Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1892, Page 6, Image 14

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It Waa a Lively Day in the Pork
Pit ,
rirftiilt of the Combination of Clrcntn-
itnnccs ThrroVn tbc Shnrpc t Ail-
rnnco SliK'C HIP Hull G'nmpnlgn
in That Mno
CillCAno. 111. , Juno 27-It was a lively day
In the pork pit. Tlio short * bucamo alarmed
In earnest , and the result was the sharpest
ndviincc slnco the bull campaign In that mar
ket bezan. Many looked upon the firmncHS
oflaslwcoic as temporary , nnd counted on a
ronctlon Instead of further advance. This
morning tlio iniirkct was quoted slow. Ihls
was looked upon as a turning point Hut there
was no turn. All products opened about where
they closed on the bulge Saturday and besan
to move higher. This was thought to bo under
the load of corn. Hut corn advanced Ho nml
topped , while products kept on higher.
The export movement was away beyond tlio
or.llnury for the season. The buying by
brokers for Cudahy nnd Armour Interests was
u feature. Tbnn this country showed some
icsponso to the bull market .is usual after sev
eral daysof advancing market. Some slop
orders were executed. The same persons who
were on tlio wronir.sUo bid for all products.
1'otnUn houses were also said to bo getting
back stulT sold at lower prices. A cononil
etampcdu occurred before the close and there
wns a net gain 01 from : i'c to a'JSo for pork ,
I'JJic on top of a similar bulge Saturday. Ulbs
cu ued 2o fiom Palurrtiiy.
In nhunt trnuliiff was light. The foclliu
was a trlllo ( Inner , but llnctuutlons were con-
Jlncd within narrow limits. Tnoupenlnir was
ftoni Ue to Ho lilirlier than Saturday's closing
llpurcs nnd advanced ? o more , hold nulto
llrmlv nml t'-u ' eloilir.'wns about He hluhor
than Saturday. A larger < lec'roa > .o In the vis-
Jlilo supply thiin had been expected , tozelhor
with rainy weather nnd an unconfirmed
rrport that the Hatch bill was ( lo-
( l.ired unconstitutional by tlio judiciary com
mittee , tended to create a firm tone. If there
Is nny line no. timulntca with a vlowof squeez
ing the .Inly shorts in corn , there WMS no Indi
cation of manipulation today , The market
wns nuriow , winding up with a gain of tie
compared with Saturday.
Oiils closed from ) iu to 'ic higher , after cx-
pi'ilonclnt : a moderate business.
Lake fiehlitHerobteadv at 2c for ,
1 Jfc for corn and me for o.its to llnflulo.
Kbtlmntcd receipts for tomorrow ! Wheat ,
m ears ! corn , 78 } curs ; oats , 'Ml cars ; luvs ,
Zl'.ODO hcid. :
Tuc loading futures ranged as follows :
mini. i.ow. CI.OSK.
.tune i 78K ; t TOW
July 78 > 4 78K&7U
CJUN No. 2
Ecpt 48H
OATH No. 2-
July 32M
Sept BOM 3l ) ! i
IITFK 1'OllK- "
"in so 11 m 10 BO 11 17li (
Kcpt 11 ( K ) 11 w 11 00 11 37H
July 670 C85 C70 f , 66
topt G85 700 U&5 7 UO
[ IIOUT lliiis-
July CM 7 22 0 05
tJept 7 23 7 821 7 25 7 2'K
Cash quotations were us follows :
I < 'i.nnn-Steady and nnchnncod ; winter nat-
rntl.2Cl.4J ; winter straits. ; 3.7i ) 4.0u : spring
Datcntt , tl.KC'U.M ; snrlnn' btrails , Ji.UJai.4U ;
bakers' . $ : i.uoi.7\ :
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 70iu ! ; No. 3 sprln ? ,
tic : No. 8 roil. fOMSHIc.
OATS No. 2 , 'JMiOtuXai No. 2 white , 34)s ) ®
ll'ju ; No. 3 white , lu.UIMIi- .
HVK No. 2.7U15C.
IlillLKT No. 2 , COc ; No. 3 , 4203'Jc : No. 4 , 38 ©
FLAX Scnn No. 1. l.04.
TIMOTIIV Fcnn I'rlmc. $1.27(31.r3. ( !
1'oitK Mess , per lbl. . JlU.VRH.mS : lardper
KO Its. Jli.635JD.87K ! short rlls ; sides ( loose ) ,
t7 22JS < Q)7.2.'ii ) dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , 13.75
( ii'.OU ' : short clear sides ( boxed ) , $7.127.175. ! !
WIIISKV Distiller ' finished ioods ; , per Ral. ,
HUOAIIS Unchanzcii sent loaf.4 ? ® 3J > c ; gran
ulated. 4Ue ; standard "A , " 4Sc.
Hucclpts and shipments today were us fol
lows :
Now York Markets.
NEW YnitK. Juno27 , FLOUII Receipts. 2n,00
[ lifts. ; exports , 2,5111 IJIi'.H , 23,122 sucks ; dull ,
Iieavy ; sales. 21.830 bbls.
COUN MEAL Firm , quiet ; yellow western ,
I2.WS3.1'J. ( '
WIIKAT Receipts. 70,271 ' ) u. ; exports. 5VIB
Ijii. ; sales. 1)7UUOi ( ) bu. of futures ; 1SI.COD bu. of
upot. Spot moderately ucllvo : No. 2 red , S'JJJo '
In stare und elevator : Iiimao2 ? o nllout ; ( u ®
UHiC f. o , Ix : No. 3 red , HKlitijliyc : ungruncd
red , 73H < Tl.'JiUc ; No. 1 nurthoru. 87 ; ! 2i&Hjo ! : No.
Ing tlio anil-option bill rind "
the chief Inllucnces working upon the
market. Karly In Uiu day western points
had It that the committee wcu'.d report it us
unconstitutional , by which I'll advance of isfe
fiu occurred ; afterwards it was stated that
the committee would report on Thursday and
prices declined ! B < ? BC. closing steadier , un
changed to He nu ; No. 2 rod , June.bUc , closing
November , t8i(3h8',5c ; ( , closing at MOJO : Decem-
bnr. 8 Ji lMVc. closing utfcio ! ) ; Muy (1893) ( ) , 1US
BUlUc , closing at UlTic ?
RYE Klrm. ijulot ; western. 63aS9o.
Stocks of i ruin , .store and nlloat , Juno2 :
Wheat , 1,8S'J,380 bu. ; corn , 278,555 bu. ; oats. a2i- )
K)7 ) bu. : rye , 37,3C4 Lu. ; barley , 6UUI1 bu , ; malt ,
24,143 bu.
llAitiiv : MAI.T Duil ; Cunadlnn , OSo.
CottN Receipts , 31.45J bu. ; exports , 185.000
bu. ; sales. 70J. 01 hu. futures. Spot quiet. Ir-
rcgulur ; No. 2. 5 ! ) > tW.V.4o ) ? tn uleviitor , 5'JJiGU'o
nllo it ; ungrudcd mlxiiil , f > UJt < 3i0io. ! Opt ons
udvnncod ? 4 < ! fii ! o on fuvor.iblu wu'ithcr and
ptx > r grading , closing dull ; June , 57Jc } , July.
Ittii'O&O'ic. closing , 6Uc ! ; Annual , A5 > jo. closing ,
55Uc : roptembcr , 53U(254o. ( oloslng , Blc ;
October , 5i34 c , uloslmr. 64'Je.
OATS Iti-colptH , 157,150 bu. ; sales. 150,000
hu , of futurca 157,000 bu. of bpot. Oats
firmer , falr.y active. Options quiet , llrmur ;
July , 37Hii4'c. closing , 37'/to : August , 3Ji ( | , < ifl
2U3io ; closing nt ao ic ; September. ; i5i ? 3'Jc ;
closing , : :5 : ? c ; wpot No. 2 , white , IJHWI- ;
mixed western , 373-e ! ) ! ; white wobtiiru.
) : ® i7c ; No. 2 , Ohlcuco , 3Jtc.
HAV Quiet , kteudy ,
lloi'8-Moauy. qnlot ; state , common to
clioUo. lti-16'.Uc : Pacllle const , lli23c.
MjOAH-Raw , qnlet , llrm ; fair refining , 2
13-IUo ; ccntrlfucals , M test , 35-U2tt33-lf c :
( aleH , 4UK ) IIIICB ; niuliiHsus augur , bl ) test 2
B-IC.c ; rollned , fairly uctlveand llrm.
MOC.ABKKS Now Orleans , hlonUy , dull ; com-
ii.on to fnncy , 2.V34l3o.
HiCK-Steady : good demand.
Pi-itoi.iuM-Sloady : : , quiet ; United closed at
Ulo for July.
COTTONHKItl ) Oil , Dull ; Crilllc , 200 ,
TAU.OW-Steady , dull.
ROSIN' Steady , ( | iilet.
' 1 lHifiNTlNK--Qiict : ! ut ilCOnic.
I'.iios-Qnlot , llrm ; with moderate offerings ;
others weak ; western pour to prime , 14OI3 o ;
rcculpu , MM I pkgh.
lliiiKS-sioiiny but quiet ; wet salted Now
Orleim- ' , selected , 45 to 75 Ibs , CSc ; Toxus
delect , fti to ( O Ibs , WiSc.
POIIK Illsthvr ; old mess , 110.75 ! extra prime ,
CUT MlUTs-Kirm : plcklrrt bellies , 7 ot
pickled khouldeis , WJQSc ; pluklod liums , iiffo
ll > io : middles , : bhortulear , $7,70ffl7,75.
LAIIII Higher , muili-raloly nctlvo : western
stuum cluked nt (7.10 ; su . 713 tierces at jr.gTift
7 , i ; option sales , l.n ) tlotccs.
HurrKK-l'Irmor ; fulr demand : wcsdirn
iltilry , ICctuutern ; croimory , l(5Jj2Iei ( western
tai'tory. Wl Aiii'l K gn , 2ie.
' " 'f-sK-l'irmi fulrly uctlvu ; part sUlma ,
'P.O iiiOM-Qulut : American , H.75O10,23.
eoi'i'i.iulot > ; lake , * II.7. II.N ) .
LKAII Dull ; domcxilc , Il.l5ici.iu.
TJN-ModiT.ilolumund | straits , tJ1.2itti.30.
Oiutlia rriHliii-o .Murlict.
Rciulpts liberal ; general market. 12c.
Kii-Pncklug vtocK , If good , lltilJo ;
iinuli lots of extra choice Mock to letull trade
Poui.Titv-Old fowls , weak ntCO'o per lu. ,
llvo wnUhi : HprliiKi' , I2..VM ; 73 per dot.
HIUKS , I'.TC.-NO. | groi-ii hides , Uu ; No. t
t'li'Cli united h lie * . IDtfc ; No. 2 green silted
lildux. 2 0 : No. i green saltcti hljf . 2t to 4U
UK.i : ici No.2grct > iisnitcil hide * . 23 to40 llu. .
iUc ; No. I vi'in cult. 8 to n ibn . ici No. " viul
nlf. B to I.Mbs. . 4p ; No. I dry Hint hides. 7o ;
No. 2 dry II ; No. 1 dry suited hides ,
Xil'o. blitep PellH-Urocu halted , euoli. 3U.'ie
rl.15 ; prc'en siltfil them Ings ( abort woolvd
[ urly nklnal each , 15(0230 ( : dry bheurllnga
Itliort wooiod eurly akins ) Xu. I , ouch. W&.Uo ;
dry Hhourilnvaibhort woolcd uurly oklinlNo. 2 ,
vni > h,5o ! dry II nt KuiibuiundNebruakubutch-
i < r wool | , oltH , per II1. , lu'tuul weight , lOQitiio :
dry flint KuiiHia und nubruaku miirr.ilu wool
iiullH. per pound , nctiuil uulk'ht , Mbl'iai dry
Illnl Colorado butcher wool polls , pur uuunu ,
nctunt wouht , 10O12'c : drv flint Colorado
murrain wool polls , per pound , actual weight ,
MSlOe ; dry pieces nnd tucks , actual weight.
7 Mc. Tallow nnd Orease Tallow. No. 1 , 3VW
4c : tallow. No , 2. Nl > lc ; grease , wliltn A , 3 > e |
grease , -white I ) , . > ' < ct grcnin. yellow. ; : o :
grcnso. dark , 2Uc ; o'd butter , 2 > { o ; beeswax ,
prime , 1G325C ! rough tallow. l'ig.2c.
St. IjonlH MnrkctH.
BT. Lnuid , Mo. , Juno 17 , FLOUR Dull
and unchanged.
WIIKAT Speculation almost entirely local ,
nut the market was firm and closed MG > ! io
nbovo Saturday ; July closed ut 77ic ? ; August ,
7flSo ; December , 8'JSc. . .
COIIN Kalrlv nctlvo Mid higher , but July
weakened nnd closed the same us duturdny ,
while opt tnle ) flnlshcd s o higher ; eush ,
4iJ4'o : : Julv closed at 445icj SoptomUor , 44o. !
OATS Unchanged at 'IJMol options "io
lilzhcr ; July , 3JUe ; August , 28Ho : Septem
ber , 27c.
Rvn-Dull at 771c bid.
RAttt.KV No nmrkct.
RIIAN Quiet ; 0031IC , enst track and near by
country polnU.
llAV-lulli timotliy , 8ll.00l. " > .00.
I.KAn-rirmt hold higher at UOi uskcd.
. , .
IIUTTKii-Sto.idy ; creamery , 143:8oi : d lrv.
Knd Qu'ct : 11c for guaranteed.
coit ntKA/ Quiet at t2.iy : ( ! .IO.
WIIISKV--SIO idy nt $1.10.
IiAoniNd Quiet ; oilftSc.
luos COTTON TIKR ? l.l31.2i. (
PiiovmtiiNtt Stronv and generally higher.
l'oiK-In ( lob lot , $11.50.
LAUD W. Mil < \.M. \
Uitv SALT MKATS Lee o shoulders $ M.I :
longs und rlbi , ? r.37i ! ; shorlo , $ T.OJi ! ! boxed
lots , 15c moie ; bacon , shoulders , $ vn2i ! ; lonzs
nnd ribs WOO ; shorts , J8.l2t ! < 38.23 ; sugar
cured 1m IMS , ! l I. OOfflll. . ' . ' ' .
RECmiTS-Klour , 4Ki ( ) Ibs : wheat , 07,033 bu.t
corn , 10.J.ouobu. ; oats , 54.0JJ bu.t rye and bar-
Si'iii-MENTa I'lour.C.030lls. ; wnoatOODbii ( , t
corn. OJ.UOO bu. ; oats , 1G.OJO bu.xryoaud ; burley -
loy , none , _
AVIiout Stock In the North.
MINNEAPOLIS , M un , , Juno 27. The total
stock In Minneapolis und Unluth of wheat Is
12,747.251 hu. . nil liHTCiiso of 1J5.031 oil. The
Market Record estln-atoa thu stock In coun
try olovutors In Minnesota and the Dukotns
at 2.747.8JO bu. , u decrease of 2.0,500 bu Thu
aggregate stock of the northwest Is thus made
15,401,000 , bu. , u deoroaso for the week of II20.UJO
bu. A year ago the stock wns llsrOJO ; bu.
VNIhlo Supply ( it ( iriiln.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 27. Tlio visible supply of
grain an Saturday , Juno 25 , us compiled by
the Now Voile Produce oxclmnzo was us fol
lows ! Wheat , < . > 4r > G3.0U ) bu. , decrease , 1,441-
WJbu. ; corn , 0.21J.UOO bu. , Incrcn-c , ( UT.OU ) bu. ;
jats. 4,1IWO ( bu. , Increase , 100.WOJ bu. : rvo ,
a'7i 0. ) bu. . decrease , 50uOO bu. ; barley , IUI.OJO
on. , decrease , . * iOOOU bu.
t'oll'i'i ! .MiirKot.
NEW Vonic , JttnuST , Options opened steady ,
unchanged to 5 points up , nnd closed steady ut
r.faill . points up. Stiles. 10,00. ) bugs. Including
June , . $11 OVar..OO ; July , $1173ll.8J ; August ,
$ I1.7C.Q1I,80 . ; ScDtember , S11.7ll.8r ) ; October ,
III.M ) : Drcombur. tll.75 ; Jniiuary. 8I1.60 : Sep
tember. $11.8J. Spot Rio , ( lull. * 12.021i(3l2.02V. (
1 , 101 pool * il'irkut .
LIVERPOOL. Juno 27. WHEAT Quiet : hold
ers oiler moderately ; No. 1 California , 7s nor
cental ; icd western spring , 0$7',4dlisod ; No.
2 red , winter , IrtSUGDa Slid.
DCoiiN Klrm but quiet ; mixed western , 4s 10(1
Lattu Prime western , 34s 0(1 per cwt
Mllnuukco "llnrlintH.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , Juno 27. WHEAT Firm ;
September , 70'ac ; No. 2 spring , 7o77c.
OollN Quiet ; No. 3. 47e.
OATS Firmer ; No. 2 white , 33a3" > ! ic ; No. 3
white , 3l34Se. !
RAltLEV-FIrm ; No. 2 , a- S-Jc.
Kvis-FIrm ; No. 1. 7678K o.
Now Y'ork Dry < < 001(5 ( Market.
NEW YoitK , Juno 27. The week opened with
quiet tendencies. Jobbers tire now and
through this week taking stocl ; und they will
bo In the market tor very few goods during
the next week , There was no now develop
Cotton Market.
NEW OKLCANS , La. . Juno 27. Steady : mid
dling , 78c ! : low middling , G 11-1'Jc : good ordi
nary. 03-lUc. Net tocelpts , 7lHi bales ; gross , 812
bales ; exports to France , 0a > l bales ; to the
continent , 335 bales ; coubtwlsc , 343 bales ; stock ,
112,480 bales. _
Trader * ' Tulk.
CHICAGO , III. , Juno 27. K. O. Logan & Co. .
to Duncan , llo'.llnsor & Co. : The business
doing on wheat has been light today und the
bulk of it July opened nt 78ic. sold us
high as 787ic. closed at 787 © 79fl. September
Golls ut about ! discount. Some reports
come from Now York that the Hutch bill Is
considered unconstitutional , but this lacks
confirmation from Washington , This
bill , with the favorable reports
of our growing crops , has restricted
all speculative purchases. Karly sales were
steady but Inter prices were quoted higher.
Foreign ndvlcos regarding crops in Franco.
Englund and Russia are not favorable for
largo crops , There may not bo much to ud vise
buying on , beyond the low price und the ex- ,
traordlnary low rates of transportation. Wo
cannot recommend selling It. Corn opened
very active and stron ; : , but the activity was
very shortlived. September opened ut 48'ic ,
sold to 48 o und closed ut 4SH to 48Ko. July
brought u pronlum of ? Ic to2c ; It closed at
53Hc. AH the accounts wo got of grow
ing crops are In favor of bettor prices.
Oits steady with narrow fluctuations , July
closed 32jc. September 3Uae. Hog products
were strong. September pork closed ut 111.37 ;
lard. J7.CO ; libs , J7.27 , With the ptospects of a
small corn crop wo will have higher prices.
Meantime wo have a good advance , and 10-
uctlons on realizing protlts must be looked for.
CHICAGO , 111. . Juno - 7. Konnott. Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. MuWhorler : Cloudy sklessug-
gestlvo of wet harvest fields nnd un unex
pected decrease in the Vjslblo supply hold
wheat Ilrruly all day with a light trade. The
news Is u reuetltlon/f ) th'it ' of the past week ,
favorable crop news hero nnd abroad. 1 louvy
foreign markets , moderate exports , but In
creasing Inquiries are reported. The markets
hold up surprisingly well under the cir
cumstance , possibly dun to n belief
that prices ar * * low enough oven
if another big crop Is assured.
The strength in corn has aurpilsed the trade
as rains could hnvo done little harm nnd esti
mates uro overrun. The trade Isgottln * out
of July Into September , Tim latter month has
been unuaniilly strong. Oata were llrm lu
sympathy. Provisions were strong and ac
tive , the lilgh price of lioxs having encouraged
local bulls to iidvnnco prices. Armour und
Ouduhy are said to bo enlisted on the long
CHICAGO. HI. , Juno 27. Counsolman & D.iv
toCockrollRros. : All markets started slow ,
but hardened perceptibly as the session ad
vanced , with mineral buyln ; for country ac
count * Thera was nothing In the news of a
character to Inlluenco speculation much
either way , but nn eurly rumor that the ju-
dlclury comiulttco of thu Honnto were ex
pected to declare the Hutch bill unconatltu-
tloniil , und this o'oscd oats ' -ic , wheat ! io and
corn ? io higher for the Uny. The prin
cipal Interest centered In corn , the
leading fouturo of which was free- selling on
hard spots by the lute bull combine. Shorts
In provisions were stampeded by a well 111:111- :
uged advance , during which tuo longs r on II/.oil
f rcuiy on a scale upward. The advances os-
tublUhed wero33u in pork. 13u In lard and 20o
In ribs. The market uppunrs to us us being
worked for a spot where the locul bull crowd
can unload their holdings upon shorti und the
outsldo public ,
I.oiidiin l''liiiiiicliil Itovlotv.
LONDON , Juno 27. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB 1IKK.1 Now buslncm IIUH been
almost , nt u standstill In the Stock exchange
nnd but llttlo has bc'cn done In connection
with outstanding accounts In preparation for
thu settlement tomorrow. Consols mo 1-1(1 ( to
! i per cunt easier. Foreign government soonrl-
tlus closed Hut und foitnroesi ; with a fall of
Jii per cent In Spunlsh on so no. heavy
selling orders from Purls i : d llorlln. Ar en-
t no Issues huvo been rather freely offered ,
resulting In u decline of from U to 1 percent
In government cedillas bonds. A moderate
reduction Is marked In Etyptluna mid Uruok
und most Turkish Issues. Venezuela give
way 'M pur cent. Italian Is ex
ceptionally bi'ttor. Homo rails have been
moro or less ( lull from opening to close on the
probability of reduced dividends. Thu Htoolc
is expected to bu In belter supply tomoriqw.
Northern leaves off at IJi per cent
lower. being moro especially olTeuted
by rejection of thu Hull dock
bill , nruul Eastern und Midland urn H per
cent down and inokt othera tuo ! j to 3 ; per
cent loner. American railways have been
strong. The HsaoclutoJ. bunks' statement
wua better than expected. Crop reports
continue most encouraging , so that
thu 1-jru aru cottlng Ililgety. Money
is little wuntoJ , with no diminution In thu
supply of Moulin ? capital. Short lonna * ere
oliiulned at ) i per cent. In the discount mar
ket blila have btou scurou ; those ut two uud
three months uroquoted ut * percent.
Ifailing Securities 1'itllod to Develop Any
Feature * tif Note.
New YOIIK. Juno 27. With nothing outsldo
to stimulate , animation was dependent on the
professionals , uud the atouk market remained
dull and tumu today , thouuh It presented a
trim front. Doiolto Homo London Boiling und
further exports of gold , thu Irudliu , epo-
clally among the leuillni ; atocka , fiilloa to de
velop any feuturo of note and tlio grout lack
of Interest In tlio uouruo of prlcoa was. If any
thing. InteiuiUoil today. London wus
credited wltli tolling aomo of Ua
favorites , but u moro bullish feol-
Iniv on tbo srunicers wus reported
fromCfrtri Muid * omo biiylnc of the gran-
K r , which \j-Swjuttrlbulod to thut center.
buUlcea totlve tliuWlu Urui temper , uulcd
by tlio purolmi i of lltirlliuton anil AtchUon
tiy Iloiton IKMUCS. Tlio only movements of
Importance , however , wore In tlio spec I.ill let
niul n Inr.-o fractional eiiln tn No IT England
wus followed by n solllne movement , wliluli
xrlpnd out tlio advance with so mo Increase In
Theru wuf. some soiling of the RrnnRers Into
In tlio day on unfavorable rumors In reir.urd
to corn , but tlio cloto wns dull anil stonily to
flrra , generally ut about the onnnlnx figures.
Tlio trading ruaclicd only 119,317 slmrcs listed
nnd lO.KH unlisted.
The following are the closing nuotntluns
for the loading stocks on the Now York Stock
oxclmnjro toduv :
The total sale ? of stocks today were 129.291
Blinros. Incliiilliis Atclilson.8G.lUi ; Chicago , Gas
0.8)0 ) ; Hociclni ; Valley , 4,700 : l.oulsvlllo & Nash-
vlllo , 4lJl ( ; Northurn 1'acldo prcforred , 11,800 ;
Now Knalaiul , o.Tii ( : Koadlng , 11,500 ; St. I'nul ,
10,130 ; Union L'uoKIc , 4,2.0.
Niv York Money -M.irkct.
NRW Youit. Juno2r.--MoNiv ON OAt.t , Easy
nt U2 | ior cent ; lust loan , 2 oor oont ; closed
at 2 per cent.
I'IIIMI : MiuinANTii.E I'APEH IitW per cent.
STKULINO KXCIIANOI : ( julul hut steady nt
81.87 for sixty-day bills , and $ l.b3'i for demand.
The closln { cniotiitlons on oonns :
Denver Allnlnp ; Stocks.
DENVEH , Colo. , Juno 27. The following table
shows the range of prices and transactions for
yesterday. Sales , 23)00 ) shares.
Sun i'riiirlsc : ( ) Mining < jii ( > tut1oim.
HAN FnASCisco , , Juno 27. The
closing ( { notations for minim ; btouks today
were as follows :
Alts 15 Mono 25
lUilwer 45 Mount Diablo 121)
IlestA Ilelcher 155 Nnvnjo &
Ilodlc Consolidated. 10 Opblr 150
Chollnr 15 Potosl 60
Con. Cal. A Va 820 Savage 140
Crown Point 75 Sierra Nevada CO
Eureka Con 200 Union Con 70
Gould A Curry 6'J Utah 15
Halo A Norcross. . . 135 Vellotv Jacket 80
Mexican 125
Xew York Mining Quotations.
NEwYoitK. Juno 27. The following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
Aspen 100 Mexican 120
II.AII 150 Ophlr. . . . , 150
Con. Cal. A Va 325 BavnKO 135
Italo A Norcrots. . . . 120 Standard 150
llomostake I3 ! Dcadwood 215
Horn Silver ! WO Burokn Con 160
rinnnclul > otcs.
OMAHA , Juno 27. Clearings , J1.077.8J4.
NiwYoiiK , Juno 27. Oloarlngs , $7a,069,10l ;
balances , 50,311.Hi" ) .
1'Auis , Juno 27. Thrao per cent rentes , OSf
6'So ! for the account.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 27. Kivo hundred thousand
gold was ordered today for export.
IIAI.TIMOUK , Md , Juno 27. Cluurlnxs , 8I.80J-
ECS ; balances , f 131,071. Rate 0 per cent.
l'iiiiAiitiMHA : , 1'a. . Juno 27. Olourlngs ,
Jfl,82JC08 ; balances , SI,712-"J5. Money 2ii per
MEMPHIS. Tonn. , Juno 27. Now Yorlc ex
change soiling at $1.50. Oloarlngs , ftWI,2.7 ! !
balances. JlS.r ) > 7.
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 2" . Money , r ® 5 per
cent ; Now York exchange par und 25c pre
mium. Clearings , Si,557 , : ) . " > l ) .
Now Orleans , La. , Juno 127. Clearings $902-
2IC ; Now York exchange , commorclul , 50c ;
bank , 81..10 per $1,030 premium.
ST , Louis , Mo. . Juno 27 , Cenrln-'S ! , Kl,769,710 :
balances , $383.'I3'J. Monoy. quint , 4@(1 ( per oont.
Exchange on Now York , 7" > u promluui ,
HOSTON. Mass. , Juno27. Glc.irlngs , $15,201.-
0:18 : : bal'tuces , JUO-'iLlOJ. Money , 2 per cent ,
Exchange on New York , 10 to 15o discount.
HKIIMN. Juno 27.--Tho touo on the bourse
today wus weak , especially for roubles , which
fell 1 mark , 2. > tf pfenning. This wus duo to
the reported advance of cholera from Asia.
CniCAQO , III. , Juno 27. Clearings , 814.230,000.
Money easy nt 45 per oont. New York ex
change ( Inner Cat ROSBOo premium , Foreign
ovchuiige dull utI.M7 for sixty cluy bills uud
11.83'i for Bight.
Week Opens \Vlth 1'ulr Itrcolpts , Stondy
1'rlcoH mill Actlvo Ueiiiund ,
OMAHA , Juno ST. The week starts out with
a vcrv fair run of ntook. There were S5 cars
of cattle reported In and these Included sev
eral loads of Texas cattle boiiKht by Cuduhy
ut Kansas Ulty und continued to him direct.
The native cuttle were only fulr us to duality ,
but with un active Inquiry both from local
houses and shipping und export buyers the
market wus uetivo und llrm on nil dry lot cat
tle , fulr to very good 1,200 to 1,500-lb. ulcers
going ut fiom .full to $ ! . ; ) ) . fair to good light
und medium weight steers woUhliii ; from IJill (
to 1 , -J Ibs. Hold ut from fil.uj to Sl.oo.
There wn.s no Improvement notlceublo
In prices realized for tuo general run
of rough , half fat and ( noon grades. They
wore overlooked by buyorn und Hellcrn found
It tough Hleddlng tn dispose of them ut atoaay
prices. Thu general Irudo wanciulto brisk und
a comparatively ourlr clnurnncu wus olTcutud.
llutchors' Htook and cannon sold pretty
much iih on Saturday. There were only two
or throe loud * of cows hero. Poor to very
good stock gold ut from f 1.75 to $ .1,05 , lurgoly
ut from W.10 to JU.OU. Hulls und Blags were In
only molorulo tmpply. Indltleront demand
und rather lower ut from J2.00 lo f& ( ! * . Calves
were about Btnudy , fulr tn tolerably good
Btulf Helling ut from Uuu to iM.OU.
htocki'is nnd feeders woio slow sole at
shaded prices. Very few went to the country
mid regular doaleis bought the few hero ut
decidedly lower prices. Hales were largely ut
from t..BJ to SJ.3II. Keprusuntatlve Bales :
imEssnu IIBUK.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 , KiO M ( X ) U.I..10JI fJ 8. " ) U..111U $3IK )
1. . Oi5 315 1H..II8U. U IH ) 23..1IC8 409
23.ll4i : 345 21.1145 a DO 30.ll 400
M..1040 3 iJ U..122U 3 IK ) 48..1310 415
1U3.1117 U 80
20 .IISI .ICO 15.,1147 380 43..I283 405
71,1070 3 C5 40..1211 3 IN 17..141)5 ) 425
iw.jO'.Hi 3 IB : ii.ivii ; ; 400 io..iai2 43u
3S.,1IU'J a 70 M..1355 4 bO
1. . 050 175 7. . 013 220 2,1055 205
Which nature la constantly Riving In the ehapo
of bolla , | ilmplca , eruptions , ulcers , etc. Thcao
show that the blood U contaminated , and BOIIIO
nsglntancn mutt lie Klvcn to rellmo the trouble ,
- la the remedy to force out tUeso pot-
suna , and enabla J on to
" I have had for years a humor In my Mood ,
which mailo me dread to nlia > e , ns email bolls or
pimples would bo cut , thus causing tlio ghavlng to
Lo a prreat annoyance. After taking three bottles
" my face li all clear and smooth as it , sleep
a foot
oil from the usa o ; H , H. H.
CHAS , H EATON , 73 Laurel jt.Phlb.
Treatise on blood and skin illwabcs mailed f reo
BWU'T El'LClflC COu Atlanta , a a.
1 . 023 1 fS 19. . CM .TOO
8. . 1 00 i. line 300
11 . 770 2 10 a , icio 3CJ
3 . OW 2 10 57. . Oil 305
8. . Ml 2 10
1. , 300 1 65
0. . 131 300 1 , . 10J 400 2 , . 173 400
4. . 17s 3 50
1. . 010 200 Sfi'.liM 200 1. 1570 2W ( )
2. . U85 200 'J.lKlO , 1 10 2. . 1740 263
"i > sr.tos.
1..1HW 250
1. , 710 2 SO 21.1 fiSt 30) 3. . S fl 3 IS
2. . ASS 275 14 1 , MO 310 10..1KH 330
5. . 862 283 7 , . ' D.W 310
vrrqpiNp CATri.n.
No. Av. I'r. > i No. Av. I'r.
I steer * . . .IKK ) saw 83 feodorf > , . HIM > ' - ' M >
4 COWS . 7S3 200 _ 2stcors .121)0 ) 323
trillings. ij
lions Itecelpts word fully up to cxpoctn-
lens , mi luireaso"over last Monday's run of
cany l.soo bond. The qunllty vms poor In
10 main on lUhtutu' ml.xod stuff and only
ulr on the lio.ivlcr izrado * . Shippers Bturtcil
n pnvliiit from 85.00 toJ5.U for hutohor tuiil
louvy hnzH or nbout stu-idy prices. Local
uvors were bearish nml bought common to
oed Unlit u nd mixed ho , ? ! nt from K.85 to
\IHI. urstoudy to 5s lower than Hiturday.
( ( illness was moderately notlvo and pructl-
ally everything was out of tlrst hikiiut by 10
'clock , tlio bulk lit on S.iturJuy at from $1.05
o\03. The ( 'choral uvoraRO of prices paid
as Jl.l)3 ) , against V .01 ? S.itur.lay and * 4.b7W
list Monday. Representative sales :
SllBBl'-Uecolpts consisted of n single-deck
of natives , mostly spring lambs. Thodosir-
ablolumbs sold readily at W.lilj , the poorer
animals ut $5.00. A few shorn ewes sold for
$5.00. Tlio demand for desirable muttons con
tinues notlvo nt unchanged prices. l''nlr to
good natives. 8I.50S3.03 : fulr to coed westerns ,
JI.UOft4M ( ; common nnd stock sheep. 13.50 ®
4.00 ; eood to choice 40 to 00-lb lam's , $1.00 ®
0.59. Uoprcsentutlvo sales :
No. Av. Tr
8 native owes , shorn 83 (500
67sprliu lambs 44 0 121/ }
7 spring lambs 27 6 00
Kccclpts unit Disposition of Htoclt.
Oinclalrooolpts and disposition of stocic as
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company tor the twenty-four hours ending ut
5 o'clock p. m. , Juno i" . 1892 :
I.nst Wcukfif I'urcliiisud.
ChlcaRO l.lvo Stock Market.
CIIICAQO , III. . Juno 27. [ Special Telegram to
THE HEE.I The hog market was In an un
settled stuto today , prices showing much un
easiness. There were suloa at about Satur
day's prices and In other Instances u rcduc-
lou 01 from 5c to lOo was apparent. The nv-
or.igo wns nbout 5o lower than for
that liny , the oloslng being xllglitlv- firmer
than the opcnlnz. From * .i.OJ to $5.33 was
the rnngo of values for common to choice
grades. There was a sale or two of extra at
15.40 and culls sold uny where below $4,75. The
receipts , though larger than expected , were
not too large for the demand , shlppore and
/ackors uoth buying freely. Hcoolpts,35.VOO.
Holders of sheep unloaded ut nbout steady
prices. The better qualities were firmly held
and those of low dogrco were we.ik but there
was not n. quotable variation In uny grudo.
From $2.73 to J3.23 for Inferior stuff price *
ranged UD to from JO 00 to $ (1.23 ( for extra.
There have been few recent sales at over $ .1.00 ,
Lho popular prices being S3.73 to $3,50. Lambs
were weaker at from t-1.5) to $7,01) ) . Itccelptb ,
The Evening.Journal reports : OATTLE Re
ceipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; market steady
to strong ; good to prime steers. J.351.55 ;
others. $3.00l.25 ; Texans , $2.303.40 ; cows ,
* 2.753.45.
Hoas-HecolDts , 35,000 ; shipments. 0.090 ;
inaruot closed steady ; mixed , W.0tna5.25 ; prime
lioavy and butchers weights , S5.30ftn.40 ; as
sorted light , t3.255.3) ; light. 5.055 10.
SHEEP Hecolpts , 0,01)0 ) ; shipments , 4,000 ;
market , mutton grade steadier , others lower ;
stockers , $ J.OOK3.5'J ; Texans , $ t.50 ; owes und
vrothurs , J1.5J2.U.M ; lambs , f5.70@9.70.
r.lncoln I.lvo Stock.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 27. [ Special to THE
REE. ] Receipts of hogs at West Lincoln were
light today. Market steady , the entire duy's
receipts selling ut $3.00
St. Louis I.lvo Stocic Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. . Juno 27. CATTLE Receipts ,
4.74J , nearly ull Texuns ; shipments , 1,540 ; nrir-
Itot active uni strong at lust Friday's ugurcs ;
"Healing , Wings"
$2.25 A MONTH ( HOAhIE )
Specific Oxygen
Produces Naturally
Free Trjal Inhalations.
Really Cures' , Outarrh , Bronchitis ,
Asthma , Hay j jcjvor. Consumption ,
Headache ( sicU'oi- nervous ) , Dyapopsiu ,
Nervous Proatrfttlon.
Call on or writ1) without notice ,
Suite 610 Shooltf JGUc. , cor. 15th and
Howard SlB.y OMAHA , N13D.
ltlU for rro colu f Council Chamber In Nuiv
pity Hall , Omulm , Null ,
Sealed bids for trotco painting the ildo walls
and colling of th < f council chamber. In thu now
city hall. In oil colors , the last coat to bo
waxed , will bo received at thli ofllco to 4 p. m ,
July 12th , Is'/- ' . Cost not to exceed tJ.OOO.oo.
Kncli bidder to furnish his own Hiieclllcatlomi
und designs , und to accompany his bid with a
certified ufcock for Jioo. The right Is reserved
' *
% . OLSI-N.
J34d4t Comptroller.
It.- rt meulULC tnfiwn for Ulloua-
'nc ' * , ci : ointlwllou. | dr | * p la , foul *
breath i , lii < ! iu--lie , liciurtluru ; , li' _ or
i ) | .Ulr , mcu
_ . . ,
an. nd er
JtSfinMToiVrtorni tKlrpfojjjrfjucUoaiL 1'en
' ' tooAraitnif u-eUaithu JLyUUloffOueii
ltl 'Ton to * <
i ea. Itll'AKB h"nii r."iiilr ClIKMfCAL " "bT"id llj 60.l I ITTOM Mru , 4 * " ! JrW. ibt..Ne , . ! r * j. York. J ?
f > ii . > c . > e * > * > fl * 5
! nlr to ( rood nntlro , tn.tCOi.S.ti Tojtnn steers ,
flfKX&iajt caiini-ro. fl.'JjWlTO.
lions Hocclpts. : i , : : > ) ! shlumontfi , 7".U ; mar-
KOI opened oislcr nnd closed titroncor : fair to
choice hravv , KVOJfi&VSM mixed , ordinary to
gooil. I. ? ( .VC ( ) ; liRMI. fair to best. ft.Poa.M.'O.
SIIBF.I' llccclpti. ! ! , ' . ' ? ' . mottly through Tnx-
nns ; > lilptr.cnt. , 1,174s market unchanged ; fulr
to good Texans , f kT.'iil.'j.
Now York I.Uo Stork .Mnrkct ,
NEW YOIIK. Juno27. HEKVES HccolpK B.039
icadi netivo , lOe per 100 Ib * . lilRlier : llvo
fteors , M.2X ! I.7Ai Tovnns. $ , l W-'I.W ) ; liulln nud
cows , f3. < 'OiiU'i ; drowsed beet steady ut O.U ®
0'-io per Ib.
OALVKS Uecclptsn.247 lionds t'ohlRlior.
BIIEKI * Hccfclnts , 1C.SI1 hondi market Tory
lull , IfMHc lower : sheep. y..2 : a.\2- > per 100 ! ! ) - < . :
a nibs , y\5 ® 3.i5i dressed mutton dull at UiO )
lo per lu ,
HOOB Itccolpts , 10,471 head , numlnnlly
Mrs. Li. U. Patton , UooKford , 111. , wrttoi !
'l-'roin personal oxporlonco I can recommend
Do Witt's Sarsnp.tritlo , a euro for hnpuro
blooa and Ronoral dauilltv , "
1'ouit KXcuitsioNs IAST.
Vlu the WubfOi IInc.
1st Cincinnati and roluru $10.10.
For the nutlonal prohibition con von *
Ion the Wubash will soil round trip
ickots at above rale on Juno 27 and 23.
2d Now Yo'U : and return $23.7o.
Loss than half fara
For the Younji People's Society of
Christian Eadoavoi1 convention the
Wabash will sell round trip tickets at
ibovo rates on Juno 4 , 6 and 0 with
choice of routes via St , Louis or Chicago.
3d Sjiratotra and return $30.65.
For the National Educational assocla-
, lbn the Wabash will soil round trip
tickets at ubove rate July 4 to 10 , with
choice of routes via St. Louis or
4th Detroit and return $20.50.
For the Baptist Younjr People's unloi
the Wabash will soil round trip tickets
at above rate July 12 and Ul
For tickets , sleeping car accommoda-
.lon . and a ( older giving lists of routes ,
sldo tripp , cost of sain3 , with other
'aluablo information , call at Wabash
ofllco , 1502 Farnam street , o ? write
N. W. P. and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Nob.
Corporal IlcliizclmunVnuto.l. .
Corporal Holnzulman of Fort Omahn ls a
lad cgt ; , If tbo reports rocolvod from the
onicors at the fort are to bo boliovcil , and the
police of this city have boon notlflad of sar-
oral shady transactions of his tor
which the authorities at the fort are
exceedingly anxious to sot their eyes
on Homzclman's countonnnco once moro.
Ele loft the fort on a tbreo mouths'
'urlouph , and came to this city , where hu
'oil in with a woman. His furlough Is up
and ho and the woman have loft , presumably
togothar , for parts unknown. Ho has a wlfti
at the fort , and It is also said that before
froinR on his vacation ho appropriated a lot
of Jowclry belonqln ? to another party. If ho
can bo recovered ho will have tnroo criminal
oharcos to answer to , which will be apt to
iivo him along term tn the p nltaatiaryl
Disease never successfully attacks a sys
tem with pure blood. DovVltt'a Saraaparllla
manes pure , nowbbDiaudoarluh 01 the old.
T.css than the Itcciilnr Itato One Way , Chicago
cage to Now York
ts the faro inado by the Pennsylvania
Short Lines for its throe first class ex
cursions by special trains , on fast sched
ule , to Now York and return , leaving
Chicago at 10:45 : a. m. July 6 , 0 and 7.
Tickets good to return for forty days , or
until August 15. Correspondence in
vited. Address Luce , 248 Clark street ,
Mnrrlugu I.ICCIHIM.
County Judge Ellor issued roarriapo
licenses to the following yesterday :
Name and address. Ago ,
j J. F. Fitnnnurlcc , Omnha " ( i
I Mamie E. llrody , Omuhu 21
I Oustof Bamuclson , Omahu 41 !
I Kinma Wcstgrecn , Omaha 31
I John Aman , jr. . Omaha -I
I Dora Holmes , Omuhu 18
DeWitt'8 Sarsaparcla cleanses the blood ,
Increases the nppatit and tonoi up ttia sys
torn. It has bonolittoa many pjoplo who
bavo suffered from blood disorders. It , will
help you.
Recovered sound health
for every consumptive who
hasn't delaywl too lonfj.
i There's a positive euro with
Dr. Piercers Golden Jlixlicnl
Discovery. Just ns it cures
the worst of tho- ninny
forms of scrofula , BO it
cures , and just as certain
ly , the scrofulous affection
of the lungs that's called
Consumption through tha
But , oven with this reme
dy , It won't do to wait. It
can't rnnUo now lungs , but
It can mnUo discoMxl ones healthy when
nothing else will. As a blood - cleanser ,
strength-restorer , and flesh-builder , there's
nothing lilto it known to medical science.
For Scrofula in all its Jorms , Bronchial
Throat , and Lung directions , Aveak Lungs ,
Asthma , Severe Coughs , and every discaso
that can bo reached through the blood , it's
the only remedy so unfailing that it can bo
If it doesn't benefit or cure , in every case ,
you have your money back.
On these terms , it's nn insult 1o your in
telligence to have something else offered as
being " Just as good. "
Union Stock Yards Company
eat cattle , hog nnd Hboop market In the west
Qn flMAIMI Wrlto to this housa for cor-
OU. UillAllAj root Market Kaports.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone 11Y7. - Chicago
J , U , DADIS.MAN. I . .
W. 15.VOU1 . fM nnifer .
Market reports by mull and wlro cheerfully
( uriiUhod upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , KastSt. Louis. Kansas Olty. South
Onmhii , sloux City , Fort Worth.
A. Crlll , W. V. Dennr. H. V. Tallin&Jiie.
Cblcago. HOB tiiiloiiunn. Ciiltlu salujuinn
Crill , Denny & Company ,
Live Stock Commission. IloomV7 Uxclianito UU'g ,
ttoutli Onmba ,
A. D. Boyer & Con piny ,
68 nnd 59 Kxehungo HulIdlnSouth Omuh-v.
Corro | ionilonco olleltuil and uroiuptly nn worjl.
bpuclnl uttuntlun to erileri lor Blocker *
Kitablliliuil , IM ) . - ' - - Incoriioratad , It } I
Capital fully paltl , fW.OJJ.
Waggoner Birney Company ,
Write or wlro Ml for prompt unJ rellnblo market
Perry Brothers & Company ,
Llvo Stock CommUalon.
Room 61 exchange Ilulldlnx , South Omaha
M. H. Hogarty & Oo , ,
Room 31 Kxouneo
South Omaha , - Neb
Union Stock Yard National
The onlj txtiik at tlio yardi. Cupltal anil ur.
plui , tVJO.UUO. Collection * iirowlnv out of tbo llvo
tockbiulnon lioulil bu lunl direct in ihli buulc.
blilppor < cun depoult ( or vroait of tUKlr houiu
Contractors ivnrt .nlicontrsetoM for Ml Vlml * . of
Imllitliu , iilmtnrlng. | iMntln otc will rcoelvo
cop/of ( llonn't ari-MtocH nail biulcrsillrcrlnra
free , by . ( mllna tliplr mine , titi.lno unit lee
tlon tn the pnblMirr. J. U. < l m. 113 S , IMIi S
ING COMPANY , Tontu , nwnlnii , ttirpnn-
FUga , hammock * , oil unit llni , cover * of oil Xlndi.
rubber clothing. Sciul HnE . l' nncr § . otcv 8cml
forctfgua. 1113 Fitrimui ler catftlogue.TOi 8. ICth
Sin ) , rannllU. mtton
Importers nndnirfs.flonr rope , lipmp , jute , cot
lack * , burUpt , twlno. ton t lnc , t rrcd rot *
ngf , cle. 3 S. Ulli-it.
M.O.DAXON iaceoi or toJ.J. Wllk-
. . , cnion. M'f'ii olRnr , pipe *
cles laid on monthlr packing boius. All novel
p ymenU. 120 N. Utti-at lies tn nox line.
tlU ) Douglas St.
1IOJ Hownr.l BtrcJl.
r ttorr corner llth tinil Uou l s .
Bro nikklnn aluio prices to eaiti biijorj. &na UK
Illuj olnsi of Rooili wnioh It Torr & ! -
Manufnolurcr's nk'ont. I can suiiilr | > oiiwlthcvcrj'-
thliiKtn tiliocs. iiion'H. nin n'A anil clilU1 > nt luvr-
e t f nctory iirlcei and illi > ciuni , l.ntost strli'J-
1(01 Fornntn Slreot. Huciu Ib.
OfBoa , B. 9th and I.caren-
worth Bis. . Omaba.
John klarborcr. Agt.
Cnrrtnuc tiulldors. lloso
and -imtrol wacona n
( pcclalty.
16th , upp Court Ilouso.
CIotblnK. notlon.furnUli' ,
Ings. Cllvo ui o Irlnl- Manufra and wbolcinle
Bamplcs prepaid by ex clothtora. 1108 llaruor
press. 11U llrtrncr. troet.
LIME CO. , Mfrs. Rnlrnnlicd Iron
. D. cornice , window caps ,
nard and aoft coal. 8 .
ocr. 15tb ud Douglas- metallo akyltKhts , etc.
U. 1110 , 1113 UoJue-nL
Contrnetors and onb contractor * for nil klndi of
bulldlnv. plattterlnt ; . painting etc. . will rccelro a
ropy of ( llunn's architects and builders directory
free , by rending tln'lr nninihimlnexs nnd loca
tion , to the publisher. J. H. ( jlenn. 113 S. litli
Upholstered furniture
KWMWtJ Nicholas tt Grace and Thirteenth
\YtiolcsiiIo onljr. itrooti.
An ordlunnco changing the crndo of 24th
street fiom 200 foot north of llrowuo stient
to the north curb line of Ames
nvonuo anil Intersecting streets , In
the city of Omahn , and repealing
so much of ( irado Ordinnucn No
223 nndclinniteof gr.ide ordlnnnco No. 141 ,
nud so much of ml ordinances In conlllct
herewith :
lie It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Section 1. 'IVhoroas. It has been declared
necessary to change the grade of 24th
strent from 200 feet north of to
the north curb line of Ames avenue and oor-
tnln parts of the Intcrioutlng streets hoic-
Inaf tor specified :
And wheioax , three disinterested freehold
ers have been appointed liy the iiinvorund
conllrmod by the city council to apprulso the
dainngos urlslng by reason of the su.d change
of grailo ; nnd
Wnoioas , said appraisers after duly quali
fying uccordinsz tn law and UMimlnliu the
property effected , huvo rnado their report nnd
the city council has approved the same.
Therefore , the grade of nulil parts of 24th
street and Interacting .streets , Is hereby
changed and established so thut the eleva
tions shall bo as follows , the grade between
the points cited being uniform straght lines :
Novation Klovntlon
of West of Kast
Curb. Curb.
Grade of 24th street
Point 200 fuot north of
llrowuo D street . Kstubltshcil grade
North curb line of 11rownoht.8U.2 80.2
youth cuibllnoof lliownu si.0.1 ( 6 J.I
North curl ) line of darutogu
street . 70.5 70.5
South curb line of Saratoga
street . 70.5 70.5
Point at V. II A : M. Valley ,
Hallway , us established. . . .89.31 80.3
Point In center of nlloy 30 ! ) ft
north of Ames avenue . . .70.5 7C.O
North curb line of Ames uvo. .
as established . . . . 7H.O 70.0
Section 2. Urudo of Tomplcton street
Kluvutlon Elevation
of .South of North
Curl ) . Curb.
North curb line of 24th Bt .7H.I2 78.23
Point 200 feet west of lilth st. Established grade
Hoctlon IL So niiieh of Hrailo Ordlnanco No.
22:1 : and Change of Urado Oidlnunco No.l4l.nml
so much of all other ordinances delhilng the
grades of the above conlllcts with
the provisions of this ordinance , Is hereby ro-
pualud. . .
Section 4. This ordinance shall tfi'.io effect
and bo In force from nnU after Its
City Olork.
I'reildonl of the Oouuoll.
An ordlnunco ostabllHhlng the grndu of Martha
htrcot from 21st Btreot , to 24th street. In the
' '
Ho iVo'rdulneu'by the city council of the elty
Heeti'dni1 ! ' The grudo of Martha street f roia
21st htrJut to 21th street. In the e ty of Oma
ha , iVhereby cstuullshi'il at the follo'vlng nip-
viilons. the grade bulng uniform straight
lltuw between the points Hpeolilo. } In the
HtreotB , uvenuon or iillujs named In the re
spective suctions following , to- wit :
Beotlon 2. Orudu of Murthu Btruot
Kluvatlon Klovntlon
of South of North
Curb. Curb.
Hast curb of SUli street , ns
estanlUhod . I8S.5S l&7.r'l
Polnt3J4 feet ejstof 21th bt.lCI.OO 1UI.OO
West curl ) of 21st ct. , us
estubllbhcd . 137.50 131.51
Section ! i. Tills ordinance shall take direct
and be In force from und utter its passage ,
! Juno SlHt.lwt
01 ty Clerk ,
n P. DAVIb.
President City Council.
, *
_ Muyor.
An ordinance cstubllsnlnx the irrudo of Knd
struct from Nicholas mreel to Paul btiuet.ln
theclty of Omuliii : , , . . . .
Ilultordulnou uy the city council of the city
Huotloni ? ' The crude of ZVnd st root , from
Nicholas strool to Paul trcot. In thu city of
Omuhu , Is hereby oitluhllchod ut thu follow
ing oluvutlons. thu grido being mil form
UrulflH lliiui butwcuu the poluU iipeclUvd , In
D. M. STEEIE * . 00 , , BIAKEBRUBEA.BO. , ,
1SOMX Jeai > trt , 10th m llr U ,
Umab * .
CO. , Dealers' tmrdwara nj
Corner I0lh nd Jtikion moolmnlcs' tools.
1(01 Douglas Htr t.
llnlldern' Harilwnro unit
I'ontractorV Supplloi
& } 4outti liltli strojtl ,
M.A. H. HARDY & 00.
Toj , dolls , albumf ,
UanufMturors of snih fnney KOoila , house far * !
doori , blinds and IsQIng goods. ohlU
mouldings , llranoh of- ilrcn't carriages. Ul > ,
fioa , UUi and Isud St * . Farndm Slroot.
the streets , avenues or alleys named In the
respective boelluns following , to-wll :
Section 2. Urudo of 22nd sticet
Klovntl-in Elevation
of Wust of ICast
Curb Curb
Soutli curl ) of Paul St. . us
established 04.00 BI.OO
North curb of Nicholas at. .
nscstaullbhPd 0100 (0.00
South curl ) of Nicholas St. ,
naustilillslicd IP.OO 0.00
Section II. This ordinance shall take ellocf
nml bo In force fiom and after in passage.
Passed Juno21st , lb'J2. ' . . _ , .
Oltv Clerk.
E. P. DAVIh.
President City ConntjJU-
APP vca Juno S3 l , 1MB.
1MB.Ea | , < lnMlJi : }
Sealed proposals will lie received by the un
dersigned until 13'J ; o'clock p. in. , July l.Uh,1
IbU. , for tlio following kinds of paving mater
ial , viz :
Sheet nsphaltum.
Sioux l''alls or other granite.
Colorado mmdstom1.
Wood run * . Kunsns , stone.
And vltrllled brick , all uccordlng tospoclll-
I'or paving and lopavlng part of tlio follow *
Inguliuyund Htruot In the elty of Omahu ,
comprlbed In street Improvement districts
Noi. 473 nnd 174. ordered Improved by ordi
nances Nos. 3115 uud 311(1 ( lospoKtlvoly , und
more purtlculailv described as follows , vl/ :
No. 473. Alloy from llth to 14th stieets. be
tween .luLkson street and Jones atrcol.
No. 474. 17th street , from K.iruam street to
Ilurnoy street.
Each bid to specify H prlco per siiuaroyanl
for the paving nnd ropavlns complete on the
alley nnd street.
Work to be done nnd bids to bo inado In
accoriluiico with plant ami siiccllluntloim
adopted In Juno. 18' ) : , and on fllu In thu olllcu
of the Hoard of Public WurkH.
Knuti proposal to bu nmilu oil printed blanks
furnished bv HID board , und to ho urcnin-
panlud by u ccitlllorf chock In the sum of fVJO.
payulilo to thu city of Omaha , us an uvlduiieo
of good fulth. , .
The board reserves the right to award tlio
contract on thusalu districts together , or on
each district snimnitoly. for the dllliiroiit
klndsof miiterial. Hiibjoct to tlio ( .election of
thumuteilul by the Property OWIIOB. or tin
iniynr nnd ulty council , to lojcct uny or ull
. . . . . . -
bids , ' ' 'ltowulvo.l.1f. ' . . ,
| ( (
Chnlrmau lloiird f I'liljllu Worka.
Omulm. Neb , Juno 2 th , I MM. J28-2UJy3-fi.
To tlin nwnurH of lots nnd IUIII H froutliiK upon
btruetlmprovomont districts numbered und
described us follows :
No. 47.1 Alley rrom ] 3th to Ktli stroetH , be
tween Jackson nud .loniis BtrciitK ,
No , 174 17th Hlvcet fiom Kurnum Ntroet to
Ilnrnoy Htrueu
In the city of Oinalm , and subject to assess
ment for the p ivlng or lopuvliu of thu hunio ,
You uiu hernby dolllliid In pur nuncU of or-
dlnanceH Nos , 3115 uud 3llii. piibicd and ap-
uiovcd Juno2.11(1 , 18'Jto ' select nud ( liti- ) !
niliio upon thu kind of material to bo used In
pavlngnnd roimvlug said Improvement ( lis-
tilctH on or hu-foiu tho'.iir.l duv of July , I8UJ
or thoclty counull wllldutcrmlnu suld inute-
r If'sheet iiHphult is petitioned foi by prop
erty OHIIUIB , they iiins.btatii In thulrpotltlun
for paving whether pitch-like , land or over
flow or California tmphult Is to 1)0 used ,
IJatod utOm.iliutliiH.8ih ( In v of Juu | ' . 1M < i
P , W , ItlUKIIAI hl.K ,
Cliulrinun iloaril of Public Works.
' '
- -
Bpulcil piopoHu'.H will hu received by J ho un
dersigned until Jitf ) o'clo'kp. m , . July iJlli
18 ! . for grading 17ih utrout fiom VliiKu
it ruot to IV M reel. In thu city of Omaha , In uo-
cordanco with pluns and poc Ilualluiu on II lo
In thlt. olllcu of thu Hoard of Pnbllo Works.
IlIdH will ho inudu on printed blunfa fur-
nluhed by the board and to bo itcuoiniun-
lud by ucertlllcd uhack In the HIIUI of ISOi.UO
puyun'.u to thu oily of Omuliu , ua un ovlduncu
of good fulth. . . . , .
Thu board reserves tlin right to reject any
Uhulriuan Hoard of Puhllo WoikH.
Omahu , J uuu imh , U'JJ. J