G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 21 , 1892 , Wheat Was Quiet and n Shade Under Yesterday's ' Oloaing. . CORN WAS ACTIVE AND UNSETTLED irrnvjr ItnliM Throughout Illinois Unit n fitroiiRtlirtmig Tcndpncj- < l Under Ut" gent Dninnnil * from KhorU the Mnr- ket Advanced Ic l ) orc tcr luy. CntCAno , III. , Juno El Tlio wheat market today wninulut. Tlio opening WRS n Min'Jo under yesterday's closing. Tlio market fluc tuated within tnirrow limits ami finally closed about Jo lower than yesterday. The various riitnoM about the Atchlson ciusod moro or leas uneiulncii and Imil n tendency to innko operators holil off. 0 iblcs were Irregular. Corn wn * uctlvo and unsettled with t ransuet- lens on aJarROHoalo. Tlio heavy rains through out ) lls ) section had a BtreiiRthenlnK Ion- den cy mid under nrsontdonrimls from shorts the market advanced lo from vestcrday'i coe. : Then local "lonits" let RO Inrso nuantl- tlcs and the tir'co wunt down ije. ; the full liolnc altled bv talk of iinfavorablo log slatlon lit. Wiisliliinton nnd the prevailing wcikness in wheat. Denials of the Washington rumor keen caused a rally of ' § o but the pressure was rciioned and finally closed wllh ii loss on Inly of from , * o to lu and Biiplenibor from J o to tic , u.iis active nml unsettled , following corn and elos ng nllli a net loss of from ! { u to ? c. I'rovlsloim opened hltflier on lUht reculntB of IIOKH nnd firmness then provallliis In Ki'iiln , The advance was met by liuavy ( oiling , and porl < closed I'J'.to ' lower ilcnn .vo tor.lay. Kstiimili.il rofnlpts for tomorrow : \Vhont , ItUunrn ; loin , J.77. ) eaisj oats , iMuult ; ho > : s , C .030 hoad. Tno hmdnm futures ramrod ns follows' \VIIIAT : .In in. . . . 7UJ < HW Juljr. . . # tt US M . 2- .111110 M l M ffl Mh IDJ-i 4'.l Kept . . . . 4SS 47H ! : OATH NO. S- Juno July 1BK . 'I1-'Hi Sept HI l\rnt \ 1'HHK .lul > - 10 Wi B ' | it 11 Ui'K 1U75 IiAllll .luly o f. ; ; < 0 t.'Ji , topt 675 B75 U U ? > u 0724' ElinilT .11 us July B87M D SO C 82H tjopt , TOO 7ui Ii 87h Gash quotations were as follows : Ki.nuit-UndintiKcd. WIIIIAT No. S spring , 70'ioi No. 3 7 il74.4o ! : No. 2 roil. HOViu. UOHN Stoiulyt No. ' . ' , 50e ; No.3yollow,48UO 4l'c. 4l'c.OATBNO. . VHiic ; No. 2 white , 34 ic ; No. 8 while. : it14 > ( r. llVK-No. 2 , 7 c. IIAIU.KT No. 2 , COof. o. b. ; No. .1 , 40cj No. 4 , f o. b.5S4Bo. : ! TIMOTHV Sr.KD I'rlino , $1.27 ® ! . ! ' . ' ' . I'oitK Mi-is , per bbl. . 810.11 610 G7K ; lard , per ino His. , * il..liii)7i ( ! : short rllis sides ( loose ) . f ( > f-2ii < ftfi.Rdry ; silted bhouldcrs ibnxcd ) . $ r > .25 B.-MSS : short clear Hides ( boYcd ) . t7.V.'Si < a7.274. ! WIIIHKV Distillers' llnlslio.l Roods , pur gal. , HiTiAiis Tlnchnngcd ; cut loaf. VS Hc ; gran- ulatud , 4Hc ! FtiinUnrd "A. " 4 ? c. Itvculpts and shipments today were us fol lows : On the I'rodiieocxchaiiKO to.lnv tlio bultur tiiaikct wns iiiiuhanued tfaney .sopar.itor. IS5 ! tt.'Jo : line urcaiuorioi. lh.8ic ! ; Iniltntlon , 15 ® llio ; dairies. UiQllUc. Eggs , l-i ! < 2I.Io. Nitw York Mnrkrts. NEW YOIIK , Jiino2i. : KI.OUII Uecolpts. 2.T.140 jikcti. ; i-xports. : i.7Jr > bbK mm ; i,5iu .sacks ; dull unil hojivy ; sales. 2I.V5'J bills. WIIL-AT UecclntK , 87,7.0 bn. ; exports. 14'i.ttlS bu. ; snle . l.MO.OO. bu. of futures ! IU8fiOJ bu. nf spot. Spot , unsottlnil , weak ; Nu. y rod. 8'.Hio In lloronud elevator : ll ) ? 7ill'io nlloat. O'JU © UI7 ef. p. lv No. 'I red , frUJittSGyo : ungraded mor. c , cosng utbajjc. HVE Dull. Irregular : \\estern. 83SSo. COUN-KccoliitH. 0.200 bu.i exports. 34.514 Ijii. ; Miles. l,7n. " > , 0) ) bu. futures ; GO.vOO bn. spot. Bpot opened firm , closed weaker : No. 2. 5 ! ) &ayta In elevator. ti.GOJc { alloit ; ungraded julxil.f)7iQilHic ) ( ! ; No. 3 , stemner inlxud. opt - t ons opened Ilrm , closed weak ; June , .V closing , We : July , 55.V.Vc , closing 55c ; Aug ust. MSaViUo. oloslnir Witfc. OATS ltecelplKwr : > ,0 5 bu.o.ports. : . : IU03 bu.s talus , 100.0W bn. of futures and CO.WU bu. of cpot. .Spot market closing quiet. Options .S | ; western , UGfaf- while est in , 4117c : No. I , C'hlcapo. ajr HAV Moacly : qnlot. HUPS- Quiet , OHHy. bUdAH Uaw. ijulut nnd flrrn : refined , nntet , eiislor. No. (1. ( : i , * ffl4ci No. 7. ail-ill ® BI5-1,9 ( ; olT A. : iIS-UQ.4a-o ( ! : mould A , 4'/,44 ic ; Standard A.4.r.ii < a47-l < ; u : ctinfcctloncrs. I J-1W04 ll-liOpowdoreU,4i5i4' ( ! o : irranuliituil. I3-1C4S40-1CCJ eubes.VJ-ll.tt4 11-10. JIOI.ASSFB New Orleans , nulot , steady. KICK Qnlut , sto.tdy. * 1'iTiioi.iuM-Jiilot : nnd steady ; nulled Closed nt M.Uc for July.l COTTOXSKFI ) OIL Steady ; crude. SSftCOVic. TAt.i.ow-QiiIot nnd easy ; city ( t'.Ut ) for pnckliiR ) . 4 7-lliaiJJi1. HOSIN Qnlotnnil steadystrained ; , comnion to good , JI.2JSJOI.i71i. Tuitl'iNTiNK"Qiilot und flrm iit3C&T ( > Hc , hnns Liberal rcoolptH , ( inlet and weak ; western , poor to prime , Ili515 c ; rcceluts , ' Wooh-Qulot and ste-uly. I'OIIK ( jnlut nun Ilrm. Cur MKATS firmer ; pickled bollles , 73 ( ni IJJo ! pleklud ( .honlileiH , tii > ic ; middles , Ilrn , . * 'Vl ; , ! . ' 'i".S3rt < lull : wcitern steam ulosud . nt 811.80 bid ; sales. 1.145 tlcrcus at S0.8KaiL62 > j ; options sales. J.OOJ tierces : July. Jtl.bJOO.tO , closlnu nt H8T ) bUl ; August. tfl.bS bid ; Buutuin- IIUTTKit-Cood demand , firm : dairy , l.'ll.lc ; wi'stern ciuumcry , KiOS'Ci western factory , . UIIKKSK Kutr tlomnnd , flrm. I'm liioN-fjnlet , steady. . LUAII Inactive ; domnstlc , JI.B'dll.BS. TiN-Stroiiuj straits , J.'I.B.Or.oo. St. I.onlH Markup. BT. LOUIB , Mo. . JnnuKl. Fbouit Qu'iot and Diiohmigod. WliET-lccllnol ) ! Sccnrlv. rallied purtliilly. then dropped again anil closed Jiyo under resti-rday. Cash. 77Jo ! ; July closeilnt 77 ? , ; ® I7 ct August. 7ilio : ceptemher , 77o bid. LOHK iJorlliiL-il throughout the session nnd flu kbcil UQUio below yesterday. Oush , 44'Jo ; J uly , 4 < Sv | Heptomlior. 44'5o. ' OATS Lower : uuili. 3lo ! 'jld ; July , closed ut 6oie : August. 2SiJc : September , 20o. lliiAN-gulot ; GU4MIO. JlAV-Unehangcili IIO.a l.u-Aii-Quiet ntf'.DJ ! } . CoiiNMrAl < - < julut at J3.33O7.40. AViut-KV Hlu uly at Jl.lU. ritiiviHioNK.-Uncliangod. ItECiiiiTHFlour , 0.Ki ( ) Ilia ; wheat. 33,000 bu. ; rorn , 82.000 bu. : outs. 22.WJ bu.'i rye and bar ley. none. tiupMKNTS Klour. 4.0DOH1S. : wheat , 5fiOOhu. : porn. r > iUK ) bu. ; oats , 21,030 bu , ; rye. l.oou bu. barley , none. U rinnr .Murliot. MlNNKAi'ot.iH. Jllnii. , Juiib 2.L The North- wumvrn Miller t-ayst The mills aid not But nut ( julto BO niiieli Hour last Week us lu the Week l-nfore. vet the output wan next to tlio largest on record. The week's product wim SU'.iHi ' bblH. ngulnHt 214,0.10 bbls. thu precodlng week and I2V60 bbls for thu corresponding \ eok of im . The Hour market continues rntlier dull , thu variations In w I unit provunt- lijir Vftiibllshiiiiit ) of niuvli conlhlencu. Thu tllrcct exports lust week were 00.00) bhU. ug Inst7 ,4JJ lib In. the preceding week. UU piotty iHirtiiln that the yeir'swork will ng- ( . rcsitto c.0'lX ' ( ) hbls. The direct cxportnof lluurtu fo.'oign countrleii htivu also been uu- lirt-coiln'itedlv lar.'O. Kornino moiulii endvil Dune I , 2i.7T.l iO hbls. hud found foicltfii mar- Ui-ti > against l.O.O.O/O lu IHuO-OI , Idiiuai City Miirkutv. ICANC.W Cirv. Mo. . Juno n-WiiEAT- Aliountoiulyi No , 2 linrd , UilM7o ; No 2 rod , b mine. Onus- Dull , but lilvliort No. 2 mixed , uoml- ini . 4 < oi No 2 whlto. l'J5i' B Of. -D Stuadyo ; 2mlxuu , 'JOiJi No , 2 white , livti-lll.her : Na 2 , GSo. ] < * IAXBKKI > H0c on tint basin of puro. HUAN Wtmk : Kaokcd , r > : ii > . llAV Steady and unchanged ! timothy. 18.50 C'Xfti : pr.urio. t'-UU b-.V ) . liUTTKii-l-'Iriu ; vruumery , IOKOI"oj dairy , Ilfl4c. ) l' . < iinBtujiidy utllc. Ittcuil'iH-Wlmut , 39,0.0 tin. t corn. 15.0JO bu i nat , none. , HliipMKNTa Wheat , 40.0)0 bu , : corn , 4,000 bu.s outs , 2vOJ Uu. New York Dry ( limit * Mnrkxt. NBW VCIIIK. JutioKL llutliiDMlndryRiiodi At Ut t Uuud vra very f lr lu cotton goods nntl clothing woolen * . Prints nnd pint hums ere nctlvo In some quarter * Slnplocottons were iclltn ? In goiKl l cd blocks with leading houidn , but blenched goods later ndrniiccd nnd were quiet because of the limit of butl- iiesn order * . The now clothing wool fomon Is getting ntnrtcd cnrllvr than nntlclpntcd , but It It not likely that the market generally will upon until next month. 1'upllcato trade N good nnd agents are feeling comfortably as to the outlook. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cotton .Market. NEW YOIIK. Juno 21 , Stcadyt middling uplnml * . 7711-lGc ; middling Orleans. 72 3-lGc ; 8ili : < \ J-GI bales fnturns ) clor.cd . qulott s.ilcs , fr..W hales : June. 17.3' . ; .Inly. I7.a'n37il. : Nun1 UMI.KASS. I.a. , Juno 21 Eusyi mlcldllnz , 7I-I3CS low middling , fi cs good ordinary , 6' ' c. Net receipt * , 22J bales : gioss , 2.5bales | exports to ( iront llrltaln , G.550 bales ) sale ; , ( XMbiilcst stock. r.'I.OIJ bales. Onuiliii 1'rnilura Mnrkrt. Ktics Itcrclpts ilbcrnl : 12OI2Uu. llL'TTCit-l'acklng stock , If good , llOtl'tot ' email lots of extra choice stock to tolnll trade , 123M40. I'oci.Titv Old fowls , weak nfCOTo per lb. , Ivo wolglit ; aprlngs , t2.50O3.75 per dot. L'on'ro .Market. New VonK , .Tuna 21. Options opened stcndy mid unchanged to 5 points up. fiucs. 5.00J Dags. Including June , til 81 ; August. $11. CO : Sep tember , fll.OJi December , Jll.OO. January , spot Uio , quietand steady ; No. 7. Liverpool Mlrkots. : Juno 23. WHEAT Steady ; do- miind pour. COUN I'lrm ; demand poor ; mixed western. Is lOJJd. _ Wool Market. .Sr. r.out = . Mo. , Juno 23 Receipts , 318.100 packages ; shipments , 41,000 ; no chuugo In prices. Triiilpni'TnlKt OitlCAnn. III. , Juno 03. Coutiscln.au k I ) iv to Cockrell Urns. : Wheat opened higher , on dcmiind for thu northwest from short * , actu ated by smaller rucolpts mid poor qualltvof nn'lvaU' . Thu Hal > : h bill spcctro started ugalii. nnd on this iiccount New York and Chicago holders sold ft am the start , llnycrs lllnltu I their purchases to actual wants and the market closed dull ut ? 4 decline. Com opened nctlvo and advanced Irotii ! io to lo on various futures , . but weakened under free sellers by prominent longs und closed at fiom ? ic to lo lower thiin yestorday. The probability of fiivornhlo ac tion uy the judiciary committee on the Hatch hill wns given as thii main reason for selling. I'rovliilotis weri. sold by packers from the out set and kept up until a decline of 25u In pork mid ISO In ribs WHS established , The balance of tin session sales were not pressed , but the product was poil ( II ml out us fast as buyers could bu found. Thu market closed easy at the declines quoted. CIIICAOO , inVJuno23 ! , 1'O. . Logan & Co. , to Duncan , liolllngcr & Co. : Another dull day In wheat , July opened nt 7U'c , sold as low ns 7HI4e. nnd closed at 78 'Jc. ' 1 hero Is no special fnaturu to the market. I'ardrldgo nu- pcars to be thioughhuylngand the excitement over the Hatch 1)111 ) for the orcacnt has sub- hided. Reports of the growing crop of winter wheat are about all that could be tloslicd and with fine weather to harvest it we nro going to have a largo yield mid ot superior quality. All reports from the spring wheat bolt uro fa vorable. ; Foreign advices uro rather dull. The weather h > unsettled , but not so bad us to Injure the crops. The near fututn Is n good deal of < i weather question. All Indications now do not point to any higher prices. Corn market lias been active from the opening until the close. July sold nt Mile atiil closed at 40Hc. The IlntcU bill has cauud heavy realizing. Crop reports tire greatly Improved , but the scarcity of the contract Rrado Keeps the market strong iui'1 nervous on all declines or advances. The business doing In oats heavy , selling as high as ICic for July , the close 3' . " . ic. The reports of the growing crop arc less promising than n few days a o. Hog products rather weak on considerable icalli'lng , CHICAGO , II ) . . Juno 2.L Kcniiott. Hopkins & Co. to S. A. McWharti-r : The government weather toport for the week Is generally favor.ible for all grain In nil states , wllh un- Imuort.int exceptions In Illinois , Missouri , Iowa , Minnesota and Wisconsin. It was ex pected that hot weather and numerous show ers would brill.1 In some crou damage reports. and MI they did. Hut I'ardrld.'o was not much of a buyer today anil the market failed to hold yesterday's advance. Ho siys : ho Is about In , wants tocloso uu his deals and go away. The Hutch bill has been the principal cipaltoplo of discussion. Other news Is of the same tenor as for some days past. Clique brokers were free hellers of corn , and as the wants of shorts were less urgent the market sold down gr.idually after the first buying rush In the marnln ? . Honoris from thu growing crop are. quite favorable , but It Is said that receipts will fall olT somewhat. O.its are rather steady and moderately active. Then ) was a srivill stampede among local holders , with puckers offering the product freely. Probably the weakness In corn started STOCKS AND UUNDS. Volume oT liunliiL'ss lit the Exchange Grow- In B Smaller. New YOUK , Juno 2. ) . The volume of busi ness at the Slock exchange grows snrillcr from day to day , but there Is still maintained a stubborn firmness , which , while based on the now crop conditions and the general bright business outlook qf the country. Is not supported In u speculative way. Operations In the stock market arc. conflnotl to the tradIng - Ing of small pools on cither side of the ac count. The opening was made on a very moJernto business and -at small but Irregular changes from last night's figure * . Iturllngton at Its lowest point was down over U , but the rest ol the market without exception fluctuated within the narrowest limits and devu.opcd no foutitro of Interest whatever. The market gradually sank Into the most intense dull ness. the nomination having no effect cither to stimulate trndo or cause any movement In prices , nnd tllu clo o w.is dull and f.ilrly Htondy at Insignificant changes for the day. The bond maruot was ( inlet except for the Atohlson and the Hlchmond & West Point Is sues. Tno former vr.is especially prominent In the dealings. Total sales , I.42II.ODO. The Post says : Them Is reason to bollovo that today's gold shipment will bring the present movement to an end. Sterling ex change rates wore reduced today nnd It may ho presumed that further shipments will depend upon London's action In our security market This wcolc It has not figured as ii huavy seller , but It has ceased almost wholly to buy. a fact which the n.irrowliur bond m : r- kot best rates. The tr.ullns has averaged leas than two-thirds of lust month's rccoid am this has been largely duo to the almost com plete withdrawal of foreign houses whoso bouils were a noteworthy factor not long since. . The following are the closing quotations for theleadlng stocks on the Now York Block oxchuiigo todav : Niw VOIIK , .luno 3. Money closed easy nt 2 per cvnt , Unr illver , h V Stocks cloned dull , Muady ut about noon lljjurot. . Mats. , JunuIU , Cle.ttlnpn , 116,667.- vi bitluncdik tl.uxt.iiu Money. 'J uor ceut , ' .xouutiKoon Now York , lUo discount. Br. Louis , Ma , Juuo U-Uloarluji , K,518IIO ) | inlnncpft. SCWJ.iai ! money cjul" ' . 430 per cent xchnnco on Now VorK , uOo premium. New Orleans , Lit. , Juno S3 llanU clenrlnirs IHI,13I. : CntCAno , 111. , Juno XI. Money unch.mccil : loarltiR * , 115,072,000 ! New York oxclmneo VOo remliim. Sterling o.ichungo unchanged. I'AIIIS. Juno SKI The wcetcly statement of he llnnk of Kranco Mioni nn Incroasoof n.V..V OJf eold nnd l.su.uoor illvor. Three per cent cnlcs , UOf 4Vo for the iiccount. LONDON , .luno sa The bullion In the llnnk f Knslntul Increased i 'JOJO ' diirlnc the pat t week. The propoitlon of the Hank of Injdniid'n reserve to liability , which was last vtok 43.K ) per cent , Is now 4T.T2 per cent. \mount ot bullion gene Into the Hank of inglana on balance today ; iuOJ , Now York Money .Mnrltct. Nnw YOIIK. JuneSJ.MONET ON OAi.tEnsy nt Ii ! < ft2 per cent : ' last loan , 2 per cent ) loscd'offeipd ut 2 per cent. I'litMB MKttCANTti.n I'Ai-cu 2 ® l ! { per cent. STEiti.iNti KXCIIANOE Steady nt f4.b" for Ixty-diiy bills , nntl JI.83U for dcmnnd. The closing nuotatlonson bondst O.MiVIIA l.lVi ; STOCK AlAKKKV. Cattle Kxtroinoly Hcurco nnd IllRhor Ilnga Still < ! nliiK tip. OMAHA , Ju'tio 2.'l Icccolpts for four days oot up G.007 cuttle. Ujl > 4 IIOKS mill -1,747 slu-op , asiilnst Ktll'J cattle , ; ilrv > .l IIORS anil ! 1U1 slicup lin sumo four diiys u weak | ! o. Tlic run ot cnttlo wns very lluht , ovua for a 1liursduy. Tlicro wuro fewer c.tttlo hero linn on any day for tlio past six wcokt and lie iimlltv | out slilo of two or thrco loatls was ndlituront. Shippers did not want in.iny , but lotuht it few. Dressed boct buyur.4 had tu nivoenoiiKli to maku u partial ktllliif : at east anil as supplies were llclit prices riilo : ! stronger on desirable cornfud steoi-s. Tlio best cattle sold 5o to lUo higher. Common half fut mil Krouti fituir wns In poor tlonmnd and i.ircly steady. Trndltitr was fairly brisk anil nn parly clearance olTcctod. Uno bunch of nixed woBtoru steers and spayed liolfors ivcraslnc I,4.V | Ibs. wont to a shipper nt $1.10 , nit aside from this bunch fair to good 1,153 tu , 'J3S-lb. steers sold at from * 1.70 to fl.'fi , with common light grades from $ J.3'J to JiOT ) . Hutcliors' stouk and canners were In Indlf- eront supply , both as to quantity and qual- ty. The t ratio was iibout llko Wednesday. mar to L'ood cons and holfcra ftolllnz at from 1.7to $ i.UU. Hulls , oxen ana stags Toro In poor supply and nominally sto uly oa the basis of from SI. 5.1 to &Lf > 'J for ioor to nrlmo ntilmnK Calves were In llb- iral supply , poor doninnd and prices ruled ower. Common to very fulr veals sold at frotn if a 00 to Jl..fi. Comparatlvoly llttlo was Roln ? on In the ptockcr and feeder lino. A moderate nutsldo demand hujd prices Ilrm on deslrublo grades. Common stulT movoa slowly und at shudod > rcds ( , the regular do.ilors boln { pretty well stouUed up with this class of unlmuls. Keure- suntutlve sales : No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Ar. Pr. 0. . 685 $ J M K.1U1.1 ) JJ 55 40..12U MOO L.IXiO il 40 lU..lir > 7 3 7U 18.1'Jol 4U3 11. . STO U 55 1..10SO 375 Z\.KM \ 405 I. . 7UO 3 53 BIllri'INO AND GXPOItT. 2. . 10 0 351 14. . OS3 3 G5 JU.XEU. 40..H.V ) 4 10 COWS. I. . 010 173 3. 02J S 00 3. 700 275 7. . 741 175 1.1010 210 L'.ll 5 2W . ' 4. . SOO 1 80 l..llb'J 225 II. . 1)40 ) 283 1. . S4U 183 17..1J3J 2110 II. . 012 2'JO 4..1U35 101 1..II40 250 3..1UCK ! 2 DO 1..I12U 11)0 12..1UbO 2 GO 3. . UIO 3UO 1. . 670 2 00 IIEIFEitS 8. . 4G2 150 1. . 550 200 13. . 040 230 I. . G10 1 50 CALVES. 4. . 107 300 1. . 110 375 2. . 280 423 62 .128 3 25 2. . 130 4 U > 1. . 21U 425 11ULLS. 1..1740 2 25 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 1. . 4CO 250 10. . S81 320 It. . 02(1 ( 330 10. . KM 207J4 170. . 033 325 104. .1107 337J ! 1. . 870 3 20 COLOIIAUO CAtTLR. 20 feeders . 1015 315 lions Hecelpts wore by no moans excessive. nearly 1,000 bond sliort of Inst Tluir.Mlny the supply for the past four days falllni ; ovcr&OtU short of the same four days lust week. The quality ran rather to extremes of good and bad. There were moro gond ho.iyy hogs hero wnllo the supply of common to poor light and mixed ho s wa rather larger thim usual. Shiupera started In paying all ot ftc higher than Wednesday for good heavy and medium weight hogs from $4.05 to $5.u.\ I'ackcra , and in f.ict local buyers generally , were moro or less IndllTercnt and bearish from the xturt , so thit : common hogs of all weights , especially light nntl mixed hogs , sold very unevenly. In some cases prices were weak. In others there was close to n 5o advanco. Hales of this class of stutr were largely at fromil.85 to SI.03. Huslness was not overly net Ivo alter the ilrat Iltihh , and the close was slow with several loads unsold. The bulk of the tradinz was at from Jl.UO to J5.UO. against from J4.83 to J4.05 Wednosdiiv. Tno general average of prices paid was il.lU'J. against $ I.OJ5 ! Wo'lno day und $ l.75 ? last Thursday. Representative sales : No. Av. Su. I'r. No. Av. Sli. Pr. 88 . 107 MJ tl 75 71 . . . .188 8105 3 . 3TJ 80 4 80 82 . 2V.I 1C ) 4 U5 8.1 . 103 200 485 4 . 200 4 05 OU . 2JI 210 485 65 . 253 ICiO 405 5 . 271 40 485 71. . . .220 120 403 5 . 272 40 485 71 . 2110 2bO 403 4 . ' . ' 03 4 ai 27 . ZK 120 405 RO . 103 240 485 42 . 21 4115 63 . 21(1 ( 100 485 73 . 210 10J 405 111 . ISO 120 485 05 . 22J 4) 405 GO . 275 4SJ 4 67W GS . . . . 220 1GO 416 58 . 200 100 4 UO U.S..2U3 21 4 ai 77 . 104 20J 400 50..2SO 120 4 07J { 58 . 2JO 20) 4 00 GO . 22 J 210 4 U7tf 81 . 214 20J 403 68 . 305 2JO 4 07'/4 75. . 223 ! WJ 1 3 D2 . 268 210 4 U7ii 72 . 211 210 400 ( U . 273 240 4 07 GH , . 20. 10) 400 GS . 2(1 J1U 4 OT/ 85 . 10J 1GJ 4 00 72 . 25J 4 07Ji 00 . 200 240 400 68 . 232 200 4 07U SliKBi' Kccoluts were four douolo decks of Colopulos. They hud hud BOIIIO corn , but \vuro rathoriv common lot and did not soil. Desir able muttons still contlnuo In uetlvu demand , fair to u'ood native from * I.W ) to W.UJ ; fulr to Boot ! wostorim f rom 84.00 to tl.SI ; common und Ntoek sheep from fJ.60 to JI.OO ; need to choice 40 to OJ-lb luiubH from (1.00 to (0.50. ItocolptR nnU l > l | i < > Mtl < > u ofHtoclt. Ofllclal rooolpts and disposition of too it as shown bv tlio books of the Union iUook Yards company for the twonty-fonr hours ending at S o'clock p , in. , Junu I'll , ! ti'J2i HiCKIl-Td. : WANTED BONDS ToUl l ur > o < CITI B , ] : COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ > . iw1 DIUTRICT8 , ; WATEIi COMPANIES , 8T.R.R.COMPAHIEU , ta Cormpondenco lollcitwl. N.W.HARRIS &COMPANYBanlers. ( 163-103 Doorborn Street. CHICAGO. ! C Wall Street , NEW YORK. 70 State 81. . UOOTQH , Jtnrlirt. CniCAno. III. . Juno E ? . [ Spcclnl Telegram to Tun llKK.I The rnrifcthf viiluesfor cattle WHS nbnnt the : uno na for Wcdnrdny but the tone of the innrkot , WHS ( Inn. Thit wns the cnso with comment crude * ns well ns with thoio of cond niiHllty. The litt ler luivo bcon BtronR nil week , yllllo the flrinno't * In common stulV was the first tlmt hixscotncy to the stirfnco within the List formula. Tlifcro win n Rood ( Iciniintl. not only for shlntilni nccotint but to meet lociil nnntx , nod thO lttOJO cuttlo In the sale pens were till Bbualit up by noon. They wrro quoted , nil the way from ll.it to ? 1.50 for thin old cows to from ll.ffl to ( l.S.i forottrn stcorc. JMmtof the trudlnp was nt from Sl.'i to JJ.T.'i for cows. Mid from J-'i-W to JI.40 fur steers. Texas citttlu were Ilrm at from $ l.at to JLj.ro. f riles of IIORS were RCnor illy nt from t&l.t to W.i. lloHvy sorts of u.xtr.i quality foti-hed ! .yr : > , nnd thcro was some trading In poor llalit nnd course mix oil at $1.00 to J-VO.l. Thu bulk of the light uomhls woru wolchod at from 15.10 to JV-l ) . mid from * > .lo tn : > . ! > were the potiulnr prices for medium nnd hniivy wolRhls. These ilEiircs tndlciita u smiill ntlviinco on ytstur- day's quotntlons. Trntlo wns tictlvn nnd us the rcculuts foil 2.0JO to 11,600 short ofthollrst esilnmto the close wns qulto us Rood ns the onnnlne. Thvro was a peed demand for shcop and the market wns slroiw. This week's receipts show a mnrkcd dccrenso when compnrod with lust week and priors nro higher , both tor sheep and Intnhs. The supiijy on todiiy's market wns boueht up early on basis of rrnm t-.T.Mo fU5 ( for Inferior to extra sheep nnd. from t4. . " > 3 to (7.15 for lamhs , There wis : u snlo of lambs yestordny tit7.M , but they were ot a very superior quality. UvcolpU were : Cattle , 10,000j IIORB , ' . ' 4,000 ! shopp. 11,00.1. , Tlio r.vonliis.Tonrnnl reports : OATTI.K Ho- colpts , H.OJO ) shipments , : t.tiO | innrkot Htoatly ; initlv.s.l.i. ; " > ai.wi ; Toxnns , J.MUIiJ.IJ ; stockurd , M-O Icows. . tl.iuat.LUi. MoosUccclulK , ii.OOO ! shipments. 8.000 : SltUEf Uocoipts , 4,503 ; shltiincnts 2,100 : mnrkct Monily : native * . ( inii.'i.TA : Toxnns. f.1.iai.lO ( ; ( ; westerns , W.j > S5.50 ; lumus , WU03 6.7J. t'lty l.lvn Stock .Mnrlipt. KANSAS CITY. Mo. . Juno 21 GATTI.K lie- colpts , I.IUOiNlilpmcntq , ln ; ; stcoM riahlithnr : rows lower ! Toxnns nnd feeders stontlv : drosscd beef nntl slilupliiL' steors. J.'I.V ( > @ 1.'J. ' > : cows. I.I5-.03 ( : Tuxuns. 8l.75a.OJj Btookors , ' ' llons-ltccolpts , P.300 : shipments. 2.130 : mnr- kctupod. nctlvo nnd Ac hljhcr ; till grades , ( l.45Q4.5Tii bulk. J4.U1.0.V ! BIIKKP Kcuolpts. I ) , OJO ; shipments. 2,40 ] ; mnrkottiulot. nominally stonily atl.'U lower than a wcolc nuo ; muttons , il.OO ; luinbs , { .V.'J. St. l.onls I.lvo Stuck Mnrkot. ST. Louis , Mo. , .Inno'il. OATir.K Hecolpts , 3.000 : shipments. R/iOil. Market strong on na tive Btours nt ? ; i.Wai. ) . " > 0. and higher for Toxns steers. $ : ' .MK3i.40 ; : cannons , f l.5ji-lt ) . lions Kccclpts , 4,1'00 ; nhluments.iloa : ; innr- knt hlRlicr ; heavy , f\OWS. > . " 3 : packing , fl.75 B5.1D : light. $ t.DO.15. SiiEEi' Kccclnts , 1.500 ; shlpmonts , I.Kfl ; mnrkoi steady : nntlvo muttoiif , $ l.005.25 ; Toxuns , Lincoln I.lvo Stock. LIKCOI.IT , Nob. , .Inno 23. ISnoclal to TUB HUE. } Hecclots of IIOA ; at West Lincoln cxtremolv ll ht. The market , was So higher ; sales slow at from $4.b7i ! to $4.0JH. Mrs. L. R. I'attou , RocKford , III. , writes : "From personal experience I can rocomtnend Do Witt' 3 Sarsaparilla , a cure for Impure blooa and general dooilltv. " Grand Cheap nxcuritlon to Oothcnliurr ; , Nebraska , Juno Ur ) , 1803 , Ono nml One- third Pure for the ICounil Trip. Gothonbure is the coming great manufacturing anilj.inilling contor. of the west. It has a magnificent water power. Several largo factories now building thoro. Hundreds 1nro Hocking to * the town. Como and see for yourself. Great auction sale city lots Juno 29th. Splendid opportunity for a good invest ment Purchase a single ticket to Gothen burg , talcing receipt from ticket agent for amount paid. Upon presentation of this receipt to usat our Gothenburg ollicoye will furnish return tickets for ono-third of ono , l"aro , or if you buy property to the value of $300 wo will pay you back all of the railway faro. For further information apply to Gothenburg Water' Power' and Invest ment company , 220 La Sallo street , Chicago. _ _ IN THE COURTS. The Thomns Family' * Troubles ItclllfiT Aired Again Other discs. It Is a family row tbat is monopolizing tbo attention of Judgo. Scott's court , and upon the records it , Is known us John D Thomns against John I1. Thomas. The plaintiff is tbo uncle of tbo defendant , who Is a crlpplo , and the bono of contention is a tract of land situated In Washington , county and worth something lilto $4,000. Tbo plaintiff , in his petition , alleges sundry and divers things which lead the court oud the lawyers to bc- lluvo tbat ho has found "Jordan a hard road to travel. " Under oath bo says that no emi grated to Nebraska lu 18.10 and soon after bn- cumo possessed of the land which Is now the subject of thu litigation. Until 1872 ho resided upon this laua , but about tbat time his wlfo died nnd ho removed to Omaha. In 187o , through and by deceit , fraud and misrepresentation , bo was induced to marry ono Sylvia Preston , after which bis real troubles commenced. He avers that this woman set a pace that bo could not fol low ; she connived with several wickedly In clined persons to cheat and defraud him , and did succeed In getting much of his property before the murruigo ties were dissolved by nn order of the supreme court in 18SU. Dur ing all of this time the plaintiff avora that he wns subjected to Innumerable ) annoyances bv Sylvia , her relations , friends and accom plices. Ho concluded that bo could not got Justlco In the courts of law , as ho believed tbat his persecutors could convict him of por- 1urv , arson , bigamy or horse stealing. About that time , to end hU troubles , ho deeded his property to his uephow , who Is the de fendant In the case at bar. It was on Feb ruary 5 , 1884 , that the dnod was made , ana the plaintiff wants It understood that tbo land wns not deeded as a gift , nor for the advancement of any money. Homo time ago the plaintiff wanted the land back , but tbo nephew said "no , " hence the suit which is now In court. The defendant admits that ho holds the title to the vract of land , but. claims thai ho obtained It through nu honorable business transaction. The morning ecsslou was devoted to taking the testimony of witnesses to prove tbat John D. Thomas' ropututlon for truth waa Just what It should bo. S. L. Wlloy proposes to recover $3,030 from George U , Voss. and for a cause of ac tion bo complains and alleges that on April 18 , Ib'J- , the defendant offered to toll 400 shares of the Iowa Water Works stock of the par value of 5lOU per share , at the rate of ISO per share. On April 'M tbo plaiullft says that bo accented the offer and was to have the stock dollvorod'uu , April 25 , The stock was not delivered , and on Juno 18 the plain tiff made a tender of12,000 , demanding the stock. On accouutfol the refusal of the de fendant to carry out .his part of tbo agree ment the plaintiff places his- damages at the amount sued for , n > In the district court John W. McDanlels has brought suit. , to cam possession of his son William , who is'oliiht months old and In the custody of ollUoY Itoburl Dlaliop , Florence J3lsbop , William Armstrong or John Arm strong. Ho nlloedd'tbat the boy wns taken out of his custody i by tbo Arinstroi.es and against his will. Ho further pleads that the mother of the boy Is Insane-that the Ann- SDRITCHEDJEN MONTHS CJ A troublesome skin disease caused me to scratch for ten montlisand was cured by a few days' use of irsftafjUl M. H. WoLi'i' , BWjQB Upper Marlboro , Md. SWIFT'PECIFIC I was cured some years ago of Whlto Swell Ing in my leg by using fc HSJpJD anil Juno had no Byniptoma of reESJcJESIllrl1 [ ° ' the dis ease. Many prominent physicians attended Uio anil failed , but H. B. 8. did the uurk. I'AUL W. K1RKPATRICK , Johnion City. Term. Ticltllc on IlloMl Hid Skin lilittin millrd free. t J BWUTbl'tCUIUCO irAXV , ] A.llnu , I'.J t.J JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT QF PENS. strongs nro brothors-lli-law ; thnt Florence UlshoD It n sister-in-law nnd not a fit person to care for the Infant , Judge Forsuson ha * lss-cd n writ ot habeas corpus which Is returnable - turnablo Saturday. James li.Wtnto was before Judge Davis In the criminal court nntl on account ot bolng In Indigent circumstances was Riven on attorney to defend bis cnso. White Is charged with having mot Ofllcor S. D. Cory In a dark alloy on. the night of March 24. At tno mealing White nut Cory In lear ot great bodily harm , nftcr which ho robbed him ot his revolver nnd sent him nway. ' Jack Murray wns cnllod 'for trial nnd pleaded guilty. Murray Is the man who drew n gun nnd sh'ot at Ufllccr Hudson , who was making the arrest. Mottlmor b'ox , the South Omaha wife mur- dorcr , will bo placed on trial next Monday. The ( Jcnulno .Merit Of Hood's Sarsuporllla wins friends where- over U Is fairly and honoslly tried. Its pro- prletors are highly gratified at the loiters which come entirely unsolicited from men and woman lu tno loomed profcsilous warmly commending Hooa's Sarsaparllla for what It has done for thorn. Hcoti's pills cure liver Ills , Jaundice biliousness , side headache , constipation. DriiuKptinoss. A disease , treated as such nnd tiortna ncntly cured. No publicity. Nolnllrm nry. Homo treatment , 'Harmless nnd olTcctual. Refer by pormUslon to Dtir- llnaton Hnwkoyo. Send i.'o stump for pmphloL Shokoquon Ghamlcul Co. , Burlington , In , TROUSEI BAGGED. A Tlildl'a Attoiupt to Itlilu riiinilor In 12xtra \Vltli ! I'lintaluoiiM. Louis Nichols wns ono of the gang to protest to Judge Bcntn that ho wits no viigr.uit and that his Incarceration was n high-handed outrage upon 'decency and the liberty of an American subject. Wliilo ho was telling his tain Ofllcor ICoysor noticed a rather pronounced swelling about ono of his Uncos ana led blm off for professional treat ment. An investigation revealed a revolver , two silver watchc.s and n miscellaneous assortment of salcablu articles stored nway for future contingencies. Nichols had como to Mr. Ureenborg nt 1007 Farnam a few days ago and worked upon the laltcr's fcollngs with a tulo of dlnnorless days and bodies * nights. Mr. Grconbsrg toolr him In , fed him , clothed him and found blm employment. Then Nichols took In all the portable property ho could tlnd and wont out upon the streets to be picked up for vagroncv. o. Disease never successfully attacks a sys tem with pure blood. Jo Witt's tiarsaparllla nmucspuro , nawbloDdaudcnrlouoi the old. Tin : KUAivrv MAIUCKT. rNSTUUMENTS placed on record Juno 23 , WAititANTY nr.Kns. J C Arnold to 1 Kranco.lots . " > and O.blook " .S , " Lowo'sndd $ 1,500 "etorCockrolt ot nl toNUCookroll.il feet nf o side of w ' / lot.U' , block 1. Linwood - wood park 132 E U and J U ICnlKht to T O Smith , lot ! fJ , block ill. Albright's Choice 1.000 'opploton 1'ark Itulldliu association tel l < It Ilryant. lot 14 , block 7 , I'opplolon park- % 4,500 > ii Thomas and wife to J I * llcmleison , s in aeics of n 25 acres of o 3'J acres , sw L'l-lfi-ia 1.100 ' 'rank chnotz and wlfn to Henrietta Kclnscn , u IJ ! feet lot G , Oak ICnoll 4,000 I ) L Thonins and wlfo to 1' A .Sawhlll , w fiiict os ot n 10 nciojof u 5J acres , sw 24-10-1 : ! 600 iiino to J II Sawhlll , e 5 acres of n 10 acres of o SO acre" and s . " > acres of u 15 acres of uM acres , sw il-10-ia --1,000 L Schrucdor. to K It Itaer , lo s ! . " > and 1C , block ! ' . Ill-own park _ ' < ! .400 o-rcs & Hill toAO Mlddluton. lot T , block l.l. Omaha View 1,100 N O Anderson and wlfo to J I * Mnil- enUur. w I'J4 ' feet nf n MS fact u ( lot IS , blook4 , UampUull's aild l.TOD VKEll * . O E Pawcott. special nristor. to J. W. Squire , trustee , .BxlOO feet In tax lot 4S , In w Y sw lUiia B/00 Same to same , ' "JxlOJ feat In 9:11110 : Totil amount of transfers J20.8TJ FUXKU.ll , XOTICE. Knttctf of flre lines or Icij unil'.rtlili head , Jlflu centmcacli aMltlnn-il Itnctcn ccnti- The funrral of William Mold rum will take ilaco at 4 o'clock tils ( I'rldayi i.ftcrnoon , nno1. . 1MJ. ) from the reslilunce of John Mol- Irum317 Uoeatur street , to Forest Lawn cemetery. All the organs of the body are roused to healthy , vigorous action by Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery. More than nil , the liver and that's the key to the whole system. You have pure blood or poisonous blood , just as your liver choos.es. The blood controls the health , the liver controls the blood , the " Discovery" controls the liver. Take this remedy in time , when you feel dull , languid , nntl "out of sorts , " and you can prevent disease from coining. Take it in any disease that depends on the liver or the blood , nnd you'll have n positive cure. For Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Biliousness ; Bronchial , Throat , nnd Lung affections ; ev ery form of Scrofula , oven Consumption ( or Lung-scrofula ) in its earlier stages ; nnd for the most stubborn Skin nnd Scalp Di icases , its the only remedy BO unfailing nnd effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't bcno- flt or cure , you have your money bock. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA , est c nttlc , hog und bhccn market In the wcit COMMISSION HOUSES. CIO. BL'fiKE & fHAZIER LIVE ST001C COMMISSION. THE hKADBKS. Qft AM til U Write to this 1101133 for cor- OU. Uiimljl ! | rect Market BsportJ. Wood Brothers , South Omaha Tolopliono H'i7. - Chicago J. 1) . DAIIISMAN. I . . W. 1 ! . WOOD , f Managers. Market reports by mull und wlro cheerfully furnished upon uppllc.Ulon. ' TI-IB _ Campbell Commission Co. ChlctiEo , E'istSt. LotilH , ICtuisatOlty , South Uiiiuhu , .Sioux Olty , l-'ort Worth. A. Crlll , \V. K. Oonnjr. 11. V , Tullmailjo , ChlouBO. Hot Sulcnuiiin. Uiittlo riulo raan Crill , Denny & Company , Lira Stock Comtnlulcm. Iloom yi lichanj 111 fit , South Onulm. ' A. D. Boyer &Company , f > 8 und M ) Kxcliuneo Ilulldliu.South Onmhi. Correspondence hollUtotl iiuJ iiraniptly bpoclol attention tu or.lcra f or atockom X lue Uitublhhfd , ISiJ. . . . InoorporutoJ , 13J ; Capital f ullf pnlcl , fJO.WJ. Waggoner 13ir ney Company , Wrlto or wlro u for prompt and relUblo marital report ! Perry Brothers & Company , Live Stock Commission. Koom 61 Kxcliiuilfo Iliilldlnv , South Omaha Telephone 1737. SOUTH OMAHA. BANKS. Union Stock Yard National HANK. The unlr hank at the yiirji. Caplul anil tat- iilun , fiU.UM. Collection urunliiK out of lliu Ilvo tuck tmilmiM iihuuld bo itiut dlract lu till * bank. blilpper can duputlt for cruJIt of tujlr hojjj bank wliuroierlucutud. OMAHA rers' aiiJ EUILDERS J. H. GLENN. Contractors nnrt nt > contractors for nil kliuU of IniUilIng , iilnitorlntr. pMntlnzcto mil rprelrj ccipr or Olonn's nrchllocln un.l tiuil ri director * free1 , hf fomllna tliclr name , linilncM M I loc tton lo the publlilicr. .1 , II. ( llom. Ills. Nth 8 AWNINGS AND TENTS. OMAHA-TENT AWN * WOLF BROS. * CO. INO COMPANY , Tnt , Rwntnsn. tnrrnu- Flan , hnraniockt. oil nnd lln' , COTITB of Ml Uiiili. rubber clothing. ml nac , bnnncri , etc. hrml foroiff uo , 1111 Farnam for cntnlogno.TO P. ICIh BAGS AND TWINES DISHOP&CO. BEM1S OMAHA BAQ 03 . Rlsitl , rnanllln , ojtton Importeri nadmrfs , flour rona , li mp , jute , cot lacki , burlaps , tnlno. ton twlno , t rrcd cord- ngf , no. 8I S. llh t. DIOYCLE3. J BOXEa H. 0 , TODO , n.o. OAXON Bnoccsior toJ.J. Wllk * , cnton. M'f'v clgnr , paper ' lold on monthlr pnc'xlat ! lioic . All uoTOl paymonu. KQ M. litb-at 1105 In hoi lino. 1111) Uounlai SU BOOTS AND SHOES. HORSE-DOE SHOE CO , 11JJ Horraril9lr jU fnttarr oornrr llth nnd Douitlit' strosti. We arc niaklog clou price * lu eaiU bu-8M , ant arc idling a clan o ( tiuo.li wtiloh Ii rorf il - atilonlth tuorobinti. STEVEN CREEDON. Mnnufncturcr'ii ncont. Icnn nupply yon wltli every thlnnItnliouv inrn'K.wcHiioh's nnilclillcfn nt Inw- prt fnrtory ilrlecs nnd dlnroitnts. l.HtoH ttylu.i. 1401 Fnrnniu fctrtuU Huoni K > , KIRKENDAU , JONES A , AMERICAN HAND SEW CO. , ED SHOE 00. \Vholonnln Mfm. Acontn llootfl , * lioo ! > , rubbers Ilojton Itulibcr ShocCo. fell KOOilr K6JS , 131 1IU3,11UI. Iiuailnriicy-Dt llnrnoy-nt. BREWEEIS. JOS , SCHLITZ BREVc INQ CO. Offloe , 8.9th and I.oarcn- irorthSt * . Omaha. lohn llarhOTtr. Agt. | CARRIAGES. W.R.DRUMMOND&DO. CnrrlnKO butldom. lloso nnit pntrol wncons n upccialty. IStli , upp Court Houto. CLOTHING. BLUTUKI IL OILMOREA.RUHI Clothlnc. notionfurnish- , InfB. ( ilvo us n trial , Mnnufra and whotctal * bnmpli'i pri'pnld by ox- clotblora. 1109 Uarney prcBs. 1113 llnrnuy. troet. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE , OMAHA COAL , COKE & EAQLECORN OE WORKS LIME CO. , JIfrs. Kalvnnliod Iron Hard and soft coal. S H. cornice , window cntis . , mctallo skyllRbts , etc. ccr. ICth and Douglas- all. 1110. 1:12 UoUgo-sU CONTRACTORS. J. H. GLENN. Contrnctora nnd sub contractor * for nil ktnd of bullillnu. tilaitorliu. palntlni ; etc. . will receive .1 copy yf Oli'iin'sarctiltcctn ami bulMl'rj directory free , by rcndlne their nnmc , bii > lncgs nnd locu tion , to the publisher. J. H. Ulcnn. 113 S. litll Street. DRY GOODS. FURNITURE OMAHA UPHOLSTER- BEEBE&RUHYAH FUR. IHQ CO. HITURZCO. Upholstered furniture , l.mM'40 Nicholas it Grace nnd Thirteenth \Vhole no only. I itiaott. -THERE ARE - lira Poor-fas AND Pcosioo Ais in Palaces That is the sort of tiling Bee Bureau of Claims was or ganized to correct. The Hureau believes in giving the veterans the benefit of the laws that were passed to help them. It wages war on the sharks consequently quently the sharks don't like it. But as long as the sol diers aie grateful it is satis fied. If you are a veteran , or the widow , child or de pendant parent of a veteran , write to TI".B BBS Bureau of Claims and find out how much the government is willing to do for voti. THE : Bee Bureau of Claims Omaha , Neb. Elastic Stockings FOK Weak Limbs , . Varicose Veins Swellings , all sizes. Abdo minal Supporters ters , Deformity Braces , Medi cinal Supplies. TUB ALOE&PENFOLD COMPANY. 114 S. Idtli St. , Nest to Post Office. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITOR. OMV-U.N-1 Capital Onic r anJIlrotiri iluirW. . Val3i. > 'iillin . . . . . IV. < t It. aCuihliu. rloaprjttljnt. IX d. MurlJ ) Mono , John i. Cclllui , J. .X. iL I'Jlrlci. Uli A Ituad. Ou hlor. THE 1I1ON BA.NK. ntly wnnt a now IDEA IN ADVERTISING. AddroMBKiiddonlr , v/lthont outlcu , Oiini/in Ailri-rHtlnd llureau , N. 1' . I.lft- GROCERIES. DRUGS , Etft D , M , BTEELEJtOO , , OlAKE , DHUCEACO. , ItOI-lMS , Joa i U t , 10th and Harn r Omaha. Ornalia. HAtlDWARii" RIOTOR & WILHELMY lOBtOKJLUHN , CO. , Heaters' hnrdirara anl Jtoilon mechanics' tooh. 1104 Douglas Slr t. A.C. RAYMER , llnllilprs' ItaMwara nml roiitri > otor ' 8iip | < llai - ' lUlUHrootJ , LUMBER CHAB.R. in , JOHNA. WAXEFIEL9 Hardwood lnmbr , wood carpou nnd purqmt Imports 1.Amorlo > n I'ork tlourlnn , lin 1 cetiant , Mllwauk * ) liriUnullc content and tth and Uuuilai. Viulncr white lime , LIQUORS. . HER ft , CO. , FRIDX& Manor morclmnti , 1113 llarnoy-it. Mfn. Ken neJr'a Kut Ir.Jla llll WholctMo liquor doalui ters. 1UUI rnrnaufsU MILLINERY J.OBERFELDER&QO. , Imrortors nm1 jobbortal inltllnary. notlon .M U orileri iirompt. SOS-UO , lltll-lt. I MUBICAL. ( A.HOSPE.JR , , THf MEIHBEROCO. , rinnos organs , artliti 1WN. ICth St. rinnoi. matorlala , etc. Uj | muilcund muilcnl ln Doug lout. trumeuti of all klniU PAPER , OILS. OVERALLS , SHIRTS , ETC : PRODUCE COMMISSIONT" Establltbod , 1878. BRANCH & CO. , WHITNEY & CO. Produce fruits , of all - - orit n , 817 a , J.B.HUSE&OO. JAS. A. CiARX Tu 7 Our specialties Duttir , "utter , cheeie , eiga , ejgs nnd piniltry , IDlJ ilowarditroak poultry and jam * . S17 South Ulb Btreok. W. E. RfDDELL RIDDELL&CO. ( Kstnbllihcd 1331. ) , Wholsalo butter & tatt nutter , cheoia , evgm. Uurs nnd lolls for Tu ctnblcs. frulti.poul * try mid game. cash. 413 S. llth-sU STOVE REPAIRS. OMAHA STOVE REPAID WORKS , Steve repairs and wate * attachments for any kind of stove mad * > IMTUouglas. _ " SASH. TOYS. M.A. DISBRQW&OO. H. HARDY & 00. , Toys , dolls , albums , Uanufa turers of sath fanoy goods , house fur * doon , blinds and alihlng goods , call * mouldlnia. Branch o- dren'a carriage * . 1MB flce , 11 to and Isaxd SU. Far n am Street. THE SPECIALIST. TRtinstirpiissoil In tlio traitinantor nil forma ol PRIVATE DISEASES , mid all disunion unil ( loblllllegof youth nml niunliooJ. ITyoars" cxpcrlcnco. Ills rcsiiuruus mid f.icllltloi lira liriiftle.-illy iinllinltud. Tim Doctor Is recom mended by tlio iro- , mid oudorHod In tlio Btronsost turins by tins ponplo for fiilr trnut- incnt mid Inmost professional udvluo , Tlio most powerful ruinudliis known -to modern Fclcni'o for tlfa miccositul Iruutinont of tlio followliiudlncasoH ! QONORRHOEA Iimnodlr.to relief. A com. iiiuto cure without tbo loss of uu hour's tltna from luiHlnoHS. GLKBr Ono of tlio most ooinnloto nml mia- ccsiftil iroatmoiils for Kluot uua nil annovlne dlsoliiir oH vet known to tliu niu.llo.il profoi- blon. The losultanro truly wonderful. STIUCTURE Grontust known romoily for tlio trout inent of strlotnru , wltbnnt iiiln , out- tlnir. nrdilutlnu. A most rcmiirUulilu roinodr. SYPHILIS No triMitmont for tblH torrlbla blood dlsonso lifts over boon morn siiccesiful. nor hull slronnoroiKlorriomontf ) . In the llk'ht of inudurn nulonco this d'sii.isn ' Is positively ctir.ililo tind every trnco of tlio polaon ontlruly iemovo'1 from tlio blool. LOST MANHOOD , nd miibltlon. norvou- ness , timidity , dospondonoy nnd all woukiioai mid disorders of youth or manhood , Kollof obtained nt onco. . * . SKIN DISEASES , and fill dlsonsoi of Ilia Homncn. blood , liver. Ul'lnoya and bludilur ate troatcd hii ocossfnlly with tlio groutoi known rciinodlos for the dlHj.tSfH. Write forolraular * iindiitluitlon Hit , frjj 1-ltlnuul Save Your Eyesight KVPS tested free byannXPKKT OITIOIAN , l'orfuct dn ) tiiiont. Kuinsrlor lunfoi. Nsrv- oiiHhuudiiuhu ourud by u ln ; [ our Snoctucle * and Dye liib.m 1'rlcui low far ilr t clan goods. THE ALOE&PENFOLD CO , , 114 S. 15th St , , Croltrhton Hloolc le bvft nuillclTiuL. _ i , cvnill | > * iluii , d ) | Hp > lu. fuull itb , liriulat l.r , lil.rtliurn , Ion of 2 , i'lll , ini-nul Oil rtwlon , | lnful i [ Otlu.l , lillrlillMl , wUlow < - - ' - - - an.uiovriKi njro l > lo < Kor Ulluro by Um rtoinc < Ji. llti r or laf JlMl lluK toi > rtorra thrlrirui | rjfui > cUuiii. l'win