THE OMAHA DAILY JiEE : MONDAY , JUNE 27 , 1892 , AT SOUTH OMAHA i Interesting Dispute Bttwecn the Council and the School Board. 00TH WORKING ON DIFFERENT LINES fa Smith Omnlin n City of tlio Pint or HtooiiU Cln 7 Tim ( Jiiottloii on Which They lIllTor-Tho .School I.nvy. An Intcrcillnff mooting wn hold nt 11 9'clock joslorday nt the Union stock jnnls pftlce. TUoso present wora Councilmen wood , Walters and Hcliulz and Messrs. .lonos , Jheek. Funston and 1'ciirl ol the Bo.ird of CJucntlon. Tbo mooting was for the pur pose of dUcusslnt ? the proposed school lory if 12 % mills , which the board maintains is The meeting roiultod In bringing out one peculiar nnd interesting state ot affairs and Ytrblcb should bo looked Into. The city coun cil li conducting the affairs of the city upon the prcsumntlon that South Omaha Is a city Of the llrst class , having moro than 10,000 In- habltimts , whllo the school board U work- ng under tbo charter of a city of , ho bucund class , ono having more ihou > ,000 t opulatlon. Thu members of the school aonrii clnim that the courts have hold that South Omnha la a city of the second class , ind cite thocasc of tbo contest made two yearn uau to Ascertain whether the district fcbould bo governed by n board of six or nine Bombers , and iho decision was handed down Jiat the school board should bo composed of kix members , as provided for In cities of the Second class. The members of the council , however , are Of a different opinion , and maintain that teoulli Umnha la a city of the first class nnd ; boy are conducting tbo business of iho city Iu nccordanca with the provisions of the tiharler for a city of tlmt kind. This ques tion was not discussed at any length , and .ho countenances of tboso present beamed Vtith the assurance that "our slao la right IBI d iho other follows are wrong. " i DUcusflccl tlio Now Lovy. The question of tbo levy of l-j-.j mills for Icbool purposes was discussed pretty thor- BUidily. The position taken by tbo members Vf ) tbo school board is that the levy la made ncccftsur.v by reason of Iho rapid growth und jirosont crowded condition of the city schools , nud the demand for more school buildings , jburlnt ? the past year many scholars have been turned nwuy and in tbo High scbeol building In several rooms the attendance Vvns so lureo that It was necessary to divide Vie sclioltirs into two classes , ono attending | n the forenoon nnd tuo other in tbo after- boon. 'Iho city la well provided for in all JiaitH except the northern and northwestern fcortlon and It Is tbo Intention to erect ono Icliool building on Missouri nvonuo and another In the northern part , of town. The ttunds derived from iho saloons cannot bo used for any other purpose than Iu the payment of salaries , and whatever balance ( hero is must go into a sinking fund. The board Is opposed to selling the sites now pwned by tbo city , and claim there Is no tnarliot for thorn nna they would bavo to be UUjM .d of nt a loss. No levy bus buon made Aluco ISS3 nnd the board falls to understand tony there Is any opposition to a levy this ' , > The levy of 12 < mills will glvo the board tearly $ > ,000. Tlio income from licenses and lines will reach SUG.OOd. Tbo estimated cent of conducting tbo schools for tlio ensuing your Is placed at IOOCO. The board will also make coed un overlap of Si.OOO from last year. U'hus it will to scon that they will have but the ! 5,000 to bo used In the. purchase of files and the erection of two buildings. Tbo committee from the council Interro gated tbo members of the school board quite frequently and succeeded In bringing out all the facts as printed above. They will re port 10 the council this evening , but as that Body has no newer In the maklne of the levy It Is not probable that any recommendations jvlll be made. A"ow J'lrn Limits. At Ibis evening's session of the city coun- now nro limit ordinance will bo passed , new ordinance takes in moro territory than tbo ono now in vogue , and the boundary lines are llxcd as follows : Commencing at the north west corner ot Twonty-sovonth am ] K streets , extending west along the north line of N street to tbo cast line of the right of way of the Union Pacific railway company ; tbcnco north along the line of the right of way of said railway company 150 fcot ; thcnco east on a direct line lo the alloy belwcon Twenty-fourth and ( Twenty-tilth streets ; thence north along tuo east line of said alley to the south line of L treot ; thence east along the south line of L > trect to tbo alloy between Twouty-thlrd and Twenty-fourth sveotj ; tbenco south along tlio west line of said alloy to a point ICO fcot Aust of the south line of N street ; tbenco tvost to the west sldo of Twonty-sovonth /iireot / , 15U feet south of the south line of N . Btroct ; and tbonco north to the place of be ginning. Tbo penalty for tbo violation of the ordl- ' 16anco is a line ot frotn 2o to $100. The oriii- Jbanco provides for the kind ot buildings and regulates tbo reconstruction or repair of Buildings within luo Uro limits. Notes unil 1'ernuimln. Colonel E. O. Mayllold was at Louisville ypstorday. Chief of 1'ollco Bockotthas recovered from bis Illness and will re umo bis onlclal duties today. A in on Sclioutz , tbo popular ulork at the Dalmonlce , returned homo yesterday from u Visit to Erie , Pa. Miss Etta Tyloo , a popular young lady , has accepted a position witn the American Dis trict Telegraph company. Two men , a team of horses nnd a wagon tolled down the steep embankment nt Twenty-third nnd U streets yesterday. No dnmugo wus douo. The Metropolitan Street Uallwav comnanv nas completed Its track and now has u horsa car running from Twenty-fourth and N otrcots to Albright. Tbo company will have ouurctlons mauo and cars will bo running ttowii N street during tbo present wcok. MIXIXU UUXUItKSS . Attendance I'roinlioil Wliun the ScAKlun OjumH , July t . Advicqs from ox-Governor 3. T. Housor And U. Urown , chairman and secretary of tbo cxecutlvu commltteo of tlQ ) national min ing con gross , are to the effect that the second end sisslonof the congress , to bo bold In Holonu , Mont , July VJ next , will have an Unusually largo attendance from the eastern , outhcrn , middle , western and northwestern tales. Uusponses dally received by the ex ecutive uommlttoo from senators , congress- Won , governors , mayors nnd other prominent men throughout thu country Indicate u very .general Interest In the objects of tba con- Rri'H < . nnd thera are muny who express the dirsjro , regardless of Immediate connection With mines or mlulnir , to tuko advantage of tbo very low railway rntns , ono faro for the tound trip from nil points in the Unilod Blairs , established for thi > occasion , to mnko tbi-ir Hut visit lo the Yellowstone National park und .sco tbo other wondera and vur- prises to bo encountered In the Houlty mouii- . alii rouinn. The people of Helena'und In- "dead ot tlio whole state ot Montana , nro aoi- Ivuiy preparing for a cordial reception nnd entertainment of convention guests this uiniuer. Tbo upluauld now lleluun audito rium , tullt expressly for convention pur pose * , U completed , nud the hotels and tunny of Ihu llnest private rc&ldunccs nru mulling espcctul uirungcniuiiu for the comfort und entertainment of nojourncrs during the BOS- lou of tha mining congress. The governor of well ituto In the union has the appoint ment of lou delegates and tbo major ot each oily und town appoint * delegations prop > > r- tloiiato to population , with at least ouo dele- gala fcr cuth town. The most Iiituioatlng feat uro ol the con. ( truss will bo the drllang rontest , which will last for four ovonlnirs. Tba cxecutwo com- jultltHi has decided that no oniriuioo tea will J clarsed conlostauts , whllo the prizes to bo contended for will amount In the aggre \ gate to about $3,501) . In addition several nnocial orlios huve already been offered. Viva coutitlos In Moouua have lgnilled their lulQulloq to maka entries , und tbera will bo several teams from Colorado , two or inoro from Idaho and ouo at least from Washington. Tbo fuct that ao entrance feu CLOSING SALE. MAIL ORDERSJ-FILLED - ON ALL GOODS. Jin . ' < < NECKTIES PANTS 15c Some people want only the coal tujd vest out of 11 suit nnd that's why wo Imvo Hollmnn used to got 2. > c nnd 35c for a whole lot of tliotn. Fitney Upht colored tics , silk brocades nnd Balin , locks fronts und , stripes 4-ln-h.inds. , checks , dots , ODD PANTS YOU NEED NOT MUCH MONEY. All the 50c and 75c . . On hand out of 912 nnd $15 stilts that wo oloso out this wcok at NECKTIES A little money goes an awful long ways towards getting a complete 2&G outfit at Hellman's Administrator's Closing Sale. In fact , the goods are $1.50 As good ri3 anybody wours. being sold regardless of price because they must be cleared out. Thou . All the Black Satin sands and thousands of dollars' worth have already been disposed of , A PAIR. Madras Shirts but it has not taken thousands and thousands of dollars to buy them. Fancy worsted , light color , striped Look at the prices at the side of these remarks and see if you ever heard nnd plaid And Outinor Flannel 50c tell of buying a genuine all wool pair of pants for a dollar and a half that PANTS belongs to a $12 or $15'suit ; or a neck-tie for 15 cents. You will like Tlollinttn sold thorn for 7oc , SI nnd $1.25. Look In Iho window. them , Lots of stores sell 50c ties that are not a bit better. What does it Genuine ALL matter to you what it costs you so long as you know it is worth three or $2.50 four times what you paid for it. That's the way everything in the store Silk Shirts Hollnian or anybody else would got $4 is going. You're'not obliged to say you have on an $8 suit simply be for thorn. $1.50 cause it cost you that. You can safely rely on its being a $15 or $20 EXTRA SIZE Elegantly gotten up and Itolltnan . never - suit , Then straw hats , or any kind of a hat , for that matter , well , come in , or sold thorn for less than $4. PANTS we will guarantee to astonish , you. The goods must absolutely go and BROWN ECRU AND SOLID BLACK , that's all there is to it. If you have been here once , come again ; it Half Hose will pay you to supply yourself for years to come , for no such goods 3.00 at such prices will ever' be on sale in Omaha again. 15c For long , lean , lixnk ; short , stubby , stout mon. Ilolltniin'a price wus $5. Everybody else gets 2oc. Administrator's prieo $3. ENDLESS VARIETY OP MAIL ORDERS FILLED At Most Any Price. HELLMAN'S ADMINISTRATOR'S CLOSING SALE , COR.NEJR iSthi AND KAR.NA.M © TR.EXEXTS. will bo charged will undoubtedly have the cIToctof drawing a largo number of contest ants. The prizes are the largest offered In a drill contest in the northwest , and the mon who will coinpoto will bo the Dost men with ttio drill and hammer in tholrvarious camps. Npl > ra.Hkii. It is stated that Geneva is to have a first- class opera bouso. J. J. Tooliiy has started the Courant at Eddyvillc , iSawson county. Lumber has boon purchased to erect a Methodist church ut Gorlne. The machinery for tbo Kearney factory U nrrivinp , and will bo placed In position in a few days. Rod Cloud wheelmen are gntnir to organlz o a bloyclo clab and go to Hastings on the Fourth of July. Jack Kennedy , a B. & M. conductor , is minus a finger as the result of trying to couple cars at Edholm. A stallion belonging to Thomas Batto of Nor foil : , valued at $500 , ruptured a blood vessel and dropped dead. The 13-year-old son of H. G. Munson was drowned in tbo river at Fullorton. The boy was fishing , and foil over the dam. The Baptist church at Pleasant Dale boa been reorganised and admitted to member ship in tbo regular Baptist council. A rattlesnake bit a young son of Dotlift Smitn of Blair , but the boy's life was saved by use of the usual remedy whisky. Five tramps are In Jail at ToUamah as the result of a drunken row at Oakland , during" which ono of the tramps cut Lib companion's throat with a razor. Snllno county can boast of what no other county of the state can boast. Tboro uro ten postofhccs In the county and nine of them ara money order ofllccs. Whllo playing around his father's store a scytbo fell on tbo 7-year-old son of U. Hazlo- wood of Oscoola , badly cutting hli arm and severing bis thumb from the hand. Charles Holmes of Strong tried to shoot n dog , but Instead of carrying out bis deadly purpose ho put a bullet through bis own Platte Center now has a paper to take tbo place of the Argus , which removed to Colum bia some tlrau ago. It has boou christened the Koportor and Is published bv J. Brad ford , late of Grotna. 1'ho Paplllion Times says that A. M. Clarke has been ranking a personal Inspec tion of the Clarke farms this wuotf , visiting all parts of the county. Ho has excellent opportunity to obiorvo tbo situation , and uu- hesitatingly assorts that in tbo ontlru county tboro la not a single Held of small grain , suvo rye , which can bo called first class. A convention oC the Epwortb league for the stale of Nebraska and tbe tenth general conference is to bo bold in Hastings , July 10-17 Inclusive. , The body consist of two delegates from each chapter in tbo state , two roiirosonlallvos from each presiding elder's district , iu the general conference district , And the pastors and presiding elders of tbo .Methodist Episcopal church of tbo same ter ritory. The other evening , says the Norfolk Her ald , a party of men sat In a saloon playing cauls. A woman and a little oov walked In and took up a position at tbo back of ono of tbo chairs. Thu man therein stood it for a moment and then uroso. wont to the bar und culled for a boor. Tbo woman and child fol lowed quietly and nskad for two moro. This was moro than ty : mau could stand and bo slapped his glasaaowu on tbo counter und luit , followed by iho other two. Tbo man wus the husband and father of them. Tbo wlfo called the blulT and bo throw up bis hand. "Thero is u moral hanging by that , " remarked a bystander. Lnrumlo university held iu commence ment exercise * last ween. H. H. Huit , wanted at Bait Lake for em bezzlement , was nrroilca at Cheyenne. The track layers uio ut work about mno- teoii miles from Glllotto ou the ElUhoru ex tension to Cue.on . no. The imeltor contracts have been let at Ctioyoaiiu and a now company Incorporated wltli a capital of f 1.000WO. About UOOU , fleeces will bo removed from Wyoming ulioep at tbo ( hearing pens near LutU during the next six weeks. Tbo Ang'.o-Amarlciku Oil company ofVyo - iiilairhus boeu incorporated. It has holding * and will develop m Natrona county. Tbo capital stock Is JTOO.IW'J , 'Ihreo falulltloi occurred within a low hours ut Uock Springs Saturday. Charles lirlslow , a tramp from Minneapolis , was killed whllo stealing a ride on a freight trola. Hurry Johnson , a coal imucr , bad bis legs broken by the falling of roclc overhead and soon died. A Chinese minor was killed by a train , The Cheyenne Loader Is having trouble between Its stockholders and the editors. An application has boon made to put the paper In the hands of a receiver. The stock war is the cause. . Tommy Hogan , who was knocked out by the Mountain Kid at Rock Springs is anx ious to tight the Kid again.and Harry Hvnds of Cbeyenno stands ready to back him to the extent of So.OOO. Hynds lost $3,000 by Slogan's defeat at Hock Springs. Fifteen tramps wore driven from n car of a Freight train at a station n few miles west of Lar.imlo Thursday morning. They took a refuge behind a water tank and opened flro on tbo train crow with two pistols. The railroad mon , all of whom were armed , re turned the lire. About thirty shots were fired. Conductor Dale ivas wounded in the hand. As the train pulled out tbo tramps continued to shoot. South Dakota. A Harrison and Reid league has been or ganized at Rapid City. Sioux Fall * will pave ton blocks this sum mer , tbo council having awarded the con tracts. South Dakota's contribution to the Russian relief fund was ISO cars of corn besides $125 In money. Rapid City will prospact for coal and is certain to Und it , according to a.conl minor's Judgment. Tha first tbrough iall In a week came Into Uoadwood Tuesday and required two mall cars to carry it. Mitchell citizens tried sending boots to tbo sugar factory at Norfolk , Nob. , out they do nottblnx It paid. John Stonsou was shot and killed by Bon Jerdon at Rapid City Thursday morujng. Jealousy of tbe tatter's wlfo was the cause. The court houbo ut Highmoro was set entire tire and completely consumed Tbursdav morninfr. All the county records wcro saved. Loss , $7OUO ; Insurance , S5.00J. T hn r nmnnt1. hnan ? nfim nt Vonlrtnn carried oft the honors at ttio state Qremen's tournament held at Watortown and wcro given an ovation when they returned , Mrs. Jacob Drey of Lincoln county was seriously Injured Wednesday noon fit Wall Lake by a bolt of lightning. Mrs. Oroy and her husband took refuge under a canvass which stretched from ono wagon to another. A bolt strucn tuo canvass , tearing it to rags. ' Graders working on a Hot Springs street unearthed tbo tusK of some large ontodolu- vlun animal. It was six and a half feet long and tapered /rom tight inches to MX and one- half Inches. The small end had boon broken off , The find was not Immediately taken care of nod soon crumbled. Thursday , John Edson of Plorro was driv ing a gray colt , bitched to a sulky , which on crossing the railroad tracks booume fright ened at tuo freight engine which was switch ing iu tbo yards. The colt commenced to Jumpnnd kick. As the outtit swung around tbo corner at tlio Grand Pad 11 a hotel , Mr. Edson lost his balance and was thrown from tuo cart. Ills foot was caught and ho was dragged a number of rods , but tlualy re leased himself and escaped without an In jury , Tbo town of Rod Ledge voted to Incor porate. A Boston syndicate leased the Maria at Butte for $10,000. Anaconda's Worklngmos'a union cele brated with a big procession on tbo 19th. The electric street railway system of Bozo- mau will DO oocuod for business ou tbo Fourth. Tbo explosion of a locomotive boiler at Brockton ou tbo Great Northern resulted in tuo death of Fireman Herbert and tbo seri ous Injury of Engineer Bon Hardway. The priionors iu tbo Butte Jail made another attempt to oicapo last weeK by cut ting through the iron wall by using two case knives , hacked to tnako saws , and a Jllo. Late development' . Iu the Graulto and Bi metallic mines bnvo greatly stimulated tbo confidence- tbo raining public In estimating tbo probable future for the Phllllpiburg dis trict. It Is definitely known that tbo Gran ite company not long ago struck a body of ere In iho 1,800foot level which is far the richest deposit yet found In tbe mine. Later ou , when tbo UluiotaHlo reached about tb o ktunu depth , they also unvollod the same rich deposit , only luwer down the moun tain , and , aclontillcally speaking , at n greater depth. SllU further down on tbo line ot the great ladgo tbo Elizabeth found their surfaog diggings to bo Identical with those of the Granito-an3'rBimetalllc. Simi lar Indications are foumtand ; now being de veloped in thOfFanny Paruoll , . and tbo same also appeared In the Zeus , and moro recently in tbo Bimetallic extension , all of which are almost In a direct line with the great divi dend-payers. . Along the Coast. Caldwell , Idaho , is in the midst of a build ing boom. The Northern Pacific extension from Cho- balis to South Bond , Wash. , is nearly com pleted. The work of construction on the Portland & Astoria railroad Is being pushed at a lively pace. Flvo thousand head of stock purchased In Mexico are to bo fattened on the Camas prairies , Idaho. The Rio Urando Western has filed its amended article * of Incorporation , increasing its stock from $7,500,000 to $10,000,000. Tacoma has received from the will of C. B. Wright , "tho father of Tacoma , " $100,000 to be Riven to the public library and 8100,000 to Washington college. The supplement of the San Francisco Bul letin of Juno 0 , containing the delinquent tax list of that city for the past year , makes a volume of 112 pages. At the present time there are fourteen sil ver clubs in Idaho with the aggregate mom- ship of 3,000. The largest cluu Is located In Halloy. It has between 300 and 400 mem bers. bers.A A paper In an Oregon town expresses as tonishment because eleven kegs of Dorr ut terly fill led to influence the local election. Enthusiasm was spirited whllo the liquor lasted. Tno engineers who are surveying the line for a railroad up tbo Skaglt in Washington and through tbo Cascade pass to tbo head of Lake Cholan , are still working east of the mountains , the snow bolng too deep at the summit for them to get Into the pass. Agates from Agate bay , on Puget Sound , are much sougbl af tor by people In all parts of the continent , Tbolapldarias of Chicago turn them Into beautiful sots for Jewelry of various kinds , and tboy become objects of beauty as well as Interesting souvenirs or ouo of the most charming bays m the north west. As tbo supply of agates at Agate bay is apparently Inexhaustible and tbo hunt for thorn an Interesting amusement , the lap idaries will undoubtedly have occupation for years to como. Tbo money to bo used in maintaining Idaho's agricultural experimental stations will soon be seat along , Governor Willey bavin ? been notified by the National Agri cultural department that a requisition for tbo amount was to bo Immediately made. Tbe state will bo given $33,000 , of wblob amount $15,000 will bo for the nialntonuuoo of tbo university at Moscow. This sum will bo nuBlclont to keep tha'Btato's school up In line stvlo , and $18,000 wllli/glve the experi mental stations a great Iboost. No other tiarsnparilla.Jiag tbo merit by which Hood's SarsaparllLabas , won such a ilrm bold upon the confijpnco of tlio poonlo , Druiikeiinoig. A disouso , treated { &auch and norma nontly curod. No publicity. Nolnllrin ttry. Homo troatmonUi Harmless and effectual. Ilofor by permission to Bur lington Ilmvkoyo. Solid 2g stump for pamphlet ShoUoquon Chomicul Co. , Burlington , la. - Wtmt Othurs Say About Tliu Iluo Ilureau of Clnjyi | > . A correspondent of UwiNow York Even ing News recently wrot > to the editor for In formation about oonslons. Shortly nftor , the following answer appeared m tbo query column : "A. U. For any Information about pen sions wo would advise you to wrlto to TUB BEK Bureau of Claims at Omaha , Nub. This oftloo U under the ndmluUlrutlon of n syn dicate of nowjpapori , including tbo St. Paul Pioneer-Press , the San Fraucisco Examiner and others. " This Is an illustration of the manner in which the Bureau of Claims bos boon ad vanclng to tbo position of one of the stan dard institutions of the capital. No news paper would think of advising a correspon dent , outside of its advertising column * , to wrlto to John Smith , attorney , for informa tiou about pensions. It Is no part of a paper's business to aavertiso private claim agencies for nothing. But the fact U recog nized that THIS JKB Bureau u not a privuUi agency , but au institution which , although not connected with the government , is man- aod ; iu tbo public Interest. Tha paragraph quoted above nllutcj only to pensions. But If the editor had been nsked about patents , or public land titled , or Indian doprodatlon claims , the answer would naturally have been the same. The bureau deals with all these mutters und handles all with equal care and sitill. Tbo common idea of a claim bureau is that it is an agency for extracting money from the government , generally for undeserving objects. TnuBEB is engaged in a very dif- erout class of work. To be sure , some j classes of claims do toke money from tbo I government , always honestly duo , however , 10 far as these prosecuted by tbo BEB Bureau are concerned , but others , and , hose among the most important , cost the treasury nothing , but return it a profit in- itead. In patent cases , for example , the ogal fees nro so much In excess of tno neces sary expenses that the government has cleared millions of dollars out of inventors , in encouraging invention by removing tbo difficulties in the way of securing valid patents , TUB BEE is contributing to the pub- lo wealth. In land cases again , the claim agency that enables the settler to obtain a good title to us homo is accomplishing an unmixed beno- flt to the public. The pioneer goes into the wilderness and creates ten times as inuoh wealth for tbo nation as ho is able to obtain for himsolf. He helps to build up a now American community and broaden the foundations of the republic. Tim BEE Bureau recognizes the foot that there are claimants that nro as much entitled to their demands as tbo president of the United States is to his salary. Dishonest claimants have plenty of representatives. A Oreck Uoulus. Now York Tribune : Prof. Dumnskin , a teacher of mathematics in one of the colleges , according to foreign papers , has invented a steam on lno , or locomo tive , with which ho hopes to roach the Nonii Polo from Spitzborgon in twenty hours. Ho proposes to cut through the great ice iiolda which surround the Polar seaa and pi ocoed thence by boat. A car is to bo attached to the ongino. it is to bo used for tbo accommodation of the oxploroi-s. the instruments , boats , ammunition and provisions. The car is to bo heated by the steam used in propelling - polling the engine. Spltzborgon , the point from which the profosdor wishes to start upon Ills expedition , lies about 1,000 kilometers from the North Polo. It is the inventor's Hi-m conviction.for eign papora say , that his engine can travel over the ice fields nt the rate of fifty kilometers an hour. In tbo Interest of science it is to bo hoped that the dar ing professor will be successful in or ganizing an expedition , but it is hardly likely that ho will find many people to share his confidence and faith in the invention. Do Will's Sarsunarllla is reliable. Manners of Klfty Venrs Ago. In my younger days it was no uncom mon thing to hear gentlemen , oven these in high position , swear and use God's name in common conversation. I can oven recollect that my father was one of those whoso mouth never uttered an oath or blasphemous expression. Some mon drank too much. I have oven scon in in ladies' society some men who did not walk qulto steadily owing to drink. I hivvo hoard it said of n man : "Ho is it two-bottlo man. " I recollect hearing it once said of n man : "Ho is a throe-bottle man. " This is hardly credible now. lam ] seventy-seven years old. f and have hid my age renewed at least twenty years by the use Til Zxmy of Swift's Specific. My foot _ _ and lez to my knee was n running sore for two jears , and physicians said it could not bo cured. After taking fifteen small bottles S. S. S. there is not a sore on my llmbj.andj lure a new lease on life. You ought to let all sufferers know of } our wonderful remedy , IRA K. STILUS , Palmer , Kansas City. IS A HIJMP.DY-especlally for S.S.S old people. It builds up . . , the general health. Treat- i on mo uioou mailed free. SWIFT SPCIPIO COMPANY , Atlanta , Ca. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. They act DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on the Liver and Stomach , rostorino-tho constipated organs to healthy activity , and nro a POSITIVE and PERFECTLY SAFE CURE for CONSTIPATION , LIVER COMPLAINT , SICK HEAD ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , and all other diseases arising from a disordered con dition of the Liver nnd Stomach. They are the Only Kellblo Vcgotalilo Liver 1 Sold : Thay svro i'orfojtly llinnloijj The fro 1'uroly Vosotnbloj Try Them. DB. Schonck'sllook on Consumption , Liver Complaint and Uvsnooslii Sent I'roo. J. II. SOIIENOK&SON. 1'hlladolDhla " 14 YEARS Buffeting cf ITHTonj- ucesCareltytTO Dcttlei of DR. MILES RESTORATIVE NERVINE , " S yeA. F. Stark Penn Van , N. Y , " 10yrB.ofSlck Headache cored by TWO HottleB. " Ottawa , Olilo. Nervine la the qnl'ck remedy "of Sleeplessness , Uerronu Prostration , .Epilepsy , at. VltUB' Dance , Opium Habit. Norvoun Dyepopola , IlTBlorla , Convulsions , Neuralgia , I'arafyBle , etc. Thousands testify. Trial Bottle , elegant Book froonturnggleu. MUoa Medical Co Elkiart.Ind. I'"ors\lo ! by Kulin & Co. , ISth&DouKliu St Good Until Used. That's the history of the worthless locks with small keys that some people confuse with the"YALE. " The genuine "YALE" lock , like genuine love , laughs at lock smiths , and stands the world over for the greatest convenience , the greatest strength , and the greatest security. Be sure you get the genuine , hy being sure that the word "YALE" is stamped on every Key. Sold wherever locks sell. GUN G 0. 1512 Douglas Street , Omaha. Western A onls Wright & Ultnon's TENNIS GOODS. ItEAOIJ 1JA.SK IIAf U GOODS. A full line of general Athletic floods. GYMNASIUM GOODS Hammock * . Jlutlilnc Bulls , Koot Hulls , Indian UlubH , Dumb Itolln. llodts , Nuts , Holnus , . TJiiu I'lsbliiK Tackle , etc. , etc- FLAGS and FIREWORKS Bono for catalogue anil prices. Special at tention utrcn to mull ordurd. PUICKB aUAUANTKUD. Frank Cross Gun Co , , Douglas Street. All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STETSON'S SOFT and STIFF hATS. ADLABAUGH FUR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Stored and Repaired. -THERE ARE Ap n That is the sort of thing Tha Bee Bureau of Claims was or ganized to. correct. The Bureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. But as long as the sol diers aie grateful it is satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent oi a veteran , write to Tr.e Boa Bureau oi Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for you. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb. NOTICE OK ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OF GRADE. To iho owners of all loti , pnrU of tutu und real uutato along Twuiity-nlntli utrout from llluliory to Murtlm street , and Intersecting Htroetsi You ixro hereby notified tint thn iiiirior- BlKned , tliroodUlntorustisd fron-liol < lors of the city of Oumliii , Imvo been duly ii ] > oliito.l by the mayor , with the iipprnvtit of the city council of said oily , to UKI > I ) > H the iliuiuiuon to the owners rn pectlvoly , of the property iif- feotod liy ulmniro of Knulii of Twuiily-nliilli struct from Illekory to Murlh. * utroot * an I In- tuiBootliiK utruotfl , doiiluiud neuentury by or- dlmuicu No 1K5. pnHsoU May Ul , WJi , anil uu- proved Juno' ' , IMU Vou arn further notified tlmt having ac cepted Kalcl unpolntii out and duly miutlllud ns required by luw. wo will , on tlui UOtli Jay ot June A. 1) . ISM. ut the hour of 10 o'clock In ttui forenoon , ut the olllco of Hhrivur & U'ilonuhuu 1IOJ Kiiriiuni Htruet , within the cornumtu limits of said city , inuot for the purpuHu of ronnldurlntf nnd nmliln the lurummtMit of dnmuKUH to the owner * roHiiucllvtly of uUI property , alfoulud by ald cli.iimu of ? rado. taking Into conslUi'i'utlun Huuulal benefits If any. are notified to bo present t tbo time und place uforutmld and niuko any objco'loim to or sltUummu conouruliis ; Hulcl unsusHiiiout of ilumiiuon iu you tnuy rouslder proiinr. W. O. tfllUlVKU. ( HXmutiU. HKAY. JNO. V , 1'kAOIC. Omaha , NOD. , Juno 16th , JbW. J'JjU 10