colts Jailed lo score In the llrst and Luby had his pitching hund badly Injured In uttomptlnu to slop a hot liner , ' when bolh K"-'s wore declared oft by mutual consent , Nrllhcr Wuntuil Until. NEW Youic. Juno S3. The Now Yorit nnd Ilrooblyu lemiib clayed two games ut Urook- lyn today , cacli winning one. Attendance 4.WW. Score : Now York . 1 10102000-5- llrooklyt . a 0 'J u 0 4 o I rj illla ! Now Yorlc. fli llrooklyn , 14. Eirors : Now \nrlc. T ! llrooUlyn. 2. K4nioil runs : llrooklyiiMi Now Ytirk , S. lluttorlos : Itustu und lloyle ; Ihulilofl ; and Daly. Second puuiot New York . 1 2 0 1 3 2 0 o P 8 llrooklyn . , . l 0 0 1 1 0 o o 0-3 Uitst New Vork , 8) ) llrooklyn , a Krrors : Now } orK. a ; llrooklyn. 1. Karnud runa : Now il ii"ulturlL"'t Oranu und lloylus Ktelit id I'li Jiniiiioil on thu Oriole * . UAI.TIMOHI : , Ala. . June 28. llsltlinoro lost today's came with the Wajhlngtous \Vealhorgood. Attondanno , Oil. Score : Haltliuoro . . OUOUOOSUO 8 Wu.ihtiiKton . S 0 2 0 0 2 4 2 n UlUt ] ! .ililinorr , 13 | Waililimton , It Krrorsi u t uiocf. 6i ; > a liiiiKtoii , a. Iluincil runs IfultliiioH' . \\iuliinm.iii.ii. : . lliitturluii lluf. llngton ii * it Itoblnsont Kuell uml Mltllk'uu. hUtffii htrulclit Victoria , PIIIUIIMJ-IIIA , I'll. , Juno 23. Uoston could do nothing ntuli wltli Ueefn' * avllvury to. day. Weutuor tiloasant ; uttundanco O.IW. 8oro : lliMtou. . . „ . , . . 010000000-1 i uiudciphin . y i u o o a i i a llllst llotlon , a i I'lilludolphla. JOi I > rorhi lloiton.S ! riilladulplilu , l. KurnuU riuui I'lill- ydclotili. ( l llntterU > ; CUrkiou ana Kully : Keofo and UlcincntH. Uuuiiftl * UoulUa't Ult Tonyr CINCINN-TI. Q. . June U3. The ltea played nu errorless uarne and tbo l ouUvlllos wore unabla to bit MuUano. Worm. Attend. nnco , U.UOU. bcoru ; tllnoluDatl. . . , . , . 0 * 4 UmlnvUlo . . . . 100000UOO 1 lilts : riaolnnatl. Hi Loulivlllo , li. Krrorii Oliicluu U , uj lA > ulivlll0 , L KuruoU ruu : Clu- clnntill. 3 | Ixiulsvlllo. 1. llaltcrloi : Mul- lanunnd VatiRlint SnnUcMand Dowse , llrciwiift Down tlio .loiinlm ARiiln. ST. Lofi , Mo. , Juno 23. Terry nndUlca- son both pltclK-il peed ball today , but tno for mer was poorly supported and tbo Browni vron , Weather warm ; attcndanco 1,500. Score : fit. touIs 5 0 7 rituhunr. loutiOOOO 2 'I HIM : PI. Iioiils. fi : I'llliburs. " . Krrors : 8t , Louis , Us 1'ittsbiir/ . Knrncd runs : nono. Ilutlorlcs ! ( llaiiBon nnd Uuckloyi Terry anu .Muck. STATI : n ( Ininn to ( Irniul Isluiiil nt lloinr. r , Nob. , Juno 23. jSpcclnl Tclo- cram to TUB Br.n.J The game here today between Kearney nnd Urand Island resulted ( In a victory for the beet fiends. The cotton boys had everything their own wnj for a short tlmo , but n good beginning came to a bad ondjjts the score shows. Hopp was put In the box ted late for the homo team. Scora : Kournov , . , . 3 1 I I 0 0 0 I 07 Grand Islund . 0 00503010-1) ) Il.iUorlafri : Kearney. Cmtono , Hopn ntul 1'Ynr ' : Qrniul Island , Hoofur mil lloady. - - - - MnJor Homo Covers tlio Mlle Qulclcar Tlinu It I'.MTVIIH lletoro. SiiKnrsiii.vi ) BAV U.vcu TIUCK , N. Y. , Juno 23. There was another light crowd in attendance this afternoon nnd they saw some very extraordinary racing. Major Dome furnished the sensational feature by covering the mlle that constituted the first race in the rattling fast tlmo ot 1:302-5. : The circular course record is 1:3UK : , mndo by Itaclno at Chicago. Ho carried but 107 pounds , while MajorDomo Dome thlh nttornoon'put up 110 , which makes the lattor's performance the best. Garrison landed Comnncbo , a 0 to 1 chance , winner of the sprlnc stakes by a length. Garrison's hard work on Comaucho brought on a bom- orrhngo of Iho lungs. Ho was around again in n few moments , but the altack is n warn ing not to reduce below 113. Ho weighed this afternoon 11(5 ( . Klrst race , ono tulle : Major Dome (1 ( to 3) ) won , Kex (7 ( to I ) seeor.d , Slulpnor ( J to 1) ) third. Time : lJ'Ja:5. : Second race , the Soring stake * , futurity course : Coinucho lO to I ) won , Sir Kr.iucls ( li to 1) ) Hccornl , AjuII ( to.r > ) third. Time : 1:1' : ! 4-5. Third i-.iee , the Sun and h'ound stakes , inllu and it furlong : Sliollbnrk ( \ to5) ) won , Cuter Cl lo I ) second. Mars ( i ! to I ) third. Tlmo : lS78-5. : Fourth race , thu Coney Island cup , mile mid a half : Umjislrcot (1 ( to IU ) won , George W ( IW to 1) ) .second. Time : -:4iU- : ; . " > . 1'lftb rave , mlle and u ttirlon ? : Ilunnuot ( oven ) won , 8illlo : McOlolland ( l.'l to 5) ) second , Miulstonodl Io5) ) third. Tlmo : 'JOI. : Sixth race , llvo furlonirs ! Muscovite (0 ( to 1) ) won , Atliinta ( 'i to 1) ) second , /.anfa (9 ( lo 1) ) tliml. Time : 1OJ. : soveiilli race , one mlle und three furlongs on tin f : llloiitnlnff ( ID tofi ) won. I.l/.zlolU ( to 1) ) hecond. Nomud ( .1 to r. . ) tlilnl. Tlmo : --0. : Still in thu flliid. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 23. The same condition n greater dogrco today at Washington park so fur as the track was concorncdprovailcd to than on deroy day. The thr.o.ilcnlng weather Dually brought rain just before tbo tirst race was slnrlcd and several sharp showdrs nmdo the track still more heavy. Asldo front thu Lakcsido stakes , tbo curd today held out little promise. Several owners refused lo outer for Iho purses on iho heavy truck , but notwith standing the.se adverse condilions about ! > , OuO people were present. It was noticeable thai 'the belling was hardly up lo Iho standard. First rucc. pnrao for Il-vour-olds and np- wuicls. mile and ono-slxleonth : The tlerowon. Unimoii Nueond , lailu May third. Tlmo : 2li : . Second race , for 3-yonr-oldR nnd upwards- slx fnrlonss : Uonlont. won , Fred Huston second end , Kutfonlo third. Time : I'Suv : Third race , Iho Lnkosl'lu ' slakes , n swoep- RluKe for2-vour-old Illlles , $ l , ! > no udcied , llvo fnrlotms : ( Julvcr fJ loj ) won. Shadow (10 ( to I ) sucond. Coluiuhhi (8 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:15 : . Fourth rueo , free htinillcap for Il-yenr-olds and upward , wllh fM ) nddod , onu mile and a furlong : lll hliind (7 ( to 10) ) on , LewVolr ( U tofi ) bemud. Time-L'OM. No othersHturled. Flr = t race , for : i-voar-olils und iipnards , throe-iiuuricr mlle bents. First heut : Illg Throe ( I toy ) won. Knelt In It (12 ( toft ) second. Tlmo : 1 : I. No other sturtora. Ill * Three won the bucoml heat nnd thu nice. Time : HUM. Uettln- : to 10 ; Knelt In U. 8 to 1. Ilmultn nt KiiusiiH City. KAXS\H CITV , Mo. , Juno 28. The llfthduy of the Juno running mooting at Kansas City park drew n largo attendance. Track fust Weather line. First nice , Rolllnc , five furlongs , purse $3)0 : llnpliv Day won. Sir l.iiincelot ; second ; Little Iluukdon third. Tlmo : 1:04 : ! - : > . b'crnnd nice , six fnrloir-'s , JIUMO J200 : Itay Oncstor won , Virgin second. KuyHtonu third. Time : 1IU Third race , aollliiK. four fiirlonss and fifty yards , pur-o f50 ! : llolon Wren won. Thanu second. Mildred third. Tlmo : lU3L-.r : > Fourth ru-e ; , hundlc.ip. one mllu und flftv ynrdH. imrnofliU : 1'at ICItns won. Uurter U second. ( Jnib Cider tlilnl. Time : 1:49. : Fifth rucc , soiling , nlno-.slxtoonthsof ainllo , purse J.'Ot ) : Decoy Maid won , Netllo May BCC- onil , Lltlto .Minnie third. Time : M D.5 Slxthr.icc. selllntr. iilno-Klxteuntli-iof timlle , pursu $ : ( X ) : ( iruclo M won. Sluopy Fred second. Althou third. Tlinu : 535. . Tln | fur Tnilii- . Hero are the cholco horses entered for thoraces races ted ay : CONKV ISLAM * . 1. Merry Monuroh Fulry. A fllrlllclmrd-lllrnin. IL ItOOXOII I'OtOIIIIII ! . 4. Wuttcri-oii Frontunae. fi. Rvtra HllssColt. C. Llvonlu Lurclimont. WASIIINOTON PA UK. 1. Cavurton Bllvorailo. i Southern Lady nliilu Murlun. : i. HU Thrue Tbn Hero. 4. l.nw OiirllHlo UonsJL'iioi ) . B. Kmporor Ho--ont Ulster. ( J. Slioslione Joe ( Jimor , Sr.XKKH ! ' M'OltT. _ ' * * Yiilu ItinitM Harvard und Tliut I.ouves tlio Clmmpliinlili | linnet tlcil. NEW HAVKM , Conn. , June 'JS.Ynlo and Harvard pluycd nn oxcitlug game hero this afternoon. It was the second of the scries and the clos'.ng Intercollegiate champion ship match of tlio season. Contrary to expectations , Yale hulled Highland's freely. On Iho other band Harvard was. unable to secure morn than llvo straggling singles off Dowers. Folding honors wcro about equal , though Yala' * mUpluys were thu more costly , Seven thouimud spec tators witnessed the contest. Yale look Iho load In the llrst Inulnrf and was never headed. Tbo roiull of todav'a ganto leaves tbo cbumulouslilp undecided. Yule tried to arranRo for a game on neutral grounds in July , but Harvard refused , and as both cok' | os huvo closed the champion ship will remain unsettled. Score : Vulo . 8 0 0 U 0 0 2 0 4 llarviml. . . . , , , . i U Hits : Vulo R Harvard fi. 'Krrar , ; , < t : Yule. Si llUrvnrd. . lliiltvrlui : iloweiu and Koiloro : lljtllowull SiMireluira on the Itond. MIRMUHI yiur .la. , Juuo 12S. [ Special Telegram to-'Tim JJas.J--Thls evening tbo local w hue ! club run a race to Calhoup and return for the season record , the dlatunoo being twplvo mlloa. August Kiss won the medal and W. K. Jones took tocoud place. Time , lorty-cijjhi minutes. Not lee t Truvulliitf 5ton. It Is rcciueatod that all Omaha parties Intending - tending to attend the traveling mou's plculo and nail game at Oreondulo on Saturday JulrS. ISltt , tueat.-atttiaArca4o.hoUl kttt : l a. m. ( harp , Instead of 10 o'clock a. m. . aa previously nuuouucoa. Train leavoa Onmbii union depot ut U o'clock o. m. nnd Council Bluffs local depot of the Hock Iiland nt Uao : a. m. All traveling men and families cordUlly Invited. DoWUVKariuuarllla cleante * the blood ANOTHER TERROR ON THE SEA Launching of the Battle Ship Texas From the Norfolk Navy Yard , * - THIRTY THOUSAND PEOPLE WITNESSED IT Description of ttio ( Iront Vriscl , Hrr Armn- incut nnil Machinery New Departure * In Nnvnl Construction llrr Fight * IIIR : ntul Illuming Ciiii.icitV. PORTSMOUTH , Va. , Juno US. The great battle shin Tcxna was successfully launched from the Norfolk navy yard at 11 o'clocu today in tbo presence of IWjOOO people. The United Stnlos ship Texas Is n twin- scrowsocondclass battleship of GW."i ! tons nor mal displacement. Ilor principal dimensions nro : Length botwoou porponalcularsSUO foot ; cxlromo breadth , iH teqt 1 inch ; molded depth , ,10 foot , 8 hi elms ; designed draft of waior forward , 23 foot ; designed draft of water aft. 23 foot. When carrying about fiOO tons of coal nho can steam 1,110 miles at her estimated hlghou speed , IT knots , or S,5Uu miles nt 10 knots. Tnoro Is bunker capacity , however , for'150 additional tons. llii\v Slui IN Armed. The main nrmamont consists of two 12- Inch brcochtoadmg cuns , each weighing forty-six nnd a-hnlf tons , molded in two turrets , en echelon , ono bolnij on ilia star board side lift , the other on the port side forward - ward , having n compluto broadside rutigo on their respective nines , the forward or port gun also having a rutigo of 40 degrees on the starboard side , and the lift gun 70 degrees on the port side , with six ( Much brooebloadlng guns , ono mounted forward and ono aft on tbo upper dcclt , a * bow and stern chasers , each having urarrgoof ISO degreestho others being mounted in sponsons on the uiniu deck. The socptidnry battery consists of four 0 pounder nnd four 3-pounaor ruptd-Ilrlng guns , with four 4V in-m-Hotchlms guns , nil mounted on the gun clock behind 14 ! Inch platings ; two Galling guns and two 37 m-in-llotehltlsH , mounted on the hrldgo , iho sumo in the military a-tops and two 3-poundor rapid-firing guns on the for ward bridge. There nro six torpedo tubes , ono in tbo bow , ono in the stern and two on each side. A strong ram bow adds to her offensive powers. , Thoroughly Protocte.il. The turrets are armored wita twelve Inches of stool nnd tticlrbasos are Inclosed by a diagonal guard with twelve Inches of stcol , which so protects Uip hydraulic ran- cultiori for working the gun's and thosmoko plpo eatings. A bolt of steel .armor twelve ' ' inches thickextending two fcolab'ovo 'tho designed water line , 4) ) fepl below it and 110 feet In length , protects the bolters and en gines. A protective deck of two-inch stcol is laid above the armor belt , Beyond this belt , it is inclined down wards towaid the extremities and sides nnd is thrco inches thick on the slopes. At tbo ends of the belfaro diag onal armored bulkheads of six-Inch stool , liointod toward the bow nnd stern , whoso oblique surfaces afford additional protection. This protective dock carries Iho massive sup- norts for thu redoubt above , nnd has coa bunkers at the stdo andfcxtonding athwart- ship , which protect , the support. All the hatches and openings on this deck have cofferdams. The top of the redoubt is cov ered with a two-Inch stcol dectc ; the redoubt is continuous and is accessible only from the protective dock. The hull is of stcol throughout and is built on the cellular system. A double bottom ex tends under the engines , boilers and maga zines , nnd is divided both longitudinally and transversely into numerous watertight com- Daritncnts. This double ootiom Is conlinuod both fore and aft by iho floors of storerooms , etc , and the extremities are arranged as trimming tanks. The space between the double bottom and tbo protcclivo dock Is subdivided into many watertight compart ments , whdso numerous bulkheads add lethe the ship's strength. There nro 129 of these coraiiurtmenls , all connected to steam and hand pumps by an extensive drainage sys- totn , thus minimizing the disastrous effects of the ram and torpedoes. In the wnko of the armor belt the ship has a triple skin , as there is a wing p.issagn outboard the coal ounkors. In the coal bunkers ubovo tbo pro tective deck thcro Is a fore und aft water- light bulkhead girder , exlocding llvo foot noovo tbo walorlino , giving the ship a triple skin to this height. IIo\v thu Machinery Is Arranged. The boilers and engines are contained In six watertight compartments below the pro tective dock , three on each side , with a central tral passage providing 'protective communi- " callon between the extromilles'of Iho.shlp. Below this passage and belweort the boiler rooms are situated * magazines and shell rooms. Above the turrets is'a living dock for navigating the ship , on which "boats are stored. Two second class torpedo uouts arc carried in addition to tbo usual complement. Tbo ship is lighted throughout by oloc- trlcity und carries t\vo powerful elncino " searchlights and two"mnnllur soarsh lights for boat use. Ample vontllatlon for mnira- zinos , shell rooms and quarters Is provided , also for water duti'Icra. There is a sloam capstan and windlass on the main und upper deck * forward. The Texas will bo fitted as n flagship and carry a complement of 3(58 ( oflleers nnd men , her spacious decks affording much greater accommodation and comfort for the crow than Is possible on cruisers , The gulp is driven by two sots of triple expansion engines , of tbo vertical Inverted direct acting typo , capable of dovclonlntr ' .r > ,800 horse power , wltn natural draft'nnd 8,000 wllh an air pressure of two Inches of water. uitur VUXIH fioxs. .Small drain HullVrlni ; from Drouth Corn 81 III Iturlcuuril. CHUTE , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to TUB Bun. | Weather crop bulloiln No. 12 of Iho Nebraska weather sorvlco , Issued from the central ofllco , Boswoll observatory , Do.ino college , Uroto , for tbo week oudlng Tuesday , Juno23 , IS'JJ , says : Tbo past wool : has boon slightly colder than normal with an oxuossof miiishlnu , drv most of the week , but with , however , vury Konorul Hliowur.s Saturday.anil Sunday. Thu Icmpuru- turo h is'averuuod from two to Uyo , degrees below the normal. The r.ilnfull has boon generally below tbo minimi. Hitchcock , Custer. HiilTalu , Tlmyur und Ncmulm conntlus , however , report a Hlklit oicess. Thu uvoraKo Is about two- thirds the normal amount In the central and Boutliurn uurl-s of thu st'ito and leas limn half thu normM amount In the nnrtnmn part of the hlulu. All si.mll crnln bus sulfured from tlio dry ueatlipr nnil oils csuuulully are Hiiro to bun llxlit crop for tliu mate us n wholu. ( Jorn I. still bacUwurd mil while It has not BiilTerPd much from drouth the cool dry weather has prevented thu r ipld growth Hint would push it forward to u minimi eouillUon. Inwn'M Crop Condition. . DKS MOINKS , la. , Juno 23. The weather crop bulletin says : The average temperature - turo last wcok was slightly below normal. Tbo first half was hot and the rest cooler , The rainfall was unusually variable , the monsuramunt ranging from a quarlor of an inch to nearly six Inches , the oxcosslvu down pours being In tbo northeast and cast central districts , in those tbo crops were considerably Injured and corn is very woody. In the larger part of tbo state , however , the precipitation was below normal and the wontbor generally favorabto for cultivation and for oil crops. Clover Is bolac cut In Homo of the southern countries und the harvest of whiter grain will begin with the coming wo'oic. Coat U iDbttlng rnuld growth whora tbo' conditions favor cultivation. Oats will be below the average. . Death of AIr . William Krug. Mrs. William ICrug dloa Monday morning nt her homo at Twentieth street and St. Mary's nvouuo. Mr * . Krug was the .wife of the Junior partner of iho Krug lire wing com pany and loaves a largo circle of friend * Wbo o sympathies are extended to the bo. reived huiband. MM. Kru ' maiden name wa Kaui Urcsedlck , aud > her father Is aloud * lag browcrof St. Louit. tiho was msrriad to Mr. ICrug about a year sue , and tmco that time lias resided la tali oil * . Shu leaves an Infant child. V r the Ilentillt of the Aired. A condenied voralon of Schiller's "Mary Stuart" will bo given by amateurs Thursday evening In Bnyd's now thcator , for tbo ben- cllt of tbo NcbrJflKH' ' Home Tor Iho Aced , Many of our most prominent citizens nro In terested In the Iforntf'nnd are giving it their nld. Tickets trfAV "bo had-nt Iho box office Wednesday and Thursday. -a-t n INSPEOTtWQ FORT OMAHA. t'lrst AmUmnt egroturjof AVnr Jlnkn a Yostordav wa aildayi-of more than usual merest In military tHifvlos In nnd about Omaha. The llpt as lslniit secretary of war , General U.jttlratii , favored the city with an ofllcial vj i\nnd ( was received wllh that coiirtesy and military recognition duo to ono occupying his position. The secretary was met nt the depot by Colonel Hughes and Lieutenant Koo and escorted to General Brooko'a olllco in Tun Ur.i : building. After being shown about tbo icndqunrtors apartments the secretary , ac companied by General Brooke , Colonel Hughes ami Lloutonnnt Koo , took n carriage for Fort Omaha to Inspect the garrison. Arriving nt the post about 11 o'clock , the party was given a saluta of fifteen rounds From the cannon on tbo parade grounds , and Colonel I'arko and bis staff were introduced to tbo secretary at the head quarters building. Illumining Quartern nnd Uatlonx. The distinguished ofllcml was then shown about tbo parrison. Ho Inspected the quar ters of iho various ortlcors , tto barracks ot companies i1' , Q and C and the canteen mid Kiiard house. General Grant admitted lhat the condition of the buildings was anything but that which could bo desired. Ho on- qulrod very carefully about the health of the soldiers and the oHlcers nMl made very close invostlgalion of the facilities for cooking and for furnishing the Holillors with the neces sary comforts nnd conveniences usually sup plied to thu troops. An it happened to bo near tbo noon hour the cooks were preparing dinner for the sol diers , nnu the secretary and General Brooke had n favorable opportunity to see what the troop ? wore going to bo served wllh. "What nro you cooking for dinner ? " General - oral Brooke inquired of the cook in tbo oar- racks ot O company. "Boof , " was the reply , as the cooit lifted the c-ovor off a huge vessel full of Juicy nnd sweet-smelling moat almost ready to nlaco before the boys In blue. The barracks looked very uoat and clean on the inside , showing that tbo soldiers do their part toward keeping their quarters In good condition. When iho party got to the canteen Colonel Parno pointed to n largo balance sheet nailed to the wall showing the not receipts of Iho canteen for the month previous. Tbo visitors tested the quality of the beer on tap and then passed on to the residence of the commanding oftlcer. An Aiirut > rliitlnn Nr ( li'l. "Is it the Intention of 'tho War department to push Iho work on the now fort as fast nn possible ! " .Tim Bci : reporter asked General Grunt. "Yes , sir : that is the Intention , " said the general.ulf congroJ9 * will only give us the money wo will push the work right nloag. We must have money , you know , und it nil depends on the nciion of congress as to bow fast the work can bo accomplished. " The secretary said ho baAJust Mulshed the Inspection of l < \ > r.t _ Leaven worth nnd the military school buildings in connection with that post. HoVjwf wo11 pleased with the condition in wnicMiG found that fort. After comploliqg/'lhoinsnocilon of Fort Omnna the usslsfmidsecrotary was invited by General Brookauo lunch and the parly ' drove back to thelcij ' , arriving nt the resi'- > aoncc of the general at 1 o'clock. In the after noon General Brtplta and Secretary Grant visited Fort Coolclntra looked over tha work In proeross ihoro. General Grant is.o stoutly built man , evi aontly passed thf' l\uif-hundi-od \ inilo post , nnd wears a long , flowing board liberally sprinkled with gray. Ilo is apparently n man of Uoou observation and is attending strictly to businqsys.f Jlo goosfrom hero lo Minneapolis. VH.I1UTIKS Intcrostlni ; 1'upprn Iti-iiu und DUeiissed ut Vistcrjliii'.i Session. DCXVKII , Colo. , Juno 23. This morning's ' session of the Charit\o \ anxd Uor.rofUpas conference - ' " foronco was opbnod'Sjy Vho roddlng"of Iho report of Iho commlttoo on immigration and migration between slates by Mr. F. B. San- born of Massachusetts , chairman. This was followed by a paper on "Ponding Amend ments of Our Immigration Laws , " by Dr. Charles S. Uoyt of Albany , N. Y. Kov. A. A. Elliott , of Denver then road a paper on the migration of invalids. All tboso gentlemen urged that congress should enact proper laws for the control of immigration between the different states and from foreign countries. A general discussion followed , In which , with n few exceptions , the papers wore gen erally approved. ' Mr. L.'L. . Barber of Michigan , Introduced the following resolution , which was referred lo iho proper committee : Hesolved , Th.it n committee of live bo up- polnlud by thu president of this conference to prepare nnd present to congress a draft of u hill for the appointment of un Immigration und Intoistulo migration commission , and to dolluu Us powers and rdullcs. Afier furlhor discussion relating to immi gration and the proper restrictions whioh should be placed upon It the conference took a recess until this afternoon. In the election of olTleors for the coming year it is practically settled that H. H. Hart of Minnesota will bo chosen as president and L. C. Starrs of Michigan secretary. tnr.K VHJHT Till ! ' AI'l'OKTtOXSlKftT Kcpubllcuii'i L'rnpaso to Undo the Now Yorlc Horrymamlor IT Possible. Nnw Youic , Juno 28. The legal battle which ropuolicans In' this atato propose to wage against the roapportionmentblll passed by tno democratic legislature oogan to take dolinito form yoslorday. A committee from tbo republican club calloa upon Senator His- cock at thu Fifth Avenue hotel and ho and the commlttoo wont , ever the whole legal as pect of the case , taking twu hours in which to consider the law points. The.legal advisor of Iho commlttoo Is L. E. Crittonden , ex-register of the treasury. Ho was detailed a few weeks since lo prepare u slaloment of the points involved for iho re publicans. Mr. Crltlenden devotes special attention to Iho counting of nitons as citizens in iho rcapportlonmont In thisulty. Aflcr the conference yostarday , Senator lllseocl : wus soon and was uskud about tba general purpose of tbo mooting. "Then a vlgorous'lljhtls to bo made * } " "Cortalnlv. " "Do you fool at liberty to gtato the general ' line of 'action I" "Not at the present tlmo. " "Will.thoVlsc5uJiln.caso bo cited as a precedent ! " Q ( ' "That will havoSu Iwarlng on ono pnaso of the case. " Tbo Wisconsin Who , according to other sources of information , ' will bavo an Impor tant bearing on tlia'c'me. LAST NIfil J'8 MISHAPS. Two ArclclonU anlli'u ' 1'Jro An Old Laily \i\\M \ Hurt. Mrs. Bridget Uobinaon , who live * wltb her daughter at 11101 Qyi\Twonty-fourtb street , toll as she was stejiphjg from n south bound Sherman avenue car at Seventeenth and Charles streets last evening and dislocated her hip. On account of Mrs , Itoblnsoa's ago , 0'3 years , the shock and the tojurla * re- cuivcd will Uoop her In bed for aomo lltno. U Is claimed by relatives of the Injured wo man that tha trnm was Blurted before aho alighted , and that the joru throw her forcibly to the pavement. A Sherman uvonuo mo or car collided with a wagon load , of bay aLUio south end of the Sixteenth street Vladiact about & o'clock yesterday afternoon , ha > fortunately no ono was' ' Injured. The shock broke all of ibo standards on ono side of tno cur , letting thereof roof fall onto the seats , Several school children sitting on that bldo of tbo car were frightened and slightly braised , A leaking gas pipe 'in the rubbish of tha old Andrew IJoso water building at 1S7I South Sixlocnth street , which was burned some time ago , was tbo- cause ot the lira alarm from box US last evening. Some ono had thrown a lighted match or cigar stub latu tbo rubbish antUtba giu. Ignited. Heading a llamo up eljjhtor tonr feet high. Tbo Jlro- inon throw dirt on 'the llarnoJ and oxtln- guli hod them : No lost. Heveu I > ay from Honolulu. BAX FIUNCISCO , Cat. , Juno Si. The toom- ahlp Auitraiia arrived this uiorulng , eovon da ; * from Honolulu. SUMMER'S TUFF \ , ON sm SUMMER STUFF. / \ "You can divide that up in sections to suit. You can say it faster or slow. You can say it .all in one sentence , or you can say it on the in stallment plan a little at a time ; it comes out in the same way every time you say it Summer's "tuff" on summer stuff. Man gets up in the morning and arrays himself in all his glory , like Solomon of old ( but in a more modern costume of course ) . He puts on a clean shirt , im maculate collar and cuffs and his best summer suit and sallies forth looking as slick as the famous "posey" of Solomon's time. One of "old Sol's" rays strikes him , and raises cain with his raiment. A good thing for a sensible man like you to do , is to come right down town and seb US-Lnot that we'll give you a "cool reception" far from it but that we'll show you good things for a man in your business to"wear. . Take our elevator or rather don't take it , we might want to use it again ; but ride up to second floor in our elevator and see the hundreds of elegant coats and vests for summer. You'll see fine fancy striped brilliantine coats and vests at two fifty ; you'll see fine changeable brilliantine and all wool flannel coats and vests , worth , four fifty , marked two dollars and ninety cents ; at three fifty you'll be shown coats and vests in fine serges and Drap d'Etes , that our neighbors think good enough to get six dollars for ; you'll see the finest imported bedford cords and Eng lish serges made into coats and vests , and marked five and a quarter ; you'll find the same goods being sold in Omaha for eight and nine dol- ars. These goods come in every shade and color from sombre black to the lightest smoke. After you .buy your coat and vest ( because buy you will ) go down stairs to the shirt department look at the magni ficent line of fine _ _ summer shirts. See the beautiful colorings , the handsome patterns , the excellent workmanship. See the goods at a dollar at one fifteen at one forty at one seventy-five at one ninety at two twenty-five. Compare them in your mind with goods you've seen at fr.om one fifty to. four dollars. Have your shirts- Wrapped up with your coat and vest and go down and see the shoe man. He's sell ing "low" shoes this week. Ox-fords , one fifteen one thirty-five two twenty-five ; Southern ties , one thirty-five one sixty-five two fifty two seventy-five. You'll find your low shoes cooler when you change at home. \V. L. Spear of Geneva Is at tbo Dellono. . J. L. McGee of Beatrice Is at the Arcado. 1I..JI. Hobipson of Kinibali Is at the Pax- ton. ' S. 11. Overtoil of Norfolk is nt the Mil- lard. lard.A. A. A. Abbott of Grand Island is nt the Paxton. W. P. Coleman of MoCook Is a guest at the Mlllnrd. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. ICoith of DoaawooJ , S. IX , are at the Millard. J. E. Butler and John M. Cox of Hastings are guests at Ibo Arcado. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sherman of Wahoo nro among tbo guests at the Murray. E. B. Ueod , editor ot the Kfinld City ( S. D. ) Union , U in the city nnd will attend the third party convention. J. Pitman , ropresenlmp Hon. Ainsworlh K. Spofford , librarian of congress , Washing ton , D. C. , is in the city and paid a brief visit to Tin : Bnc building. M. A. Liunn , editor and nropriotor of Beet Sugar Enterprise , was In the city yesterday and called at Tim I ! 1:1 : olllco. tie says that the prospect for a more extensive cultivation of the sugar beet was never brighter. Ho predicts a very line harvest of this useful vegetable. Hon. J. J. Uafferty of Hill City , S. D. , Is In the city. Mr. Rafforty says that the Har tley Peak Tin Mining company is still prose cuting extensive development work on its property in that noichborhooa nnd soon will bo in a position to put Its product on tbo mar- Kot. Mr. Uafforty is a third party man and will attend the convention. NR\V YOKK , June US. [ Special Telegram toTim BBB.J P. 0. Grnbla of Omaha is at the Westminster. Prom Lincoln are G. Ropes at tlm Windsor holel and E. A. Church at the Hoffman house. J. Bambcrgor of Omaha Is hero buying nnd is at the West minster. _ _ WHAT THEY WANT. nmiiiiinU the Tolnfruiliors | Will Mnko of thu Uiiluii Pac'lllc. The Order of Hallway Telegraphers , rep resented. In Omaha by Messrs. J. T. Morris , U. C. MacICer.na , B. N. Stevenson , Thomas West , L. Kosonbaum , 11. P. Lindsay , H. II. Bontz and Ucorco J. ICnnpp , who are hero to lay before the olllclals of tbo Union Pacific certain grievances alleged to exist on that road , mot yesterday afternoon nt the Millard hotel. They organized us the Protective Board ot thb Union Pucillo system. It Is the purpose of this delegation to remain - main In Omalm until the return of Messrs , Clark mid ICorty , from whom they expect fair treatment , as both have at hcatt tbo good of their employes. In preparing the now schedule of hours and wages which they hope to have adopted by the Union Pacific , they have had the as sistance of M. M. Dolphin , n Kansas City attorney , who U nn old time icleiiruphor. "It Is the purpose of these men to put Into effect a more reasonable scale for telegraph operators , " said Mr. Dolphin , "and iboroby raUo the standard ot efllclency throughout the Union Pncillo system. There are places in Wyoming where men hnvo to pay f3S and ? iu a month board and receive only Sf > ' > a month us wages. That is manifestly unfair , and this grievance commltloo proposes to ifivo tboso men who are Isolated to the wilds of Wyoming compensation for tbo recluse sort of llfo they are compelled to load. The bovs demand only what is eminently fair ami I have great hopes that they will bo suc cessful. " _ Murrht u I.ICBIMU * . Countr Judge * Ellor Issued marriage licenses to the f allowing ydUorday : Name and nddruss. Ago , J TK. . I'hllbrlo'f , Oimibu . ' I Anna A. Mackolinunn , Uniahu . . " * i E. O , MIISIOV , IVIIvox . W 1 ( Jora II. Hull , Omaha . . . . -5 1V , J. ( Jre/ory. Manlstyo , Mluli. . . . . . "J | tiadlu M. Uolcord. Hi. l < otil , 5Io . . . . -l I A. W. filuck. Council Hl'ilf"- ' " HS I .Miiry li Jlrown. Council Illultn. . . isoloiniin n. Sparro.v. Tort Nlusur N V. iff 1 Opal W. Toiualln , Onialiii. . . . . ' " I Wllllun Valentino. Omaha . . . . ! < llallott. Uniaha . . ' lluililliitf 1'ormlti. The following uorinlu were issued by tbo superintendent of building * yesterday ! n. M. Mowuian. twa-Mtory fruinu rosl- dunuivTUlrty-dOfoiul - iuL Unvonport-- < ktreeut . . . . . . . 114,003 A. U. 1'uwull , threo-story brick stores , 013 anil U15 Bout li Hlxtuunth HtrneU , . . , 13,000 J-'runW ( Jreonr , onostorfriiinocotlnxo , I'ortv-eltilitli and Mayborry avoniio. . . 600 U , ! ' , Jaynoi , ona-itory fruina cottuKO , 1'ourttentli und Juyuu * ylrocta . , , . 1,500 I'our minor per in It" . . . . . . . 7UU Total IfllUM 'KOfIt ,1HOVT U.S. Citizens of Vordon iiro organizing a com pany to build n mill. Five births occurred in Broken Bow in twonly-four hours. Ouster county is rapidly lilting up. Plra at Uodar Greek destroyed the barn of Frank Gosthmann and six borsus and twenty ho < > s perished In iho tlames. The sixth annual reunion of the Central Nobrasxa Veterans association has been de clared off , no town having bid high enough to satisfy the managers. Frank J. Loavltt fell from the kiln of iho Table lloelc Clav company and landed on tba ground ilfteon foot bolow. Ono arm wiis broken and bo Is otherwise a badly used-up man. man.Mrs. Mrs. L. V. Carr of Harvard , ono of the eldest ploneow of Nebraska , is dead , aged 7-1 years. Mrs. W. Schwcnck , residing near the same plnco , dind the sumo evening of koart disease. A would-bo assassin put. . a couple of bullets through the hat of Churloy Moore whllo ho was on his wav homo from Broken Bow , but Charley lives to toll the tale although ho was almost scared to death. Justin M. Thatcher , post trader nt Fort Niobrara , expired suddenly on Sundnv of heart disease. Ho had bcon post trader fern n number of years and was widely known in Nebraska and South Dakota. The barn of Hugh Williams near Shlekley was struck by ligtilning during a thunder storm and two Horses , u colt , : SOU bushels of corn , some hay and a number of farming im plements wore consumed In iho llamus. During a thunderstorm near Shelby , Polk count ) ' , lightning struck a shod where Mrs. Charles Do Turk was milking a cow. The cow was Instantly killed and Mrs. Do Turk diea half an hour later. The lightning left but a small scar on the woman's breast. Charles Vandorvonter and Lawrence Stull of Plailsmoulh had n Illllo dllllculty In the course of which Charles shot Ldwroneo through the arm. It appears that Vundurvon- tor hud boon forbidden to pass through a ploco of ground rented by Stull. Vandervon- tcr did not heed and the trouble cnsuea. XilH'H YKSFKUIt.tr , DnuiiiKtlr. William Illaclc. colored , was handed In the Jail yard tit Little Hock. . Holmes' carriage factory pml .several onlhl- Ings iidjolnlnt ; were destroyed by lire In tiun I'mnnUco , Uul. Loss , JJJ.OUJ. Jiicluu llund of llaltliiinrn. Mil , , hntt nulhor- l/.cd the rocolverM of thu Kluhmoml k Dnnvlllu rallru id to Issue rucolver'H ccrtlllcntus to the amount of JI.UUO.OW. Tlio proapcolsof u poncofnl Heltlemunt of the wunii dltlleiilty ut lln'nustu.i'l , I'.i. . are ( -"owliiK less nnd less ouch iluy nnd the ownern of the iiliints have put their works In u state of uofunso , Three noirroos , nrrustod near SpiiritK Tex. , churuiul with ues.iulllni : .t whlto ulrl , con fessed Uiolr crlino and wurn given In oliarnuof u sharlir'H IIONSU to ho conveyed to a plnco of safely. Tlioy wore tiilcun from the posse by l men und hanaud. The inllali ; I'arlliiment will roassnnililo on Augnsi I. Mrs , Annlo W , Jordan Of 105 Tremont St. , lioston , wat livery poor health , from bad circulation of tlio blood , having nub of blood to tint head , numb spells , and chilli , nnd the plivtlclan said the vclnt were almost bunting all over her body. A col- Ihlon with a double run in1 r brought on neural gia nt Uio liver , causlni ; great ( uacrlng. Hlia could not take tha itoetur'a medicine , IK > toot Hood's SarsaparilBa and neon fully recovered , and nutv enoyi | per fect health. Bhotayj nho could pralio llood'i Barsaparllla all day and then not say cnouch. HOOD'S PILLS ro kanil nude , anil nra per. ttct la compoiltlon , propotllon ted djij.cainitce. Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing. Curoo Chapped Hands , Woxtndo , Burns , Jlomovco aucl Prevents Dandruff. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. VETERIHARYSPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Cogs , Hogs , AND POULTRY. 000 1'aiio Hook nn Triuitiiimit off nltmtll u ml ( Jliurl hunt I'rcu. ct'ncfl j VcTiTXiC'oiiiU'Bllnnn , lull iimiimt Ion A.A. ! Spinal iUiuiliiuiliH , ,1111k J'cvor. 11.11.fMruliiM , Immt'iii'HN , lllit'iumitinm. ( , ' . ( ! . -.lIlMli'iniior , ISiixnl Olxdmrui'a. I.I--IIUH ) or ( .ruliN , U'oniiH. K.i-niiuliN : , IluiiM'H , I'liKiiiiinnln. I' . I' . Colic or l > rlprn , ] lill > iivliu. 4 > .l2.--.lllNciirrlavi > > lloiiinrrli Jl. II. Urinary anil Klclury Il l.l.--lvrllptlvi ) DlnniHCH , illiin J.K.--IMNCiini'ii of Jlliri'Hlliin , Blnilolintll ( ( ovcrCOiliMvaXi - - . < ! 0 Btulilii CIIHP , with HpM-in , Mnnunl , Vctcrlniiry Ouru Oil nnd Vudlcatur , 87. OO Jnr Votrrlnury C/'iiroOII , - - 1.00 flc.1,1j \ Ilruj l.l. | or > . " ! | irri l < l > onli > n od In p/ quEnlllf on rrcrlpl ot 1'rlfc. U. ( O. , 1 1 1 Jk 1 linilllau flt. , Xt'Tort. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No _ , _ In uio 3D jenri. The onlr < " 'ccc ' f"l roraeil/for Nervous Debility , Vita Weakness , and 1'rortration. from' uvir-work o r otlm r , \lali widl r l iwwilrr , for * A , l per vial or \ eyl ' Uruul.i.int | , o.i.l.l vu.c.li'l ut l/tkt. lll.ll.AH3Hllll i fil.K.i.y tk. OltlHNANCE NO. J1101) . AnnrJInuncu ilnulnrlnu thu nccokslly of un- pruprlMtlnz cvrtuln prlvuto property for llio u > uof llieulty of ( Jiuiiha for the pnipoiuof opunlnic mid uxtuiiilin > > th Htivul north f i oin thu mirth line of Nolnon'n uililllion. In lliii cltv of Uiniili * . ti Uiilihvuil stiuut. unil provldlim for the appointment of ihrondls- lnturuNtciI f ronnoldur * of nulil oily to MSSIHS lliu iliiiniiKos to Hie ounurxof Iho property tiikon by Hiicli apiironrlutlon. Iliiltordulned by tlieelty counull of tliu city Hoctlon I. Tim I It IH iioci'Ri.iry . nnd It In lieruby iloulnrud nucvaniry : lo upuioprliito cortulu prlviitn propurly mid land for thu line of Uiuolty of Oiiinliu , for thu IJIIIJJIHU of opun- lux und axtnnilltu. nth Htrcut north from thu north line of Nelson' * uililllion. in thu city of Omulm , to G.ililwull itlrciil. In Hiild city ; tin wild prouurty und liinil uucumiiry for Kiioh purpose bolnx Hliiiatn In Hiild city of Oin.ihu , county of llouitliiH. anil Btjloof > 'ubru kniind dimuifbcd an followH , to.wltt I-otT In Joosllii'dmilKllvlnlon ; lots I uml 2 In hlouk 15 , In Hhliui1 * Ut uililltlon to Ihuully of Oinnliu : loin In HII : | ! Jouitln'v uildllloni lutu In mild juestln'ii iidillllon : IIM ! ) ihuo.iHt tliruo i'J ) uml uliiu IU ) lnulii of lot 3 In until hlouk ! . ' > , rliliin'x iiildliloii , und boliiK u ulrlpif ground : i foot uml U InuhuH ot < Uufdwoll vtioul mill iivlciidln lonlh front h.ildCjil . | ell otruot nnu liutulruil mill forty (110) ( ) fuiit tti tlm north llnu of NulHon'x uililllion. Bnctlim Tlint the mayor with iho up. provul of ibo ulty council , uppoiuv iliioo illslii. turuutcd Iruaholiiura of the ulty of Omuliu to HIHUM ninl dulurinliiu the clmiiiiiiui to thu ownurKof fc.-ilil lot * und ulnce of roul ottiito , nuiuctlvolr. by ruaaou of sueli appro'irlAtit n. tioctloii : L Thut tlilH onllnunco tuka affect und bu In foroo from und uflcr lu puuavo. I'niHlduiit Oily Oounoll. A | > Druvtul JuuoKJrd , ItlK OKU. I' , HEMJ8 , Ruyor.