THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY''JUNE 19 , 1892--SIXTEEN PAGES. A PAIR OF PRICELESS CHARMS i r Surpassing Physical Beauty and Attractive Adornments. INTELLECT AND A SWEET TEMPER lllryclo lliaina the I.ntont rad-Tha I'rotty Jrlnh ( llrl lit Iloinn Cultivating Mretrl- liiony AVImt Women nro Doing Tlio JjUcut 1'ntlituiin , The artlnlos from the pen of Ollvo Thorno Mlllor In Tun SUNDAY Brn of the 5th nnd 12th inst , should bo road and appreciated b.v every woman , many of wborarlll und tholr unwritten - written sontlmonta voiced Uioroln. In the piad rush for tbo American dollar , ovary year the woman seem to bo Joining the race with mou , nnd of tllmcs it Is a moro question of a wlshoU-for luxury that loads a wlfo to try to earn the few dollars necessary for its indulgence. And these hours of extra toll may bo to her bouts of loss. Bolter the slm- plo print ptown and a few hours In which to ndorti the Intellect with the priceless earn of knowlcdeo than porhnns thP coveted gown of Bilk and n brow of wrinkled caro. No matter how young wo now are , wo are oil growing old , and the velontloss hand of time will sllvor the hair nnd bow the form of Iho most stately dame. Lot us , thon. prepare gainst his aggressive march , and as our Jiliyalcnl charms are on the wnno lot us beau tify the mind. Lot us cultivate a porotmlul sweetness of temper , for what can bo moro disagreeable than n sour-tomporod. dtsap- DOlutua old Iddyl The heart should bo always - ways young. How wo bow Instinctively teen on old fuco lit b.v tbo smllo of cboorful benevolence - novolonco 1 VVlih what pleasure wo listen to words of wisdom and experience that fall from tlio lips of the dear old lady with stiver curls , who has learned the most proclous les son ol a womnn'3 llfo , "How to grow old fjracufully. " Then lot us value our tlmo as worth moro than gold or needless luxuries , saying , every flight as wo lay our hood upon the pillow , ' What have I learned today to Increase my store of useful knowledge ! " for tbo tlmo will 'como to nil who live to bo old , when momorv must draw interest from the knowledge pained In youth. . QittCBli. Bicycle riding Is assuming the proportions oLacrozo among the young Indies iu Omalw nil In other parts of the country. It Is 03 poolally conspicuous aniong the school teach ers. As a moans of recreation and exercise there Is probably nothing which is moro do- slr.iblo. The exhilaration of spootl is some thing delightful , and the souse of freedom nnd self-reliance which youngsters acquire l > y moans of such exercise is well worth all It costs. For girls there should bo plain , e'.mple dresses of sorco , a scant , tnudlum length skirt ; with blouse , loose sleeves with cuffs , and n cap or bin is suitable. The cap 1s moro comfortable , but tbo bat Is almost in dispensable for these who burn ortau cosily. A veil Is Inconvenient nnd scarcely appro priate , but is sometimes absolutely nouos- snry unless ono Is willing to sacrifice the complexion. Very long hose , with straps from tbo snouldors , nro required with nulls of this sort. Of course , no girl should weai n cornet while taking such exorcise. A llttod wulst , rather loose , Is the Ideal gar ment. Do you know how very pretty a pretty IrUh girl is ! She is llko a glass of fine clear cbablis , writes the Dublin correspondent of the Chicago Nows. She hasn't the caam- pngno gparklo of the American girl , the beery trnnqullity of the German fraulcln , nor the vermouth suggestiveness of mam- ello , our French cousin. She does not in toxlcatc , nolthor does sbo soothe , nor yet In plra , but aho allures you. There is some thing enduring , yet evanescent and Hooting , nd It draws you on and on. She is llko a draught of pure , sparkling spring wntor that refreshes and never pulls. Sbo li tall , slon- Oor and round. Crisp little bluck curls lie ttcralnsi her whlto nock. Tboro is nothing Creamy or peachy about bor skin ; it Is clear red und whlto , nnd her flno black brows und curved lashes accentuate It. Ant ! then her eyes ! Why should pools sing of the languorous orbs of oriental houris or the violet eyes of the fair women of the north when the Irish girl has thorn all at ono and thosamo time ! Starry eyes that sparkle find glow. You think tnoy are darkly brown until some day she turns them upon you as ho stands in the sunlight , and a sapphire is tiot moro blue , and as you watch her in sur prise thov are gray nnd tboy are black , and you despair of toiling what color they are , but are content to watch them ussumo what ever shade they will. If you have fur rues ' lying on the floors ol your rooms nnd thoy'bopin to look grimy and Boiled , you can malco them , with a little labor , look almost as good us now , save that they will not look so full and tblcu. You hould shako and beat the rugs with a broac tick. He move grouse spots cither with bon- Zina or with a pas to mailo with water and fuller's earth. Next rub In vigorously some finely -powdered whiting , the damper thobot tor , but on no account lot it bo wet. Leave ihiti on for several hours , then rub It wol gain"nnd brush with a hard clothes brush r B nil directions to remove the whiting. The fur will then bo clean ; if it has a ragged up penrnnci ) brush the hair down thoroughly With u brush moistened with molbilntoi Spirits. For sheepskin rugs and in nils strong Warm soap and water may bo used , but when the skin has bcon wet it must bo dried curo- fully , pulled to make'It dry evenly , and hung Up by a different corn or at bliort intervals. A novel society bus ] ust boon Instituted In Brooklyn , t'uo purpose of which is to foster the marrying habit. It appears to bo mnlnlj composed of Gorman uitUons , but if it shnl flomonstrato its practicability other nation Ditties will no doubt take up the idea , and i may possibly becomeuniversal. . Any mem bur 01 tlio society in good standing , having decided to enter tlio matrimonial lists , wil inform the secretary of his purpose , where upon nn assessment will bo levied on all the other members cf the society , and the nro ceodr handed to the aspiring hopodiot. Thus armed nnd equipped with llltliy lucre ho is exported to acquire a peculiar vnluo in the eyes of the fulr object of his attentions , one presumably success will crown his wooing bhould the organization bocotno numerous tbcso assessments will of course roullzo very considerable sums , and the bachelor will no only bo aulo to marry with eclat , but ho cat even IndulRO in tbo luxury of a .European trip , or ilgnnlizo the honeymoon by some Other equally rechorcbo festivity. Sarah Dornhardt has made a sorapbook out of Iho various interviews and criticisms that appeared in print during her two years no ] o urn in this country and Australia , unt by wiiy of frontispiece has Inserted a photo "ferupli'of herself , her two iloj'i , Myrtuli uni Btnr , unit Mndcliilnn , the i.'irt sbo found here and adopted. Thanks to Iho Introold am BccamplUhod Interviewer , who for the mos part Is American , there oxbts this record ti the whims , fancies , caprices , tastes , crit icisms , wanderings , Illcns nnd dislikes , and Iho iimuv dutulU that go to make up oiio o tbo most striking personalities uud ucknowl Cdgud geniuses of this ago. * * The dross worn byMrs. Warner Mlllor 01 Iho ci'cuHlou of her recent presentation a court wns n gown of the palest blue sutii inado un prlncesao und draped over it pottl * coat of whlto satin , both belm ; ombroliloroi With ciyntals nnd poarls. This train was o yellow satin , brocaded lit faint shades o blue. The presentation dress ni Miss Uditl Van Huron , the prchldunt'tj unuid n creation of Worth , literally und llgura lively speaking. It was of tbo richest whit entlti ombroitieroi ] with silver and crystal with n train blmllnrly omliroldoreil and fall Ing from tbo lufl shoulder. The bodloo w.i of pulo jilnK volled ulth coitly lace , yollov with ago. \ VluitVoiiiou Ar < < Marietta Donrs of South Dakota ha : abandoned tbo woman suffrage cauio , How absurd lo dub u sweet girl gradual bachelor of urts whou everybody knows h _ not built that way , but is u mala ot 'carls unload , The machli.0 for making squiro-bottomod paper bags was Invented by Margaret L , ICniuht , who has slnco then invented a ma chlno for folding these bag : * . Macltford , WIs. , has a woman ussossor , MatUo Wauor , whoso ofllco u ono of considerable orablo responsibility as iho lowu has mauv residents of considerable wealth. The Ilrst lady ever admitted to practice In Iho bwlt Luke court was given a cortlllcaU I yon recommendation Of tbo examining comma mlttoo. Ttio tadyl * Emma U. Leo , nnd she passed a very croditn&lo exnmimUion. Six hospitals have boon founded for women by women physicians In Philadel phia , Now Yorlc , Boiton , Chlcairo , Ban Frnn- cisco nad Minneapolis , nil of whicn nro one- cossful. Miss Mary Abac Is city editor of the Ap- poal-Avalancho ht Memphis. In the bravo lexicon of Allss Abar there Is no sunn word as fear. She will go wherever a man l will ing to risk his life for an Item If It Is worth running duwn. Mrs. Humphrey Ward has boon Invited to loan the original manuscript of "Uobort Itilsmoro" for exhibition In the woman's building nt Chicago , nnd on effort Is being made to secure from the holrs of llolon Hunt ackson the manuscript of "Uomona. " The only soprano In the world wno makes higher tones than Pnlll Is said to bo Miss Sibyl Sandorson , daughter of Ocorgo San- doraon , of San Francisco. In ndultlon to her musical powers , she l said to possess charms of person nnd to bo very clover. ' MM , Fnivcott will receive an important presentation on Juno 81 , when the men nnd Women of the unionist party in the town and University of Cambridge intend to offer her an address In recognition of her work in the unionist cause both by speech and pen. Miss Allco Rtdoout of San Francisco , to whom the contract for sculptural woru on the woman's building was awarded , will ro- colvo fS.UOO for her services. One of Dos- ton's f lir daughter ? , Miss Amy M. Beach , will propnro an original musical composition , to bo rendered at the dedication of the wo man's building. Women took n prominent purt in the Minneapolis convention. The two lady al ternates from Wyoming wore conspicuous features of the great gathering. It " .Vas a woman , Mrs. Carson Lake of Now 'Y'orit , who started the great wnvo of Blalnn on- thuslnsm on Friday , and Mrs. Uonoral Now ntor led the Harrison tidal \vavo of chcors. Advertisement writing Is a comparatively now occupation for women , nnd ono la which shn promises to excel. From 5 to 10 cents n 'ino Is paid for work done by the ploco , but n largo houses , where a regular advertiser .s . employed , the salary Js from $1,000 to > 2XK ( ) a year. Fortunate is the woman who lias n knaclc at rhyming or can draw illustra tions for her "ads. " Mmo. Pattl , In u letter to a Parisian frlond , says that after her croiont engage ment she intends to undertake a series of farewell performances throughout Europe , nnd finally rotlro from the ataco nnd concnrt platform. It U her ambition eventually to glvo gratuitous Instruction in vocalism to the country girls in the neighborhood of her Welsh homo , some of whom she has discov ered , if proporlv trained , would acquire a European reputation. The l.iitost In rushioni. The greatest , "nrotondor to the crown" of the present time Is a lady's hat. The Tuscan hats this season nro very largo , but they nro soft , light and Ingeniously woven. The wearing of the simple lace lichus and capos shlrrod about the nock will bo very general this summer. Garden hats , are of coarse , rustic straw , or of ahlrrcd mull with no trimming , snvo a rosette or n few soft loops of mull. If women made as many sarcnstio com ments on mon'n dress a * the men do on what the women wear , how the men would kick 1 To bo clogant , Urn shoes and stockings should bo white , but white suede shoos nro oxponslvo and not within the roach of ovory- ouu. Bayonrmlso silk has , as the namodonotos , several stripes nt tuo bottom of a different color and running around instead of up and down. Black shoes are never' out of style , but perhaps low ties of tan or pale gray are preferable , which can bo utilized after wards. Lovely woman may not know much about politico , but she can toll how muon another woman's drois cost a yard as far away as she can see. The new pale heliotrope straw bonnets and hut * are tlmmod with lilac , heartsease , violets lets , or Jonquils intermixed with green velvet ribbon and ecru sllk < guipure laco. Human nature is queer. Almost any woman would rnlhor have a looking-glass that will flatter her than oue that will tell her the exact truth about how she looks. A charming bridal gown is at ivory wblto bengallno with a court train forming n VVattoau pleat , there were long , graceful trails of orange blossom * upon the skirt and bodice , mixed with sprays of maiden hair fern. fern.Tiny Tiny scent bottles of cut glass , with gold tous with the cipher of the owner , nro slung oy a slender chain from the little finger. Then there are crystal ones in whlto or ruby glass , covered with a rotlculatnd network ir. silver. The white sucdo or canvas shoos , with tips and trimmings of wblto glazdd leather , are very now and fashionable. Summer girls are making their noakttcs of heavy striped rib bens to match hatbands , Instead of wearing men's made tics. Thesummor fad of wearing Turkish slippers pors In rod Is rapidly gaining ground , and women doclara the sllppor to bo very com fortable. It is the kind thatonoroally "slips" on and U guiltless of a heel to throw ono for ward on tbo toes of the foot. The most becoming style In which a young girl can wear her hair is the Psycho knot with a baby bang. These tight little knots are now tied around with n narrow ribbon with u bow at the side. Special ornaments of tortoise shell or embroidered velvet are made to encircle thorn. Hen HoUu cloth trimmed with olnln or fancy chiffon mauos prolty and simple evenIng - Ing gowns. The honrlotta cloth Is bv many preferred to cashmere on account of Its silky luster , which makes it liurmoulio with the silk muslin. Contrasts of color are sought after In those toilets. The "Housomala" waist Is a favoritn choice for gingham , chambray and bails to dresses. It is gathered at the neck and at the waist line , and 5s made up without a lin ing , which adds much to Its possibilities for comfort and to the probability of its launder ing satisfactorily. A pretty now stvlo of arranging the front hair is the pointed fringe. It has a touch of FroncL'llko style which gives a becoming piquancy to some countenances. With tbo pointed fringe the hair tuny bo arranged in the back In twists and coils and entirely away from the nock , leaving It quito freo. Tbo prettiest bracelet of tbo season thus far is a most startling and original combina tion of dull g ° ld and bright sllvor. The bracelet Is iu largo llnKs and each link con sists alternately of gold and of silver. Tbo padlock Is gold upon ono sldo and sllvnr upon the other. The loop of tbo padlock is of gold. Quantities of ribbon are used everywhere. It is tied upon the shoulders In upright bows ; It girdles the wnlst , or may bo made Into a great rosette , which Is sewed lust below the back of the neck , tbo ends falling to the bom of the dross. This is the "follow mo laO style , " which Is. however , too flippant per haps for dfdssos lor serious occasions. A droll shape fur n child's or young girl's hat Is a sugar loaf shape of flexible Una straw , llko a dinner cup with the top bant over. This It in colored straw anil U to bo drawn oi-or tbo crown of a sailor hat and n scarf tied around with ends hanuliur. It lomlndiono of the way the striped silk Sorrento caps are pulled over the crowns of straw hats und full on the sldo with pictur esque effect. A new Idea In summer millinery reported f rum Paris is to tie the strings low at ono sldo of the Knot or braid of hair instead ol under the chin. It 1s a much cooler and moro comfortable urrangoinont for warm tvnatbor than tuu usual ono a revival of an old style that will bo welcomed bv women \\iih rounded cheeks and rounded proll'.o. ' If preferred the strings may bJtlod under the hair at the back , though this will not prove us generally becoming. Among the adjuncts of tbo toilette neces sitated by the universal popularity of blouse Uodiccs are girdles and bulls , some of wbtcb are madB of ollk with silver trimmings , others of velvet , line stockinet over rubbei cords , and still other * of finest white , gray or black kid with sliver or "rollcd-gola" clasps. The dollcato kid bolts are extremely neat and attractive. Units of coin and metal rings uro still soon , also thoio fanning a straight unbroken band. The latest vagary of the girl who llkos to adorn horsclf with masculine equipments Is in the trimming of lipr night drosses. No Muttering rlbnous coullnlnp the wulsis , no butterfly bovvs maUIng pay the ucck , wouli : satisfy this young person and she now rojolces In a ROVVU of tlno whlto linen falling - ing straight nnd luckless from the neck , fastened up tbo front in severe , sbirtUUo. style , and tied about the ueck with a soft cravat knotted In four-lu-uuad fashion. MOTHER AND .MONEYMAKER Further Consideration of thoQaoation of the Married Woman aa a Wago-Eartnr. ONE EFFECT ENTIRELY DZUSHTFUL s tlio Wnmin'ft Indlrlilunlltr iToy nf rrrunlnry In'ilrppmlniiro Itut Ilutlm nf Wlfohimd unit KcspniiftlbUlttcH ofMotli- orhootl Ilnvo 1'rlinnry Clnlms. There is ono sldo 10 this question ot the earning of money by marrlod women , wdlch , tnkou by Itself , without regard to the cfTootn wo have boon considering , is entirely delight ful Its ofToot , upon herself. The woman who has never possessed money of her own earning has mlssod n great bnpplnoss. The depressing fooling of dependence - pondonco under which many girls and women sufTor Is crushing In many ways to their growth , and to the woman who once achieves Independence comes an expansion of soul , n breadth of vlow , a mental freedom sue never know or Imagined. For the first iiuio In her llfo she realizes that she too Is nu individual with the abilitv and tbo rlclit to rogulalo her conduct according to her own- Judgment nnd to grow broader , dcopor , truer nt her will. Thorn Is one consideration which a woman must tnno into account in settling the ques tion of her duty and her worK. Stio has'a responsibility in regard to horsoU as well as to her husband ana her family. If a decided talent Is glvon to her , for writing , painting or music , for example , It is surely her duty to cultivate and use It for the benolU of her follow creatures , nnd her own growth. How Is she to roullzo these conlllctiug do- mandsl Simply thus : she Is to tnuo inain one by one. Una by ono thy duties watt thoo. Lot thy wliolo MrotiiUli go to cnoh. \Viiiiiiii' ! Noblest Work. The woman who marries , doilboratoly or thoughtlessly as the oasu may bo , assumes the duties of wife and mother , and those have tlio first claim upon hor. If she had resisted the temptation to uiuko und enjoy a homo , her art might have boon her ilrst Interest , but having done other' WEO ! U must bo second or even tnlrd in her llfo. This is her own act , and n young woman who fools deeply possessed of a solemn purpose should ponder wall and act wisely In choosing her course. I hold that bringing n family of children to honest und honorable man and womdnhood , to Dlcss the world by their presence In it , is the tioblost thing n human being man or woman can nccompllib , but I am equally convinced that this great work Is not glvon to ovcryono to do , nnd to undertake It and not to reach that end plants in the heart a sorrow ana remorse that nothing can heal. But the wlfo and mother need not despair , nor even regret , If she will only remember and realize two or throe things. First , that children grow up nil too fast for the mother who Is absorbed In thorn. Secondly , that when they nro grown tnoro will oo a long stretch of qiiiot working years botoro the woman who has Doon careful not to wonr hoi-solf out in the motherhood porlod. Thirdly , that while she Is getting into years it Is also true that the years are get ting into her , and If she will but wait with patlonco and hope , the rloh experience , the ripened character she will bring to her work , will be the greatest help iu her endeavors. All that she could have achieved it she bad glvon her yonth to It is possible to her , though she is not free till her youth Is past alwavs provided she has passed her youth wisely. Youth nt Fifty. It Is difficult for a young wife and mother , busy from morning till night in household affairs , to appreciate the fact that hers is but n transitory state. A mother at 30 , with four or flvo children on hnr hands , can hardly realize that at 50 her baby will be of age , and years before that tlmo she will bo com paratively free from cnro of him. Nor can she contemplate a half uontury of llfo wl'.h cheerfulness and hope ; that seems so oldl What Is left of llfo nftor ono Is 50 ! Dear soul I almost ovary thing that llfo over offered is , at CO , before the woman who has kept her heart young and her soul facul ties bright. And what is passed is that which sno has enjoyed youth , love nnd motherhood. Havme' enriched her llfo with these exporlonccs , she can now devote Her self to her talent , whatever It bo. But hero wo nro mot by the query , how can ono begin at.VII 1 did not say she could bogln ; sno should rnako her start in youth , and wbllo holding her doslro In abeyance to more pressing duties , should never lese sight of it. Fnr example , to show exactly what I moan , suppose that a woman fools a positive "Inclination and declination of the magnolia needle within hor" convincing bor that writing Is bor talent. All through tbo busy years of her nursery llfo , lot her not forgot It , nor mourn that she cannot develop It. On the contrary , lot bor sot it llko a star In her heavens as a goal ; yet "whon my children are grown I snail write" bo bor watchword und her hope. Meanwhile she should take every possible moans to prepare herself for that time , neither weakening her mental force by in discriminate novel reading nor wasting her opportunities in fancy work , but taking care that ovflry moment of lotsure , every recrea tion and every work tend to that distant but shining end , nnd gradually , as she has tlmo , storing her mind with wisdom , Keep the Heart Vonntr. The woman with this great bopo should never neglect the occasional practice of her pen ; if it bo only in curofully constructed letters she may get some practice in composi tion every week of her llfo , every day would bo hotter. If she will faithfully write her experiences , her emotions , everything that cornos to her from day to any , she will not only secure invaluable practice , but accumu late a stock of available "material" for the time when her day arrives. Above everything she must keep her heart young and her Intoroit in lifn and in people fresh. Not only this , but what is almost moro Important , keep her health good by novur overtaxing or abusing it In any \vtw. While mother duties are pressing she should never undertake moro , whotbor it bo char itable , or oburcb , or any outside work. To the end ot keeping herself in good con dition , she should provide for a change uf air and scone occasionally. She must learn not to worry or fret , though circumstances are not to bor mind , not to bo put out by little things , in a word to "tako llfo easy. " Then ai her cbildron ono by ono marry or go out into the world , and even bor babv cots to bo a big schoolboy or girl , more leisure will como to her , nnd soinb years before shn is 50 stio will bo able to glvo a * much time as Is profitable to hot chosen work. The same cour o is open to the lover of art , if sio will always ttoop up her interest ana her study , and barely enough practice to "koap her hand In " The I.ltllu rruullcunml the Hlg luult . A young woman with considerable talent nnd a great love of art , who was yet swal lowed up by houseful of babies , with Urn. Hod moans and but ono servant to help bor , was wlso enough to keep ono corner of the house , though It was only a fenced off part of the little , for a "painting don , " where on the rnra occasions of an hour's leisure sue could go and work at her chorlshod art. Shu said to mo once : "Ills strange how I fool my power and ability grow when I prtctlco so little I Kvory tlmo I sit down to paint I cun do it bottor. 1 havu some now thought or facility about It. U seems as Uiouuli my brain had boon working at it , wbllo my hunda were uiuy nt other things. ' ' . Ono art seomt to bo un exception to these possibilities smirliip. A mother may , Indeed - deed , bo able to keep up bor practice over the cradle , but the voloo loses its froslinois , wbllo ton mind Is as vigorous und tlio hand in steady as ever , though wo have all hoard of great singers who carried their triumphs far beyond CO. If this is an exception , and I cannot assort that it Is not , then the young woman with the gift of song must choose bor career , whether it shall bo iu her art or in motherhood. Wo Btarted with the question of oarnlcg money , hut the otlior ruwurds of earnest , efforts far outweigh that , comfortable as It may bo. Nu wlfo and mother need be dls- courairod , because it scorns best for hnr to content herself with nursery and homo duties , and to endure such discomfort from needs she ml hl be able by her work to sup ply. If she will but do this with alt bor heart , and bide her time , "all things como in time to htm who can wait. " Otivu THOIIN-B Miu.uit. tiinr-trtmcf. A pilgrim strolled ut llnlonrly dawn , \Vln-ro n rlvor llowi'l \ > t the sna , To w.'itoh the ship * vrfioirtho tldii came In , And BOO n hiit their froUht might bo : noble ship that hml Urnvod the storms Was anchored outslad'Vho bar. Wnllo an unknown Hn { streamed from her mast Untouuhotl by tbo trace ot n star. Near the bin IT was the ruin od ! Wlicro n bustllnt ! oltr had stood. Whom wo.Utli was mined from under hnr hills And was wrought from the vuysldo wood ! II nt the nnvll wns uono from the bloc k Ami tlio wheel of the mill wai still The tununioilt rows worotonautloss , In the city under tlipjJi/11. / There were slsns of better days cone by A church wltu it topnllnn tower. That stood n sentinel uf the ( load In the Kloam of that morning hour : Anil blackened timbers of yours apono Wore cnstlnc their shallows of Kloom ilio pall of death on foMnkim streets That were unshod as the voiceless tomb. And fields tlntlllod on the hillsides stooJ With their vriuto of briar und thorn , Tlmtunoo wore the fields of nodding plumes With tholr Dountlfiil wo.ilth of corn : The rotutwuy la I lie city wns lost. And the fall ot the foot unheard. The only sound on. the misty air Wus tuo pines thattlio sun , breeze stlrrod. The tldo eiuno In and the ship rode In , Well frelzlitcd from ever tno sea , With the wiiies that pauper litbor wrought In u land where her ports nro free ; Her bold wns llllcd'wltn Iron ana stool To an inland city uonslxnbd , That stood In the nlmUo ot towering hills Tlut were tooniln ; wllb wealth unmlnod. The pilgrim asko.l of the in a to on board , Aaliopasjod by arulnul mill , ' 'What pliiedo hits smitten the people here In this city under the hill ? " And the mate replied , with haughty pride , To tlio question the pilgrim made. That the uliiRim that liUd iho city low Was the pestilence ot 1'roo Tr.ido. , ruxi : The worst habit the summer girl gets into is the Paris bathing suit. The wlso minister delays his vacation | until - til the Juno marrlagos are ovor. It is the batlior who comes up with a crab on his too who is hopping wild. It Is the man who buys It , rather than the fly , who gets stuck on the fly paper. Tbo summer girl will contlnuo to out her bathlug suit according to her shapo. It takes more than a sprained arm to keep girls away from the swimming pond. Summer flirtations never amount to any thing , although they cost n great deal. Why go to the country to have n picnic when you can stay homo and have a roast ! During the strawberry festival season the Sunday schools fill up ; so do the small boys. Tbo small boy begins to think of the Fourth of July on time , and has a crack at it in Juno. It Is hard to ramombor that the nights are shortest when tbo weather is too warm to sloop. It isn't safe to sloop on the roof , oven though you've never been addicted to som nambulism. It is better not to malto your vacation too long or people might think you nro taking the gold euro. Even the ndvocatos of the flannel shirt must admit that , after it is washed. It Is a very small affair. * tv The cool tiiaUt that you can sloop Is the ono that the baby chooses to bo wnlkod up and down until daylight. It takes something moro than the annual crop of poisoned ice cream stories to affect the nppotito ottho summer girl. The minister who loves to discourse UDOU the delights of rural surroundings spends'bis own vacation in the capitals of Europe. The man who wrote to his wlfo in the country rtat ho didn't know how to endure thojioat was told to keep tho1 gas turned down and not to play poker at night , This Is to testify tbat-l bavo tested the modlcal properties oflirj J."B. TVIooro's ; Tree of Life remedy tomy obliro satisfaction , nnd can most joartlly recommend it tb- the suf fering and aflllctcd everywhere , to uo all in the above statement. Las.t spring I was suffering from loss of appetite , constipation , etc. , originating' from kidney and liver trouble , ana Ihr.d not used ono bottle tle of this great life remedy until I was croatly roliovcd. My wlfo , also , being at a very critical stage in llfo , was suffering much at time' , by the use of this remedy has boon saved from much suffering and pos sibly from premature death. Our youngest son's health for several years has boon very dollcato , Ho contracted some lung-troublo by tuldng cold with measles , which produced great nervous debility nnd occasional blood- ine of the lungs ; ho has used some four bottles tles of Tree of Llfo , and fools and looks as though now llfo had been glvon him. If you area lUictod , try it. GEO. MILLED Pros. Elder. Box 04 , Carlisle , Iowa. For sale oy all druggists. The Kings ol Specialists. For 27ieare _ the namei of Dra. Belts A BetU haTe been household words ID Ibo nomea of thousands ol people who bate been rescued from tfce J w of dettb through the wou- dirful Ability , tbe matcblets iklll of theie great maatera of medicine and inrgery , wboee kludnesi and bener- olenee , whose geK-sacrlnclng devo tion to the welfare ot tbelr fellow- tttn will ever lire ) n tbe betrta of a grateful ptopla. ' , ' ; NERVOUS , CHRONIC , PRIVATE , BLOOPJ They SKINE.ii SEXUAL , Dis Cure LIVER , ! eases. URINARY , RECTAL AND ALL OHGANIO TRICTUREl m YPH1LIS , . S VMINAL WEAKNESS , PERMATOmmCEA , GONonnfecEA , ENERAU'AND NERVOJ/p DEBILITY , Hydrocele ari'd'arlcocele , Files , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers Ptrmanentljr cured by a method at ooco aaft , certain , palnleti and euo- eenful. Xbe awful effecti ( early vie * 4nd xeeiilve lailulgencci , reiultlng la Ion of nunbooa and premature de cay , quickly and percianrntlr re- llered. CONSULTATION FHKK. Call upon or address wltb itamp , Drs , Bette & Belts , 110 Soutli 14th St. A'.K. Corner Hth nnd Douglai Sti H Insurance' Company's ' Orders , Stock must be sold regardless of price. Everything haste to go as quickly as possible. Clothing at Fire Sale Prices , . MEN'S SUITS. MEN'S ' SUITS $2.50 $ Our line Entire of MEN'S ' SDITS $3.00 $ Men's $1500. Suits MEN'S ' SUITS $4.00 $ go at . Five Dollars. CHILDREN'S SUITS. Children's suits , ages 4 to 13 , 60c. Children's ' suits , ages 4 to 13 , 90c. Privilege of any CHILD'S SUIT in the house at $1.5O , Roys' Knee Pants , lOc , 25c and 35c , usual price 400 , 750 and" $1.00. HATS. Men's fine Derby and Soft Hats , 50c , 75c and $1 , usual price $1.25 , $1.7 and $2.50. MEN'S SHOES. M en's Working Shoes , 59c , 79c and 99c , usua piice $ i , $1.50 and $2. Men's Kangaroo Low Shoes , $1.25 , usual pries § 3. See our Bargain Table of Shoes. Balance 'of Fire Stock Furnishing Goods at One-Fourth Regular Prices. WESTERN CLOTHING CO. , 1317 and 1319 Douglas Street. THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pirn- pies , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Corn- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating arc benefited by taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use-of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. HOME INDUSTRII JSy Purchasing' Goods Made at the Followi cannot find what you want , communicate with \ dealers handle their goods. AWNINGS. I BASKETS. OMAHA TENT AND OMAHA BASKET FAC. AWNING CO. , TORY. Flam. Immmocks. oil n1 Capacity 6000 rcr day rubber clothlnu. Bond far rucklnffboxoB to ord6r catuloKuo. IIIJ Fnrrmm. OtllooBUl Cap.AT , Tol.1775 13REWJ3US. BOXES. OMAHA BOX FACTORY JOHN L. WILKIE , Nailed and DorotalloJ Manufuoturor of paper boxos. Capacity 5.CXW per boxes , Ut.Mury'4 duy. K t OmuUn. TeL JIJ I'.O. cox 855 Avenue. J30IL.15HS. I 13UILDI3HS. WILSON DRAKE. Tubular fluoi , oil and water lanki , brooch- otr , < neot Iron work , ola , IVtU ana I'loroo. OOF l-'KE. KTO , | UAURIAGES. CONSOLIDATED THE OSTERHOUDT. djirliiK W n MfK.O ) COFFEE CO. , Incorporated. Importer ! aid Jobberi , Uepalrlnx on ihort no tice. < 'arrla < i ) pal 1(11 liarnoy Bt , OVKKALLH | PU1NTEUB. REED JOB PRINTING KATZ-NEVINS CO. , CO. , 2(0 ( 1 LUla > . . Ueo Uuliaiaj. FAT FOLKS REDUCED nv DR. SNYDER , THR SUCCIBBFUL OBESITY SPECIALIST Mrs. Etta Mulllcn. More and alter treatment by lr. Snj-do ? A Is well known , ' , to n lanrn numborC of on ) friends , wo hare been utulor the treatment of tr , O.V. . K. nyiler.tliocolobrAteiUpeclMhtor Clilonuu ilnrntlio ISlli of January , 1S . for olioslly. with very KtMlfytng rcaults , as tlio ( olluwlnit otntotnoitl of nctglit niul mofiMiroincnti before anil nftord ) days' trontmculilll slum : lloforc. Aflor. lo . U'oluhtJilJ pounds. ! 5711 potimUi Ofl pcumti Chi > n..Ul inriii-a. . . 41 Imtu > im hichoi ' Wnlst . . .lias ; Inches. . . 45 Imhoi 1.14 Inches lll | > 14) ) Inches , . .411 Indies. . Id Inches ' * 11 llio Ilino wo have ntiomlot to our regular bustnoi * . MilTcred no luconronlonco whatever unit hntoboon Improving otorjr day. Wn would mlvlf nlnll ntctcil with oboslly to write to Dr. Snrtlcr , Wo will bo plo.Minl to nu < ner nil letters of Inquiry where atiuup Is InclosedItleo l.nko ( WIs. ) Tlmoi , April I , ISW. . , PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. . NoRtiurlnit. no Inconrtmlenco , Imrmlrw nml no hn < l . . .reU . strlcIlT vonlMontlkl. l'or circular * and ta . Umo Ul nddroM nltli Co. In nUmpn , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. MoVlckcr's Theatre BldQ. , Clilcnno. IIL Hlcliiirdson Drug Co. , Agis. , Omaha , Neb. N. M , RUDDY , THE ONLY PRACTICAL OPTICIAN L'llii-'onlli 15tli St. . rnrnnmSt. Tlioator. EYES TESTED FJREE Kitted to ru'nody nil dufooH of oyo- , Stool suootaclus of ituar.mtoud mi.Ulty flniului ) . Solid ( Jolil SpoctisKM mil Iyohsni ] , 81 und OocullatN proscription * for glnssos lllloil correctly sumo day us ro.-olvoJ AETIFIOIAL HUMAN EYU3" INSERTED is a whiskey smooth as cream , particularly pleasant to the taste and guaranteed to bo absolutely pure. By reason of its ago and rich quality it is recommended by physi cians to sufferers from lung diseases , heart failure \veakncsssuccecdingLaGrippo. . It has no rival for sideboard use. You may know it by its delicious flavor and the proprietary bottle in which it is served. Call for Cream Pure Rye and take no other. For sale at all first-class drinking places and drug stores. li DALLEMAND & CO. . Chicago. DR. C GEE WO The only lojrMIr Kr.iiluntol Clilnoso pliyjcli | n KlKlit 5iurs' Httulr. Ton ynnrs practical oxpor'- once M Illi nil known illsanxcs. Tronts Kucoomsfiillr nllcliroiilccn OHKlvun up l > y otlior doctors On 11 nnil sco him or wrlto fur question blank Do not think your caio hopolois lioc.iuaa your iloctor tolls you no , but try the ChlnoBO doctor with his now anil wonderful romciHc * . nnilrocolvo now lionollta nnil a ixmnniiGiitcuro whnt otlior doctors cannot u\io. \ llorhs , lloota nnd IMnnttf nUuron [ romcdlos his meillclno * . The world Ida wltnosi. Ono thousand tentlmonlnU In thrco yours' prnctlco. No Injurious ilrcoctlons , no tmrcotlcs , no poison. Hiittonol treatment anil purmunont euro. Following cnaosHUcco3 futly trdatact an ! curoJ , Klvon up by otlior ilcvtora : Tliot. CouKhlln. < Ui llnrncy ntroct. chronlo rhou- inntlHm ( I yours , klilnoy nnd Ilvor trouble * . Thoa. Culvrrt , 12th anil Knrnum ntrceti. general ilulilllty. tnilluostlon , IOH < ot utrungth nnd vltnllty. Took mvdlclno for but xnt no rolluC , M. I * . Anilorion , 1.131 Ciindnn ntraot. catarrh , QHtlnnii and bronchltla of II f teen yours Jtanillii { . Hni forsnlo the following preparoit romoilloi al JI.UO aliotllo. nlr bottlus forfiOO , for the euro of Antliiiiu , Cntnrrh , Sick Huailncho , Initlxoatlon , lllooil I'olaonlni ; , Itlioumitlnin , i'oiuulo vvotknonn. Kltlnuy nuil l.lver Ooiiiidnlnt. No auonlH. bolt ] only by Uulnosu Mcdlclno Co , Capital , ( iOJ.UO ) . Office , 16th and California Sis. , Omaha , Nch In ? Nebraska Factories. If you tits manufacturers as to what