THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt [ FRIDAY , JUNE 24 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL DLUFFa OFFICE : - NO. 12 I'EAUL STREET. ttlhcifrt Ij Carrier to nny pattof tha Cltr II. W. TILTON. - MANAGER Himlncsn Office. No 41 KdUor MlAUJt MHXTWX. N V. Plumbing Co. Boitou store for dry goodi. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , Arc you poinn to the Cbautauquat If you look over the program you will s y "y6s. " Prof. Torrons l pcttlnz the children's chorus lu excellent condition for Chitutau- qun , William 1C. Jones nnd MUs Frances Grls- weld , botn of Uos Molno * , were mitrrlocl yes- tcrilny afternoon at 4 o'clock at the residence of George Urlswold , ml Uuzol ttrcot , Hov. O. W. Crofts bfflclathiR. Wilbur Campbell , a son of the county clerK , rnn a foot race with u vomits man named Hart of Klngslny , \vodnosday , for a purse of $ .YK ) . Campbell won tbo race by seven toot , but the Htaltcholdori ro'utod to turn the money over to him. Marrlngo licenses wore Isnucil yesterday to the following parties ; William 1C , Jones nnd Frances Urlswold of DCS Moltics , Phil M. Council of Spauldlng , Nob. , nnd Maud 1C. Atkinson of Hlocktown , la. ; James Lundoan mid Mny Wultlno of Council Bluffs. LawlsVohrll , -who wa hurt on the motor bridge In the accident of a couple of wuclcs nffo , died last night ut 10iO : : o'cioclc of blood poltonlng , unused by the intornnl Injuries ho iccclvcd at thnt tltno. It has not boon learned yet whether on liujuost will be hold. The Chautuuquu management has not been uparln ? of Its money , but nas secured nt prcat cost the best attractions of the sonson. If such n program does not uauso the great amphitheater to bo crowded dally It will bo because the dear pconlo don't know n good thine when they have It. R. 11. Iluntlnirton , who drives the lire chiefs rig , cnuuht a wheel In the motor truck at the corner of Broadway and ( jlen avenue while making n run to n IhoNc > lncsday afternoon and was thrown out , lauding un derneath Iho vehicle. Ho was dragged some distance , but escaped without Injuries fur ther than a few bad scratches and brulsos. * v The Ural ball game of the season at the Driving pal U will bo played , between tbo Allilctics of Omaha anu the Bluffs club Sun day afternoon. The club ? nro composed of the following plnvors : Council 13luffs llurdln , Applcby , Mitts , Tunisia , Arnold , Oliver , vundonrjurir , Ntcoll , Lovall or Cumtmngs. Athletics McCann , Clark , llrady , Hcncboy , Hammond , Sago , Strong , Coffey , Tlchnor or Mellvuino. Tbo running of trains Into Council Bluffs wns pretly much demoralized yesterday by washouts nnd wrccxs at different points. The Northwestern luornlng trains were de layed by a washout near Cedar Rapids that inn Jo them all five hours late. A wreck was reported on the Milwaukee thai prevented the trains from arriving until 9 o'clock last evening. Where tbo trouble was could not bo.learnea at tbo oftlce ot tbo company In this city , as no ofllclul report was received. il Is bellovcd , however , It was In till- , nols. A wreck also took pmco at Casey tbat kept Iho Ruck liland trains out until 5 o'clock this afternoon. The Ninth district convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union" opened yesterday afternoon ut ihc Hroadway " \ . , Methodist church , but owing to the fulluro of the trains to urrlvo on bchcdulo time thu number of delegates from other towns was bmall. A largo number are oxpoctcd to arrive lodiy. No morning session was hold , the convention opening In tbo afternoon. Mrs. M. J. Aldrlcb of Cedar Rapids spoke on the subject of district and county work la the afternoon and Miss Mary Sims read an Interesting paper on ' Temperance in Public Schools. " Mrs. R. M. Oshorno also deliv ered a line address on the pubjoct of "Our Girl * . " In Iho evening Mrs. Aldrich again spoxo la an interesting manner to a f air shed audience. Tbo meetings will bo con tinued again today , Iho sessions beginning at 0 a. m. . lH : ) p. in. and 8 o'clock. Do Witt'n Sarsaparcia cleanses the blood , Increases the nppotlt and ton03 up the sys torn. It has bonoflttoa many pooplowho have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. U.MHKII.I.V SAM : SATUISDAY At the Ilimton Store , Council IlluIlM , In , Special pnriiBol nnd sun utnbrellii snlo for SATUHOAY ONLY : All our * 2.00sun umbrollns for 81.50. All our $2.23 HUH umbrollus for $1.0 , " ) . All our $2.60 anu $3.00 Bun umbrollns for $2 00. * All our fancy stripes , plaids and shot silks nt nctunl cost , FOH SATURDAY ONLY , BOSTON STORE , Pothoringhain , Whltoluw & Co. , Council Dlulla , la. Roitor , thotillor,3lO BroUwiy. ha ? nil the latest styles and noweat goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. ( Iriinil IIotAl , Council IlInlK. Special ri\\K3 to laniilles for the sum mer. Largo rooms fuclng the parlc. iin.iait.ifJis. A. T. Fllcklneer nnd family returned last evening from an oxtonslvo western tour. Mr. und Mrs. l < \ 1C. Ulllllnnd loiivc today for u week's visit with friends in Axloll , linn. J. B. Walker nnd wlfo of Helena , Mont , , nro in tbo city , guests of J , M. Lana of the MilwauKco. Mr. J. L. Wells of Denver Is sncnalngn few days among his old friends hero. Ho Is a thorough ! oxpor In mining nnd bus for sev eral years past bcon looking nf lor the inter- cstn of many in this city and vicinity who have properties wosl. Do Witt's Sarsaparilla U reliable. Hot weather prices in picture frames at Rilov & Shorradon's art etoro. Trains lonvo Matmwa daily at 8 and 10 n. in. , 12 in. , and 1 , 2 , 2H : : ) , ! l , 8:30. : 4 , 4)0 : : ) , 0 , 0 : : ) , 0 , 0iO. : ! 7 , 750 : ! , 8 , 8:30 : , K , 9U : : ) , JO , 10:150 : , 11 and 11:55 : p. in. The 11:65 : train will muko connection .with the last olcotrio motor ui.r for Omaha The Woman's Relief corps will glvo Buppor Saturday night , Juno 25 , nt Mulliu'old stand , opposite Ogden lioubo. Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock for loc. Ice cream and calco the rest of the even ing. rrepnrlni ; fur tliu Fourth. The Uuautuuqim management received word yesterday from the bands of Avocu ; nnd Shelby announcing that tbey nro making ar rangements to bo born on tbo Fourth to take port In the baud contest , which Is to take plnco for three prlioa of $100 , { .w and $ 'J5 ' re- pouttvcly. Tbo laities' drum corps of Oakland - land will bo present , nnil In fact the wbolo town of Onblnnd U looked for , as il has been Occldod not to hnvo the customary celebration tbcro tills year in order ihut nil who want to nmy attend the exorcises at the Twin City Chnmauqiin. From the present Indications tbe Fnurtli will be ono of tbo greatest days of thu wbolo season , and largo dclocaiions nro expected from all the towns within a radius of 1UU miles , DoWltt's Sar < apulla ) aauror , < suon to I oim as ecrofula , aitin iluom , iuua : , rluu matiiui. lu tloijlv-u3 ivo ( m my liv o.i. International Cure association rooms nro in itniiox to Grand hotel , 620 First nvenuc , Council BlulTa , lu. For euro of uleuhol und opium dlsoaso. flreut Clearing Sale , . Of carpets , curtains , oto. Until July 16 wortll sell nil citrpots , curtains , ruga , Jnpancbo und Chinese mattings at cost. Council UlulTs Carpet company. Dr. Chamborlatn , eye. oar. throat catarrh. Shugart blocit , Council muffs NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Potlawattamia Oounty Rapubllcans Declare Emphatically Against Prohibition. THEY WILL WORK FOR HIGH LICENSE Delegates to tlia Vonvrntloni Go Unliu itructcil Colonel D.tlly Ulict Ills Vlonn mi Interesting Topic > Detain ot the Meeting. Tao republican county convention was hunt yesterday In the superior court room. The tlmo nnnouncod for Its opining was 11 o'clocic , when It was expected that the tem porary organization would bo effected so that the afternoon session might be devoted to the main business of Clio convention , But owing to serious wrecks on both the Hock Island und Milwaukee railways the delega tions from a part of the county not arrived. Chairman iluzcllon of the county committee calloJ the convention to order and stated the dllllculty , when It was decided to post pone all action until U p. in. In order to give the absent delegations n chjnco to arrive. When Iho convention was again called to ordur It was found thnt the Mlndon , Noola nnd Underwood delegations had managed to bo present by driving across the country. Tue Walnut and Avoca delegations , and a part of the Carson , had found that tuoy would bo unublo to eel in before 5 p , in. and had decided to go bade their homes. O. L. Wilkinson of Neola and E. J. Abbott of Couni-11 JilulTj wcro appointed temporary chairman and temporary secretary. The following commlUcci were appointed : Credentials A. II. Keller , U S. Fields , U. T. Ward , B. W. Ulgbt , J. B. Matlouk , K. Cumpboll. I'crmanoht Orpnnizotlon Oeoreu Ilolton , lU. . Wcolis , Jncoo Ilimson , W. C. Van Pelt , Thcodoro Uuittar , E. L. Shugart. Husolutlons George Putnam , Prank tihlnn , R Marti , C. U. Suundors , C. M. Hurl , J. M , Galvln. Delegates Alex Oslor , S. M. Johnson , W. E. Kcmlngton , William Arnd , U. M. Uould , J. M. Putlorsou. Mr. Shiigiirt's Idcn. E. L. Shugart mixuo a" motion that nil who might bo chosen delegates be given to under stand at tba start that they would bo .ex pected to votu In accordance with the In structions that would bo given them with reference to Pottawattamlo's candidates lor railway commissioner and for congress. E. E. Hart stated that Hon. Spencer Smith , railway commissioner , preferred that no in structions should bo glvon the delegates so far as ho was concerned , as It might appear that bo was afraid of his chances tor endorse ment br the state at large. A resolution endorsing bis con no , however , would bo ac . ' motion * declared ceptable. Shugart's was flnally clared out of order , ns the convention was not yet permanently organized. M. E. Meyers called the attention of the committee to the fact that some of the coun try districts wcro not represented'mill nslied that particular attention bo paid to them in making the selection of the delegates. Ills remarks were greeted with applause. Tbo report of the committee on credentials nnd the report of the committee on perma nent organization , recommending that the temporary organization bo made porrmuicnt , were made nnd adopted. Tbo committee on resolutions reported the following resolu tions , which were adopted with applause : \\o , the republicans of I'ottawnttamto countyIowa , Inconventlon assomb ed.resolve , I'lrst , That wo uiulorsu the prlnclp us an- mninuod In the national and state platformsot the republican party adopted In the iccent conventions at Mlnnoanolls and DCS Motnes. ScoonJ , Tlrit we eordlillv r.itlfy und en dorse the nominations of Harrison and Reid and pledzo to them our enthusiastic support. Third. That no again express our esteem for and cimlldonco In the public tttid private rec ord of Hon. Spencer Smith and cordially com mend him to the rctmblluan state convention to bu hold In Des Molnes on the 'JOth. While the convention was waiting for the report ot tbo commltteo on delegates , C. M. liar ! was called for and responded in an elo quent speech. John Lindt was called for , but stated that ho was saving bis volco for the tlmo to come when ho should ascend tbo stump , but that when that time came ho would do all the talking anyone could ask. Dr. O. W. Gordon , H. A. Smith , C. G. Sounders and A. S. Hazelton made speeches in which the brilliancy and purity of the ad ministration were warmly eulogized. The following w ro selected as members of the central committee for the coming year , ono committccman from each township : Luyton township , T. U. Bardsloy ; Knox , Iloscoc Barton ; Pleasant , J. N. Frum ; Val ley , A. M. Huff ; Lincoln , J. I. . . Fleming ; Center , J. L. Phillips : Macedonia , T. J. YOUPR ; Waveland , C. M. Potter ; Wright , William Morford ; Urovo , G. M. Putnam ; James , F. M. Applogato ; Carson , U S. Campbell ; Silver Creek , W. P. Uluwiddic ; Hclunap , William Lyraan ; Washington , J. II. Turner ; Hockford , Al Frazlor ; Neola , G. L. Wltuinson ; lla/.oi Dell , Jacob Hanscn ; Bloomer , L. II. Axtell ; Mlnden , F. Marti ; Nor.valk , E. D. Fisher ; Kane , First , E. J. Abbott ; Kane , Third , L. A. Gray ; Lewis , J. II. Page ; Kane , Sec ond. Thcodoro Gulttar ; Kane , Sixth , J. F. Wlilto ; Crescent , J. U. Mullock ; Garner , A. R Chntterbuck ; Kauo. outside , O. J. KmUh ; Kane , Fojrth , F. H. Warren ; Keg Creek. C. T. Ilonlov ; Kiltie , Fifth , J. W. Strong ; Hardlu , A. J. Chambers. OppoHuit to Prohibition. John Lindt offered the following resolu tion : lie It resolved by the republicans of 1'otta- \\iiUunilocouolv assembled In county con- ' ventlon , JnnoV.I. Ib'J. ' , That wu Instruct our delegates to the ht'ito convention to ilee all honorable means to gut a resolution Into llto platform favoring high license or loual option. A rising vole uat taken on the resolution and it was adopted by a small majority. A. S. Hazolton wa * nominated for re election to the chairmanship of the county central committee. Mr. Huzclton begged oil on account of lack of tlmo and was llnally. ' released after a unanimous vote In favor o'f bit ro election had been taken. Ernest E. Hart was elected to 1111 the vacancy , with Mr. Huzclton as assistant. By this time the couunltteo on delegates bad Unlshcd Its work. Tbo following Is a list of the delegates chosen for the various conventions : State Convention at Dos Molnos , Juno 29. J. B. Blake , O. M. Bruco. D. K. Barker , S. II. Pas.siucru , Dr. S. M. Johnson. James HuntcK Henry Coffoen , Dr. O. W. Gordon , J. C. Mitchell , C. A. Kced , G. W. Strong , L. E. Bridonstein , John Lindt , E. U. Fon'da , A. C. HardingV. . F. Dakar. E. L. Sbugart , F. E. Gillltond , G. M. Gould , O. Vlon. Congressional Convention at Atlantic , July 1U G , A. Spauldlng , II. V. Bnttoy , G. M. Putnam , Alex Oslor , Klmcr Smith , Frank Stilnn , Perry Kearney , G. L. Wlllilnson , William II. 'Kllpack , C. O. Suundnrs , E. U. Baldy , G. F. Smith , J. B. Unes'jucli , James Patterson , C. M. Hurl , F. S. Thomas , John Lindt , Charles Haulay , Paul Besoloy , L. S. Field. Judicial Convention at GlonwoodJuly 21 T. J. Young , C. H. Converse , D. C. Bloomer , Jacob Sims , M. H. Chumborlin , James Me- Cobc , A. T. FIlcKlngor. A. S. Hn elton , L. A. Gray. L. G. Knotts. J , D. Kout , George Carson , J. B. Mullock , B.V. . Higbt , T. U. Bardsloy , Frank Tumor , B. Harcourt , Hrusmus Campbell , H. A. Uniltb , K. Walxor. Ualogntcs ( lo Unliistriicted. At this juncture Captain U. W. Might pre sented a roiolutlon Instructing the delegates to use all hoDorablo means to secure tbo nomination of Colonel D.-B. Dally for con gress at tbo coming congressional conven tion , Ho followed tbo resolution by a tow remarks , In which bo ploadud for Colonel Dftty on the ground of his brilliant record as a soldier and a republican. This brought Colonel John Lmdt to his feet In opposition to tbo resolution uud with u motion to lay It on too tablo. Ho thought It > vui wrong to lustruct the delegates to vote for any candi date when there was anotnor candidate from the county for the samp nomination. Ho alluded feelingly to the plethoric pocketbook - book of tbo other caudldato , und uaid that It had always been open to the demands of the party. J. M. Galvla spoka in bol'alf of Dally. Limit took tha iloor as souu as Galvln had fluuhed and alter some pros- euro had bcon applied to him bo stated tbat Ueorgo F , Wright was tbo other candidate bo had mentioned. While tbo light botwoeu Daily's friendi and the men who wcro op posed to giving any Instructions wus at Us height , Colonel Dally came forward and by nerumiiou of tbo convention made a ipeocb ID tU own bohiilf. Ho referred to hU record. ns a soldier and demanded thai the conven tion make some disposition of his case. He did not want tha resolution tabled , but wanted the convention ollbor to adopt It or clso adopt one favoring another candidate. "If you say you don't want rae I shall ad mire you for your candor , " said ho , "but if you refuse to face the question I shall bate you for cowards and poltroons. " A rising vote was taken , which resulted In the carrying of tbo motion to lay on the taDlc. and the delegates go unlnstructod. Just after a motion lo aJjourn bad boon made J. M. Galvln nroso and requested the convention to allow him a tow mluutoa In which to present a rosolutton. It was Intended - tended , as Ualvlp staled , to free Iho rcpuoll- can party In Pottawattamlo county from the charge that bad been madnagain&t u by demo cratic papers nnd by democrats on the street that It was manipulated In the Interest of n certain secret political organization. It was quite lonathy and contained ono or two ref erences that wcro objectionable to some ot the delegates. A long discussion cnsuod , in which moro or loss warmth was displayed by different speakers on both sides. OH was at last poured on the troubled waters by C. M. Harl , who droxv uo n resolution which did awny with tbo objectionable foturos. . It was substituted for the other and adopted with out n dissenting vuto. The following Is the text of tbo substituted rosolutton : Ruso'.ved , That the republican party Is In favor of absolute liberty of conscience to every in in. woman an1 ehlld of every rice , creed and color , and that the * sole test of locojnltlon by republicans l > devotion In tno principles upon -A\lilch the government Is founded , and Wt > p'u IRQ onr-iplvcs to S'lpport oicry American ultlren In tbo enjoyment of his lin'lttd , both as a inin an I 'is ' n citizen. Mrs. Wlnslow'd ' Soothing B.vrup reduces in- ( lamination \\hllo children ara teething. 25 -cents u bottle , u.Miimu.r.A SAM : SATURDAY At the IloUoi ! Store , Commit llltiu % In , Special pnrnsol and sun umbrollii s.Uo for SATURDAY ONLY : . All our 3:2.00 : sun umbrellas for $ l.50. All our $2.2o sun umbrellas for SI.03. All ourifiOund$3.00 BUII umbrellas for < 2.00. All our funey stripes , plnlila tuuj shot silks at cost , FOR SATURDAY ONI A . BOSTONS I'OUB , Fothorlnphuin.Vhltolnw & Co. , Council Blulls , la. Colfax glnsror ale and mineral water sold ut wholcHulo by Duquette & Co. , nmtHifueturlii' ' confoutionors. McPluul piano1 ? , 110 S tuts mini street. page 0 , Chautauqua.i > rugraui. Caught In the ryllnilcr. J. W. Curvell , a colored man who Is serv ing a thirty day sentence In the county Jail for stealing clothing from a Lower Main street store , Is suffering from the effects of an accident which may yet cost him his Hfo. When the jailor turned the stool cylinder In which the prisoners are confined during the night to lot thorn out for the day , Curvell stopped out , but remembering that ho bad loft part of his clothes insldo the cylinder , ho stepped partway back to got them , thinning ho would have tlmo to do so and got out again before the cvllnuor swung past the doorway to his bunk. But ho calculated wrong , for whllo his head and shoulders were Inside , the cylinder , which weighs many tons , caught him nnd crushed him against the outside bars , crushing him severely across the body , the mark of the contact extending from his shoulder to the opposite hip. The cylinder at once bounded bai-k and Curvoll foil to tbo Iloor. The phyblcian who was called staled that Curvoll had some chance ) to recover , nlthoueh the force of the citishlni ; ho received would have undoubtedly killed him instantly if his head Instead of bis body bad boon between tbo cylinder and tbo bars. No biamo can bo attached to tbo Jiilor or anyone clso except ing Curvoll himself. Do Witt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the bloo A ChuutaiKiui Outing. Tno beautiful grounds on which the Chautauqua assembly will bo hold next month v furnish such attractions that ninny families are planning for a two weeks'outing thoro. Some have cot tages , others are to pitch Ihoir tents , and all are planning1 foV si grand time socially and intellectually. With a pop ular entertainment each morning , each afternoon and each evening , making three a day , together with various classes for study , a kindergarten for the little folks , plunty of music , etc. , the program is crowded with good things. The transportation arrangements are BO much moro conveniently arranged than in any previous year that it will bo very easy to get to and from the grounds.It is the best outing for a little money than ono can plan for. The vest pookot pro grams glvo all details and can bo had on application to Managers Troynor & McGee , at the Chautauqua otllcu , No. 10 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. For Rent First class saloon ; good lo cation ; line fixtures.Responsible party can got long lease on good terms. Address - dross D 2-1 , Bee ollico , Council BlulTs. This is the weather that makes you enjoy Driebbach's ice croara , finest , in the city. _ _ Shaw & Co , soil Union Soap. Courtney & Co. sell Union Soap. UJl.llIA. Commencement KxcrcUrs Clans of thu High School. The Pros by lorion church wns crowded last evening by the members of the gradu ating class of the High school and tbolr friends to bear tno address of Judge Norrls oj Ponca , whoso subject was "Our Debt to Antiquity. " Judge Norris is an impressive and Interesting talker uud delighted bis- bearers by his masterly oflort. Ho said : "Any class of young ladies and gentlemen are lo uo congratulated that they graduate and enter upon tbo duties ot actlvo lie in the year 1S92 , In the United States , and es pecially in tbo state of Nebraska , in no previous - vious ago of human history have the rising generation extending before them so brilliant a prospect.Uthin the memory of living tnon greater advancement has boon made In Bciontitlo Investigation nnd mechanical in- vcntions than during tbo preceding 5,003 yours ot human history , and if wo are trtio to ourselves , If our civilization continues. and the wcrk of Iho past half century con tinues for another fifty years , the knowledge possessed and the power wielded by the men nnd women nf that tlmo will bo a matter of the vildust speculation , "Nowhoro Is the energy nnd enterprise of tbo American pioplo moro signally mani fested than in this , the Magio City of the stato. A city llvo years old wltb 10,000 in habitants , and a city tba school population of which forty-sight mouths ago was less than ! ! 00 , Instructed by four toacber.i , and whoso schools are now attended by 2.TOJ scholars , taught by a corps of thirty toachnrs. This evening I again extend to you my congratu lation ! ! upon graduating at this prorituous ago of the xvorld , In this nation and state , nnd particularly uuon tbo fact that vou corn- prlso the first graduating class of the city of Boulh Omaha. ' ' Tbo speaker alluded to tba fact that tbo knowledge and mechanical pouors charac teristic of tbo nineteenth century are in a great measure an inheritance from our fathers. "Tho application of electricity , " said Judge Norrls , "presents the grandest tri umph of mind over matter , but by the invo - tljatloQ of previous ages the nature of elec tricity was understood , thus preparing the way for the Invention of the telegraph , Mathematics , tbo basis of mechanics , was Inherited from tbo Arabs and Hindoos. Arithmetic , tbo great practical study of our soboolt , wcs derived from the same source. Emerson nays tbat everything that a man of thought desires 1s found In' the pages of Plato , "Tho literary debt tbat we owe our fathers ii Incalculable , Eliminate Milton , Dante , Homer , Shakespeare , who will fill the void ) In painting and iculpturo superi ority ot Iho aucleats U undeniable. De mosthenes still remain * .the standard of sublime oratory. "Men are Just learning Iho nccnmplUbmont of the divine command lo subjugate this earth the great central force of which light , heat , electricity and magnetism are manifestations npont by which Ibo work Is to bo accomplished , , and when lhat con summation is attained , looking backward all ages will have contributed to tbo grand 10- City Council. Tbo members of the council surprised all last evening by getting tpgothor nnd com mencing the weekly grind nt n few minutes pastS o'clock. All mombcn wore present except Councilman Bulla , who h In Chicago. P. S. Casey > vas given permission to grnda the alloy between Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth streets , and I nnd J streots. Tbo street committee recommended that the electric light company bo Iplven permis sion to croct poles on Twenty-fourth street , from A to J streots. On the adoption of the report alt members excepting Holey voted In the afllnnatlvo. Haley stated that the company wanted the earth and never gave nny return for It. Several sidewalk nnd grading ordinances , of which mention has bcon made , were passed. Ordinance 3'.K > , croatlng n flro limit dis trict ; No. UOI , creating paving districts No. 1'J and ordering the same p.weu ; No. UDi , prohibiting the boarding ot moving trains by other than employes ; nnd No. 3'.K5 , order- in ; ; n sidewalk laid on the north side of H street from Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth street , wcro road and referred to the ordinance committee. A committee , consisting of Wood , Wallors and Shulz , was appointed to confer with the Board of Education relative to making n levy ol I''jf mills for school purposes , and ascertain tno necessity of It , The Twenty-fourth street paving muddle - dlo was broucht up by a communication from Cowln vV McHugh , Inquiring if that firm waste to bo retained us counsel in the case pending in the federal court. The mayor and city attorney wcro Instructed to" wall upon Cowln & McHugh nnd retain them nt a reasonable ligura until the case comes to trial , If it overdoes. A remonstrance was filed against the lowIng - Ing of n school tax in tbo sum of 12 > mills , or In nny other sum. Tno remonstrance is sjenon by the Union Stock Yards company , Ld Johnston , C. M. Hunt South Onialm Land company , W. B. Berry , ox-Mayor Sloano and forty-flvo ether property owners , who represent several hundred thousand dollars worth of property. 'I'bo final estimate on the oavlng of Twenty- fifth street wns allowed and warrants ordered Issued to thu contractor. uniuigo inspector Snlvolv was made a member of the Uoard of Health. Tno city engineer was Instructed to estnb- llsn the ernde on Eighteenth street from Q to Armour streets. The council adjourned until 7:33 : o'clock Monday ovonlng. ScnlUud by lut | I'nr. Yesterday afternoon William Morris , a roofer employed on tbo Q. H. Hammond now buildings , was Dadly scalded oy a bucket ot hot tar upsetting und spilling upon his per son. Ho was hoisting the bucket to the roof from the ground below by the aid of a rope and pully. Ho was badly scalded about the head .and shoulders. Morris lives nt Dougherty's hotel , Twenty-fourth and Q strauta. - _ Notm mid I'oraunnU. Fred E. Pearl returned yesterday from Michigan. K. L. Todd of Plattsmouth Is the guest of Colonel E. O. Ma.vfield. W. B. Cheek and Jamas Fleming returned from Chicago yesterday. A. C. Gllltlund of Franklin , Pa. , is the guest of Samuel P. Bngham. Mrs. T. J. Flaherty loft yesterday forMln- dcn. whoio sbo will vlalt with friends. Captain Van Wlo Is acting in the capaclty- of chief of police during Chief Beckett's ill ness. ness.The The members of the South Omaha band will give n call at Blum's bull , Saturday evening , July 2. , i Clark Foraythq loft yeslordav for Seattle , Wash. , ho willJest blU'b a branch of fice for Ibo Cudahy Packing company , Eddie Christ , tbo young son of Mrs. Ella T. Christ , returned homo yesterday from Notre Dam9 , Ind. , where bo has boon attend ing school. .NEBRASKA . CENTRAL PLANS. * Ton-its Thnt Will Get the Now Itoad It.illroail Uoiislp. The sponsors of tbo Nebraska Central en terprise have laid down In a general way the route on which they wish to construct their Iowa line , but of course it may have to bo mcdlllod on account of obstacles and con ditions not yut apparent. Tbe proposed route runs In an almost straight line northeast - east from Council Bluffs to Fort Dodge , passing through Avoca , Audubou , Coon llaplds and Uowrie. TOOJO towns are al ready of considerable importance , and the line as projected will cross several of tbo Iowa railroads. There Is considerable speculation In inter ested circles on thu effect of tbo HOCK Island's reduction of the catllo rate from the southwest to Omaha. Frolgnt Agent Crosby of tbo Burlington says his line is not likely to moot tbo hew $1'J.5'J rate because It cuti- not afford to bland all the shrinkage and the connecting lines south will probably tofuso to bear u part of it. Ho says the Burlington offered n year ago to raauo this same rate Irom Concordlo , Kan. , having a connection at that point with the Santa Fo , but tno c.hor lines refused to co-onoruto. The Missouri Panlllc Is perhaps the road most affected by the Hock Island's action , , but it is maintaining tbo old rate. It is known , buwovcr , thai it hud a representative In South Omaha yesterday investigating tbo situation , uud that is regarded as nn indica tion lhat H contemplates meeting the now rate. Other freight men say frankly that tbo competitors of tno Kock Island will bo compelled to adopt its rule , and they seem to regard that as n foregone conclusion. Passenger Agent Kennedy bus learned tbo merits and ocautics of American vostlbulod cars in a dozen different languages. A train of four Pullmans , a diner nnd a baggage car was recently sent to Europe" for a French road , and an American tourist IIrm took a party of our globe trotting compatriots about tbo continent on this train bofora turning it over to tbo now owner. A friend has sent Mr. Kennedy numberless papers containing elaborate and wondering descriptions of the American innovation , and these accounts are a curious polyglot collection. Passenger Agent Palmer of tbo Santa Fo Is planning n personally conducted excursion of Omaha ana Nebraska people to the Grand canyon of the Colorado ! , A stage route has been estubllshed.from1 Flagstaff , Ariz. , to the canyon nnd a tented camp has boon provided at tbo end of tbo slUjriiie. ' Tbo itinerary will Include stops ut tlio quaint city of Santa Fo and the famous bo''springs ' of Las Vegas. The party will leave Omaha about the mid dle of August , and will probably bo Joined at Flagstaff by Modjeskit , Count Bozenta , MM. Clement 0. Chase1 and others now In Cullfornli. > Tbo Hock Island Wiis' fixed on a train sorvlco for the Twin "City " that will give Omaha and rCbuncll Bluffs people- excellent facilities for r < ; acblnc the grounds. Trains will leave Omaba at B and 10 a.m. , 12:30 : , 5:20 : and l:3ri ) : n.rnj ; Council Bluffs , ut 0:10 : , 8:39 : , 0:30 : nnd 10:27'u.m. : ' , I , 1:60 : , 5 0 , 7 and 7:30 p.m. Koturu'lnk , trains will leave Iho grouilu * at 0:45 : , 8:11) : ) . 0 and 11 u.rn. , und 1:25 : , 430fi3:3 ; : , U:13 : and 1U:15 : p.m. p.m.Tho Wynndotto llnom already manned by Missouri Pacific men , but It Is In tbo hands of a receiver , aud Itwlll probably bo a month before the legal red tape can all bo unwound and tbo road absorbed Into tbo Uould sys tem. * > J. M. Campbell , the literary man of tbo B. & M. , has Jutt gotten out a pamphlet , finely illustrated wltb half-tone cuts , tbat will bo distributed In Australia , Japan and China , to Influence World's fair travel next year. E. W. Uont , who was transferred from tbo Omulm nfllco of tbo Hock Island to Kansas City , has returned , and Is now Interested in the Northwestern distributing ngoncy. Among .Military Men. Major Bacon departed yesterday for the frontier town of Suggs , Wyo. , to investigate tbo recent disturbance. It U understood In military circles that tbo civil authorities In Wyoming have made a demand for tbo ojs- tody of tbo troops engaged In tbo tight at Supgi but tbo military authorities have re fused to surrender them until word can be received from Washington. Tbo military authorities fear th t under existing circum stances In Wyoming It would not bo safe to surrender the soldiers to the civil authorities for prosecution. The matter will probably bo Adjusted In a few dnvs without difllculty. Unncral BrooKe wiw seen by a HRB re porter today with regard to tbo matter but ho had nothing ( or publication. Ho Indicated that Ibo matter would bo adjusted soon with out trouble , FOU THE FOURTH. Committees nt Various Organizations Will .Atcot to Prrpnton I'rogrnin. It Is now settled tbat Omaha will colobrnto the Fourth of July. The Board of Trndo , the Uoal EtUtto Own- era association , Iho Builders and Traders oxchnngi ) have taken hold of tbo matter nnd , acting upon the suggestions thrown out by TUG Bcr , hnvo commenced to plan a mon ster celebration. Yesterday the Board of Trade appointed Joseph A. Connor , Adolpb Mover and John O. Willis ns n committee to net with commit tees that might bo appointed by ether organi zations or by cltlrens to outline n program and n line of action. A general mass meeting has been culled tor tohi ! ovonlng , to bo belt ! nt Iho Board of Trade rooms , to take final action and for Iho purpose ot appointing the committees and subcommittees to carry out the wonr. * - * ' Cliirh-Kvtins. * HOT Snuxos , S. D. , Juno 2.1. [ Spoclnl Telegram to Tun Br.e.j This afternoon nt 5 o'clock Mr. It. IX Clark was united in marriage to Miss Ella Evans at the homo of tbo bride's parents. Hov. Mr. Frame of the Congregational church performed the cere mony. The contracting parties are well known In tbo northwest , whore they have a largo circle of friends. The brldo Is the daughter of Fred T , Evans , who owns tbo northern addition to this city , including tbo Mlnnckahta Springs , and Is well known , 'Iho banpv couple departed on the evening train fo'rDonverand Colorado Spring * , where they will enjoy their honeymoon and then return to this city to make their homo. i : tiirntii | ; the Cltnlis. The Judges and clcrki ot election who spirited nwav the chairs which were In tbo election booths have scon the error ot their wicked wtlys. Slnco Tue BEE published the notice tbat all of the parties having chairs wcro to be prosecuted Superintendent Mathtcsoii of tbo clty'hall has boon kept busy receiving and receipting for ilia plunder. Up to this data all of the chairs , with the exception of eighteen , hojro beou returned. Cnuno of Dlxou'H Troubles. Lilly Lewis , a colored prostitute , was yes terday morning fined $ . " > 0 and costs for as saulting Fanny Boll. Of course she could not pav her Ono and was taken to the county Jail. While she is tbcro in all probability the sol dier , Dlxon , will bo taken out and hanged. This should give her food for rollootlon , for she is the woman for whom Dixon committed the crliro of murder and for. tbo sake ot whom he Is to die. raid for ULs Oniclotisncsi , Deputy Poundmastcr Dav'.s was fined $75 and costs for brutally assaulting a man named Eckstrom at Tblrty-llrst and McGcath streets. Davis wont out to got n horse pastured in a vacant lot there and Eckstrom , the owner , resisted. To show his authority Davis used the bull end of a black snake over Eckstrom's head nnd Rhouldora until witnesses arrived and interfered. Charles Kolil'H Katatc. The probate court yesterday appointed W. U. Kohl admluistratorof thoestuto of Charles and Elizabeth Koul , who were killed on the Omaha nnd Council Bluffs motor line , Juno 5. The administrator will at once bring suit for $10,000 In the district court , mailing the railway company the defendant. nurglarl7 d a Resilience. The residence of L. L. Babb at 2133 Spalding - ing street was visited by a burglar last Mon day and about > 0 in cash and Jewelry was carried away. A neighbor saw the sneak thief who broke into tbo bouse as she casscd oul of Iho yard and down Iho alloy , but she supposed Mrs. Babb was at ho ceo and paid no atlontion lo the Intruder. Caught a Deserter. "When John F. Nuglo arrived in Omaha bethought thought ho had got as far from "tho odor of mine from the ocean" ns ho could got. Ho were the uniform of ono of Uncle Sam's marines , however , and tbat got him into trouble. Detectives Hayes nnd Hudson mot him on the street and gathered him in for desertion. Republican Drum Carpn. A number of young republicans of tbo oily are organizing a campaign drum corps. Mr. James Ish and Justice Bradley are the Drimo movers , and they expect , to complete ar rangements that will muKo the Omaha Drum corps u distinctive feature of campaign parados. WBAXUKU fOKKVAST. or WKATIICII BUREAU , 1 OMVIIA , Juno 23. f Pressure has increased In the upper Mis souri valley and the "cool wave" Is pressing southward. Cool , cloudy weather , * , vlth nu merous rain areas , prevails over the whole country north of Kansas and Missouri. Heavy rains have again fallen in the upper Mississippi valley and also in northern Illi nois. Chicago reports 2.30 Inches of rain during tbo day , Davenport i.oj inches and Dubuque 1.03 Inches. From Kan sas south and southwestward the' weather remains very warm. There is a storm in tbe extreme southwest. 3''or Kiistorn Nolinulm , Omnlin anil Vicin ity Cooler , cloudy \voiitliur witli ruin , northeasterly to easterly wlmU tliirlni ; Frlilny. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 23. For Ne braska , Iowa nnd Colorado Local showars , northeast winds , cooler In south portions , slightly warmer in northwest portion. For North aud South Dakota Local rains , followed bv fair In west portion of the Dauotns , slightly warmer , north winds , be coming variable. A .Special Design Entirely Original Mltli nn Omulm Firm. Tbo chandollor for the district court room in the Gage counly court house at Beatrice , now being sot up ready for shipment by tbe gas and electric light fixture firm of Hussell , Pratt & Co. , Is nnu of the handsomest things seen in this city for many a day. The design - sign is original with the firm and consists of beautifully scrolled work copper bronzed , with U enormous stalactites , tastefully cov ered with grill work , suspended from the arms above. Tbo effect will bo simply grand wbon tbo olcotrio lights wltb COO candlepower - power and the half hundred gas jots are turned on. Tbo chandelier measures 12 feet In length and 13 feet in circumference. The construction Is entirely new , there being nothing at nil like it in tbo west. Tbo remainder of tbo rooms in the Gage county court bouse are being fitted up with equally as good , though not qulto so elaborate fixtures , making it the best appointed public building lu the state as far as light Is concerned. 'ibe new Omaba city hall , which Is the largest gas and olcotrio light contract glvon so far to nny one firm In the United States , Is also being furnished with this firm's fix ture * . Many other public and private buildIngs - Ings are adorned with Hussell , Pratt & Co.'s Handiwork , besides many moro in counc ot construction , which 1s very good evidence tbat they are doing tbolr sb&ro of the lixturo business , _ W. J. Pickering eolla Union Soap. Important Kiicliiuorliii ; Teit , An important engineering test wns made j oslerday on locomotive No. 870 , running the Empire State Express on the Now York Central railroad. The work was done by Angus Sinclair , editor of Locomotive Kngincoring. Ho sat on a box on tbo front ot the engine cylinder and took steam Indicator dia grams all the way between Now York and Albany. A speed of seventy-eight miles an hour was recorded , and the engine developed over l00horso ( ! power , The work ot pulling' that last train was preformed on u coal consumption of two and onc-oighth pounds of coal per horse power per hour. The Now York Herald , May 4 , 1802. 1' . Olson bolls Union Soup. CAN PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS reading this that DR , MILES' ' NEW CURE ron THE HEART IB the only reliable care for tlio tired fetllng petit * llftr to vromcn snlTerlng with xvcitk hontto , pnln In dilc , dltouhlor and nrm , wwik ami huncry apt-lit , Irtfculnr r > ul e , fainting , smothering. Thoucnnds tcMifrto tliolr prrm.vicnt euro. KLSOANTUOOK Fltnl ; ATDnuacitsTS. DR. MILKS MEDIOAL CO.Klkhort , Ind. For sale by Kuhn A. CHtlt & p .B.C. W153TS NKItVKANO MK.NT. * ipecina fur llrstorln , Dlnlnsn , Km , N u- ralftl * , ll a < ltici ! , Nerroui 1'rostrnton c u J bj alcohol or tobacco , Wakefulnou , Mantal UODTJI elon , Sottncssot tha tlrMii. c n tn liMMiltr , mliarr docur.d : tb. 1'romituro Ulil Ano. IUrren i , l.oji of I'owcrtutttcr lot , liapatonojr , l. acnrrh an I all Kamalo W iknc ; i Inroluntarr Ixiiui , 8psr matorrhcn cuncM br orerotottlun or tha hmln Holf.Rbusoovtfr Indiiicsucs. A nionlli'i trjatmon f 1,0 for IV br m nil. WottuirantooRlx boxei lo cjf Enrlt order forti b tai. nlth t ) " 111 * oad wrltl ? uutir.-infoto rafund If natcurad ( luir.into ti < in onlrif \ A , chrulpr , ilritftitlst , tolo nuont , touth < m coruor 1Mb nnil K rnntu u , Oaiaba , I TAKEAPBLL. Hobb's Are the Best on Earth. Act gently yet prompt ly on the UVKH , KID. DRJOBgS NElSnnd 110WELS , dis pelling lloadachca , Fov- cis and Colds , tlioroURli- LITTLE ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures Vegel * habitual constipation They are sugar coatoil , donot prlpoery small , easy to take , and purely vegetable. 13 pills In each \lal. Perfect digestion follows their UBO. They ntniolutolr cure cltk head' ache , nnd ore recommend- fed br leading r'TKlclan" ' . l or sale by loading drugtrlBls orBrntby inu' , ! ; 25ct . a vial. Address HQBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Props , San Francisco or Chicam ran SALIMN OMAHA. NEB. , UV Kuhn * Co. , Co.r 18th & Houitlns st * . J , A. Fuller A Co. , Cor. 14th ft Douelft'jEU. A D Foster A Co. , Council IlluOi , Id CURE Antir Bail Completa Treatment , constating 0) BupnosKorltJ. Ointment la Cupsuloi , alto In Uox and IMIli : B Poiltlre Cur * for Httrrnal , Internal blind or Uleadlng Itchlnu , Curonlc , Ucoont or Heredi tary Piles. Tnli Home Ir hit uovor been known to fall , tl per box. 6 for Ii ; sent br mill. Why suffer f rom this tcrrlblo dlienna nhua a wrllton unaranteo l posltlTAlr Rl'on with n tioioi or refund the raoaor If not cured Mead atamp for frco haniple. Uuaraaita Issued br Kuhn A Co , Druzglsu , Solo Agonts. corn * ' 15 and Io ° flat atreti. Omaha. Nob. A Wrluon Guarantee SYPHILIS to Cure Every Caio or Money Refunded. Our cure la permanent and not a patchlit np. Ciei treated aoten years ago hare norer aeon a symptom Inco. Ilydcacrlblngcnia fully w caa treat you by mall , and we giro the same stronz guarantee to euro or refund all money. Iho'e who prefer to come hers for treatment cnn do aoanl wo will pay railroad far * both wayt and hotel bills whllo here , If > T8 fall to car * W * challenge the world for a case that onr Mania llcmedy will not euro , wrltofor particulars anJ irot tbtcTldence. In our ec-von years practlco with the Murtc Remedy U htt' been most dlfllcult to orurcom * the prejudices against tocallcd specifics. But under our stroni guarantou thousands are trying It and be Ingcnred. Wegunrantaa to euro or rotund every Hollar , and as we hare a reputitlon to protect , also financial bucking of tWOOXlt ) la perfectly iaf * to all who wit ! try the treatment , Heretofore you bars putting up and paylnz out your money for different treatments , and although you ara not yet curel no one baa paid back your money. Wo will positively cure you. Old , chronic , deep seatott eases cnre&InO ) to 10 days. InroitUnte our financial standing , our reputation as business men. Wrlto us for names an J addresses of those wo have cured who bar * glron permission to refer to them. It costt yom only post. age to do this. If your symptoms ara sore throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and Joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part ot tbe body , feeling of general depression-pnlns l haalor bones. You have no time to waste. TDos * who are constantly taking mercury and potasb , should dli- continue It. Constant use of these drags will anrely bring soref and eating ulcers In the end. Dou't fall to write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain en velope. Wo InrHo the most rlgll Inrestlgatlou and will do all In our powerto aid you lu lu Address , COOK REMEDY CO. . Omaha. Neb Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing , Cures Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burno , Etc. Koinoves aud Prevents Dandruff. WHITE RUSSIAN Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Ilium Capltil stco'f 8i > 1OOO3 burplus tinJ Profit HOOltt ! NctCupltal an ! Burpltis 9)iIOOlfJ ) Dlroctora J. II. rtlitullm. . Ii .tinfir : . < ' > Glrasini , K. K. lltvrt , I. A. Mlllir , J. V. lllnj'itiii nndCltirlos It. Hnnnan. Transactsonoral hink- IIIK lii ii0is. L-ir/oi * . capital unJ suryluj of tiny blink In outliwuutorn liwu- INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS W. C. ESTEP , Fineral Directs Eminlmar 14 N. Main Street , OOUNCUr. , ni UFFH. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEOI DYBYOR(1 \ All kin lent Dyoiiuand Cloimlntdono In till ItluliVHtbtyloof tbo art. I'.ule.l uul HtalnuU fabrliH made to look ai puud aa new. lied fuatboritulitiiiiol by loam In llrtt'Oliui man. nor. Work promptly done and ilollvuro I luall inirta of iliu L'ouutry , Bend for urleo lUu C. A. MARIAN , - - I'llUPHIEroit. K13Uroudwity , Near NorttnteUara SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. | 7Kltl SAhKUoo < l flro proof : ifo with stool -L chest , stilUblo for * nm 1 bnnk. I'lrti National bank' . Council IlluIT * . In , H llSl:3Rft SAI.N-Tiiroo oi in > for n.ilo at HIH Iowa School fur the Deaf j also wanted a llrst class niiiiuhod oirrlajo tomn. llcnryV. . Uotliort , suiiorlntondont , 1/UUSAIiU IMr.flno , tluiroiiBlibrcd , Jor * - sov otill , solid color , registered stock ) 14 months old. 7238. first street. STOUA OK aTi d Co iuiilsTion Stovii 'f7irni ' turc , etc. , stored und sold on commission at Ion cst rates. U Klnnolinu , ; iw llrondwny , "ITOU sAliIvOn small payments , fruit nnd J ? garden Inn I no\r Council ItlulTs. U II. blip nfc. Uronilwny anil Mnln stroot. lilOU 11HNT Two of the best UtirrlRS liaison JL' Ton rth street. 1 I' YOU linva anything far stln or trade see R. II , Slioifo , limatlwAr anil Main strctit. J/OlUir.NT-DwolllnMln all parts of the J _ ulO' . U It. Situate. Uroiidway nnd Main. Foil HAI.K I'nrnltuo fltturcs loaio anit cnodnlllof hotel with 49 roums In a good Nebrnska elty : will trndo for stock nf conortl iiiorohandlso. K , U. Hhoafo , Hroadway nnd Mnln slrei'l- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOH SAM'-Or trade. A slx-riHini fraino ilnolllntr. HlRhtli nronuo. cor.Jth St. , prlou $1,4 Jii. U it. Shoafe. Itnndway and Mnl nits. f : TluMinly nutol In u small town J-1 fo miles from Council Hulls , tins nn Ice croHin parlor with gooJ tradn. rnrnlturo Invoices - voices ntll.OM. biilldlnir CJ.UOO. Will tr itln for pnoil roslilt'iit nroportjr In Council lllulTs , a snn | ) for the rlslit party. K. 11 , Shoafe , llroid- w y and .Main street. _ _ iroil SA1.K A perfectly new surry very -L choip. Cull tit Mrs. U. A , Robinson's , Tal 1'lrst aTi'iiii" . city. _ K10K UKN r-Klpht-roojii dwulllnn. 331 Watli- J liuton live. , inodorn tylu and eonron- Icncos In excellent ropalr , runt * iX K. I ! . Mionfr , llroiulway and Main sis. _ FOR SAI.K Hotel and restaurant In u pros- porous Nebraska city , p'tvlns business , cooil iinwnns for soil In ? , iir leu MW. It Is n snap. 1II. . Mionfc , Hroadw.iy anil Mnlii street. $ t.Vlll ) buy a nlco now house ! inontlilv nnvniunts 01 foot lot In llrliucs" addition &Ai. llEt of property for silo , John ston & Van I'atten , niOK SAIjK Standard broil inaio. 7yoirs -U old , sired by Dr. Archibald , No. VMM : tlrtt dam by Ulonwood , record ' . ' : J'I. She Is a line cln'stiHit , has shown : oed spoud. U ituntln and well bioKon to ilrlvoslnRloor double , wnUbs about l.Oihi lb May bo seen at barn of W , O. llttorbaok. ' - West llroidway , Council lllulTs l'rlcoi:5) ) . JacobStnm. WANTHD Good clrl. Goo 1 wages fur re liable lrl. NowaslitiiR. MI-H. C. C. 717 I'lrst avenue. FOR SAI-E Kiiriii. 121 acres , Denton 0" . , Missouri , with Improvements : wilt trade for mercli iinllsci ; lirlce 11'JJJ. li II. Hlioato , Ilroudwuy and Mnln street. FOR SAI < K Kami , : t2J acres. In Dlekunson Co , low.i. 240 acres brulto , balance fenced pasture and meadow. I'rleo t'-'inn iioro. bill Slieafo , llro ulwuy Mid Main struct. T7\ORSAIJ5 \ Choleo furmsln Pntta-Tattainlo J3 Co. , Iowa. Bhekfe , llro.idway und Mr.ln street DASTURAOn for horses and cnttlo near JL city. I'luntv water and good u.iro. 1C. 11. jjheafo , Itroadway and Main sticet. 17IOR SALI ! $7,00. ) slOiik of inor- 11 chaiullsit. well looatod .vlthln 100 miles of Omaha. Will take ptrtln Ian I of hcstnual- Ity. balance , c.isli. 11 U. Situate. Hroadway and Main struct. FOR SALE Orocory stosk fixtures , horses , etc. Price $1.VX ) KxculU'tit tr.ule , well cstabllsho I , largo | iriHs ( : must l > o noUl at once , for goo I cause. K. 11. Shu iff , Itro ulwtiy und Main street. FOR SALE The stamping business and ar needlework materials ; am golii'Z to Iruvo elty ; good uliance for n ludy to go In business. Mis , il. I'.MlcB. 402 Ilroudmiy , Council IlluIT \\7ANTii : ) Nebraska lands In oxplinngo > > for Council llluffi property. lAlI.Sliu.ifo , llro.tiiwav and Main street. IJlKUIT laiulH. garden Ian Is , f inns and oily JE property foraiUo or trade. Day k llosj , j3 1'earl struct. FOR HnNT Nicely fiirnlshod seven room lionsc. with pi ino.bath , hot and cold water service and range. Address Y 10 , lleo. " 171OK SALE Elevator with corn shelter , Ju 4,000 bu. il illy : corn cr ndur , IOJ bu. tin hour ; saw mill attachment , 41) ) II. 1 > . engine ! dulni ; a good busltiiiss ; located near Council IllulTx. Will t.iuo good In nd In ovehanxo or Full cheap for cash. E. 11. Hlioafo , llroadwuy and Main street , 'ifiOll RENT-7-room furnished dwelling with Ja bath , etc. , centr'illy located : rent , flO.'ia pur month to parties without children. II II. bhcafu. Itroailway and Main street. HALE-Tho lo.idln ; hotel In a Ncbras- ka cltv of 20.00U : has : rooms , feeds U ) eucli meal , peed bar trade , nets fJV.t/0 ) per month. loiiKestabllshoil. lease lias three vuarnto run : price , j.l.O'.XUK ) . half cash or will trade for Oiniiba residence. E. II. bhcafu , Uroadwuy and Mtiln street. FOR SALE Stock of merchandise and build ing In good Iowa town ; Htoo'i Invoices fl.MO.OO ; lias teed trade : building. fl.OUJ.OJ ; a bargain ; will taUe coed Ion a land In ex change. E. U. Shoafc , Broadway and Mnln street , , . _ i FURNISHED room-to rent at 15 StutHinaii street , on motor lino. ItufuronccrinMiulrud. \\7ANlED-GIrl for conoral housework ' ' Apply at I83J West Itroadway. rniiK itioGEsr UAROAIN Double resi- J-doncu lot. No. " H buntli First street , K ) fuel front ; bust location and best Imr-'iiln In tha city If taken ut once. Day & Hess. Il'J 1'ourl slrcut. Q. El. MVEtRS , FINE FURNITURE , end every other grade doinandol br nil classes ot trade. 13 J'K3 Ji'S Oil ) faTJ\M3 , 203AND 207 I1KOAWVAY Ccurcll UlulTp. \\m \ Si Sntnnilpris-Vtnri.loysat'liw ' PrX3- ! . , Hill a OUUIIUUJ , , tcu | i dm sijito ; aid odoal I-'iiurls. Ucnnia 'J. 'I und 6 Bliugur iL'iiro block. Council HluIId , la. l anil INSTITUTE. m Eye & Ear INFIRMARY KOl-i THE TREATMENT OP ALL Ile tfaclltlt ; . apparatus a no U- . .UJ1U forsuccosHful tro.itiiiant i f ivory form otdlsoaso reitnlrlii : ii.ojloat or miriloil treatment , M beds for patients , hoird mil attondanoa. " HeHtuecoinoJations In tbo wont. Wrltu for clronliirs on defornilt 01inl braces , trusses , club foot , oiirvaturoi of Hulna , iillo , tuimtri. o nicer , Uiit'irrli , bronobltli , In- biiliulon.q uclrlully , paralyHli , otilloiiHy , kid. iiov.biaildur.oyo. eur.fcklnunl blooi and all ' MI ! oDur.itloiiH. uo np u/nwpw A si'EotAi/ry. .10 Ut JjUHllJll llonlconllsja oiof . .otnon FKiiC. : Wo Itiivolatoly ud led t lyliu- liidopirltnunt fur women ( lurlnit conllnoinunt , filrloily nr v.tto. ) Only Uullablo Mudloul lu > ttltutoiniiUln ? u flpool iltyo. , . , All I > owl OUu.iset oiu'oontully traits L hyphhltlo I'nUun removed from tno ty tom wllbiiut innroiiry. Now UoiU > ritlvB 'I' muiil for l ) s of VITAI PUWKK. I'OMOI.SIIU. iililo to visit m may bo irtritud ut homo by ( orreiDon once. All coniiinnilualloris I'linlf. diuillal Jlol ulnvs or Instrii nent * bout l > y ma 1 ( iruxprL'iK , Ruuuruly packed , no in trxs to Ind cutoeonteittHor Bunder. Una purijonixl Iri- t rir t-w prufurro I. Call ntrl consult. 111 o lilntory of your caso. und wo will HOIII ! In p.aln wraDiiur , our pnnif Tn MFN I'linm uuon . PUUn IU men , bpoolul or Nervous ln- ca o , Impoionoy. BypbilU , Oloutuitl Varloo- ro f , with quoit on IUU . , Ilr.iees , Aiipllutieea fur Dofprniltloi & Trussi Uiilyinanufaclory In tbo Werttof in' fo it II. Jryii'J'Al I. . Tltllaatti , , lil.KUVttlU JIA TTUH I KHAN II U KI .V. Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th nnd Broadway , Oo moll Blu'tfa. Ten inlnuto * ' rldo from contorot Umab i end d Oouaoll Iilulf4 vjustrlu taulurllu * ,