Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1892, Page 3, Image 11

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rclittJfdly Carrier to nny partof the City
Hun'ncss Office , . Joi ? ?
Edlor |
J//.V wo.v.
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston store for dry goods.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
The driveway to Obauiauqua will bo
uprlPKlcd this year.
Phil Phillips , boss of the sewer gang , wns
approached by an unknown man yesterday
who offered to si-ll him twenty counterfeit
dollars for J3 , The fellow escaped before an
ofllcor could bo called.
Oscar iturns , tha colored man who has
been shocking the modesty of people In the
northwestern part of the city for some time
wast , was captured by Ofllcors Ucswlck iind
Murphy last evening.
The Chautauqun grounds were never In
such good condition as now. Everv possible
convenience Is bulng arranged for nnd Unn-
Ktonts as well as campcra will find no oc
casion for any fault-llndlng.
The case of ThroJloro Lyons against the
Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific railway company -
pany was on trial before Justice Cones yos-
terday. The plaintiff wants S'Jo damages for
a cow that wns killed by ono of the com-
paiiy'p trains.
i'ottawattamlo tribe No. 21 , Improved Order -
dor of Hod Men , will moot in regular council
this ovonlng in their wigwam , corner of
Broadway nnd Main streets , nt the eighth
run for wonc in the depress. AH visiting
chiefs are welcome.
An unknown negro entered the residence
of Mrs. Smltb , filll Mynstor street , yesterday
without knocking. John iAhlcs was present
nnd started with the fellow to the pollco sta
tion , when ho suddenly took to hU hcols , Ho
Is believed to bo a sneak thief ,
A brnkoman on the Kansas City road had
'tbo two mlddlo fingers of bis right hand
Imdly mnshcd whllo coupling cars in the
company's yards. Dr. Lacy dressed the in-
juicd members , nftor which the ma.i was
taken to Ills homo In St. Joseph , Mo.
A pile of clothing , evidently stolen from
n second hand store , was found last ovonlng
by the police nuar Gilbert's ice house at the
corner of Flrsi nvenuo and Twelfth street.
It seemed to have been hidden there until
the thief had a cbanco to take it away.
The Bon liur Mining and Milling company
cf Colorado has boon recently organized with
a capital stock ot fTOO.OUO for the purpose of
working tho. Llttlo King , Optlraus , Mlnnlo
II , Mossback and Bon Ton claims. W. O.
Wlrt of this city is ono of the dlroe'ors.
The preliminaries to the opening of the
Chautannuii assembly next Saturday are being -
ing rapidly made. Tents arc being sprond ,
the amphitheater is being decorated , and the
grounds aio being gotten in readiness for
ono ot the largest crowds ever soon ou the
Monday evening Mrs.V. . A. Coulter enter
tained at her home.11)0 ) Glen avenue , a few
friends from Kansas City and Omaha. They
wcro Mra. C. W. Stockton and sister , Miss
Ncllio Stockton of Kansas city and Misses
Agnes Humm , Bertha Nugent nnd Frances
Euiortion of Omaha.
Tbo 7-yoar-old daughter of Conductor 13.
II. Smith of thu Union Pitclllo railway wns
bitten bv a dog Monday and seriously In-
lured. The vicious animal' fastened his teeth
in her wrist nnd the back of her nock nnd in
flicted two bud wounds before assistance
could bo rendered.
The pollco have received a message from
the sheriff nt Or.mgo City announcing that
the store of Gurloy & Vandorburp at Alton
wns entered by burglars , who secured six
revolvers , six razors nnd half a stoio full of
ehocb and clothinz. Tbo tblovos uro sup
posed to have come this way.
Arrangements are being mndo for a grand
rallyiof the inombors of tno people's party in
Council Bluffs on Saturday oveulng. "An
orTort.wiU bo mada to bavo addresses deliv
ered by such men as Benjamin Terrell ol
Texas , Jerry Stmoson of Kansas or Colonal
6. F. Norton of Chicago. The place of holdup -
up the meeting will bo announced Inter.
Thu Ctiautnuqua opens next Saturday with
on address by Governor Uoios and mime by
tbo Imperial quartet of Chicago. Governor
Boies is to spoax on tbo history of Iowa.
Thoco who have hoard the Imperial quarlol
ucrlnro that they are fully equal to , and
many pronounce them superior to the Shu-
bcrt quartet , which has created so much en
thusiasm bore.
There U qulto a move started In favor ol
( riving to M. F. Uohror of this city the demo
cratic nomination of railway commissioner.
Ills friends and supporters are urging his
nomination , not only on the grounds of his
worthiness , but also because Council Hinds
has never been given a place on tlio domo-
cratlo state ticket. Lx-Muyor Uohror Is
popular at homo and Is so well known
through the state that ho would without
doubt got his full party vote.
Not the slightest trace has been obtained
of J. W. Cut-veil , i ho colored man who ran
away from thu county Jail several dnys nso
while being taken to the Woman's Chris
thin association hospital. It is being
quietly whlspcicd that his escape wns not
biich a mysterious nffair as It was at Ilisi
thought to bo , but that It was a cut and-drlct
affair with some of the county oflieiols ulio
did not u1 mi I a corpse on their hands. If thu
bupposltlon Is the correct one , Curvoll know
his part and utnyod it without a bitch.
Andrew'Caiiipboll nnd LnuraGroon wcro
nrrC'Stoii ynstordnv on an information lilod b >
Jeff Groan , a brother of the woman , charging
them with lewd conduct. Whllo they wcro it
Just Ice Swcuilngon'a court a wailing n hearing
bis honor In a joking way HUggostod ttia
thoy-got married. A now Idea came into
tlu'lr bonds , and apparently a guod ono , for
in loss than half an hour after the suggestion
bad been made tbo justice had climbed Into
bis splicing garments and earned a wedding
foe. The criminal case against tbo couple
was then dismissed. _
DoWltt's Sarsaparllla is reliable.
Glmiitnmiun Train * .
Leave Council BlulTs from Rock
Island depot at 0:10 : a. in. , 8:30 : a. in. ,
0tO : ; a. m. , 10:27 : a. m. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1:60 : p.
m. , 0:50 : p. m. , 7:00 : p. m. , 7:30 : p. m.
p/f/wo.v.i/ it , Kin , i my.
Mrs. L. S. Am ; has goi.o to Salt Lake Cit\
to visit frlonds.
Miss Mary Oliver is visiting frlonds It
northern Iowa.
Mr * . W. F. Vlckory loaves tidny for Denver
ver and Colorado Springs.
Will O'Donnell is homo from college to
fpend the summer with his parents.
Miss Sable Amy bus left for a visit with
friends in Cedar Uiplds and Chicago.
MUs Tllllo Lcutzloger Is homo from a vlsl
to her sister , Mrs. Annlo Clark , utChicau'O.
MM. W. H. Tilton and Mrs , taur. Ktrby
left last evening for a visit with friends It
Mrs. F. Smith and daughter , Miss bora
Nason , loft last evening for u month's visit
in Fremont , Neb.
Paul Aylosworth has returned homo fro'i
Pilnceton university , where Uo Ua > boon
during the past year.
Mrs. M. V , Kohror , Master I , H , a-id M Is
Currlo bavo gene to Chllllcotho , Mo. , fo
their ubual summer oullne.
Mr. C. B. Towlo loaves tomorrow ovonlng
on an Important six uoeUs" business trip
during wtilch ho will visit hU old homo ii
Klngtton , N. II.
Allen Sopors , who has been a resident o
Denver for iniiny your * , loft for bla homo 01
Monday , after a visit of several days will
J , U. Atkins and family.
Hon. John Y. Stone left Monday evening
for Dos Molnu * to attend thu ropubllcai
state convention which moots today. Ho i
n candidate for ronouiluation for attornoj
Lockwood and Phillip Dodge returnee
Mond'iy from Hqrvard unlvcraltv and wtl
upend thu vacation with their purontB , Mr
nnd Mra. N. P. Dodgo. George ILGoodcll
a graduate of the Boston School of Tech
uology , is their jucst.
Mrs. L. U. I'ntton , Uoouford , III. , wrltov
" ! rom poruonul experience I ruconimoud
DoWllt's Bawnparilla. u CUM for luinuro
Uloou and general dobilltv. "
160 people in thld city ueo gaa stoves
I ho Gun Co. puts 'om lu ut cost ,
Graduating Exercises of the Glass of ' 02 at
St. Francis' ,
Mnny rrtriuU of tlio Institution \Vcra l'rc .
cut Mtulciil Selection * \Voro I'cn.
lure * of tin ) Dec-union X.Ut
of the Members.
The graduating oxcrcUes of the clas ol
0J , St. Francis' academy , took clnco lust
evening In tbo chuuot , before a largo
audlchco composed of the frlcuus of the
graduates and of the institution. Kisixys on
.ho following subjects were read by the
members of the senior class : Salu ntory ,
"Echoes of the l > dst , " Miss Etlu Mfihonoy ;
' The Hand of Sovcn , " Miss MarRftrot
Murphy ; "Tho Gold Dust of Tune , " Miss
Sllu CoURhlan ; "Sunshmo In n Slindy
I'lnco , " Miss Gcrtrudo Korrltiam ; The
Acrid Spirit of the Times Corroded the
Iruo Stocl , " Miss Mnry Mtirpliy ; "Shino
in Use , " MU Nelllo llvnos ; vnlodlctory ,
"HOJ-lbW , " Miss .losophlno Lney. At the
close of the exorcises diplomas were con-
Tarred on the .lovcn graduate : ! , showing that
tliov bad completed the COUMO In the aca
demy. All the csjnys were well written
and showed a ( treat deal of curofu.1 prepara
The reading was Interspersed with a num
ber of fine musical selections , in which the
following pupils tookpirt : Misses Louise
Elcrmnn , Joe Lacy , Mary A. Murphy , Sadlu
[ jrltniD , Anna Drake , Antonia ICoss-
or , Mabel Yotzor , Bosslo Row ,
Ktoim Oloason , Bossy I ! ono , Gen-
ovlovo Wlckhnm. Veronica WlcKhatn ,
Ida Dolsrogaln , Florence Morrow , Nelllo
Dunn. ICURCtila Lynch , Mnmlo O'Neill , .lon-
nio Murphy. Joslnii Lance , 1'ot Fitzgerald ,
Cecilia Wlckham , 1'atrlcla WlcKham , Mao
Furroll , Mamlo Muldoon. Louise Lvnch ,
ICatlo Lerch , Klorcnco Murdoch , Mabel Love ,
Ada Murray , Anne Wlckham. Kiln Hopkins ,
Agnes Danuhey , Nolllo Darmhoy , Eva
Ultchlc , Ncllio Callahan , Anna Shank.
Ueatrlco Hinds. Kuima Ktrchman , Dovlo
IJnvK Mnry Fisher , Mablo Martin , Gertrude
Kerr'hard , Phllonicna Swift , MarRnrot
Murphy and Klla Mahonoy. Choruses wcro
ulso amir by the inombors of the senior and
Junior classes. Tbo musical unrt of
ttio evening's cntertalnmont was very iluo.
Uurlnc ttio nftornoon the work of the year In
the painting and fancy work departments
wcro ou exhibition In tbo reception rooms of
the academy , and * was inspected by a largo
uumbor of visitor. ! .
Interesting exercises were huld Monday
ovcnlnc at St. Joseph's ncnoVmy. Masters
Thomas Dannhoy and Patrick Sullivan wcro
awarded dlolotnas signifying their comple
tion of the course at that institution.
Wr.EPtso WATIIII , Not ) . , Oct. 23 , ' 93. Dr.
Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought
the third boltlo of your Tree of Liifo. It Is
Indeed a "Trco of Life. " Doctor , when you
KO kindly gave mo that llrst bottle my right
sldo was so lama and sere and my liver en
larged no much that 1 could not Uo upon my
right sldo at all. There was a soroncsj over
my ktdnoys all of the time , but now that
troutilo Is all over. I sleep Just as well on
ono sldo as on the other , and my.loop rests
and refreshes mo , and I fuel the bust I've fell
In fifteen yonrs.utid I know that it is all duo
to your Tree of Lifo. Yours vcrv truly ,
Forsalo oy all druggists.
At the lloHtoli Store.
Special bargains in fijjured china
silks for this ucolc only , nil our Ooc nnd
7oo figured china silltu for 6c. ( ) 5,000
yaiQs corded tuffotn , sivlo price lUJo ,
worth 19c , ono of the prettiest wash
goods on the nmrkot. ChilTon , the latest
crii7.o in nock wear , just received , over
500 ; yards in nil the newest shades and
combinations , on sale iio\v nt i5c a yard ,
worth from Mo to 60c.
Wnsh goods. Our line of wnsli goodB
is the moat complete in the west. Every
thing from the lie uhallio to the linost all
wool. '
See our line of chullios at 3c , 4jc and
Co ? , worth 50 per cent more.
Cropons , Bedford cords. Taffeta cords ,
pongees , etc. , all In at 12jc , making the
prettiest line of wash goods to bo found
L-idies waists in white , black , black
and white , f.mcy perctilo , olc. , in end-
lcs < * variety from -ISo to * U.25.
Children's lace caps , all our SI.00 and
$1 2Ti caps during said for 50o.
All our 50c , d"o and 7oc caps for I25c ,
this week only.
Stmw lints in misses' and children's ,
don't have your children get sunstruck
whan you can got n 2 > c hut for 12Jc , a
50o hat for lOc , a Toe and SI 00 hat for
! Wc.
Wc.Liidicii' nnd misses' h'.ack silk mitts ,
wo bhow the finest line ever shown over
any re-tail counter. See our line at 15c ,
Sou , Mo , llOc , 50c , 5Sc , 05c and Too , with
out iv doubt the host value ever offered
in such goodu , s > oo them , and you will bo
with us.
Mosquitoes ! Mosquitoes , bad fiends' ,
don't know that wo have pot to have
them , hut wo are sure to have them ,
prepare for their coining , Imvo your
windows secured against them with the
patent adjustable window scroenn. they
tire ollorlng for -oc cacti at the Boston
Towels , 50c dozen ; all linen towels ,
fancy colored borders , knotted fringe ;
the price you might st.vlo one of the
seven wonders , 1-ic. Ask to BOO them.
Hosiery and underwear. Wo have
always led. ThU season wo have out
done all previous efforts. See our line
in onyx , fast black , Hormodorf , royal
Btainluss , Louvre , otc. Ask to BOO our
ladles' fast black hose at 2oo n pair , a
world boater. BOSTON STORE ,
Fothoringhain , Whltolaw & Co. ,
Council BlulTs , la.
Trains leave Manawa el nil v at 8 and 10
a. in. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 20 : ; ! , ! , 3K : ! ) , 4 ,
ii.'iO , 5 , 6w : : , 0 , 0ao. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 0 ,
' :30 : , 10 , 10:30 : , 11 nnd 11:05 : p. m. The
11:55 : train will make connection with
the lust electric motor cur for Omaha.
If your old furnace needs overhauling ,
or if you contemplate putting in a new
ono , you should examine the Boynton
Gaslight. Mr. Latitjrwiissor , with
Shiigart & Son , is a practical furnace
inaii , and will bo glad to ijlvo you hla
experience in stioli mutters if you
eliooso to consult him. Don't wait
until fall.
ip\M ; > rtli
A mooting In which the young people of
the Mothudlst denomination are greatly In-
toroslcd , Is now In progress at Trinity Moth-
oaist church. It Is the annual conven
tion of the Epwortn league of the
Ninth Iowa district. Tuts district
coninrlsoi Harrison , Mills , Montgomery ,
Taylor and I'ugu counties , together wiln the
west half or 1'ottawaltumlo and Crawford
counties. DcK-gatcs to the number of KOV-
onty-sovon are proiont from the various Kp-
worth leagues in the district , ropreKciiitug
nrurly every town whore there is a Moiho-
dl.t church In nil that aica.
Most of the doh'gntes urrlveu yesterday
morning , but new -arrivals - cuine In almost
contlnuou ly all day , and further addi
tions are oxpoctoa to the list today.
The early morning was devoted to n
devotional soivlco led by Miss lialloy of
Dunlap , after which a bu | no s gosIou was
held. An uJdrojs was uiado by Goodwin
i'erkiim of Mlsiourl Valley on tha "Social
Uvunccllstlo Work of the League. " In the
afloruoon an elect ion of oRlccrd was held ,
with tbo following result :
i'rusldent , II. Johnson , Losan ; first vlco
pn < nidunt , j , 13. HurrU , DeuUon ; second
vlco prosloent , Mrs. RS. Leigbtv , Malvorn ;
third vice president , Sadie Smith , Shcnan-
Uoah ; corresponding Mocrotury , Allco
Srandrlff , Missouri Vulloy ; iccord-
ng secretary , Mao Sim ) , Council Bluffs ;
treasurer , .1. P. Morris , Glonwood. Delegates -
gates were alto ssloctcd to the convention of
: ho Elehtb conference district , nt which n
member of the board of control of the Ep-
worth league will bo chosen tor tbo d strict
which includes Iowa , Minnesota nnd Mis
souri ,
Hov. J. B. Harris of Dcnlson and G. H.
Hoo30 of Malvcrn were appointed delegates
and Hov. G. W. Hodorlck of Missouri Valley
and Frank ( looker of Shenandonu alternates.
A general discussion followed the business
meeting , In which U. G. Johnson of Denison
took the lend. Tbo condition of tbo laagues
were reported by the various dele
gates , and from thn reports all
seemed to ba In a flourishing con
dition. Various topics of Interest wcro dls-
2Uiscd ! , and the session was a very Interest
ing ono. At T:30 : in the evening there uas a
snug service of half an hour , after which Dr.
B. P. Palno of Lincoln , Nob. , preached and
conducted a revival service.
It is ivhat Hood's Sarsapnrllla actually
does that tells the story of its merit and has
given it the largest aalo of any medicine.
IVIiut Snrgcnt Si : ) .
If you want to pity $1.00 for n pair of
shoes go to Sarcent's.
If you want to pay $2.00 tro to Sargent's.
If you want to pay $3.00 go to Sargent's.
If you want to pay $ -1.00 go to Sargen t's.
If von want to pay $3.00 goto Sargent's
and no will sell you a bettor shoo for the
money than you can buy elsewhere , and
If ho lolls you the shoo will wear ho
will slnnd behind them and give you n
now pair for ovary pair not as repre
sented. This is not talk , but business.
I have had the oxporioni'o and have the
goodH and business , and can make the
Come nnd see mo.
SAKUUNT. the Shoo Man ,
113 Broadway.
Colfax ginger ale and mineral water
sold at wholesale by Dnquotto & Co. .
manufacturing confectioners.
ImportIMK u Chicago Cliurrli.
Next Sunday there will bo a peculiar
and attractive feature to the Cliautatiqiuv
program. It is nothing loss than the
pick in Lr up of an entire Chicago church
service , preacher , choir and organist ,
and placing them on the platform of
the amphitheater hero. Rev.
Dr. Thomas , the famous liberal divine ,
will preach , the Imperial quartolto will
eing , Mrs. Ncllio Bangs Skolton will
servo as pianist. This minister with
these same singers and with Mrs. Steal-
ton as accompanist furnished the serv
ices at the People's church in Chicago
for throe years , and caused Ilooloy's
theater to bo packed every Sunday.
The reproduction of this popular service
arouses much interest in the partici
pants. ; Ono of the members of the
quartette writes that tnoy are making
special preparations for' next Sunday ,
nnd they promise the finest musical
service which they can command.
Those who want to attend the People's
church when it is at its best , can easily
do so next Sunday.
I'lnn for lniiriiviiiK Hit ; I.nko.
Park Commlsiionor A. C. Graham has a
schema to drain off tbo water now in Dig
lake by letting it run into the river nnd then
dam it up on both the north and
south cuds. Then ho would pro
ceed to Jill it up again by allowing
tbo water to run into the basin from the
springs in the northwestern part of the city ,
which nurnbor loglon. The lake could bo
Kept full to the bring without any help from
the river , ana tbo watsr would then bcof the
finest Instead of bolm weighted down with
sand and clay as it now is. The plan would
glvo to Council BlulTs ono of the finest lukcs
to tie found in the west.
In connection with Big lake matters Mr.
Graham enters a protest against the state
ment to the effect that a low dtvo is beln ?
run by ono Pi-tor Hanson , on city property.
Mr. Graham stales that tbe place wbcro the
disgraceful carryings on have been notlcod
is not on city property , but ten fcot over
tno lino.
Disease never successfully attacks a sys
tem with pure blood. DovVitt's Sa aparllla
maues pure , nj.vjbiJundoirioaoi the old.
Prof. Zarkowsky will accept a few
more scholars on the violin or violin-
cello. Address 305 N. 7th.
Dr. Chamberlain , eye. ear , throat
catarrh. Shrgart block , Council BlulTs
McPhail pianos. 110 Stutsman street. page 0 , Chautauqua program.
International Cure association rooms
ate in annex to Grand hotel , 520 First
avenue , Council BlulTs , In. For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
( iriinil Hotel , Council lilulTj
Special rates to tainilios for the sum
mer. Largo rooms facing the park.
For Rent First class saloon ; good lo
cation ; line fixtures. Rosnonniblo party
can'got long lease on good terms. Ad
dress D 21 , Bee ollico , Council BlulTs.
Hot weather prices in picture frames
at Rilcy & Shorradon's art store.
&OI/J71 O.U.1/1.1.
Ailviiril by tlio City Attorney I'lint It HUH
No Jurisdiction.
City Attorney Van Dason's opinion , given
to the council on the question as to whether
that body has Jurisdiction In making the
levy for school purposes , is to the effect that
South Omaha is still a city of the second
class as rnirJs school matters , and the
council is therefore without jurisdiction in
the mat tor.
In accordance with Mr. Van Duson's opin
ion the council will not Interest itself far
ther In the proposed levy of 12 } { mills for
school purposes , end will ralso no objections
to the Uoard of Education proceeding In the
matter In accordance with tbo charter of a
city of the second class.
Ulrolcd oiilcitr * . °
Nebraska lodge No. 227 , Anclont Order of
United Workmen , bat elected the following
otllccrs for the ensuing year : P. M. W. , P.
E. Sullivan ; M.V. . , A. M. Gallagher ; fore
man , John Invln ; overseer , James Carmody ;
recorder , J , M. Gallagher : financier , Josonb
Duffy ; receiver , Ulchard Swift ; guide , P.
BunU ; Inside watchman , KdLowry ; outside
watchman , JCd Hayes.
Next Tuesday ovonlng the nowlv elected
oftlccrs of all the Ancient Order of United
Workmen lodges in Omaha and South Omaha
will bo Installed at the hall of No. CO. in this
TlirlrXniunil I'lunlo.
The employes of the beef killing depart
ment of the Cudaby Pacxiug company will
give their annual picnic at Waterloo Sunday ,
July 24 , H. J. Murty. Reed Darnell , Her
man ICogol and Paul Mnrtin , thu committee
appointed for that purpose tmvlng so de
Several contests In killing and dressing
will tuko place. A handsome gold modal
.vlll bo given to the champion sheep klllor
and dresser of NuDraska , the title to that
distinction to bo won at tbo canton on the
day of tlio picnic ,
Koto * unit I'oraoimU.
0. C. Vaughn returned yesterday from
MUs Jennie Morris baa returned homo
from her visit to Iowa.
The punlls of St. Agnot' schools wore given
u picnic at Spring Lake parK yono.'iluy.
Mrs , Junnln Walker of the government
mlcroicoplciil force returned yesterday from
a visit to ColuinbUH.
Hov. C. N. Djwfton bus siicooodod in rais
ing t\'MO \ , which amount wipes out thacntlro
indobtednoirof the cliuroh.
Leonard Ewers , a young lad living at Sev
enteenth and O streets , was seriously bitten
by a savugo dog yesterday.
W , P. Loreuzen waj the guest of Jacob
.Tnskalcic yostord.iy. 1/5 / fias just returned
from an extended visit U Jyurope.
Services will bo hold At the
church this ovor.lngat 7 o'jcjock. Mr. Eason ,
the now lay reader , will yn'sido.
MUs Mnmo Scvkora ' , n teacher in tbo pub
lic schools , leave's todaf fbV Lent Hlvor. Ill , ,
where she will spend thosummor vacation ,
A. L. Iluator has returned from Albany ,
Mo. Ho wns nccomputflod by his sister.
Miss Nettle Hunter , who will remain n few
days In South Omaha.
Yesterday Van Sant , , Carey & Holmor
loaded CIS c.tttlo , which will bo increased 100
at Chicago , and on July 8 will bo shipped
trotn New Yoru ou the steamer Greece , to
London , England. '
C. M. Hunt , a prominent capitalist , was
arrested yesterday upon complaint of Health
Officer Sulvoly. Mr. Hunt is charged with
violating the health ordinance by refusing to
clean up his property at Twonty-flfth nnd N
South Omaha will care for several hundred
of thuso who will attend the people's conven
tion. The Hood hotel will find accommoda
tions for a delegation of about 100 from Ohio
and the other hostelries wilt toke care of all
possible. Manr private homos will also bo
thrown open to the visitors.
DoWltt's Sarsaparllla destroys sucn pot
sons as scrofula , skin disease , czoam , than
mutism. Us timely uiosavos many livoj.
A rcmiUo I'lrcliiig.
Mra. Duncan of 31UJ Charles street is a
colored woman who , tl'o neighbors sny ,
should bo In an asylum or n jail. Her last
escapade consisted In setting tire to the
house of a neighbor , Ed , Swanson , for which
ftho Is now waiting trial before Judge Bcrka.
Swauson had bad her arrested for
disturbing I bo peace nnd this wasLorrovongo ,
When you go to Denver stop nt the Ameri
can houso. Kates.51) to ? 3.60. liomodclod
throughout. ' _
Tlirco Nogrnr * Mint to Dentil.
GAI.VISTOX : , Tex. , Juno 23. A special to
tbo News says : Three negroes were shot to
death at Spurgls on Friday evening. They
bad confessed to having assaulted Mrs.
Boasly and her duughtor near that place the
night boforo.
Disordered liver sot right wltb Bcccuam's
Just iis n Warning.
PAWS , Juno 23. M. Utbot said today that
rough treatment in the case of Captain
Borup was rosortcd to as a warning to ether
over-zealous military attaches.
Tlio Flru Itvcord.
PARIS , Juno 23. Throa tenements in the
suburban town of Born burned. Several
people were burned to death. The loss is
1,500,000 francs.
IIcu\y Losses by tlio Afghan * .
CALCUTTA , Juno 23. The Allahabad Pioneer
neer says that the Afghans lost 1,500 men
killed and wounded in the recent lighting
against the Hazaras.
Tim ninlt ufJO yean' experience-
trcatlngsklniHiraini ror > .ilobydmr. , or tent by mull for 5UA ham | > l >
otSottpaod lispago took on Dcr-
( lllinlrnt UcnSkln.'c ! li | , . erTOUianil
I ! ) looll > lie * c Alio Dlfn lircmpnU
MU nirthmnrki. Moles , Waiti , Indll
Ink ul Powder Uarkl , Scan. I'll-
llnji , ijtciliifa of hose. Ruperdnoua
llnlr.rinilc.raclillcrcl"pmcDt.olc. |
ConnllHlutt ! frt-9 nl edl'r or lijr Irltrr.
JOHN H. WOODBUBY , B.I. , 125 W.,42d St , New York Cily.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
Reliable. -
on the tiivor nnd Stomach , rostorlnc1 the
coustipatod organs to henlthy nctlvity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , nnd all ether
diseases iirislnjj from n disordered con
dition of the I.ivor nnd Stomach.
They nro the Only Hcllble Vcgntablo L'lvcr
Idi I ; Thjy , ira I'erfo.-tly Ilirnlo-ii ; Tiu
rrol'urnly Vnotubloi Try Them.
DU. SchoncK'slloj'c on Consumption , Liver
Complaint nnd Dyspepsia Hunt Kroc.
J. U. SUHENOIC A ; SON. Phtlndolphla
MKM'.o apeclUo for Hrstorli. Dlzilnou , fit ) , Nau
ru IK In , iJcnduclio , Ncrvoua 1'rostraton causacl \ > j
alcuhoior tobacco. Wakurulacas , Mental Uooros
stun , aoUnoasof Iho Urila. ciuiln Ininulty , mlaory ,
duciy.dK'.t. 1'romiiluro olil AKS. llarronsn , 1,011
of 1'owcrtn elihorsot , Impotenoy , Lnuoorrhiia an I
all teraalo Wuaknossjs. Involuntiry Lostas , spsr
raatorrlica onusoa by ever oiortlon of tlio br ln
bolf-nbuieover IndulBoaco. A month'i trjataioti
fl.UforlJ , by mill. Woiriurnntooslx boxes to euro
Knell order for liooioi. wltli II will road wrlt'.o
guarantee ] to rofundlf notcurwl. tluaraotOBln IH
only by A. Hchrutur , rtrueglst , sola gont. south-in
corner loth mid I'urnatii us . Omaha-
Extract ofBeaf.Do
Do you want a copy of
Deof Toa'r1 See that it
is made from the Gen
ulno Incomparably
the best. Pure , pula-
tablo.rofreshliitf. Dis-
eoluds cloarly-
the Biiron Lei-
bip's BlRnnuro
in blue on
label , thus.
Anew and Coraptetau'J'ruBtment , conilstlni oj
Bupposltorlai. Ointment la I'npsulet , also In llox
ud 1'IIU : a Poiltlro CuVo. for External , Intarnal
blind or UleeitlnEltohlnt , Vfironlc , Itooontor llcudl-
tary 1'lles. T.ils It nio.iy-niu uorer bran known to
fall. II per box UforOixiaMtymitl. Wliy sutler from
tbU tcrrlblu iljg-i | o wlua n wrlttan Kuarantoo U
posltlTaly yl'un irltUObbWl or refund ilia mooeyK
not cured head stamp fen tree Bnmplo. ( luaraUtaa
Isiuod by Kulin & Co. , Drayiiliti , Solo Ak'uats , cornu
18 3lloo KIBS streotK,1 UBiuha. NaD.
" 8ANATIVO. " tli
Wonderful , Kpcnljli
llrmtily , l fold nltU
Written Ouoranteo
to cure nil Nciroin UU-
rxits. > uth ueik
Memory , lxis fif prtla
1'ower , llendachr ,
Wakcfnlncw , Lost 51 n-
x , KtrTou n s9,1.u-
all tlialns and
I CM of pontr of tbe
( icncrallro Orc ns In
either tcx. taiutJ tiy
owMMtlon , joiithflil linll cr llonsor the f \ Mra
awof tolincco , oi'lum.oi nlmalnnt" , nlilrli uulinsltly
lend tn Infirmity , ( Vmumrtlon an < l tiKnnltr. rut up
Inroiitfiilciit foim to curry In tlicf t | > ockit. 1'ilce
It a rncknRO , or B for fi.Ul h f vf I y | 1 onlr r neclre a
written guorantoo to euro or rotund the
money. MHII lijr mull to anv ndilrrss. llnular fre
til | lain eiKtlopc. Mtntlon this rT"AdJi 5 ,
VAD.IID CHEMICAL CO. . Iiranch Office foi U. a. A
SM Dfnihorn Str t , 0111C A 00 , II.U
Itnbt ft Co. , Cn.r IMh ft DouclM St * .
4 A Fullf r A Co. Ocr-Htb * IloucluSt * .
ThonenniU ot
SPO Dr. Mllce'
book , N > w and
Hlartllng Kacte.
FIFO at drug-
DR. MILES Two Yoara
Shortness ol
Drouth , Fain
HEART in SidOB ,
CURE. VluttorlrtR ,
Irn Smothorlnp
Spoils , cured
lien by ono bo ttio.
Ulen Kock , 1'a.
Dr.imiBS' The most rolln-
. Iilo euro for all
Nrw CURE Heart
foiltltrnr lor Droncr , litlimi , Ar. Diseases.
DA. MILE3 BIKIJIOAL. Cc Klkbott , lud.
Tor sale by Kiihn & Co. , Iftb A Dctiplus St
Wntton Oasrnntoa
to Cure Kvory Case or
Money Hotundod.
Ourcurc lipermKnantanilnot patohlit up. Cosei
trcixtcil ieY n years ngo IISTO n T r teen a ijmptom
Inoe. llrdcserlblniteaso fully w c trd t you b ?
moll , ( nil wo lilTD tba mo strong ituarantta to cur *
or refund all money. Tliosa who prater to coma hero
fortreatmentcnn dotoanl wo wlllp-vr rallroail far *
both WBJI and hotel bills while bore. If we fall to cur *
Wo cbal ! Dgo the world for n ca that our M slo
UrmedT will not cure , write for particulars and nol
tbttTldeoce. In our seven years practice with tbe
Ueile HemoJr It tins been nioit Olfncult to oreroomo
the prejudices analnst locnlled specifics. Hut under
our strong cunrantoo tUousands are trying It and be
Ing cured. We guarantee to cure or refund every
dollar , and as we bare a rcputillon toprottot , alia
financial backing of JJOO.ttOlt Is pcrfeotlr laf * to all
wbowllitry the treatment , Heretofore you bare
putting up and paylnz out your money for different
treatments , and altbougb you are not yet curel no
one bu paid back your money. We will poslltralf
cureyoa , OW.clironlo , deep seated caios cured In 0)
tolUdays. Inveitliate our financial standing , our
reputation as business men. Wrlto us for names ani
addresses of those ne hare eured who hare glren
permlsslonto refer to them. It cost * you only post-
lie to do this. It your symptoms are sore throat ,
mucous patches la mouth , rhumatlsm ID bones and
joints , hair f ailing out. eruptions on any part of the
fcodr , feeling of general depression , pnlns la hetiot
bones. Tou hare no time to waste. Tnoie who sin
constantly taking mercury and potash , should dl *
continue It. Constant uio of these drugs will surely
bring sores and catlnz ulcers In tbe end. Dou't fall la
write. All correspondence sent sealed In plain en-
tclopc.Vo In Tito the moit rlgU InTcstlgatlou And
will do all Inourponcrtoallyoul&lb Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Otnahn Neb
An ordinance establishing the pradoof Corby
street from -Oth sticet to Shormiin a\eiuio :
17th avenue from hocnsl stront to Ohio
Rtrect ; UUli street fiom I.oenst street to
Ohio street , In thu cltv of Omaha :
lie Itorda'ncu ny thu city council ot the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. The crude of Corhy street , from
SOtli street to bhorman uvciino : 17th avuiiuo
fiom Locust sticot to Ohio street ; I'Jth ' struct
from Locust street to Ohio street. In the city
ot Omali.i , Is horubv ostuhllphcd ut the fol
low Ins elevations , the L-raclo bclnp ; nnlform
straight ! lines between the points specified , In
the street- . , avenues or alleys named In thu
icespo.-tivu sections followln ; ; , to-wlt :
Suction' ' . Grade of C'orby strput
Ulcv.itlon Elevation
of South of North
Curb Curb.
Hiist curb of 20th street . As established.
West curb of I'Jth street . CO.OO Cn.uo
East curb of Illth struct . ( . 'I.2U ' CU.VO
West curb of 17th avenue . 70.70 70.70
Kustcnrbot 17th uvcnuc . 70.90 70.90
West curb of Sherman ave
nue , us established . 72.00 72.30
Section U. Grade of 17th avenue
Klovatl n nievuttori
of West of Kast
Curb Curb
South curb of Locust street.
us established . 71.40 7I.CO
North curb of Corhy st . 70.70 7MX )
South cuibnfOnrhyst . ' 0.70 70.UO
North curb of Ohio St. , as es
tablished . 70.70 70.70
Section 4. Grade of 18th street
Eontli curb ot Locust st , UK
established . f,8.83 09.00
Point In center of block hot.
Locust andCorby sts . 60.RO 70.00
North curb of Coruy st . 09 0 > ) C'J.UO
fconthcurtiof Coruy st . G'i.03 ' OH.tiO
North curb of Ohlost . As estnbllshod
Section ti. This ordinance shall tuko cllcct
and bo in force from and after Its passage
1'assod Juno 21st , 169i
Cltv Ulurlc
H. P. DAVlb.
President City Council.
Approved June 'Jrdl
You uro huieby nolllloJ that the bunk of
earth now existing on lot . "i , block 4 , Camp-
bull's addition to thu city of Omaha , has been
de-Maied by ordlnanco No. ailO to bo a nui
) on are hereby directed to abate said nnl-
siincu by Krudlnz down said b ink of earth
Bo as to prevent tliu wasting , falling or wasb-
lliB of earth from s ild lot upon the bldowall.s
or strcuts mljiiccnt thereto within twenty
days from the ' . ' ; id day of June. Ib'U , or
Raid nnlsanco will bo abated by the
c ty authoiltloa und the expense thereof
levied as u special tux uRulnst the property
on which said nuslanco exists.
Dated this ' 'Stli day of June , IS'li
Chairman of thu Hoard of i'nhllu Woiks.
Sealed pronoials will bo received at the of
fice of the elty clerk until noon , July 10. 18 ,
fur furnishing thu nrilerlal und uolnK 'ill thn
work , or uny portion of either , for u system of
water works In the city of 1'onea , Dlxon
county. Nob. Plans und apuctllcutlons may
be obtained by addressing the clerk of Biild
city. Kids will bo orjcnu.l In the presence of
bidders ut 4 o'olosk p. m. sharp , at the ollico
of the city clerk , on July KO. Ib'i ' ; . The rlxht to
reject uny nnd nil bids is herobrusorvod ,
Dutod Ponca. Nob. , .hino-'l. lh ! .
r. M. DOUSKV , Mayor.
E. W. HUSK , City Clerk.
J2H d.ltM
Scaled propuials will bo received by the nn-
dersUned until IM ) o'clock D. IIP , July H , Ih't. ' .
for the construction of a suwor In sewer dis
trict , in the city of ( Ji.ialia , as uerordln-
nnco No. IllOl , nccordliiR to plans nnd speclllea-
tlons on tile In the ollico of thn hoard of publlu
vioiks. Proposals toboinudu on printed bliinl.s
furnished by the bouM.und to bo nccompuiiled
by a certified cncck In thu sum of $ .VX ) . puyublo
to the city of Omaha , as an uvlduncu of uood
T'ju bonrd reserves the i Uht to reject any or
all olds und to waive defects.
Chalrnmn of the Do ird of Public Works.
Omaha , Nob. , Jnue'JIst , IS'U. ' Jo''l-i--'S-rJ
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
Onlia Mciliwl
Icil Dlsiii
tleot fnellltlci , nitunrntus a ntt Homomoi i
forsticcosifu trj itiuant of
worv u
ot dlsomo roiiulrlii i or
snrito U treatment ,
60 bed for patients , boirtl ani uttoniUna&
Ilest nccomoJatioii' ) In the wot.
\ for clrouUM on deformltlo * an I
crimes trmsoi. elub foot , ourv.iturmof q-jtno ,
lilloj tiiiiior . oinoor.o.itirrli. broncliltK In-
halationo.octrlclty , p iralysls. onlleiny , kid.
nov.b mltlur.oyo , our , skin mil blool uiU all
nuNtlcnl npor.itloni.
Ulutiaubu III WUllltifl lloolcon DUonai ot
Women 1'llKlC. wo liavolutoly ml lo.l a lyliu-
Indop irtiiioiit fur viniun during uonllnoinont.
Mrlelly nr.v.ito.i Onlv UolUiblo In-
ttituto making a Snpjl ilty ut
All 11 oed Dlsii.isai suocotstully troitnl
fyolililtlo 1'oNon removed tni.n the uy-itoiu
ulthont mnronry. New itostor.itlva ' [ '
iiirnt for lOH < or'ITAI. . I'OWKlt. I'orions mi-
nblo to vUit in ni.-iv bo troitod ut homo by
corrosiion 'enco. All coiiuniinloathHH conll *
dunllal. .Mod olnos or InslriiiiientJ Hotit Uy
iniiil nroxproii , soouruly puckud , no mart * to
Ind cntui'ontunUor omidur , Ono pcrsonnl In *
turv PW liroferro > . C.ill iind c-oninlt , ui or son I
history of your emo , iind wo will send In pl.itu
wriitJiior. our
ffl MPtl niRHl Uiion 1'rlv.ito ,
* lllf IWf STliilul IIT ? STiPVllta 1)14.
cases , Iinpotonoy , Svphllld , Gloat iin.l Varlco >
cole , Wlthquost on list.
liraucs Appliances for DofqrinttloJ. % Truaot.
Only nrimifnctory Intho Wostof ' -
- ' '
It.tTTEKIKH a A l > liter 1 S.
Omaha Medial ani Institute ,
2Oth and Bro xiway * , Ooiuoll DltiiTt
Ton mlnntoi' rl.lo f nun center nt Oin.Ui i enl
l Oonnull lllulli uleolrlu motor lino.
An ord mince croatlnir street Improvement
district .No. 474 , on Ktli street from Tarnum
to Hiirney streets. In tlio city of Omnhn , tor
the linprui'nu of street til s.ild district and
ullowtng thirty days to thu property owners
In snld dlbtrk't In which to dutcrnilno nnd
desigimto the iimtoi doslruil to be used for
the rt'ii.ivlir.1 of tlu' siinio.
He Itordulnod by the oily council of the city
of Onialiu :
Section 1. That Street Improvement Dis
trict No. 474 on 17th street from I'mium slieet
to Hurnoy street , for the Improving ot the
street In said district Is hereby created In the
city otUmuhn.
fcectlon S. That street Imprnvomontdlslnct
No. 474 slmll comprise 17th street from I'urn.uu
strtiot to liarnoy street. In the city of Oisiiihn.
and shall include nil lot * and roul estate on
both sides ot h.-Ud siroct to u dupth ot lili tcpl ,
nnil It Is hereby declared necess.iry to Im
prove thu Hitmo by ropuvlng.
Suctlnn : i. Thut street improvement dis
trict No. 474 In thu city ot Omulm bo and the
Biuno Is hcrubv ordered Impioxul byiep.ivlng.
Section ) . That tblttydiiyh next , after tlio
passage and approval of this ordinance boand
the s iino la hereby allowed to the owners ot
all lots nnd real estate In said street Im
provement district , to determine and desig
nate the material desired to ho used for the
repaying of the sumo , an I notify the city
eomu'll tlicrcof , It h.ixliii ; heeu and beln
hurebv determined by the in tyor and cltv
council of s ild cltv , for ro isnns which appear
rl jht und propcr.that all the leal ufito In said
street Improvement district. shall bocluir/cd
nnd assessed with the cost of ropavlng thoru-
tn. to bo thereafter ihitci mined an 1 establnh-
od according to the benefits to the
property In snld street linproMiiciit district ,
and the Hoard of I'ubllu Works is liurobv ( II-
leclud to glvo notice to the owners of l.inds
and lots , subject to local assessment , for tlio
cost of oald Improvements to determine nnd
designate the material to bo used for aneh i e-
irtvlnK. by publication In thu paper
of thn city for tlirco consecuttvo < lays. rt
least flflucn days prior to the lap e of said
thirty days.
Hcutlon 5. That this ordinance shall t.iko
Direct and be In force from and after Its pas
1'usscd .Tune Ist , 159 ? .
city Ulork.
H P. DAVIi ! .
President City Council.
Approved Juno S3rd , l&'tt ' ,
uio. : p. IIEMIS.
IIEMIS.Mayor. .
An or.linanco dcclarhr ' iho bankot earth on
lot fi , block 4 , Campbell's addition , n nuis
ance and 01 daring the n.iine to bo abated by
the grading down of s ild lot.
lie it ordained by tbo city council of the city
of Omaha :
fcectlon I. That the bank of earth now exist
ing on lot S. block 4 , Campbell's addition to the
city of Omahn , honndhciuby la declared to bo
unnUanco and iborJeicd abated by
grading down said bank of earth HO ; is to prevent -
vent the ivashliu , wastlni ; 01 falling of earth
from said lot upon the sidewalk or stii-ets ad
jacent thereto.
Section L' . That thu owner of s ild lot bo and
herebv is required to ub.itu said mils into by
gindlntiilonii s.ild lot as roqnlicd In section 1
ot this ordinance within twenty l'l ' days from
Its passage and , and failing or nu-
lectliiL" so to do , tlio bo.ird of public works is
required to I'HIIS > U sild nnlsaiiou to lie abated
bv tlio glad Ing down of s.ild lot und report thu
cost thereof to thu city council to bo assessed
U7alnst s.ild lot ,
SectionL : That th s or.llnanco lake effect
and be In fnrco from and after its uass.igu.
Passed Juno " 1st , ISi. .
OHOVUS.Ulty Clerk.
n. P. DAVIH.
Piosldunt Ulty Council.
Approved .TiinoSJrd. IK'li. '
Soalci' proposals will ho rccidvcil by the nr.-
durhiiinod until lm : : n'elu.'k p. m. , July l.Mli
ISlti. for cradlnx 17th struct fiom vlntin
Btreut to It blrcot. In the city of Oinuhii , In ao-
cordanco with plans and Hpculllciitlous on Illo
In thlsollleuof the llo.ud of Public Wor s.
Illds whl tin m.ulo on printed blnnl's fnr-
nlhhcd by the board audio bo uccompin-
lud by acurtllied ohocU In thu Hum of KVKOJ
piiyublu to the ally of Uiuuhn. as an evidence
of k'oo I faith.
The board roioives the rlaht to reject ni'V
or all bids anil walvo defects.
1' . W. IIIIlKIIAUSnit.
Chairman Hoard of I'nbllu Works.
Omaha , June Stltli , 1KI , ' . . ! L'8-'jlly.1-0. (
Healed proposals will be received by thu un-
dorslicncd until \i'M \ o'clock p.m. July 8 , I8W ,
forcradlng Urmit street from 'Jiht Htruutto
liUh street , and the alley In blockIdjcwlld ,
In thu city of Omuliu , In accordance wltii
plans and spo.'llleatloris on Illo In thoolllcuof
thu Hoard of Piihlle Woiks.
Illds to ho made on pr ntud bluntH furnished
bv the hoard and to bo accompanied by u
uertlllcd check In the bum of WOO , payable to
thu city of Omaha , us an uvlduncu of good
The board reserves the rluht to reject any
or all bids und to walvo ilufecln.
Chairman HoarJ of 1'nbllo Works.
Omaha. Junu Ist. IsJ. . JoJlU'J'J
WANT HI ) ( Inoil Rlrrfor sonornl house-
. , , < > fk. UooJtaxcs. . Mrs. K uollno.
UIU Hint Plerco street ,
1 71011 Ur.NT The dwi'lllmi on Pit si avonim
. and hUhth street formerly occupied by
M , 1. Smith ! 11 rooms. 3 bath rooms and nil
modem Imprnvumontai coed Mnhln nnd out
biilldlngi rents. u per month. K. II , ijlioafo.
WOU SA tjK-rioiirlnintidVrls iiillt with a
. - stools of senornl moreliintll : fi ami dwelling.
vrlUtrnilo for ousloru .Nobraski
oHCnns is bind. K II. Sho.tfo.
\\t ANTHD Kxporloncod canvas prs to soil
the laton amUreatoit novelty In fruit
In I oltow.Utomlo und Mills counilai , Iowa.
Address ASJ , ilco , Oounell lllutts.
STOUAHK anil Oommlsslon-Stovc . fiirnl-
tiiro , ota. , stored and sold on commission .it
lowest rates. U ICInnohan. ajj\tay.
"li Oll S A lii : On small pnymonti. fruit and
A' garden land notr Oounell llltills. 1C. 11.
Shoafn. Hroo.dTf.iy und Mtiln streot.
li OlS un.NT Two ot the bcTtljTirrlsi : liaison
* - I'ourth ' stroou
IV YOU have anything for silo or trade see
_ E. II. Shoifo , lirmdwuy unil Malnstrpnt.
F1 ! KST Dwoltlnis In all p irts ot the
_ , , II Jl. Shoufo. Hr.udw.iy anil Main.
FOli SALE Ii'iiritltua flxturus lonso and
irood will of hotel with 43 room * In a itootl
Nobniskaolty ; will trade for stock of | inn
merchandise. IX II , Shoafe , llro.ulw.iy uiU
Main streot.
POli USN KlBht-roomdwi'lllni. . S21 Wash-
Initon uro. , niodarn style nnd convon-
In ovcollont ronalr , rent J V E. U ,
Shonfo , Uro iday und Main sts.
T7IOU SALE Hotel und rostattrant In n pro -
JL' peious Nebraska city , ) iiylns business ,
poo.l riusnns forsolllni ; , prlcutl.OJi. It Is n
snap. IX It. shoiifo , llroulway ami Main streot.
$ s * > 0 will buy u nice new lionsoi monthly
naymunt" . III foot lot In Orlmn ' tidilltlon
M.'i' ' . l.arjolUtof proportv for s ilo , John
ston & . Van Pnltcn ,
IjlOK SAI.K Standard bred maro. 7yoin :
-U old , slro I by Dr. Aruhlbiild , No..MM first
dam by Uiunwood , roiMird J7JX. : She Is a line
chestnut , h is shown uood spoud , U zontle and
well brokun to drlvo slnslo or donhlo , wohhs
nbont 1.U1J tbs May be soon at burn ot W , U.
Utturbaok. ' . ' .M West llroulway , Council
lllulTs Pilco $ . ' , " > ) . Jacob Suns.
Foil SAI.K Komi , IS ) aoros , In D.okonson .
Co , low i , ' 'to acres broke , bilanco fence I
iiastnreaiul inoadow. 1'rlco i-J an aero. Iv II
bhuafu , Itrokdw.iy tinl Main streot.
TTlOHSAIiH Choice farms In Pnll.vvaUamta
JL1 Co. , Iowa. R U. bheafe , Itroudway und
Mi'.ln street.
I7IOII SAI.n-$7.00) stook of iconoral
-1 ohandNe , nell Inojtod A'lthln
Omaha. Will take P'lrt In Ian I of best qiitil-
Ity , inilnnco caslu LI II , Shuatu. Uroadway
and .Main street.
FOR SAliE Grocery stojk llxtnrus , horsus.
otc. Prlco $1.50 X Hxcellent trado. well
establlsho.l , lurgo pro ( Us ; must bu sold at
once , for t-'oo.l ounio. K. II. Bho ito , Uro id way
und Main street.
FOll SALE t'ho sl.unplir , ' biMlnoHS and ar
noeilleuork uiatoriiils ; urn goln : to leavu
city ; good chance for n lady to KO In liiiilnunn.
MIR. H. P.Mk'B. 102 IlroaihMiy , Touncll lllurt
\\T ANTED -nastorn Nnbrnika lands In ox-
< ' chance for Connell Il.ulT % jiroporty. K. U.
Shoafo , Uro > ; iwuy and Main atroou
TJ1HUIT lands , card on bin Is , firms nnd oily
JL.1 property for s.Uu or trade Day & Hess , lii
I'earl ttreot.
ITIOH SAKE-Kluvntor with corn shulUr ,
JU 4.UOO bn. d iliys corn cruder , IUJ bn. ua
hour ; s.i\v mill attachment. 4'l ' II P , oimlno :
diilnit a KO.J.I bus miss : located no'tr Council
lllnirs Will t tlto soo'l liiml In u\chatio or
sell cheap for cash. K II. Shuifu , llroidwuy
and Main street ,
171011 SALK-Tlio leadln- hotel In a Ncbrus-
JL1 ka cltv of I'O.oji ; h.n ! 0 rnonii , feuds 01 ou'h
meal , coed bur triilo , nets f..VJ.W ) par month ,
long established , lease lias thrcu vo irsto run ;
urlce , $ .1.010111) ) . hilf omli or will trade for
Omuliu residence. E. 11. Micufu , UroaJway
and M tin street.
FO'llSAl.H Stock of morchandlsuand build-
IIIK In uood town town ; stoo c Involcus
H.fiOO.00 ; bus BiioJ trade ; bulldln ; . JI.OOi.UJ ; a
batnaln ; will take uood Io vu land In ux-
ch.uiKe II II. Shu ifc , llro.vlway and Main
rnnn IIIGGKHI' UAitnAiN-Doubto ro-ii
-L donee lot. No.H oiith I'lrst ntreut , H
feet front ; bust location and bust In
thu city If taken ut once. Day A Hess. ; i'J
Po irl street.
TT'OH ' SAIiK Heed lutho , foot or power. Afpot
JL1 loir. . 12 Inches wide , back Reared and screw
cnttlnir , with co uploto chaiiRu o Roiinng , n
chucks , one 0-Inch , ono 4-Inch and 1 drill
chuck : : i sots metal turning tools , etc. ; aim
onull-horAopowuroll engine , with shafting ,
pulleys , baltlntr. ct3. All In good order and
will bo sold chuiiii for cash or on time to right
party. Address llux 43 , Elliott , la.
Of Council lilult.
Capital itco'c
NotO.uiItal nn ) Surplus . 8'il.oii
Dlroctom-J. I ) . iJJ ana n 1 1 , ri. ( , A mir . ' ' )
airnion , 1C. K Ilirt , I. A. Mlllir , J. V. illnjliui
nnrtClmrloi It. II uimn. Transactsonor it bin'.f-
liiitbusinovj. I. ir'os ; capllil iin.1 surplus of.
uny batik In ionlliwuitorii lo.v.u
All kin Isof Dyoins anJ nieanlin done Inths
highest slyle of tlio art. K.idud and pt.ilnuil
fabrics inado to look as coed an new. Hod
fe.itherH cloanuil by Htoain In lint-class man
ner. Work promptly done ami dullvorol Inall
jiarts of ilio country , ticud for urlco UsL
O. A. 1IAOI1AN , - - I'ltOl'ltlCTOIt.
HUIlroadwiy , Noir Northwettora IJpl
Uou.suti. Ilt.uirirj. lo.v.v.
Funeral Direclor , Embalmar
14 N. Main Street ,
G. A. SohoodmtcU , Proprlotor. OfJIcoB 021 Hroadwuy , Council UlulfB and 102
Furrum St. , Oitmhit. Iyo , clean and rcllnich fjoods of every doLorlptlon. I'nolc
iriiou rocolvcd at either ollico or at the Works , Cor. Avo. A and 20th St. , Counol
Ululla. Bond for prlco list.
MurohuntH who have ahop worn or soiled fabrics of any character can have
them redyed nnd finished c'juiilto now.
most appvrovcu machinery , at less cost tlmu you ever paid before