Jt'l THE OMAHA DAILY UEE : SUNDAY JUNE 19 , 1892-HSIXTEEN PAGES. SPEG1RL NOTICES. Hill T1IKSK COLUMNS ADVKIIT1SKMKNTM :30p. : m. for the evening nnrt until 8SO : p. in. for the mormnx or Similar fill- * A" ! atlTprtliemontii In there column * J cent * word for llr l Insertion nnrt 1 cent n word for cncli subtcnuent Intettlon or 12 t > < T month No niWortltomcnt ti * n linn per tor If M limn' ccnU for the first tnsnilon. Term tilth. In rt nnce. Inltlnln.flmir . symbolsclo , cscli tonnlBunworrt , All ndTcrtloment must run con- K'cutlvclr- < lTortl orB , bjTcquejtlnir. n numbered rlmk.cnnhfiTO Iho Idlers nildrcopd tonniim- l.orecl letter In earn of TilK llr.E. Answer * fcii nil- orpMC'il will to dclltcrcd on iircfontnllon of llio Chvck. SITUATIONS WANTED. _ . _ _ _ * * f - stcnoumphcr and typewriter. lice. A -ANY POSITION OK HKSI-OXBlllU.ITV WITH -Arensonnblo snlnr ; by mldd o ntted man wllh elRhteen - years' butfnesii experience. Hot refer- i-nco or bondi furnished. Addroai H * 3 , "e < iw 19. MY A UKOIS- -1'OSITIONIN A DlltlO BTOIIH tcrcd plmrnmclst ! 4 ycnrs' t.iperlcnco rs lire- rnlpllanck'rkt Amorlc-nl mnrrlcdtirn Jit Knoil references futnlshed ! nm wlllInK lo mnlto inyvelf ircncrnlly nsi-fiil nt moderate. WBKOS , Address W. J. Coglcy. 7MI Spauldlng slrccl. MSU2 _ - MAHU1KI ) MAN , I'HACTICr.I ) LAW A-YOUNtl In New York stntp. tlirco years In Nc- lirnskn. di-slrcs position In olllco or In oiilsldo wlio'.esnlc innniif ncttir- or -ork. or ns collector for limcalnbllMunonl. Hns cliolccsl rcfcrunccii. Ad- tlrer-ii O. It. IDS Mnnford Circle , Omnhn. JIH1J 23 * WANTED-MALE HELP. - WANTKI ) IN KVKHV TOWN AN J B-M1KNTH iroal on cxlra liberal terms , to jell the popular ten yonr policy of the Mutual Ho- mve Kund I.lfc associationnlso tlm now IIUX ( comblnnllon policy of tlio Preferred Minimi Accl- Cent association of Now York ! coil only tin per year for preferred risks ! snvo money by Insuring , rrnko money by representing lhe o wldcnwnko compnnles ! tire ngcnts can double their Income. Wrlto for circulars and termi lo II. H. Hublion , Gtncrnl Mennnor , Omnha. Nob. I" * ' _ WANTKD-A MVK , A Ml VI' MAN , WITH nnd inisli , to represent , us In your ' " ' " ' ' loc-ift'f. "wVlm'vo "ioin'ciiilnV entirely new thnt pees - , nnd unloa yon can mnko from 7j to t2a per month wo don't need yon. No peddling. Heller write lodny. Address "Manufacturers , " box 6.IIH , 1'ouon , M ss , . MM.I-.11B * TI-MAN WITH 1'UHII WANTKI ) IN KAC11 CITY , J Jtown and hnmlot to Introduce the fnstost BOlllnit household nrtlclo on record. Over n 'million sold In Philadelphia. Will pny comnclenl person ft per dny. Address with stamp W. H. Williamson. 41 N. Ith street. 1'lillndolplila. lra. MIHJyai' 1J-TI3AM8TKIIB AND It. 11. I.AIIOHKHS KOU llWyomlnnorBoulhllnkoln. aw S. 10th l. 152 * J 30 -WANTKII , TKAMSTKII8 , BnoVKl.KItS AND rockmen for Wyomlnu and South Dakoln. Al- brlghlLabor Agency , 1150 Knrnam slrcel. 174 J30 - ) , BIX CANVASSING AUKNTS KOU B-WANTIil Omnhn. CM N. Y. Life. Mil 11 WANTKI ) , AdKNTS IN KVKUY TOWN IN -IJtlin Blalo to represent the United Htntes Mulunl Accident assoclallon of X Y. No- policies , most liberal In form and rensonablo In cost ever Hsuud. 11. A , Wanner , stnto oKout , Oinnlia , Neb. Ml T > -LAIIOHK118 WANTKI ) . WAOKS. 11.75 1'KIl JJday. Apply at C04 I'a ton block. UI3-lii * -TIIAVKUNO SAI.KSMKN WK OKKBH TO respectable salesmen , having reuular territory , representing responsible houses , n uood slnplo blKh-toncd Bldo lino. Iliiht samples , k-ooil conimls- alon. Address , with pnrllculnrs. ULodus Ilros. . St. Louis , Mo. M68t ' T > WANTKI ) . KXrKIUKNCKD CYI.1NDHII Jprcfs feeders. Bleady work , 19.50 per week. W. II , Conkcy Co. , 341-351 Dearborn street , Chicago. MUSI-19 * -A'ANTKD UVK AdKNTS KOH OKK101A1 , edition llarrtsoiut Held ; "I'rolcctlon and Vnltio of I'rolocllon , " by Hon. James ( ! . Illalno and Hun. William McKlnlcy , Jr. . ( XX ) pngcn , mngnltlccnlly II- luslratcd. Ilctnll. tl.fjO. Immcnso terms. Mr. .1. I , . Ilnrvet , Akron. O. . mndo f.ll In two hours. Her. Thomas Clinton. Kvercti. Mass. , mndo JIM In ono dnr. Hook sun credit. Krclirht imlil. Outlll 2Jc. or free with reference. Wrlto quick. Addrens ( ilobo lllbio Publishing Co. . 723 Choilnul slrccl , I'hlladcl lihla , l'n.or3SS Dearborn slreel , Clilciifc-o , III. _ M711-2G * l-HUKAIMAKiil WANTKI ) ATMS MAIN HT. , .Dcouncll lllntTs. M71.1 19 J-KlIlbT-CLASS MII.ICKH AT Aine.i Avenue 'Dairy. J. V. Hoch. 714 21 * 1 > WANTKII. 200 MKN KOH CAMKOUNIA. Jvrnges .fiO nnd f.1.00 per dny , free fare ; shlpJuly 15. Kor particulars address ( Joorga Jones , box I5I , Colorado Springs , Colorado. 7lt'-19 * -WANTKI ) , AN KXPEHIENCEI ) DHY OOODS talesman , must spcnk KnglUh and Cerrann llucntly. Apply with reference lo T. L. Davlcs A Co. , York Neb. 722-IU * Tj-AHK YOU A CATHOLIC ? AUK YOU UNKM- Jlploycd ? Will you work for 118.00 psr week. Write lo mo nt onco. J. H. Uny , 191 Madison street ? Chicago , III. M73J 111 * _ BWANTED , ( illADI.NO SHBCONTHACTOH9. Wo have some good work to let on line bclween I.lberly vllle nnd Oltumwa. In. Profiles can be BCCH and Informiillon obtained al our otllco In Otlumwa. llallory , Cushlng A Co. MTl.'i 24 T-25 TKAM8 WANTED 2 BLOCKS SOUTH OK JJVInton on 15th streel. (3.25 per day. C. A. ' M743 23 * Jcnscti's works. -WANTKO , TEAMS TO WOUIC ON HAILUOAD -Ugrado. Season's work , feed cheap and current waxes paid. Apply on works on line belwcen I.lbcrtyvlllo and Otlumwa , la. Mallory , Cushlng A Co. M74U 24 _ -A YOUNO MAHHIED MAN WITH HOUSE sense to take charge of hoarding house In Colorado rado ; slalo experience and Hal salary required Address B CO , Bee otllco. _ ; t& 20 B -WANTKI ) , A MAN WHO CAN KKKP DOUBLE entry books , a good nccountanl , not over no years old , unmarried , logo to Colorado ; stnlo bus iness expoilenco and flat salary required. Address Bill , llcoonicc. 705 20 B"WANTKI ) . A HELIAllLi : PEHMN TO TAKE Iho agency In their ton n for one of the best payIng - Ing articles on the market , llctalls for 25 cents. I'nys 100 percent profit. Sells to every family. Ku close stamp. Hubert S. Wesl , Cleveland , O. 78519 * . _ p-SALKSMAN WANTED AT ONCE. POSITION Jlpermnnenl. Salary nnd commlsBlon paid. Wholesale Dealers' AnVn , Omaha. 7EUI9 * n-WANTKII. COMPETENT BENCH AND MA- I'chlne hands for sash and door factory. Address ' ! ' . , caru Nolnon Chlkman A Co. , St. l.uuls , Mo. 7a8.9 | * _ 1WE ALUW AOENTS TO DKL1VEH ( ! OODS J 'before pa > lug for them. Hundreds of them are making J&.IO to f 12.00 n cluy. Uur Perfection Ad justable ( recently patented ) nnd Taylor Shoes ex pand with oery motion of the foot. They are ap preciated and dully recommended by thousands. No competition. None hut those meaning huidncBs need upidy. Address with 2c Btamp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoo Co , , Lynn , Mass. 711,1 | 'j > IJ-J5TOI15 Prill DAY AT HOME , SKLLINO J'Llghlnlng Plaler und plating junelry. nntchca , tnblcwnro. etc. Plates the Uncut of Jewelry good as new.on all kinds of metal with golil.nlUorornlckel No experience. No. capital. Every house hasgoods needing plating. H. K. Del no A Co. , Coliimb-tH , o 7J4 19 * _ -WE OKKEIl AOKNTS UK ! MONEY. IN KX- cliiBlvo territory , our new patent safes soil nt light n city or country. Now ngents nrsl In Hold nctunllyKclllug rich. Onongonl In one day cleared f1 .K..J9..yu1' ! t'ntnloguo free. Alpine bafo Co. , o. 8IJ-371 Clark slrcel. Cincinnati , O. TJB IIP" rW/NTKI ) . AHISNTr" . SAMPI.K SAS1I LOCK ( pal. 1892) ) free by mail for Zo utiuiin. Immenso. Dnilvallfd. Only good one ever Invented , lli-als T1 ; "nl. " . ' , .PHl'f "P f lleled. f 12 a day. Hrohard \ Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. M'M 24 * B-WANTItl ) . HAI.KMKN. HAI.AHY OH COM- mission , to handle greatest nuvclly patented. ICxc uslve territory. HclU at olght. rnrtlciiliir free. HBinnla Wo. tJnlty 1) . U Co. , ! > , , _ w.tl , "J liulldlnif , CblcoKU. 7U7 jg , -WANTKI ) A ( iOOl ) I'OATMAKKIt , CUUUAN . Iho Tailor , Knlls Clly. Nob. 775 | tj , ft WANTKD-MANAUI.H AND OVI'.ltSICKIl TO Jihlronndovoricuiucn ui.d represent nmnmifuc- luring Cu , who waul branch unices. Wo liny otlloii rent , advertising and travolliiRi < xicns < w. I'uBltluii iicrwaiienl. ( teed salary , no iiudilllnu , no canvass. Ing. Kxpurlonco not necessary ns yuu net tinilur pur luslruetlons. Yiiu mint bo known In you ? location mill furnUh rofcrencos If required. Ad- droni wIlhBtauip , 'Iho llriiiideiiburg Mfg. Co. , l ) v. tu" ' ° - 78J-1U' -WANTKI ) , MAN TO TAKK TIIIJ MANApv ! men t of permanent branch fur e tabll " he'ii Clilnigo tiuutoi will pny nil axponms nnd I . , , ur liiontri snlaryi nlin porconlnKo on nil bus | V. , dune ! mini invcsl fl.Miu In slock of irnoi s lu b nirrled , and muni uUo ciulro intention tu bii.t. IICM. lloruco . KmmlnBtOHlomo Insiiranco build. I HI * 11lllliu i.i t I I n I-HAllllISONAM ) 11K1I ) ] iv ALNS- Jllace. Ilfsl book for ll.ia. 1'roi.pfttus id cent , ilosdy. Ursl appllcuntsgct U-rrllury. DiMiocratle a * c' ° " -I.MkJ.S ! | _ - WANTKI ) . : DUMl'KUS AND 1 BIloYKl 1'ii ' t ! " ? " " .By.ucel , Moud.y morning { , , KiSU. 41. Hall. _ ; ij ) [ I , , -WANT1'.I ) A KIHST-CLAS8 ( BALKSMAN "trT J. Jlrnvel In Nebraska by B largo tiianufai luring and Jobbing house. Addrtss U ia , Ihls olllio. siallnu _ 1 > -TKLKUA1'H Ol'hHATOll. lVK 7l Kl'KJl. J > cn ' , statu experience anil salary wanted. Ad- UU ) , llec. Tl-WK I'AV BALAHY WHKKI.Y 7O (1COD J'sKfiits , furiurr oxpcrlcncu uiiiircc sary , salary ) > old weekly , tlngerottlca , ! 5IU Douglas , ' ' WANTED-gEM : ALE HELP. f - WANTKI ) . iJlDIKs' Olt VOUXd MKN TO laky lUut , pleasant work at thi-lr own horncsi ll.W lo tJ.OO per day can b uubtly ni.dot work icnlby iiialli noi-.tuvk sln _ , ror particular * uU ' ilfg. Co. , llox MSI , lioston , Mass. " C-WANTKI ) , A I.AUNDUKSa AI'l'LY W. IJ. MllUtd.Omaliu Nat , bank. W6 fV-WANTKlA KrSW l.AIIII5rf CAN HKCUUK l bandBOluu salary fur laoiuo work iivrmlllliu Other dullc * . W. UurlniiBlvuii , Hoi iti ) , diclagu. 111. MUjJyll' TO HANDLK AN AHTICLK ( bal sella at sli-t lull Cumlug strooU Mull 11 * * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. C'oriHmifd. C-tiiiiY/iruu""kiTCHBN' ' ANnLAUNDiiY WOUK Inquire Mrs. Itobort Purvis , 2IU3 81. Mary's nvo C79 M-WANTED , LADIKS AND (1KNTI.KMKN TO v/trnvpl : irood salary ; no canvassing , Call nt ITJI Dodge street , from 8 to 4. C3I 10 * - - ' Ol'KIIATOU KOU a lariro manufacturing ostabllshmcnt. Address , II ! O , Ilco. 71& 10 rv-IIOUl ) BAIiARV OUAHANTKKl ) TO I.AD1KS v/wllllng to do writing for mo nl their homes. Ad dress mo In own hnndwrltltu with stamped en velope. Miss Kdnn U Smythc , Foiilh llcnd , Ind. , proprietor of the famous ( llorln Wntcr for the complexion. M7H 111 * -WANTKI ) IMMEDIATK1.Y , Z KIIIST CIAB3 waist hands ; nlso apprentices. 1(09 S. lith street. M741 2J * fi-WANTKi > , A uiuti Foii HOUBKWOUK. VvMust bo good cook nnd laundress. 1130 in. 2Hth ' tlrocl. ' M7I1 / 1-\VANTKI ) . A VOU.NK liAIlTbr OOOI ) CIIAH- Vender na governess nnd companion lo Iwo chil dren. Must tench niuilc and bo willing tu go abroad for a few months. Address 11 M. Ilco. .M74'J HI * IAVANTKD-UOOI ) SOI.ICITOHSI NKW HOOKS ; now territory , illl McCnguo building. 791 111' -WANTKI ) . WAIST AND SKIIIT 1IANI1S , ALSO C , i prcntlro. M. Mcllralh , 31 j llnmgo block. S-WANT KI > . Olllli AT 410.1 KAHNAM ST. , HMAl.L C family ; good homo ; good wages M7J.I 31 * p-WANTI'.D. COOK KOtt SMALL 1'AMILY , v brlng references , 1919 Illrney l. .M8II5U -WANTIII ) . A YOUNCl LADY TO LKAHN iln-ssmakcr's trade. Inuulro IMh nnd. Valley streots. K 1U p-WANTIII ) , AN K.\PUHIiNCI51) YOUNO LADY v-'cashlcr. Apply with city reference only , 1JIS tloclgo , between 10 and 12 n , m. MHJI .1) ) FOR RENT HOUaES. Jl/J.W. ( Tnss street. 10 rooms. I .VI , linvc'iuiurt street. II rooms. f.'iO , Virginia avenue , M rooms. ? 4& , Virginia nvctiuo , 10 rooms. 140 , Dodge street. 10 rooms. ? ( ' > . ( ass street , 11 rooms. f40 , ( nllfornln street , U rooms. Jf.0 , Twenty-second street , 10 rooms. Flats. tyi.tn. North Klghtcenth utrcct , (1 ( rooms nnd hath. fl ? . Nicholas street , : ) rooms and bath. K2 .r > o. Tenth Mrcct , G rooms. tl'iM , 'Jnpltol avenue , ( i rooms. Cottages. ( I50U. Charlei street , 6 rooms. Hi , Davenport Direct , II rooms , furnished for tlirco monlliB. 170 , lloautlfulU-room dwelling , with yard. -Nctliorton llnll , 305 South loth streel. M2-1U _ D NKW AND 11KST HI1I1.T 1IUICK 11-ltOOM rceldcnco In the city ; full cellar , furnaca , latin- dry nnd tutx , manteln nnd grates , bath , clectrlo bells , nncaklng tubes , oak finish , polished tloors ; nrst class In every respect ; asphalt pavements ; lU''J fc'outh 'Mlnvc \ , near Him scorn park. .1 M. llrunnor , 422 Uco bldg. M222 D , -HOUSHS , ALLI'AHT.STUHCITY. PHINTKI ) lists. ( JeorBO J. Paul , 1003 Farnntu street. street.309Jy4' D.I KOU HUNT , 14-IIOOM HOUSK 1612 CHICAGO 'st ' , 740 D -COATKS. HKNTAL AUUNCY , 1611 KAIINAM. 32tijy4 _ -SIIOO.MSON2ISTST. , IIALK 1ILOCIC NOHT1I of Oracc , 17.00 , city water. Also other rooms and houses at lowest prices. G. K Hulls , room 4 , lleo building. _ 3j7-iy4 D-KOH HKNT. DKSIUAHLB HOU8KS AND residence Hals , cheap Houses for sale on monthly payments. J. W. Squire. 1st Nat. bank. _ M42IJy7 D-KOll HUNT , TWO 0001) U.UOO.M 11OUSKS , f.'OOU ; within 15 mliiulss walk of court liouio. The O. K. Davis Co. 1533 Kurnam stro.'t. 65i ( D-KOU HKNT , 8HOO.M COTTAOK. C. JOD HK- palr , In good location , city water , cistern , $15.00 per mo. ( jco. ( ! . Wallace , 3U Ilrown Illock. M70U 19 _ D-KOU HKNT , SMALLCOTTAUK. 12J5 N. 20th ST. 730 2J * _ _ _ _ _ _ -MUST CLASS UKSIDIONCK FLATS. 8 Oil 4 rooms ; now block , Uoom U , 810 S. ' . d. Ml D-FC , STOHKAXO KLUQANT .VHOOM Hat. 11.IUN. Itth street. J1C2U-20 * l-\-KOH Ul'.ST. KLKGANT 8-HOOM HOUSU -Linear Hanscom Park ; all modern conveniences. Small cottavo. 20th and Vluton , ft.O ) . Cottage , one block south Hanscora Park. (7.00. Nlcu5room llat.Cumlngand Vista sts. , flUM. llleks , agent , 305 N. Y. Life. 727 21 _ r -KLKUANT HOMES KOU SALK , KOUIl NKW X'and modern built houses , No. 3111 Paclllc. and No. 3'.1M , 210 nnd : H21tt Popplvton avenue. These houses are splendidly bulil nnd finished through out , elegant bathrooms , stationary marble wash Hands , electric bell , speaking tubes , furnaces. brick cellars , etc. , llrst class neighborhood , close to Hansconi park motor line. Call and let us show you thi-HO hoiixi's. and get prices and term * . Can oner them ut figures that umko them pplendld bar gains If nold ut once. Keys at my olllce , .S05 N. Y. Lite bldg. George N. Hicks , agent. 728 IP D-KOU HKNT , ABOUT JULY 1 , KUHN18IIKD IIOUBC , Brooms ; modern In all respect. Inquire U5 Park nvo. Ml.87 10 -3-HOOM HOUS13. CITY AND CISTKHN water , nlco lawn. Corner 26th nnd Franklin sts. _ -KOH HKNT , HASKMENT ANO 6 HOOMS. 2 ( ! < J Davenport et. 75J IDA * -A NINK-HOOM HOUSK , ALL MODKHN CON- yenlcnccs al 2.'ir.l Karnam st.n ; brick store building nt 2231 Knrunm H. Inquire of W. O. Donno at 515 New York Life llldg. 75824 HKNT. 7-HOOM COTTAOIC. 2iTH AND cngo stH. H. T. Clarke , Wth and Casa , or 219 Ilonnd of Trade. ; c. | -HOUSiOK7 : HOOM8 , NICULY KUHN1SHK1) ' L. B. blilnncr , 1C14 Karnaui street ; M7UO SO PIMSSIHAULK IIOUSKS AND KI.ATS , fie TO 145 , K. C. Uaivln i Co. , 203 Shcely block. 800 19 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DT1)lVtAI1 ! ] ' : .M'OOM ' HOUSK. 613 N. 19TH Bt.f37.60. ( Jarvln , , Sheuly block. Tel. luto. 8UO 10 _ _ _ _ _ T ) ? ' ,1 HKNT , A 7.HOOM DLTACHKI ) HOUSK. , . . ' " ' lawn > shndo trees , bath , laundry , etc. . S V. . ? , from court housu ; rufareuca required. David JmulcBOn. 51fl h. at list. 049 ' ' JJiiiodorn conveniences. 012 Douglas street. MC31 17-i.AiMjK DKSIHAHM : HOOM FOU HINT , i-'sullublu for tuo. Him Duiigc t. lo-j ' KUUNISI1E1) KHONT HOOMS. till N Cll 11) ' . . . - KHONT iJMilt of rooms , modern house , references. 2U17 Hartley ulreel. i77.iu NK\V \ ' UHNISHKn HOOMS AT 2WT ! s , with or without hoard. 721 U' Il'iT3 U,0 ( ) > IH' wl'lU' ' ' 'UHN1SIIKD KOU 1IOIJSE- J-Jkeep in.Miear llauwom park , all eonvenlencen , 115. Addrcos B 55 , Bee. M74U 2I T/-N1CE COOL BOOMS , Ml N. 15TII bT. * - * 78ai IfOHHENT , KUUNISIIKI ) UOOMS. 2I2S HAH- i-Jnoy st. ; modern convonloucca : pleas ml loea- " " " M8H1 iil 1KOIl HKNT. CHEAP. A l.AIUiK. NICELY firlvato E-A I'LIIASANT FUIIMSIIUI ) HOOM IN 1'HI- MiiiMal . " " " " " " lu" " ° tttbu > ' ' rcr" rcaBonHhle , MiiiM.i . l. _ ulg .j0 , T/-N1CK UOOM , ALL CONVUNCUS. 172J DAVIS 81030 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HOOM , 811 B. rtTH STHKBT. M8I7 21 * _ _ -KHONTANO HACK 1'AUI.OU , KUItNIHII Kl ) Jor unfurnished , UBQ | kltthen. 218 N. IVtliVlrcrt. Mb'JU 2U _ I'LKASANT KHO.NT HOOM 8 AT THU lam. tJll-27 * i'-SlCl ! HOOM AND lIUAUDKOHTWOaKNTLK- ' ' | trum mutori * oo ° o IJ'-IIKMHAIII.K I'llltiT AND HKCONI ) KUOH south ruuuu al "Tuu Krunrur " , 110 N. 25lh struct , . M i 25' p-HJKNIijIlKDltOOMS. DAY IIOAHD , 1713 OAI'- .V KI1IINIHIIKI ) IIOOMH AND DAY I , tlilcagu strcot , 7I7-I' ) * HI ) HOOMH AT THK llAMl'TONj B buanl ) rufvruuccB n-qulred. Wl H. Zllh. 701 M770 2i * FmAtltlAi"l.'lm ° " I'AIKIK KIIONT HOOM ' " " " " " " " ' ' " ' " " r.lfortwo ! f4UJI pu ? iuun l' Mr luontln ' e > " "llltVou"1 mo _ , coiVonh7nc for ? uU. stVr , , : iilshcdt prlvalufniuily. SlSNorlbMa slrcil. MS.11 FOE RENT-UNFUR.UBHEU XIOO-IS. T"J I'Oll ItKNT , 4 II.NKUIlNlHlli : ! ) UOOMS rllJIT v ublotur huusukcopUiii lti Wubslur Hteol. Gr-'UXl-'UUNlSUKDUIIAMUKIIK KOU I1OUHK- v .ovpinii lo man and wlfo. Noclilldroii. ai9N. Illli. - Ii'iAiInloU8lJ' ; ! " " 'wmK. ' KOH ( loon tiTl , V'SffB iT,0 KEfiT"HAUK N itir . e'r _ . Auurvs * V..11.1 iv ? , _ ? w ' , * OFFICES. CoilttMllfd T-VOIl IlKNT. TIM ! 4 STOltV HIllCK nUII > ll.NO ) I'.iln Knrnnm sU The unltillnx tins n tlrcproot co- mcnl bascmcnl. complet ) stoamhoatlnt tlxttirni ; wMcr on nil the Doors , BUS , clo. Aiiplr nt the o nice of Tlio Hco. 1)13 ) -1-KOIl 11E.NT , 8TOIIB 2JXOO , 1118 .1ACK8ON T-lKSIItAIIK OFKICKS , 8IXOM : OH KN8U1TK J Apply J , II I'nrrotte , room ti , Donclns block , Mi71 SB W ) IIASKKT PACfoJlV AT ' Krkcrnmnn plnco. IQxil ) . 2 storlos wllh liollor nnrt cntlnofJJrcr month. U. K. lIiurlsonU12.V. V. l.tfo. ' MUD J.n T-FOll UKNT , NKW IIIIMINdTON TVl'KWlllT- v vt No. 6' cull 711 New York Ufo. 700 l'J WANTED-TO BENT. _ K WASTiioTmstAoiiBii IIOIJSKTN DKSIU nlilo lociillon. not less than 13 rooms. Ji llnuni , UlU llnrnoy. SI5 1 ff-WANTKI ) . DININO ltXM AND K1TC11HN , IVio rent , with boarders. Address II 53 , Moo. WANTKI ) , TO HKNT A KUUNISIIKI ) CO ! ' tngo ; will buy the furniture , If nccosrnry : must bo nestern part uf city. Inquire olllce 20V , Shecly block. 774 IH -HHSI'ONSIHI.K PAHTY W1I.I. TAK1 ! CAHIJ ufruildcncu during summer or rcnl furnished liuiiso. Addrt'si Hii7 , llcounicc. 82A III KENTAL AOENOIES. L -H. C. OAUVIN 4 , CO. , SOaSlIKKLKY I1LOCIC.Ml STORAGE. M OLDKbT. rilllAPKST AND IIKST STOKAOtl house In Iho city. Williams , V Cross,12it Ilarnoy , UU WANTED-.TO BUY. iouur , SOLD Wells. 111 ! Pnrnnm si. fli5 r-A 00118 UOIlSSPOWKll UNO1NK holler one size larger. Address nt once Avocn Steam Laundry , Avoca , lawn. Mlij'J 10 * AJ LI(7lIT ( SKCONI ) HANI ) SUltHKY : .MUST 111 ! 1 ' 111 good condition nnd cheap. Address It M.lloc. 725 li ) ' _ _ WANTKI ) . SKCONI ) ll.VNDHI ) HAIl KIX- tures. musl ho cheap. Call at once. 2501 Cum- Ing.strcel. 72J.U' -CLAIMS KOU HALAIUUy , SIJUV10KS AND wages against city , counly , corporation , Indl vhlualH bought or advanced on. W. K. Davis. It. 20 , Contlnculnl Illock. M740 \T DON'T Hr.LL KUIINITUIU : UNTIL YOU SKK J- ' Omaha Second Hand Vurnlluro Co. Highest prlccupald. 001 N. 16th. _ M711 Jyl7 * VT WANTKI ) , TO I1UY A HANK , OH CUNTUOMr - > ' Ing Interest , lown of l.OJD orrnore. Address "W. , " 1420 N. 24th street , Olliulm. _ 75H-'Q' N WANTKI1 , MODIHIN HOUSKH. J2.00000 TO FIO.OUOOO , In cholco localities. We have eastern ers for bargalna. J : . C. Unrvln & Co. , bhcoly block. E0019 SKCONI ) HANI ) UUGCJY. ADDUKSS (1. 13. IST H. , 300J Lake street. 77210 * \T-WANT15D. PIANO. UPllKiHT , CHEAP KOH I'CfiKh ; give full description nnd price. Addrcia 11 S3 , Hoe 78M9 * FOR SALE-FURNITURE. 0KOH SALK , KUHN1TUHK OK ONE ! HOOM ; nlco place to bach. Address U 45 , Boo.U39 U39 1I FOR SALE-HOUSES , WAOON3 , ETOT I--OH SAL12 , A SIXTY IJOLLAH TOP UUtJKYT forfJS.OO. H. K. Cole , Continental block. V.2J9 I > -SPLKNDH ) SPAN OK CAHUIAQU HOUSES , dark bty , perfectly niMchod , stylish , gciitlo. young ; owner le.ivlngHie city : must bo sold nt onco. Thos. K. Hall , t 7 Pnxton bloci. ( lit P-KOH SALK. LAIUJl : , YOUNd PKIiniEHON J- horse of bright gray color ; also Bohr delivery wagon , nearly new. 119 S. 2ith st. 01(1 ( 19 I > -KOU BALI : , ONI : OOOD HEAVY wottic team , ono horne and buggy , one organ , ono restaurant. L. L. Johnson , Ula Paxlon block. 601 19 * p-KOU SALK , KINK HANDSOME FAMILY JL horse ; good traveler , fears nothing , perfectly safe for ladles. Address 11114 , Hco olllco. 804 HI * FOR3ALE-MI3CELLANEOUd. KOH SALK , ONK iULM AU D ANlJ ONE POOl ) table , Ilrunswlck-Ualke mike , almost new. In- qalro of Orand hotel , Council lilutl.i. 340 - - LEASEHOLD OK THE FINEST HK- Q-7-YKAU tall business location In the city at a bargain for cuih. Address It 52 , Uco. 729 19 * TYPKWIUTKHS. IIKAUQUAHTEHS KOU the world ; all makes ; don't pay manufacturers exorbitant prices ; no ship anywhere , giving thor ough examination before accepting ; absolutely llrst class condition guaranteed. Positively all makes at about or less than half price ; exchanging a spe cialty ; Instruments rented anywhere ; largest block In the world ; two entire floors devoted exclu sively to typewriters ; fee commercial rating for our responsibility ; Illuetrnttd catalogue nnd speci mens free. Typewriter Headquarters , 31 and 8,1 , Uroadwny , New York ; 180Monroo street , Chicago. 7b9 19 * rV-AN EXCELLENTPAUXANKN'r 1NCOMK guaranteed by operating Howe's Infallible hand icapping system on eastern races. Kow hundred dollars required , Terms , fJ.VOO weekly. Kull ex planation and three days' trial free. Second suc cessful jour. C. 1) . Howe , P. O. Box 127. Brooklyn , VY. . biiOlii' Q -J135 HAMHLKll KOH $93 SPOT CASH. AU- dress 11C2 , Uco olllce. 771 19 MISCELLANEOUS. K BIDS KoclADINO AND HOUSK MOV1NO wanted before Juno 25 , ' 92. For particulars call al the olllco of Bcnawn A Co. . 103 N. I5lh. 702 20 1J--T1N WOIIKDONK CHI3AP AND WELL BY J-Valo Clly llnnors , 8ii Nurtli ll'.tli. _ 773 19' CLAIRVO YANT3. S-MHS. NANN1K vwAlHN , CLAiuv6YA NT reliable business medium , llfth year nl 119 N Kith. 943 _ _ S MADAMK KHITX , 2320 CUM1NG KTUHKI' , clairvoyant nnd trance medium ; Independent voices ; tells pasland future ) . M.AJU J12 * S THE LAbT CHANCE TO SEE MIW. II A W- thorn , the reliable biislnos medium , I12J Norlh Hill slrtel. MG03 111 * _ O-AHUIVAL EXTHAOHDINAltY ; WONDUHKUI , Wrevelallons. Chnllonge the world. .Mrs. Dr. M. Legrnve , dead trunco clalrvoyunt , astrologlst , ralmlst nnd Ufa reader ; tells your life from the cradle to grave ; unites the xoparutcd : causes inur- rlngu with the one you love ; tells where you will succeed , and In what business boitl adapted for ; has the celebrated Egyptian iircnstpluto for luck , nnd to destroy bad Inlluenees ; cures ills , Inlcmpornnco ucd nil private complaints with massage , bath nnd alcohol trcatmcnl. Send tl.Hi , lock of hair. namound daloofblrlh and receive nccurato Ufa chart ; 2 cents In stamps for circular ; glvo Initials of oncljoil win iniir-y ; ulio photos of same. Office 117 South Hlh street , upstairs ; hours. 'J a. m. lo 9 p m. Come one , como nit , and be convinced of Ihls wonderful oracle ) _ MH43 Jy 1 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. THEATMKNT , IILECTHO-THEH- mat baths , scalp and hair trualmonl. uianlcuro amtchlrouodlsl. Mrs. Posl,3l9 > j S lith , Wlthnull blk _ W.I 'P MADAMK SMITH , 1121 DOUllLAS STHKKT. A room 7 , lid floor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea balhs. M751-24' 'I' MISS STOWK , MASSEUSE KLltCTUlClAN , .822 Hamgo block. M IU520 * rp-MAIA.MKLAHUK , MASSAUK , 111 ! HO. 15TII J. street , llaU , 3d floor. M752-21 * PERSONAL. -SUPEIll-'LUOUB HAIIl HKMOVKD KHOJl face , urinn , ueck , etc. Wo III send the great , French dcpllnlory , Lavender Puite , free of charge. Unolt and pay If pleased. Docs notconlulu lluiu. 11 Is pill up In Kreuch cm glass tollol bottles. Un close 2o n tain p. Lavender Paste Co. . Importers , Louisville , Ky. 779-19 * -PKUSONAU YOUIl DKST1NY HKVKALKD ; full nrltlcn prediction of your life , with pun plcturoof fuluruhUBbanl or wife n > foretold by uslrology. bend data of birth and 2Co to Astrolo ger , Luck Box 117 , Kaunas City , .Mo. "W 19 * -COIIHKSPONDKNCK WANTED WITH A young lady or nldow by un educated ticntloman. Object , umrrlagu , Klrst class references uxchnngud , Addreis B 5' ) , lleo olllco , 717 Hi > MyBIOAUTAKpLANOyAQB. ' ' ' ' ' \r' il''v. ( lELLlINIIKCk , IIANJ\O \ TlUAcTiKH , * i wlllillospe , or51HN. 18th si. yq 7-llHroilK UUYINU A PIANO KXAJHNK TIUJ I new suulo Kluibiill piano ) A , Hospul5lt ! Douglas. IM ) IT WANTED , PUPILS KOH Til 13 PIANO. M188 1 Nolllu Aiiluhuuifh , Wfi Hunmy street , 710 W * V01 J. /.ITTLK. . BHOWN Wl Blk. _ _ MM ! ) \V-OMAIIA HAVINHS HANK MAKKa LOANS li un roaloslBloat lowcut markJl rales. Ixians iniuloln Biiiitllur lariro Bums anil for short or long tlmo. No cuuimlsslun Is chnrutM. niul tbo luatu are nul Bold In the east , but can nlvrur * bo fouuil Bl the bank uu the cornurof IDlli uuil Duu lan slrools. VM _ \\r-C.W. llAINKY.SIiOMAIIANAT. H'K 111Da ' Lttyiuorl.aguB , LowvBtrutus. Muaoy oa lmn < l , UU Ay-C. r" , 11AUH1BON , UU N. V. UPK. t > 'JO \\T-T I'KIl CK.NT MONKV-Nltr TO HOIIUOW- ' I crson Oiunliu cltr ( "upurtr. No oilrn clinrvus of aur kluil , Wlijr i > if nliili ratoi ) Monur li chuup YouMiiuut full buiimU uf low rutos from Olouj V 'i rum Co. , IttU ami lluilut ) 1U -UANi ) U. U.V 1XACK , 8U itllOWN Ul.K. W 1UI Ol ( fl IIMftl. \V 1-OANSOX IMI'I HI ) AND UNIMPROVRU v cltyproporty.M.OOi I unwAr Is , n to 8 per * cent , No delays. \ \ ' , Farnani : h A Co.ISlh nnJ llarney , vn \\r-lMltVATi : MONKlf Asr AND 21) MOUTH AUK ' loans , lowrates. Al < Mooro. 4JI Uce building. . _ teSI , VII \V MONISY TO IA\7TOX ) IMl'KOVKI ) CITY ' properly , low rato. A. C. b'rost , DoujKi blk. \\r-1 > OX'T KOIIOHTTMAT AUK MAKINO > ' low rates on lniiro\W and unimproved loans on Omnha properly. Nirdoltir and all buslnoj * tran nctedntthl olllco , Kldollty Trust company , " iciit l-nrnain slroel. * " - ( # _ \\r-ANTlIONYIXJAN ANIITIIUSTCD. , .113 N. Y. ' Life , lends nt low rats for cholco scoJrlty on Ncbraskaor town farms or Omahn city proporly. 3T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A\r ! l2SOOOTOLa.VN , SU.MHOKIS.W ) UPWA11D3 ; ' can place loam on nuy Imlilo Improved prop erty to any amount whura vatuo l > bacX of tholoan. Ames Heal Kstato Agpncy , 1M ? Knrnam > U \ i \\r-mAii KSTATK LOAN.- TO T van OKNT ; I no nddlttonal charges for commission or nttor * ncy > fees. W , II. Mclklc , Klrst National Hank bldg , y.r _ _ _ _ Ur-MONKY TO LOAN O. IMPHOVHI ) OH UN Improved Omaha property ut lowest rttoj on hortnutlce. Cashon hanJ. hldellly Trust com pany , lull Pnrnnm street. 'Ut W-WANTlTlTAT O.VCK , APPLICATIONS KOU ii lonusof (1,000 and upirard on bi'slno s , roil donee or farm proportion O , J , Paul , ItWi Karnam r OEO.W. 1' . COATKS , 1014 l-'AUNAM. [ 3M-jy4 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS , V DO YOU WANT .MONHY7 .A. If so , do not fall to get our jatos bafora bor rowing. Woniiiki ) leant without delay , publicity or removal of properly , on furniture. * pianos , horses , v iiKOi\9. \ etc. at the lowest pa ulblc ratu. Wo III carry the loan as long as you desire , giv ing you the privilege of payln * It In full or In part nt any time to suit your convenience , and nny part paid reduces thocostof carrying the lonn In pro portion to the nmount paid. There arc no charges of nny kind to 1)3 paid In ndvnnco , but you g > a the nil amount of the loan. If you have n loin with other parties , or Imvo bought n piano or other furnlluro on lima nud Uml thopaymuiit it Illtlo larger than youcin tnjut con veniently , wo will pay it for you and carry tso loan ns long as you desire. It will lia to your ndvnntago to see us bofara aa- curing a loan. loan.OMAHA MOIITOAOK LOAN CO. , Hooln ll.Crctgliton llloclc , lith t , , South of postolllco. f-MONKY TO LOAN. KIIIULITY LOAN UUAHANTKK CO. On household gcods , pianos , organs , horses , muleswngons , etc , nt tliu lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of properly or change of possession. Payments of nny amount can bo mndo nt any timereducing both principal and Interest , thus giving patrons all the bcncllts of the partial pay ment plan. Money always on hand ; no delays ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; buslnoiaconlldontlul. K1DKL1TY LOAN OUAHANTKH CO. , ICG It 4 , Wlthnell blk. , lilli nnd llnnioy. X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF security ; strictly confidential- . B. IIAIIIIIH , room 1 , Conllncntnl block. 1M V-ItOU'TI'HITCUAHO , IL 3 , WITHNKLL 1ILK -JV J 101 X-WIUN YOU WANT A CHATTKL IXAN SKB W. 11. Davis , room a ) , Conllnontnl block. 104 -CUATl'nLLOANti MADE ON FUHNITUIIK plnnos , live stock , etc. ' , without publicity or re. r.iovnl property at the lowest rates ami the easiest payments. UutlUrcon , rojumsS nnd'J llnrker block. V fJO.OOO TO LOAN ON ClIATTUIj SKCUIUTY - -business contldontlaL , Jloom i'Ji Knrbach block. 211 Jy2 _ _ _ X-J10 , El , JoO. HCIO , ANY SUM TO LOAN ON KUK- nlturc , horses , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. . IHli Douglas st. W7 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y C ASm PA ID KOIl lYN OO WM15 N r POL1CIES I In old line companion. Senil description. A. K llrocklcsby. box gU. lUHtbril. Conn. MOJ3 1'J * Y IK YOU WANT AM 0001) I1US1NKSS THAT will pay you largo tirollts by Investing email capital call at 1518 Harneyjstrjat. MU57 22 * V-l'AUTNKH WANTIJ . $2,000 TO KXOO. HUS1- J. ncsa legitimate , well established ; excellent op portunity for u live , business man. U. K. Harris , MBN. Y.Lltfi building. , . „ , CIOJ3' -SOLOON AND KI.vrUllKSl'Oll 3ALK.HKAKT City. < 5ood reason for nelllug. Ueit business. Address It 33 , Hco. (114-10 * KOHUENT TO llinilT PAHTY , BPLKNDH ) thirty-room hotel , cujoylng good patronngo. Address. W. P. O'Hrlon. Atkinson , Neb. 051-20 * Y-FOR HALU , A HIIST CIjASS 11AKKUY AND confectionary , In onoof the boat towns In Ne braska. Good reasons for selling- Address II n , this olllco. MC53 111' Y OHOCEHY. CKNTHAL ; BIO SPOT CASH trade ; will boll at Invoice ; no bonus ; small cap ital required , Kino opportunity. Alox. Mooro. 4'jl lleo llldg. M7U7 10 vou BALI : , GNU-HAM ? INTK IIKST IN plnlnliiKuilll , or would sell whole plant. Uood chance for man with email capital. J. Cuf > nel , box 251. Hot Springs , S. I ) . 72020 * -KOU SALK , M1LLINKU STOKE DO1NK good hu ln es ; will Invoice 5'JO or fUOO ; goods all now. Address Mrs. Dr. Mnlkon , Ku le , .Neb. 721-HI * Y-KOH SALK , A WULL-PAYINU AUSTUACT business In one of the western counties of this state. Address 11 M , Hoc ouice. M7M 1 * KOU SALKOll TIIADK , A STOCK OF CLOTHIng - Ing ; a largo discount for cash. Address llox 720 , Avoca , In. M787-2I * -A GOOD , WKLL PAYING MUAT MAKKKT for snlo. Inquire of J. N. , llox 17' ' , bydney. Neb. 195 li ) \r-OKN Hit All MK.IICHANDlSi : BUblNKSS , JL three years established , for snlo at once ; owner desiring to lenvo the city ; good cash Irade Inves tigate thliclmncc.ns It U nomethlngyoii do not got often. Cash buys II ; no trade. Address U ( ' . . ' ) , euro Bee. SOU 20 * FOR EXCHANGE. Z-UNINCUMHUUU : ) LANIU IN UASTrillN NK- braskaand Kunsus for good Insldo Omaha or Council Uliitrs property. AJJruis Ho35 A 1I11IU. Kmporla , Kan. M770J2I * Z-CLKAN STOCK OK CKN12UAL .M'D'S K ; WILL take real estate A money. Uox2J5 , Krankfort , Ind 103 y KOU I3XCHANUK-K1NK IIIMIIHCNCK , NIJW , /-/ii : rooms , modern Iniprovemunli ; on motor lino. 1 mile from P. O. Will exchange for good busi ness lot or farm lands. W. , P. O. bo i 055 , Omaha. 109 V A VALIJAIILK COIINHH LOT ON S. IITU ST. /-for suburban properly. A valuauluvqully In lot forgoo-1 horsa , balance very easy terms. Fidelity Truil Co. , lull Kurin-n 117 y-KOll SALK OH K.\CIIANH-PLANINJ ( ; AVinlll , 18th anil Manoii slreuts , Oioulin. John M. Shecley , Inih and Mason streets , Mi9 ( ] y 11 * V KI.OIUDA LAND TO KXCHANOE KOU CITY /-lor suburban properly In Omaha. H. H. Itobln- son , HohrboiiKh llron. ' Collcfe , Omaha. M710 19 * Z KOU BALK. OH KXC1IA.V1K KOH L1VKHY Block , land * In Nubrnaku. Address lluck lloion- bull in , Illulr , Neb. M786 ! ! _ y-1'ATKNT IlIfiHT O.V IIOU8KHOL1) NKCK8- fttty \ for real cstnto or cash. Address Durler , 28lliandHprnguo BlrcclB. M187 20 V WANTKI ) , TO KXCHANttK A GHNKHAL 'Jslock of mdso. for caslcrn Nebraska , easlurn Kunn's or western lown clear land nnd cash , fur particulars address lloxKo. U32 , Wahuu , Neb. i I. I'llINTlNQ I'HKSrXoi KOOT 1'OWKH. HKLK AJInklng , andcomiilcluluittlt. for sale cheap , or trudo for sufoly blcycluut 1742 H. iWth atreul. \ " Bin 111' FOB SALEUREAL ESTATE. 17011 SALK-1IO.MKB , AY 1'HICK , f7M. II.2.W UI' | _ . cany lerms ; lake clour properly as first payment , U. U. Wallace , Ilrown blUek , IC'.li and Dou.las. nil HO LACKY't ) ADDITION-FINK LOTS NI5AH MOTOH line , 1200 each ; VScMliriial. ' . ' , 4. U. ycnrs , 7 per cenl , llesldcnca lots within ' . ' 'f miles of puslotUco flWeaclii l-IUcush. bal. loni tlinM ut 7 pjr cunt. Kino lol with slx-ruomlc6ltn' < u at 35lu and Hurt struets. I'rlco. Ii , OJ : lieu cull , bat , easy , Potter A Cioorno Co. , B. W. oor. iqtl | nnd Knrnam. MXS7jy ! IMIlHALK-IIli ( 1IAIU1MN IN OUCIIAIID Illl.l" lut , wIHukugoodhu | o us Ilr t puyment , bal- unco , monthly puyiuonti , , Wo will soil you a lot dirt cheap nnd furnish money tu build you a lioiuo on monthly payments ; Boveral locatluns. , , „ Wo will build yon a cotvigo to suit on monthly imymenlsj small payment down. Two nowft-roumcoliasros In Klrkwood , onj block fromc.ir line , cliuaii on monthly pay moots. Hurvaln In clear lul In Walnul Mill , only 11.100 00. llargaln In clear lol In Orchard Hill , only tJuoO ) . Uargaln In clo.tr lot In Crulghton Heights , IMJU.OO. llaruallllll ttboilitlful hume In l.afayetlu 1'lace , the llncsl rcsldonca torruco In Omatia uvuryo no nd- mlu U. Lol u * show It you. I'or terms , prlcus , via. , call on Ktdollty Trusl Co. . Hill Kunmm et. ill IIUHKd AND UAH'Lr ! l'A-l'UiUII AT HTOCK farm , Hullovuo. 11 , T , Clarke , 21V llounl of Trade , Omnha. ill l Ojl BALK AT A IIAUOAIN , IXT 15. HLOCK S , -L W. K Helbj'B Urrl addlllon to Houlh Omaba ; siiinll payment down , tmlnnco monthly If duslrod , ImiuliB U. H. Tiscliuck , Omaha Dee. 3j | OUNT21SIM.ACI5 1IAHU AIN8-U-UOOSI HVfKUr Ing. W.WJ.OO. will take clear lul n llr < t pay- uiviit , balancoHAUJ per munllr J , J. Gibson , ole airvul Kountio I'laoo , Klrst National bank , till J 21 IAr'AYKVl'K I'l-ACKi YOU MUST HK15 TIIW property tu uppreclalo It ! two huuios fur nalu at --rifulii. fall fur turuis , via. , fidelity Trusl com- p-ny. 1014 Karnam st , III rpillb WKHK-NICK B.X HOOM COTTARB , J 'HW J-trail conrunlvul In motor ijiunt In. : uin ICOO cuiU , balance ta y , iluilscll. Addrex II iC IK- t > ui t\ \ ffOR SALE-ilKAL ESTATE. rPHB 11K9T INVKST.MKNT IN THK WKST TO- J. DAY. Is well located acre property clone lo Omaha , An Investment In twenty or forty acrci On the outKklrnof this city Will yield Me returns. Umahn Is on Iho verge of Another great movement In growth and population. Now Is the tlmo to buy , nnd Obtain thehcnetlt of thcuo Improvements. CAN olTcrtho following bargains at present In aero property : TUN ACHMS , with small collate. (1,7.10. TKN AClliVo : l Umnhn , will make 43 beautiful lots , KUKiO. TWKNTY ACHKS , flvp miles from postofllco and clotc to licit railway. I7.UOJ. KOHTV At.HKS , Wc t Omaha , elegant tract , M25 per arm , fIS.OOll. Forty acre , soulhtrcst of city , can quote for n few ilnjs nt mil per acre , lll.uuu. Highly acres. Jnsl wosl of city , miles from court ho'.ifc. clone to new fair grounds nnd OVIT- lookliiK ICImwood park : elrgnnt grove , line rcl- ( tenco. barns , etc. The ilnpst acre properly around tlio city. Can bo plaited Inlo 400 olrganl residence lots , fan quote al fIJS per ncre , HIMl. Call and lei us show you till * property. lllckn , Investment Agent , SUJN. Y. Life llnllillnu. S8.I 18 3HKA11TIKUL HOMEa HTlLlj KOH MALM IN Lafayctto place , You will make a mlttnka If you buy without seslnit us about thc'si homes , llcnt for fjjijjniul flaw per inoiHIi. Klnast lnve lment In the City. 25 Jy 8 ELl'.HANT 11OMI5 IN COUNCIL 1ILUW8 VOU nnlcata harunln ; or will exchange for good land , suitable for cluck farm , In eastern or central Ncbrnrka. 11 on no Is new , modern , one of nlcesl In the city ! grounds large , very nightly , cll Im proved. AddresB A 14 , lice , Council illulK. MU17 21 IJAHOAINS IN SOUTH OMAHA-THI : OUKAT J'lmprovemcntn to bo mndo by the packing housoit will calico n marked ndvancj In valucu of Bo lit h Omahn property within the next few months. Choice corner , tOxl-IO feet , 21th and A , M. Comer , fflxIMJ , 7lth and llstreels , HMD. Ciirncr. laoxIM. Mth and II Mrcctst > J..SO'J. forner , IZUxlW , 27th and K streets , f2,2. > 0. Thiou elegant south front lots , near 25th and II Btrei'tB. each f 1,100. Call and see the bargains wo ofTcr. HICKS , SOS N. Y. I.lfo. FJUdALK-JOJJAO.lKi OK NKIIUAiKA LAND HI grcal sacrlllca. Apply for pirllcnlan lo U. ILl'elcrBon , onor , 1112 S. UtU alreut , Omaht. .Ml'.U Jyl _ Ij'Oll HALK , NOS , 4IOJ AND IIUI'I.AVAVKTri ? Javoln Lafayette I'laci * , now S room dwellings. with bnth , gai , etc. , eloctrlo gasllghlhu and every other modern Improvement tine lawn , trees and sur roundings ono block from electric earn. Those two houses will bo noldnt n bht Imrg.iln ; will take lot ns fart payment ; let us how you Iho property 'IdolliyTrusl company , 1014 Karnam st. _ 117 ASt'LKNDH ) HAlKJAIN-TIIunB HKAUTIKUL lots , facing north on Mimiin slrect , between 31st ami : ild. Tlicso lots uro each 40x120 feet , cleganlly localcd as regards grade , wllh line shade and fruit trees , and will make three of the prottlrst resldenc-o situs In Iho clly. In order lo dispose of lhe < o lots within the next ten days will maka a special prluo during that lime of f..uoo each. They nro Im mediately west of Mr. Levy's brick residence and grounds. H. W. 'list and Mason gtrects. Hicks. 305 N. V. Lite llldg. 8711 li ) _ ANTED-HOHSKS TO 1'ASTUIIK , CALLHI ) for and delivered. U. A. Llndquost , 310 B. 15th. M372 AI1A11OAIN. IIAVK AOOODL1XKLOT ABOUT 200 feet from Bherm an Ave. , : H ) minutes' walk from postolllcc ; Bplendld neighborhood. Will build to null customer on easy terms. It will pay you to Invcstlgalo Ihls otter. A. C. Fro st , Uoom 23 , Douglas block , llith and Dojgo sis. 757 TOBKLLOIt TIIADK KOU OMAHA Oil SOUTH Omaha real estate , 80 acres of unlncumbercd Umber land In Wisconsin. Timber all hard wood. Ten acres broke and In tame grass. Has houBeand table. A bargain. Address I. U. Hopkins , h-oulh Omaha , Neb. MX ) 10 * LKUANT 1IOM15S KOH SALE3NKW AND modern built houses. Nos. 32U ? . 3310 and 3jii | , I'opploton avenue : splendidly built and finished throughout elegant bath , marble wash rtands , furnace , brick cellars , clc , s first claks neighbor- hoiid : only half block from Hanscom I'ark 1'aclflo street motor line. Call nnd get prices nnd terms. KCJB ut my olllce , 35 N. Y. Life , llleks. agent. 823 111 ' HONDS ( JAUIUKI ) AND DODlli : STIIKl'.T T'HK soon bo pared clear to thoje choice 5 und 10- ncrc trncts which wo can still sell for a abort Itmo nt thu uld prlco uf S100.UO per ncre. Don't delay. Wright ft Lnsbury. 1001 Howard street. M82J FOR RENT-PASTURES. KOll CATTLE & 11O11SKS * T.MUHHAY PASTUH13 203 "VVK 1IAVK TUG HISST UO1ISK PAsTUKK IN ' this state nt ( Jllmoro stallon. tiireo mlles south of South Omaha : 1IKJ acres bluu grass , spring water , board fence. Have a good half mile track on the farm. Will lalcoa few horses or cells to break or train. Burton & I'hclns or A. W. I'hulps & Sou , Ilulldcrs Exchange , Now Vork Llfo building. M73fl-J24 PASTURAGE KOU HOHSKS. COLTS , CATTLK. A 200 acrea pasture ; barn room case of Btorm. My farm ranch Is one mtlo from 21th street motor car. BOulli on Ullmoro road. 1 call and deliver. Address me , J. II. llrusb , P. O. box 13 ( > . boulb Omaha. MUU3 Jylt' ASTUHK FOH CATTLK & UOKSK9. T. MU IlllAY 070 LOST. OST JUNK 12T1I , HHOWN WATISHSI'ANIKL , while spol on breasl , answers the name "Hon.1 Liberal reward for his rolurn to W. J. Mount , No. 25JJI Capitol ttvenuo. 754-1I ) ' OST-ON KAHNAM BT. NKAH DKWBY&S'l-ONK Furniture Co.'a store , silk umbrella , roundo chased silver Knob on handle. Howard flerod. WJ N. Y. Llfo. 7W ! IU STHAYE1) till STOLKN , HAY MA11IC , 1 FKONT and 2 hind feet white , branded on loft shoulder ( IN ) , weight 1,200. Sim In front. Address N. Ilau- scn , S. IS. cor. 21th and I umlmt st. 770 l'.i * OST-8CAHK VIN OK CLOVKIl LKAF IN S dlamondB. Hnllivblo reward for return to Julius Meyer. 8U H ) ' ' O j B.NVDCU'S LOAN Of-FlCB , lill ) DODCK ST. S. 18.IJHO' S.PUKD PUKD M011L15 , Ot'HCl ! IJ11 KAHNAM ST. 112 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. CAN Al ) IAN 1I VIM Yll KNT OKK1CE , 15011 FA It N A M Vv upstairs ; male and female help. Tel. 831. ltt > 7 IUE SUOHTESr LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Mihvaukea & SL Paul R'y. as represented on this mao. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. Notlco t Archltecln , Architect * ilosirliu to eompoto for furnish- liiK pluiiH and Buporlntoudoneu of the erootlon of u olub bulldliiR for the yinnha Club on the northwest co'nor of iiitliund Douglas utrcotv , utoburub ; reuucsti'd to bubnilt sketches on or before July 10. Ib'Ji The rlyht Is rosorvoil to reject any and nil the pinna submitted , no uxnonso to bo Incurred by tbo club oxi-cut for the plans iicroptod , further Information can bo obtained by cullIiiK on the unUurstgnuU or tiny director of tbo club. II. W. VATEH. 1'res. J ) . J. O'UUNAIIUK , Hoe. Omaha , Juno lKOi J IU-17-18-1U .M Antl-Medlrlno practlcu , for the sale , suroMmpt * andsclentmccuroof all dlvia p , t > y pxtraellnittho Annluml. Mlnrrnl , Yeitelab o and DlllHl pol on < , and kllllnit nil ucrm i InvotVatlon fn-oi Write to II m til nfl'irr > . I7ln muVfus * street * . ! Mcrfll""bH { UouiiollUlulTs _ _ _ _ _ HyvlrtUQof nn ordorof sale on nttnc'imont Issued by frank li Moor ; * , clerk nf the UN- trl t Court for Dons. as county , Nebrama. and lo modltoctod , 1 will , on thuiHtiidny of Juno. A. U. 1MU , at'Jo'clo.'k p. in. otsalil diy : nt No. lin iJoitth IGth street In the c'ty of Omaha , Douitla * County , .Nohr.isldi , sea at public intel Uin. the property dncilbcd In tiitld order of s.ilc , as follows , to-wlt : The U mohold interest of Uharles ) A , Slono- hlll In and to tbo promise * , as follows , to-wlt ! The south ono-lmlf l > ! 4) ) of tlio north omHinlh IN 'il of lots so ven 17 ] utid clilit [ s ) of block ono bttnilred and ROVI-M III. " ) Iti tl < o city of Uiiialiii , DuuKltis county , stnto of Nebraska ; sntd property bavltu bucn horutoforo nttnehefi byvfrtuoofiui order Isinoil from said court on thu Hub day of May , IS'.U , In un notion pcnd ln tbcrolti , whoreln James U , Jojinson , Clmrlos S. I.aVake. Thomas J. Cotton und James N , Hlnzliiiin. co-pirtnors ns .lamus U. Johnson * Uompatty , claims from Uharlcn A. SlOKpbllt the mint ot JIMl.Wl. nul ? : > J.OJ , the probable costs of nail ! act on. . nr.OHI5 ! A. IIBNN'KTr. Sherlirof Douijlfts ciunty , NobrAfka. Omaha. Nebraiita. . I un j Ul , l.-ia. .lllllllt Notlrn , OHlcoof the County Olork. louglri County , NebniBlia , Omaha , .hi no lUtb , IS ) . ' . Sealed propo-tils will be roeolvo.l nt this olllce mi to and until 12 o'clock noon of July 10. IS ! ) ! , for uradlnt : a portion ot l.lth street , In the city of South Unmhn , from Missouri nvo- into to "II" street , In accor l-iuro wllb the resolution elution of the board p istod on tholl.st day of May , IM ) ' . ' , and In accordance with tboprolllo mailo by the county surveyor , and which may bo seen on Ilia at thlsolllco. I'roposilsto do this tradln ? will bo by the yard upon the ostlnrite of the county sur veyor. measurement to bo taken before tbo Krouiid Is moved , estimates will bo basej on moving 1VW y ar.is more or less , an estimated haul of l.-OJ feet. All uroposils to bo marked "I'ropos'ils for Grading lllth street , " and must bo accom panied by a cortlllcil check for $ . ' 0100. The bo ird of county commissioners reserves the rlaht to reject any or all bids. l-'UUD. J. SA.OKETT. JIQU't _ County Clork. To Contract or . Illtls will bo received until 5 o'clock p. in. , Jiinu&M , 111' ' , for thu furnlshni ! : material nnd construction of a four W , room two ( J ) Btory f r.uno , brick basement school bouse , ac cording to the plans nnd spcclllcatlonsnow on file nttheolllco of J. ( Intli , archlleet , rooms MO-.M7 I'avton blocl ; . Ulds must be soilo I and endorsed , "Ulds for erection sclioal house , dis trict No. 0 , " and delivered to undor- bUncd accompinlcd bv a ccrtllled check of ono bundled dollars , us nn net ot good faith that a nootl nnd sulllelent bond will bo cxcoutod and contract entered Into If awarded same. Hlzht Is reserved to reject any or all bids , lly order of committee. Address. MENllV C IIAHHON , Director. ijcbool District No. U , Douglas County , Itonion , Neb. Or , Kreluht Aud.tor's Ofllco Union I'aclllo Hallway , Ouiabn. Jl8d4t * m TIPEWKITtKS For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , RRILWKYT1MEGKRD. I/oaves I UNION PACIK1U. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union DepotlOlh nndMarcy 8ls. | Omaha. Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. ft oT. I'AUl.lAnUo I Oninhal U. P. ( lopol and Marav Sis. I Omah 705 p nil Chicago Kiprixs j'.Ul n 11.30 a m | Chicago Express | . ? 0 p leaves I sioux CITY A 1'Acmr. ( Arrives OmnliH Depot. 101 h anil Marcy Sis I Oinih i 7.20 ami Sioux Clly Passonaw. IK'VJp ' m 635 p m | St. Paul Express liOOO.i m Leaves I SIOUX CITY A 1'AIMFIU I Arrlvjs Omahn I Depot. 15th and Wobsltr sts. 1 Oraiha Mi p iu | SI , I'nul Llmltud . . .lii.-'i a m Leaves I a , ST. 1' . , M. A O. j Arrives Onmlml Depot. 15th and Webster ail. I Oinnln IUO a m . .Slcux city Acrominodatlon . U.Ui p in : .l.r > p m Slout City Kxprosi ( Kr. SunJ'y ) l'.i > p m 5.45 p m SI. 1'aul LlmltoJ \ > : i > a m 5.15 p m Bancroft I'-nsonger ( EC Sund'yi 8. Ij % ra Leaves ICHIOAOO A NOIITUWKSTKU.N Arrlvoi OmaJialU. 1' . depol. 10th and Mnrcy Ml. Omaha Leaves OMAHA A bT. LOUIS. Arrlva * Umabnl U. 1 * . depot. 10th and Marcy Bis. I. p ni | M. Louli Cannon Hall 112.lip in leaves I MISSOUIll 1'ACIFIU Arrive i Omaha | Depot 15tn and Wabilor Hti. Omah\ ml , .Ht. l.onls Kxpruss. . U..10 at 9.30 pni | .hi. Louis Kjcprmi , . . S.1J p i I .caret C11ICAUO. 11. I. A 1'ACIKIO. Arrlvui Trnnifor Union Dopot.Council Ilium. Tranifur 6.55 p m NlKhl Biproil 8 : < 0 a ra 10 VO a ui Atlantic Kipniii & 55 p m 4.6i p m Ventlbulo Limited 12.10 D in Louvoi 1C C. , i ! 1' . JOK ft U. U. lArrlvoi Tranifer Union llgpol. Council HlutTi. iTrnniftr 10 00 a m . , . .Kansas Clly Day Kxproaj p m 10.16 p m . . .Kanim Cllv Nlghl n ra IXIHVOJ U1I1CAUO , IIUUL'M A Arrivit Traniferl Union Depol. Council ItlufH iTranf i H.W a m , Chicago Kxprun , 6.u p m 1000 pm , Chicago Kxproti O.U a m 7.0i p m . . t'renlon I/ocnl . I 7.15 it m Leuvui I uMAUA rT. LOUIS. Arrive * Trunsforl Union Depot. Council Ilium. Tranvfor 4.40 M ui | t-t. Louli Canoa Hall. . lj.li p m 'I.COVCI B10UX CITV & I'ACIKIU I Arrive * Traniferl Union Depot. Council lllint . Ttanifar 7.4J a ni , , City Accommodation I 10 uu p m t.W p m Bl. I'aul 12xpr I V.40 it m GARDENHOSE THE BEST HOSE MADE ISTHE ric1 ! ! DO All IV * 50 m TUBE riall DnAliU Kfwlv - IT WILL OTTTWEAB , ALL OTHERS and STAND ANY PRESSURE ES GUARANTEED W and JM ; PLEASED For Sale In Omaha and South Omaha by N. TROIL , A. C. RA.YMHU , J ) . O. MoKWAN , M. E. PIIKH. A. M. McOAHGAn , J. A. McCUOUV , LOliliCK & LINN. LKO HAIIOOK , JJUUIiSII & CO. , KOUTSKY DUOS. . SOUTH OMAHA. Also by OMAHA RUBBER CO. , 1520 Farnam St. , Cor , 16th. ' . WATER WORKS RECEIVER. of the Cnmpxnjr to Ilo Wound Up i lu Nn\v , lcr oj' . > Mr. Chnrlcs OfTutt ha * rocolvod wont , from Now York thnt the chnncollor-nt- Inw for the stale of Now Jersey lind decided the American water works case In favor of / Iho Underwood faction and would nupolnt n receiver tor the corporation. This was nn notion brought by cortnln stockholders In the corporation asking for fi settlement ot the stocit of the corporation nnd praying for n receiver for the corpora- lion. lion.Tho The cnio decided some months tdncn In the United States court hero in Omnhn by which n receiver was appointed nftcctcd only the plnnt In Omaha nnd the receiver was ap- po'.ntod to tnko charge of the property hero. The results In the Now Jersey case will bring the business of the corporation to ft close , na the receiver appointed there will Wind up the affairs of the corporation. bpcnbing of the status of the American water works case ycsterdny Mr. John I * \ \ obster , attorney for the receiver of the Omnhn plant , snul thnt the nppoinlmenl of n receiver for Iho corporation In Nnw Jersey would hnvo no effect upon the plant In Omnhn whatever. The business of the water works hero in Omnhn will go ncht on Just the saino. In ca o thcro is a surplus of cash at liny tlmo to be turned over to anybody - body the receiver In Omaha will probaulv ho called upon to make such return to the receiver - coivor of the corporation In Now .lorsov. Uut nt present there U not much prospect of there being nny cnsh to turn over. Tno Improve ments nowuiidorcontomiilntlon will malio it necessary to borrow monov It the work la pushed forward ns It should bo. The ques tion of allowing the receiver to borrow the necessary funds to push the work to com pletion is now before Judge Utindy , nnd when thnt Is decided 4ho receiver will know whether or not ho can proi-ood with the completion of work thnt the clly council doslros completed this summer. HoforrliiR to the matter Mr. HlorboWcr , the receiver , snld : "Tho water works plnnt IH nil HI good condition nnd the public will never realize ihnt the plnnt Is in the hands of n receiver. It would never do to lot n groutconcern llko this get out of repair for there nro too many Important enterprises de pending on the wntor service. Jt would paralyze Iho city to nllow anything to got wren _ with the wnter works. Wo shnll keep the plant In good repair nnd If wo nro permitted to borrow sorao money the worlc that is needed by way of extending and com pleting sorno of the lines will bo pushed to completion. " DoWitt's Sarsnparcia cleanses the bloo'd' Increases the nppotU nid : tonoi up the sys ' loin. It has boiiollltoj mirw paoplo who have suffered from blooJ dUordow. It will help you. AFTER ELOPERS. \Vyinoro Olllfliilx Aflor u Cnttlc Mini mill Another MIIII'MVlfo. . City Marshal Emory und Attorney Mo Candlcss of Wymorouro on a still hunt for ono Henry Flfor , u stooic buyer of tholr town , who Is supposed to bo In Omaha in seclusion. Mr. Plfor's whereabouts nro not n mnttoi of great importnnco to these people gener ally , but on this occasion ho hm with him n cortnln Mrs. McClelland who has a husband awaiting hci return. Pifor wns engaged in buying stock for a wealthy farmer of Wytnoro named Shilley , nnd on Thursday ho cashed n check for $5uo in thnt town , secured n livery rig nnd silently stole away. Simultaneously Mrs. McClelland also vanished and her trunk with her. Mr. McClelland grow nnxious pvor hU wife nnd the llverjmnn over his horse , nnd an investigation revealed the facts of nn olouemcnt which plunged the towns of Wvmoro and Blue Springs Into a frenzy of excitement. The pair wore traced to Beatricewhcro the horse nr.d buggy was found in a barn on the outskirts of town , U was also learned that thov had forwarded ttioir baggage to Omaha and hero the searching party followed , but have so far failed to locate Iho elopers. Mrs. L. K. I'atton , Hoclcford , III. , writes : "From personal experience I can recommend DoWitt's Sarsapanlla , n cure for impure blood and general debility. " ANOTHER VIADUCT. 1'liini fur the Hlxtci-nth Street Structure Considered Work to Ilo Unlrrril. The members of the Doard of Public Works nnd City Attorney Council hold a conference yesterday upon the sub ject of ordering the construction of a now viaduct nlong the line of South Sixteenth street. The board bud the plant but wanted a little legal advlcb before asking bids upon the construction. The attorney advised the board that as the council had condemned the old and passed the ordinance looking to the bulldln ? of a new viaduct. It had a perfect right to invlto bids and award n contract. The now viaduct will bo of iron and steel , similar to the ono nlong the line of Tenth street. The estimated cost is $ ' 00,000 , ot which the city's share amounts to * 30UOO. The roadbed will bo llfty loot wldo , with walks eight feet xvido on each side. The roadbed will bo on a iovol with the srado ot the street , with 177 foot of approaches bo- , lorn tlio main structure is reached. It is the cost of building the approaches that will bo taxed against the city. Dr. nirnoy's Cntnrrh I'owanr for tonsil- K Ills. For sale by all druggists. Co cents. i Suilcd lor ICiirnpo. { Mr. William A. Puxton departed for Now j Yorlt city yoslorday and will sail for j ' Europe early In the weak. Ho will bo no corupamcd to the other sldo of the briny by f Mr. E. A. Cildnlty of this city. Mr. I'axtoii . ' pees for tbo benefit of tils health. Ho will ' , , go direct to Carlscnd , liobcmla. In case ho ft rcpnlns his lionlth tie will tnko n spin around a the liuvopenn capitals nnd croat cities of the , ' orient before returning. Ho will bo gouo about tlirco months. 5 > Disease noversuceojsfullv attachs a sys- torn with pure blood. Do Witt's Uarsaparllla niaucs pure , nuwblood itiidanrtuhoi the old. QUAHTiniMASTKUS'B OFFICE CHIRP , Nob. . .1 line I ) , IH1B. Sealed pronoi- iiln Hill bo received by this olllce until 2 o'c.ock p. in. , June -lUli , Mli and then opened for transportation ( if Hturoi ) that may bo re quired by tlio Quartermaster's Department ( Itirlns period coniinuncliiK July "t. und uml- lng-otombor- | . IS ) ' , botwuun the western tennliinsof - thu it. & M , U. it. , whore freight cun Do received , an 1 thu uamp "f U. H. troop * recently located nenr crojslnjj of II. A : M. 1C. 1C. of Powder Ulvi-r. In Hliorlilnn county. Wyoiii- iny. or to nny other point wllliln onu hundred unu II Jty inlfon of the wustorn lormlnus nf thu II. .t .M. Kiillroiil. llulH will state | ir co per 1OT HM. per 100 mllos. lildH will bo received tuluvninh. The II. H. nisorvof thu rltflit to Just orull iiropdiiilK. I'lirllirr information uriy tion on iippllcntlon. WM. II. llUailK ! > . Uoil- tiinnnt Co onul nnd Dcniity Qiiartonliustor ( jenural , U. H. A , , Clilef QuiirtormuHt'jr. 31ldU-18-10 I'ruiofiilK | for L'oiiHtriivtion , I'luiiiblni ; untl Ntoitiii Ileutlii. , Healed prouosulH will bo rncolvod by the uno- lelury of thu llourd of Kdtiaution , until t o'clock i > . in. Monday. .Inne :7 , IbO. ' . for thu erection of u closet , Imlldlnx and holler room on tlio I'urk holiool groundii.and thu plumbing and Btu-im heating for hiune , In accordnncu with plniiB ami Hpeulflu.ttlons on tllo in tlm ollleoof tbuHrcrutary of thu lloaid of ICduuu * Him. The board reserves the rlylit to reject nny or all bids. lly order of thu Hoard nf RJncntlnn , CIIAHLKrf UONOVlvK , Bucrotnry. J 17(1101 u. H , c. u , * r. o , ; OMAHA , Juno 17th , 1B92. Healed prnposnln will bt > rucolved until 13 o'ulook noon , Jiinu ' . 'ah. W.i'-i. for furnUhlni ; fuel , IlKhlH. wnter. Ice.inUcelliiiieoiiB buppllu * . wiiBhlnK towelb. liutillni ! aslien anil | irliiulnK mreels for th u liiilldliiK durlnx thu lUcitl year fnillng Jnm < : n Ih'U ' , or such iiortlon thereof ax limy lo dt-oiuoil iulvlsille. ; Thu rlitht to inject uny and all bldu 1 * rosurvud by thu Truuuury iJopirimufit. WM. II , AL-KXANIH..H , J 17.11) Oiiatodliin. To Illlcliini ; ( 'iintrurloiB , IlldRWlll bu recelvnd nt the olllco nf tlm Omnhn ( b Orant BinoltlnB uniiipiiir , piiiuhn , Nub. , un to III o'ulouk u. in. . Juno _ Hh. IBJ. . for digging about-uvim hnndroil rod * ol dltuli uiiifliiyiiiLMlr.iln lllen. HitiL-illc | ittoiH muy bu hud on application ut nlioviiolllcu. . , V ItlnhtlH returvucl to reject nnr orull bills. - > jlOiKu Cluy U. lUimiN. .Notlrii , J All iiorBoni knowing thonuolvui Indebted to 1 thu Nubrunltu Trlhunu Co. , ilefuncL , for a.vur- lUhu. cte. , are huruby not I lied to puy only ul thu ollluu or to thu iinihorUud collector. : A. IVbT.NElt , UortiiuKoo ,