Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BKI2 : MONDAY , JUNE 27 , 1802.
Trade on 'Ohango ' Was Paralyzad by the
Derby Yesterday.
tVImt IttnlniMi Tlicro WM Orcurrcil the
rirst Hour rirnt TrmlciVuro fit
About thu I'lniil figure *
of 1'rltlny.
CmCAfio. III. . Juno 2.1. The derby pir-
nlrtod. Ir.idoon 'cliuiiio today , nu 1 the di
rectors readily closed the session forty-flvo
inlnutas before thu usual hour.
There win a poor excuse for a wheat market
most of the session. The principal nnttnrs to
consider were thn weather , the harvesting
reports , and thu probabilities ot tlio mill-
option bill , Nona of these contained any
thing to change prices much. Kluctu itlotis
were cunllnod tn from 'ie tea r.iuat1 , and
the closing wni about ' 40 lower than yester
day ,
The corn market was not qulto so narrow as
wheat. Whit action tht-ro was occurred the
first hour. The roco pts , owln ; nrubibly to
rallrind washouts , fell consl lernhly under
the estimate at .VII earn for the day. The
Brad ng was not lmprove.1 , with only forty-
four curs contriet corn ,
Klrit trades were ut nbout thu final ll.rures
of yesterday , IJpan the Illllui of a few or.lci
which cmno In llio nrirkel tinned up ' { c , hut
reacted from ' ( c lo ? jc. n local opor.itor stip-
posed to hu lutcrusto.l In the Ion ; Hide colling
fri-cly of .September. July sympathl/ed In the
decline , The niuikut imalu rallied , and lit thu
closn.luly hail gained fiOMi ' | 0 to MO mid fcuu-
tombcr lull n fr.ictlon.
Outs closed f linn 'ie to \ < s lower on the ncnr
futures Mini about steadv on thudefeiied de
liveries. Tludu was fouturo rs .
An ndvnnce of l'ie ! ! ' In laid for the nny
was thu feituro of the provision trailc.
Thu demind WIIH remiirliablu fiom llrnt to
luKt mid liuolTtr n.'s eru lUlit.Vhllupor
nnd ribs \\uiuiillltlo iiithn mid higher th
ndviinco was nut In Ueoplnv with liir.l. usually
thn slowest thing on the list. The lecelpts of
hogs wuin II.lit , which m.iy hi\o ; encouraged
tlio hiiyeis fni the loin demount and c.iuseJ
tome Inlying nl i for Hhorts.
, : ! ( r.ites weru rather slow. The rapid
ruricnt In the river prevents ves ols from
Foiling to the elevators to load. Kates held
Blciidyatv'o for wheat mid l o for com to
llniriilo ,
Ksllinntud receipts for Montl'iy : Wheat.
110 cars ; corn , r > 30 cars ; o.tts'uO ears ;
B..O 0 nead.
Tnc le tdltiK futures ran 'cd ns follows :
AHllCl.t.H. mini i.inv. ti.u-t : .
June 78J ( 8 : s ) (
July 7S4 ! 78' < <
AllKIMt . . . . 78 7SU "U
C < mv No. 2 78M "UM
June M M ) K )
Julr W
Kept 76 47 1
OAIS No. 2
Juno . . . . M
July Wl
Hc't.t . . . . . . . 3U
July . . . . III 75 III 83 1075 10 SO
10 Vlft II 05 10 IJ.'li 11 COB
Julr . a m C 7J < < era B 70
tept. . 07J t',75 libiM ,
ElinilT Itliis-
Jnly n H2U 7 00 7 OU
H'Uii 70J 7 ID 7 OiK
Cash inmt.illons nero us fnllown :
Ki.ouit-Nujk'ctod ! winter patent , JI.QOffJ
I 41 ; winter slraltH. } .l.7iiit4.Uti : xprlnK piitcnt'i ,
llo ; spring fltralts , $4.3W4.4U ; ba.ui ' .
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 78yc ; No. 3 sprln. ,
C ! No.2rel.Miu. ! !
OATH-NO. 2. : tW.Uo ! ; No. 2 white , 3114 ;
Nn ; i while , 3lr.
KVE-No. 2 , 70' ' < r.
II Uli.r.r .No. 2 , ( iOc : No. 3 , t. o. b. , 3S3l5c ; No.
4. f. ii. h. . 4Va4- < .
KI.AX Suuii No. i. II.IEI.
TIMOTHY .SKKII I'rlmo. * 1.27l.3.
1'nilK Mess , per bill. . $ IO,77i'i2IO ! ' 811 ; lanl , per
ICO Ihs , li.l.T'iH'l.'Oi ' ' bhort rllis Hint's ( luosoi ,
l I)747.0 ) ! ; ilry Hilled shotildorM ( boxed ) , $3.73
ttHOil : short sides ( boxed ) . 7.l'7.271/i.
WIIISKV lUtlllun > ' llnlbhcil uoods , per al. ,
KUOAHS UnuhaiiBod ; Outlo-if. ? ® ? ; ; srn-
lllatiMl. 4lic ; stiitiilur , ! "A. " 43ic.
Ituoolpta and shipments today were us fol
lows ;
On the Produce oxchanzo to.luv the butter
miukoi was llrm ; f.-iney ere imory , 18V5Hc ) ;
line western , I'liilt-u ; ordinary , 145J1GO ; dairies ,
Juai7e. KSKB , llrm nt maii'c. :
New Vork . .
Nr.w Vnittc. Juno S3. Kt.ouit Receipts. 10,028
iikus. ; exports , 4.474 hh'H. 2iM ( KIIOKS ; dull ,
Iiuary : hales. ia.S)0 ) bbls. ; low extra. t'i'.tito
J'.4l ; elty mill , | . ! K ® M : city mill palonu ,
VM.ioI.Ki : xt Inter heat , low crudes , . ' . : t5 ®
1,1.1 ; fair to faney , f.l.L'.Vif-'Ud ' : natents , I.U ( > y. ; .Minnesota clear , ti.'Si'iH.m ; straUhts. ! : putenlb , JI.UOOI.8.V rye ml\tuto4 ,
C'on.v MKAi.-Iluld hlKher ; yellow western ,
'K'J " > .
WIII.AT Hooelpls , I4'lbu. ) . ; exports. IO.I.S 8
in. ; H'lles , : I15.00. bu. of futures ; i.ll.ouj lin. ot
Hpot. Spot ijiilot , winter stuMly , xprlnr stroiu-
i'i : No. 'J red. Hl'io In store and elevator : 111" , , ©
ov rytliltiR liulnit upset bv the uKlt'itlon of
the iintl-npthm bill , with buyers and sellers
both indifferent , Uluiiucs wuro slluht. Kariv
prices wore 'ae down , reacted 'ftfMic. el'islmr
neaily ; No. a reii. .Inno , W.e : July. SiPiii
KlUllicclosIiiK nt Kl'Si's ' Auiiiist , NlKr. closlnu
ul rCu ; t-eptonibor , WiiiJtsujJe , clo--iiu at
I'l'iiC ! October. H7'/io : November , Wa : Dceom-
lii'r.N ) 7-l/aso.'so. eloslns atb'JSie ; May (18'Jll ( ) .
( .IMailPpf , closing utOI'ie ,
int. firm , heurco ; western , 8.lfiOo. MAi.T-Q.uloi : Canadian , O'KJ.
CoH.N-llecclpts bu. ; exports , 48.033
bu.SHiles , IllO , 01 bu. futures ; Il.ftUl ) bu. spot.
r-potdnll ; No. ' . ' . f > 0o In eluv.-.tor , U'e ulloit ; un-
Kradetl mixed. 5S < au'c. Opt ons continued at
n little ( Inner tonoonthu wet woathm won ,
nlth nil ailv.mcouf ' ; & „ ; June , 5iyc. July ,
.i' . closliiR , me ; Aii.-ust , ' io. closluJ ,
t4Sc , ; September , Wlja5'ie , elosln , 6J7ic :
October , ft ilfo.
OATS Uocolpls , 107l' bu , ; exports. 72X0)0 )
uu , : sales , L'U.OJO bu. of futures. : 'Juoo bu. of
( not. hpot iiiarKet dull and Irro.'ular. On.
t oimdull. I rmor ; June , JM'ic : AusuKt , : i7'ie.
' . " ; eplembnr. Ma ; No , 'J , white
. ! ! ! Jo ; mixed Moslem , a7 tie ; ) | ; whim
cbtorii. 4 : < ai7Sc' ! ; No. . ' , cnr o , aiyu
llAV-hteady , ( | ulot.
lloi'8-lull. bte.i'ly ; state , common to
cliuliv , 'Sff.'Tut I'aclllc co.iet , SXtt'o.
t-udAH Quiet ; fair tcflnlni ' . '
; , 'U-lOo : ccntrl-
fiiiralB.JiillcM , auasai : i-irc ; ; refined , active
MM , nun. .XL u , . , mnu ; no. , . , i ia-iixfli ( jft-ltio :
Na H. iivjja'.o ; No o. a'4QiTi0a ; | 0. 3 n-n/a
Iiu-lto : Na ii , ao-inaaii.ico : No is. a .
' 1 8-V ! ° V $ a ' V / W : i-1Ce : mould A
e ; stiindurd A , 4 ft-li JI 7-Ilio ; iMiifoc-
llonerb' . 5 l-lffo ; out loif.ftUoi erushotl. WaVJo ;
Iiowdero I , Jl'ia'l'iu ; Kranulutod , 4 fi-lGQi u-IUei
cubes. Jll-K' ® ! 11-ICo.
MOI.ABSKB rori'l n. nominal ; 55 test , lOSJe ;
fjuw Orleans , dull , steady ; common to fancy
UICE Inactive , stoadv : domestic , fair to
extra , 4S < 2lie ; Jnpiiu , MiWio.
rmuot.KU > i-lull ) but stuudy : crude , in
libis. : 1'url.ors. VMi crude , in bulk , f'.Ni ) ; relined -
lined Newark. KI.UU : 1'hlludelphliiiiii'l Haiti.
| iiorc. .U\ : IhludolpUla und Iliiltlmoiu. In
tin k , t.l433.Mi nulled clubcU at M ? u for
COTTUNSKED On. Quloti orudo 2 "u 4OUai
yellow. as } i % .
TAi.i.ow-Qulot Lut steady : elty ( liOO for
jiaeUiiBCsl. 4J.I- .
HOSIN Dull but steady ; strulnoJ , common
7 Ulll > hkTitK--Qiitut snU nrm ntUCO(3lo. ) (
I'.dilh In moderiitusupply ami llrniuri Hest-
orn prime. lISiJCl.MU' : rocoluts , \ & B pli.'s ,
IllDKii Dull but HtuiiOyi wet fciiltcd New
Orleans selected. 4S to 75 Ibs , CCihej Toxuu
kelect. 61 tow ) Ibs. case.
I'OUK Virmi old ino a. SlO.toaiLCOi prime
CUT MUATs-Qutot : Hrmi ploklcd bellies , 1 > tot
lilekled Bliouluuu , bai4e ; pickled Irini * . lid
HUu : middles , tlrnt short clour. J7.00tt7.o\
l < Mil > HlKhcron pickers buyliiKi weatern
itoam cloied nt t'Ui ' > ! ; option suits ,
tierces ; July , M clowns ut ( J.VI bid ;
Aiiiuist , fJ.Ol imUcdi Seiitemher , * 7.00 , cloilne
Hfi.lM naked ; Uutobcr , MO ; Nuvonibur , I7.W.
HuTTKH-Hrnij fairly agtlvu : weitnrn dairy ,
ro ; we turn oo uncry , ISH 'Ju ; westeri
fni'tory. ' . ' ! , > iao ; i : isln. IVo.
4 u litisteapy ; Aiuurlean. 114.25310,75.
roi'l'Eii-Dull ; lake , III.7W.1I.KX
I.KAIHInucttvu ; domestic. Jl.uYrtl.IO.
straits , I.'I.4.W'I.X ) ,
Omnlia 1'rniluco Alnrltnt.
Enos Hn-elpU liberal : general market. ISo
lIUTTBit-l'auklin ; stuuk , If irood , ll < ar.'u
mail lotaof oxtru eholco itock to tetull trade
. Old fowls , wcnkat J7o per lb.
Jlvu weliiliti sprlnirrt. K' iwxi/j 75 per dor.
HICM , IVTC.-NO. | Rtovn hides , aoi No.
K rvcii Halted hides , a c ) No , U uroen Ballot
Jilde * . S 4'ci.Jso. . . 1 srccn imltou hides. Si to 4
Ibs. , ayu ; No. 2 gri'ou milted hides , fi to 40 lb .
IVu : No , I vonl calf. 8 to 1& lb * . , tci Na V YOU
lf. H 15 IU. . 4pi No. I dry Hint hides. 7o
No. 2 dry Ulut bldtt , 6 | No , 1 dry Bulled hldst ,
Slicoo I'ellCrecn ) silted ,
I.C. > ; greet ) silted ghunrlnxs ( short noolod
arly skins ) each , I.Vii2.\c : drohcnrllnKs
hort wooled early skins ) No. 1 , cuch. oaioal
ry nhearilrizfl ( short woolfcd early skins ) No. 2 ,
ncli.Kc ; dry flint Ivan'as nnd Nebraska butch.
r wool polls , peril ) . , actual vrolxht , 10@14'o |
Iry ( lint Kansas and . Nebraska miirriln wool
Hilts , per pound , actual wolitht , 8Jtl2c ! dry
lint Colorado Imtclior wool pc'.ts. pir pound ,
actual wniiiht , lOSrj'.ic ' : dry Hint Colorado
nurr.iiti wool polls , per pound , actual weight ,
> ' < 410o ! dry pieces and tucks , iictunl welsht ,
n c. Tallow and Oreaso Tallow , Na 1 , : i' S5
e ; tnll'jw. No. 2. . OIUoi Krotiso. whltn A , ; iKo !
rcnso. nhltu II , ' { c : crcnr > , yellow , Jo :
erciinc. dark , 2Xc ; old butter , 2'o ; beeswax.
) rlmc , lOji'jjc : roii'xh tallow.
SI , I. mils
ST. Louis , Mo. . June 15 , Ffoun Un-
Wiif.AT Cnsli. 7ro ; options dead , dull and
loscd easy ; July. 77c ; Au ust , 7niCi70Uo ! ;
entomber. 7Cc bill ! December. 8 < ) e.
CoitN Ousli , IOWIT. 4lUc ; option1) slow , but
Inn and unchanged : July , 4ijc ; ! Hoptombor ,
OATS-UI , | I , bolter , a4'lle ! : July closed
oworiitPe : : September , ! ic hUhor at 23ic. ?
HIIAS Dull ; WTiTIc , oust tr.ick.
llAV Quiet and nnclinnuodi timothy , tllOO
OlWHt prairie. ! AOIU. (
I.KAi.-lleld hlitlicrntl.09.
< | i'fAXiiiii ; ! l < onur at Ofc.
lluiTKit Unuh.iiuo I ; creamery , 14Tjt8c :
1'dlrv. l. i ; > c' ,
n < lil < t'nchatiKpd , dull ; tie for guaranteed.
COIIN.MKAI. Qulot at * . ' . : .va.MO
WiiisKi--Stoidy at
lluidiNo ANUii-roS ( Tins Unehanscd.
riiovmiNJ.-riii ( | | , with KQOI ! domaiid.
Dnv Sir JlKATS I-ooso flhoiildors , J * > .7.1 :
onus and ribs , fr.lOi shorts. * i.2.'i ; boxed lots.
"luniotc : bacon , shouldertl.fvJ * : luir-'s and
ilx , Mici ; shorts , is.ui'il sugar eurcil hann ,
ll.ii Kitll.- ' .
llECiiti'Tfl KIoiir , . ' 1.001 Ibs ; wheat. 40,000 bu. :
orn , H.Mimbu. : o its , : C,0) ) ) bu. ; rye and bar-
ev > none.
r-im'MENTS riotir.S.omilm , : wheat , 0,000bu. :
coin , H'.wiO Ini. ; o. its , l.VO)0 bu. ; rye and bur-
ey , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
KiiusiiH Olty MnrUcts.
ICNAq UITV. Mo. , Juno 2. " > . WIIBAT
VcaU and louur ; No. 'J hard , a'tQGTc ! No U rod ,
7fJ.r'ic. (
O.ius-Stoady to lower ; No. S ml.xea , 42c ! ;
No. 3 white , 4- ! ) .
( Mrs rir.n ; .No 3 mUcd , 3DS29Hc ; No. 2
vhlle , ilO'.i'&llc. ' '
llvi : Steauv ; No. 2 , nominal ntOSo.
ri.Axsiiii ; : yoc.
HAVe tic but imclt ingod ; timothy , J8.00O
.r.l ; pr.ilrlo. J7.007.R ) .
till VN bloady : sauKed , file.
llurreit 1'lrini eie.imery , © ? ; dairy ,
Kdtm Dull nt Me.
Ht.CEii'i.s Wheat , 70oo bu. ! corn , 10.0W
) u ; oats , nonn.
Hill I'M K.STS Wliuat , 45,0nbu. : coin , D.OOObu. ;
oats , none , _
I.lvi'i-ponl .11'irltnti.
Ijivenrnnr. . Juno 21 WHEAT Quiet : hold
ers olYcr moderately ; No. lO.illfornl i , 7s pur
oiittu : ted wo'itorn iprlnx , Gs7iid'Jsed ' ; No.
, red. winter , ( is gdQbs 8'jd.
Cons Quiet ; lulxu I weUoru , 4s IOJ per cou-
HACOV Iins clear , 117s.
OIIKKSK American llnost white anJ colored ,
( isCd perewt.
LiNsui'.u Olt-21s per ewt
( jiittnn .llnrknt ,
NEW Oui.r.ANR , La..luno 2.1. Dull : mld-
\\\iif \ \ \ , 7'Sc ; low middling , fi'ao : peed ordl-
uirjr Oa-lGc. Not receipts , 'J10 bales ; RI oss , 7(1J (
i.ilcs : experts to the cotulnoiitVX \ \ bales ;
coastwise , II ) b'tlcs ; s-iles , ! ttO bales ; stock ,
I1VI07 hales. The Cotton exchange will bo
closed Saturday , July 2 , and Monday , July 4.
IMilbiili'lplilt Ornln Miirknt.
I'nir.Atici.i'iiiA. Pa. , June 2S. WIIBAT Qulot ;
No. 2 led , July , August anil September. Wiij
Oe.OOIIN ( Jlosed steady ; No. 18 mixed , July ,
OATS Dull ; No. 2 white , 41e.
CINCINNATI , O. , .1 tine 8x WIIBAT Qulot ; No.
. ' rod. We.
Udiis Weak nd lower ; No. 2 mlxud , 47'/4o. '
OATS Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , Ulc.
Toleilo ClMln .Mlirliot.
TOI.KDO , O , Juno 33Vmvr Steady ; No.
-.July. b2ic.
Cons' Dull , sloany ; No. 2 cash , 5Do.
OATS Cash , a4c.
Ti-.idiirn' Talk ,
CIIICAOO. III. . June - ' > . Counsolman & D.-iv
tn Cockrell lli-os : Wheat ruled extremely dull
tfter n llltlo early selling by St. Louis and
Mlnne\polls and some buying by I'lirdrldco
and New Vork. The anti-option terror has
sol/o.l spccul.itois. anl ante-finrvest liullllcr-
cnco po-.sessoH shippers. The market closed
iiilot | and about unchanged. Contract grades
; > f corn and oals are scarce and ( Irmly hold ,
but shippers Imvo been freely supplied
from liberal arrivals of low grades.
Crop prosuucts are below the average and
wo think Ihu market In a condition to Bell
much hbher an any diminution of curient
receipts. L'lovls.ons are In bettor demand for
Hhlpment and export and outside speculative
liolderB tire Incte.islnit their llnoa.lmt as puck
ers me steadily mooting both clusses of buy
ers It seems difficult to cot much more nd-
vunco In prices at pro ont , In f.iet the
kct looks a little tired this week , althou.'h'.tho
local crowd In ribs have succeeded In estab
lishing higher prices.
CniUAno. HI. , Junu''i. ! > ' . G. Logan & Co. ,
to Duncan , Ilo.lliuor& Co. : Our who it marKet -
Kot today has been of u holld.iy character.
Inly opened at7HUc. sold us high iis7Slie to
TH'to uml clo'Gil nt 7hsti ? to 7Hio. ! Thoucneriil
Irndo furls thu Inlliiunce of the widely advcr-
lUed bearish conditions of a sin plus of 70.00.-
0)U ) bushels of whoit Ieftn\er from last crop
and the piospcct ot a crop which. If not
equal to lust , piomlses to ho
ubove thu average for Hut olcht years
preceding IS1II. 1'uturo values are dependent
entirely on our export noniiiiid after our crop
Is secure. ! . The Hatch hill keeps the trade In
suspense. Com Is xtionir , wo hellovo oi > all
breaks Hi it It Is n safe purchase. IliiHlncss In
oats Is III ) . : pioduct Is steady ,
Thn rnrnlpUof ho.-s ara light , should they
continue light pi Ices will L-O hUhor.
CiiiUAtio , 111. . Junuv.l Komiott. Hopkins k
Co. to y. A. McWhoitcr : With continued
heavy receipts nnd decieaslng exports ll Is
expected that thu visible supply of when will
show llltlo eh.ingo on Monday. In fact ll Is
not oxpucli'd that our stocks will diminish
matormllv before the now crop begins to
move , ant ! a rapid Incieaso In ilium Is looked
for. Domchtlu Hour Irado for a forlnlzht has
been unusually rlaek , ntrceled no doubt by
the Imrviistnuw In timorous and nlio-idy lln-
Ished In the bouthern stales. Ocuaslonully
some country trader IDIU of wheat
bobs up and Insists that the crop outlook Is
wretched. Hut reports from illslutero.tcd
sources ate gonoraily fiitorablc. 1'rlmo sayn
fiat eondll Ions In the northwest urn fullv n
favor.iblo for spring wheat us lust year. The
market bus been dull mid featureless , with
nuiru tallw about thoUorby this afternoon than
nnythlii'/else. Corn and oatn liavo p irtlul-
pated In the genetal dullness. Hut for the
purchiiscs for a prominent Iiii'iil trader corn
would doubtless bin o sold lower , despite to-
colpta falling below oxpuutatlniiH In cuiuo-
iinuneoof railroad washouts. OaU are stub
born and have a good many friends who think
Ihi'in relatively cliu.ip and a purchase on all
softHtiols. 1'rovlsluns ara llrm lo utroug. uspe-
elally for ribs. It cannot be possible to manu
facture at a prollt with IHUH at these hUh
prices , and It would Boem that they must
either decline or provisions advance to an
oiiukllty ,
J'limneliil Nairn.
Oiti.KANS , La. , Juno 25.-OloarlngH ,
> | i > (
KANSAS OITV , Mo. ( Juuo 25.
I'AiiiH. Juno 2.1. Three per cent route ? , 08f
7iiu for thu account.
liAi.TiHoiiK , Md..luno2V-Cloarlns. 11,103-
8r > ; balances , t . ' ,0 : > l. Unto 0 per cent.
MBUl'itid. Teun. . Juno 21. No.v Vort ! ox-
ohaugo sullliu ut tl.5J. Uloarliijs , IIO,04Ji
balances , iitw.SJH.
NswVo'.iK. Juno ! . -QIOEirliui. . jai.70l.C17 ;
biilances. fl.'HD.ori. ' I 'or the week , uleurlngs ,
* VM.7tw.oiii : b ilnncoi , * H.Ul7oVj.
I'IIII.AIIKI.IMIIA , r. % . Juno 21. aiourlngs ,
S-'l , l7.07i : balances , J',7li.7BX ' ( For the week :
Clearings , ti , ' . > ISva ) ; buluncoi. JIISOI,4XJ. (
Monuy 2J ( percent.
llosTOK , Mass. . Juno21.-Cloirlii2 , . UMIOI.-
220 : bal'tncds fl.O ) . Monov , f pijr cent ,
I.xchnngeon Now Vork , IOc , Tor thu weak ,
cleurlius. flU.u7n.V : : balances. th.87N.Ht& ) : I 'or
the siuuu week lust year , oloarlngu , (7U,570aaii
baliinccs. (8viSll.
CuiOAdo , III. . June :5 Oloarlnfff. tllOllMl.
Per the woo'u , tJO,7WiJ7 ) , umiliist l7l ) , Jlw ; for
the tame weeU lust year. Monuy iiuiut and
unchanxod at 4 < i l par cent. New York ox-
clmiiKu 40a premium. Htorllng uxuliango
dull at ( I.Hi tor sixty day bills and 1 1.8:1)1 : ) for
HT. L-UIB. Mo. , Juno Cfl. OtourlnirB. M.ai4. .
IKI biituticos. ; K.'iJ'JWJ ; olo.irlngs ih's week ,
' b ilances , n75VUU ; clearings lusl
week , $ j4Ll.M' | ' ; b-ilancui. IJ,4'iJ.Oiiij : oleurlns
corroipondlng week lust year , f 8,4l'lIUl ; but-
iiuuos , f..T : ! ! , ? . Money iiulet at 4 to U per cunt.
liicliuiiEium Now Vork UJo prumlUm.
IliitlnrssVns Tame unil Unluterestlni ,
Tliroiigliniit the Se slon ,
N w YoitK. Juno 25. The stouk market was
tame and iinlntnrestltu throughout the nos-
blon tudiiy , thu dullness being oxtrcme..whlio
tliu trailing was almost wholly conllned to the
present olcmmit , and while the tempur was
81 rung throughout , It was duo entirely to the
coverliu operations of local operators , Nat
turully the stuoUs which have Leon most
iindur pressure for thu latt week tvoro itrimg
and coiuplououa. Among them wan llur
llnetou , which wai thu only Block
which Bucccoded In reaching llvo fl gurus
lo the umount of IU traimttctlons
and wa th only ono la which the oxuoiu *
iictuntlon reached 1 par cent. As tn'fit be
iipuo'eil , It led the list In strength aim olosed
with n nut gain of 1 per cent , tlio only other
trength phoning any approach totlmlbclng
.uekawnnnn , ivhlch rosn u percent. The rest
f the list were , with the exception of Hock
stand , Now Knglnnd , Atchlson and St. I'nul ,
utonsoly dull nnd almost stagnant through
ytuDtitlililnz with the loudora In tliolr up-
T.ird tendency. No feature uf nny kind
nnrkod the dealings , however , and the tamest
csslon of the Stock exchange In many weeks
nully closed with a llrm tone at the best
prices but Intensely dull ,
Government bonus dull nnd steady.
The 1'ust says ! Thu fcoblo buar demonstra-
loii of the last few diy. : iiinihut the slocks uf
orn-carryliu granger roads wassweptundor
oday by a fresh batch of favorable crop do-
pnlchcr. Thu wonthcr In the ciop rcelon bus
icon extraordinarily propltlbns throughout
ho wcoK. and as Wnlt street always prefers
o discount the future rather than the lust
ho cxpoctnt'on of poor stalemonts of earn *
ngs for May has not served as an clTo.tlvo
in ir nrgumont.
This Hindu thn traders who Invo been
unking so loud u nolsu ever Itouk Island and
lurlington , giro up the fljlit nnd ware the
only active buyers In the market. The feei
ng then rose n point , Itock Island ! 4 per cent ,
nil the f utility ot such atlackit may bnjudged
by the fact thai these stocks now soil us high
is at iho close of last wcok. nnd thoflceond
rss than a point higher. Outsldo of those
touUs llltlo or no huslnos * was done , but the
indcrtnnq of the market was llrm.
Vow Kngland hold higher than wai ox-
iccled after yesterday's revived absurdities.
The following are the cosine ntiot-itluns
or the loading stocks on the Now York Block
xclmtigo loliiv ;
Atchlson N. \ . t entrnl in
A'In tin Klpresa N. V. , C. Aht. I , inhi
Alton , ! ' . II f do preferred
ilo prcfcriedi. . . . . Ohlo.t .Ml"li > lppl.
Anicrlcnn Kxtirosi. . 113 Ontnrl5 A Western.
( Jnnndlnn I'nclllc. . . . Orcuoii Impru\cm't.
Cnnmln Southern. . . . Oreuon Nav 72
Central IMcltlc UreKon Trnni 13 5
Chen. A Ohio 1'iu'IHa Mall. . . . ? ' ? (
ilo 1st preferred. . . 1'iMirln , Dec. A H. . . .
do ! M prefi-rrcil. . . I'lttBtmrir
ChlciiKO X Alto US I'ullmuii I'nlncc' , . . . .
c. , ii. AU 10IH llcnilliiR 10
c. , u , . c. * M. i. Itock Island
Dclnvrnro.V Hudson St. K A.H. F. IstpfO.
I ) . ! < . A West 157 .St. I'nnl
I ) . A. It.Ci. pfil do preferred
4 St. I' . . Mln. A Mnn. . 1I5 !
do Int tirufcrrcd. 43D St. I'nnl , t Oiimhl. . . wi'li
jloSil preferred. . . do prcfoncd
Tend. Conl A Iron * . "
line preferred Ttixni I'nclllc '
Fort Wnjrno 152m Tul. AO. U pfd < u
Chlcnicu A K. Ill m Union I'nclllc
llocklntt Valley. . . . If , S. llxpreai
Illinois Central 101 Wnbnrh. t-t. It A 1' .
St. 1'nul A Illllnth. do preferred . . . . . .
Knnsits.lToKnn. . . . Wflls.Knriti ) Hx 145
l.nko Hrlo A West. . . VI Western Union. . . . .
ilii preferred 73V , \ni. Cotton Oil. . . .
l.nko Shore. . . . . . . . . . Coloindo Coal
l,0ult > % Hie A Naili. . 7IH ItoiuestaXo. . . .
l.oulsUlloAN. A . . Iron silver 6'J3S
.Mom phis A C'lnir. . . Ontirlo 3S
Michigan Central. 107 Si Quicksilver
Mil , I , . S. AW do preferred
do preferred iio ; Hutro .04
Minn. A St. I < llulwer. * . . . bJ
ilo profcrrcil Itlch. A W I' , term.
Missouri I'aclllc . . . \YI.eonIn Central. ,
Mjlillu A Ohio . . . . ( ircnt Nortliurn pfil.
NiuhrllloCliutt Ul Clilciiuo ( ias
N. J. Contnil Jl ? U-iid Trust
Norfolk A West pfil 41V --u nr Trust
Northern I'uUllc. . . . .trv Southern I'ncltlo . . .
do profcrrcil. . . . . . ilr O. S. I , . AU. N
If. I' . Dun. .VUltlf. . . It ! It. U. W
Nnrllinostorn I17L do preferred V2' *
do prufurred . . . . 141 DlBlllli'ra 41 !
The total sains of stocks today uoro.rifi.70J
haruK. Including : Atchlson. 5,101 ; ( 'hlciiKO
> .IB , 1.5GO ; Dol'iwaro. Liiekawnnna & Wo < torn ,
,8a ! .Missouri I'aclfh'.IUW ! Norlhorn I'nolflo
iruforrud , l,530Now ; Kngluml , J.OJJ ; Heading ,
,100 : SU 1'iiui , 4,100.
N'mv York floury .Murker.
NKW YOIIIC. Juno2"--'MoNEY o.v CAf.t. Easy
at 1'Jffl'J ' per cent ; Inet lo.ui , 2 per coat ; close
offered nt 2 per cent.
I'imtK MiuoANrni : I'AI-EII 35 per cent.
STKIIUMI HXCIIANRK Qulot but steady at
H.S7'4 for sixty-day bills , ixnd S1.83,1 * for de-
nun ( I.
The closing Quotations on bonds ;
New York Mining
NewYoiiK. Juno 23. The following arc the
closing inliilnp stock quotations :
Aspen IOU llomcstalco M !
I.AB 15 HornHllvcr 215
on , Cnl. A V 145 Mexican. 1.15
> on < hvood 215 Ophlr IK.1
turokn Con li > 3 Savnite 14'J
lalo A Norcruss. . . . 125 Stnndnrd IS
Cuttln Are Higher nnd Active HIIKI .Still
Alioio 95.
OMAHA , Juno 23. The week's receipts foot
IP D.2IJ3 cntt.o. 40.323 hous and 4.K'tt sheep ,
xnalnst 11.08luattlf. 41,573 IIOKS and .ViO sheep
nut wool ; and 7,43S cattle , 23.1HI hoes and Ml
sliocj ) the corresponding week of Junu last
Durlnz the oirly part of the wcok , with
airly llborul supplies , the cuttlo market con
tinued to droop and the outlook was rather
lisciiirailn ) . Tor tho' past three days ,
towovrr. receipts Imvo been nntlsu'illv
Lht and In consequence values liavo
Irmed up coiiHlder.ibly , INnoolully has this
icon the ease with L-ood to cholcci dry lot o tt-
. ! ( ! of all wcUhts. These nro soiling unywhuro
from lOo to ISo bolter than u week a o. yiilp-
plii , half fat anil crcmi steers are soiling
ihotituslow as last week and they will prou.i-
ily KO lowui from now on as riiss cattle bc ln
to arrive In iiiiinlior- " . The recent linprovo-
nent In eastern markets has put new life line
the Milppliu and export tr.ulo and n
eood sharu of thu sile.s of good oat-
Jo the hitter part of thn week
invo been to tlieio buyers. Hutcherj'
stonk nnd catmcrs havoshovfn conipiratlvely
llttln chuniro all week and the same holds true
of HtockurH and feeders. 1'rlceu are ruling
; irotty much the same as a woelc iuo.
UOK vnlueshavoshown an unwind tendency.
I ho continued liber.illtv of thn rncolntH IKIH
lii'en morn tliiin countcrhalanced by ihn uc-
tlvlty In snipping circles I'rlccs are about
Oo bl her tliiin u wock ago , the advance Dolntf
conllned to no particular K'r.ulu or wulehu
Ilo ivy and butcher lion's continue to com-
manu a preinlnin of frotn'Jlic toTio over Hunt
and mixed KtulT and the HtircHd rofuscs to
widen , although onu reason tor this lies In the
unusually oven iiuallty of the h < v now coin-
In ) : to nun ket. The itonoral tone to the trade
Is decidedly linn.
OATTI.K Receipts were qulto liberal for the
last dnv of thu wcok. and the iiuallty win very
KOod taken as a \ Miolu.'ontlnned favorable
ud vlcos from o istern and continental markets
led to continued activity on the part of ship
pers and exporters. This , together with a
very respectable lniiiliv | from local tlrossi'd '
beef houses , produced u stroiu , healthy
tone , although In Kenoral there was
no quotable advance except perhaps
on the more doslrutilo handy Krudes
of corn fodstcors ; UIUHO IIIHOIIIO cases wcru oc
to lilo hiKhor. Heavy oattlo , that In steers
woldilng from 1,23'J to 1,300 pntinds , moved
r.itherfreoly at front $ -1.83 to fl.XV. Fair to
good 1,03/J to 1,200 steers wnro coed sellers ut
nil thu way from J.17n to Jl 11. Common to In
ferior llht ureen and half fat stuff was not
nioru tliuri fttimdv nt from L'Lm ftritvii tn KLOO.
It WHS a tolerably active , healthy market
thniiiu'hout and uu early clearance was ef
Cows and mixed stock was unolmiiRod , poor
to eholco s'ock solllnK at from Il.M to tl.25.
HiilU wuro In meager supply and about steady
at from f223 to * ' , H3. Oalvcs tuovocl alowly
and nt nnminnlly steady prices.
UlTurlnuH of stock and foedliu oittlo wore
limited and In quality common. Thu outsldo
iloniiina was ll lit and the fuellni ; weak. Bales
of 4"4 to 1,011-lb , iinlnials were ut from t.'O to
Jj.'ja Huprusuntntivu sales :
12. . (100 a 40
BONDS otMJ u of CIT : 8 ,
Correipondence tollcluxt.
103-lea Dearborn Btreot. CHICAGO.
( B Wall Btraat , NEW VORK.
30 tUt 81. . HOBTOM.
lions Heccluts wore fully up to , oven be
yond , expectation hrfrUhe tiuiillty In KoticnU
was very fair. Thrjrq.iroro iilenty of choice
medium woUht ting ? hero. but good heavy were rilliur tcarvc , The week's receipts
were 2,10.1 heavier III m n week ago nntl 17..WJ
licnvlor than a yenrnco. The market opened
up rather favorably ( or tlio nollln * Interusta.
Milliners and fiosli Meat men paid fcluft and
t.Moforttooa to obdlco heavy and butcher
weight hogs , or a simile toiio higher than tlio
same hoas brought Friday. Thcro was also nn
actlvo domiina from local housus. especially
puckers. They paid tl.ffl to M.o.1 for common
to Rood lioguof all weights.
Some very Inforlor ntuff sold below tlio
latter iuotitlon. ] While the cotnpotltlon
lusted the miirKot was nctlvo and llrm , but
with the filling of shlpuItiK and fresh moat
orders mid the receipt of bearish news from
O'lilcuKO. tbo mnrkoteloso.l weak with u few
loads unsold. The bulk of the sales were nt
f join I4.1B to J.i.0.iiRiilnst from ( l.m to 8S.OO
Irldny M ml H.KO to JI.W list : Hut unlay. The
Rt' liver 11:0 of prices paid was VOIi.
nsalnst * 4.OT'i Friday nnd I4.8'-TS la Saturday.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. IT. IS'o. Av. Sh. Pr.
4) Jl 70 Ml. . 101 MOO
2. . . .383 4 80 00. . . ! I207 200 500
4. . . . ' -OJ 4 8. ' . 77 * , . . .241 2i < 0 r. oo
1o.l | i at 83 . . . ID ; r , oj
o.l ! .KM 4 0) 8. . . . .218 r > oo
74 . lift 4 ! K ) sa. . . . .207 4110 500-
W. . . .ail 2JO 4 1)5 ) OS . . 40) ADO
77. . . . -"JJ 4 115 241
1'J. ' . . .17.1 24u 4 115 0.1 . . .I2.V no SO )
' 'JJ 200 4 Ul 02 . . . .23J 2SI 50J
.24U 4 I ) ' . 74. . .Sill 120 .100
' 0 . . . ! JJ5 240 4 115 IU . . . .210 240 500
84 178 bO 4 111 71. 2IC 1GJ : > 01 : ! J
10 . . 410 4 1C , 71.TU . . . .205 III ) OC''ii
Ni. . . ! 8J 4 05 . an 12J 501
CU. . . sin 1(1) ( 81 . 2JI 210
8J. . . .1U3 EO 4 115 2 ! ) . -J7I f ! 05
71. . . 280 7s. 200 50.1
7J. . . ' . 'ID 4 ir ! 01. . . .243 120 5 05
W. . . 2JO 4 111 87 I3 f.05
i8) 4 01 . . .257 ' A U.I
240 4 05 . . . ' . ' ( II 'so fi05
80 . . . -10 200 407 ! , ix ; , . .2.12 8) ) ft 01
: > : , . . .i'O'J ' 100 4 U7S4 77. . ' " 505
82. . . 200 M. . . "aib 12J B 1'5
.mi 203 71) . . . . .2IU J2J f. 05
240 T.I. . . . .2.11 12J Ou.1
8'J .iiu 80S 4 l 7i ! 48. . 210 ftU5
200 S ) 5 UO 80 5 0,1
88 .2.H 240 R 00 84. . .211 103 5 0.1
4UO 5 00 G3. . ara 120 501
5 00 20J 505
ISO 5 OJ 100 50.1
I'M 5 00 72 2JS 505
480 6 00 01 2.77 505
8J 5 CO 70 241 505
4 0 5 00 7:1 : 210 501
ICO 5 UO ttJO 5 0.1
40 5 00 TO. .2W 50.1
120 5 00 07 .210 8J 505
210 500 fiO 505
81) ) 5 0) 6'J . . 220 2SJ 505
120 5 00 27. . . aa 505
203 5 (0 ( ' ' ' 40 50.1
40 5 00 42 . . .200 2bO 50.1
lliO 5 00 M ) . . .250 40 Qi5
240 5 03 70 224 8J 505
120 SCO 68 . . .231 320 505
1GO SCO 70 . . .245 40
IK ) 5 00 6D 8J 507H
8J 5 00 01. : r.g 8) 507 ! ' ,
101 5 00 03 . . .214 ISO 507i !
200 5 00 01 . . . .200 80 510
120 S 03 07 28J 510
5 10 01 247 80 5 10
3GO 5 00 OS 253 40) & 10
120 5 03 05 243 41 510
4J 5 00 70 240 40 510
20J 50J
323 2 00 i CO 145 103 400
. . . .4JJ 250 1 350 423
1 . 43) .TO
SIIEKP Tlicro wore no fresh receipts to
speak of. Some Minnesota fctoclcors held over
from I'rld'iy sold forS.1.75. The demand con
tinues strong for desirable muttons ut about
steady prices. Quotations as follows : Fair
to uood natives from f 1.50 to $5.0j ; fair to KOOI !
westerns , from $4.09 tojl.5) ) ; common and stock
sheep , from W.50 to tl.0 > : peed to cholco40 to
OJ-lb lambs from Sl.wrto $3.50. Representative
sales :
( (
No. i Av. I'r.
r-'Ofoeclurj . , - , UO 8173
Itocclpts i iirnr pnsltion of.StooIc.
Oniclal receipts : ln < L'dlsposltIon ' of stosf as
showp by the books o ( the Union Stock Yards
company for the twoilty-fotir hourd ending ut
5 o'clock p. in. , Juno25. 1802 :
Knimns City I.lvn Stock .Uiirkot.
KANSAS OITV. Mo. . Juno 25. OATTI.K Ile-
celuts , 2,200 ; shipments. bOU ; steers , active and
steady to slroirW.4 iiJ.JJ ; cows , steady to
lower , fl.75i.2.1. :
lions Hccelpts , 3,403 ; Ehlpmcnts , 2,100 : the
market for good ho/s was active uud ftfilnu
higher ; all grades , t4.33.1.25 ; hulk , H l' ' . > © 5.0. ! .
SiiEKi1 Kecelnts , l.MO : shtumouts , loj ; mar
ket was nominally steady.
St. I.mils l.ltu Stock .M
ST. Louis , JIo. . Juno 21. OATTi.E-Itccolpts
10) ) ; slilpmunts , , 1,000 nrirkut strong at , the
advance ; fair to choice heavy , 4.1.IC.rH ! ) ;
Texan sleurs , JiiWiiJM.
lions Uecolpts , 5ir > ; bhlpmonts , 1.400 ; mar
ket steady ; fair to best heavy , $ ,1.00 ® > . ; iO ;
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet prornptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and JJoiveJa , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , idispels colds , head
aches and fevers , and cures habitual
constipation. ' $ yrup of Figs is the
only remedy of ; its kind everproi
duced , pleasintfio the taste and ac-
ceptahlo to thqfctomach , prompt in
its action nnd'wuly ' beneficial in its
effects , prepared/only / from the most
healthy and ag able substances , its
manvoxccllentqualitiescommend it
to all and himj made it the moat
popular remedy' known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 7Bo
"bottles by alj 'leading ' druggists.
Any reliable dffaggist who may not
have it on hfthcl will procure it
promptly for nny ono wlio wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
* . NBW VOBK. N. Tf. _
XIKMT. s > speoldo for llrslotla. Dlcttnsss , ITIti , Nu
rslgla , llsailnctio. Kertvus I'rastrutaa cau 4 br
slooboior vobuccoY kefillness , Msalsl Utaroi-
sloa , tiottaess of Ibs lirula. o u lo lumaltr , mlisrjr.
decir.dM'.t. t'roiustur * OU Aae. llarrcaiiti. 1.0n
of row IT 1 = i-lthoriac , ImpotoaoiMiuoorrba * aai
all teiuato Wvaknassss. laroluniirr Losiss , bpsr
matorr'joji cuioj Or orar axaitloa of ta brain
Hef-abusourr-la4ulK | nc i A muath's troatujQ.
II , C fur S , br ratlt. Wuuaranu > slx bozo * to curj
Escti order Ior8 uaiai , wlta It will sean wrlttai
cuarantsto rofuailf not ourol. Uuiraataa lua l
pair br A. BcbrelerCrurgln. sol * aKSUl , suutti > ai
coratr Utb u > 4 f nn oi sis.
mlxn.l fair to good , II.TM15.3.1 ! light , mrdlum
o belt. I4.I5\XU. (
.SilKEi'-Uccclpts , l.niO ! shipment * , 1,000 !
market steady i fulno desirable tmtlvo milt-
ton * , SI. 00 ( 5 03 ! fair to desirable Texas mill
ions. tJ.5wa4.75. _
Chicago Live Stock Murhrt.
OmfAoo , III . Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to
TUB UEE. | An unchangrd market was cxpe-
Icnccd today. ' 1 hero was u fair Inquiry for
ucul nnd snlpplni ; account iitiu the range of
values was nominally the smnons for I rlaiiy.
.ons anil heifers were quoted nt from $ | , a.l to
.1.2.1. bulls nt from l..lloS ; 0. stackers and
ocdiirs al f rom $ iOJ to MM , and drcssciHioef
nnd shipping steers nt from W.81 to JI.M.
Canes wuro ngaln strnnj. They were sale
able at from JioO to * i..l , according to finality.
Thli Is nn advance for the vtcok ot from iV to
Oc. Texas cuttlo were quoted Kl from (1.85
The hog mirkct opened stonily at yester
day's advances , or at from t-l.oo to $ .1:11 : for
ioortoo.xtra light , MOlto 1,40 for medium-
vclghl and al from IS.U to J.V45
or heavy. Toward Iho close thorn
rns a wcnkor fcollng , the later trailing
ndicalln ? a decline of 5o Ncnrly every ihlng
was liken , however , tlio hulk of the stun"
going at from JV-'J tuf-Vil. ! . OulU nero peddled
out nt from M.03 to JI.75 ,
Sales of ilieop nnd lambs were at quite an
coon prices as were pnld on 1'rldny , The
ormpr quoted at from 4J.T.1 to Hin , nnd iho
alter tiUrom $ | , ro to ( T , r Thcto was a
Izlit Biipplynnd ; KRood demand atthoalovo
) rlce .
Hccclpts ! C.'nttlc , 1.500s hogs , U.OOOj sheep.
, IKK ) ,
Then on ig.Tournal reports ; OATTI.B Ho-
cnlpls. l.r > )0 ; shlpnifiits , I.V | ) ; mnrlicl steady
mll\cs.l.5i < ( tiMj ) Texans , $ J.45.50 ; stookeM.
iO. : i.OO ! cow's. JI.158.V ( ) .
Modfl-lU'Coluls , 14,000 ; slilptucnls , 4.000 ;
narkot f > ® ll'o loner ; tough and common ,
U.iGtl.M ) ; picking. ; 4.Ki.l.U ! ; packing and
hipping. $ ! .io@.l.40 ! prlmo heavy and butchers ,
! : LVtC.V41i light , I.W > 3S ill.
SIIRBP Heeolpls , vr.'jj ; ; shipments I,2i10 ;
nnrlvct stoutly to weak ! natlvps , fl,40 < i < iOJ ;
7exnns.l.rJ5iiIriO ; westerns , tl.75.V50 ; nallvo
coders , $ t-M4ii.80. :
Lincoln Iitu Htork.
LINCOLN , N'ob. , Juno 2.1. ISnnelal to Tin :
Inn. ] There was a fulr run of hogs at West
jliicoln today. Mnrkot ste.ulv lo fte higher ,
vllh prices ranging from $4.00 lolAOa
Do sure and USD Mrs. Wlnslow'.s Soothing
syrup for your children wlnlo teething , as
cents u bottlo.
Now York mid Kcttirn.
July to 0 ono ( tire for the round
rip. Choice ol routes from Chicago.
Rolurn Hinlt August 15. Cull ut Chl-
CIIRO , Rouk Island & Pucillo Ry. ticket
olllci1,1002 Parnain strcot.
J. L. Du BKVOISI : , City Tkt. & P. A.
/ { fills the bill a
dose of Dr. Picrco's
Pleasant Pellets. Sicker
or Bilious Headaches ,
Dizziness. Constipa
tion , Indigestion , Bil
ious Attacks , and all
derangements of tlio
liver , Etomach and
bowels are promptly
relieved and perman
ently cured.
But not in tlto way
the Unco , old-fashion
ed pill trios to do it
Thcso llttlo Pellets have lictter method * .
They clcanso and regulate the nholo sy&tcm
naturally. In other words , they do it
thoroughly , hut mildly and gently. Thero'a
no disturbance to the system , diet or occupa
tion. They're the smallest in sire , but the
most cfFectivo in result purely vegetable ,
perfectly harmless. Only ono little hugar-
coatcd Pellet for a laxative three for a
Tbcy'ro the cheapest pills you can buy ,
for they're guaranteed to give satisfaction ,
or your money is returned. Yon pay only
for the good you get.
This is true only of Dr. Pierce's standard
Anew and Complete Treatment , consisting 01
Suppositories. Ointment In I'npsulot , also In Ilex
and IMIls : n Poiltlro Curs for ISxternnl , Intorml
blind or Illeodlng llohlnj , Chronic , Itcosnt or Iloredl
tarj Pllos. Tills Koine ly has never bcon knnrrn to
fall.llporbor Ofor i ; sentbrmill. WhrsuITcrfrom
this terrlblu dtsoaie wlion a wrltton guarantee Ii
positively Kl' n with 0 boxoi or rotund tlio raonsy It
not cured Send stamp for Tree Sample. ( Juuraiuee
Issued hr Kuhn A Co. , Druggists , Solo Agents , corns-
Ill and DeB iilas stroeta. Omaha Nnb
A Written aunrantoc
SYPHILIS ; to Cure Every Caio or
Mouoy Kefuadcd.
Our cure Is permanent and not ft patchl 17 vp. Cases
treated seven years ago have nerer seen a symptom
llnce. 117 describing case fully we c a treat you by
mall , and we giro tlie amo strong guarantee to cure
or refund all money. Those who prefer to come here
fortreatment can do soaal we wlllp.iy railroad fare
both ways and hotel bills while hero , If we fall to cura
W chalenn ! < ftno world for a casa that our Mairlo
Hcmedf will not euro , write for particulars anl net
Ihgerldenee. In our seven rears practice with the
Mafflollemedy It hns been mostdlltlcult to orercorno
the prejudices against socnlled speclltcs. But under
ourstronc Kuaranteo thousands are trying It and bo
Ingcured. Weeunrantco to euro or refund eTery
dollar , and as we haru a roputtlon to protect , also
nnanclal backing of WO.OJOIt Is pcrfoctlr safe to nil
who wll ! try the treatment , Heretofore you Imio
putthiK up nnd paylnn out your money for different
treatments , and although you are not yet curel na
one hu paid buck your money. Wo will positively
cure JOB , Old , chronic , deep soatol caies euros In U )
too ) days. Iuvo4ttg < ite our tinnnclal standing , our
reputation as business men. Wrlto us for names an J
addresses of thoiaotmvo curoJ who bavo glron
pormlsclon to refer to them. It coiti you only post
age to do this. If your symptoms are sore ,
mucous patcbos In mouth , rheumatism In bones and
Joints , hnlr falling out , eruptions on nny part of tbc
body , feeling of general depression , pnlns la heal or
bunos. You barono time to Vasto. Toose Who are
constantly taking mercury and potaib , should dl < -
continue It. Constant u e of these drugs will surol/
bring s. ores and eatlov ulcers tn the end. tkm't f all to
write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain en
velope. Wo Invlto the moit rlxU Investlgatlou and
will do all Addrass ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omnhn. Neb
Union Stock Yards Company
est onttlo. ho ? nnd hhoop mnrkot In the west
0 = 0. B UflKE & FRf.ZIER
Cft (1MAIHI ( Wrlto to this housa for cor-
iW UillAllA | root Market Raporn.
Wood Brothers ,
Eoutb Omaha Telephone ll'iT. - Ohloaso
W. K. WOOI1. fMnniuori.
Market reports by mull anJ wlro cheerfully
furnlimcd upon uppllcatlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Clilcaeo , EvstBt. Ixinls , KaniasOlty , Houtli
Umuhu , aloux Olty , Fort Worth.
A. Crlll , W. F. Donnr. U. * ' Tullmad ia.
ClilOKO. lion baleirann. Cattle rialu.inan
Crill , Denny & Company ,
MvoBtockCouiinlnlon. Jlooaa'fl Uxcuans ; , *
tioutli Oiuulia.
A. D. Boyer &Co-npany ,
Mnnd W KxohiinKO IlulldlnSouth Oniah-k
Correspondence sollcltdd an4 iiroiiiptlr answerU ,
bpeclul attention to orduri for stookurs A fecdori ,
EsloblUhed , 1S8U - - Incorporate , I3ii
Capital fully paid , UJ.iWJ.
Waggoner Birney Company ,
Write or wlro us for prompt and rellablo market
Perry Brothers & Company ,
LIveBtock Corn mission.
Jloora 61 Kxchango Hnlldliu' . fcouth Omaha
Telephone 17J7.
M. II. Hogarty & Oo. ,
Itooin Ut Kxcuu.o
Iliilldlii , ' ,
South Omaha , - Neb
Union Stock Yard National
The only bank at the yards. Capital end sur.
idus. TiJO.OOO. Culloctloun lirowln out of the live
stock builnoss should bu stint direct to tkli bank.
Ublppers can deposit for crvJIt o ( tuelr livui * Itat
' and
I. H. GLENN. ( Established 1&35) ) ,
Contrnclors and sub contractors for nil kinds of Wholsalo butter A eggs Butter , chcoi ? , ecus ,
building , plniterlni ; . palnllni etc. . Hill receive n IJuis nnd foils for vek'etnlili'8. fruits.pout * '
uf lilenn'nnrclilteLts trj and vau.0.
rep > andbuldrs ! dlruutiiry
free , by fenillnc their nume , builnvas nnd lorn- cash. 413 b. llth st. ,
You'd better not waste any
more time if you expect to
get anything from tiic gov
ernment. Unless you put
your claim on record before
March ' 3 , 1894 you will
never have another chance.
It takes time to put an ap
plication in shape , and tiicre
is not a bit of spere tima
left. Whatever you hftve
lost by the Indians , under
the conditions describsd in
the law , can be recovered if
vnn on nhmif if in thn rirrht
way. Th9 Baa Bureau of
Claims knows just how to
go to work. Write and finl
Bee Bureau of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
Out Doors
tf men and women of nil nfjos know
how onsy It IB to blcyclo how safe
healthful joyful economical nil
the world would oyclo As cycling
lends oxurulrio * of nil out-doors , HO thu
Columbia lends the cycles of the
Hook about ColumDlas free nt Col
umbia uitonclrx , or xoiit for two two-
reiitHtnnips I'ojtO Mfj. Co.l Uol-
utitUuB Ave. , Itostou.
National Bank.
Cnpltnl $103,031
Onic rf nlllrotir4-IIeifr W Vftta i. o I " 1111 >
It. UCuiUliu. Tluaprail'lint. lia. urlo . < V. v
Mor.eJulmti. UcllliuJ. „ . IL I'atrloi lal > 1
lined , CmUUr.
IsuiiKiirpassiMl in tlio trint'uiiiitot nil formiof
PRIVATB DISEASES , mill nil illsorlorj
mid dobllltlos nf youth 'in I in tuliool. 17 your * '
oxiierlciii'n. Ills rosmin'os ami f lollltkn tire
liructlc.illy uulliiiltul. Tim I ) rjlor U rucoiu-
nicniled by tlio profs , mil eiifloMs.l In thd
Btroiuo4l tnrnH by tin * iiuoplo for f.ilr trimt-
ineiit nml Inmost iinitcmioii M ml vice , Tlia
most powerful roiiieilles liuowii to nifiilorn
Rcleuce for the Biiccositul troitincut of tliq
following illHcnsos :
QONOUBHOliA I MI inert Into relief. A com-
n'eleciiru without tlio lo-u ot uu Hour's tlma
finiu liiihliinss.
QliKErOiioof tlio most complete iiu 1 mio-
ccs ful truiitineiits for Klcat un.l till aiiiinyliiji
il'fcoluirics ' vol. known lo tlio nmlliial profui-
blon. Tlio fosultaurutrulv womlurful. ;
STKTOTUIIE Gro ilost liuonii roinuily for
the tro'il incut of stricture , without p iln , cut-
tin'oril liitlirr. A most remark lulu roiiimlir.
SYPHILIS No trK.itinont for thin terrlOl *
b'oiilillseiiso ' has ever hujn more su'ceNHfiil.
nor hud HtrrmKoromlorHoiiitmtn In tlio IlK it
of nuiilorii suloncu this il no IHU s positive y
cur.iU'o.-inil every tracoof the poison entirely
roniovo I from tlio hloo I. . . . .
LOST MANHOOD , iintl niuhltlon. nervous
ness , tlmlilitv. dospoiiileiicy uiul nil wo.iltiioj ;
nut ! disunion of youth or m-inhooj. Hullof
olitnliii'il iit < inco. _ _ . . , ,
SKIN DISEASES , mid all tllsoasH of tha
nomu-n , lilooil. liver. Id Inoys null uluddur
nru iroiited u ocessfully with the roato
known rniiiodloBfortlio illneanrm.
Wrlto forolroulari suidoiioa t Ion list , frJo
Jltliinnl J'nrnitin f tn. > tmiitii\at !
Elastic Stockings
Weak Limbs ,
Varicose Velna
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Supporters
ters , Deformity
Braces , Medi
cinal Supplies.
1) )
114 S. 161t.t. , Next to Post Olllce
IIIJOU OI'KUA \-"Trlptolnill \ . "
"J.L'I.U , " Tliu Utah Maunotlo Qlrl.
"UUU.A , " Tlio l.ltliiK Half Woman
TI1K ( MI'I'OWH u ea 111 I'-iuiutliiK Nell and DUel
1OO. TOVlaU. . 1OO ,
i TbeUgc Tlckiti to ua 10o.