Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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reilteitd by Carrier to any putt of the' Cltr
Hin'neM ' Office. . . . . . No 47
JU/AO/l .VT10.V.
N Y. Plumbing Co.
Boston store for dry good * .
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Wanted , Rood Rlrl for general housework.
Mr * . J. It , Snyder , 242 South Seventh street ,
Cot prices on screen doors and window
screens on Monday , Juno 20 , H. F. Field ,
10U Broadway.
C. II. Olios and W. C. Carothors took a
sixty inllo blcyclo trip yesterday to Blair ,
Neb. They Rtnrtcd at 5:15 : n. in. , irmidm : the
trip out In two hours and fifty minutes.
After rostlnc thrco hours they returned
homo , InXnrffacoot n strong wind , arriving
nt Council Bluffs at n0 : ! ! p. in. The rldlnc
tune of tlio cntlro trip wus seven hours and
fifteen minutes.
FratiK Carroll wus arrested early yeitor-
dii } ' morning on a charge ot boinc an inmate
ot a disorderly houso. Ho WIM found in bed
nt ntlhrcputaulo house on Vine street whou
nrrcstcd. Ono case of thin kind Is already
Pending against him , ho having appealed to
the district court when found ttullty In po-
ilcocoutt a few weeks ago. The first case
li to como up for trial on appeal In a few
Horn & ICrliiKlo. pjbllihcrs of the Uansk
I'olUoblnd of Atlantic1 , In. , huvo purchased
the .Dannobrojj * which recently suspended
publication In Omaha nnd bavo miido nr-
ninRnments to remove the enterprise to
Council Bluffs. The paper will bo continued
hero and will bo called lAilkobladcd Dunne-
brotf. They have | cnscd the front basement
of llio Sapp building , corner of Broadway
and Scott street , and will bo permanently
settled In a couple of weeks.
The pollco received n postal yesterday ask
ing that Harry Cnrlhor bo arrested If 'found
nnd held until nn ofllccr arrival from Hoc It
Hnplds , la. , to talto him In charge. Ho Is ac
cused of stealing n suit of clothes valued nt
) . " > from a resident of that place. Curlhor
has been tiofoto the Insane commissioners
twlro recently on compmint of his wlfo and
hai been discharged both limes on ttio
ground that ho was liuv and coed for noth
ing rathnr than uctuallv irsano. Ho Is
booked with being u fugitive from justice.
The jury in the 810,000 damage suit of
Foster aga'lnst Bellinger announced yester
day nt 5 o'clock that It Wiis unable to como
to nn agreement. ODO lone juryman hung
out for the defendant all day lone , and oven
If the others had boon able to win him over
to their viuw of the case It would'havo boon
impossible for tlier.i to hnvo agreed among
themselves upon the amount duo the
plaintiff. As a disagreement was inevitable ,
they were called in at 5 o'clock yesterday
afternoon and discharged , In accordance
with the order mndo by .ludgo Daomer
before ho left for homo Saturday night.
. Millinery at Cost.
Wo nro closing out our summer mil
linery for the next two weeks , nt cost.
Mlssos Sprinlc & Feuron , 10 Main street.
Mr. Frank Bnilollot'a first appearance
nfter his winter in Now York will bo
with the Styk-on-Blass-Lust .club nt
Dolutny'8 , Juno21.
Roltor , thotallor,3tO Brox-Jwiy , h-u
nil the latest styles- and newest good * .
Satisfaction ytuiranteod.
I'JlltSOX.ll * I'Alt.lGll.ll'lUi.
E. H. Odell has goao oast.
Miss Plattc of Now Orleans Is In thn city ,
the guest of Mrs. W. H. Olomnchcr.
Mr. nnd Mi's. O. H. Luc-xs loft yesterday
for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Mills
E. W. Voswlnklo is very 111 a' . hl homo ,
105 Bluff streot. Doubts of his recovery are
Mrs. N. 1 * . lodga acd her daughter , Miss
Nelllo , returned Saturday from Wollcsley
college. Mass.
Miss 13csslo Morse , n well known vocalist
of Chicago , will bo the guest of Miss Nolllc
bactcatt this week.
Mrs. E. H. Loncoo and Miss OrncoUleason
will luavo this evening for an eastern trip of
several months duration.
Mrs. F. A. Sherman , who has been vislt-
BB her brother , L. P. Murphy , returnodyos-
crday to her homo In DCS Moinos.
The condition of Alderman Brown , who
lias been dangerously 111 for uoarly a week ,
was unchanged last evening. Ho Is con
scious all the time and suffers no pain , but
the physicians glvo no hope of his final ro-
covery. They say that ho may last for some
ttmo yet , however.
A special train loft for Chicago last ovan-
Ini ; over the Northwcstf rn with those of the
Pottawattnmlo Dcmocrallo association on
hoard who had not already started for Chl-
caco. Tbo following U a list of the members
uf the association who have cone : J. r.
Ilcndricks , S. H.Vad worth , H. J. Ulhson ,
T , E. Catsady , Gcorpo Wise. .Tobn T. Hiizon ,
3. N. Ciisady Jr. , W. D. Hurdin , Emmet
Tmloy , U. C. Clancy , W. McFaddon , C. D.
"Walters , Fred Baato.V. . H. Thomas , Henry
.Hollz , J. 1C. Cooper. Frank Trlrablo , IJr. F.
J. Soyhort , Vlo Jouulngs , Oscur Brown ,
J nines Million.
Mies Rita Lorton , of Nebraska City ,
with the Styk-on-Bluss-Lust club ut
Dohany's , Juno 21.
Ciriiiul Hotel , Council llluir * . '
Spuciul rtitos to imnlllos ( or the sum-
mor. Largo rooms 'icing the purk.
Dr. Chatnborlfttn , eye , or\r , thro it
cutitrrh. Shugurtblocic , Council lllulld
Sunday at 1'iilriiioiiiit.
The motor line carried quite a number to
Falrmount para yoatorday afternoon , It
bcln the first cbanco the pcoplo of Council
Uluffs have had to rldo into the park for
luauy weeks. The appearance of a ucavy
black cloud early in ttio afternoon , liowevor ,
prevented the crowd from reaching the slzo
it would undoubtedly have reached had the
weather not been BO threatening. Tnoje who
stayed at homo were Rlad they did In the end ,
for whjlo the visitors In the parlc were busy
enjoying the ftrnss , ( lowers and fhnoo-a
Btonn suddenly sprang up , and a tornllc rain
Bhowcr foil for about half an hour , scnalnir
the pcoplo Ecurrylutr to the pavllllon for
shelter. Tuon the hall fell , many of the
jttonos Deiti ) ; as larco as an ordinary lion's
ceg In clrcumfcronco. Tbo afternoon was
occordlnuly bv no means ono of perfect eu-
loyincnt , but the trouble will bo forgotten
lone buforo the last Sunday of the summer
season has passed ,
For Rout First clnsa saloon ; ffooil lo
cation ; line fixtures. RospoiMlblo party
cnn KOI lonjr leuso on peed terms. Ad
dress DIM , Duu oillco , Council UlulTs.
x. Just received , 200 bluck nnd whlto
V > J leghorn hats , cliolco flOe. Mrs. Mtnnio
r/oilTor ,
The Hotel Gordon BIICO ! Its thorough
renovation , coupled with its superior
cnlslim , is mcotint ; with unpunillood !
BUCUCBtt. _ 4
The I.UHl Chapter.
The last chapter of the contempt cao
calnit the president mid superintendent nf
the motor Hue will bo written today when
the caio conioa up for trial before Judge
' JMcCioo. The nfrconu'iit ronchcd between
fhe defendant * and Hlxbv specified that the
rase prndliiK should lie dUinin > cd on condl-
tnn of the motor t'oiiipanv puylnt ; him u cer
tain amount of monoy. U hothur Hlxby got
oil he claimed in tha Urst place or i.ct will
probably never bo known. Although the
motor company did not show any monumental
mental amount of shrewdness in giving
JlUby such an nil-powerful lever 111 u eon-
, irmpt cane to work with , ( till they
j ? ere sharp onouph to have nn under-
.f itandlng wllh Illxty that the terms
of iho iottlcmont nr < i to bo ut'pt a
secret. Kor , If they were to bo told , Uixhy
would nmko n very cdod witness for the
property oxvnorn who have boon suing o louz
tu recover the value of tholr paving.
Ploytl Mather Narrowly Escapes Drowning
in Lake Manawa.
Ho li Raved by the l'rc cnca of Mind and
( lood Ncimo of Seine Omalin Yll-
Itort NetvH mid Local
tinttlp. f
Pluyd Mathor , a 10-year-old boy who
clerks tot S. T. McAtoo , nnd lives on Tenth
street , between Filth aud Sixth avenues , hade
o glimpse of the hereafter yesterday after
noon that was distinct enough to onahlo him
to toll pretty nearly what It looks llko from
close quarters. Ho was out In a boat with a
number of ether bovs of about bin npo
rowing oti LaKe Manawa. All tbo ether boys
wcro dressed In bathing suits , out as ho
could not swim ho had on his ordinary
clothes , Ono of his companions dived oft
the boat Into the water and when ho rose ho
was underneath the boat , which'immediately
overturned. Mather went to the bottom of
tbo lake llko a rock , and nothing moro' was
scon of him for souin time.
All the other boys were too bu y rescuing
themselves to pay any attention to Mather.
The whole affair was seen by quito a number
of people In the pavilion , but it was some
tirao boforonnv ODD could ba found to tro to
the roscuo. Finally , after tbo body had been
undur water seven minutes , some ono dived ,
to the bottom of the luUo and brought it up
It hung limp , respiration had ceased , and to
ail appparauccs the bov was as dead ns ho
over would bo. Some young men from Omaha
who happened to bu thcro took the body nnd
rolled it industriously for about half an'hour.
At last signs of llfo returned , nnd last eve
ning it was said ho would recover. Ho Is
Doing cared for at Hotel Manawa.
Call ut the Clniutttuqua oillco , No. 10
Pourl street now and st'loct your citmp-
Iny ground If you want the choice of
locations. _
Til 13 OOOU WOltlt bTlf.T * UOI3S OM
At thu llinttm Store , Couurll Illnlft , I.I.
Thu.Sppchil , ) iitm S.ilu a
Slnco the oponinu of our Juno sale
Wednesday last the crowds that have
thronged the store from morning till
ovenitiu hnvo been something enormous.
A regular boo hive would bo the mos > t
appropriate comparison. The bargains
that wo ore otTuring are certain to
bring the crowds. Don't bo last , al
ways bo iihoia ; of your neighbor , strive
to got there first. Below Is only a par
tial list of the bargains offered" during
our .Tune salo.
At 6c each 100 dozen ladies' ribbed
At 12c } each 150 dozen ladies' ribbed
vests , worth 19c.
At ! 25c each extra quality white and
cream vests , worth il.'ic.
At50c ouch Indies'sillc finished Hslo
vests in black , ecru and white.
At lOc and U3c each , our line of 33c
ana HOc Outing Flannel Shirts , to go at
1'Jc and lijc.
At I53c each 100 dozen gents' outing
llauncl shirts , worth f Uc.
All outline boys' outing llannol waists
and blouses in 2 lots atoc and o'Jcoauh ,
SOc and 50c goods.
"Straw hats for the million. " all in 3
lotts , 1'JJc , I'JcandSHc. '
"Parasols and sun umbrellas , all at sale
prices. At $1.58 , our $1.75 and $2.00 sun
umbrellas all in at $1.58.
At $1.39 each our $1.75 sun umbrellas.
At $1.08 each our $2.25 and S2.50 sun
At 75c each a Sl.OO umbrella in fast
black sateen , in natural handles and
150 ladies' black hose nt Oe'a pair.
At lOc and 12Jc an elegant line of
ladies' fust black hose , snociul valuo.
At 25c wo claim to show the finest line
of ladies' black hose in the country a
stocking well worth 30c.
Ladies' black silk raits 15c , worth 20c.
At 19c , 25c , 33c , 89o and 50c wo show
special valuo.
At 25o each 75 dozen adjustable win
dow screens , 17x32J.
Boston Store , Juno Salo.
CO. ,
Council BlufTs , la ,
Grout Cli'iirinicSillc. .
Of carpetB , curtains , etc. Until July
15 wo will sell all carpets , curtains ,
rugs , Japanese and Chinese mattings at
cost. Council BlulTs C.irpot company.
\VII1 Klcct
The school hoard will hold its regular
monttdy meeting this evening , and the main
item of business to como before it is the an
nual election of toacbera. Considerable cur
iosity bas been expressed as to wtiat the
board will do in this respect. The political
complexion having changed in the last year ,
it has boon surmised that a decided change
would also bo made in the roster of teachers ,
and from statements made by some of the
members ot the board it appears that this
supposition is not altogether without founda
tion. Of the sixteen Uatholtc teachers in the
schools only four are to bo retained , the four
being the only ones of the number who are
graduates of the city schools. A swathe is
also to be run throucn the row of married
teachers , and all who have husbands to sup
port them are to bo droppad.
From Council BlulTs to Chicago and
return only $12.50 via the Chicago. Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway , whether you
want to attend the democratic national
convention or not.
Hot weather prices in picture frames
nt Riley & Shorrudon'a art storo.
Trains leave Manawa dally nt 8 and 10
a.m. , 12ra. , and 1 , 2 , 2:30 : , 3 , ! l:30 : , 4 ,
4:30 : , 5 , 5:30 : , 0 , 0:30. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 9 ,
9:30 : , 10 , lOlliO , 11 and Ili6p. : in. Thu
11:55 : train will raako connection with
the last electric motor ci.r for Omaha.
International Cure association rooms
are in annex to Grand hotel , 520 First
avenue , Council BlulTs , In. For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
I'.locti'cl TruKtcc.
IT. O. Saundori returned last Friday from
DCS Moines , wbero ho atteuded the com
mencement oxoroUos of Drake university , of
which ho is a graduate. A class of twenty
wus graduated this year from tbo literary
department , aud the attendance during the
past year has numbered about 8.K ) In the
totul. At a meeting of the board of trus
tees it was decided to add another $ I5'JOJJ to
the endowment of tbo Institution , and stops
\vlll ho taken at once to rnlso this amount.
When Mr. Haundors nrrlvod homo ho found
a inimago awaiting him notifying him that
ho had been appointed to a position on the
board of trustees , the honor having boon
conferred uuou him by the Alumni associa
tion , who , by the rules of the school , are
allowed to cheese a certain number of trus
tee * , Tno honor wus entirely unexpected ,
and Is appreciated by its rcclpiculall tha
more on that uroonut.
The Strykon Blmis Lust club of
Oui'ilm ' will give a grand concert nt
Uohnny'a opera house 'i'uebd.ty , Juno
21 , under thu auspices of the Guild of
St. Paul's. The eololbts are Mr. Frank
Badollot , lluto ; Miss Ulta Lorton of Ne
braska City , soprano ; Mr. John Brown ,
'cello , null Mossrn. liadollot and Arthur
Smith , uornulM.
Tno Ulnir of tilam Is greatly Interested In
electrical prepress. Through his efforts
Bangkok U to uavo an olectrlo road of Amer-
icuu manufacture. Hit uauio and title Is
Bomdotuh I'br * 1'aramlndr , Maha ( Jbulalouy-
uoru , supreme king of Slum.
methods of Hill nnd to demand represen
tation. If , after so presenting the case , It Is
deemed wise to withdraw in boh alt of har
mony In tbo convention and united effort in
the campaign , the delegation can go homo to
Us constituency and say that their mission
has been fulfilled.
Ex-Secretary Whitney is exorcising his
paclllo ofllccs. Ho advises a withdrawal from
the purpose to raako a stubborn contest ana
counsels the poaccful methods ot diplomacy.
Ho bas also advised the Tammany men to
ccnsotho blttor utterances that they have
employed , and in both quarters bis work hhs
had effect.
1'l.ATrim.U PLANKS.
Issue * on Which nomocracy Will < 1 llcforo
the People.
CUIOAOO , 111. , Juno 10. The platform has
boon almost lost sight of In the struggle be
tween the Cleveland and tno oppojmg
forces. It has , however , received some con
sideration from gentlemen who may toason-
ably bo looKed upon as probable morabars of
the committee on resolutions.
The tariff plank , naturally , will stand
fortn and bo the principal Issuu on which It
will bo sought to run the campaign , but tha
force bill will como in for almost au equal
share of attention nnd it will have as much
vlrulency as can bo put in It in dicnllled
English. Democrats say that the repub
licans have thrown down the gauntlet on
this hilt and they are ouly too glad to take It
up and meet tholr opponents.
The tariff plank will not. jxs far M Its general -
oral declarations on the tariff questions go ,
differ from tno plink of 18S3. It will de
mand that the people bo relieved from the
burdens of unjust taxation , and that the
tariff bo reduced to such an extent as an
economical administration of the affairs of
the'govornment will permit.
Will Attack the .Unltluloy HIM.
A special plank will bo dovotcd to the Me-
Ktnloy bill , whlcU is denounced as a measure
framed for the advantage of special classes
and which raised tbo prlcos of articles of
necessity to the consumer. It will also bo
denounced as fostering trusts nnd resulting
in the formation of combinations of capital
to sliflu competition , oppress labor and raise
the prices of articles controlled by the trust.
Thn democratic party will declare its con
tinued ticvotion to the freedom of action , anil
will demand the enactment of laws for the
suppression ol trusts. It Is probable that
there may bo recommended legislation which
'Will remove the duty on articles controlled
by trusts as one means of restraint on tbo
operations ol these concerns.
Monetary Ouettloin.
The silver plank will bo general. Mr. Pat
terson of Colorado has the support of a num
ber of coadjutors in an attempt to have the
convention declare in favor of free coinage ,
but the most that can bo done is some
declaration as was contained in the Indiana
platform , which declared In favor of a sup
ply of money of uniform value and sufllclont
abundance to moot the demands of trade.
Uold and silver , the platform will probably
say , have always occn the money of the
people of the United States , and tbo de
monetization of silver by tbo republican party
is likely to be assailed. The international
monetary conference will bo approved.
The "billion dollar congress" will bo de
nounced for its cxtravaganc expenditures
ana for the passage of measures by which
tbo necessary appropriations for the support
of the government were largely increased.
The restoration of the democratic parlv to
power will bo asked of the people in order
that the laws increasing thu government ex
penditures ma.v DO repealed and relief given
from bo.wy taxation.
Cleiclim < r AdmInUtration.
Attention will bo called to the largo reduc
tion made in' the public debt under the
"tjonoat and economical" administration of
President Cleveland , and with this will bo
contrasted tbo "depleted" condition of ttio
public treasury under the present adminis
The administration of President Harrison
will coma In for a measure ot consideration ,
and the pension oillco is likely to be espe
cially condemned.
Among tno miscellaneous manors mat win
have a place In the platform are likely to bo
free American registry to ships owned and
controlled by Americans ; the maintenance
of a navy adequate to the protection of
American interests and the honor of our citi
zens ; the exclusion of Chinese laborers and
the restriction of immigration , aud ot a bat
ter enforcement of immigration laws ,
Tbo Nicaragua canal has a number of
strong supporters hero and an endorsement
or the project Is. likely , but perhaps with
some provision not committing the United
States tolls construction.
As to the World's ' fair It will probably bo
not given a less hearty endorsement than it
received in the Minneapolis platform.
Ono now feature of the republican platform
was a declaration In favnr of tbo cession of
arid lands to the states and the western rep
resentatives will ask the aid of the party in
mooting this appeal to the suffrage of "tho
settlers scattered over the Hocky mountain
A vigorous effort will also bo made to se
cure the adoption of a resolution looking to
the election of president and senators by a
direct vote of the pooplo.
Henry George Is In Clilcijo to Talk for
thu Apostle of Reform.
CniCAOo , III. , Juno 19. Two powerful
accessions to the Cleveland ranks were made
tonight by the arrival of Henry George , the
single taxor , and Conerossraiu Thomas L.
Johnson of Cleveland , O. The two gentlemen
were mot at tbo Union dapo' by 100 members
of the Chicago Smglo Tax club , headed by
President W. W. Baitoy , and driven to tbuir
hotel , wboroan Informal reception was hold.
"If Mr. Cleveland cannot carry Now
York , " said Mr. Ooorga , "nobody can. Sen
ator Hill cannot oarry the stale or half ot it.
Tuore Is a tremendous Indopandont ole mcnt
In Now York which Mr. Cleveland can com
mand , and which would have confidence in
no other candidate. Tammany hall may not
bo pleased over Mr. Cleveland's nomination ,
but the people will bo watching that organ
izatlon , and It will bavo to be on Its good
behavior. Certainly. Mr. Cleveland repre
sents the tariff reform idea as doss no other
man. Tno nomination of Mr. Cleveland
moans tbo discussion of tbo tariff on radical
linos. I certainly look for Cleveland's nom
ination and triumphant niectton. "
"When do you expect the democratic party
to make a declaration in favor of free trade ! "
A "I hope such a declaration will bo made In
the platform and ho adopted at this conven
tion. At any rate Mr. Cleveland's nomina
tion will practically moan that the demo
cratic party is in favor of froc trado. "
iMr , Johnson , who is a delegate , said : "I
believe Mr. Cleveland will bo nominated. I
shall vote for him as long as his name is be
fore tbo convention. To turn Mr. Cleveland
do\n would moan the loss of all mat has
been gained. I do not know exactly what
the complexion of tbo Iowa delegation Is , but
my Impression is that the majority of tbo
delegates are for Mr. Cleveland , "
I'rlnturs Olijuct to Flower.
CIIICHGO , 111. , Juno 10. An enthusiastic
meeting ot democratic union printers was
held hero today. Tbo mooting was called
with tbo object of opposing and sowing dis
approbation of any recognition by the demo
cratic national convention ot Koswell P.
Flower , governor of tno state of Now York ,
ns acandldato for honors during the session
this week. That to which local printers ob
ject IB the so-called duplicity of Governor
Flower In his treatment of ' .bo
union printers of Now York when ho votocd
the state printing house bill , after a major
ity of both houses of the state legislature had
supported the measure.
Resolutions sottlnc forth the printers' ob
jections to Mr. Flower were adopted and
will bo presented to the democratic national
It is oxpoctoj that there will ba at least
1,000 stguaturei to the resolutions.
Will Yull for Hole * . "T-3
OTTUMWA , la. , June > 10 , [ Special Tclo-
gram toTiin BEI : . ] A magniilccnily deco
rated train left this city tonight over the
Milwaukee with COO Boles boomers headed
by Mayor IIurges ) . They met Governor
This U the only pure medicinal whis
key in the market. For counteracting
the evil elTocts of impure water , for
driving out Mnlnrla from the system ;
for strengthening MKN and making
WOMEN brighter it has never been
equalled. A little ot it taken In water
will effectively kill nil disease germs.
See to it , hown/or , that your druggist
or grocer gives you onlv Duffy's LJuro
Mult. There Is no other "just as good. "
Send for pamphlet to
Pension Apis in Palaces
That is the sort of thing Th3
Bea Bureau of Claims was or
ganized to correct. The
Bureau believes in giving
the veterans the benefit of
the laws that were passed
lo help them. It wages
war on the sharks consequently
quently the sharks don't like
it. But as long as the sol
diers ate grateful it is satis-
- fied. If you are a veteran ,
or the widow , child or de
pendant parent oi a veteran ,
write to Tr.8 Baa Bureau of
c Claims land find out how
much the government is
willing to do for you.
Bee Bureau .of Claims
Omaha , Neb.
All klmlsof Dvolns nnd ClomliiT : clone In tha
highest style of ttio art. Faded and htalncrl
fabrics made to look us coed as now. lied
foitliers : clcnno'l by steam In llrst-clusi man
ner. Work promptly done ami UollvoroJ liiall
parts of the country. Bend for urlco list.
3013Broadwiy. Near NorthwoUara DopjS
COUN-II. llt.UffJ. lo.VA.
C Attorneys at law Pracl
a tiuo i , , the sute an
fcclcal conrtp. Koonis 'J , 4 niul 5 Slin a
lionro block. Council Binds , la.
Funeral Direclor , Embalmer
14 N. Main Street ,
Boles' train from Dei Molncs at Marlon , and
will arrive nt Chicago tomorrow to yell for
Dlfllculty Mot wltlt In Selecting 11 Sultublo
Alan for the IMaco.
CniCAQO , III , , Juno 19. At 10 o'clock to
morrow mornlnc the subcommittee on organ
ization of tao national committco will meet
to "suggest" a nauio for temporary chair
man of the convention to the national com
mittee , which recommends an oflicor for that
position to tbo convention. No deflnito con
clusion has bean reached , but Mr. W. C.
Owens Is still the most probable selection ,
though Mr. Stevenson has warm support for
the placo. Mr. Wnttorion said this after
noon that Mr. Owens would ba the man
Mr. Owens arrived during the day , Ho Is
not committed to tbo presidential licht , and
wants a "winner. " Ho has a very friendly
fooling for Mr. Carlisle and thinus bo would
make a goou race.
Tbo object of the delay in tbo selection of
temporary chairman is to enable thci reachIng -
Ing of an amicable arrangement by which
there will bu no struggle on the floor of the
convention. With this object In view the
four members of the subcommittee will
visit the members of the national committco
and some of the principal mon la tno delega
tions so that whoa'tho' report is made on
the temporary chairmanship It will moot
with general uppruvaL-r r
Momtieri ot the Ooininltten Divided. '
The members ot tha subcommittee are at
present divided , Mr , [ .IVattorion ami Mr.
Sheehan of Now yorki boln strongly In
favor ot Mr. Owens , . \vrillp Senator Hansom
and Mr. Prathor of' ' Missouri are for Mr.
titovenson. Mr. Haniont has warm personal
friendship for Mr. Btovonson , and It Is for
this reason and not b ocayso of pDllllca that
bo favors him. . >
DJU M. Dickinson salu hls afternoon that
the Cleveland men bad jyiado no augKCstlon
as to temporary chaljmap , Ho said that all
they wanted was a umu not hostile to Clove-
land. If Mr. Owens were honllo bo ought
not to bo chosen , but1 * Mr. Dickinson would
not say whether or noli the Cleveland men
were opposot to Mr. iQwons. Apparently
they wish moro information before deciding.
Cedar County Independent Delegates.
V AHTINGTOS , Nob. , Juno 1'J. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcc.J Tbo Independents of
Cedar county mot In this city yesterday
aftornnon to elect delegates to the state con
ventions to bo bold at Lincoln , Kearney und
Norfolk. Tbo following delegates wore
elected to the Lincoln convention : H. C.
Thomas. J. E. Uotts , Wlllwra H. Howell ,
James Dunlavoy , John I. Joaoi , Charles
Clark aud 1'arls Flmplo. To the Kearney
convention : J. C. Oliver , W. F. Bryant ,
LowU Dennis , Charles Plumlelgb , William
Sullivan , H. T. Ankeuy and J. Kebrlng. To
tbo Norfolk convention : Charles I'luinlsigb ,
K. LuUous , H. M. Holcotnb and Martin Cul-
Your next week's washing
Will look whiter , will be. cleaner and will
be done , with Itss Ia.bor if
Is used. The. clothes will smell swcete-rand
Will last lonse-r. SANTA CLAUS SOAP is
pure. , it cleans but does not Injure t-hc-
fabric. It does Hot rough&n or chap the-
hands ,
MjJJjpns use * it , Do YgLi
N.K , FAIRBANK S GO. , M'/Vs. /
Indorsed by the Med Aged in our cellars.
ical faculty every Has been awarded , six
where as being the
purest , safest and best gold and four silver
stimulant. Ask for it.
medals , at diffcren -
Take no other. Be
ware of imitations. world's expositions.
Santa Clara and San Jose , California.
. fl lftr iTantasf | for educating
. r
STEPHENS Voung | a,1 , ( ( CJurco
oucli ; Muiical anil Art department ! liiglicet urdcr * tcacbrn of Hie best Amerlrun
anil European culture ; Urgotml Iwautlful KrounJi ; new tulMlnKi. runnmMill
COLLEGE Y entllatfJ , llglitiil Lc i , OH-IH h < I'teinticr "th. Kor catalogue aililrei.
- Itcr. T. W. IIAItUKTT , I'rcn. COMJMU1A , MO.
tsntljrttopi the mott eioruclatlni pslnii ncror falli to give csi3t i "li
For spnilns , lirulsej , liickuo'ie , piln in t'to diait or HUM , ha.tHo'n , ( oit'nc'n ,
or any oxtonuil pain , n tow upplloatlona , ruboail on by lnuid , net llko ma 'lo , OIIH-
Intr the pain to Inst'.uitly stop , for uua jHtluai , lull in lutlu'M , rhaj uilliiu , ti'Ji-
ruljjlii , liniiltairo. scl itlca , palm In tlio nnull of tie ! b.ia' ( , jno/o oxtaiulo'J und ro
poaloa applications nro nooossary ; All liitsruil pilm , ilUrrhuii ilrsoutirr , cjlb ,
bpasms. ituusoa , faliitin1'siclls , iiorriKHiinis , HO ! oplaniiOM , nro rollovail instantly
anilqulokly cured by tuklng Inwardly SJ3 to83 dropi in half a tumbler of wutar ,
SOconU n bottle ; sold by drusrtflsU With riiVDSVAY'S PILLS there Is no better
Cure ur prcTcntirc of i'ever mill
SAliK-Extrn line , thoroughbred , .Tor ?
cv Dull , nolld color , registered stock : l <
tiioiitln old. TgAS. riru street. _ >
* | V YolTfiaro anything for info or trade se
J. E. II. Sho.Ue. Broadway mid Main ulrent.
YfOK KKNT-Uwoillnvs In nil parts of th/
jLpUy JJX ll blieafo. llro.ulCTny and MMii. j
STOIIAOK nnd CoiimUslon-ftiuos , furni
ture , oto. , stored nnd * old on ( nmniNston at
lowest rates. L. Kliinolmn. XX ) llroiidvruy.
FOIt SAM : On small payments , fruit nnrt
garden land neir Council lllulls. li U.
Blioatc. llrondway nnd Main street ,
J71OU KENT Two ot the best UarrlRB Nation
J-1 I'ourtli street.
" 1/lOl SALK I'tmiltno fixture's lonvo nnd
- 1eood will of hotel with 40 room ? In n ttootl
NebmsKnultyi will trade for ttnok of
nii'rclKimlKp. I ! , U. Slumfi' , llro.iduny un.l
i SAIiK-Or trado. A sU-rnom fr.imo
Jhvclllnc. . Klclitli avoniK\cor. 2Jlh st , . prlcu
tl.4a.K. . H. Slmutc. llroKlw.iv anil Malnsn.
I/Cl5bAl.i : Thu only imtnl In n small town
L , ' > j in lies from Council 11 u'N. 11 , is nn lee
cream pulor nlth pooil tr.vlo. rurulturo Invoice -
voice * nt tl , UJO. biilldlne $ .MIOO. Will truln for
food residual Property In Council UUilK u
sun * , ) for thu right ptrty. li It. She.ife , llro.wl-
wny mid Main street.
If OK SAMJ A pi'rtootlv now iurry ver.v
' uho.ip. Oull lit .Mrs. U. A. KobliiMHiX VJI
Hritavcmin , city.
nwil ltr.NT-KIhtrooiitOwullliij,2-Jl | Wiwh-
* liuton live. , modern itylu anil uonvon-
lenco.4. In uxcol'ont repair , rent JiV K. II ,
Shunfo , Hro.ulway inul Main sm.
T71OH SAL11 Tlotol nn
-L1 pel oils A'olir.-Kl. a city , pivlim
rood rnusniu forHulllm ? , iirlco * IU . It U
snap. K. 11 ihoafu , llroulwayant Malnslroot ,
$ N * < 0 lll buy it nloo new ho i o , monthly
iMiymcnt" , lit foil lot In OrlnidV uiUlltloii
$ VM. hnr 'u ll t of pronortv for silo , John
ston & Van I'nttun ,
IJTIOII SAM. htiiiidaril brecliiiari' . Tyonri
V old , sliud hv Dr. Arehl'Jtld. No .MIX : nrst
diini liy ( iiunwou.l. rei'i > r > -i.'T' l ' ! . ho It a line
ehcstnut , Iris s'mwn spojti , \untlu and
well broKen lo drive sinijlo or doulili ) . nol jha
nboiit t.OH lb Mnv be s.M'n at burn ofV , U.
llttprbick. ' . ' 's \\i- .t Hroulw.iy , Ooiuioll
lllulia I'
WANIKD Quod ulrl. Goo IMIUIM I for ro-
lltiblo Bill. N'o ' wiishlnsr. Mis. K. O. binltli ,
TIT 1'lrst avenue.
"ITIOU SAM5-Kiinn. I'JI norm , Toulon ( X ,
Missouri , with linprovuiiiuiits ; will truilo
for nioroh in Use ; nncu JI.-JJ. I ) . II. .Shutilo ,
Hroulw.iy and M iln sticet.
ITIUU SAliK Kiirin , . 'HI nori's , In I ) uK'onsoii
L Co , low i. ' 'in ncrus broUu , li.iliuico feiuo I
pastuiu : nul inuAilovv I'rle' ) 'Sinn aoro. K. II
t-liu ifc , llr.vilw.vy un.l Main strouu
171OK SA t.R-OhoTeo f mnsln" I'ntta'vnttnmlo
JJ Co. . Iowa , i : U. Shuufo , nnil
Muln street.
P.\STIIItARn for horica ami cattle neat
city. 1'lentv water and coed O'lio 1 : . 11.
i-hoafe. Urj.idway and Main street.
IT1JU SAIiU J'.IOI atomic of uonorat tnur-
U ch'indlsn. well loa.itod .vlthln IJO mlloi ot
Omaha. Will tuUo p irt In lau I of hestmial-
lly. tiilanco cash , i ; II. Sho.ifo. llroaihvay
anil Main stroot.
FOR SAIiH Orocory stock fixture * , hordes ,
etc. 1'rlco $ l."iU ) . Kxrollonl Ir.ule , well
cstabllsho I , larru pri > llts ; mint bu sold at
once , for goo I caiuo. V. . II. Sliu.ifo , Itro.idway
and Main stroer.
" 171OU SAIjK The st'iinptirhnslnoss and ar
J needlework materials ; am nolii1-'lo U'avo
city ; good clinncu for u Indy to go In biiBlncas.
Mis. H. 1' . Mlep. 4t llroiiilwii.v. roiincll lllull
" \VTANTED Nebraska liimU In i\phanio
for Counoll HIiHTa property. K , U. Shoafo.
llroidwav uiul M tin street. _
filltUITIninls. giirdoii laii'lR. firms nnd olty
JL' property forsjilo or tr.ido. D.iy Si lleij , ,10
I'oinl street.
FOIt KENT The two-story brick inoJurn
dwollln home. S looms , nil inoilcrn con-
vpnU'iices , No. TJ.1 l-'lf th avenue , from July 1&
Day & Hess. _
THE IIIOOnST BAItGAIN-noublorcsldono
lot. No. 3.S youth V\nl \ street , MD feat front.
best louitton anil best liur aln In the city If
t tkcn atonce. Day & Hess. li'J I'earl streot.
W ANTED Girl for general housework , UJS
Second uvo.
T71OH KENT Nlcoly furnlshoil seven room
J. house , with ptiino.hath , hot und coUl water
service anil r.inao. Addrois Y 10 , Itoo.
I1OU SAliR Klovator with corn Khollor ,
1.000 hu. il tliy ; corn ur ndor , 10J bn. an
hour ; BIIW mill iittacliniunt. 411 H. 1' . onulno :
doln ? a RooJ busliniss : located near Council
ItlulTs. Will t ilo 'ooil limil In o.\ehati''o or
s-ell cheap ( or cash. K II. Hho ifu , llro.iilway
and Muln Htreot ,
ll\0ll \ RENT 7-rooin ftirnhhed dwollliiK with
J- bath , etc. , coiitr'illy louited ; rent , JIO.OJ
per month to parties wltho Jt chllilron. E. H ,
ahciifo. Hruulw.iy ami Main stioot.
TG1OK SALK-Tho lo.idliu hotoTln a Nohras-
- - ' ) ca oltv of M.nilJ ; luu 'to rooms , fuorts II ) oich
muni , peed bar trailf. nets J.'AIX ) par m'jnth ,
Ions ustabllshoil , lease lias three vu trsto run :
urlco. WilOO.oo. half cash or will tr.ido for
Omaha rosUlonuu. E. H. Khcafo , liro.nlwny
nnd Main street.
of morchiiiullsoanilhtilia-
IIIK In eood Iowa to n ; stoo'c Invoices
$ lf > 00.00j lmsooJ tr.idi ) ; btilldliu , jl.'lui.UI ; a
'Muiialn : will take uooil land In o\-
liuii'o. R II. She ife , llroailway and Main
( I HlliUIW .
Eye & Ear
Hptfacllltos ! , nppariciH ana o
forsnconssfiil trj.itnunt tif ivory form
of dlsoaso roijiilrln : u.odloal or
U > beds for patients , bu ird nnd attondanaa.
IIOHtaceomnJatlons In ttio wott.
Write for circulars on doformltmi nn3
braces , trnsso'i. ' elnb foot , ourv.itur.Ji of Hulno ,
ullps. tumors , o uieor , irrli. bronchitis , In-
halailon.oloctriclty , paralysis , onlliimy , kld-
nov. bladder , oyo. oar , kln nn t blooi und all
snriilcal cipur.UloiiH.
mobilob ; Ur WUIUDW
) nook un nun not o :
women KHIIK. Wo havolatoly adJed a lyliu-
In dop irtinont for wotnon ilurinir conllnainont.
Hrloily ur.v.uo.l Unlv Kollablo Medical In-
btitutoinaklnc a Hpocl ilty cu
All li oed Ulso.isea suecmifully troatol.
Hynhllltla I'nlson removed frn.n tno oyistoni
Hllhont niiiroiiry. Now Itostoratlvo Trout-
ineiit for IMW ol V'll'AI , I'OWKIC. Persons 1111-
able to vlHit us mav bo truittod at homo by
rorrospon loiico. All conununlo.Ulons conlf-
ilitiitlal. Med el nun or Instrument ? sent by
mail oroxpross , suouroly paakod , no tii.irku to
Ind'catucontutitHor ' Bundur. Uno perxonnl In
terview pruforroJ. C.ill and consult us or send
history of your ease , and we will sund In plala
wrapper , our
' 'URB ! " " I'riv.itu.
, oallll or Nervous DM-
eases , I in potency , Svphllls , Qluot uiU Varloo-
ooio. with quest on INl.
] I races , Appllaneus for Ooformltlus k Trusot.
Only manufactory In thu Wed tot tultfltit H-
ITV Al'l'l.l lAUKit , TltUniK * , JCLKUl'ltlU
Omaha Medical anil Surglcil lustltute ,
26th nnd Broadway , Ooanoll Bluffi
Ton inlnutai * tllo from cunturot Umalii on
( Jinaha and O.iunoll Illulfi niestrlo motor lluo.
Of Cnundl ltlu
NotOapltal anl Surplus . . .
l > lruoturi J , l ) . 1:1 : nu Hio.i , : ' . . Iduiir. . < ' >
nipaion , 15. IS. Ilirt , I. A. . Mlliir , J. V , .Ilia'iaii
nrdClmrle It. llAiinin. Trans hink.
ln tnuinoii lar-os % , capltil and surplus of
uny tanlc In rfonUiwostorn Iowa.
. . . ,
end every other Kradn dbmandoj by
all clasov of truUe.
JOJANU 10TUUOAUWA.V Co 11 m..i -