Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Solline Etonoliill's ' Bankrupt Dross Goods
and Silks , atLcsa Than Half Price.
or ComcU , Undrrwcnr , Hoilory ,
Wnlntd , million * , ( Jo All luy Tomor
row Uriin Up to 1O lit Night
ut i\cn : Still l.c .
Ladies' summer ventilated corsets
Worth 76c , go at 'lOc.
Dr. Warner's French sateen corsets in
blade , cream or white , worth 31.00 , go
All the duplex , Dr. Ball's , health , Dr.
Warner's coralino and model bust
corsets from the bankrupt stock , worth
up to Sl.Uo , go at Gc ! ) each.
100 dozen of ladies' shirt waists , finest
styles , in fancy striped cheviots
box plaited back nnd front , full jabot
clown front , black sateens , black and
navy polka dot , flno lawn , flno Madras
cloth , Norfolk ntvlo , all cro at 0c. ! )
Ladles' ribbed vests , -Ic ; misses' and
children's derby ribbed vests , 6u for all
6UO ladles' lace trimmed plnin bal-
briggnn vests , lOc each ; Rons'prlco , 39c.
All tiio fine lisle thread vests Mo ) and
40c , worth up to 81.00.
Ladles' pure silk imported ribbed
vests , COc , worth 31.25.
Over 1000 pairs children's hose go at
4c. 8c , lOc , IGc , 'Joe.
Ladies' warranted fust black hose gent
nt 0e , lOc , 15c , 25c and 35c , worth up to
75c a pair.
Take your choice for a n icicle. Co a
yard for all the lOc and 16c all silk and
inoiro satin ribbons.
All the No. 12 all silk , satin nnd molro
ribbons go at 8c a yard , worth up to 26c.
The 15c tray takes in all the bankrupt
ribbons that sold up to 75c a yard.
The Boston Store
Millinery Department.
Tomorrow ( Saturday ) und Monday
nnd Tucedav wo will hold
of the season.
Nothing spared. Thn best and cheapest
alike led to the sncrillco.
At no time during this spring has our
line of millinery been FO replete with
novelties of every description , and moat
of our hats aro" gems of the best de
signers' art. Unique and original pro
duction of the best artists in Now York.
In the regular way , all would sell at
good prices , but wo are ambitious , and
will soil them all in ono great day. Wo
feel confident that the following prices
will move them all.
AVe have divided all our trimmed hats
into five lines.
Lot 1 is made up of all our hats
worth from I$2.00 to 82.50. They
will bcsold at $1.00.
Lot 2 is composed of all our S3.00 and
83.60 hats. They will bo sold for $2.00.
Lot 3 comprises all our $1.50 and 55,00
hats. They will go at $2.98.
Lot 4 , allot our 85.60 and $0.00 hate ,
will bo sold at 83.9a
Lot 5 will consist of all the rest , in
cluding the vorv finest thlncr wo have ,
no matter whether the price bo S7.50 or
815.00 , all will go at 84.75.
Table No. 1 , your choice at5p.
Table No. 2 , your choice at lOc.
Tnblo No. 3 , your choice nt 25c.
Table No.I , your choice at COc.
Table No. 6 , your choice at 76c.
All the rest at 98c.
Remember this includes all the finest
lace braids and Manilla hats , usuallv
sold for S2.M ) .
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas ,
nt , mdisTiit : SATUIUJAY.
Batnnl.iy la the Last U.iyof Itcfflatrntlon
IloulcH Upon from 8 n. in. Until 0 p. in.
See that your now neighbor is regis
tered in your election district.
Every voter should make sure that ho
is registered. Saturday is his last
If you have moved slnco last election
you must got n cortiflcato at the eld
polling place nnd take it to the new
polling place tomorrow or you can't
Tut Clilciigo In Your Poclcot.
A great worlc , "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti
tution in the World's f.ilr city a full de
scription of which dpoi not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price ,
2o con Is per copy. For. solo at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plbto and elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will plouso cncloa-
0 cents extra for postago.
Hnlinnhlicil with Ion a Khorin'K.
SborllT Goorpo A. Bennett returned yester
day from Dilbuquo , la , , where ho wont to
attend tbo annual convention of Iowa sheriffs
There were nearly 100 sheriffs in
attendance nnd the last number
on tha program was a banquet
at which all Kinds of soft drinks were served
along with tbo balance of the menu.
The sheriff reports a delightful time , and
anticipator that the convention will result in
the organization of mi Interstate association
to assist In tbo capture nnd convictions of
criminals who p'.y their vocation m the two
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for ohll
drcn teething produces natural , quiet sloop ,
" 5 cents u hottlo.
Jtiniml Trip Tlchotn.
The only line running through trains
direct to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Munltou and Pueblo. Low rates to all
points In Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast
points. Fast time on elegant vestibulod
trains , free reclining chair cars and the
celebrated "Rock Island dining cnrB. "
Comfort , sufuty and speed secured when
ticketed via the "Great Rock Island
Route. " Tlckotolllco 1(102 ( Farnam street.
J. L. DnBKVOiBK , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket and Pass. Agt.
A Thing of ItiMiiity. '
One of the most attractlvo window
displays that has delighted tlio bargain-
bound millions on 10th street for many
n day is Morbo's window of shoos. Two
Parisian costumed forms neatly attired
in French novelties show daintily slip
pered foot peeping from beneath ox-
qulslto changeable silk rulllod skirts.
Uitmocrutlc Cun\vntlon.
Chicago and return ono faro for the
round trip. Tickets on sale Juno 1(1 ( to
21 , good to return July 0. Secure
tickets and sleeping accommodations
nt olllco of the great Rock lelttud route ,
1002 Fnrnnin street ,
J. I * Du I3KVOISI ! , City Tkt. & P. A.
Hayden Bros. 8-strincr cabinet grand
upright piano , now scale , $187.60.
The Smno&oU 'havo inaili nrrongoraonU *
for a buffet baggage ear from Omaha to Chicago
cage which will bo nicely lilted up with
mirrors , bar , eta , containing everything
from twenty years old ttud to a tbln taud-
men. It will bo a great ulnco to hold demo
cratic pow-wows while going into the
World's fair city. There will uo n buffet
car attached to each section of the train haulIng -
Ing tbo Sumo.octs.
Amerlrnn * nt tlio I'mich Capital World' *
Tnlr Item * .
PJUUS. .Tuno 10-Mr. Jabez L. M. Curry ,
ex-minister of the United States to Spain ,
has Just loft Paris for Constantinople but
will bo back hero In August. Speaking of
Spain and the World's ' fair , Mr. Curry said
to nn Associated urois correspondent !
"Tho Spaniards are not a co-nmorclal poo-
pie , aud from what I know of thorn I do not
tlilnit thcv will make any largo exhibit at
Chicago. Their trade with the United States
was never very large nnd the McKlnloy
tariff hni reduced It to a minimum. "
Rev. O. S. Frothlnghara loaves I'arls soon
for Alx nnd Switzerland. "I have recently
been thinking of writing n boon composed of
short biographies of the various eminent
men of all professions whom 1 have mot , " ho
said today.
Colonel Chnlllc-Lon ? bns reached Pans
rom Kgypt and is now engaged on a now
J'orry Ilolmont , who is hero , refuses to
allt politic * * , but says ho will return hnmo In
time to bo present nt tbo national democratic
convention. "
Mr. Kr.intz , the French commissioner
pone nil of the Chicago fair , will po to the
United States In July. Ilo speaks English
quite well nnd is determined that Franco
shall bo well represented. Ho will Rend In a
fortnight two French architects to Chlcazo
to exiimlno the buildings nnd tbo Freneh
section and to make a report. Ho bus
already asked for thirty tnstond of 10,001
meters of spnco , which was the amount llrit
demanded. This Is exclusive of tbo soaco to
bo devoted to the line arts.
The Matin IB making nn inquiry among
manufacturers and puolla men concerning
whether Frenchmen should participate in
tbo Chicago exhibition or uot. The inquiry ,
which will nil a supplement of the paper ,
will bo ready In a few day * and will , it is
said , be favorable , un tbo whole.
Monslgnor Uouland is contemplating dc-
Ivormg lectures throughout Franco in
favor of the World's fair.
Mra. L. U. Pattou , Uocltford , 111. , writes :
'From ' personal experience I can recommend
DoWltt's Sarsaparilla , a euro for Impure
blooa and general docility. "
Closing Out. ,
N.-E. Bnrkalow will close out of the
Bell , Dodge nnd 15th streets , his entire
stock of groceries at cost for cash.
Going into another business which
will require all my attention , I for this
reason , have decided to lot everything
go at coU
Rico , per pound , 5c.
Imported preserves , 81.00 per bottle.
Guslis Bros. ' flno table preserves in
glass jars , 7Cc.
Imported preserves , per glass , 20c.
Curtis Bros. ' preserves , per glass , 20c.
French peas , per dozen , flno , $1.80.
Baking powder , Dr. Price's , per
pound , 40c.
White Eagle soap , 9 bars , 25c.
Webb's perfect starch ( equal to Magic )
per box , 7c.
Puhl & Urbb's baking powder , ( good
as any bulk baking powder ) per pound ,
tiaturdny Is tlio I.iist Day of Itoglstratlon
Hooks Open from 8 a. in. Until 0 p. in.
See that your new neighbor is regis
tered in your election district
Every voter should make sure that he
ia registered. Saturday is his last
If you have moved slnco last election
you 'must got a cortiflcato at the old
polling place and take it to the now
polling place tomorrow or you can't
81'ASlliH HWfS.
Strikers nnd Fullco Moot In n Fierce
MvDitin , Juno 10. Striicora In Barcelona
and vicinity yesterday fought furiously with
the police who 'wero called out to quell
them. Stones were used on ono side and
sharpened swords on the othor. Many
strikers were cut down and the odlcors suf
fered also. A state of siege will doubtless
bo proclaimed.
In Castile noting was In progress last night
until midnight. The Episcopal see had been
removed ana Canon K'jlz of the cathedral
was mobbed nnd would have boon murdered
had not troops been called. Prisoners at
Seville in a dispute fought yesterday like
wild animals.
Troops were needful to arlvo them with
bayonets Into their cells , ono prisoner being
run through and others terribly wounded
before quiet prevailed.
DoWltt's Saraaparola cleanses the blooa ,
increases the nppatlt and tones up the sys
tem. It has bcnollttoa raiuiy people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you.
Put ChU'.ijjo lii Your J'oclcot ,
A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If tboro is a feature or insti
tution in the "World's fair city a full de
scription of winch docs not appear in .tho
book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price ,
2fj rents per copy. Per sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
pioto and elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will plouso enclose
0 cents extra for postage.
Tbo case of the grain dispute between
Minden and Illinois parties was continued in
the United States court.
All oOices ot Union Pacific headquarters
will bo closed on Monday out of respect to
the late Sidney Dillon , whoso funeral will
occur tint day.
In police court yesterday afternoon Ed
Galllgan. a bill poster , was assessed $10 and
costs.for having thrashed a bootblacK. Ho
appealed the case.
Sixty momboH of the Concordla society
nnd Arlon Slngerbund have gone to Kansas
City to attend the sangorfrst which is how
being bold In that city ,
Tboro will bo a special meeting of tbo Gen
eral John H. Hrooko post of the Armv and
Navy union at Tnc DEE building on Satur
day ovoinng , Juno 11 , at 7:1)3. : ) All member *
of tbo post who can attend are requested to
be oa nand.
W. D. Evans and Dltlef Prols , two Insane
men , wore arrested by Sheriff lionnott this
afternoon ana lodged in jail. Evans , whoso
homo is on West Loavenworth street , imag
ines that tbo earth 1s covered wltb valuable
Jcuels nnd that his special mission U to
gather them. , <
Policemen who are to bo In attendance at
the polling places are instructed to report to
Scrceant Graves at the cltv clerk's nlllco nt
0UU : on the morning of election. Cards of
Instruction have boon printed mid will bo
furnished to each of the hundred men re-
quliod for that duty.
i'iiisu.\.ii. inc uui.ii'iia.
Kov. N. J. Turkic rolurnod Thursday night
from Atchtsoc , Ivan , , who re ho addressed
the students ol Midland college.
Mr. Andreas lllrsbman and Miss Frcder-
Icku 1C. Obarbrmkmaan were miirrled Thurs.
day evening. Juno U , oy Hov. Charles W.
Savldge , at his residence.
Mr. D. F. Worral nnd Miss Katie Kumpf
were married Thursday at the homo of the
bride , by Uov. A. J. Turkic. Quito a select
party of f i lends were present. The young
people will PO at homo to their friends at
11UI South Fifth tueot.
Thomas L. Boldco , for a number of years'
chief cleric at tbo Hotel Orleans , Spirit
Lake , U in tbo city. Mr. Dolden is ono of
tha most popular dork * ia the wrst , and his
t'onlsl courtesy has won him manv friends
among Omaha people who visit Spirit LiUe.
Nt.\v YOUK , Juno .10. ISpocial Telegram
to Tim BBK.I From Lincoln , Mra. A. B.
Clarke , Mrs. M. U liandatl und Mrs. J , G.
Smith are all at the Westminster hotel. F.
H. Davis , Omaha , is at tbo 1'lata hotel ; O.
( O. llotfnoi , Hoffman house : Uobort W. Pat
rick , Omaha , Windsor hotel ; Uooruo W. At
las , Ornahu und E. 1C. Yulaullno are in tbo
Tomorrow the Bankrupt Gents' ' Tarnishing
Stock of Wm. RCSJ & Oo.
At Price * Tint AVI 11 .Miko n Itegulnr
Scramble Ilaunil tlin I'urnlililn ; ? Goods
Counters 1'lrnt Coino VIrU Served
All 1'lno UooiU.
Sulo nil day tomorrow and tomorrow
nljrht up to 10 o'clock.
All of Ross' fine outing shirts , mndo
In chovlot , madras , oxford and satoonu ,
in ado with full yoke and cut full size ,
tegular prlco , $1.00 to $1.60 , goes tomor
row at 41o each.
All of Ross' line outing flannel shirts ,
that ho sold up to 75c , go at 25c.
All the llnoat Biunmor outing flunnuls
from this bankrupt Block that Roaa
sold up toSU.GO , go * at 31.25.
Ross & Go's , flno Imlbrlggan underwear -
wear that sold up to 7Cc , goes at "oc.
All Ross' extra fine colored balbrlg-
gan underwear that sold for up to 81:2o ,
gees at 33c.
All the finest underwear In this bank
rupt stock , consisting of Hue lisle thread ,
natural thread , real French bulbriggun
and a largo line of pin strino under
wear , all go at 60c each , worth four
times- the prlco.
All the line silk Windsor HOB go at
15c , former prlco 50c.
All the flno white lawn ties go at 7c a.
All the flno white and figured linen
washable four-in-hand tics that sold up
to 85c go at lOc ouch.
Sold by Shook , Patterson & Co. of
To the Boston Store
In order to introduce the
Lunders , Frary & Clark silverware
At$3.2oa sot
Tomorrow and Monday wo offer 400
sots of silver knives and forks at $3.25 a
sot , guaranteed in every respect , more
valuable , finer , better , handsomer and
raoro durable than the Rogers 1874
Wo also offer some tremendous bar
gains in silver tea sots , cake stands ,
fruit stnndb.
'And novelties in silver match boxes ,
purses , etc.
Solid back imported hair brushes , 35c ,
45c , COc.
Blacking brooms , lOc , loc.
Blacking brushes , oc.
2 quart fountain syringes , 49c.
Complete nursors , 17c.
Soaps cheaper than dirt.
Cutlcura soap , 3 cakes for 45o.
Elder Flower , 8 cakes for 21c.
Transparent glycerine , 3 cakes for21c.
Duskv Diamond , six cakes for 2oc.
S. S. S. COc.
Kirko's perfumes , nor ounce 15c.
Shelf paper , 24 sheets forSc.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas streets.
Put Chicago In Your Pocket.
A great work , "'s Dictionary o
Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti
tution in the World's fair city a full de
scription of which does notaupoar ip the
book , wo have yet to hoar of It Prlco ,
25 cents per cony. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plete and elegant map It contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose
C cents extra for postage.
Will Ilaio to Stand Trial.
QoEnr.c , Juno 10. Judge Cbauveau gara a
decision today in tbo conspiracy case against
Ex-Premier Morclor , Provincial Secretary
Langllor and Ernest Pacaud. Morclor and
Pacaud will have to stand trials at the
court of Queens bench at tbo October term.
Personal bail was accepted. Tbo ohargos
against Lnnglori wore dismissed. Proceed
ing nealnst Mercior for alleged malfeasance
in ofllco were bo ua yesterday :
Saturday Is tlio l.iut Day of
Hooks Open from 8 n. in. Until 0 p. in.
See that your new neighbor is regis
tered in your election district.
Every voter should make sure that ho
is registered. Saturday is Ins Inct
If you have moved slnco last election
you must get n certificate at the old
polling place and take it to the now
polling place tomorrow or you can't
Along tliu Dniiubo.
VIENNA , Juno 10. Tbo Danube continue *
to rise. Steamboat service baa boon entirely
suspended. Tto river has overflowed its
banks near Ibis city and tbo water extends
throe-fourths of a tnilo inland. Many houses
are surrounded bv water and tbo Inmates
arc living in the upper rooms. Three men
wore soon clinging to some driftwood lloat-
, ing down the stream. They Anally became
exhausted and were drowned.
Dr. Blrney's Cutarrn Powder cure
catarrh. For sale by all druggists. 53 cents
Saturday IB the Iust Dny of Ilnglstrutlon
Hooka Open from H it , in. Until U p. in.
Sen that your now neighbor is 'regis
tered in your election district
Every voter should make sure that ho
is registered. Saturday is his last
If you have moved since last election
you must get n certificate at the old
polling plnco and take it to the now
polling place tomorrow or you can't
Dr. Cullimoro. oculist. Baa building1
The Losllo Davis Firth Avenue company
has just concluded a tour weeks' engagement
at tbo Lansintr theater , Lincoln , crowded
houses almost continuously greeting it. Tbo
fact proves there must bo unusunl merit in a
dramatic company to bold tbo attention of
the public ro long. If reports spoalc truly
a rare treat is ta store for dramatic loving
patrons , They will appear for one week at
lioyti's theater , commencing Sunday night ,
with Frank Linden's thrilling drama. "Al
berto , the tjon ot Monte Crlsto. " Prices
will ran fro from 15 cents to 75 cents , The sale
of seats jorthe entire ougagotnout will open
this morning.
After the grip Hood's ' Sar&aparllla will re
store your strength ana health and expo
every trace of poison from tbo blood.
ituaisTKic , muisrjK .S.YTUUDAY.
Haturduy I * the l ist I av of llogliitrutloii ,
llooln Open from 8 u. in. Until U p. in.
See that your now neighbor IB regis
tered in your erection district
Every voter should make sure that ho
Is roglstorod. Saturday ia hie last
chance ,
If you have moved since last election
you must got a certificate at the old
polling place and take it to tlio now
polling place tomorrow or you cuu't
ThUM 8 .4U in C.nh
Saturday , Junollth. . and positively
this day only , unypno buying a men's
suit of clothes , Si jwittors not whether it
is one of the diniiblo business suits that
wo offer at $1.5V ( or whether it is ono of
these custom iniulii-aults that wo have
now reduced to's&lEOO , nftcr you have
have bought ami paid for u suit of men's
clothes , by proso'ntlng this to the salesman -
man ho will glvo you the below inun-
tioned goods ( .iccoinploto outllt ) free before -
fore you leave thofitoro :
Fur hat , soft orsBttff , $1.75
White liunulorod shirt , 1.00
Linen collar , any shape , .15
Linen culTs , ,25
Teck , four-in-hand or Windsor ties , .60
Silk web suspenders tSM
Suit of undorwca- , 1.00
Handkerchief , .23
Socks , .25
Total , $5.40
Bear in mind that those goods are
given away absolutely free , but only if
you cut tlil"n out and present it to the
salesman after you have bought and
paid for n man's iuiit This liberal offer
is made uarlly because wn are over
stocked and want to unload , and partly
because wo want to find out how many
direct returns wo receive from this ad
P. S. Tomorrow wo inaugurate a
special pants sale. See our window for
what wo offer for Sl.fiO. $1.00 and $2.76
1303 Douglas street
Second door west of 13th street.
moisTiu : , mmsTiii SATUHDAY.
Saturday Is the r , : at Day of Itoglatnttlon
Hooks Open from 8u. in , Until 0 p. m.
See that your now neighbor is regis-
torou in your election district.
Evary voter should make sure that ho
is registered , Saturday is his last
If you have moved since last election
you mnst got a cortilicato at the old
polling place and take it to the now
polling place tomorrow or you can't
World's 1'nlr Souvenir , illustrated , being a
complete uiul concise history nf the princi
pal world's fnl i from tlio Crystal I'ulnco
London , 1S.M , to the World's Columbian Ex
position In Chicago , 18 ! ) . ) , With explanatory
tables and main. Published by The An-
uboRue I'uhltshlnRcompany , Chicago , bound
neatly In cloth.
It i aroly falls to the lot of the reviewer
to notice BO 'exhaustive a work as the
"World's Fair Souvenir , " which has
boon compiled with so much care by a
former resident of Omaha , John D.
Jones. For purposes of roforenca , o
comparison and for general Information
the work is a magnificent reflex of the
push and energy of a city that is the won
der of the world.
In its compilation expense has not
been thought of , ! and the richness of its
illustrations of the World's fair build
ings , cuts of thomon : and women who are
directing to a succcssiul issue what bids
fair to bo the greatest exposition of an
cient or modern times , pictures
of the colossal business blocks tha
stand as monumonts'to the enterprise of
heir owners and builders , is typical of
ho "Ch icago gait , " as the rush and
bustle of the great city by the inland sea
has been described.
The book has 'been arranged upon a
most comprehensive plan , the object of
the publisher being to glvo a complex
resume of what may bo-soon in Chicago
in 1893 , and at the same time give the
nforination in a compact form , so that
the work may bo a valuable adjunct to
ho library and roadinsj room. Its use
fulness will not end with the close of
the exposition , but on the contrary will
grow in value with years , for it is the
most perfect compendium yet issued o
an event which cannot fail to have an
influence for many docadosto coraoupon
all lines of art , literature and com
merce. As Mr. Jones says in the intro
duction to the work : "As an educator
this event will leave its impress upon
succeeding generations and boar fruit In
all realms of human thought , ingenuity
and progress. "
In addition to its compioto epitome of
what has boon done , is doing and will ho
done when the fair opens , it comes to
the go.noral public at a most opportune
timo. It brings before the American
people the forces that are actively at
work to make 1Kb exposition a success
worthy of a nation that in a little over a
century has , from nothing , bulldod the
mightiest republic of earth. It not only
gives full page art typo illustrations and
descriptions of the principal buildings
of previous world's fairs and all the
buildings of the present World's Colura ,
bian Exposition , together with portraits
and biographical sketches of its
officers and chiefs of departments
but it tolls "How to Roach the
Fair , " gives descriptions of Chica
go's parks and boulevards , its places of
amusement , the wholesale and jobbing
interests , its railroad facilities , and in
general is the most compioto guide book
to the city that stands tit the edge of
Lake Michigan.
Do you want ono of these books ? A
few minutes' worlc will fcocuro ono for
you. Send to TUB OMAHA BKK ono sub
scriber to THM WKBICLY Uuu at $1.2-3
and ono will bo sent to you by mail. The
book soils for SUOO , but Tun Bic : has se
cured a largo nuinbor of copies , enabling
the publishers to make this liberal offer
It Is the best thine in thin line over of
fered and you nrot euro to bo nloasud.
You can have unoipapor and book sent
to your address or. ttiobook aljono and.tho
paper to some ether person.
Omaha , Nob.
Tlio Ciar Wouldn't Buppurt 1'ranci ) .
llcni.ix , Juno ' 10. Tbo Cologne Gazette
avers that tbo czar , while at Kiel , declared
unreservedly that ho would not think of
suppoitlng l-Vauoa US aha ralsad tbo AUaco
( juusUon.
Put Chicago In l')3't > t.
A great work. "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there is tv feature or insti
tution in the World's fair city a full de
scription of which does not appear in
the book , wo have yet to hoar of it
Prlco , 25 cents per copy. For sale at 209
Herald building , Chicago. See the now ,
compioto and ologaiit map it contains.
Persons ordering copies will please enclose -
close U cents extra for postage.
Now York unii ifcTurn.
July 4 to 0 one faro for the round
trip. Choice ot routes from Chicago.
Return limit August 16. Call at Chi
cago. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ticket
efllco , 1002 Farnam Htrcot.
CHAB. KKNNIDY : , G. N. W. P. A.
J. L. Di : BKVOIBK , City Tkt. & P. A.
Two weeks ago today we advertised a grand special sale of /
men's all wool suits at five dollars a suit. We had eighteen hundred of
these suits , and in the ordinary course of human events , it would have
been a big thing to have sold them all out in a week. We began the
sale at nine o'clock in the morning , with less than twenty people wait
ing. At ten we had a crowd at noon a crush at three a jam and
at six a mob , which increased with every moment during the evening ,
until we were compelled to close our doors several times , the crowds
being greater than we could handle. So great a success was this sale
that when we closed our store for the day , we closed it on a sale of
over thirteen hundred of these wonderful suits , and the largest day's
business in all departments of our house , that we've ever experienced.
The following Monday and Tuesday saw the balance of these suits
closed out slick and clean. Instructions were immediately telegraphed
our representative in New York to buy another big lot of these won
He has followed instructions in a refreshing manner. He has ex
ceeded our most sanguine expectations. He has bought and shipped
us nearly eighteen hundred as handsome suits of clothes as you'll find
in any store in the land. The suits on sale before , are not in it. These
suits are all wool every thread. There are cheviots , homespuns ,
flannels. There are sacks with round corners , square cut sacks.
There are plain colors , hair lines , pin stripes , pin heads , checks- , = _
plaids , mixtures , pepper and salts. Nine dollars would be a low
price for the poorest suit in the lot , while ten and twelve dollars would'
be the prices at which tlae majority of them would be sold at under
ordinary circumstances. Today and until the last suit is sold , you
can have your own free choice of the entire magnificent assortment for
IfX 11 1 " * 1 1
Five Dollar Bill
We guarantee them all wool.
Sale begins at nine o'clock. Need we say more ?
Kpocli-MnrkhiK AVords.
Harper's Young People : The battle
of the Nile was fought August 1 , 1799 ,
between the French and English fleets.
Sir Horatio Nelson was in command of
the latter , and as the engagement was
about to begin ho exclaimed , "Victory
or Westminster Anboy ! " And victory
it was.
When Charles IX. of Sweden , at the
ago of 10 years , fought and defeated a
largo body of Russians at Narva in 1700
Peter the Great , who led his army , had
several liorecs shot under him , and
while exchanging a dead stood for a
more useful ono remarked , "Thsso people
ple seem disposed to give mo exorcise. "
The mace is an emblem of authority
and use in our congress as well as in
the English Parliament , and though it
is merely a symbol it commands respect ,
hut it was never so insulted as when
Oliver Ctomwell stalked into the En
glish house to aisporso and dissolve the
Parliament. The mace lay in its regu
lar place , and when Cromwell saw it ho
must have sneered at the potty symbol ,
for ho called ono of his soldiers and or
dered , "Tako away that bauble. " So ,
as the mace was carried out , the doors
wore locked.
Commodore Perry , after the battle of
Lake Erie had taken place and"tho Brit
ish fleet was defeated , sent to General
Harrison , grandfather of the present
president , his famous dispatch : "Wo
have mot the onomv and they are ours. "
It was but n little longer than Ctcsar's ,
"I came , I saw , I conquered. "
Mti8t Hu n Uiiuil Landlord.
OTTMVA , Out. , Juno 0. Mr. Laporto of
Laporto's hotel has received word from
Spain that ho his been appointed guardian
ot the child or M. Do Bolsuovillo. a Spanish
nobleman , and that bo inherits under
Do Bolguovillo'8 will nearly 5,000,000 francs.
Twenty-sjx years ago Do Uolguovlllo stopped
at Mr. Laporto's house and became very
friendly with the proprietor , but after bo lolt
all communication cnasod.
lliillillnj ; i'crmltx.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of building yesterday :
A.O.IIlniou meli. 2-story hrluk iimlstono
residence. Tlilrty-ouventh and Jtiok-
on streets $45,003
A. U. Hlmeb.iiiKh. 2-story stone barn ,
'llilrty-seventhiind JuuKbun streets. . . 5,000
Two minor penults K > 0
Total $ o0.5VJ
Miirrlagu J-ICOIIHOK.
The following marrlasi licenses were
Iss jed by Judge Ellor yesterday :
Name and uddrusa. Ago.
I James IContrlak , Illinborg 23
I Mary HcnokUinuhiv..i ( 10
I J. L Muthlcsu , Omulia 'M
. ' . Umalia '
1 Louls.i 1'ollott. - -
j II , O. Htibonsteln , Onmhii Ul
| ( Jiaru lloyiu , Unmhu Iti
Nutlet * nf Jive Una or leumd.r \ Ihls head , fifty
centseachUlllttimilllniten centi-
OAULSON I John , used 47yours. Juno 8. 1B/J.
funeral battirdny morning lit 0 : 0 o'clork
from fumlly losUIU'iuo TJ > 7 North Twontlotli
itrcnt to Forest Lawn coiuutery. Friends In
DOOiaTTIJJ-Mary Hushnoll , ut Bs30 p. in. ,
Friday , Juno H Ib'Jat ' the residence of her
liuabund , M , V. Doollttlo , aged OJyears. 1'U-
noral uotlco later.
oi + * % * * % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * }
( TastelessEffectual. . ) *
For Sick- Headache , I
Impaired Digestion.j
Liver Disorders and-
Female Ailments.
Renowned nil over the World.
Corered with t Tutcleu A BolubU Coating.
Ailcfor neeelum' and taVe no other ,
.de at St. Helen , , BuUnd. Sold b ,
. ' "nti
druEeW" " eaert. f
i box. Nt w York Depot , 365 Canal St
Bee Bureau of Claims
For Inventions
Bee. Bureau of Claims
Kqnnl "Ith tha IntorJH of thoia ti'vylm rial n
fiEilniltliOROVormiiuntHtlntor INVKXfOllS , w ! > 3
often load Ilia banutlt of r.tlimt > la Inrantl mi bjovio
of the Incumpatoncr or Inattention of t'u nllornJ/t
employed to olifxln tlialr intonti. Too muclicirj
cnnnot bo uxarcliol In ini.ilojrl-it conpatjH nil
rollnblofolloiton to proouro intonH. for t'u valai
of npatontiljpanili kTOUIr , It notuatlrolr , upoi tu :
cnru nnd nMH of tha attornof .
Wltlitliu via * of proU > clln { Invonton frj n irarri
lenorciruloj nttornorJ , anlot sejlnt fiit mrja-
tloni re Toll protactnl bj v.ilU pltjilti , THIS U3J
11UUKAU liai ri'tilii'jj ' counml oipjr ; lu p Ua :
prnctlco ; oudti ttiurotoro proparoJ tj
lllltlllll JllttClltH ,
SIiilso rtjJi
I'i'ouectite rejected cnaes ,
UfUtnter tfiulo murk * ttnil en i/i t7 't
ftcmlci- opinion * tmtoncoins tintl rttlttl-
I'rtiHcestto anil itcfaul tnfi'l ' : / ? > n-3 t
MIlilH , CtV. , CtO ,
If roil htivo nn Invention nn hand ncn < \ Till ! II1S1J
BUUUAUnikolc'i or piiotoifrnp'j thoruof , touottu :
with u brief ( Inscription of tha Importint lovtnrji.
untijrou will baonojnilflsolni to tli9 boil cjiiriat )
pursue. Model * nro notiiocosrirr union tha Inruv
tlon la of n coinpllcntoJ n tnro. If otheri nroln.
frliiKliuon your rUhti , or If rou nrj en irju.i with
Infrlnvomont UT oinurj , ntiiult tlio nntfjr to THIS
UUItKAUIor a rollaljla Ol'INlON lioloro nctmjoj
tlio matter.
220 Ice ) Hiiililln ? , Oiuiiln , No1) .
CVThls Ilura in U cirir.intoui by the
Omaha ll.'o. the I'lonuur 1'rcsi utiJ the Ban
L''riuiclsL'o uxiimliiur.
Cut this out unfl sonil it with your 1 1
Persons who have lost property from Indian
rruds should IIlo tholr elnlnw timlortlioIiiUliiii
DcproJiit on Act of .March ' , 1S < 1. 'Hiu tlmoli
limited , unl the oliilins uro tuUon up uy tlio
courtm the orJor In which thuy iiro rotolyoj.
TakeNotico thatall cont.-aow cntorel into
with attornoya prior to the Aot are maJj
null mid void. Information Klvon uuJ all
clulius promptly attondo4 to by the
Uce Itniltltitll ,
fay-Thls Hiiroan Is cimrantoeJ by the
Oinithu Hoc. the 1'lonour I1 row mid Iho Sau
Ifranulsio I'.xamliicr. _
An ordlimnco rc-esti bl hlti tlio curb lines nf
Ulilougo btrcot , from Wlh etruut to aith
street , ami niiioallnj ; bo much of ull ordl-
nnncus In ponlllut hcrowlth.
Iloltordnlnod by the city ojuuoll of the city
' '
Huut'l'ou 1. That the curb lines of Chicago
struct from > th street to iCtli Htreot , In the
clti of Uiniihii , ho , and iho sumo arc hurnby
ru-eslablUhed uta tuilform dUtunco of U fuel
on oucli sldo of the cuntur llnu of uuld Htreet ,
boutlon 8 Thut ko muoli of all ordinnnco In
conflict with the provisions of UiUqidliiuiico ,
be. und the viinio are hereby repealed .
b'ectloii ' y. Th.s ordlnunco iliull take eltect
and ho In foruo from and after IU pagiuK" .
Ulty Dluric
\vu. r.
Acting 1'runldontUlty Council.
Approved Junu bth , lbW.uKQ JJKM |
Army and
/tiers in the Regular Army
and Sailors , Seamen and Mar
ines in the United States Navyt
since the War of the Rcbcllioiif
who have been discharged from
the sorvicB on account of dis
abilities incurred therein while
in the line of duty ,
Entitled to Pension
at tlio same rates and under the
same conditions as parsons ren
dering the samD service during I
the War of the Rebellion , i I"
except that they ara not entitled" "
unciop the new law or aot of
Juno 27 , 189O.
Such person j ara also entitled
to pension whether discharged
from the servica on account of
disability or by reason of expir
ation of term of service , if
while in the service and line
of duly , they incurred any
wound injury or disease which
still disables them for manual
Widows and Child
of persons rendering servjca in
tha regular army and navy
Since the War are
Entitled to Pension.
of the death ofthosoldier wasdu *
to his service , or occurred whlla she
ho was In the service. _ (
Parents of Soldiers & Sailors
dying in the United States ser
vice since the War of the Rebel
lion , or after dlscharga from tlio
service , from a causa originat
ing therein , leaving no widower
or child under the ago of sixteen
years , are entitled to pension if
now dependent upon their own
abor for support , whether the
soldier over contributed to their
support or they were dependent
upon him at the time of hli
death or not.
As to title to pension , ADDHISSS ,
HHO lie 11 llult < H t/i
llureau U uimniiitwd by the
Onuha llo . il'O i'luuuor i'ruwi and the 0114
I'ranoUuo Uxauilue-