' /1A ! < THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 19 , 1892-SI&TEEN o c uRIiAl Snapper Pulh Montana Through the Winner - nor of the Great Suburban. BEAUTIFUL RACE AND CLOSE FINISH i Hrrnml ninl Third Home * Oonlil Unto Horn Covered with Onn Ulnnlint llonr the Trick Wn Turned Hport- II EIU'SHE AD DAY U A G K TKACK , N. Y. , Juno 18.-Tho Su- our ban handicap tiai boon almost , since its Inception n rnco of surprises , hut that of this nf- tcrnoon was uii uxeOptlon , Montann , the llrst choice nt 3 to 1 , In n flola of cloven horses , winning the rich prlza by n head fr8m W. .T. Slilro's Mnjor Dotid , who In turn defeated ' colt Lamp- Cnptnln Main Brown's 3-yoar-old ll htor by n hoad. The race ivas a ( ? rand one , the result tiding In iloubt up to the very last stride. The day broKO with a clouded sky which Ihroatr onoci u down pour of rala at any moment. Hccnuso of this inlllUitiiiK feature thci-o were not moro tlinn 2T ,000 npoctntors preicnt when Starter1 Howe , with rod ilac In hand , awaltoil the coming of the grandest lot ol thoroughbreds that over cumo together In ono raco. Only a few dmzlln ? Rplotchoi of rain foil , and drspllo the heavy rain of Friday the trnok wns fast albeit n trlfllo deep in dust. It wns n rattling betting race , mid the eighty bookmakers were well loaded down with money of nil denominations whan the crowd emptied Itself out on the liuvn and Into the fltinds in ordur not to miss u single feature of the big race. Trimliln tit the .Start. There were four fnlso breaks , ono of them being1 further than a sixteenth of n mile In length. On the fifth attempt they were rumilnu In n compact bunch , nil being In motion. Starter Howe glanced over the bunch , saw that the riders were waiting for the word , and quick ns n Hush down went the Hag , whlto above nil else could be heard his volco shouting Go. " Lambloy , who has no peer at getting away from thu post abend or all 'other jockuvs , occupied nrst place with Major Domo. Llttlollold , n not nor beginner , hud Hussoll nt Homo's head. Then cnino the western colt , the long lulled Poet Scout. His Highness being fourth mid Locohachto last. Hussoll mndo a nold old for the Inner rail , as they were Icavjng the homo s'.rotch prepara tory to matting the turn Into the uack slrotch , but Latnloy appreciated hU ndvan- tago and cut the rail so close that the spec tators expected to aoo Ills log crushed. At this point Locohaclilo was absolutely last , whtlo Montana was only u length in front of him. Major Dome was suuoding along in front of bis Hold us steady os if ho were n machine instead of n. quadruped. Uarrlson. however , did not become rattled or disheartened. Ilo know that the loaders were going too fast for so early In the rai-o , and that they would bo all pumped out before the llulshing line wns passed. Simppor ( inttlii" In I1H Work. In the middle of tha back stretch ho made his first rnovo on the favorite. Ton lengths In front of him ho saw that the horses that had been hugging the rail begun to wobble ever to tlia inldtllu of the truck In their efforts to keep up with thqlr companions. The ulort Snapper drove Montana with bis bftnds u few limes and the game ana of1 13un Fox rnshocl up lo the tall end of the bunch llkou snot out of a cannon. His rush CloctHiiod the specta tors , and wnonavor ihoy cried out " \Vliy loult nt Montana ; ho Is not boatoa at nil , " they were right. Garrison had Just com menced to make his run. Lnmlay , on Mnjor Domo. glanced over his shoulder and saw the favorlto coming thruugh thn bunch lllto a frightened door. Ho had t\\o turns of the reins of bis wrist. Off they came and Major Dome , finding his head free , bounded further out li'iu tlio light and Increased his load to llvo Ion -ths. His backcra down In the grand btnuu and on the lawn shouted pxtiltnnUy , whllo the backers of Montana groaned. Turning Into the stretch ( inrrison settled hlnuolf for business , and Uorger on Lampllghler ulso began to rldo. A furlong from the finish and Dome wns sllllii length In front of Alor.tana. ( lot u Utiiiuliiu Garrlnon Mulsh. With only n sixtconth to go Dome had still n short length the best of It and Lamloy began whipping for dear life. Garrison assumed his famous position , his bauk 'taking on a hump and ha looked for all the world Ilko n jack rabbit about to sprint ? . On cnino Montana nt steady as n piston rod , whllo Dome swayed painfully. Garrison's admirers cheered" him nnd his gallant horse repeatedly as tboy passed by the judges tlrst In the race for the grout Suburban , with Major Dnmo u head away. Lamplighter llmsbcd ut the Major's throat latch. In another stride ho would have boon second and Dome would have bocn third. There was an open spavo of daylight or about iwo lengths be tween Lampllnhtor and the long-tailed Pool Scout. His Highness , the second choice , was fourth. The fractional time wns as follows : First quarter , lit ; half mllo.10 1-5 : throe- ( junrlurs , IlBU-i : ! ; ono miio mlle , 1:10 U-n ; mlle and ono-eighth. ItfH-O.iiml the mlle and n qunrtur in 2:07 : 2-r > . The llr.it fraction shows that Major Domu sot a inrrillu pnca : from the instant the Hag wns dropped until ho began to stop In the Him ! furlong. The winner's shaco of the rich nrlzo wns Sltf.OOO , cfl.OOO to the second aud 51000 to the tbttd. Following are the summaries : l-'lrnt race , llvo fnrlonus : Yi'stlbuln (8 ( to 11 lo" ) thfrf . .ifoV'ur0'111' ' Mttjor 1 > Hly < - ' ttiuinil rnio ; , the double event , llvn and one- Iinlf fuilniiffH : AJuxCMo 1) ) won. Ilainiulu ( i to II kt'cond. Lawless ( J to I ) third. Time ! lilt , \ - . . Tlilril rnco. Futurity oonrsu.orllng (7 to 1) ) IT ? ! ' ; i\um.8 ! ' C'vul ' ) second , Grand 1'rlx ( IS to iMlilnl , Tlinuj llK'\ ( rourth men. tlio Hiilnirlmii Imiullain. ono W'1 ? " ' " " 'UJftiir : Montann c.'tol ) won , i < iiiii rucu. hair ndlo : HIUs colt (8 ( to 1) ) won. " "in" i"tiio- " | > 11 WJ lo lf ' h.Mh t nco. 'one nil'ii ' nnd u furlong : Tain- W liny 1 1 to 1) ) won , Wnrpith (1U ( to U uniMiml. Jrt iiyKtoiioCJtoDihlnlJ'TliDO ! nsoVn. huyuiith raun. onotiilin mid a slxteunth on turf \ l-orulmiunt ( J lo I ) won , John Oavun- im I. . (3 ( to 1) ) Bci-oail , Snowball (7 ( toS ) thlicl. rnnu : tjAi l-fi. ' lloiilorji of a\a mutuiil tleltuts on I.aich- EJSJ'k "lunurof IhuUstraoo , wore ouch paid l'\K\it \ \ J'rnnk HI ) 1'lmt Itucu ThU i Mnmnu. KI.UIX , Nob. , luuo 18. IBpeclul Tolugrnm to TUB Hun. ] A novelty race , witnessed by the largnit crowd ot 'pooplo iMglu has had for several years , took pluco today between Uliflu i'Vanlr , : i pacing dog owned and driven by Uobblo Atkins , u boy of 8 years and a pur.tni ; puny with u rouora of a:4U the UOR winning ttiotwo tlrst half mllu hoots by lorty loot , 'Iriluk AltUIri * tu ( ] K Count j- . UKATltlCB"Nob , , Juno 18. [ Special Tolo- grum to TUB Duu. ] The oxouutlvo com- inlitofl of the N'ebraika Trotthig HOMO Oroodura1 association mot In this city \Vo-Jneiday evening at the PaddouU for thn transaction of roullno Dutlnojs. These pres ent xvoro ; Edwin W. Moihor of York , proildont ; A. J , Brlggs of Superior , soe- roturv : Henry Frv of York , John O , ICestor- ou of Fart-bury , D. T. Mount of Omaha uud R U. Gould of l-'ullerton. Tbo comnilltco will hold two more meetings bore bofora the mealing of tbo Drocdorn1 association , which ocvur * at Lincoln Tree i'ark August 0 Jo 1'J. Second piymtnti of u very largo proportion of it.o nainlnutloo * have been made , uud iho outlrok lor tbo raidct ) irottlng'meetiu the bltiory of the aiiodutitm U very oucourag- lur. lur.Mr. Mr. J. O. Lsod will depart Monday or Tunid r ucxt will ) tils Krcal bornUobuioo , 3,1051 , for Froopoit , IU. , whtro he will bo given In chnrffoof McHonrv. hi * old driver , who will campaign him for the season ever the grand trotting circuit. The hrst rnco In which Lob us do will nartlcltato will bo nt Uoi Molnes. From thence ho will go to Detroit , Clnvoland , nnd elsewhere on'tho grand tour. Air. Lurid Is nulto confident that Lobasco will take ntf213 ! mark before the season closes , nnd his friends who are ncnumntrd with the great horso's abilities generally concur In that Idea too. Italn Spoiled St. Louis' Sport. ST. Loui , Mo. , Juno 18. Severn ! heavy showers mndo the track heavy nnd a magnl- llcant card was damaged very much by free scratching t the fair grounds today. The nttondnnco Wns kept down considerably by thornln. The fallhfull missed tholr guess In n majority of .events , only two favorites being tlrst to the winning lino. The Osnga stolen * for'4-vonr-olds at six fur longs was won bnndlly by King Leu , the favorite. It was worth $2,010 to the winner. Tlio other stnko was tbo Oyclono nnd It was captured by Ultido In a whipping Mulsh with Oregon Kcllmo. Tha stake was worth $1,505 to the sucfossful winner. 1'lrst nice , four nnd nno-lialf furlongs ; .Ml as Mnry (7 ( to l ) won. Lucy Howard (8 ( to I ) second , .Maud II (7 ( to.1) : ) thirl. Tlmoi r > 7 > 4. Second nice , nullltu. tour und ono-hntf fur longs ! Oscooln (12 ( to I ) won , Ithaca ( T to I ) Hocund , Tri.xoy Gardner (0 ( to I ) third. Tlmo ! Vnlnl rnco. Outgo stnkoj for 2-year-olds , $ ! . ( .OJ. six furlong * ) Ktn.r I.co(7 ( toSnron. 1'nl- stf ( I to . ' > sovond , .Miss .Moscluy ( U to I ) third. Time ! UWf. fourth rnco. Cyolnno hnniilaip , seven fur- Innss ! ( Inldo ( ! ) to2) ) won. Oregon Holltisu ( S to 1) ) HCdind , Alohii. 0 to Si third ) Tlmo : ItlW'.i. ' rifth r.ioo. sollliu , onomlio ! llarnoy (4 ( tofi ) won , llurtha ( Oto U second , Itollof ( S to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l:4l : ) . .Slxth.r.ico. sollliu. ono mllut Mary Site cm to I ) won , Dave 1'ulslfor (7 ( to 5) ) aoconJ , O.is- tolliui. to Dthlrd. Time : 1:4 : ? ' ( . Uovuntli race , liunilloKp , ono mlle nnd a fiuiirtor : KenwooJ (4 ( to I ) won. Lord Willow- brook ( D to It buaond , I'rimroso ( i to I ) third. Time : 2:1H' : . I.ntoiila Winners Hputtod , CINCINNATI , O. , June 18. A very largo crowd visited Latonm this afternoon. The betters picked -threo wlnnori of the six. Track was fasttill after the llfth raco. when a tcrrlllo storm ciimo up and Iho last rnco was ran ever a muddv courao to thunder nnd llglitiiliig nccomiianloment , The Hyinnn , the disappointment , of the dny , won easily. Sprlngnwuv und London Smouo were unex pected winnow nnd the tlmo , 1:40 : , mndo for tlio mllam the third rjco by Sprlngaway , bronks the Lntonla record fpr thtit dlstunco , Thn great rnco of of tlio dav , the Hvmyur stakes , was easily won by Ulchardson's groy co't Faraday. 1'lrst rnoo , sol I Int : , pnrso , for 3-yoar-olds nnd up. six furlongs : llyiiiiin K to II. won , Lonnlo 11 ( II to 1) ) second , llumllno U to Dthlrd. Tlmo : IMCVj. i-ucond r uo , sulling. purie. for 3-vour-ods ! nnd npwiird , mlle nnd buvunty vnrdi : Lon don Kinoliij ( . - > to 1) ) won , Urvlllo ( oven ) second , Wurnlotd to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:18. Third rnci1 , n fioo linmllcup swucostnUo for ,1-yonr-oUl und nuwnrds , ono mlle : Sprlng- iiwuy , ( H ) to 1) ) won , Adulla , (0 ( to B ) uucond , Irish Chief , ( i to : > ) . third. Tlmo : 1:41. li'oiirlh race , Itymrar stnKos for a-vonr-olds worth J..HIO to iho winner , nlno fin longs : Kaniitiiy. (2 ( to .V. won. Nowton. pi to 1) ) . second , Uomnor Kox , (8 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:55. : 1'lith nice , soil In ? , pnrso for U-year-olds : Little George Cl to 1)on ) , Humming HlrQ ( oven ) second , Silvia U (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : Sixth race , soiling , purse for 3-yoar-olds nnd upwiirdi. Hl.x furlonss : Tonny , Jr. , (0 ( to 0) ) uon , UIM tila ( U to 1) ) Huconcl , bunnybook ( J tel ) third. Time : IMUJJ. Coliunlius iti'rlnstliily | Mottle * the Chani- plonslilp liiuKtlou , COI.UMUUI , O. , Juno 18. Columbus do- fentcd Milwaukee easily by bunehlng hits on Durroll In the llfth aud sixth innings. At tendance , 1,000. Score : BCOItE 11V 1NX1.VOS. Coluuibus t 0 00 11 0200 0-1 MIlwiuiVuo 2UOOOODOO 2 8UMMAU1- lluna earned : Coluiiilius , 3 : Milwaukee , 1. Two- huso lilts : MiCarr. Tlireo-ba o lilts : llcrrltt , Cunipaii. Tnltcbull. IJnso 1111 bill In : OH O'Dny , I ; oil ilurroU , ( > . btolon Imnos : Ciimpnu. McUnrr. Struck nut ; lly u'lluy. "i ; llurrull , L Loft on bnsos : Culumbiis , 10 : llllwinikoe , 0. Tlmo of Ramo : Two liours. Umpire : Scracl. NATIONAL MC.VOUIJ. Ono Kiilu Sturm for AVhloli ITnclo in Uii- riiiKiioilly Cratcfiil. CHICAGO , III. , Juno IS. Tha Clnolnnatls did tholr batting In the fonrth lnnliip. Hnln stopped furtUor play after the llftb. Score : llluit0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( Jinclmmtl 0 U 0 ! l " a lilts : Gliluugo. : ! : Olnolnatl. 4. Krrars : Chl- ouno. - ' ! Olnutnnutl. 1. llntturlos : Kutulilnsua anil IClttrcdse ; Miillano mill .Murpliy. ST. LOUIH , Mo. , .luno 18. AttonUmioo 500. Weather rainy. Score : SI. Louis . 2 Louisville. y a 0 1 1 1 0 0 5 lilts : St. Louis. C | Louisville. 10. Errors : Hi. Louis. U ; Loulsvlllo , U. Kurncd runs : Louisville. 2. Huttorlcs : Gut/.olu uncl Iluuk- loy : Mookln uud Urlm. I'liii-ADKU'lliA , Pa. , Juno 18. The Phillies had all the luck today and won two camos from Brooklyn In most exciting llnlshcs. Attondanoo , 0,841. Score : HrooUlyn 4 1'hll.ldclnhln ! i 0000004' 0 Mils : llrooklyn , 10 ; I'lilliidolplilii. 7. Errors : llrooktvn , I ; I'mladolplilii , 0. Karninl runs : Hrooklyn. S : I'lilludolplilit , : i. lliittorloa : Hucl- doulc Hud Duly ; C.usoy und Clcnionts. Second gumo : Urooklyu 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 _ ' a l'llllailollllti ] ) * 4 lilts : llrooklyn. h ; I'hlludoltililu.n. Errors : BiooUlyn , U ; I'lillndoliililu. It Kurned runs ; Ilixioklyn. I ; I'lillmlolnhlti. 3. llnttoi-lua : Foultituln und U.ily ; Kspurnnd Cluiiiunta. PiTrsiiuini , 1'a , Juno 18. Houyy hitting by tlio Clovolands In tlio third inning won today's jjamo. Attondilnco 1,500. Score : IMIIaliurz 0 0' 0' 0 * t 0 1 1 0 a Ultnulund * a lilts : rittsbiiry , 0 ; Olovolanil. a Krrors : I'lttsburi ; , 4 : C'lovnliind , 2. Earned runs ! I'ltubure , I : Oluvnlmid , 4. ll.ittturles : Sinlth und Muck ; Duvius nnd O'Connor. IjOiiisvu.i.H , Ky. , Juno 18. President Stucky or the LouUvlllo base ball club lias sold Ilia atonlt In the club. Ho will remain provident. Pfeltdr will bo m do captain and nmnnKcr. ( Jhapman will bo buslnoss mana ger. It Is apparently a compromise ) of dlftor- oncos. hTATK Li : . Cotton I'lclcur * Tliiklo tti Homo UnnikH by ' lluiuliii ; lluutrluo. KiuiiSKV , Neb. , Juno 18. [ Special Tolo. Bruin to Tin : BRi.J-rTbu crowd that turned out today to witness tbo game botwcon ICoarney nnd Buatrloo choarod the Homo loam to victory. The visitors were basJlv nutlod sovur.il times and the players did not ' know wtut to do with the ball whou thovr got It. Tlio homo team batted lidlhtror out of the box nnd hit Holmes ut critical times : . Huclcloy wns replaced by Jlopp in the second iniiliit : for the lioino team and the jutlor nl- lowed thoin few hits and no runs. Beatrice wns bouton us oasv ni stio tbnk the pairio from us yesterday. Funs are happy. Score : ICeurnoy . 0 .I 0 0 3 0 "o 2 0 14 llo.itrlco . . . . . . a H lluttprlos : Kunrnny , lliiukloy. Hunn und ear ; lleutrlco , fidlnmr. llolnius und Jonei ; Hits : Kuurnuy , m llu nrli-o. 0. Karncd runs : Ki'urnov. Us Ituutrlco. . ' . llasos stolen : Kear ney. ft ; lluutrlvu. - ' . Tlmo of u-uiiiu : 'lwo huuir und ton niliiui.'j. Umpire : I'uliiior. riiittHiuoutli Wlilpjioi ISI.\M ) , Nob. , Juno IB. ( Special Tolonram to THE Bnu.l-Plattsmoulh was uu'ulu Oofoatod today , tbouub she put up u very nrotty cauie. Tlio iloldinu- both sides was brilliant. Grand Island's heavy stick work won the game , aho making a total of twenty biaoa. Score : Grand Island . 000101140-7 I'lutlsinouUi . o 1 llattorU's : Ornnd Island. Summer nnd Mur- mT ' ! . 1 1'UU"OU.U ' ! ! ' > lau l and 1'attornon. I'iiV . .Uir."U ' | | l ' 'tl. ' "i I'latUmoutli. 8. l.rrors : iaun ; nouu. tVottora I.UUKIIO r < Mlpuuuiuuntii. TOI.BIIO , O. , Juno 18. The Tolodo-Mmno- ? Kll.ilvoro ) st ° l'l ' > od iu the first half if the third Iniiiup by ruin. - Pfosldoni Quhnolls- announced this afternoon - noon , that , horoafiortho clue woutd'not clay on bupday oa account of Sunday base ball agitation. Isou.SAi'ous , Ind. , Juno 18. Indianapolis.- Omaha called in the third inning oa account ot rain , The score nt the tlmo stood : 3maha , .1 ; IndtannpolU , 1. Font WATSB. Ind. , Juno 18. Fort Way "no- Kansas' City game postponed on account of rain. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Htnnilinr ; of tha Foam * . WKRTRIIV LEAGUE. . . . \T. I , P.C. Colutnbna. . . . . .1II 71.5 Omahft 29 31 43.8 Milwaukee 7 ] II HI 1 Jllnnoipolli. 14 19 4 : . Toloda Ill IS 61.4 Kort Warno. . : 3J Knnsns Cltj. . . Si 21 W.O IniU&nnpolli. . 8 21 2i.O NATIO.vAl. I.KAOCE. notion U 15 70.0 New York. . . 3' , 51 51.0 Brooklyn . . . . SJ l KJ.7 I'ltUburu. . . . 30 (5.5 Cincinnati. . . . . * l 21 & ; ,7 Wn'hlnKton. 23 7T 4I.V I'Mlndnlplil.l. . DO 22 ft7.7 I.ouUvltln. . . 31 \ III. * CloroUnd 30 21 M.ll St. IXUll. . . . 13 33 M.O ClllCHRO 20 25 21 , U llnltlmoro. . . K 33 23. HTATK l.CAnUK. ncntrlco 20 7 74.1 Knnrnor. . . . . 13 17 41.1 ( Irnnil Iclond. . 20 II 04.5 Kromonl 11 17 S'l.S ' llastlDK It 14 11.a I'lAttiraouth 1)21 ) 29.0 AMONO Till : AMATKUItS. 1irlncllrll ( .rays Tukn Their Hnoond Onino from tlio lluyilcnk. Spitixopir.M ) , Neb , , Juno 18."tSp ° cM rologrnm to Tun line. ] The Grays took , holr second gnmn from the liuydons today 1 > V n score of 3 to 11. At the and of the llfth inning1 the score stood 4 to T In favor of the visitors. In the sixth tbo Grays by n b rnco of hits nnd n pusod ball tied the scoro. Stephenson pitched n splendid game for the llnydens up to the seventh , when ho lost his temper and wont to pieces. The Gravs play the Plattsmouth Stale league next Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Score : HjirliulloM . 20002304 0--I1 Iliiydon Itros . 1 1 3 0 It 1 0 0 08 llnttorlua. Hull , Onlst und Hitrlnn : StODhon- snn nnd UrtdUu. Htruult nut. lly Oiilst. 11 ; Harlnn. 2 ; by Htuplionson , 0. I'uocd balls ; Hall 2 : U.uiku , 4. Kr.-orsi ijprliiKtleld 7 , Huydun'aO. lilts ; Mprlnsllflil , ti : ; llnydon's. I ) . Time of gamo.Two liuvira. Umpire : lr. Wnllnor. Donilwood Whin from l.onil. DEADWOOD , S , D. , Juno 18. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BKI : . | The third of tbo series of antncs arranged batwoon the Deadwood nnd Load City bull clubs was played at Met ropolitan parK today nnd won by Doadwood. The feature of the gauio was Doadwood's heavy batting. The fourth gatno will bo played ou the same grouuas tomorrow. Princeton Won Uin Third. Nuw Youif , Juno 18. Thn third game bo twcon Princeton and Ynlo for the Intorcol- loilato base ball championship was played this afternoon nt the Polo grounds. It was the last game of thosorUs nnd resulted In a victory for Princeton by a score of 12 to 3. Oil on n Tour. SuiU'iiisE , ISob. , Juno 18. [ Special to TUB Bni : . ] The Surprise boys go to Osocoln todav to plar ball with iho c\ub \ from darks , IS CD. i'layoil a Pretty Guinr. POXCA , Neb. , Juno 18. fSpoclal to THE BKU.I A fair sized crowd witnessed a vory. exciting sramo of ball at the fair grounds yesterday afternoon between the First nnd second nines ot this place , which resulted In a victory for the tlrst nlno bv a score of 3 lo U. The game was well played throughout , only four errors being made , nnd neither sldo scoring until tbo seventh inning. Tlio Kx-Secrotiiry's Kldoat Son Dies After a Vury llrlof Him- * * . CniCAdO , 111. , Juno 18. Emmons Blalno , son of ox-Scorotary Blalno , dlod at his resi dence in this city at 11:15 this morning. Ho had been ill several days with blood poison ing , resulting from n disorder of Iho bowels. The fact of his death was concealed for sotno time , the object being to roach his father with the nows'in ' a less shocking man ner than the public announcement. Efforts to got telegraphic communica tion with him fulled , however , and ut 12:15 the news became public. It wns only n quarter of an hour before the fntul onil c.imo that the le < tst intimation that young Blaiuo was in a dangerous condition became known and then only lo a few of his most Intlmuto friends. At the Baltimore & Ohio railroad headquarters in this city his associates were only owaro that ho was ill and had been so several days. fuung Blalno was not able to figure in the exciting scenes In connection with his fath er's prosldunllal candidacy at Minneapolis and ho took his father's defeat greatly to' heart. Ho was confined to his bed shortly after hU return from the north. It is thought possible that the strain and oxcltomont at Minneapolis , followed by the keen disap pointment at the outcome , had much to do with the prostration onsuinir. Death occurred In the homo of Blalno's fathor-ln-law , Cyrus H. McCormlck. Only his wlfo , son aud M . McCormlck were present wbon death came so suddenly tboro was not tlmo to summon the other members of tbo family. Strenuous efforts were made during the night and this morning to got a massage to Hon. Jumos U. Blalno and wlfo , who are at Bar Harbor , Mo. , telling thorn of tholr son's critical condition , but the lolograph com panies were unable to got the message through. A member of the McCormlck family , ex plaining why the Information of young Blaino's death was withhold , said , "I feared it would bo a deathblow to all tbo members of the Blaiuo family to receive the dreadful news without preparation. " Emmons Bluino was vlco president of the Baltimore & Ohio Unllrond company. Ho came to Chicago recently to take charpo of Its western interests. His wedding in Now York to Miss Anita McCormiclr. daughter of the great reaper manufacturer , was a social event of first magnitude. HTHIKliltS FLOW A T They Urlvo KnclnoorH From Tlinlr 1'ostn itiulSliootnt OIllcluU. TOWEU. Minn. , Juno 18. The Minnesota mlno in this city , employing 1,400 raon , ihut down last night and the shafts are filling with water. About 800 Italians aud Aus- triune concluded to hnvo a holiday Thursday , the result being that the operation of tbo mlno was somewhat crippled. Yesterday 1)15 ) Italians and Austrlans were laid off. Shortly bofoio 7 o'clock last ovonltig the night shift arrived at the mlno. They were mot by striker. ! armed with clubs aud driven down the hill. The onglnoors were driven from iho cngliio rooms , the firemen und pumpmen from their positions ana iho fires extinguished. G. G. Wallace , superin tendent of mining , whllo endeavoring to in duce the engineers to remain at their posts , was fired at twice , but escaped. A few men wore hurt , tbrco Cornish man boiug carried home. Any ono scou with a dinner pall was promptly hold up aud provuu'.ort from going down the shaft. Surfacemen's wages were reduced 10 per cent last week und they demand that former rates bo rc&torad. Strikers were statlouou at the various shafts all night , preventing the starting of pumps until the company nc- cotlcs to their demands. Shipping is stopped and twenty ore trains on the Iron Uanga road are tied up , OA/,1' JfU'K H'JiJCK ICIKLKO. Ueporta of Ihn Cyclone' * Dniiiugo In Mln- linsota Wore Orutttly KxnirKorutocf. WINNKIIAOO , Minn. , Juno 18. The reports of loss of lifo and property in the late oyclono In this vicinity were croatly exaggerated' . No ono was killed within fifteen miles of this city , and only ono house was demolished within llvo miles of boro. No children were killed In the school house alShbrbunio , but twelve were hurt , nona seriously. ' A moinonpar from Walls says only three were killed In that neighborhood. Every point iu the pathjif iho storm bus been board from. A conservative ostlmuUi put * the number Of dlludutfivo instead of fifty , as at first ro- porlod , The loss of property Is not nearly us great as tint reported. \Vorno Tliun 1'lnt Ituportotl. ACTONVIM.K , Quoboa Juno 18. The des truction by the recent storm hero was very groat. Sixty families are homolois , ' 150 buildings were destroyed , tnroo chil dren kllfcd , and eight parsons dangerously hurt. Ono can drlvo miles without soolnp a house unharmed. The condition nf tbo bpmolois people is really pitiful. The loss to .crops is very heavy , Iiittinituto Amioolutvil Dulllos. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 18. "Tho Interstate Associated Dallies" had a meeting nt the Grand Paolila today , Six states were ropro- suutod by business managers or publishers of iho loading dally papers In their respectIve - Ivo cities , Tbo mooting was hold to make final arrangement ) * toward the Incorporation of an uitoctatlou with a capital of (50,000. T. C. Uoyiiolds of the Akrou , O. , ilcAcou w vi elected president. - 1J iu [ rnoM TPSTniliJtt' ( ' 3 sECbsn PALACKK GIVES UP not Venezuela's Dictator Tinally Forced by Hopoatod1TJSqj ats to Resign. l n , MINISTER OF WAR SARrflA HIS SUCCESSOR qL 8 bn atn A ) J I Congress Formally -Hoqnested to Elect n Permanent Ruler. 0 ( _ BUT GENERAL CRESPO IS NOT PLEASED Ho Assorts That the Revolutionists Are Not Properly Represented. REBEL ARMY SFILL FAVORS FIGHTING Tliolr March on the Cnpltnl Still Continues The rugltlvn President' * Hiding IMaco Known Only to Ills Former Cabinet Ofllccrs , GnrAm Ii nnt'.t.\ \ CuitACOA , Vonozucia ( via Galveston , Tex. ) , Juno 17. [ By Mexican Cable to tbo Now York Herald Special to TIIK BEE. ] I am at last enabled to confirm the news from Caracas , Venezuela , about tbo overthrow of Palaclo. The vorlllcallon has Just boon re ceived In reply to my latest dispatch. 1'alnolo has rottro'd from ofllco and tin hldlntr somowhoro. According to ono story ho lied to La Guarya and wont aboard a voisol which was kept m waiting for him. Another , and I should Judge a moro rollablo account , states that ho has not yet loft tuo country. Ho would bavo dona so but the members of bis cabinet would not permit him. Tboy hold him responsible for iho trouble they are In.aud say that they will not allow him to run away and leave thorn to shoulder thn btamo. It was a hard matter to persuade the hot beaded dictator thai bis power was at an end and that the only thing loft for his followers wns to pretend compliance with tbo will of the people , substltuto a provisional govern ment for tbo dictatorship and lesuo n calHo congress to moot nnd obooso bis successor us president of the republic. Pnlnclo riimllyVoiikonoil. . Palaclo and his ministers bad many meet ings before the latter could prevail upon him to fallow their advice. He would never have glvon ia to thorn had it not boon for the re port of disasters thick and fast that came in from tbo battlefield. Defeat after defeat weakened Pnlacio's determination and finally bo announced mat ho .would abldo by bis cablnot's decision. * " Tboy said thSJ'Xho first stop for him to take was to roslgtf.Aiding upon this sug gestion ho handed a his notice of retirement. The noxt. thing was.tqphooso bis tompornry successor. Natnrnllyithoir choice wns Vice President PillogbS , who was present at the conference. Hod'o llnpd. ] ' Ho did not propose , he sold , to offer hl/hse'jf up ns a martyr. Ha could not , ia justice to himself , accept the responsibility. This throw the mooting into consternation for'sotrio 'flmo. The cabinet could not think ordtiyHno to fill the perilous post. „ t , , . . At loneth ono ottuoso present suggested Minister ot Wnri'Sarrla.- ' After some hesi tancy ho pccopl a. but on the condition that Palaclo sliould'ila'as 'ho said. This was agreed and thoa-Sarrla made known his plan. It was that Palaclo should go into hiding , the secret place , , id bo known only to the members of his cabtuot , who promised not to betray him to'his onomles. When the dictator had reached bis refuge Sar- rla was to publicly announce Palnolo's retirement , declare submission 10 his people and call UDOII congress to name the iioxt president This was accordingly dono. The result Is not satisfactory to the revo lutionists , who declare that the present con gress is .filled with men who were not elected and that tbo now president must bo chosen by the representatives , legally chosen to the national legislature. Crespo and his army arc meanwhile continuing tbeir march upon tbo capital. Ul'KHU 111 NO , 1'romlno at Lyons. LYONS , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to THE BEE. | Great preparations are belne made for tno races next week. The mlle kite- shaped trnck is in fine condition nnd old horsemen say the track Is ono of the best in the west. The domitnd for more stall room has been so great that tbo association has built sovcnty-flvo now booths. Hors'es are hero from nil parts of the wmt. O. W. Pick- ard of Omaha is here with three horses , Pride , Fame and Grandy. VV. E. Lake of Omnrii came in yesterday with some fine horses , Davy B , b. a , , Buzzmont and Diva Dad. VV. VV. Porter of Denver bas entered Maratanah and Orphan Girl. A. L. Il odor of Denver has some line horses on hand : Locan Mao. 2.20 : Jim Dunn. 3:2 : K ; Bon Cole , 2:29 $ . H. B. Allen of Waterloo , la. , has entered the following horses that bavo ma Jo a record : . Hlohard Jay , 3 years , 2:30 : ; IClsinorp , 3 years ; Olivette , a years , aia ! % , Ono hundred bead will nrrlvo hero this ovon- tng from Tukamnh , Tboro will bo 200 fast horses hero. . _ Tclmtmih'H Trotting. TEKAMUT , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BUK.J Today's program ro suits : 2U.1 trot : IMonzl Almont . Dusty lluols . 1 1 2 U S OiirrloU . , . . . . . . U 0 II 3 a Nornettii , dr. : Dr. Viilorlim. dr. Time : 3 : ! ii Sny : : , ia ! : ? > l. Sll : . isaa. Frou-for-iill trot ; Jny Caldwell . Ill" Idtivun t . „ . 2 2 S Loiriui 11 . a dls Uoldmi WlnK . . . 4 dls Tlmo : 2a2:20j,2iu. : : : : : . HASTINGS , NofcUJuho 17. [ Special Tola" gram to Tim Bii.J Tlio Hastings branch of the League of AmonHSn Vhoolmon gavq to- oay a series of race * at Coo's park to help defray the oxpeus'oiyt'ontortnlnlug thnstato division at the animaTmett to bo hold bora July 4 and ! > . The flmraco , ono mlle safety besttwo In tbroo. wa 'won by Kollln Klrby In SiUO and 3:25. Tiitono mlle ordinary was won by Burton in ( jwctiPtnilK'ht. A ono mlle against pace raaUqi-3 , . nt made by Breokou- ridgoin3U. : ThU tlmo In nil the races can bo exceeded several seconds , but to any the boys did not ovldduuy > lwlsh to push thorn- selves much , ) i io Jtrfurco. i , lud./tlliino 17. A special to the Ne-Vi from l di-tlahd , Ind. , says : A largo crowd of sport1 witnessed n prlzo fight this morning for a pursa of 100 and gate ro- coluts between Jack Conluy of Indianapolis nnd Hank O'Brlon ' of Strcutor , III. , champion wolier-welght of lllmpU , After four rounds of fierce fic'jtlnt ' ; the battle was dnclarod n draw because Conloy struck O'Brlon while bo wai ilowti. Co'nipy would uudoubtodly bavo won had tbo JQghV not boon utonpod. The men weighed aooul 155 pounds ouoh. Tlie ArtliU urthu Cliiu. Harry Syiumos an l Ljoutonaut Arrasmlth will play a uiatoh gama ot billiards , oight- Inch balk line , at Hornborgon now billiard parlors this ovonlni ; . U\ui llnyo , the cbninplon of the Paolllo coast , aud L. M. Slarlioy , n local expert , will play u mat oh game of pool at Twentieth and Uumlng utreeu this availing. Tim KrUkrlimtour * . The Forest Hills , who are under15toroby ohallongotha Burl street Clippers to a grime of ball to bo played on tbo High school grounds this afternoon. The Omaha Athlollo club and Ilia Hiph School tontu will piny at Sportsman's park this afternoon at 3 o'clock. arm atatrivunurottai. Itoport of the Uomncmtlo Mnjorlty of the Uommltteo of InTOfttlgiitton. WASHISOTON , D. U. , Juno 17. The demo cratic majority of the bouse committee on reform In the civil .sorvlco has agreed upon a report drawn up by Koprosontattva Boat * or of Louisiana upor. the results of the com * tnltttio's iavostlgttion of the alleged violation of the oivll service law at Baltimore. Tbo re port quotes the postmaster goneral's state ment that none ofj the persons whoso dis missal from office had boon rocommundod by the civil sorvlco commission for violation of the law had boon dismissed or prosecuted and elves at some length his reasons for fall ing to act , uccordlnc to bis testimony before the committee , which reasons the cotnmltloo characterize ns contradictory. It says ; "It U singular that the postmaster eonornl should bavo endorsed the Idea that the mon charged with the violation of the civil sorvlco were entitled to notice bafore any action ns to their guilt w.ts on to rod upon , and that they were entitled to Assistance of counsel in the Investigation. "the examination of the testimony tnlcon by the Inspectors and which the postmaster general claims to have nctoa on. shows that neither their conclusions nor his nro sup ported by the statements of the parties Im plicated ; 0.1 the contrary , testimony reported by the Inspectors confirms and corroborates fully that tnuon by tno olvll sorvioo com mission. Substantially thu same facts ad mitted tjy the parties before tbo commission were sworn to bolero tbo Inspectors and the severe strictures and criticism ! which the Inspectors passed on the work of Mr. HOOJO- volt In making the investigation are but borne out by any facts stated by the wit nesses on tbat , examination. "Tho acceptance by tbo postmaster general - oral without further investigation or inquiry of the report of the Inspectors , which U proved convicted the civil service commis sioners of gross official misconduct and most dishonorable practices , is to say tbo least , extraordinary. " The report , continuing , says : "Tho an swers of the postmaster general to many of the questions propounded by your committee were evasive and utterly Inconsistent of iho oviaonco on which ho claims to have noted. " It also comments on tno failure of the post master ( tonornl to produce n written opinion from the assistant attorney general of his department to the effect that participation in the primary elections , on which the case was based , did not constitute a violation of the laws , nnd doubts whether any reputable at torney would risk his reputation by giving such mfopinion. Further , it says : "Tho Knrblcd statement of ovidenLO tanon before the inspectors furnished by the postmaster general shows the dotporalo straits to whiob ho is driven in the attempt to susta n the action Df his inspectors and his own. " The report holds thatthoaccused employes were actually guilty of a violation of law and that their excuses were "transparent evasion. " It says : "Had the postmaster general been able to show that ho had boon advised by the Department of Justice that the law did not apply to contributions for political primary purposes , or had co fairly defended his belief that the men were in ignorance of.its provisions , or were ho invested with a discretionary power not to execute the laws , nnd had ho exorcised bis discretion in refusing to re move thesn mon Ibcro might have boon some excuse for his failure to do so , but on the ground stated oy him bis action Indi cated cither a determination not to enforce the law or negligence therein to the last de gree. The report concludes as follows : -'Wo therefore find that the report of the civil sorvlco recommending the removal of certain employes In the postofllco al Baltimore was well founded ; that the po-tmnstm- at Baltimore has not removed any of these * parties substantially by direction of the postmaster general : that the report of the inspectors upon which they were retained Is unsupported by the evidence taken by themselves , and Indicates either complete ignorance of the provisions of tbo civu.servico law or a determination that In this particular case tholr violation should not bo punished.1 The secretary of the treasury frankly ad mitted bis attention had not boon called to report of the civil sorvlco commission until the report on which this investigation is made was adopted ana that ho had construed the recommendation of Ibo civil sorvlco com mission in regard to the mon in the custom sorvlco as not requiring tholr dismissal and that a reprimand was sufllciont punishment. Tttreopros ( P. P. P. ) represent Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets. They nro not like the Ul- fnshiojied pills. Had to take , and bad to have token. Inefficient , too. Try something better. With Pleasant Pallets the benefit is lasting. They clennso and regulate the liver , Btomnch und bowels. Taken in time , they prevent trouble. In any case , they cure it. And they euro It easily ; they're mild nnd gentle , but thorough nnd effective. There's no disturbance to the system , diet or occupa tion. Ono tiny , sugar-coated Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Sick nnd Bjlloiis" Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , Bilious Attacks , and all arrangements of the liver , stomach nnd bowels nro promptly re lieved nnd ixjrnmuently cured. They're purely vegetable , perfectly harmless - loss , the nmrtlle.st , mid the easiest to take but IxBldes that , they're the chrnpest pill you can buy , for they're guaranteed to give sat isfaction , or your money is retunicu. You pay only for the good you get. This is true only of Dr. Plcrco's mouidnos. The Last Drop Is as good as the first. No dregs. All pure and whole some. The most n n"- popular drink of the day. Beer. A perfect thirst quencher. Don't be 'deed veil If n dealer , for ihetaki of larger profit , tells yen some other kind li'ijuntaigooif" 'ill falie. No Imitating h su cooJ a > ilie genuine Hues' , In the family nre more often the result of1 BEECHAM'S M # * will ktif ftact In a W * D ! _ L W * fmnllft by ourlne MU-U Ilewdntbe , tVeuk Hlumucli , Impaired Dlucilluii , It oriler d I.lrvr , ( 'uniilpiillon nnd all llllluui und A'vrvuui UUur Jcr iirlli > B Arum Ilieao ciiu > r * . Coiercd nllh n Tuition A Soluble Coitlny , Of ollilrurglate. 1'rlco 2K contanboi. Nnw York Daixit , SU Canal tit. DrufcUt tut CAJcAtifir * JfryUi * &l < t 1 M6A4.Vr.inJ U Hfrd oJ Gi4U tn Ullio\ UBM. * AJ J wlib tlu * rit > U o. Twlift uoolLcr. KA * ' ' ' ? ' * " ' ' * " " * * la lnr * ( or j > wtt tt1 > vri. tMUa.ocl4U ' * Url [ f fur -U4IM. " ( 'wr.-.b/ Vi wnu. H Insurance Company's Orders , ' Stock must be sold regardless of price. Everything to go as quickly as possible. Clothing at Fire Sale Prices , V J JMEN'S SUITS. MEN'S ' SUITS $2.50 $ Our line Entire of MEN'S ' SUITS $3.00 $ Men's $1500. Suits K MEN'S SUITS $4.00 $ go at . Five Dollars. CHILDREN'S SUITS. Children's suits , ages 4 to 13 , 60c. Children's suits , ages 4 to 13 , 90c. Privilege of any CHILD'S SUIT in the house at $1.50. Boys' Knee Pants , 10c , 25c and 35c , usual priu 400 , 750 and $1.00. . ; HATS. Men's fine Derby and Soft Hats , 50c , 75c and $1 , usual price $1.25 , $ r. ; < ; and $2.50. MEN'S SHOES. Men's Working-Shoes , 59c , 79c and 99c , usua piice $ i , $1.50 and $2. Men's Kangaroo Low Shoes , $1.25 , usual price $3. See our Bargain Table of Shoes. Balance of Fire Stock Furnishing Goods at One-Fourth Regular Prices. 1317 and 1319 Douglas Street , Nervous Debility. Symptoms. Dizziness , weariness , with nervous , irresolute feeling , irritability , no energy , loss of memory , despondency and low spirits , trembling , caused by slight excitement , sleeplessness , poor appetite , and , frequently , palpitation. The causes of nervous debility are many : ove'r- work , lack of bodily exercise , insufficient rest and nourishment , absence of amusement , loss of vitality , etc. The results , however , are the same : poor cir culation of blood , impaired digestion , deranged ner vous system ; the heart loses force , the stomach , liver , kidneys , and bowels fail to perform their functions. This should not be , when a remedy is ever at hand. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa as prepared from herbs , roots , barks , flowers , etc. , by the Kickapoo Indians ; promptly cleanses , vitalizes , and enriches the blood , assists Nature in toning up the entire system , strengthens the kidneys , incites the liver to action , and invigo rates the prostrated nerves. $1.00 n bottle. All drnji'fiUts. Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer PRINCESS KICKAPOO. safely and positively remotes stomach " Pure Blood , Perfect Health. " < L and pin worms. 35 cents. - & & > * s& & wt 4 THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and g bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and J always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , I'im- pics , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Com- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache,1 Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water 13rash and every S other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ilipans Tabules is the curcst cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample'bottle * 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. * Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. * t/Q v b / Q /Q v 1 Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Th eminent loorlullit la n " oni. clironlr , prlrute. tlool , iklnand unnnrr dl en f . A romlir ni tTu V2dHatJta luodcloB "lulnmii nd ounlflcBto * ulioir. Ji till tre Unit with U * | r l il tuc ufurbF d uiraJtoirbuoa. lullBi , BUooI. § inliJ l w ku i . nluhl loiie . irapotenojr , irplillli. itrlcture. BOO iV.f.7r'K.l " ! t ; i'cto. i' . , Wo mliJnrr u J. N w tr iuonlforlo of Tlu lie er. I'kitUt . unkbla , . to tjorau br ootreiiiourtuucu. Wndlcln or Inttrumrnn tent by luillpraipt % it . . . , , , . . . . . . l 7uwluill < aUcwoUBU nrianilur. ( Ono uurcuuttl l tutttrvlaw Draf erred. OoniatlkLiail c M . . . . . . tna Corre poitrtell/ io Uao * ( lljit.rtM ul UUt Mo * < CBoa beun i .t ! Knd j Ith L lm. fleadiiuap for rtsif.