v THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; Tj& DAY , JUNK 2S. 1S32 > 8PK01BL NOTICES. * ,4 IWrmslJMBNT3 rim * THBSB COLUMNS JVwIIl bo taken until 12 a ) p. m. for the nvenlnit and until e.SO p. m. for tno morning or Sunday edl- " " "A" ' ! KlrertlKfrnenH In the o columns m cents rd for flrst Inir-rtlon and 1 cent a word < etch suliipijnent Insertion or 12 per IlTTS rf month. No advertisement taken for It's ttinnzi cents forthe Srft Ins-rtlon. Terms nsh In ndvnnc * . Initials.nenrfn. symbols.etc < each count a * a word All advertisements mutt run con * difiV.fnnhavo ino letters addressed to n num. brrtd letter In care of Tin : nun. Answers so ad- drrtucd will bo delivered on presentation of the chfck SITUATIONS WANTED. l SITl'ATION "wANTKlT 11V A VOl.NO MAN , sobor. Industrious nnd not afrntd of hard work City references. Address 0 21 , lieu. 117.1 27 * SITUATION IN PItlVATB FAMILY UY A younu roan used to horses and housework. Ad- rlrossCai , llee. Ml IS _ -WANTKI ) . nY A MAN OP M. A POSITION -/lni > stpnogrniilifir. Can rccclvo dictation nbovo ; .fwords per mlmite. Address UiH. lice. MIM M * WANTED-MALE HELP. WAXTKl ) IN KVKHY TOWN ANO In Ilio neit on extra liberal terms , to sell the popular ten Tear policy of the Mutual llo- fFTP Umil I.lfo nrporlatlon ; also thn new IIOW ) ccimblnatlon policy of the I'rcferrcd Mutual Accl- drnt nfsoclallon of New York ! cost only Slit per jmr for preferred rlsliti fnvo money by innurln ? , make money by rrpresontlnK thcfn wideawake rnnir nlp . ( Ire BRcnts can ilontilo thrlr Income. Writ" for circulars nnd ti'ruis to It. II. lloblsnn , General Mtnccer , ( mnlin. Noli. Ut .MAN WITH 1'UHU WANTfin IN KACH CITY , town and Immlrt to Inlrodnce the fastest selling lioii'Olnild article on record. Ovcrn million sotil In I'lilladclphla. Will pay comntcnt person ll pnr diiy , AddrcFinltli stamp W. 11. Williamson. 41 N. Uli strert. Philadelphia. 1-a. MHIjyao * -TBAM8TBIIS" AND It U. LAI1OHHU3 FOIl IWromliEorSoutli Ilakotn. asi S. 1 ith l. T -WANTKI ) . TKAMSTKHS. SHOVRI.BIIS AND Tbrtlili for Wyoming nnd South Dakota. AN litl.nbor Agertcy , ll0 Karnam street. 174 J30 B WANTKI ) . AGKNTS IN BVKHV TOWN IN tlio stnio to reiirciwnt Iho United SIMPS Mutual Accident ansoclntlon of .V. V. Now policies , most liberal In form and reasonable In cost over Issued. 11. A. WnRDcr. "tnte nitcnt , Omnlin. Neb , Ml TJ-WK PAV SALAHV WEEKLY TO GOOD -iJflgcnts , former oipnrlenco unnccessnry. salary pulrt weekly. Slncrr otHcc. I5IH I'oilKl.is. ' 82Uyl3 TllBAD IIAKIClt WANTBD ATi.'J MAIN -ST. , B Council ItlillTK. MM7 I SOLICITOUS WITH GOOD IIBFKUKNCB AT American Wrlnaer Co. , HOT Hownrd. MSUjJy22 * -j\VANTKD , A GOOD SINGLH HUTCH Bit WHO J'upcnkii German. Address C 16 , care ( Jniulm Mec. -KXPBIHRNCBn PATKNT IHRHT SA1.RS * B 'man. ' Address Lock Uox725 , Frumont. Neb. ' ' - ) . K FII1ST CLASS CAIU'ENTKltS , B-WANTKI for Insldo work , ytcndy em- nloyuient. Address U. 1. Lumber Co. , Hock Inland , ill. ill.B - I'l.U.MIIKItS WAKTUO. I'lllST-ChASS 9TKAIIY mechanics wnntcn ; non'imlun preferred ; WBRO St nnd M..VI fora hours. Wlllard. l'owoll& Clark. Dulutli. Minn. 973 1 _ B-WASTKD. TKN OOI HUICKLAYEIIS. WORCS W cents per hour. Apply to Stephens Ilrus. nt Western Normal College , Lincoln. Neb. 964 33 * _ _ -t7.VOO TO IJMIOO CAN I1B MAI1R MONTHLY worklnii for II. F. Johnson & Co. . MOOZ-I-O-S Main street. Itlcbmond. V . M IQUUJyZV _ T-HAUDWA11K AND ( HIOCKIIY SAT.K8MKX -Oto handle light , protltnbla slda line. Address C 0. llec. M114 29 _ - - : IN KVBKY TOWN B-WANTKD-DKTlCTIVK In I'nltod States. Kxtenslvo experience not re quired Send for particulars. Universal Detective &itcncy. box lOW , ClilcnRO , 111. _ M1I8-1 * . "llAllHISON AND IIKID. HY LKW WALLACB , , . J3U pnce.s. only t\M \ : 55 per day for solicitors , ladies - dies orRentlemen. 1'ubllsliur , llox 75. , Onmhn 1IG23 * 5-WA.NTii : ) . AN ISTKLLK'.KNT HOY 14 TO 16 ] > yenr old , who Is willing to lenru n trade. Per manent situation. Address , with rufcrcnco , C 3 < J , lice. M15I 30 E- WANT I'D , TIIAVKLINO SAI.KSMAN ; NEW specialty fur Rrucerjr nnd Remirnl stores , worth ICO per week. Allison , 177 Monroe St. , Chicago. M1W 53- 1-GOOD ItKLIAIILn IIUIAH AM ) CAKi : 'bakers. fi'2 S Iftth. J1I5J 5 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. p WANTKI ) . LADIKd Oil VOUNG M1IN TO V-'takc Unlit , pleaiiant work at their own homes ; flu ) to SI.OU per day can bo quietly midc : work sent by mall ; no c.mvasalnjr. tor particulars ad- < lrc * "GIOI > uMf . Co. , llox 63JI , iloaton. .Mass. " JCslabllsliod IMJ. M l ) ya * n. A LAUNDHKS3. APPLY W. 1) . v Mlllard , Omaha Nat. bank. M)5 ) C-WANTKDA FKW LAUIB3 CAN SKCUHi : hondsomo salnry for home work permitting ot'ierdutlos. W. Kurlntutecn , llox JIJ , Chclaxo. 111. JlSUJyll * -WA.NTKII , A GIIIL FOR HOUSKWOHK. Mustbu good cook and laundress. 1I3U t < i. r.Hb stroot. M7U C WANTBD , FIIIST CLASS COOK AT THE Hamilton. 21th nnd Douglas. g " / 1-WAXTKI . AN KXPKUIBNCBD OIIIL FOIl V.'seconil work and cnro of cblld. Mrs. H. B. Gaylord - lord , lavi Park avo. Ml -COMPKTKNT OIIIL FOIl GBNBIIAL IIOU.SB- work. UXTJSherman avo. UI4 p-WANTKD. A GIIIL TO COOIC , WASH AND V Iron In family of tliroo. Apply No. 3 Wortnlnc- ton plncu. near South Toutli street , opponlla Ilronnell ball. Ml'57 M * -WANTKI ) AT OXCB , GIUL FOIl GBNBIIAL bousetfork ; must be a good cook. 2UU7 St. IarY' avenue. JIDJI GIHL FOIl CK.NKUAL 1IOUSK- work , family of tno. 4CJ S. 21thuvo. 1W4-27 * C-UIKIi WANTKD FOFl PLAIN COOK AND laundry work , to oil waves. 'Jl'-'ci Harney st. p-WANTKD. GIIIL FOll GBNBIIAL IIOU3K- V.work : small family. Inquire at 2U21 Harnoy street. Mrs. D. H. Wheeler. 31112 S3 C-WANTKD , WKT VUUSB ) F 8 MONTHS , 151. infinitely. Apply Jill North 30th. 145 p-COMPBTKNTOIItl. FOll GU.NKHAL HOll.SB- V-'work. 11X11 Capitol avo. 113 i * pWANTKI ) . KOOI ) GIHL FOU GBNKIIAL V hou-fwork In email family. Apply at COS South t'tli street , Ii02a * . /1-WAM'KD. CASIIIBIt AT TUB IIOSTON I V-'Store , unialm ; must liavo nr t-class references. t 1M , _ ' 'p-WAXTKD , I.ADIB3 HAVING A 11 US HAM ) , v 'sou ' or brother that wnnt.i u good pnylui : posi tion as nver ecr. Address with stump , tlinllrand- rnbnn ; MfK. Co. , Dayton. O. Mli'J 2S * C-WA.NTKI ) , GOOD GIHL FOIt G UNBUAL hoiiiowDrk. 2215 sotvnrd street. MI53 1 * fWANTKII , IIKAI ) WAITUKSS. ADDItK S v postonice box 1109. Lincoln. f ub. MIGtf 30- p-WANTKD. AT ONCH. FIIIST CLASS COOK. v ri-ciiiunicciliitlons re'iulri'd. Mrs. 11. C. Mnoru. 219 . .Ailb , MI57J FOIl RENT-HOUSES. [ \ -IIilU.'K.S. ALLPAII'MTUBCITV. PHINTKD J-'I IlsU. tcorgoJ. Paul , 10JJ harnain street. - " UB.NT , II-llOOM 110USB 1613 CHICAGO /st. _ 711) V-COATBS. IIBNI'AL AGKNCY , IOU FAllNAM. i t. , ail > -Jy4 T-HHI IIP.NT. DKSIIIAIII.K IIOL'SIW AND J-'rc lcliiiicii flats , cbaaii Houses for sale on uioutlily paymuuls. J. W.Vqulro. 1st Nat. bank. _ _ . _ _ _ _ M42IJy7 ) -Flll.vf CLASS HKSIDB.NCK FLATS. 3 Oil 4 Brooms , new block , llnom 0 , 6111 8. 22d. Uol ) -r ; < iiiirv.TJ- MIOOM DBTACirKD 1IOUSB , . /with lan , * liadn irees. bath , laundry , etc. . j Mucks I rum court bouse : ruforcnco rcanirnt David Juuilosoii. 518 S. ! Ute sU uj.lr4a - k-COlTAGB , 4H SOUTH 24rUAVB. 912 -TrFim ) JJKNT. TWO GOOD B-ItOOM HOUSKS. -iJtflW ; within llmliiiitvs walk of court bouse. Tbo O K l > uvl Co. , liOj Kuriluui slrojt. lii B-llMtOOM II01HB. 19T1I ASI ) DODGK. 2 blocks from postottlco and 2 blocks from city liall. modern liii | > rev muut * . Inijuliu uuxl dour or 19111'arnaiu. UM ) 1J r--T. . HALF IILOCK N'JUTH -'of Grace , IT.W , city water. Also oltiar rooui ami bouse * at lowest prlcus. U , F. Hulls , room I , II < M bulldlntf. MT-jyl D-FOlt 1IBNT. MtOOM COTTAGB , SST1I AND Cbclaico sis. II. T , Clarke , Utb and Cats , or 219 lloaad o t Trada. 7Q 1-MODB1IN9 IIOOM-IIOUSB , 20TII. K ' F , lllii ( : r , 151 ! ) Farnam. TJ-HOU1SK.TKN ItOOMS , SOUTH BAST COIINB11 X/Cas * and 20th struul * . Apply .Nftllurtou Hall , 13tli slrvot. TrVIl ItK.NT FOIl TUB BUMMBlt KI.'IIMSHHI ) - -7 room bouiu ) . All convoulcucea. Bnaulro UIJ l'tk avcnuo. Mill ) ] y& i ROOMS. UUO113 TO UK.NT mTTfTi a d ra cunvealouciu. 812 Douutus HreaU / ' .v ; ; ; 5in .i . HOOM ton HUNT. \ Jiullablu furtMo. IVI'J Dodge .t. U 5-CpOL. PLBA8ANT FUUMSHUI1 1IO4)M8 It , * * . ' . . - pfiraio fauillr.'iatricti * Hf.i si iynQiB ( FOU RENT-FTJKNI3HED ROOMS. Contlimoi E- UOOM , CONVlEN'CKSMTa DAVBNPOUT 810 I * E-NICKI.YFnilNISHKD HOOM3 AT JKTJ DOUO Ian Hired. MHO 0 * FORNI3HED ROOMS AND iOAni5r T7 TWO PLKA3ANT FIIONT UOOM3 AT THE JL1 Merrlnm. CII-27 * T ? NMCK ItOOM AND I1OAI1I ) FOIl TWO GKNTLK- -L men ; one-half block : from motor : Rood , nlco homo 31SKO , TCtll St. M l 1DKSlllAnLK FIIIST AND 9KCOND KIXXJll south rooms at "Tbe Frenior , " 116 N. 25th street. Mill 2' -KUHNI9HED IIO < JM3 AT THE HAMPTONI Brslclpss board : references required. 2)1 3. 21th. 781 -HACK PAItUlIl Oil LAKGR FltOXT HOOM with bay window nnd bonril for two ) IIVW per month , s-mallerroom for two wlih board. JIOOO per month : modern coavi nlcnca ; eleff.inlly fur nished : private fatally. 61i North 23d street.M9M M9M TJ'-NICKt.Y FUltXtailKIl IIOO.MS WITH KI113T- JL class board ; references exchamfcd. 2iW N. l th st. 1O > 37 * -FUHNISIIRD SOUTH UOOM WITH MOAHll. 1 llefarences. all l-'ntnnm. .MfH 30 * IT A vFiiY nisiiiAii : : SUIT or noo.vs , on J will rent separator , one fronts south and ono nst , with na nlcore , best lucltr. JUS.2jth st.M3 M3 ST nA r KIIUNT noon irf CITY , sio fOuthSSthstreot , 17 VBUY IE tllAHIK 8UITH Of ItOOMS , J- south front , wltu board. 19 Chicago. M137 83 * 17 NICKhY KUUN'ISHKD'SINKWt ItOOM WITH J.1 board ; centrall/ located ; modern conTenloncrs. 5I3U Harnoy. MI3.I ! _ FOR HENT-UNFUKNISlIEl ) BOOMS. -KOl HUNT , 4 G able for kousokcctiln * 1TUJ Webster strecL , , , , . " " ' oLLsA'NiosiVid iw K. roi'oooD board nice rooms , conveniences , rata nnd loca tion It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Uuni , prop. < 73-Jr P * _ ' FOR RENT-3TOHE3 AND "VKOlt ilKNT , TIIK 4STO11V IlltlCK lOlK Fnrnam st. The bulldln ? has a Ureproof co- nicnt bnsynu'nt. complete stcaniheatlnx Uxturos ; water nn nil tlio Uoura , gas , etc. Applr at the ollleoof The HOB. _ _ Ul ! ) T Koit IHN STOHK axra. ilia JACKSON FOB KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. . AT " Eckermann placu. I'JxiW. 2 stories with holler nnd onulnoWJ per month. C. F. llnrrlson.'JCN. Y. Ufa. T TUB "MTTI.B OKM STAIII.KS" AT 1718 ' ' Cans street ts now open nnd solicits the board nnd earn of Rentlcman's roadsters and family horses. Customers patronlilnit this ntablo mnr rely upon prompt nttvntlon nnd sornrlna for their horses nnrt carriage * tlio very holiest class of care nnd treatment. _ M 13J WANTED-TO RENT. _ _ K " WANTED" b i : TAC ifiBi T 1 1 DUSK "IN" E in nble location , not less than 10 rooms. J. llaum. 1810 Harney. M51 _ WANTED. 1 Oil 3 LAUCE WELL FHIl- nlshcd rooms , with nr without board : nindorn conveniences ; good location. Address C."H. lieu. M1CO W _ WANTED , ItOOM AND I1OA11D IN IMHVATE family for two men with coed reference : wllllnK to pay for Hr t class nccormuodatlons. Address - dress C 31) ) . Ueo. MIC4 ? j * LEVo. . G.UIV1N A "ca.2033"liBBLEy HLOCl 9SJ LM _ .STORAGE. M -OLDEST , Cll BA IMIST AND 1IKST STOIlAtJE housu In the city. Williams & Cross , Ul ! llnrnoy. \ANTED-TO BUY. SOLD , &TOUBD. Wells. 1111 Fnrnam st. _ | _ ih3 \r-CLAl.M3 FOIl SALA IIIK3. SKHV1CK3 AND 1 * waives BRnlnat city , county , corporntlon , Indl vlduals lioiiRht or advanced on. W. It. Davis. U , " 20. Con tlnen ti\l Illock. M7IO 1VT DON'T r.LL FUllNlTUllK UNTIL YOU SUK is Omahn Sccoml Hand Furnlturo Coi Highest prcea paid. iBl .V. li'.tli. _ M7I4 Jyl7 VT CASH TAID FOIl F1HST-CLAS3 ( IKOCRHY is stocks , la run or small. All cuiumuulcntlont strictly confidential. C. O. D. llrown , Omnbn , South Umalia and Council muffs. _ bt.S \r UOHSK.IIA It.VKSd AND DELIVKIIY WAGON. ii Apply 30IU Amasave , between I2:3tf : nnd liX ) . pin ml-27 } _ XT Till ! OMAHA LOAN A TUUST COMPANY Ii bavlnRt Hank pays the highest price fur both county nnd city warrants llroivn block , liltli and DouRln . MI13 9 _ XT WANTED , volt CASH. HltOOM MACHIN- -1. ' cry , tools , stock , broom corn. IJox SOS. Lincoln II7J7' _ FOR SALE-FURNITURE. -fOll SALE. A LOT OF NEW HOAIIDINO houeo funilturo. used only a few months , very clump. Inquire Itoom 3.14. Hoard Trade. 837 -FOll s ALK. HOUSEHDLI ) FUHNITUIIE. suitable for Ilk'lit liousukcoplng ; ulso babr car * nqulro 1UII Farnam. IS I 2V * FOR SALE-HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. , A SIXTY DOLLAIl TOl * HUIIFY -L forMi.OJ. H. B. Colo. Continental bios * . Win IJ-VBUY FINE. STYLISH YOUNO DltlYINO horsu , must bo Hold at once ; welRbt about 1. 1W bs. Tlioa. F. Hall , 1M7 l' xton bluclc. Iff3 _ 1FOIl SAl.E. A GOOD , STYLISH DltlVINO JL horse for Rentlumau or lady , with piano box ton buggy , full width. In Rood urdcr. barncss , etc. , complete , for I1WUO. Enqulroat 1'ark Stables , th and LeavonwortU , _ 141 2U 1FOH SALE. ONK IILACK FINE OA1TED SAD vie horse , 5 years old. itood slnRlo and double driving horio , at isdi South llilb nL , Umaba , Neb. P-FOIl SALE. VKHY STYLISH SNYDEIIOMAUA made spcedln t btlUK'y , cost 1233. DOW , must sell tills week , cash unly. Unner , HoxTJS , Omuhn. Nob. lliia ) ' _ _ FOR 3ALB-MIdCELLAKflOg d. - FO It S A LK , O X B U I LLJA lib"A Nl ONE I'OO L table , llrunswlck-llalkomika. nliuoit nuw. In quire of ( Jrnnd liotul. Council ilium. 310 -roil SALE. 25 HEAD FltESH MILCH CWS Q llr JeRcrls , 7lh and ( Jraco street. MI41& * MISCELIiANEOUS. l -\VANTii > - 1IIH3 FOIt A HltlCK UU1LDING , Xv Knnulru nf Mr. II a k or , superintendent lloo build- . untllJulyl. 6'il 27 S AllltlVAL KXTUAOIIDINAIIY : WONDBIIFOL rovclatlon * . Clialluuues tliu world , Mrs. Dr. M. Le rnvt' , itoad franco clairvoyant , astroloalst , rulmlit and llfo rvadur : tells your l\fo \ from the cradle to urnve : uultt't I lie sepnrutod : causes mar- rliiKu with tliu onu you lovu ; tollswhnro , you will succet'd , nnd In what buslnoits bust adapted for : has Ibiifelebrntuil Kiiyitlan | breaslplatofor luck , nnd to destroy bad Inrluencvs ; uures nu , Intumporunco nrd all prlvnto complaints with uiassage. bath and alcoh'jl treatment. Sund tlM , lock of hair , name and dale of birth and welvo accurate llfo cbart : 2cuut In stumps for circulars itlvo Initials of ouo you will miir'y ; also photos of same. Olllca II , ioutb lllli "trc'i't , upitalrs ; hours. U a. m. to'J p.m. Coma onu , coma all , and bo convlncod of this wonderful praclu .MUH Jy 1 S-MItH. Dlt. VAN TltUK , MINI ) ItBADBIt AND forecaster , has arrived from California. Sba tells , past , present and tututuro wllli pcrtect truth ; Klves advlco on all mutters of lntcre c. love , nmr- rlau'c , divorce doracmic troubles , speculations.lost or stolen property , hidden treasurus , ruiturcs lost aifi-vtlon and nnltustliu separateddescribes friend * nnd uiiemlvs. warns you uf Impvndlnii disaster. Without trickery , pratonts or sbam. but In ttio broad , oiieu llulit of sober seme , slie will read your entlrullfv. I'osltltely DO massnue treatinent or nnytblng of a questionable charactursollcltuii or tolerated. Letters contalnlui : il will roculva atton- tlon. Consultation free. tU ( N. I5lb St. 1IU.1 * S-MIW. NAN.NIK V. WAllllKN , CLAIUVOVANT rollablu business uudlum , Uftlryeirat ll'J N H > lb. l i S-MADAMB FIIITZ. a CUMINIr ( TIlEBr. clairvoyant nmt trunco mcdluiu : Indapendonl voices , loll , past und future , Sluju JU- MASSAGE , DATH , ETC. M'-ilASSAGK TltKATMKNT . , KLKCTKO-TlIBlt. t- mal bvtbs , scalp and balr treatment , mimlou ro audclilrouudlst. Mr . fost,3Wi y litbVltuuull blk bTOWK. MA&SBUaB ELKCTIHCIAX. I I Si2 llamite block MltUJyl * rp-MAUAMK .SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS HT11KBT. i .roomT , Wlloor. Alcobol , tulpliur and sea h tb MiH .Jyl rP-TUHKIHIl AND 11IJSSIAN IIATHS ; LADIKd l days Tuesday * and Fridays , 9 to 1 ; under Far. nam tjlrvut tbeatar. 'P-JIADAMB I A UUK. MABHAGK , 41G H < IUTH i. litb street. Hat 4. M Boor. _ M1O 1 MUSIC , ART AND L. AN Q U A OH. ' " - UkLLKJIIIKCK. UANJO TKACUKU. wltailospo. ori N. ISlti st. u V UUYISUTPIANO B.XAMINB TUB nu r ata Kliub tl planoi A. Uospu.liU Douglas. VM ESTATE. W-IIBAL kSTATU l4)ANd.a TO I I'HU : MTi no addltionat cbarves foe oommlsslon or attor ney' * fees. W. U. Melkta. First Nattuual Uaok bld ( , VM _ \V-MONKY TO IX > AN ON IMPIIOVKU C1TT ' property , low rain. A. 0. Frutt , Uouiilas blk. MONET TO LO AN-REAL ESTATE ConMtutrd. \\r-CBNTUAIi LOAN A TllUST CO. 11E1S IlLOn. M ' . ' .11 _ \y C. F. UAU1IISON , 12 .V. Y. LIKE. iM \\r-WKITK THE SKCUrtlTY AIlSTllACr AND 'I Investment Co. of Ilrokcn How , Nob. , Inn their novel plan of farm Investments. \V-MONKV TO LOAN o. * IMPROVED OH UN ' Improved Omaha property nt lowest ratal on l.orl notice. Cash on hand. Fidelity Trust com pany , 1C1I Farnam street 7GU \\r-OEO.W. P. COATKS , 1611 FARNAM. .AV-OMATIA PAV1NOS HANK MAKIO IXJAN3 ' < on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In small or largo sums and for short or lonu time * . No commission ts charged , and the loans are not sold In the < > ast , but can nlw.iys bo found nt tbo bank on the cornerof 13ta nail Uaualas street * . \\f-C W. ItAINEY.JIiOMAHANAT. B'lv IH.Ua i C'ltymortitaKos , lowest rates. Money on hitnJ t .t ) \ \ r-7 TEH CK.NT MONEY NBT TO IIOIIUOW- ' era on Omalia city property. No ettrn cbarsoi of any kind. Why pay hliiU rates ? Money Ii cheap Yoiicanaut full benotlt of low rates from Globj Loan A ' 1 rust Co. , ICtli and DodRO IH \T7 ANTHONYLOANANDTUUSTCO. , SH N. Y. > > Life , lends nt IOT rates for cliolco security on Ncbraskaor Iowa farms or Omaha city property.K ! K > 7 \\T H5J.OOOTOIaAN. SU.M3OFtJ.03J Ul'W.VUDS ; i > can place loans on nny Inslilo Improved prop * crty to any amount trlicro value Is back of the loan. Amos Heal Kstato ARcmcy , 130T Farnam at. VJJ \\r-WANTKI ) AT ONtiK , Al'I'MCATJONS FOIt' loans of JI.WJ and upward on business , rest denco or farm properties. U. J. 1'aul , lUJl Kjrtmin Yir-LOANS. O. \VALLACE , : U DIIOWN DLK. lol \\r-LOAN3ON IMPUOVi : ! ) AMD UNIMPIlOVKt ) v city proparty.H.COJnnd upwards , n to S percent. No delays. W. Fariinm Smith St Co.,15th and Uarnay. Ofl \\r-puiVATP MONEY. IST AND 20 MOHTOAOB iv loans , lowrates. Alax , Mooro. IJI Ueo building. swi _ \\r-OON-T FOIIGBT THAT WE AUK MAKING < * low rates on Improved nnd unimproved loans on Omaba property. No delay nnd all business transacted at tills offlco. Fidelity Trust company , lull Fnrnnm streeU M MONET TO LOAN-CHATTELS. -ifvolF WAXT MONKV ON KUltNITUllK. PIANOS. HOUSES. WAGONS , CAUKIAGCS , KTa , CALL AT THK OFFICI2 OF OMAHA MOIITGAOK LOAN CO. AND GET TKIlMd IIBFUIIK , DEALING UL'SKWHEIIE. Loans made In amounts from $10 to Jlu.OUO nt tlio lowest rates on very short notice without publicity , and nltli thn prlvlleiio ot keeping your goods m your own possession. . Vou en 11 pay the money back In nny amounts you wish nnd at any time , and each payment so made will reduce the cost of tbo loan In proportion. ' 1 her * * will bo no expense or cbatKu kcptoutof the ntuounl wanted , but you will receive the ful amount of tbe loan. OMAHA MOHTGAGE LOAN CO. lloomll Crolghton lllock. I5tli St. , Soulb of postotllca Tbo only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. V MONET TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN GUAllANTEH CO. On household ccods , pianos , orRans. horses , mules. waRons , etc. nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chanRd of possession. I'armenlsof nny amount can bo raado nt any time.reducing both principal and Inturost. thus Rlvlnst patrons all tbo bunelUs ot llio partial pay ment plan. Monoyalwayson hand , j\o delays ; no publicity ; lowest rules ; business cuntldtinll.il FIDELITY LOAN CUAItANTEK CO. , \V \ U 4 , Wltlincll blk . 15th nnd Hnrney. V WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF -A-secjrlty ; strictly confidential- . E. HAIllllS , room I , Continental block. 10 ? X UOII'Tl'IllTCUAItt ) , K. 3. WITIINBLL lll.'lv mi XX X WHKN YOU WANT A fllATTKI. IrflA.N SP.B \V. It. llavls , room 'M. Continental liloclc. 101 LOANS MAIJi : ON FUUNITUKU -iV pianos , llvo slock , etc. . wllbout pnlillclty or ro. mnvnl property nt thu IOITCSI rates and ( hi easiest payments. Dull liroeu , rooms si nud U llarker blrick. I TeX X J20.0UO TO LOAN ON CIIATTBL 9KCUIMTV bUBliiusscontldontlal. Hootn 10'J Kurbacli block. 211 Jr2' _ -HO , ? ii. fW. HW. AN V SUM TO LOAN ON KUII- nlture , homes , or any Kood security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. TIM lloualm t. UiT BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-KOH SAI.B. \VKLL-PAVLST. AIlsTHACT bUDlncM Inonoof the rresterncountlus of tbla atnto Addreo I ) it. Uco olllco. M7W ! V WANTKU , A MAN WITH $ M3 TO BUY HALF -1 Interest In and take the management for a sal ary of a uood ptyln ; business. For particulars call at 1513 llnrney st. MSTI -Full SAI.B , COMPLKTK 3-CUAIIl IIAItllBH shop , will sell the whole or In sets , W Sth' street , nt cUar storu. 1U7 < 4 * -TOR SALB OUUAP FOll CASH. TUB LATK "New Kra" prlntlni ; nud Job presses ; complete. outnt. For prlco and terms address Henry .Vnsuca * bio , soutl- Hand , Neb. Oil 30 * KOIl PALK. A rOMI'LBTB ELUCTUIC LIGHT. Inn outnt. Including boilers nnd envlne , all In Hood eonilltlon. Will be suld cheap Kor pnrtlcu- lam address U X. llee. -MIDI 2 V ONE-HALF OU ALL OF A GOOD I'A11N(7SA. Jloou to trade or soil ou time. Address C 3T. Ueo. .M1C31 * _ FOE XJANGE. . Z CLHANSTOUK.OFCBXRIIALM'U'S K ; WILL take real estatuA-mouer. IJoi2Ji , Krankfort , Ind. 103 _ Z-TOK KXCUANGE FINIS HKSIDENCK , NBW , 13 rooms , modern Improvement * : on motor line , t mlle from 1 * . O. Will orclmniio for Rood busi ness lot or farm lands. W. , I1. O. boiG-ii , rA VALUAULE COIIX15II LOT ON S. 11TH 3T. AJforsuburbau propurty. A valuaulouqulty lu lot for Rood horjs , balanoi very easy terms. Fldolliy Trust Co. , Inll Karnam Z FOll SALK Oil EXCHANOi : PLANI.Vd mill. ISth and Maion struuts , Om.ih.i. John M. faheiilay , lilli and .Mt on atreots. il' l jy II * Z WA.VTKU. Ii Oil 7 ItOOM I1OUSB IXrilDB OF two mlle lino. In oxchnncu for 1 1-t ! ncro lot near Institute , with llnu Improvements. WIU doublu In value Insldo of 5 years. Fldullty Trust Co. , hill furnani , _ MiVCl JT y AN 1I.KANT ! ( HO.MB IN IlASTlNltS , LOT /-JI3VXUJ , on Hastlnss avenue , for Omalm prop rrlynsnap ; for n llustlnjs limn. Fidelity Trust Co. , 101 1 raruam. .M'J.II JjT / MODKU.V HOUM : . 10 UOOMJ , KINK i.oc.\- /-'tlon. lo oicliuneo for smaller liouso.V. . T < ! ra- ham , Ui.5 McCiixuu block , IfS-yj Z-IIOUHIill ItOOSIs. KULL LOT , ON MILITAUV avenuu near Hamilton strcot , to eichanuo for Int or will sell clicup. W. T. Graham , 301 McCnuuo block. ' . SI y-Tll KKKT OS .SAUNDBIIS STUBin' TO K.V- . /Jclinnk'n for Improved property.V. . T. Grnham 3U5 .McCaKiio block. 1 > H n r/-KAHM , liU ACltKS IN KANSAS : K KKV ACIIB fJcun bu farmed ; will uiclmiiKo far city or town properly. Co operative Land i Lot Co. , Ml N. IBtb. Z-WIJ UAVB fc < JO.OOO WOIITH OF C1TV I'HOP- urty to trada fur lund. What have you to oflcrT Western Kxuhanzu Co. , Columbus , Nubrnsku. -MIB SO * HALB-REAL E3TATJ3. rr-i f 6il SALK , NO 'llUJ ANir IUI LAfAVKTTB J-ato In 1 jifnyotto 1'laca , now a room itwHlllnKS. with batb , iiat. utc. , uloctrlceasllvbtlnii and ovury uilior modern linprovemunt , line lawn , trees nnd SUP roundlmts one block from electric oars. TUeso tire liousvs will bo sold at a bh : barxaln ; will take lot as part payment ; let u < show you tbo property KldHlllyTrum company , 1UU Farnam st 117 IjHmaALH-UIIHIAUGAlN IN OltCHAItlt HUlL . -i- lot , will takotiood liorio as nrst uarumnt , tml- unco , monthly payments. Wo will soil you a lot dirt cheap and furnlttt money to build you a homo on monttily nayinouts : tevurallocattoim W will build yon ncotlaKO to > ult on monthly paymuuUi munll payment down. Two uowS-roomoottMiius In Klrknood , 0113 bios * from car lino.cheap on montlily paymunts. llarvaln In clear lot In Walnut Hill , only ll.KM.m. llarifaln In clear lot In Orchard Hill , only ITUUOJ. llarifaln In clear lot In t'relEliton IlelK'it * , ISUI.UJ. lluninlirlnabeiutlful tomu In l.atarottu IMaca. tlio riiiost roslduuca torraoo In Oinatm. ovoryo no ad mit * IL Itel us show It you. Kor terms , prices , old. , call on Fidelity Trust Co. . 11114 Furnmu St. JJJ HOIttiKS ANI CATTLB PASTUIIKII AT STOCK fwm , Ilollevuit. II. T. Clarke , WJ Iloard or Trade. Ouinlia. 211 * I"OllSAIK-il J ACllKi OP NKIIIUSKA LAND at uroat sacrlllcu. Apply for part luulir * . t H. Potersoo , owner , 1111 S. Uttt strojt. Umaua. _ _ _ _ T ACBV'd ADI1IT10.V-F1NW LOTS NBAU JIOTOll IJIIuo , 'JX ) each ; licaili. b l , y , 4. a yor.rs..T pur cent. lUstduuva lots within J" uillos of postortica CUUeacQ ; 1-19 cull. b l Ion/ time at T per cent. Uno lot with six-room cottazo at 35tb nnd liurt street * . 1'rlco. n.ywi I UJ oisli. bml. oair. I'ottur Jt Unorte " Co. . a. W. our , liitb and Fnrnam. MlUJyt "A FINK M AOUK LOT IN UKNbU.v'ADD. . CUMU llo motor , only IWO ; easy payment * . Fidelity Trust Co. , 1014 Karoam. _ jj a Jyl add. at | lttU. W , T. Urabam , McCauu CAHTHAUB * blk. _ _ _ ] ? OIl 8ALK AT A IIAHUAIN. LOT 14. 11LOCH S. - tW. . U belby's nr t addition to doutli Onabat small payment down , balanc * montlilyK desired loqulit U. U. Tiscbuok , OuatiaUo * . Sit iiAiiGAix. HAVIA OOI SIZILOT AIIOUT an feet from Sherman ATJW ' " ! rnlnutes * walk from postofflcc : uplnnilld .nclEliliorliaod. , Will build to milt customer on aisxiennn. " It will pay you Ui InvoMlante thlsoffcT. "All * Frost , Itoom , houglai block. ICth and Hoilaf.sts. T7S _ flMlK 110NDH CAHlllBI ) AND. JUIMJ STIIKKT JL will soon bn navpilclMr toTlmw choice & and ll > - acre tracts which we can stIIIMtl lur n short tlmo at the old price of JtUU.U ) if n.lriv Don1 ! delay Wright A l4 > bury , Imi HowMd.-qtcot. MW AFAVKTTK PLACKl YOlf'SIUST SBB THIS property to appreciate It : two irAima * . for slid at bargain. Call for terms , etc. , JWollty fruit company - pany , 1611 Kiirnam st. ji \ UT 0 IIKAUTIKL'MIOMKS STILl , FOll 8ALK IN Oljifnyctto place , You will ni X * > mistake If you buy without soelne us about IU AO homes. Kent for I.11.UJ and f law per montb. Huosl Investment In the city. _ 2"i Jy 3 ITVMtSALK HOMKS. ANY PlltCIC. JTW. Jl.'iU Ul'l JL easy terms ; take cleir property ns Orst payment , O. U. Wallace , llrown block , ItAli nnd Douglas. IIP _ S3 FKKT ON HAMILTON STUKKT WI T OF Jlxiwonvcnuo. for sale cheap. W. T. tiraham 3Qj.Mcf giio block. _ t a-M . VAUM. 1ft ) ACUES IN' CKNT11AL NKIIIIASKA 1 for rnlu , (3.UO po t ncrp , buyer to Ret shnrn of tbo erowlntfcrop. co-operative Lnnd A lA > t Co..a"i ) N. ICth st. l'7j-iQ ' : _ SOUTH OMAHA ACltKS. II nrres ( mlle west. f3M51. ! VM ncix's ? ( mlle pnutlienst , Jll.Of ) ! S acren H mlle southeast , already platted Into 40 tor * , JIU.KU. S acres 2 miles south , f I.W ) . 5 acres 2 mile- " southwest , with small home , II , VX ) . CO nores 1.4 mlloa soutbwcst In 5 or 10 aero tracts , tlV ) per ncre. SI acres at a harealn. Call for price. Terms , ' ( cash , balance to suit. ratter .V Cicorvo CoICth nnd Karnam sis. MIU.1 .1 _ 17011 SAliK Oil TIIAIIK. FOll MKItCHANDMK JorOmalia property t1 * ) acres Choice VMley bay land. InipleniL'nts. liorscnnml rattle. In Cherry comity , NoU Andross C.7. . IK'Q MI27 a" _ FOR , BEKT..PAaTURB3. _ TO PA3TUHK. CALLED for nnd delivered. G. A. LIndijuost 3IU 3. 15th. AI372 IASTUIIAGE KOIl IIOIHB3 , COLT3. CATTLE. 200 acres pasture ; barn room cs.se of storm. My farm ranch Is nne mile from 21th street motor cnr. south on Gllmoro road. I call and deliver. Address mo , J. H. Ilrush , P. O. box U' ! , South Omnlin. MM Jylt * PA8TU11E FOIl CATTLE * HOUSES. T.MUUHAY G70 LOST. .J _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ j CT11AVKD-JUNB MUD , FUOM Mil IIAHKKII Ostrect , sorrel mnre , wi'hiht WW. Howard for re turn to above address. 15 ? VI' PAWN BROKERS. SNYUb'll'S LOAN Or'flCli' , 1410 DODUR ST. 18.1JJO' PUB ! ) MOULE , OFFICE 15I1W FAHSAM ST. -A , , 117 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. AN A DIA N B UI'LO YMENT OFFICB.IWW FAllNAM upstairs ; mala nnd faaialo holp. iVl. Sil. Ui7 I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , , Dealer , NOTICE TO PROPIDRTV OWNERS. Von arc hereby notlflol thnt the hnnlc of narlh now ovlstlni on totr , hloeK 4. Cninp- lioll's nilciitton to the cltv nf Omnlin , hn bcen by ordlnnnco No. 3110 to bo n nul- * You nro hereby dlrootcil to nh.ito suld nul- snncehv crndlnir down < ; ull0binlt of enrth so ns to prevent the w.-iitltii : , fnlllnz or wtish- Inirof onrth from sild lot upon thn slilnwullts nr stro'H ndlnccnt thereto within twenty ilnys from the Uiil ; dny of June. IS'M , o > said niilsum'n wl'.l lie ulmted hv thn city nuthoritles nnrt the expense thereof lovlnd n" a snocliil tax awilmt the property on which s'lhl niistanco i\HtM.- D.iteil thU lli ilny'of .Inho. MJ. I > . W.-HHtKHAOSEU. Clialnnnn of the Hoard oM'nbllc Works. , 28.S9-30 July 1-3 PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OPVATER WORKS. Sealed iironotnls will ha received at the of fice of the nlty clerk until noon , July CO. ISTi for fiirnUhlnc the'raaterlnl nnd nolnj ? all thn work , or any portion of cither , fo'ra systnrn of water works In Uio city of Poncn , Dlxon county. Nch. Plan * and specifications maybe bo obtained by addressing the clerk ot snlil olty. IlliU will be oucnod In the prrsencn of bidders at J o'oloslc p. m. sharp , nt the ofllco of the city clerk , on July ? n. l&'li ' The rlsht to rolect any anil nil bids U hcrob/ reserve I. Dntod I'onca. Nob. . .Tnno 31. If-Ol' . P. 51. nOKSEV. Mayor. E. W.I1USE , City Clerk. J2S U ItM RRlLWflYTIMEGHRD leaves I . Arrtvi Omaha. I Danot-lOfi M I lnn Ht Omaha. I K. C. . ur.J. * 0. it. I ILf Omaba. [ Depot 13ti ail M > STI S [ o n > i Jl.iJ a ml..Kansas City Day Kipros.s..I U.UO p m 9.4J p mlK. CNlgbt Kxp via U. P. Tram I 0.4J a m Golni : CIHCAiO. 1U L A : PAC1FIIX I From Bast. Union Depot IQtli & Marcy Sts.1 Bast. Golna I CHICAGO. IU I , Ii PAVIKIll I From West. lUnlon Depot 10th nnd Marcy Sts | West. 1 . 'JJ p ml Denver Llmltod , | . -"J p m 1.0) a ml. . . . . . . . . . Fust Bxpreis Sunday"J ( n m 0.03 q in.Kansas | City ( Bxceut Sunday ) ii.30 p m I avoj j UNION 1'AUIFUX , Arrives Omabn. I Union Depot lUtb nnd Marcy 3t . I | Omnbn. 7.20 a m Sioux City PassaniiKr. llPZUp m 6M p ml i-t. Paul BxprBss | ) UtXn m Leaves CHICAGO 4 NOUTHWUbTKIl.S I Arrlvoi Omnlin IU. P. depot. IQlli and Ma/gy bts I Omaba 7.8) a 10 10.40 a.m 4.05 p m Vestibule LlmJtAi T.W p m , ! . . . . . . . .Knstern Flyer , 8.40 p in ( Ex. Sun. ) Chip. PasaHf ( , M Jn.1 leaves { CHICAGO .NOItTII WllyrKUNI Arrival Transfgrj Union Depot. CoultcllJUlugi. JTrantfar 11.SO a ml lilcat-u Kxprrit , _ 6.JO p m 4.5) ) j. mi Vestlbulu , kiu a in 7.33 p m ] Kasturn FlyeAlc. 1.30 p m aOJ p rnHBx Sun ) Atlantic MalMKx .Moil ) 7.'li n m 7.U a ruKKx S ) Carroll PamnimaXHx B ) 'J.45 p m Luavus I OMAHA * STi'l/Mf/ST" lArrlvir Oinabal > . P. depot 10th anil.Mirty . 8ts.umiiha | I. p ml . .SI. ixiuls Cannun'tlall. . . . 112.tip in Lares f M1SSOUIII I'ACIFIOT Arrlvei Omaha ) Depot lain and Wub ter Htl . I Omaba 10.3Ua ml , * rit. Ijuult Bxpress. U-Jtl am jUQ-prul .tit. Ixjuli Kxprets. . 6.10 p in I -eaves CHICAGO. II. 1. A PACIFIC. Transfer Union Dopot.rouucll Utuffi 6.55 p ui Nlulit Bxpreu . . . , 107D a m Atlaotle Bxprjss. 4.55 p m Vestibule Llmlud Leaves I K. ( i. JJ ( % . JOB A 0. lArrlvos Trausfori Union DauoU Council Ulurts. ( Transfer 1010 a ml KaiisuClly Day Zivtau , | iai p m 10.15 p m . . . Kansas CUv Mabt Bxpruu. . . | 0.11 a m Leavu * I CHICAGO. IIUUI/M A QUiNOr.Arrtvjr | Transfori Union Depot. Council Jlluiti JTranif i ll.il a ui , , . . . . . Chlcajro Bxpr ti 5.W p nt UUO p mi. L'btoiaa Kxprcii .U a m 7415 p m | I'reston Local . T.15 a m L avti * OMAHA ABT. WUIA. Arrlvoi Tnwtlti Union Depot. CPU DC1 1 Ulufft. Transfer HI. Louis Canoa Hall lili p m 61OU.X CITY A PACIFIC. ( Arrives Transfur Union Depot. ( Council Uluffs. ( Transfer T.U a u bloux Clly Acuomuioaallou IIC.UU p m ( Jdy m til. Paul Kipr.it. | v.Wa. in PROPOSALS FOR PAVIN G. Seitnt tintpnvil * lli I o rccolvcsl 1 > * tlio 1111 * riurlttnen until Is.tUo'ulo.-ktt. in. , Jnly.ltli , I-Wi for the foIlowlriK kluiU of p.ivln ? imttcrl.tl Shoot niplm turn , Sioux K.tlU or other cr.inlte. Colurmlo * inil tonu. WouilrulT. Knn as , stononml Vltrilletl brick. All according to sppclflcntlorn. Tor invlng iriri of tliu fol owltis .troeK nveniiei mid alloys In the city of Umnlin , I'mn- lirUeit In street Imurormncnl district1 * Not. 4.11. 4JI 4M , 4M , 427 , 4J8. 4JH. | : . 4 II , 4.H. 4 M. iil. : 4X4U4'JT. ) . 4IN , 4a : , 4K1. 441. 44'A 4U 441. 4444'l. . 4M.4VL I'.l , 4VX 4V. 4tt. i. 4V.I. 401 4H. 41 ! ? . 410 , nml Ml ordered Itnuroveil by ordinance No . : ioa.i.0 : ft : w.V. : tl JI ami : in I4 nml for rcpivliic street linprovomnnt. ill trtet < t No . : iM > . 447 nml 4.M. oriloriMl rcp\vvd bv onllniinuo No. 3.1KV , and niora uartleuliirly described as follows ; J o. TiO I'.ITK ( ir'.Mtli iivamto. from L.o.ivoti worth street to Hickory JtreoU No. 44V-\Iluy In blooka. ilnnscom plnco. No. 44" IipavciiivoTlh struct , from ho wosV Una of IGtli street to west line ofMth nvciiuc. Nu. 4.M Stli street , from the south llnu of Pierce street to the north llnu of Hickory stniot < iNo. 4J4 | jo.ivcn.wnrth street , from the wo * line of lOili street to thu a.ist lluo of llth street. No. 475 llth street , from the smith line of Jones troot to the north line of I.o.tvoiiworlh Na 42ft Spcncor strcot , from Sherman avon - on 110 to2lth street , No. 42r Lathrop strcot , from Sherman nv- ciuieto lath airoot. No. 4.V Hurt itroot , from the west line of IJtli street to the oa t Him of ictn strcot No. 4' ? ) Spriit'O stroct , from the west line of 22d street to the o.ift line of'4th strcot. No. 43U Cast street , from 22J street to llth ' \root. No. 431 Mason street , from 29th street to 20th nvenue. No. 41 ? Muffin street , from the onst line of 50th street to the oust line ut 31st stroot. . Na 4n : 32dtilroeU from the mirth line of EuclU pluca to the north line \Voolworth avonne. No , 431 California street , from 13th strcot to Itlth struot. No. 435 Izard street , from 1-th strcot to 14th stroot. No. 4X5 : Parker street , from2ilh strcot to the oust line of 20thstreet. No. 43T Seward street , from 21th strcot to Kill strcot. No. 433 Chicago strcot from 22d street to 23d street. No. 431 OalJwoll street from 21th street to thn west line of Shtnn's addition. No. 4111 Sherman iivontio from south line of Grand iivonno to Fort street. No. 4JI 3)th ) street from I'arnam strcot to Iho north line of D.ivcnuort streot. No. 442 Davenport street from 39th street tenth nth si rout. No. 44.1 10th street from the Routli line of Davenport street to Cumini : street. No. 4U Madison tivcnun from llth street to Shuriniin uveiino. No. 4ID Chicago street from 2ith strcot to 20th street. No. 430 St. Mary's avenue between the west line ot 20th street and tlio oust line of " 7th slr < > et. N i. 451 17th stroct from Harnoy stroct to St. Mary's avenue. No. 4ol--Tho alloy from 2Jnd street to 24th stuout In Paulson's nddltlon , Na 453-.19th street from Karnam street to Hnrnoy street. No 43S--iSth street from the south line ot Popoloton avouuo to north line of Woolworth avenito. No. 457 Davenport strcot from 24th street to 23th street , all In the city of Omahii No. 438--Cnhs strcot from \vest line ot 21th strcot to 1U3 feet west of 35 street. No. 439 Cass street from thu east line of 21th street to the west line of 24lh strcot. No. 433 Hiinillton street from the west line of 40th street to the c.isl line of the via.tuct of the licit Line 11 illway. No. 4r l--Allcy In block 2o3. city. No. 4G2--Vlloy In bloolc 10 , ICoutitzo & Itiith'i addition. No. 44(5 ( Alloy In block 13. city. No. 407 Alloy In block 13 , olty , from 10th stinut to 20th strout. No. 470 Ninth street from Pacific street to alley north of Pat flic stroet. Euch bid to specify a price per square yard for the pavlu ; mi. ) ropuvln eonialotu on ouch street , avenue und alley In said Improvement districts. Work to be done nnd bids to bo mido in nc- coidnnco with plans and specifications adopted .Inno. 1BOJ. anil on Illu in the ollluo of the Hoard of Public Works. Kncli proposal to bo miido on printed blanks furnished by the bn.trd , and to bo accom panied by a certified check In the following sums for tlio dltrernnt districts : Districts 424 , 423 , 4'J7 , 423 , 4U9. 4IW. 411.432. 431. 437 , 4 IS , 44' ' , 414. 443. 4.Y ) , 431. 434. 433. 430 , 437. 4.1S. 4.V ) , 4(11. ( 4 ill. 410 , 4fi7 , 470and 4(1.J100 ( each. Districts 4'il. 420 433 , 4'13. 4M : , 4 % 441) . 410. 441 , 41J and U30 , ViOJ Oicn. And district 447 , il.oOJ , p-iyablo to tlib city of Oarihn as an ovldenco of uood faith. Thn bo.ird reserves the right to award the contract on all the.sald districts together oren on onch district separately , subject to the se lection of the material by the property own ers or the mavor nnd olty coiiiuill , to reject any or all bids and to wnlvn defeats _ Chairman of the Hoard of Public'Works. Omaha , Nob. , June-Otli , 1802.Juno Juno 2J-2I-27-2 NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING ALLKY PROM 8TII STREET TO 10TH STREET BETWEEN PINE AND HICKORY STHI-ETS. To the owners of all lots , pirt of lots and rOalcstato nlontf the alloy from 8th strcot to thu street between Pine and Hickory streets : Vou are hereby notified that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of tlio city of Oimilia. nave been duly appointed i > y the mayor , with the umirov.il of the city council of snid city , to assess the damage to thn owners respectively of the property af fected by grading the alloy from btn to 10th streets between Pine and Hickory streets , de clared necessary by ordinance . ' 1,107 , p.issod Juno 14 , ISO. , approved Juno 13. IS92. You nro further notified , thathavlnac cepted said appointment , nnd duly uuullfiud as required by law , no will , on thuStti day of July. A. U. Ib9nt the hour of U o'clock In the fnronoon , at the ofllccofT. U. Urunnor , Itoom 1 rt'ara block , within the corpor.ito lim its of sala olty. meat for tlio purpose of con sidering the making and a-sicssmcnt of dam ages to tlm owners rusoucllvulr of said urou- eny , nirocted by said gradlns. takln- ; Into consideration snoalal bonullts. If nny. Vou are notified to bo present at the tlmo and place aforesaid , and muko any objections to or statements coiuornlnu s.ild assessment of daniii'4cs ub you may consider proper. T. C. HllUNNKll. T. ll .MnCur.r.ocir , " W. H. GATF.S. Commlttoo of Appraisers. OMAHA , Juno 23 , l ii. J2. " > Jlut NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To tlio owners of all lots and parts of lots nnd real oalato ulonz the alloy runnlu ; ; east niul west adjoining lots 30 , : il. 32 , III. : i ) , Ii , lifl. 37 , 3j. S ) and 4J , In block 4. Campbell's addition , fiom 2Uth stiei-t to'JIst struct. Vou are lieroby niulllod that the nndor- sUned. threodiblutorftstod fruohnldorsof thu city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by thu mayor , with the approval of the city council of said city , to a on the duni.i''o to the owners respectively of the propurty affected by grading alloy In block 4 , C'.inip- bull'g addition , from 23th street to 21st street , declared necessary bvordlnuncu 3.104 , luadOil Juno 14. l.-.u. ' . approved .Inno 13,1802. You. are further notified , that bavin ; acooptiiU said aiinointiiiont , anddiilr iii.tl- | Hied ltd rctinlrod bylaw , -no will , on tint 7th dav of July , A. D. IbO. . at the hour of U o'clock In tno forenoon , at tliu olllco of T , H. .ticCulloch , room ft2. N. V. Llfo building , within the corpora to limits of said city , muut for the purpoao of considering and tiMklni ; the UHso-sirontof damage to the owners rospt'ct- ivoly of hull ) property. alTuctod by said vr.id- Ing , taking Into conslduratlonspoulal bonolltu , If any. You are notified to bo prevent at the tlmo und place afore : > uld. aim maku any object Ions toorHtatutnnnts concerning said asses of daiuugcs na you may consider propor. T. II. .McCui.i.ocn , UiiAitt.Ks L. THOMAS , 0. 8. IIKNBWA. Omaha , Juno 23.1692. J24dlOt ORDINANCE NO. 3112. An ordinance declaring thonooeislty of grad ing \ \ from the uait llnu of nth street to the west line of thu Omaha and faouthwustarn Kallway'ti rlghuof.wuy , and uppolntlng three disinterested appraisers to assess nnd doturmlnu the damages , If any. to the 'property ' owners , which may bo caused by such gradlnir. Whereas , property owners awning moro than three-llfths of th3 fuut frontaso on hald pnrtof William H'.reol have | iotltloiiUi ! thaolly council to have huld grading ilonii undurtl.u three-fifths tilaiinu as provided for In section C'J of thu city charter und thu cost L-u m ad u payable In tun u < | uul Instiillincnti thoruforu , Ito It ordained by tlio city council of the city of Oir.uliu ; Suction 1. That It Is proper and nocomary , and It la liurcUy declared proper and nocu au- ry , to grade William street to Its present established grade , Including nucosxurr approaches preaches thereto , fromllhu east llnoof Sixth street to thu west llnu of the Uiuaha and Southwestern I allwny' right-of-way. Auction 2. That-thu mayor , with thu approv al of thu city council , appoint three disinter ested appraisers to apprnUo , asters and dotur mlnu tiiudamagn to property OWIIUM which may bo caused by suon grddm : , taking Into consideration In making sucu nppraUmunt , thu special bonoflts. If any , lonuoh propurty , by roasuaof sncli grading. Heotton 3. That this ordinance shall Uko iilfout and be In forcu from uud after Hi pa * > avo. i'aued Juneilit lBXL lBXLJOHN GIIOVE3 , Ulcrk. Olty Ii P. DAVli Pro ldcni City Council. Approved Juno 2lrd , Hrt < \ " URHIS. deadache and Neuralgia Tlicso distressing Kickapoo and annoying trou Indian blcs that" arc such common com Sagwa plaints , so fre quently and easily cured ; not requiring one-fourth of a bottle of this simple remedy of Npturc to accomplish the purpose. "Mrs. M. F4NNIE WEST , of Chtsttr , N. H. , U'tltet i "For years I had iuftttd from sick head" ache and neuralgia , and found no relief. I uas recommended to try Ktckapoo Indian Sagica. I did so , and my distressing trouble teas cured In ana weeM. I feel very grateful , and recommend It to alt sufferers. " Why suffer from this malady when Nature has provided a cure ? $1.00 a hottlc. All Kickapoo Indian Salve heals all sUneWT.Ka. 31 ; rents. ; Morning Noon Night ! i Good fill thq time. It removes , 1 the languor of morning , sustains - ' . tains the energies of noon , lulls ! 1 the weariness of night. Root ; Beer ! 1 delicious , sparkling , appetizing. Don't be deceived If a dealer , for the s of larger profit , tells you some other kind Is "just as good" 'tis falie. No Imitation | la as good as the genuine HIRES' * MANHOOD RESTORED. " 3ANATIVO. " th Wonderful Spanish Ilemfdy , la xild nllli a Written Cuarantoo to cure nil Ncivous Dis eases. such asVtak Memory , IJIM of nraln I'uwcr. llcndnclie. Wntef nines * . I.ontM.in- hood , Ncrvousncs.s , JAI. flnnle , all drains and Doforo & After Use. lost of power of Iho riiotoRraphcd from life. Generative Orcani In _ cither Fex. caused by orcr--xertloii , yontlifiil Iinll cr'tl < ins , or tin * ctirsslvj ise of tobacro. opium or FtlinulAnts uliiih iihlnmtf-'y ( radio Imlrmlt.v , Ciin > umptlun ami In < niiitr Tut up In com enlrut furm tn cnrrv lu thr\f > st ptHktt. 1'iico { I apacknire. orOforJV , . With ovcrj { 'lonlci ucsliea written Riiarantoo to cure or refund the money , -uit by mall to nny wlilrrss. circular MCP In I'lalu envel.'i'O Mention Hits ] M'cr AnJifM. MA0.1ID CHEMICAL CO. . Ilrauch Office foi U. S. A Ki DeniUirn Street , UIIR'AOO , ILL FOR SALE IN OMAHA. KF.D. , BV Knhc & Co. . Co.r 15th & Uouelas St * . * A Fuller & Co. . Cor14tb & Doual3 > SU. EPITAPH To be Inscribed upon the marble slab wblob Ui all mark tbe last reetiug place ot NERVOUS , CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES Is Mreadf written. Rut before you abandon all hope and Rive yourself up to die , hava a prlvatn consultation wltn America's most sifted and luccojslul Specialists , the famous DRS. BETTS & BETTS , ifhose greatest ttliiraphs have been won In the cure of cases wtilcli otliers failed to cure. All ipeedllr , safely and permanently cnrtd by their maneloui iklll and modern metbods. fc'end 4 cent In elamps for tbelr haDdsom lr Illuitratea new book of 120 paxes , worth 113 welglit In cold. Consultation free. Call upon or address wltt Itamp , DFS. BETTS & BETTS. 110 South llth St. N.li.Corner Uth and Doujjliu Sti IN THE OPEN. The glorlova duy of open doors all outbklo iy smilling welcome hero's health and joy all uncon- lined The oyoluraucd avorything free its fniodom front tlio hoightu of oxlnliiriitctl haupincita ho oimnot fall from his Columbian Snfoty. All aleut rolumblat free on application lo auy Columbia oncnt , or suit by moll for I wo two-ecu t slaui | ' * . Pope ilfg ( .0,211 toluuitu * Avv. , 1'uslvu. DIXOS'S CONFESSION FOUND Attributes His Oonviction to the Prajniliea of Army OfEors. HE SAYS CARTER BIT HIM IN THE HAND The Coiulrmnrd Mnn IVlt Snrry for C nit lhiiUi.isant Hut.r for thr .Mnrslinl ( Inuoful tor Hio Sherlir * The spirit ot Clinton K. Dlxon the soldier who was oxcoutcd nt tbo county jail lust friJny , long since passe * ! Into the creat ba- yonil , but a confosilou romnln.s. In that ho tuinilttoil that ho killed Oat-tor , but claluiod It was ilono In sulf dofonsc , In clcanltiK out the cell occupied by Dlxou Sheriff Hcnnott fouiul the followlnR lotlor , which was wrlttou by tUo young nuuUiu nluht before this execution : "My IJi'nr Ountlctiion : I nccuso mysclt Riillly of tlio slay Inkof John U. Carter , but not In cold blood. 1vj deturmlncd not to let film get the toU of mo , so 1 was prepared for him. When I called him out of the quar ters to dispute our niUuudcratumllni ; , lie didn't plvo mo u show to explain myself. NVliun I .said that hovna no Knod ho jumped an mo and commenced to blta my huud , and when I cot my hand out of his mouth i , of course , llito uiivono clso In my position would have done , tried la dofonil myself. I pulled out my pistol and tired the fatal shot , "God have timrov on him ! 1C he had not bit mo wo mlKht both huvo been nt peace mid liberty ut this very moment , but that I leave to the judgment of mv omnlpi-osout God. nnd ho u my wltuois to thesu words. "It was not Justice tbut UrouRht mo to this misfortune , but It was the pro- Judicu of the army ofllccrs. llccauso I was n poor man , without money and without frioud.s , I huvo to fflfo ttio ccn- scquoncos lllto ovcr.v poor man has to In this miserable world. "I icol sorry for Mr. Slaimhter because L ( mow that ho re c rots this horrible tuslc. God forglvo him. I do not hear iiuy ill feeling to ward htm for fulfilling ; his duty us a mar shal. Thcro will bo none of my btooJ ou his 1)3110,3. "I also feel thankful to Mr. Bennett , nmt especially to Mrs. Ucnnutl for the kind nnd motherly attention tliai I have received nt her hanns. I shall never forget her kind sympathy , and may God bless her ! " "Tiroil All thoTluir , " s the complaint of many po or mortals , \vlia now not where to lirti roll cf. Heed's Sana- nrllla possosscs just th CEO dements of trcugth wbtcti vou so o nrnc.stly crave , U will build you up , glvo you ou nppotlto , strengthou your stomach nnd norvcs. Try it. Hood's Pills net especially upon the liver , rousing it from torpidity to Its natural dutloj , euro constipation and assist digestion. v. la. , April US3t. Dr. J. B. Moore Dear Sir : Have boon Iron Died with catniru in my head nnd fnco for three years ut tlmoi.is unable to nor , had a constant ringing hi my can anddfor two ycar.1 wts almost deaf. Have triad ov- cral so-called remedies and been trealo oy regular physicians and noted specialists , but failed to cot any relief. I tried one bottle of Mooro'sTrco of Llfo CttUirrh Ouro. It ( jnvo immediate relief and uffoctnd a pornmuont cure , i heartily recommend It to all suffer. era of this discaso and will choorlully give any further information oa Items ; addressed at my homo , No. 'J'JJ Swoouoy avo. , Uurllng- ou , la. Kor sale by all druggists. Kcipcctfulllv , U. L. UEID. ' THI : ni-.viTv : AI.VKIVIT. rN9TUU.ME.NTa placed tm recurJ Juno 27 , L 1 = U2 : \vAttiiA.\TV nnniu. Mlch.iol iind M A Lou to Michael Wlmlcn. lotsi : and 4. Lou'ssubdiv . .r. i 400 K K G.irvln to K V Trothewey. lot 01 , I'atrmoitnt Plnco 3,600 Kri lood ! mid wlfo to Arthur Kast , lot 17. IHoeU 4. In Mibdlv of block 30 , At- brlirhfs Cnolce. and lot 10. block 11 , and lot 13. block 4. Albrlsht's'Annev. . 1.253 G W lluck to Valley J/oao and Trust company , lots I to J. lloohnie's subdlv In Umiihii Vluiv o.xt 20.000 It ! ' lu ) Hols to V II ruwkos lot 1- , block 2 , Portland 1'uico . . . 0:0 I" M Pitisli nnd husband toS U Tair.itt , Int 2J. block 3. Mnnmoiith pirk 2.590 J ! ' linnsoni to N K Simpson. lot 7 , block 10' ) . I'lomieo 249 P J Karbuvh lo J 11 Crycr. w33feet.uf a SI feet of lot ? , block 140. and nn.llv JJ of w 12 feet of n 46 feet of lot 7. block 1411. Omaha 20.00) J II UryortoP J Kiirbucli. lot 1. b'ock lli-A Uin.ilia 40,000 C N Diet/ and wife to M L D.tvton , lot 4 , block 7 , KoiinUo Placn 0,303 Hucn .McCaTrov nnd wlfo to Preston , Kcuvus. no l-II-ll ) 8,003 I. It Leu n ml husband to O II Gnlnu. w M feet lot 7. and u 22 1-0 feet lot 0. llon.sol'ri Mill 4,8o ; A lj Patrick to I' ( , ' Dollono. s.'i ) fi > ut lots I and i. block : i. Walnut lllll 3,500 I'O Ijollonoand linsliand tol'E Putrlek , lota , bloul , 2. Uitkurplacu 1,100 QUIT CLAIM IIUIL : > S. J W Squire. Irustoe , toV K llramaii , lot II. IlloeI ; 12 , AmuluT place 1 L\V Tulleys. trustee , to K K Harry , lot 27. nlock 10. llrlsirs ulacu I T I' Hall nnd wlfo to Andrew Kosowalcr lotsli ) , 27nndni. Alnstlold 1 a U Wallace , truslce. to K .M I'rtuh ana husbanu , lot 20 , block 3 , Monmoulh park 1 H T. Caylord and wlfo to Thco Wodrls. so nw 17-IH-CL 10. W ( Albrlsht toV S Mathowson , lot'JO , Windsor place 1 D II Mercer fniastcr In cliancory ) to R E Holmes , lots I , 2. : ) . 4 , . > and 7 , block 'J , lots J nnd H. block I , Okahoma park C-.4M ) each/ II1.200 Tot-il amount of tr.msfera ? 1XI,001 llrnnkriiiinss. Ailisoaso , troutcd as such anil perma ncntly cured. No publicity. No infirm nry. Homo truiitiuent , Frurinlpos und otloutuul. Hofor by ponuisHion to Hur- linyrton Iluwkoyo. Suml 2o ytamp for pamphlet. SlibUoquon Chemical Co. , Burlin lon , lu. ltdiiinl Trip TlcUnt . The only line running throti'h { , trains direct to Denver. Colorado Springs , ManiUni and Puobio. Low rutea to nil points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast points. Fast tiinn on ole nnt veatibtilod trains , free rucllnlrir ohiiir card and t.ho celebrated ' 'Hock Island dining cara. " Comfort , safety and speed secured when ticlceted via tlio 'Great Itoclc Island Koutc. " TicUot ollli'o 1U02 Parnam a i rooU CIIAKI.U3 ICliN.Vl'.UV , J. L. DKI3KVOI3I5 , . N.V. . P. A. City Ticket and Paai NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES POU CHANGE OP GRA IE. To iho owners of all lots , parts of lots and real uitalu atouK Twuniy-nlntU htroul from Hickory to Martha street , and tnturototlnjf streets : You aru hcrohv notified tint thn undor- slcnud , tliroudlslntorented froiholdurn of thu city of Umahu , huvo hi-en duly appointed by thu mayor , with the iippinvul of lliu uliy council of bald city , to HM.OSH the dnniuuos lethe the owners rosportivijly , of tlio piouorty nf- fvrtud by ulianiiii of jr.ido of rweiitv-nlnth blroot from Illokory ti > Marth.ibtruutx and In- torsiii-tlnu si roots , lU.-eliuo.l iiecon.urv Ux or- dlnancu No. lh. % pitiiud May 31 , 1 'J. , nun ap proved Junn2 , IMU You are further notified that linvlnx ao- cuplud Kald uppolotii cut anil duly iiuulllleil us reiiulrnil by law. wo will , on tlio .mil iluy nf .liinii A. 1) . ISjfHI tbtlidnrof 10o'clock In thu forenoon , ut thoollluu of Hirivur A U'Donuhou ItJi I'.iniani Ktrout. within iho coriiurato limits o ( said ully. meoi for the purpoau of consldurln and malilni ; the nimoisiiiuiit of diiinatfus to the owners resnoetlvi | y of iill prupurty , niroclud ly mild ell ur.'o ut trriidu. t.ikus Into cunsldurutlon Hpeolal Iionullia It any. any.You arn notllled to bo pruxunt lit the tlniii aim pluco nfoiusald und maku nny oliJeoMorn to or stiitem n u roniHirulntf mild unso.ijinont of duiuuucs un you may L-nn ldi > r pro nor. W. O. Blllll VKIt. ClKoltlJKd. HBAV. JNO. K. I'l-AOIC. Omaha , No Juno 18th | J/a lot I'rupo al > for unit 1'ulntlni ; ( la * Sealed b'di will ha received ( it the olllco of tlin City Coinptrollur , for tlio repulrlni ; and painting of iraii 111111111 , up to t p. ui. , July Oth , liW. A ccrtlllcd c ! eiU of t' i to iicvoiupany each bid , ThurlKhtU riiaervcd ti rnjucl liny or all bid * . TIIKU. OUi.S , OompUuller. -