8 THE OMAttA DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , JUNE 29 1882. HAVE HUNG UP THE CONTRACT Oily Council Will Have Another Squint In Kotcham Fnrnituro Oompiny Methods. SHALL THE CITY GET WHAT IT PAYS FOR ynpullon Which Scpnn to'lic Uppermoit In the Mind * of tlio CJniincllmcii ItpportB of tlio CnniinUtrn nil the Company' * Hill. It wilt bo some days before tbo Ifotchfttn Furnlturo company pets f M.OOO of the city's ' money to apply on the city hall furnlturo contract , M the council has concluded to taKe o tlttlo tltno lor ttio purpose of investi gating the matter. i Lwt Tuesday night , GcorRO O. Whltloclc , the resident ogont of the company , asked for the payment of MO.OOO. This wns rofcrroa to the commlltco on public property and Buildings and last ulRht the commlttoo reported - ported buck this'communication , which was unanimously adopted : Vour coiiiinlttco to wlilch wai referred the roiiiuuiiilcatluii from OtouuC. Whlilouk. osU- Ini ? for mi eillinitloof t.vOM In favor of tliu Hutclinin Kuril Ituro company , respectfully rouorttlintottlni , ' to tliu fuut that by piylnf : * utiy ot tliu money for said furnlturo wo would thereby accept tlio mime , wo : thercforo . recommend that thocoiiimunlcatlou bo placed on Illc. , Thcn came another report from tbo same commitlco on n request to use u vacant room V In the city ball , In which to store the lurnl turo : Your commlttoo to which wns referred the communication from tlio Kotcham I'lirnUuro company In rojmrd to room for the now furnl- tum , respectfully report Hint wo have ordered thoeoniDiiny not to ship liny moro furnlturo until further orders. Wo therefore recom mend that the communication bo placed on Ulo. Ulo.This rnport was adopted. | Some MUle Mutter * of Uotnll. The mayor returned without his approval i lour sidewalk resolutions. The documents were not Oatcd and the veto was sustained. The annllctulon of the city onclneor and Hoard of Public Works to movcmto the now city hall was referred. George L. Ilonrst wa named for the posi tion of license Inspector. The appointment wns rejected. Mr. Lowry moved a reconsideration of the vote. Trie motion prevailed and the appoint ment was referred to tbo commitlco on Jlimnco. Tbo mayor recommended tliot the con tractor hurry up and prepare for occupancy the bnl nn co of the ofllccs In the city hall. Citj Cleric Grove ? was Instructed to give tbo Nebraska Central Uullway company olllcial notice of the result of the rdccnt bond 'election , that the company might fllo its written acceptance within the forty-flvo days Eppclllcd In the proposition. Herman ICountzo protested against the pavlnp of Seventeenth , between Hurnoy Etroet and St. Marv's avenue. Tbo council approved tun action of City Treasurer Bolln in the sala of the district improvement bonds. The Board of I'ubllo Works submitted the plans and specifications of tbo proposed now viaduct along the line of South Sixteenth street. All of the papers In the case wont to the committee on viaducts and railways. The semi-annual bill from the water works company for hydrant rental , amounting to the sum of (3SOC.j ; | , was presented In the form of an ordinance. The ordinance brought out a largo amount of discussion when it came up on its ilrst reading. 1'rcsidcnt Uavts urged that the ordinance should bo referred with instructions to re port ut the meeting tonight. Mr. Elscssor urged that such action would bo exercising vnduo haste.Tbo bill was not duo until July I , nud there was no law for paying it bolero that time. The ordinance to pay for lands for park purposes was road twico'and roforrod. The amounts which it is proposed to pay are as follows : The Klohardson tract , &Hm. ! 10 ; the D.ill tract , JU'J ! ) : the Bonus park tract , (30,000 ; Ibo Bell tract , $111,530 : the Hiod. Curtis , and Eddy tract , $12,000 : the Dall tract , ten acres , ? U,000 ; the Distiii tract , r r tOO,000. The fifteenth annual report of tlio public library board was proscntod and referred to the committee on finance. Fur the Fourth of July. The committee having charge of thoFourlu of July colobrallon invited the council to participate In the festivities. The invitation was accepted. By resolution the council voted the sum of $1,000 to aid In the Fourth of July colcbralion. Mr. Munro hoped that every dollar would bo expended for the bonollt of the people. Mr. Lowry replied that tlfo committco would account for every collar of the monoy. Mr. Uruner voted "no , " but as ho had igncd a p.iper asking the council to appro priate tbo money , no changed bis vote. That Xnndo tl.o vote unanimous and the resolution goes to the mayor for his approval. By n resolution introduced by Mr. Prlnco &n ere light was ordered located at tbo In tersection ot Sherman avenue and Corby street. Proton ! * anil IlpqucstK. Qcorgo A. Ilongland informed the council that aomo tlmo ago ho bid on furnishing lumber for tlio city. Ills bid was the lowest , but notwithstanding that fact , the contract was lot to another party. Ho wanted to knoiv wby things wore thus. The committee - too on streets and alloys will look Into the matter. Several parties protested against ball playing on the vacant lots at Sherman ave nue and Locust strtot. Iho committee on pblico will lock after parties who congregate there to play ball. Thomas Murray entered a protest against the city laying a permanent walk along the front of his ilnrnoy street property. R E. Morsmnn wrote tuit ha would fur nish onauinl street signs at 43 cents each. Ho said that J. I1. Coolie & Co. had made a deal with him to furnish ttio signs and then thor had tried to got lower bids from other parties. The contract with J. I * . Cooka & Co. wns presented and approved and they will put up the signs ut 05 cents each. A largo number of the liverymen peti tioned tbo council to repeal the vehicle or dinance , so far as it applied to trams kept for hlro , carriages touted to families ana sad dle horses , Mr. Lowry thought the license- Inspector wu pushing tbo irood will of the people to tliu wall. A resolution was adopted , sus pending the oncrnilon of the vehicle ordin ance until such tlmo as Iho commlttoo of the whole could report-back a now ordinance. I'ny for the Ili'slstrurs. Mr. Munro moved a reconsideration of the resolution allowing luo registrars of tbo late election $9 for the entire tlmo. Then he v moved that the men bo allowed $18 oach. Mr , Loivry thought It wns n chestnut , Mr. I'rmco said that the matter should bo settled for nil tlmo. Mr , Lowry remarked that the matter bad always Ill-oil roforrod. Mr. Howcll insisted upon having the opinion t of tbo city attorney , Mr. Lowry movcu to amend tbo resolution Bint allow the registrars f < ) per day oach. The resolution was withdrawn. When the council meets In special aotsion tonight City Attorney Council will give his opinion upon this subject. By resolution the council dodod ! that hereafter all city ofllcos should close at U o'clock Saturday afternoon. The llnnnco commllteo and the city attor ney were Instructed to ascertain if tbo county had paid to the city treasurer the city's shnro of the road fund , how much money tbcro wus duo to the city mid what prospect there was for tbo city getting tbo money. On motion of Mr. Munro the ordinance or- UciIng ttio relocation ot slxtv-olplil Ilia by- drants wan placed on fllo. Mr. Munro statud that thcro wi-ro errors In tbo old ordinance and that a now ordmuiico would soon inuko its upppoarauce. The election booths , interfering with tbo travel on thu streets In whku they uro now located , woio ordered lomoved , The petition to strike tbo words "manure nd iofu o" from the garbage ordlnauco was nlaccd on Illo , tno council doildlng that If thu words were atnckou out tbe ordinance would bo invalid , The tax collector was allowed * Jo per mouth for uorso biro. 1-A1I ) A 1110 UJ1IUV HIM. , yivoTliouiuml Dollar * for I'uttliiK " truct Through thu Council. Wiillolt may not bo In good tusto tope lowu iuto luo grave aud turu over tbo corpse It Is only proper to glvo the Omaha nubllo an Idea of what It cost the Kotcham rural turo company to secure tbo contract. A. F. M. Billlogslca , who was the vlco president and general manager of the com pany , spent n greater portion of the summer of 1891 In Omaha- lobbying this contract through the council. When ho ilrst reached this city ho was strong , vigorous and a pic ture of health. For days , weeks and almost months bo labored with certain members of tbo old council. Ho dtnod and witiod thorn nnd tben defended tbo investigation. When it wa all over , ho ro- tnrnod to his homo , where , n few vooks later , bo yielded up tbo ghost and died. Cost of the I. Not lone ago the administrator , wltb n vlaw to settling up tbo estate , scheduled the debts , liabilities nnd assets. Among tbo utter was n claim against the Kotchmn . 'urriltaio company. In plain and unmls- -ukablo llguroii it read , " $5OUft expended In iccuriug the furniture contract for furnish- ng thn Omaha cltv hall. " As Colonel Bltllngslca hnd prvssoa to the froat and unknown borofid , the expenditures : ould not bo explained , Tbo chvlm was con- .ested , but subsequently it was allowed and tbo money paid over. Yesterday nn expert furniture man , one who lm boon in the business iu this city for moro than twenty-five yearn , made a critical examination of the furnlturo now in the ihreo ofllcos , und unhesitatingly and unso- icltcd stated that the city had been mulcted to the tuna of several thousand dollars. The prlr.es charged for the furnlturo In the ofllco of the comptroller will furnish a fair ( lustration of what the city is paying the Detroit llrnj. Kxorbltnnt 1'rlccs. The counter , a plain affair made of oak , cost 870. , whllo thn too price should bo 8)75. ) rboro are two lint- top aoilcs charged up ntflS each , when $25 would bo the retail price with a good protlt. A plain tlat .able is put In at MS , when § 2. would leave n good protit. Two very ordinary arm-chalra are down nt $18 each , and thcso any furnlturo man in the city will duplicate at $9 each. Two arm chairs are cnarged to tbo city nt $14 cnob , and In any furulturo store they can bo du plicated ut fS. A standing desk ten feet eng is charged at $45 , ana this tbo furnlturo man said ho could furnish at $25 and make n good profit. Another standing desk , ex actly tbo same , is put in nt W. , whllo screw top stools that re tail the world over ntS3 each , are Istod by the Kotcham people at $5 each. Curtain top desks Unit came out of stock and nro without any spncial design go at § 75 each , while the retail price is $10. The plain oathcr couches nro charged at $ . " > j ouch and the Omaha price lists show that better arti cles are retailed at $30. Arm-chairs have cront In and are charged at $10 , while similar ones can bo bought out of the Omaha stores nt $5 per chair. But rtio worst of all is in n lot of umbrella stands , llttlo low , plain affairs. They go at > ' 2S each and can bo duplicated at $3 In any store In town. When the bids for tbo furniture were submitted they wont In on a cosh basis , and upon this basis John F. Joots bid $0,000 below the Ketcbam people , > ut why ho did not got the contract no living soul outsldo of the ring will ever know. "Late to bed and early to nso will sho'tot ho road to your home in the sklos. " Bun early to bed nnd "Llttlo Early Ulser , " the pill that manes life longer and bolter and wiser. _ _ roit ins oiiKuiTons' I John ISmtmcr's Jownlry .Stock to lie Closed Out at Auction. Mr. John Baumor , the well known Omnlm jeweler , locitou at 1314 Piirnam street , is selling out his extensive stock of goods for the bcnoiit of ilia creditors. Tlio sale is made : U tlio request of the principal creditors of Mr. Bnumer , unong which is the Omaha National jank. An auction sale will commence Thurs day for the purpose of disposing 'of the entire stock. Mr. J. II. French will bo ; hc ntictioneor in charge. Mr. Baumor curried a complete line of watches , clocks , jewelry and silvorwaro. Evory- Lhing is of the latest duai rn afforded by the wholesale market of the east The entire stock will bo disposed of as an nounced ut the present location , 1314 Fartuun street. Columbian Visitors AHsociutlon. These who expect to attend the World's fair and desire to avoid exces sive charges will do well to reserve their accommodations beforehand. Desirable rooms in hotels and private apartments have already been cnpnged hi large numbers. It will bo exceed ingly dilllcult to sccuro good accommo dations within easy reach of the grounds if the matter be delayed till next sea son , while the pressure upon the street and cable cars , if the experience of visi tors at the Centennial bo repeated , will bo such as to make transit from other purta of the city a matter of vex atious delay. Ono of the best things that has come to our attention is the Columbian Visitors association. A group of men in Chicago , whoso stand ing and character are such ns to make certain that they will moro than fulfil " their a < jrcomont"aro erecting the "Hotel South Shoro" on the lake front just be low the exposition grounds. The hotel will contain 1,000 rooms and accomodnto 2.500 guests nt ono time. Rooms may bo reserved by prepayment of a membership foe of 512.00 , and $1.00 or $1.25 a day for ton days. Board will bo on the European plan and as low ns con sistent with first-class service. The hotel will ho built and managed hy Christian men for Christian people and tlio Sabbath duly observed by services in a largo audience room connected with the hotel. Every precaution will betaken taken to assist the inoxpcricncnd nnd protect them from those who might over charge or mislead. As is being done hy the students of Oborlin college , the students nnd friends of Gates college - logo at Noligh are raising funds for tlio erection of a gymnasium hy selling memberships in this association. TJioy have secured tlio state of Nebraska as territory and receive a moderate com mission for their work. The association is commended to the people of Omaha nnd vicinity by Rov. Drs. Thain Jur- yea and others. Circulars and other Information may ho obtained by n card- of request to Hon. F. B. Tiffany , Cl ( ! N. Y. Llfo BUlg. or President 1C K. Waf- ron of Noligti , Nob. 1'ri'sn Association Notico. By an unfortunate error , tbo circular an nouncing the excursion of tbo Nebraska Press association guvn tbo date of leaving Oraubu a Wednesday , July 14. It should ho Thursday , July 14 ; of which all interested should take notico. Indications point to a very pleasant trip. Any newspaper man in tbo state who has not received a circular announcing the excursion will receive ono by applying to V. G. Simmons , chairman com mittco , Uoward , Nob. DoWitt's Barsaparcia cleanses the blood , increases tbo uppallt and tojni up tlio sys to in. It has bonollttoi nuiy : pjoplowlio have suffered from blooJ dliorJor-i. It will help you. _ Wilt or Itcnti Duo July 1st. Payable at company's olllco , Bun building. C per cout discount allowed if paid boforu duo. STONEIIILL'S ' BANKRUPT SALE Special Solo Stonoliill's ' Silk Mitts , Lace Gaps , Hosiery , Uundorwear and Laces AT THE BOSTON STORE TODAY All tlic 1'rlccn OITVrrcl In Thin Snlo Hereto fore Are ns Nothing Compared toYhat They Will lie Tuiluy Ito Sura to Conic , On snlo nt THE BOSTON STORK nnd nt STONEIIILL'S OLD STAND. Stonohill'B Hoc black nuro silk mitts ut 15c. 15c.Stonohill'B Stonohill'B Indies' black COo slllc mitts Stonoliilla 76o high grade black silk mitts 3'Jc. STONEIIILL'S CHILDREN'S LAOE BONNETS AND HATS JUST HALF PRICE. StonohilFs lOc Inco caps Do. Stonchill's 'JGc Inuo caps 12c. Stonohill'd 3tii ) lace caps llc. ) Stonoliill's 50u lauo caps 25c. Stonohlll's 81.00 Itico hats and caps 50c Stonchill'rt Sl.Cn lace lints 75c , Stonohill's $2.00 and $2.60 silk bonnets nnd hats , l)8o. ) 'STONEHILL'S ' ' LACES TOMORROW. All of Stonchill's chnntilly and point ' d'lrlaudo and point do Gono'lnces go at just one-half his prico. 0 inches wide point d'Irlnndo Inco , 15C. Pure silk chantilly laces , 6 inches wide , worth 8oc , go nt 15c. STONEIIILL'S HOSIDRY AND UN DERWEAR. All Stononlll's ladles' 25o fast black imported seamless hose , 12c. } All Stonohill'd misses' fast black ribbed - bed hose lOc. ' All Stonohill's lOc Jersey rlbbod vests Co. Co.All All Stonohill's 20c Jersey ribbed vests 9c. 9c.All All of Stonohill's finest grade silk front jersey ribbed 50c vests go nt 25c. EXTRA SPECIAL ITEMS. All Stonohill's men's overshot silk susnendors , lOc. All Stonohill's ' gouts' balbriggan socks , Cc. Children's fnst black hose , Cc. Ladies' fast blnck hose , 5c. All of Stouohill's lOc and 16c laces go at 3c. All of Stonehlll's tailor made silk but tons , all colors , 3c , formerly IGo a dozen. All on sale at THE BOSTON STORE , N.W. Cor. IGth and Douglas , And at STONEHILL'S OLD STAND. Auction every day at Hill & Young's. rouit ixcu its IONS HAST. Vln the Wilb.lih I.liio. 1st Cincinnati and return $10.10 For the national prohibition conven tion the Wabash will eoll round trip tickets at above rate on Juno 27 and 23. 2d New Yo k and return $23.70. Loss than half faro. For the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor convention the Wabash will sell round trip tickets at above rates on Juno 4 , o and 0 with choice of routes via St. Louis or Chicago. 3d Saratoga nnd return $80.55. For the National Educational associa tion the Wab.ish will soil round trip tickets at above rate July 4 to 10 , with choice of routes via St. Louis or Ghicugo. 4th Detroit nnd return $20.CO. For the Baptist Young People's union the Wabaah will sell round trip tickets at above rate July 12 nnd 13 For tickets , slopping car accommoda tion and a folder giving lists of routes , side trip0 , cost of same , with other valuable information , call at Wabash ofllco , 1502 Farnam street , o ? write GKOUGEN. CLAYTON , N. W. P. and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. Visit Hill & Young auction sale of Furniture , 1209 and 1211 Farnara. Jtotiml Trip Tickets. The only line running through trains direct to Denver , Colorado Springs , Manitou and Pueblo. Low rates to all points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast points. Fast timn on elegant vcstibulod trains , free reclining chair cars and tlio celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. " Comfort , safety and speed secured when ticketed via the 'Great Rock Island Route. " Ticket ollico 1002 Farnam street CHARLES KENNEDY , J. L. DEBGVOISE , G. N. W. P. A. City Ticket and Pass. Agt Goods sold on time payments at Hill & Young's auction snlo. w York unit ICctiirn. July 4 to 0 ono faro for the round trlj ) . Choice ot routes from Chicngo. Return 'trait August 15. Call at Chicago cage , Rock Island & Pacillc Ry. ticket olllcn , 100. ° Farnam street. CHAS KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. D i BKVOISE , City Tkt. & P. A. In tlio Kiirly Days of July do Kiist. The rate for tlret clubs excursion tickets rom Chicngo to Now York and return , over the Pennsylvania Short Lines , will bo less than the regular faro onn way for its oxcurssons of July 5 , 0 nnd 7. You can do your Ifusiness , visit all your friends and the various resorts in the east before August 15 , which is the limit for return tickets. Learn all aboutit ; by addressing Luce , 248 Clark fatroot , Chicago. Notice. Warrants for the judges nnd clerks of the special election will be ready for do livpry Thursday morning , Juno 30 , 1892. For the bonolit of the laboring mon the olllcn will be open till 8 o'clock on that evening to deliver thorn their pay , Plonso call on that day if convenient. FHEDJ. SACICETT , County Clerk. Dr. Cullimo.-o. oeutn ; . 13 jj building Goods going at slaughtered prices at Hill & Youngs. KuUcunfflvelditiiir lest iimlsr thl * litad , fifty etnlt- KUUa-Kuto Grlcsodloclt. uulovcd wlfu ot Wlllluin Kmllud ( Monday , JiinoSnii , 1BX' . Kuiioriil will ttiliu placu from rufclilonvi ) , Kt. Mitrv'H avumio nnd Hontli uutli gtrcut , WuUnux'lny , JuneVJtli , ut : > o'clock M. in , tit , Louis. Mo. , impuru'iiluubo cony. AKNOIjD-llonJiunln O. , yonnnost son of Dr , inn ) Mm. Arnold , tills inornliiK nt 10 o'clock , from Inlliiiiiiiiiitlon ot tliu Lowel o Kiinornl ( rom family runlduucu'l.MNortlit-uvuritccntli ttrcut. Tlmrsduy afternoon ut.4 o'clock. Interment - torment Mount llopo cumotorj. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report PUKE -is Thousands who have suffered , and have been cured , gratefully testify to the remark able success attained by Dr.J.E.McGREW . . . The Specialist who , for more than 17 years , has devoted his time to the treatment of Private Diseases. An surely no physician in this broad land is entitled to so much praise for the wonder ful good he has accom plished. He substan tiates every statement ; he fulfills every prom ise. Reliable , Skillful , Reasonable and Fair , are the universal en dorsements given Dr. J. E. McGrew , of this city. 'He.isone , of th'e most ; successful spe cialists throughout the west , in the treatment of Private Diseases and all diseases of Youth and Manhood. Those who place themselves in his care can safely rely upon him , asevery case is regarded in the strictest confidence and treated in the most skillful manner. Among the most successful medical exports und specialists In tliu west Is Dr. J. K. McUrow of tills city. Ho Is tliorouulily read turn con scientious. " [ The Omiiha lloo , Jan. 1st. , IfcOl "Dr. .1. K. McQrow hasdovoto3 Ills life to the study iinU treatment of prlvuto diseases. The Doctor Is painstaking und conscientious. " [ The World- Herald , Oinivha. Sept. 4th , JH'JI. ' "Dr. McOrow IB u doctor on whom you can depend , und that Is the reason why ho Is so ejl known and praised among the Swedes of Omaha and all over the country. " LTho Swed ish Tribune , Omaha , Sept. 4th , 1691. "Thcro Is no specialist who stands higher In the estimation of thu poaplo of Omaha and throughout the ucnt than Dr. McGrew , as his eminent nullity add success In the prnctlco of his profession will testify. Ho Is known throughout the cntlro west ns n master nf his profession. Ilia untiring cITorts In hclmlf of young mon. are ton well known to reijulro mention. " [ The Oinuha Commercial , Octo ber , 160 A "Wo do not hr<nto to fittujlo out Dr. J. E. McGrcw , of Omaha , ti 11 bpcclullbt worthy of the hlghcbt prulhc. Ho Is a thoioughly trained physician , u scientist of no uncertain btnndlng. a deep thinker , a keen luuhunor , a peiflstont realtor of the literature of his pro fession und hence a A'Ulo awulio and Intelli gent t-jiechillst. During ourU'O years ns no\vu- pnpur correspondent wo tmvo never hud occa sion to comment on u business conducted moro In lu'omng with the principles of fair dealing and honor. " ITho Uhlcaga Tiudo Uo- vlow , November , JS'Jl. The doctor's nuaccsa slnco locating In Omaha hue boon inmost Mattoilng ono both professionally anill Unanclally , und. ho fully upproclates the putronugo which hus been given nlm In Omuba , und throughout thn surrounding NtiiUm. us well us the \\est and northwest , Ono of his chief desires U , that ho may over contlniiu to dcbcrvo this recognition of his professionalaklll as a sueclullst. IsunsurpnBsca In tlio trentmontof nil forms of PK1VATK DISB'ABES , und all ilNorlon und doblUtles ot youth und nianlioo.I. ITyonrs' experience. Ills mtoilirus and faollltle- ) are lirnctlcitlly unllmltdd. The Doctor U recom mended by tfui iiiwis , and endorsed In the strongest terms by the people for fair treat ment nnd honest professional udvice , Tlio most poncifut remedies known to modern science for the Huuceasful treatment of tlio following dlseuvcsi QONOHBUOKA Immcdlr.to relief. A coin , ploto cure without the loss of uu hour's tlmu from buslnos'i. aLEKr Ono of the most complete- and suc cessful treatments for gleet and all annoying dlsohurees.vet known to thu inu.ltual profoi- slon. The rosiiltsurotruly wonderful. BTRIOTUltK Uro.ttcst Icnown romoily for the ire-itiiient of slrloture , without piln , out- tln.ordiliitlnv ! , Amoitremarkablu rornedv. aYPHILIS-No trt'iitmont for this torrlblo blood disease lias over beun moro MI ecMiful. nor hud stronger endorsements , In the light of modoru scluncq this dlseaso it positively cur.ib.uand ovurjr trace of thn poison entirely reiuovud from the blooJ. LOST MAXiHOOD , nud nnililtloii. norvous- ncsi. tlmldltv. despondency nnd all weakness nnd dl.orJers of youth or munhuod. Keller obtained ut once. . . . , SKIN DIS BASES , und nil dUousps of tlia kiomarn , blond , liver , Ul'ineys und bladder nro treated > u cco sfully With the grouto kiuiwi reiuedluii for the di > oin. Wrlto foruiruuUN uiiduuonton list. fr at * . CREDITORS SALE Public Auction ? Of the Stock of JOHN UMBR , THE xIEWRITER. * At His Store , 1314 Farnam Street. ' Will commence Thursday , June 30"at 10:30 : a , m. , and continue daily until the debts are paid. Hots of Sale , 10:30 : a. m. , 2:30 : anH:30 : p.m/i This Stock consists of Diamonds , Fine Watches , Jewelry , SolicS Silver and Silver Plated Ware , Clocks , Tabe Cutlery , Opera " "Glasses , etc. , to be sold in single lots to suit buyers. Sale absolute to highest bidder. xT. H. RREXNGH Will Conduct , the Mackintosh ClotWng-Wliolesals. Rubber / Clotliiiig-Y/holesale , . GermanSox-Wholesale Fish and Shield Slickers-Wholesale. WESTERN AGENT FOR THE Grand Rapids Felt Boot Co. , Meyer Rubber Shoe Go. , New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co. NO GOODS AT RETAIL. Ow roatly increased business I have baon compelled to rent the ground floor , 44x160 foot , on corner of Howard and Twelfth streets , in addition to the building I now occupy at 1111 Ha-ney street , to hold the stock I am getting for fall and winter. Send for 1 sts , otc. Z. T. III ! Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Rush of Blood to the Hdad , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given taking one tabtilc after each to over-eating arc benefited by meal. A continued use of the Ripann Tabules is the surest ' contain nothing that can be f cure for obstinate'constipation. They injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle S or sent by mail postage paid. 4 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , Address THE HIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. J , ft \ / / Q , cr3 vl IW / " ! I AmPA Superior i | nl gfi for rtne tlni rOJvJl CJUrSJJ LTAUICOi _ youniB1cY | | | Cuurn > of luilrlhor- ' ouKlii Uiiilcalainl Artil partini itililAlitilvrdtr tcucheriuf Hit1 l > ri ( American and European culliri-J large U'l ' Uautlful ijtounJi ; HUH bnllJluu . nmnn . will 'IIK-III hrptf nibcT 7th For c tulojtui > int.Inn : . W. llAllltCTT , I'i-r * . CULUMUIA , MO. HAVE YOU FIL5D YOUR CLAIM YET ? You'd better not waste any more time if you expect to get anything ; from the gov ernment. Unless you put your claim on record before March 3 , 1894 you will never have another chancg * It takes time to put an application - plication in shape , and there is not a bit of spere tima left. Whatever you have lost by the Indians , under the conditions described in the la\v , can be recovered if you go about it in the right way. The Baa Bureau of Claims knows just how to go to work. Write and find out. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb. 1'ENETOATES STOPS PAIN WOOD'S PENETRATING PLASTER FAR IN ADVANCE OF ORDINARY POROUS AND OTHER PLAOTER8 Sold hy Druggist * Everywhere New Yoik l ) i tt 9J Wtllltra Sueet PLLS un.l Only Uiiuior. , A , -.l ; i tlHI U . l OIL I.I f r nirkiiUTi Hiolfi * HlfL iranJ 10 Itl'd > I > 1 OM i > i < l > lll\ , ' ,1 whli l > lu llttxio 1'uta /ttfutt Jtnatravl ivklltlU' . . illallniil < llllt ; < Hl .e' ol4l luf i.tillo . Ui > , KilMiuiIlltll ! > ( > Ilif fur l.u'lln. " f ' " " > > ; rolum Tl , loooii r"it"j ° ni i > - A < yvr r. rlil'lii irr < Leuilitl ) ' ' , ' ! [ ! | H1Vl > r * _ SMIn * Kpcmco'H ll . \ MIMNO AND lli'liooi' for mrl * Hiiucliil itiidenli nduilttea. Wmt IHth Htnmt , Ni-w Viuli. _ - _ U Frequer ntly want n now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. AtldrpMsuddenly , without uotlco , Oiiiiiliii JilierltthHi Itiiinni , tfI' < f 'T