TTTF. DM ATT A DAILY REE : MONDAY. .TTXR 13 THE OMAJ3A BEE. COUNCIL HLUFFS. OFFICT : - MX 12 I'KAHt , STREET. rtiltticOVj Carrier to any partof the CUT 11.V. . TILTON. - MANAOEP. Hm'ncn Office . No 41 ir > rminvrwJ Tri.r.1'11 ON Eh i , ( „ , , ; Editor . - I oa MKMfO.V. IJ Y. Plumbing Co. Council ni'.fi * Lumber Co. , coat Cbautnuuuft office , Na. 101'carl street Mlrnah Temple , Pythian Sisters , will plvo foclM Tuesday ovontac , Juno 14 , at Masonic temple. The funcrnl of William Urimmclman will take plnco thii afternoon at 2 o'clock 'rf.'ti tbo roMdonco of til * brother-in-law , J. > . Bartowj.kl. 1TL7 Fourth nvcnuo. The Twin Cltv rnatmpcmcnt linvc Rccuicd ConRreisman J. U. Burrows of Mlcblcun for lolnt debate July IS with Con gressman IJrecltr-nrlrlEO of Kentucky. UcbccpH , wlfoofV. . M. Walker , died of canerr Inst evcninsr , oped 45 rears. The funeral v 111 occur from the residence. U > 25 Avenue B , tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. It Is suited that L. Waencr. a merchant tnllor who bad a shop near the corner of Hronrtxrny and Pearl streets , has dl am > eared find n number of creditors are looking : Jor htm. Dick Lntidou and Dutch Boyincton , two bnck drivers who are well known In police circlcf , were arrested lute Saturdoy nicht for lighting at n saloon on Lox\cr Broadway. They \vcro slated with disturbing the peace. The launching of the "Max Meyer" at Manawa , which xvas to have tHken place Saturday afternoon , was postponed m- C'riitntclv on account of the hich wind. Arnp re J"11. wfll t > e rp do In tuo papers of the time KeicuoU In tbo future. ' Tbo United Urotbcrhnodtif Ha sincere pave mi enJovnulo social Saturday crcnlnc at .A rebel's hall anil a lanre number of members of the order from Omaha wt-ro present. The I'VonliiK was hr > ont onjoynblv in duui'lng and other amusements , and refieshtnents were rc rvcd. tlnnry Hanifn met with n serious accident Saturday nlpht In Winchester's saloon on cast Broadway. Just hotv it happened state ments of those who word present differ , but v _ ho Is said to bHVO fallen off the Ice chest while under the influence of liquor , and his left lep was broken just above the Instep. Ho was taken to his home on Wasbtncton nvenup. A plca lnc feature of the services at St , Franris Xavicr'R Catholic church j oMcranv mominp was the rcrdcrinp of H.iydn's First mass bv the choir , assisted by n quar tet , consistinp.of Miss ICato Crelchlon. Mrs. F. .1 Lance. Captain ICin/Io nnd H. A . Burkley , all of Omaha. Tbo choir showed excellent training , and the solo parts were very fine , The residence of Mrs. Kennedv. at 42.1 North Tenth street , was entered unccro- monlouslv by n burplar last Frldar , nnd tbo Intruder broke suddenly on Mrs. Kenned > 's vision IIB she opened a door. Ho broke as uddenly , however , and ran out of the door ns soon as ho fc nd ho was discovered. It was found that the whole front part of the house had been ransacked for money , but how much ho fouiid Is not positively known. AD. . Carothcrs. Clnudo H. Opdcn , Hay Bixbv , Georce Williamson. Walter Snnonrr nnd C. H. Giles of the Council Bluffs. Wheel club started out yesterday moraine on tnolr blcvclfs for n record breaking expedlt'on ' They loft the Grand hotel at ( > o'clock and went to Platf-raouth. raturninp bv way of Glonwood. innltinpn trip of fifty-live miles over a hilly road. They reached home early in tbo evening , mnklui ; the last twenty miles In an bnur nnd forty-five minutes. Mrs. B. M. Sarccnt entertained a number of her nolchbors last Fridav owning at her homo on First nvcnuo The evening was niicnt in dm-ing bleb five , prirc-s being nwnrded to Mrs. W. H. Troynor and Mr. H. J. Chambers Ttioso i re'cnt were Mr. nrd Mrs. Chambers , Mr nnd Mrs. W. H. Tr.\v- aor. Mrs. I. M. Troynor , Mrs. McICune , Mr. nnd Mrs Cummings. Mrs. J-Yrspn. Miss May Davenport , MUs Grace Doming nnd Mr. J. L. Paxton. Lost , light Korrcll ilrivinp innrc , \reiclit900poundp , branded U. S. on left ghouldcr , whit ? strlpo in face , foretop clippoil , tnil cut f qunre , shod in front1 lind on old Icnthcr h&Uor. Wire mo. "Will civo libornl reward. A. R. Hooker , Council Binds. TTotwonthcr prices in picture frames nt Rilov & Shorrnden's art btoro. rjalronio blue ice waponsfor Mo. river tlumnel ieo. Multiollund & Co. Tel. 1G2. Buy your hats early thii week , while the Btoclc is unbroken. Louis' special millinery sale. i'ij : ± ox.iL J'.iit.iaK.ii'iin. O. P. McKesson has cone to Akron , O. , on buslmiss. A. \ \ , .Tohn on loft Saturday ovcnlnp for n visit to Chicuso. Mr8. D. .1. Ilirttivcll anil Miss Ancio returned - turned yestordav from a nslt In Chlcaco. C. It. Allen , formerly of this city , now of Ottutmva , is visiting friends on Bcnton BtrceU Mr , D. W. Buslincll leaves tomorrow for n visit of several wociis ivith fnoudb in Chicago. Hon. Spencer Smith loft on Saturday for Llbortvvillo to attend n meeting of the rail way commission. LewlB Weunl , who was Injured In tbe motor accident a week ago yesterday. Is still confined to bis bed. E. H. Hawnrth hns trono cast for n month's trip. Ho will visit in Ohio , Indiana end Kentucky before roturuini ; home. Miss Janoy Baldwin leaves today for "Denver , where Bho will snond the summer YlsltinBhorsibter , Mrs. W. S. Araent , W. A. Hlphsmith , yardmanter at the tranp Jcr , hns returned from Oubuquo. whete ho nttcnded tbo grand lodge of ttiu Masonic fra ternity. Miss Clnra Evnns has returned from Brad- Tnrd ncndotny , which she hus bt-oti attending the past year ntid will spend vacation v.'ltti her parents , Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Evatu. TJr. A. H. Hanchoit of Council Bluffs , to gether with his brother. Dr. W. II. Hancholt of Omaha , have left with their families .for en extended eastern trip , und tic I ore their return will attcnn tbo national convention of bmmi'patnlc physicians. Ono of the expected feature : ) of their trip will bu n family reunion ut the homo of their paienu in ICaiicsville , 111. , whom there will bo jirosont all of the -x flvo sons and their families. Four of tbo kens are pb ticians and one an attorney. W. H. Gray , the Ilotnl Go-don chef IB the roiitlom in wlu prop iroJ the Grand banquet. Trains leave for Mnnawa at 9 , 11 , 1,2 , 8 , ) , ft , U , T und S o clock. For Kent Firbt class imloon ; oed lo cation ; ( bio fixtures. Hosuoni-iljlo party can jot lonn lenso on good terms. Ad'- drcBs 1) 24 , Ik'o olllco , Council Blulls. Intcniutional Cure aesoclation rooms ore in annex to Grand hotel , fi0 ! Fint nvonuc , Cintncil Blutfe , lu. For euro of Alcohol and opium disease. r'rii ! | > ekrtk ut A gong of iilckpocUcU got in their worlc at Mr.uawu yesterday in exc'ollont shape. Sandy Melville , Jo tin KicUey und another man tboto name was not letirnod inuao UD the croud Alt are rocofntzed by the pollca us tlnu ivoihcrs In their -line. Tboy practiced their art on tbo poclcu ot ttio lliroiipt. that viMlcd the luUo until lbo.\ pot ppkKeBtloii of two vatrhe * and chulnt > and n pofketbootc containing quite o sum of mouev. Their leu. wbb Uikcovercd by the victims and en ulurm ivns glvco. AJclvitlo got away uu- tlreiv , but lilchey aim his companion \\cre urrckted. NVtillo Marshal lioulicghad tbo two men In charge nnd was taking tbetu to jail Klche.v urolie away cuu run lor dear 1'fe ' Ilo took ai-ion tuo lleldt , und one of themar- ebal'k askUtunti followed him. Hichey made lilk vtcspe by leuplng a baiLiedwiro Juuce , \ > bleb the uuputv inonbal. for toiao reason or othtr , dared not try , TUo third tuuu i ID A .NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Key * G. W. Orofts Detjrmbed to Leave Hi ? Fr Rent Location. HIS CONGREGATION SERIOUSLY OBJECTS Urclnlon or tlif Pupulnr Minister I'lnally Annniitirrtl nt Ycstcrdaj" Si-rtlrrn Caught n Cotliictiin ( IninlleT lor nn Old < > llfii s Several weeks ape Hev. S.V. . Crofta , the "poet preacher , " presented his resignation ns pastor of the First Congregational church of this city. At a sub < equent meet- Inc of the ; church action was taken to luduco him to reconsider tbo matter nnd withdraw hl resipnation. YcsterJnv moruing ho announced his de cision to tis coneregation. It xvas that ho would po. Ho said that Co had thouRht- fullv and prayerfully considered tbo matter , and while personally cratlfied at the request made by tbo church , yet ho felt It to bo for the best Interests of all concerned that ho should insist on hU resignation being ac cepted. Bv the words of tbo resignation It was to BO futo effect tbo lit of August. His not Known what Mr. Croft's jilani are for the future , but Into whatever field ho may enter bo will carry with him the friendship and respect of this community In Its entirety. As bo declared III * decision yesterday morn- inc. tears rnrao to the eyes of many In his congregation , end there was evidently the deepest i egret at the prospective separation. This feeling is shared in throughout tbo city , and during tbo days of deliberation jrany outside of the church have expressed the.nsclvcs very strongly agalns > t the idea of allowing Council Oluu's to lose eno who , by his pen and voice , has dona so much for tbo public 6oou. _ Do Witt's S&rsapsrllln is reliable. HOT \\i\Tinit. Itarciilns In IlKi Wu li CoiuU I.lnc nt the Itoslon Muri' , Council ItluITH , In. WASH GOODS. Sco our Hno of white fjoods , thn most complete in the city , : it prices that will astonish the most shrewd buyer , belli } ; bought for spot cabh by our New York buyer. \Vho show a nice line of checks nt 5c a yard. "At "c , lOc and 12jc , n very largo as sortment. At 1oc , 17c , Ilc ) , 20c and S-Sc , every thing in felripu" , chiwl s and polka dots. At 2oc. boinetliins new in Swiss stripes with pollta dot , very btylit > h. \Vo show the latest craze in line Swisses with blarlc ground and colored ggures , also in uroy ground and bliu-lc ground with white figures at Uik1 very nobby goods for summer wear. At 17c and 19c our line of blnck organ dies in stripes are still popular wilha great many absolutely fast blurk. Chilian cloth looks very much in ap- pearnnrc to a flno I'ronch flannel , but at a prk-o within reach of all our price ISii1 a great many are getting ISt * a ynrd ; beautiful range of patterns in stripes , liguies , checks , polka dots , etc and all fust colors. Crepon cloth , another very nobby fab ric for light summer wear , our price only 12ic. Pineapple tissues still hold their own this-season. Our range of patterns are still very complete : the price makes it a very popular light weight dress for summer wear oiilyJISJc. Challies for a cheap dross are still good. A good line of liijlit colors for He a yard. At re some of the nobbiest patterns over seen in challtas In dark figures and ground , tegular ic Roods. 5,000 yards , " 0-inch percale , regular 12Jc goods , beautiful styles ; while they last lOcn yard. Just tu Hand 3 cases half wool outing flannels , to close Sic ; 12 yards for Sl.-X ) . Two weeks ago the same goods sold for 15c the nicest thing in the world for shirts , bovs" waists , dresses , etc. BOSTON STORE , FOTiirmxGHAM , WIHTEI.AW& Co. . Council Bluffs , la. L. W. Tulloys , farm and cit\- loans Council BlunV la. , 103 Pearl street Davis sells reliable paints and drugs. Reitor , thetailor , ; ! 10 Broadw.iy , has all the latest styles "and newest goodi Satisfaction -ruaranteed. Ed Matter nnd his brother John drooped into the city casually Saturdny nicht on their way from Atlantic , where thay attended the lireraon's tournament , to Covington , Kob. , where they are running a gambling bouse. About n year ago Ed was arrested for run ning a bunco ga e on the street and was fined. Ho appealed tbo case to the district court and tbo judgment of tbo lower court was sustained. Ho lit out and the oDlcors have boon looking for him in a longing sort of way over since. Ofllcer Weir saw the puir navigating on Lower Broadway and cnvo cbiisu. Ho overhauled them justa.s they \\aro hoarding the Northueslcrn train , ana nabbed John , under a inistukon notion that ho was the one wanted. His brother fol lowed him to the station to help Mm out of his trouble if bo could , and Suerilt Hazen was notified of his capture. The ihcriff telephoned back that ho had no use. for John , but It was Ud ho wanted. As tbo latter bad wandeied into the lion's mouth , ho was uit- , trn. He was taKeu to the county jull , where ho Is now serving out an eight day fitio on the old charge. John Maber was released , Do\Vltt's Sarsapareia cleanses the blood , IncruuhCb tbo appetlt and tones up ttie sys tem. It has benollttoa many people who have huflered from blood disorder * . It will help you. Have you seen the wonderful Hurd refrigerators , the newest and best out ; the genlno New Process and Quick Meal vapor Btovo-i light like gas absolutely safe. At Cole t Cole's 41 Main btroet. Dr. Chamberlain , eye. ear , thro-it , catairh. ShugartblocK , Council Blulls , Uon't forgot to try Baird's straw berry cream shako. 62.1 Broadway. Special millinery sale all this week , and great reductions on all trimmed hatb. Louib , Masonic blqck , Children In the Clinrclioi. Yesterday inornins's sarvlce was sotapart for tbo llttlo onec of tlio Sunday school at the Firm J'roibytcnau church In accordunoa with thu annual custom. Most of the pro gram conkUtud of reclutionu by the cbil- drun , lnlersperi > ud with uiUblc by tbo school and by the cnurcb choir. At the close au iulercttiuc addrcas was lUteued to from Or. I'hclps. The church was completely lllloJ , chulrb having to be pieced In the aisles in order to accommodate the crowds who at tended. At tbo First Congregational church tbo day was ob.crvod by u tcrinon in the ruorn- luc on the theme of the i.uientb' duties and relations toward childr n , the pastor , Iluv. Mr Ctofts , basing his ducnurso on tbo luci- Ucutk of the t > o.\ hood life of Uarnual and his conKocratlon to Uod by hU mother Following the morulng service was a ser vice bv the Sunday bchool , orcjpyiui ; I tic usual noon hour. In this service the church choir , assisted by that stvoct tenorM. West- cott , aided grimily. The details of the ser vice wci-o butoa on the tbouKbt that God had di'clait'd himself In two Looks the bible aud nature und wherein tbo usual bun day i-chool le.son was from the first of tbcto bookt , this day nature' * book was drawn from chiefly. In a keno * of exercises by the children und dnBies , the llttlo ser- IUOUK preached by the lUlc * , "iiud Dy olhe ( lowers , were brourht out with pleasing effect. The church was beautlfloJ by a profusion of flowers , some in designs , largo crosses , eta , other * in the form of mounds , Cages of singing birds added to the decorations , and the little warblers Joined In the song service. Mmllar srrvles were bold at tbo Trinity Methodist church in tbe rrornlnc nnd at the first Baptist In the evening. Mr . L. II. Pstton , tocf > d , in , writes : "From fiftrsonri iliwrlonco I can recommend DoWltt's Sarsapanlla , a , euro for Impure blood and general debility. " At AbtiilitlG Cost. Commencing Monday 1 will sell until 1 close out all trimmed goods at abso- lut cost , and all other millinery goods way down. Miss E. L. Ragsdalc , Coun- cil'Blutls military partc-rs , 387 Broad way. _ Como to the feast of Lnntcrns1 at the First Presbyterian church , Thursday , Juno 10. Admission and refreshments Udil rrllnuo' .Memorial , Memorial exercises wcro hold yesterday afternoon by the members of the various Odd Fellows' lodges of the city. Owing to the warm weather the attendance was not so large ab had boon expected , but tbe exercise * were very Interesting throughout. D. C , Bloomer oftlctatcd as noble grand an O. L. Jacobs as vice grand. There are flfty-eigut names of 4iccased OJ.d Fcllous on tbo rolls of the lodges. di vided as follows : Humboldt , No. 174. 17 , Council Bluffs No. 40,27 ; Daughters of He- bckah , 7 ; Hawitoye , No. 11 , 7. Addresses were tniulo by the following members in commemoration Of those w ho have passed away : D. U. Blpommy ana U"VS , Alex ander , for Council Bluffs loduo ; LI. L. Jacobs and Hev. U. H. Barton for Hnwkcyo : Peter Uapp and John Schlckenttinz for Humboldt ; Drs. Lillian Huff and Mrs. U B. Witter for the Daughters of HcbeUah. The tpaechcs were interspersed with music as follows- larinet duut bv Messrs. Hetallic and \Vit- er , accompanied bv Miss Ethel Witter ; solo , i. J. Joseph ; song and chorus by tboSuu - joams ; " vocal duct , Misses Stella Molutyro and Ethel Witter. DoWitt's Sariapirilli douro.v * sucn pii ons as scrofula , saia dlsaita , C79ipa , rhau matum. Its tlmelv u saves many liva * . Now York mill Kcturil. July 4 to 0 one faro for the round .rip. Choice ol routes from Chicago. Return limit August 15. Call at Chicago cage , Rocit Island & Pacific Ry. ticket olllcn , 1002 Farnam street. CHAS. KIN-.VIOY : , G. N. W. P. A. J. L. Di : BUVOISE , City TKL & P. A. Itnthrr Itiiugli un Kills. What Is Known as "the rink barn" on Pearl street Is being thoroughly overhaul"d and refitted. An Incidental feature of the mprovcmont Is axar of extermination o rats , fiy use cf traps during tbe past tea dnyc there were captured and killed last " wccltMll. Ono day's"score reacned sovonty- elght. Dogs wore given the exercise of kill ing the rats after they were thus captured. One morulnp , thirty-seven rats were turned loose in n little room , used as tbe ouice , and a rot dog of good exterminating reputation was given n chance to monopolize gore and glorv. Ho was nluefcv , but the rats showed light ami bacUcd him lute tbo corner , where ho fought on the defensive until it became cvldei t that without help ho would be de feated In tbe battle. Two terriers wore then added and the extermlnatio n was soon com ploted. Disease never successfully attacks a sys tern with pure olood. DoU'itt's Sarsaparilla maucs pure , new blood und enriches the old Summer Mattings. Don't wear your hot , dusly , expensive wool carpets in summer. Take them up and put down the now Jap and Chinese matting , that is cool , clean , healthful , handsome and cheap. Go and see the new designs at the Council BlulTo Carpet company's. Jowii Knl Men. Pottawatlamle Tribe No. 21 sent n delega tion of thirteen to Missouri Valley Saturday ovenlnc to Institute Ocallala tribe No. 39. The delegation was composed of Messrs. R. L. Williams , L. E. Brldenslein , E. B. Kdgor- ton , E. E. Belkuup , C. L. Gillette , Bolt , Bub'iitz , DeGroat , lielgll , McMillan , Chrls- tensen , Hoffman and Parsons. The work consumed nearly thn entire night. The dele gation were royally entertained by their Missouri Vallev brothers. Ogallala tribe was gotten up by Brother Stark of Boonc , IB . ii'-s.lstod bv some brothers at Missouri Vallov , and is composed of most of the busl ness aid railroad men of that place. It bids fair to bo one of the most prosperous In the slate. DoWltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood Pastures for horses and cattle on George F. Wright's farm south of Coun cil Blulls ; 500 acres , blue grass ; running water. For terms apply to James Raph at farm house opposite Wabash round house , or addiessF. P. Wright , Bald win block. _ _ _ _ _ Uommrrrlal IMlKrlmfS Will ricnlr. Arrangements are being made by tbo members of Council Bluffs council , No. 1 , Commercial Pilgrims of America , for a family picnic on July 2. J. W. Peregoy Is tno ctmirmau of tbe commute which has tbo matter in hand , aud the place of holding the gathering will be announced Inter. An invi tation is to be extended to the Pilgrims of the Omaha council to join with their fraters on this side of tbe river , and ono of the fea tures of the day's entertainment will bo a ball game between picked nines from the two councils. _ Ogden house furnishes board nnd room at popular prices : from S-25.00or $35.00 per month , according to room. AKOTHER ATLANTIC CABLE. The New I.lne Ili'tn ' 'n Africa ami AmurJra. The cable that is to bo laid between Senegal and Pernambuco has been shipped from England and is now on its way to the African coast in the British steamship Silvertown , says the Now York Sun. It was constructed by the Telegraph Works company of London. ana a number of recent inventions have been used in its construction. There have been many improvements in cable making since the firet Atlantic line was laid , thirty-four years ago , by Cyrus W Field and his associates. The cable to run butween Senegal in Africa and Per- nambuco in Brazil wati taken aboard coiled up in three tanks and ready for paying out at the bow end of the vessel , not at the btern , us was formerly the custom. The cable is of varying thick nesses , ranging f-oin two and ono-quar- ter tons per knot to four and one-half tons , according to the depth of the water in which it ib to DO 'aid , while tlu shore ends ueigh about fifteen tons per knot. At Soneeal the shore end is to bo cov ered by a hut and left in charge of an electrical engineer , who will be in com munication day and night with the cable bearing ship. Signals will bo ex changed every live minutes during the whole operation of laying the cable to Brazil. In the deep sea the cable wil be paid out at the rapid rate of ten knot an hour , though large allowance musl bo made for stoppages through im pediments 1,000 fathoma deep. Accord ing to the engineer in chnrge the line w ill be laid and the Silvertown back in England before the end of the month of July. Aboard the steamer there Is it largo stuff of engineers and assistants , who work in four-hour shifts and then have eight hours off. The strain upon them while on duty in very severe. Th cable itself , which was made on the Thames , ia an interesting piece of work , The communicating part is in the center , nnd consists of n number of copper wlrob firmly imbedded in gutta- percha , wlilch is u nonconductor. Lady MvJiBS | Ladies di Id A Few Secretsfrpm Her Own Experience VvMMch Con Be Profitnbly. Adopted by 6llfcrs. > HI . _ rnfhfirmlnirlntrl t > * notr < morn l-onntlfu and nttrartlvp wimion tlian anr uthpr Inrtr In thl < llr In coin < T iitlun , rptpnily. np nail "I niton Ipcl Ti'rr orrr wtu'n l i'O o nianr licnutlful oimipn MI dclicnti' , ntiil mlliTltii . i Ii. nn 1 I lintc uttpn p prtl e the privorcare * Tiwp ( On nut pnt nourl'h- lneIiH l , thpj-nrprnrelfwoluieir It-ct. tliplr nrrk , their ilip t * Inlli'ttrjJSti < "t > i'n tti diwr fur < ! ! ra < o , nnJ ttirme tliii innnririiiilio ! which u uftca Hmict numnnkliirt. l > ut , w > r e > than nil , tlipy nlln < r tin Ir Ilic and ftrcnKthtqiiruo ( limn to lo i-Mi lluw ninnjr nrniiifn tro cociiuliintlr In thl rondl. tlon. ' 1 licjr nci'rt lie'p tlirf npcJ vimotlilni t < > ilcpi'nd uionn uiDtlilnitl nt will f l i them , MIIIIP frirnl In nci-1 1 know tillsliirfolylr'-n my own ciiurlomp , Sir t wn * oncp In tbo FIJI iurfll' 1 iiiuelittlipaialtfr oTprearriulljr nmt dorldoil "hat 1 viiulrt ilo. 1 kiipw 1 ne-ptpl n unllp n > n ' .nnl Mlinulant , Kiitiptlilne tlint would > M l my iltal forip ke .p rnr MotM tliro tilliff und nrt n * a tonic. I rii-cldiil totrr IhilTi'i I'ure Malt V > hl xy.and lt rf- lii t hu * Iwu Htniply wimapriul ldcn it Rmitr wlmt iiHiti * , lckni' nrwraxnrM nri > , and i nta patlMlol m'llr ii-tierall > poull IIP In tlio uninp happ ) , rtltlon br n proppru o cil the iamp nit nti . " Thliladj nrvninrk * are entltiujt 'llipcrpBlp't ivn- Idorntldn.fdr tlipy arpnn Intlliatitm of wlint liun * ( Ire l of jnllp * linvc ftinnil to UP a nrii-s'lly It MmtiM lie tKirncln mind , linncvur. Hint II Ixmlt | > itrp lil k * wlilclmlionld V\VT tic > . 'J atnl l tilj ! > I'urc Alnltl thootil ) imp wlildi ri-plvp tin' pnfl ir c- niiMit Hi "Plt'titttt * nnd thp ropointni'iuliitloiiH nl iili > - iilclau' . I h > not allow nny < lnici t iir prorpr to In * dupp jou In tnkp nny otbpr. INSTITUTE. Eye & Gar INFIRMARY FOR THEl TREATMENT OP ALL , lti > t Iiie. 1 ' " > . | i ii 1 Iteiioiui forsucroibful irjiltii it nf "very form of illsoaio reqnlrln n u.llcal or sur.lcit tnvittnunt. y > beds for patients , bo id anJ tittcndancs. licntacpoinoJutlons In tbo west. fur vlroulan on deformities nn1 rauus trnssu . plul ) feet , curvatures of snlno , llus , tuimirofncor.o.itnrrh. . bronchllM , In- baluilon.o cctrlclty. p triilysls. onllensy. kid- ucv. b aildcr. oyo. car , skin unl b'.ooi un'J all curclcal ouor itlons. DISEASES OF WOMEN Wotuun runi . We littvoliitelv : id Jed ! i lyins- InilopirtiMCtit for omuulurln ; cotillhuinont. strlptly ur vito.i Onlv Itoilable Mortica.1 In- stttuto nmkinc a PpoeUlty o > iMllVATI3XlSK\SKS AU B oed OUuisBS miceosstully troatol. bynlillltlo I'nlson rctnovcd from tlio systuiu without mercury New ilc lorattva 'I' inent for Loss of'ITAI. . 1'OWEll. I'crsous un able tolstus IIIBV bo troitod ut homo by rorrespon "enco. All coinmniiic.itlon confl- duntlal. MoJ cities or liistiinut > nt sum L > y mail orcxprcss. sccuroli' pacliod , nn nrir i to Ind catu content ! ) or sender. One purtotml Iti- tcrvifw jirefcrrc 1. Call und consult us or send history of your case , and we wll ! send In plain wrapper , our rnnn : Unon I'r 77) tJIrN IU HIC.H , . .poetai or Nervoti" " ! cnscs , Impotcncx' . Svpullls. Oloot anJ Varico- oc e. with quest on lisL Ilraces , Appllanci-s for Deformities & Trusei Only iirmufuctory in the West of UEfuU a- 11 T Al'l'l.l lAC'KS , IKUastiS , JKL-EUJi'ltlO . . Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 26th and Broadway , Oojnoil Bluffi Ten minutes' ride from center ot Omaha on Omaha and Council yiulTs cioetrlc motor line. KOP. SALE IV OMAHA. KEB. , UV Kntm & Co. . Co.r 15th I Uouelrs Ets J JV Fuller i. Co , Cor nth A. DouplasSU. A. W Foster i Co. Council Illn7 ! la. W. C. ESTEP , ! Funeral Director , EiDbalmer 14 N. Main Street , BLl'KFS. CITIZEHS STATE BANK OlCnaaull Illa3 > - api s GI-OHD : > fcurplus und I'roflts bOOOU Net Capital nnJ Surplus fHttOOHf Director -J I ) l21ataal < Di , I ! I. snuttr. r' > Glrnsoa , I ! I ! Hart , I A. . Millar J V Hln-lnn nr.dClmrle * IU Hanaaa. Transact bink- Ingbubiness. Laret captil ! aud surplus ot uuy bank lu SoutUwestorn lowj. OM TIMS DEPOSITS Round the putta-porcha , as a protection from rocks und faea monsters , is a band ol steel wires , covered with a rofcinous coatinfito prevent corrosion. The ut most euro is taken to preserve the com plete continuity of the electrical circuit through the whole of tha 2,100 miles of the eible. Ilic l.ll - f H "I.luiltril. " In answer to the question what is the average "life" of a New York and Chi- cngo limited train , a Pennsylvania rail road ofliuial says.acoordiiifj to the Phila delphia Record , that it is a. tiillo over six months , and the fact that such a train goes to tlio shops to be thoroughly overhauled and refitted twice a year will show how careful the great railronds arc to keep up their standard. Very often the trnitib bhow but little wear , and only hero and there can the result of six months' use be de tected , but they are nevertheless ordered to the bhop's , stripped of their interior fittings , repainted , gone over by the workmen of every department that took a hand In originally con structing them , and then re.tored to the cabinetmakers anil ( uiholsterers ) to bo turned out again riractically new cars. Another interesting point was that thobo trains are not "patched up" x\ith a new car now and unoiHer now car again , but are always tent out In complete sets of cars from the bbbpB'and wl > en this is done the train which is taken of ! toglvo place to Vno new ono Irt Used for some less distinguibhod run ! Some Tall Clilmiii-rt. A chimney SoO feet high is being built for the Omaha & Grant Smelting works in Denver , Colo. It will bo an octagon etaclc , 55 feot'ln diameter at the base , placed on a concrete foundation 16 feet deep , imbedding twenty tons of steel rails. U hero will bu two stacks , one within the other , with a ladder way be tween. The black will be banded with 4j-inch wide steel bands every 20 feet , covered by the brickwork. The con tract price is about $53,003 and it is to bo finibhed in ISO days. The other high chimneys in the United Status are , Engineering News f > ys , nb follows : "At the Fall lllver Iron works , 340 feet , and the Clark Thread mill stuck in Newark , N. J. ' ' The stack at Freiburg IBICO feet high , above ground. The total height of the Tow use nil chimney , in Glasgow is 474 feel ubovo ground. CALIFORNIA'S FINEST PRODUCTION. JARVIS1877 BRANDY RICH , RIFE AND MELLOW. Indorsed by the Med Afjed in our cellars. ical faculty every 11 as been awarded six where as being the purest , safest and best f gold and four silver stimulant. Ask for it. different medals , at Take no other. Be ware of imitations. world's expositions. WINE OCX GROWERS , DEALERS AND DISTILLER ? , Santa Clara and San Jose , California. T ; ffipBgSSi aS . * ON J " i&i F 3P& i * $ m8ti 3 * J i d ? K/ - W S fellS Mi' TWIM CITY STEAuM DYE WORKS , G. A. Schoodsack , Proprietor. OHices 021 Brcrulwav , Council BlulTb and ] j21 Farnam St. , Oraahu. Dye , clean nnd refinish poods , of every dcbcrijition. Pnclc- aceB locoivod at either olllco or in the Works , Cor. Ave. A und HUth St. , Council Bluffs. Send for price Hbt. Merchants who hnvo shop worn or soiled fabrics of any character can have them redyed and finished equul to new. BED PEATHEUS RENOVATKD AND CLEANED BY STEAM , with the most approved machinery , at less cost than you ever paid before before'n lantly ilrip the mo t excrnclatlnc palm , never falli to Klveeajjt'ihssaTeni For ( .praliis , bruUoi , luckic'ie , piln in t la clisit or sl.lM , Inulao'i2. toii'u 'n , or nny extornul pain , a few applications , rubood on by hand , act lilte ina ic , c inp the pain to instantly utop. For cn.'K stlitii i , iufl i n uitiuai , rlie i lutktu , na t- raisin. liiiuliti.'o ; , sclitlca , pains in tiia sn : ill or this luc'f , ino-o extondul ail repealed pealed applications are nouossnry : Allliitaniil pihu , ill irrJrui , tlf-c'it irj' , elL , spasin ; , mumpa , fiilntlir ; xnclU , nsrro.iiiio ; , KC ! cpb < > iieu , nra relieved instantly nndquicltlycured bv fiklng1 inwardly 20 toSI dro * } in half a tumbler of water. Wtcants n bottle ; sild by druiriiists. With RAD WAY'S PILLS thsro is no bolter Cure or prcTeiillre of reipr mid Aii" COUNCIL BLUFFS STEO DYE WORKS All kin Jsof Dro\ny \ und rioHtilnidona In thd lilcliftt htylo of tlio art. Kadod and stilnud fubrlea made to link a > food ui now. Hod leathern clu.moJ by kUiani In Urtt-oliui man ner Work promptly dtinu anil UellvuruJ lualt jmru of itio eouutry , > cuJ for urlco lUt U A. MAC11AN. - - J'HOI'lUETOU. UUUroadwny , Near Norttiweitara IK.urr-i. IO.VA. I'rud SimS u ouuuuit ] ! ) ( . ( , tf , the mute uu federal courts , liooum 3 , J uud & Ucuo block. Couuull UluiTi , Ia. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOK GRADING MIL- ITAUY AVE-NUE. To the owners of all lots , jmrtf * of lots ind real ostaUi iilon. Mllllaty a\rniu < from Ham ilton hlrei-l to Grant meet , uud necosbary iipproii' hok. 14111 am hereby nntlflnd that the undur- MniOil , three dlt-lntercMir ! frouholdersof the rlty of Onuhu , have been ilnly appointed by the iiuiyor. with the uppiovul of thn city eouucll of Bald elty. to iihbeck tlio iluinau'o to lliu owners nxpecilvoly of tbo properly uilcctud by RrnUlnj Aillltary uveiiue from liumllton Ktreel to ( Jnint fctrout. doclurod iificiisiary by ordinance No. yjtfi , uubsud iluy ' . ' . In ! ) . ' , upproied MuylX 18' ' ) . ' . You mo further notified , that burin ; ' taid upiiolntinciit , und duly ( juul 1 fled us reijuired by law. HU will , on tlie 24th duv of .lu ne. A , I ) . InU. ' . at llio houi of' ' o'clock m tbo afternoon , ut tliu olllcu of T. C. Ilrunnur , room 1 , Wnre Uock , within the corporate Itmltk of Bald city , niuia for tlio purpoi > o of ronniilerlns und luukliiK tbu abti Eirentof datnauu to the ownem rcsjiint- ivuly of kald proiivrty. uffeclDd by bald irrad- Inc , tiiklui ; Into coutfdurutioiibpuvlalbunotiu , if utiy. . You are notified to bo prcfccnt at the time und place alorusuUl. and make nny objections to or Kt iMiuiontu conuernliu'tuln aksuss of daiuuges uk you uiuy conolanr proper , T. C. lIltUMsKII , JOHS If. Kt.evi.H , Gl-onoi J I'AUU Coiniulttcu of AiiprulHurs Omalin , June 13 , U02 , JlMKa Si'EOIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. SAt.K-Kxtrn flna , llioronchbred. Jcr- scv cull , Millil color , reclstercd stock ; U months old 72SS. 11r t street. II'YOt * have anything for site or trade * eo 1C. II. Slio.ifc , HniadWAj-nnd .Main ntrent. Ioo IOWA f nrm * for s\lo. JmprovoJ 1(1) ( ncret In Harrison county , flH.nJtiarncriv jsi Hero * Improved. JSMKl ! 1) ncre * . Mf-ll Tor baritms In Iowa ana Not > r kt furmsp.ill on or write U.lulin on ft Vim I'M ton , Coune.l UuilT-i. irOUmXT-Iwolllnz ln all | nrts of tho' Fili'i. ' * " fchuufn. Hro.irtwiijnnd Main. STOKAOK nnd romnlsslonloxps. . fnrnl- tunuto. . , stored uii'l sold on < > < > iaiiilsston at lowest r.itcs. L. Klntiuliaii , itH llro.iJwjy. FOR PAl.n On M-tMt iiayinrnts. fruit nnd' cnrden Innl no r ( Vnncli UliitT * B. 11. bluinfe. llroartwuy nn I Main street * IT OIl Itr.NT Ml Pwond nvciiuo , ilrlllns -I ? wulili rcinins , furnniti. rattzc. Imth. vltcltie IH-U" , onouf the nio t deslr.iUIu u iiin ! < < 'ii Council llimT- * : rout , $ iXiW per month K , H Micato Hroadwny nnJ Miilu ttoeU inOHKiST-Twoottlii > lpstCnrrUs liaison E Toiirtlitr ( > cU _ , IftOH ! > AI < n rntnltne tUturas lea o and coed "III of hole ) wltli 4) roomIn n irood NplitnMc.'i cltv. will tr.ido forstoi-U of nivrcliniulNc. U 11 Mioafe , Hroadwny nud Miiln strt'Ct , _ _ _ _ _ Oll SAIiH-A comfort-iblo live room dwell ing near Kalrmount nark. PrU-i1 , fl.KiJ. .Vlciish. Imlutice In monthly uikyinuiitB. K. II , ' . Hronilwiy nnl Muln itrcou U > K > Al..K A bnrsiiln , tlirei'-roo n dwpll- -1 Inct 191s rifth uvrnuu prlcn ftfl ) , will iiUt > ton HI coed liurtus In I null ) and bnltincc tit luntlilr piymcaln. H 11. Slio ifo , Itruadwdy nd M tin itiuct- < T71OK \Kn Or trirti1. A vlx-rmim fr.imo' -L1 ilnulllnc. Hiclith avpnuceor. "Jth vU. iirleo I.4J3. 1 il. blipafe. lint id n IV und .Muln stn. POlt K'tXr-Kl'slii-roomUBellltis. 2JI Wash ington live. , motcrn tylo mil oonxt'ti- . In rxoclicnt ropulr. rent JJj. b. 11. ! , Hroidnay unil Main sts. IT'OU bA M : The only hotel In -small town L ? BJ iiil'c1 ' * from I'juncll 11 nTx lias nn Ire pirlor with cm I trailo. I n nil t tire In- tilceKiil tl.OH. bulidlni JJ.UJli. Will tr iiic for oo.l ri-sluVtit iiropi-rly In Council Huitr * . n.tli for th > rulit puty. I11. . Mie.ifc. llroid- ny and M.ili str-'ot- POK 5ALK Hotel and restniiiant In a pros perous Nfbr.ii.liu city , jt n Ins biiMiiois , nod ro.iuoiiH foriollltif. pilcu il.UJi. II N a nip : 1 11litaff. . llro > dw.iy mil Main-.trout. " \VANTin Xi-lirnsku hinds In iiM-hnneu ' for Council 111 ir ( iroporty. r , H hunfu. Uroinw.iv und Main street. OK "SALn- \ innro mid c-olt. \\Ill tilur piymcnt In lot llillnc. Apply to Leonard vt-iett. \\l ANTri-Temns ) to ( til In lot 1 , block 1H , > \\iillnins' lirs-t addition to Council lllulTs. "owa. One-Half rain and the b.iliincu In .radc. Apply to Leonard Htorutt , Council UlulK la. DUUQ store for sulo-An old nstaullihod anil well piylnzrtriisbtore In llvi-lv coun- trrtoun. also rt-sideiii-n iiropurly Address lark Kills. Little loulluril.on county , la ,71011 , SALE Purni. Ill acres , I pnlon - Mliioun , with Improve mi'iitv. j iil trade for march inllsc ; urlc-o il.230. I' . 1 ! Sheaiu , Urojdwuy and MnlnsticuU FOK b-AI.r Kann. .Hi ncrcN In I i-l.i > iison Co. low i HU aeri" , brolie. b.ilanei ) frnnnil pasture nnd mnadow I'lleo 2iiin aero 1. II. bhe.ifii , llro idway nnd Main stri'OU t-ALH Choiei * funiislu l'otla'Uitia > lu FOK Co. . Ion.i n H Misafu. llroaduaj und Muln striiut. \\7ANTnD An c\ierlrnocd teal o tul i hull-Milan , uho N wo 1 niiia | nteil with city property. Atldicss A. II. . llec ollli'e. F I OK bALU $7.00,1 Block of cenonil nii'r- cbandKn. ell located .iltliln l ( ) mlli-s of Omtiha.ill take part In Ian I of best qual ity , balmier cab. . U U. sbeafu. Iluiadnay and Muln FOU EALK Orocory stock llxtnres. borses. etc. 1'rico H.'iOil Excellent Ir.ulc. ell established , largo prnllts : must beold at onoc. fur uiiod cause n. H. fcheafe , Hroadwajr nnd laln fett eel. _ _ _ _ _ _ FOIt liXT : Nicely furnlt-lii'd rooms ono blocl. from llroadwaj , at U1) ) Olen tucntio. LOST Kofi inciroeco ro > eti l mem booli. lrit.p fiihtened. eontiilnlii : clii'cU Na fcTl of i > eo W Llio | \ Co. on Citlrcns for I"i3 and other valuable pipers. PliK'er ' will re- ci'i\e rewurfl bj- returning to ( ' W Atwood , I2H Hond Mrcct , or at \ \ abash olllce , Mctrlum blocl , RR1LWHYT1MEOHRD. U1CAI.O IIIIItL.rV i PJ , * V J \r 'TJ I ) .pot lOfi HUM tnijt _ _ ' ) ni i * _ i nil . . .Clflnio VoitttTulo . bUJiim . n in . . . Cliin j llxprom . . . . . II M | > ni . . . rhlcazj I.Tire ; . . . . j 4 ' ! " > P m CM Ii nil . . Clilraso 4 Iowa l.ocnl . . < 01X1 p m iM | > m . .in ; ti'rn rirer . i z ia | > ra ( i40 p ni ( Kx Mm I flue I'mi IICx M.m | | H.Uia ui iQtfl a in I'talriu-o lixprrii tM | i m . Vrrtlliulo l.liullod. . * , iU P tn | .Kmtorn 1'lyiT . . . . UtU | i in , ( lx hun ) Atlantic Mull IBx .Mon ) 7.10 it in. . i Kir SI I trroll l'u . rii.'iT ( lix h 1/eari-N I DM/.llA X h'l. 1AIU1S. UiimlinlU I * rti'i'Qt. lUtli uiid Marcy Ft i p ml bloul I'jinnon Hall. . 1'ACIHO. Oiunliaj itli ami Wnlmtor Ut i ) U M a in H. & ) | i m I 1.1'UVe. I tlllLAUU , It 1. A , I'ACll IU IrntufBr ] Unlua Depot.C'ouuc-ll C.U p m NU'lit Iriri ; ! i 10/Ai am Alluntlo Kiiri-m | 4.U | iml Vt-ntlbulo Llailtod i ; . joi : & c a Arrliui Ti nutter I Union I . t'uunoll Uluffi 10 00 it ra I . . .Kuui ii Ultjf ljf 10 14pni' ' Kuiuai I'ltv NlKul itl a ui ) X'IU tin j , Arr TJI 'Jrannferl Unluii I'uiiut. Counoll Ilium 'Iraiiti KM ) n tu i.ta p ra 1UUU p m I U.Ji a in 7.U5 p w 4 pinluii l oral ' 7 IS a m "OMAHA \ T. iSuTiT ArrlTeT" Trauiftrl Uulou lloput. Council Illuti [ Jruinlar It ! > v m t CITY' & I'ACMKIC ATIID Trauilvrl Union l * ' | iou Council lllnfli iTranifur 7.41 a nil bluux cltr Acouuimiiuuilua IlkUU p ID IM uij BUl'a , HW K