THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JUNE 25 , 1892. 'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK > Vromlsea of Immense Oropa Act as a Stimulant to Trado. _ MANUFACTORIES ACTIVELY AT WORK ' ] jHtrercilmilr | < l Increnio In tlio Hoot nnil Slum Trntlo Imports from lluMiion * Onlrr U'nll Stront tor \Vcok Clonrlni. Home Htntoiiiciitn. N w YonK , Juno2 . U. O. Dun's weekly Review of trade snys : Another week has kasscd-wtth great Improvement In the grow- inf. crops. In wheat so grunt a ctiatitro of Condition appears thai man begin to ques tion whether the yield this year will not flo.iclv approximate the unprecedented crop if is'JI. For other grain and cotton the out- iookUtlocModlyboilofnndthorols reason now to tiopo for highly satisfactory results from the year's agricultural harvest. In conse- Bucnco there la stronger trade throughout the country and especially lit western centers of distribution , The Improvement Is less pinrkod at tbo south , owing to tti _ vary low price of cotton nnd oonttnuca high water In Jiorao legions. Tim ono point of anxiety In regard to the wngo dispute In the Iron manu facture operates for the present to cause increased trade , whllo In olhor great in dustries the situation is clearly more favora fclo tbiiti usual. In the Mrtnl .Market. Tlio I ton manufacturers dcslro a revision of the wage scale On the ground that tlio Improved machinery has enabled labor to . "fSroduco CO per cent moro than In former rears , ntid bas reduced prices so far that tbo ft-cont basis Is no lougor Just. There Is little ( round for hope that a prolonged strike maybe bo nv'eriad , ana meantime tlio domaud for ull forms of manufaoturod Iron and stool ells lltictly Improves. There Is a bettor domaud tor plates and for structural Iron , prices being tinner , and some gain In bar Iron am1 oven In steel rails. 1'ig iron is still \voak pnd feverish , southern supplies being large , but northern makers Wall to sou wnothur a trlko Is coming before reducing prices. Copper Is an eighth lower nnd largo sales pro reported nt IIJC cents. Tiu has also talien a sudden full to Ul > f cents nnd lead Is lower at * 1.05 In some transactions. Coal Is dull nnd outsiders nro selling below the combination prices. The boot nnil shoo manufacture Is entering tipon a onson oxpcctud to uo ono of unpre cedented activity , the year's irhlpmonls nro Klruady within 'J per cent of lira * groaiost fever loiown , mid gaining every week. Thcro Is n fairly largo business in low Crhda woolens , nnd sales of wool are bolter than usual for tlio season. Print cloths nro atrong nticontK ; ; and some advance in prints Is anticipated. Ili'porlH Ironi the Cltlofl. At Boston the domiind from recently flooded western districts has fully revived end business Is strong. Lower prices for bleached shirtings have caused largo sales pnd prices buvo boon raised again. The V'oolen mills nro steadily employed and there bro lurgo orders for fall goods in the boot and feboo trade , so that tlio factories are busy > vlth every prospect for the largest trade ever known. f - At 1'hllauolphia the grocery trade has a TO- fimrkubly goua season , and there U some im provement In dry COOUB , with larger demand from the south. Wool buying IB close , with prices tbo lowest for the year. . At Flltsburg there nro brighter prospcoU Of a wogo settlement , but finished Iron Is good.At . At Cleveland better trade Is seen in gro corlos , hardware nnd shoes , and other bust- JD iuir lur iuu auuauu. ere especially busy nt Cincinnati , but ma chinery IK u little slow. Trade with Chicago Is larger than a year co , with receipts double last year's in Jlojr , corn , rye , oats , dressed beef and lard , kind oven greater increaseIn barley , with a > llght Icis In wool , chooao nnd butter. * In the U'rst. At Milwaukee business Is quiet , but though crops ate ! backward the prospect Is considered very fair. At Minneapolis a marited Increase Is soon in trade , wltn a largo business In lumber and peed operations. At St. Paul trade Is good and prospects bright. Midsummer dullness appears at St. Loui ) , although railroads arc hudng tom- pornry blockades since tbe floods nbatod and business Is as strong as could bo expected. At Onmba trade Is good In all lines , and at JCnusua Citv In wholesale tirancDcs , receipts of grain belli ir libonil. i At IJcnvcr business Is fair. At Liouisvlllo trndL Is aallsfaotory and Im proving , nnd nt Little Rock prospects are brighter , but business at Memphis is in active and at Noxv Orleans dull on account of high wutor. Speculation has not been especially active nnd wheat is unchanged in prlco , * though western receipts nro i,000,000 ! bushels in . thirty days uud exports are only TJ.OOO \ Corn receipts nt the woat ore 2.400,000 Bushels In thirty days with small exports , but the prlco has advanced 2 cents and oats U cents. Pork products nro unchanged but oil Is 1) cents and coffee jy of a cent lower. Gold . ( apoits were rjulto independent ot fnercbnndiso balances , for tlio enor- tnous produce exports In May are followed by an Incrcuso ot 22 per cent lu exports from Now York in Juno thus far , indicating an sggrogato for the Usual year not fur from $1,034,000. In every part of thu country money Is In abundant supply anil the demand at Hourly ull points is only moderate , collections being generally qulto lutlafuclory lor the season. 'Ttiu business failures occurring through- i out the country durlnir the last seven days re I'M as compared with totals of 179 last Wee If. For the corresponding woolt of last rear tbo lleurus were ' . ' 31. \VAIjf. STItUKT roil A WKUlf. flmorlrnn and Kurapcnn Politics Iiilluenccil tlin MiirKot to u Markml Dogruo. NEW YOHK , Juno 24. Brnditroot's weekly review saya : The Chicago oonvoutton and gold , shipments divided the attention ot Wall street during the wcok. As regards tlio former , speculative sentiment scorned to re gard the ronomluatlon by the great political parties of tholr respective champions of four fears ago with satisfaction. Karly In the week there was a rather bull ish tendency to prlco * . Thursday's markut 'was ps dull us thoio which preceded it , nnd the trader'who had boon waiting tb buy found In tbo shipment to Europe of ac unex pectedly Urga amount of gold ( making $5- B.VOUO ) for the week ) u fair excuse for selling ou the market. Thn continued ouso with which European powers obtalnsupplles of gold from the country attracts Increased Pttcmlon. uud Its connection with the do- crenso lu Ilia treasury's gpcclo boldli.g * and the augmentation of the iimount of silver HOICK Is u mutter which U carncslly dls- cusbcd In llnuncml circles. With tno ap preach of July the money , market usually ehous Increased activity through the renewal of maturing loutm , ant ) In this ca&oli proves to bn no exception , though tno exception through the bharu luijulry which prevails - vails lias yet had little effect on rates. Europe has' takeu little or no part In tbo market , and if the preva lent dullness hero was no obstacle to such action , tbo fact that England Is ou the ova of u purllutcontar.v o.cclloii would an umplo explanation of It * Indiffurenca to ) iccutatinti lu American Khurcs , Friday's inarkot was disturbed by tha unexpected ongageiiu < ut of $1,750,1100 gold uud by boaiUb -pn > u uro on several trading stocUs. An un- lavorubla bank statement U looked for today , which also tended to glvo a bcarub tone to the proceedings. Interest In the actual tnurkulVM coniluoii to u lltnltod number of ttockj. J ( ! l.i.UUN : < l Oinnhu AKO'II ' t < > Ihu 1'runt ultli 11 Ijirgo Intiri'iiav ItuporU friini Other Cllli'U. - New VOISK , Juno 2-1. Too following table , 1 compiled by Urudstroot's , givci the clearing bnuso rotuviis for the week ondmg Juno 23 , , JJ IH'.c,1 ' , am ) the porooutago of lucreuso or do- RP ITTTII n If1 A IIP V I Jjl UUblbllllO , TEN All together cleaned us out of our $5 suits , ancf .1. now we place . on sale 400 FROCKS AN ® SACKS at $1O.OO They are worth up as high as $20 a suit and are in cassimeres , worsteds , cheviots , all new shades , on second counter from front , LOOK AT THE WINDOW. Thin $2,25 Coats and Vests , , In Mohairs , Serges , Alpacas , regular stores will ask $4 for them. Plaid Flannel Goafs and Vests , Only a few left. 3OO Pants In "Worsteds , Corkscrews and Cassimeres , stripes , light colors , blacks , etc. , UP. STRAW HATS , gOc .up. MAIL. ORDE.RS s crease , as compared with the corresponding week of last year : " 1 would llito to sound the prulso of Hood's barsaparllluover the ontlro universe , " writes Airs. Lougonoicer of Union Deposit , I > u. Ol'KNINd Or KUIIN'S SODA FOUNTAIN TODAY. FlNKhT FOUNTAIN IN COUNTKV. The Pocoa Vulloy of Now Mexico , is nttructin the iittontiuu of homo puolcora in all parts of the United Status. Kml- pnition is pouring in there utondlly and the iiulicntlons mo tlnit tliotcreutost tldo of tnivol over centered in any country , of equal extent , will How into tlmt valley next fall , Over . ' 100 now fiirmB have boon opened up thot-o 'within the past six months and the owneru of thorn nvo BO well uloiiHoil with ttiolr investments. th\it they are writing to all tlioirfrioiula to ooino and join them. This should ualidfy any man that the Pecoa Valley Is all that is claimed for it. Land val- una will , of uourco , advance rapidly when the ( ; rent lido of omipi'utlon boU in. Fnll informntlon may bo had by addrofcs- iiiT ( G. O. Shields ; Eddy. N. R FlNHST SODA FOUNTAIN IN AMUUICA AT KUJIN'H , ICTH ST. lluilillni ; IVrmlli. The folio win K normltj wore issued by the suoerlntondont of bulldlnifi rostorduy : Hiibi-rt NuUon , unu and one-half story fruinudwollurUUJtoittliSixthbtruet.1 l.WO Ono minor pornm . . . . . "x ) Totnl t l.TOJ What folly ! To bu without Uoecbam'a J2 DltlNK JLvUIIK'S 600A. COLDUST AND UKST. MET THE REDUCED BATE. Tlio Siuitn Te Seen the Hock Iglaiul's Tariff on .SoutlMTttfttcrii Cllttlo. Freight Agent Dlnldns of the Santa Fo re turned yestorJay mornlnicfrom headquarters at Topeka and brought the nov/s that his line had mot the reduced Hock Island rnlo on cattle from the southwest. The Santa Fa has issued a circular announcing that the rate from Oklahoma and Indian Territory points to Omaha and South Omaha will hereafter - after bo but S1-.53 hlchor than the rate to Kansas City on shipments made by way ot iJoncordla. ICan. This means that the Bur lington has Joined with the Santa Fo In making the reduced rato. The old tariff still holds good ou shipments by way of Kansas City and Superior , but It Is thought th&t the Missouri Pacific and the Klkhorn will soon coma to time. Omaha bas just taken on a now air of ttiat- ropolltanlim. Heretofore i'ullman car ticU- ots have been sold by the ruilroad agents , but the Pullman company bas lust opened an oCIco of its owa at the union depot , a part of tbe ladies' waiting room having been pavi lioned off for that purpoio. The Pullman's ofllco at tno Council Bluffs transfer bas boon abandoned , nnd the agent , William Lucas , has boon assigned to the Omaha onieo. This Indicates that the opening of the bridge to the Rock Island and tbo Milwaukee bus transferred tbo business from Council Bluffs to this city. The Union Pacific has received from J. Z. Worst , the statistician of the Chicago Board of Trade , a review of the crop situation which predicts a Rbortago of 400,000,000 bushels as compared with last year , but It states that the best general conditions pro- \-all la Nebraska and Kansas. A report submitted from the Boston uows bureau states that "Nobr&ilcu makes the host show ing of any stoto in the corn bolt , " U. W. Hitchcock of San Francisco , Pacific coast passenger agent of tno Union Pncilio , Is In the city making the rounds of old ttmo friends with that other veteran , Harry Oouol. Mr. Hitchcock was ono ol the piouoors of ' Omaha , hu'viiig located tioroin 1S37. Rock Inland trains were abandoned yostor- dav on account of a washout In Illinois. Tbo Sioux City route's Spirit Lakosloopor will go on tonight. All Burlington trains In Illinois were abandoned or , account of washouts. Champagne bos a largo amount of carbonlo acid in It ; It Is healthy and nourishing. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial 's the boat. FlNUST SODA FOUNTAIN IN AlIEHIOA , AT KUIIN'S , 15TII ST. Ovur Uiiilriilnnd Lots. Tbo Board of Public Works bold a session yesterday afternoon for the purpose of de ciding why certain wator-covorod lots snoula not bu dodurua nuisances and filled nt the owners' expanse. Numerous property owiiors appoarou to protest. Tlioy claimed that in the iiortb part of the city tlio sewers wore not In u condition to carry oil the sur plus surface water. Too board decided to examine all of tbo lots prior to July 1 , the data on which it is proposed to Invlto bids for tilling the lots. Do Witt's Sarjapirllm aimroy * sucn pal sons as scrofula , nln disoiia , czuini , rhau tnatuin. Its timely muiavoi many livoi. DllINIC KUIIN'S faODA. COLDKST AND IIKST. _ _ Tlllcn ol Trouble. About 13 o'clock Tuursduay night John NECKWEAR IN ENDLESS VARIETY. BEST , , SILK TIES 2Sc SOe TIES 28c 78c ; .TIES . 38c $1.OO > TIES SOe f -a Savage , a conductor on the Sherman avenue motor line and a nephew of Uotcctlvo Savage , fell into a manhole whluh bad boon left open on the Seventeenth street sida of the Now York Life building , uud had an arm nnd a log broken. Ho was also otherwise seriously brulsod ana cut , and will bo laid up for some weeks. , C. E. Bartlett , aged 21 , a student of the Omaha Business college , Is missing , ana It is feared has boon drowned. Ho was boarding nt 1710 Cass street and bad made all ar rangements to rot urn to bis homo In Wayne , Neb. , on Tuesday last. His trunk was paakod on Monday evening ready for his de parture In the morning , nnd on that evening no asked a friend to go .bathing with him. This friend could not go , and it Is supposed young Bartlett wont alone. At any rate ho loft bis gold watch and othnr belongings in his room and bas not since been hoara from. His father is now in the city looking for him. i To Cleanse tlio System Effectually yet gently , when eostlvo of bilious or when the bloajd is tmpuro or slug gish , to permanently cure habitual constipa tion , to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity , without Irritating or weak- ntng them , to di pal headaches , oolds or fevers , use Syrup of Figs. OPENING or KUHN'S SODA FOUNTAIN TODAY. FINEST FOUNTAIN IN COUNTRY. NO PARK YET. South Siilo I'lonHiiro Gronmla Still Untlo- ciilod Upon. The Board of Park Commissioners mot yesterday afternoon and accomplished a good deal of argument and transacted a very little business. After the usual accumula tion of bills had boon approved the question of a park on the south sldo was taken up. .At the last mooting tbo board resolved to purchase no laud until al least sixty acres should bo obtainable. This controverted the plans of several owners of property in Clarlc & Sautter's addition who wanted tu sell a plat of land to the city for a park. They wore on hand yesterday with an additional propos ition , but as they still failed to roauh the sixty-aero limit tbo matter was postponed in definitely. U. S. Berlin , representing the county com missioners , said that the board wus.roady to assist the park commission in any way and specifically in the vacation of that portion of Lenvonvvorth street which passes through Eiinwood park. Af tor thanking Mr. Benin for his assurance of co-onoration tbo board adjourned. _ _ DoVYltt's Sarsaparoia'cloanses the blood , lucruasos the appotit nnd'toaoi ' up tbo sys torn. It has beiiallttod1 'many ' pjoplo who have suffered from blooddisorders. . It will help you. J i I'oiloral Itnllilliig HuppUcK. Bids for the privilege ol furnishing n va riety of supplies to luo * federal building for tbo next fiscal year \voro opened at noon yesterday by Collector I Wxandur. Of tbo live bidders. fqrr furnishing coal the Omaha Coal , Coke and , .Wrao company was tbo lowest and was awaniod the eoutraot. Tburo wore three bldpars on ice , but the authorities want rosorvpjr ice and none have boon accepted. ' The Morio Ury Gooajf company will furnish | nish the miscellaneous DoU'llt'sSarsaparllU'Uiiretlaule. Ol'KNINO OF KUHN'S ' SODA FOUNTAIN TODAY. FlNKST FOUNTAIN IN COUNTRY. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE EPITAPH To be Inscribed upon the marble etab which thall mark the laat resting place ot NERVOU3 , CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES Is already written. But batora you abandon all bopo and clre yourself up 10 die , hare a private consultation wltb America's most gifted and successful Specialists , ino'Iamous DRS. BETTS & BETTS , whose greatest tilnmphs have been won ID the euro of cases which others failed to cure. All speedily , safelr and permanently cured by their rnar\olouiiklllaua modern methods. Bend 4 cents In ( tamps ( ortbelr handsomelr Illustrated now book of 120 razes , worth Its weight to gold. Consultation free. Call upon or address nltfi stamp. stamp.DRS. DRS. SETTS & SETTS. 110 Soutti Hth St.Itf. li Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. rrYOUR8ELFf , Aak your Druggist for - f bottle of Dig u. The only , / non-poltonuui remedy for all . J the unnatural discharge' and f prlvatedUeuiesof men uud the I debilitating wcakntu peculiar 1 tn women. It cures In a few ldai without the ftld or Mlclty of a doctor. . , . ' IHtiertnl American Cure. Manufuctured by I vTheUrans Chemical Oo. ' CINCINNATI , O. Thin Underwear , 25c garment. 5 colors Underwear at $1.00 a Suit Others ask $2. For Stainless Black , Brown , Ecru ) and Tan Sox , worth 25c. Suspenders ISc , were 35c. Suspenders 25c , were 50c. Our QOG hite Shirts are the envy of all. . Colored Shirts 50c , 75c , $1 , up to the finest black silk stripe Shirt at $2.50 that Hellman used to sell for $4. Biggest Bargain of all Cl WASj Swiss Conde Outing Shirts , 4-1 - All colors , non-slirinkable. Om'aha never saw such a bargain before OUTING SHIRTS All All 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Farnam St , Theatre LAST WEEK. DODD OPERA CO. , IN Matlnco Wednesday and Saturday. WONDSRX.AHD. WeekCommencing. ) uno 20th. DIJOU OPEIiA OO On QWEET Ofl JTOOTMnHT f\ ) \ ttv OINO-JSRS , TAVORITES. LV nm half of week , "MIKADO. " Ijist half of wcok , "MASCOTT. " 8TIIONG CAhT. AMj BTAHS. Ono Dime to All. SenU , Z nnil ID Cents 14th1 WillUPPER UPPER ALTON , ILL. ISTERIIILITM AGUf. A tlioroiiRh school. Prepares for Collecc or fs . Within aOmilcsofSt. I.onlB. Address COL. WILLIS DROWN , Superintendent. SCHOOL Unlvcrnlty-pronnrntory. ( Kstahllshcd 18711. ) CHICAGO , Ihl.l.NUIs. Yunnx Ladles ami Uhlldron. For further particular : ) KUdross ijL'iloou'JJ.1) I'r.ilrlo Avu.Chluugo TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CII1CAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul R'y , as represented on this map. T. . . Jf " "cEDAR RAPIDS f DESMOIWES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASII , Gen'l Agent. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORV. OMAHVN ; ! Cnpflftl . $11)0,003 ) Ollkeri AnJDlroctori Uonrr IV. Vatai.D'iil tut 11. C. ( Jiuhlnv. Tlci3 pruilJoiH. 0. d. M mrloj. IV. / Morse , John H. Collliit.J. N. 1L I'Jtrloi. lU A l. Caihlor. TMEl IRON * BANK. * " ! ) CliteliMtrr1 ! Knll > li DUrouud I'.naa. PENNYROYAL PILLS . / - STTw . . ° ; ' ' : _ | .H ' " 1l.WirV ? . ! lJB > . t A. Arc & ] * / rrllktl * LADif , l > ( ( > l fer Ciukulin fnMtlt'la - d In Itril i"J tM u laUt l vlili U < rllboo , TiiLe Kt/vtl rfaflffwoui tvttttit * . , . lo uiui-4 Ivt iHutkului , iMlliuuaUl * ta.1 < Heller far I.U.MM , " In l.n - , b/ return Mull to ( lUOTwUmoulili Kami l\ii r , - r L'U.mUul All the latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STETSON'S SOFT and STIFF hATS. ADLABAUGH FUR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Furs Stored and Repaired. Tooth-Food. This medicine for babies prevents and cures pains of teething and resulting diseases , not by putting children to sleep with nn opiate , for it contains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming ingredients which are lacking in most mothers' milk and all artificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. gi.oo a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam phlet , "Teething Made Easy. " THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI. O. O.BJB. . II.ST CLASS i , -1- , _ , . . . | n fbo Lurcr.t , Fuilrtt uud Finf.t In llio World , PaMcnfrer nccomod&.lons unexcelled. NEW YORK. lOHDOHDERRY AHD GLASGOW. Hrcry Hnturrtnr , NKW YOniC , ( JIIllt/iI.THIt nnd NAPI.E8 , At ronulnr Intcrvrln. SALOON , SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAOE rnti'sun luwoBt lorini to and from tlio { irlnclplo csncn , iinusn , zsisn & ALL COOTIHEIITAL ronua. Kicur lotillckt arallalila t i turn liy ollliorthorla turxvjuo Clvdo it North nt Ireland or Naples AW braltiu t ( U 1 Iti7 ! OrJeti fer Air Ancttt at toveit Ci'.tl Apply lo anr of our iocnl Afcntiortu J IitJ > jU.SN lUtOTUKlW. Ohlcuu'O , 111 Elastic Stockings von Weak Limbs , Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformity Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. TIIK ALOE4PKSFOLD COMPANY. IMS. I611i St. , Ml to Post Olflce.