0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE2J3ATURDAY. JUNE 23 , 1392. All Ooroals Opened with a Blight DeoHue Yesterday. ONLY A LIGHT BUSINESS IN WHEAT Short * In Unrrrltu ; CornpTowi nl tlio Cloio lllil the 1'rlco Up ) n Kuril Other Out * Worn Trnitoil In Quito Mhcrnlly. CniCAflo , 111. , Juno 21. The iloltigo of writer which bunt sewers ami flooJotl collars In OUI- cufu was BO associated In tlio minds of spocu- latorM with destruction that they found It , hard to umlerUand how the growing crops could have escaped. Tint apooarcd to l > o the main cause of the advnnco In yrstorduy's price * , which took plnco Immediately on tlio opening. As a result of bolter Inforraatlon by tolo- Kniph , hownvor , the close , us compared with last night , showed 11 net dcotlnu of 'aO for wlie.it and oats , with corn unchanged. Tlio provision list wus from 7o ! to 100 higher. Only u light business was transacted In wheat. At the oloso It was Uo higher , then ilo- cllnod Uo for the various futures closing from 'ic ' to M frol' ' > tno bottom. The iintl- opllou bopiy pookcd It * ho ill Into the hall nt Intcrviils and scared the traders , but the opinion K.iliiud In force alip'irontly that the llll ; will bo shelved In the senate. The foul 111 * In corn was unsettled. Initial Irnnsactlom were nt from J o to lo advance. The shorts In covurhiB hid the price up on each other. At the advance the offerings bo- cainu largo , a Rood deal of Ions property com ing nut , lo.ivliiK the Impri'Mi'iOii that tliu local combination hail bold out thulr holdings , causing roiim traders to sell frouly nnd thu price declined fiom le to lu ! In short order , but rallied ' c later. Thu cash market ononcd stronger and tlio rumor that Ilici llalcli bill would bu reporlid adu-iMil.Y by thu jiiillclury rommltli'o al o hulpud thu price. Thu market closed stuady at last night's figures. Outs woio trinlccl In llber.illy aud'a stronger feeling prevailed , duo chlully to a fair do- tnitnil Iroin outsiders , and also to rather un favorable orop rot > orl , l'rovl liu ( traders showed Iltlln Interest In the market after the first hour. With ti lighter run of hngH and higher prices ut tlio yaidsund corn le up from the oloso Thursday , all pro ducts Htartcd strong and higher. The advauco wus mot by frco olferlngs by scalpers and lioldorH who prolltod. Tlio markets weak- miotl. Iritcr there was a llttlo life hi ribs be cause of frco ( ihaiizlu fiom July to Septem ber , mostly utBo difference , while lard and pork were mostly neglected. There wits a fair demand for > ossol room nnd rates remained nnohnngol at"c for wheat und Pjc [ for coin to UulTalo. Kstimiitcd rccolptH for tomorrow ; Wheat , U'i uiirs : corn , C5U cars ; oats , iU ! cars ; hogs , 10.000 bond. TnclcndlnK future * ran.'ed ns follows : Cu li quotations \\uro us ollons : KI.ODIIUncliaiiEod. . WIIKAT No. 2 iirlnK9a ; No. : i Bprln ? , 74c : No. 2 ro < l. 8J0. ! OATH-NO. 2 , : ! 2&5M.lc ; No. 2 white , 31'itt B5'4o : No n white , 3IUffl5c. ; ItVE Na 2 , 7Uc. luiii.i.T NO. 2wo ) : No. a , TOO ; No. 4 , ; ; iooc. : ; FI.AX SEUD-NO. i. H.uii : { . TIUOTIIV SI-CD I'rlnio. SI.27l.a : I'OIIK Mi > 84 , nor bill. , tl0.7'JirSIO ! 7.1 ; lard , per 100 His. J1..W1.S7W : bhort ribs .skies ( lonsol. M 021QIU11 ; dry silted bhoiililcrs ihoxoil ) , $5.75 & ' \W : short clear Hides ( bo\c < l ) . * .Wi < A . "l\'i. \ WHISKY Distillers' Iliilsliod coeds , per su\ \ . , rboAus-Outlonf,4 ? > ® j'cBraniilatoil ; , 4c ! ; ptniidnrd "A4e. ? HccuIptH anil shipments today wcro as fol lows : > oiv Yorlc .Murltets. Nr.w Vonic , Junu 24 Ifi.ouu Receipts , 1,150 pkgs. ; dnl1 and lio.ivy ; sales. 17,000 bbls. WIIKAT llocelutH , 170,000 bu. ; exports. 107 , Mi bu. ; hales. IKK.OOi bu. of futures ; 11S.OOJ bu. of Rpot. H)0t | ) , Irregular , closing oaelor and dull ; No. 2 led. K ltu ) in store und elevator ; UlliQ'.i.'o ' alloat ; t'.iW.ll'.ic f. o. U ; No. 3 red , Wil-ie ; ungraded led , 7 ® Wlo : No. 1 northern , 67'4'tft ' K71.e ( ; No. I hnrd , tll'ic ; No. 2 northern , HKtO Hllir ; No. 2 Chicago , uc ; No. 2 Mhwaukeo , D4)4c ) ; No. 3 spring. BJ'Jc. ' Options Most par ties uro holding olT and the apuoar.uico of af fairs Is very dull , wholly on account , of vari able ropoils cunuarnliu thu anti-option bill. Thcro was an iidvancOof n 'o o.i-lv , followed by a decline of ! n5 ? ac uud closing wuak ? i © Ho clou n ; No. 2 reu , Junu , 85,7ii ( Sk ( . cloilnjt at fiOu : July , WfflM'ic , closing tttKi'jo ; August , K07-1CC. closing at Kilio ; Septotobor , hll'.ic ' : November , closing utSJfJo ; May (180.IJ ( , lUJja Ulc , closing utilise. KvK-KIrm ; western , 8389o ; sales , 5,003 bu. ; No. t. bc In elovutor. llAiiiiv : MAI.T Dull. COIIN ItoeclptK , 77,000 bu. ; export ! . 20.000 bu , ; s\lcH : , IfpO.'iOl bu. futures : 14,1.00 bu , spot , Ppotdull ut Ci'iftiXJc. ' alloit ; ungraded mKi'd. biftillc ; options advanced "idilio wllh poor grading and wutwontnur. docllnod ? i < ttllicon liberal incolpts. closing wouk at 'io down to Jic up ; June , M'.ic. closing , fSlfo : uly , 5li ® We. closing , M'gc ; Augusl. , o. closing. 64c ; tuptomber , Kl'iViSIc , oUwlnrKlii : October , ilWe : closlnj , M'ic. OATB HecolptK , 100,800 bu. ; ox ports. 1,030 bu , : laics , GO.OUO bu. of futures and UI.UOU bu. of iiiot. Spot market dull and Irregular. Op- tloimqulet but llrmor ; Juno , 38c : July , 37'C , closing at 37ic ! : August. IKi e , clohlngut 3'Ju ; boptembiir. : ilii1i ? : * , closing ut Xm. Spot No , t , white , 4'tft ; > l3o ; mixed western , : ii(7$30 ( o ; white westnrn , 42l8c ; No. 2 , Chlcuo , 3Ja IlAV Qulot. steady. bo.lAU Itavv. firm ami moro active ; snlos. BOO hliiK. and 7S bbls. muscovado at 2)4o ) : 500 liagHientrlfuiralH , W ) test , at 3 5-:2o : : : 5UJ bags molasses Htigiir , so tear , ut 2 0-10c ; rullncd , itoudy und quiet. Moi.AhSKH Now Orion us. quiet. I'KTUDi.KlTvt-Qulot aud Btoady ; unit cd closed at WiO for July. Corro.NHf.Kii on. Qulol ; crude. 2 > Jl':04c. : ! TALI.OVV Un-i < ttled : city ( t.00 for paek- liml , 4J.OI7-ll.i- . Itosi.N ( Julut uud steady ; strained , comnion to good. ll.2Jlil.:7'4. ' TuiirKNTi > K Qiilut and firm attO'llc : ! ! KHIIS l.argo rucelpt" , quiet and lower ; western , poor to prime , lIQISc ; receipts , 0,810 pkg8. . Wool , ( JtilP.t and slundy : domestic llooco , M : ! 5u : pulled , : wi2o : ; Tovns , I7ii22c. I'oiuc Quiet ami steady ; old mess , IIO.C03 11.00 ; extra prime. Jll.tO. CUT MKATS Klrm ; plokled bullion , 7 'o ; nloklud fihnuldeiN , dKUUc' ! plukled hums. Hit Il4'u ; middles , Urn , . IjAiin l''lrmcr. quiet : western steam closed nt M.h24 ; sales. Ml tierces at nplions sales. 1.J.H tiurcoa ; July , Jtt.M ; August. W.W ; hoiiluiuLor , W.'JJ awi , closing ut taw ; L'clobor , & 7.U8 ; re II nod. qulut ; continent , l7tKii)7.IU. ) TEii 1'alr demand , flrtni western dairy , \\enterneio.iiiiory ; , l. Htt'-'Jc ; western fui lory . r.i ( < iil5o ; Kigin , 2dc. 'alr demand , Hluady ; part bklias , . I'm luos-Qulol ; Amorlciin , Curi'EU I mictt vo ; lake , fll.7ill.bO. ( I.KAD Quiet ; domoHiIc , TiN-UiiBottlcd ; stralln , Oinuliu I'ruilneu Market , if , KTC. No. 1 jrrcou hides , Uoj No. 1 preen vitlted hides. 4liu ! ; Na 2 grouti nailed hides. IKftUliu ; Na 1 green united hides. ' . ' 5 lo tu Ibs. , 4UI'iU ; No. - Kreun salted hides , si t o 4 ltd. , .filWiVl No. I , vuul o If , bio 15 Iba.Co ; No.'von I calf , Htu is Ibs. * oNo. \ . 1 dry Hint hide * . 7o : No. a dry Hint hides. Bet No. 1 dry lulled hldOD , .VjJCc ; Ma-op pollhr-Urceii Bultu.i , each , MittJI.W : trcen hulled shoirllnga ( short vroolud curly nkln , ouch. \ VijfSutlry \ shoar- llnis ( shirt wooled eurly skins ) No. I , ouch. Kllilv ; drkhuurllnH tshorl wooled uur.y sliliiH. No. " , ouch , f > oi dry Mint Kansas und .Soi.rasku butcher wool poliw , nor Ib. . ntiuul wolilit. liJJlOiu : dry Hint KIIIIKUH und Nubrau- kaiuurr.iln wrol pelts , per Ib. , iioluul weight , iief.'c : dry Unit t' < i urtido bulchur wool polu tier Hi. , actual uolght , liKt6i-"ic ; dry Hint Colo- Milo murrain wool poll * , per IP. , actual \vulght. Vhl c : ury ptuucn mid bucks , uctuul wulght , Jtt'M Tallow tiniKiiiasu Tallow. No. I , 4LdJ let t.illow. No. 1' . aSUiOi gio'iso , whlto A , 4ci irri-aso , wl Ilo II , . Uu ! gnmso. yu low. iei jireiim ; . ilurk. V'nt old butter. Sijoj bounwux , prime. lOCiWo : rough tullow. litf ! > - . , Viiunh-OallforiilaorunifM. l.l < ) ,4.75phoU'o : lemon * . l.uOJ.Wi fancy lumous. * I.NX24.75 | Luunus.crutea , v < a % . Su'eruchur'- [ rlcs.ilOO ; black raupborrlo , 13.50 per 24 quart onset , VencTAoi.Es Onlltornla aabtnto,2Vc ! poas. 12. ti par int. hot ) wix betni , II.OJ per M bu. box ; tomnloes. 4 b.i'kot crntn * . H5Kf..7. " ) ! cucumbers , (53S5c per donow potHtocs , ( J23 I : < HIS HecelpM liberal ! 12i.l2iio. HUTTEII 1'ncklng stock , If peed , llOimc ; ninall lots of uxtrn cliolco stock tu retail trade , . I'out.Titv Old fowls , weak at MJ7c nor Ib. , Ivo weight ! springs , i2 50&J 73 per dor. . St. I.ouls PT. LOL'in , Mo. . June 24. I'l-oun Dull anil ca y but notqitotably chnnzod , T Ojicnoil itRliudo stronsor but soon declined and closed ai ® ' < c under vcstcrday. Cash clo od ut 7fiic ! ! .fuly.77c : August , 7i > Mo : September , 70ct December , Hc. ) COIIN slow ami weak and the close lo better - tor thnn ycstcr lay. Cash , 4lc : July closed at 44'iic : Hentembcr , 4lo. OATS Lower : cash.SOiio : July , 30 c : August mid September , 23fic. HIIA.S ( Julet ! ( XK3.1le , , , llAV Sloady for top grades : others ( load dull ! timothy , moJTi-.oj : prairie , $ S M3.IO.lO. , -s , . liimiit Qutot ; croumory , 14OSo ! ; dilrv. 12 Dull ; lie for guaranteed. MiUIQillut at ? J.i5.40 : WllisKV--f-to.nlyaltl.lC. I'ltovistoNK Qulet , with only a job trade. roiiK-fll.M ) . Diiv SALT MKVtI.oo < o shoulders , $ i longs and ribs , $ WV > : shorts. 17.10 : boxed lots. 15cmorc ! bacon , shouldur * . $0. " > JI lotus A nil ribs , f7S7'4 ' ; shorts , $ AOJ ! sugar ourod limns. . . . . „ , -.S-OOllbs : wheat. in.OOO bit. : corii. MJ.OJJbu. : o.its , : ilOJJbu.i rye and bar- lev , noiio. SlIll'MKNTS 1'Ioiir.8.0)1 Ibs. : wheat , 8,000uu , | corn. D.I.OOO bu.soils , lO.OJUbu , : tyc , l.OJUbu , ; barley , none , Kansas Clly Murkots , KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Juno SI. WiinAT- I < owcri No. V ! hnrd , tl1(3G7o ( : No S lotl. ( i.tffliOe. OoiiN-Uiwor : No. U mixea. 4J4mc : No. 2 whlto , 4f(84'e. | ( ' ) ! , , OATH Htuady : Xo ! ! mixed'JOc ; No. 2 white , " Hvh Hleady : No. 2 , nominally , CSo. Kl.AXBKKI ) HOC. HIIAN Steady : Racked , Me. HAV Stoadv " : timothy , ! S.OO3.50 : pralrlo , " . nrVJf * . * i . , . HiJTrnn Steady ; crraincry , IKtlic ; dairy , Slondy at lie. ItKCnii'is-Whent , 5:1,0)0 : ) bu. ; corn , 6,000 bu , ; oats , 1.0J1. , .sTS Wheat , Sl.onbu. ; corn , S.OOObu. ; oats , none , \Vool .Markot. I'llUjADEM'iliA. I'.L , Juno 21. Quiet , prices stuady : Ohio. Pennsylvania unit West Vir ginia XX anil above SOifSia ; mo.llum , 3 © : t > c : New York , Michigan , Indiana and vvestorn line or X and XX , 2.ffl2 ; medium , 3l3lc ; coarse , : Ul ! < iWlc ; wasnod combing an Idolalno , nno washed delaine. X uud XX , Slt&tl'i ' : mo- dlum washnd , combing and dulalno , ; n'lo ! : coarse washed , combing and doluluc. 3l.i5)iu ) ; Canada washed , combing. .X'a-'Wo : tub washed , choice. IICWISc : fair. 35 ® Co ; coarse , 3 xa'llc : medium unwashed , combln r unit dulalne. 25dd 27c : coarse uiiwushcd. combine amldclaliio , 2. ) e.'To ; Montana , lC2.'o ; territorial , ! 3JOu. Cotton .Market. NEW Olit.EANR , In. . Juno 24. Easy ; mid dling , 7J o : low middling , (1 ( 11-lfio : good ordi nary. 03-KiC. Nut leoelpts. 4JI bales : gioss , 310 baluH ; exporti to Ureat Hrlialu. 80 bales ; coastwUe. : iU biles ; sales , 4JJ bales : Htock. 121,070 bales. Week , net receipts , 4.517 bales ; gross , 4,5-1 1 biles ; exports to Grout Britain. n ( UO bales : to I'ranco , 3.1.17 bales ; to the con tinent , 4,073 bales ; coastwise , 4 , 115 bales ; sates , : ) ) > bales NEW YOIIK. Juno 24. Dull ; futures closed dull : sites. 73.100 bales ; June. $7.2(1 ( ; July , $7.2i : August , J7.3J : September , 7.30 ; October. S7.4U ; November , H7..VJ. _ Liverpool Mtirlcct ) . I.ivr.iii'oou iluno : . ' 4. WHEAT Qulat : hold- cis oiler moderately : No. 1 California , 7s nor cental ; led western spring , ( is 7HdJtJ ( Sd ; No. 2 rod , winter , Os 8dis ( 8) ) id. Uocelpts of vv boat the pust thioo days , 37.1.00J centals , lucliulliig I'.i-i.MIO ' American , Cons Quiet ; rnhod western. 4s lOd per cen tal. Hceoipts of American corn the uubtthiou days 111,2(1' ( centals. llKEi' Hvtra Indiana mess , 57s Til per tlcrec. I'OIIK I'llino wcstoin , line , ( i'is ' 3d. CIIUFSI : American llucst white uud colored , 4Cs Cd per cwt. _ Milwaukee . M MlI.WAlIKEK , WIS . Juno 24. WIIUAT Easier ; September. 7fl'fc ; No. 2 spring , 70c. Ciilix Steady ; No. 3. 4017c. O\Ts-Stu.uly ; No. 2 white , 3liiO35 ! < c ; No. 3 hltc,3llc. ! ! ) ; HAIIMJY I'lrm : No. 2,57c. U\u Steady ; No. 1 , 78c. C'ollco Market. NEW YOIIK. Juno 21. Options opcnert steady , i n/ill 11 T > < niil t n III * Mti t a 11 ti Unlna I ? RIVl ll'i rra Including July , JU 7uj August , $ HU.O : Seu- lombcr.f 11.70 ; lccombcr , J1I.(1511.70 ( ; January 811.1,0 i-not Kio , dull and .btoady ; No 7 , SU.C2JJ. American KefrlKenitor Itcnf. I.tVEiii'OOt. , Juno 21. American refrigerator bnof , 3'id per Ib ; hliuliiiuirtors , " ' .id jior Ib. LONDON' . .Inno 21. Amerlc.iii refrigerator beef , forcquaiters , 2s Ju ; liludqtiarturs , 3s Bd by the carcass. London Oil MurKct. LONDON , Juno 24. LINSKKD CAKU 0 Ibs. , 10s per ton. WKvri.it.N LiNsiin : On. 18s fld per cwt. I'KTIIOLKUM 7s pur gal. Trailers' Tulle. CiiiCAnn. III. June 21. Counsolman A. P.iv to ( 'ocl.ioll Ilios. : The grain markuU were dull und lifeless today with u tendency to droop under the liquidation by the local long element , fcomo splrltnd buying by shorts at tnu opening , c.tused by thu heavy rains lust night , left Iho market so much thu weaker , aa thu wouther cleaicdA Iho afternoon. There W.IH llttlo donu In wluat. There was laivo buy Ing of coin for conn try account and a mod erate tr.ulo In oits. ; Cluslng jirlces all around were ur.ictlo.illy iiucliangod from yesterday. Provisions i nled very dull with outsldo holtl- oisof .Idly product changing their deals for ward to i-optumbur. .Such ohangos were madu principally with puckers at iitiotod dllTer- fiiecs. The market closed with a llttlo up t'n n canned by the Cudahy and Wright com bination bulling their rib deal. CiiiUMlo. III. . Juno 24. Kohnott. Hopkins & Co. to H. A. MuWhoitor : Chicago had over three Inches of inlu and traders Imagined the rostottho country xvas under water also. This caused a Rlrong opening , but olforlngs \\ornfalrlygoolfiom ( list to lubt. and the market IriK had u lu'.vvy uiidertono most of the hosalon wllh a comparatively light busi ness. A nrlvato message from Ivans.is com plained Unit wheat was getting shriveled up by heat und reports from several points there and In Nobrahka s.iy that thu wuathor Is nartly cloudy and cool today , suggesting perfect conditions for ripening gr.iln. I-\- porls anU now business show bomo Incrouso to.Iuy. hut primary receipts nro still very heavy and the tonu of foreign markets hoavy. The Agricultural doDiirtment's rcuort on the foreign crop situation Is quite favorable. In corn and oatHshorls rushed lo cover at Iho opunluir , but found plenty for sale and thu market ho-.m sold off to yesterday's closing. The feeling In regard to the olUjuo Is about thuMimu us has existed heretofore and that wo havn boon the top for some time. Outs seem to bo ( Irmly hu.d on the Impression that thu weather Is hurling them wcrio than corn. 1'rovislone have boon dull and fe.iturulcsi. bTOCKS AND 1IONDS. Again tlio Market Is in the Hands of 1'ro- fi'loiivln. ; NEW YOIIK , Junu 21. The stock market of Into booms to havu ajtalu gene cdmplotoly baok Into thu hands of thu professionals , and , possessing this cliur.ictor , It roniulns narrow , with dullness und HtiunullDii the fuaturo of the trading la the great bulK of the list , whllo two or three stocks are moved down over a comp.u.itlvoly wldo ruiuuand , by luason of their comparative activity , give the marliot what tone It pos.sekHOs. Thn market ut the oponlng was tame at praotleally lust night's prices , and thu move ments In the luadorx being so well balanced during thu early trading no upwurd tondonoy wus noticed In the gun- ural list , uud In tnu gruat bulk of the slocks doult In tlio uMromu of lluetu.ulon for thu 'duy ' wus within 'i percent. The murkut con tinued uxtiumuly dull , und whllu thnro was specially heavy pressure upon Hurllnglon , It rt'co\uied , aud It Nso In the who.o list , and while thu market continue * nariow , thoru l nothing touucriito 11'ulnnt better prices. The ournlngs of thu r.illro.idn continue satlsfuc- toryi the unlhrnclto eoul companies aru get ting better results ruul the hliumlnous roaus uruMirklii4 hard for the sumo , whllo tnu In- M'stiuonl ili'iu.inU for both stocks uud bonds continues stuailv. The liittorduullnzssaw a drive at Lonlsvlllo fi Nashvlilu by which Unit slock wus do- tiri'ssod 4i ! pur cent , but thu udviinculii Now Kiigliind wus pirilully lo t and some of thu tuiuliig bhares dUpliiyed u reactionary tem per , 1 horu woru no ot'jcr movumunls of uoto , howuor , ami thu market llnully closed very dull und btoady. Generally at liudxnlllcaiit chtingi-H for thu day. A urnp In Mauhiitti < n oucurrud Into l-i thu day und It bcorud u uot loiiof ti percent , but the oilier dovllnu of iiolu w.m l pui-uuiit In ( .oulsvlllu ft Nubhvil.u , whl u Now England U up u Ilko amount. Uo\t < riiment boiidu lm > u been dull and slu.idy. Thu 1'osl says : It hai proved Imiioislblo to bruuk thu genurul market In the fact ) of thu ilally crop nows. The o\perlmunt wus tried liut ttL'ok with the uninpeutodly largo gold n ( ports in help uUuu thu heir opor.itdrs , but fulled , Vcntcriluy anil today bomow hat Ulf- forunt tHoiica were employed , llu.ir rumors about tbu wheat crop buvo UUturbed nobody slncrj the government's report could bo ap pealed to , but the o.iso of corn N different. It will bo two wcoks bcforo the agricultural bureau makes Its first report on thli coronl. lienco reports of bud condition may stand without otllclnl contrndltlon. In llurllngton Qtilncy the movement con tinued todav. but lu force WHS pretty much spent , and In Rock l < dnntl there was quite as much buying b ICK of shorts ns there was sull- Inz. U will not bo strange If the Burlington's statement for May , when Its tracks were over- Mow ed. were to show a decided falling oil In earnings. But speculating on a bad July crop report U u dangerous business ; n fact of which the Lear operators seem to bo fully nwnro. The following nro the closing quotations for tholoadlng stocks on the Now York mock exchangetodavi The total salosof suioks loday were 211'ilO shares. Including : Atuhlson. Hl.lU ) ; Louisville A : Naslivlllo. 8.800 ! Northern 1'aclflo prcforrod , 4.5 : Now England , 4,003 ; Koadlng , 10'JOO ; SI. I'll u I , SM. : London rimincliil Ilcvlotr , LCojrWif ) ) ( < US9.'o ; Jumci Oanlon Bcnnttt. ] I < osiOS.lnnp 24. [ Now Voik Herald Oublo Special to Tun HKK.I A somewhat lareo ullhdr.iwal of gold from the Hunk of London for Ktisslu has caiibcd consols to glvo \ > ay 1-10 nor cent for the account. Indian rupee paper la U per cent lower owing to u furllicr slljjht fall In the prleo of silver. Foreign govern ment securities closed Hat. As ruianls inter nal lon.il stocks , nioro or loss heaviness was reported In continental bourses. Spanish has fallen 13-10 percent. Italian , Hungarian gold , Kusslau 4s mid most Turkish Issues are down 'I to ! { pur cent. Argentine 1SM3 gold fundH nro ! } per cent lilghor though thu proinluin on sold hus advanced to 211 per cent. Homo railways show a llttlo Ir- HVtihulty ut the close , after having been gen erally linn. A prncllcal fall Is marked In firo.it Western , Midland. Northeastern London and Nortliwcstoin , whllo Brighton deferred , U.iledonlan. / ull , Ilarnsloy. Metropolitan , Metiopolltan District and North llrlt- Ish leave off ut u moderate Improve ment. American railways close weak , no support bolus forthcoming from either heie or In Now York. In the majority of cases a decline of ! 6 to ? per cent Is estab lished. There hus boon no Increase In the de mand for moiioy. Short loans have been ob tained ut U to ! } per cent , Owlnn to the with- draual of gold fiom Iho Hauk of Kn liuid the dls.'ount market hus boon a shade harder , l\\o und three moiillis' bills being quoted ut 1U-10 to 7. per cent. Jfr\v York .tliinpyMarltet. . Nr.w YOIIK. .1 lino21 MOSKV ON OAt.r , Easy at 1'4'J per cent : olTured at l4 ! ] ier cent. . 1'iiiMK .MKIICANTII.B I'AI-EU 2'l'5 per cent. HiiMii.tNn RxciiANnc Quloi but btuady at J4.S7 for blYty-dny bills , and Jl.bS.'i for de mand. The closing nitotatlons on bonds : bid. linstoii .Stuck Murkut. BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 24. The following woio the closing prices on stocks on the Hos- ton stogie market today : Now York .Mining Uuulallnus. NEwYoiix. Ju no 24. The following are the closing mining stock quotations : II XII . 150 llomc take I Me Con Oil. x Vn . 3tU Horn silver 315 Deadwood . 2l5 Mexican 1.IU Kureliii Con . 1VJ Ophlr no Halo X NorcrOBB. . . . 125 bt milinl. . ' ISO I'lmiiiclnl Notes. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , "Juno 24. Clearings , 5l.i'J4.fi"4. : N aw YOIIK. Juno 24. Cloarlnss , $102,419,0 3 ; balances. Kd2lbS. I'Aitts. June 21. Thrao per cent routes , flSf 05o foi thu account. CINCINNATI , O. . Juno 24 Money , 331 per cent ; clearings , J-IG4CW. IlAi.rivionu , Md , , luno24. Clonrlnis. 11,7 2- 01) ; balances , J. O , 1U'.1. Halo G per cent. I'liii.Aiint.i'iiiA , I'n , . Juno 21. Clearings , SI2.20I.074 ; balances , 81,8 8,123. Monuy2)Spur ) cent. MKMPIIIS. Tonn. , Juno 24. Now York o\- change soiling at $1,50. Clourlngs , < )17.bJG ) ; balances , $ I20C')3. * Now Orleans , Ia. , Juno. 24. Clonrlncs 1075.- 021 ; New York exchange , commuiclul , 50c ; bank , il.50 per $1,000 piumlum. ST. Louis , Mo. Juno 24. Clou rings , f.1,032,077 ; balances , Jd5fl.477. Money , quint , 4&0 per cent , Exchange on Now York , OJu piumlum , HOSTON , Mass. , Juno24. Clearings , $14,704- 013 : bal'inccs. * l,3tt.8ll. Money. 2 pnr cent. Exchange on New York , 10Q12J4C discount. LONDON. Juno 24. Amount of bullion with drawn from ilia Hunk of Kngliiud on bulancu today was jraw.l/ou / , and Is for shipment to Hiissla. CuiCAno , 111. , Juno 21. Clearing ? , JI a 032,000 ; Money steady at 4ffi5 per font. Now York OAChungo I5e premium. Sterling oxchiiugu weak at $4.87 lor sixty day bills and Jl.Sb'r for sight drafts. NEW Yoilic , Juno 24 , Total gross exchanges for week ending Juno 2 , ) , IMJ. , in tholoadlng cities of tlio United States were } I,10I.22J,4AH ; incro.iso. 17.5 per cent comuared wllh sumo week lust year. L.IVU STOOK MAUKIT. Cattle Actlvo und Higher Hogs Climb Over thn S5 .Marlt. OVIAIIA. Juno2l , Kci'olpts for the past five days foot upfl'J 4 cattle. : i3.0H hogs and I.87J shi-ep. against l .2 'eattlp. 37.540 hogs and 533 Blii'iip thn corresponding nvodiivs last week. Thu supply of u.ittlu was again very light , but the offerings madu up In iiuallly what they lacked In quantity. Meager receipts , to- $2.25 A MONTH < „ „ * TREATMENT TWICE A DAY , Produces . ' PURE RICH BLOOD ! BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXIONS ! GLOWING HEALTH ! Free Trial Inhalations. Rciilly Cures' , Cattirrh , Bronchitis , AuUumt , Hay Fever , Consumption , Hciidiicho ( sielc or nervous ) , Dyspopalu , Nervous Prostration , Ifl-f - Call on or writ' ; without notlco , THE SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO , ; Suite MO Shcoly Bile. , cor. 15th mm Uowiiru Sis. , OMAHA , NEB , A3 cuthcr with favorato o roporti from eastern mnrkotR RHVO a HnHtfr tonn to the trailo. Th o uxtiort and shlppliiaJloinsn ; ! was better than tiMiul , whllo the Hinulry from dressed hoof houses war , fullyup , lo the nvcrugo. GooJ thick , fat steer * \ cro In the best < lo- mnnd and so'd from Ac to lOc hlaher tlinn Thur day. PTporters fiylno from II O.'i to W.M for good to oliolco h.MJ to 1,500-lb. boovos. 1 air to good cornfod slocrt wcro also soaiowlmt ftrongor. I.IKO to I.Tou-lb. slock solllnit at from SU'5 tofl.10. IloticHI\oavy steers and common Ib poor Imlt-llnishett linrl grassy stock win no bottrr nnd old sloivlr at liullfforciit price * . A fair clearance wusoffcctcil and reasonably enrly , Hutclicrs' stock nml cnntiors sold nlout ns uiuiil of Into , poor to good cows and heifers going at fromJl ootolJ.55 , larcoly nt $ i.OO to JJ.TS. HulK otcn Itrtd itnss were steady nt from tl.iu to W.OJ. calves wort ) lu fnlr supply nml cailcr. Krosli olTerlnssof stock nnd feeder cattle were decidedly light , whllo regular dealers In vlow of the liberal supplies on blind und tlio diniculty oxporiencccl In innvliia thorn were rather IndllTorent biiyois. Tr.nlng wus slow nntl prices Inclined to droop , except porhnps on nn occasional bunch of something choice. Itoprcsontatlvo sales : DUES8KD I1KKP. No. Av. IV. No. Av. t'r. No. Av. t'r. ' , ll0 Kl ( M II. .1.M5 IS.El. . .USO MM f > 90 il 2' I..1223 300 El.II. . inui : iw , 1'iro A av ' ' ; ire II. .1202 .183 1015 II 21 lii''iooo ID.o . .1100 72) ) II at ; w. . mo i o 1.IW 400 WJO 3 40 IP8.I 12 ! .IIVi 4 DO : i 50 2J. . 15. .1319 4 IK ) 3ri 1011 15. .12 It ) 4 10 SIIII'l'INO AMI E\1'OUT. IB. 4 M 'I7..1IOI 4 in .1410 .1.111 4 li" 15..1417 4 15 Gl. .1303 45) 4 10 COWS. 050 1 CO 10. 834 SCO 1. 1210 BfiO 1021 1..11K ) V 10 o..m23 200 0(1) ( ) 1 f.J . . 1)1. ) 2 10 8. rat 270 400 I ft ) V , tt.10 2 1) ) (1..1(113 ( ( 2 75 1(110 ( 1 83 1. . 1010 2 10 1 ! ) . . 8dl 275 USD 20J 11. 7(10 ( 2 15 1. . 49) ) 300 1..1200 2 OJ 200 6..114J 3 25 COWS AND IIEIITIIS , 13. . 803 1 CO HF.IFr.il' ' * ' S. . . . 47J 1 50 1. . 710 300 CA1.VKS. 1. . 150 3. ' . ) . 155 3 73 15. . 2W 375 145 3 0 HUtLS. 1..1I70 1 no 1. 1IPO 2 10 4. . 000 200 1..10V ) 2 03 1..1I10 2 25 1. Id'X ' ) 2fM 3. . 11100 2 UO 1..1IUO 260 1..1C90 00 ETACI9. 3..1503 250 2 .1175 3 00 8TOCKRIIS AND KKBPEIIS. TOO 2 25 8. . 571 3 01 81. GSfl 303 B'O 2 25 1. . 8V ) 3 00 fi. . 83(1 ( 320 033 25) 3. . M ! ! 3 00 S. . too 320 MII.Kr.ltS AND SIMIINOCIIS. 1 mllUor $1200 1 cow anil culf 1500 3 cows and c.ilves. citch 20 00 2 cows niid calve * , oncli 2500 1 cow unil calf HO 00 lions Itccolpts continue llhornl. The sup ply wus nearly 3,030 nioro than ycstoriluy nnd J.MO nioro tliiin lust L'rhluy. The iiiillty | : wns nbout HUe Thursday , running lo holh o\- tromcs. There wcro several loads of choice heavy hess hero but an unusually larjo pro- porllonof coniinon lo poor light nnd mixed stuff. OhlcrtTO was reported stronger nnd shippers started In paving sllzhtly iidvuiieoil prices for good to choice mcilluni und heavy hojxs from W.OO lo M.O"1 } . Whllo there was a fair local demand buyers \\oro not inclined to pay oor Btoady prices for any t'.iliiff.tho llbcr.il o- forln-iB pIvlnK buyorsdecldedly the bcstof the situation. I'rlcesavcraecd sloaily to BtronK on fair lo poocl hORSoful ! wclphts nt from S4.HloSI.OPackers ) nnd In fact all buyers have Inuiuurutod n. war iijalnst cotnnion lo poor llzht nn I mixed hoes and these crudes were hard to mov < Mit from J4.77M to $1.85. The ccnural niHrket.was not overlv active at any tlino und It wasiiloni ; ahotit iho intddlo of Iho forenoon before the \\ogs \ commenced moving freely. Ni-arly cvervtlilnp found a purelniKcr before Iho close , tlio bulk Belling as on Thursuay ut from $4.00 to $503. The Ci'nural avcraL'o of prices p ild "as JI.05 ? . , nKaInst$4.9l''Thursduy i.nd J4.81 a last Fri day. Konrciontatlvp snles : M SKI 210 4 DO 81 204 100 403 78 2.0 240 403 75 213 120 41)5 ) 110 20.2 280 400 67 i'U 120 405 77 200 240 403 80 213 200 4 1)5 ) 154 193 3CO 400 77 228 120 497)4 ) 01 245 320 4 OJ 67 2."J 120 4 07 83 1)3 ! ) 40 4 110 * 01 221 40 407)4 ) 71 2il 200 4 U3 70 215 120 407)4 ) 40 221 200 4 ! > 9 01 215 200 407)5 ) 01 2J5 200 4 OJ 74 . . .2J > 9 2oO 4 U7'i 77 192 100 400 71 201 20J 4 97 ! $ 05 i'2J : iO ) 400 71 . . . 243 100 4 97H 91 210 200 400 SO 2.17 210 4 07i/ 73 211 28J 493 72 225 2SI 497)4 ) 4(5 ( 182 4 03 01 2U2 120 497)4 ) 90 20.1 IU ) 400 70 221 43 407)4 ) 5' ) U.S . 120 490 81 2.14 2.V ) 4 074 ! 70. . . 218 120 493 05 242 120 503 ( VI IbO 123 4 UO 70 231 80 500 .VJ 8JO 1.0 400 dfl. . . . 21K5 320 500 81 20J 303 4 9)4 ! ) 51 251 50U 7 > 274 3fiO 4 02)4 ) 05 23 > 103 500 73 . . . . ' . ' 02 120 4 9.,4 ! ( ' ) 251 120 500 GJ 2:7 : 80 402)4 ) 03 243 120 500 71 210 11.0 4 9.)4 ) 111 C'i7 2.0 503 CO S20 IGO 4 IWVi 0,1 254 500 53 237 283 4 9Jtf 03. . . .C2l ) 120 .VOO 2.5 210 49-1 7 ! ) 219 80 500 82 2.13 tf.'O 4 05 1 . . . 193 501 7 . . . . 229 3'0 495 54 271 1X ( ) 500 .1 251 12J 4 95 ( , ! 231 103 500 33 245 4 03 W 214 2JO 500 1 2.8 120 4 m 50 270 120 000 80 241 IGO 493 CO 245 2UO 600 01 2iV ) 103 4113 07 274 40 503 81. . . 2VO 200 4 U3 55 27S K'O 500 65 210 283 493 75 228 500 157 U't 240 4 0" 0.1 240 60 500 flj 210 405 81 217 200 500 7) ) 225 230 40.1 CO 2.VJ 240 503 70 213 240 491 CO 2JO 501) 70 2.11 100 403 01 . . . .278 350 500 71 211 120 403 07 2)5 10) 802)i ) S3 215 40 493 ( ! 'J ' 241 120 5 1)2)4 ) ) 00 24J ICO 493 70 . . .247 100 00.i ! 00 222 240 493 70 274 IGO 505 G. 1'41 280 4 9" > 77 2.11 83 503 73 SW 2S3 405 03 272 240 503 bJ Ib7 83 4 0 > 00. . . .293 210 503 Oi KH 440 493 100 US 507tf 08 210 100 49.3 05 2GO 507)4 ) 07 218 240 405 04 205 507)4 ) 1'ioa AND notion. 1 C70 310 3 2i33 450 1. . . 2DU 4 00 1 3.'J 400 1 . . 4JJ 4 25 1 I'alr to coed natives from M.50 to THERE is HOPE For every 0110 who has blood trouble , no mailer In what shape or how long standing , provided none of the % ital organs lu\o been so far Im paired as to render a euro Impossible , B. B. 8. goes to the root of the disease , and icmoves the cause , by expelling the poison from the body , and utthusamoiimois a tonlototho whole s > steiu. However bad ) our case may be , thcro Is hope FOR YOU. Curod'ipoof a most malignant typo of chrpnlo blood trouble , fur > vhlch 1 hadiiSod various other remedies without effect. My1 weight Increased , and my health Improved in everyway. 1 considers. 8. B. thu bent tonlo I odr\i4cil. "B.A. WiuniiT , Midway , Oa. " Treatise on hloodi'tkln and contagious blood ixjlaon mailed free.- ; ' ' BWHT Sl'JcfKIO CO. , ' 1' ' Atlanta , Oa. For Consunlptives and In valids must ) surely be the most wholesome for those who use itas ; a beverage. PURE RYE. IB the b 'at for all purposes , be- oausn U la positively pure and m i- uiro. Ic is oxoo3dlnffly ploaEant to the taste uui has a deliaious bou quet N. B Itdoosn't burn nor scald the throat or ntcmich like inferior whisk jya. It la rooommondod by the best phyilolana Bold only at high class hotels , drug and liquor Btorcs. UALLKMAND iCO..Chicago , O ! fair to Rood weMonn , from W 00 tol.5 i common nnd mock ihccp , from MM to JI.OOi coed tu choice 40 to W-lb lambs from f I.UO to 0.50. nd DUptnltion ofStork. OITIcIat rocclpU and disposition of stoaic M shown bv the books of the Union .Stock Vitrd * company for the twonty-foitr hours eiullnx nt 6 o'clock p , m. , Juno 24. 1OT : HKCKIPTA DISPOSITION. iim-rns. CATTI.K. IIOUS. P111.V.I Uamlm PnckliiK company , 19 4.7S3 bwlft Ale 21 1,111 ! Tlio t'nilnlijI'ncklnu Co. . 167 Z.W.I John I' , ( .qulrpa A Co 1,181 While. I' . * I ) 223 H. Hooker A t ) .11 ! Vnn fcfint A Co ISH Shippers anil feeders , . . . . . 125 To till" . 7V3 O.MI Clilcngn I.U'u Stock Murlict. CIIICAOO. 111. . Juno 54. [ Special TolcRram to Tun HKK. I The hog market continues to boom right along. It climbed from no to lOc today , which wakns an ad vamo. since last Friday of ' 'JotolUu per 100 Ibs. The receipts surprised every ono ly their smallnc'-s nnd they wcro grabbed up as fust us dumped from the c.irs. Tow of the offerings went below JJ.'JO , the best sorts fetched from l.40 to $ "i.4"i readily. Tim advance was more marked In common grades than In choice. Bomo lots of tie former changed hands at prices that looked lf > o hlizher than prices paid for similar grades on vcslcrJay and the nvoravio train In that clsss was fully lOu , Tlio close was firm nt from f. > 0 1 to M. : for poor to prime light , J.YUJ to J.V4) ) for niudliimclghts and from $ \IO to $3.41 for heavy. There wore only DUO or tuo trades at thu outsldu quotation , nor wcro there iiiniiv below t.V-'i ) . Tcxliiy's run of cattle was onlv nbout J'.MO iiond thn smallest number recorded for a Trl- day within the last se\oral years. Heady buycis were found for tlio few cattle on alu and atery strong pi lees. Uf useful shipping grades tbetoero not enough to make a market mid the supply of common gr.iilcs was inadequate. The pens \\cio emptied at an early hour on abaslHof from Jl.ou to tl.K ( ) for Infer or to choice COVNS , helfersand bull" , from f-.U.l toM.Vj forstuckors mid foLulers , fiom $1.1.1 to $48.1 for Ahlpplng and drcs od beef steers ana from $ ' . : 'i to tJ..V ) forTevans. Calves were In llilit supply and linn at from JI.M to if 1. 75. Thu Kvunciir.Iournal reports : OATTt.v : He- colpts , 4.0JO slijlpnioiits , 2uo ; ; market strong ; tmtlM'S. JUl.Yai.TU ; Tovans , $ J.'J.ri.f.U : : stockois , : ' .0jiai.50 : : cows $ l.-0(3-.T.i. ( UOOH Hecolpts. 1.1,000 ; shipments , C.OOO ; market f aii.o higher ; rough and common , $ l.7. > ® .1.IOj in \edand I packers. M.UKii.'i.S.I : packIng - Ing , tVAQAiL ) ) nrlino heavy anil butchers M.i.VS.1.4.l ; ! light. Jl.fcOSMIVJ'f. ' HilKni' Hceoipts. fi.OoJ ; shipments , 1,800 ; market steady ; natives. H 'V.'d&o.OO ' ; westerns. $4.5S.50 ; Texans , $ ao5 < a.4.40 ; lambs. $4 DO ® 7.00. Now York I.lvo Stock Market. NEW YOIIK. JunoSI. IlsnvES Hecolpts , 2,768 head. Including thirty-four cur a for Mile ; market slow to lOc per lOOlbs. loner ; native stcets. f.L.Wj.4.70 ; Toxnns , KI.Wtti.5r ) : > : bulls and cows , } J.f > 0ftj. ! : ; > 0 : drc scd beef steady at U'idt OitC per Ib. Shipments today , 070 Dcoves ; tomorrow , 1'J2J bce > es anil 6'JIW quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts KIS head ; mnrlcet ' o per Ib. higher ; veals. 8VOOQ&73 per 10J Ibs. ; butter- mllk calves , $ J.CO3. ! > J ; westerns , $ JI.1. ! i-HEKP Receipts. 4,131 head ; market very dull ; sheep. $ J.C.VB5.0j per 100 Ibs , ; lambs , f.1.75 ; dressed mutton steady at DSIliJo per ID. ; dressed Iambs uouk at IKSlUliu per Ib. Hoes Hccclnts. ; i.lfc5 bead , consluncd di rect ; market nominally stc Jy at $ J.l 35.C2S { pur 100 Ibe. _ St. l.ouU l.lvo btock .llnrltot. ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 21. CATTLK Receipts , 1.700 ; shipments , : i.OOO : market Ui340c higher than last Wednesday on Texan stocrs and 10 < ii : c on native cattle * fair to cliolco native steers are quol.iblo at } : i.2. > ® lM ; medium to liaiulv Texan steers J2.40.IOO ; eanners. 3l.iJ : © iJU. No good cattle of liny kind on s.ilo to day. lloos Kcceipts , 3.400 ; bhlomcnts. 3,003 ; mar ket fe higher ; quality poor ; fair to choice lieavv , JS.OW3.VJAS mlxuu ordinary to good , ? 4 7.Vii.1.:0 ; light , fnlr lo best. $1.110 ® . " ) 15. Sill'.i : ! ' Kecclpts , M3 ; shlpn.onts , 2. : ) 0 ; market strong : fair to dcsir.iblo native mutton - ton ? , Jl.ooiji oc ; fair to desirable Te\is mut tons , $ ) .5WBI.75. _ _ Kmifias City I.l\u i Stock .Market. KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Juno 24. CATTM : Kc- colpts , 2,900 : shipments. CJO : drcb'-ed beef and shipping steers steady nnd .VJMOc hlzhcr. SJ.u : CSI..W : rows , weak nt $ I.CO.00 ; : feeders , Urm ut I.I.OOfta.25 ; To.\anb steady and iiSltlo higher nt } 2.iwst.w. : : Hoes Hceoipts , 11,100 : shipments , I.500 : the market , for good hoxs was htrong to flc higher ; common , steady , closing weak ; all grades , 4.25 < 35.1.r > : bulk. $4.0.VS3.0S. SitBEi1 Kccoluts , 200 ; bhlumonts , 20 } ; market steady. _ Lincoln Ijixu Stuck. LINCOI.NI Nob. , Juno 24. ( Soeclal to Tun liE.l There were but nine loads of hogs at the West Lincoln yards at the ouenlug this morning. Market steady , with prices ranging at from $4.83 to $4.07 ! , . Faded , jaded. tirc-J , overworked w omen weak , nervous , delicate and suffering ones. These nro "io " ° - strength by Dr. riereo'fl Favorite Prescription. It's a legitimate medi cine , that corrects and cures ; a tonic that Invigorates nnd builds up ; a nervine thnt soothes nnd btrciiRtuens. sAnd if it doesn't do what its makers claim for it , they don't want your money. For nil the functional derangements , pain ful disorders , nnd chronic weaknesses thnt afltict womankind , tlio "Prescription" is a safe nnd certain remedy a guaranteed one. In " fcnialo complaints " of every nature , jo- riodical pains , internal inflammation and ulceration , leucori hea , and nil kindred ail ments if it fails to benefit or cure , you have your money back. No other medicine for women is sold on such trying terms. If any could be , you may lx > sure that it would bo. Is something olio nhicli pay ? the dealer better , likely to t * "just as good i " SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. est cattle , hog and tbocp market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVE HTOOK COMMISSION. THE LEADENS. Cft flAIUUI Write to this housa for cor- OU. UlllAllA | reel Market Iloports. Wood Brothers , South Omaha Telephone 11)7. - Chicago J.I ) . DAD18MAN. I . . W. 15. WOOD.Jlan ( Market reports by mull and wlro choorf ully furnished upon application. THE Campbell Commission Co. Chlcaco , r.nstKt , Louis , Kansas City. South Omuhu , slouv Olty , 1'ort Worth , A. Crllt , W. K. Oonnjr. II. K TallinsflKO , Cblcaito. HoBbttloimin. Cntllo Biilo.inan Crill , Denny & Company , Live block ConitnlMlou. Iloom''T tS chaiu' < > WVs , South Oiuilm. A. D. Boyer &Company , 58 und M Exohungo Hulldliu.Bouth Omuhi. CorroihuniloiicoiolkllDil Hiid iiramptly unswjrJJ bpeclul allunlloii lo orJeri for tlockun & feuilun. Kitabmiild , 1831. . . . IncorpornUJ , 13JJ fnpllalfulljr paid , IJOJ , ) . Waggoner Birney Company , Write or wire u for prompt and rolUblo market reports. - Perry Brothers & Company , Llvo Block Commission. Uoora 01 Lxchango Hulldlng , fcoutb Omaha Telephone Iii7. Union Stock Yard National UANK. The unlr bunk at thu yard * . Capllul ami iur > iiu , ItM.WO , ColleitloninruHiliiv oul of ilia lira lock buihiud eUuulil tu mat direct to Ihli Uauk. LUU Uupoilt ( or croJlt o ( tuolc Uuaiu OMAHA > i l 11 i TV mno on Ctliu AHCH11EC1SAND EU1LDIBS J. H. QIENN. Contractors nnd tnti contractor for nil klmtt of Imlldlna. tilniletlntf. imlntliij do wilt rocclva ropr of ( llunn'ii nrcMtpets nml bailers Olreclorii free , br nemllns thplr mnio , tmtlncsi nml lee tlon to the publisher. J.lLHlonn , 1138 , IHh 8 BAGS AND TWINES BISHOP * 00. BEMIS OMAHA BAD CO . filial , rnsnllln , oitton Importers andmrfiflonr rope , licmp , Into , cot- ' iack , ImrUpt , tnlno. Ion Hrliio.tarred coro- REH. cle 3118. Ulli H. DIOYOL123. 0 BOXEa H.O.TODD , m.O.DAXON Baccosior loJ.J. . . , . ' ' . tnion. Jt'f'u cluar. piper Xlojclet iold on monthly packln boxo . All uu t pajmenti. 120 N. Uth-tt llosln noi lino. 11U Douglas SU BOOTS AND SUOES. MORSE-COESHQECa. 1IOJ Howard Blrejl. Fattorr corner llta and txiuuli" § lr li. We ro nuking clou prlcei o oaih t > JT r , n1 * r lllug K clan of soo.Ii wolaa l > ittr ablcwltli niarobaaU. STEVEN CREEDOH. Manufnctiircr' > nKeat. I CKII mipplr younltliCTcrjr * llilnkIn hOL" . uipn's.wonun1 ! , nnd child s nt lon- c t factory prlco and dUrounts. l.iloit ttrlcs. 14U4 Fnrnnin Street. Hooin IS. bulldlnu. plaslcrlne. pnlntliu etc . will receive a ropy of Glenn's arctillPitn and biillilcrj dlructory free , br rondlnit their mime. bunlni'Bs nnd lorn- tlon , to Iho publisher. J. U. Ulcnii. IU S. 15th blreet. DRY GOODS. KILPATRIOX-KODH W.I. SMITH & CO. , DRY GOODS CO. , Orr goods , notions , fur Dry goods.notions , gcnt'f nishing goods. Corner lurnlsblng Roods. Cor. llth and Howard Us. llth and Uoward-sU FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTER- DEEBE&.RUNYAN FUR- IND CO. Upholstered furniture NITURECO. , I.W2 1 W > Nicholas si Grace and Thirteenth \Vholcsale only. streets. PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. Council Chamber , Onialia , N-ib , Juno 7 , IBM. Ilo It resoUcd br thu cltv coiini'll or the city of Oniklia. the miiyor concnriin : That permanent sldowalUs ho construct oil In the city of Omaha as designated below , II hIn tlvo days after thu publication of this resolu tion , or lliu personal service thereof , as by or- dlnaiuo Is autliorl/oU and roiiulrcd ; stiuh sldoivalks lo bo laid to thu nurinancnt crado on the streets sncclllcd heroin , and to ho con structed of stout ? , artificial htoiie , brick or tllliiK.aceordlni ; to specifications on ( Ho In the olllcu of thu Hoard of 1'ubltc WorltK and under Its supervision , to wit : \Vo-tshloof-.th slrtiat. lols 1 and 2 , block 13. Slilna's addition. 8 foot wlile. Hast stdo of luth street , xouth 225 feet more or less of tux lot 7 , aoctloa 27-15-U , o feet wldo. Krist slilo of 10th fit root , lotsn , fi , 7 and 8.block 1 , South Uinah i addition , 0 foot wldo. Kjstsldu lUth street. nndhlJcd Houtli SOfi feet of block 1 , South Uniuhu nddition , U f cot wldo. Kaht sldo of 10th strict , Oil foot. In block C. South Oni.iha addlt'on ' , bolim the n. o. cor , oC 10th and Castellar. 0 feet wtdo. North sldo of I'arnani street lot , ' ) , blocks , .Tcroino park addition , ( > feet wldo. \Yost sldo of 22J street , lot 8 , block 31) ) , city , foot wkie. South t-lilo of O.Ulrornluslreot , lot 4 , block 10 , city. (1 ( feet wide. South sldo of Capitol ave , lots 1 and I , bloc ) ; 81 city. 0 feet wldo. Kibt ; Bide of 25th street , lot 4 , block 0 , Sweescy's addition. 0 feet wide. South mdoof California btrpot , lots 3 nnd 4 , bloclc l > , Sweesov's addition. 0 feet Ido. North side of Ilurtslreol , lolH 5,0. 7 and 6 , block 313 , city. 0 feet wide. toutliBlduof Douglas str.oU lolsO , 7 and 8 , Ilousol'H Hub. of , or In lot 2 , Uapltol addi tion , r , feutwlilo. Soulhhldoof DoUKlasstrPPt , sub. of lot 2 , lot 1 , Capitol addition , 0 feet wide. hiuilh sldo of Douulas Hlrcot , lot 1 , Qjipltol addition , n foia wide. , isorlhsldoof Doiulus street. lot 1 , Cupltol addition,0 feet wldo. houth sldo of Douclus street , sub of lots 11. 12,13,14. 15 turn in , lot 3 , Uapltol addition , 0 South sldo of Douglas St. , sub , 0-14-18 , lot 2 , Cnpllol addition , li feet wide. And ho it further resolved , Thnt the Hoard of I'libllo Worlcs honnd hereby Is authorised and directed to cutibo u copy of this resolu tion to bo published lu the ofllclal paper of the city for ono wcolf. or bo servoil on the owncr of said lots and that unless such owners sluill within llvo days uftor the publication or feorvlco of such copy construct sldowiiIkH us herein required , that the Hoard of I'uhllo \Vorkscaii9othosiimo \ to bodoiiu. Ihoeostof constructing said sidewalks rospectholy lo bo assessed aifalnst the real estate , lot or part of lot In front of and abutting fcuch HlduwiilUs. I'assed Jimo7 , Ib'JJ , n\VIB IVcolu'cnt of III" L'oiinoll. ' Attest : JOHN OIWVi : Approved : or.O. I' . lil'.Miy. ' NOTICE TO CONBTIUTOT HJIjnWAWvri. To the owners of lols. nurti of lots nnd real cstatodescribed In the ulmvo resoliitliins Von nnd ouch of you .are hereby notllleil to construct permanent sidewalks a rt'ijulred by a resolution of the city council und mayor of the city of Uniuha , of which the ubovo Is u col > y > 1' . W. HiniCHAUHI.lt. Chairman Hu.ird of I'ubllo WorUs. Omaha. NoO. , J uno 20th , ISJi PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. _ _ . Council ChamberOmaliii , Neb , Mav 19 , 1602. Ilo It resolved by thu rlty council of the city of Oniuhn , the mayor concurring ! Th it pori'ianunl HltluwalKM bo conntruulod In thu city of Oniulia as dosltrnulvd below , within ( IvodiivB utter the iiulJllcutlon of this resolution or Iho pcrbiinul Horvlco tlioroof , u by ordlniinco U authorl/eil und required ; such slduwulks lu ho laid 10 the permanent ir.uln ! at oytub.lshed on the | ) ived atieolH specified heroin and to bo eonstruolod nf stone , art - flclul Mono , brick or tllliitf acforilln/ speci fication * on dlu In thu olllco of the Hoard of I'ubllo Works , und under Its Hiiponlxlon , to wl t * North sldo of CiimliiK St. , lou M to ISIiii'lu- sl\e , blooul , Annalioiif'u Ut uddlllou , Ufeet wide , periniiiient urnuv. IJust side of Wud uvfuiiu. I0"1 l5'J ' to liioluslvis , block \ WustKnd , 0 feet wide , por- iimueiil grade. . . . . . . . . Kubt sldu of 3'nd avenue , lot 14 , block J , Buiiiinlt IMiico. 0 feet wl-Jo. periiiuiiuiit KMI u. touth Kiao of Lcuvcuworth it. , luU 1 , A J , 1 f DRUGS , Eta D , M. STEELEAOO , , DLAKE , BRUDEA.OO. , I I90M0& JOOM § tr * l , 10th und lUriwr ItrteU , Ornthi. Umaha. HAtlDWARn RIGTOR & WILIIEIMY lORECK&LINN , CO , , Dealers' MrJw r aai Oorn r loth nd JmUon mcehnntci' tools. HOI l > ou Ui Street. A. C. RAYMER , Ilullderi" ' II rl nriii\ J Contrnrtorn * i 621 Suulli tilth L.UMI3EU. CHAS. R. HE , JOHNA. WAKEHEIQ H rdwoort lumbar , wool oarpou nod purqutt Importol.Ainorlonl'orti Inn I co-iiint , MllwM Iirdrnullc roment th and DoujU * . ( Julncr nlilto llroo , HER & CO , , FRICX& . HERBERr. l.lquor niorounnti , 111 ] llnrnoj- . Mfr Kail noilr'i K jt Lndi uit Wbolcsala liquor deal r Uri. 1W1 ( arnaui it. MILLINERY Importers nnd Jobbrraot millinery , uotlonn.Mnll ordori prompt. 206 U 8. lltli-it. W. E. RIDDELL I DinnnL & 00. ( ( K.lnbllsbed 1835. ) | , Wholsolu butter A eggi Hnttor. cheo e , Kg , liu , . and .oil , for , .T.pf ° ! .aJL-f.rult' ( ' > oul > try uud gaico emu. 113 S. llth tu STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS , Btoro repairs and nat ntnolimonls lor anr klud of stOT * mad * . IMJ Douglas. _ , _ ' " SAS'lI. I TOYS. M.A. DISBRDW&OO.t H. HARDY & 00. fojo , dolls , albums , Uanufaeturcrs of saih fancy goods , bouse rur doori. blinds and nhnlng goods. ohU mouldings. Ilranah oC- drcn'a carriages. Utf Oce , UUiandUaidijU. Farnara Street. block 19. Cherry Garden , 0 feet wide , perma nent grade. North sldo of Dodge st . lot \ block 81 , city. 0 feet wldo. permanent grade. K.istsldoof llllh st , Iot5 , block SI , city , Cfcct wide , permanent grade. And bo It further resolved : That thu Hoard of 1'nbllo Works Uo and hereby Is authorized and dliuctuil lo cnuso n. copvof this toaolnlion lo bo published In the ofllcial puporof the city for ono week , or bo served on Iho owuors of said lols. and unless such owners sh.ill wllhln llvo days after the publication or sorvlco of such copy construct said sidewalks as herein required , that the Itoar.lof I'nbllo Works eau-o the MUIIO to bo done , the cost of coustrucllni ; said sldowulksi , , - , rcspocllvoly lo bo assessed a.'iilustiQransJZy estate , lot or purt of lot In front of und oA3ff f llngHiieh sidewalks. , , ' 1'roslduntof Iho Council. Attest : JOHN GIIOVIW. City Clerk. Approved : OKO. L' . 11EMIH , Mayor. NOTIOH TO CONSTItUOT FIKKWAUCS , To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and real estulo described lu the ubovu rosolu- You'.ind oicli of you are horouy notified to constriiel permanent sidewalks as required by n resolution of the city council and mayor of thoelly of Omaha , of which the uhovo Is u. copv. I1. W. IIIHKIIAUHKIt , Chairman Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omahu , Neb , Juiio 20 , 18U2. PROPOSALS FOR FILLING LoW , STRKKTS AND ALLKYS. Scaled proposals will bo recoilul by the tiiidorslgnod until 1:3D : o'clock. July I. Ib'i2. for lllllng.cert.iln low streets and alloys located us follows : Grant street , between 21th nnd 25th streets ; alley In block 7 , I'lililck's'Jnd addition : Mnplo struut , between mill and 27lh mruots ; 25th Hlreet , between Maple and north line of A , H. 1'atrlcU'H additionnilh ; street , butnoon Muplo und Corby streets , nnd alloy In block 3 , Haw thorne nuillllon. All in thu city of Omahu. said low purls of stiojls und alloys havlnic been declared a iiulsiiiico on account ol Htan- naiit water llioroon by n ooncurront resolu tion of the mayor und city council under data of May. Wl. , . . . Such Illllng to bo done In nccordnncn with the Instructions of Iho Ho ird of 1'ubllc Worku and Oily Ilnglm-or , llldsslll bomudo on printed blnnlm fur- nlBhed by thn board and to ho uucoiiipiiii- led bv accrllllod chock lu thu sum M tMt.W. . pnyahloiolhoolly of Omaha , us nnuvldcnCu Of KOOll fllltll. . . . . , . The hoard rrsorvoi thn right to reject npy Olialrinnn Hoard of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Juno 2Jnl. Ib'J. ' . J23'2l-25. . In compllanco with the statutcn of thn Htato of Nubrimka , In such cahos mudu and pro- \tdud , notlco Is huroby given thutt > oulod pro < posulswlll bu received at tlio olllcu of thu Com- mlsHloner of I'ubllo Lands and HulldlngH untl 4 o'clock p. m. thu Uth ) day of Juno. IHU2. fo furnlshliiK supplies for the rjiiurlur ondliiK rJupliimburllO , IhO-J. For thu hospitals for thu Insiino at Lincoln. Ilastings and Norfolk , tlio Industrial school ut Koarnity , thu limlllutis for tlin Hllnd iitnu * brusku Oily , the IiHiltiitu for the ) eaf and Dumb ut Omahu , the Iintltnto for the I eobln Minded Youth ut Ilimtilce. thu Ho dlpiM ami Sailors Homo atOraitd Island , thu nduslr a I Homo at Mtlford and the Olrls Industrial school nt Oenovn , . , , Ksllmati ) blanks ciiri bo procured by apply * Ingle thiiilllteientliiHtltiilloiis. All bids should bo soalul , uddresnol to "Hoard of 1'urchusu and hiipplleH. Lincoln. Nubrasku. " and murkud "I'lopoials for mip- ' ' ' r'no board reserves the rUlit to aeeiipt or reject any or all bids , und no bid will bu con- Hluurcd which U rccolvud uflor the duy nutl hour nbovu mimed , All bids tx > bo madu lj { IftlftjV.ntEY. . Commlsslonorof I'ulillo Lnmlsund Hiilldliig . Lincoln. Nub. , Junu 20 , ! ' . JWdlOt Art ( ilit.t r r Now Clly Hall , Oinaliu , Nol * . Foaled bids will bo lorolvcd ut thin ullluo up to4 ii. m. July mh. ISW , for iho artitlu.4 cullIng - Ing In lotiiiida of city hall. Didders to f urnlili thulr own sketches , and uaeh bid to bo uccom- pnnled by a vurtllled check of HJOj cost not .la uxcoed t..ouj. bpoullluntlons on Ulu at tlio olllco of Aruhltoct llolndorir(107 ( lloo HtilldliiK. Thu right Uresorvod toruhiut any or nil bids. ' ' ' '