Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Good Effects of tlio Bond Election on tlio
Magic Oily.
Hwllt & Co. llngln the Hroctlnn of KxtonslTO
Additions t Tlinlr 1'lnnt The
llondu Dili It-Otlinrft Will
J'ulluur Hull.
Some day * before the Nebraska Central
bond oloctlon TUB BEE predicted that the
passage of llio bonds would remove some of
the restrictions that had heretofore affected
Iho Uvo stock IntoreiU of South Omaha and
tmvc the way for largo additions to
the capacity of the Block yards and
ranking house * . The now * of the
result of the oloctlon had scarcely boon an
nounced whun tlio prediction wns fulfilled ,
yesterday Swift & Co. began worlt on a
urles of Improvements that will double the
ontlro capacity or the plant nnd Increase the
number of employes from 1,100 to 8,000.
Those uro In addition to the Improvements
nlroady under way. At the beginning'of
tlio season the capacity of the house was
800 cattle per any. The improvements bo-
pun this spring represented nn increase of
about ill ) per cent. When the additions
which have now boon determined on nro
completed the capacity will bo from 2,500 to
3,001 ; cattle per day. Tlio hog Hilling ca
pacity will bo increased from 'J.UOO to about
11,500 per day and sheep and calves In pro
Naur HiillflltiB * to lln Krnctoil.
Two additional largo brick buildings will
bo erected to tha same height at
those already built. The shipping
department will bo augmented by
a bullelnff 2.10x114 foot , which will bo
orcotod just south of thn present slaughter
house. The greater part of this building
will bo occupied by shipping coolers , nnd the
bog killing department will occupy between
2Mrty and forty foot at the soiith end.
Another now building will bo erected west
of tbo house track , between the old fertilizer
building and the bog1 killing houso. This 11
now occupied by the Ice house , which will
bo lorn down to muko room for the now
building. The bultdme will bo 170x80 In
area ? About hair br this will bo occupied
by the new fertilizer department. The rest
ot the building will' consist of an engine
room , 4'Jx'JO , and n boiler room 42x80.
The raollvo power will bo increased by the
addition of one 250 horse power onRino mid
eight bailers of 125 Itorso pov/cr ouoli. Addi
tional Ice machines will bo put In to supply
the largo additional cooling capacity of tbo
Ooocl KlftictR of till ) Kluctlun.
The plans for these Improvomenls bavo
been lying on Superintendent Fos
ter's desk for some time , but
the company postponed any dofinllo
action ai It was doubled whether sufllclent
stock could bo obtained to supply such an
Immense establishment as the additional Im
provements contompluied. Tbo passage of
the bonds was tha key to the situation and
as" this was assured it was decided to go
ahead with the work. Superintendent Foster
Is a man who loses no llmo when his mind
is made up and Iho work of preparing for
Iho foundations of the now buildings was
begun yesterday. They will bo pusbod to
completion as rapidly ns possible , anil will
probably ho finished by fall.
The improvements will represent nn addi
tional Investment of $200,0140 and make tbo
plant one the largest cattle killing establish
ments In the world.
Manager llabcock of tbo stock yards wns
Jubilant over the passage ot the bonds and
tbo effect of the { measure upon tbo great
parking Interests of tbo city. "I am
confident , " said ho , "that ibis is only one of
the Improvements that will follow the fuvor-
ublo action of tha people on the bond
proposition. Ttio Nebraska Central schema
solves to a great extent the difilcultlcs In ibu
way of transportnlion nnd railway facilities
that have been nn Incubus upon the develop
ment of our packing Interests.Vitb , th9
cddlllonul territory that wo are enabled to
roaob. through Ibo facilities offered Ihrough
that enterprise wo can got Ibo cattle
nnd the paciccrs will do Iho
rest. Others Ilka Swift & Co.
have been deterred from ( making additional
Investments by Iho fear that they could not
got onouah cattle and now Hint that problem
Is solved I look to see South Orr.aha in second
end placa in a mticti shorter tlrno than ono
would tuinK possible. "
HltiKKcil liy it ( iriuler.
Thomas Nolan of Omaha , who has charga
of the grading gang nt Twenty-third nnd J
streets , wts severely Injured by a club In
the hands of ono of his men Just before -
fore noon yeslerdny. Nolan was on the
grader , when the follow ran up and struck
him in the head with a club. The foreo of
tha blow brought him to the ground and his
shoulder was dislocated by the full. Ho was
taken to Dr. Boll's oflleo , whore his injuries
llmlitlni ; 1'ermlts.
The following building permits were
granted by Inspector Murllold yesterday :
} ' A. Cobu.voltage , Eighteenth and Mll-
rnyiivenno J 003
W. II. I.cmiudy , cottw , Fittronth and
K HtroutH 500
I1. A. HiiKloy , two-story dwelling Thir
teenth and Missouri avenue 1,800
Total $ 2,1K)0 )
Notes uiiil I'or
Mrs. H. C. Wnyland has gene to Idaho on
a three months' visit.
The 0-months-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Stephen Vollz wns liurlod nt Laurel Hill
cemetery yesterday afternoon.
Tbo Kpworlh lengiiu of the Methodist
church gave nn cnjoyablo strawberry ami
ice cream festival iasl evening.
Another case of diphtheria developed yes-
'terday. The lltllo daughter of Thomas
Francis , who lives on Iho alloy belwoon
Twenty-fifth and Twonly-slxlh streets , near
M'stroot , Is very sick with the disease. The
bouse has buun quarantined.
In driving ono of tbo piles for the founda-
, tlons of Swift , & ( Jo.'s now buildings the
workmen struck n water main yesterday
afternoon , The water spouted to'a height
of twenty fcot and Hooded Iho oxcavallons.
The leak was slopped after some difficulty.
Dr. Ulruoy's Catarrh 1'owdor for cold In
head , for sale by all druggists. 50 coats.
The exposition IB open from 10 a in ,
until 10:110 : p. in. Admission , " c.
ji.tst' jt.u.r. trim's.
. . . . . .
riillutlolplilit Hwitta llottoa Hard In nil
J'.url.Morning Unnio.
UOSTOX , Mass. , Juno IT. To the Phillies'
ability to fathom Staloy's curve must bo at
tributed thtlr victory over the Bostons this
afternoon. Weather fair and hot. Attend
ance , 2,011. Score :
Iloitoil 0 001101 0 ' 0 3
Philadelphia & 2042100 * 11
llltti IlOitnn. 10 : Philadelphia. 13. 1'rrorai
Ilnston , 4 : Philadelphia , 0. Knrmul runs : Hus
ton. 2 ; riilludelphl'i , 14. UitUorles : dtnlny
and lloiinul ) Woyhliu' , Cioss and Uleinonta.
The second Kamu between 1'hlladclphla and
Boston was called at iho end of iho fourth
Inning on ucccuut of r.iln. Score : Uoston ,
4 ; I'hllnilolphlu'J.
I'lrrauviio , Pa. , Juno 17. Sbugart's fum-
bio In tbo tenth Inning lot In tno winning run.
Attendance 1.011 , Score !
rittibuM uooQaooaoo-6
Clovolaud 7
lilts : l'ltubnr , V : Olovolund. U. Krrarvi
1'lttsburg , ti Uluvuliiud , n. Karned runs :
I'lttuburir. ! ; Cluvnliind.a ILittterlus : Wood-
cook , Uumbort iiiul Muck : Ouppy and /.humor.
NKW YOIIK. June IT , A thunderstorm
stopped today's gaino between Now Vortc
oud Urooklyn in the eighth. Attondauue ,
3.223. Kcoro :
New York , 0000020 S
lirooklyu 0 1 1 0 0 I 03
KlU : Mnvr York , 4) ) Urooltlyn , 3. Errors :
Now York. 4 : Urooklyn. 0. Kirne : l runs : New
York , 1. llatturlcs ; Ituslo uud Koyle ; Hart
u ud IJallaj.
ST. I ouii , Ma , June IT. Tbo Drowns had
sweet reveoso on the Cluclunatls today and
in tbo proionco of I.100 itpectaiors they took
tbo Urn game they have bpjn able to win
thl * season from Comliky' * men , Score :
Ht. LooU I I I 0 1 0 1 0 0 8
C'loolon tl 020010900 3
UIU : St. LouU , T | Clucluuttl. S. ifrrunt : St.
I/oill , 2 ! Olnolnnntl. 3 , Earned run * . St. TouU ,
1. IluUorlni ! aioason and lluckloy ; Ubam-
borlaln nnd Murphy.
rinnhril thn HrcixrprK.
MIMVJIUKBR , WIs. , Juno IT. Slovens' pitchIng -
Ing was tbo CMISO of the IBrewors * defeat
today , The last two Innings were played in
a fog. Attendance , 800. Score !
MllnnnVco . , . 000 2
Columbus . 9 0 0 I 2 I 0 0
fll IMAUV.
Huii'C.irnod ! ColumbiM , Dj Mllwniikpo , 1 , Two-
tm olilti : WnlMi , Cnmpnii. Abbcr , 2. llomn runs :
llrcckctirlilnv. Saotlllco lilt ! O'Konrko. Double
iilnri ! Wclilno.r to McHnrr lo Knrl ) McClolInn to
Witlnli to llrockiMirldKC. liases on ImllnVnril.2 ! ;
Henry. Twlloliell , 3 ! Ilnrabiirn , O'lloiirko , Ij lly ,
Stolen linsos : Wnnl. McOnrr , Wcldnor , Onmnnii ,
I.nllr , Mr''lollnn. Hlrnck out : Henry. Twltciiell.
I'niKi-il liftllil Donoliuo , 1. Tlmo : Una hour and
nitr iiilnulc'9. Uinplra :
Htnto I.nnguu
s'nr. Nob. , Juno IT. ( Special Tola-
gram to Tun BKE.J Beatrice shut the Cot
ton Picker * out today on the homo grounds
In a well played gamo. The crowd that
turned out was ono of the largest this
scaion , and very enthusiastic. This Is the
Hrst game Kearney hm lost this week , nnd
she is confident of winning tomorrow.
Score :
Kanrnov . 000000000 0
iiuutricb . o o
llatturlos : Kearney , Ciistuno nnd Tear ;
Ileiitrlcc , Hlaelj and June * Karned runs :
llutitrlcc , S. UIU : Kearney , U : lleitrlco. 8.
Three bise lilts ! llolohiin. Luft on basns :
Koarncy. 4 : Itentrlce. : i. Time ( if uaino : One
hoin and thirty-five mlnutrs. Umpire : I'ul-
UiiANO ISIANO , Neb. , Juno IT. tSpecial
Telegram to Tim Dr.u. ] Platismouth put up
n pretty good gouio today , but the Sugar
Cltys played boiler. I'arvin , PlnUsmouth'- )
now plioher , did well. The game was close
and Interesting from tbo beginning. Score :
Oranil hlnnd . 0 200123UO-8
I'lattsiiunitli . 5
Iliilterlcs : Grand Island , IIiilTor and Honily ;
PlaitHiimlith. I'.irrln umf Miiupln. lilts :
Grand Island. Hi I'hittsinouUi , 7. Errors :
Ui-.iml la'and ' , II ; Platlitnoiith. U.
Ilontrlco 20 U ; i.9Kuarnoy ! | H 17 30.3
( irnnil Ivlanil. . 19 II G.1.3 Kromont 1117 U'l.l :
10 H 63.3 IMnttamoiith . . 'J 21 50.0
rromlnout I/yons.
Lifjxs , Nob. , Juno 17. [ Special to Tun
BEI : . | Great propnratlous nro bolnc made
for tno races uoxt wcok. The mlle klto-
ebapcd track H in line condition nnd old
borsomcn any the track la ono of the best in
the wost. The domnnd for moro atnll room
baa been so great that Ibo nsaoclatlon Uis
built sovonty-llvo now boplhs. Horses are
hero from all parts of the watt. O.V. . I'lck-
nrd of Ornnha la here with three hofso ,
t'rido , JTamo and Grond.v.V. . . E. Lnko of
Omai-n ciimo In yesterday with some line
horses , D.ivy B , b. s. , Buz mont and Diva
Uail.V. . \V. Porter of Denver has entered
Muintunah nnd Orplinn Girl. A. L. Ucodor
of Denver has some line horses on Imnu :
Liocan Mac , ! i:20 : > : Jim Dunn. 3:2(5 : ( > tf ; Hun
Uolu , Si3'J | < . II. B. Allen of Waterloo , la. ,
has cntoroil the followinR horses that have
moJo u record : Hlchard Jay. 3 yours , 2iij : :
Efsinoro , U ; years ; Olivette , a years , 'J:3a : f.
Ono hundred head will nrrlvo hero tnia ovon-
uifi from Tekamab. There will bo " 00 fast
horses hero. _
TcUunr.lll's Trotting.
TCKAMAII , Neb. , Juno 17. [ Special Telo-
cram to Tnc BIR. ] Today's program ro
suited :
Si.i trot :
Uluiul Almont . 22111
Dusty lluols . 1 1 2 2 2
UnrrfoU . a 3333
Nnrncttii. ilr. : Dr. Valerius , dr.
Tlnui : i:47 . 2M4. a:37l'i. 2it . 2:33.
I'roo-for-iill trot : ,
.liiy Uuldwoll .
Idiivuii . 222
Lopnn It . 3 ( lit
Time : _ ' : ; : 2:29 ; 2liO. :
si'Aitics or STOUT.
Ityiiu ml the Fiifiiicr nut In.
Tommy Uyan , the champion nroltorwoight ,
got , in from Chicago yesterday in company
with Ills trainorFarnjer Burns. Their llrst
stopping plucowas Tin : Ban ofllco. Hyan is
a likely loaning younir follow , \vith ll ht
stlcliii ( ? out all over him , his nppoaranco
isasulllclontcuaranty that the local fancy are
destinud to sco ono of the prontust mills over
fought here , when ho and 'Jack Willtos coma
toKotlicr at South Omaha , on Saturday oyon-
me , July 30.
Hyan will spend the next day or two in
looking up a suitable plncn to train , and
when this is found will KO at It immoiliatolv.
Tbo nportlni ; editor of TUB Bia : holds $500
forfalt , from each man and the linol deoosit
of the balance of tbo $2,000 is to be made on
or before July 15. In addition to thlsstako
tbo men will contest for a f 1,500 tiurso.
HASTIXHS , Nob. , Juno 17. Special Tele-
Rram to Tin : BISK. ] Tbo Hustin branch of
tbo Loa uo of American Wlioolmon gave to
day a sonoi of rauos at Cou'a park to help
defray the expunsos of ontortainlng thostaio
division at the annual meet to bo hold here
July nnd 5. The lirst race , ono mlle safety two In tbroo , was won by Hollln ICIrby lu
1:20 : and ! 1S3. Tbo ono mihi ordinary was
won by Burton In two straight. A ono mlle
against pace maliors wai made by Br&ckon-
ridge In 3:1 : 1. Tills time in all the rncoi can
bo exceeded aorornl seconds , but today the
boys did not evidently wish to push thorn-
selves much.
Stopped Itlio
, Ind , , Juno 17. A special to
the Now * from Portland , Ind. , snys : A
largo crowd of sports witnessed a prlzo light
this morning for a pitrnu of $100 nnd gate ro-
colnts between Jack Conloy of IndlanapollB
and Hnnk O'Brien of Strcator , III. , champion
wolter-wolBht of Illinois. After four rounds
of fierce fighting the battle was dnclnrml a
draw bocuuio Conloy struck O'Brien while
ho was down. Conloy would undoubtedly
bavo won had tlio light not bpun siopuod.
The uieti weighed uDout. 155 pounds each.
Tlio ArlUtH oltlio dm.
Harry Syiumos and Lloutonaut Arrasmtth
will play a match yiuno ot bllllarda , eight-
Inch balk line , at HornborgoM now billiard
parlor.H this avonliiK.
Tom Hayes , the champion of the Pacific
coast , and L. M. Starkoy , rv local export ,
xvlll play a match Riuno of pool at Twentieth
nnd Ctimlnt ; utroou this
Mr * . L. U. I'tttlon , HooKfard , III , , wrltoi :
" 1-rom pdrdouuloxporlonci ) I can roeoinuiond
Dowltt'a Sartuparilla , a CUM for Impure
blooa aud general doDillty. "
Tliu 1'rlikv Am iti'iiri.
The Forest Hills , who are under 15 hereby
challenge the BurUstroot Clipper * to a KHIHO
of ball to bo played on the High school
grounds thU nfiuraoou.
The Onmtm Athletic club nnd the Hich
bi. ° it100.1 " ) ivin wl" Pitty ut Sportaman'u park
thla afternoon uv ! I o'clock.
, , Wr. Blrney's Catarrh I'oudnr for tonsll-
Itu. t or sale by nil druggist * . 50 cents.
liiteriintluinil lloat ll.iru . I'robiUile.
Noiiwu-ii , Conn. , Juno 17. In case Yale
wins the boat race with Harvard , H I * probable -
able that au International ruse will bo arranged -
ranged with Oxford.
DoWitt'i Sawaparesa cieaiucu thei clood ,
Incroiim thoappnltaad toiiii up tlia ya
join. It hti ujtiolUto-i miy pjaplowho
havonuiTorod from blooa UhorJori. U will
help you ,
Go to tlio oxposltlon nnj hoe Imw the
goods you uuy uro Admission , f6a
Boys' Wash Suits
Ponnngs nnd porcnlos , nil good dnrk
styles , 2 } yonrs to 10 yours ,
$2.75 Suit.
Others bolter , So , $4 nnd $5 : nil per
fectly wnahnblo colors.
All Wool Jersey Suits
Which wo 1mvo sold for from 95 to
$0 , Saturday only
$3.OO Suit.
All Wool Kilt Suits
Formerly sold for 85 , $0 and $7 ; all
Saturday tor only
_ $2.50. _
Boys' Two Piece Suits
Good styles , splendid intitoriuls , worth
double ,
$1.50 Suit.
Other qualities , 82. 3'J.oO , S3 nnd $4.
Boys' Percale Waists
Have boon sold for 75c , 31 and SI. 25 ;
your choice for only
59 Cents.
Unlaunderecl Waists
Stripes , checks nnd neat patterns , all
worth u third more , Saturday
39 Cents.
A ball and bat given ith
every suit of clothes bought. '
several oalloLs and lucn , if ho fails to.dc-
volop signilicant outside strength , Morrison
shall bo ushered into the political arena and
likewise receive the unanimous vnto * of Illi
nois for a couple of ballots. This is to bo
continued until each candidate has hud a
fair show , so that there may bo no harsh
feeling left to embitter the campaign.
Hon. Joseph M. I'ftgo of the Twelfth Illi
nois district said : "I thlnlc neither Cleve
land nor Hill should bo nomlnutcd.'bocauso I
do not believe either could carry New York.
In my opinion it would bo wise to hoist the
Palmer banner and lead oft by Riving him
the solid support of the stale of Illinois as
the convention intended wo should , In case
Cleveland's nomination should nppoar Inox-
poJIout , us It certainly does since the May
convention. No man can como into a tlomo-
cr.itlc national convention ns n boltor. If wo
give Palmer our loyal mid constant support
1 believe wo can nominate him. "
The Illinois delegation will meet Informally
mally tomorrow night to discuss the presi
dential situation.
ii.viiit.s : : AT OUTS.
DCHlro for IMncos of Authority Promises a
Split In Local llnnki
There is a very lively llttlo row In the
camp of the pooplo's independent party in
Omaha. It appears to bo a case of jealousy
moro than anything olso.
Mr. J. Joffcoat Is chairman of the county
central committee and In attending to tha
dutlos of that oftico ho brooks no usurptlon
of his prerogatives on the part of anybody.
Of late Mr. Joffcoat has become convinced
tbat there was a systematic effort on the
part of some of the loaders of the party In
Omaha to push him Into an obacuro corner
ana glvo him only the crumbs of the real
honor that should by right fall to ono occupy
ing tlio position of chairman of the central
committee of his party in the great county of
Mr. Joffcoat has boon grieved , so the story
runs , by a number "of things that have hap
pened , aud particularly was ho hurt when
Chnli man Tuubonocic of the national committee -
too deputized Mr. V. O. Strlcklor to look after
iho affairs of the national commltteo connected
with the national convention until such
tlmo as the chairman himself could arrive
and nssumo command. This was a plain in-
dioatlon to Mr. Joftcoat that the loaders
mount to shelve him. and ho did not propose
to ba shelved If ho could help himself.
Mr. JelTcoat called a nicotine nf the county
central committee to see If something could
not bo done to glvo him moro power and to
authorize him to appoint u few moro com
mittees or turn some sort of awhool that
would Indicate to the national committee
that the county control commlttoo nf Doug
las county did not propose to bo lunorod
the great convention rapidly approaching
The commltteo ulscussed the maltor for
some time but took no dollnlto action. Several
oral members of the commlttoo are with Mr.
Joffcoat in the light. Tiioy charge that Mr.
Strloklor and others who nro not In places of
authority In tbo local commlttoo nro doing nil
they can to usurp the authority that right
fully belongs to the ofllcora ot the local cow-
Said tA losal independent ! "Tnklnsr It all
In all the arrangements being1 made for the
Independent parly convention have seemed
to roijulro tbo nppolntmont of more coimnlt-
toes tbiin any six traUinrliijrs ever hold in
Oinnhn. Kvory wcok there Is ft mooting nt
which somebody wants u now corps ot com-
mlileos appointed. If this Is kept up a liitlo
longer there will not bQ an available man In
Omaha who has not boon appointed on no mo
of thuso committee * . It Is foil rod oy some
thatthn commltloos will bo trampling over
each 6tlior. and will not got a * much ac
complished as they would If there were
fewer of them , unit each commlttoo had a
definite work to parforni. "
Altrra Lime Drawn Out Uonvv 0oa Tliulr
TluKut U Completed.
WICHITA , ICan. , Juuo 17. In the Indopond-
entbtato convention ywiorday the nomina
tion of the balauco of the candidates dragged
alone all the afternoon andovonlng , Van U.
Pralhor WM nominated for auditor , W. H.
Illddlo for tronuror , II. N. Oalni for aupor-
lutendeutof publlo Instruction , aud Judco
Slepuon H. Allou for uioclato Juittco ot the
Summer weight fliumol NEGLIOEK
SII1UTS , slightly soiled , which wo
hiivo sold for Siljlo ,
Saturday and '
Saturday night ,
First lloor. '
Fine whlto plalttjd DUKSS SHIRTS ,
reel , Just iho thin ; , ' for summer wear ,
soldall , nlotiR by us for Sl.CO ,
Saturday and
Saturday night ,
Fancy striped BALB1UGGAN UO5E ,
our 2oe quality- , .
Saturday and ! pL *
Saturday night ,
with silk stripe , worth 31.60 and S2.1.0 .
today ,
Saturday an'd
Saturday night ,
Now styles in Hue lljrht SILK SCARFS
such as you pay 25o for everywhere ,
Saturday and |
Saturday night- |
Boys'and'Men's PERCALE SHIRTS ,
laundered , sifjhtly soiiod ,
Saturday and
Saturday night ,
't5UvB ti peed MUSLIN
5Oc NIGHT SHIR1 , neatly
.trinimed , strong1 , sor-
DKRWBAR , such as you uro asked
Too for ,
Saturday and
Saturday niglif ,
This ' ular store.
Everybody saves money by
buying here.
supreme court. The latter nomination was a
knock-out blow for the fuslonlsts , who pro- '
sontcd Judge John Martin , a straight douio- ( '
crut. Ho wns defeated by a bii ? majority.
Af or their .dof6at.oa th'i rQmiiiatiqn.of ) < i
candidatoforasso/fmto / { jisticts of tlio iupromo
court the fusionUts nile no fiirthoi- effort
and W. L , . Harris , < a sfralcbt farmers nlll-
nnco man. was nomirmfeJ for congressman-
nt-loreo by iimilnmutlqii. Harris is an ox-
confeilornto attl ( was a democrat before
fore ho Joined the iilliiui'co. His homo Is in
I.eavenworth county , whoroho owns u ranch.
Tlio nomination ot concrossman-at-largo was
, bo last business * ueforo the convention ,
which at 1 a. in. uOJuuined sino ulo.
In Convention They Ueiolvo lor l > 'reo Jlull
Ilitllvury lu VllliiBi'H.
CEDAU RAPIDS la. , Juno 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE.Tho ] "Linn republican
convention was hola at Aiarion today. The del
egates to thcstato convention are : Smith ,
E. C. Barber , L. St Motchant , J. C. UrecK-
smlt , Jnraos Yulll , Jamei Morton , W. A. Ful-
Itorsoii , William King. H. II. Jones , S. VV.
Uuthburn , W. S. Grimths , L. M. Hupcrt ,
W. G. Thompson , J. A. Rupert ,
William Smith , Thomas Mason , A. T.
Crosby , Charles Durns , J. S. Hudson ,
Gcorgo Burnsides , George Andrews , Thomas
Abbey , William Bel ) , John B. Scott. Dele
gates to the congressional convention uro
George A. Lincoln , James A. BromwellWil
liam G. Thomson , Mlle Smith , Gcorgo Noble ,
James Smith , H. O. Kurtz , Dr. J. 1) . Robin-
sou , A. J. Donaldson , S. B. Mills , C. A. Hus
ton , W. K. Smith , O. L. Martin , Henry
Neltert , Charles Birdsoll , U. L. Uastlo , Alex
Terrence , Uoorgo L. Durno.
The lollowing resolutions were adopted :
Whereas' . Mini county will present to the
coming stutu convention a candidate for nomi
nation for oloutor-ut-hirRc , therefore bolt
Kcsolvud , That the delegates from Linn
county bo and urn hereby Instructed to pre-
80lit the niiino of Hon. I ) , K Voorhls un : i 0:111- :
dlilate for nocnlniitloii for uluutor-at-lar e ,
and to UKO all honor.iblo moans to douuro his
niinilnatUin. ,
Hosdlvud. That the delegates present at
both state mid congressional convuntlons be
Instructed to cast the ontlro vote of the
Itrsolvud. That the dolosatcs from I.lnn
county to the eoncrejslonal convention he In
structed to use their inlluonco to secure the
passiiK'u ot a. resolution In the eoiiKrosslonal
convention favoring free delivery of the
malts lu villages uud rural districts.
Diruu".s : oAiuxiYr CIIANCKS.
It Is AHSortncl Time 11(1 Is Anxious to rJticcmid
Kx-.S < ) uriitary Illiilnu.
WASiTiNdTox , U. U. , Juno 17. [ Special
Telegram to TUB JJUK.J Tbo name of
Chouncoy M. Dopow has boon very prom
inently montloncd = ln connoctlon with tbo
vacancy existing < S1' the head of the State
dopattmcnt and'ua boou stated tbat there
In n particular . -rlond of his now in
town who liasn received assurunecs
from htm tlmtr ha would accept
n cablnot posltloiI'lr'Jt were offered him. ben-
ator HtscocU , ho < v'c.Vor , who has Just returned
to town' and wlhd ; rode with Mr. Dopow
Wodnosdtiy nlBlitl"from Syracuse to Now
York , docs not p.t/tTOy stoc't ' In these rumors.
In oDtivorsalloJMviith Tins BBB correspond-
out ho suld : "liuoinot thinU that the matter
1ms reached suohiltetoto as would warrant
any ono in saylnev that the olJleo had boon
offered Mr. Dopoiv''jior ' ' ilo I thlnlc that Mr.
liopow himself y/\s.Jad ; Jbo possibility of Its
bohib' offered hnni.wndor serious considera
tion. If youwuattoo to glvo a good guess I
Tin-nine to SaccVotary Tracy , who wns
present during tho-convorsutlun. Mr. Hlsuoclc
said i "Jjn't that uboul rour Ideal"
" \Voll. " said Mf.-Traoy , "I tblnlc you are
n gnod Ruonacr , "
Mr. Dopow Is coming to Washington to
morrow to eoo his friend , Secretary ICIltms ,
ou business. _ _ _ _ _
I.miclu Taken I'ulk'H 1'liion.
Hiniox , b. D. , June ! T. II. L. Louclci of
this city , viqo prosmer.t cf the National al
liance and editor of the Ruinllst , the ofllcUl
organ of tbo Independent patty In this state ,
has gene to Washington to take charge of
tbo ultniri of the organization , the death of
LL L. 1'olU Imvlint made vacant Ibo oltlco of
president. Mr. Louom , n U sutd , would not
object If hl naino > ere put on the ludo-
poudont tlckot for president.
Hunter u for Holm.
Nmv YOIIK , Juuol7.-Ex-UovornorHausor
of Montana , who Is la tlio city , says the op.
position to both Cleveland and Hill In Now
will probably make H advisable to
J . A 1 L I
For Children.
Fast black cotton , stzca o to 7 } , worth
double the prJco. Suturdny only
lOc Pair.
Ludlcs1 fust black lioso , for Saturday
25 Cents.
Ladles' joMoy rlhbod vests , our 15o
kind , Saturday only
Lidlos' full blottuhcd jersey ribbed
vests , worth 25e , Suturdny only
Ludios' mnco cotton unbleached vests ,
jersey lilting , Suturdny Sou , These
nro the sorts wo huvo sold for 33c nil
For Children.
On Saturday only , all colors , all sizes'
5 Cents.
Childron'8 , colored cotton gloves ,
1O Cents.
Ladies' sillc mitts 23c. No better for
35c olsowhoro.
Ludios' silk undergarments , ribbed ,
low neck mid slcovoloss , pure silk , Sut-
urdaySl.OO , former ] ) rlco ;
Pure silk jersey fitting vests cream
only. osjcoiully ) good vulue for Sl.To ,
Saturday night
The host vuluo for the money , good
reliable goods , all the time at Morse's
"nominate a western man. Ho suggests Go v-
ornor Bolosas acceptable to the silver men.
l.\\\ .
The Supreme Court of Thnt Stuto Ilccldns
That it Is Constitutional.
LVSSINO , Mich. , Juno IT. The suproino
court has rendered a decision sustaining Iho
consiltuU'onality of the Minor election law.
The decision was unanimous. All Iho
points raised \voro fully dlscussod and do-
clded In favor of the constitutionality of the
law. 'i'tio law wns passed by tholnsl demo
cratic legislature and provides for the ohoico
of presidential olnctors by congrosslonal dis
tricts instead of-by the state at largo , as is
Tbo doofftlan will give tbo democrats ton
presidential electors in Michigan. The court
is mndo Up of tbreo republicans and two
ECQV < > ' York Itopiilillcuiu Uutlfy.
Ninv YOIIK , Juno IT. Thioo hundroa mem
bers of Iho republican county commltteo mat
nt the Cirand opera bouse last night. Reso
lutions were adopted approving the action of
the Minneapolis convention and ratifying
the nominations of Harrison and Uald.
Mnssnclinsctta LogUlnturo 1'rorof-iicil.
BOSTON , Mass. , Juno IT. The legislature
was prorogued nt 12:50 : o'clock this morning ,
after un exceedingly lively night session.
Dr. Blrnoy's Catarrn Powder CUM
catarrh. For sale by nil druggists. 53 conti
"Lato to bed and early to rise will shorten
the road to your homo in the skies. " But
early to bedand "Llttlo Eirly Hlsa' , " the
pill that inaitos lifo longer and better and
UiirvcfltliiK Wheat In Kunsns.
WICHITA , Kan. , Juno 17. Tbo wheat har
vest Is In full blast In southern Kansas. The
quality of the grain Is excellent. Reports
from nearly nil poluw Indicate u larger yield
than last year. Corn Is looking well.
Commissioners at European exposition
awarded premiums to Cook's Extra Urv Im
perial Champiguo ' Its delicious boquot
nnd purity.
llnooinmoiiilfil t < > Mnrcy.
JiutSEV CITV , N. J. , .funo 17. Arthur
Stocker , on trial for shooting his wife while
In flagrnnte ciollolo , has been convicted of
murder In tbo second degree with a recom
mendation to tnorcy.
Visit' the minufncturora ! exposition.
Thrown from Tliotr llnccy.
AVOOA. In. , Juno 17. ( Special Telegram
to Tun BBB. ] Chris Bruono nnd wife were
tin own froci their buirey during a runaway
today and seriously inlurcd.
Mr. Charles Hosier loft last night for
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brownieo wont to
Chicago last night.
Jnck Morrison and family are ticketed by
the B. & M. for Chicago.
Hon. H. D. A. Wade of Chicago I * visiting
former friends In Omaha.
J. J , Brown and party took the Burlington
last evening foe Konojlm. Wis.
Mrs. Caotain Ayers nnd Mrs. Hodman efFort
Fort Omaha loft by the Burlington yester
day afternoon for Chicago.
Traveling Auditor Solby of the Milwaukee
and Traveling IMsacngor Agent Hopport of
tbo Uock Island nro lu the city.
Hon. D. P. llolfo of Nebraska City U In
the cltv talking politic * nnd making sur
mises on the result of tbo democratic con-
Hon. , WilllomS. Hindoll , Messrs. A. 1C.
Marsh , J. D. Evans and A. J. Mcl'oak of
Uluy county were in the city yesterday , and
called upon TUB Br.i : .
Mr. mid Mrs. Hobort C. Jordan loft on
Tuesday for Annapolis , Md. , where they
will spend the summer with their daughter ,
Mri. Nathan Shelton.
Editor Hyatt of Fremont was In the city
yesterday , llo.liai told hU paper , the Flail ,
which ho has sucoonfully conducted for a
number of years ; It Is understood tbat the
policy of .the paper will hereafter bo demo-
NRW YOIIK , Juuo 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tins BBK. ] 1'eoplo lu the city from Omaha
are ; K M. Cool , Westminister ; J. E. Itlloy.
Savoy H. O.Vyman , Albomarlo ; 1U. .
Mondy , Hoffman ,
Hoiiseliold Items
For which you pay
more for unless
you buy here.
Coffee Pols , lOc ,
Hush Baskets , 6c.
Berry Buskots , 3c.
Doeoratcil Spittoons , S20c.
Whisk Brooms , lOe.
Stnlr Oil Cloth , 7J < x
Rubber Hose , war ran tod. 16c.
Lumoimdo Sots , 7oc.
Sprinkling Pots , ac. )
Gold cdgo" , richly docoratocl ,
worth $0.60 ,
ONLY & 3.5O.
Same style its ubovo [ fm
worth Sl.CO ,
ONLY & 2.
13 pieces , Iliivlhuitl China ,
Bone Dishes , $1.9O dozen.
Toilet Things ,
Cloavor's Soup , lOc.
Ollvo Oil Soup , lOc.
Half pound bur Glycorlno Soup , lOc.
Capo Mnv Sonp. 18c.
4T11 Glycorlno Sonp , 18c.
Croain cucumber 2oc.
French Violet , 25c.
Fronoh Luvondcr , 2oo ,
Shnndon Bolls Soup , 17c.
Kastraan's Alohu , lOc.
Our Dead Air Refriger
ators are Perfect.
They save your tco. Absolutely odorless -
loss Impervious to vormln. Best umdo.
Lowest price. Cull and oxumino.
Thcbo items uro only a , hint as to what
is going on all over our store.
Italian Murderers Strung Up by a Orowd of
Infuriated Laborers.
I'oroinun XPIHOII'M I > ctth : Oulrkly Avenged
by tlio llmploycK of n Orailln 1'lriii
on tlio Monte Cl'lsto Hiiitil Near
Seattle , \VanliIiigtuu.
SEATTI. ! ! , Wash. , Juno t" . A report of a
brutal murder at Smith Brothers' camp on
tbo line of the Monte Crlsto road by Ital
ians , followed by the lynching of the mur
derers , was brought hero last evening. John
A. Nelson , a wbito man , xvho has lived at
Sodro for some tlmo , and who has been In
the employ of Smith Brolho'-s , conlractors ,
was given a position ns foreman ever tbo
Italian laborers on the grade of the Monln
Crlsto road. Tbo statement is made in the
Post-Intolllgonccr that Nelson was attacked
by the Italians , nnd during the light an Iron
bar was driven through his head , killing him
Instantly. The \\blio men nt the camp.num-
boring about sixty , became so enraged ever
the brutal murder that they sdizod the
Italians , and in the presence of 150 of their
countrymen lynched the four. No further
particulars ntivc been received. Iso arrests
have boon made.
Tno Men right with Knives uud Itoth of
Tlicim Killed.
POUSTTH , Mo. , June 17 , As the result of
n feud growinp out of the murder of Shoriit
Williams , John Noltioton uud Richard
Meyer , young men , fought n duel with
knives near 1'rotoiu. Both were fearfully
slashed and died within half tin hour.
Tun Thousand Miw tlio
' , Tenn. , June 17. Joe Wallace ,
the murderer ot Henry Cole , was hanged nt
Jasper this morning In the presence of
10 DIM people. Ho fell ciirht foot , nnd his
neck was broken. Tlio execution was in a
valley surrounded by bills llftcon mllns from
the Jail. The prisoner had taken no food for
two days. Ho was very weak and refused to
Dr. Blrnoy's Catarrh PowaorcurJi uitarrh
For sale by'all druggists. 5'J cants.
Visit the oxposltlon and BOO goods
inanufiuturo < l. Admission. 2 ' )0.
Mr. Joseph Jlcmmorlch
An old snUllcr , canto out of the War grc.itly
enfeebled by'J'Ti > li iil I'errr , nnd niter being
In various hospitals the doctors discharged him
ns Incmnhlo wllh C'oii iiiiiiiluu. | Ho hai
been In poor health since , until ho began to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Immediately lit * cough grew looser ,
an eati ceased , and ho regained Kood Ec
hcaltli. Ho cordially recommends Hood's Bar-
HOOD'S PlLUBeurBlUWturi Conillr Uon by
teitwlnu p rl taltlc > tl u l bo alhntut ry c n l.
Good Styles , $1.50.
Limn Wrappers , $2-50 ,
Challis Wrappers , $6-50.
Worth $6 to $8 ,
Only $3.75.
All made with plaited
waists and bell skirts ; mater
ials , gingham , lawn , silkalinc
and cambric. Your choice for
I Pi
Buy now , and preserve your
overcoats ; furs , dresses , etc. ,
without wrinkling' .
. . Mail Orders
pour in from every quarter. It
pays to send here for goods.
Visiting Strangers
are specially invited to call and
see the largest and most pop
ular store in the we'st.
Open Saturday night till
10 o'clock.
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ;
Chapped Hands , "Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removes aud. Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
If JOH ImvnMnlarla , I'llcn , Blok IIuiul-
uclio , Custlvu Itintuln , Iliinilt AKUO ur
II J our food dues not r-ssllilllillo ,
) wlllcur , tlu'iotp < iiiliU' .
1'rlcu. ! J5u. Olllco. : ill Turk I'Jii , N.
A "vvriuoo "Guorantoa
to Cure KvcrOaso or
Money Unfunded.
Our cure Is pcrmsiiont anil not a pntclila ? up. CMOI
treated Boren T nn iijo bnvonovor teen ijmptom
tinea , Ilrdoscrlblni ; cum fully we can trout you by
runll.iml tro ulTu tlio miiio ilrona imrant o lorura
or refund nil inonur. 1 ho > o wlio profcr to coma liaro
for treatment cnn do noun I no n\\\y\r \ \ \ r llroaj fare
botk waji nJ hotel bllM wlillo linro. If wo fall to euro
W challenge the worUforn cuia that our Mavla
Ucnicdj will not euro , wrllofar partloiil r nnl col
lhfl 7lilonco. In ouriavon jcnn iirmtlca "IHi th
lUulo KenioJr It hn > burn mott illllloull to ov rcoraa
tbo prejudices uualnil iiocnllod ipoclllcj. Hut undo/
ouretrong KUimntou thouinnilf nro Irjtnit lluvl lie
Inccured. iVasunrnntaa to euro or rorund evorr
dollar , ami Mwiiluirj n ninulntlon toprowot , nlw
Bn ncUIIagkliiEof . .OfJOH U | iurfectlr l fa lo nil
wliovllitr/ lre linont , llorotoforo you liars
putting up and pnjlnit out your monojr for dllnironl
ircatmonU. and altlio'iah JTOII iiro"not jot oural no
ono liaj p IJ bnsk your money. Wo will poiltlroly
cureyou. Old , chronic , Uoop eatoJ cai'ji caraillndl
loVldayi. Invonljato our financial lUndlnr , our
reputation a > lmili\r \ i man. Wrlto un for namoi an I
il < lrt'fio of thOJu wn hava curoj who liaro ulvon
pcrmliilontoroforto tlioiu. It eoiti yog only post.
Kf todo tlili. It your nymptimu > > ro ioro tlirout ,
niuuoui patcliciln moiitti , rlioutnatlim In bonot anJ
jolnti.lmlr f ullliiii out , cruptloni on any part ot too
tody , fading of Kongml dcproxlon , pnlii In In n lor
Lonoi. You bare no tint * to woMu. Tnoi * who ura
conitantly taUue mercury and putiu'j , tiouid dli.
tontinualU Conitant moot the a dniai will iiiroly
bring lorrt nnd cntlnir ulcuruln tboonJ. lou't full to
write. All corroipondunco noiit > * alal In plnln en
velope. Wo larito tlio moil rul 1 lineillitutlou ami
wllldoall luouriiuwvrto nU you la It. Addivit ,
COOK UKMBOY _ < 'O. - j innlia. No ) )
Vim uro hnruliy notllloil tlnit tlio following
dinerlbi'il piDrnUcn , < o-wll :
Lot. : . ' , bluiiii ) ' . > . MuL'oiiiilrk'Rn'Klltloii.
lou I , Uund 7. liiouU b , Mut'orinl'ilc'8 ' nild i
Jo'ln7nml R. block P. Mur'uriuluit'H uddltlun.
I.ntlT , Kooili r'Kcoiiil ' ndilltlon. *
l.oifi , liluukT , I'lulnvlow ,
hut I , ll < i"kll , oil- .
. i /i tux lot 21. wetlon 21-11- .
Iliivubiioiiilculiri'd liy ( irilliinneii .N . ' to
| j nul < iiiioi > 8 liy ni.non of tlio c > l trnuu of
itaKimnt witur : upon ttiuNjiiio.
l-iiii urn hnroliy dlrocto , ! to nlinl" ' Bulrt nulij-
nncu within thirty nuyn of the diitu nf thin
notice , or mild nuUaiicniiwIII lionl uled by tint
ulty uiitliurltlu * . mil tliu nxpuiho Ih'irfnf
lovlod un u npeolui ttx : irJiilnst DID | roperty on
WlllOllVHlll IllllsilllCOIIUXUt. . . . . ,
Tlioboanl of pulillo wurlm will liu In uPHslon
on tlio lit day of July , 18'U ' , between thn IICUIM
of onoiiiHVli nt which tltno nn ouportiuilty
will boKlvun you to bo heurd In regard loauld
Chalrmniiof the Uoiiril of i'ubllo Worlti ot
city of Oinnlm. JU-15-10-17-19.