THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JUNE 12 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. Every spoke of which is a Complete Line of Reliable Goods ; , turns on a hub of honesty , is tired bv an iron-clad Guarantee of Fair Treatment and Full Value for Your Money , and never runs off the straight road to success. WE DO NOT ASK you to put a shoulder to the wheel ; IT WILL ROLL YOUR WAY with its load of good things , because WE DO THE PUSHING , and the rapid advance we are making is apparent in the fact that we have had to largely increase our facilities by adding the two upper floors of the adjoining building ( No. 1313 Farnam street ) to what has ALWAYS BEEN THE LARGEST CREDIT HOUSE IN THE WORLD. Just Claims Allowed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Complaints Heeded. No interest charged. Corteous Treatment Open Monday and TO ALL. Saturday evenings. All Transactions Two Confidential and Immense Buildings , Deserving. Customers Eight Floors treated leniently & considerately stored with Reliable Good s. GOODS ARE ROLLING IN * By the Carloads. To make room for Fall Goods , OLD GOODS MUST BE ROLLED OUT. Regardless of price , cost or quantity. We extend to you a hearty and cordial invitation to visit our establisment and examine our goods , and IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO IN VESTIGATE OUR METHOD of doing business. The Following Gives You an Idea of Our Prices. Chamber Suits 812 GO nnd upward Medicine Cnblnots. i'l CO and upwnrd Work Stands 1 75 and upwnrd Wardrobes 7 CO nnd upward Ingrain Carpets. . . , .17 and upwnrd Cook Stoves 7 60 nnd upwnrd CholToniors 0 50 nnd upward Brussels Carpet. . . 48 nnd upward Ranges 10 CO nnd upward Bureaus 5 CO and upward Stair Cnrpet 15 and upwnrd Gasoline Stoves 3 CO nnd upward Bedsteads 1 40 nnd upwnrd Hemp Carpet 10 nnd upwnrd Refrigerators 8 CO and upward Cradles 1 40 nnd upward Linoleum 45 nnd upward Ice Boxes 4 75 nnd upwnrd Mattresses 1 50 nnd upward Door Mnts. . . . < : . . . . 30 and upward Baby Carriages " 75 ana upward Chairs 80 nnd upward Portieres. . . . . . 2 75 nnd upward Dinner Sots t 5 50 nnd upwnrd Rockers 1 40 nnd upwnrd Lace Curtains 00 nnd upward Hanging Lamps 1 76 and upward Kitchen Tables 85 nnd upward Blankets 1 25 nnd upward Parlor Lamps 1 25 and upwnrd Dining Tables 2 CO und upwnrd Comforts 50 nnd upwnrd Tea Sots. . . . i 3 75 nnd up ward Extension Tables 3 75 nnd upwnrd Pillows 40 and upward Toilet Sfctsi i 1 75 nnd upward Sideboards 11 CO and upwnrd Lnce Bed Sets i 3 50 and upward Laundry Stoves 4 60 und upward Manvol folding Beds 8 CO nnd upwnrd Pictures 75 and upward Bnnquoflinraps 3 50 and upward Upright Folding Buds 13 CO nnd upward Mirrors . 75 nnd upward Wash Bblldrs 75 and upward Contra Tables 1 25 and upwnrd Enscls 05 nnd upwnrd Wash Tubs * - . CO nnd upward Hall Rucks 7 CO and upwnrd Plush Rockers. . . . , 2 75 and upward Wood Rtillsi 12 and upward Book Cases 4 75 and upward Pnrlor Suits , 10 50 nnd upwnrd Wash Boards 16 nnd upwnrd Ladles'Desks 0 75 and upward Lounges , 4 75 and upward Dish Pahs.- ; . . . ; . . . . 15 nnd upwnrd Ofllco Doaki 8 CO and upwnrd Onyx Tables . 7 60 and upward Egg Bottlers 05 and upward Music Cabinets. . . , , 3 50 nnd upward HuntorVf Bitter 12 and upward Clocks , . . 1 25 nnd upwnrd Work Btt&kots 60 and upward TERMS : 611 a Bill of Ten Dollars $1 Cash and $1 a Week. MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT- IllnctmtpH Mnlloil upon reooiptoMOo In lllUblUUUl stnmpstonHorpystngo. B ABYOARRIAGES. OARRIAGES. Get that Little Scion on Wheels and save doc tors' bills. Feather- stone's Carriages are the best nnd we sell them at prices far be low any other house in the west. OUIl two recent " .Manufacturers Imil to" purcl Include thefollowing barcalns. Solid onk ftlass door bookpaiosF.H,5. worth fill bollrt onk bcvol plated mirror side boards , 111) ) 80 , worlhftT f > 0. bolld oak clilna closets , tH.M ) . worth fj. > . 10 pnt- I lernHof . art tables , J5. wottliflO Autlqituoak , box el plated , sideboards , til 00 , worth 525UU. The above nro all the richest Rrndu of iioods. Hurrah for HEALTH Commence with your refrigerator , then look after the bottom of your cis tern , then but you know how to do it , We carry and con trol a complete line of the Glacier Re frigerators. The y are the best in the world , and we are selling them 40 per cent below any other house in this city. city.NOW NOW NOWAS AS TO YOUR KITCHEN. Going to swelter and shovel ashes nil summer ? Don't you do it. Buy a Quick Menl Gasoline Stove. With the Quick Meal nothing can tempt that autocrat of the kitchen the dear hired girl to leave you. "THE ' " PEOPLE'S" MAMMOTH Installment ASH or REDIT. House Bond ton cents In stumps for ouj ninnimoth catnloxiip , 128 paces. 12 by I8 Indies , Bhowlnif bout thlnus In each de 1315-1317 Farnam St. , partment , ( ionils sold on our pnrtlnl pay ment plan nii > wliDro this nldo tlio 1'uclllo Omaha Neb. . , ocunn. Hamulca at carpals Bout , state kind and prlco wanted. Wo 117 freight lUUmllua. The Liberal House Furnishers. CHILD'S WalkingChair. Chair. The cutest little piece of furniture you ever saw. m Babies scream with delight with it. No mother should be without it. Selling rapidly , and a new lot just received. If you want one come quick. fi _ _ _ f Price , & 3.SO . iMtaliwuo. linuoil. Wrlto for Spcolal i " Illiiitr.itecl Just Spci Writn for i"S imeu nihiyCttrrli ooitiilo iio. Wrl o for fliooln | KofrUorivtor Outiifoj . Wrlto fSr.amploi of oaruots , Wrlio for samplis of iU ri r sots. \U ) CAN onlur by mall unit Uu an I X well eorvoil in tlinuuli rli- you partial - POM ) on our POT- . Goons ' nnywlioro tlili Ida lleilour uluro. Ooocln are > wed up tnontpli'i i'niltio Oceitti. Ouo-tlalril , In liurliun. ituduil with lixcelilor , one-fuurlli. ot tlie or oiiu-IUtil down , bal and rt-ocli you In perfect condition . , uco monthly. One price to all. uoworor Krcnt thn dletmico. People's Mammoth Installment House , The Cheapest Furniture , Carpet and Stove House in America , 1315-1317 Farnam Street Open on Monday and Saturday Evenings Only. \ MOTTO : If the Goods are not Satis factory and as Represen ted , coine to us and we will 'allow all rea sonable claims.