THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : SDAY JUNE 29 , 1892. COULD WILL FIGHT THE CASE tleavy Judgment Against tlio Missouri Pacific Not to Bo Paid. \ .CARRIED TO THE SUPREME COURT l"ltzgprnll Mntlory Construction Cnnipunr Will be Itrttulfbd to Agnlli t'roient It * Ulil ClnlniR In the Denver ' & Atlantic Drill , Ltxcoi.x , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to TUB HUB. ] The largest and most voluminous briefs ever filed In the Nebraska supreme court , with but ono exception , reached Clerk Campbell today. It is the brief ana nrg mont of B. P. Waggoner on behalf of I ho defendant In the case of John Fitzgerald and tha stockholders of the Fitzgerald & Mnllory Construction company against the Missouri Pacifla Hallway company.rihls case was ' Instituted by John Fitzgerald , as a stock holder of the construction company , against the Missouri Pacific and the Fitzgerald & Multory Construction company to compel an accounting between the two companies , on the Duils of a certain contract , dated Mav 4 , 1SWJ , whereby the construction company agreed to sell and the Missouri Paulllc agreed to purchase ccctaln bonds and stocks of the Denver , Memphis & Atlantic railway , which tbo construction company was to receive for the construction of n certain line of railway for the Denver company , under a contract tinted April 2 * . 18iO. The trial in the district court tosultcd In a Undlng nnil Judgment against the Missouri " "Paclllo ior$4iUf ! > 73.43. From that Judgment the Missouri Pacific company appeals. ( liianlli at thu Mtutu IlmiHp. Articles of incorporation ot the Knlgnts Jewel company of Omaha were filed with the secretary of state today. The company has a capital stock of ? : l,00 ( ) and the IncorporatoM are W. A. Ullworth , H. M. BusUnoll , Hlchard O'Nt'lll , W. S. Hamilton , E. M. Billings , H. M. ShaciTcr und W. L Seism. The company will cngatro in the publication of newspapers and other periodicals. Hon. W. K. Andrew * , republican candi date for congress in the Fifth district , was n culler at the state house this afternoon. J. O. Tate , grand master workman of the Nebraska Ancient Order of United Work men , was a visitor today. Low May called nt the sluto house today to receive his commission as a member of tbo slat o Jlsh commission from the nands of Governor Bo\d. lilluil Mtii ! wltlin ( Sriovnnco. Austin Curtis and a young man named Wilson , the former colored and both pupils at the Nebraska City State Asylum lor the Blind , callad on Governor Boyd tbls fore noon to complain of Ill-treatment at the hands of Prinuipnl Knkcstraw. They formed the rear guard of what seems to have been n preconcerted move on the governor , for sev eral delegations from tbo 'same Institution preceded them. Governor Boyd questioned them closely. Both admitted ttint they had. not been ill-treated themselves , but that Piof. Kakestri.w was In the nabltot speak ing to the pupils In peremptory -tones and that ho was persistent In his efforts to enforce - force discipline. Neither would prefer dollnlto charces. Governor Boyd informed them that they had asserted nothing that rAsould bo considered as a complaint against Prof. Iluliostraw. Warring UlllcInU nt the Asylum. For nome weeks past the local newspapers of this city hnvo contained sensational ac counts of mismanagement on the part of the officials ut tbo slulo hospital for the Insane. There is undoubtedly a painful look of har mony among the officials and employes of that institution. The disagreements , ac cording to a statement made by Governor Ilovil to 1'iic BKK ronroscntativc this after- noon , la the result of a misunderstanding among the asylum people as to which sbal exercise authority over the other. Governor Boyd stutcd that no'char es of ofllcial mis conduct , hiullbcon laid before him nnd that ho ! ( ! ! retained tlio blithest coulidonce In the integrity of Superintendent Bowman , tbo reports to tbo contrary notwithstanding. The affairs of the asylum ware being man- need economically and honestly. Further than this the governor stated that thu potty dissensions among the employes themselves bad no interest for him. Trinity College Sold. Trinity hall , thu Episcopal school for boys which has heretofore been conducted by private interests , has boon sold to tbo Epis copal diocese of Nebraska , tbo price for the building and grounds being $05,000. The school was inaugurated by ROT. John Hewitt roetor of Holy Trinity church of this city and tbo magnificent building has been erectoi by Lincoln capital. It Is located thrco miles north of the postofllco. Arrangement ! hai boon made to open tbo school September 13 Under tbo now state of affairs ills not Unowi vrhat arrangements wilt bo made , further than that the institution will bo actively sup ported by the diocese and will bo made ono of the leading educational institutions of tbo Acknowledged Ill Unlit. John A. Blair , > vho was arrested yesterday en the cbnrga of attempting to assault the pretty iu-ycur-old wlfu of Charles Hlskoy WUH arraigned in police court this forouoon Ho denied that bo had tried to assault Mrs Illskoy , but ho pleaded guilty to uslngobscono lauRUugo in her presence and of rmilunir Im proper proposals to her. Ho was lined $10 nnd costs by Judge Waters. Tlio Hlslcoys not wishing any further notoriety , doclinoc to push the cuso on the moro serious charge of assault. "l.lii'ly Neighborhood 1'riicnH , Mrs , Bridget , bulllvan was arrested tbl morning on the charge of using lanuuago tend me to provoke an assault , the complain bolng tiled by H. F. Uruco. The arrest wa tbe result of a lively neighborhood row which occurred last ovunlng at tbo corner o bccond'and F streets. Koclis , brickbats am clubs pluycd an exciting part In the brio and bloodless encounter. A gentleman n a mod Carothors attempted to rcstoro pcuco nd qulot in thu neighborhood , but younjr Patsy bulllvnn drew a revolver and at tempted to use It. Carol hers wroncbod tun weapon from the boy's blind and gave him a Bovero thrashing. Tbo woman was lluod II and costs anu her son hold on the churgo of assault. Hunt to thn Ilefbriu .School. Minnlo WHIouchby was arrested und taken before Judge Lansing on the charge of Incor legibility , und was today placed in tbo clrls reform ochool at Qotiova. Her two slstors wore soot to the sumo Institution last week on tbo charge of lascivious conduct. The ooujiiliilnts against all thivo of the girls were fllod by their own father. Ills divorced wife who Is the proprietress of a disorderly house In llils city , resisted the proposal to phu-olho Rlrls HI the reformatory , but the case against nil ot I bom was clear. Lincoln In llrluf. The llro department was called to 1020 Q trcot at 1 : IO Ibis afternoon br u bluzo In a barn. A small Coy's premature Fourth ol July enthusiasm caused thu ulurir. An Inmate of the Insane asylum , numec : Ballzcr , escaped this morning. Tbo police ere on tbu Icoitout. The 4-year-old son of Chief of Police Otto died at liuthls : afternoon of summer com plaint. buvin hundred member * of the Ancient Order ot United Workmen held u nlcnia at Lincoln park this atlt'moon , Urand Master Workman Tnto delivering an add i ess. Deputy Bhcrlif Moncko of Washington county arrived in the city today to take cbarpo of Oust KM Hunter , who Is wanted on B choree of robbery. Mrs. J. Fitzgerald , tbo aged mother o John Fitzgciald , Is suffering from a light at tack of purul ) sli , The lunerul of Myron 1'rutt took place from Iltnton's undertaking rnamv at ! ) o'clock tbls ufU'ruoon , lucre being but u tiuall at teudauuo , _ Oiilululn' * I'ruponuil Ktuitilon. OAKIUI.C , Neb. , . 'uno ' ! > -Special [ to THE Bui' . ] 1'ropunitlons Imvo been mode for a grand tlmo hero at the north Nebraska dls trlct reunion of tbo ( Jraud Army of tbo Ho public , The program is complcto for the four day i,1 session und comprises u full list of umuncmuiiu in addition to the routine o the cuuip. The committee bus condltloua eiifogoinunti with Hon. John J. Inirulla und Benntor A. 8. 1'uddock to bo present and ad Aroaa tboaudloucodurlugthotouulon. Ch i > - . CLOSING SALE. MAT-L ORDERS-FILLED , ON ALL GOODS. Ell NECKTIES PANTS 15c Seine people want only the coat nntl < V vest out of usuitnnil that's why wo hnvo nollrnan used to got 2oc and 35c for a whole lot ot thoin. llpht colored ties , slllc Fnnoy brocades nnd Batln , toeks fronts and , stripes 4-ln-lmnds. , checks , dots , ODD PANTS All the 50c and 75c YOU NEED NOT MUCH MONEY. . On hnnd out of $12 niul $15 suits Hint wo oloso out thia week ut NECKTIES A little money goes an awful long ways towards getting a complete 25c outfit at Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale. . In fact , the goods are $1.50 As good ns anybody wears. being sold regardless of price because they must be cleared out. Thou . All the Black Satin sands and thousands of dollars' worth have already been disposed of , A PAUL Madras Shirts but if has not taken thousands and thousands of dollars 'to buy them. Fancy worsted , light color , striped Look at the prices at the side of these remarks and see if you ever heard and plaid And Outing Flannel 50c tell of buying a genuine all wool pair of pants for a dollar and a half that PANTS bejongs to a $12 or $15 suit ; or a neck-tie for 15 cents. You will like Holltnun sold thorn for 75c , $1 and $1.25. Look In the window. them , Lots of stores sell 50c ties that are not a bit better. What does it Genuine ALL matter to you what it costs you so long as you know it is worth three or $2.50 four times what you paid for it. That's the way everything in the store Silk Shirts llollmnn or tinybody else would got $1 is going. You're not obliged to say you have on an $8 suit simply be for thorn. $1.50 cause it cost you that. You can safely rely on its being a $15 or $20 EXTRA SIZE Elegantly gotten up nnd riollnmn . nev suit , Then straw hats , or any kind of a hat , for that matter , well , come in , er sold tho'm for less thm1. PANTS BIIOWN.ECIIOANDSOUD BLACK we will guarantee to astonish you. The goods must absolutely go and . that's all there is to it. If you have been here once , come again ; it Half Hose will pay you to supply yourself for years to come , for no such goods 3.00 at such prices will ever be on sale in Omaha again. 15c For long . , loan , lank ; short , stubby , stout men. Hollinan's price was S3. Everybody else gets 2oc. Administrator's prleo $3. ENDLESS VARIETY OP i .1 . MAIL ORDERS FILLED At Most Any Price. \i .1 j i i HELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR'S CLOSING SALE. 6(1 ( jtl GORNEJR 13thANE ; , > KAR.NAM SXREXETS. lain , Lozler will bo present during the entlro reunion. Liberal prizes for all amusements hnvo boon hung up. The ofllcora of the camp are : W. H. VanGildor , colonel ; L. M. Morton , adjutant ; Orange Brittle , quarter master ; W. F. Couwoll , surgeon ; U. F. Dlublo. marshal ; D. E. Bockwltb , assistant marshal. , I5X-TKKASimiHt 1'AUI. ON TUIAI , . Must Kxpluln How Adams County's Funds \Vcro Appropriated. HASTIXOS , Nob. , Juno'J8. [ Special to TUB BEH. ] This morning the case of the state of Nebraska against Charles H. Paul , late treasurer of Adams county , was called for trial. Mr. Paul filed an affidavit -statinR that ho was unablqto engage attorneys and asuod that oudgoY. . B. McCroary nnd Ma jor B. F. Smith bo appointed counsel. The state was Inclined to bollovo tbat , except in capital caion , but ono counsel was allowed by the stato. Finally , however , Mr. Paul's request was granted and the Jury box was llllod from the regular punol. Tbe attorneys manifested a disposition to combat every inch of tbo ground. Besides County Attorney Chris Hooppnnr , the state was represented by Uouaral A. U. liowon , Judge U. A. Batty nnd ox-County Attorney J. A. Casto. Tbo prosecuting attorney in bis statement ot the case to tbo panel stated that it was a case in which Charles H. Paul wns accused of having , about January 0 , appropriated to his awn use * 5l,00'J.83. The examination of jurors proceeded slowly , the defense ana prosecution contest ing every point and interposing objections and exceptions at each mooted point. At 1:30 : In the afteruopn the regular pauol of jurymen was exhausted nnd the sheriff or dered to summon talesmen , Only ono of the eleven peremptory challenges had been used when an adjournment was taken till 030 ; to morrow. Will Mout In Oiimhu Nnxt Tlmo. WissT POINT , Neb. , Juno ! i3. | Special to Tim BEB. ] Tbo grand ledge of tbo C. S. P. S. of Nebraska , after a sosston.of . thrco days closed its labors yostorday. A grand picnic was hold at Kivcrsido park Monday after noon. The next mooting of the grand ledge will bo bold in Omaha in four years. Tbo following delegates were nrosont : Wadar Flala , V. L. Vodloka , F. Lvobodo , Omaha ; F. V. Shonko , Vnduv Maly , U. Sudlk , Sohuvlor ; Joseph Jermuu , West Point ; Frank dross , Wahoo ; Jan Kaspor ; Praeuo ; A. Borocky , T. K. Mallat , V. Sestak , Wll- bor ; Joseph Jlndra , J. li. Jenista , Crete ; F. A. Witt , W. Skoluk , Humboldt ; T. TlkaUky , Vordlgrcu ; Joseph Uryak , Pisholvlllo ; F. Hynos. Morse Bluffs : F. Sudlk , David City ; Jan Zabloudll , Ord ; Kmll Suldl , Odcll ; Oml Matods. Plaits- mouth ; Anton Soukup , North Bond ; Joseph Spuvacok , Huvonnu ; Pavel Anton , Mltllgan ; W. F. Krlz , Dodge ; A. Kuboc , F. Kotva , M. Boukal , Omaha : J. Mluhul , B. Dicntbler , South Omaha ; J , U. Matbausor , Clarkson ; Jun Staua , Bruno ; Tom Uuda , Liuwood. To Asilst Neliruakit ut the I'alr. HASTINGS , Neb. , Juno 28. [ Special Tolo- gra'n to Tni ! BBK. ] Tbls afternoon tbo Adams county auxiliary of tbo World's Oo- luuiblau exposition was organized at the court houso. Mr. W. W. Cox , superin tendent for this district , was present and ad dressed tbo mooting. Air. James M. Clurko was elected president , K. S. Fowler , treas urer and Colonel Isaao Lodloyt , secretary. A coiutnlttoo was appointed to confer with tbo. Board of Supervisors and if possible to got the board interested in the manor at thu qcxt meeting. Vice presidents from each township In the county will bo chosen. Olio of thu MUnourl'ii I'ronk * . NKUIIABICA Cur , Nob. , Juno 23. ISpocial Telegram to Tin : BUB. j The Missouri river took ono of Its auddon freaks at this city to day iiud began cutting badly on the caitsldo , undermining tbo bank under the span of the B. & M. A largo foreo of men has bean at work.all day tilling in with rook and bruin uud hope to bo able to stop the damage. Died of HI * Iiijiirlci. llKxnritsoN , Nob. , Juno 28. ( Special to TUB Buu.J Ohris Ulotricu , tbo man so badly Injured In u runaway In the streets of this village about ton days ago , died this morn ing , rtiiiurul of Mr . Duvlit Cluypiilo , COZAD , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Special to Tun UUE.J The funeral services of Mrs. Uavlcl Cluypolo wera held tioro yostorday. The Lludsey post , No. 51 , Women's Relief Corps , of whloh Mrs. Claypolo was an active mem- Dor , had charge of the services. The deceased - ceased was formerly n resident of Hastings. NcbritBkn School Mutters. GoTHKNiiuua , Nob. , Juno 29. [ Special to THE BBE.J The annual school mooting was hold last nigbt. The reports of the treasurer and director show tbo district to bo lltmn- cially and otherwise in a prosperous con dition. The census shows an enumeration of 208 children of school age , a largo Increase during the past year. The district adopted a chaugo from common to high school and elected six trustees as follows : C. F. Spencer , L. J. Malmsten , W. D. Grlflln , H. C. Booker , E. G. West , F. M. Sprinsteon. Ton months' school were voted for and a tax levy of 23 mills ordered. The present school site was ordered sold and two ether sites se lected and tbo souse of tbo mooting was unanimously in favor of building a erich school bouso at a cost of $10,000 or ovor. NEHAUKA , Nob- , Juno 28. [ Special to THE BKB. ] At tbo school election vostorday the village voted to build n $5,000 Orion school houso. PONOA , Noo. , Juno 28. [ Special to THE BEB. j The annual school election was bold in the Gambo opera house yesterday after noon. J. A. Mohr and A. S. Wassou were elected to tbo board for tbroo voars to suc ceed themselves , and A. W. Hose was elected for ono voar to 1111 tbo vacancy caused by tbe resignation of M. L. Kossilor. STANTQN , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to Tnc BEE.I At the school election in this city , A. A. Kcarnoy and M. C. Gambia wcro elected for tbo ensuing term of tree years. Of the total vote cast , 131 , Mr. Kearney recoivcd all but two. Kusuvir.u : , Neb , , Juno 28. [ Special to Tin : Buii.J At the school election yesterday a motion was curried to cbanga from a public to a high school government in pursuance of which the fol.cwing board was elected : II , C. Dale , August Brockmau , W. M. Alexan der , J. W. Grubb , W. H. Wostovor , J. H. Hnmsborgor. Prof. W. I. Austin , $ tbo pres ent efllciont principal , was rotuined. Will Colohrutu the Fourth. HAUTIXQTON' , Nob. , Juno 28. Hartlngton docs not intend to take a baolc scat in the celebration business on the I1 ourtb. Nearly $500 has boon raised tor the occasion. Hon. W. A. Poyntur. the Independent candidate from this dibit-let , will deliver the oration. Muslo will bo furnished by the Company "I" band of this city. UUSUVILI.E , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to TUB BUB. ] Tbo patriotic citizens of Hush- vlllo have completed preparations for a rousing , old fashioned celebration on thn Fourth , and a big crowd and a good time are expected. Nearly $500 has beou raised to help the eagle scream , $225 of which wlll bo ox ponded for a mammoth tont. A special train from Chadron has been chartered. A largo dolcgation of Sioux Indians from Pine Hidgo will participate and favor tbo crowd with an Omaha dance in the evening , bovoral trotting and running races and a gumo of base ball between tbo Chadron und Hush vlllo clubs are on tbo program. Hon. S. M. Smysur of llomlugford will bo orator of tbo day , Holt County Crop I'ronpuotg. O'NEILL , Nob. , Juno 28. [ Special to TUB BEB.J A refreshing rain fell last night in this section of tlolt county. Crop prospects wore never bettor , especially for small grain. The Injury to corn in tha north part of tbo county , whtcti was caused by recent , heavy rains , was exaggerated at the lltao of the llrst report aud farmers from that direction report that tbo loss will be smult , STASTO.V. Neb. . Juno 23. ISpecial to TUB BEE. ] A Hue rain visited this section of the country lust night , accompanied by aomo wind. But lituo or no damage was dono. Crops of all kinds are looking well and the prospects for ull Kinds of grain are very good. \Vlllhta.ul . Trlnl. KBAHNisr , NOD. , Juno 23. ( Special Tele gram to Tim OEE.J John Barnd , ox-cashier of the defunct Commercial and Savings bank of tbls city , returned nad gave himself up yesterday. Tbls afternoon bU examination was bold in tbo county court and ho was bound ever iu the sum of $23,000. Ho was allowed twenty-four hours to proouru it , Bo euro and use Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing syrup for your children while toothing. 25 couu u bottlo. I'lij-muiitu to indium. Special Indian Agent Cooper Is in tbo city. Colocul Cooper ban just disbursed annuities amounting to (100,000 at Pine Hid go , Hose- bud , Cheycuuo Hivor , Standing Uocu , Fort Kough nnd'Tonguo ' Rrvet" 'Coiripanyl , See end Infantry , > Forc Omaha , also came in for a sbaro. Colonel Cooper wilt proceed to Kansas City , Kan. , where be will pay out to citlzon Indians about $30,000 , under the treaty of 1855. ono of the old tangled up deals which is now adjusted , and ardors for the payment of which await Agent Cooper at Kansas City. FOURTH ) Preparations Fur KumiRli Along to Insure it ( it-ami Celubrutlon. The arrangements for Omaha's celebra tion of the great national holiday are rapidly being completed , and the success of tbo demonstration is assured. The porrado will bo ono of the most elab orate and unique ever soon In Nebraska. Tbls feature of the affair is under the per sonal management , of Major Clarkson , Who Is much pleased with the Interest taken by tbe business mon of tbo city. Each firm will DO limited to ono wagon or float. Tbo committo bus wrlttou to a number of tbo leading orators of tbe city , but as no replies - plies have boon rocoivcd * the speakers hava 'not boon decided on. The program will bo carried out at Jeffer son square , where two platforms will bo erected at diagonal corners. The Dec laration of Indopcndonco will bo road , and short addresses by the speakers. The expense of the celebration is still partially unprovided for , but the commlttoo has no doubt of Its ability to ralso the required amount. Tbo Board uf Trade will contrlbuto ? - ! " > 0 and the Individual subscriptions of its members will aggregate an equal amount. The county commissioners hava appropriated $500 and it is expected the city council will contribute 1,500. The Board of Education has appro priated $50(1 ( and the banks will also con- tilbuto liberally. Secretary Nason of the Board of Trade re quests all business mon who n--o will ing to contrlbuto SI or more to the undertaking to send tbo amount to him ut the Board of Trade rooms. Sliormtin'H Hummers. All Sons of Veterans and young men from 17 years of ago to 2ft that will volunteer to turn'but on horsobaok in tbo parade on July 4 to represent Sherman's "bummers" of 1801 are asked to moot the captain at 8 o'clock sharp on Saturday evening at Custor post ball. No. 110 North Fifteenth street , to msko llnal arrangements for the parado. WM. II. STEPHENS , captain. Itiillroud Notes. Pat Humpbroy , advance pusher and gen eral rustler for tbo Lake Shore , was in the city yesterday onrouto west. President S. H. H. ciHrlj of the Union P - clflo loft for the west Monday on the fast mull to join bis associates , Messrs. Dickin son , Lomax , Koity , BRbldnghum and McConnell - Connell , who are takln a'trip ' over the west ern divisiona of the roadi " Tboro nro three "oftlcial1"1 railroads already announced to carry the fraogutea to the na tional convention of tbp ndoplo's party. Tbo B. & M. will run two specmln from Chicago to Omaha , leaving the foniitr city JunoUO , and onolrom St. Louis. Haiti' of these npaclals will consist .of six sloop"ejs ? , two chair cars and ono baggage oar , iiud wilt arrive in Omaha before noon JuIyM : ' L. H. Korty , at tbo lastrdnnual mooting of railway telegraph supcr'lbtondonta hold in Denver , was oleetod prttstdont for the ensu ing year , a position wblt-tJ-Jho U eminently able to 1111 on account of 11 is long association wltb tbe telegraphic service of tha Union Pacific. At present MrJ Korty Is with tbo party of Union PaclMo dfilclals who are In- opeotlng tbo western system , and is not expected back before tbo tnlddlo ol July. WIFT'S SPECIFIC Tor renovating the entlro system , eliminating all I'oiaona from tbo Blood , whether of scrofulous or origin , this preparation has no cu.uaL "For eighteen months I bad an _ eating ooro on my tongue , 1 waa . treated by lcst local physicians , but obtained no relief i tlio ere gradually grew worse. I llnally took B. H. 8. , and was entirely cured after using a few bottles. " C. 11. MOLEMUIIE , Henderson , Tex , Treatise on lllood , and Bkln DIv S cases mailed flVo. Ecii'io o. . Atlanta , ( Ja. THE EPITAPH To be Ingerlbed upon the marble ilab which thall mark the last resting place of NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES la already written. But before yon abandon all hope and ulve yourself up to die , have a private consultation wltb America's most gifted and mccesjful SpecialJta ! , tbe famous DRS. BETTS & BETTS , nboae creatoat triumphs bare boon won In toe euro of cases which others failed to cure. All speedlljr , safely and permanently cured bjr their raanelous skill and modern methods. Send 4 centi In stamps for their handiomtlr lllunrated new book of 120 pages , worth Us weight In gold. Consultation free. Call npon or address wltB stamp , DRS. SETTS & SETTS , 110 Soutli Hth St. Cornop 14th und Dougla * Sts. Omaha , Neb. TIRE About the Columbia 1'noumutio Tire It wours Tustoil to two hundred pounds ikbuvo rldlni : iircsinro A compound tubu of rubbers vulcanized with OUIIVUH Inyura Kuch | ) firtmruiiKtliunln thu ethers Urout- ont roslstunco to puncture Mont roilllont rouil tire 1'roodoiu from luuliiK. wr.irnlnK and other uujcctlomiulu points Tlio lilu'bou uradu tire of fculontillu simplicity Abso lutely Kuuruntcod for uyoar. All about It and Columbia's oyclos In our book uhout Columbian , irco on uppllcutlon to uiiy Columbia nguuU or sent l > y mull for two two-cont stumpj Tope klig , Ca , ' il Columbun Avu , llostoiu Elastic Stockings FOJl Weak Limbs Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdominal - minal Supporters ters , Deformity Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. THE Ml > COMPANY. 16th St. , Next to Post Office The use of stimulants in moderation le recommended by tbe wisest physicians , especially for the weak , aged and those suf fering from pulmonary or heart troubles. PURE RYE , is a carefully selected whiskey distilled from the most nutritious grain , viz. Rye ; unlike inferior whiskies , including Bourbons bens , it will not rasp or scald the throat or stomach. It is strictly pure and is known by its delicious flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. Call for Cream Pure Rye and take no other. For sale at all first-class drinking places nnd drug stores. 5 DALLEMAND & CO. , Chicago. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies on Other Chemicals are -used in the preparation of tor & Co.'s ' Breakfast Cocoa , which is absolutely pure and soluble. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and Is far moro economical , costing ten than one cent a cuj > . It is delicious , nourishing , nnd UABILT DIOESTIO. : Sold by Crooors everywhere. W. Baker & Go , , Dorchester , Mass. Save Your Eyesight Kycs tested free by an EXI'DIIT OITICJIAN I'orfoctadjuHlmuut. Hupurlor lon-iea. Nurv- oushoadaciiu uurod by usiuit our Suoclucle * and KyozliissKM 1'rlcui low for lint clu < foods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , HIS. IQthSU , Crjl < 'htQU H lock -THERE ARE- lioPoor- -AND- Pension ipis in Palaces That is the sort of thing Th3 Bee Bureau of Claims was or ganized to correct. The Bureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. But as long as the sol diers ate grateful it is satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent ol a veteran , write to Tfca Baa Bureau of Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for vou. THE' Bee BOOT of Claims OmahaNeb. GUN GO. 1512 Douglas Street , Omaha. Western Asouts Wright & UltHon'a TENNIS GOODS. REACH BASIS CATjU GOODS. A full line of Runornl Athlotlu Gooils. GYMNASIUM GOODS Hummocks. Ilnthlne Butts , IToot Hull * . Indian Clubs. Diiinh llollf. llouti , NdtM , Sulnus , Kino I'lsliliiK Tuukli' , etc' . , eta FLAGS and FIRE WORK Bono for onluloRiio nnd prlcca. Special at tention given to mull union * . PUIO128 aiUVttANTKKIJ. Frank Cross Gun Co. , 1B12 Douglufi Stree * . A It K you EYES tVM'll TOttll. . Cell on u > AT < > NH nnil Imvo turn cxnm InudtKIIKKOKCHAIUlh ) ! ' ? uur Optician , nnd , If nt'L i urrlltlod with u pulruf mir I'KHI-KC- T10N KVKOI.AHtilWorBl'KO-r/CI.I'H. Wo lit HI IKN'l'lKlL'AMiV uixlKrliiil luntun Iu ( uirrct H | | thu vnrloun diifdtu of vlnlon. tut'li en liyi'ICUMKTKUI'lA ( fur Klulit ) , AUUl'IA Inour i.lKht ) , I'llKHIIVuriAlnlil nliilitl.AH'IIUMATIH.M ( Irri'k-ulur olulit ) . AbTllKMM'lA ( oak kluliti DIl'IXJl'lA ( ilouplu BlKlill , ANlBOMKTIlorlA Ulil > W'J'llAItltfMUtf ( < uliitur crott ( uno'innl ' * < | uyu ) , ute , , utu. HOLJD GOLD Sl'KOTACJkKS or EYliGLASSKS from &i Upwards. FINK STKKL Sl'KCTAOLUH or KYHGLASSKS from $1 Upward. COLORED GLAKSKS for Shiullinr the Kyod from COo Up. MAX MEYER & BRO , GO Practical Opticians. and J6th Sis. , OMAHA. Established I8G6.