YET ANOTHER MURDER TRIAL Kick For , the South Omaha Fiend , Will Bo the Subject , SHOY/S / INSANITY OR A GOOD IMITATION riio Itncli Iiluml Sued for 835,000 for the l.i > 55 nt u 1'oot Iitnirci : fur I.oit I'lnjfrm Contempt of Court. The hinKcrs-on who loaf about the crimi nal division of the district court patiently wnltlng for in opportunity to listen to tbo testimony In omo sensational trial will have tholr 1111 today. The case of the state agaliiBt Nlclr fox , the South Omaha wlfo murderer , has been booked , and If there Is no slip of the wheels of justice- the case will bo tried. It will bo remembered thnt lust February this man shot hit wlfo and then altomplad to cut his own tin oat. This last net has Klvon tils nUurncy , U. A. L. Olclr , u cue , and the plonof insanity will bo otitcrcd , fox is cither Insnno or playing Ills part to perfection , ns most of the timoslnco his con * llnomcnt In the county ] ill ho bos sat In tbu corner of his cell mumbling over the most tmlntolllKlblo thing's. To all -Dutwnrd an- pcaranco Uu Is inoro of a brute than a man. \ViinU 't' lor it Toot. .tudgo Koysor Is laboring with the facts in Iho case of I'atrlclt McCarty against the Ubl- ingo , lloek Island & Pnclilo railroad. The plaintiff charges that during October , 1899 , lie was in tno employ of the plaintiff , workIng - Ing with a htontn shovel near Topoku , Kan. I-nto In the ultornoon of thnt day the fore man. J. I ) . Duller , commanded him to Jump upon the gravel trnln , which was Just mov ing out of the pit. Ho did so , but slipped nna fell with one foot across the rail. When ho picked himself up ho was minus ono foot , nnd now no wants the sum ofjr > ,000 , alleg ing carelessness upon the port of the foreman - man and the train hunds. On December 21 , 1SOI , whllo In the employ of the Union I'ucillo railroad , 12. A. Wltluns , whllo swltcnlngcais nt Vnlluy , was crashed bet neon two fiolgbt cars nnd killed. The administratrix , 1) . E. Willtlus , brought suit to recover $3UOU damages , but yostordav the case wont out of court by the plaintiff nc ccptlng ( DUO In full payment of the claim. I'liiKcm Coma In Judge Doano's court John J. Ryan Is telling a lot of jurors the reasons why ho bould recover ? I.U'J9 from tbo George II. Hammond Packing company of South Omaha. Hyati , on A'pril 11 , 1S91 , was cm- ployon In tno lard department of the Hammond mend house. On that day ho was working about the clovutor nnd In some wav n tierce of lard slipped off tbo car and amputated n aouplo of lingers. Ilo Mity Judge Scott has Issuoa an order requiring Glloort Lovoillo to appear before him on the inoining of July 2 and show causa why bo should not bo lined for contempt. Some ttmo o when a llrm of architects , Richards & Co. , went to Iho wall , John Hnrto was ap pointed receiver. ftowln nn nflldivit llnrto nvers thnt Lovclllo has interfered to surb an extent thnt ho has taken possession of the buildings formerly owned by Hlchaids Co. and that ho absolutely refuses to surrender possession In the case of Lizzie J. Gary against Mar vin A. Chirk , from Thuraton county , the Jury last night loturnod a verdict finding the de fendant guilty of bastardy. DoWItt's Snrjapirllla dourov.i ' sucn pol sons as scrofula , sicln di-iono , czorna , rhoii inatum. Its tlmalv mosivoj many live ) . The John M. Thurston Zotmvo Drum corps will incotnt the Republican leuyuo headquarters , 11G S. lath bt. , nt 8 p. m. Tucsuuy evening. Ilnydon llros. " 3-strmir cnbinot grand Upright phitio , now scale , 3187.50. Now York itutl Itotimi. , July to 0 tone fnro for the round trip. Choice ol routes from Chicnpo. Return Hrait August IB. Cull ixt Chicago cage , Rook Island < fc Pacific Ry. ticket olllco , 1002 Fnrimm street. CIIAS. KKNNKDY , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. Dn Buvoisn. City Tkt. & P. A. KETCirAM Not Up to Coiitnict nnd tliu City Council \ \ 1'roliiibly \ \ Jtrjrut It. The campaign made by the Kotcham Fur- citurti company in pursuit of n contract with the city covering the furniture necessary for the city hall Is fresh In tbo minds of the citi zens of Omaha. Developments made by tbo nnwspapors and in tbo coun cil investigation nave not inspired the taxpayers of this city with a high degree if coclldonco in the aforesaid furniture com pany , nod It secured tbo contract against the protest of Tin : Ur.u and agulnst the protest of every labor organization In this city. TUB Bl'.E , as It will bo lomomborcd , Insisted thnt homo mnnufacturorsbhouldbo given the con tract nnd the position of Tin : Bet : was sup ported bv labor loaders. A little more than n month ago the Itotchntn company put the furniture In the comptroller's nnd city clerk's ofllcos in the now city hall building. There was a "stiff" ItlcU made at that time on the quallu of tha work and the failure of the contractor to abide by the specifications upon which the contract was mado. Tbo council committee and other officials pre ferred , however , to wait until the croatcr share of tie furniture has been de livered before making a formal protest. The furniture Is icachlnc the city from tbo fac tory piecemeal. As ono consignment follows another it has bccomo more nnd moro appar ent that tno makers have had little regard for the specifications In any roipoct , and that some action must at once ho tauongon the part of the city. Mayor Hernia , In company with other city ofllcials , has made an Inspection of the furnf- turu already rjlaccd In the city hall. Presi dent Davit ) has been wntchlnc the matter closely and the council committed before whom thin claim nnd contiactwill pass for approval are of tbo same mind , towlt , that the contractor must ho compelled to make this furnltnra according to the specifications OB pcrcontrautor else bo required to take tbo furniture out of the building. It Is stated on good athorlty that not a cent bos boon paid on the contract ; neither will there bo until the city inspectors shall have shown the committee , the mayor and the president of the council that the contract has been strictly adhered to. no sure and use Mrs. Wliulow's Soothing tyrup for your children wbilo tocthlt'ij. U5 outs n bottle. _ _ LIVERYMEN IN AHM8. Muy llnt to Use Lumber Wu. KOIIS fur lliMirrio * . The liverymen of the city are In a peek of troublu. License Inspector Vaughn has caused the nrrost of several of thorn because of their refusal to pay a license of f 10 a year on each rig owned nnd operated by thorn. The ordinance which ho now seoits to enforce Is an old ono passed ton or twelve years ngo , and has always been honored In the broach nnd never In tha observance. The Liverymen's union has taken up tbo matter , and U is given out rold that Just us teen as ono of the dofundauts in lined the public staples of the city will bo closed and carrlagis will noi bo allowed to go out upon tbo strom * for any purpose. This will Include - cludo hearses ana hacks , and the undertakers uro very much workci1. up over tbo situation , They i\cro doing some tall hustling vostcrday , wnltlnir upon the various council men -anil praying for n repeal of the obnoxious ordia. BUCO or that Vaughn bo called off. "Why , the thing i an outrnjso , " declared Charley Mentor. "The ordinance wa Intended - tended to cover street hacks , which stand at tno curb and solicit pa lonngo. but was not alined at the buggies and other vehicles that are loft in the stables until called for by ouitomers. There would bo Juit as much cnso In making merchants pay u license- for the goods on their shelves. According to this , If a man hut eovrnlv-llvo carriages bo must fork over ? 730 or bo snaked into court W ° cau't jlaud It. aud that U all ttoro 1 * BELLMAN'S AD CLOSING MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON ALL GOODS. NECKTIES PANTS 15c Some people want only ll o coat niul Ilollmnn used to got 2oc nnd 33c for vest out of n suit nnd that's why wo have thorn. Fancy light colored tics , slllc n whole lot of nnd satin fronts , stripes , checks , dots , brocades , techs nnd 4-in-hnnds. ODD PANTS < All the 50c aud 75c On hnntl out of $12 nnd $15 suits thnt wo NECKTIES close out this week at A little money goes an awful long ways towards getting a complete 25e outfit at Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale. In fact , the goods are As good ns anybody wears. being sold regardless of price because they must be cleared out , Thou All the Black Satin sands and thousands of dollars' worth have already been disposed of , Madras Shirts but it has not taken thousands and thousands of dollars to buy them. Fancy worsted , light color , striped And Outing Flannel Look at the prices at the side of these remarks and see if you ever heard nnd plnid 50c tell of buying a genuine all wool pair of pants for a dollar and a half that PANTS , belongs to a $12 or $15 suit ; or a neck-tie for IS cents. You will like Tlollman sold them for 75c $1 nnd $1.25. Look in the window. them , Lots of stores sell 50c ties that are not a bit better. What does it Genuine ALL matter to you what it costs you so long as you know it is worth three or I/I Silk Shirts four times what you paid for it. That's the way everything in the store / is going. You're not obliged to say you have on an $8 suit simply be for Ilollmnn thorn. or anybody else would got $1 $1.50 cause it cost you that. You can safely rely oh its being a $15 or $20 EXTRA SIZE Elegantl sold the y m gotten for less up than nnd 84. Ilollnmn never suit , Then straw hats , or any kind of a hat , for that matter , well , come in , BROWN , ECRU AND SOLID BLACK we will guarantee to astonish you. The goods must absolutely go and PANTS that's all there is to it. If you have been here once , come again ; it Half Hose will pay you to supply yourself for years to come , for no such goods 15c at such prices will ever be on sale in Omaha again. For long , Icnn. lank ; short , stubby , . Everybody clso gets 25c. stout men. Ilollmun's price- was $5. Administrator's price03. . ENDLESS VARIETY OP MAIL ORDERS FILLED At Most Any Price. HELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR'S CLOSING SALE OOR.NEXR. 13th AND KAR.NAM about It. If tbo ordinance is hold to bo good nnd is allowed to stand , nnd wo are lined for refusing to pay such a license , it will cause a MR kick , nnd wo won't bo the onlv kickers. Wo won't let a wheel roll out of"doorways either for funerals orniiylhingoUc. Corpses will have to bo carried in lumber wagons nnd mourners will have to do the best they can. The business don't pay any too much as it is , and wo can't stand n license , to say nothing of the injustice of it. " Ask your grocer for Cook's ' Extra Dry Im. pcrlal Cnumna < ; no. Once used no other will suit Its hoquot is delicious. LATEST BUILDING PROJECTS. g Itlock lit Sixteenth nnd Chicago I'laiis Torn ll\s \ Apartment House , It is now known that before the snows of winter begin to fly n ? 50,000 brick block will bo roared upon the vacant corner nt ( Six teenth and Chicago streets. , The property is owned byV. . T. Cnllahan , and today ho lot tbo contract for a three-story brick nnd stone building , 18:3 : feet on Sixteenth and ( > G on Chicago. The first floor will bo for stores , whllo the floors above will bo for ofllco pur pose * . Yestordav nftornoon Ocorgo N. Hicks lot the contract for n three-story and basement brtclt and stone apartment house , costing f'0,000 , to bo erected at Thirty-first and Pa- cilio streets. Now . Some months ago when the library board sought to take arbitrary action in matters pertaining to the now library building THC UEI : demurred , on the ground that tha board had no legal right to exist. This position was contested by members of tbo Doard , of course , but dually tbo council concluded to make sure of it and passed an ordinance giv ing the board a right to oxlst and providing for the appointment of members by the mayor , with the approval of the council. This ordinance was approved by the mayor. It is understood that , tbo mayor may , within tbo next thirty a ays , makoo"o or two appointments for the library board. It is not known whether bis honor will simply appoint the old mom- bora or seek to Infuse some now nnd younger blood Into the board. The pres ent members am Louis S. Ucod. Miss Kll/i\- hoth Popploton , Mrs. Claire Molntosb , A. J. Ponploton , P. L. Porlno , William Wallace , T. K. budborough , W. S. Curtis , Elijah Dunn. New loin. Tbo Red Men's Improvement association , with n capital stock of (5,000 divided into shares of $250 each , has Hied its tirades of incorporation in the ofllco of the county clerk. The incorporators nre William Young , A. M. Duller , CJoorue G. Dennis and II. F. i-laua- gan. gan.Tho company hnj for Its object tbo building nnd furnishing of bulls for rental to civlo no- cletics and the Investment of money for the members of such societies. The American Silicon Wall Plas'or com pany tiled HH articles of Incorporation In tbo oQlca of the county clone. Tbo capital stock is fixed nt $ : > 0XX ( ) , divided Into shares of $100 each. The Incorporators are E. C. Ilruco , James K. Mcllvrlod and H. A. Cherry. Omaha is nuuiod as the principal place of budnoss. lilt by 11 Itrlrklnt. Joe Konvnlin , u boy 12 years old , was the victim of a brutal assault by one of the workmen employed on tha Patter- sou building at Sovoutccnth and Fnrnam streets. The boy was In the rear of tbo building gathering up pieces of wood , when tha man hurled u coupio of brick * at him , ono of which struck the lad below tbo ere , cutting n fearful gash. Tbo police wore notlllod , but as the boy was unable to identify his assailant the brute escaped punishment , Kiillrotul Nolm , The n. & M. toot about 503 Bohemian ox- curMonUts to Prague Sunday. Jarnet Tyrell of tbo Elkhorn ofuco force has returned from n visit to Chicago. Tbo interested railroads have received for distribution n stock of beautifully illustrated pamphlets Usuod by the Deadwood Doard of Trade , The Union Pacific's ' Kansas special for the independent convention will leuvo Manhat tan at 111:30 : Sunday night , arriving in Ouiuha at U : ! > 0 in Iho morning. Wean stomach fcUen lUencd by Ueccharn'a PTAXTrMlTI I to T 4 TMTTM HT TOTT * SlONEIlILL S LADIES WAISTS Stonehill's ' Entire Stock of Ladies' Lawn , Percale , Sateen and Silk Shirt Waists WILL BE CLOSED OUT TOMORROW Stonohlll'g Stock of Shirt WnUts Is Cou- cecleil Nut Only the Finest llut the UlgRcst In Town Tomorrow' * 1'rlccs Mmjily Wonderful. ON SALE AT THE BOSTON STORE and nt STONEHILL'S OLD STAND. The entire block of French sateen , cambric , percale nnd Inwn shirt waists , Stone-hill's nrico $1.00 and $1.25 , our price 49c nnd G9e , The entire stock of china silk , surnli nnd wash silk wnists , beautiful styles and colors , Stononill's price from $5.00 to 88.60 , tomorrow $2.48 nnd $5,08. These- waists nroof the best quality silk , tucked back und front , with roll collars nnd cufls , trimmed with knife plaiting. They como in nil sizes nnd lit perfectly. All of Stone-hill's 81.50 nnd $2.CO fine French sateen shirt wnists , box plnitad. black , navy , solid colors , polkn dot nnd stripes , tomorrow 75e nnd USc. EXTRA SPECIAL ITEM. All the wrappers and tea gowns , in cambric , indigo blues nnd percnlcs , thnt Stonohill Bold at 82.60 , go nt OSc and $1.25. All Stonohill's all wool cloth and serge blazer suits , boll skirts nnd bodice , tailor made blnvors in navy , black nnd tan , Stonohill's price $10.00 , our price tomor row $3. OS. OS.LADIES' LADIES' BELTS. Ladies' fine leather bolts thnt Stone hill sold nt 60c , 75c and $1.00 , go tomor row at lOe , 15c nnd 2oc. Remember that Stone-hill's bankrupt stock is being slaughtered right before your eyes ; thnt goods lire going nt linlf und loss than halt Stonohill's old prices , nnd that this opportunity should bo grasped now , if over. Do not delay , ns everyday soiuo particular bargain goes thnt cannot bo replaced. All these cro on sale nt THE BOSTON STORE , N.W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas , And at STONEHILL'S OLD STAND. PLANS FOR THE'VIADUCT. llouril of I'lilillo Works AiloptH the Ku- pjlnecr'n DriiuliigH for Sixteenth Street. The members of the Board of Public Works mot in special session yesterday after noon to consider the plans of the now Six teenth street viaduct , prepared and pre sented by City i2nilnoor Hoaowutcr. The blue prints were brought out and laid upon tbo table. Major Furay opened the ball by saying that there was tlmo enough to bid the duvll good morning when ho was mot upon the street. Tbo major said that there was u brideo alone Sixteenth street , and for that icai > cn ho bollovcd that the Fifteenth street viaduct should bo tbo lirslouo to bo built. K.nglnoor Uosowater explained that tbo plans had been prepared with the greatest of euro and In accordance with tbo best ideas on such structures. Major Furay asked what would be tbo ad ditional cost if the deck of the -viaduct was constructed of corrugated iron , with a view to carrying a stone puvemont. Mr. Koscnvntor thought that It would cost a great deal moro money , Tbo iron dock would necessitate a great deal heavier framo- worn and would require the use of 4,000,000 pounds of additional Iron. ThU , bo Bald , would run the cost of the viaduct up to 1107,000 more than was contemplated in the plans that bo had prepared. Major Furay thought that there was no crying demand for the Sixteenth street viaduct - duct just at picsent. Ho tatd that he know nothing about the plans , but regarded them good U they hud uoon approved by City En gineer Hosowater. Colouul Egbert wanted to know the prob able ) cost of the vluduct if the roadway was narrowed from fifty to forty foot. .Tho engineer Informed him that tbo cost would bo roduocd only about 17 per cent. The board wanted norno information ro- gardlnsr the safety of the present viaduct ulonp Sixteenth street. Engineer Rosewater stated that it had been repaired and might bo considered snfo for light trafllc , but that it could not bo considered absolutely safe. All of the members voted to adopt the plans nnd the specifications , nnd tonight they will como before the city council. Over the btiect Payroll , J. II. Winspear handed in his payroll fcr the month 01 Juno. The amount was $0,099.27 , and nttnched to It was a portion of the May payroll , which showed a balance of $175. The bills were audited by J. C. Uibson , tbo tlmo keener , nnd Winsp'oar , the street com missioner , but they were not allowed until Chairman Blrkhausor and Major Furay had indulged in some personalities. Major Furay opened the debate by de claring thnt it looked ns tnough U was the intention to use up nil of the cublio money before the season was half over. lie insisted that tbo chairman know nothing about tbo correctness of tbo bills. Chairman DIrkhuusor acknowledged that such was a fact aud that It was not his busi ness , as there was a tlmokoopor for that purposo. "Well , ho is not your timekeeper , " an swered Major Furay , nnd you know nothlng- nbout whether or not ho has kept a correct account with the city. " The chairman ro- piled that the major Bpoko words of truth. Ttien Major Furay turned In for tbo purpose of doing some roasting. Ho hoped that ere many days the board would have a chairman who would look of tor the Interests of the i city , dovotn his tlmo to the affairs of ttio ofI I tlco and know what was going on in und ! about tha pubho works. tSThu chairman warmed up and got back by stating that ho know as much about the city atTalrs ns the other members and thnt ho looked after the interests of tbo public as closely as some gentlemen that ho could name ; gentlemen who were talking a good deal and not doing anything. Colonel Egbert pleaded for harmony. Ho said that ho would not lit with tuo board again and that ho hoped a feeling of broth erly love would take possession of the minds of the two men. The pleading had its effect , for the two gentlemen at once subsided and commenced talidng upon the subject of per manent walks. * Chairman Ulrkhausor stntod that stone walk hail been ordered on Ilurncy and Fur- nam wist of Twentieth street , nnd along Harnoy In front of the Tom Murray prop erty. The question in his mind bad boon bow to handle the matter. Contractors hud bid on stone and artificial stone , and when the property owners and the council failed to designate the material ho did not know wbut ho was to do. Major Furnyi said the chairman should dc&lenato what was to bo laid. Chairman Birutmusor thought not. Ilo wanted suggostions.trom tbo board nnd than ho would follow out the suggestions. City Attorney iQonuoU wrote that the board should ucsipnnto tbo material , and hereafter the board will have the say. Artificial stone was ordered laid ut Ninth and Oodgo and Sixteenth and Dodge. A statement 11 led showed that Ford & liugbos had laid 710 yards of artificial stone , and that J. W. IKurnas & Sons bad not laid any wullr , simply bacauso they bad not made anapplication. . In examining the records , the board found ! that there was moro walk condemned ibuuboth the stone and artificial stone contractors could lay this season. Do Witt's Sarsaparilla is reliable. Ilulo y.oAiuui Onilflul. Mr. Uoorgo O. Halo , chlfif of the Kansas City lira department , has written Chief Gal ilean a letter expressing the thanks of him self and the Halo Zouaves for the manner In which the company was entertained during the encampment. Ilo snys thnt both Omaha and the Omaha flro department will always DO pleasantly icmombcred. Do Witt's Sarsuparilla oloauso ; tha bl oou. TVlmt Others Say About The Hoc llurciui ol ClnliiiH. A correspondent of the Now York Even- ine News recently wrote to the editor for in formation about pensions. Shortly after , the following answer appeared in the query column : "A. S. For any information about pen sions wo would advise you to wrlto to TUB BEI : Bureau of Claims at Omaha , IMub. Tnis ofllco is under the administration of a syn dicate of newspapers , including the St. Paul Plonoor-Pross , the San Francisco Examiner and others. " This Is an illustration of the manner in which the Bureau of Claims has been ad vancing to the position of ono of the stan dard Institutions of the capital. No news paper would think of advising a correspon dent , outside of us advertising rolumns , to write to John Smith , attorney , for informa tion nbout pensions. It is no part of a paper's business to advertise private claim agencies for nothing. But the fact is recou nted that Tun BKB Bure-iu is not n pilvato agency , but an institution which , although not connected with the government , is man aged In the publlo intoroat. The paragraph quoted nbovo relates only to pensions. But if tbo editor had been asked about patents , or public Innd titled , or Indian doprodntlon claims , tno answer would naturally have been tbo samo. Tbo bureau deals with all these mutters und handles all with equal care and stcill. The common Idea of a claim bureau 11 that it Is an agency for extracting money from the government , generally for undeserving objects. TUB Bun Is enlaced in a very dif ferent class of work. To bo sure , some clagjoi of clMms do take money from the government , always honestly duo , however , so far ns those prosecuted by the Bnr. Bureau are concerned buj. others , nnd thos ° among the most important , coat the treasury nothing , but return It n profit In stead. In patent cases , for example , the legal fees are so much in excess of tno neces sary expenses thnt tno government has clcnrod millions of dollars out of inventors. In encouraging invention by removing the dinicultios in tbo way of securlna valid patents , TUB BEE Is contributing to tbo pub lic wealth. . . . . In land cases again , the claim agency that onaolos the settler to obtain a good title to bis home Is accomplishing an unmixed bono- llt to the public. Tno pioneer goes into the wilderness and creates ton tinioj as much wualth for the nation ns ho is able to obtain lor htmsolf. Ho helps to build up n now American community nnd broaden the foundations of the republic. Tin : Bur. Bureau recognizes the fnct that there nro claimants that nro ns much entitled to their demands as the president of tno United States Is to his salary. Dishonest claimants have plenty of representatives. o.tliitcot" ut Wonderland. "La Mascot" Is the bill nt Wonderland. The now opera , "A Trip to India , " was Blvon at the aitcrnoon performance yester day , but was not consldorod up to the standard by Manager Lnwler nnd consequently quently changed. "Lulu , " the maijnotlo girl , is n wonder. The wax groups , the Saviour's natal day , and the Cleveland fam ily 1111 out a good show all around , To Hour CoinpliiliiU Iroiu Tiix | > uyurn. The city council ha > been called together to moot as a board of equalization at 10 o'clock this morning. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PCJR Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing. Cured Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burn0 , Etc. Bomovots aud Prevents Dandruff. RUSSEAN Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. CURB Anorr unit Complete Treatment , comlitlnr oj EuppoiltorlM. Olntmont la ' 'npiuloi , alia In llax nil I'llls : n I'oiUlvo Cure far Kitoriml , Internal blind or Uloixllnc Itching , Curonlc , UeoniHnr llorocll- tarr 1'IIei T.ili llomoJr hai nuyor l > eon known to fall , flportior BforlilientbrmalVlir'ullcrfrom ! this terrlblo flliea.o nhen u nrllton ituaranlou u poiltlralr gl'tfi ) > rltUGl > oi t or rotund Ilia inunnrli not curort Hcml tarnpfor free fiaiuplo. ( JuaralUoa licucti bj Kuhn A Co , UruKnltlt , Uolu .Agenti , corn/ 15 ana lo = U ttrcoli. Omaha Mob A Mai W BMBJJ nu * ' | Tliu ( Irnt il M i ofteniiHtoiiUlifiitill ) In- Aiim'V of body , K oil illf-ci > tl < Mi.r < ! Kiiliir < IMIUI-U mid Millil lltwli. J'rlcc , XKtIn. * nnriiiiliin lint , _ . . _ B orodin lotoxodto \\.JJ Hopt/tlllcilia.UK 1 IT „ URE /YOURSELF ! r A k your IJruggUt Jor - , 1 bottle ot HlK . 'ihcvnly | J non nofooriciu * remedy lurall I V the unnatursl dlich rKe and I private dltvrMi n ( men und the I dehdltatlng weaLntu peculiar I to women. It curei in a Jew ld > without the id < ) or \ publicity ol a doctor. \ Tin f/n rinl AmiricaH Curt. Mauufurlured hy LTIDI Chemical C CINCINNATI , O , U. O. A , E - JIUSTTRYlT. co. KANSAS CITV.MO. HAVE YOU FM YO'J R CLAIM YET ? You'd better not waste any more time if you expect to get anything from the gov ernment. Unless you put your claim on record before March 3 , 18 ( > 1 you. will never have another chance. It takes time to put an ap plication in shape , and there is not a bit of sperc tima left. Whatever you have lost by the Indians , under the conditions described in the law , can be recovered if you go about it in the right way. Tlia Baa Bureau of Claims knows just hour to go to work. Vrite and find out. THE - - Bee Bureau of Clainu Omaha , Neb. " _ _ NOTK'U ASSUSSMKNT OK DAM- AC51W FOlt OUADIN'G ltlKOHM- ( iiU.V : DOMINION ) STUHKT FROM KTII STHIIT : : TO lam To tluiimnorcif all lots , parts of lotH and loiil t'nUlt ' ) ulonu' "II" I formerly Dominion ] ktrcut fioni Ulh btruot to 1'ltli stiuiit. You are htiruhy notlllnd Unit the undor- slu'iiinl. Ilium ( llsliiluri'ituil ' frutdiuldun of lint oily of Oiniili i. huvo buun duly Hppolntud by I Im mayor , ulth thuapiiruvulof lliuelty coun cil of mild o.ty. to utmost tliu daimiKU to the ownorH rotpiH.'tlvitly of the property nircutnd by Krudlnu " " ' ' ( fonnnrly jiiiiiiliiionl lrfcot from Uth ktrcot to Illtli Mrrot , ducluiiid nucin > Bury Ly ordlinuit'u No : ni" > , pasted April .Uth , , IbU. ' , approved May 'Ird , IK' ' ) . ' . You nia riirthur'nollflod. thnt liavlnu ao ; coptud biild appointment , mil duly riimllUed uu rumlrud nv law. wu will , mi thoSUi day of July. A. I ) . IS'i. ' ' , nt the hour of ' . ' o'clock In the nflnriioon , ut lliuolllfiiof \ \ . II , ( Jute * , No. O''J , N. V. J.lfu htil'dlntf. ' within th corporate/ limits of Nitld city , iiicetfoi Ihoiiiiriiotuof con-V ildorliiK and nmklnir iiH us innit of daiiuiKU to the owner * rup ctlvoly of Hitld iirnportr. ulfuctud by mild tirndliiVi taUliiu Into vonsldr crittlon special bunullu , ft nny , You are notified to hu present at the tlmq und pluco iifoifKalil , and in.iliu imy oujuotlona to or ktuiumuiili coneuniliiir H ild uibukkinuut of Uuimiuf * ufc you muy consider inonor. W. ' li.'lJATI.b ! JOHN Vv , KUJIUINS. Oiuahu , Juno SI , Ib'J.1 , J.'iJlU * * '