Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Sweetly Seductive Notes of the Bugle
Couldn't ' Reuse the Soldier Boys.
Fivn Uiitiipnnln * , Iloivoter , Drilled Very
Nicely tteforc nil I'ntliiiAlnstlo Crowd
Work of the ( IrgnnlrntloiiK To-
ilny's rroKram i Oooil One.
Aroused by the gun's snlulo to Old Sol
the few soldier boys at Camp Brooke who
hail not bcon celebrating the night before ,
hastily crawled Into on "undress uniform"
of chilled and damp clothing just as the
plaintive wall of rovolllo rsaobod tholr oars.
Strictly Interpreted the notes moan :
Oli-h , I can't Rot'om up ,
can't eot'pin up ,
can't RL'l'om up In the morning ,
can'titot'om up ,
can't got'eni up.
ran't KOl'om up nt nil.
The captain's worse Hum the sonrgonnt :
The sergeant s worse 'nK the corporal ,
The corporal' * worso'ail the private
And the private's wor.sotban cm ull.
Oh , I can't BOt'oni tip
I can't get tinVm up nt nil.
This Interpretation of rovolllo was lltar-
illy true yesterday morning , for it took something -
thing moro than tbo tiring of ono shot
from a twolvo-pound gun and tbo tooting of
rovolllo from ono bugle to arouse tno sleep
ing , tlrod out soldier * . Nclthor did the
breakfast call have nny attraction for many
of the boys who the first part of the week
bad boon so prompt to march to the mois
ball i the II mt call.
Eve thing moved extremely slow every
body was extremely tired. Thoadj'isi.t nnd
band were compelled to wnlt-somo Ilttlo tlmo
for the details for guard mount.
Iniprntlnn unit Drill * .
Inspection or companies commenced at 10
o'clock. The Uaillng section , Omaha
Guards , tbo Brunch Guards , Cincinnati
Light Artillery , University Cauots and the
IlnloCounvos wcro Inspected by the array
Promptly nt 11 o'clock the Omaha Guards
galling gun was rolled onto ibo Held , fol
lowed by Captain Bamford In charge of thn
gun detachment. A handsomely decorated
carriage , In which rode Iho battery's fair
chapcrono , sponsors and maids , took n posi
tion on tbo west of the drill giound , and was
immediately surrounded by Omaha guards
men. The Indies In Iho carriage were :
Chaoorono , Mrs. H. B. Mulford ; sponsor ,
Miss Curtis , nnd Ibo Misses Lomlst and
Barnard , maids.
Iho beautiful , hicbly polished plcco of
mechanism WHS rnpldlv whirled , twisted mid
turned \vhllo making the numerous rovolu-
lions In a galling drill. Then the piece was
dismounted und taken apart. In the twlnk-
ilng of an eye almost the gun was put to
gether nguln and 1,200 shots a minute were
being Urea. Alter the drill the Indies pro-
scntcd the captain with several baskets of
hot house flo'.vcrs.
A fair sized audience greeted the Branch
Guaras of SI. Louis as they mnrcncd onto
the Held at U o'clock to contest for tbo Gal-
voslon cup and ? r > ,000. In Iho preliminary
movements nnd tha manual tbo Branches did
remarkably well und received well merited
applause. Several orronj of the captain fol
lowed and then the company seemed to go to
pieces all at once. The command got rallied
nnd n half dozen Individual errors followed
In as many minuics. Many of the mistakes
were so glaring that tbo audience caught on
and jeered. This only tended to confuse the
command and captain moro nnd when tbo
drill was ever tbo proud champions of last
ymrloft the Held with tholr colors trailing
in Iho dust.
Amid lha cheers ol tno ropldlv Increasing
crowd IhoCincinnatl Light Artillery marched
on , commanded by Captain Herman. As
the Cincinnati have the reputation of being
ono of the best drilled and disciplined
companies In tbo United states great tuings
wcro naturally expected of them , aud ibo
audience wns not disappointed. The gulling
gun wus a'moro ' pluy thing in the hands of
tbo brawny young man from thn Queen City.
Their drill wns a very creditable ouo nnd
showed bard work on tbo part of the officers
and man.
At 4 o'clock corapanv A , University
Cadets of Lincoln , Captain Sheldon , appeared
to drill for the $1,500 maiden infantry prize.
Everybody ehcerod when the Nebraska boys
marched out , and the many line movo-
monls of iho company leant lha
nudlonco cheering Iho most of the timo.
Under Lieutenant Pickering's care the
cadets have attained a high xlandard of
excellence and If Ihoy don't take ono or
moro prizes homo wltb them it will bo
tlrangu indeed. Several baskets of beauti
ful flowers were presented to the officers at
the conclusion of tbo drill and tbo command
.tiarchcd away to their quarters wllh the
.Itoady stop of veterans.
KIIIISIIS City's Pride.
Tbo prettiest exhibition of fancy drilling
yet given occurred at 5 o'cloctc when the
famous Halo Zouaves of Kansas City an
swered the drill call and reported on the
---parade ground dressed in tbotr best nnd
i pifudlost clothes. That the KamRS City
boys have lots of friends in Omaha wai evi
dent from tno start for every ono of the com
pany's many rapid , Interesting movements
was loudly applauded. For a full half hour
Captain Lechttnan put his men tbrotigb
tholr prettiest paces much to ibo enjoyment
of the spectators. Some o ! tha movements
veio really remarkable , such as the twirl
ing of the guns , circllngs , wheels and firing ,
standing , kneeling nnd lying down.
Bul the crowning piece of work wns the
dealing of a twelve foot fence erected at iho
northeast corner of'tho ' parade grounds. The
command In column'of fours started toward
the foiiL-u on a double quick. Upon teaching
tbo wull the tlrst sot of fours rondo a bridge
by placing their guns across tholr shoulders.
The second sot of fours leaped upon the
brldgo , grabbed tbo fence top , dropped their
guns lo Iho ground aud men jumped
down. Everyone wondered how Ibo lust
man wns going to got ever , but ho did it and
did It nicely. A gun hold by tbo man preceding -
ceding was hold down , nnd up the weapon ,
ns It It were n heavy rope , the willowy nor-
reunt climbed and an Instant later was ovor.
It took the command exactly ono mlnuto nnd
Ihreo-fourtbs lo scale the obstruction. This
iplcudid work was loudly ehcerod. Mrs.
Broatch , tha Hulo chaperone , and iho maids
witnessed the drill from a carriage , and pro-
lonlcd Captain Luchtman with any amount
of llowors.
l.ant Kvmihif ; mid Today.
Thcro was u good attendance at tbo dross
parade tbat followed , but very few of the
bpaolalors remained lo see the street light
* pfcr-k- drill which followed , lu which the MrCnr-
- "ttiylh.the Bclknnps , Lima Cit.v Guards und
the Devlin Cadets took part , The forming
ot hollow squares and tiring of ion rounds of
ammunition per man wuro iho foaluros ot
tnls last exhibition on Iho program ,
Sunday will bo an Inturautng day nt the
ciimp. The following excellent program will
bo strictly carried out : At 9 a. in. , guard
mount ; lOiiiU , surmon bv Dean Gardner of
Trinity catbedial , in inn grand slum ) : 3 p.
in , , Individual drill tor Ibo Huvmond gold
medal for Ibo boit drilled soldier in camp.
There uro over fitly onlrioj , und alt will bo
drilled In a company , ouch In tbo uniform of
the company lo which bo belongs. As tbo
won tcuko blunders tboy will be dropped out ,
After IbU , exhibition drills will bo given
by the IndUnapolU Light Artillery , Dallas
Artillery , Zolllngrr Battery , Omaha Guards ,
Chaffco mm Cincinnati Guillug sections and
by some of tbo best Infantry conjpaulos In
At tl o'clock Iho "QlratTa Hussap" will
given drill. Each man participating is ever
i > lx fool lull , und the uniforms will bo tboso
of Hourly every company in camp ,
At 7 o'clock Ihoro will bo drees parade ,
nnd at 7 : : < U a siicrnd concert by thu band ,
The udmUslon bunday wilt bo but 25 conU ,
the same as fixed lor tbo other days.
Captain Wing of the McCarthys was oftlcor
of tbo duy.
Lieutenant Ilogcn of iho Fletcher Klflos
noted in o nicer of Iho guard.
George J. Paul drove his trotter arouua
thu Hack during guard mount.
General Brooke was an early caller nt
headquarter * yesterday morning.
Commandant Ulchardi was confined lo his
lo it ull day on account uf illnoss.
' 1 ho Uuymoud medal for iho best drilled
o'dlcr ' will take plucothls nf tornoon.
Quite a number of ologaully appointed car-
lages were on the grounds yesterday ntlcr-
Hemomhor the "OlralTo Hussars" drill at
0 o'clock this evening. It will bo very funny.
The Sonly Klflos have bean presented with
a largo alar made of flower * by thalr maids
of honbr.
Chief Unlllgnn was out to see bis pots , the
Halo Zauavos , drill. Jack says the boys ere
all rlgnu
Lieutenant Marks and several members of
the Branch Guards loft lor homo Immed
iately after the drill.
The Scaly and Belknnp Klflos will ptvo
nnothor exhibition of the aqubla drill la
whlta uniforms this uftcrnoon.
A dcznn ot the Soatv Klflos took a trip to
South Omaha yesterday uftornoon and mado.
a tour of the packing nouses.
The Indianapolis Light Artillery wcro on-
tortalncd by Kirs. W. E. Clark at bar resl-
donee on Park nvonuo last evening.
The Devlin Codots were the guests of J.
Ft Coots yesterday. They say tboy enjoyed
tbo tally-ho ride and dinner very much.
So recant Bauer and Corporal Phslor of
Kansas City , guasts of the Halo Zouaves , are
members of compunv D. and not of the
Marmadukcs ns TiiE'Buu stated yesterday.
Cook uf the Omaha Guards was detailed as
headquarters orderly yesterday. Ed said
that there was a big difference bctwocn
punching tickets on a passenger train and
carrying Ice water for the onicors.
. The Mandolin club of the Hulo Zonnvos
soronnanii TUB BCE last ovonlni ? ana played
a number of pretty selections. The ba. < *
wcro elated because of the perfection ot tbo
drill put UD by their company yesterday
evening. *
The Chicago Zouaves were entertained last
night by tbo members of the Young Men's
Institute. There were present about fifty
young men and ladles , who received and got
acquainted with the Zouaves , who appeared
In uniform. During the evening tboy guva
an interesting drill. *
The Halo Zouaves of Kansas City , Mo. ,
numbering thlrlv men , under the command
of Captain Cusll Lochtman , visited Tur ISr.r.
last evening and were very much Interested
going through and having explained to
thorn tuo various departments of an extensive
nowspnpsr establishment.
Some of the Indianapolis artillerymen llko
nothing botior thin to dross up In rod blnn-
kols anil moccasins and give the "dough-
boys" nn Imitation of a Stoux dance The
Cincinnati Light Artillery boys invited
company I , Second infantry ( Indians ) down
to camp yesterday and the Sioux braves and
tholr Imitators gave a war dance tbat would
have made a mummy laugh ,
Aftnr the Hale Zounvos returned to camp
from the drill ground yo forday evening
tboy were handsomely entertained by thulr
chnporono , Mrs. Broatch. assisted by the
company sponsor. Miss Aliro Parker , und the
maids of honor , Misses Ada Parker and May
Wallace. Delightful refreshments were
served by the ladlns , and an extremely
ploasnnthalf hour was passed. The Zouaves
nro grateful for this and other favors shown
thorn by the ladies in whoso care thuy bavo
Dr. Blrnoy'.s Catarrh I'owder for cold In
head. Forsalo by all druggists. 50 coats.
Taxing for tlio Vrnr Turthur Duluyod Why
It Is Thin.
Friday attornoon , pursuant 10 the terms of
an advertisement , iho Board of Public Works
opened bids for the paving of thirty-eight
districts. All of the paving men were In
with their olds and proposals were submitted
on stone , brick and asphalt. The bids were
opened , but the awardln" of Iho contract
was deferred until yesterday.
Yesterday , Instead of awarding the con
tracts , tbo board rejected all bids and in
structed tbo chairman to roadvorllso tbat ho
would receive bids on all of tbo paving dis
tricts , to be opened July 5.
To the spectators for a time It looked as
though the members of the board were
between the devil and the dcop sea. Major
Furay said tboy would bo damned if thov
dlu , mid that they would bo damned If they
Tbo dlniculiy was this : When the now
specifications weio proposed by the board
tbey provided for tbo .six-Inch concrete base
under asphalt and brlcit , und it was upon specifications thafblds were received.
Tboso speclllcatlons did not suit the council ,
and at tbo last mooting ot that body n reso
lution was adopted , instructing thn board to
amend Its specifications for 1&9.S so as to
conform wltn those of 1591 , which provided
for four inches of concrete under asphalt
class B and brick.
City Attorney Conncll expounded the law
for the board and informed that , body that it
and tbo city engineer wuro iho solo Judges of
what the specifications should bo. The
council bad no right to dictate terms so long
as the board kept within bounds and did not
adopt specifications prejudicial to the public
interests. Notwithstanding this the resolu
tion wont Into tbo waste basket because the
votes of Chairman Blrkhausor and Mr.
Egbert sent it there. C. E. Squires and
John Grant , ibo asphalt men , togotbor with
J. B. Smith , iho brick man , declared that
they would never bid on iho specifications
providing for six Inches of concrete under
form "B. " Tbey declared that tbo board
was trying to freeze them out'and was workIng -
Ing in tbo interests of otbor contractors.
City Attorney Connell ventured tbo opinion
that iho board was sowing the seeds of liti
gation , while Mr. Egbert wanted it under
stood tbat bo farorad a concrete base of Dot
loss than eight inches in thickness.
Tbo plans for the proposed now viaduct
along tbo line of Sixteenth street were
opened op and discussed but no action was
lakon upon their adoption. The intention is
to send the plans und Ibo specifications vo
the council , buvo them referred 10 u commlt-
tco and then let that committee coufcr with
tbo railroad company before asking for olds.
De Witt's Sarsaparilla cleanses tbo blood.
ArrcKtml Q mbler ItelHllnto on a Don
Overlooked ujr tliu I'ollco.
War Is on among tbo gamblers of Om&ha
and keepers of places wbcro the tiger is sup
posed to lurk promise to aid the police in
seeing that tbo anti-gambling law Is en
This all comes about over the alleged
favoritism of the police for tbo Diamond pee !
and gambling rooms on DoUclas street , and
tbo arrest of a party of men Friday night who
were found In a room over the
Turf Exchange saloon on Douglas
street near Thirteenth. Tbo raid was made
at 11 o'clock. Friday afternoon Captain
Mostyn , under Instructions from Cblof
Scavoy , swore out u complaint airalnst tbo
proprietor of the Turf Exchange and at
night a detail of police ivlta a search war
rant visited Iho place , battered down Iho
doors and arrested u party of man who were
sitting nvound a table lolling stories. None
of iho men were engaged in any game but
some tables and chips were found and taken
to tbo police stutlon.
"Aro you going to pull the Diamond , tool"
asked Proprietor Stophuu of tbo Turf Ex
change , us ilia polloo were taking the man
from his place to jail.
"Wo only have u warrant for this place , "
replied the otllcor In charge.
"Yes , but you can see that tbo Diamond Is
running a game , " said Mr. Stophan. "See ,
the shutters are open at tbo second siory
window and tbo place Is llchtod up and
( ramos running in full blast. Why dou't you
go over and take tbotii In I"
"Havo no instructions to Dull auy place
bul youri , " roplted luo oflicor ,
Tbo piny was taken to the police station
and roloajcd on ball. Then It is ullogod that
some of the released meu wont to tbo Diamond
mend und played cards until 2 o'clock
yesterday morning.
Tbo prlsoneri.rtsked Chief boovoy yesterday
morning if ho wanted them to plead guilty
under iho recent ordinance passed by the
council licensing gambling. The cblof re
plied that ho wouli proieoutoibo ca o under
tbo stale law.
This is Iho secret of the war that Is to bo
opened on the Diamond , Proprietor ! of other
gambling houses allege that the Diamond ha ;
been running full Ulan till the time oud ibat
thi } police know of It but wink a
violation of tbo law on account ot sonu
"pull" they allcgo tbo Diamond has with tbo
The other sports claim now that ibey pro
poio lo have iho law enforced on all alike
thai tno Diamond pool room , which has boui
run wueu other * wcro frozen out , must bo
Dr.Blrnof'sGitarrb Powder ouraj eaurrb.
For sulo by all druggUU. Ou coats. .
The Nebraska Oity Pcoplo Ate Given
Possession of Omaha ,
What tlio Capital of Otno County Show * for
Herself The litpo n .Sncc < ' Chil
dren' * Day Notrs iiuit Snl
Yesterday was Nebraska City'day and the
enterprising metropolis ot Otou county sent a
bluo-badgcd delegation which considerably
swelled the throng at the Coliseum. They
carao Ip at 10-nt ) over the B. & M. In throa
carsnonrly 400 strong , and presented ns line
an appearance as any group of visitors which
has yet boon soon at the great
show. The Nebraska City band ,
which bos a reputation for furnishing
as Una musia ns any In the state , und also
has the trophies nnd certificate ? to back up
its reputation , was with ibo party.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton and Hon. John C.
Watson headed tba delegation , nnd In the
party were noticed Messrs. Frank Ireland ,
D. P. Kol To , A. P. Stafford. H. H. Douglas ,
Jo < oph Cnlouian , County Attorney Morgan , J.
P. Welsh , Captain S. H. Morrison , W. A.
Cotton , George W. Hauok. Fred Hclllor ,
Tboodoro Boyschlap , William Pltaoglng ,
Frank Marncll , U. J , Thomas , George H ,
Thomas , E. A. Brown of the Nebraska City
TJross , Lee Stolnhart , Fred Hottman , M. T.
Jobnson and Dr. Bishop.
From the depot the party wont to the
Hotel Dollono , where quarters had been on-
gngcd for thorn , nnd thence lo various points
of Interest about the city before visiting iho
The Nebraska City display at tbo Coliseum
is located on tbo east side of tha hall nnd In
cludes some of the most Interesting features
in the building. A lurgo amount of money
tins bocn Invested , atid the cltv is very Justly
proud of Ilia showing that has been nindc.
The band onloitutnad tha people of Omaha
with a si root parade and added very ma
terially lo the enjoyment of tno occasion.
Tbo expenses of the bovs , Including railroad
faro lo and from Omaha , hotel bills , street
car faro , etc , were all paid by Ibo associa
tion , and tbey wont homo well pleased with
their visit.
I'V.iturcs of Nohraskn Clly.
Nebraska City Is a manufacturing point of
no little Importance nnd iho citizens nra
Justly proud uf Iho number nnd slzo of their
factories. Reason for the Interest of Iho
citizens In tbo manufacturers' sboxv is found
in the fact that Nebraska Clly has the sixth
urgoit packing business In thoUnitod States ,
hltd largest distillery in the world , second
arpest cereal mill in the world , ono of the
argcit starch works , largo Hour mills , vltri-
cd brick and tile works , browoilcs , canning
aetory , creamery , foundry , plow factory ,
lower pot and pressed tin works , coopnr
hop' , planing mill and other smaller plant" .
The Otoo capital U one of the most pros
perous cities in the stuto. In 18SU the city
mil a population ofISOD , , whllo Ibo last con-
us gave It 11,714. The city has nn elegant -
gant United Stales custom house and post-
illlco , $1,000,000 stool railway nnd wagon
irldgo across iho Missouri river , the No-
> raska state Institute for the blind , thn
county court bouso , eight public schools ,
wnlvo churches , three modern hotels , public
Ibrary , public hospital , two public narks ,
driving park It has four miles of paved
sireots , six miles of sewers , live miles of
slrcot railway , a complete system or water
works , a largo olectrio light plant , gas works
and four railroads.
Tbe Nebraska City band , composed of
'ouricon members and under the leadership
of Prof. Marringor , serenaded TUB BKB last
night at 8 o'clock. "A Soldier's Dreara"
was rendered amid a tumult of applause
from the windows above. At the conclusion
of the piece the band wont into the street In
'ront of the building and played another
selection. The baud enjoys the distinction
of having won first pnza at tbo last Inter
national encampment at Chicago.
Ono Wuulc Knilctl.
Last night ended tbo first week of the
Manufacturers' exposition and it is not nec
essary to state lhal it bus boon a most suc
cessful week. The pcoplo by their constantly
ncreusing attendance have alrcudy pro
nounced upon tbat phase of the question.
On every bond rogrols uro beard that the
exposition must close on Wednesday night ,
jut the building must bo vacitod in lima for
the people's party convention and there does
not appear to bo any help for U. These who
auvo not yet soon the exposition bavo only
thrco daj s remaining in which to use Ihoir
OTOS.Alihough it was Saturday night , a time set
apart by many people for making the week's
purchases , tbo building was again crowded ,
tbo receipts at the gate amounting to consid
erable more than on the previous evening.
Children's Day.
Tomorrow will be children's day and free
tickets have boon given to all tboso attend
ing the public schools. The teachers only
gave out tickets to the larger children , and
many of the little folks who were missed
wont bomo with toar-staluod faces. The
plan , however , Is to admit the children under
10 or 13 years of ago , without tickets , when
accompanied by their parents.
Parents should in all cases take the chil
dren during the day nnd avoid iho great
crowd at night. In the evening the little
people will not have n very food opportunity
lo see , as their elders will bo found
occupying all the points of vantage. The ox-
posiiion is open and all the machinery run
ning after 10 o'clock in tbo morning , und
from that time until 5 o'clock is iho lima to
see the exhibits to tbo bnsl udvunlugo , as tbo
crowd Is thou much smaller than la tbo
Omnlia'H .Voiv Hustalry.
A telegraph Instrument is to bo placed In
the rotunda of "Tho Morcor" nnd convention
bulletins from Chicago will bo tecoivcd and
posted for tbo information of the guests of
that establishment. Thoru uro people in
Omuhu who do not know what nor wboro
"Tho Moroer" Is , and this is not wonderful ,
for it grow Into oxlstonco very swiftly and
very noiselessly. It will bo hard for some
people to believe that on about the best
hotel location In the city , Twelfth and How
ard , there is now open and doing business a
magnificent hotel , which , ID size , richness
and beauty of decoration and fuinUhlng ,
complctenoss of modern equipment and oil
tbat goes lo make n hotel "Jlrst class , " is
second to absolutely nothing In the state of
Nebraska and to very Ilttlo In tbo United
States , but such is the cao Wbilo all sorts
of schemes for tbo building of Ibo grout
hotel , of which Omaha > vas to DO so proua ,
were concocted and exploded with u great
deal of noise , the proprietor of "Tho Mor
cor" said nothing , but built and gave to the
publla a bouso of palatial proportions , com ,
plelo in every doluil of luxurious turnlshtng ,
wllh sleeping apartments lart'o enough tor
prlyato ball rooms and baths for noarlv
all of them , wllh ucroi of carpeting und
everything necessary to the modern betel
palace , as anyone may see who ohoosos to
visit tbo bouso.
.Should llo Sent ii t.
No bettor advertisement of Omaha exists
today to mail to friondseasUhun the currant
issues of tbo Ortiixha Excelsior , slnco it has
taken up lllustrailng looal events every weoir.
Yesterday' * number , illuslratlng Brownoll
lull , was a beauty. In coming issues will
appear pictures of the Twin City Chautau-
quit and tbo iiralny men who are to speak
ttiero ; loaders of tbo people's party , vlows
of the Stale university , ( be accepted design
for the Nobrnskn building at thi World's
fair , etc. , oto. Mr. Chase has made a great
hit wllh bis beautiful illuctrutlons.
A lluutrlaa KxhlDlt.
The Dempster Mill Manufacturing com
pany of Beatrice are taking commendable
pride In an uxbaunlvo exhibit of their pio-
duotlons. The company In Incorporated wiih
a capital Hock of f.'OO.OOO , of which 8125,000
la oaid up. They operate ibo most extensive
plant , In Its line , woit of tbo Mississippi ,
giving steady employment to Eovonty-tlvo
to 10J men , tto pay roll amounting to about
$10,000 annually , and do n butlnosv ofiO ! , -
OJO u your. Tbo Dompster company manu
facture und have on exhibition four styles pf
wind mills , the Deuipnor olld wheel ,
Detnp ter "Vulnlesi , " thu "Boalrlco" and
"Queen Clly" stool mill , pumps , iron and
brass cylinders , tools and supplies , water
tanks , otc. They also manufacture hydraulic
well boring machines , which are the most
parfect made nnd which nfo capable ot going
to any depth through aUiptiisos of material
Including quick sand or , t-oq . Tim machine
has Just finished n wclf lit Yakima , Wash. ,
to tha depth of OJO foot through quicksand
nnd basalt rook , sccurlnciii ; three-Inch How
of 300,000 gallons ovoryV 9jty ; four hour * .
.Morn1 > l'iD St u COMIII my ,
The Morse-Coo Shoo company makes by far
.ho moUoxtcnsivo iliipVv"'in the building ,
The largo factory at lilovunth and Douglas
s reproduced atthooxpb Upti | with thooxcop-
.Ion of the cutting and .solo leather dop.irt-
; nonts. The or.tlro prbccts of manufacture ,
ivllh the above oxcoptlSb ls carried on in
presence of the spociatrswho crowd around
the exhibit at all boui. Thlrty-llvo high
speed machines of latest Improved make ,
many of thorn never before exhibited pub
licly in any city , opprujpd by forty-four
skilled employes , take tbo leather from tbo
cutting Unite and wntf'n skill ntut speed
never before attained , trnnrffors It Into thu
commercial article. Button holes nro made
nt the rate of af > 00 holes per day. nnd but
tons nro sewed on nt the rate of ! 2W bor mln-
ulo. The factory employes In nit eighty po -
plo and the pay roll amounts to $ SUO n week.
The present capocltv nt the factory Is100
pairs par day , which will bo doubled next
fall.when the now factory noxv being oreotod
shall have been finished. They turn out alt
styles ol ladlas' , misses' and children's kid
nnd goat sboos. The company covers the
Jobbing and wholesale trade ris far west as
Oregon , nast to Illinois aihl south to south *
urn Kansas , and the territory Is rapidly
widening. 'Tho Mono-Coo company has con-
tribulcd moro lo the attraction and success
of the exposition , spout moro money and
lubor on It than nny other concern , and the
only return they expect 1 the advertising
thov git. They , hoivovor , take prldo In
their exhibit and nro deeply Interested In the
success of the homo pniroaago movement.
Dm mm unit Citrrlngo Company.
Tno elegant Bismarck buggy with its full-
sized show horse In silver plated harness ,
tbo lines hold bv a very llfc-ilkc wax tlguro
of the Prince of Wales ; Is ono of the most
striking exhibits on the lower floor. It Is
the product ot the Drummond Carriage com
pany atKlgbtocnlh and Ilarnoy streets. Tbo
Drummcnd company nls6 his new unpalntod
work on exhibition , showing Iho superior
quallly of material used. This company de
clares Nebraska shall not fall behind in car-
rlago building.
Silicon'Will IMnstcr.
The Omaha Silicon Wall Plaster and Man-
ufaclurlng company nro occupying a booth
mndo ol their hard wall plaster on the second
end floor. The wnlls nro hard ns stono. In
fact the composition is an artificial slono. Com
mon Itino and sand plaster , as every builder
or owner of bouses knows , is very unsatis
factory. Silicon wall plaster is as durable
as stone nnd produces an Insldo wall
which is practically Indostrucltulo. Many
different substilulos for plasler hnvo
bean tnod and rejected , but silicon
has solved the problem. As Us name Im
plies , It Is composed of Ibo most Indestructi
ble substances In nature , contains no organic
mutter and cannot deteriorate. The older It
gets the stronger It Is. It needs only to bo
used to bo appreciated. 11 can bo put on In
winter as will us summer. Because of Its
density und the fact that it is u nonconductor
of brut , It nukes n house warmer in winter
nnd cooler in summer. It will not craoit or
fall off oven lu case of a leaky roof. Ceilings
may bo plastered with stipule finish , giving
the appearance of Ibo most costly paper
mado. The most expensive buildings In the
country , both private residences nnd public
buildIncs , are being plastered with Silicon.
It Is bound to take the place of all other in
side wall plasters.
lluydcil llros.
Consumers of Hnyderr'1Bros. > celebrated
separator creamery butter have had an op
portunity to Inspect tlje process by which It
Is mado. Thousands of pcoplo have been
treated to fresh milk and 'buttermilk at the
Hayden Bros , booth , and tvhilo sampling tbo
rich , creamy lacteal fi.uUlhavo , watched the
cream separated from tho'milk bv machinery
at the raio"of 1,500 pbund's- hour. The
creamery is located at tDadgo , Nebraska , but
the products are , as many
thousands who vill nso"no other'than Hay-
dtn Bros.1 separator bulter'know. ' The nure ,
rich , fresh miln sopnrptclljby the Hayden
process produces a butter so superior to the
common article tbat HaVaon Bros , are soil
ing thousands of pounds of it dully. D. O.
Callnhan , manager ol thatUttor , , department ,
is In charge of the dlspljiVj , Hajdon Bros ,
are also largo ujanufa'cfurors cf , pur.o sugar
candles , wbicb tboy mKko'in the presence of
the public. They manufacture on a largo
scale nt tholr htoro , bundling more confec
tionery than any other candy 'siOro in Ibo
city. Tno Hayden Bros , booth has atlractod
moro attention than any other on Ibo second
lloor. Delicious fresh candles nnd pure milk ,
cream and all , Is not to'Do slighted.
The Ilohliison & rttokns Co.
Manufacturers of pants , shirts and duck
clothing , make an oxtonslvo exhibit on the
second lloor. Their line of shirts nnd pants
is ttio largest wo have over soon. The firm
has an immense establishment In Omaha ,
employing from 150 to 200 people , and supply
through tholr traveling salesmen , hundreds
of merchants all ever tbo country. The lirm
manufactures about 150 styles of cants , 2JU
styles of shirts , twonty-fivo styles of overalls - *
alls , twenty-livo styles of Jumpers , ton styles
of lined duck overcoats , ten styles of lined
duck coats and other garments.
Tbo ilfty styles of tholr pants are all wool
casslmores , which 'aro as neatly and well
made as though each pair was produced sep
arately by a met chant tailor. They are en
tirely away trom tbo ordinary ready made
pants. Tholr shirt line has in it as tlno all
wool shirting as It is possible to buy and are
made up by tha best of workmen and in the
best of Ins to.
Tholr display at the exposition requires
about fifteen people to operate tbo exhibit
and includes cutting and manufacturing.
Their large cutting machlno wilh a nineteen-
foot circular luilfo is a great attraction In
the exhibit. There is not another ono llko it
in cxlstonco and It excels all others. It will
cut 150 thicknesses of cloth nt a tune , cut
straight , circular , scallop or any ether way
that a pair of scissors could bo used in a
single plcco of doth. The factory is sup
plied with a laundry departmant , enabling
iho firm to put out the finest fancy laundered
sbirtb. A public test was made of tholr
"wiirrautod-not-to-rlp" overalls lost evening
with four strong meu at each log of o pair.
Tboy failed to start a .stitch and guvo it up
when men enough teen bold to tear tbo
strong cloth but could not start a seam.
Their goods are standard , warranted und nro
now known and handled everywhere. Their
registered brand is a Duck's head in a shield ,
ever which Is Iho word buckskin. Their
brand being called for short Buckskin *
brand. The llobiuson Sc Blokes company
have Just completed tholr four-story factory.
50x1 M ) foot , which Is by fur the tlnes't and
host factory ot its kind In tbo Uultou States
IVol1'otllto Chl | . Co.
The potato chip booth of Ooorgo F. WoU
of Fremont attracts universal attention , and
thousands of people dully sample Iho crisp ,
manufactured article , Air. Wolz has taken
many largo orders bora from men who will
contliuio 10 boJiLs customers. The capacity
of the factory at Fremont Is about liftoon
barrels per day. Ho has a blgtrado with the
dining car people , furnishing thorn In IIvo-
barrel lots. The originalpackages , are half
pound , but tboy are put any quantity
to suit customers. ' ' '
Cryntul Mnuutnifturlng Co.
Tbo display made by'thti1 Crystal Manu
facturing Co. . maiuitodturois of shoo
blackina and ladles' shoe dcasflng , takes tna
ablno off of its uolghbVrs. It is not lost ,
however , as their ahlnir transfers it to tbo
footgear of tbo spectator /reu of charge. Tno
company mnlios a RUtwrlpr nrtlelo and are
supplying both tbo Jobbm ? and retail trado.
I'urlty Kxtritct Compiiuy.
The Purity Hxtract' conibany of Lincoln
made an elegant display 'of pure flavoring
extracts of tbolr ownmanufacture. . They
manufacture nouo but tilihgraJo goods , ibo
finest made. Their display at the exposition
is very liandsonuvHl'fumuro of it is an
elegant real lawn with > t\owors \ and orna
mental shrubs , und a fountain playing in tbo
cantor , wbllo a pair of real llvo ducklings
enjoy ablutions lit tbo water.
Thu llninU Omulia Hut ; Company.
A family of Omaha Indians In full dross ,
war paint and feathers , forms a novel
fnaturo of tbo Houm Omaha Bag company's
exhibit. A real live pappooio , ouscouced In
u burlap sack , with head and shoulders
visible , represents ibo "pappooio" IraJo
mark of the company , and attracts much
attention. A decrepit old moss back with
long whlto beard anil haggard foatuios ,
dressed In sackcloth , wlta Mhos oa his head ,
foreshadows tbo inevitable fate , on January
1 , IBM , of tbo man who refuses 01-neglects
to paironlza tiotno industries. The w ills und
ceilings , cf tho. Bug company's bjoih , und
o/on Ihu mill gi la from nn covered ul.b
Hour uaeki bearing iho homo brand or
stamp of ell the mills tit Nebraska using tbo
Boinls Omaha Bag company' * sacks. The
company bas contracted In advance with
the ICoarnoy cotton mills for tholr cntlro
output ot cotton bacclug to bo made Into
Hour sacks , thus giving Nebraska mlllors
the opportunity to soil Nebraska made Iloilr
put up In Nebraska made sacks , manufac
tured from Nebraska made -cotton cloth.
"Patronize Nebraska mill products In No-
liraskn sacks , " is the advlco ot the Bomts
Omaha Bag company.
Nohrnnkii Shirt Company.
Mon nnd women nro equally Interested In
this exhibit which has four ns neat looking
glrU ns ihoro nro on the grounds constantly
nt work turning out as nice shirts ns can bo
made. Everything about their exhibit Is
neatness nnd shows up second to nono.
Their trade has doubled In the last six
month ; . Tholr factory Is located nt the City
Stonm laundry , 211 South Elovontii slrcot ,
and tboy guarantee to keep In good repair nil
shirts nnda by the shirt company tor ono
year providing they do the hiundrylng ,
which ought lo bo sufllciont to got every
shirt order In Omaha.
llic Omulia Oil nnd 1'alnt Co.
Show a mlniaturo coUnso house complete
\vith 7,000 shlnaloi on the roof. This struc
ture is ot beautiful design , put toEotber ox-
nelly llko a real homo , and Is oxqulsllolv
minted In the most modern style wilh Iho
Lincoln Paint nnd Color company's abso
lutely pure pilnts , making a perfect guide
for those lntomlmr to paint their residence.
Hits callage coil WOO. Of course the object
is to show what a modern cnllngo residence
looks llko painted with the Omaha company's
paints , nnd if the judgment of the thousands
wbo admire tbo display Is correct , the effect
is as tlna as It can be. Thcro is nothing In
tbo vast hall tbat surpasses the company's
exhibit for beauty and prnctical demonstra
tion. The compunv started In Burllncton In
l5r ! > . moved to Lincoln lii 18S7 and ostab-
llshcd thu Omaha house at Fourteenth nnd
Dodge llvo years ago. The factory , where all
the paints nro niado Is at Lincoln , nnd employs
seventy men. The Omaln homo takes care
of the retail trado. There are nearly 100
men employed bv the company. The Damnv
finish , the now Interior docorutiva pillnt is
ono of their specialties. The company is re
sponsible nnd on their standard goods placa
a guarantee of absolute purity ,
I'rnl KriiE llrmvlng Company ,
Fred Krug Brewing company's display Is
admired ovom by prohibitionists. A solid
column ot ice wllh flowers fro/on in Iho cen
ter b/ the brewing company's ' machinery
forms n center piece In the display. The In
terior walls uro representations of different
departments of the plant ; bottles , kegs and
barrels of the manufactured article are also
exhibited , The Fred Krufj Brewing com
pany was established in l&V.l , Incorporated In
ISd'J. It nns grown from n ono-mun plant to
nn establishment employing soventy-llvo to
100 men ; is located nt luor Jackson street ,
but the company has purchased ground nt
VInton nnd Twonlv-fourth streols nnd are
pulling up a SiiOO.OOO plant. A lireo steel
engraving of Iho now plant Is on exhibition.
Tbo company manufactures thrco grudoj.
the "Cabinet , " "Kxtra Palo" nnd "Standard"
lager beer. The new buildings will contain
all the latest machinery and appliances nnd
will bo of largo capacity in orucr to supply
the growing demand for Fred Krug Brewing
company's products.
hiiuth Omalm Ice Compunj' .
If anybody thinks the South Omhha Ice is not "In it" tboy nro mistaken.
They have iho exhibit that , Is "patronized"
the most frequently by the visitors of any In
the building. You will notice four largo
water bnrrols labeled with the firm's nnmo
nnd supplied every few hours wilh largo
cakes of ns pure ice ns Jack Frost ever midet :
and ihoy say you can have some of the sumo
kind delivered uny where in Omaha or South
Omaha by calling at their oftlco , 1001 Farnam
street. Telephone 730.
The officers of the company are : A. C.
Foster , president ; H. C. Bostwlck , tieos-
urcr ; Colonel Sharp , secretary ; J. A. Dee ,
manager. (
Consolidated Co ( Too Company.
The Moorish palace ot the Consolidated *
Coffee company Is ono of the most attractive
designs nnd best displays on the tltst lloor.
The building has two fronts with arched ou
tran cos , over which In totters of black , made
of spices , are the words , "Consolidated
Coffea Company. " On ono sldo of Iho
arched entrance , overhead. InJottors made of
spice , Is the legend , "United Wo Stand : "
on the other sine a similar design -
sign with thi injunction , "Patronlro
Homo Industry. " Directly ever iho arch
is the American eagle flanked with the stars
and stripes. The frame work is nude of
packages of manufactured articles in tbo
company's ' line , the massive posts being
composed of pound packages ot Gorman
coffee and tbo tall spires between of cans ot
Perfection coffooanu Gorman baking powder.
The octagonal shaped dome is supported by
eight Interior columns of cans of Gorman
baking powder. In tbo center of the space
Is a pyramid ot bottles and packages of ex
tracts made in presence of Iho crowd. In
ono corner coffee is weighed inlo
pound packages and scaled ready for
Ibo trade. In another the various
extracts nro put up ; In a third
delicious Perfection coffee , steaming hot ,
and celebrated Fiji tea , ice cold , Is
served fro ? , and In tbo fourth German yeast
is p'ubllcly wrapped rcadv for market.
The company's store is located at 1414 and
14111 Harnoy street and tholr factory nt
Twenty-eighth and Bolt lino. Tbolr
goods are all manufactured In Omaha by
Omaha pooplo. Their leaders are Perfec
tion Java und Mocha , Gorman cotToj , Gor
man baking powder , Gorman spices , Gorman
yeast and Dr. Baker's ' extracts. Tbo entire
palace was designed und erected by Dr.
Baker , the company's chemist.
r. 1) . Kcos.
All exhibit which attracts the attention ot
the ladles moro than almost any otbor on the
lower floor is that of F. D. Keos of Beatrice ,
manufacturer of patent , ajustablo revolving
flower stands nnd wire window brackets , u
practical and ornamental article which is
appreciated by every lover of flowers and
plants. Mr. Kees exhibits four different
styles of stands and thrco of biockots.
Both stands and brackets are mndo
ot metal throughout , lmndt > omcly painted ,
of ornamental pattern , adjustable both as to
number of saucers unu height from floor or
window. The stands range in price from
i.50 to $12 , according to MZO , and number
of saucers. Mr. Keos controls thu patuut ,
operates his own lactory , omploylifg twelve
bands , and a number of largo wholesale
bouses are handling his goods with rcmrrk-
able success. . The adjustable foaluro Is very
popular , us the stand or brackets can bo
cbaugoa in a moment to suit tbo room.
' ? I. K. Smith Company.
Tbo M. E. Smith company uiako ono of
tuo largest oxhlbits 011 the second lloor ,
carrying on manufacturing with a force of
II f lean people , operating ulna machines ,
making garments of every kind the same ns
tboy do at tbo factory. At tha same lima
ibo faclory , wtilch Is located at Eleventh and
Howard streets , runs at Its full capacity.
The M. K. Smith company gives employment
to Ifiu people and the payroll amounts
to 81,300 u week. They manufacture
for tha jobbing and wholesale trade , tlilo
nugllgo shirts , pants , overalls , Jumpers mid
all kinds of lined clothing. The factory 13
a mammoth establishment , lliJ feet deep.
'J boy operate 111) machines and turn out BOi )
dozen gurmenls per week. Their booth at
tbo exposition , with its busy hum of machin
ery , attracts a great deal uf attention. La-
dloi , wbo at homo , cut n single thickness
of goods ut a time , with sclsson , lee it on In
astonishment when they see tbo M. K.
Smith Co. 's cutter carve 200 thicknesses of
heavy cloth nt a clip , The surface loft by
the knlfo is perfectly true nnd as smooth as
the Hurfaco of u planed board. In a pllo of
IfX ) buckle straps , cut at ono time , Iho top
and bottom ones woie placed logothur and
wcro found to match precisely. Tbo
company makes none but ( list-class
goods and no work U allotted
to leave tba factory that Is nut of the host.
Tbo result Is that although tbo factory has
boon In operation but two yean , the com
pany has built up mi immense trade , reaching -
ing out to olbor states , and with anything
llko fair patronat'o ut the hands of Nebraska
people they will sooa bo compelled to double
tholr capacity. By way of contrast with
the rupld work ot tbo skilled operators ,
aided by moaorn machinery , two young
ladles are stationed on a high porch , towing
bv hand , ivbllo a placard uttholr sldo roads ,
"This 1s the tvoy they manufactured In 1819. "
1'iir Company
Tbo Aulabaugb Fur company of 218 South
Fifteenth troot are making a very band-
bomo und attractive oxhiblt on the lower
floor , Tholr display of manufactured goods
is especially tluo und iho difficult process of
changing a sum Into a rich and elegant gar
ment Is explained to tbo pooplo. The
Aulabuugh Fur company manufactures all Iti
own good * , making a special pattern for
each garment. They also repair , re-dyo
nnd sioro during summer fur goods nnd
warrant thorn against moths. They also
dross nnd mount all kinds of sxlns to order
for mats , rugs or robe * . The magnificent
sign of the company is familiar to nil
Omnhans , which txlso represents tholr trade
mark. It consists of tbo largest stuffed
Hoynl Bengal tiger In the United Slate * ,
with ono foot resting on the lifeless form of
n colt. The fllgu marks the booth at thu
Anilrrrii Sato Compnii } .
Gustavo Andrecn , proprietor of the Onmhn *
Snfo nnd Iron Works , is among the exhib
itors at the exposition. His patent Iron win
dow shutters that can bo oloiol from the
outsldo wilh n stream of water from n flro
lioso or from tbo inside by n small lever at-
.r. ct universal attention. It It a money
savor and Is bound to come Into general uio ,
Kxpnslllnit Noli' * .
J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska Cltv pro
nounce * the exposition n grand success.
President Page U the rectolont of mnuy
congratulations on iho success of iho exposi
It Is nmuslng to watch the different
schemes which people try to work In order
to gain admission froo.
South Omaha was out In full force last
ovonlni ; ami contributed very materially
toward picking the Coliseum building.
" 1 am just boiling over with enthusiasm on
tbo success of this exposition , don't sot mete
to going or I will tain nil night. " O. M.
A Sioux City visitor wns heard to admit
that the manufacturers' exposition was n
greater attraction than the corn palace and
far moro practical.
"No , thnpk you , 1 manufacture my own
wind , " said Kov. T. J. Muckay , rector of All
Saints church , as t\n exhibitor passed out n
pamphlet on wind mills.
G. W. Llnlngar pronounces the exposition
ns the best thing that , was over done for Iho
good ot ibo state. It is not only n most
creditable exhibit , but It Is n school for tba
"Thcro Is ono thing lacking in Iho exhibit
of the manual training cmss of tha High
school , " sutd a visitor. "It should have bornu
an inscription , 'The work ot our future
manufacturers. ' " ,
T. L..lCimball , vice president , of iho Union
Pacific Hnilroad company , vlsilod the exposi
tion yesterday afternoon , nnd llko every ono
else expressed in Iho utronirest terms his
surprise nt the cntorprlsoot Nobrnsltn. manu
" 1 hope THIS Bun will contlnuo to nzltato
homo patronage , " said a Boatrlco manufac
turer. "It has already donu the state an in
calculable amount of good and If It will keep
It up nttor the close of this ox position its ef
forts will bo still more effective. "
Tbo crocery clerks of Omaha nnd South
Omaha have hid 1,200 tlckdts distributed
nmong them , which will admit them to the
exposition on Tuesday. If the boys do their
duly and take the pit-Is with them there will
bo no daugoi * of n lack of attendance on tbat
Secretary Mason of the Board ot Trade
bns seen the exposition nnd pronounces It
Iho biggest thing that Nebraska ever at
tempted Ho wants excursion trains run
Into Omnhu from every direction , but unfor
tunately the llmo for closing is too near at
To illustrate the exhibit , made by the
Union Life of Omuhu Unit hns attracted the
attention und ndir.iratlon of visitors nt thu
Coliseum the company hns Issued n beautiful
souvenir album of photo engravings of the
fourteen scones thcro represented nnd are
presuming thorn wltb compliments to visi
Mrs. Bnggs , president of the women's
World's fair commission of Nebraska , mndo
a careful examination of the different exhib
its with a view of making selections for Ne
braska's exhibit at the Columbian exposi
tion. Mrs. Brlggs was very much ploisod
with the exhibit as u whole and pronounced
it simply wonderful.
Court Clerk Mooros Unos u Illg D nnd ( Sots
The affable clerk of the district court
walked out of his ofllco yesterday nf tornoon
to Mud himself under arrest. There wns a
policeman on hand who wrapped the strong
arm of tbo law around Mr. Mooros.
Early yesterday morning E. Semllar , who
baa been n witness in the district court ,
called for his fees. Mr. Mooros was very
busy and did not look up from his books.
This made Semilnr mad nnd ho passed
an insulting remark ever Inn clorK's desk.
Upon receiving this Mooros told the Indl
viuunl that bo bo blanked if ho would make
out his certificate of attendance just then ,
and at the amo tlmo Invited him to visit
that plnco where the flres nro alleged to
never burn low. This was more than Mr.
Soiailar could stand , and away ho rushed to
Iho police court , where ho swore out n com
plaint accusing Mooros of profanity , which ,
by the state law , Is something Ibnt l pro-
hibited. _
A Fitting Trlliuto.
WASIUSOTOX , D. C. , May 2. To the Editor
ofTiiiiBKi ; : Tbo degree of LL.D. adds
nothing to tha uamo of Theodore Hugelos
Tim by , but the Iowa Wesleyan university
of Mt. Pleasant , la. , regards It as a favor
oonforrod upon it as the eldest university
west of the Mississippi riverain tbat it was
its privilege on Iho seventieth birthday of
this contlemon , polished scholar , philosopher
and world renowned Inventor , to .supplement
the degrees of A.M. and D.S. . conferred by
ether colleges , bv tbat of LL.D. The many
friends of Dr. Timby In this city and abroad
unite ia heartily congratulating the uni
versity , nnd also Dr. I. A. Bradrlck of
Omaha , Nob. , who culled its attention to Ibis
opportunity. May tbo doctor llvo to furnish
tbo dcfonseless coast of bis beloved country
witn n protection which will equal , If r.ot
surpass , that which bo has douo and con
tinues to do for its navy. X.
OucstlmiH itml Anmrrrn.
. UTICA. Neb. , Juno 15. To the Hlltnrnf 'I'll u
Ilr.Ki 1'lcusi ! give me & solution of ( bo fol
lowing problem : 1 have it farm that 1 KUVO
8.VUO for that runts fur $100 u year nut , -jrs per
canton the money Invested. If thu govern
ment Isniius money. In quantities enough HO
that money loanti at y puruuul pur annum ( us
nor third paitv doctrine ) what iiiiisl'l hell mv
farm for so thai the Interest on tbo money I
receive will lie worth us much lo mo u the
rout 1 now receive. ( J. 0. lluuuiuicr.
Answer. You would hnvo to obtain for
'your farm $1',83.33X : , which if loaned out
at 3 per cout per annum would bring you in
f 100 u year.
I'ANAUA , In. , Juno 10. Tothu Kdltorof TUB
lni : : 1'loaHo answer through Tin : llf.i : what
liu government tux U per gallon on whisky ,
nd obllpo , Wiu.msi CIIANPALU
Answer. Ninety cents pur gallon ,
The entertainment commlttco of the poo-
plo' party convention desires all keepers of
bowls and boarding houses , und parties who
hnvo rooms to rent , to send or leave tbolr address -
dross and number of people they can accom
modate , how much for room and board per
day , how mucu for rooms alone per day , and
bow much pur meal. Address ,
H. T. Hoiiaix ,
Socrelary Entertainment Committen.
Ofllco hours 10 W IS a. in. Uoom iiX ) , Board
of Trado. _
Hoard of I'limilizutloii ,
Tbo city council will meet as a board of
equalization at tba city clerk's oftlco on Mon
day ut 10 o'clock , for tbo purpose of
equalizing tha damugos on the Douglus and
Hamilton street gradas aud for such ether
business ub may coma bnioro tbo board.
Parlies Interested will plcaiu take nollco.
Guouau F. MuNitt ) , Chairman.
BlurrJugu I.iuniino * .
The following roarrlago lloousos.wero Is
sued by Judge Ellor yesterday :
Numo and address. Ago ,
I lUlus lined I'urlft , Omaha. , . , , . , M
' ( Mary Duljio , Omuhu , 'M
j C. A. Hook. Omaha „ 'M
ttiliarlolluTurkulboii , Omuhu 'M
j Trunk Yluk , Oinaba 11
1 UuttloBtory , Onialui n
j Marlon U. I'uch , Bomb Omaha , It )
1 Leota Combs , Houth Omaha 18
Llltlo Besslo had bcon token In to see her
now baby brother for thn tlrst tlmo. "Do
you thluk you will llko him , Besslo I" asked
her father. "Why. you , " nho Buld , clasping
her hands delightedly. "Thoro uu't uny
sawdust about him ai all , is tboral He's u
real moat baby. "
Annual Mooting of the PlatUJoutscha
Yoroin of North America.
Umnlrrd of Momlinr * < it thn Soclrty frou ) .
All r.irl of thu Country (1 altering
ut ( Iranil Itltutil .N
Giuxo iMASh. Nob. , Juno IS. fSpoclM lo
Tin : BII : : . | On all Incoming trains yostor *
day mid toJny ihoro worj dolofaios to tha
national ojuvoiilloa ot tbo PlatUiloutsohor
Conlral Voroln of Norlh America , but the
blgijou crowd will bo here tomorrow , wlion
the volksfest taken plnco. Two conches
heavily ladnn tire axpootod from Omaha nnd
two from KiMidas City , with lessor numbers
from olhor largo olllcs.
L'ist iitctbt Iho recaption to the delegates
nnd the general social reunion took placo.
Mayor Hoyden Is unavoidably absent , but
his address was read bv Councilman Harri
son ntul was mut with loud nnd long np-
The address extended the freedom of tbo
city to tbo visitors mid nddod :
For whatever reason tbo true patriot
may leave the land of his birth mur become
the earnest , honou cltlion of nnothor coun
try , It Is hallcvod that his char
acter possesses breadth nnd liberality
suniolont to onnblo him to servo
hi' adopted country wllh tbat nrdor
urn ! tldolliy which she bns n right lo expect
from every subject that seek * bor shelter ;
yet In the memory lingers the lo o for his
nallvo country , bar lituguaic and her Ira-
dlllons. It finds expressions tu orgnuln >
lions like this ono.nnd I bollovo that for this
very reason you will nil bo holler nnd nobler
citizens of this , thu greatest und urauuoslro-
public the world bus ever known. "
Today the tlmo was occupied by roullni
business , reports , oto.
Determined to llnxiii I. Inc.
BiUTiiioi : , Nob. , Juno IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKK. ] The street railway win
brake out in n now plnco last night. Shortly
nftor midnight thu rapid transit ticoplo hur
rlodly put In a block of track on Sixth street
beivt con Ella and Kile. The work was no.
compllshed very quietly , nnd tbo tlrst knowl
edge tbo opposing company had of the affair
was to discover u line of track paralleling
tholr line at tbat point. At the same lima
Ibo rupld transit pcoplo laid their track
across the now Sixth slroet brldgo and tem
porarily adjusted their oleotrlo wires. As
tbo matter now stands thu Kupld Transit
company bavo n trlllo Iho best ot the situa
List evening the attorneys for the Rapid
Transit company Hied n motion to dissolve
the Injunction granted ngnlnstlho.n Monday.
Judge Bush announced that ho would hour
' the case next Monday.
i Count } "H Reunion.
HniiM.vx , Neb. , Juno IS. fSpcclal Telegram
to'liiu Bun J Tbo citizens of this cliy mol
tonight in Knights of Pythias Casllo hall to
perfect an organization to ma no preparations
for ibo reception of the old holdloiM and
visiting citizens at Ibo Wuslungloti
county reunion lo be held bora
August 10 mid 11. William Govy ,
a prominent and Influential citizen ,
was appointed chairman nnd after nn In.
tcresllug discussion , thu various committees
wcro selected nnd Instructed. The organiza
tion was named ibo Cilucns Veteran associa
tion of Herman. An enthusiastic meeting
was held and It Is assured that ag'-and enter
tainment ivlll bo given not only to the old
veterans , but to the citizens visiting hero at ,
that time. S. C. Harris , odiior of Iho Her
man Gu/otto , was unanimously chosen to de
liver the address of wolcomo.
They Domiuul Iturognltlon.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special to Tun
Biij The Alumni association of the Slalo
INormul school is urging Iho appointment of
nnnlumnuson the Board of Education. The
association bus petitioned Governor Boyd lo
appoint an alumnus to tha next vacancy ,
which occurs August 15.
The president of the association , Mr. J.
W. Crabtroo , who is superintendent of tha
Ashlnm ! schools , says : "Wo nro entitled lo
ropresontnllon on ibo board nnd wo are
going lo have it. The Alumni association lu
oilier normal schools nro represented on Iba
board , nnd slnco wo Have slrong nnd Influen
tial men among our members 1 see no reason
why our request should not bo granted. "
Committees have hc'on appointed lo renuost
the board lo make tboso and other needed
Iiijnrud lu u Itunnwiiy.
Suui'miR , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special to Tun
Bun. ] A serious and porhups fatal accident
happened late last evening to Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Systa , whllo returning to their homo ,
throe miles from Surprise. Their ho o ran
away , throwing tbo occupants from the
buggy. Mr. Systa had bis shoulder blade ,
collarbone and several ribs broken , and
olbor wise bruised. His wife rocolvod
several serious culs and bruises about tbo
head and faoo , also in ether parts of llnj body.
A little boy was In tbo buggy with them ,
but escaped unhurt.
Mr. Systn Is ono of the earliest settlers of
this part of Butler county , nnd is well
known nnd highly res pec ted by everyone lu
Ihls section.
Illulr'K llarrlHon and Itrlil Clnlt.
BMIII , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Sponlal Tnlegrnra
to'liiE Bii : : . ] A Harrison and Hold club
was orgunizod here lonight with 100 natnos
enrolled and nn enthusiastic meeting wan
hold. The enrollment will bo Increased before
fore next Monday evening. Thu followln D
olllccrs were elected : W. D. Hullur , presi
dent : G. G. Bogg" , vice president- ; , < J ,
Fnrr , secretary ; F. II. Matholson , treasurer.
The boys rustled out the II lo and drum nnd a
largo crowd % vus raised within a few min
utes. Postinast.-r Boggs swung the base
drum stick as If ho trad ooon n young kid.
They are hurrahing for Harrison and Hold
on the streets tonight ,
Hunting mi Alli > iud J'orgnr.
MONHOK , Nob. , Juno 18. ( Special to Tin
It was alleged bore this morning that
E. C. Hnrwood alias J , B , Moore of O'Kay ,
bad forged iho name of J. E. Deck and W.
M. Pallard , two prominent farmers , to a nota
of SIT ) S which he got cashed In Columbus.
Deputy .Sheriff Campbell wont there thli
morning lo arrest bis man but found an
empty nest , ns the bird hud llown tbo night
before , taking his wife and Hlcp son along.
It is Ihought ho will bo on easy capture
owing lo his lofi hand , which bas ibo front
und middle linger cut oil.
Ailjuilgod IIIHIIIII * .
BKATIUCE , Nob. , Juno 18.- [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : Bnu.J CmrUfu Sturllu ot
Holmosvlllo was today adjudged limano. Her
hallucination Is that the doctor * und lawyers
are trying to poison her and ho wiints to go
direct to heaven. Sbo was released from the
asylum for Insuno four years ago. Sheriff
Kldd took the unfortunate woman to Lincoln
this afternoon.
bimiriSturm. .
NOIIDKN , Nob. , Juco 18. [ Special to Tun
JJKK.1 Ono of Iho hardest wind and rain
storms ever experienced lu those parts prevailed -
vailed from about 0 o'clock last night till
this morning. A photograph tent was de
molished , doing considerable damage. The
bouso of J , W. Farry , living near town , wan
unroofed. Many small building" were blowu
ChrUtlan hriuulUu iiounil Ovor.
UNCOI.X , Neb. , Juno 18. [ Special to Tun
BKI : . ] S. Y. O t'il on and John House ! , the
Christian Scientists tried yesterday afternoon
fur practicing medicine without a tortlficato
from the Stuto Board of Health , were this
afternoon hold to iho district courl , their
bull being fixed ut f.'OO each.
Died In thu
STIIIIUXO , Nub. , Juno IS. [ bpoctal Telegram -
gram to Tin : BISK. ) Mr. A. PioMon , ono of
the eldest residents of tbU cltv , foil dead of
heart failure on iho struct ut noon loduy.
Ho was 71 youru old und louvos u wlfo and
live children ,
llnhrun'H Illiioilnil llom .
HiimoN , Nob. , Juno 18. [ Special to Tim
BKK.J * . " / „ L. Thompson shipped a oar of
razors to Kansas City Thursday , where ho
will commence following the racing circuit.
Mr. Tbomp ou bu u largo btublu of bloodoii