Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    THK OMAHA DA1M MONDAY , JUNE 27 , 1892.
TtfU. IvwiT
Of THt Gin ,
I lly fit * . . , , , . . , M
. . . W
. . . . - . . Wtl
'JbM Moulli * . . . . , . „ , . . , * V >
tvu4rf < t i'U t' r . , . „ . , . . , , . . . IW
tlui < J r U > * 'JweVoBr . „ , . , , „ , , „ . . I W
Wtitlf llri'.Oo * V l > f . , . , . „ „ . , , , . . . , , , IW
' /l > fits
iuntta ) ) Wvr N
Ululif (21'mrlSlni'l (
Olhtv li Cbtuibir < > / ( Vjniw > c .
rk KJMW * M , It "J It , Tr1 u * U
Wl fruu
J IUK w nti * oa
ivj < jr o4 Ul U > K4
JK./TKIUf. /
luM * IuUr > i " ) IM iCx-i be
IJ I. ) 'I L
iljg urJor gf ( Ijv
luunlr uf | l'uirbu ( * *
fliyiMOll 'J/rtlituli. uicrclirjr uf The Itrs I'ub
Liil < i ; ul ilu > ! ( ' ' tnil.Y HfK for Iba wovfc
lulling Ju M , Ifuii < ful | < > w < f
fcuiiiiar , Jin * M .
M1 > , Julia W. . . . , . rtH
'J'luuiJaV.Juiui t |
V.Mli < uM r. jnno JJ . , .
'lJU/ | . | . //fillHl | . , ,
Hl'lnrui > u 3 <
UlfcHu Juuu ' , . . . . . ,
liutnta iuoauil > ul rlbo4liiMir JiKMo
wife d r oJMII / , A. i ) . jw/ , w. i' . I'M" , .
Jtluy ,
Itt gollltf
of , July
uluctjof ) mi tlmt
wliloii Mr , Dana Is nowuoiJ ,
liiiu onu ii < ) vaiitiiti { ) ut Imibt it
( ins 1)01111 ) riookloi/ for
IT It ) llllIU ) llllllt/llIK tllllt HOIIIU OUU
slioul'l feiinynht Iniiliui i.'orn or iniil/.D tut
lliu imtloiml llowiuof tiii | ioiiiti'y : ) ,
OH 11 ( jood turn ilosurvna iiiiolliiti' ,
'J'lio Amurliuu | IQ III | Uirnoil Orovor
Cloynliirifl rlnwfi four yoi' ) iigntwA ilioy
foul iiriilor ohllgalluiia to do it
hiiyd tliiit Aillnl I' ! , HlnviiilHoii id
or to imrry" Hum Iwum ' '
IIIHIIII iiniifiir. .
is of IL loiul , ut nil (
u niniiili ngo I own | nul
) iroiilbli | I'ltiulliliitud for tliu jirfwIil
Now lliiil Hliito linn lint ono , ( l for
tiu ) Oiniilirv iioiivuiiUon to uy wli
ttliiill In ) . tliu Mo rtrt of tlm
HHl'J'AI. ' > HlltMiml lilt ) IniUiiim worti
ill lifffli iilovor ill. WliMlnor wliuii llioy
OKliibllwl liuforu QIIIIHM Vhitorhi. Tim
liiiliiiiiH IIUVD lltllo Hpoi'l , In Uilti ( Miuntry
no ' 1'iiininiiiiy , the 'I'lionuroiaa uiul tliu
will tiully lull you ,
I'l1 IH iiiilnful lo In cowfmllail in nn >
iioiiiii i UiMl'Oiio of ( Jroytir UlnvulniMl'i * , illllllUnliialiii Hiliirliii'H | ) | ( ia ( if Lilt )
Opinion tlmt tlm ( IniuoiirnHd party IH tin )
ODD from wliloli iliu modi liu
on liu | Mllvur ( | iiiaUln ) > ui'ti M )
[ r loudly prooliiliiiml Hint Mr.
, llltvilltf IliilMI li H0lllr | | | , WOlllll
to | IH ! biipiiort nutiiy nolillur votna.
It Ib diemiViireul | .liul , Afp , Hluvuliaoii
llnytir wild u Billillm1 , 'I'lia ViUonillM will
volu tlijti yuur ii a in IflfiH for tliu Hnhllur >
HH iippropi'lulHil Dourly * SO , .
neil for mi nx-hlliU in tliu World's fair ,
It wllliinimUt prhiidpiilly of niliilniimil
( lyi'ldiiltiinil ftiiiturtw , 'I'nU uxlilliit will
givti vim ivivimi opportunity to wliow
llui wurld lliut his douiulii mill proiluuo
KiiilDllilllU linaldud Hlbiii-lim
A MOHT IHitahln pliHiu nf ihiHliinll | IH
1110 ilmiun ( > llnn of Um Now York /'iwii- / ( ,
( HI ; I'lml , whun It UU.VH ; "Tlio nniuliiu-
tlon u ( Mr , ( invtimiil | | U tlm most uu
| iiilitliml iivtuit wliluli IIUH
III lliltj luiuiilry bliiuu iliu will' ,
111 ninny runiuutu | H rnouintiU > a DID uuo <
niul iiniuluiitloii of l.lm'olii , "
OOVKHMOII IllMiKIJI.HV of fionnmillimt
Biiyu Unit liU\ouiitj \ ; nun would jirufttr to
1111 Ilia lll'lvill' 111 IL lll'ii inirrln > \ I'lilliini
IllUII III ! II ( ! OVt > niOr Itllll II IH'Kdldttllt Of U
Ufa iiiaiii'niliiu tioinpiiny , 'I'liia ' aatniirt lo
1m Imtuiil upon Uo ( iiHhunipllou Hint op <
portuiilHurt for liDi'iilhiu uro Imtlii)1 ) lliiin
< ippii'lMiillltirtoi' ( | HinKInu nioiioy ,
AMONH llio jioUiltwl ruamTuutlima of
thla yuui' wn imirtt not forfeit that of
lion , W , 11. KiiKllsli , wlio wimi
of Iliu liulliiiiu ( Uiluunllon
Mr , KniiUsU will Im ru
HIM Uonalor wlio wun noinU
fop iliu vli'o iii-oiiiiunoy I'y ' u
nUa In I HBO \ iuUntliu ( vulu Uom |
lUut liu oiuihl tntrry liullnnii ,
A I'ri'i'nnUiin tmy uginl | U yours , ontt
plnyml In u Jownlry uloro , miwutnnltitl In
MoiiUnu 4IOiOO ( worth of illnuiomla IID.
fora liuwim ( OH ml out , liu umot ut u
lomlur u i tuilrt ( \ \ \ tlm curnop of u youth
who hutl in him tint iiiinlltln * of u in'tmt
luiiiK wioi'ltor , AM \ \ of > iMntnry norv
wouhuvu \ ) utoltui ouu tlhuuuiul niul
thu | ) r < iocuiU on h * o hull
N AM.V tlu > klitmounvtlo
i > r o ( jmhUo oi Uilon liivvo u \\w\\\ \ \ \ \ \
\l\li 'l'h < AMiuUu ( VtlnMuttiiu
iimp m w < i > i\uu-ri \ | un thu
VovU iViitw m' mill itlmnluu Uuvhl
llll ) , Thu rtuvuhviul
uil > u t to ) lo thlHxofV of
Uj MiUlU't * It-lomU tm > vury
Miry to dumwftiUu > mwn * In Now
Vorki"Vm'nlnus > f Uil * Ulml IM oo
| i\tu now , Ttu > v < > U IHU tliiu unnnuh
UiU to huulho woumUof SoimUnUUIV
1 1 iioV vxiay lo lUUn'iuluu the ! ( <
th" li\UM'\'Uiw \ til \ \ \ { \ \ \ * \
uiul thu uni >
uu r uiAfk of
Ui ( uru\or luivy ho ivo llvO vV * O H ( w
timUuui iu hnvluj ; lvoi\ ( oil of iuoio\ \ >
hiy , U > whv UmIn \ iho o\itn ( ofhU \
tuu Ktuil to huvhnd
but U i * tvUwl
tuvaal tuuciv w UiU .
Tin ;
th < } ro-
w M/ar / of ' , ln ) lartnura of Uia
Jlko many t the otlmr $ Mrt4on8 of thut
l > rty < will not staijd tl l jtjf fMr <
OHodld Juvrtatlj Htlon. Hlixcj Ui J pros-
erit rspulniean
; wyr 11 etui
Jitus bii H.xy > iijlisl'l ) fur thu
buitutltof lUu Hxrlculluriil uitorosU Uiun
Jn ttlj the yea rf to wjikli tlm
purly win in wutrol pf th < )
Ill the lilsUjry < ; / tli United Hlalus no
u/linlrilslrutiofi ive/jjiipll liO'l half as
nnuili llml wiw dlru'jliy in tli < >
of tlm f r/ r w the If arrlson
Irittloi ) , To lie ln wHIi.lha Agrl'iulturul
l.iia under the judicious i
of Siwrotacy Husk luiuwod un
i hardly R eon < l U ; of uny
oiljor dopaiUjiD/H / of tliu gov''riui'iiit ,
imil proyon to bo uf tli < i iiodl ; pri < : ti < ; ul
vftluu lit tlio # roul induilry it ropro-
ttitiiU. The work pliumod \ > y l'ro ldott )
IfuiT ) on und Keijcoliiry Hunk , uri < l wade
lx > salMii by tlio uiiautinoiiUi of u ruiiu-
HJHII : ( iOMgi'etitf , luu li ; < ; /i loom notably
yaiimblu tliun uny otlwr iwliinvuiiioiitii
of tills nilinliilatnitloii iioxt to tlio IHIKO-
IjiilloM of tlio troatl'w of riialpioolty ,
I'or llio lirut time llio luslt of inlroduij'
itif { Indian < ; DI'I ; us n food produul in
Murojm has boon tukon tip uanuiatly find
tsiir ws-jfiilly , JfiiraLoforo tliu < jiir ul (1113 (
huon r < iKanl < ) i ) by Kuropuaiis M proper
food only for iioi'doj , but u wl o pro-
MOfilalion of lu niQi'lla , niudo at u very
email oxpunsi ) , haft yrnally wldonud llio
doniund for 11 , and lui [ fi'unt vulno ua n
i.'hu-iip nun nutritious food is coining to
ho rucoijiif/.tid abroad ,
Another iilui.'o of ropuhlfi.'iui
lion of ifroiil iiniiortuni.'o to llio
of the country Is Iho inouL
liw | , without whloh wo ulioulil huvo boun
uniihlo to indnt'o Kuropo.iu goyurnnionu
to roiiiovo iho loii/-aliiidlni ( | < roiitrfoiion
ii/ulnat ( 1)10 ) iniporiuilon of Aniot'iumi
porlt prodiiota , 'i'lio iucoiiipllsliiiiont : of
tlild IIIIH liii'tjitlv liHiroadiiiLouroxpoi'l of
inoaU lo iiontliioniiil Muropo and nouno'l '
u trinlii Unit ) H ourtufii Lo Htoadlly ( { row ,
A niurldil for uiiwurils of * ; WOIW,000
worth of farm produoU iiniinally has
IHIOII opunud up in ( Juriiriiiy nlono , whiln
in h'raiii'o. IluliDuiiinark and Aiiali'Iu-
the fruu miirltoL wo huvo hO-
ourud , lurtculy an u result of tlio t mil-
prouily polluy , citimol full lo nrovo of
Ijnmt nml Dormiiiioiit v.iluo to the furni'
orb of this ooimtry.
Tim lii'oillt for llie o itiililiivDiii'iiith ' In- )
Innyri to u roimhlitttn isoii roMa itud u nt >
puhlhmn inlinlnltitriitloii , Tlm
luttiii ) nnueaaiiry lo tliuir
niont hiu bmtii lionuulvuit mid
diirlny tlio liidl , tlinii ) yunrn , Tlnty uro
thu uvlilamso if ) tlio Hiillultinlo itud cou >
earn of the rupunlluaii party for the UK-
rl'iiiltiinil intoroaU of thu nation , Wlutn
linn tin ) iliiiiionriitlo parly tihown an
DqiiHl ruguril for UIOHD Intuntntd , uiul
where in lint lilalory of thu iouiitry ; will
hu fouiiil no inuuh iiugoiuplltihod ) > y uny
oLlinr party or ndntinUtr.aiou for pro ,
moling the woHiiroof Amurh-'iin fiinuornV
In vluw of this tliu upptul of thu ropuh-
lluan purty for Uiu impport of thu ii/rl- [
oillluriil producui'H ou ht not to ho in
vain ,
It la iili'itwly tivliluni ihnt Iho ilnitora
uuwtfimptiri ) ol iho ilonuwnitlo party
will i.oiiooiili'Utu all Uiiiir I'lfortn tliU
yiiar upon all utlumpt to provu that tlm
rnpiiriliitmi larilT polluy U inlmhml lo
Hm liitoi'uaU of Iho wugiHWi'iiiir. At
iho pqupln who llvo upon wiitfoa ooilstU
Into u voi'y liirgu iniijoi'lly of the voturu
of tliU nonnlry Uiu roanlt of thooluutlon
will turn upon lliuli * vunllut IIH to
wlinlhor tlio piodont turllT luw in u linii-
ellt or an injury lo ilium , ' 1'lmy urn In-
tolliaout inun IIH u ruin niul very many
of Ilium have ulruuily fornuul thulr
opInloiiH unullHruhly on ihutpiihjtuil , hut
tluiy will imvarUuilost ho troatud to u
yriiat iltial of ai'ifiiiiiuiit coiicnrnlni , ' It
Thu | iiliild ( upon whluh Hiu dniimuniU
will i'oiHHiiitriio | thulr powurd uro thodu
upon whluh thu wuiu ; > imi'iiur huppoiiH
10 ho nhlu lo form u iirotiy ( uirrmiljudk' '
inuot In thu ) ihtof { hin own oxpurlomu ) ,
Thut Id whitru thu ropuhliuiiiH huvo thu
mlvuiltnuu in thla coiituni , fop tliuy huvo
mi oinnuuni uuvmiaiu m viio lurur law
Ittiulf , Thulr oiiiiiitiuia | | urn uiulor thu
nugiWHlty of provlmr not only Hint ihu
lurllY | a u oiiiMii to thu ijounlry , hot nUu
Hint Ihu iluiiioiii'utln frim triulu iiulhiy
wouhl hrliiu' iiuthlUK hut liloajlutfn ,
Tlm hitter Is yut to Iw trlml uud provun
Imnulhiliil , whllu thu foi'inur IH dulin , ' lu
work huloru Ihu vury uyuu o ( ovury
Amm'lo > in uHi/i'Mi nut ) Inviting hlx judu'-
muiit im 10 whuthur It U wm'ldui ;
< > i < uvllVhat tlm iluuUlon of Hut wa'ci- (
uurnurvvlll h > > U ImlhuiUil hylho Uhoilu
Ulnml uluotlon , In whluh thu duiuooniU
miulu HU'omunia olTorlri toonrry ihu ( .lutti
upon the turllT Inriiiu , tthodo Inlaiul Id
u nmnofiiutm'lntf otntu , mill Imr voturn
urn muirly ul ) mon who \vu\ihl \ \ nuturully
hu ivtfoutml fuvonihly or othurwiHu hy
the l.udir luw , Thu uluutlon In that
Htutu nlToi'iluU n fair tint of Hm ntroiitth
of the lUutuHH'iUlu urKmnmit opnn thU
OllllJOOt U4 UWM \ \ ( if U UUtf Vlt04 (
Thu Hi-nut yiiOH of the pirty upoUu to
ihu wuHtvnurnm'd of thivl llttlo Htatu uml
trlutl to ooiivlnoo Hmm tlmt Hm MulCln *
luy UOt hUl ( llUM'.lUdOll | | | 0 Ullat ( if tllU
whloh thuy \ \ < \ \ \ to Imy uml tlu-
thu wuatM with whloh thuy wuru
tu uvu'ohusti Hium. I'lm votm-rf
of Uhiulu Uluml know thul HOMO tttiUv
numu woru not trim , uml thuy nuhl riout
the ptilln , KitruortlllitH'y miorl *
muilo hv , Ihu iUiiuiuviinlu | inii
upon thl Unto , hot thu wlluoi troth
moro uiTootlvn thuu thu omuhlnoil ulu-
qnwiouot ex'l'ruihloiit tJlovuhiml , x-
liuvurnoi'Uumpholi Mnihur \ \ \ upuithis
o ( tiii'UV roturui , The turllluw | uiUo
for lUolt tuul thu \ \ uawwvnioicouhl
not IK > ( iioUuU
ThiMomiWUvin \ \ \ \ \\v\\\\y \ \ \ \ will m >
i'l ht on HKk\kliir | ( fur lUol uml tlm
yoloi'o t'l thu ooimtvy will nuv huvo tit
hotlior vholr houiln with u y tvl uu t >
| iroh\om \ tluvliii ; IhU oumptvlvo. Thuy
Uuow U > * V i > rl v ttw tumlini * i
thul whlto wti maru Unlly
lo ntliui1 vHuinU'io * ihoy vvuiunu
thilly uiivhunuixl Uwiv , wxiwpt In ou\w
Uov * In vvhioU thuy htivu tuU < uwl , tuul
( ho Mtimvihu whluh thu
rvctiivud lis > m the
hu * uivou omnlovmw
who \vo U oUiovwuo W U\Uv
Will O < ; t Jl V
lrouW In geUiujr at Mm truth 01
own awmnt , and it liwks us if
qratlc ophf try would bo wasto-i this
'I /'HWAKVf I'Alirr
There Is ovary roison to cx | * ct Uia
the ttonvonUon of the pooirie'a party
which wilt IIIMI In Omaha July 2 will
alt -act to city the largest crowd in
it history. Tlio ustliuauw run from
26 ( < > yj to doub ( ' ) that number , W ob-
erve fetalomorita iti tbo country pros * In
the ollijct that adherent ? of the now
party who would Ilko tHltond the
convention uro hofittutiuK for fear thut
U y cannot j l accommodations.
No ouo should roiu a in away from
Omaha at tlmt tlmt becaueo of ny uoh
apprehension , This city has nuvor ha/1
a crowd so largo that it could not tale
euro of it , and undoubtedly o vury body
who will como lioro during tlm week of
the convention will bo accommodated
out nil of them , perhaps , as well as on
ordinary ocowlonn , but no ono will fall
to find enough to ual and drfntc uud u
jlai.'o to tleep. Omuh.t hut nearly
sovL'iity hot/ils , largo und miiall , nnd
utmost Iniiuiiiur.ihlo ) > oirdn : | honsef ,
find prtvuU ) ont < 3rpriso will not fnil to
tuko julvitnta o of so fuvoriblo HU op -
portunlly lo "turn un honest penny. "
Tlio rostaurunUj of the city uro oriual to
UKWH of uny city In Iho wosl , and tholr
wldo-iiwulto proprlotoru will sue thut
limy uro abundantly supplied.
TillHKK : fools sufo , therefore , in Kiiy-
ni ; Unit nobody nuod hosltato iiiioiit
iomlnt ; U > Omaha whllo llio p oplo'ri
narly convontlon is In si.'wlon hauutmo of
a four that there will not ho iiucommo-
diillons , 1'ooplo who ontortutn this Idou
havrt an inadouatooonaoptlonof | llio ci- ;
pabtlllios of Omaha for taking criro of
luryo crowds. As to ( 'ottln into the
convontlonlt Is porhups siilllclout lo say
Unit iho Oollhonm hulldlnir , in which
the convention wilt bo hold , will hold
nhoiH 10,000 pooplo. It Is probublo ,
llmroforo , Unit ovoryhody will not ho
iihlo to ( fet in ut 0vory ftos.slon of iho
convontfon , though injii-ly ovurybody
may witness a part of the iiroooodin it.
At uny rate , nobody should huvo any
four , on any score , ubont comliif , ' to
Oinaliii during convontlou week , U
will ho a roinai'kiihlo ouuuHlon and UIOKO
who do not purlluipalo In It will hnvo
aonmthlnif to
.itfn nnn
ft lut" huen Intlinutud from Ottawa ,
Canudii , that a communication from the
Ctinadfiin commlx-ilonerH on the mibjoct
of canal tolln hud Imon rccotvud hy
I'rOdldiniL llurrlrion on the HIIIII-J day
that hu tjont hid ni'tiHa ) < je ; In ro ard to
tliu iiinatlon | lo the HonaU ) , but It IH do-
nliid at tho.Stito doiHirtinoiil that tuich
a coniiniuih.'atloii hud boon received , and
It Id Htutod that it did not rmtch Wiinh-
lii ton uiitll lint Hatunlav , Hourly a
week after Hie primlilonl'ri iiiunaiii o WUH
traiiHinltlad to the Honalo ,
Thu milnre of Hie uoiiiimmlciitlon re-
furrud to him not yet'oeun Hindu public ,
hut jmljliif ( hy tho'methodH usmully
priusllced hy the C'uiiudlun ifovuriiuiDiit
in dliullitr inivtlerH , H IH HIU ; ( IJIKHUIIIO )
Hint It IH a ooncusrtlon of thu point upon
which thu iiriislilont'H incHmigo wiia
biiduil , The Uumulliin nilnUtur of CIIH-
IOIIIH wari iiiotod | a day or tv.'o n o lumiy-
Inn that Uaiiudu hiul huun purfeutly
faithful to thu loltur and npirlt of the
treaty of 1871 , Ho ulTuuteil to he HUT-
prlnud that our Kovurnmuiil.rtlioiilil have
coiiMldurud ituolf umrriuvuil in uny way ,
Hut thltt , Ilko all ntloranuux of ( Jiuiiidliui
ollfiilulu UDOII ( jiKmtlond conuornlntf Ihu
relations of Ihu two countries. miiHt hu
taken for what it IH worth , Canada aU
wnya yltildd lo the iloiniindu of juntluo
whun ftho U oliHu'tid lo do HO , but au long
a Him ( tun uiilu anything hy dulnylnjf
tlm itdjiidtiniinl , of u ( | iiDHtlon like thut
of Ihucunul tolU nhu lu miru lo ruuoi't to
u uinu of 1)111 ) If ,
Thu ucritiiKoinunt of tlm tollu on Cun *
uillun ciiiiuU IH Huiih IIH to hu vury nnjiiai
to Amurluan Hhlppur , uml IhoillHorlml-
nation IH In illruiiL vlo'ntlon ' of thu pro-
vlBloim of the trouty of 1871 , hy which
Hm ( 'uniullun Kovurnmonl.plodfod llnelf
to ( 'lvo idil'/uiiu of thu IJnltoU HtutuH
"thu IIHU of thuVollainl , Hu Luwronuo
mid other uanula of thu Dominion upon
loniiri of uquullty with Ihu InhuhllnnlH
of Iliu Dominion. " The prlvlloffo Hum
, .l.
WUH in uoiiHiiioriuion lur IHIII-
on Ihu purl of thta ovurnmunt
miolu in thu HIIIUU trunty , anil thu
plmlgim of the Unltml Htulu.t hnvu huun
fullhfiilly kupt , whllo thoiii of Canada ,
have huun vlolalml. A ruhulu of 18
uiuild pur Ion on ( 'riiin trolntf to Monti mil
U ullowoil , whllo tfruln t'uliiu' to Amurl-
I'liu purtd U rufiiniid DiU rohutu , Thu
Injumltui Hmi plulu uml thu UUHO IH HU
oluuruml fruu from uumplloutlnif olr-
mmulumum thut U wonlil HOUIII im If
thorn iHHild hu no uxmum whaiuvur for
thu ilulny of tlm Uiinudlun Kovurmunt
In Inlilllmi ; thu prmnltiort muilu hy Itn
uommhiiilonurd lo Mr , Hhilnn upon thu
oiniiktflon of ihu oonfunniou utViidh IIIK-
ton whun roulpnmUy wan tiitdur tiunold-
urutlon ,
Thuru oiin hu no dim lit thut ihuM \ \ \ -
Hugo of ihu prorthlont Dropout UK rutull-
utory muuxuroii luu | ivoilmuil tlm ulVuut
Intomluil , Ton oommunhiullon nniulvcd
hy thu Ruin ilupiirlnmnt on Hulnnluy
WUH prohsviily u promUu on iho part of
the Dominion Kuvornmunt to oonformto
thu turmi of tlm truuty , Mot mmh u
ouunowluii oomiM with hol : roou uiulor
Iho olromnitunuua. It , ( niiuat the Uuit <
mllun k'uvorniiiuiit in thu ultliiulu of
ooifm | < iuliiK lo lu truuty
upon oompohilon ,
tluuloollmi of
Mr. ( iluilittono'iiiihywloiil poworn , Uinmt >
unlni ; HU nirly wltlulrnwul frtmi notlvo
pUllloul work , will oruutu no tmnirUuln
vluw of the ( uot tlmt hu U 81 yuunt old ,
but U will inui o u well nlu'h onlvortiul
ol ronrotlth whloh will bu
huuu thut hU ln
nuw ol borty imiy not nri\vunt \ him
from ourryliiK1 to u ohwa tlm highly lm >
) Hictuiit iHtnturil lit whloh ho U mivv uiv
U'n oil , tim ) whloh hu hlnuulf
will la thu hut lrujulu ( of
ovuntful ll ( v ,
U woohbu \ lmHxUiU ( > to Us the uu > ii-
iux > of the Uwa tu lila jmviy wtul to the
K'wiv cuuso ho wpiwoni * thut woolil rv > -
vill ( com the loUnuuont , ot Mr. Ohu
unn tit U U Unu\ With ivii vlvutlmi nt
hiviul hi whloh ko imioh U ltivulvH\ \ \ \ -
\ \ ) thu ( utiifo p > itiou uiul
| ty o ( Gr t Urj jij ; , HJ < J wiUi-ru ) al of
tlio "yrand old 'wan ' from the
art-'im-would b'(3 f | ho naturn of a calam
ity. At this ti iel > f K' at jwUtlcal un-
ocrUiinty and dUOit-btuco. i jdlnK Iho
o.jj ioft e and ntjlity of a really jrront
I'mxler , Mr. 'Jltwl l-jiiij cannot be f pi rod.
11 lias be n jjd that no man H nat'eKiary ,
butthcrii will l i few to inaka an uppll-
ottlion of this prou iba oi , o of
tlio ( f'xmtont llvlnl ' | ia'4lJ h statouman ,
A a leader of invn liU petition is abiso-
lut ily unique , not only In liU own coun
try and fn K/jroi > o , but In Ihu world , and
thunj It no one Uj tike : his pliu/j. Hu
i the last of hU class , Ho hui
no ucce or , Ainonn hi * follower *
there lit no onu iwwssin ; , ' the
wonderful ability to take up hl
ttiHk , no onu with tlio power to
unltij and hold to elhor the oloinunt ?
which make up Ihu pjrty that ockriowl-
odg/i thu leadership of 'Oladgtooa ,
There U favorably p'ro/nluo of thu trj-
uniph In the coming election of thocuu u
which Mr. OlndRtonu rejiroiwmU , but hiu
actlvo jjurtlclpalion In Ihu contest is
nccoMary to MUCCOJ * . Ill * rolirement
could not fall lo have a dlbhoarUininy
eJIci-t upon a lari o body of voters and to
weaken the llooral forces. It Is easy lo
understand that such an event would bo
thu opportunity of the conservatives ,
and that they would nei/.o it y.oaloiily
and aggroKfllvcly. Horhapn there hat
never lxun a time wlien Mr. Gludiilono
was moro nocostary ihi | | hu IH now , and
whllu it may ha alJ that there never
Iho ho'ir wllhout the man , It ID Im-
to think of Mr , ( Jlmhtono lay-
liiK down at this time hi * mo t Import
ant work without feeling that It would
bo an ovojit lo be profoundly deplored ,
THK condition of the Hldowulka In
many portions of the city Is dln raceful.
The walks are not too old lo hu good ;
they are not roltun nor othorwlHO duiii-
" u < l , an a rule , but thuy are , nevertha-
leiiu , almost n clces in many plnocx. be-
cuiiHe they huvo Kolllcd out ofihni > u ,
wronchinj , ' Hie planku from their fanten-
l yn , and in Home CII CH they are tilled
lo an anifle of about'Ido / reeH , ronder-
itiK It dllllcnU for the pcdcHlrtun to keep
hln footing' . ThoHe walkH mltrht easily
ho made us j'ood an now , but they ure
simply nelcclcd ( and allowed to o to
ruin. Their condition i lart'oly duo to
the HUttlllll/ limit * fniiMiltitmnu. iMiii'inil
by the prolonged ralno of the spring
months , lllxawa loof gooil nmtorlal
and a nondloHn wear and tear noon pub-
lie patience to allow them to remain IIH
they aro.
THK cut of the Hock Island on froltrht
from southwestern points to Omaha and
South Omaha has produced the ulTcct
upon Ita cnmpolllorH that was ( 'onerally
expected. It IH now u'.inonncud thut thu
Simla I''o bad niudn a similar rate , which
means that thojliijrlln tnn htw joined In
It. It Ih prudlotinl that the Missouri
I'aclllc and the Klkhorn will follow Hull ,
The ( front point eocurod for Qiahn | ) Is , of
coin-He , the I'miioJIt accruing to thup'ick-
IiiK IntorcstB byHJifoiilnir thulr market to
HOiilhwoHlai'ircittllt-- '
property , ownorti appeared
ut the inuiUlnii1 of'llu ; . Hoard' of 1'iflilio
Works on Ji'rhliiy to'protost ' uifuliiHt the
dUpuHiil of.Htundliif ; water on Lhulr pro
perty ut their o.Yponuo. In mnny If not
nil of tin * ciiuo'i iho axUloncu of tliu
liondd oonilulnud ) ) of Is the fault or thu
mlhfortiino of Hiu owners and It IH not
eiiny lo nee how the roHponslhlllty cun
Ixi ovadud. Thu hoard will examine thu
places complained of and the milmuico
of Htnifiiunt pools will probably bu abated
before many weeks ,
AN > uml luvuMioudcd dom-
oeralluconlumpOL'ury suyn tint the roul
plulform of both purllus In thu cuiidlduio
for president. It U u tfood position for
thu ilumourulH to tuko for the ruuHim
that Hmlr nlutform Is oven worae than
thulr cundlduU ) , The republicans are
nolther UHhiimod'of ' thulr cundlduU ) nor
thulr platform. Upon thu nrlniilploH
whluh thuy iiromint tiny rusponlnhlo man
would boa i.'ood eandldute. "
A HoHTON linruuu of Information
Hiatus thut "Nuhrnsku niakos the bunt
showing of uny Hluto in the corn bolt. "
Thin IR undmiluhly true , uml there uro
no hupplur muii on earth thiui Ihu farm
UfH Ot UllS HllltU.
NUU fur \Vnrli ,
'I'lii.i'n In nonn uii whySuuutor IllllsUonlil
nut Imulu now to mini bin milury ,
r iin > itiiiuiVI \ IHI.
Now lut IH fviiii what , iliu pootilu'ii purty
uoiiv'ialliiu ut Onmliii will ll ° -
u l > iil .liivvnl ,
M < 'II. ' )
' 1'u ilaiioniivu Um viinibllu.iuimrty | fur d
u Kruut wroiiK In iluiiiniietUlnt ; silver unit
tluni iloollnu In douluru In fuvur of InuUlntloii
lu roilrodu that , wroiiu In liuruly cuiuilsiunt ,
unit yet tliU la wluit tliu diiuiuorullo Hllvor
liliiiilc uiiinunu tu ,
Of i-onran Iho frou trndu pnnn ot liiiuluuit
U ilullirlitoil nvur tlm roiiuinliuitlaii of ( Irnvur
( Jlavnluiul , liHaYit ] > wiU tin iiiratitt tu uuuirii.
hm whun tintiiouUoii rtiluriii UIUIKI m on tliu
uvoiilnx uf Nuvuinlml'H. Tliu Amurliwu poo-
pin urn lu fuvur ilim'luon , iirotuutluu aiu
ruolproultY liy u IUTKO majority.
tiltkr\t 'n
'I li liovn llmV.Mr. Uluvi'htuil Is it vury
iiupulitr nuuin i.imU oopulur nnui , " niil
llnurutiH'liru td.tua ilmiun'raliu luiUouul
ouiivuiulau-- nmwAit uxU' onlliu > ry | nipu.
Uilly every ilitv lulliuyuar cxnopt DIUI niul
Hut u oliiottoa ilay < | U U A ix nilurltv wliluti
ho inlulit iti > onU t t tniuultuuiu , lint not ro <
iluoitilu to voltit , " ,
Hitfut ) ' Aplitlitltft'A llll Illtllnmill ,
II , & JI'll'IM ' III .Vlll/l / itUWlcuu 1'a'UllN
In Oi'tcUior , lsMOhtt oomuiiiuut on nufaty
i\iiUuiuwi | | nuHiiiiiiifUiloil ammunition of tlm
mnttercur tuiiUlor tyini ul vuuilurn | Um
ulrtiularil ut tu mombova. Out uf llfty cowl -
l > ttnlt ) voUnu but Uvo UlMmttei , ! , a it limy
u < > ul UittUu IhWi IUU ooujilur wu *
nutKl by thu fuUi-ouil oouiiaiuo * of UiU couu-
try ui their ntuiutuitl. wu iiir n * tltU ooulu Uo
ituuu by 1'iulr ' oruiuittmt uolluu. l''rom .tnlit-
tliu tvwuUy oUlwlim.l by UiU uiiiaclullon
tmvo r\m ou Ui bolluvu ttiut ixniploi-a t > ( tlio
iiuutttr o < tr lnilKli > i' ' ty | < Imvu now boon
MlUilltxl urjOOU'OU tsar * , or ulknil oiuIHiU ot
tun froliitil oaf * in nrvlihami Uo td 'J-VOOO
04 now uiulrr oonUkol. I'Vnu wli.t l
hum tul < Hl ll will IH > iH > u llml tlio rAlltvait
tHMitpaulet tb < MUK > i lUulr loohulcul ctlU'taU
iiftVtulovUfelu lvw | > u ( voutli | > r which iluo
uul iv < i ui\ > Hut luiruiluolUm uf body or Itiuti
UotwiHHi Uio our * In the t > iw ut cuutillui ;
or of uuouuiithii : . The Uovu-o U umuhmuuui
br it i\vj , ( uiawuil ot vrhioti invjool * bo.vouU
Um c < tr iwJy lu uuli a oaillluu timv U v < tu bo
mtolv UiuulUHt vuu bv u parwua uuui-ou-
touui.1 lu ll u o. Vho otul lit laiutanl
couiiler * . for liu * UXX.IVW can IHUV t tultnuxi
wliu lluk-uiiJ-plu cvui > Ur * , will uul bo tar
Uft KStll.lttliA I'OLITICX.
Uick Hmltb 1 $ In tbe field at a candidate
for tboreptibllcau ooDitr'- lon I rioulnatloa
in UjoKwond diitrlct
WHliaui U. Akcr * ot Uetlog t beeu men-
tiooe-J o a Kwl toita tor Ibe repabllcant of
bl * alstrkt tojjomJnaU for t te tenator.
According to tbo d mocraUo l'ut mcmlh
Journal , "Goycruor lioy < J' bacitr broken
u tlifl Cbivii o cojireiillou. It took the Wiley
I'oba Caifr to do titta up. "
It it r | xrteil tbat Ur , L. J , Aboott , the
veUsrwi jwlludan of Kremont , lias coufciwd
tliat be if a caudidale forHouteoaul goveruor
oo ill a iadopoadent ticUot
' vVltb Tubia * Cuter a naUoualaotnmit-
tcuwau from Nebra V ttto'll. ' At M , would
be 'itrlctly In It * It ClOYclaud vrai clec-
t d , " * y tbl Norforlk KeW * .
M. IICuox , iv Uo bat boon elected at a
dolenuuj to Ibe national ludcixradcnt coarcu-
tlon from tlto Ut of Watblngtau , U an old
Nnbraikau , llo toroicri ) ro > IJoJ at Hroltoa
In tbuhopo of fusion belwcon fie Inde-
roudcrilt uud domocraU In Hurt county ,
I'rnnk JUittj it ( tlrrltiK around with tlm ex-
> ? oiailou of bvlng noiiiiuutod for tlio lcii > la-
, urt ! ,
Kem cxpocts to bo renomi-
mtod by tbo IndepetidonU of tbu Sixth die
; rlot , but Attorney I. I' . Oantt of Nortb
'luito U worultiK hurd to blast O. M. '
10 [ K1.
liU > ald that tlio president of the Karpy
x > jnly nlluncD biun'i btvl tlmo to dubbin In
politic * tbl > year bccauio hU tltao hi * bcon
.aUon up in fanning the biggQit jwuiU ) patch
n Nubnuka ,
Anotliur caudldaio for tlio uubcrnatorlal
lomluatloii on tlio ropubllcati tlckol IIIIH been
mentioned . IS. Citdy of St. 1'aul. Mr.
Cauy bas already inado a record a a tiiombor
of the loKiiluluro.
Colonel J. I ) . ( Jitfo of Franklin county
railed to stand a n candidate for Iho ropuh-
lean coiiKraitlotinl numitiutlori In the Filth
ihtrlct , but ho U now balni ; boomed for the
nomination for the Hluto nonatu.
"II the republicans of our state iinmlnato
nxcellont and avallitlilc mun , HO tlmt all thalr
torcoi can bo united , they iiro nunrly uro of
i wroat victory , " U the naiitlmunt uxprcucd
jy ihuUrutia Island IiidDpenduiit.
The Independent conventions ot n ilo/.on
counties have Inntructod their dali/unlon to
the stnto convention to vote for Vnu Wycit
for Kovornor , The effect of the sprliiK and
early uuinmor entiinalu-u of the m
miulo miiiitfott.
The iiiuiio of Auaou A. Welch of Wnyno U
jcing Uopt buforu the ropubllcaiiH of the
I'lilrd district at n candidate for the coiiKros-
sloaal iioininnl.ioii. .hi io Harris John ll.
Hay * and Oovonior Melklujohti are atlil In
iho rnco tor thoHiiuio prl/.o.
There Is Jtut a llttlu nollllci In the follow-
UK Ituni from the Blair Pilot of Thur.idav :
"Tin : HIT of this morning has dotiUU nf tbo
vote noiulniitliiK Cleveland , whllo thu World-
Ilornlil had not yet hennl of it. The Itoso-
waterHtarcoiitliiuui to iwlnldo as It cllmbi
hlKhor. " _
Hon. . .rninosVliltolinnil U rocolvln very
ravoruble notice ns uciindldato ( or thu roptih-
llcnn coi'urotnlonal nninlnatlon la the big
Hlxth. The O'Nolll Froutlor nys of him :
"Ills llfoixs farinur In ( Jimtor county for
ton yuur.i ban buua ono that ia irco from cou-
mro , mm with lib noluliljon ho u said to bo
populur. "
Among the dotuKntui to the Indnpaiidont
natlotiul conveatinn chosnu by thu Third No
iiriinHu illstrlcl N Klcliard l < \ Jonoi. Hlulmrd
ropronontod Hart caunty In the I nit Irginla-
Luru , He is a natlvu of U'lilun. liavhin bcon
liorn in llriicoiiHluro May 25 , 1HIII. llonioved
lo vVnuicoslia enmity , \VlHcon ln , with hl
puroatt la 18.11 , where ho lived until 1HW. (
Mr. Jones hut lioon a roaldont of Hurt
comity tilnco 1804 , and owns a vuluablo farm
four in 1 1 on oant of Lynn : ) , Ho hm been
oloclml Justice of the pouco aovoral thno.t.
Two yuars ego ho win nominated for ropre-
aontaiivo by tlm fiinnora1 altlanco , endorsed
by the duiiiocruts unit elected by 500 ma
jority. _
Tlio immo of .lumoa R X.oUlUor In noon oc-
onHioiiully m iho Htatu piipurn , where ho In
montloiidd HH the traveling corrospoiidont of
u oortnlii publication.Cod himself nhrnyn
imod to bu neon at ronubllcnn state convon-
tlonn , wiero ) ho always imortcd that to In-
auro HUcce.tH iho Kupubllcan vulloy must bo
"rocoiiilzud. " Hut whoa X.oulkor wui
"ooraured" It wni Invariably dUcovorod that
Xudlliar was thu Uupiibllcaa vallny which
doiiiumlod racoKiilllna , This clrcumntanca
was unoil Intt winter ns an Illustration by
onu ot the uoatleuiea who wont to Washing
ton lo urii > that the nutloaal rotmbllcim
uoavoiulon bo held lu Omnlin. Wh-Jii the
ituh'tjullou begun It * uuiiVBiis It was found
that the muii from Minneapolis wnutud
to iniiUu u roiuuinutloii with the othar ropro-
Bontiitlvua of the went , and tlm watchword
wiw to bo , "Tho wast must bo rocoKnl/.uil. "
The Omaha men \voro illnuuHthi ) ; the uilvlsu-
nllltv of iintorlni ; the pool whou the ( -ontlo-
mini moiitidiied aroni ) , told the story of.odl -
Uoraad romarUod : "It scoam to mo , Kcntio-
mon , that wnon thu Mlanoapolls mon say
'Um weal iiuut bo rocoKiiizod,1 MlnnnupoUa
l tbo wont. " The Oniutin mon did not enter
the combination ,
nor irie.rriKwT.N. .
Now Vorlc Him : Onh li | r I huvtm't nuy
ohiiiiKii this iiiuriilin : . Jum clinlk It up.
MllHiiian Tliut'stoo niiieli ID IIHK. I can't
atfnril tu wiiNti' my uluilk thai way.
KIIIII'M Hurni Tlm wlfiuif u Konlus In ton-
01 ally iv vury UiiU' onio womiia ,
I'hiliuliilphhi Krn : Him Who IIHOI all thu
nun IT tlutl N inniiiitMetiirody
Ho No uno m i > .
( 'liUmuo Tliaoii Hlx yivu-i ii o thu KKII-
tuoky liuNliituro WIIH in I ; nil l.i ohimvu tlm
iiiiiui ) Ut " .Mr. Si'hliiftinh iKuarli'liitluhstiifur. "
It U nxiiuiutiil thin tlm bill will bo imxsnd mid
Nluiiwu at tlm nuMhiKwIiMi uf tlm lutililuttiro. i
Tlio ilulixy U unlit tu hnvti boon riuuinl liy tlm'
liutblllty of llm n < < < iiilly ) lu l > am Iho entire :
bill ul uiiy mm hOilni. I
Now Orlouii * I'lpayuim ' ! Mnniocii will tMitor
tlm niinlul iinluii. dim hu > buua unt on Imr
Ivitto riitld'H WiiHliliiKtuai U U well atmuith
fur Um luilllH'iiiii to l > o HU uttrly blrtl , but ItU
M uoud tiling tu bo oarofnl unit nut uoum II
tlm wuriii at In | > ruu > rhi\l : turning point.
A > ir trAti IN 1'iinuuo ,
, uml thu wimU u-olilll ,
Ami tlm m.ul of u nliin oluy.
Ami a iiiUton tlmUrliilu | | > : hill ,
Autl u iutt ! > k on tlm d y.
And tlm IUHHI wn > Ilko thu pain
When ulumr U void on tlm Imiirlh ,
Ami tht > uoUuv dulliHl by the ruin ,
low tu tlmDarth.
von ar "Did you lie irlvstlu-rlno
i'n urailtintlaR i' nyr' Mia ono cm tu
WBut it ridiculous ? I uxnrutttU
H urttst dil l UiUlwr from hi-r. "
"t-utua I Why. Uu ro woron't. Unit doxun
wonU uf inure than l * yimul ) * lu U.
I'hlUiUihihUltt'fon oiiayiiK truth
llit utllii ) buttiim ot Iho well U tktultl > tlm
lillln. 'I'lm turtirUluK uurt ot 11 U that truth
liiiuld Ua ut Ml.
llhulmmlim ItopuUlKMUt Tha aiubltlmi ut
iKillui'lmi lu ical l 'for n voiivoiiliun Uunly
vtiuullvd by Um umbllKm ut u ti > * d tu sol uo-
ti > ro a lnwu uuiwor ,
Kr i UUI ludy tu
w ul M IHU ot ouuluo pill * , "
tilivmUt-VVIml'A tlio umttor with the iln .
II. il Uny ( liulljiijutlvl-l w ut you tu kuuw ,
lr , that my luubitiul U * ccutluuiau. "
CbtfiuUt put * up toiuu gululuo pllu tu pro-
fouua > lu-u.o.
The plans tor tt.o Kcbratka building at the
World's fair were adopted by iho tate commission -
mission a month or moro azo and bare sltico
patcd tbo ( , 'nunilot , of tbe arcbitoclural
authorities at Cblcago. The contract for tb
conitruetlon of lb buildlui ; was lot lail
wt'jlr , and ovcr.Tlhlnir Dolnt * to the rapid
projfroio of a handtomo auJ creditabU
The onicluU at Qhlcauo ar re [ > orle'l to
Imva said that lha dc-tlun of this bulldlnir
was much moro satisfactory tbanthosoof
most oth r states. This U Rralifylng. of
course , and thorn Is alto reatou for contldar-
able sntlsfactlon In Iho fact that the Ne
braska commlislon. by rare forotfaouKhl In
making an early selection , secured ono of tb
matt eligible nhci In Jackson park , Tha
park It located In iho noulboni carl ol lha
city , and Ihu IIru onlrnnco reached by tbo
great majority of people \vlio vltlt ll U oa
Flfty'terentti 6trout.
Tbo Nebraska buIldliiK will bo located a
few rods Inside the park at the corner of
I'Mty-sovoiilh trcot and ono of tlm
driveways. Its southern fronl will fnco on
Iho street and million * nf people nro ilentlncd
lo go by it on entering the fair uoxl year ,
Tbu cable line ends ut Klfty-sovcntli airout ,
and ono of Ilia depots of ihu Illinois Central ,
tbo llrnl at , which pa iengers will bo disom -
burked for tua great exhibition , Is also lo
cated dlroctly at that untrincu. The buildIng -
Ing fronts on the boulevard anu from Jtho
Bocoiul Htory there will uu a line vlow
of I.ano Michigan In tbo dlsianco.
At the back is a snnill lake p.irk
and ut tbo north will bo tbo
building of North Dakota. Nebraska's alto
Is on u Hllght oii'lnonco overlooking moU of
tlmt portion of llio park which will bo occu
pied for fair imrnoiui , making It an nlto-
gclhur desirable location.
Tbo plans call for a two-story Hlrnctnro
OOxlUO loct In sl/.o. That , will give O.I1UU toot
of floor .ipacu lu each story , or n total ot
12,1X10 In the building , which will tu-cmnmo-
dale a vury lareo exhibit if space bu carefully
When completed the Nebraska building
will look Ilko an anclunt Orcok ptilnuo. Thu
ll'tt AHK T1IK l'lHl't.I i.
I'ri'HH Comiiiont on tlio Coining Oiiiiilia
( 'oiivniiMiin.
Hoclcv Mountain Now * ( Jam ) ! Tlio na
tional convention of Uio imoplo'rt ' party will
anHcmblo in Omaha on Monday , July 4.
U | > on lu platform aau cnntllUatos the hope *
of Uio silver mon now coaler. Tlio ntato sil
ver tongue ion I delegates to llio rnuubllcan
and duinoRriitlo natloaul conventions to battle -
tlo with tlia itold I ) UK 3 nnd HQCUIO a rocoxni-
tlnn of llio rlnlils of silver , la lioth conven
tions tbuy mot , wltb rebuffs and
Tin ) nllvor inoa now turn to Omaha. To It
iiboulU bu tent a strong , abto and lalluoatlul
dulugnllon. It will not go wtlb Insult a tar
ing It In Uio fuuo. Tlio puoplo's party U aot
controlled by gold bug nail other capitalistic
interest. H U the Iriond at sllvur. Tlio
elements comprising It are known to bo anx
ious for tlio rusloration of free biniolalllu
coinage , lu convention will liuvuiivulcomu
for thu delegates ot the sllvur league , such
as limy dm not receive olthor at Mlnncnoolia
or Chicago. There should bo a large ultond-
niico on tlio part of the Colorado people not
u delegation , not n car loud , hut n train load.
And not from Colorado ulono should the
silver mult comu. The Danvor club , or the
Htuto league , Hhould coiuuiunlculo with the
clubs of oilier stales , liy telegraph If nccos-
fiilry , and sccuro thulr co-oporatioa la ob-
tulnliii ; na luruo u doloiatloii au possible to bo
prasunl lu Uniaha , U U notxo mtich to light
for stlvar that these delegations Hhoald oo
scint , but thul thu convention may bo insured
of the frlumlahlp und support ol tlio silver
Hlntcs , and buooino luuiitlllud with the man
of the oust who are iniikini ; ihu light against
Iho Hiiinu olaiuoiils which dofaatud the free
cotnnua cause In both of the old party con
ventions. Hllvor mon should rally to Omaha.
Cnlcago News find ) : Numerically ono of
the Kroatust political convontiom over hold
In America will assemble ut Omuhn next
wcolc , und on Monday , July 4 , ll will nomi
nate a presidential ttcliot representing thu
prlnelplos nud policy of the pooplo'n party.
That the result * of the conventions at
Minneapolis and Chicago have encouraged
iho loaders nnd iho rank and Ilia of this am
bitious nnd exceedingly active mid aggressive -
sivo 11 u h raw young organization Is quite
obvlo H. Mr. Jerry Simpson tallts bravely
of wl. t .tie people's ' party will do In No
vember , and Chairmaa Taubonock , not less
sanguine , promise * to wrest from the demo
crats part of the solid south , capture the
Mlvur states , retain ICunsui and give the
republicans a hard light for supremacy la
thu Uulcotas , Mlnnc'ota nnd Iowa.
On llio silver Issue the people's party un
questionably bollavci that it will become an
Important fiictor in the present campaign.
style of archltoctura U classical , borne ol
the Corinthian order. Tbo east and woit
fronts have wide pjrtlcocs and there BM
largo wldo sterw on nil stdo , which cover
ono-tblrd of the IciiRtb of tbo building. Kiob
jwrtloo la supported by tlx mastivo colamns ,
which run the fjll length of both lloon and
to tbo under ido of tbo cornice. Over each
portico nnd rotting on tlia columns Is a large
L-ablo on a line with thu main cornice. In
thd gable in basrullot it tbo Xobratkaatato
seal , Hvo feet in dliimeler. The cornice U flro
foot high , with wldo projection * sjnporlod
by modailons and U ilnular to the cornice ot
tbo I'untheon ot Home.
The whole exterior of Iho building will 03
covered nrltU stall , which is the competition
used on all tbo principal ntructurot of lha
fair. Hy 1U ute a frame building can tin
mattered so at to nnerablo marble , and tbu
Nebraska building's architecture Is admlr >
ably adapted to help out the dcccpllou. Tbo
illustrated papers have made n specially ot
cots showing the groups uf statuary with
which the chief buildings are to bo orna-
mcnlod , nnd the casual reader may hnvo
gained the imprcsilou from Iboso pictures
that ihoy are to bo done In mar bio , but in a
matter of fuel Ihoy are made of tbo material
known at stiff , vvhlcU it excellent ovlJunca
ot the olloultvouois ot thnt kind ot treat
ment. lv In usu Itli posstblo to erect at n
cost of only $13,00' ) n building that nt a short
dtslancu will bavo thouppearaucoof u toinplo
of the tlmo of Porlrlcs.
' 1 ho Inlurlor of the building Is HO arranged
in to give ihu maximum ot pueo for ox-
hlnltlon purposes and at llio sumo tlmo pro.
vldofortbo convonlnnco of visitors. Par
titions w.ll oa run across the building
toward oti'i end nt u point thut will leave on
ouch floor . line cxhliiitlon room 00 by 70 foot ,
In nuo. Oponlng from ihcso halls will bo
sovcnil rooms for the commissioners nnd tbo
visitors. Among the taller will bo reception ,
rflnokiug , retiring , poslofllco uud toilet rooms.
The rocoptlon room nlono will take SO bv HI )
foal of space. Hrond stairways will loail
from tno ilrst lloor to the second , nnd the
on tire building will aavo abundant light from
numerous windows.
Doth Mr. Harrison anil Mr. Cleveland are
cloudy on racord touching that quotlon , and
lhat bitter fcullng against each ot thoiii is
wlaosproad In iho west and thu south Is per
fectly apparent. Their opposition to free sli
ver comniro bus sot former adherents against
them. If the election wora lo bo belli tomor
row both the old parties would probably lese
a state or two.
Hut between now and November Iho bo-
Hovers In fruo coluago mav Hud themselves
sucked Into tlio if rout maolutram. of the larilT
light. Thu tariff is bound to bo tbo dom
inant Issue , nnd , vholhor the people's ' pnriy
will or no. U musl face thai issue and bo
RUbJcut toils Inlluoncos. Those of its mom-
bora who bollovo in tariff reform will foul
the impuUa to Join with the forces making
far that and , wbllo llioso adhering to the idea
of McICInloy , rather than see iho protection
wnlli torn down by hostile hniuls , .will drop
silver mid rally to tlm defense of what may
acorn to them tlio moro vital thing.
In tbo .south the force bill issuu will dom
inate and toad to Urivo would-bo deserter *
from the democracy back into the party linos.
Hut the Omaha convention with its 1,7711
delegates U going to bo u Dig nnd u very Im *
portunt ulTulr. It will bo roprosuntntlno nnd
earnest , enthusiastic anil parbnps turbulent ,
and In session It will present a spnctaclo nt
once plcturcstjuo and suggestive.
Samuel Oompers In the Norlh American
Review : As nu organization tlio American
Federation of Labor is not in harmony either
with the existing or projected political
parties. So dcup seated is Ibo conviction In
this mutter thut , long ago , It was decided to
hold iho conventions of lha federation aftoi-
Ibo elections. Thus freed from party bias
and caimialgn crimination , these guthoritiKJ
have boon In a position to docluro for general
principles and to Judge Impartially upon thu
merits or domcrlts of cacn parly , holding
each to an accountability for its porlldy to
Iho promises made to the working puoplu
and at the same tltna Keeping clour nnd dis
tinct the economic character of the organiza
tion. H.V our nonpolitlcal partisan churaclor
as an organization wo tacitly declare that
political liberty with economic Independence
is illusory and deceptive , and thai only lu 'o
far as wo gain economic iudopandenco can
our political liberty bucomo tangible and liu.
DUikstnr Alicllil.
St.'mil I'limter I'nut ,
With Now York and Indiana 'practically
bottled against them at thu ouUot , Iho
ddmocracy will have n beautiful lime o'.oct- '
Ing Cluvelana and Stevenson by the votes of
sure republican aiulos.
inirs uml rnt\llori :
of Clulhlng In the World.
A few Left
We have enough silk belts to last
probably Mon
day , Tuesday
and Wednes
day , and as
long as they
last we'll con
tinue to give one away with every boy's
suit , whether it's long pant suits , or 2 and
3-piece suits that are goingat a third off ,
or any kind of a boy's suit , Each and
every one gets a silk belt free. The ex
cellent quality of our light weight suits
for men is proving a great bonanza to us ,
as people are coming to know that they
can be relied upon for fit and wear just
as if your tailor made them. It
don't take half as much money to own
one. These suits are all our own make.
rowning , King & Co
| S.W , Cor. 15th & Dowlas ! t