THE OMAHA DAILY liEli : WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29 , 1892. SPECIAL NOTICES , . H > U TI1KSB COLUMNS ADVnilTIMhME.NTrt 12 10 p. tn for the cvcnlnu nnrt until 8.80 ( > . tu. for llio morning or Sunday cdl- All advertisements In tticro columns 1 * centsn word for llrnt Inscrllon and 1 cent n word jnr onch subiequenl Insertion or 12 per line t' r inontt. No ndvertlcomenl Inkon for Iff than Vi cents for the first Insertion Terms cflxli In ndvnnco. Inlllnln , ttinm n , symbols , etc , e ch < nnnt n n word , AllartvrrlUemcntsmuHfun con- fccullrclr Advertisers , byreqiicstlnK n numbered rlipik , cnnhnro Iho letters nddre fed lo n mim- Itrril leltdr In cnronf ' 1IIK I1EB Answers MI ml- dtemed will l > o delivered on prcidntntlon of tuo check. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ L"WAN rKt ) , POsmoNVs'lIKAl ) WAITIIKSS In dlnlnii room , hotel or restaurant. Address C II , Iliv. MI1HJ MAE _ AE HELP. J/clly In the went on extra liberal terms , to sell the popular ten year policy of the Miitunl Ho- rcrvnl'und I.lfo nsoclnlloni nlso the now IIO.UOO comblnntlon I oiler of the I'refcrrcd Miitunl Accl- .flftnt csKOCInlion of Now York ! test only Jill per i j nr forprrferrod rl k ! save money by InsiirlnR. innkn money by ri presenting Ilietn wldenwnko compnnH'n : lire necnls can douhlo their tneomo rs > \\rltn for clrcnlnrs nnd terms to I ) . U. Iloblson , Grncrnl MrntKOr , Gmnha , Nch. 121 11- MAN WITH WANTHI ) IN KAClt CITY , Jtown nnd hnmlet to Introriuen the fastest selling household nrtlclo on record , Uvern million eol.l In riilladelphlR Will pny comnctimt person $1 per ilny. AddrcRswItli stamp W. II. Wllllnmson. 44 N. elililn | , I'a. Mli4Jf30' _ AND u. it. i.Aiiounud FOU I'WyomlnBorgoiith Dakutn. COUH. Uth t. 152 JW - ) . TKAJISTKllf. SHOVKI.MHS ANI ) rockmen for Wyomlnir nnd South Dnkotn. Albright - bright Agency , 1120 Knrnnnl street. 171 J1U 11VAN1 Kl > , AOISM'S IS KVHHY TOWN IN JJtho ulnto to rcprepent the United f tntcs .Mntnnl , Accident nsKoclntlon of N. Y. NUIT pullcles , most liberal In form nnd rcnsonnblo In cost uvcr Issued. i 11 , A. Wanner. Mnto nnont , Uniiilm , .Ncl ) . Ml "TJ-WK ruSAI.AIIY wnniu.Y TO noor , J5ngcnt , former i-tperlenco unucccssnry snlnry paid weekly. fcliiRcr olllce , J510 I'oiiglfta , .t-IIHKAl ) \KKIl WANTIU ) AT 57J MAIN BT. , jJCOItncll Minus. MB-i7 71 soLK'iTdiiH WITH nooi ) unrKiii'.Ncis AT JJAtnorlcnii Wrlntter Coffii \ llowiird. MffJ31y22 WANTKI ) , A OOOI ) SINOLH IIIITCHKH WHO B f ; peaks ( ionium. Address Oli , cnro Omalin Moo. ! KXPKUIKNCKD PATHNT IIIC.IIT 8ALKS- II man. Address Lock Ilox725 , rromonl. Neh. IIn MWIIKJ * n \VNTKD , 12 nnsT CLASS CAUPKNTKUB , ilJticnch mechanics for Insldo work. Steady em ployment. Address U. 1. Lumber Co. , Hock Msland , i-PLUMII15IIS WANTKI ) . nitST-CLASS STEADY .I'mechnnlcs wanten ; non-union preferred : wages 11 nnd M W for 8 hours. WHInrd. Powell .V Plnrk. Dlllnlli. Minn. " 79 1 IJ-VYANTKD.TKN GOQD niHCKLAYKUS , -Onuses ra cents per hour. Apply to t-tephons Ilros , nt Western Normal ColleKO , Lincoln , .seb U'l S3' -$7S00 10 fj')000 CAN HI1 ! MADH MONTHLY worklnu for II. P. Johnson A. Co. 2000'4-ii 3 Mnln stnot , Ulrluitoiid , Va M 10tl01y2J * - ) - IN KVKIIY 'IOWN In Uiiltod States. Kxtenslveoxperk'nco not ro- nulrOd. fconil for particulars , Uui\eisnl Dcloctlvo Auciicy. box KXr.i , ChlCBKQ , 111. Ml 18-1 * r ilAllMI8ON AND IIK1D , I1Y LKW WALLACB , B WO pnues. only fl W ) : fiper dny for rollcltors , la dles or Kcntlomun. 1'ubllshur , Hux 75. ' , Omaha Ult W -WANTKI ) . AN INTICLLIGKNT HOY 14 TO 18 years old , who Is willing to learn nlrnde. Per n ancnt situation. Addrus , with reference. U 3 > , lieu. MISI 30 ) HOOD III lllUIAD AM ) CAKl ! Jbakern. 552 S ICth. Ml55 3 R-TIII5 GUAHANTI5I1 INVKSTMIJNT COMPANY J'wnnts reliable ngpnts throiiBhOut Nebraska nnd Iowa. Apply ItooiuSJ , Douglas block , Omaha. -Tj-WANI r.D , TOO 51KN FOH IIAIUIOAD COM- i'lmny work In Ncbrimkn and Iowa , free fare ! 500 men for Montana aiiddrunt Northern work. Krn- n'cr.l O'Hcarn labor n oncy , oUJ S. Hth St. 2752 * -5 _ \VANT11D , HOY A1IOUT 18 TO WOIIIC IN JJ nlioo fnclury. Morse Coo Shoo Co , 11th and iiKlas , up Mill . _ 179 23 15 WAIsTIID. A IIHGISTBIHSD DHUCGIST AT J JOIH'O ! inu bnvo good references , not married. Ono Hint has worked In a grocer ) store preferred Address , ntntlng experience , nml salary oxpeelod , I , W. Lnnrciuo , Klk Creek , Nub. 1BJ VJ * _ B WANTHI ) , MKN TO TUAVI'.l , FOU OUIl CAJ { hdu ntirseilcH , blono A Wellington , Madison Wls. - * * r3il. T > AOKNTS WANTKIl ATONCK rOUTHKOIMLY Jnuthorlted nnd olllclnl edition of the "J.lfo of iTClovelnnd and Htovunson. " Outllt free , bend lOo forpostnuo. Liberal terms. Tnilght paid. Credit Elvtii. Urdcrnulclc. U. II. Woodward A Co. , Hal- tlmore. Md. M2C1) ) .10 * _ WANTED-FEMAljE HELP. -wANTifa I-ADII ? onuNf5 take light , pleasnnt work at their own homes ; IIOOtoiMOO per day can bo nuHtly made : work . cntbymall ; no canvassing , lor particulars ud- dress "Clolio Mfg. Co Uox 6UI , iloston , Mass. " lrstabll hcd ISM ) . M28I JyS C WANTKI ) . A LAUNDUESS. APPLY W. D. Mlllanl , Omaha Nat. bank. . HU C-WANTICDA I'KW LADIKS CAN 8UOUIIK liundsoino oalary for homo work permitting other duties W. Springsteen , ItoxSU , Chclago. Ill M653Jyll' C-WANTIII. : A GIUI. FOH IUIUSBWOHK. Must bo good cook and laundress. HJOS-o 2'.ith ttrcet. M74J /1-WANTHII , MUST C1.AP8 COOK AT THIS y'llnmiiton.Itth nml Douxlns. 843 --AVANTKI ) , AN KXl'KlllKNCKD O1HL toil sc-bond work nud euro of child. Mrs. U 1C. Rny- otd , 10.V1 1'urk nvo. SSI /-1-COMI'KTKNTOIIlL FOU OENK11AL IIOIWK- V/vrork. ICffJ tflicrmnu HVO. ! < 44 C -WANTKI ) AT ONCK , QIIIL hOH OKNKIIAL homework ; must bo n good cook. 2007 bt. Mnrj'a avenue. ai'j : > 4 /S WANTICD , WKTifuimnoK s MONTHS , IM. V/nieillntoly. Apply 4411 North JOtli. 1(5 p COIII'KTKNT ( JIUL KOIl UKNKltAL HOUHK- y irork. B1 Cniiltol nvo. _ us 1 C-WANTKU OOOD (1IIIL FOli flKNKUAL hnufovrork In vmnll family. Apply ntWI South VthBtri't't , C-WA.NTKD , CASIIIKU AT Till : IIOSfON btore , Omnlin ; must lm\o tlretclnsa rofurenci's. IM J."J -WANTKI ) . ( JOOD (1IIIL roil OKNIIUAL liounuimrk. stn-t't. MIS8 1 * , HKAI ) WAITUKSS. /ud U > tllru box lb.l , I.lniuln , Nub. .M1W JO * Vt-WANTKD. AT ONCK. FIUST CLAHrf COOK , v recdiiinienilatlonsreiiulred. Mrs. It. C. Moore , 119 H , With. MISI ill * I'OU OKNKUAL HOUSi- : v/work. nvuniio. 1C7-30 * CC-r.lltLKOUIlHNKUALUOlISIJNNOUK. BMALL fnthlly.HlJl Chlcnko. ' 173 ; 0 * _ _ /l4-lW.\NTKi > , OKItMAN Oil 1IOII K.MIAN ( JIUL V/fnr Iniumiwurk ; only ludy und child In fumllv. H4 N.lblli Btruet. 177 J _ ' " ( io'oi ) "s A I.AHV OUAUANTltKIt ' ! ( ) LADIKS ullllnii to do writing for mo nt their hem < > n. Addrcus mo In own humlwrllliiK , llh Btninuvd un. t U ) | > i > Altifl Kdnn K hniytliii , fouth llcnd , Ind , ( iruprlbtoi' of the fnmuua Ulurln water f 01 the cam- - * - TO DO IIOUBKWOIIIC ATC l ( IK 51st street. C < -WA.NTii : ) . ( illlL I OH MKNKUAL Ulll.'HK. work , 2U. < 7 Poduo st , , opp. huh school. MI'Jl KENT HOUSES. . ALL . | l t . ( ie.iritnJ , I'nnl , 1UU1 hnrnuni ttrcot. rl'OU , HUNT. 14-UOOM 1IOU8K 181 : ClHCAdO U 740 D-IJOATK8. UKNTAL AUKNOV , 1CI4 KAUNAM. Jli Dn H HUNT. IIKHIIIAIILK 1lOUHI Ar7T > rCHhluiict ) tluti. clH'nii. lloiiiui for into on lionlily | iiuriueuti. J. NY. bqulro. Ut Mat. bunk. D -FIUST OI.AHS 11K81DK.NCK KLATH. 3 OU t rooinij now tiluck. Itoom t ) , 610 B , nd. Wl IA-KOH UKNT.A 7 HOOM DKTAUIKD IIOUSK , J wlth lawn , shndn trees , bath , laundry , etc , .1 tluiks from court hoiisoi roforcncu required David Jmulctun , ill ) H , ZUlh sU uu \CO'lTAaK , 4U SOUTH WTII AV15. 5JJ * nin HUNT , TWO cooi ) tntooji i , ) UO | within It minutes walk of eourt huusu , . K. Dull fo. IW < Kurnam street. tij T\-J UOOM""S ON iTr ( HT.TiULi' III.OCK Jvof disco , I7W , city water. Alto ether roouis nd lioun-s at luwex prices. O.K. llutts , room 4 , Boo liulldhu. JIT-Jrl IIOUH1 ! , tW4 8. JOTH. K V , llluger.llD r rimm. W4-SU * A/l-rooiu housi ) . All ccuucnilenccs. Kuqulro UI5 > 'atk menue. MI48 ) y t _ rJ\01 ! KNT. TWO HOUSKS , 113 AND 115 H. IKlUsUcet. Very haudy lu busluess. Woclurnl ltiiws. IX 'il Mount , tli a 14th sU Ita . Troil HKNT.TWO NlfK HltH'K 11OUHKS NKAll' . , e W1 l'rkl . hotlln ua " ' " 3i * ' Just ' ' urUiuf 1'upp etuiiB . 'ihesatiuutestiavenrouius rmh , with utU. furoaco. splendid brick cellars , 4c. rvoallittllaiKcuiii psikaud Pueltlo stri-ot muter , iHoo < ltWl'lll > "I"8S4ll l'l " 'l aud lie.lthy locntlun.viil rimlfor HJmch Koysklniy ottlcu. .eo N. lllcksiltoouil > ( UN. . Llio llulldlii.uu uu u FOB RENT-HOUSES. t'onllnufil D-j ou "IIKST , r-iiooji'coTTAai ? . sifii 'AND ChclnRo sts. II , T. Clarke , Uth nnd Cns , or 919 Ilonad n fl ratio. 7W -A f.AIlfli : SIX HOOM HOUSE , (1001) I.OCA- lion. Ml a 2UU MSJI I' _ nENT-FUnKISHED i i- t ; u ss i ci tc OM s To'iNTwn ALL - imotlcrn coriTcnloliccs. 012 Douglas elrrou elrrouMffll ? -LAIIIK ! DKSIHAIILK UOOM tOll UKST , for Iwo. 19111 llodeo t ( TO _ PLKA9ANT KUIt.Sl IIKD ItOOMS IN private family , strlcllr first closs. B minuter wnlkofP O. 1WI California. S I23 E-KOIUIKN'I\TKUUMSIIID : HOOMS TO MAN nnd wife , no children ! tent taken In board ,119 North Kth t. .M10J _ -NICK HOOM , CONVli.S"tns.l723 DAVBNPOUT 810 4 _ _ -NICKLV VUHNiaiH ! ! ) UOOM8 AT JIOJ DOUO lasntrcel. MiOO ti * _ -LA1UIK , HANDPOMKLY HJIINISIIKD KAST fronl room , also Iwo or three other nlco rooms. SK ) N. 23d. 1811 29' _ _ -TtlHKH NIOKLY FUUMMlKt ) IIOOMS * OU llKht liousekeeplntt , 162. ) Capllol nvcnuc. M1M-30 * _ FURNISHED iROOMiBAND BO ARD _ " ' ' AT TUB ( .4427 * _ IP-SICK UOOM ANI ) IlOAUDfOUTWOOKNTLK- men ! one-Imlf block from motor ; Kood , nlca homo. 313 Ho. scth fit. _ MMI -DKS1UA1ILK FllfsT ANI ) BHCONI ) KLOOlt south rooms-nt "Iho Prenzor , " 1111 N. 25lh street , Mill 2 _ _ I7-KLltNISllKI ) IIOOM8 AT Till ? HAMPTON ; 1 lint elms board ; rufercnccs required. 201 S. 21th. 7111 _ -HACK PAHI.OU OU t , Alton TUONT UOOM with tiny window nnd honrd for two : fIJIM per niontli. bmnllurroom fqr two with hoard , J4U09 per month ; modern conveniences : elegantly fur nished : private fnuilly , 515 North 23d street. street.MSifl MSifl - SOUTH UOOM WITH 11OAIID. i llcferoncea. MU Parnam. MTO .W F A V1IHV DKSrilALK SUIT OP IIOOMS. OU will rent ncpnrntely , ono fronts south nnd ono nst , with an alcove , bent In city , .m t > . Mill t.W33 W33 i -llP.ST 15AST I'UO.NT UOOM IN CITY , 210 south 25th street , MI24 if-KOIl UKNT. KUUNISHKI ) IIOOMS WITH II rut class board , at Ibo Utopia , 1721 Davenport street. 182 4 _ _ NICELY FUtlNlSHIiD IIOOMS WITH PIltbT- clasi board ; references oxclmiiKCd.W N. 18th st - FOR RENT-UNFURNISHElJ ROOMS. Oabli for housekeeping ITUJ Webstar street. street..MW1 .MW1 G FOH UKNT. UNKUHNISlinil Al'AMTMnNTS for light housckccplDg , gn and bath. 25IS Doug- Ins street. 1S82 * BOARDING. H I'lH.LMAN I10USK , 1110 DOIK1K. KOIl HOOD board nlco rooms , cuavonlonojs , rate nnd loca tion It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , prop. 478-Jy 0' FOR 11ENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I VriVKN'irTnirY.SlOHY liitick IJuVlilllNti I'.illl Knrnnm st. The Uulldlng has n fireproof cement - ment ha&umcnt , complete steamhoatlng llxturos ; water on nil the lluors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce. of The lleo. 918 1KOK HUNT , b'lOllK 22X00 , 1113 JAClvSON 1 340 J I'Oll HHNT , ni.l RANT LAUGH Il'OOM. I'lltST lloor , N. V. Llfo llldg , lllcks , agent , b05 N. Y. Life. 1S02U JFOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. KoiuiKvfvrni5"oLii ; iVASKKT I'Aci'OHY AT ' Kckcrmann place , 40x14) ) . 2 stories nlth holler and cnglnoJJS per month . C. K Harrison , U12N. Y. Llfo. MliO JJO J TUB "I.1TTLK OEM STA1II.13S" AT 1718 Cnsu street Is now open nnd solicits the board and cnro of gentleman's roadsters and family horses Customers patronizing this Mablu may rely upon prompt httentlon nml securing for their hordes nnd carriages the very highest class of cnro nnd treatment. M IJ5 WANTED-TO RENT. WANTIII ) . DK.TAOHKD HOUhK IN DKcIll K able locution , not loss than 10 rooms. J. Hnum.laioilarnoy. 5151 HOOM AND IIOAIUJ IN PItlVATK FAMILY by single gentleman , west side preferred ref- cnces exchanged. Address 41 C , lleo. M104.10 * RENTAL AOENOIES. K. C. QAHVIN \ CO , S03SHISELEY 11LOCK. STORAGE. M OLDIMT. GIIKAPKST AND nKSTSTOHAGG house lu llio city. Williams X Crossl.'ll Harnoy. vn WANTED.rTO tJY. J-.PIIHNITUHK UOL'dHr , bOLD , STOHI5D. I Wolls.-llll hnmaiii st. ! ) vj TV" CI.A1MH 1011 SA1.AKIKS , SKUVIUKS ANI ) 1 1 unues uxalnst clty.r county , corporutlou , Incll vhlimls BoiiRhl or uilvnncea on. W. 1U Duvls. U. 20 , Continental Hlock. M7 < 0 _ TVT DON'T HnlJj KIIUNITUHK UNTIl. YOU HKE X > Omahn Uupoinl Hand Kurnlturo Co. Illulicst lirccs imlil. C01 N. lull. _ -M744 Jyl7 * \T CASIf 1'AID I-OIl KIIIST-CI'ASS OIlOCIMtT 1 > atock9 , largo or nimll. .All communications strictly conlhlcnllal. U. O. U. llrewn , Oiualia , boutli Onmlm nnd Council HlntlH. _ 888 \r Till ! OMAHA LOAN. & TIIUST COMPANY 1 > Savluiif , Hunk pnys the IilKhoBt price for both rounty nnd city wnrrnnls. Ilrown block , lilth und Dou lna. 11113 9 TV" I10HSK. IIAUNKS8 AND CAllllIARi : : MUST -li bo tlrit ca ! B , cheiiiuiiil safe for lady , Adilri'es C 40 , Itoo. 170 _ TVT WANTKI ) . 8KCONI ) HANI ) 8-HOHSi : I'OWKIl 1 1 uprlxut engine nnd boiler combined. 62'J Ilroml- way , Council lllnlTB. _ Mliiaa FOR 8ALE-FTTBNITUIIE. 0-KOIl 8AU , A LOT OP NKW HOAHIMNQ houBe furniture , used onljr a fovr months , very chonp. Imiulro Hooin 931 , lloard Trade. 8S7 0 -1 OH BALI ! . HOUSEHOLD KU11NITUIIK , miltnUlu for Ihiht lionsokuciilnu ; also baby car * Inqulru lull rurnuni. 151 ZU * gOnSAI/E.-HO ' g8E3 , W AOON3 , ETC. " " " I ) -mr8S "XfcVvrV"lVoLiMi7""Toi'"iiiiuKYl -L for M.UO. II. K. Cole. Uontlnt-ntnl hlock. V.2JJ 1" J-VISlrV FINK. BTVL1BII YOUNI ] DlllVINT horiip. tniiBt bo old nt oncol weight about 1.1W bs. 'IhoB. K. Hull , 007 1'xxton block. 'J73 ) - HAi.K. A ( iOOl ) , SI'YLIBH DltlVINO 1)-K1H for Kontlemnu or lady. Kith piano box top biicgy , full width. In goO ( ! onlur. Inirncns , etc. , coiuplutt , , for $ IW ua. Knqulro at 1'urk titnblcn , 24th uml l.uuvonworth. . Ul yj * p-um HAM : . ONI : IILAUIC KINK OAITKII HAD J ulo horse , fti'ur > old , iiooil BliiEln nml double driving horse , nt IS&l boutli loth st. , Omuliu , Nnh. U 21) ) ' _ "lKOU PALK , VKIlVtiTyLI IISNVDKUOMAHA J inndu ipccdlng huitil ) , cunt S2Mr nu\r , miiBt > ell this wuok , cnnli unly. Owner , Hex 738 , Oiuulm , Neb. I I'J ? J- 1 > -COD ( ! 1IOI18H , IIAKNKSS AND IKLIVKU\ wuvon. formurly owned by Monetillls , for snlo by thu llOBton Blorn. Ii8 28 " " tnblo - , UruiiBwIck-Ualkn nmko , nluiuit now , Inquire - quire or ( irunil hotel. Council lllutla. _ 3tU -FOH HAI.K. M 1IKAI ) rilKHII MILCH ODW 8 Q IJr. JuIIcrls , 7th nud ( irnco treet. MHl 3 * QS S AIIUTVAL i\THAUKUlNMlVt WON'OKUFUL riivchitloni. Chntlunut'9 the vrcirUl , Mm. Dr. M. Lotirnvo , Uond truuco cilnlrvornnt , n troloul t , inbul t mid Ufa reader ! tolls your life * from Ilia criille lo itrnroi iiultfi thu tuparutod : cauiei mar- rlauo with llio ono you love : tolls whnro you will ucciH'il nud la what builuom best adnptod furl hai thu culubrutoil Konitlnn brenitplate for luck , nnd to dfntror bud Inlluuncvi ; ouriu tu , Intenipornnco ard all , private c-oniil lnt with lumnuue , bath and nlciihul truutmont. bund f < , t > l , luck of hair , nuiuoand date Of birth uncl reeclvo accurate life chart ; 1 rents in ttanipi for clrculnri ulvo lulllali of onu you will marnl o pbotos of mine. Olllco 4IT Mouth lltli utrect , upilulrn liuurj. V n. m. to\l ii i in. Luiuu one , como ull , and bo conrtnced of thUwoujcrfiil oruclo W049 ) j 1 O-.MIIS. IIU. VANTUDB.MI.NII IIBAUKK ANI ) Ofortca ti-r , Imi arrlvi-d from California , bhe tull , | > u > u prrient and fututiiro with ported truth : KlYt'n udtlcu on all nmtitTBcif Intereet. lore , mar < rlnuu , dlrorru , doiu ttlci ( roubles , pooulattuim lint urbtolen propurtr , Hidden treasure ! , reitoren lout allvctluu uud unite * tin ) soparalvd , doserlbca frlunds and enviulvi , warns you ot linpundlnv disaster. \\ltneut trlckorr , prelonm or ham. but In llio broad , 01,011 Hula uf tcilHir seniu , she will read your enllrullre. Pusltlruly no mn aiu trcatnient or anjthli'ii ' ot n qnc'tttnnuMo diameter sullcltiut or tolerated I etters cuntulnlnir tl will roci'lro atten- tloii. t'onsullatloii tree. IUJN. lilbtt. yiU-l' S-11IW. N.VNMK V. WAIIItlJX. CLAIUVOVA.N r rullabla business modluni , tlflh year at 111) ) N Ibiti. -MADAMK r'IUT7 tlN CUMINO . ilalrroyant anil Irunoo medium ; IndeponJont ulcus ; 1 1U past aud futuro. Tu 1 inal baths , scalu and lialr Iroatiuant. mantouro audchlrouodlnu Mrs. PosUltfH H litli , Wltbnull blk Ml rp-MADAMK SMITH tltl DOIK1LAH JL room T , SU tloor , Alcohol , sulphur uud tea batus MWIJyl * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. CuiilfMiifil. fl MISS bTOWK , MASSKUdK KLKCTIIICUV. A fa HniDBO block MlfjJ Jy I' rr-TO Kl ll AND 1UJ8IAN IIATIIS ! LADIKS JLdnyitTiip dnyiinnd Irldays , S to It under 1 nr- nam btrcct tlicntor. MVi ! CU * 'P MAIIAMK LA'UI'K , MASSAUK , 4t ( ! SOUTH JLl.Mh street , Hat 4,3d Hour. MlBi 1 * PBB3C3NAU AM V YOl'.Ntl MAN 2S YI5AH * Of AI1K , Ul dork complcctrd , of medium elm nnd have been rnlled hsndximci wiiuld like tn rorrc'poud with doino yoiinc Indy of the ngf > of H to 23 , nlth H vtpir to innltlinuujr. 1 nm very well oil na to worldly Koods and need n imrtnor to eomnleto my Imppl- no . Aililteis all letter * to Charles ( i Allen , Ci eedo , Cole _ 184 ? ' o KiKLLiNicii\ : xo is A tj i KU , with llo-pe , orftH X. 18th nt. 1113 IIUYINU A PIANO KXAMINI : TIII : now scale Klraball planoi A. Uo9puIJI3 Doimlns. MONEY TO IiOAN-BEAIi ESTATE 1 TO Y Pllll OKNTj no additional rhnrues for coinrulaslon ornttor * ncy's foci. W , U. Mnlklo , First .National Ilnnk bldff , MONKY TO LOAN ON IMIMIOVKI ) CITY \ \ property , low rate. A. C. front , DouglM blk. CKNTUAL LOAN i. THU3T CO. 1IKK 1ILIK1. W vn "Vy C. F. 11AH1USON , 012 N. Y. L1KW. 690 \\r-WUlTK TUB SHCUHITY AllSTUACl' ANI ) > Investment Co. of Ilrukon How , Neb , regard ing their novel plan uf farm Investments. W-MONKY TO LOAN o. * IMPUOVHD on UN ' Improved Omalin property ut lowest rates on si.ort notice. Cinhon hand. Hdallty Trust com prny , 1G14 Karnani street 7U1 \\T U. W. P. COATS , CITY AND PAHMS , 1114 ' rarnatn. US T\r OMAHA 8AV1NO3 HANK MAKIW LOANS ' on reileilitent lowoU market rates Loans made In small or large sums and for short or long tlmo. No commission Is charged , und the loans nro not sold li tha cist , but can always bo found nt the bank on tbo corucrof Uth nud Douglas streets. 003 \\r-C. W. HAINKY. 311 OMAHA NAT. ll'IC 1ILDQ ' LltyuiortgnKos. Lawcslrnlus. Money on li nd _ -7 PEIl CKNT .MONKY NUT TO I10HIIOW- ors on Omnlin clly property. No ottra charges of nny kind. Why pay high latoo ? Money 11 cheap Yon can not full bcnetlt of low rates from Uloba Loan A ' 1 rust Co. , ICth nnd Dodge 143 \\T-ANTIIONYLOAN ANDTHUflTCO , 313 N. Y. * * Life , lends at low ralos for chulco security on Ncbraskaor Iowa farms or Onmhn city pro potty. 1)97 ) _ _ "VV"H2S.OOOTOT/JAN. SUMS OK JJ.OM UPWAUD3I > ' can place loans on nny liuldo Improved jirop- crtylo any uinonnt where vnluo U back of the loan. Amos Itoul Kstnto Agency , 1JOT Karmin sU V9J -WANTKD AT ONCK. APPLICATIONS FOU loans of $1,000 nnd upward on business , real dencoor form properties. U.J.Paul , loui Kariiam W LOANS. O. 0. WALLACiSl3 : UHOWN 1ILK. 101 \V LOANSON IMPHOVni ) AND UNIMPHOVUD " city property.W.COJ mid unwnrds , il to S per cent. No delays. W. Parnum Smith \.Co , lJth and Harney. W I'llIVATKMONP.Y. 1ST AND 51) MOIITOAOB loans , lowrates. Alex. Mooro. 401 Ueu building. < vn \\r DON'T 1'OltaHT THAT WM AUK MAKING ' ' low rates on Improved nnd unimproved loans on Om.ihn property. No delay und all business trnnsacted at this olllco fidelity Trust company , 1014 Fiiriiam stroot. "HI MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. -l YOU ON rUUNlTUIlK , PIANOS , HOHSKh. WAOONS , CAlllllAllKS , LTO. ! , CALL AT Till ! OFFICi : Of OMAHA MOinCAOU LOAN CO. AND aiSTlBUMb IIKIOKK DUALINO BLSKWUKIIB. Loans made In nruo'ints from f 10 to ? 10,000 nt the lowest rates on vcrj short notice without publicity , and nlth the privilege of keeping your goods In your own possession. You can pay the money back In any amounts you wish nnd nt anytime , and cucli payment so made will reduce the test of the loan In proportion. ' 1 hero will bonooxpenso or charge kept out of the amount wanted , hut you will receive the ful amount of the loan. OMAUAMOKTOAOK LOAN CO Itoom 11 Crclghton lllock. 15th St. , boutli of pontoluco The only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. 632 MONKY TO LOAN. X FIDELITY LOAN OUAIlANTEH CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , muleswngons. etc. at the lowest possible rhtos without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. Payments of any amoiiut can bo made at any time , reducing both principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons nil the beuollts of the partial pay ment plan. delays ; no publicity ; lowest rates : buslnoss confidential , F1DKL1TY LOAN GUAHANTKB CO . ICO 114 , Wlthnoll blk , 15th and Hartley. V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK -A-eccjrlty ; strictly confidential- . U. 11AHUIS , room I , Continental block. 10. ! HOH'Tl'IUTClIAUtl. H. 3 , WITHNKLL 11LK iai X WHBN YOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN SBK W. 11. Davis , room 20. Continental block. 104 X-CnATl'KLIXANS MADE ON KUIlNlTUHE plnnos , live stock , etc. , without publicity or ro. movnl property nt the loircst rntos nud tha easiest pnyiuontB. Dull lireciu , rooms 8 nnd t ) Ilarkor block. _ 175 tSO.OUO TO IAN ONCHATTBI. 8ECUU1TY business conndontlaL lloom tOi Knrbuch block. -tlO. 123. $30 , 1100. ANV SUM TO LOAN ON FUll- nlturo , horses , or nny good socurlty ; lowest rntos Ncbrnskn I < oan Co , 1110 Doualits st , 987 BUSINESS CH ANOE3. - BALE , A WELL-1'AYING ABSTHACT business la one of the western counties of this Btato. Address I ) 17 , Ilee olllco. MTM 1 * -Foil HALE. COMl'LKTE 3 CIIAIll I1AIII1KR shop , will neil Huj whole or In sets , 2UJStir Btrect , nt cigar more. l,7-4' ( -VO11 SALK CIIKAl' roil CASH. THE LATK "New Krn" printing nml Job presses ; complete oiittlt. Korprlco nnd terms uddross Henry Noeccn- blo , Bontli lleud , Neb. 1U7 - SOT * \T FOIl SALE , A COMI'LKTK KLKCTUIC LI HT. JInizoiitllt , Inoludlni ; bullcrs nnd onplno , nil In Kood condition. Will bo sold cheap. For particu lars nddress U 20 , Ilee. MIDI 2 ONK-IIALl'Oll ALLOFACJOOD I'AlINfi HA- loon to trndo or soil on tlmo. Address C .17. lleo. Ml 03 1 V rOll SALK OU TllADK , ONK OK THE 1IICST Jnml cleanest general ntucks of mdsp. Ill Ne- lirnsku , \ \ III tnko one half In clear Nebraska Inuds , tmlnncocnshor silt cdg notes H , chunibcrllu , Kourne ) , Nub. Kill 7 rOU HAI.K A KIHST OLAbS MILLINKlIv store. Address r. O. Hex 143 , Ida drove. In 165 2 _ V foil bAI.K. CHKAl' IXJU CASH , BALOO.V Anna boarding IIOIIBO. with complete fixtures. llp t locntlon. U oed reasons for Bellini , ' . Address 042 , Ilee. MI'-Ull * e OR EXCHANOE. /Jtukoroalestatu.Vlnonujr. lloxSJJTt'raukfort , Ind , -FOU KKCHANUE-KINB IIK31D18NCK , NKW , 13 rooms modern trapruvotUBitts ; un motor line , 1 mllu from 1 * . O. Will oxolinnzo for good busi ness lot or farm Innd * . W. , 1' . O. box OJ5 , Omaha. KH _ V A VALUAHLB COIl.NEIUXjr ON 8. II TH ST. f-lts > t suburban property. A vulunulu equity In lut for good horse , bnlano ) very ensy turms. Fidelity Trust Co , lull Knrnitu Z-FOIl BALK OU EXCHANOK-l'LANINO mill , 18th anil Mnion streets , Omaha. John M. Hhooler. 18th and Mason streets. M5S1 if II' y WANTKI ) . 0 OU 7 HOOM 11OU.HK INHIDK OF /Jiwo mile line. In oiohnniiofor 1 HI aero lot near Institute , with fine Improvements. Will double In value Insldo of 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1D14 Knrnam. Mft.ll J7 _ V-AK KM'.OANT IIOMK IN IIABTlNuB. LOT /Jl.vil3t , on llnktlnut avenue , fur Omahn prop. ortyt u snap for a Hastings uiaii , Fldullty Trust Co . 1014 Fnrnam. Mi)34 ) Jy7 _ y-JIODKIIN 1IOUSK. 10 UOOMi. FINK LOOA- A/tlon. to otcliHiiBe for smaller lieuso. W. T Urn- ham , Si 6 MI.CUKUU block. V a 2V y-HOU8K IIOOMH. FULL LOT.'ON MILITAUV / 'nveiino near llninlltnn Btruot to eichnngo for lot or will sell chcpp. W , T , Uralmm , JOi Mcl'maio block. VKJ J y-7U KK15T ON HAIINDKItS HTUKKT TO KX. , "change for Improved property. W. T. Urnhnni 80i Mcfiuue block. l > HiB > / WIl HAVU frOOU)0 ) WOUTII OK CITV I'llOI * . fJert ) tu trade for land. What liavo yon to offer ? Wciturn KxcliaiiKO Co. , Columbus , Nebraikn.MIT. MIT. IW * Z-KOIt KXUIUNXJK , IIKAUTIUJL MODKUN ( etldeuca twolou. utaa-baro.iiu.nuitucllne.-lur bailnoei. reaMeucu lirouttlr. Wbat ImwiuiK 1 * . O. lloxlVI. Umnlia. in I y-l JIAVK CAblt ANI ) HKAI , KfiTATKITo / Hudo for uicriliuuauo , Iik box til , I'uidllion , Nob. | BUJ EMPLOYMENT AOBNOy. p NAIHANB i'J/bVMKrn < OmCBIJW KAUNAS upttolrij uiula niU t u4U U4ii. ivi Wl. M7 Conlfjf'g. , HEj KSl'ATK MkllUAlNS. HICKS inl Mtlttt near llnnrrom pnrkvi . . . . . . . . .t S.00100 lOOtloi ) corner xlst and Ps < > ljto 7,5l UO orncrSOIhnnd pacljli ) , , . lOCUUtiu , l.owonvcuuo andJickton ; . 6VW,0 Miiuo , I'nclHc near ; ilst. . . , , / ; . 4.110000 Broom house near Hantco89pnrk. } . . . . . . G.SOOIO 9 room hntl o. clrgnnllf flnfliert83IO Pop- plcton a\onne . . . . . .i.'li'7. > . . . T,20i)00 8 room modern hoti'O , iKCM'Poppleton ' nvo- mio JI.IH. . . 7,00001) B room brick and Irnmocottaae , 8111 Pacific street iMli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7tOO ) ( i-rooni brick eollnKe , ncnr High school , . . itUrlUU 8 room cottage , lieorgla nvehiic near park ttw 00 5 acres close tn hell rallwar 2,00000 lOncrcs with cottage , nenr city. . . . 560UOU 10 acres , will pint Into 43 lots n.WOUU SO ncrcs l > tulles from eotirl house 7.0WHX ) 40ncrcs , finest tract around city. , 18,110000 W-acres i miles from postofllco Jtl.OUOOO Trackage property. l.Md feel by 290 12,00000 Trackage lot , lOUIO , 13th street. . . SSOOOOO Hicks , SOSN. Y. LCe. HAHOALV. nAVKAitODS17.ULOT ) ATToUT 200 feel from Sherman Ave , 'M minutes' walk from postolllcot splendid neighborhood. Will build to siill customer un easy terms. It will piv you to Investigate this otter. A. C. Frost , Itoom 2.1 , Douglas block , lull and Dodgu sts 775 rpIIE HONDS CAllIllKD AND DODOK STKKKT JL will soon bo paved clctr to thoun choice ft and 10- acre tracts which wo can still sell for n short tlmo at the old price of fioi ) 00 per ncro. Don't delay. Wright A Lnsbury. Irail Howard street. MS2i LAI'AYUITIC PLACK : YOU MUbT SKK THIS property to appreciate III Iwo homos for sale nt bargain. Lnll for terms , etc. , Fidelity 'Irust com- pany. 10141'nrnniu t. 117 STILl , FOH SALK IN 3IIKAUTIFULHOMK3 1-ufns etto plnco , Yon will make n mlstiko If you buy without scolng us about thuso homos. Ucnl forfSSOOund il0.lXpor inonlh. Flnoit Invcstmonl In the city. 2j5Jy3 _ _ _ 17011SALK-HOMIIS , AN Y I'KICH. KV ) , tl.rfl UPI | -I easy terms ; take clear property us lint payment , G , U. Wallace , llrewn block , loth nud Donitlas. 110 t KO PKIIT ON HAMILTON STUKKT WKST Ob' Jlono a\onlH' . forsala cheap. W. T. Grnhnm block. Hj8W , - IN OltCHAUl ) 1IILU ITOHSALK-inOlIAUaviN lot , will tnko Hood horse ns llrst imymont , bal ance , monthly payments. Wo will Boll you n lot dirt chcip nud furnish money to build you n homo on monthly payments ; several locations. Wo will build you ncoltauo to suit on monthly payments ; pniail payment down. 'I wo now6 roomcutUKOs In Klrkwooil , ono block from car line , cheap onmonthly pnymonU. llnrealn lu clonr lot In Walnut lllll , only f 1,1ft ) 00. llarK-Hn In clear lot In Orcliaril lllll. only fTDJOJ. llarualn In cloir lot In CrolKhton HolRhts , f-Wil.OO. IlnrRnlnln nboiutlful homo In Ltfnyotto Plnca , the finest residence torrnco In Oiunlia ovoryo no ad mits It. Let us show It you , Tor terms , prices , etc , call on Fidelity Trust Co. . ICU Kurnam st. _ 117 "OUSES ANI ) CATTLE PASTUflKD AT STOCK fnrm , llcllovuo U. T. Clarke , 2lD Hoard of Trade. Omnlin. 'JI3 "I70U BA7K , NOS. 4102 AND 410I LAFAYKTm Javoln Lnfnyotto 1'lncc , now S room dwolllujji. wltli bntli , ua , etc. , I'loctilOBaslIjthtlim nnd every other modern Improvement , ilnolnwn , troosnnd sur- roundliiKs ono block from rlcctrlo cars. Those two houses will bo BOldnt n blK bnrimln ; will take lot ns purl pa > ment ; lit us iliow you tlio property I1 IdclltyTrunt company. 1014 1'n.rnam Bt _ 117 TfOUSALK S.OOJ ACUI53 OF NKIWAdKA LAND J utcront sicrlllce. Apply for part Iculnrs to U. II. Peterson , oiruor , IIU 8 , lltli street , Oninlia. M193 Jyt _ _ _ _ J _ ' NKAll JlOTOIl ADDITION-FINK LOTS LACKY'S , each ; Hcnsh , linl. 2 , 4 , li , 7 per cent. ItuMdcnco lots within J > i miles of postoltlco $350 cnch ! MO cash , bnl. lonK tlma nt 7 percent. I'lno lot nlth six-room cotUmu nt 33th nnd Hurt streets. Price. J..WW : { 590 cash , bnl. easy. Potter A Ooorco Co. , b. W. cor. ICth nnU Fnrnnin M337 ] y4 FINK ACHK LOT IN flENbON ADD , to motor , only ? KH ) ; eusjpiiyuicnts Fidelity Trust Co. . Ibl4 Furnaiii. M915 Jy7 LOT ON CUMlIa ST. . CAHTHAU1S - > add nt 81,000 W. T. Grnham , McCnguo blk. _ | _ 'J _ UC823 1TOII SALU AT A UAUtlALV , LOT 15. IILOCK 3 , W. L. bclby's llrst nddltlon to South Omalin ; small payment clown , bnlanca munttilylf deslrod Inquire U. II. 'I'BCliuck. OiiiHh Hec _ Ait AU.M , ICO AC11KS IN CHS'TUAL NKUUASKA for i nle , $ < 00 po mere , buy r to get share of the Krowlnir crop. Co operative ? Land A. Lot Co . 20 > N. Ibth st. W _ 1I7D30 _ _ OOUT11 OMAHA ACU15S Oil ncrcs HI mlla west. 112,500. 3'J ncrcs H mile southeast. 111,000 S acres | J , mile southeast , -already platted Into 40 lotn.5iIO.6UO. i < < J fincreB2mllci south , flMW- " .5ncrp 2 mllci aouthncst.KUh smnll house , 51 , ! > 00. M ) acres 1 miles sontliwijsl'ln 5 ort0 ! ncro tracts , { 450 per ucro. > ) 2) ) ncres at n bark'aln. Cnll pr price , j Terms , \ ( cash , balance to suU. Potter K Ueorco Co rlUth nnd rurnnm ts. . MIO-J J _ _ i _ _ OU SALK AN KLEGANT SO ACHK TUACT west of Klmwood Pnrk will no on the market this week only. G. N. Jones , lOO South 15th. 170 ! _ FOU SALK OU HUNT Wcsllnwn Pnrk , conslst- Inuof the Louutlful Kro\o and grounds on the Holt rulhrn ) , opposite Ituser's summer garden nnd Schtitzen park nnd just this sldo of the new fair grounds and new Klmwood nnrk lu West Omaha. A big bargain If tnkcn nt once. Tor price , terms , etc. , npply to ( icorgo N. lllcks , N , Y. Llio building. BENT-PASTURES. MSTUIIKFOU CATTLKllOHSE3. : . T. MUUHAY J 203 \\rANTKD-HOHSK3 TO PASl'UHK , OALLKD < i for and delivered. G , A. Ltndqucst 318 S. 15th. .MJ7.J PASTUHAQE FOU HOIISHS. COLTd , CATTLlt. 200 acres pasture ; barn room caio of storm. My farm ranch Is one mlle from 21th street motor car. south on Gllmoro road. I call and deliver. Address mo , J. II. Ilrush , 1' . O. box I.II. ( boutli Ojiialm. MU > I Jyl4 PASrUHlS FOH CATTLK illOHSKS. T.'MUUHAY 1J70 ' LOSTi t , sorri'l mnro. nclghl DUO. Itownrd for return - turn to nbove nddress. 15.1 29 * OST-WII1TU AND UUINDI.E BULL DOO , tng Xo. 2U39. I'.cturn to Kil Clnrk. 174-28 * OST , A BSIALL W1IITK OX COTAININO SKV- arat nrtlclcB uf Jovielry * nmong otliors , aallver eerpcnt ring. Its return will bo rewarded at Mr. A. J. ropplctou's. 1UJO bhormnn nvo. 1SI BO f ObT-ON BUNDAV LAST A YBLLOW SATCHEL -IJcoutalnlnK balloons : fl ronurd for return to Frank Dnnil , 1235 a. 20th . 28 * SNYUEll'b IXAN OFKICB , 1510 UODGK ST. ยง * 1 163jaO 1F HUD MOHLK , OKF1C1J 15IH FAUNAS ! ST. H ? Till ! K12ALT1 .11AKKir. rNSTRUMENTS iilnuod on rooora Juno 28 , L IBM : WAHIIANTV tIKRna M C Wlllott iiud hiiBbniid to I F llnrt. n 87.17 feet , of o 107 feet of lot 10T Glse'.s uiltl , . . . ; ? 8,700 LH Amy to John DIMloy , lota , block U , Klnrcnco . . . . > 100 W S Hyuii und wlfo to WANolsoti , lot IS , bloek S , b'uiiiiiilt I'liico , 0,000 O < J Ueoio lo.l FPulIk , lots2J and L'4 , block U , Potter A : ( ieors-'o coinpany'H mid lo Hnst Oinuhu and lot 15 , bloeit 4 , Arbor 1'liicu / 3,000 Simon Niilfulsld and wlfo'lo Alborthtub- n I u It. o " , " > foot of w 50 foot lulu 1 and L' , ft. Wlft'Ot 11(1(1. ( , . . ; . 4JO J I * nnd Tboieso .Miillondor to N U And- urbon , loti lil , 14 und 15 , Malleiulcr I'luco 1,000 Anna I'rowltt and husband to W O For- iln , o Vt lotl'i , blouk B , Bedford I'hieo. . 1,500 11 P Kuliii nnd linsbainria Uharlos und H .1 Nulson , lot tl , bjodS 4 , ( JrolKhton IlulKhtH . . . . . . 2,100 nilpiibetb llrown nnd tiuiliiiiid lo 0 M Hunt ot ul. w U lotu1 , bWck 1 , Llnwood nark , tj'j 200 Llnwood 1'urk Lnnd Co to same , lot 9 , BUUIU Lgr. 4:0 QUIT I ME Wlllott and huslmupVlo I V Hurt. 11x87.17 foot udjueent'to'i uldo lot 107 , Glso'a add /N. . . 2 O 11 ftomun to G W K Dorsoy. lots 1 to 7 , IS , I'J , II , IB , 17. IH. bJocwWlotfl J to 7.10 , 11 , It to IH. block ! ! . low I. i 4 lo 15 , 17. ia block 4 , lots 2 , 4 to IH ! block C , lots 2 , y , fl to If ) , block 7. lota CO7.V , 10 lo 14 and IH , block U , ull In U U Muynu'a 1st ucld to Valley 3.4J < 1 uiieiuu J S Holtz lo I' Q KoisliiKtrjj trustee , ull Interest Incslatoor T ) H Heltz. . . . . . 6,100 II H I'oster ( siiocbil iniiSliCH to H 8 Klni- ball. lot 20 , block 2 , stlLdlv of J 1 Ked- Ick's add , , , . . ! ? a\\ \ ia.000 \ t \Jftr -MULJIT-ITB Tottl amount of tr.uisferj 52.1.3 is via the Chicago , Mijvvaukes &SL Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Ligh.ted , Stam Heat ed Vestibuled grains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9 545 a. m. City Ticket OIHce : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent I IM G TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange ! BEST IN THE WORLD I los. P. Megcath , Dealer , v * * * 1 RRILWRYTIIVIEOHRD Leaves ICHIOAUO , Mil * A til' . PAULlAnlvo tOmalial U. P. depot and Marov t-ls. | Omalu 70'i p m Chicago Kvprosa . . . 11 B ra ll.tO A m . . . . . . . . .Chicago ISxpress. . , . . 130 p ra l.cnvcs dlOUX C.1TV A PAC.1HC. Arrives Omnhn Depot. 10th ml Mnrcy 8t . Outili * T.a ) nml SlouxClty Pnssongic1 , Illi.'iJp m 635 p m | Paul Kxpross llUOOu ra < . p m | . . . .Bl. Louis Cannon Hall | IJ. pm LavesT MISSOUIll I'ACIHC. lArrlvoi Omaha ) Depot Uitli and Webster Sti. Omnha lOJOn nil M. Louis Kxpross. I C.IU am I'SO p m | bt. Louis Kxprcss I 6.10 p ra Leaves CHICAGO. U I. A PACIFIC. Arrival Transfer Union Depot.Council Blum. Transfer C 55 p m Night Express S10 a ro 10 70 a m Atlantic Express 5 55 p ra 4 55 p m Vestibule Limited 1250 D m Ieavos I ICC. , ST. JOB A C. 11. Transfer Union Depot , Council I ) lit Us 1000 n ml..Kansas City Day KXprusi 5 > p ra 1015 pni.Kansas | City Night Kxpraii. C.20 n m Loaves ICH1CAUO. UUHI/N .V yiMNOY.I Arrlvii 'Iransforl Union Depot , Council llluBs I Tranff i 050 nml Chicago Kxpress I 6.40 p ra 1000 p ml Chicago Uxpresi D25 n tn 705 p m | t'roston Local I 7.15 .1 ra Ionves I OMAHA A ST. LOUH. ( Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Ilium [ Transfer 4 40 n m | ifeL Louis Canon Jlull | l..ll p ra Leaves I SIOUX tUTY A PACIFIC. { Arrives Train for I Union Depot. Council Hlulfa I Transfer 745 n mbloux | City Accommodation. 11000 p m 650 p m | . . . .St. I'aul Kxprsss. . . . . . . . I l ) 40a m PROPOSALS FOR PAVING. Koitled nropomils will bo received hy the un- UorslKticd until IMu o'clock p. in , , July l&tli , 181B. for tlio following kinds of paving mator- Inl. viz : Shcut iisphulttim. Slotix Kails or other Krantto. Colorudi ) Hnudstonc. Woodruff. Kuusits , stone And vltrilled brick , alt ucconling tospeclfl- ciitlons. For piivln ? and icpnvlni ; purtof the follow ing ulloy mid atroet In the city of Uinahn. comprised In street Improvement districts NOH. 47J nnd J74. ordered linuroved by ordi nances Nos. Dll.'i nnd yilli rosDcctlvuly , and moro partloithtrly described us folloua. vl/ : No. 47.1 Alley from l.ltli to 14tli stieels. lio- tweeu Jackson ntioot mid Jones stteot. No. 474. ITUi street , fioni ritinam attcot to Ilnrnoy street. Kaoh ld ! to specify n price per squiiro vnid for the pavln- ; and ropavlne complete on the alloy and street. Work to bo done and bids to bo made In accordance with plans and specifications adopted ID Juno. IbO. , nnd on Illo In the olllco of the Hoard of Public Works. Hucl ! proposal to bo made on printed blanks fiunlshcd bv the board , and ) o be accom panied bv u ccrtlUca check In the sum of WOO , p i > able to the city of Omahu. as an evidence of K'ood faith. The board reserves the right to award the contract on the sala districts tozother. or on oaoli district separately , for the dlllurent kinds of material , subject to the selection ot the material by the propcity owners , or the miiyor and city council , to reject any or all bids , and to waive defects. p. w. niiuciiAusini. Chairman Hoard of I'ttbllo Works. Omaha. Nob. , Juno fflth , IBICJ. J28-i.UIyj-fl. NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OF GRADE. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots and real estate along Twenty-ninth stioet from Hickory to Martha street , and Intersecting streets : * Von uro hereby notified that the under signed , three disinterested fron-holdors of the city of Omnli.i , have been duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the city council of said city , to assess the damages to the owners respectively , of the property af fected by change , cif grade of Twonty-nlntli street from Hickory to Mnitlm streets and In tersecting streets , declared ncccsiary by or- dlnnnco No IS. " , , pushed May ! il , IbOJ , und ap proved June ! ! , IMU You nro further notified tint having ac cepted Hald appulntn unt and duly nuallflod us required by luw.-ivo will , on tho.lOtli day of .7 tin i ) A. P. IS'- , ut the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , ut the ofllco of Mmvor & U'Donnhoo 140J 1'urimm street , within the corporalo limits of said city , moot for the purpose of considering and making the assessment of damages to the owners respectively of Miln propoity. affected by salduliingo of grade , taking Into consideration apcolal bcnollts K any. any.Von are notified to bo present nt the time and place aforesaid and make any objections to or statomtnls concerning laid assessment ot damages us you may consider prnpnr. w. a. siiicivnu. arcoiuiiia HUAY. JNO. K. VLAOtC. Cn.nlia. Kc Jiuu-lElli t y.'tu lot NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of all lots und parts of lots and real estate along the alley running oust and uost adjoining lotv : io , ill , in. : u.,4 : , x > . : mIT ; , : w. U'land 4o , In block 4 , Uampboll's addition , fiom 'JUth Htieut to1st street. i'ou are hereby notified that the niidcr- slgnod , throe diblntorrsted freeholders of the city of Omaha , liuvo been duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the city council of suld city , to assess the danidgu to the owners respectively of the property affected by grading alloy In block 4 , Uump- Inill'fl addition , from 23tu street to 21st street , declared necessary bvordtnunoo 'J.104 , passed Juno 14 , Jb'.r. . approved June 15,1BX' . You uro further notlllod , that having ncceptod said uppoliittiient , und duly < | uul > Iflod us roiiulrod bylaw , wo will , on tlio 7th dur of July. A , I ) . IhUi at tlio hour of 10 o'clock lu tlia foiunoon , at , ttcCulloch , room HIV. N. Y. I.lfo building , within the corporate limits of suld city , muut forlhu purponeof consldorliiK and niuUlng the ussonairentof damagu to the ownois respect ively of suld property , alTootod by said K Hid ing , taking Into consideration special bonollta , If any. You lira notified to bo present ut the tlmo and place uforeiaUI.'und iiittko any objections toomtitemtmts concerning ulu assessment of dumugfu us you may cmmldnr proper. T. II. McUui.t. on , CIUHI.KB u THOMAS , U , B. HKNBWA. Omaha. Juno S3 , IBlti. .T24dlOt l'roj > ositla-roflltimlrlnr'Uiil I'a l.nwi * . Healed bids will bo received nt the ofllce of the Otty Comptroller , for the ropalrliiK and lialntlne or xiis lumps , up to 4 p. m , . July 5th , 1.SJU. A certified chucU of * ii to accompany cnuli bid. The right Is rnnervcd to roleet any or all ldH. THEO. 01-SKN. Comptroller. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OP DAMAGES - AGES FOU GRADING ALLEY F110M 8TH STREET TO 10TII STREET BETWEEN PINE AND HICKORY STREETS. To tlio owners of nil lm , put of lols timl lOnlcstnto nlonit the alloy from Stli strcrt to the street between IMno nnd Hickory streets : You art ) hereby notlllod that the undnr- tttuiicd , three dl lntero tcd freeholders of the city of Omahu. nrxvo been duly appointed by the major , with the approval of the city council "f sild city , to ussoos thodntnauo to thn owners ra < ncctl\oly of the propwrty af- feclcd by gnidlng the alloy from bin to loth utreols botwtMMi I'lno and Hickory streets , de clared necessary by ordln.inco ! M07 , pissoJ Juno 14 , 18J. ' , approved , lntiu 15 , IS'.1. You itro further notlllod , that having ac cepted sttd appointment , and duly qualified as required by law , wo Will , on the 8th day of July. A , I ) . ) S07. at the hour of Uo'alo-K In the forenoon , at the ollloo ot T. U. llrnnner , lioom 1 Wnro block , within the corpor.ito lim its of Bivln oily , moot for the purpose of con- sulorlng tlio makliiRHtid usjcssmnut of dam- ngpi to the owners rcsocctlvolv ot said prop erty , affected by natd grudlnz. taking Into consideration six-clul bo no II Is , It nny. You arc notllliui to bo present ut the tlmo andplni'o aforesaid , and niiiKo any objections to or statements concerning laid assessment of ilMimcos as 3011 may oonsldor proper. T. 0. Itittis-Nhit. T. il Mcouiu > cn , AV. H. OATK8 , Committee ot Appraisers. OMAiiA.JunogJ.lsn. . _ NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING "D' ' ( FORM ERLY DOMINION ) STREET FROM 9TII STREET TO 13TH STREET. To thnonncrsof nil lots , parts of lots nnd loal estate along "U" [ formerly Dominion ] street from Oth street to Kith struot , You mo hcroliy notllloil that the ttndor- Rlgned , three dlslnterosled frooholilers of llio city of Omali i. havu been duly appointed by the mayor , with thoapprovulof thuolty coun cil of said city , to assess thn damage to the owners respectively of the property alloctod by grading "D" Uiirmnrly Dominion ] street from Uth street to 1,1th street , declared neces sary by otdlnanco No. aoip issod April iOth , IH ; ' . approv oil May lird. IS'U. You are further notified , that having ao- joptod said appointment , and duly nuullltod us required by law , we will , on the Bth day of July , A , I ) . ISO.1 , at the hour nt S o'clock In the nflornoon , at the olllco of W. 11. Gates , No. Oil , N. Y. Llfo building , within the cot-potato limits of said city , moot for Iho purpose of con sidering and making assessment of dumago to the owners respectively of s.ild proportv , tilTectod by suld gradlnir , taking Into consid eration special bonuflls. It any. You are notified to bo present at the tlmo and place aforesaid , and tn.iko any objections to or statements concerning slid ussuH metit of damngns as you tuny consider proper. W. J. MOUNT. W. 11. QATKS. JOHN W. KOUHINS. Omaha , Juno Si , 189 ? . J.MdIOt PROPOSALS FOR PAVING , Sealed proposals ] will bo received by the undersigned until li01 ! ! o'clock p. m , . July 8 , 1SW , for the following kinds of paving ma terial , vl/ : bhectasphaltum. Sioux Falls or other grutilto. Colorado sandstone. WoodrulT , Itasi stono. And vltrlltod brick , all according to speci fications. For p.ivlng p iris of the' following streets In thooltv of Omaha , cMiiprlsod In utroot Im provement districts Nos 4'Slaml4tl ! , ordered Imprnvea by ordinancu ! ! H)0 ) , and moro par ticularly desctlbod as follows , vl/ : No 4(11. ( Ilrd street from the south line of I'lerco street to Wllllnma street. No 461. I'lorco street from the cast line ot 4th street to west line of Ilrd street. Hichbldto specify a price per sqtiaro yard for the paving complete on the streets. Work to Lo done and bids to be made In accordance with plans and spoclllc.itlons adopted In Jut.o , 18' ) ? . and on file In the olllco of the board of public works. Rach proposal to bo 111:1 : do on printed blanks furnished by the bourd , nnd to bo icciiiu- panted by a certified choolc In the sum ot $500 , payable to the city of Omaha , us tin evidence of good faith. The bo ird reserves the right to award the contract on all the suld districts tozcthor. or ono tch district separately , for the different kinds of material , subject to the selection of the material by the property owners , or the mayor and eltv coiinull. to reject any or all bids , and to wulvo defects 1' . W. IilKICIIAU.snU. Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Neb. , Juno 21 , 1S9- . Juno 21. 22. 28. 29. PROPOSALS FOR CURBING. Scaled proposals will bo received by the un dersigned until liO : : o'clock p m. . July Slh. IS ! ) . ' , for cuiblng with red Colorado sandstone. white Colorado sandstone und Ituioa R-ind- stone according to s-poclllcallons puts of cer tain streets In the city of Omaha , comprised In street Improvement districts numbered und doscilbcd as follows , towlt : No. 4G.1 Third street from south line ot I'lerco sttout \VIIIIumsstroot , and No 4G4 1'lut co street , from east line of 4th street to west line of Ilrd street. No. 419 Chicago street , from west line of Twuntjfifth street to Twenty-sixth street. No. 4" > 8 Oiiss streot. from west linn of Twon- ty-fotitth struot to a point 103 feet west of street. No. 150-O.iss street , from east line of Twen ty-fourth street to tlio west line of Twenty- fourth street In the city of Omalin. Knch bIJ to specify a price per lineal foot for the curbing complete on the streets In suld Imniovoment districts. Work to be done In accordance with plans and Npoolflcatlons on file In the olllco of tluilloaid of I'nbllc works. L'ropos ils to bo made on printed blanks fur nished by the boird and these accompanied with a certified check In the sum of $ .Yo ) , pay- abln to the city of Omaha , as an uvldcnco of ofirootl fault The board reserves the right toreject any or till bids and to waive defects. r. w , imuciiATissnn , Chairman Hoard of 1'iiblla Works , Omnltu , Juno Si , 18UJ. . ! . > . ' - S.I-29-30 Notice. In compliance with the statutes of the state of NobiasKa , In such c.iscs made and pro vided , notice la hereby given that sealed pro posals will bo received at the olllce of the Com mlssloncr of I'ubllo Lands and Hiilldlngs untl 4 o'clock p m. the DOtli day of Juno. 1802. fet furnishing supplies for the quarter ending Soul ember 30. 180. . For the hospitals for the Insane nt Lincoln. Hastings and Norfolk , thn Industrial school at Koarnny , the Institute for the Hllnd at Ne braska City , the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb nl Omaha , the Institute for the Feeble Minded Youth nt lle.itrlco , the Soldiers Mini Bailers Homo "it Grand Island , the Industrial Home at Mllford und the Ulrls Industrial school at Oenovii , Intimate blanks cnn bo procured by apply ing to the dllloKMit Institutions. A'il bids should bo sealed , add rosso J to "Hoard of I'nrcliiiso and Supplies , Lincoln , Nebraska. " und marked " 1'roposals for sup plies. " The board reserves the rlgnt to nccnpt or reject any or all bids , and no bid will be con sidered which In received after the day und hour above named. All bids to bo mudo In duplicate. A. U. IIUMI'lUtnV , Commissioner of I'tibllu Lands und Ilulldlngs. Lincoln. Neb. , Juno SO. IK'/ ' . JLtMlOt NOTICE TO SELECT MATERIAL FOR PAVING. To tlio owners of lots and lands fronting upon street Improvement districts numbered und described as follonsi No. 471 Alley from tilth to Uth streets , be tween Jackson and Jones streets , No. ( " 4 17lh street from I'timum street to Ilnrnoy street. In the city of Omahn , and subject to assess ment for the p ivlng or reiKivliu' of the name. Yon art ) hereby mtlllc t In pursu-ince nt or dinances Nos. ,1115 and II IK ) , passed and ap proved June Zlrd , 18U2. to select and deter mine upon the kind of material to bo used In paving and ropavlng said Improvement dis tricts an or bo-fore the ird day of July , 189 ! or the city council will determine natd mate rial. If sheet asphalt Is petitioned for by prop erty owners , they must state In tholr petition for paving whether pltuh-lako , land or over flow or California asphalt U to be used , Dated ut Om.ilm this -'Hth diiy of Juno , 1892. J1. W. Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. To the owners of lots and parts of lots and real estuto along iiHIi street from Itoou street to I'uclllo street nnd I'aclllo street from Slth street to5th Avenue In tlio olty of Onuha. You nro hereby notified that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omali i. havu been duly appointed by the niuyor. with the approval of the city couni.ll of until imy. to indent the damage to th owners respcf ttvejy of the property uf- f cctod by the ulmnirn of grade ofHh street from Ileus street to I'uclllo street und 1'iielllu street from tilth street to ifTith avrnue , de clared ncccfcsurv bj ordinance 184 , passed May M. A. D. 1H9J. npprovt-d May 'J. < . A. I ) . Ib'X' . ou uro further notlfltul , thut having ne- ceptod said appointment , und duiv ritialllled us required bv law. wu will , on the Hth day of July. A. D. Ib9 ? , utthii hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon , at the ofllun of John F. Flaok. room Ml , Chamber of Commerce within thu corporate HmlU of said city , meet for thu purpoioof considering and making the unless- nu'iit ot damage to thii ownora reipocllvely of ( raid property , affected by liuld ehangii of grade , tixulna lota coiulderutlounpuclnl buuo- llu. i ( uuy. You lira notified to bo preient at the tlmo and place aforesaid and make any objections tour statements concerning mild u ae snicnt of aatuucci in you may consider proper. JOHN F. FLAOli , OKO. J. I'AtlL. CHAULKHTHOMAB. _ , _ Cotnmllteoof Appralsorn. Oinnhft , June 8 , IWJ. JAHllOt PROPOSALS l 'OH PAVING. Sealed proposals will be rocrlvod bv the un ilorsluncd until ItMo'clncUn. m. . July Mb. l-ffll for the followltiR kind ) of paving iiiuterlal vlittMiPct MiPct nsplin'tutn. Sioux TulU or Dlher granite. Colorado sindstone. Woodruff. Kansas , stone nnd * " VltrlUcd brick. All according to Specifications. For pivlng intt of the fol owlnc streoK avenues and alloys In the city of Omaha , oom- prised In trp < .t Imprcnomcnt disirluls NDS , 4.M. 4H 4A4J7 , 4.S. 4iMO , 411 , 4.U. 411. 4.14 , 4tt. 4.0. 4U7. 4IK 4.iS > , 410. 441. 4U 41 1 , 411. 4444' ' < , 4M , IVI , 4'i4 , 4VIV. . 4 7 , 4 . 4M > . 4 l 41,1. 407 , 470 , nnd 461 , ordered Improved by ord Innio Nos , : uII.OMX 'AWO , 9mand \ , ov | and for tpii.tvlnq street ItiiproviMiiunt dlstilcts Nos , IlMt. 447 nml 4"i ) , ordered ri'MMou. by ordlnunco No , : tOS\ nnd more tiftrtlcularly described as follntts ; rso. 3' > 0-rnrkorVlth ) aoiiup , f rom Ijotxon * worth street to Hickory strcot , No. 44V- Alloy In blouk II. ilunscom placev No. l.ja\onwirth straot , from the wesy linn of Ifith street toesl llnootUh avcnup. NIL 4.Mnth street , from the south Unit nt rlcrco sttoet to the north line ot Hickory street- No. 434 Loivenworllt street , from the west line of 10th street to the east line ot Hth stre-ot. No. 4J5 ith street , from the south line ot Juno * direct to the north llnoot Lo.ivonwurlh street. No. 420 Spencer strcot , from Shormnn uv < onuo to 21th street. No. 42. Lathrop street , from Shormun nv onuo to 1st h street. No. 4.8Hurt > > troot , from the west line ot 15th street to the east Hun of IMh street No. 4JJ Spruce street , from thu west line ot ? d street to the o.ict line of aUh strcot. No. 400-Cass street , from M street to 4th trcot. No. 431 Mason streot. from SOtli trcot t MUi uvenne. No. 4 li Mason strcot , t torn the onst llnool 30th street to thu east , line of Hist stroot. No. 4.M-UM sUreot , from the north line ot Enellil place to the north line ot Woolvrortll . , No. 4 Il-Onltfornla street , from 13th street > U 10th street. No. 4J5 Izard street , fiom 12th street to Uth. * No. 410 I'nrkorstrrot , fromSlth stioot to the east line ot'JIH street. NO. 4J7 Howard strcot , from 21th street tenth : nth stroot. No. 4J8 Chicago strcot from --J street to Il > | No. 439 Oaldwoll strcot from 24th street to the west line ot Shlnn'a addition , No. 410 Shormin aventto from south Hue Ot Hnxnd iivcnuo to Fort street. . No. 441 until street from Furnam street to llu ) north line of Daxonport street. No. 44'i--lavonpurl street from UJth street to. 40th street. No. 441 lOthslteot from the south line ol Davenport strcot tn Ciimtng street. No. 444 Madison avenun from IHh street ta Bluirmnn iiMinne. No. 449 Chicago strcot from 23th street to Sdth stroot. No. 450 St. Mary's avenue between the wes ( line ot 20th street and the east line ot LTib slroot. Nn. 451 17th street from Harnoy street tq St. Mary's avenue. No 411 The alloy from t.'nd street to ' 'Uh street In 1'anlson's addition. No 455"19thstroot from Farnam street to Harnoy street. No 4 : > J"8th street from the south line ot I'opDloton avenue to noith Hue of Woolworth avenue. No. 457--lavonport street from-4th slroot la lUth street , all In the i-lty ot Omaha No. 4" > 8"Cass strcot fiom west Hue ot 24th street to UH feet west of 2. > street. No. 45U Cass street fiom thu east line ot 21th street to the west line of4th street. No. 4Vi--llumllton street from the west line of 4(11 ( h strcot tn the east Hue of thu viu.luct ot the licit Line Railway. No. in Alley In block 533. city. No. 402 Mley In bloo' ' < 10 , Kountzo & Iluth' * addition. No. 410 Alloy In block Is. city. No. 407 Alley In blouk It , city , from 19th stroct to 20th street. No. 47U Ninth Httnot from I'aclllo street to alley north of 1'ailflc street. H icb bid to specify a price porsquaro yard for the p ivlni and repavltu complete on eaoli Ktroot , avenue und ulK y In said improvement districts. Work to bo dnno and bids to bo rnido In ac cordance with plans and speulllu itloni adopted June. IS-1 ! ' , nml on Illo in the ollluo ot the Hoard of I'ltullu Works. Knch proposal to be made on printed blanks furnished by the bo ird , and to bo aocpm- panlcd by a collided check In the following sums for the dllferent districts'District ! * 4'4. 42" , 427 , 4J8. 4.1) ) , 4 10. I1I.4.K. 4ili4l7 : ! , 4,18 , 4U , 414 , 441. 451 , 411. 411. 45S. 4' > 0 , I" , 45S. 4VJ , 4(11 ( , 4H 440 , 4U7 , 470 and 4(1. ( ' , JIOO each. DIstilots 4. i 420 4.CI , Ur > , 4 M. 4 M , 44' ' ! . 410 , 411 , 411 and JIM , WW uacn And district 447 , $ lOJ. ( ) p lyablo to tlio city nt Omaha as an evidence ot ttood faith. The bo ird reserves the right to award thu contract on all the sild districts together eton on each district separately , subject , ti ) , the se lection of the material by the property , own ers or the mayor and elty council , to reject any or all bids and to wulvo defects. I' W. HlKICIIAUSim. Chairman of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Neb , Junc'JUth , 189J.Juno Juno 2021270 GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 170. An ordinance changing the grade nf Howard .street , from the east curb line of 'llth .street to the west euib line of I ! Ird street , In the city of Omalin. and repealing so much of Urade Ordinance No 10J and HO much of all ordinances In conflict herewith : Ho It ordained by the city council of the city of Omuh i : Section 1. Whereas , pioporly owners ownIng - Ing the total liontago on Howiinl blieet Iro'n Illrd street to Illth stioet , huvu petitioned the olty council to have the grade changed as heroin mentioned ; Therefore , the gr.ido of said parts of Seward slicut Is hereby changed and established HO thut thu elevations shall bo us follow H. the grade between the points cited being uniform straght lines : novation Elevation of South of North Curb , Curb. Hust curb line of 3ltli Bl . us established . 2XVO 2J5.5 West curb line of lilnl St. , as est-ibllshed . 82&0 228.5 Section 2. Ho iiiuuli of llraile Ordinance No. 102 and so much of all othei ordinances dulln- Itig the grades of thu above streets , us uon- Illols with thu provisions ot this oidlnanco. Is hereby repealed. Section .1. This ordinancu Hlrill take effect and bo In force fiom anil after Ils pas-iU'jo. Passed June 2s , , . President ot the Council. Approved Juno2Jrd , Ib'U. ' OKO. IMIKMIH. IMIKMIH.Mayor , NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING HOWARD STREET. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots am ) real estate along Howard Ml cot from Twcin * tloth street ton point 281 feet west of Twen tieth street and necessary aptiioachcs , You an : hereby notified In it thu undersigned - signed , thien disinterested freeholders of tha city of Omaha , have boon duly apiioluloil by the mayor , with Iho approval of the city council uf said olty , to assess the d mi'igo lo llio owners , respectively , of tha pron- urty nlfucti'd ny grading Howard Httent fruni Twentieth street to a point 28) ) feet wostol Twentieth Klrout , declaim ! necessary by urdl * No 1)10 ) , passed Juno II , IS' ' ) , ' , approved Juno 15 , IM ) . ' . You ar further notified that having ac cepted said appointment ami duly iiuallflal us renulrod by law , wo will , on the Hth dayiof July. A. D IB'J. ' , at thu houi of If o'olock m thu foionooiiTat the ollleo ot Hhrlver ft. O'Duna- hoe. KOI Furnum street , within thu corporate limits of suld oily , meet for thu purpose ot cons'doilng ' nnd making thu assessment nf dumugo to thu owners respectively of said property , alTocled by Bald grading , tuklujj Into consideration spoelul benullts , If any. You are notified to bo prenent at thu tlmo and place aforesaid and make any objections to nr statements concerning said asHessmont of damages as you may consider proper. \V . iii HHICI * LI' . OKO. J. I'A II L. JAMKriHTOOICDALK , Commlitoo ot Apprahinm. Omaha Juno 29 , IblU. J29dIOt , ORDINANCE NO. 8113. An ordinance dcolnrlntr the tiucosvlty of gnul- Ingfith Ntroot , from I'lno street to Frances street , und appointing three dUlnloroslvd appraisers to assess nnd determine thudam- ngos , If any. to the properly owners , which may ho canned by such trr.idlng , Whuieas , properly owners ownlnir morn than three fifths of thd foot frontage on x.ttd purl of blh street Irivo nutlilonod the olty i.uunull lo have uld grading done under thu three- fifths ulatiKu ( if the olty charter , us pm < vldoil for In section il'l und tnu co.nt to be in ilo ( payable In tun i'iiial | Installiiieuts ; therefore , Ho It or.lalno.l by thuolty coiinull of the olty of Omaha : B'jcllon. 1 , That It Is pioper und nocousiry and It In hurobj declared pioper uii'J ' necessary lo grade 8th struct to Its piusnnt estab lished grude , liii'ludlng ueeesury up. preaches thereto , from I'lno street tolranoui utiuet. Heetloni That the mayor , with the upprov- at of thn city cuunull , appoint three dlnlnlur- fhted appraueru louppralMi , nsit'S iuid detor- mlno thu damuin to property owners which may becalmed by Hiicli gridfng. taklnif Into consideration In milking snob iippraUement , thu special bonufllB , It nny , to uucli property by nmson of Hitch grading , fcSovllon X That this .ordf iiunctK uhull takf elToot and bo In force from and after Ita uu < HllfU. oily uiork. K. l > . DAVIH. Apjirorod , Juno Jlrtl , lh < r > . UlCtt I' . IIEMI8. IIEMI8.Uajroir ,