Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Rowc/u Eustlois Find Little Trouble ) in
Winning from the Late Wonderers ,
iuiiK Mr. Kcrlo 1'ouinlril nt Will Undo
AVI 11 Do It T\vlci ) Tills Aftrrnoon for
One AiliiilKHlon ftniri-s of
's Oninm.
Omaha , 1" ! Fort Wnyno , 7.
Columbus , 2 ; Minneapolis , 0 ;
Kansas City , 13 ; Indianapolis , 3.
Milwaukee , 8 ; Toledo , 8.
- r \ \ the Bald-beaded
rr > ) ) Eagle of tbo Chosa-
' , V .n. . , " poAke , nt tbo close
* *
- - ottho Ratnojostcr-
tlay afternoon ,
loukod very much
ns iho parrot did
after tbo monkey
bad pot through wliiThlm.
It wns his first appearance In base ball
in the wild mid woolly west , nna the slnn ,
bang fashion of Uncle's hired bands was too
much for his dollcato nerves. Billy bos boon
nccustomcd to the hnro and the tortoise style
of ball as plnjed back In Baltimore , for lol
ttieso scores and scorns of years , nnd yester
day's got up nnd hurrah contest almost
ntartcd a second growth of hair on bis devout
Tbo weather was expressively torrid , nnd
the wind caino up from the south in hot and
fltful trusts , like an Arabic simoon , nnd
aboutliuU tbotlmotho diamond was ingulfed
in an imnenotrablo cloud of dust.
This trying condition of things , however ,
was Insufllclent to supross the faithful , and
by 4 o'clock ono ot tbo best crowds of the
weak had assembled.
There was but llttlo ceremony about open
ing up the battle , and before manager Burnlo
cobld comfortably settle Himself on the
bench , uncle's slaves \vero fondling and
caressing youncr Mr. ICooto with an abandon
that amounted to simple recklessness.
Kverjbmly Win Happy.
Undo nvettod victory in tbo very outset ,
mid that' excellent old gontlouian. Colonel
Stout was so happy that his rotund face
ciuicltlv assumed the Utio of a hupo liver.
And the ftustlers , too , they were happy , nud
so was , the crowd ; roses bloomed right on
top of tbo grandstand nnd nround uuclo's
classic mug gleamed a golden nimbus that
will slilao on down through the years to
In sooth tboro wasn't an unhappy or per
turbed EtiQl within Iho park , unless it was
Jerry Stonoblll. He thought that Mr.
Gunt her , the umpire , had bottur stuok to
lituTaturo , that hu had given up a royal call
ing only to tnnl'.o a boly show out of himself
endeavoring to ncljudicato tuo line points of
the great national game.
But then you must remember that all that
Jerry himself don't know about the sport
would mnko a volume consldoraoly larger
Than Ibo Congressional Globe.
Sccirctl from tlio Vrry Stiirt.
Shybcck , as ut > ual , was the iirst White
Sock to step to the plate. Ho had ono of
Unclo's now bats uud the second ball Mr.
Kuefo liberated ho pasted It square in the
] KW and It went soaring out over center lilto
n bird upon tbu wing.
Mr Ilogdnver eat it.
'j-yiilludelplijjs Domighuo did the same to
ftne-'otl-tbo bat of the lud from Juke Aug's
Lalllwlck , 'and it looked like lion fruit for
Omaha , f * '
Uut.tbo gnmo Is uncertain , n remark you
iiaVu'nll probably hoard before.
, * Koofo nofslstontly refusen to DQt'cm over ,
Him Mr. Barnes of Nuw York sent King Ivol
tb liR > t oii balls , Ifurmer Visnor , who has
bnu ; his vofco nicely lllod , rapped out
n single , on which the Boston youth cainad
third. Undo repeated tbo trick , which let
Kel In and sent , lee to the bag hu had just
vacated. Then Undo made n blulT toward
becond , nnd it went. Dugout threw the ball
clown to Old Pop , nnd ho and Molz ran uncle
down , not , however , until after Visner had
slipped in with tbo second run.
That was clover and everybody said that
Uncle was a daisy.
' Jt looUQd like a fight , thuuch , when the
Kekioiifc'oa came rlgntbaclcatus nnd tied the
llnril on Iluiullbou.
Dmiiiphuo signalized his debut by n rat-
tllnp single , and Cysut ClifTrus bis with a
homo run.
That made the crowd wince ; nnd it is so
beastly to have to wince on such an inciner-
uting afternoon.
Then they quit. Old Pop slapped his club
through tbo ambient thrice , Shy took care of
Motz's llttlo parabola , and the coal minor's
high QUO fell into Kelly's bunds.
It was un egg uiiionco in Ibo next.
But the third was u catuclasin.
Nicncdotniis HanOlboc partook of Koofo's
liberality nnd walked down. Shy did the
htimo and on Collins' misconnrction of Gllks"
fcptiody Junior the bags worn full.
Bang I Tbo crowd sat erect and rubbed its
oyes.Farmer. . Vis had pushed ono out like a shot.
It seared ibo clover blossoms as It cuts its
way out toward Hoggy , anil ns Hoggy
htoopod to grub it it collided with his shin
bono and ricochottud way oit to iho carriage
gatound before it got back , Nick , Shy and
Kobcrt were porcheu like blackbirds In a
row nlonc the bench and Joe was fanning
himself on third.
That was luuk.
It is Raid Him should the sun anproach us
tj n distance utiual to that of the moon , tbo
\vholo world would melt like n ball of wax ,
But Hogijy would probably rather have
tukon bis uuuticuB with Old Sol under such
circumstances , than to bavo cniuu m uud
faced the Bald- beaded Eagle of tbo Clios-
Ho told Bernie , however , that if his shin
bono over served htm such unothor shabby
triuk ho'd have it pulled.
But tbut , wasn't the end of tlio cntuclusm.
Undo got In u cute llttlo bunt , and Vis
scored , nnd then after Collopv had struck
out Uotiaghuo lot. ftloxlo Honglu's alnglo get
oy him. and Undo came homo too.
Moxlo'K VlrNt A ] > i > i'iiraiicc.
But. say. did you got onto Hanglo's flno
work ? anvasoftbo order brilliant , und It
Iroks now ns If Uncle bad nulto n lluoly ball
The way Moxie picouetted about second
iTinlndc-d ono of DunUp In his palmiest.duvs
There was nothinc in tba ulr or on carih'ln
tlio shape of n halted bull that ho couldn't
\Vhethorlhoyc2mo ] toblm bard or
easy , fast or slow , he seoopod them up just
thu sumo , mill us be but in tbo sun upon the
bench between times , ho felt so good that ho
Hung to himself :
I Bather them In , I gather thnm In ,
Whotliur IOIIK or nhtirl or thick or lulu ,
Or nioU iinil liud and full of win
I gather l bum In , 1 gather them In.
But ho wasn't tno only ono who plnyoa
good ball. Sholbcok and Gllks were ulso In
the game , while Uncle und Collopy and Vi -
nor made themttolves manifest In a way that
tickled \p \ | | crowd.
IJitt thuru is llttlo Inducement to go into
lurtber purtlitulnrs , ns tbo exciting part or
the battle has already boon duuilluu. In the
fourth Hnjcs hammered out n tliroe-sucltor
nnd scored AII tilllts' nrtlstiu bunt , uud In the
Jifth wu took another block of live , nnd that ,
too , nftcr two lianas were out. in this
bunch was a imiBmlleeiit homer by Colonel
Tn the Visitor's bixlf of the inning tbo
Ki'lts also run in three tholr la t. Uugdnlu
, Bturtua luainuslo with a double , aim then
alter ICeofo and Uounghuo had perisbod , Sut
got bis huso on balls nud Smith mid Motz
urnoqhed Jier for thrott uck nploco
, 'Jbu UualoolTaot in the eighth , ana In the
ninth look another to grow on.
SMmfwus ull. ,
The wiiole , . history of the Afternoon was
-Oiuprtiascd into just ouo hour aud ilfiy
Hilnutei. '
JViid liarnio )
Ho moved from out the grounds like a
( tolng to JuueraH nil his
p hud bottoorotuw to xcllow-buoUod
> i
llicraluro before somotiody pnTfs In tlio"roof
on him.
Thoscofo ! , ,
Totull. . . . . . . . . . iff 7 10 3 1 S7 IS II
scour nr INXINUS.
Oiiuiliu V 0 5 1 fi 0 0 3 1 17
Kort Wayne 2 0 0 0 U 0 2 0 0 7
Huns earned : Omaliii , G ; Port Wayne , 'I.
Two-basu bltM ! Ollks. Howe. Diindulo. I'hrco-
bnstilills : llavei. Smith. Motz. llumo ruiii :
Sbuibcuk , .SiitclllTo. .Double plilys : VNnur
to Howe , llnsu on balls ; OH' Kcofo , G : < ilT
Ilsinillboc. ; i Lett on buses : Uniuliu. 4 : Kurt
Wnyno. ft. Struck out ! lly Kcofo. a : llandlboc ,
I , Tltuoof uaine : One hour und Ufty min
utes. Umpire : Ouentliur.
Tno ( litiiii1 Ono I'rlcc.
There will bo a feast of bnso ball at Sports
man's park this nfternoon. Two games will
bo played between tbo Omnbas and the Fort
Waynes for ouo admission , nnd the crowd
will undoubtedly bo tba largest of tbo sou-
son. The Hustlers have been playing great
ball mtaly , uud naturally ovorybouy will bo
nnxtous to see the DOW second baseman ,
Honglc. His work yesterday waj llttlo
short uf brilliant , and his acquisition , which
returned BOD U11 Its to center , has strength
ened the loam wonderfully.
The llrsl gnmo today will bo called at 2:30 :
and the second will commence Jlvo minutes
uftor its completion. The piles wl'l bo
opened at 1:45 : o'clock. The positions in the
llrst game will bo bs follows :
Omaha. Positions. Kort Wnynu.
Vlekcry I'ltcl Wnilsworh
Ilnyes Outeli Suti-lltro
Hotto First , Motz
HwiRlo Second Smith
Collouy Third Alvord
Sholbuok : blmrt Holland
Kelly , . Loft Donuuliiio
ailks Middle Houlever
VUucr. . . itlehb Dugdalu
In the second game tbo men will line up us
follows :
Omaha. 1'osltlon. Fort Wayne.
D.irby I'ltch Uutinlngliiini
Hnyci Catch Uugdiilo
Howe I'list Molz
HeiiKlo Second Smith
Collopy Third Alvoid
Sholbeck bhoit Holland
Kelly Loft Doimslino
Uillis Middle , . . . .llu rlover
Mbiier lllghl Siitclliro
Today's Is the last game for throe weeks ,
ns thu club loaves Thursday on the last east
ern trip otlbo llrst championship season.
Or Coiil'NO , OI Uoursf.
i'.is , Minn. , Juno 11. Columbus
shutout Minneapolis today. Brcckonridgo
made bis usual homo run. Attendance , DUO ;
weather hot. Score :
.MlmH'cpolls UUOOOOOO 0 0
Culutnbua , 2
Huns rnrncrt : Coliimlnii , 1. Home run : llrcckon-
rlcluo. ynuiltk'U lilt : Ijilly. II.iso on Imlls : Lit
behnnrl/cl. : ) : oil Mciilivun , 1. lilt by pitcher :
Wnlsli , O'lluurkd Stiuckinit : HrPcimnrtrel , : ! ; by
Stviilinns , 4. WIM pitches : lly ubniirt/ul. 1 ; by
btuili'iiu. | 1. ! ? toimi liasvsOlcnvlliin nucl llcrcckvn
rhino. Tlmuar it.iiiiis-i Ono humami tw.ity-ilvo
mnlulL's. Uiiiiiltu : Suracl.
; > iist linttcil It Out.
K.AXSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 11. The Cowboys
batted .out a victory today over Indianapolis.
Weather pleasant ; attendance , 1,000. Score ;
Harneil runs : Kaunas Clly , C ; Indianapolis , 1.
Tnu-bHNU liltn ; Ciiniuy , J.utciicr , Horror. 'Jbrco-
bimo lilts : l.yttle , lliiglicy , AloMulion , Aloililon.
lluiiioriins : I/jttlo. bnvrltlculilu : Buiiiluy , 1'ajne ,
J ; Lyttlu. Anilnis , .Vimlv , lluitilun. Doiiblo plnya ;
llucliL'y 1O Mclliilionto Carney ; 1 nwruncu to Kor
BIT. lliiHunn t/alU : Alberts , .MunnliiK , Mc.Miihoii
O'lIrlcn.KiiKlu , Lawrence , HurKor. l.elt oii bate's ,
ICanbai ; luillanaiollH | , n. btolcn ba os : sun
day , McJliiiion. Jilt by iiltchur : hunilay , Alberts ,
Manning , rttnick out : NaKlo Liiwri-iice , 3 ; Car-
pcnler. 2s UonliiB , .Mmldcii. l'us ud bulls : lly Alt-
ilabon TliuuulKiuuij ; Two hours : Uiuplro : Me-
iii lly Jtoit : thu l'lriit < > h.
niinY.MiKui : , Wls , , Juno 11 , Milwaukee
anu Toledo played an exciting gurno of ball
tcdiiy. Wealhur pleasant ; attondunce , 1,100.
All 11 I'O A X AII ii iA n
\Vurd.2b 53210 , 4 U 2 U 1
Homy. in. . . & 2 8 2 0 . ' . * . . . , ji on,2b 4 1 U 2 0
M'Ubrr , us. . . 42341 Caiuplou , Ib. 4 2 U U 1
Twllchul , If. 5 0 1 U t JrllliiKer. If 4 1 1 0 U
b 6103 ilcboln , m , . 4 1 1 I ) u
Karl , Ib 5 1 1) ) 1 I Nuwull.Jb. . . 4 II U 3 1
lioiionuc , c. . 5 1 1 1 i inuoiir , rf. . 3 0 1 1 u
11 u ml , iir j , " , rf 4 2 2 0 i urley. c. . . . a 1) 6 I ( I
llurrell , i 4 0 U 1 Inrku , p. . . . 3 U 0 & 1
Totals 12 27 13 fo.tnln .71 821 13 4
iiy I.V.MMSS.
MlhMUikco 4UU00 10 8
0 101U U1 3
Blt.MMAin' .
Huns oiirnod : Mllwnuki-e , 2 ; Toledo , 1. Two-
base bits : Altfiarr , 2 ; KiuU , ( ictlliiKur. Tlirnu-
biisu lilt : Mcluil. llnso ou balls : nil .Mui.nrr.
ultB. Uiujilru : tnydor.
ColonclH rinnlly riml u Team Tliny Can Win
From ,
DAI.TIMOIIB , Md. , Juno 11 , The Baltimore *
bad tbo game well in hand up to tbo eighth
inning , when the Louisville * wont lu'uud
earned six runs by heavy hatting , which
tolls the Btory. Weather lliio : attendance.
1,075. Score :
llultlmorq . . 0 4
Louisville , . o OOUOOOO 4u
Hits : llaltimoro , 8 ; Louisville , ll. Errors :
Itultlmure. 1 ; J.uulsvllle , a. U.nncd runs :
llulumoie , ; ij I.oiiiavlllu. 0. Ilatterlus : Cobb
und loblti ! > oii ; MeeUn and Urliiuu.
heimtoi'H Uitttlii Kvnii ,
WASIII.NOTON , D. C. , Juno 11. St. Louis
wns badly beaten today by Washington.
Attendance , 2,578. Score :
Washington . ' 5 IB
Si , Units . 4
lilts : Washington , ails St. I.ouls , 0. Errum :
\Vu8 b iisitin , 1 ; tit. Lou In. a. Warned runs :
Wabhiiuton , II j St. Louis , s. :
ljutuiti'lit mid McGuliu ; Hri'ltonstoln , Uwver
anil llnukley.
Unulti ( ii'tn Ono Mom.
Buooui.v.v , N. Y. , Juno 11. Chicago won
today through errors by tbo homo team. At-
tenduneoablS. Score :
ChlctiL'o. . , . i ! 0
Brooklyn. . 3 5
illls : Chicago. 8 : llrooklyn , P. Errors ; Oil-
OIIBU , U. Jlrookljrn 7t 1-uinod runs : Uhlcauo j.
UrooUlpnli. llutturius ; Uiimboit and Schilvcr :
I'outzand Diiiloy.
< iliint AVuro u niuip.
NBW Yonif , Juno 11 , Cleveland played
the ueitor all round guuio tbls nfternoon and
won easily. .Attendance U , 100. Score ;
Now Vork . . . 0 0000000 11
uiuvulund . s * n
Illth : fsow Y-orlf,7t Cleveland. S. Ivrrors :
Nuw ioili.O ! Uluroluini , I. KurnodTtins : Now
? . .OIiV 'A ' Uiiivolunil. : t llutujrmi : King and
Holds ; O'uppy and Imuiur.
Luuk of thu KCuluv . .
Uosiox , Mans , , J-jno 11. Tbo Bostons did
most of tbolr Imtlnt ; in the early part of the
game today. This , combined with two buses
on bulls , guvo thorn u winning lead. Attend-
nncoB.t5i. { Score :
lliwtou . . . I 1 J 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
Cincinnati . 4
lilts : lloaton. B { Oiuclnutttl , 10. Error * : Hos-
Inn , I : Wnolnnnttr 1. Unrnoil rnds : tt wPin. .ft
Cincinnati. 4. HuttcrM : Nlolioisj and OanwlJ
and Jlnrnliy.
0:1 iho .Inlinln.
, 1'n , , Juno 11. Thol'hillies
bit Unldwln hard nnd nl tbu rlgut time.
Attendance , til.Vi , ! , Score i
I'lttsburu 3 00000000-3
I'hllHilclphln 0 1 0 0 0 1 n A 10
lilts : I'lttMiure. fii 1'lill-nlolphtn. is. Kr-
rors : 1'lttsbiirg. ' ) : .I'hlliulolbhla , I. Knrnpil
runs : I'lttsbtirs. at I'hlliitlolulilti. llnlr
terlrs : llaldwlii and Muck ; Unnoy and
llnttHinouth Wins it flighty llnrky dnmo t
BnATincr , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bnu. ) Ogatrlco nnd Plotts.-
inoutb played to another slim attendance
attcnflanca today nnd about ns rocky a game
as could well bo put op. Thd fcaturooftbo
ptimo was the frequency o' errors , ni will bo
observed by tbo nppnndcd summary :
Won U In tlio Ninth.
OIIANII Isiuvt > , Neb , , Juno 11. fSpoctnl
Toleeram to Tin : BuK.l The Cotton 1'ickers
nnd Urand Island pliived n close nnd interest-
lug game today , Grand Island winning lu the
tiintn on two singles. Mourner's nrror , two
bases ou balls nnd u , two-bugger. Hoffor's '
hitting was a feature. Score :
Grand Island 8
Kearney > 0 0 0 0 a 1 0 0 U *
lotteries : Grand Island. Minuncr und Miir-
rnyt Kunrnoy , llonp und I'Vnr. lilts : Urntul
Island. 12t Kearnuy , iKrrors : ( Irand Ibland ,
U ; Kearney , i Uinplro : Fuliner.
J'rcinont Drops Ituck.
HASTINOS , Nob. , Juno 11.- { Special Tele
gram to Tuu Bcii. | Hastings against Fre
mont today. Score :
Oinalia Teams IJinlly Unrii Up Awuy I'mm
Si'inxorin , ! ) , Nob. , Juno 11. ( Spoclnl
Telegram to Tuu BEE. | Tlio Grays defeated
the N. 13. Falconers today by a score ot 2o to
4. nnd could have made twenty-five moro had
they been inclined to piggish. The Fal
coners put up the rottenest gcmo over wit
nessed on the homo ground , and thu 250 people
ple in attendance were sorely disappointed.
If there is n base bull club In Omabu or any
where clso in the stnto that can play ball
the Springlicld people would liko"to hear
from them. Score :
Snrlnillohl. . . . 0 0 : i 4 2 0 5 2 2 2. )
I'lileoners . ] ; i 0 0 U U 0 0 0 4
lluttoiles : Unit. Ilnrlunund Oelst : lloiinl-
son. Kennedy and Smith , lilts : priiigliald ,
13 ; Kiilcanurs , 7. Two-bnso hits : ( joist , Fov
mill illuUeuull. Thrco-buso lilts : lllnuewoll.
Struulcout : lly Uelst 13 , Iliirliin 5 ; bv Ken-
nuly ; U , Smith 2. Knors : Sprlnplleld , II ; Kal-
fonuts , 10. Umpire : Dr. Wallner. Tlmo of
gumu : One hour and forty minutes.
I3i.\i , Neb. , Juno 11. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hii.J : flic Omaha High School base
ball team caino up to play ball with the home
team today , out tt was so one-bided that it
was r.ot even interesting. At the end of the
sixth Inning the score stood 13 to 4 in favor
of Blair. At the request of the Omaha loam
a n-iw game started and at the end of
the liftu inifing tbo acoro was U to 7 in favor
of Blair. A very small attond'inco was out.
AST IllU V.llilll.lVLI SXi
Its Opponents Claim Tlmt It Is Not Coutlto-
iiiincrd In Itoiur.
NEW YOUK , Juno 11. Tbo World says :
Father James Connelly , , secretary to his
grace , Arcnbishop Corrigan , smiled last
evening when a reporter handed him a
cablegram wblch Very Uev. Morris .1. Camp
bell , provincial of thu Society of Jesus , re
ceived yesterday from Rome. Ills pleasant
features were wreathed in smiles , aud his
bright eyes sparkled as ho' perused it.
The message chronicled a triumph of the
opponents of the F.inbault school system ,
which , in Aa'erica , embraces nine-tenths of
the Catholic hierarchy , and of which Arch-
bUhop Itvland Is its most aggressive leader ,
and it means a political defeat for its most
potent advocates , his eminence , Cardinal
Gibbons , and his grace , Archblsnop Ireland ,
wtiu tueir lessor supporters.
This is why Father Connelly smiled a
charitable , but an unmUtnknbio smile of
satisfaction ns ho read the following cable
gram :
UOMK , .Time 10,18'To ' Very Uov. Morrin J.
Campbell , Provincial : An ollluinl letter sleiiod
bv tlio urofeet of tbo prup.ieanila bus been
addressed to tlio Oivi.itu U.-ittolica ami pub
lished today. The letter expresses the uouo's
sorrow at tbo nttucKs directed iigiilnst tbo
Clvlllta's stamllir. . ll lofutns till ! eiluninli's :
nsalnst It and proclaims Us wrlteis tbo fuar-
lessdiifomlers of justice In tbo interests of
roilKlon. It uoiilirms the papal briefs f.ivoi-
InK thu Ulvlllta , und deularcs it to luivo been
always trim and devoted to tbo holy soo.
Text , of tlio letter has been mulled you ,
The letter seems to bo self-explanatory , "
said Father Connolly , "mid I cannot see that
it needs nnv comment. However , there nro
two points wbicb I will explain.
"In the first place it is plain the holy
father desires to repudiate the claim that tbo
position the Civilita assumed lu the contro
versy over tbo Falrlbault school question was
nntagonistlu to that hold in tno propaganda ,
nnd it is evident that those attacks , emanat
ing from whatever source , were hlirhly dis-
ple.islng to too vatiean.
"Tbo Civilita has always boon edited bv
the most learned men in Uomo , men who
have always been esteemed highly by tbo
Vatican for their wise nnd dignilicd position
on questions of church discipline which have
arisen from time to time. Of course in
matlors of faith and morals there nro no
ullToronces among tbo canonists of the
"Thu second point is this : It confirms the
papal brlofs.
"Pope Plus IX on several occasions wrote
olllcinl letters to tbo editors of the Civllltu ,
approving tbo wise utterances of that paper
on certain grave questions which were
brought to the attention of the propaganda.
Tbu fact that Pope Leo confirms those briefs'
is complete evidence that the % 'utlcan ap
proves the position wblch the Civilita took so
aggressively on the Farlbault school system
question , "
Father Connelly was nskod what explana
tion there is of Archbishop Ireland's
repeated declaration that the Civillta's
recent utterances had boon condemned nt
the Vatican , nnd his own position on the
school question approved nnd confirmed bv
the pope.
"That remains for him to explain. " said
the archbishop's secretory , with a dubious
shitkoof his houd.
Ills gru > io could not bo soon last night , but
Father Connelly said hu thought the Hrch-
bisiiop would doslro to add nothing to what
ho baa suiil.
Mint IIU ClilMron mill Snlclilod.
Four WOIITII , Tex. , Juno 11 , News comes
from Cass county Hint Ooorgo Wbotstono
tried to kill his two small children , n girl
about 4 unitn boy of 18 months. Xlo used n
hatchet aud then shot himself through the
heart. The children will not recover.
The Clifton Hill Baptist inUnori will have
regular preaching services at 11 o'clock1 each
Suobatb morning in the hall corner Grant
street and Military avouuo.
Westminster Piosbytorian CburcbTwon -
ty-nlnth and Mason streets. The pastor.
Kov. John GordonD.U. , pastor , will preach
ui 10ao : u , m. A celebration of Children's
day with sermon by tbo pastor to the chil
dren on "Daniel in tbo Lion's Dan , " aud
baptism of inf&nts. At lli < n , iho Sunday
school will bold its anniversary with a spe
cial program. Tbo po tor will proacli at B n.
m. ou " 'I'lla Itilluouco a Good Man Should
Exert In tbo Community.11 Mooting of the
YouiiKl'ooplo'fl Society of Christian Kndeav-
or ui7:15 p , tu.
AllSaluts Church Corner Twonty-slxth
and Howard streets. T. J. Muckuy , rootor.
Morning scrvtc5 jao'clock \ , evening
sutviooSp. m. Sjsrnion jnorulntr : "Tho
Ductrin6 of trAP'ifrliiltyV' . Ser.i.fin toplo
DV nlniir "InWlMwi-o the Uhild of lano-
ninco. " Suudiiysuiiool 0J : n. m. Young
rccn anil
Cynthn ChrlMlaa1 churcli , 4I1IS Nicholas
streetJo oph SjiloJ g , putor. Service * nt
10)0 : ! ) n. m. nnd m. Young People's So
ciety of Chri.tlran Hnde-xvornt Tir > p. tu.
StimUy school l i Jft. Morulng suojcct :
"Humanity's jVAjtUlHicltt to Iho IClntf'.s
Huh way of Helints . " - Kveulng snbjoot :
"Kititbly Kings in thq Pit , "
Sunday servft ? aC bt. Mary's ' Avenue -
nuo CoiigrozationiP church 12tli lint. , Chil
dren's day sorvlut1' Al 10V ! ! ) n. m. , ilonil
decorations , baptism * , recitations choruses ,
brlof addressescfi. . Yont.g People's 13n
dcavor meottngnt ( i:45 p , m. At 8 o'clock
sormo'J by Iho pastor , Uov. S. Wright Hut *
lor. Topic , "What Is Not Well for u Child. "
A cordial welcome to till tlio services.
Frco Church of S. Matthias * ( KpUcopiO
South Tenth street nnd Worthington Plaoo ,
Hov. Alex \V. Mnctmb , prlost-ln-chargp.
Trinity Sunday. Holy communion 7 n. in.
Sunday school nud blbln class 0:45 : n. m.
Twenty-fourth annual commencement
Browncll hall. Hov. llooort Dohcrty , S. T.
D , , will bavo direction of the sorvlbcs. At 11
n. m. matins , lltuny and sermon oy Uov.
William Sparling. At 7 p. m. evensong , with
special sermon by Uov. John Williams to the
graduating class.
Church of the Good Shepherd ( ICpiscopnl ) ,
corner Twentieth nnd Ohio streets. J. P. D.
Llwyd roctor. Trinity Sundav services.
Sunday , school 9:15 n."m , Mldd'ay service ,
consisting of holy communion , 11 n. in.
Evening prayer tind sevmon , 8 p m. The
children of the Sunday school wilt assemble ,
With tholr friends , nt thu church nt 2:15 : p.m.
and attend in a oody the union Sunday
school services nt Trinity cathedral nt U p.m.
Boats free to all. Special Trinity Sunday
Ktiox Presbyterian Church Corner Nineteenth -
toenth nnd Ohio streets. Morning services
appropriate to "Chlldri'ii's Day. " Prouch-
ing nt 111 :30 : by the pastor , Uov. Asa Lcnrd.
Subject. "Tho Children in tho' Church. "
From 1'J m. to 1 p.m. exercises by the Sab
bath school. Evcninc services nt 8 o'clock.
Subject ot sermon , "Tho New Beginning. "
Clifton Hill Sunday school will moot as
usual nt 3 p. IP. in th'o Presbyterian church
building , corner of Clifton street and Mili
tary road. As there nro classes to suit all
ages , everybody earnestly invited to como. '
Clifton Hill Presbyterian church , corner
of Clifton street und Military road.
Divlno service nt 4 p. in. , conducted ou Sun
day ilrst by KOV. Dr. Leurd of Knox
Prosoyterlan church. At this service the
last opportunity will bo given any ono to
identify him or herself with this concrega-
tlon as a charter morabor either on prosonta-
tlon of church letter or by profession of faith.
All nro cordially Invited to bo present.
Immanucl Baptist Church North Twenty-
fourth and Binney streets Uev. F. W.
Foster , pastor. Morning services nt 100. : !
Preaching by Uov. Mnrsonn Stone , D.D.
Sunday school at 12 in. Young people's
prayer meeting nt 7:15 p. in. "Children's
day" exercises inho 'eraiing at 8 o'clock.
Strangers especially Invited.
Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church-
Fortieth and Hamilton streets Uov. T. C.
Webster , pastor. Morning hour , 11 o'clock
will ba devoted to Sunday school exercises
in behalf of Children's da'y. Evening hour ,
8 o'clock , sermon bjttho p'astor.
Welsh PresbytterHti Church Twenty-filth
nnd Indiana strudti Kav. J. Morluis Uich-
ards of Chicago preachei at 7:30 : p. m. Sun
day school nt 10:3l-a. m.
Unitarian chu'fth1 ! Seventeenth nnd Cass
streets Morning1 prvico commencing nt
10:15. : Preaching ov the pastor , Hev. Wow-
ton M. Mann. Sunlfay sthool at IU o.clock.
Kountzo Memorjul English Lutheran
church , corner Sixtiynth and { inrnoy Uov.
A. J. Turkle , pastor. Services ut 10aO : u. m.
and 8. m , Subject or morning , "Consider
the Lilies. " Evening , "Union of Foroos. "
The Sunday schqol will observe Children's
day with beautiful nnd appropriate services
in the church nt ° l2 o'clock noon. Young
People's Society jfrrctirls.tian Endeavor , at 7
p. m. Every ono'is'tnost'cordiayyinVit'cd ' to
these services , ' " " - - > *
, chfe'r'cli , Thir-
tiotb . .anil Calironi'mV sjiUpduv .sgrs'icus as
" '
follows . ' "jJOrniu t 111 suDJeet' , , "Chil-
dren's lay } : ' J EvSnfng at ' , S" ; subject , "A
Trip tOj-the 'Mount'aln. > l > Suuday0fichool at
noon. T'rayer'moeHint'tVodnosday.atlJ. . p. in.
William' J , Pasko , i&btgf.
St. Mark's fc.vangolrt ! l Lutheran Ch-arch
Corner of Twouty-Urst.aiid BurdottostriJiits. '
Uov. J. S. Dotweilor ; U.D. , pastor. Services
at 10:30 : n. in. and S p.-in. Sunday school nt
noon. Morning sermon : "Saving Another
Soul. " Evening sermon : "Discouragoa Be
cause of the Way. " Tnis will bo the seventh
sermon In the series on the general topic ,
"From Egypt to Canaan.1'
Southwestern Lutheran Cnurch Twehty-
sixth street between .Popploton ano Woolworth -
worth nvonues. Uov. "Lutbur M. Kuhns ,
pjstor. will preach'at 11 a. m. on "Tho Still ,
Small Voice. " nnd ntv 8 ' p. m. on "Faith
Couutod for Uigbteousnos's. "
i'cople's church , on Eighteenth struct be
tween California and Webster Preaching
at 10:30 : a. in. and S p. in. by tbo pastor , Uov.
Charles W. Snvldge. ' Children's day will
be celebrated in the fnorulnir bv the pastor
and consecration ot children. Subject In tbo
evening , "Aro the Wiclicd Annihilated J"
Seats free. All are'wulcome. Sunday school
at 2:30 : p. in.
First Presbyterian Church Seventeenth
nnd Dodge streets. Morning service , Chil
dren's day exorcises nt , 10W : ! a. in. Evening
proaching.servico at S p. m. Young people's
meeting at" p. m. Uov. John Dixon , D.U. ,
pastor First Presbyterian church , Trenton ,
N. J. , will speak in the morning service , nud
preach in the evening.
South Tenth street Methodist Episcopal
church , corner Tenth aud Pierce streets.
Uov. Alfrou Hodgotts , D.D. , pastor.
Class meeting 10-ilO a. m. Preaching 10:30 :
und 7:45 : p. in. Sunday school nt 12 in. Chil
dren's day exercises both morning and even
ing. Prof. Shaddnck nnd his two children
with their violins will assist in the singing.
Stereoptlcon views In tbo evening. These
views nro the finest in the west. A literary
program will also bo rendered by the chil
dren. Seats free. Al ) welcome.
Children's day exorcises nt the First Con
gregational church have been postponed ono
First Congregational church , corner Nine
teenth nnd Davenport streets Hov. Joseph
T , Duryoa , D.D. , pastor. Sunday morning
service at 10:30 ; evening sorvlco nt 8. Sun
day school at noon. Wednesday prnvur moot
ing at 7:45 , Children's day postponed ouo
First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth and
Davenport. There will bo a special pblldrau's
day service In the morning at 10iO ; ! o'clock ,
which will take tbo place of the regular
morning service and the 12 o'clock Sunday
school. Misslon'Sflndav school nt 8-sIlO p. ra.
The regular prayer meeting of the church
vitailon is extended to all.
Young Men's Qbrmlau Association Build
ing Corner Slxtoen i aua Douglas stroots.
Open from 8 a. in , to. JO p. m. , Suudays from
8 to 10:30 : a. m. nfiHy aQ to 7 o. m. Frco
reading and corrogiJotidenco rooms open to
everybody. Wrltiiig material furnished with-
obt charge. Suii avjiervlco.s : Blblo classes
9 a. m. nnd I ) p. m. 'conduotod by Colonel
Charles Bird , U , f ? , ' . At i men's muotlng at 4
p : m. in charge or.J'Tvangollsts Hodges nnd
Coon of Ohio. TjijMp two men have Just
closed a soriot ofKangelistio meetings at
Lincoln , Neb. , utte'iided with much success.
The Friday ovenfyi'mooting - * nro crowing
u interest , and attendance , nl 's ' lso the
Bible training cloas-iindersuporvision of Mr ;
Otto D.
The Sunday sctjllijl of Graoa rcfsslon Druid
Hill , will meet pcojujitlv ut a o'clock Sunday
nfternoon to atteujtUo | | union of the Episco
pal Sunday achaoh * nt Trinity cathedral.
Olllcers of the school will provide transporta
tion for tbo scholars nnditnko charge of them
during the trip. ,
fritoM 'a ' Hec-oyn BDITIOX.J
Jiy fllK VltlSTKHb.
Jtcld's Nomination Dmimiideil hy tlio I.ubor
Iliiluim ot .Sim Vurk.
MissnAi-oi.16 , Minn. , Juno JO. Shortly before -
fore tbo mooting of the convention the New
York dislocation held u conference with
seventy-two delegate's of tbut state present ,
and unanimously decided to present tbonamo
of Wbttelaw Uold , editor of tbo Now York
Tribune , for tbo vice presidency.
At tola niootmg the following communica
tion was received :
T o the rupublluan uutlonul cunvuntlou und
to tbu members uf ilie Now York dulu atlon :
At u meutliiK of thu uuduralRiicd. 11 coiuinittoii
lupresoiulnn the Typographical union No. C
of Now Tofl , Iho follnwlnir prcambln nml
rosnlutlons wuru uniiiilinously itdoptnd :
\Vhfrr i , Tiit1 illlTerpnci'S iii > roiutoro CTlsl-
Ingbotttcon our unlun nud tlitv Now York
Tribune lui n iiecn honorably adjusted to tno
tompivlo < v-itlsf.iotsori'of both sides , nnd
Wlicrni * . lion , \\hllulitn Keld , eilltor of Iho
TrlliiiiK.1 , bus neon fnvorililv inpiitlonail us u
uandiihuoof Iho rrpulille.iti p trty for the ot-
lleo of vi-o | iircslilotit , und tliurcforo bo It
KIM i.veil , this committee endorses his
candidacy and requests that bo bo named for
The communication is signed by John A.
Kenny , president Typographical ui.lon No.
II ; Wllllntn ,1. Urccnnn , Uobert Cosuillo ,
Thomas Hancock Pierce , U. Hurloy , com-
M III t'llltr nn tlm Tlc-ltPt.
Tbo gentlemen wlioso nnmos nro siened to
this cornmunic.Uton arrived in the oltv from
New York and appeared before the Etnplro
state delegation nt this mooting. They
stated tnnt the labor organizations of
the country wolild bo united in supporting
Mr. Held because of Ills kind offices In set
tling upon his return from Europe tbo dif
ferences which existed betwoou tno Tribuuo
mutineers nnd the typographical organiza
tion of Now YorK.
The announcement that Now York bad do-
cldod unnnllnously to support Ho.kl caused n
great sensation In tbo convontlon nnd wbon
Hon. Clirls Muuco , whoso efforts in behalf of
the Pennsylvania delegation caused tbn first
break to Harrison touny , and finally resulted
it ) the president's nomination , supplemented
nil this bv the nnnonncomoiit that his friends
of the Pennsylvania dologntion were for
Uold , the solocilon of the distinguished oil-
Itor sccmod to bo pretty well insured.
Wlnu th ( Irciit .lonnmlH of tlio Country
Think of tlio OonviMitliiu's Action ,
Kvxs sCiTV , Mo. , Juno 10. Tha Journal
( rep. ) will say tomorrow In regard to Harri
son's ronomlnatlon : "Harrison may not be so
brilliant n man ns Blaiuo , though his
speeches uro marvois of oratorical ability ,
uut ns ti voto-gotler ho is Blnlno'u superior.
"Liko all grout popular favorites , Mr.
Blnitiu tabs many bitter enemies , and Hlco nil
men who bnvo been prominent In public life
for many years , ho bus too much record to
undertake its defense with safety In a na
tional campaign , Whtlo both are great men
nnd splendid republicans , Mr. Harrison Is
the buttnr uanuldata aud the convention is to
bo congratulated upon Us oholco. "
Niw YOIIK , Juno 10. The Herald will say
editorially : "When the republicans are di
vided by factional hostility as they are today
tboro is greater need of harmony among the
democrats. If Harrison nnd Bluluo see lit to
split ono party , there Is no reason ivhv
Cleveland .nnd Hill should split the other.
if they would both retlro from tbo race n
western man could carry Now York. 'Hint
woul'J mean the inevitable defeat of Harri
son. If neither Cleveland nor Illll sees this
the convention at Chicago ought to see this
aud net accordlnrlv "
The World will "say : "Mr. Harrison is a
much batter representative of his partv ideas
than Mr. Biuinn would have boon. How
strong ti candidate be will bo wo must wait
to see.
"Mr. Blalno has friends or staunch loyalty
nnd long memories , nnd tbo issue between
him aud the president baa loft them resent
ful In nn unusual degree. "
I'nllliliU Services Kmrnrdnl ,
The Tribune will say ; "Merit wins. The
p.-'oplo reorganise nud glaaly reward faitluul
and effective service. In sixty years no
president , except Lincoln and Grant , have
rundurcil by wise ndministration bticb ' excep
tional sorvlco to tbo people as to'sccuro a
ru-o'icotiou. All the efforts of zealous friends
would have been of no avail bad not tbo
republican millins bellovnd that President
Harrison , by really rare sagacity , fidelity
and llrmn&s , had deserved ut their hands
exceptional confidences and honor. Under
no other president nave American com
merce , industry and the "prosperity of the
Auioriciu people made such progress , and
tbo nation rightly Judges that tnumphs in
peace arc no les's worthy of laurels tbau tri
umphs in war.
"Tho nomination of 'Whltolaw Uoid for
vico-proslilont completed the work of tto
convention. On this subject it becomes the
Tribuuo to speak briefly. The distinction
was not sought uud cannot insure
a moro zealous and moral sup
port1 of the ticket by the Tribjno
tliati it would have given to any candidate
whom the convention could bavo chosen.
Tuo nomination of Mr. Uoia docs , however ,
impose upon this Journal special obligations
of courtesy and fairness ana patriotism ,
wbicb it will endeavor so to discharge as to
deserve thu approval of friends aud the re
spect of opponents. "
.SciiUniuiit nl the Clilu.igo 1'rcas.
CHICAGO. 111. , Juno 10. The Inter Ocean
( republican ) s&ys : "Blaino and McKlnlov ,
above all otliers , are the names to kir.dlo the
enthusiasm of iho people , but the convention
was not to be lifted into iho ulr aftd dashed
to the earth again by n cyclone , whether
natural or manutactuied. Tbo ueliborato
Judgment of tbo country duly expressed
favored tbo nomination of Mr. Harrison und
that settled tt. "
Tno News Record ( independent ) says :
"Tho result is gratifying from a standpoint
of high patriotic sentiment. Mr. Harrison
was not antagonized because of any nlloged
failure of his administration. Nona of the
partisans complained of any official nut of
bis us president. Ho had done woil
according to the doctrinal policies of the
party ho represented. Tlio objection that
was found against him wns tbo outcrawth of
personal dissatisfaction of politicians. Ho
bud not given Tom , Dick and Harry all they
asked for. They wanted to run his adminis
tration for him. "
TuoTribunerepublican ( ) says : "It matters
little now by what methods bo ( Hatvlson )
secured this bigh honor or that his following
in the northern states was reinforced by a
strung , but impotent continccnt fiom the
south , wblch cannot aid him iu November ,
much as it mav havodono for him In June.
Ho is the loader and nvory true republican
will rally to his standard with the same de
termination that would have boon shown if
Mr. Blnino bad been the standard bearer. "
Says the Times ( democratic ) : "Last wcoic
Blalno throw up the portfolio of stato. To
day the chief whom ho thus defiod.cnlmly
attaches him to his carof triumph nnd with
out uppurcnt exultation will use his friends
for his inirth , yea for his laughter. "
I'mm Sllr r Slntc.
Dr.svi'.n , Colo. , Juno 10.Tbo Denver He-
publican will sny editorially In the morning :
"President Harrison's ronomlimtion me.iiis
another great victory for tbo republican
party in November. Among nil the men
spoken of for this uomitiation'durlng the past
vour , ho was by far the fittest , in select
ing him thu republican national convention
added another triumph of wisdom to thu
many which have distinguished similar
bodies in the past. That bis candidacy will
call forth tbo full strength of the party at
tlio polls is proven by the foot tmitit aid so
in 18SS , when he was llttlo known. Since
tboii ho has grown immeasurably in tbo esti
mation of ! iis fellow clllzons regardless of
partisan bias and especially In tbo confidence
of his own partv. "
The Mountain Nowa will tomorrow
morning say editorially : "Tlio nomination of
Mr. Harrison is what tbu News anticipated.
Tbo Irresponsible und uuropresonuiUvu scalu-
wag element of tbo south , which arc con
trolled by iho federal officeholders und nro
so much human putty , moulded nt will by
these who fester tbo fortunes of tbo appoint
ing power with the gold power that has
stcorod tbo financial policy of tba parly until
it is completely switched Into the single gold
Htandord groove , dlctatoa and secured the re
sult. "
HO ( ilVOH U iy'olUIIIUIllCIlt Illll til till ! 1'UhllO
ami It Is an Kiciillcnt OIIK.
BOSTOX , Mass , , Juno 10. Ex-Secretary
Blalno uud Mrs. Blainq loft for Uur Harbor
on tbo 7 p. in. train over the Boston &
Mulno road. Before ho loft the cltv this
evening , Mr. Blaine iravotbls communication
to the Boston Journal ;
"Tbo resolution , energy and persistence
which marked the proceedings of the con
vention ut Minneapolis will , if turned
against a common foe , win tuo election In
November. All minor differences should bo
merged in the milormlnailon of every repub
lican to do all in his power 10 elect the ticket
nominated today. JAMIJH G. BI.AIXE. "
Jt til Iterom * tlin Nuwrt.
WIIITIJ PLAINS , N. Y. , Juno 10. At 10
o'clock tonight the telephone in Hon. Whito-
uw Hold's country wilUonuj unir tbu vll
lage be/aj to ring aud tbo ox-minister uud
bis family received tbo information tbut ho
bad been nominated for vice president by
acclamation ,
Muuy prominent republicans called UDOU
Mr. Uold and congratulated him upon his
nomination , Ho also rooolvod many dis
patches of the sixmo import.
In Pplt3 of All Obstacle ? Greater
Than a Year Ago.
llutlnr < < 4 Well Hustiiliiril niut Iiirri > rlnu In
Voliiiuo A Wi-cu on Wall Street
nt til -Mnrki'l ralt-
urri fur tliu AVcck.
K w YOIIK. Juno 10 , K. U. Uun ifc Co's.
xvookly luviow of trade snys : Thu npgrogato
voluuio of trade , in splto of nil obstacles , Is
greater than n year ngo , by'nbout 7 per cent
measured by the clearings oulsldo ot Now
Yoru , nnd 3 par conl measured by railway
oarnlngs on all roads loporllng.
The Iron trade this week Is Improved ,
copper is unchanged. Tin nfrrsiurod by
spoculntion 3T > cents per 100 pounds , but load
depressed to four-llfths of a cent.
Tbo boot nnd ahoo business sottloa down
to a good , steady summer business.
Thorn is a moro ho.illhy condition in the
leather market , and moro demand for wool-
ons. Silks nro quiet , linen dull.
Speculation has not boon violent during
thowcoicln most branches , but wboal. Is
nearly 1 cent and oats one-quarter of ucout
I'ork products nnd coffee remain un
changed , but oil is nearly 1 cent higher.
Sales of cotton have boon enormous nt nn
navmico of one-eighth.
i Business failures occurring throughout the
country for the pust seven days number ItU.
ns ngalnstLW for last week and SJ4 fur tbo
same week of last year.
Nortluirn rnclllo.Cruiitui u l'o\v Sniprisus
Otlior I'tiiiiirc4 ,
NnwYouic , Juno 10. Uradstroot'a weekly
review of the Now Vork stock market is ns
follows : Early in the week the boar party
bad matters very much their own way. They
had a f harp rise In oxehnngo the actual
shipment of S30i,0W ) ( gold to Europe to ns-
sist thorn nnd were encouracod by tbo in
difference of the London market and the
continuance of selling from that , quarter.
The success of the bears in hammering
prices was , however , moderate. Their chief
energies In that line were bout to reducing
tbo values of the coal stocks aim some of the
grangers. Ai usual in n narrow mar-
icot their selling became too extended
for comfort or safety , nnd the
largo operators who llgtiro as the
loaders of tbo party pursued their cu&tomarv
conrso in covering up short line ? and leaving
tbolr smaller followers to shift for them
selves. The movement In Northern Pacllio
preferred was the most important of tbo
week. The liberal buying which advanced
thopriccfromflitoOj u.imo apparently from
Philadelphia , and from that quarter , too. came
the report that the company Is not without
powerful friends wlioso purpose" is to bring
it out of the financial troubles In which it Is
involved. Exactly bow this is to bo accom
plished it is hot dpilnltoly stated , though
there nro intimations that the retirement ot
the preferred stock and its conversions into
nn income bond nro the plans in view. The
presence of u largo short interest in the
stock of course facilitated the improvement.
The drive at the ciml stocks was duo to the
beginning of another suit , this ono in Penn
sylvania , certain stockholders of tbo Lohigh
company appearing in the role of applicants
for tbu annulment of tbo leases.
'ft Arrr.ign Indicates Quito un lu-
croiisu in Otlior StutcH.
WVSIHXCJTON , 13. O. , Juno 10. Tbo acreage
ui winter wheat basoJ on returns to tbo
Department of Agriculture-is SW.O per cent of
the actual , ncroa o ofla'ityear. ' There Is u
small increase in savorul of the southern
states and nn enlargement in Nebraska of 21
perconlin winter wheat. Thu njrcoutago of
the spring wheat urea is 100.U. "U'ho percent
age-of Iowa is lOO ; Minnesota , 102 per cent ,
iSorth Dakota 5:5 per cent , Simth Dakota IIS
nnd iNebraska 107. The aggregate Is uo.irly
100 or nearly the same as last year. The
condition of winter wheat has hfightlv advanceD -
vancoD , tbo percentage being SS.U. In the
middle slates n slight advance is .noted mm
generally In the southern states. In the
centra ! west a strong advance is soon in
Ohio ana Kansas , which is increased bv two
points in Michigan and Indiana. Tno'por -
centngo of principal states is Ohio SI , Mich
igan bl ! . Indiana S7 , IllinoU Sii , Missouri 75 ,
Kansas 87.
Tbo condition la high on the Pacific con it ,
U7 tu Washington and 'JS in Oregon nnd Cal
ifornia. Thu condition of spring wheat is
. > . ! ( , Minnesota , ! ) J ; Iowa , UI ; Nebraska , ! ! ;
South Dakota , ! i.V North Dnirotu , 02 , It
was butwcon 'JJ ' and 100 in the mo ( hliln : rc-
cicin , t'O in Washington , and 07 in Oregon.
Tbo men in rye is 00.2 per cent , of last year's
breadth nnd couditlon averages ' .y , nn nd-
vance of n little moro than 13 points. An In
crease of 2.U per cent in the brc-uath of bar-
lov Is reported , Its condition is UJ.l ; Now
York , OS ; Ohio , OJ ; Michigan , S4 ; Indiana ,
Sb ; Illinois , ill : Wisconsin , UV. Minnesota ,
! U ; Iowa , 1H ) ; Nebraska , SJ ; California , OJ.
Tbo acreage of eau is 00 par cent of Uht
year's breadth. The general condition is
3S. . ) per cent.
JIovonii'iitH ol Ocriin StrninerH.
At Now York Arrived Gallla , from Liv
erpool ; Hohomla , from Hamburg.
At Hamburg ArrlvoJ Hhaotia , froni
Now York ; Fuerst Blsmarcit , fiom New
At Brow Head Passed Umbria , from
Now York.
At Liverpool Arrived Cudc , from Now
The case of the grain dispute between
Minden and Illinois parties was continued in
the United States court.
BK. J. E ,
iMiniurjKissrd n HID irnutiiuintor all forms of
PIUVATK DI8KASK3 , mid all dlsorloM
iinil iliibllltlfsof youth uml munlmol. ITyeurV
eMK'rlenco. UN resuurciH mid f uMlllfni are
practically iiiillliiltiiJ. 'IIin l.iuUr Is roriiiii-
inoniluil by tbu prim , jind oiidorHcd In the
striiirjent tqrms by tbu punplu for fulr tni'tt-
inent nnd limiun pmfugtitiiril nil vine , The
most powuiful ruined leu kiuixvn to niniliirn
hfleni'e fur tbu suuuusiful tre.itinent of the
followlnz dUi-ii pa ;
aONOURUOiiA Iniinoalnto ruliuf. A coin-
ir.oto ytiru wlibout tlio lo-is of uu noiir'n tlinu
fllllll llllKlllHSS.
GIjliEr-.Onu of lliu most voiiiulctu nn'I suo-
ruAsfnl truiitiiiiiiiu fur Kluutund.a'l annoying
d'bonui''i'H yet known ( o thu niu.lluAl pro fix-
ilon. Tlio resiilthiirutruly wumlurfnl ,
STIlTOTUJtJJ Oioitent linoiMi roinely for
tbu iriiittincnt of blrlftnre , wltboiit | i iln , out-
tlnu'.oi'd latln'i , A mokt rrinurk.iblu ru ii'idv.
SYPHILIS-No trculnient for tbld
blood dUi'iisu" bal ever boon nmro sn . . .
HDrliiKI stronger enilnr.ienients In tbo li
of iniiuern seleni'ii tins dlgu'isu U posalroly
uur.ih uand ovwry tniva of thu polgou uullruly
rumovoil from tlio bloo I.
LOST MANHOOD , und ambition. norvuiH-
nem. timidity , dii piiinliiiiux mid nil we.iUnim
und illsor.lers of youth or ni-inliunj. IttlloT
nlitnlni'd ut uticu.
SKIN DISK ASKS , und ull disu.-iMot of th )
Klnnuicli , blond , liver , kllnuyn and bin Mor
uro iruuled u ites : fiilly iv.tli the xro.itui
known romudlus for tbu ulsji u it.
Write for olrcuUrJ uudiiuoitlun ( Ut. froo.
1-Jth < iuti
Lady Advises 'Ladies '
. ' . ' . ' * > C
A Few Secrets from HoV O\vr >
Experiences Which Can Bo
Profitably Adoptofl.
by others.
. } know RCharmln l ily who know * niftro br-niitlfn
nun MtrtrmniTiinii'ti limn nny tithrrlmty IniliUcltr
In uinvornnllnn , tvconilr , fie nl II "I otti'ii li-ol
TPrjr 'Orry w hen I eo. o mniiy hi'iilllifiil wnnuui ! < >
ililiratiMiiiil MitTi-rlus so iutirhnn > 1 1 himt often
mVivl myvir\Minttli ronv > iil < r I thlllKliullviOoiiot
yorrtMUhoimipero'irn. Tliar ilu not out nourlMi-
I1" moil , theim < i-im lr < s ni their fret , their iii-ck * ,
j" > Mrclu' n. In tlmwny ilit-r oni'ti fie Hour for ill'-
; V.i.1' * ' " " Itno'iMlimmiul'iiir trouble * wlilrliooliun
! ' 1'1l'l1ct11tti ' ' > n a Miiil. liul. wor o tlmn nil , they allow
ilielr life iiiiilMtviiutliin run ilnwn to n low olili.
, , . ' . . | | , Illl > ll < ltl'roliblliitmiiliu ' > t < < ii tiinlc. I
, , l ! < ) lrr ! ' " " > ' I' " " ' Mill Whloky.nnil llsff-
, , . . I,00" ' " "Oiy womli-rfiil. I ( In not know lint
ISiin.1 " m'V < lrwnk"rM " " ' ' "ll1 I "m "ntl'Mol
- Jt-
Chas. 2V , Waiter
Of Frederick , Md. , suffered terribly lor over
ten years with abscesses and running sores on
his left leg. lie wasted away , grow weak mid
thin , and was obliged to mo a cnno and crutch ,
Kvorj'thliiK whichootihl he thought of was Mono
without good result , until ho began taking
Hood's SarsaparHBa
which effected n perfect cure. Mr. Kauor li
now lit Ihu best of health. I'ull particulars ot
Ills case will bu sen tall who address
0. I. lloon & Co. , Lou ell , Mass.
HOOD'S PlLLS arc tliobest after-dinner rilli ;
assist digestion , euro tieailacho anil blllousucii.
A Written Gunrantoo
to Cure Kvory Caio or
Mo'iey Refunded.
Uur cure Is permanent nml not n pntclil.iit np. Cnsot
Iri-iited seven yenranRolmvonovor > uen symptom
ilnco. Ilydescrlblngcajo fullyiTocia treat you by
mull , tnil wocWo tlie aamo Btrotig Runrnntaa to euro
or rofitnd nil money. These who prefer Ui rome hero
fortrcntuicntran do noimtwa will pay rnllnm.lfaro
boCa wayiaml hotel blll > while here , If wo fMI to curt
W challenge the world for u emu that our Magla
Itemcdy will not cure. Wrltufor particular * mil cot
tktevUlflnce. In our oovon years praHIco with th *
MnulcUtmo ly It ha been most ilinicult to orercomo
tlio prejudices ugalnst socalled epeclllcs. Hut umlor
ourstrong giinr.mteo uro trjlnz Itanil bo
Ingcured. Wagunrantaa to euro or refund ovorj
dollaranil nswo liarc n reputn'.lon loproioot , nU
flnnnclal bucklux ofUO.OVlt Is pcrlectlr safa to nil
who wlli try tlio ticnttncnt , Ilcrotoforo you h m
puttlnKupmid payliuout your monny for \IUTm\ml ,
tri'iunicnts.anil although you nro not yet enrol no
ono hr.s paid back your money. Wo will positively
rureyou , Oldchronicdocpsoato\ rural tin ! )
toujiluys. liiToUljatn our Unnnclal rt'uidtnr. our
reputation as buslnem men.Vrlto us.fot names anl ,
Bddrencsof those \\ulriro cured who li vo given
permleslon to refer to thotu. U co U you only post'
tec to do this. If jour simpto'us Are nero throat ,
mucous patchosln mtvilli , rhciiinutlsm In bonoa anJ
joints , hair falllux out , eruptloni on liny part of too depression , pains in healer
bunct. You bnvono tlmoto waste. Tnosa who ara
constantly taking inpreiiry nnd potash , should dIV
continue IU Constant use of these drum will surely
brh'K sores nnd cntlnir tilcersln the end. Dou't fall to
nrltv. All currcsjiontleiico sent aealed In plain en-
voloro. 'iVo Invlto tliumoit null InvestlKatlou nl
wllldoull Inour powerluulJ Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . Omahn , Noh
Tim riiHo < if cj < ! ln ( ; In In tlio
Mintit the Coliimlilii I'noiimntic TinIt
WUUIH 'routed to tno liiinilicd pounds !
aboxo rldlnu liii'ssiinA compound llibo of
iiibbcri viilc'iinl/oil lth ounvnh Invors
Kneh ii'irt bii-en thenliix tlm othnrJnat ( -
est rrsislnnco to piinciuii. ' Most loslllmit
10 id tire I'reortoin frinii hu'lin.- . ur.irpliiK
: iml other objectionable pointsTbo lilirliost
gnido Uro of buIiMitlllu simplicity Abso-
" luloly guuiiintcud for uyear.
All about it and Columbia's cycles In our
liool ; iibont Coliiiiibliiti , lieu on application
to iniv Ctiluiiibla iigcnt , or sent by until fur
two two-foul sliuiips I'opu Mfg. 1,0.'I
Columbus Aye. , lo ! > ton.
A tllsoiiBC , troiitod us such anil per ma
uontly cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary. Tlomo troatincnt , IlnnulosH nnd
ollccluul. Kcfoiby purml.sHion to Hur-
linjrton lluwkuyo. Send 2u 8tiuni { for
P'.unphlot Sliokoquon Choiuical Co.
Burlington , Iu.
" 14 YEARS
Eculci it
Rcsiorsli e NERVINE , "
IIERVIXE.mi Hnj-sA V. Htnrlc
I'unn Vim , N Y.
" 1O .
inn yra.ofSlclr
I'or Suln by Kiilin & Co. , 15tli und Do ngliiH ill
Anew unit Complete Truatinonl. rimiUUng
Hiiiuiiiiltarlai. Ointment In iaiiului | , aim In Ilex
nJ fillii n 1'o.ltlvu t'liru for 14xt rn il , Intornnl
blind or Uleertlnit lloliln . Uiironle , llfo.nilor llcre.ll-
t&rr I'lloi , T.ilt llonittly IMI nuvur beun kmmn to
Jail , tl pur box li for ljnjiitliy : mill. Whyoiirerrr'iia
tills lurrlbla lUioma wlim , i wllUn u iruntuii it
pcnltlvulj-i'lvun wllh ( i IJIKO. orrHfiiu I thu monoylf
not curitil Maud finii ] lur ( r'o -iniii. | ! ( iinrilltuo
l ! uod by Kulm A ' < ) , Itr.ujl < n , Mulu li-unli curner
10ntnlUo = vlutnation Oniht , Vnt > .
* * § ? * r , KKAIM I
< *
r fJjf & &
"VK . 2&i } { s5'-fra ;
' AM feg
MK.NJ' . npjcl In < ur I itofii."ViulViV i"y i , "wiu
ruljl i. ilu ul.i. .11 .NI'HOJJ l'rl(4i.i < kiucl ! < /
luo , ijll u uf tnojJrjiM ui.lilni u , in snlU'iry ,
duuiy.ilu itJ , i'rj iitiura ol I Wv i > ir n'li , J.'jii
of 1'o.vur In uli'icir > ot lu)0i | ma in-julii : uril
nil ! ll I o \ \ its 14 ii * luf t hii * irIxjiiti , rMOf
umtii./Unt UIIKII I > ir orurutu II MI ur I'u l <
hull ulju.o ov if lu I jilt suenull 11 irj ) tnni
ll.Ufjr * ' . iiy null. U'u. iirj'iluj'lt ' J n < loovirj.
I'pc'll ur lur l r i u jvj 'i.'l ll , | | > ni4 wrltldi
uuaraHl old rofunj If nul i1 ir 11 , ( in ifiOloe | j IN J
uiilli / A. Hilirut' r ilnu'Jl" ' n > l" a uul. uutU n t \
' . nm | K4f uiil I'.iyiiuht
a now
AildiisMiHiiildeiily , without potlco ,
Unialiii A-lnrUt\n \ < l Jliirrtnl , K. J' . Hft.