THE OMAHA "DAILY BISK : MONDAY , JUNE 13 , I IN THE PANOPLY OF WAR Omaha Orowdcil with tha Citizen Soldiers of Many States. COMPETITORS IN THE COMING DRILLS Hearty Welcome * i\lemlcil : the Vl ltor Short Kkctchi-i of the C'rark Cninpnnir * ArniiicnmniM rilled ujllt Interest to .Military .Men Now Arrivals. With all the military pomp that nearly 100 companies of the national guard4 of the various states of the union can "muster" up the oncnmmnont of the National Cotnpotlllvo Drill association will open nt the old fair grounds tomorrow. It will bo n grand military tournament anil will continue until Monday , .June "U. Tlio list of the military companies , the de tails or the encampment and everything per taining to the tournatnont'havo , from tlmo to time , been published in Tuu BEG the past few wcolis. The old fair ground * In In now mantle of spring , which has witnessed many attractive sights , will never view anything prettier than the military encampment. There It nu indefinable ! charm nbout n military encamp ment and the present one , wliicU will bo made up ot tbo crack'companies of the various sections of tbe country , will bo richly endowed with everything calculated to please the eye und attract the fancy. The various companies como here for tbo purpose of competition in the different mili tary maneuvers , not for experience , as is the cuso of thonnnunl encampments of tbo Blato militia everywhere. Their praotlco drills nro thorough and urdurous. The whlto tents have all been pitched nnd are ready for occupancy by the blue- coated soldiery. Then the soldier rendezvous will Imvo tlio appearance of a military en campment. Still , thoro' Is ono thing Inciting nnd that Is n nuino for the camp. The guards are conjecturing what name will bo given It. Some nro In laver of calling It Camp Omaha , while others desire another name. This will be decided later. On the Arrival of Compnnlci One of thn features of the opening day wll bo the struct parade. Each company as it arrives nt the Union depot will bo received by a squad of tbo Oinuhu Guards , who will assist and care for the luggage and then escort the visitors to headquarters , pre paratory to the parailo through the principal streets. The companies thnt will arrive today nnd tomorrow will have splendid opportunities for "horso play" In camp until tlio tourn ament opens. Then they will Imvo n check put upon their enloty , ana hucomo EOttlod ilown to the serious icspousibllltlos of their mission ami the contnmplullon of unsatis factory rations. Many pcoplo tinvo no Idea vhat it is to bo In a military camp. This week , however , n good opportunity will bo afforded all to see a military camp as it really Is , not inflicted with the privations and vicissitudes of wur at all , but under the rigid discipline of mili tary government. JUllltlu Strength , , r tlio United State * . There nro now in the United State ? nbout 115.000 enlisted mid commlbsloned militiamen , nnd they , us guards , embody Washington's recommendation to the governors of the original thirteen states , lie suggested the adoption ot n proper pcaco establishment in which caroshould bo taken to place tbo militia throughout tbo union on a proper and efli- clont footing. Washington foresaw the great possibilities of the militia and Its im portance to the country at largo when ho de clared that "the militia must be considered ns the palladium of our security In case of hostility. " The country has passed throuKh the "gen eral muster day" period into tbo present national guard system , although tbo law ro- gordlng "general mUsterday'1 is still on Iho statute bonks , but , as will bo evidenced this weak nt the encampment , tbo ofllcloncy of volunteer military companies has caused the law to bo Ignored , and it will bo scon that many of tuu states can furnish men , in case of war , who will comparn favorably with the regular army organization. Liioutonant Colonel Mulfurd , president of ' the association , believes the 'encampment will bo tbo largest ever bold In the country , lie says that the companies that will bo here this week will assure an encampment thnt will bo a credit to Omaha and an attraction which will bring thousands of visitors to the city , all of whom will leave pleased with what they have scon nnd with nouo but words of pralso for tbo city. 1 The companies thnt will bo here * and which mot the Omaha Guards last year nt Indianapolis have quite a record us prize winners. A few of the records are ns fol lows" : I Some of the Crude Companios. The Branch Guards of St. Louis , Cifptnln A. C. Sinclair , were organized In Juno , 1877 , ns company G. , First roglment , Missouri Na tional guards , nnd have attended regimental and brigade camp ouch year. They have won first prizes In Koodhouso , 111. , in 1855 ; Jack sonville. III. , in 1880 ; Louisville , ICy. , in 1884 : at Jacksonville , 111. . In 1889 ; at St. Louis In 18tS , 1871) ) , 1SS1 and 1SS8 , and tbo llrst prize and Galveston cup at Indianapolis , Ind. , in IS'Jl. ' They took second money at Dubuquo. la. , in 18S2 ; nt Indianapolis , Ind. , in 1SS3 , and second IntcrstiUo at Kansas City in 18110. They were awarded third place at Dubuque in IbSI , at Philadelphia in 1885 , and at Kim- BOS City in tbo maiden class in 18'JO , nnd got the fourth nlaco ut St. Louis in 183' ! , and nt Ualvcston in IgSO. The Bellman Ulflos of San Antonio , Tox. , company B , Thirtieth regiment Texas volun teers. Captain Kobort II. Green , were organ- zed in September , 1884. This company rep resented the state of Texas nt the centennial celebration nt Now York in ISS'J. They have attended state encampments onch year and in addition have won first place at San An tonio In October , 1885 , nt Galveston In July , 1889 , second money at Lampnsav. Tax. , In June , 1885. at Galveston in Juno,18SOnt Aus tin , Tex , , iu 1SSS , and ut Indianapolis , Ind , , In July , Ibill. They also took third prize al Washington , D. C. , In Juno , 1887. The Scnloy lllllos of Galveston , Tox. , com pany C , First roglment Texas volunteers , Captain Worthy Boyd , nro but n few months older limn the Bolknnp HI lies , having ooon organized In May , 1884. Their prize lUt rends as follows : First at Houston. Tex , , In ISbTi ; llrst at Lainpusns , Tex. , In ISSu ; second ntthu same place in 1887 ; second at Galves ton in 1SSU ; third In 1888 ; second In ISS'J at the same place ; second at Paris , Tax. , In 1887 ; second stuto anil third interstate at Austlf , Tex. , in 1889 , mid third money at Indianapolis , Ind. . In 18'Jl. I'rom Fur Oil' ( Jnnr la. The Southern Cadets of Mucon , Ga. , company lany F , Second Goorpla regiment , Captain Kelt Slmms , organized May IB , 1885 , and from that tlmo down to tun present liuvo been bustling ftor the llrst money at all prize drills. Tboy wanted everything in sight at IndlanapolU lust year , and a great many thought they would got it , too , but they didn't talto a thing back to Georgia with them except fourth place and u determina tion tn take the Galveston cup away from the Brunch Guard * in Omaha in ISM. Their lUt ot prizes is n credit to any military com. piny. At Mncon , Go. . In 1887 , tuny got second place , scroad at Nashville , Tonti , , In 1688 , llrst Hi Augusta , Gu. , in 18S9 , two first prizoi at Columbus iu lbS9 , llrst place at Jackson ville , Kla. , in 18'J ; ) , nnd at Maron , Ga. , in the tame your. At Atlanta. Ga. , they did them selves proud mid walked invuy with the llrst ItilerMaio , Htatc , llrst captain and llrst iquaU prtics. Tbo National Fenclbles of Washington. I ) . 0. , Captain C. S. Uomer , have IUKUII first place ut all drill * on their homo grounds , second plnco ut Kansas City In IblK ) , uud fifth place at Indianapolis In Ib'Jl. The McCarthy Light Guard o ( Llttlo Jlock , Ark. , company A , First regiment , Arkansas National guards , were sworn Into Ihotervlco of their statoln January , lbS7. ind since then have each year attended encampments. Under the leadership of JJaptaln J. M. Uungan , they huvo lukon third place ut Galveston , Tox. , in ISbU. aecocul plnco at Atlanta , Ga. , in 18W , oud iixtli place at Indianapolis , Ind , , in Iblll. lv ( | > rt tiitutlvtni , Tbo ChicUusnw Guards of Memphis , Tenn. , company A , Second regiment , National cuardH of the state of Tennessee , Captain Henry Allen , have the distinction of bolng the orlclnulors of prize or compotillvo drills. 'J'ho "Cblcs" were organized In July , Ib74 , and soon after that time , owing1 to the friendly rivalry botwcon the cities of Memphis and Nnshvlllo nnd the frequent bo.nts of the mil itary companies ot tbo two cities , Captain Allen's command arranged for n lories ot drills for the sake of the prize , nnd of deter mining ai to which city hold the bolter com- puny. Slifco thnt tlmo the Ctiicunsaw guards have boon adding some now prize to their list till now it lus usiiimod such gigantic proportions that it it too long for publto.i- tlon. Captain Allen suys tbo "Chics" will bo in it at Omaha this yenr and thnt there will bo another prize added to their belt when ho returns. Unfortunately the Chlcknsuws came In for seventh place ut Indianapolis , nr.dourown Omaha Guards pushing thorn hard for that plnco , but obtaining place No. 8 In thn estimate of tht. Judges of the drills. The Fletcher Ulllos of Llttlo Hook. Ark. , Captain John A. Mitchell , is a private military organization , organizad InJunn , IS'JO , and nrmoil , uniformed nnd supported by Hon. J. G. l < lotchor , wlio t > nnmothoy mojturoudly assume. Indianapolis wus their llrst experi ence In camp ltfo and they were the Iiuppy winners of ninth plnco In the free-for-all class nnd look second money In the maiden drill. drill.The The Dovlln cadets of Jackson , Mich. , Cap tain II , C. Uovltn , was organized in Febru ary. IfaSS , and Is composed of young mon at tending the Dovlin business college nl that placo. This company took second place at tbo stnto drill at Detroit , Mich. , tbo Jackson Guards taking llrst place. At the drill at In dianapolis they captured llrst money In the maiden class nntl will outer In the lutcrJtuto class In Omaha In Ib'J- . raised Through the I.nto War. The Floyd Rifles ot Mncon-Go. , company C , Second regiment , Georgia volunteers , Captain J , L. llardomun , Is ono of the oldest military companies In the United States. It was organized over ilfiy years nito nnd wus in nellvo service for iho con federate govern ment through the Into war , taking part , In many of the battles. The history ol this company would 1111 volumes nnd would maKe chulco rending for soldiers both old and young. Of late years tto rlllos have at tended encampments nt Cumbciland , St. Si mons' , Mncon and Chlciimnugii , Ga. They look the second place at St. Simons' in 1838 and third at the malden drill utlndlannpjlU , Ind. , In 1S01. The Pdgh Vldcttos of Columbas , O. , Com pany A , Fourteenth regiment Ohio National guards , Captain B. G. Bailey , were orcau- Izod In 1877 and have attended the yearly stnto encampment. They had never attended any interstate or national encampment until they wont to Indianapolis , Ind. , Iti IS'Jl , where they entered the maiden class nnd were awarded fourth place. The Avon Klllci of Cincinnati , O. , Captain F. M. Joyce , worn organized as a zouavo com pany in 18S8 and changed into an infantrv company in May , IS'Jl. This company nnd their largo drum nnd buu'lo corps are com posed ot iho college und socletv boys of Cln- clanali , nnd nro iho pride of their city. As they had never been in n prize drill they en tered In the maiden class nt Indianapolis in IS'Jl ' , where , by Iho excellence of their drill , they won for themselves fifth placo. The Lima City Guards of Lima City , O. , company C , Second regiment Ohio National guurds , Captain F. M. Bell , have seen moro of actual service than prize drills and en campments , as they have been called out re peatedly to protect the interests of citizens of their state. Their roorlmont , Iho Second Ohio , National guards , took lint regimental prize nt the centennial encampment at Phila delphia In 1870. In addition to tno regular stale encampments , this company has at tended national cneatr.pinents In Now York , Washington and Cleveland ) nnd in their first contest for a prize in the maiden class in Indianapolis , Ind. , in IS'Jl , they were set down for the sixth place. .Some L'riioVliinors. . Governor's Guards at Indianapolis , Ind. , company E , Second regiment , Indiana Legion. Captain M. ' V. Scott , organized March 17 , ISS'J. have attended state encampments monts at Indianapolis , South Bund and Fort Wayne , Ind. , and t > o far disposed the judges of the maiden drill at the national encampment - mont at Indianapolis In 1839 as to ho given seventh placo. Company A , Second regiment , Indiana Lo- gicn , Captain John Prince , were organized in lbS'3 and have captured prizes us follows : First , at Mobile , Aln. , In 1SS1 ; second at Atlanta - lanta , Ga. . In IbSO , and third at Evatisville , lud. , 18b7 , but were unable to enter the drill nt Indianapolis last year as their former captain had resigned shortlv before the time of the drill. The Aurora Zouarcs of Aurora , III. , Cap tain G A. Hurd , were organized in Septem ber , 1887 , nnd Is composed of representative business mon of that city. They have taken money nt each place they have onlarod tbo competition , having got Ibird money at Kan sas City In 1&90 , flrst in Chicago in Chicago cage In1890. . and llrst at Indianapolis. Ind. , in IS'Jl. Walsh Xoucvesof St. Louis , Mo. , Captain William Heymati , were organized In Juno , 1880 , are named after their patron , Kov. Father Walsh , priest of St. Bridget's church. St. Louis. They have taken llr t prizes nt Austin , Tex. , in 1888 , at Galveston , Tox. , in 1880 , and second place at Kansas City in IS'JO , and Indiaimpoits , Ind. , in ISOl. The Dallas Light Artilory of Dallas , Tex. , Captain A. P. Walzdncraft ; the Ilockvlllo Light Artillery or Kockvlllo , Ind. , Captain F. 1C. Sievenbon ; Iho Dlckason Light Artillery of Danville , 111.Captain Yaogor , and Battery A of St. Louis , Captain F. M. Uumbold , the winners of the llrst , second , third and fourth prizes respectively nt Indianapolis in IS'Jl ' , and iho famous Indianapolis light artillery , Captain James B. Curtis , under whoso auspices the national oncampmbnl was given at Indianapolis last year , have all won prizes at state nnd national drills. Hotter of the Uomniinlcs Present. Yesterday was a busy day for the Omaha Guards who did escort duty for the arriving companion , and Iho ofllccrs at headquarters were also kept busy receiving the troops. Below will bo found a complete roster of the companion now on iho grounds. Dallas Artillery Captain F. V. Blytho , F. A. Logan , S. H. Tabor , F. S. uoborts , W. B. Blowlt , E. S. Eborly. S. M. Hart , II. H. Freeman , C. I. Evans , A. S. Latbrop , M. Logan , M. K. Logan nnd W. V. Nolly. H. Plorco , P. Kogerj. C. Hnoholo , W. Od- wvor. Guests , W. Hoycolds , General G. M. Dovltn , E. C. McLano. Devlin Cadets of Jackson , Mich. Captain , H. C. Dovlin ; flrst lieutenant , G. H. White ; Eocoud lieutenant , W. Stiles ; third lieuten ant , F. M. Nowktrk ; surgeon , F. W. Main ; sergeants , W. Sparks , Charles Frost , B. Illnckloy , B. Davon- Fort , P. Wright ; quartermaster , G. Smith ; 'rlvntes-B. ' Smith , F. Waldo , J. Porter , L. Swluk , E. Nowklrk. U. Boyle. F. Gloss , B. Coltrim , F. Weber , \V. llanna , W. Curtu , F. Kolly. L. Corey , G. D. Sllfor , P. Lock- wood , S. King , J. Dovors , II , Townloy , J. Etchjlls. H. Phillips , C. Sanford - ford , W. Allison , W. Ander son , F. Hilton , E. Thomas , W. Jowoll. Branch Guards , St. Louis Captain , Clnr- once A. Sinclair ; llrst nontenant , Adolph Marks : bccoud lieutenant. Charles II.Cruel : neil ; sergeants. W. S. Uohlnson. A. B. Cruckncll , E. G. Sleeker , Hobcrt C. Fatb , E. H. Lolthagen , Charles Balmer , Jr. ; cor porals , II. Sleeker , A. F. Ittcor , Charles Spechi ; privates , A. Alphonso , G. W. Apple- gate , J. G. Bather , W. S. Brown , C. H. Chauquotto , W. A. Collins , T. P. Carr. O. II. Dodgu , John Durphy , Cbarlos Dur- phy , 11. E. Elder. August Fnzan , J. W. Gerhard , G. W. Holloy , G. B. Jackson , S. P. Jones , H. Krechol , H. H. Kcrone , John Loredon , W. McPhorson. L. B. Nnst , G. A. Noes , G. D. Pottos , W. E. Hansom , II. J , Koynolda , John fjteckur , II. C. Stelninoyor , E. 1' . Somow , C. I. Sullons , W. T. Thompson , E. II. Vasqiuv , H. Voliue- inau. A. H. Woorhcldc. Brauch Guards Guests : Captain C. M. O'Connor ' , Eighth United Stuibs cavalry ; Brigadier General John A. Wlckhum , udju- .tant general of Missouri ; Captain B , E. Smokermim ; Lieutenant B. E. Kroldlor , I'Mrst Missouri In fun try ; Major Uornoro. Governor I' runcls and stair will bo the guests of the Branch Guards during their slay , Chaffco Lleht Artillery , Denver-Captain , U. A. Klncald ; lieutenant , George Dor- stndt ; corporal. C. F. Hollingnboad ; pri vates.W. . D. Hollingshcnd , A. H. Thackor , C.W. Clifton , C. L. Southard , J. A. Slovens. George Crugcr , J. C. Atkinson , K. T.Wilson , Thcodoro Irwln. Fred Uublc , E. IMVorthon , Frank Oroouflold. Cincinnati Light Artillery Captain. Fred J. Herman ; Lieutenant Charles W. Holier. Lieutenant Hlchard Byrnes , Sergeant. ! . L. Hapomoyor , Quartermaster D. F. Agnew Trumpeter K. II. Moollor , Trumpeter F. Grlllo ; Corporal Samuel Smith , Corporal Harry Wilder , Corporal Harry Hudgors ; Privates Bldlock , Bennett , Draper , Dun ham , Duntnp , Flzor , Ganzort , KUsano , Llttlo and Palton , Imll.itmpnllH Unlit Artillery. The IndlannpolU Light Artillery , which Is conceded to bo ono of the Illicit drilled com panies in the country , will arrive iu Omaha iiuout noon and proceed nt once to Iho cnmp. The hlstorv of the battery follows. At the organization thn battery was named the Indianapolis Lltrht Artillery , it nt once secured the services of Lieutenant Hamilton. U. S. A. , for an Instructor. It had made ( such decided progress In drill by the spring of 1SS3 thnt It outcrcd In four classes of contest - test at the encampment of that year. It won n unzo In each drill , which was n powerlul nccntlvo totho members. In the spring of IbSI the battorv was challenged by the Cincinnati Light. Artillery. The mooting took place nt Klchmoud , where a clefMi-cut victory was scored , the Cincin nati iirllllor.vroon falling behind 20 per cent. Just after that drill Captain Johnston re signed. Ho was succeeded by Lieutenant Curtis , who had begun ns n private nnd econ promoted. Lieutenant Curtis had commadod "tbo team" in nil the victorious drills , ao he naturally enough took the captaincy. In 183(1 ( the Llchl Arllllcry entered three drills ut the Lafnyotto encampment and won first prize in each , t-'orhaps no other company over nrndo n similar record in ono week. In 1837 the great national encamp ment at Washington was announced. The mon had been looking forward to a visit to tbo capital nnd were naturally onlhuslastlr , hut had their ardor dampened when informed that iho drill would bo u mounted pintoon , The battery had no horses , but " was soon at work , "and appeared upon the drill Held nt Washington In magnlllconl condition , it carried the day and received llrst prize from the hands of General Sheridan. At Nushvlllo In 1SSS tbo battery again ap peared In tbo south to meat the noted batter ies of that section. This drill was one of great perfection on the part of all competi tors , hut victory once moro parched upon In dianapolis' banners. In IS'JO , at Kansas City , the battery appeared In now territory , nnd before an entirely new sot of judges. Its work was so superior that It easily look llrst place. This closed Its series of drills. In which it won thirioou prizes and never meta a genuine defeat. Its Olllcers. As already moniloncd. the Indianapolis Light Artillery bus made but few changes iu its odlcors. Gcorgo W. Johnston wus the Ih-jt captain , and was succeeded by James B. Curtis in 1831. Captain Curtis has been nu cnthuslaillo artilleryman for years , having always commanded the famous drill team in its victories. There Is n mutual conlldonco oxUtlng between him and his men which gooj a long way toward bringing victory to their banners. In addition to having inado a reputation In military nffuirs , he has also attained cminouco as a lawyer and gained prominence- n politician , having boon twice elected to the general assomhly. Dr. D. A. Thompson , Iho senior llrst lieutenant , has long been an active militiaman and president of the civil organi zation of the Light artillery. Ho Is also ad jutant of the First Hegimoiit artillery. Ho was unanimously elected to his present position to succeed Lieutenant C. L. DoWUt , who served the battery faithfully for several - oral years , but did not romustor on account of business affairs. Dr. Thompson is promi nent in society In Indianapolis , being also recognized as ono of the most promising physicians In Iho stato. Ho has attained eminence ns an oculist , which specialty ho practices in connection with his father. Its Drill TCIIHI. Tbo Omaha drill team of the ballory will bo composed of Captain James B , Curtis , Corporals Edwiird Johnson and James Bos- well , Privates Fred Dletrichs , Thomas Christian , Homer Van Wll , Harry Gallon , Edward Miller , William Myers , Docalur Me Cullister. Charles Garvnrd , Kobort M. Navin , Smith Strlcliland , A. L. Willard. Kchnct from tliu Cnnip Uronml. Several hundred people visited the camp yesterday. TUB BKI : headquarters are In the center of the parade ground. Lieutenant Colonel Mulford commanded the camp last night. The Scaly Hilles of Galveston attracted considerable attention. Secretary Aitchison was the busiest man on the grounds yesterday. Lieutenant Ueod , U. S A. , ono of the judges , arrived yesterday. All of the visillng companies are well pleased with their reception. Governor Boyd and staff will bo present at the opening of the camp today. Captain Ulchards , U. S. A. , commandant of camp , arrived this morning. Will Crary will drive his team of educated buffalos around iho irack Tuesday afternoon. It was a hard tlav's work for the detach ment of O in aim Guards who did escort duty. The Texas boys brought thair overcoats. They thought tuov woula need Ihom in Omaha. Each ofllcor of Iho local executive com mittee wears a handsome palo blue , gold lettered badge. The Omaha Guards have named their com pany street "Cook Avonuo" In honor of High Private Edward Cook. Ilovclllo was sounded yesterday morning at sunrlso and from that tlmo on the calls wcro sounded regularly. The Indianapolis Light Artillery , com manded by Captain Curtis , will arrive at 9:30 : o'clocit this morning. The Bolknap Itllloa , under command ol Captain Green , nttoudod dlvino services at Trinity cathedral yesterday. President Broatch of the Citizens associa tion assisted in receiving the companies which arrived yesterday afternoon. All ot iho fair ladles who are lo act as sponsors for the companies have been requested quested to bo present at the camp at noon today. Captain Domer of the AVushlugton Foncl- blcs telegraphed to association headquar ters yesterday that his command would arrive at 10 a. in. today. The Senly lllllos nro nicely located in "Aitchlson's grove. " The boys would not take their chances at the mois hall , and so brought their Frond' cool ; along. All of iho Second United States infanlry soldiers , now al iho Bollavuo rillo rangu have been ordered to Fort Omaha for dut : during the street purado Tuesdav uvonlng , Mr. A. Dupro , n reporter on the Evening Herald of San Antonio , accompanied tht Bolknap Killus and will lieop the folks a home posted on the company's movements , The Halo /.ouavos will arrive nt 7:20 : o'clock this morning and will bu mat al the depot by u doluchmontof the Omaha Guards and Chief Galllgan with u halt dozou hose companies. George Halo , chief of ino Kan sas Cily tire dopartmonl , aim several mum bors of iho city council will accompany ibo Zouaves. Bencbum'fi Pills for n bad liver. National Kiiraiiiiinoiit | ( irand I'arado. Tuesday , Juro II , 1892. Decorate your buildings FliiRs nnd nil kinds o binning nt Max Meyer & Co.'a. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant ; and refreshing to the tnsto. and nets gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro-i duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many cxccllentqualitics commend it to all and Imvo made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 7Gc bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono wno wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , BAH FKANOISOO , OAL. LOTJISVILUi. KY. NEW YORK. N. Y. A Written Guarantoa to Cure KvorjCnio or Money Uofundod. Our cure Is permanent and nota patchla ? np. Case ! treated Bcven yeara ago have never icon a iyrnptora iloeo. Iy describing case fully we can trout you by mail , anil wo glvo tbe jatno strong guaratfToe to euro or refund all money. Those who prefer to come here fortreatment can do 10 an 1 wo will par railroad far * both ways and hotel bills while here , If weall to cure We challenge the "world for a case that onr Magla itemed ? will not euro , wrlto for particular ! anil KOt thcavldcnce. In our seven years practice with thf Uaclo Remedy It ha been moit difficult to overcome the prejudices ugalnat aocallcd spoclllcs. nut under ouritronr guarantee thousands are trying It and bo Ingcured. We guarantee to euro or refund every dollar , and as wo hare a reputation to protect , also financial backing of 1570,00011 l > perfectly lafe to nil who wll ! try the treatment , Heretofore you have putting up and paying out your money for different treatments , nnd although you nro not yet cured no ono hai paid back your money. Wo will poiltlvoly cure you , Old , chronic , deep Bonto.l caiei cured In 0 } to ! ) ) days. Investigate our llnnnclat itandlnif , our reputation as buslni'n men. Wrlto us for names anJ addrctBoiof these woharo cured who liave glren pennlislontoroferto them. It cost * yon only post- mo to do this. If jotic fjmptoas tro sore throat , mucoui patches la mouth , rheumatism In bones anJ JolntB.lmlr falling out , eruptions on any part of tbo tody.fetllngotgonaral depression , palm la lieajor bonos. You bavono Umato waste. TDosa who ar * constantly taking mercury nnd potash , should dli- continue It. Constant uno of these drugs will surely bring aorca and eating ulcers In tlio end. Don't fall to wrlto. All correspondence sent nealed In plain en- volopo. Wo Invltu theme t rlKU InrostlKatlou and will do all In our povrcrto aid you IB It. Adtlresi , COOK D . B.C. WEST'S NKItVKANDllUAI.VTriKAT- MKNT. a spocltle-for lly.torli. Ulzztnasj , Flti , Nou- ralnl.i , lleidachu. Ncrvoua 1'rostrnton caused br alcuhoior tobaoco. .Wakefulnets , Muntal Doorei ruutorrbca caused by ovor-oxortlon or tha brain Holf-abiye over-ln-luUanco. A month'i troataun fl.GforiV by fiUIL Woguarantooslr boxeitocur Each order for SbOTdi. with IS will oend writ' " guarantee to refund If not cured. Guarantee lss'i only by A. Kchrotor. druggist , role agent. aoutU > n corner Ibth and Kurnuni * t * . Omnha IETTS A BETTS The Kings ol Specialists , For 27 years the names of Era. lietts & BeUs hare boon uousebold words in tbe Comes cf ttiousands of people wbo fiaTo been rescued from tbeiwi ] of deith through tbe won- dtiful abllltr , iba mitcbleea iktll of these great mistsrt ot medlclnoand iurgerj , whole klndnesi and beuer- olenca , whose lolf-g&crtflelne devo tion to tbe welfare ot their fellow- mtn will erer lire Iu Iho beartiot a grateful people. NERVOUS , \ CHRONIC , PRIVATE , BLOOD , SKIN. Dis- They SEXUAL , - Cure KIDNEY LIVF.R , , eases. URINARY , RECTAL. AND ALL ORGANIC YPHILIS , STniCTURE , PERUAa'ORRHCEA , kONORRHCEA , G / \\JSES , DEBILITY , Oydroccle and Varlcocelf , Piles , Flslulajand Kcctal Ulcers rerminentlr. cured * > ? * racthod at once B.ifo , certain , palnloii and sue- cesitul. Tbo awtuLeOiots of earlr vice and izetiilr * Induluancei , reiultlnK Iu IOIB of tnacbopd and prcnuturede- car , qulckln aiid pertnancntlj re- Uerea. _ _ CONBOLTATION FREE. Call upo oiaddiei wltb itamp , Drs. Belts & Belts HOSouth MthSt. N. liC'onior 14th und Uoujjlm riti , Or Ilin M.juorIlubll l"o lll < 'ly furvil l y uUiiiliiUtvrlnu' r. lliilurn' Uolllcil Slil-i-lll ? . It can bo eivon ID oup of ooCco or tet , or In food , without tbe knowledge ol Iho patient. 11 lo abiolulo / barmleu. and will eirect a permaucnt end ipetdr cure , whether toe puleut U a moderate drinker or aa loohollowrook. ltli been Given In lhou > andi of cuef.aod la v rr lnit nc peifectoureh fol lowed. II net CT Full * . Tnotynteru anon Impregnated with Ibo twcoruti a ultcr luipoiilbllllr for tlio liquor uppetlto to ezUU . . . _ UUI.IIf.N hl'tC'IKlU CO. . i-rop'ri. CUelniiiill. O. < H-pnio book of piirtiouUr * Iree. To tx bid of Kuliu ACo. . ] 5thana DoURlns tits..aiid ml Uiiinlni ; Sta. VMiolcinlu , Illtiko , llrucu&Co ami Ululi trJou l > ruf Co , Two weeks ago Saturday we advertised a grand special sale _ . men's all wool suits at five dollars a suit. We had eighteen hundred of these suits , and in the ordinary course of human events , it would have been a bjg thing to have sold them all out in a week. We began the sale at nine o'clock in the morning , with less than twenty people wait- ng. At ten we had a crowd at noon a crush at three a jam and at six a mob , which increased with every moment during the evening , until we v/ere compelled to close our doors several times , the crowds Deing greater than we could handle. So great a success was this sale that when we closed our store for the day , we closed it on a sale of over thirteen hundred of these "wonderful suits , and the largest day's business in gJ cl P-a.r.fBnt.5u our llouse > we've ever experienced The following Monday and Tuesday saw the balance of these suits closed out slick and clean. Instructions were immediately telegraphed our representative in New York to buy another big lot of these wonderful - \ derful He has followed instructions in a refreshing manner. He has ex ceeded our most sanguine expectations. He has bought and shipped us nearly eighteen hundred as handsome suits of clothes as you'll find in any store in the land. The suits on sale before , are not in it. These suits are all wool every thread. There are cheviotsT rTomTespuns , flannels. There are sacks with round corners , square cut saclrsf There are plain colors , hair lines , pin stripes , pin heads , checks , plaids , mixtures , pepper and salts. Nine dollars would be a low price for the poorest suit in the lot , while ten and twelve dollars would1 be the'prices at which the majority of them would be sold at under ordinary circumstances. Today and until the last suit is sold , you can have your own free choice of the entire magnificent assortment for We guarantee them all wool. Need we say more ? DR. J. E. Me GREW THE SPECIALIST , JSJ } ? Jl.pttn8'ISil'n ' U'O ' trontmontor all formsof PB1VATE DISEASES , and all disorders and ( lobllllloR of youth and inanliooil. ITyoars" experience. Ills resources ami facilities are practically mitlmitud. Tlio Doctor Is recom mended by the jirosg , and endorsed In tlio strongest terms by tlio jieoplo for fair troat- inciit anil honest professional advice. Tlio most powcifiu remedies known to modern science for tlio Kiiccessful treatment of tljo following diseases : GONOKRHOEA Inimertli'.to rellof. A complete - pleto euro without the loss of uu hour's tlmo from business. GLEET One ot llio most complete and suc cessful treatments for Klootandull aimovlng ( llEohurces yet Itnown to the moUIcal profes sion. The results nro truly wonderful. STRICTURE Greatest known remedy for the treatment ot stricture , without pain , cut ting , or dilittlnir. A most remarkable remedy. SYPHILIS No treatment for this terrlblo blood disease lias over been morn succussf ill , norhiut stroiifforendorsements. In the light of mudcrn scloncq tins disease Is positively curable nnd every trace of tbo poison entirely removed from the bloo'l. LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , nervous ness , timidity , despondency und all weakness nnd disorders of youth or manhood , Hollof obtained at onco. SKIN DISEASES , and all diseases of tbo Btomacn , blood , liver , Iditnoy.s and bladder are treated BU ccessfully with the Kroutoa knnwn remedies for the ulHa.isij. Wrlto for olronlirs iindiiuostlon list , free. 1-lth mill 1'tirinnn ht Save Your Eyesight tostoil froolynn ) TX UT OITIOIAN I'orfeot adjiistniunt. .Superior Icnsoi. Nur oimlieniliiuliu cured liy uslti our Sooutuclod null Eyojliibbos ; 1'rlcui luw fur ll t ulnaa Roods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , 114 S. 15th St , , Grolethton Hloclc. Tliu PU I ) ut uyvllnts In la tlio TIRE About tlio Columbia I'nouiiKitio ' Tire It woiirH Tested to two liiiiidrud jMiunJs abovu rldlui : inoRHiiro A ooiiiiioiuid tuuo of rubbers vuli-niiUud wllli e.uiym Inyors IMch partBtroiiBtliunlim the ethers Oroiit- uhl ii'Klstiinco to jiuiictiiri MosU loslllont road tire rrooUoiu from luoliiB. wr.ii'iiltw mid otberiibji-ctloiiiiblii points-Iho Iil b0t ( L'rudo tire of solontillo slnuUlolty Ab o- Vululy Kuuriintccd for u your. All nbout It nnd Columbia's cycles In our book iibout I'oluiiibliiH , irca on itpplluntlmi to any Coluiublii WKuiit. orsont bv mull for two two-cent htntup I'upo HiS' o , Wl Columbus Avo. , Ilobiou. Iliu rtuiuatli , liver aiu ] towfU , j > url- * fy thu Mood , WD mfo and rtfci lualI | Uio l * t nnJk-iiiukuonnror l.illouii-J nan , uuiutliwllun , dynpriitlJ , fuulg LrMth , lifiulod.t' , ueurtliurii , loot ut t ipliiUte , mt-utalucirtwlou , iuliiful ) lUcHlun , iilinplen , ulluw r , uij lei- jou midcvtryol awjrfjtulliugfroui J tljpuretloo'.or-t. failure I ) ) 0iertomacli.lhfrt.rli ! * Inline , to.pfrfora . tl _ lr _ proiJ RncUoua. . lri " | iVvrn OTV" tlTrWi1ehtiJiyUkinB ; < i V5tS * tUKliiniriil.lMS > . ! > 7.W1U.B0'yi-PI'K/f1)I.k : o Retail Prices ; 'j8w ' Jersey Rubber Shoe Co.'slake ' Colors : check , bind ; mid tan. Tramp in black und check only. Ask4i . colors you Cut this list out and insist on your shoo dealer supplying vou with the abova named tennis shoos. They are the bust. Dealers stro allowed n good discount from tha prices named. 1 do not sell any goods nt retail , being western agent lor the lending rubber boot and shoo companies of the United St-ilos Now Jersey & Meyer Companies and carrying an immense stock enables mo to supply the trade to the Pacific Ocean. When it comes to rubber clothing , oiled clothing , felt boots ana Gorman sox , 1 am on tlio front sent. Send for Ibis and prices. Z. T. LJNDSEiY. III ! Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The eminent ipcctnllat In norvou , chronic , prlVHto. Mood , akin anil unnnry dlionsr > > , A rocnlir and registered graduate In mwlclnn , in diploma * niul rurilllciilon chow , la ( till truutlug wllli tliu irroutost nucreia catnrrli.apurmiituirhoos.loHlmniiliooil.iieiiiliial Wcaknuis , nlxht lossus , luipoti'iicy. aynhlllt , mrtcturu , uon- orrlioea , gleet , viirlforolo.ctc No uicn-ury u > e.l. New tn > aliiiuut forlomof vltnl IIOWCT , 1'arllea uimalo to vlftll mo may bo Iruntol at homo by oorrusiionilfnct' , AtudUlntt or lintruniftitt ! ullt b/ mull ororpr s curolyP'lcked , no marks tolatllcatu I'Oiitu'itH orsunder. Ono iiersdiml Intorvlotv preferred. Coiuullatlua frco. Coirutpondeni-uttrlutly prlviite Houi ( Myiterlai of JJf ) auul fr a. OlUco hourVa. iu. toll p. in. Bundnyi IU a. in , to 12 m. Send aump for reuiy. WELL BRED.SOON WED" GIRLS WHO USE Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. Morvo Sootla , " i the wonderful remcily - - - - - - - u Bold with n will- ton Kiiiirnn < p to ruro nil nrrvoui ( lln-nncn , ctich on Wimk Mrnorr. lattof llruln I'owcr. Ilcadncho. Wiikufulncis , lx > st Mnnliood , Nlt-lnlr Kmft. nlons , Nervniiincia. linsiltudcallilrulna and lomof pnvrcrnf tliu lii'iirrulliu Orgarn In ulthcraox caused liyovortixflrllon. yciuthful irni.or I'ld-mlve u o of tohr. < ro.npliini ur tlmumiit which boon lead to Infirmity. Unntiinip. itlon and Insanity. . I'nt iiiiconvunlenttocnrry In voit pocket. * fl iierpafk. BBOtiyinailiOforfa. With uvcrjrflorderwn vtveinvrtttin ounmnlrf lornrt orrejutultlicmoiuv. Circular true. Aildruid A'crvoMued Co , , C'Ulcuirn , ill. In i All the latest styles in Soft and * Slijf Hats. STETSON'S ' SOFT and STIFF IiATS. ADLABADGH FUR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Purs Stored and Repairc-l. - NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITOR/ . - . Capital . . urpliM . . . . . . . . U5JJ ) . W. V toi.'i II. UUuililn * . Tlojprailljnt. US. Murloi1 \ , V JJorio , John d , Cellini , J. . < . II. I'JlrtQi. Lj ll A lined , Cmtilor. I1ION QA.NK. ntly T U Frequer want a now IDEA. IK ADVERTISING. , without notice , .liliirllilnil Jliirrini. A' . 1' . i.lfr.