8 THE OMAHA DAILY SATUBDAY , JUNE 18 , 1892. mi i THE ENSATION OF THE SEASON : Great Special Sale of Men's Chev iot and Cassimere Suits at - - They have Arrived and Samples May be Seen in Our Show Windows. The Sale Begins Saturday Morning At 8 O'clock. This is the Greatest Cut in Eine Clothing Ever Attempted in this City. IT In This Lot. Come Eaily MASONIC GRAND OFFICERS "Work of Selecting Grand Lo3go Omsiala Finished at Noon Yesterday. THE FAITHFUL OFFICERS COMMENDED llurltil Service I'rcsontcd Thanked the Local Lexicon fur thn inturtHlnmoitc of Vlnltlnn DoloBiitud rrocoodliiB * of the L.ast bonslon of the Lodge. Bright and early the members of the prana lodge of Masons assembled In the Scottish Kilo room and at 3:30 : Grand Master ( Slaughter declared the lodge ready for busi ness , Grand Chaplain Martin ottering prayer. The election of oulcoM , having boon post poned frora the night aossion , wes flrat In order , the following grand ofllcors holng elected ; Senior warden , John A. Khrhardt of titauton ; Junior warden. H. H. Wilson of Lincoln ; treasurer , Christian Hartnmn of Omutui ; secretary , William H. Uowon of Omaha ; chaplain , Kcv. Uoorgi W. Martin , D.D. , ol Kournoy ; orator , James J. Mclu- tosh of Sidney ; custodian , Leo I * . Cilllatto of Beatrice ; mnralml , Charles J , Phclps of Schuylor ; senior deacon , Monroe C. Stueloof Beatrice ; Junior deacon , John S. Dlnsmorn of Button ; tvlor , Jacob King of I'niillilon. Tlio election completed , Brother Linlrigor on behalf of the Oinulia lodges , presented ttio Imrlul service adopted by the lodges In tills city , tittnii ; that it was necessary that some uniform service should bo mod. With out talcing action the tnuttur wont ever until the uoxt incotlng of the grand lodgo. dm ml Ulllccm IniiUlk'il. The Installation of onlcors then ensued , Uranil M us lor Slaughter calling unon Vast ( iruiid Master Kobort K. French to olllclata ns the Installing olUcer , assisted by 1'ust Uraitd Master Llnlugcr us grand marshal. After all the onlcors had boon Installed and proclamation made by the grand marshal the newly elected grand master , S. V. Davidson , returned thatncs to the grand lodge for the honor coufcrrud upon In in. Ho inked the hearty co-onoruUon of every member to nniUo the now Masonic year bettor than beforo. Without your hearty supunrt , said the grand master , I will bo poworlois to fulfill ttio duties of this hlett ofllco. With your assistance the adminis tration of uftuIra will not bo a failure during the present year. Brother Simmons offered n resolution ex tending the tliunits of the grand lodno to the retiring grand master , Brad Slaughter , which was ado i ) ted by a rising vote. llrolhor Wilson of Lincoln offered n reso lution thanking thoOnmtm lodges for courto- tlos extended during the session of the crnnd lodge and their unflagging hospitality ; adopted li.v n rising vote. 1'ust Grand .Master Llnlngcr. on bnhalf of tbo Omaha lodges , accepted the vote , slating that \vliilo the lodges would have lilted to have done much inoro they \vcro ImndlcapDcd by the num ber of events occurring in the city ut the present time. Ho hoped , liowovoi , to bo able to entertain the grand ledge In u more , gonorou munnor next year. Tlio grand master appointed as a committee to oronuro a sultaulu tojilinonlal for (5rand Sccrutury lioivon , to bo presented at the next mooting of the grand ledge , Brothers Slaughter , Oaldoy and 1'holuj. Olduii Tlmu Ciutuun. I'ntt Grand Muster Ltnlngor , In support ot itatomontu icgardlng old land murks made at yesterday' * Bosnian , slated that he held In his haud a Masonic compllutlor. pnbllslied In 1TD7 which Uo obtained from the library of tbo grand loJgo of England. Ho road ox. corpts from tbo book which were a revelation to many Master Masoiu present. Ho showed \vlmt coitumo prevailed la nuoloiu time * from King bole- moa down , ana made an earnest llvo-rnlnuio talk ubout keeping to the faith of the fathers lu Masonry. Grand Secretary Bowen said that no hed becu ucousod of bavlus pat notions Cassimere Suit , Thoroughly well made and perfect : fitting , Usiiallpolufor $10 $ , It is a good time to buy. We Guarantee tee Goods in every respect. NO SHODDY IN OURS. Come Early Saturday , about certain tiling , and & ° pleadfld to ttio cliurKC , but , the pet notions nail been obtained by roadlnz the records of tbo past. Ho found In none ot the old records the UBO of "worshipful" ns applied In Ne braska to the grand master ol the fraud lodL'e. Ho was not an Innovator , bo said , but a stickler for the old customs that prevailed when Masonry u-oa youni ? . Ho did not believe In attaching the methods of tbo debat ing society to ix lodge of Masons , nndwnilobo rai'ht ( bo called an old fogy It must bo uloiiK the Hues of the past greatness of the groatosu body In the world. Brother 1'holps said ho was glad to know that there were'several brothers In the loJgo who were Ilrm In the faith and thought that Mr. Linlngor bad done Masonry in Nebraska inestimable service by collect ing the records of the atorotlmo and placlnc them at the disposal of the mom- bom of the grand lodgo. The various onlcors having announced that they hud finished the work appointed to bo done , Grand Chaplain Marlin offered tbo following pruyor : "Almighty God , Our rioavonly Father : At this closlnu hour of this grand lodge , wo adore Thee. Wo praise Thee for the blessings bestowed upon "our deliberations , and the great hnrmony that has prevailed , and the .unanimity of spirit exhibited , and now as wo ore to go" forth among the profane , wo nsk for wisdom to bo enabled to do so that the world may bo bettor , and honor and glory bo unto Thoo. Help us , keep us and save us , wo humbly pray now and forever nmoti. " Grandmaster Davidson then according to Masonic custom closed the ledge In form , announcing that the deliber ation of the thiriy-llfth annual session were nt an oiul mi a the grand lodga adjourned with out day. Admission to national onctvmpraont today und tomorrow only 2oc ; Sunday , 8 to 7:30 : p. in. , blggost dixy yot. Iloud program. Reduced rules on till roivda. Who Will l > u Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way will Foil tickets to the democratic convention ono faro for the round trip. Tickets goad going Juno 17 to Juno 21 , returning until July ( t. Remember there Is an electric reading lamp In each berth. Trains leave Union depot , Omaha , 11:30 : a , m. and 7:05 : p. m. , arriv ing in Chicago early next morning. Ticket ollico , 1501 Furnum street. l \ A. NASH , ( J. S. CAUUIKH , Gcn'l Agent. City Ticket Agent. Tlio llciiutiitluu of tliti I'oimsylv.uilu Com- puny For doing things well will draw to Its lines a largo business for the proposed llrst class excursions leaving Chicago for Now York on the fith , Oth and 7th of July on the time of the famous Kovstono express at 10:45 : a. m. Special trains with modern equipment. Rates loss than usual. Tickets goou to return until August 16th. Partloulars will bo given by Luce , iil8 Clark street , Chicago. not rou omc.vao. Tlio Jiichiunlan Club Hereby extends < m invitation to all who doslro to attend the democratic na tional convention to go with them on their apodal train , leaving via the C. & N.V. . Ry. Sunday availing at 7 o'clock , Juno 10 , from the Union dopot. All members of the club and their friends will march from their headquar ters at the I'uxton hotel at 0 o'clock. Faro .for the round trip 811176. The Atlantic hotel , corner Sherman and Van Duron btroots , will bo headquarters while in Chicago. Hates $2.00 per day. Tlio headquarters of the Jaokbonluu club at the Puxton * hotel will bo open today und tomorrow for the accommoda tion and information of all parties Inter ested. Admission to national encampment today and tomorrow only 25o ; Sunday , 3 to 7HO : p , m , , bjggost day yet. Road program. Reduced rates on all roads. Tomorrow's the Openitog of the Tremendous Bankrupt Sale of Stonehill's Millinery. EVERY LADY IN OMAHA SHOULD COME Such nil Oiiportunlty nn Tills Seldom If liver ' Uappoim T ice Sulo Is Ho Great That It Nooda Hut Two Words , COMEQUICK. . TRIMMED HATS. Stonohill's $2.00 hats gout Voc. StQnohill'8 $3.00 hats go at 81.00. Stonoblll's $3.oO hats go at $1.25. Stonohill's $4.00 hats go at $1.1)8. ) Stonohill's $4.50 hats go at $2.25. StonohiU's $5.00 hats go at $2.50. Stonohlll's $0.00 hats go at $2.08. Sonohill's $7.50 hats go at $5.00. His SOo untrimmed shapes , 5o to lOc. Ills Too untrlhimod hats , 25c. His $1.50 untrimmed hats , 50c. His $1.08 untrimmed hats. 08c. Ills very llnost anil.bast , $1.23. Amongst these you will find novelties marked as much ns $4.00. Untrimmed sailors , 15c. FLOWERS. Ills 15c bunch Dowers. 6c. Ills 2oo bunch , lOc. His 30o monturos , 20c. His OOo monluros , 'Me. His 75o monturos , 40c. His $1.00 monturos , 60a. His llnost French monturcs flowers , In cluding the finest und best In thu house , $1.00. All the ribbon will bo sold at half their former prico. Crepe franuaiso marked by C. "A. Stonohill 35o to 5'Jo , in all shades , will go at 15c. This will boa great opportunity for wholesale buyers who need bortlng up before July 4. All on sale at STONEIIILL'S OLD STAND , And at THE BOSTON STORE. N. W. Cowior 10th and Douglas. Admission to national encampment today and tomorrow only 25o ; Sunday , 3 to 7:30. : p. m. , blggoat day yot. Road program. Reduced rates on all roads. VUUIl UXGUKSIUNS 1JAST. , Vlit the AViibimli Ilnc. 1st Cincinnati and return 810.10. For the national prohibition conven tion tliu Wubiish will sell round trip tickets at above rate on Juno 27 and 28. 2d Now Yo k and return $28.75. Loss than half faro. For the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor convention the Wiibash will sell round trip tickets at above rates on Juno 4 , 6 and 0 with oholco of routes via St. Louis or Chicago. 3d Sartitocra and return $80.05. For the National Educational associa tion thoWabish will soil round triit tickets ut above rate July 4 to 10 , with choice of routes via St. Louis or Chlougo. 4th Detroit and return $20.50. , For the Ujptht Young People's union the Wabash will soil round trip tlokats at above rate July 12 and 13 , For tickets , sleeping car accommoda tion and u folder giving lUtd of routes , aide trlpx , cost ot Bamaj with other I'uluublo InformuMon , call at Wabush ollico , 1502 Farnam street , or wrlto Guouaii N. CLAYTON , N.W. P. und Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. I 6.00 [ lie Coat Alone Costs $6 $ , We bought them For 50 cents On the dollar and you can have them for the same , Don't Let the Low Price Scare You , THEY ARE WORTH . $12,00 , , -Comc : Early- Saturday , THE BOSTON STORE' KEEPS ON Sailing Stonehill's ' Bankrupt' Dreai Goads and Silks , at Less Than Half Prioa. AND THE GREAT STOCK OF Corsets , Underwear , Hosiery , Ladles' Waists , lUbljom , Go All Day Tomor row Clean Up to 1O ut Might At Kv n Still Lou. AT THE BOSTON STORE. All Stonohlll'a ladies' summer ven tilated corsets , worth 75c , go at 30c All Stonohiil's Dr. Warner's' French sateen corsets , in black , cream or white , worth $1.00 , go at oOc. All Stonohill's duplex , Dr. Ball's , icnlth , Dr. Warner's corallno and nodol bust corsets from the bankrupt stock , worth up to $1.25 , go at OOc each. OOC. SPECIAL ITEM ! OOC. ON SECOND FLOOR of The Beaten Storo. 100 dozen of Stonohill's ladies' shirt waists , llnost styles , in fancy striped cheviots , box plaited back and front , full jabot down front , black saloons , black" und navy polka dot , fine lawn , line Madras cloth , Norfolk style , all go at OOc. , HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ut The Boston Storo. Ladies' ribbed vests , 4c ; misses' and children's derby ribbed vests , 5c for all sizes. All from Stonohill's stock. 500 ladies' luco trimmed plain bal brlggan vests , lOc ouch ; Stonohill's price 3c. ! ) All the fine lisle thread vests 30o and 40c ; worth up to $1.00. Ladies' pure silk imported- ribbed vests , OOc , worth $1.55. Over 1,000 p.iirs children's lioso go at 80 , lOo , 15c , 2w. Ladies'warranted fast black hose go at OJo , lOc , lee , iioc und 3oc , worth up to 75o a pair. All these harcrains will bo found at THE BOSTON STORE ITSELF , N. W. Gor. 10th and Douglas. Admission tot national encampment today and tomorrow only 2oc ; Sunday , 3 to 7:30 : p. m. , Iblggost day yot. Road program. Reduced rates on all roads. Democratic ) Convention. Chicago und TO turn ono faro for the round trip. TluJ < ots on sale Juno 17 to 21. good to return July 0. Secure tickets and sleeping car accommodations nt ollico of the great Rock Island route , 1002 Furnain struct. CIIAH. KKNKKDY , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. Du BKTOIBI : , City Tkt. & P. A Admission to national oncnmpmont today and tomorrow only 25u ; Sunday , It to 7:30 : p. m. , blggebt any yot. Read program. Reduced rates on all roads. THE BOSTON STORE WILL SELL Stonehill's Bankrupt Gents' Furnishing Stock Tomorrow Very , Very Cheap. RIGHT IN THE' BOSTON STORE. At Prices That Will Malic a Regular Scrntuulo Itoiind the I'urnlshliig Uooili Counters First Goino First Served All 1'lno Goods. Sale ftU day tomorrow and tomorrow night up to 10 o'clock at The Boston Store Itself. All of Stonohill's fine outing shirts , rrmdo In cheviot , madras , oxford and sateens , made with full y < } ko and cut full size , regular price $1.00 to $1.50 , go to morrow at41c each. All of Stonohill's fine outing flannel shirts , that ho sold un to 7oc , go at 25o. All the 11 nest summer outing llunnols from this -bankrupt stock that Ross sold up to $3.50 , go ut SI.25. faTONEHILL'S BANKRUPT SUM- MKR UNDKftWKAR. Stonohill's flno balbrlggan underwear that Bold up to 75c. goes at 2oc. All Stonohill's extra flne colored balbriggan - briggan underwear that sold for up to $1.25 , pees at 33c. All the finest under wear In Stonohill's bankrupt stock , consisting of line lisle thread , natural thread , real French bal brlggan and a largo line of pin strtpo underwear , all go at 50o each , , \vorth four times the prico. All the flno silk Windsor ties go at 15c , former price tiOo. All the line white lawn ties go at 7o a dozen. All the flno white and figured llnon washable four-ln-hand ties that sold up to 33o go at lOa each. All on the counter at TIIH BOSTON STORE , N.V. . cor. 10th and Douclas. Admission to national encampment today and tomorrow only 2oc ; Sunday , 3 to 7:30 : p.m. , biggest day yot. Head program. Reduced rates on all roads. Now York mid Kotiirn. July 4 to 0 one faro for the round trip. Choice 'ol routes from Chicago. Return Uralt August 1C. Call at Chicago cage , Hock Island & Pacific Ry. ticket o tllcii , 1002 Farnam street. CIIAB. KHNNinn' , G. N.'W. P. A. J. L. Du Bnvoian , City Tkt. & P. A. Ilaydon Bros. 3-strinir cabinet grand upright piano , now scale , $167.50. Dr. Culllraorc. oculist. 13j3 building Admission to national encampment today and tomorrow only 2ocj Sunday , 3 to 7:30 : p. in. , biggest day yet. Head program. Reduced rates on all roads. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report PURE 1 / We have secured 250 more suits , The same as those Advertised LAST WEEK , I All sizes , 6 to 14 , at $1 $ $1 $ Come Early SATURDAY. THE PEOPLES' CHOICE. I l flj * y j F 7 1 © CURES fHEUM ? DSH BRIGHTSUISEASE DlABtTES. DROPSY ECZEMA. DISEASES MALARIAl KiDNtYS POISONING. BLAOOLR X50UT. PAXTOH & GAILAGHER , I CHARLES B , PERKINS & CO. Distributing Air'inU lor Omnlia. | hulling Au'ontu , Uo t in , Man * . ERIT WILL WIN. GANFIELD DRESS SHIELD , SALES I 5OOO PAIRS A DAY. CANFIELD RUBBER CO. Ofllcos : HEW YORK , tOHDOH , PARIS , HAHBURQ AHQ VIEHHA. I'ur nlo In Omaha nt Ilio following tturoil TUB MOHSI ! Dliy GOOnS to , N. 1J fAWO.NKH , THE IJOBTON 8TOIII3. KEU-UV , bTlOUll A. CO. 1IAV1JEN IIIIOH. D 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. , . . ikloaoil unnsrr dliatMi. A rignltr / iaii.t in narvoui chronic prlrule. blool. ilrtolDe. ° V5l "lo m I n l ciTllllc t HioVr. U 11111 tioMn * with tb. f reiteit lucce. . . . ocluV - t lo > t i. liu | | loiicr. irpli KRfii > ritu ! Tl etc , Noni l ( or lo.iof vltiil puwtr. . ' , h'i. i MiTl M ! lioniulj i niuiicf. nx or Initruiucnti . nl \ > t norre or unaer. ono > - on l iiitonlu * pr r iio < ) . Coniu litlua ( M/iHrlti ot Lft ) iltal Ira * . OflJe.