THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 28 , 1892. w * C I BNTED-PLACES TO SLEEP f Lodgings Secured for 0,000 , Visitors to the * Independent Convention. [ MANAGERS SAY 25,000 , WILL BE NEEDED Coll'oum HI IlpnithiQM with 7,000 ScnU nntl RtnndliiB lloom for 3.nnO-liiilci > eii l- unln ScukliiB CaniililntPS Com mit ton Meeting. The local entertainment commllco that Is looking up nccommoJixtlom for these xvlio will bo the city's visitors JurltiK the Inilo- pendent convention U at work canvnaslnj ? for room * , and has now a list nhowlnc accommo dations for a Uttlo over 8,000 pcoplo. This will , of course , bo very larcoly Increased during the next few days , but It will still bo Insufficient unless the pcoplo generally beitlr thomiolvos and evince moro ' * } ; toroi t'lti the matter. The I'.nanco committee has secured $0,853 on Mibscrlptlon , and of this amount 4.000 has been paid in. The outfttandlnc $1,000 Is m peed as rollocted , as It was subscribed for sped lie purpose * , und will bo forthcoming when needed. The street railway company , winch aubicrlbod $1,500 , ua < paid In f.100 , mill tno remaining 81,000 13 for iho rent of tbo chairs which ro now being placed In the Colhcum , and will 1m paid when called for. The committee had fcJ.-OO yet to raise , and It must DO secured In oruor to carry out the promises made by the local committed to the national executive committee. Mint IIil\o Morn r.mlgliiKft. Tbo toaturo over which the com- Jhlttco. . , fools the most npttrohonslon Is that of sleeping accommodation * . It IE n certainty that the crowd , however Inreo It may bo , will Una no dllllculty setting cnnuah to oat , but-thoro as yet u scarcity of suilnblu plnres whereon the visitors may lav their heads at night. It bin boon frequently suggested thotthero Is n number of halls as well ni school bouses und vacant buildings In which cots could bo placed und mnny thousands , thus accommodated , but no step has yet boon \ \ made In that dhcoilon. The lowest estimate made as to the number of these from outsldo who will bo In tbo city during the conven tion Is not loss than 2.'i,000 , mid as ac commodations have bean secured lor barely one-third of that number , the question of what will bo done with the bilanco Is naturally causing n Kient ucul of uneasiness among tlioio who are Interested In properly caring for the visi tors. Said Mr. V. O. Strlcltler this morn- Tliousnnils Arn U "It is simply a question of whether or not wo are going to allow ihoso people to walk the 3ttoets nil night. They are coming , Just as surely as the day dawns , and if thorn ls no place for tjjpm to sleep they will have to sit no. That is all there Is to It It isn't a question of sentiment or .specula tion , but of plain , cold f.ct. Omaha has solicited the convention to coma hero and It Is coming. It must bo taken cans of or Umahii must sulTcr for falling to provldo tor It , "It Is true that but n comparatively small part of the places that wo have secured livens yet boon cngaeed by these who nro coming , but It must not be inferred from tnnttbat few will bo hero. Tholuut Is , thuio who are coining nro for the most part pcoplo who bavo never bofnro attended a na tional convention , and do not , thuioforo , ap- [ jrcclnto the Importance of securing tucir rooms In advance. "Tlioy will pour In on us in a stream on the vo of the convention , trusting In the assurances ancos sent out that thuy would bo received and properly taken care of. They have boon assured that members of tbo reception com- imltoo would meal , thorn at the depots and assign them to suitable quarters , and that bureaus ot information lofttted thcro would bo possessed of all the Information regarding hotels and public and private boarding houses that they would care to know. "Other cities not so largo ns Omaha nor ns well n bio to care for big crowds have taken euro of Immense gatherings by tbiow- ing open their private houses , and this Is what wo must do If wo nro to creditably take cnro of our visitors. Our citizens have been told till ? tlmo and again , buttboy don't seem to realize the full truth und Importance of It , lrlvuto llotittus 3Ittt Ho Opened. "Thoro are at least a thousand homos in tbls city whuro there is a guest chamber , which would ordinarily nccommoduto two , that an additional cot or two would In no wise injure , and It would help to solve this problem. I am satisfied that many bavo not yet offered the use of rooms oven without increasing iho capacity. "Our citizens may not want to turn their houses into hotels , but It Is what Is done In other cities , and it la what wo must do to a certain extent. It will not hurt our houses In the least and It will help the olty very materially. "Thoro Is also a splendid opportunity for any ono to make a llttla spending money by renting vacant rooms or nulldlugsdown town and putting In cots. There will bo many of the visitors who will bo up until late at night and will want but a few hours' sloop. They would rather biro a cot down town than to go out two or tbroo miles , oven If by so doing they could got n room to them selves. They would gladly pay DO cents for tucli lodging , and it should bo provided. Tbo hotels will Ull their corridors , and oven din ing rooms , If they follow the example of the Chicago hotels duriug the late convention. 'If wo provide a place for every ono to sleep there can bo no kick , but If wo leave thousands to walk the streets they will not Bay the kindest things about us when thuy go homo , and no ono could blunto thorn. " If persons who have rooms to rent will notify Mr. li. R Hodglns by mall or bo lolo- phone tlioy will favor the committee. Colltuum In Kcmllncm. Chairman Strlckloranys that the Coliseum building will bo In readiness for thu guests by next Thursday evening. The luteiiurof the buildini : is undergoing a truiibforimuion under iho supervision of Contractor Whlt- loeir. Pcoplo who attended the manufac turers exposition will hardly rccognlzo It today , The arrangement of the chairs , and the elevation on nn Inclined piano of ull cbairs , autsldo of the spaca iillotcd for dolouato.s In the center of the building , is far superior to anything- that has heretofore bcoa nmua In tbo building. A platform lull feet lohg and thirty feet wide has been bullion the west side of tbo bull for the chairman , secretaries , national committee und the newspaper mon. rim two press associations , "PUB Bun and the World-lleruld will have prominent places on olttior bldo of the speaker's stand. Next in position to these will bo tbo cJltow of the prominent independent newspapers of the country. After tbeso are provided for tbo tcprosfiitutlvcd of the metropolitan proas throughout the country will bu iissicnod to places , and tbo rumalnlngscats will bo al lotted 10 the editors of tbo [ s'obrasuu weekly newspapers. Mr. btrlcldor Is very anxious to provldo facilities for every \vorking nuvvspapor man who may bo assigned lor actual work , but ho U not disposed to furnish seats ou the press platform for newspaper mou who como to tlston to the proceeding * and not for actual work. Ho feels very kindly toward Iho Nebraska - braska proas in general , and will do his ut most to moot their demands. Tlio convention ball will have a seating capacity ot about 7uuu , wltb amplospaca In thu alslus and passanowuys I or 'J.OOO or il,000 moro In CIHO ot u crust ) . Commlttoo rooiui have bui'ii arranged In the unncx to tbo roar , where also tbo tulegriiph companies will bo provided with uuiplo working spuca. The at root car company bus agreed to run u stub line fiom tbo Twenty-fourth ttruot motor line over to Twentieth und to extend that line ever to SlxUiontu street , making u connection with tbo motor line on that thoroughfare. This will glvo throe lines of cars between the city and Coliseum building. With increased cur servlco It Is es 11 muted that tbo viut crowds cau Lo bun dled readily. iicfiitlKi Committee Mooting , President Cohen of the local assembly ot the Citizens alliance received a latter tills morning from Noah Allou ot i U'loliUa , Knn , , president ol the Notional /r CltUctu ulllauco , aiming that u meeting ot Ibo executive committee would bo held at tbo Uarlier Saturday ultornoon , und that an open meeting would bu held In tbo hall of tlio local isjomuly , 1U South Fourteenth street , In tbo ivunlni ; . ( iriuid Master Workman I'owdorly of the ICulaUU ot Labor will leuvu Chicago Thursday evening with a number of the ofllctnls of tbo order and a largo number of the eastern delegates to the convention on a special train over the North- wostorn. They will arrive huro July 1 , < ) nslp of Cnndldntrs. The local Independents who have for the past fcvr days boon carefully nursing a voluptuous bopo that Walter Q. Urnsham would ox press a willingness to accept the presidential nomination at the bands of the third party la case U was tendered had their hopes dashed to the cround yesterday by the published an nouncement that ho would not allow bis name to bi > considered hero. Tbo local lenders alt axprosHcd the belief that his name would have added moro strength to their ticUotthan could bo secured In nnr other way , and that ho could unquestionably have the nomination If ho would take It , Although General J. IJ. Weaver of Iowa seemed to have the support of the local Inde pendents up to the tlmo of the return of the disgruntled silver mon from the Chicago convention and the announcement of their decision to como hero and seek satisfaction at the bonds of the Independents , the sentiment has changed and It Is now openly assorted that Weaver is no longer in it. Tbo talk l all In favor of a nominee from a mining state , and Stewart of Nevada and Adams of Colorado bavo tbo call , with Watson of Georgia for second place. This , however , would destroy the plcustnir nllltoratlon that many of the now movement bavo been counting on. For n while they counted on Donnelly and Davis Ignatius of Minnesota and J , G. ol Texas. Tlion Polk and Powdorly caught the popular fancy , but tbo death of ono aim tno absolute refusal of the other to bo considered for cither llrst or soi'ond plnco necessitated the election of another pair , and Weaver and Watson were set forth. ftow comes the silver situation with ether favorites , but II has not yet presented a second-place A to go with Adams or au upper case H to trot with Stowart. Unless this dollr.loncy can bo remedied the nomination of cither of tbo mountaineers would not gtvo full and complete satisfaction. FINANCIAL OLAPTBAP. Hypocrisy ( if u Domiicr.itlo I'l uilc lltposml . by Several llunUern , The platform adopted by the lata demo cratic national convontlon contains ono plank that appears to moot the universal disap proval of people who believe in a sound basis for the curicncy of tbo country , and tbo na tional banks are particularly earnest In their opposition to the policy advocated by this particular plank. It roads as follows : "Wo recommend that tbo prohibitory 10 ' per cent tax on state bank'Issues bo ro- pealed. " The law to which this refers is section n,41'J of the revised statutes of the United btalcs and reads as follows : "Every national banking association , state bank , or Mnto banking association shall pay n tax of 10 porconton the amount of notes of nny person or of any state banker state banking association used for circulation or paid out by thera. " This Is really a part of the national bankIng - Ing system and acts ns a prohibitory measure in preventing state banks from issuing their own currency , because they cannot afford to pay the Rovc'rnmont 10 per cent for tbo privi lege. With this law wiped out each state could muko its own regulations ns to the basis of Iho currency issued by state banks. Speaking of tno matter yesterday air. Wil liam Wallace of the Omaha National bank said : "Such a step as that suggested by that plank would bring back the duys of tlio state bank currency , and with that might como tbo wildcat banks , which were tlio worst extreme of the old stnto banking system. It would never do for this country to think of so foolish a step as that. It Is out of the question. Every state would have a differ ent basis of circulation and it would bo dial- cult , to know what a dollar represented. " Mr. Will Millard said : "Tho repeal of that law would.I think , bring disaster to the whole financial system of the country. There would be no Ilxod value to our cur rency If the stnto banks were permitted to issue their currency without rogarit to national regulation. " Mr. John L. McCaguo of tbo American National bank said : "Tho present national banking system was the result of an honest effort to got rid of the dangerous and ruinous stnto banklnc system that lllled the country with wildcat money and loft no substantial basis for anything. The national system Is Iho otily safe system. It la claimed , of course , that the national ban Us bavo a great snap because they got interest on the government bonds thuy deposit to sccuro their circulation. Hut lot us look at tbo other sldo of tbo matter a mo ment. The bauks have to pay a < premium at the present tlmo for these bones of about 17 per cent. Wo are then permitted { to circulate only 00 par cent of the amount represented by the bonds. There you see Is 'JT per cent of our money lying idle to start with. The interest we draw on the bonds will never make that oven. If tbo country needs moru money I should tbliiK that a good way to get it would bo to permit tbo national banks to circulate tbo full amount of their capital instead of keeping part of it In Idleness. The scheme proposed in the doraocratlo platform , I am sure , will not moot with fuvor unions tboso who know anything about the financial blstorv of the country. " ' Mr. Bou U. Wood of tbo' Nebraska National bank Is a democrat but bo is stoutly opposed to that particular plank in the platform of. hi ! party. "The people wouldn't take money Issued by the state banks If thov were permitted to issue It , " said Mr. Wood. ' 'That was sim ply put Into tbo platform to catch , votes. It will picaso the fellows who are calling for moro money , I suppose , but , tbo fact of the business Is it don't moan anything. We would not handle a dollar of curroticy'lssuod by state banto , and everybody eho would feel just tbo sumo way about it. The pcoplo must have good money. Any talk to tbo con trary la utter nonsense. " COLD DAY FOR DEMOCRATS When the Board of County Commissioners Reorganizes. REPUBLICANS NOW HAVE THE MAJORITY And Wilt Itopir Uatnorrntlo ArroRHilco 1'romlso of n Itcrnlutinii In tlio Clinlrinntmlilp nml the Committees. The Board of County Commissioners will hold u special meeting Thursday afternoon , and unless something happens In the mean time thcro will bo a general upheaval and disarrangement of qulto a number of things. John Williams of Ellt City , the commis sioner who was appointed last Saturday night , will bo on hand to IOOK after the \vanU of the residents and taxpayers of tbo third district. In this connoctlon It Is meet and proper to state that tbo appointment of Mr. Williams made the board republican , t > s Messrs. Pud- , dock and Van Camp are the only democrat ; . This being the case , they Und but llttla on which to pin their faith in looking uruuud for honors. The llrst hard work that will coirfo before tbo board will bo the election of n chairman , and us the democrat ! ) aru hopelessly In the minority they will sit by and wotcti the throe republicans , Messrs. Berlin , Stonborg- and V.'lltlams , take the cake and the wbolo bakery. I.lko Hurltli , All Are Willlii * . Who will bo the chairman Is a question that no member seems anxious to answer Just yot. It Is known , however , that Mr. liorlm has his lines out and that ho hopes to drag tbo prize Into his nut , multio will If ho succeeds in getting two votes besides bis own. own.Mr. . Stonborg says that ho would not take the position If It was tendered on a silver platter , but the cold glitter In the Judge's o.vo when ho makes this statement Indicates that ho Is "talking through his bat. " Mr. WlUlumV official career is of such short duration that ho could not bo expected to bo a candidate. Messrs. Paddock and Van Camn both declare that money would not Induce either of them to alt , ana oxorcUo authority ever the dollborations of the ooard , though , on tbo side , each of them Intimates that It none of the thrco republicans will take the chairmanship ho will servo rather than sco the play stop. Turning the Tithlos on the Democrats. The rearrangement of the committees bo another Important feature of tbo Thurs day meeting as all of the committees will bo reorganized. Lint , January when the now board was organized , Chairman Tim mo made up his committee line this : Finance Paddoalt Van Camp and Btcn- berij. Judiciary Van Came , Paddoclc and Ber lin. Charity StonDorg , Van Camp and Pad dock. Construction Berlin and entire board. Heads Paddock , Van Camp and Stenberg. Poor Farm Van ( Jump , Paddoclc andStcn- borg. Bridges Van Camp , Paddock and Berlin. Court House Paddock , Van Camp and Berlin , From the above it will bo soon that the re publicans , figuratively speaking , were not In it. They tailed iu > the committees on Hiianco , Judiciary , roads , poor farm , mid cos und court house , the democrats being in tbo ma jority on one li. As a little balm to boal their wounded feet- Ings Utonborgwas given the charity com mittee , but In looking after the affairs of this committee ho was tied to two democrats , Berlin got the construction committee , but It has baon an empty Honor , as the county nashad nothing constructed that required the attention of this committee. The action at that ttmo angered tbo repub licans , but they nursed tno burning tires of chuirrin , declaring thatsomo day they would get oven. That day bus coma ana now they propose to turn the tables. If Berlin gets tbo chairmanship ho will parcel the commit tees out to StonocrR and Williams , loavlng either Paddock or Van Camp to brlnir up the rear , and If Stonborg should happen to secure - cure the chair ho will favor Berlin and Williams. _ I To Clciumu tliu hystom I Effectually yet gently , when costive of I bilious or when the blood is Impure or sluggish - | gish , to permanently cure habitual constipa tion , la awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity , without Irritating or weak ening thum , to dispel headaches , colds or f overs , use Syrup of Figs. - A Quoatlun of llnoo. Tbo case of Margaret Sloan , Thomas L. Sloan ot al. against tbo Omaha trlbo of In dians was taken up In tbo United Status court yesterday. The case Involves the question of the pedigree of the plaintiffs and the rlcht to have a share In tbo allotment of lands by the government among tbo Omaha trlbo. Tbo plaintiffs bold that they ore members of the Omutia tribe by lineal descent , although thera Is a liberal mixture ot wbito blood in their ' veins. The defendants , , on the other ba'nd , hold that tno plalntltfs wow road out of the tribe , so to IB peak , long ago and bavo no right or tltlo to a sbaro of the lands that belong to the Omahas. "Lato to bed and cany to nso w ill ahortei the road to your homo in the skies. " Bun early to Ded and "Little Early liiso' , " the pill that mauos Ufa longer and batter and wiser. Dr. Cullitnoro. oculist , Ujo bulldin" PUREST. MOST RELIABLE. Ijold Ki (2Jetf7en7erry ( old soul , Had lived 17 t is reai : qgeoj oUrs , HeWould e called JorBULL DURHAM To srrpKe 17 lis ? pipe , = J | And been rqerrier Under iti powers , B f Thousands of Smokers The Millionaire in his palace , Tlic Laborer in his cottage , The Swell on the street , The Sailor on his ship , Comfort-lovers everywhere , Prefer Bull Durham. Blackwell'a Durham Tobacco Co. , DURHAM , N. C. "Uverv MAN can liv S'TKONO anil VIO i OHOU3 In all teipcrli by u inu ai-Avraii NltllVINB.tliearcat Upuntah Uetnecly. VOUNO MKN OU OLDsutfrriair from NKRVOU3 DK11IIITY. XO8T or KAII/INQ MANtIOODiiiiliilyuiiutluticconvuUlon ( ; ( , nervous f i > ro iraiioncnn > id t > y Iliuuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wako- . _ ( ulnc , menial Jepreitlon , lu otpowur in eilliar ex , tpermaior- HK AMU AFTKH vkic , rhoji cauieil Uy lollabiuo and over inilnliiencnor any personal weak * pejican be rolorcit to perfect liealib and Iho NOBbU VITALITY OP 3THONO MJJN. Wo clvo a wrllloa fiu < ranleaviib 0 boxes to curn any ca a or refunil the money. $ i > boi.-6 boicj j FOP Sala In Omaha byanow Lund& Co. r.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tb eminent perUllit In nerroui , clironln , private. Mood , tkln and nnnnry dli m i. A rorvUr itnif ml > Ured iirnduatu In inu.lclno. ni dlplomtn nJ oiriltlrmeinlinir , litinl treailn wuu the groilu t iucc i > cntarrh , punuilorrboualull taanliuoJlaintual r aline < i. nUbt lo oi. liupntuiicy , rpblht , strlcturu. Kon- orrbuta. kletl , f arlcar la.cle , Itoiuttriury u oJ. NJIV imntmuat for Ion of vital puwi-r , I'anlei unublo to TltUmauiaj batrjaloJak norau by oorru > l > oml ncu. WeilUlue or InttrumeoU rant by malloraxpre ti * . ourulynockod. no niarki toloUliaU ) contunU ormnclur. Ono uvrnonal luturvlew prv'airod. Contullailua ( reu. CorrBJpondoucn strictly PrtrnU ) . Hook ( MyiMrlM of LIU ) * at ttto , Offlaa tuur tt. m. W . m. i U . m , lo d m. b ua tliuap lot rt AN EMPHATIC-TROTH with Its SdHcrua ' Ontnrrh Gompl'oa- tions Not Only Cu-fs Grout Suf fering1 , But Is Dhtigorous to Llfo A Typibaf-Cnso. Mrs. Kiln Albortson (9 ( n well known ady of Council Uluirs. 'ttor father Is ilonry Iloywooil , Esq 'ofto of the llrst settlers of Cantor township , Pottnwnttn- nlo county. Mrs. Albortson gives the 'allowing1 facts : , "I bavo found such croat relief In the special , roitmont : of Urs. Copoliuid Mid Sliupunl that t bone my oxuorlunuo will bo of liulp to my friendsnnd otliurs who suitor as I did. " \Vbcn I first consulted these plivslcluns I was a uront sufferer. My houd icboil luces- siintly. This of Itsulf w.n n torrlnlo tiftltutlon. I uUn hud n hacking con ah with soroiu s ot the chest and continual pains In my sides. I WHS won It and rested poorly At limit. My ovcs were wo lU mil Irritable and I li.ul con stantly to Imwlf und spit to clear my throat and nose. "I inn now entirely free from all thc'o dli- [ .rossltiauotiipUilnta thivt thrunlcnod to short en Iny llfo und in ido mo 10 mlsurthln. My work docs not tire mo. I hnvo no headache. My uppptlte li greatly Improved , In Hhort , fttrontth und comfort have taken > hu place of weakness and uain. I AM COM- PI.KTF.bV OlMHII. "I KNOW that On. Conoland und Shauiiriri system SUUCEKP * In severe cisos where ordi nary treatment Is u IPAIMJIIE. " NOW IS TUB TIME. In snob diseases as ontnrrh und Its kindred ailments , It la osncclully udvisulito that tno sulforor bo not iloculvoil by thn blixnd Inllu- uncoof the summer sauion. and that ho roooj * nlzu the necessity ot sooiirlne that ' medical Mil whlcli Is nrodod for perfect co-operutlon with n itnro. Catarrh Is an obstln-ito und dangerous dis ease. It clln.s toniiL-iously to tbo system und urows moro malignant with each returning full. full.Now is the tlnio , Thoio who sutler from oa- tnrrb should titUo ailvitntiDto of nil the Inllu- miuos that opcruto now in favor ofuouro. Tlioy should not put on * treatment until next winter's stormy duys. but should prudently "int'ncl their roof wlillo iho sun shlnos " Now Is the time , and the opportunity U just what Isdoslrod for tbo worU cases , no not lot It go IV. ) bjit plneo yourself under tlm treatment of DrCunuoland & ribepard und hnvo done for you In the next month or two what mUht not bo possible the nctl summer. Miss Mngtfio BurnaU , of Rod Oalc , Iowa , has boon under Drs. Copeland and Shepard's treatment for catarrh and lunpr disoitso for several weeks. She makes the following statement of her ciise : ( MISS MAddlB IIUIlVr.TT. ) "I cannot remambcr when I WHS not wuak nndsluldy. I'rom u cnlld my health was vurv that I could go to school but a little wlillo ut si time , It was thought I had Inher ited consumption. , "My flratsymptoms wora pltwkln ! ? and sult- tlngof miiiMis from the throdt and noio. Horo- ncssof the chest and I limit ) am ) usllKhtcoujh. Mv stomach wns very < wouk and apuutltc poor. I was vuiy wuak und snort of uroutb , und silent overturn utturly ohiusted ( ! me. "Ijtilnron , I bean to havu ulillls und fuvor. wit n nlKht sweats. With these CTIIIO loss of llosli. n pile and nnhunlthy color of the skin , and TIIK SYMPTOMS OP A IJKCI.INi : . "I usplaccd under the aura of tbo Ir.idln ? plivslrl.m of oiirelty , wliu. after treutlns ; mo u wlillo. pliUnly told mo thit ho could not hnlp mo us I hint Inhorltud U'lnsiimptlon. ' An other physician ot count roput'ttlon told mo the sumo. It was Iniloml u Bloomy ontlooic , "lly thii advlco of 'i friend who bud borsolf rocolvod help from Drs Coniil.uul und Shnu- nrd. I bngan their system of truatmcnt. The results have bean sin prising. My nppotlta and strength havu roturncil. Tain dally feel ing hotter. I f.lined nine pounds during the llrst month. In shoit I know lam rapidly uettliii ? well , for ull those dlstii-sslng signs of consumption , which so loin worried me. tire entirely dlBnppanrins. 1 huvu found unlocked foruld In tbo Hpoulul treatment of Drd. Cope land and bhopard. " $5 A MONTH. CATAIUIH TUKATCDATTHE UNirOIlM RATH OK V. A MONTH MEDIUINRS VUR- NtSHKD FltEK. FOR AI.L OTIIEIl DIS- EASI1 * THE HATES WILL OK LOW AND UNIFORM AND In PROPORTION TO TIIK ACTUAL WHOLESALE COST OP MEDI CINES REQUIRED. ROOMS 311 AND 313 , New York Life Building , OMAHA , NH13. W. II. COPEI AND , M. D. C. H. HHKL'AUD , M. D. Consulting I'liyHlclnns , bl'KVl.U.TIi : < H Catarrh. Astliinii , Ilronclil- tlt , Nervous DlHunsos , Illond Disease1 ; , Rliou- mutlim. Consumption , und ull tlironlo direc tions of thu , Lulled , Htoinuoll , Liver anil Kidneys. OIlUulKiiirs : Ola II a.m. . 2 to 5 p.m. . 7 to 3 p in. fautiiluy. ID : i.iii. to I p.m. Catarrh triiulilos and l < In died diseases tro iiuil' successfully l > y mall , bend lo In Htunis ; | for question elrculuis. Address all luUois to ' 'opnliind .Medical Institute , Now Yorlt Llfu Hiilldlinr. Oimilm. Nob. Save Your Eyesight nvi-stested free bynn nXPr.HT OPTroiAN I'orfoctadjiisttnnnt , Superior limsoa. Nerv- onslioadauho Hired by UHltij ; our Suootacle nnd Hyoglnssos L'tlcui luw ( or ll t class foods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , 111 S. 15th St. , Croi hton Block , mllllt mi mt UPPER ALTON , ILL. WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY. A thorough school. Prepares for College or Dusluc n. Wltliln'-'U inilcmifSUI.onU. Addrexa OOL. WILLIS UnCJWN , , Superintendent. TkeLORING SCHOOL Dnlvuralty-propnratory. Uvstubllshod 1670. CIII\ < iO , II.I.IMMS. You n B Iudlo3 an ) Children. 1'or further jmttloulara iiddruis TiiK.Ldul.vd Bciioouiai'i t'ralrlu Avo..Chicago NEBRASKA National Bank. U. a DEPOSITORY. i l < OMAHANE3 Cnpltnl . 9100,033 Surpliii . uiili Olllcert tin JDIrootor i IlonryV. . It. a'u 'ilm. TloopraiUjnt (1 d. M nrlo ) . W Mor.e.Johnd. Cclllin , J. .V II. I'atrloi. , ) # A llo tL OiKliler. TME IRON BANK. Art ( iliiHH Mr Now C'lly Hull , Oniuliii , Noli t-oalud bids will bu rueulvoil at tlita olllcu up to 4 11. in. July I'ilh. IsW , fur tlio art K\ui \ oull- Inirln ( otunuii of olty hull , llldduri to f iirnuh tliulr own sUoU'hOH. nnd onuh bid to bo iiceoin- imiilcd by ucortllloil uhooUiif * luO | ooittiiot to uxruud l..lxn. Hpoulllu'iitlons on Illn ut tlu nlllcunf Architect linlndortr.OOT lluu llulldlcii Thu right tt ruaorvod to rolout any or nil bid TJIEO. Of.8KN. jilUlt Coinutrollor. SUMMER'S TUFF" ON SUMMER STUFF. You can divide that up in sections to suit. You can say it faster or slow. You can say it all in one sentence , or you can say it on the in stallment plan a little at a time ; it comes out in the same way every1 time you say'it Summer's "tuff" on summer stuff. Man gets up in the1 morning and arrays himself in all his glory , like Solomon of old ( but in a more modern costume of course ) . He puts on a clean shirt , im maculate collar and cuffs and his best summer suit and sallies forth , looking as slick as tlie famous "posey" of Solomon's time. One of "old Sol's" rays strikes him , and raises cain with his raiment. A good thing for a sensible man like you to do , is to come right down town and see us ; not that we'll give you a "cool reception" far from it ; but that we'll * show you good things for a man in your business to wear. Take our elevator or rather don't take it , we might want to use it again ; but ride up to second floor in our elevator and see the hundreds of elegant coats and vests for summer. You'll see fine fancy striped brilliantine coats and vests at two fifty ; you'll see fine changeable brilliantine and all wool flannel coats and vests , worth four fifty , marked two dollars and ninety cents ; at three fifty you'll be shown coats and vests in fine serges and Drap d'Etes , that our neighbors think good enough to get six dollars for ; you'll see the finest imported bedford cords and Eng- ish serges made into coats and vests , and marked five and a quarter ; you'll find the same goods being sold in Omaha for eight and nine del lars. These goods come in every shade and color from sombre black to the lightest smoke. After you buy your coat and vest ( because buy you will ) go down stairs to the shirt department look at the magni ficent line of fine summer shirts. See the beautiful colorings , tha handsome patterns , the excellent workmanship. See the goods at a dollar at one fifteen at one forty at one seventy-five at one ninety at two twenty-five. Compare them in your mind with goods you've seen at from one fifty to four dollars. Have your shirts wrapped up with your coat and vest and go down and see the shoe man. He's sell ing "low" shoes this week. Oxfords , one fifteen one thirty-five two twenty-five ; Southern ties , one thirty-five one sixty-five two fifty * two seventy-five. You'll find your low shoes cooler when you change at home. Tooth-Food. This medicine for txibies prevents and cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to sleep with an opiate , for it contains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming ingredients which arc lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI. O. The b it whiskey lor consumptives anS invalids must surely be the most whole some for these who use it as a beverage. is the best for all purposes , because it la guaranteed to bo absolutely pure and doubly matured. You may Know it by its delicious flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. Call for "Cream Puretyc" and tal < c no other. Forsaloatall first-class drinking place. ) and drug stores. 3 DALLEMAND & CO , Chicago' IMAYER.STRUUSE& & MFHS.4I2 BWAY. N.Y.I TUB. SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee &SL Paul R'y , as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9 .45 a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASII , Gen'l Agent. _ WONDERLAND. WUKIC COMMKNCINU JUKI ! ST. IIUOU Ol'HUA Ca 'Trip to India. " " , " Thu Utah Maunatla RlrL "ItOl.I.A , " The f.lvlutf Half \\'orann. TIIK OAr.r.OWH u tid In Kiocullnu Nell nud lUou 1OO. TO AlaLk. 1OO , Theater Tlcketi 60 anil lOa. -THERE ARE Dr -AN L > - Pension Apts in Pa That is the sort of thing Tin Bee Bureau of Claims was or- o-aimetl to correct. The Bureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. But as long as the sol diers ate grateful it is satis fied. Ifyo'uare a veteran , or the widow , cliild or de pendant parent ol a veteran , write to Tr.B Be3 Bureau of Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for vou. ' Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb. Elastic Stockings FOR Weak Limbs , Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformity Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. TIIK ALOE&PKNFOLD COML > ANY. 16lli SI , , Next lo Post Office tbo iMTttMi , Futett and Flneil In tbo World * l" ) OHer rcoinoil.lon uneictll a. HEW YORK. iOHOQHDERRY AHO OLA8DOW. K ory Haturdar , NUW VOUK , < Him/tl.TKIt nnd NAPLI5S , Atrnuulftr Intcrvnln. SALOOH. 8ECQNO-CIASS AND STEERAOE rntou on lowest torniH to nnd from the prlnclplo 030TCH. ZU3U9B , ISIDQ ft ALL CTTI E TAL 1011170. Kicurifuntlclcotii arallnblo to icturn by clttiurCliorlo- turoimte ClyJo A North or Inland or Naples itUILralut tl licit ? Oriirt tit iar Aaout it lowest Ei'.lJ , Apply ti ) uiiy of our lucnl Amenta or to JiltOTUUlCti. Cliloiicu , Hi. ALLAN LINE MAIL STIIAMHIIIW. 'n TO onuitv nnd M. C'AIIIN , "S to MHO. According to stouinoi und locution of Htuturooni. Intorinuilliitiiiind Mior.iu ut low it Ji. NO CATTM : CAKKIKI ) . ) BKUVIUK OU QTATF t ALLAN LINB HTIAMHIIII : > A NKW VOIUCunaOLAHtJOw. lul-onilonclorrr , uvurr Kortuliiht , JimoSOtll. . , - . Hl'ATH OK NKVADA . . .21' . July-lull . HTATM Of NKIIIIAHICA. , . . . . ! 1 > . JulyZdtb . HTATK OK CAI.UUUMA. 1 : , J f. Cabin , 111) ) . Bocond Cabin I.M , Hl razu. IU. Apply to ALLAN & CO. ( tilcuuu. II. K. MOOllK , ISl'J llunurd Bt. , OuiaUn. DR. C GEE WO , The only lo/illy gr.ilimtal riilmio phyilol n Klulit ymtrs' mmljr Toi ( pars I'rnotienl ' uipur1- cncowltli nil kmivfii illiiiiiuj Tru iti nmonlfnllr iillclminlcuaHiMKlrim up liy otlior iMctors U.ill nml BOO him nr wrlto fur qucatlun blank. Do not think > our ciuo hop > lois hiiotuno yniir iloctor t'IH you no , hut try tin ) Olilnn u doctor with his now and wonderful raiuoitlun. ami rjiijlvu nu\r bonoUtn nml a poriiiiinnntcuru whnt othur iluctori cinnat Kirs. llorbB. Knot * nml I'lnnta n.itnrci'a ruiimllcn-hU inoillclncii. The worhl till wltnosi. Ono thoimml toHtlnionlnls lu thruu yours * pruotu3. ! No Injurious ilococtluns , no tmrcolloii no pulton. Untlonvl treatment 11114 pcruinnont euro. Fallowing cnsos nuccesafully trantoil ntij curoJ , Riven up by ether doctors : Tliot , CoiiKhlln. < I4. Hnrnoy ntroot , chronic rhou- mnttam li yonra , klilnny anil liver truublon. Tlion. Cnlvurt , I2tli nut ! Turnum Mlrcoti. conoral ilnblllty , InillKustlon , la i ot utron tli nnd vitality. Took nunlh'lnu ( or jonrx hiitunt no rullof , .M. L. Anilumin , 1IJI Cnrnliu ntrjot , ottirrli. nml bronchitis of flfuiun yu irs stnrulln ; . Ollico , IGlh and Califoraii Sis , Oaiah , Neb Wo mriil tlm mine-Inns Wrench llomnily CALTHOS froo. nml n unrnnK'tillint L'AJ IHOH will , t'l ! UK NHirniiit4irrllf > iirlrupilo und UIX1OII * : Lull \ laor. Use it ami fay t/satisfirJ. AdJnMt.VOH MOHL CO. . Rol > Aurrlim igriiU , llntlnmll , Ohio. DR. J. E , McGREW , THESP ECIALIST. in the trDiitinnntof nil forms of PlUV-fVTE DISBASJia , mid all < li nil duljllltluH of youth und iniinhiiod. ITyuurV uxuarluni'u. UN rusiiurcas und f njllltlus nre practically inilliiiltod. The Dojtor IH rurmn- niondod by the pnnH , und andoriuil In lh strongest toniiH lly thu pfojilo for fair > inunt mill lionott iirofuHHinnul udvlcci. Tin most powerful ronicillcH known to innilora Kulnnco fur Iho Hticcessful triiiitmunt of tha aONOUKIIOKA Iniinodli'tn nillof. A coin. ii'ulo unru without , the luii of uu hntir'a tlmo from IniHlnosi. QLKKr ( Jno of Ihi ) most coiniiloto and BIIU- vi-ssful iroutiiiunti for Klunt iindull annoyin ; diholiiir.'ui .vut known to thu mo lluul profuj- hlon. Tlm rusiillHuru truly wundorfiil , STHICXUKU UioHtuxt known ruinody for the truntnifiitof blrluturu , without p tin , cut- llir.Mirdilatln' . ' , A niojlrmnnrU iblo ru nmlv. SYPIItLIB-No tii'Utiuont for tliln torrlblu liloo'l ' dlKUfiHO ha4 uvur buun inriri ) uui'unHifnl , nor had stronger oiidouuinoiiU In the liulic of inudiirn H'jlcinei ) thin ( lUoii'in Ix puiltlvuiy cur.ili'o und uvury truue of tlm poUon untlruly loinovtul from tlm lilooJ. LO.ST MANJIOOD , und ambition , nurvons- IIUHS. ttinlditv. duipondiinoy und < nos ) and dUordura of youth or munhouU , JCollof nhtnlm-d n ton on. SKIN DISUAUE8. und all ( lUuiupi of tlu utomavn , blood , liver , IdUnoy * itnil bluddoi nro troutod HII oLomfully with tlio Kruuto * known rmnodlun for the dlnuu n < . Wrlto for clictilurJ anduuottlon 1UU fr Ji lltltunit J''ttrniun-nt * .