Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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rcihctrd tj Carrier to nny pattof the City
llns'nrts Office
hKlt , , juUor ; . . . . . . . No 23
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston store for dry good ? .
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
P. J. Enlg Si Co. is the nnmo of n new real
utalo firm located in tbo Kvcrctt block.
linns Albert cuvo n brilliant violin recital
yesterday afternoon to the sisters nnd pupils
of St , Franrl * nciidctnv.
Jhcob W. Davis of HancorK county , Illi
nois , nnd Kthm A. Isenburgcr of CofTco
county , Kansas , were marrlod last evening
by Justlco 1 In minor.
The piaco of holdlrfg the Kpworth lenjuo
district convention tins been changed from
the fifth Avenue Methodist church to the
Trinity , corner of Ninth avcnuo and Fourth
Marrlago licenses wcro issued yesterday to
Henry K. Schultz of Wnterlown , S. L ) . , and
.lonnlo West of Brsddyvllle. In. , nnd to Sun-
terlow Uutler ntid Sarah Jnno Potter , both
ft Council BlufTs.
Tlio quarterly election of ofllcers of the
Pbllomutbcnn Literary club will occur nt the
regular meeting in the Young Moil's Christ
ian association lecture room tbls evening. A
full nllcndartco Is dcslicd.
The young Indies of Miss Lunng's Sunday
icliool class will gl\'o n "peanut social"
1'bursdny evening , June 110 , in the panon of
the Broadway Methodist Kplscopal clmrch.
A. program will bo rendered , after which re
frcshmonlH uill bo cctvcd ,
A wreck was caused on tno Hock Island
sbout 11 o'cloclc Sunday nlgtit by n freight
train breaking into three parts a mile cast of
the city. Tno middle section ran into the
front ones and Knocked tuo of the cars off.
the track , pretty thoroughly demoralizing
them. No ono was Injured.
OHattlo Allen was lined $15.10 In nollco court
yesterday morning for drunkenness and thn
line was remitted on condition ( hut she lonvo
thu city. Her friend , Henry Allen , wns also
lined til ) , which ho paid. A line of $ 10.10
was assessed against Or , Jag Cure Williams
of Fremont nnd was afterward remitted by
tbo court.
A letter was cei-olved yesterday an
nouncing that Ira C. .Mynster ami Miss Mary
Combs , both of tills city , wcro married on
the IHth nt Lincoln , Nob. Tbo marrinzo was
kept a profound sot-rut , not oven the relatives
of the parties Knowing miythlng lib ut it
until yesterday. Tbo groom Is n BOH of W.
A. Mynstcr.
President H. B. Shelton of the Ninth dis
trict of the Epworta league of the Methodist
church delivered the annutl sermon before
the league last evening. Most of tbo dele
gates to the convention nro oxpoutod to ar
rive today , Tbo sessions are to bo held in
the Trinity Muthodist church , Instead of tbo
Fifth Avenue , as Iirst announced.
A colored man has beet : disturbing the
people living in the northwestern part , of tlio
city , all tbo way from Fifteenth street and
tbo driving parlt. by making a disgusting ex
hibition of hlmsolf , ar.d n day or two ago bv
assaulting a man with n r.izor. The police
nave been on tbo lookout for him but every
tlmo ho has managed to turn Iho corner Just
ahead of them. Tboy have a clue now , however -
over , by which they hope to got him today
and give him the punishment ho richly do-
The chorus of children nearly n thousand
strong , which has boon rehearsing for sev
eral weeks past under the leadership of
Prof. L. A. Torious for the Chuutuaqun as
sembly , baa Its last rehearsal yesterday after
noon. A great deal of improvement is notice
able In the work done by tbo children since
they begun , nnd tbo concert nt whlcb they
appear will undoubtedly ba ono of tbo big
gest drawing cards of tbo assembly. Tbo
mixed chorus also and Us closing rehearsal
last evening.
O. J. Martin , Will Martin , Will McCoy
and Ed Smith wont to tlanlhorn lake last Sat
urday for u fishing excursion. When they
were returning Sunday morning the buggy
broke down nnd tbo 'horso , taking fright ,
bcpnn a mud race for Council BlulTs. It was
BOtno tnno before ho could bo stopped , nnd
email pieces of the buggv were scattered
along the route for about u mile. The boys
wcro all thrown out and were badly slcinnod ,
when they cnmo to pay for the buggy as
well as when thoycamo In contact with the
ground. Tbo buggy belonged to the Ogucu
livery barn ,
Whnt S.ii'Kunt Suy .
If you wnnt to pay § 1.00 for n pair of
Flioes go to Sttrcunt's.
If you want to pay $2.00 co to Sarfjont's.
If you want to pay $ H.OO ( jo to Surfjoiit'B.
If you want lo pay $1.00 go to Sargent1 ! ) .
If you want to pay So. 00 go I o Sargent's
and ho will boll you a better shoo for the
inonoy than you can buy olsnwliuro , and
If ho tells you the fahoo will wear ho
will stand behind them and jjivo you tv
now pair for every pair not us icpro-
nteil. This is not talk , but business.
Imvo had the experience and huvo tbo
goodH and business , and niako the
C'omo nnd BOO tno.
SAKCIKNT. the Shoo Man ,
4K ! Broadway.
PKItSOXAf I'.llt.Kllt.ll'ilX.
Vlo Jennings has returned from Chicago .
Mr. and Mrs. I. F. llcndrlcki bavo re
turn cd from Chicago.
Miss Bcsslo Morsoof Chicago ii the guest
of Miss Mary Key this week.
Miss Abbott of Fremont was the guest ot
M ss Nellie X.urmuohlon last week.
N. Schurz bns returned from Sltoa-n
Springs , Mo. , wboro ho spent several WOOKS.
Miss Lllllo Swan , now of Sioux City , is m
the city visiting her sister , Airs. II. J.
Adams , on Cook nvonuo.
Mr. and Mrs. George Damon will b : ut
homo to their irUnds after July 1" ut tboir
residence , corner of Willow avenue and
BlufT street.
L. M. Sbubort , A. C. Harding , Or. O. W.
Gordon and 'J. C. Daw.son will raprajont the
Heoublican club of tbls city In the state con
vention of republican clubs whlcb meet ut
Dos Molucs this evening.
Major J. C. McCrary of the Third Iowa
cavalry died Sunday at nig homo in ICoosuu-
qua , la. Ilo was an undo of W. M. Me-
Crary of tbls city and was well icnown hero ,
ho having visited In the city on a number of
S. M. Wllllnminn has started for a month's
" -eastern trip. Ho will go by the way of Chicago
cage to Cleveland , O. , wboro bo will visit
the factory of the Standard Sowing Machlno
company , after which ho will viilt relatives
In Cincinnati and Hamilton.
Clriiituncim | Tr.ilim.
Leave Council HlulTs from Rock
Inland depot at 15:10 : a. in. , 8:110 : a. in. ,
l:30a ) : , in. , 10:27 : a. m. , 1:00 : p. m. , 1:50 : p.
m. , 0SO : p. m , , 7:00 : p. in. , 7:30 : p. in.
160 people in thitt city use gas stoves.
Uho Gas ( Jo. nula 'om in nt coat.
Trains leave Manawa dally at 8 and 10
n.m. , 11 ! in. , and l , J , Jiiiu , ; i , ; tie : : , -j ,
l0 : ; ! , 5. 6w : : , o. 0SO. : 7. 7io : : , 8 , 8U : : ) . o ,
'Jm : : , 10 , 10:30 : , M and ll.i.r : p. in. The
ll:0.r : ) train will inako coiinootioii with
the last olootrlo motor ci.r for Omaha.
Col fax L'tncor nlo and mineral water
rold at wholesale by Diuiuulto & Co. .
manufacturing confectioners.
, lu t .MIiM-il it t'lillUliin.
There Is a croislng on the Kock Isjond
road and Vaughn nvonuo wbcro u man dilv-
Ing over tba street Is unnblo to rntcb a
cllinpso of tbo railroad truck on either fiido
until ha gets bquaruly on Iho track. When
Mr. uiul Mis. J , Ii , Puce wbilo driving
jeiurdny got on Iho track ut this place tboy
.s w tbcro was a train coming nt fuiloncd
tox\urd them , nnd not over IIfly feet uw.iy.
- Pace grabbed bit whip and gave his tiorso a
out that tout him plunging oti the track Just
In 11 mo to lot the train go whizzing behind
him. 1 bin place was the ii-cno of a tragedy
B few y ur ugo lu which a peddler wu run
over uy u trulu.
People on Ont-Off Island Demind Police
Protection of the Council ,
Jlnyor Order * n Police 1'orcc nml n Look Up
fur the Nebraska Mldc of the Hirer
Otlirr Work of the
Couiipll ,
Tbo council root last evening 7lth Mnyor
Lawrcnro nnd Aldermen TibbltU , Graves ,
Pnce , Siiiltli nr.d Gclso present , The bids
for Jllllni ; up ot ccrtuln lands that hava been
covered with water , wo.-o opened and nttor
being rend \vero referred to the city
engineer for tabulatlod , Consldorablo dls-
cusslon nroso us to the advisability of tilling
seine of the lots on which the wnlcr would
probably Imvo urled up before the con
tractors got to work on them. A motion to
reject nil the bids was tnndo by Smith nnd
carried , nftcr which n resolution was
passed authorizing the oiiRinocrnnd Iho com-
tnlltco on streets nnd nlloys to tnnko such
contracts for tilling In nil lots where notlco
has boon scrvcu ns their JudgmanV shall Indi
cate. A rpsolutton from the board of health
declaring several lots In .Hall's ntid Craw
ford's additions to bo niiUancoivus con
curred In nnd the marshal was Instructed to
serve the r.occssary notlco for ubntemunt.
A petition was presented from forty-three
property OWIIOM on ( Jut-O.T Island , stntinp
that the plnco wasbocominif u rendezvous for
tough characters ns n result of tbe
IncU of pollen protection , and asking
that two police ulHucri nnd a calabooso
bo f-lvon thorn. Mayor Lawroncu statcJ tnat
ho nnd intulo partial arr.inijonio nts for n
building to be usou as a calabooio niid court
room. Ho reco'.nmondoJ that , tolophontc
comtntinicatUn ba o tablibhcd botwcen the
police headquarters nnd the Cut-Off cala
booso. It was decided to net lu accordm co
with the mayor's recommendation.
Alderman Uinvcs registered n largo nblu-
bodlod kick in behalf of his constituents in
the Sixth ward on account of the lack of
police protection in that part of the city. Ho
said that hardly a night passed that o drun
ken row did not take place on the street , in
which men and women by the score or moro
took part. The police never caino any far
ther west than Sixteenth street , nnd ho
thought Ills part of the city neodcd police
protection ns much us or moro than Cut-Off.
This Bpccch mot with a cold , clammy re.'ep-
tion from the mayor , who showed hU appre
ciation of the alderman's romnrks by sug
gesting that all the city buildings be painted
the snmo shade of red.
Mnyor Lawrence stated Ihnt ho had ap
pointed Ellsworth JCnsdalo ns special polico-
tnan for the northwestern part of the city ,
and George Scanlnn as clerk , sorgcant nnd
all-around man for the police forco. Tbo ap
pointments \vero rntltled. Ho nlso slated
that ho had made n year's contract with
John Hammer for a dumping ground for
$1S.)0 per year.
A petition was read from Chief of Police
Scanlnn asking thnt n telephone bo put in at
his house .so ns to cunblo him to put In
twenty-four hours n day when necessary , In-
&toaa of only olchtcen as at present. The
petition was granted.
Alderman Graves moved that an appro
priation of $1:2. : ) bo tnodo for the put-nose of
buying a wagon which should bo in moro
perfect accord with Iho eternal Htnoss ot
things In the city electrician's department.
The motion was again referred to Iho committee -
mitteo of tbe whole.
Attlin ItoHtftii Store.
Spcclitl barptiins in figured chinn
silks for this week only , all our C5c nnd
" jo figured chinn silks for 50c. 5,000
yaril.s corded tnffota , aitlo prieo 1-Jo ,
worth lOc , one , of the prettiest wash
goods on the niurlcot. Chi ( Ton , the latest
craze In nock wear , just received , over
500 yimlB in all the newest shades and
combination ; ; , on sale now at 25c a yard ,
worth from 893 to 50c.
Wash goods. Outline of wash poods
is the most complete in the west. Every
thing from the lie cluUlio to the linost all
See our line of challios at 3clie nnd
0c , worth 50 per cent moro.
Cropons , Bedford cords , Taffeta cords ,
pongcus , etc. , all in at l"Jc , makincr tlio
prettiest line of wash goods to bo found
ly-idlus' waists in white , black , black
and white , fnncy porculo , etc. , in end
less variety from 4So to W 2-3.
Children's lace cups , all our SI.00 and
SI 2"j caps during bum for f > 0e.
All our fiOe. ( Ho and 7oc caps for 25c ,
this week only.
Stimv hatfi in misses' nnd children's ,
don't have your children get sunstruck
when you can got a t3c ! hat for 12Jc , a
60c hat for 19c , a 75c and $1.00 hat for
Ladies' and misses' black silk mitts ,
wo show the llnest line over shown over
nny retail counter. Sco our line nt 15c-
UdC , Me , a'Jo , 50c , 5Sc , U5c and 7oc , with
out n doubt the bust value over ottered
In such goods , see them , and you will bo
with us.
Mosquitoes ! Mosquitoes , bad fiends' ,
don't know that wo have pot to have
them , but wo are sure to have them ,
prepare for their coming , have your
windows secured against them with the
patent adjustable window screens , they
are ofloring for ioc ! each at the Boston
Towels , 50c dozen ; all linen towels ,
fancy colored borders , knotted fringe ;
the price you might style ono of the
BOVUII wonders , l-c. } Ask to see them.
Hosiery and underwear. Wo have
always led. This Benson wo huvo out *
done all previous ollorta. Sco our line
lu onyx , fast black , Ilormsdorf , royal
stainless. Louvre , etc. Ask to goo our
ladios' fast black IHMO at 2u < : a pair , a
world beater. BOSTON STORE ,
Fotheringham , Whitolaw & Co. ,
Council BtulTti , la.
If your old furnace needs overhauling ,
or if you contemplate putting in a new
ono , you should examine the Boynton
Gaslight. Mr. LitutJi-wiibsor , with
Shugart & Son , is a practical furnace
jnati , and will bo glad to uivo you his
experience in such mutters if you
choose to consult him. Don't wait
until full. .
Rotter , the tailor , : J 10 B.-ovhvvy , h-u
nil the latest styles and newoat good * .
Satibfnction guaranteed.
Snotk Tiller with n ICnlfo.
Ohnrloi Goff , who Ucops a second hand
Etoro on Broadway near the corner of Eighth
stfbot , bnd un experience yesterday after
noon with four darUoy sneak tlilovoa. Ho
was In the back room of hU store when ho
beard n uoiso in the front room. On looking
up ho saw n colored man making ( or Iho
front door with u watch lu hU band which
ho hnd stolen from the show caso. Ho lin-
mediately gavn cbaso and caught tlio
thief ut tbo dummy depot , Wticn tbo
followxas btought to bay ho
drew n small ulrk out ot his
pockotnnd attacked Cloff savagev. ) At the
Hiuno moment thrco of tbodurko > 'B Irionds
r ho wed up. In splto of ttio odds against him
Goff managed to deliver u kluK that landed
In tbo vicinity of ono of the darkey's dinner
und doubled tliu follow up In a heap on tbo
ground , The boy who utoln the watoli had
thrown U away during the ctiasc , but ono of
his friends got It ana returned il to Golf , who
decided to let the quartet go without further
udo. The ijuartot Immediately started on the
run down 1 > road way , but when Qoff got back
to till store no found that a nvolvor waa
ulto misting. 111 tiotlQed Ufllccr Leuch
who started off In pursuit. Ho failed to find
nny trace of them beyond Sixteenth iror t ,
add they are supposed to have gone to Omaha
by tbo Union Pacific brldgu.
Cnrprt *
nt cost nnd less this \veoK nnd next to
make rooms for now goods. Plenty of
bargains for till classes. Council Bluffs
Carpet Co. _ _
Dr. Chnmborlnln , eye. ear , throat
cntarrh. Shrgart block , Council Bluffs
McPlmilpianos.110 Stutsman street.
Uoiid page 0 , Chnutnuqua program.
Intoriittlional Cure association rooms
nro In annex to Grand hotel , G20 First
nvonuo , Council BlulTs , lu. For euro of
alcohol nnd opium disease.
Tlio Turnkey Coultl Klin.
Zed Bothers was serving out a thlrtydny
sentence in Jail nnd yesterday morning ho
mndo n break for liberty , running down
across the bottom ! nnd over the brldeo into
Omaha. Ho was followed by Turnkey Mar
tin , who proued the best sprinter , nnd cap
tured bis man just as bo baa crossed tbo
bridge. _
( initul Hotel , Council
Special rates to lamllics for the sum
mer. Largo rooms facing the park.
For Rent First class saloon ; good lo
cation ; line fixtures. RcSDonsiblo party
can got long lease on good terms. Ad
dress D 24 , Boo olllco , Council BlulTs.
Hot weather prices in picture frames
nt Riley < fc Shorriidon's art store.
ont i PTPn i PIIIP i PA II4 XT
[ rosTisuF.n rnoM rtuvr PAGE. ]
that any particular person bad been decided
upon during the convention , Thn names of
Messrs. Mnssov of Delaware , Cheney of Now
Hampshire. Campbell ot Illinois nnd Carter
of Montana had been mentioned , but ho was
not advised as to whether the nominee had
made a definite selection. An Inquiry was
made ns to whether nil tboso gentlemen wuro
members of the national committee , unu it
was developed thnt Mr. Cbonoy and Mr.
Campbell wcro the only ones who were
members of the committee.
Mr. Keys of Missouri moved that a com
mittee be appointed by the chair to wait on
the presidential nna vice prcsldontiul nomi
nees and ascertain their prcfoicncos in the
matter. The motion wns lost.
Mr. Fassott suggested thnt possibly Mr
Kllilns might Inform the committee as to Mr
Harrison's choice.
Further discussion wns cut short by a mo
tion to take u recess until 3 o'clock , which
was carried.
When tbo committee reassembled at 3
o'cloctt , on motion of Mr. Pixyno of Wiscon
sin a commtttco of thrco was appointed to
draft suitable resolutions oxprosslvo of Ibo
views of the committee on the retirement of
Mr. ClnrksoD as chairman , Messrs. Pnvno of
Wllconsln , Wolcott of Colorado and Fassott
of Now York being nppolntad as such com
JtcHoliitlon on Itcprcscntntlon ,
Mr. Scott of West Virginia sent to the
chairman the following resolution , which
was rend and laid on Iho table to bo taken up
for action at some future time :
Hcsolved. That hcroaftor republican na
tional conventions bo composed of delegates
f rom'tho sovural stutos , apportioned upon the
republican votes actually lu the Inht pro-
ccdlus prissldontltil election. 7.UUO votes and
fractions thereof greater than one-half to bo
the bisitof representation for ouch delesalc.
The national committee shall certify to tbo
chairman of each state committee the num
ber of delegates to which each state Is entitled
undcrthn rule nnd Bhull reifulnto the appor
tionment and election of such dole'/atea.
At tbo request of Chairman Clarkbon Mr.
J. F. Burkoof Pittsbunr , president of the
College League of Republican Clubs , ad
dressed the meeting. Ho said that on May
17 last a national organization of republican
leagues was effected. The meeting repre
sented nearly all of the colleges of the north
ern states. It nad boon found that a largo
proportion of tbo young men who graduated
from the colleges won tout Into the world as
free traders , This was duo to thu fact that
many of our colleges use European text
books , tbo work of frco trade political econo
mists , and this pernicious influence is
brought to boar upon the students when they
first enter tbo institution and continued
till the day they leave It. It has been found
necessary to sot up a line of resistance to
this Inlluonco nnd so the college leagues
wore organized. The necessity for some
movement to counteract the Insidious influ
ence is shown from the fact that 110,000 young
men nro graduated from the American col
leges ovorv year nnd therefore 75,000 young
men cast their flrn votes nt every presiden
tial election. The league , Mr. BurKe said ,
proposed to orgbnizo a branch in each college -
logo and to place colleeo bovs on the stump.
Most efficient work on behalf of republican
principles was confidently expected through
these colleeo organizations.
Tlio Illlnolsan Klcctod.
Mr. Payne of WUconsri nlacod In nomina
tion ns chairman of Iho republican national
committee William .1. Campbell of Illinois ,
nepresentatlves of several other states seconded
ended the nomination us ono eminently fit
ting anil proper , nnd predicting under his
leadership complete success for tbo repub
lican party in November.
Mr. Campbell xvns elected by acclamation.
Representative Hansbrough of North Da
kota placed In nomination as vlco chairman
Mr. M. IJ. Do Young of California. Mr.
Uosowatcr of Omaha , on behalf of his state ,
seconded the nomination. On a vote Mr.
Do Young was declared elected unani
Mr. Sowoll of Now Jersey placed In nomi
nation Air. Thomas Carter of Montana as
secretary of the committee.
Mr. Fasscttof Now York nominated Ci.
A. Hobortof Now Jersey , but subsequently
withdrew the nomination , nnd Mr. Carter
was unanimously elected.
Cornelius N. Bliss of Now York was
unanimously elected treasurer , nnd F. L.
Swords of loiva scrgeaut-at-arms of tbo na
tional committee ,
Ilooliitlong Adopti-d.
Mr. Fesscnden ot Connecticut offered the
following resolution , which was adopted :
Hrsolved , That In accordance with the rule
ndoptod by the republican national conven
tion an o\ocutl\o committee of nine , com
posed of members of this convention , shall
have the conduct und iiiunnKomunt of the
c iinpalin of It'J. ' , anil that tliu chairman of
this committee , utter conference with tlio
candldutua , Hliull Bolcct tbo inoiiibord of such
exoeiitivo committee and Its olllcorx.
Resolved , further , That the chairman , vice-
chairman , sec-rotary and treasurer of this
committee shall bo o\-olllclo members of
uuid executive committee.
He-solutions were reported by tbo resolu
tions committee on the chairman und wore
unanimously ndontod , Tuoy extended the
thanks of tno committee anil tbo gratltudoof
nli republicans to the retiring chairman , J.
S. Clarkson , for the unselfish , untiring und
bnlondedly ofllclont services rendered during
ilia muny years of his service as a member of
this and other republican committees.
Will C'ontlniiu to Work for tlio Tarty.
in the course of his remarks , thanking the
committee for the honor conferred upon him ,
Ucncrul Clnrkson said : "It have spout
twcuiy-flvo years in politics and Doliovo
from my experience that tbo best place to
serve the republican party is In the ranks. In
my politics I have found tnero can bo made
and are made the mou precious friendships of
one's llfo. In 1SSI wo bad n bard working
committee and lost. In IbSS wo had a harder
working committee and to my knowledge no
campaign was aver conducted moro cleanly ,
moro honorably than the campaign of 18i3 ,
I know Senator Quay and Cioncral Dudley
and I hope tboro U no republican In this land
who will over cease to render duo honor to
tboso two honorable men , who wont Into tbo
uottoit tire for the republican parly and
emerged victorious ana without detraction.
Tlio cases of Senator Quay and General Dud
ley afford vivid examples of this practice.
They were attacked by a party whoso suc
cess Is derived by the use 01 tbo knlfo in the
touth and Ibo assassination of character in
the north. The ) ' were attacked , uot because
Senator Quay was guilty of anything wrong
In tno campaign ; only ho won n victory for
tno republican party and restored tbo gov
ernment to an bouost Imslt. In conclusion
I want , to Mate tha' DO man on tbo continent
desires to help elect the republican tlcliot or
will do moro according to bis nblllty than I. "
Resolutions compllmeniury to Mr. J. Bloat
Fusiott , for bis eminent service * to tbo re
publican party , wcro unanimously and on-
Ihusli'stically adopted.
i'ri-ncntril t < injtf l're lilenti
On motion of Senator Saunders the committee -
mitteo resolved to mtek nt the Arlington nt T
o'clock this evening \ aiMroccod In n body to
tbo white house and par their respects to the
president. At a little nftcr T o'clock tbo
committee mot at the Arlington and went in
a body to tbo wbito .houso to call upon the
president. Tbo commtttco was conducted to
the blue room where they were joined by
the president. Chairman Campbell Intro
duced each member 'and explained thnt the
committee had effected an organization nnd
had called to pav tholr respects. Tno presi
dent , In a few words , expressed his appreci
ation of the courtesy nnd after shaking bands
with nil who were present the committee
withdrew. t. t
Prohibition Still OhntrurtliiR Unanimity
Anti-Con vent Ion Pot mt la I It ton.
DBS MOIVEI , la. , Juno 'Jr. The delegates
nro boglnmng to gather in Dos Molnes for
the stnto convention , which moots hero next
Wednesday to pltico In nomination n stnto
ticket. Secretary of State McFarland and
State Treasurer Benson wilt bo rnnomlnntcd
for their ofllcos without oppoMt'on. ' Tboro
will bo some opposition to Attorney General
Stone , who is a candidate for a third term ,
lie will , however , bs rotomlnnted. For
railroad commissioner there nro n largo
number of candidates , including tno
present Incumbent , Sponccr Smith
of Council Bluffs. Thosowno
are in the load ngMnst him nro btato Sena
tor I'erklns of Fremont count y nnd Ilepro-
scntativo Morrow of Union county. Both
mon have served on legislative railroad com
missions nnd nro in a measure acquainted
with tbo work of tlio olllco to which they
aspire. Tbo opposition to Smith comes
largely from the fact that ho has held the
oQlco for ttiroo terms already. Some of the
railroad employes are understood to bo un
friendly to bun on account ot hls.rocord on
the board. An effort bus been mndo to
bring out L. S. CofJIn of Fort Dodge ,
who Is popular with the railroad
men on account of his , vork for
safety couplers. For auditor the leadIng -
Ing candidates nro C. C ! . McCarthy , Story
county ; W. C. Vnngllder , Monroe county ;
W. N. Broivn , Kcoituk county , and W. F.
Johnson of Tnylor county. McCarthy is so
far In the lend , and his frlondi claim thnt ho
will have enough vows to nominate him on
tbo first ballot. The only other intcroit in
the convention Is in regard to n platform.
Tbo prohibition and anti-prohibition elements
In the party nro not able to agree as to tbo
kind of declaration which should bo em
bodied. Tbo question will not onto ? Into
this year's campaign , and It Is likely that , no
reference will bo made to It.
I.ouclis of .South Dakokn for I'urmnnrnt
CImlrmiiii rresidential Ciiiullilutrs.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 27. Hon. H. E.
Tauboncck in conversation with nn Asso
ciated Press reporter tonight In regard to
tbo pconlo's party convention to bo hold In
Omaha July , said : "Temporary and
permanent chairman of the conven
tion will bo selected from the south and
northwest respectively. I think we
will ngroo on C. H. Ellington of Georgia for
tomnorary chairman , whllo the. permnncnt
chairman will In all probability DO H. F.
Loucks of South Dakota. For the secretary
tbo general secretary of the Knights of
Labor. Mr. Hayes s of Philadelphia , will
probably bo chosen. ' *
Asked regarding presidential candidates ,
the executive committee chairman said : "if
ho will accept , Judge'Walter Q.Grcsham can
have the nomination. Should ho decline ,
Senator Stowurt of Nevada has boon men
tioned. So bavo Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota
seta , Colonel Norton of Chicago , Dr. Me-
Cuno of Georgia , Grand Master Powciorly
of tha Knights of Libor , ox-Governor
Weaver nnd some others ; As totho platform
wo will adopt. I think It will bo practically
the platform agreed upon at St. Louis in
February last. "
Mlvcrltcs Turn to the Third Party.
HELENA , Mont , Juno 27. Extensive prep
arations nro being made for , tua approaching
mining congress for the'purpose of making
it an important factor In the third party
movement. In view of the dissatisfaction of
the people of the mining states with the re
publican and democratic nominees for the
presidency nnd both platforms , silver men
will take advantage of the national mining
congress hero July 12 to bring about a grand
rally in the interest of free coinage and the
third party.
Senators Wolcott , John P. Jones nnd Stow-
nrt , Thomas M. Patterson and ether promi
nent silver men have consented to attend the
mining congress.
Stonily Improvement Shuirn In the Volume
of Unnt-ISuiinil liliHlncvH.
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 2" . A steady improve
ment in tbo volume of east-bound traffic is
shown by the weekly statements. Last
week's shipments of dead freight by all lines
from Chicago to eastern points amounted to
5TOUI tons against DO , 122 for tbo preceding
, VCOK , an increase of 1,622 tons against < U > ,200
tons for the corresponding week last year , an
increase of 16,740 tons. The Chicago & Erie
continued to hold iirst plnco by securing ever
,000 tons moro freight than its strongest
competitor. The LuUo Shore's reduction of
rates on provisions and hogs has nut yet had
bo effect of increasing that road's sbaro of
tbo business to any appreciable degree.
The shipments of Hour , grain and pro
visions from Chicago to the soaooard by the
lines in the Central Trafllo association
amounted to 20,180 tons against 18,120 for > bo
preceding weak , nn increase of 2,003 tons ,
and against 12,803 for the corresponding ween
lost year , an Increase of117 tons. Of tnis
trafllc the Yanderbllt lines carried Till par
cent , the Pennsylvania lines 25 per cant , the
Chicago it Grand Trunk 15 per coat , and tbo
Baltimore & Ohio 7 per cent.
Tbo annual report of the Chicago & West
ern Indiana road shows that the total income
for Ib'Jl amounted to $302,1)00 ) ; oxponsoi ,
gtiiS,8.V ) > , leaving a net balance of ? l 4,114.
Tna stock Is 5,000,000 , owned equally by the
Chicago & Eastern Illinois , tbo VVabush , tbo
Motion , the Erie and tbe Chicago & Grand
Trunk. Tbo net earnings of the Chicago
Bolt railroad , which leases sixty-six miles of
the Woitorn Indiana tracks , were W14r ; > 4 ,
an increase over those of tbo preceding year
of $14,094.
Chicago ticket brokers still adtioro to tbolr
resolution not to buy or sell tickets reading
over tbo Chicago , Burlington & Quincv or
tbo Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul rail
roads. Tbis information was wired by them
to their correspondents todav. The report
circulated on last Saturday that a largo num
ber of Burlington tickets bud been placed In
the bunds of brokers who arn not members of
the local association was probablv exagger
ated , as no such tickets could bo found on
the market today. Ittvals of the Burlington
Intimate that tha tickets wore withdrawn to
avoid trouble. *
Viillvy ItulJroajIrAlfiilr/ ! .
NKW YOIIK , JuneS . Tjlio bondholders of
the Volley Kallrond of Ohio mot in this city
today. Tbo road has recently defaulted on
its bonds , and n comraltco { was appointed to
look after the interests ortbo bondholders.
IlUnmrck U Stljl Ailo | to Drink.
MUNICH , Juno 27-j"jVhlo | visiting at tbo
Artists club uoro , Prlncq Bismarck drank
"n draught of welcome" from a now tor flvo-
litro lug , humorously remarking : "I can
dram it ut a single draupbt , as did tbo burgo
master of Hothonburg and navod tha city
thereby. "
HUNT , tipecitlafur ItrilorU. Dltilaou , triii. Niu >
rtlula. UeaiUcuu , Nurroui I'roiimtoa oui 4 tit
tlcoboior tobacco , \Vakefuloeii. Mental Uaorts-
tloa , bullumio J tbo Urila. ciutlat iaiaaltr , mUtrr ,
deor.ilTi'.t. I'ruraaluro UI4 Aie , lUrrea i , Lan
of I'owi-r'.n eltbenoi , Jmpotencr. l-euootrhe > n I
ill 1eunloVe.tkn ii3 . Inruluatirr l < o i , Spsr
mitorrbea o u o4 br orer-ejorllon of ttet brain
Keirbu > OTln < lulieuc . A uiuath't irnututi-i
II , a for I ) , br wall , Waguarintooilx banxloour
KncU order foru baxei. wttli | i will ttitH writ'- *
cuuauUato refund If not caral Uuaranteo l"i i
snlr br A. bclirotvr , dru Ui. iolo eat , tguiUa
cornerHUicad t'atatiutu.Omaha.
WcaKncss ,
Dr. Searles & Searles
Consultation Free.
AcKiiowlodKocl to bo the most successful | > 0-
cliillsKlnall INitvvrr lli.ouu , MSHVOU& SKIS
AM > llftlNAHV DlSKAtK * .
(5onorrli.ui . in from il to (1 ( days. H.vphltU
enroll Million t Mercury. All st'ine * for llfo.
STItlCTUIli : pjrminontlr citroil. rcmoTnl complete -
ploto , nlttioutculttnK , c.iiHtlc or itllntitlon. Cure
nllcctcd nt homo by latlc.H without n moment's
AM ) UlsrpAl , ULCniW cured
without | mln orOctentlon from IniMncsv
llYMHOCr.I.K ASH VAIIICDC'KM : lennanpntty
nnil Miccrimfullr curt'il. Mrthuil3ir anil unrallluir
( VITAUTV WKAK ) , Mmle oby too clou nppll-
ration to biiMnpM omlinly : cvoro mental 'train
or itrlnf : MKXUAIj KM.KSSII : * In mlilillt ) life , or
from the effects of youth fill folllox.
YOUXCt anil MIDUI.K AISKDj lack of vim. vUor
nnil strength , with noxunl oritan < < Itnimlrfit unit
wrnkonoiiDil prematurely In nppronchlni ; old nuo
All rlolil ri'mlllv to our mw treatment for lo sof
vital iinircr. dill nn or mlilrou with stnmp for
circulars , fro. ) book anil rect'lpK.
hr Spirit Spirit m South t''stroot
VI. OLilllLi ft. OlclUL-3
- , OUAIU , M3U.
Next to Test Olllco.
A Written Ounrantoo
to Cure Kvory 0 io or
_ Money Uofundti.
Ourcuralt permanent nnil not a patcbl if ? . Caiei
trcfttcJ loren yearBago hnv n6T r eon ft lymptora
ilnoo. llydescribing cna fully w cum tro you by
mall , knit no RlTo the ramo stroni guaranta * to car *
or refund all money. Thona who prefer to come here
for treatment can ilo soanl wo wlllp y r llro il fare
both waji and hotel bills whllo hero , If we fall to care
We chBllenuotho norUfora cai3 that oar Maxla
llcmcdy will not cure , vrrltofor particulars and eel
tbietldence. In our loven yean pmllca with th
Maalo llemedy It ha * been most ilimcult to orercoma
tbe prejudice ! agnlnit aocalled specifics , nut under
ouretrong cuirnntco thousand ! are trylnz It and bo
InKlured. Wecuarantco to euro or refund every
dollar , and as we have a reputxllon toprotoot , also
nnanclal backing of KWMXJU It Is perfectly safe to nil
who wll ! try tlio treatment. Heretofore yon bare
putting up nod paying out your money for different
treatmenti , nnd although younra not yet caret no
one bM paid back your money. Wo will poiltlrely
cure yon , Old , chronic , deep teated cmo cared In fl )
toWdays. InvcstUato our nnanclal ftantllnj , our
reputation ni buslnen men.Vrlto us for names and
addrcciciof thosa we hare cured who hara glTeu
pennltilontorefertolhein. It cost * yon only cost *
igetodo this. If your symptoms bra toro throU ,
mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and
Joints , hnlr falling out , eruptions on any part of tbo
bodyfeallngof general depression , pains la bealor
bones. Too bare no time to waste. Tnose who ara
constantly taking mercury nnd potaih , should dli *
continue It. Constant use of thesu drugs will surely
' bring sores and eating ulcers In tuo oni. Don't fall to
wrtto. All correspondence sent scaled In plain en
velope. Wo Inrlto the moit rlKll InTeitlgatlou and
n 111 jo all Incur povrcrto allyoul&IU Addresa ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omnhn. Neb
Scaled proposals will bo received by tlm
undersigned until 1:110 : o'clock p.m. . July 8 ,
IS'/ ' , for the follouln , : kinds of paving 111:1- :
terlnl , vl/ :
Sheet asliiltum. | !
Sioux 1'tills or oilier Eranlto.
Color ido sandstone.
Woodruff , Kns.stono
And vitrified brick , nil according to speci
I'or pnvliiK p.irts of tlio following streets In
tbo city of Unmliii , cuiupilsoil In struct Im
provement districts Nos 4IU and < OI. ordered
improved by ordinance IIIOO , and inoro par
ticularly described as follows , viz :
No. 4M. Ilrd street from the south line of
1'lorco street to Williams street.
No. 404. I'lorco street from the east line of
Uli street to west line of Ilr.l street.
Each bid to spcclfv it price per yard
for the paving comiilotp on the streets.
Work to lie done and bids to be nr.iuo In
nccordunco with plans and specifications
adopted In Jiu.c. Ib'J. ' . nnd on fllo In the ofllco
of tliu board of public works.
Hach proposal to bo made on printed blanks
furnished by the board , and to bo Hi'corn-
patilod by a ccrtlllcd check In tbo sum of J' > 00.
Jiaynblo to tbo city of Omaha , as an ovldenco
of cooil faith.
The board reserves tbo right to award tbo
coutrHCt on all tliu said districts tozothcr , oren
on each district boparatcly , for tbo different
kinds of material , subject to the selection of
tbo material by the property owners , or the
mayor mid cltv council , to reject any or nil
bids , and to waive defects.
Cbairman llo.ird of Public Works.
Omaha , Nub. , Juno 21 , Ib'J- ' ' .
Juno 21. sj. cam.
Nntlci * .
In compliance with tbo statutes of the htalo
of Nebraska , In Hticb c.iscs made and pro
vided , notice Is hereby clvun that sealed pro
posals will bo received at the olllcu of tbo Com
iiilsslonor of 1'ubllc Lands and llulldlnus untl
4 o'clock p. m. tbo : iOtb day of . ! un . Ih'Jfoi '
fiirnlhhlnt ; biipnllcs for the quarter ending
SoutomborSO , ii-'J , ' .
Kortho hospitals for tbo Insane at Lincoln.
Hustings and Norfolk , tin ; Industrial school
nt Koarnny , the Institute for the llllnd at Ne
braska City , the Iiiitltutn for the Deaf and
Dumb at Omaha , the Institute for the I'eoblo
Minded Vouth at lloalrlcc. the Solrtlors and
Sailors Homo at Grand Island , the Industrial
Homo at , MIIford and the Girls Industrial
school nt lienovn.
Estimate blanks can bo procured by apply-
Inz to the dllTotent Institutions.
All bids should bo scaled , addressed to
"Hoard of 1'iirchaso and Supplies. Lincoln ,
Nebraska. " and marked "i'ropoials for sup
plies. "
The board reserves the rlnt to accept or
reject any or all bids , and no bid will bo con
sidered which Is received attor the day and
hour above uamcd.
Commissioner of Public Lands and llulldlnss ,
Lincoln. Neb. , Juno 20. IS'J. ' . j''OdlOt
Scaled proposals v > 111 bo received uv the nn-
dersU'iieii until 1 : : > J o'clock n. in- . July 8 , Is'.u.
for the construction of a sewer In hewer dis
trict I.V ) , In the city of Oi.iaha , as uor ordin
ance No. II10I. according tophuiband spcclllca-
tlons on Illo In the olllco of tbo board of piinllo
woiks. Proposals to bo made on printed blanks
furnished by the bo.irJ.and to be aucompanlcd
by a certified cneck In the sum nffiOO. payable
to the city of Omaha , as an ovldenco of good
TUo board reserves the rliht to reject any or
uli Dlds and to waive defects.
I1. W. lllKKIIAUSnit.
Chairman of the Ilo ird of 1'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Not ) . , Jur.o Slst , IS' ) , ' . jo2I-21-'S-1."J !
Fine Ranch
of yours. Youlnvs work31
hard for it , haven't you ?
It wasn't worth a dollar an
acre when you settled on it ,
and now you would'nt ' take
fifty. How Ions d ° y ° u cx >
pect to live on that place ?
Would you he surprised if
some railroad land agent or
claim jumper should come
along somedayand tell you
to "move on ? Unless you
have a pa'tent on record you
are not safe perhaps not
then. Why don't you ask
The BBB Bureau of Claims to
look into your title an 1 get
you a patent that will stick ?
Bee Bureau of Claims
An orlltianco c rent In ; Street Improvement I
Ulstrlct Nil. 4.H in the city of Umnhn , I
for the Impmvlni : t'f the street in dl -
trlct , mid nlhinliiR tlilriil.iys to the ( irop. '
orly o\\ncMln 'tld ( Ixtr.vt In whK b toile !
ternilne nnd ilc lpn ito the mitcrlal desired
to bo used for the p ivln j of the S'uno.
lloltordalnvd by the rlty ojuncltof the clly
Section I , That Street Improvement Dis
trict No , 4 l for the InipnivltiK of the street In
snld illstrlct , l heieby created In the city of
Omann ,
Section 3. Stroat Improvement Dis
trict No. 4 l. liallcomirl'.c | the alley from loth
to 1Kb street , between Jackson nnd Jones
street. In the tlty of Omaha. and shall Include
nil lots and c < tito : oil both sides df nld
street us follows ; Lots ) , i , II , 4. 4li , 7 nnd 8. In
block in city , anil It In hereby declared neces
sary to limit o\u t lies line by p ivltu.
.beellonlL Thnt street impnmminotdlstrlct
Nix 4i.l. In the oily of Omaha , ho and tluis.unu
Ishfroby o rile red imp roved by imvlni : .
Section 4. Thai thirty ilnvs uoxt after the
Itass.iiic nnd itmiroval of this or.lluanco to
and the same Is fieri-by ullo e I to the owners
of nil lots mil ) lenl untile In said street Im
provement district to dotvrmluo mrl dcsls-
natotho material desired to bo used for the
pnvliiit of the aminn < l notKv the el y
founcll thereof. It hav in been anil holiiK hero
bv determine I by tbo mayor and cltv council
of x.ild fliy for iiMsons which appivir rlJht
nnd propi't. that nil Iho toil estate In ald
stioet Improvomput dlstilct shall be eharjed
nndis : < e pi | with tbo cost of paving therein to
HU thereafter determined and ( . stibllslu-d ac-
eordlnif to thevpecul benolllsto tl < o | iiopi < i *
ty In said street Improvement district , nnd
the board of public works Is hereby directed
to nlvo notion to the n\Hior-i of lands und lots
subject to local a ossment for the cost of
said ltnpro\oiiu'tts ! to determlno mid desig
nate tno material to be u ed for such liav-
lux by publication In the olllclal papcruf the
city for ihrcociMisccntlxodavsnt least fifteen
da\s prior to the Inpio of said thirty iluvs ,
t-octlon . ' . That this imllnanco shall take
clvcct nnd bo In force from and after Its p.iss-
n pi > .
I'.issod.luuo2lst , UDi
Olty Clerk.
Piosldunt City Council.
Approxcd.luno Slnl. IviS.
ur.uuui : P. IU.MIS. :
OUDINANCi : NO. 3111.
An ordinance dcclai Ins the necessity of
ItiK t'ruuulsstrcut. from atth street to lhi >
\\est line of Windsor Place oxtniisloo , and
nppolutlni : tlircodisinterested appraisers to
a-Hoss and delermino the tliini ipos. If any.
to thn piouorty ownets , which may bo
paused bvsnch sradlui : .
\\lioieas , proporlv owners ownln'i lump
than thri'O-llftliHOf the feet frontage on said
part of l-'ianccs street have potlllonod the ally
council to haxo said trail In ; ; done uii'li-r the
three-fifths clun-o as piovldcil for In section
b'.l of thi ! city charter , anil the cost thereof to
be niMilo n.iyub'.u In ten eiuil | : Installments ;
Holt ordained by the city council of tbo city
of Omaha :
b'-ctlon. 1 , That It Is proper and necessxrv
nnd It Is berebj declared proiior anil necessary
lourailo I'mnuet street to Ita piosunt ustab-
llshed Rimle , In.'ludlni ; necesary ap-
iiroachcs thereto , from : i4tii street to the west
line of Windsor Place KMensliin.
i-uctloni That the mayor , with the approv
al of the city council , appoint three disinter
ested iinprufsers toappralso , assess and detor-
mlne thu damage to nioperty owners which
may ho caused by such griding , laktni ; Into
consldciatiim In nuking such nppr.tlscment ,
the special boni'flts. It nny , to such property
by reason of such grading.
Section il. That this ordinance shall tnko
effect and bo In forcoftom and after Us pas-
1'assoil. JunoSUt , 18'JJ.
JOHN onovns.
City Cioik.
President City Council.
, Juno , , , ,
OUD1NANCE NO. 311-1.
An ordinance oiderln ? the grading of 17th
stieet from Vlnton street to It
hticct , and directing the board of public
works to take the neccssaiy st-jps tocauso
snld work to bo done.
lie It or.lained byt'ieclty council of tbo city
of Omaha.
Section I. Whr-rcas , permanent grades have
been established upon , and appraisers ba\n
been duly appointed by law , to appraise the
damages caiiMKl by the gr.iuliuof 17th street ,
from Vlnton ' treol to II street , and iniido tholr
icport to the city council , which IMS formally
adopted t'io same : and , whcroas. piopnrtv
owneis representing moro tlrin threo-llfths
of the propcily nbiitttng onit'll portions of
the street above speclllcd , h-ivo petltlonod the
city council to have said street graded totho
pi osentestabll-hed grade , \\lthont o to
the cltv. and that the cost bo in'ido inyablo
In tun equal Inst-illmuiits , therefore. 17th
street , from Vlnlon street to 11 street , bo and
hereby Is ordered grided to the present es
tablished grade.
Section 2. That the boaid of public works be
and hereby Isdliccled to take the ncccssaiv
stops to causa said work to bo done.
Section : t. This orllnnnco shall take
elTcct , and bo In foico from and after Its pass
City Clcik.
n. P. n AVi : .
President of the City Council.
Pealed proposals will bo received by the un-
CorMsncil until liO : : o'clock p.m. .lulv H. INI. .
foi'LMiidliig Grant sticot from 21st Htivet to
24th stiopt. and the alloy In block 2 , Idlowjld ,
In tbo city of Omaha , In accor.ltinco wllh
plans and sicclflcatlons ] on ( Ilo In tlm olllco ot
the Hoard of Public Works.
BliN to ho made on pr tiled blanks furnished
bv the hoaid and to bo accompanied by a
ciTiltlod cheek lu the sum of SSflO , payable to
the city of Omaha , as un ovidunco of good
The boar.l reservps the right to reject any
Chalrninn Hoard of Public Works.
Omaha. Juno 21st , Iblfi J021-2J-23-2
Funeral Director , Embaimer
14 N. Main Street ,
Omaha Mcdiral anil Surgial
iH Eye & Ear
Ilrnt fncllitlcs , riipnrntua n nn KomoJioi J
forsnccostful trjitiiiont of ivory f ir n
of dUouso romilrln t or
snr.' treatment.
M beil for piitlonts , bo iril mil lUtond um
Ilcntiiccniiio4iitloni In the we < L
Wrlto for clrv' cm dcfornilt ot anl
braces , triHsei , club foot , onrv.itnruiot niilnj ,
iillos , tumors o nicer , eut irrli , broiislillH , in.
hiiliulon , electricity , p irilytl3. enlleusy , kill-
uov. bladder. oyo. , khln an 1 btoo I mil nil
Hurclcal onuratlons.
onuratlons.WflMPW A si'noi.\iT
omen 1'KKIi. Wo Imvolatoly ml led u l
) n dop irtinont for women durfnz cotilliioinont.
Hrlotly uriviitii.l Only Hollaulo 111-
fctltutoniaklnil a Snoolnlty o.
AH Hood ! INui : 3i siiccoisfully troitaL
byiihllltlo 1'olion loinovcd fro n the Byitom
nltboiit mercury. Now Kustorallvo 'I' '
incnt for l.osi nf VITAf1'UWKIL I'ornoi.s un *
able to visit in mar | jo tro-itod ut homo by
( orrqsiOn ifnue. All coinmunloatlont i-onn *
drnlliil. MoJ clnuu or InsiriiinnnH sent liy
mini oroxpri'S" ) , seunroly p-ickod , no in ir < < t to
liul catocimlunUor bonUor. Una purson l In-
tcry it'w prufurro I , Uall nnd consult us or HOII 1
hlntory of your case , mm wo will sand In ululn
wriiuuor , our
BOOK TO MEN J' ' EE Unon i' .
DUUn IU men , , .
tVoaluor \ Nurvoiii Un.
eases , Imiwtenoy , B/phllta , Qluutun4 Vurloo.
cue ! , wilh ijueU on IUU .
II races Appliance * for Ooformltlot It Truisi.
Only inuiiufiictory Intliu W jiof '
irrxi'l'LUAUKi , Tltl/a.1KS ,
it K 1/1 a.
Oroatia Medical an I Surgical Inslllute ,
26th nnd Broadway , Oounoll Dlutf i
. Ton mlnuluV iljo from center ot Uniah i on
Oiouha and Council Uluffj uloetrlu motor llua
\\rANTii-Jond : Klrl for ecncrnl liouner.
work , ( looil wases. Mrs. Uoorgo K collnc.
11X1 Knit l'lorco lrcct.
. " . - . . . .l.NT The ilwolllneoti 1'lrst nvonun
--"nml Klehth street formerly occupied by
M. U Smiths U rooms , } bath rooms ntid nil
modern Improvements ) ( rood stnhto nnd out
bulldlngi rent tty pur month. K. II. Sticafe.
flUMl SM.K-riourlng srlst mill with *
-L' stocl : of Kenonil tiiorciinltillsoiuiddnollliifr
Price JIV.iMs will tr di for onMiurn N '
or K .MIS is land K. ll.Shoxfo.
AV ANTI.D I'Miotlcncoil canvassers
' the latest nnd uriMtoit novelty In
InTouonaltonilo and M'lis oountlcs ,
Address A 2HCP , Council lllulTs.
STOIIAOH and roiimNtlon Stnvoi. furm-
iiinut v , stored un I sold on commission at
lowest r.itoj. U Kliinoirin , a.'J llni uhv ly.
"I31Olt SAIiK-On siiiull paympiits , fruit unit
- ciirdon I in id neir Council lllulTs. K. II.
bhcafo , llroadw.iy aiiilM.itn street.
IOH HKNT Two Of Iho best O-irn K llTtsurt
-L 1'ouith stroot.
11 * YOU hnuuiiiytliln ; foritlu nr Irado see
1II , Jilio ifo , llni.idw.iy mi 1 Mutn stront.
-L cliy. 11 It , S-lio.ifc. llrj.uiw.iy nnd M ln.
17\UIt \ SALK rurnltno llxtur > ! > lease unil
A.1 coed will of luitol with II rooms In : i itood
NeuinsKti city ; will tr.ido forstiuk of pencral
inurchaiidNc. I ) , II. Shoafo , llro.ulwiiy ami
Main street.
J ? In toii ave. . moilcru style miioonvon -
li'iicpi. lu cxi'i'lli'nt repair , rout S2.V 1C. II ,
Micnfo , llronhvir : und Main sts.
FOR SAIiK Hotel mid rcstuuratit In u pros
perous Nebraska city , ( living bunlnes * ,
cixid roii niis for illliu ) , prlco il.UJi. It Is n
snap. Ii 11 , Hioafe , llro-ulwiiy mi I Main slrcol.
$ N'iOUII buy ti nl''o now lioiiso ; monthlv
nayinunto , til fi > > ) t lot lu llrliuiH1 mldltloii
f , ' > .M. l.aruo list of proportv for H ito , John-
Blon , V Van I'atlcn ,
171OH SAtii : Standiird bred maro. "yoars
JL1 old , slrod by li. ) Arclilb.ihl. No. - > > t.V tlrst
dam by lilonwoo I , i coord - : .1'i. She Is a line
chestnut , shown coud spojd , U gentle mid
well brukiin lo drlvuslniflo or double , woUlu
nbout l.OOJ Ills Miv : bo s cu at bain of W , O.
I'ttorbaeK- ' . ' 'JS West liniiilwny , Council
lllulls I'rlciitOJ. .liu'ollS.iiii.
" 1711)11 ) HAM ! lnrni , : l norm , In Dlokcnsoii
-L Co , lowii.-10 ncri's broke , b.ilmico fence.I
p.isturo mid moadovv. 1'rleo lU-'uu aoro. IX II
she.if D. llroulwiiy anil Main street.
T/lOUSAM'-Cliolco ! fuimslii I'otta'vattamlu
J. Co. , Iowa. K M. Hluafe , llro.idwuy uud
Miiln stieol.
IT1OU SAIiU J'.OO ) sto U of eonornlncr \ -
JLJ ch-iudlsi' . xvoll lojitodlthln liu miles ot
Omaha. Will taKopirtlu I of host iiiuil-
lly. iiiilanco c.isli. K U. Hho.ifo. Itro.ulw.iy
und Main street ,
ijflOK SAMO Urooory steak llxturos , borios.
J otc. 1'rlco Jl.01. i\collunt : trade , well
ostabllshuJ , Inr o prnlllsi must bn Hold at
once , for pool caiuo. K. 11. Slio.ife , HrouhT.iy
und .Main Htrcot.
FOR Alii : The stamping Innlim-fH and ar
neodlonork materials : am golnz to luavo
city ; good clianco for .1 ludv to go In Imnlncsi.
Mif. il. I'.MIi-s. 412 llroadway. Council lllufl
WANTii-iistorn : : : Nebraska liinds In ox-
cliinio : for Council Hliills proporly. K , II.
Slionfo , IIro kiwiiv ; und Main stroot.
T71HUIT lauds , garden lundx , f inns nnd etty
-L property for sulo or tr.ulo. Day vV llosj , , rj
I'curl stiuot.
"I71O11 SAI.n Klovutor with coin sliellcr ,
-LN.lWOUn. d illy ; corn ur.itdor , 1UJ bu. mi
hour ; Raw mill attachment.I'l ' II. 1' . onuliio :
dulnx n giMid bus iii'S * . ; located near Council
Illuir- . Will t-ilfOKoo'l ' 1'iiid In o\clmn30 or
soil cheap tor cash. K II Khu.ife , Ilro.ulway
and Main strcot.
FOR SAM : The lo.ulhu hotel In u Nebrns-
la cltv lit . ' 0.0)i : li.n.iU rooini. feeds Ul ouch
meal. ; oud bur tr ido. nets f J.VMX ) pur month.
IonsestablUheJ. Ic.iso It is three vo'irsto inn :
price , } .I.OJOUJ. hilf ca < li or will tr.ido for
Om ilia ieshlt'ii''c , K. II. bicufc. ! llroadwuy
and Main sticet.
POUPALK toc' ' of morch.indls'iiiiiil . build-
In In 1:01) , I Iowa timn : ttou ( Invoices
JI.fiM.0hascool ) ; trade ; buildlii ; . fl.QUJ.OJ : a
bamaln ; will take coed lo va laud In ox-
clianuc. 1C. II. him ifc , Broadway und .Main
rniu : IIICOK T IIAUUAIN inmbio ie j4
-Ldcnco lot. No. 'J-M routli I'l 1st Htretii. I *
fcot front ; best location and bust bargain ( n
the olty If taken ut onco. Day & Mess. Dv
1'onrl hlrcet.
FOKSAliK Item1 nitlio , foot or power. 5 foot
louc. 12 Inches wlitb. back cunrod mid screw
cuttlim.-wltli en nploto chaiiKo u RoiirniB , II
chuuUs. ono il-liiL'h , nno 4-lnoli and 1 drill
chuck : 'I sets metal tiirnlni ; tools , otc. : nUu
ono : i-liorso power oil uuirlno. with HhaftltiK.
pulleys , boltlnc , etc. All In good order and
will bo snld olio 111 for cash or un time to right
party. Address Itox f > , lUllott , In.
UfCnunull lllini.
CapltiUtco'c $ t3OOU
fcurplusaiUl'roIlls HOOUU
NctOapltit mil SurpUis $ \Ut > , ( H t *
Directors-J. I ) Kl nil l tin i , K. I , iiufiri. r' l
GlPtnun , ! : . i : II irt , I. A. Mllljr , J. V. llnjinii
anilCli.irlci ft llunnaii Tr.ins-ict liiuk-
lnibiihinoss. l/ir 03 capital and surplus oC
nny bunk In Houtliwostorn low.u
6. W. PANgLE , M. D.
Tlio Good Samaritan. 20 fears' Experience.
I treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.tmgs : DI *
oaacsoftbo Kyennd Ktir , Tits and AKplcxy | , ifcart
Disease , I.lvcr Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , sMontal Depres
sion , Lees of Manhood , Somlnnl
Weakness. Dialxstej.iJtiBiifB Di'c cet.vitu t
Dance , itlieiuhatlsm , I'arnljEls , White Hnelltne ,
Scrofula , Fever sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knife or drawlnc a drop of
blood. Womn with ui-r delicate organs rc-
Btotcd to health. Urojay cured without tupping ,
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Dlaonses of all kinds.
$5O io85oo forfclt for any Venereal DIs-
oaco I cannot cure without mercury.
Tar \Vorins rcmnvcd In two or tbroo houra , or no
Iiay. Hi morrbolilH or 1'IUs otircd.
V.'lllmvo llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or mini ;
Tlio only I'liynlrlan who can toll wlint ullo
U JXTillll nltlllHlt U lllllJ U
AllcorrcspondonceslrlctlvconndentUI. Mcdlclna
gent by ciptwa. AilUreta all letters to
G , W , Pangta , M , D
B68 Broad'way ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa -
cud every other srnilo demanded by
uli clumos of tr.idu.
S03ANU 297 UllUAirWAYCouucIl lllufl * .