THE OMAHA DAILY BEEaaFIUDAY , JUNE 2i , 8PBG1RL NOTICES. A nvKuriii'Mn.NTH "nm "rfiisus "iOLUMNS -/Ywlll bo tnken until 12 30 , m for Ilio Ptcnlng nnd until 8.30 p. in fortho morning ur Sunday Bill- All navr-rllc-mi-nlii In those column * S c nl n word for tlrnt ln rrtlon nnil 1 cent n word fnr pnch imtupqucnt ln crtloti or il | > cr linn per month No mlTCrtlsomcnt tnKcn lor ! r n thiin s > cents for the flrol lns > rtlon Term * tnsh In advance. Initials , llettrc * . tymboli.oto , ench connt n * i > word. All nrtvortli'omr'iits mn l run con pfiillvoly Ailrortl or , iiyri quUnR a nnmliorcil Hicik canhriTO Ilio letli-M nildrporil tonmim- bcrnl letter In cnro of Tin : IILI : Answers so ml- rtroi ed will bo delivered on prenentntlon of tlio check , SITUATIONS WA1ITED. _ WANTIII ) , SITUATION AS imtVRf ? Oil Vclcrkln Kropcrr torcl m > onk Oprmnn ami Kn- llfh ! rcfoienCf * . Ailtrc ( sl > 238. Vth St. Wl 5i * A WANTI'.I ) , A POSITION A8 ttOOKKKKPniOlt -\clcrkbr n younniunn SI ycnrn of n ot linrohnd cxporlpnce In both , Andre's , 017 , I'eo. * ) ll 81 * -WANTKII. POSITION AS KDlTOIt OH MAN- AWANTKII. wocKlr ncw pniicr ( rcpubllcnn ) 1 > T n yoiimt man of nrernl JTCIM oxpnrloncotlinsRooil tMislMCKs nnil collcgo ptlncAllun nnil l n i-'onernl nowupmicr lni tlfr. AtMa-sn. I'hi. llco. UU ! M * HELP. -i J/clty In tlio west on cxtr llbcrnl tormi , to soil tlie potmlir ten yeiir policy of the Mutual Ko ( frvoViiml I.lfn niroclntloni nlso the now HO.OOO combination iiollcr of the I'refurrcil Mutiml Accl- Sent nmoclnlion ot Now Yntk ; rn t only III ! per yrnr foriirpfcrrcd rltksj mio money by Insnrlnir. innkp money by rrprespnllmr thi'fo whlcnwnXo cninrnnlfn ! HrP nucntu can rtnvililo llitlr Income. \\rltp forclrculnrn nnd tfrms toll. 11. Uoblson , Gtnprnl MnniiKcr , Cmnlm. Ncli. 134 T } MAN WITH I'imil WANTKD IN HACK CITY , Jilovn nml hntnlct to Introduce the fastest ( selling liouseliolil nrllclo on record , over a million sold in I'lillartPlphtn. Will pir comncti'nt person II per dny. Adilrt'FHwItli Mnmp W. II. Williamson , 41 N. 4lh utrect , 1'lilladoliililn. Pa. M12I JrM * lJ TI5ATlsTKTlH 7ND It. H. LAIUWHIH 1'OU l > WyomliiB or Soulh Dnkoln. CCo tf. Utli to * JuO 11 WANTKD , TIJASIVTIMIH. SHOVF.LKllS AND ilJrnckmen for \\yomlng and South Dakota. AI lirlghlLabor Agency , HSU Farnam nlrcct , liJ JW 1 > WA.N'riD AGI'.NT3 IN UVl'.HY TOWN IN JJtlio state to represent tbo United Mill's Mutual Arcldcnt association of N. Y. New policies , most jllicriil In form nnil reasonable In cost ever Issued. JJ. A. Wugni'r. slati ) ngcnt , Omnha.Ncb. Ml T ) A'AM'KD-LlVt ! AOKNTS I'OH OFFICIAL Jiidlllon HnrrlBOn.t lleldl "Proti-ctlon nnd A'nluo of Protection , " by Hon. James G. Illahio nnd Hun. WilliamJlcKlnlcy , Jr. . (00 ( pages , magnlllcently 11- lUKtrated. lletall , ll.H ) . Immense terms Mr. J. I llnrvoj , Akron. O.made H4 In two hours. Ituv. H hDinim Clinton. Kverctt. Mats , mnilo SI51 In ono ilnv. Hooks on credit. Freight paid. Otitllt 25c. or fieo with reference. Write quick. AddrC's Glebe lllbld Publishing Co. . 72.1 Uientnut street. Phlladel lihla , Pa. , or 5B Dearborn street , Chicago. HI. TJ-WANTKD. OHADING SUHCONTUACTOHS. J JWo Imvo some good work to let on line between Uberty vllle and Ottumwn , la Proillos can bo seen and Information obtained at our olllco In Ottumwn. Unitary , dishing A Co. M74"i 24 - . . > , TKAMS TO WOIIIC ON 11AILHOA1 > B-i.WAf.TKI ' work , fi-ed cheap and wages 1.1 U ) per day. Apply on works on line between l.tbcrtyrlllo nnd Ottumwn , In. Jtntlorjr , Cuililng M IS S ) A C < i- i n-WANTRI ) . AOKNTS. SAMl'I.K SAi > ) I LOCK Jpat. ( IVJ ) fri-o by nmll forc stump Tmmcine. Invi-ntpil. Heal- ! Unrlvnllnl. Only good ono over wcluhta. Snips iiiipnrnUclcd. IIZ u day. llrolmrd A. Co . I'lillailulplila. t'n. MTi'1 ' a ) * 1 > WANT151) A 1 IH-iT-CLAbS SALKsMAN to ,1'trnTCl In Nebraska by nlnrap manufacturing mid Joliblnu bouso. Address II Uf , tills olllco. stating pnrtluiilurH. > ! 7 < i7 SJ > -WU 1'AT BAI.AIIV WK1-.KLY 1O fiOOO B nucnts , formqr oxporlonco uniicppssnry , salary paid wi'i-kly. blnncrolllce. ! 5IC Uouglas. "SiUyia T > niiKAiiTJAimT WANTKU AT Sfl MAIN ST. , .l > Coiiiill UlulM. M357 " WANTKD IiO ( MT.N FOU UAILUOA1) COMpany - pany work In limn and .South Pnkotn , free fare ; K/0 men fur Montana. Kramer .1 O'Hcurnii Labor AKoncy , CO.I S. llth slreut. 8a 2J * " " " -WANTKI ) , "T"BTONKOUTTKUS AT IDA Iii Onivo , lown. Apply , W. H. Anderson. 800 23 * TJ WANTIII ) , A THAVKLt.NO SALESMAN WHO J ) | familiar with items' ftirnUhlux foods und clothlnit nnd Is ncqunlntcil In tills state nnd can command some trailo. Nonu but an expprlcnccd man nrcil apply. Hoferonccs rt-qulrud Aildross O B. DPP Olllcu. MSW24 p-WANTHD. I.ADIKS' TAILOIl AND TAILOH- -IJess nt unco. Morsrf Dry Goods to. S31 24 " W"ANT ijfjTF.DiATiiLY.dooD HAUHKU COL E orc'il orwlillb , f-1200 per noek. Address W. H Jackson , No. 515 Court St. , Heatrleo , Neb. b'i5 23 * WITH r.ooi ) iunur.NGi : : : AT B American Wrtnuer Co. , 1 Howard. M6'J8JyJJ * - WANTKI ) . A-ItLACKSMlTH CAl'AHLl ! OF C- doing general country ivork. Apply tu J. L Ilucklniiliiim. larllett. luwa. MX ! ) . ' 24 * WANTIU ) . HIIIOHT HOYS FHOM 18 TO 20 B years uld. Nebraska Clollilug Co. 010 2J I ) . 2MKN WHO AUK AfCtlSIOMKIl Jte nsliii. u brutli scythe. II. T. Clarke , 21'J ' Hoard of Triulo. 9111 WANTK1) , SALKMKN. SALA11Y OH COM- B nilsilon , tu luinilk ) urcntost " velty patented , lixpjutlvo territory. Pulls nt slKht. I'nrtloilliirii Jrco. Sample tOc. Unity 1) . C. Co. , Dcpt.V. . tlnlty building , Chicago. 10323' - ) - . COMl'KTKNT 11KNCH AND MA- 1--WANTIi for ensh and door factory. A. IloKcuberi ; , IMh nnd Murcy utreuts. 9UII * p-WANTP.I ) , A TINNKIt AT ONOII. WHITK , JJstatliiK KV , oitporlenco and WUKCI. AUilress llox 1010 , Kalrlluld , Neb. i > 2l 24 * WANTKD , A HOOD HJNGL15 IIUTCIIKIt WHO B speaks ( iormim. Addru H U 15 , cuio Crnnlm UPC. 1)JO ) 29 * i\PHUIINCF.I ; ! ) PATUNT HIOHT SALKS- B mail , Addruss Lock Uox 723 , Fremont , Neb. MV.4 80 * -WANT1U ) , A YOUNG MAN AS HOOIC- keeper ; good plnco to right party. Address C E07-Ieo ! onicu. .Ml Jl 27 TJ -TWO Fllisr CLASS-bOLlCrrOHH. CALL1M- Jl inedhituly. Itooni 41 , Dodge hotel , Mth and M1KW-24 * WANTED-FEMAljE HELP. O WANTKD. LADIIW Oil YOUNG MKN TO Vtake light , ple.uant work nt their own homes ; II to tu JHXJ per day can bo qulotly mnrto : wont leutby mall ; nucinvasslug. I-or particulars ad- ' Mfg. CO. , llox KUI , llusluu , Mass. " rslabllsbed IfteO. > MJuljyS * ri-WANTKI ) , A LAUNDlliSS. : APPLY W. 1) . U.MIllnrd. Omaha Nat. bank. SOS lpVA.VJ'Bl > A FF.W LAD1I3S CAN BKCUUI ! hiuirisomu salary for homo work pcrmltllng other duties. W , bprlnculeun. Uox 21J , Chclaxo , 111. J1S5J Jy II * f1 1-WANTKI . A G1UL FOIl IIOUSIIWOHIC. ' u Muit bo KOOd cook und I m. HJOto. 29th Mil. . .fiWANTKD , FIllrtT OI.AbS COOK AT wl'nmptuii | , 21th ami Douglas. V v-WANTBV LAIiKS ) S'D C K .VI' I Vtruvel.Koud salary , no canxuslut : . 1 Oodiio street , t u. m. to 4 p. m. Gluoll GKNKltAL HOUsH- Ivurk : siuall lamlly. liuiulru Harney Itreot. Mm. D. \Vhu.dor. . ) ! S7I 't .o4w\STii : > , LAtlNDIlY G1HL. f I 00 PKIt WIJKK 'Wnuil board. Union Dept hotel , cur. llth nnd Mason. 6dl 21' _ ' / i-WANT5D. | AN KXI'KHIKNCBI ) G1HL l-Oli Vseeend work nnil c'nro of child. Mrs. II K. Gny- luil | , Illil 1'inknve. bbl -WANTKU , A GIIIL FOIl ( iKNHlrAL HOUtiK- work In email family. Must brlni ; references. Apply U02I riilcotto rtrcet. 8M214 GIIIL toil ( SIS.V. I homework , nlsounu for cook Int. . wnnhlng I ( riming liuiulru Mr : .M. Ilellmui , 2IO > M. .Mir > ' live. i'JT 23 fAWAN'IKoi WOMAN t'dOK't .MUhl' iTT : y li'idy , rii pectable , iioiuputunt. Address , Hutnl , . .Nub , Wl 2J * CWANTKD. . A GOOD GIIIL FOU GKNKIIAL bou ork , 3120 W Irt street , KomiUu plnio 24 * _ _ _ _ _ CWANTKD , GILL ton GKNKHUiiotifll ? work. Mis .M. lAivy , 20J7 Dodko bt , , upp. HU-h Bchuul. WH1VS _ CWANTKD , ON TIIK 1ST OF .lUT.Y , A COMPK. tiMil Blrl fur gunonil houirwork In n family uf Uiri'ii ) no rhlldirns mum bu n good cvok Apply until July Ibl to Mrs. bmnuul Gnmblo. 2IJH.2ith l.nlUT Ihon 102003 Half Hunardst. lteli > -nce > utt at * rt-WANTKI ) . MAI ! ) FOU UKNIIISAI , MOUSK- V-'irork In n email family , No.ulilnit. . lloter- orrns required. Wit California ti. MP29 20 * rv-A i.AtY Ti"Acinir > vrio"DICMIHW TKM" wiioraryi'inpluymonl durluKrclioolacatlon , can buiuniulted by uiUlrritlnt : < ' 2I , Hot' . ' REN THOUBES. . TX-M-.W AM ) HKhT Hlll.T III11UK 11-ltOOM J-'ritldrni.o In tbo city , full cullur , liirnare , laun dry and ltib . iunnlol nnd crate * , batb , ulcclrlo helli , spenklng tubes , oak llulsb. pull < lu > d tloora ; Urn clou In cvury rcipctti unplmll pavuiuentt ; 1(40 ( I until Wilt nvo , llnntcum park. J M. llrunuer , 422. Hop bhlg ) ) , ALL 1'AHT-i TUK fITV. I'lllNTKl ) 1)T , , . li'dorvuJ. 1'aul , 1005 Faruam ulroet. -tOlt HUNT , K-UOUM HOtbi : 1812 CHICAGO 't. _ _ 740 -COATKs. UK.NTAL AGKNCY , 1CII FAltNAM , OU Hl .NT. DESIIIAULK HOUbKS AM ) J-'ic ltUMico rims , oboaix Ilouiot for > ale ou tuonlhly payments , J. W * Squire. 1st Nal. bank. _ CLASS ItKSHIKNl'K FLATS. J oTll ow bock. lluom U. 6IU H. aa. M D - > ' } " ' "BhT , A TTlOOM IIKTAIHhl ) 1IOU8B , wltUlawn. ahadHlivcf , batb. laundry , uc , . FOR nENT-HOUSES. C'onffntird. D-3UOOM ONJ1ST8T. . HALF 1ILOCK NOHTH of Orncc , t7.0J. clly wnlcr. Alto other rooms nn < l lion ci nt lowest prices. U. F. Hulls , room 4 , lice building , 317 ] y < | } -rorrAoria ! SOUTH 2ITHAVK. ois -FOIl HUNT , TWO GOOD C-ltOOM IIOUSHS , { fl)00 ) ; within I5mlntil walk of court homo. IboO F Davis To. l.Wi rarnnm strost. S i D-tOll UKNT , SMALlTcOTTAGi : . 15TJ N. 20th ST. _ J | 73U 2i * D-7-UOOM FLAT. CITY WATKH AMSKWKlj ! cheap In good parties. IK'ISe. Illth. MWJ2 2 * FOKKENT FURNISHED ROOMS. i ; < -FUliNlsiTKirTlOO\T3 To'lTlSNT WITH ALL -l-'mudcrn cunrenlencos. 012 Douglas ; lreot , MG3I D-FOll IHSN'T , 7-1100M COTTAOIC. 51TII AND Chclagn sis. it. T. Clarke , 23th nnil Cnsitor2IU Huaiidu f'lrado. 7(3 ( D-A NINK-HOOM HOUSF. . ALL .MODKIIN CON- venleiices nl 22W Faruam sU ) n brick store building at22)l Knrnnm si. Inquire of W. G. Donna nt SIS New \ ork Llfo Ulily. TM 21 E-LAUGH DKM11AIILK 11OOM FOIl HUNT , ullRbleforlwo. 11/19 / DoJgo si. MM E-MCti COOL HOOMS , 2l N , 15T1I ST. . 704-21 * - 1'I.KASANT FUIINIHHKI ) HOOM IN 1'ltl- E-A fnmlly with home table Terms reasonable 3IDH.2i.tli 81821. * 17-FUHNI9HK1) Oil UNFUHNiailltl ) FltOXT lj ult of rooiu , modern house , ruferonccs. 2017 Haruey street. m" 2" * p-NlCK UOOM , CONVliN'CI : .172JlAYKNPOHT 17-COOL , PLKASANT FU11NHH1CI ) HOOMS IN L'J prltnto fnmlly. strictly lint clnss. fi minutes walk of PO. I'.iOl Cnllfornln. RS)2i ) * - FUHNlbHUU HOOM3 AT 2109 DOUGlas E-NICIILY las stroM. MII30 0 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 17 TWO PL13ASANT FHON1' ROOMS AT TIIK i : Mcrrl lnm. ( iH-27 * IT'-NICI ? UOOM ANDUOAU1 > FOIITWOGHNTLI > i. men ; one-half block from motor ; guud. nlca homo : ilSbo.2t > th til , MWI T -DItSIUAHLK rillsT ANI ) SKCONI ) TLOOH 1 south rooms nl "Iho t'ren/er , " III ) N. 2Mh street. M7.B 23 * DAY HOARD , 1712 CAP 'llulavii. M843 27 * _ p-FtiiiNiHiini ) nooMs AT Tim HAMPTON ; JL llrstclfss bonrd ; references required. 201 B. 21th. "til -NKATLY FtJHNlSHKI ) HOOMS WITH 1IOAHD. 20iacnllfurnla streot. .M77U 2S * _ -HACK PAHLOIl OH LAHOW FUONT HOOM with bay window nnd board for Iwo : SIS DO per monlli. bmallerroom for Iwo with board , JIO 00 per moulli * mudfrn convenlencos ; olegtintly fur nished : private family. 615 North 2W street. NICKLY FUHN18HKI ) HOOMS WITH FIHST- IU class boarrt ; references exchanged. 200 N. 18th si. . UU ! ) 27 * _ _ 1 ? WANTIJ1) , TO HOAHIl 2 MKN IN A PLKAH- X nut homo. No Children nnd no other boarders. T i'iit > 11 % u minutes wait fiom postoillcc. Address C 13 , Hco. . MittO 20 * I ? FUKNIbHRI ) SOUTH llOOM WITH HOAllD. JKefereiices. . 22U Fnrnniu. Mr23 30 * _ FOR RENT-UNFURNISHEll ROOMS. G" _ 1.OK HUNT. 4 HNFtJUNldlKI ) 11OOMS SUIT able for housekeeping ( JOJ Webster street BOARDING. " T LM A"Nl7bu irillO : DODGK , ' " FOU GOOD board nlcu rooms , , rntij and loca tion It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , prop. 0 * FOR -RENT STORES AND OFFICES. " T-Voll ; ItnNT. Till ! 4STOHY 'lifllCK r nUILDING l l ( ! Fnrnam lit. The building has n tlreproof cement - mont basement , complete steiimlieatlng Uxturos ; water dn all the lloors , gas , etc. Apply ut the olllco of 'Iho lleo. _ -113 I FOU HUNT , HTOUK 2JXU ) , 1118 JACKSON .1 3 111 T -nCMHAIILR OFFICKS , StN(5LE OH ENgUlTK J Apply J II. Parrolto , room ' . ' . ' , Uouglas block , FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. I FOU HKNT.T1IKOLD UASlCBr FAOTOHY AT 'Kckcrnnun place , IO\bO. 2 stories with boiler and eiigluo W5 per month. C. F. il.irrlsou , ' .Hi N. Y. Life. * .111 BO JJO f HAY LAND NKAIl BOUl'II OMAHA. FIIKI ) > ) D HarrU , 1613 Dodge street. SJ82V WANTED-TO RENT. ' wTNTKDi r/rTcint'D IIO'USK ? N nblo locution , nut less thui : 10 rooms. .L Union , 1210 Unruoy. 515 1 FUHNISHIID HOUMC , MODKIIN , lOHTIIK K suuiiucr , small family , no children , bent of rof- roneos. Address , C 7 , Hoc. 808 LADY AND GHOWN UAUGHTIJIl WANT K fnrnlaliud room , centrally located ; stale prlco. Address O 1.1. Dee olllcc. 8U ! 24 RUNTAL AQENCIES. 1 K. C. GAHV1N A. CO. , 20aSHUlLUY 1JLOCIC. L 03 ] STORAGE. r OLDKbT. CIinAPKST ANI ) HliST STOUAGI ! I house lu Iho clly. Williams i. Cruss,12ll Hurney. 'Jit WANTED--TO J3UY. S'--riHISirUUK HOUGHT , BOLD , STOUKD. \Voll .llll FnrnaiuBt , 0-u TV-CLAIMS FOIl HALAIIIKH. 8KUYICLS ANI ) 11 wanes nKnlnst city , county , corporation , Inill vlduuls buuuht or advanced on , W. It. Duvls , U. 20 , Continental lllock. M740 TV" DON'T HK.LL PUIINITUIIK UNTIL YOU hKK J Omnhn Horoml Hand Furniture Co. Hlnhejt prices pnld. 001 N. ICtll. MT44 J ) 17' AT-WANTKII. TO nUY A STRONG LKATHHU li top buircy. must be In Rood condition ; etnto lowest tasli price. Address O 12,1'oo. 8i 2 TVT CASH I'All ) FOU FHlb'l'-CLAbS GltOCKHY J.1 slocks , larKO or small. AH communications strlctl ) conlldenilal. C. O. I > . llrowuOiuahn , bouth Omahu und Council Illulls. f3 Sr WAvrui ) . PIANO , ui'iiiGiir , CHKAI' FOU ] cash ! ilcm rllio fully. Addreia C14. llco. .Ul ii * FOK S.\LE-FUKNITUBE. O-l'Oll hALK. A LOT OV NKW DOAHlnXG IIOIIM ) furniture , used only n few months , verj cltuap. Inqulro lluum UJI , Hoard Trade. bS7 SALE-HOUSES , WAGONS , ETO. P1 i ) H H A LK. A S f XT Y DOLL All" ' 10 P IUGIF Y , " " " " H. K. Cole , Continental block. M2J9 l-SPLijNIII ) SPAN OF CAHIHAGB HOH8K3. J dark biy , perfectly matcliod , stylish , gentle , young : onner li-avhiK tlio city : must bo ( Old ut once , 'llioi. I' . Hall , i > 07 Piixlon ulouk. 4 < JI TT-IIUGGY AND I'HAl'.TON , ( UOD 8HAPI : , 1 l'rlciill ) W liiul fWUJ. Cliarles llollnian. 1320 N , 24th street. Mini 28 FOR SALE- l OH B AI-K. ONl : HILLl A IID AND ONB POOL table , llrunsKlok-llalkomako , ahuoit now. In- qulro nf Grand liutol , Council 11IUIT4. 310 -bT. IIKHNAUD I'UPPIKd WITH I'I'.DI- Q , , fur tale , UH N , 251 h ua. . fHi Si * -TVVOHKAUTIFULmaCK ANI ) TAN PUP.s , mala mid female , ti uiuiitbs old , wulghl nbout l.vo piiuudscach ; line tireeil. Cull nl IWJ Daven- purt .1. 81.7 . ii * _ _ --KXCKLI.KNT VIOLIN AT A BACHIFICK IF Q taken nt oiu-3 , Addrasi CH , Hue. M'J.'J SO * V-WANflCD-HIDS FOIl A HHIfK IIUILDING. 1I'.naulri ) of Mr. llakur , nuperlntciiileut lice build- Init. until July I. . Ml 27 - . niiT VAN TIIUK. TIIK biTi render , l In the clly for limited tlmu only. All those contemplatlnua cull on | icr should not delay. n she may bo calhd tuddunly lo tbu far went In the Interest of mining. Mio Is a furocnitor uf tlm hlHliuil order , nnd cnuy thn eonmlenco of oiuuof iliobuldt < it > peculatur > und iiiliilujf upera lorsuf tbo country. Do not confound her llh tba no-celled "irunco-miMlluras" who unblutbliigly profoisto buhl uommunlon nltli tba dead , bbo U lint u > | ilrlluiilUt , was not ) > orn with n "double > c'II , " li not n"suveiitli daughler"uf lliu "suM'iitli izeuorntlun ' nor dots kbueiupluy the sublle urt of Ihu " orcorc . " llur uivtbod Is purely ecleutlHc. nud enulilci lier to enti-r , at tlio very outlet. Intu your uitalrv , unfolding tu yun nilouudlntt truths fcliu Elvt-i uilrlc-y uii nil miiltcr uf Interest.chnnuus , travels , slckuess , itcath , Igvo , marrlaxu , iloujoitlo truublet. ipuuulutlun , ullls , deads and murlcngos , iOi iiiit mum ! * , hidden trcaturo , lo t ur stolen piopvrty , 'Jolla you where you should no , how lo gel then * , whom in u\uld , and what to du lu bo sue- coMful , li will Ituparllo you nuecrel well worth pusivoluir. Yun have-never seen licre.juul bcru before. iu > d may never un ln In IhU genornllun. In eomo ri < > pect > thu It tha moil reruarknblo wuuian of Ilia IVlh century. LHill aud Inveitlirutn. Letters wlih II uuiuertul. Consultallou free. 4UJ N IMh rt 817 8J - KXTIlAOUDINAilY ; WONDKUFUL S-AllltlVAL Clmllengeslhu world. Mrs. Dr. 51. lA'gruve , dead trancu clftlrvoynut , astrulogUt , ralmtit and life remler ; tells your llfo fruui the rndlu tu urave ; nolle * the separated ; causes mar- rlngd wUi | tbu ono you lovu ; telU wboru you will im.cac3.aiHl lu wtiai builues * bosl adapted for ; ha Iho cdlobraluil Ktrrptlan breaXplato for luck , and to iH'ulroy bud liiuueucusi cures tUs * liitouiporauco aril nil prlruta cuuiplaluti wlili uiauage. batli aud alrohvl treatueut. tiend IS.OJ , lock ef hair , naiuonnd date of birth and receive uccuruto Jlfo tliarti > vents In > Uuip for circular ! ulvu lultlaU of or.o you will niar-yi nUo pbutui uf ionic , ijttlco 417 south Hin street , uptlalrs , hours , V a. in > UV p , m. Cuuie one. ro run all , and V coovlncui ] of tbl woiiJ rfulor clu M64S Jy 1 OLAIUVOYANTS. t'onllniifd S-MIlf. NANNIK V WAIlltKN. OLAHIVOYAN I' reliable business medium , ntlu jairnt 119 N 1Mb. O MADAMi : FUIT7n 2.1M fUMING PTUIHiK OclMrvoyant n-t trauco rucdlumt inflapondont TOlcvs ; tells past nnd future. M.U ) JU * \ -1 mal baths , scalp nud hair trfntmout , mtinloit rj aiidcblrouodlsl. Mrs. ro t,31 M ( S 1Mb , Wltbnoll blk ' MADAMF. SMITH 1131 DOL'GL VS STItl'.KTi -room 7 , 3d Boor , Alcohol , sulphur nnd cea baths. M7JI-241 T STOWK , MAfeSKUSi : KMCCTUtCIAS , Sfl Unmeo block M 817 IT' T 1-.MADAMKI.A11UK , MASSAHB , 4I 3O. 1STII street , lint I , 3d lloor. Ms80-Z MUSIC , ART AND li ANOUA OB. V-0 F. tir.lJ.KNlllSCK , U.VNJO TKAUHKll , nlth Huino , orftlSN. 18th nt. UU nuviNH APIANO EXAMINK TIIK Y tu lo Klmball planui A. Hospe,15l3 , Douulns. MONEY TO LOAN-KBAIj ESTATJG. W-HIIAlj KSTA'IK LOANS , 0 TO 7 1'Klt OKNTj no additional rlmrcrs for rommlsnlon or nttor < noy's fees.V. . 11. Molklu , 1'lrst National Hank bUU , KM ir-MONFY TO LOAN ON IMPllOVKI ) ' property , low rato. A. C. Frost , Douzlis UT MONKYTO LOAN -IMl'KOVrtl ) OU UN Improveil Omnhn property at tonre tratoi on shortnetlco. Cnslion Inn.I. FUollty Trnit coin pnny , Kill Karaniu streot. 7di W-GKO. W. I' . COATISS. Kill 1'AHNAM. 325-Jy4 Iy-LOANS. G. G. WALLACK , 312 HHOWN 1ILK. \V LOANriOVntl'llOVKD AND UNIMl'llOVKD * ' city pruiierly.Sl.OM and uuwirds , il to 3 per cent , No delays. W. Farn im Smith A Co.Uth unil Humer. \\r-rilIVAT13 MONI5Y , IS V ANI ) 21) MO11TGAGK 'I loans , luwriiles.AIox.Mooro.4Jl Don building. ITII _ W DON'T 1XHGHT THAT Wl ! AUR MAKING low rates on Improved and unimproved loans on Omaha property. No delay und all business trunxnctcd nt Ibis olllco. Fidelity Uruil company , IMI Fornnm slrool. "W W CISNTUAL LOAN i TllUdT CO , UKI3 1ILDG. Ml \\r-OMAHA SAVINGS HANK MAKH3 LOANS M on real estate nt lowest market rates. Ixiaus made In nmallor largo sums and for short or long time. No commission Is charged , nnd tbo loans nro not sold In the east , but can always bo found at the bank on the coruoruf 1 Jth nnd Douglas streets. 933 \V C. W. HAINKY , 815 OMAHA NAT. B'K 1 ; Illy mortgages. Luncat rates. Money ou hand r C. F. HAHH1SON , S12 N. Y. LIF15. tM \\f-7 1'nil CKNT3IONKY NKT TO noilUOW- ' crs on Omaha city proporty. No octra charge * nf any kind. Why pay hlim rates ? Money U cheap Yoacan got full bonunt of low ratuj from Ulolu Loan A. Trust Co. . IbtU und Dodite _ HIT \\T ANTHONYLOAN AND THUS I' CO. , 8H N. Y. ' Llfo , lends nt low rat"s for cholco soourlty on Ncbraaknor Iowa farms or Omalm city property. U37 _ W- S12.-OOOTOLOAN. SUMS 0V $3OJ3 Ul'lVAltl > 3j can place loans on any huhlo Improved prop. orty to nny amount wbero vnhio lj back of tUo loan. Ames Ho.ll Katntc Anunoy , 1507 Fur mm st. WIJ Tlf WANTKI ) AT ONC1J , Al'l'LlCATlONS FOIl > ' loans of ( I.OUO und upward on business , iloncour farm properties. G.J. 1'iiul , Inu ) t'nruain J'JUj rl * \\r-WUITU TUB SKCtllllTY AUSTUACT AND ' InvrKtmcnt Co oflhwkpn How , Neb. , legnrd * Ing thoh iio\clplunuf fnrru Investments. MONEX" TO LOANCHATTELS. . V It' YOU WANT MONKY -A- ON t'lJUNITUKi : . 1'IANOS , lIOUSitf. WAOON3. - OAHHlA ly , ETC. , CALL AT TIIK O1T10K OF OMAHA MOIl'IUAOi : LOAN CO. AND GUT UKHMS HUrOKK DKAL1NO r.LSHWUKnE. Loans made In amounts fruni (1U to $10,000 nt the lowest ratt'H on very short notice without publicity , ainlMlth tlio prlvlleKU of keeping your goods In your own possession. \ou pity the uionoy back In any amounts you wish and at nny time , and pacli payment HO made will rcducp the test of the loan In proportion. 'J hero will bo no expense or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive the ful amoiuil of thu loam * OMAHA MOUTGAOK LOAN CO. llooin 11 CrclKhton Illock. 1Mb st , Soutli of pontolllcd Tlio only Incorporated loau company In Uruaha. X MONEY TO LOAN. FIDEL1TT LOAN QUAUANTKH CO. On household needs , pianos , organs , horeos , mules , wagons , otc. nt tbo lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. I'nymontsof any amount can bo rnudo at nny tlmo.rcduclni ; both principal nud Interest , thus Klvlns patrons nil the benotltsof the partial payment - ment plan. . Money always on band ; no delays ; -publicity ; lowest rutei , business comldciiilal. HUiilTY LOAN GUAUANTBK CO. , ICC U 4 , Wlthnoll blk. , 16th nod Hnrney. Ar WILL LOAN .MONKY ON ANY KIND OF -Asecurity ; strictly confidential- . 12. IIAIIUIS , room I , Continental block. 102 X UOIl'Tl'llITCHAUO , It , 3 , W1THN15LL BLK XV 10.1 V WHKN YOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN BKB -iV\v. n. Davis , room 20. Continental block. 104 Ar CUATTKIj J/JANS MADK ON FUltNITUUK -tVphuios , llvo stock , etc. , without publicity or ru. laovnl property nt tbu lowest rates nnd the easiest payments. Dull Green , rooms S und t ) llarkor block. I7o X 520.000 TO LOAN ON CIIATT15L SECUKITY buslucsscontldanllaL llooui 403 Uarbnch block. 211 Jr2' -IO , f2 > . tW , 1100. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON FUIt- nlture , horses , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co . 11111 Douglas st. Mil " BUSINESS OHAHOE8. Y FOU SAL15 , A WKLIrl'AYINU AIISTHACT business In ono of the western counties of this state. Address 11 S7 , lleo olllco. MTM 1 * A' SALOO'I ANDFIX'lUUKS FOKSALB. I1KA11T Jcity. . Good rcasuu for selling. Bo t business. Address II38 , Hue , MS til 27 * V WANTKD , A MAN WITH IM ) TO 1IUY HALF L Interest 111 nnd tuko the innnnnoiuont for n sal- nry uf a KOOI ! paytnc business. Fur pnrtluiilitrs call at 1512 Haruey st. 31871 28 * Y UYKAUUiAHl ! HOLD FOIl 8AL1 ! , 1II5ST UK- tall location In Omahu. Co-Opcrutivo Lund and Lot Co. .205 N. I lith si. _ Bill 2H V-STOItl ! HUH , DING ON ICT1I ST. . NUAIl J. Capitol avenue , lent t4o. Co Operatjvo Lam ! nnd Lol fo. 205 N. IGlli tt , 6'.U 24 VMKATJIAHKKT von SALK ciiKAi'oooi ) X tonn , locution audlriidu ; everything complete. If ) on nunlii ) > ayln buHluoi ( call nud Invouljjutu Immodlatcly. Puncoabt A Co , , Ashland , Nob. SI 8 25' y Full SAW : , COMPLKTH H-UIIAIK IIAIUIKK shop , will sell the whole or In sets,20J fcth * street , at cigar store. WJ-27 * A NKIIllAbICA HTATK HANK WANTHD. Woha\oparlies who will liuust from$10,000 , to S40.01/0 In one. ceuil full particulars , btrlctlyoon- lldiiutlal , Alox. Moore , 401 lleo bulldhiz. M027 20 FOR EXCHANGE. V-UNINCUMIIKHU : ) LANDS IN HASTKUN NH- ! 'Jbrasknand liimnns lor Kuod Insldu Omaha or Council Ululls proporty. Addrun UDJJ A Illllli. Kuipurla. Kan ' y-CLKAN STOCK OF GBNKIIALM'D'S U ; WILL /Jluko real ontatu & niouuy. llox'JJj , Fraukf ort , Ind 103 Z-FOIt KXCHANUK-FINH HK4U1BNUK , NIW , It rooms , modern Improvements ; en motor line , 1 mlle from P , O. Will oxclmnxu for 1:001 ! busi ness lot or farm lands. W. , P. O. box titt , Omaha. y VVALUAIlLHCOllNBllI/il'ON H. 1ITU bT. ' -'forsubiirbau property , A vulunulocijiilty lu lot for 2001 ! harso. balance iy teruis. Fidelity Trust Co. , lull I'jirnmi Z-FOIl 8ALK OU KXCHANGH-l'LANINO mill , 18th and Maion slreots , Omaha. John M. bheeluy , IsiU anil Musou tniul . MM ) jy H * y FOU BALK. Oil JC.XCHASGi : FOIl UVKKY /J tock , lands In Nebraska. Address lluuk Uoirn- bauiu , lllalr , Nob. M73S 25 * ly-AJOoi ) I'AIOI , UMALL ENl'UMllltANCri , 'IX ) / trudu for Ouialm property , Address , UO , Hoe. Ml 24 * V WANTKU , U Oil 7 HOOM 11OUSK INHIDU OF /Jtwo rn.Ho linn. In oxcbantro for 1 1-U urru lot near Uii111ute , with duo Improvements. Will double In value luildo of 6 years , fidelity Trust Cu.luii Inriiain. M&H JT y-AN KI.KGANT 1IOMK IN HAST1NI > S , LOT ' lajilsj , en llanlui ; avenue , for Omsliu pruh ertyiu sntp fur n Hmtlinis uian. FlUullty Trust Co. , lolt Kurnuiu. M'jJl Jy7 FOU SA1.K-KKA1. EBXATJ& 170U8ALK-lIOMBS.ANYl'niCr ! . 7W. I1.J49 Ul'T J ea > y terms ; take clear property u * tlrst payuieut , G. U. ttmiicu , llrgnn block , Mb. und Djuglm , HQ HOUSES ANI ) CATTLK PASTUIIKI ) AT STOCK l rm , llolloTue 11. T. Clarku , JI'J Hoard of 'Irtdo. OumUo. t\t \ 1JOII SALK AT A UAUGAIN , I/JT li. III CK I. JW. . U bolby's Br t uddlllun lu boutli OlnlUa ; mallpayment Uown , balauca muulhlrlf desired. , U. Tticbuck , Ouiab * Uuo. ( til f OR BAI.B.-aBAI. ESTATE. -uiG it A mi li w i N OUCHAUD HILI , lot , will take itood hor'l' * first payrnsnt , bat- mice , monthly piyrnent * . IOP We will soil yon n lol itrttchctp nml furnish money to build you n homnrui monthly payments ) nevernl locations n We will build yon a coU'Wvulo sull on monthly pnjmenlsj small pnymontrfljiwn 'IwonowJ roomcotlatiisJgiKlrkwnoil , on } bloot iromcir line. cheap iiiiiitmtrniy piymcnK. nr Mii infelcar lol Id W.ijjiul Hill , only f 1.10) 0) . llargnln In clear lol In Offflinl Hill , only f7iMO ) . Hargnln In cloir lul In fnlitliton HclgMs K .UU. Ilirgaln In nbeiutlfnl h * * < * In Ltfayotto I'lnoJ , the lineal rp .ldonii torraoo In.Ouiana overyouo nd * tnlli It , Lei ujnliowlt yoi-1 For terras , prices , ctoiiieull on Fidelity Trust Co. . 1014 Farnim st. 117 L AiviYKITK 1'LACK ; $ t6\J MUST 8KB THIS properly to npprcclato It , two liume * . fur sale at bargain Call for terms , etc. , Fidelity Trust company - pany , 1014 Fnrnam nt. .117 3HlAU1IFULHOMiS : STILl. FOU HALK IN Lafayette placo. Yuu will uinko n mlMnka If yutt buy without noclnn us about llit > sg homes. Itnnt for WJ 00 nnil IIUW pnr month , rinejt lnve tinont In tlio city. . 2 5 Jy 8 17011 BALU , NOA 4IOJ ANI ) 4101 LAFAYIJTrK -fnveln Lufajotlu L'laco. now 8-roorn dwnlllngi. with bath , gas , etc. , electric gnsllgbtlng and every other modern Improvement , line lawn , ircos ami sur roundings one block from electric cars. Those two houses will bo void at n big bargain ; wilt lake lol ns part pnymont ; let us lmw ) on iho property HdolllyTrust company , H1141 arnam st 117 1IAUGAIN. 1IAVI1A GOOD LIxiTl.OT AHOUT 200 feet from Sherman Avc. , 80 minutes' walk from poslolllce ; splendid nclgliburhoud. Will build to siiltcmtoiner on easy terms , It will pay you to Investigate this olfer , A , C. Frost , ItooniS. ) , uuuglns block , Ilith nnd Dodge sts. 7. > 7 FOH3ALK .V03) AO.lKi"OF NKHHA-JlvA LAND at great nicrlllcu. Apply for parllctilars lu G. H. Pelersun , uwnor , 1112 3. lltli street , Oaiahn. " MlWJyl . rniiK no.xnt CAUKIKD AND DODGK -i. wilt soon bo pivod clear to thiide ohulooS nnd 10 * ncro tracts which wi > can still soil for n short time nt the old price of flOJ 00 per ncro. Don't delay. WrlKbt fi Lnsbury , 1U)1 ) Howard street. MK.M LACKY'S A1)IIT1ON-FIN1 ! LOT3 NHAH MOTOH Hue , 20J each ; IS ctth , bil. 2 , I. it , , 7 per conl. llcsldenco lots within 2) ) ( miles of poslotllco M-Hlencli ; MO cash , bal. lotu thuo at 7 per cant. Kino lot wltli six room cotlaxu at 33th and Hurt streets. Price , f..SO ) ; SVJOoisli , bal. onay. Potter * GeoriioCo. , U. W. cor. ICtb und Farnnm. M.II7 jy4 FtNK W ACHK LOT IN HUNbON ADO , CLOSH to motor , only flPOj easy payments Fidelity Trust Co , IU14 Farnnui. _ Mii > 3 .Iy7 FOR BENT-F A3TURE3. _ 1"ASTUufi'FmrCATTL15&HOHS 21M _ Tlfl ! 1IAVI5 THU Ht:3T : HOItSH I'AsTUUK IN 'I this state at Gllmoraetitlon , Ihreo miles south of South Oniiilia ; 100 acroi blue grass , spring water , board fenco. Have n good half mlle track on the farm. Will taken few horses or colts to break or train , llarton & Phelps or A. W. Phelps A. Son , llullJers Kxchango. Now Vork Llfo building. \rANTUD-H01tSU3 TO PAsrUIlK , * CALLED > for nud dollvorcd. G. A. Lludauust , 311 ! S. 15th , .Mini PASTIJUAGK roil HOItm , COLTS , CATTLH , 200 acres pasture ; barn room case of storm. My farm ranch Is ono mlle from 21th street motor car. south on Ullmoro road. 1 call nnd ilollvor. Address uio , J. 11. llrusll , 1' . O. box UO. South Omaha. , MCUJ JyH P ASTUIlKrOUCATTUU&IlOIlSUS. T.MUltllAY C7I ) _ _ _ T OST T1113 I'UHSO.V WHO 1'UlKnll Ul' AJloather inirso containing about $30 from ilosk In American isatlonul bank > estiTday will ploasora * turn to American National bank and rcculvo ro ward. No questions wlllbo nsked. MU01 23 03T-GOL1) WATCH. 'AND CHAIN WATCH 13 Unrnt case , open fncoPplnln , Swl s movement ! chain , 14-karulunUlu chain pvlth seal charm ; lost between corner IMh nnd l''n.rnam nnd court house. Uunard KlNOn to iluduf. AMly at Dee elllce.ill ill ! 25 * PAWN BROKERS. ah.NVDUU'rf LOAN OtfUICU , 1510 DODUH ST. HWJjy iioiiLi : , ob'Fici i uH I'AKNAM ST. upstairs ; tuslo and iorualo bulp. Tel. 83J. fS7 Bids for Fraeooing-CDunoil Chamber in Niw OSty < HaVOlnahn- ( . Sealed bids fo'r | fresco-'ni'Jnttfr ! ? the 6ldo walla nnd celling of thucoii'iMfFx-hnmbor , in the now city hall , lu ol ) colortlaJJio Jt t to bo waxed , will ba ruculi'ofljiJL this olnco to 4 p. m. July IL'th , Is'Ji ' OoSVnqtrto' otceod Each bidder to furnlsh'hls owri siieelllentlons and designs , and. to accompiiny his bid with a eertllled uf.uck for ? lWu-Tlio ) ri ht Is ret > orvea to rujuct uuy or all bids * " * * - IHEO. OLSHN , J-JiUt ! . Uomptrollor. y i. . _ . TON For Sale , Rent of Exchange , BEST IN. THE WORLD ! Jos. P. Megefcth , Dealer , RRILWHYTIMKGHRD Leaves I UNION 1'ACU'IU. I Arrlvot Omaha. [ Union DoputlOth nmlMarcy Sis , | Omaha NOTICE OF TUB AU.TOUUNfiD SIT TING OF TUB CITY COUNCIL AS A UOAUI ) OF EQUAL IZATION. Tx > tlio mvnors of the lots P'lrtS of loin nml retil e .tiuo nlmttlng on or nrijitcont to tlio ntrcot . nllcyt or i.vontip * lii'rolii ininiotl or Mitmtod In nholoorput within any of tlio ( VKtrlcl * ) herein cm-uitletl ! You nml eneh at vou nro hprohy nollllctl tint tlio C'lly Council of tlio Mty of Omnhn , Avlll hold Ha llnil : iiiljourneil mrntlnit its n Hour i nt Kiiunllrntlnti , lit thn olllcu of the CHvdeikln thu fllv Hull , Uiniihi , Nob. onTuosilny Iho 2Sth dny of June , IS ) , ' , nt 10 o'clock n in , , for the purport ? of eonsldorlnn nnil cnUiillztiitt the proposed lory of special tn < nnil "I'ro- crs nssussmcnts ns SIIONMI by - po .oil I'ltxns i > t Assessment'1 now on Ilio In the otllcoof sulii Oily Clerk , und correcting nny ortors thoroln , nnil of honrlliR nil cutnplalnts Hint the owncis of property * oto lo ) imewil nndtuxo.l iniiv iiinUu ; nnd inking llnnl nutlon with refereneo to such complntnis nnil oil- jrcllons nlrendy mndo ; a-\l < \ , pnc nl tn\es nntl ftssessiiionts proposed to bo lovloil beliiK ni'C- o snrv to cover the c < Ht of the suvernl im provements duly nuthurl7oil to hu inido utiil now vomplola 1 ns follons : DiinuiKo * ! for dimming tlio grade of Arlior streot. llth street anil 12th street. nmountliiR to the sum of J-7,00 , which snld sii'n it Ispropoeod by n rupori ilnly nOoptO'l hy the city counoll lo nssoss on tlio lots nnd real estate to the depth ot ucntor of block on both shiest of Arbor street from 10th strcot lo 13th stroot. llth street from ! ? " > foot south of Arbor street to Onstollnr strcot. 12th strict from Ylntoil street to Oastollnr strcot. Judgment In fnx'orof Jllchnol Iounolly for , rtaniiios ; for ehnnie of prndo of Dnvonport itreet from Oth to 10th street , iimonntlni ; to thn sum of HD ) let , uhleh sum It Is proposed hy n report duly ndiiptoit hy the cltv council to OBinsa on tliu ots nnd real oslnto to thodopth uf'S2 \ foot oil both stilus of s.ild Diivonport street from nth to 10th stri-ut. DainiiKos for Kindlns the nlloy lu blocks. Konntrc , t Itnth's tiildltlon , niuountlni ; lo Iho sum ot flTil 00. whlolisnld turn It Is pioposod by a icport duly ndontcd by lliu eily rounull to U--SCSS on thu lots nnd runl cslnlu to tlio depth of ono lot on both sides of s.'ild nlloy In block 8 , Koutil/o fc Itnth's nddltlon. CluitiKlnc thu gr.ido of Douglas Rtruct from lUth to JOtli Htri-ut nnd corlaln intorscctlna Bticots , ninountlnx to Iho sum ot $ r.ti'i7 , which Enid sum it is proposed by u tuport duly ndoptcd by the cltv council to assess oil the lots nnd ronlofet-ita to the depth of Ut teuton both Hlilu-i ot said DoiiRlns street from Oth street to 21th stroot. n * follows : per foot frontiiBo. Fiom 1.1th tn Kith st , f 1.00 per foot frontage. From 33ml utront on north sldo to west line , lot 2. Housei's sub. , from 20th struct on south sldo to west line , sub. IS , lot 2 , Capitol ndd. , ut ? J 40IU per foot frontage. On north slue from west line lot Z. Housol's sub. to west line sub. S , lot 'i , Uupltol ndd. On south slno from west line sub. 18 , lot " , Oupltol mid , to west line lot U , Housei's sub. nt KJ.OO per foot frontage. On north sldo from west line sub. 8 , lot 2 , Oaultol ndd. to west line suV. It , lot : i , Capitol ndd. On south sldo from nest line lot 0 , llonsel's glib , to west line a b. 12 , lot 3 , Capitol tel add , , tit $2 03 per foot f rontnso. On north sldo from west line Bill ) . 3 , lot n , Oupltol add. to 24th street. On south shin from west line sub. 1' ' . lot 3. Ourritol add. to 24th street , nt filio per foot frontage. 21th street on west sldo from north line of lot I ) to south line lov 11 In Ivullom's 1st , ; ulil. nt II. * , " ) per foot fiont ice. Douglas strcot from Ifltli to 20th at S.I.TO per fonlfiontngo. I7th street from nlloynorthof rarnnm street to Dodge strcot nt W.SO uor foot front igo , Ibthstreet fiom Karimm to todgo ) Btreot nt $3.70 per foot frontage , lUth street from rnrnatn to Dodge streets at $3.70 per foot frontage. 1'or the cost of grading 4th avenue from Or.imlvlow to Hancroft strcot , amounting to Jii,17S.yO. whlc'h said sum it is uroposod by a re port duly adopted by the elty counoll to ns- boss on the lots nnd real cstato to the donth of alley on both sides ot 4th uvenuo from Grnnd- vlow to Hnnuroft street. Rate per front foot- lihunglng the grade of 2Hh street from LoavonMortli street to Woolworth nvonitc. amounting lo the sum of $1Ul 1.00 , wlilcli suld sum It Is proposed to assess on the lots nnd ronl est ito lo Iho ( Icutli of thu conlerof block not exceeding 150 feet on both aides of siild 24th street from I.oavcnworth lo Hickory street. K.ito per foot frontnge , 10.2100. ) . Uamnues for grading curtain strcots und nl- levs in Marsh's nddltlon , amounting to the siimof } SJ4 OJ , which snld sum It Is pioposcd bv n rupert duly udoplcd by the city counoll to assess on the lots adjoining the streets und alleys , lo-wlf. Matey street from-Hit loSTtli streets. Mnson street from 23th lo 27th streets. 2Mh nvenuo fiom Loaienwoith street to Hickory plnco. 2."ilh street from I.oavcnwortb street to Hickory plucc , and the nlloyii In Mnrsh's nd- dltlon , oqu illy on thu sovcrnl lols In blocks 1 lo ! ) inclusive , In Marsh s addillon , on oaoh lot Damages for grading Castcllnr street from 15th to 21th streets amounting to the sum of li&I.OJ , which said sum It U proposed by a re port duly adopted by the city council to assess on the lots and estate to the depth of the nlloyor the depth of thrcoia ) lots nnd in tix lot to the depth of 150 foot , on both sides of Castollarstreetfroin 15th to 21th streets. Kate per foot frontage , 1.05I80'I ' Damages forgindlng 1'uclflc street from 2ith to 27th streetsiimonntliig to the sum of Ml8.00 , which sild sum It Is proposed by a rcportdnly adopted by the city council to nbsoss on thp lois and real estate to the depth to the center of block , nnd the depth only of lots 4 , : I7 and 40 in Hickory place , on both sldos of I'uclllo street from i'Uli to z"th streets , llato per foot fiontaso , J023M ) , Damages for grud Ing Dupont street and Rico street In Dupont place , amounting to the sum of H8J Oi. which said sum it Is promised by a icportduly adopted by the city council , to as sess on the loin nnd real estate to the depth of 12 > feet on both bides ot said sticcls us fol lows : Dupontstreot from east line to west line of Dupont pluco. Uico atreot from oust line to west line of Dupont place , at rule of S0.1J5 per foot frontage. Damages for ohnngo of Krido of 42nd street , l.afuvottc , and other streets In Walnut IHII nddltlon , amounting to the sum of'9277.00 , which said sum It Is proposed by a report duly adopted by the city council to nssosson the. lots and real estate to the depth of I. > 0 foot on hot n sides of 42nd street from Hamilton to Nicholas street ; Iiifayotto nvcnuo from IV ) feet west of 42nu street to 41st street. Ku'o jior foot f rontauo } y. 111)8. ) Damunos tor grading JiSth street from Far- nam to Hurt street , amounting to the sum of $ .109.00 , which said sum It Is proposed by a re port duly adopted Dy the ulty council to as- ses3 0:1 : tlio lots nnd ioal cstnto to the depth of llrat alloy or 1M feet on both sides of : ! 3th street from I'ainatn Rtroet to Hurt utreot. Kato per foot frontage f.oo2. : Uhanglng the guide of Hamilton sticot from 24th street to 4Jth street and'certain Intor- hootlng streets , amounting to the sum of $11.- ' . ' 0000 , which said sum It Is proposed by u re port duly adopted by the city council to assess on the lots and real rstato to tlio depth of center of block or the first alley , und property not sub-divided ISO feet , on both sides of tlio followlnir streets : Hamilton street from 21th to 40th street. 2Uh struct from ClmtloH toUaldwoll sticot 27th street from alloy south of Hamilton to Charles btroet. 23th stioet from Hamilton to Churlcs street 2tth ) street from Indiana , to Charles street. 31st street fiom Hamilton to Charles street HJrd street f torn Myrtle avenue to street. Ittth sticot from Laf ay otto nvonuo to Charles iiOth strodtfrom Lafayette a venue to Charles stroot. Kilty per foot frcmtngo , $3.0C,74'i. Killing certain lota amounting to the sum 01 J91.10 , which said sum It Is proposed by n ro- portduly udoutod by the city council to BCHS on the loin ami real estate as folloue ; hot 11 , block 4 , Drake's addition , $1)5.10 ) , To cover the cost of sloping certain lots amounting to the Hum of whloh sah sum It it proposed by a toportduly ndoptei by the oky council to unsoss on the lots am real estate as follows : Int 1H , block 10. A mliler place. { 1.03. Lot 10 , block 10. Ambler place. (1.27. Lot 20 , block in. Ambler place ] ? 28W. ! West 150 foul of so ! i of nw > i bcction 2U-15-13 f BS 52. Damages for cr.idlng 2fltli street from I'ar- nam strcut to Hartley street , und alloy Iron lOlh strnot to27th ivvuniiu , niiiountlng to the Bum of $1,509 ' 0 , which uld sum jt Is proosoi | ) by a repoit duly adopted oy thu city council to assess on Iho Jots and real estate to the depth of JUjJ foot on east side nnd 13) ) foot 01 west sldo ofsuld 26th street from Kurnuin to Hariiuy utronta. Kate per foot frpntagit * Dumagcsfor chnnglng the grndoof Dodge street from Lane nvonno to Holt railway amounting to thu sum of S-'JIILOU. which sail sum It I * proposed by u report duly adoptui by the city counull'to as osj on the loin nm real estate to the depth of throe lots , or the nrst ullity , on both sldc.i of suld street f run l.awe iivunuu to Dull railway , Kate nor too frontage , UWOT. lly leason of opiniln 27th street from DrU tot street to Hcu.clc park , iimountlng to thu sum of f l.hilO.OU. which said sum It Is nroposoi by n report duly adopted by the city councl to ttsbinu on the lota and real estate on botl sides of said 27th street fiom llrUtol strcot to 1'axton street , an follows ; To be KHsodsoo. on tno bulauco of lot 10 llanos' tddltlon , * VW01) . To boussoiiud on IhuoailOl feet ot subto II. tux lot No. 0 , &UO.O ) . 1'rom the Hotith line of ItcdlcU park to 1'rnt street at the rate of ) .275 pur foot froiituyolt Uouth to center of blouk , 1'rom Pratt street to 1'axlon I'rcct nt the rate of $0.137 per foot frontage lutlcuth tocou tor of block , . You tire furlhernotllled thutsaid'TropoJoi rinnsof ABsossmont" are now subject to the ln > pootlon and examlimtionof anyof theown era of saiJ lots , puru of lota or iiluoun of ruu uatain , or the Inspection or examination u any other person lutercated In said prouosui u oisiuent , at the olllye of sulu city clerk uud that by a report of a committee ot nail on n ell duly nilopled. It Is propojod thnt un- o s for Rood anil suniclont oitu o It may bo llKjrwIso ordcrod nnd dotcrmlnod , that the est of sMd linnrovenicnM rosuectlsoly bo ssesscd on the > , overnl lots , parts of lots and ncos of roul estate us shown Tjy said pro- lose 1 plans of ns ossmont. You nnd en hof vou nro horobr notified to linear lieforc said Hoard ot Kminllrntlon , nt ho tltno nnd plnfo ntiovo sDoclllcd , to make ny ( . omplntnt , stnt'oiupiit or object Ion , either ddlllon or orlguiali vou dcslra vonccrnlng ny of sild proposed levlos nnd nssps < monts t tales' JOHN OUOVl'.S. City ( llurk. Omnbn , Neb , , Juno 21,1W. .l.'ldfit 'ERMANENT SIDEWALK UKSOLU- TION. Council Chnmbor. Omaha , Neb , , Juno" , Is02. lo It iq < olv il bv the cltv coiini-lt of the city otOmulm , thamavor cononrrlng : That permanent sidewalks ho constructed In In-city o Oin.ih.i nsdeslitnatod below , n I'bin I MI days after the publication of this rosolu- Ionor the personal .servleo thereof , as by or- inanio Is aulhorlrol and r autrod ; suuli hlowalks to ho laid to the permanent ur ido n the streets specified horoln , and to ho con- trtictod of stone , nrtlllclnl stone'brick or lllng.nccordlii ) ; lo speclllcntlons on file in the Illcoof the llo.ird ot I'ubllo Works und under Is suporvision.towlt : \Vot sldo of ait'i ' stroat. lots 1 and 2 , block 3 , Slilna's nddltlon , 8 feet w hie. Hast Hldoot loth strool. south 2A1 foot inoro r less ot tax Iof7 , soi'tlon 2M5-13 , 0 fool \ldo. Knst sldo of IOMi street. lotsS , 0 , 7 and S.blook , South tjtnnh i nddltlon , 0 feet wide. Kistsldo liith Rtreot , undivided south ( 1& out ot bloalc 1 , South Omaha addition , G tuct vldo. Hast sldo ot 10th street , CO foot In bleak C , ! outh Omaha addition , being the n. o. cor , of 01 hand Castollar. it feirt wide North Hide of I'limam stroot. lot ! ) , blookS , oromo park addition , n feel \\ldo. West sldo of 22 J street , lots , block III I , city , foot whip. . South sldo of Oillfornla street , lot 4 , block 9 , cltv. 0 feet wldu. i-oulhsldoof C.ipltoi ixve , lots laiul I , block 1 oily , 0 feet wldo. Knst sldo of 2Hh street , lot 4 , block 0 , Iweosoy's addition , 0 foot wide. South sidoot Oa'lfoinla ' street , lots ,1 and 4. block ( I , Sweosnv's addition. 0 feel wldo. Noithsldoot Huitstrent , lots 5,0. 7 and 8 , block : il I , city , U foot \ \ Ido. fcouth Bkloof Douglas ntr ot , lolsO , 7 and 8 , lousol's sub. , of , or in lot 2 , Capitol addl- lon. i ! feet wldo. South stdo of DoupHs street , sub. of lot 2 , lot , Capitol addition , n feat wide. boulhsldoof Douzlas sticot , lot 1 , Capitol addition , rt font wldu. I\oi th shin of Douglas street , lot 1 , Capitol iddltlun , 0 feet wide. South s'dcot Douglas street , sub ot lots 11. 2.13,14. 15 aim in. lot 3 , Capitol addition , 0 cot wldo. South sldo of Douglas St. , silb. 0-11-18 , lot 2 , Capitol addition , tt fuel wule. And bo It further resolved , Thnt the Hoard of 1'uhllo Works bo and hereby Is nutliorl/ocl nut directed loeauso n copy of this rcsolu- , Ion to bo publlshod In thuolllclal paper ot ho city for ono week , or bo son-oil on the owners of said lots and that unless such owners Khali within live days after the publication or sorvlcoof Mieli copy construct Kiuowalks us herein required , that the Hoard ot I'ubllo Works oauso the snmo lo bodono. the cost of constructing said sldownlKs respectively to bo tiMtissml against the ronl estate , lot or part of lot In front of nnd nbilltlng such sidewalks. Passed Juno 7 , 189J. r. r. DAVIS , I'lostdont of the t'ounoll. Attest : JOHN GitOYKS , UltyUlork. Approved : GKO. 1' . UK.MIH , M'lyor. ' NOTIon TO CONSTRUCT. SIDI'.U'ALKS. To thu owners of lots , nicil-i of lots und estate dos-orlbod In the nbo\o resolution : Von nnd each of you are hereby notlllc'I to construct poriminuiitsldowalUsiiR required hy n resolution of the city council arid mayor of tlio city ot Ornulia , of which the above Is a copy. 1' . W. HIKKI1AUSI.11 , Chairman Ho ird of I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nob. . Juno 20lh. ISDi J'JJdTt PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. Council Chamber. Omaha , Neb , Mil v 10. IB ! ) ! . Bo It icsolvod by the < ! lty council of the oily of Omnha , the mayor concurring : Tlmtpori'iuuetit sldowulus bo constructed In the city of Omnha IIH dnslgnntcd below , within llvo dnv.s after the publication of this resolution or the ptrstmrtl service thereof , as by ordinance is authorized anil required ; such hldowiilks to bo laid to thu permanent gr.ide ns established on tlio p vvoil streets hpuullled hoioln HIU ! to ha constructed of blone , nrll- llclul stone , brick or tiling aeeonllnir to Spool- Ilcatlons on file In tlio olllco of the lloar.l of 1'ubllc Works , and under Its supervision , to wit : North si do of Cnnilng st. . lots 14 lo IS inclu sive , blool ; I , Armstrong's Ibt addition , ( I fuot \\lile , permanent ; : nne. Knst sldo ot 32ud avnnuc , lots 15 , 17 to 22 Inclusive , block.1 , West Kud , 0 feet wldo , pcr- mnnontxr.tdu. i-.usi , Biuo 01 .inu avoniio. lot u. DJOCIC.I , Siimmit I'laco. n feet wldo , pormnnont gr.ulo. t-outh.sldo of Lcavenuoi th St. , lots 1 , 2 , II , 4 block 1U. Cherry Garden , U feet wldo , perma nent grade. North sldo ot Doclgo St. . lot 'i , block 81 , city , 6 fpct wide , permanent gradn. East sldo of IDtli st , , lots , block 81 , city , Gfoot wide , permanent grade. And be It further resolved : That the Hoard of 1'iibllo Works bo nnd hereby Is authorized ami directed to cause a copy of this-resolution to bo published ] n the olllulal impor of the city for ono week , or be served on the owners of s.ild lots , and unless such owners slnll within llvo days nftor the publication or service of such copy constinot said sldownlks as heroin required , the Hoard of 1'ubllc Works cntisu the same to bo done , the cost of constructing said .sldownlks respectively to bo assessed n nlnst the estate , lot or purt of lot In front of and abut ting such sldowalUs. I'asscd May 10,189. . U. I' . DAVIS. 1'rosldont of the Counoll. Attest : ' JOHN GKOVES , „ Cltv Clerk. Approved : GEO. P. UHMIS , Mayor. NOTICE TC OONSTHUCT StDHWAMCa. To thu owners of the lots , purls of lots and leal estate described In the ubuvo resolu tion : You and each of vou nro horoDy notified to construct permanent sidewalks as required by a resolution of the elty council and mayor of thoclty of Omuhu , of which the above is u copv , P. W. HIKICHAIIHKK , Chairman of I'ubllu Works. Omaha , Neb , Juno 20. 18- ! . j'JOd't WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber , Om ihn , Nob. , Juno 7 , 139. . Ho It resolved by thu oily council of the oily of cmahn , the mayor concurring : That wooden sidewalks bo constructed In thu cltv of Omaha us designated below , within llvo days after the publication of this resolution , or the puinonui service thoioof.'ns by oidiiiani'o is nulhoil/cd and icquiiud : such sldo.talks to be laid to the meson t , grade on the streets specified herein , and to bo con structed of plno plunk of such width nml thickness nnd bo laid upon joists ot such dimensions and In Hiicl' manner as In pre scribed by the jiiioclllcatlnns on lilo in the olllco of the lloani of I'ubllu Works und under It supervision , to wit : West sldo of 4th street , lots 1 nml 20 , block fif. Grand Vlilwaddition , 4 feet wldo. boil th bldo of Maxon street , lots 27 and 23. block- . Kouulzo's & Itulh's a-Jditlon , U feut wide. North sldo of Mnplo sticot. lots P , 0 , 10,11 and 11. Itumlnuton's aub lots u. ' , Ul and 01 , Gl&u'n addition , 0 feet wlilo. Kiist sldo of : i7th street. Iot2. block 2) , West Omaha addition , II feet wide , And ho It fin thurru < olveil : That thu llo.ird ot Piibllo Works be , and Is hereby , authorized and iHiuclcd to cause a copy of this resolution to ho publUheJ In thu ctllulal paper of the city for ono week , or bet t > crwid on the owners of said lots , and un less such owners shall wltliln ilvo days after thn publication or burvluu of such copy con struct Hiieh Biduwallcs an hoiuln required , that the Ho ird of Public Works uuuso to bo done , the cost of constructing s.Urt sldo- uralks respectively to bo anbossed iigalnl tlio rnul estate , lot or part of lot In front of und abutting such sidewalks , * Passed Juno 7 , IB'x. ' . E. P. DAVIB. President of thn Council. Attest : JOHN UKOVKS. Oily Clark , Approved : GEO , P. llEMlri , Mayor , NOTICE TO OOXSTKUOT SIDEWALKS. To the owners of lots , parts of Iota and real estutodescribed In the nbmo resolution ; You and uach of you nro hereby notlllud to construct woudtm slduwnlks as required by a resolution of the city council nnd nnyor of thu city of Omaha , of whluh thn nbiivii Is a copy. P. W. HIItKIIAl'bli'U. Chiitrmun Hoard of I'ubllu Works , Omaha , Nub. , Juno 20 , ibiw. J20 d 7t NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. You nro hereby notified that thu following described promises , to-wlt : The bank of earth on the oust 2J f dot of lot In Johnson's addition to the city of Omahu. Thu bank of earth on thu wont half of lot 7 , block 161. city. ThuuanKsof earth existing on lota 5,0 nnd 7 , In block 230. elty. The L'anitsot earth existing on loin 7,8,0 , 10 , II and 12 , block I ) , U , E. Hogur ' add to the city of Oiniilm , llavo been declared by ordlnanto No. 3103. to bo n nttUuncc. i ou uru hereby dlreotod to abate laid nut * Banco by gnullng down suld banks , within twenty days , from the 15th day of June 18'/J or Haiti nuUuuco will be abated by thoclty authorities ami the oxiiensu tnoru- of lovled HH u special tax ugulnu the proper ty on which said mulanco uxisU. Dated thUi'lstduy of Juno , lb'12. P. W. mUKIIAUSKH. Clmlrmau Hoard of I'ubllu'iVorkn of the City PERMANENT SIDEWALK HKSO LUTION. Opunclj nmmbetr. Omithn N > b , Jnua 7 , 181t llo U resolved by the City Council of no Ittj of Omaha , the f.lRyorconi'urrliii- Tnixt porinani'nt siilm.ilk * tw ronstrticted IB the city of Omnhn ns dt Uimttul baiow.Utnla llvo tlnyn nftPr the PUhlUitiou of this rosohl- tlon.ortho personal scrvlco thoronr. us by or- dinMico N niitlmrtxod nttil re jtilo'd. suon side walks to bo laid to thn permanent Rrado as cs tnbllsheil on thp. paved strpets sppclllod herein and tobo ronstructodofKo.-prirnrilllclatstoln arcordltiKtospPclllfatloiisntUllo in Hie otllr ot the ll.jurd ot 1'ubllo Works , nud under Us Btiprvlslon , to-wlt : \\est sl.lo of inth st , south &tl feet , inoroni loss , lot 8 block .MHj.u Ity , so feet wldo , poiiim * ncnt gradi > . Wt-st sfclu of IGth st . north C5foet , morn or less , lot I b.ock tttS't city. 20 feet wl lo , pormn- nput andu. North sldo of llnrnov itrect , lots ft and 0 , block 11 % city. 12 feet wldo , perm incut grndp , West sldoof Ijtlt su , lot 1 block 1M , elty , 20 feet Wldp , pprmnnent uiadn. And linlt further rcsulvcd. That t he of Public Works DO. nnd U lipreoy authorized nnd directed to r-nnso nrnpy ot thu resolution to 1m pubHsnad In thu oillclnl paper of the city for ono WOOK , or tie nerved ou thoownoiM of said lots , nnd ttiut uulois such owners shall within Ovo dny * after the publica tion or sorvlcn ot such cipy construct sild sldxwalksns herein required , thnt the Hoard of Public Worksi'iiuso tliBsnmo to ba done , tno cost of constrnctliiRM sidewalks rospccttvu- ly to ho assessed against the real estate , lot 01 part of lot In front of and ixbuttlui ! suon sidewalk. Passed .1 uno 7th , ISM. 12. P. DAYIS. President of the Council Attest .10IINUUOYE3 , City Clerk. Approved OHO. P. llKMlP.Miyor. NoTioiiTD CO.N.STIUIPT SIDKW.M.KO. Tothoownoisot the- lots , jurti ot loti ai\l real pstato descrlbod In tha nnovo rosoluttnnt You and each of you nro hereby uotlllcd to construct pormauont shhnv.ilks as roitulreil bv * a resolution of : ho I'lty ( 'ouncll nnannvorof tliol'ltyof Omnhn , ofhlch thonhovoUn topy. P. W. Ill IllCII.ITHIMt. . Chnlrmaii Hoard of Public \Vorlca , Omnhn. Nob. . Juiur.'Oth , Hi. . j.'Odit NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR CHANGE OF GRADE. TothooHiioisof all lots , pirts ot lots and real estate along Twenty-ninth uti-out from Hickory to Murlhn street , and Intersecting slreols : You nro hereby notlllod tint tlio under- slRiied. three disinterested free-holders of tha oily of Omnhi : , have been duly nppolntocl by the mayor , with Ilio npprovnl of Ilio city council of said city , to nssoss the damages to the onnota loippetlvoly , of thn property af fected byehiumo of giado of Twenty-ninth street from Hickory to Martin sttoots and in tersecting streets , declined nccus ary bv or dinance No , 1ST , p.i.ssoJ Aluv 31 , 1S1)- ) . and ail- proved June 2 , IblM. You are further notlllod that having no- coploil said appoint ! ! out and duly oil illllod us required by law. HO will , on thoTtOlli day at Juno A. D. IS ! ) . ' , at the hour of 10 o'clock In thu * n lui'uii. tib iiiu iiiucu in * ? iinvur iJ i 1/uii.iniiu 1IOJ rarnnm street , within the corporate limits of said city , moot for thu piuposo o ( considering nnd making the nssessmunt ol damages to the owner-s rospoctlvoly of said property , nflootoil by said clnngo otpiade , taking Into consider illon special benollts It nny , \otinronolinedtobo present nt the tlma and plnca nforesnld und maku any obJcoMoni to or sl-itcmcuts concuinliig said assessment of dnmuKcs as you may consider projier. W. G. SMItlVKU. nnounr.a SKAY. J.NO. If. KbACK. Omaha. NOD. . Juni > 18th. Ih'Ji J2.'d ' 101 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING ' " { FORM ERLY DOMINION ) STREET FROM OTH STREET TO 1STII STREET. To thu on ners of all lots , parts of lots nnd real estate along "D" ( formerly Dominion ] btippt from Dth street to 13th street. You nro lipiohy notlllod that the under signed , throe disinterested freoholdoM of tba iilty of Omalni , have been duly appointed by the mayor , \\ltli thoapprovnlof thoclly coun cil of said c.ty , to assess the dnmago to the owners respectively of the property aircctod bv grading "D" [ formerly Dominion ] strool from Oth street to 13th street , declared nuccs- ' s irv bv ordinance No. 3011 , passed April 3)th , IS ! ) . ' , approved May 3rd. 180. . Yon are further notlllod. that ac cepted said appointment , nnd duly nuallllod as required by law , wo will , on thoftn dayot July. A. D. Ib'i. ' ' , at thu hour ot 2 o'clock In the afternoon , ut the olllco of W. II. Gates , No , nil , N. Y. l < lfo building , within the eorporaU limits of suld ell y , moot for I ho purpose of con sidering and malting assessment of damage to the owners lospoctlvoly of said property , atl'ected by said grndlnir , taking Into consid eration special bunellis. If any. You nru notlllcd to bo present at the tlmi nnd plneu uforcs.ild , and make any objoctloiii to or statements coucernlir. mid assessment of damages us you ruuy consider piopor. W. I. MOUNT , W. II. GATES. JOHN W. KOUHINS. Omaha , Juno 21 , 189. . JJldlOt NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES - AGES FOR GRADING. To the on net sot all lots and parts ot lots nnd real estate iilonv the alloy running east and west adjoining lots 3 % III , 3. , ,1 ! . : ; i , r , , 30 , 37. 3 $ , iriand U , In block 4 , C.impboll's addition , from 20th struct to 2lHt stroot. You are hereby notlllod that the under * signed , throe dlsliitereslod froeholdur.s of tha city of Omaha , have been duly appointed \ > j the mayor , with thu nppiovul of the city council of said city , to assess the dum.igo to the' owners respectively of the property atloctcd by grading alley In block 1 , Camp- boll's addition , from 2Hb street to 21st street , declined necessary bv ordln nice 3,104 , p.iaiod Juno 14 , IbU , ' , approved Juno 13 , 18U. You uru further notlllcd , that having ucceptoJ said appointment , nnd duly qua- ! Hied us roqulrod bylaw , wo will , on the 7th day of July , A. D. 183. ' . ut the hour of la o'clock In the forenoon , at thu olllco of T. 11. .ticCnlloch. room 842. N. Y. Llfu building , within thu corporate limits of said city , muet for tha purpose of considering und untieing tin UHSOSSII cut of dnmngo to the owners respect ively of suld property , affected by s.ild grad ing , t-ikliiR into consldornt ousooclal be no Ills , If any. Von are notified to bo present at thotlmq and place aforesaid , and make any objection ! to or st Uoimmts concerning said assessment of damages us you may consider proper. McCui.uiCIl , On iti.Ks | j. THOMAS , U. H. HIINHWA. Omaha , Juno 23 , 16r ! > . J.'HIOt 1'ropiiialH lor ( .r.idlnsr. Sea'rd ' pioposnls wlllbo locolvail by the 1111- deiHlgncd until ) : ' ) o'clock p. m. , July 1st. HJJ , for ( Trading Douglas atieot from Itlth to 2Jlh htreuts , 17th struct from DodgoHtrcot to south llnool alloy south ot Douglas stieot , IMIiHtioel from DoJgu Htrcot to i'aniain slrcut , IDth street from Dodge street to Tannim Hlroot. Alley between Dodge nnd Doujjlim streets fiom 17th to l-ttli struuls , Alley between Dude ( . ; und nou/Iiii stieotu , fiom 13th to I'Jlh ' Htieou , Alloy between Dodge and Douglas sticcli from IIHh to20th slruotH , Alloy betwi'oii1)otiglas and I'.iriiam Nlrccts from litli to IbthHtieias , Alley bolwonn Dotiglusand Kaiinni streets from IStli to lutli streets , and Alloy between Douglas and Karnum streets fiom lUth to 2Jth streets , In thu oily of Omaha , In accordance with plans and spoclllijatlons on Ilio In tno olllcu of the Hoard of Public Woilcs. Illds wl 1 bo miidn on pi In Led blanlci fur- nliihod by the hoard , and to bo nccoomp tilled v/lth u eerlllloil chuck In thu sum of * 'iJ. ( ) ] ) iiy- nblu to thu city of Omaha us an uvldencu ot goolfallb , Thn ho'ird rcsarvni the right to rojcot any or all bids and to wulvu ilufuuu. P. W. HIllKHAUSEII , Ohalrmnn of Ilio llo ml of I'ubllu Woikn. Omaha , Nub , Juno lUth. 18) . ' . Jl'l1721 Notion. Iii c-oiiiDllnnco with the statutes of the stale of Nebraska , In such c.ise.s niudo und pro vided , notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be leculvedat Iheollluiiof the Com- mlxjlonor of I'llbllo I.unds and HulldliiRS mill 4 o'clock p. m. thu mtli/il'iy of June. JBJ. ' , for fiiinlslilng suppllui for thu quarter , . I'or the hospiluls for the Insane at Lincoln , Huntings und Norfolk , the Industrial school ut Kearney , the Institute for tin : Hllii'l at IVj- brnsku City , thu Instliiito for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha , thu Imtltuti ) for the 1'uoblu Minded Youth nt lloitrlco , thu rioldlurH nnd. Bailers Homo ul Grand Island , lliu Iiidiisirlnl Homo at Mllford und the Ulrlx school ul Gimuyii , Esllmalu bliinksonn bo procured by apply- in , ' to the dlffuiunt Institutions. Ail bids should bo scale. I , udilrossul t "Hoard of Purchase und Huppllcn , Miicolo , NebraHku. " und miirUud " 1'rupoiuls for siiffV piles. " 1'ho board rcsorrcH the right to accept ot reject any or all bldn , und no bid will be cnn < sldurud whluh Is received utter the duy and hour above iniined , All bids to bo made In duplicate. A. It. IIUMPIUEY , Commissioner of I'ubllo Lands und Hiilldlngi , I/liicoln , Nub. , June 20. IS'J , ' . J2UdlOt Art t3la3B for Now Olty Hall , Omuhs , Nob. fouled bids will bo received at this ofllco up lo I ii. m. July Iflh , IbtiJ , for the nrt glass cell * Ing In lotunun of city hall. Hidden * to f urniiU their own sketch ) ! * , nndunch bid to bji necoiu panlud by u corllllud check of * l/0j ( coil not ta u.xceed ' ,1XJ ) , tipucinentloiiH on Ilio at tha olllcu of Architect lloliirlorlf. W7 Haa Hiilldlnc. Thu right In reserved to roj < ; ct any or nil bldiL ' ' ' ' J2ldlt C'o'uii'itrolUr ,