. -I 1 I TT-1R niffTTTA DAILY KKK : SATURDAY. JUNE 11. 18n2-TWRLVK 1'AOKS. tlVKRTlSKMKNTO FOR THESE COLUMNS -will bo taken until 12.30D. m. for the evcnlnit nnrl until 8:30 : p.m. for the morntni ! or Sunday edi tion. tion.All All o'vertliementd In lheo columns 2 cents a word for tlrsl Insertion and 1 cent a word Tor each ttibicquont Insertion or 12 per line par month. No advertisement taken ' for lci > n than U cents for the first Insertion , Terms cash In advance. Inlll/ilo. figures , symbol * . , etc , cnch count as aword. All advertisements mutt run con * eecnttvrly. Adverlliors. by requesting a numbered rhrek , ran have the letters ( iu < ! rr il tonnnm * Jwrcd loiter In cars of THE licit. Answers no ad dressed will bo delivered on presentation of the check. ' SITUATIONS WANTED. _ l"wANTEf POSITION IN LAWY'KR78 OFFICK. have read law 18 mnnlhi. use typewriter , stood refi-rcnccs. Addrois II22 , liee. 478 II * -WANTED , 11V A LADY OF KXPERIKNCE. A JVpo'lllon atROvernPM , or pupils to prepare for college. Address II7. llcconicn. MI79 12 * YOUNO MAN 31 YEARS OF AJE ( , OOOD PENman - man , wants a position In an oiilcol c.in furnish references If necessary. Address R 20 , Ueo. .IS2I1.V A ANY POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY WITH rcatonablo salary by middle need man with cluhtcon years' bimnc s experience. Host refer ence or bonds furnlshe-l. Address R 23 , lloo. f M52I II * WANTED MALE HELP. > -ACCHJENT INS. BOL1C1TORS , 214 UKIi tJTS l-ACIENTS WANTED IN P.VKJIY TOWN AND Jcity In the west on extra liberal terms , to fell the popular ten year policy of the Mutual Uo- rrnrc > und Life association : also the now. } ! 0W combination policy of the ( 'referred lltilual Acci dent ss'oclation ot Nvw York ; cost only fin per year for preferred rlskn ; save money by insuring. mule money by representing there wideawake rompenles : ttrn agents can double their Income. Wrlto for circulars and iprms to B. H. Uoblson , General Man ngcr , Omaha , Neb. 121 - , HA11NESSMAKE1I3 TO KEEP . J5away from Inelnnatl , O. ; Covlngton nnd New * port , Ky. ; strike there. M5CU JI2' _ ) _ WANTED , SKN : TO CANVASS THE CITY ; Jciporlonco unn CB aryf salary paid wojkly , at HlngerotBce. ) M Douglas. M3.-J JH -WANTED-A LIVE , ACTIVE MAN. WITH J soroe pluck and puilikto represent ns In yocr locality. Wo have tomothlng entirely now that pops , nnrt unle s yon can make from $74 to I2M per month wo don't need. you. No peddling. Better write today , Address "Manufacturers , " box ftW9 , liotton. MH.IS. MKU-Jlfl * _ TJ-1IAN WITH PUSH WANTED 1NXVCH CITY , JJldrn Hid liamlot to Introduce the fastest selling ) iou . * lui1d article on record. Ovorn million sold In I'hllailelphla. Will pay coranvtpnt parson ( I per day. Addrcimulth ttamp W. 11. Williamson , 41 N. etrept. Philadelphia , Pa. MH4jy30' Tt TEA.MSTE113 AND R. It. LAllORUIta FOR ,1) Wyoming or South Dakota. 1X30 S. Uth t. TJ-WAN TKD , TKAMSTKRS. SHOVELKR3' AND J Jrockricn for Wyomlnir and South Dakota. Al- .obor Apcncy , 1120 Farnam street. 174 J30 B-WK WANT A FlItST-CLASH CAIIPKT MAN TO cut nnd lay ; call bet. 0 and 6:30 : p. m. Omaha Furntluro Co. 3"4 fb AdKNTH. MOST WONDERFUL ADVKHTI9 J'Inn "chorae ever known. Patented. Every mer chant buys. Enclose stamp. ArcJ Mfg. Co. . Ha- clno WIs. M33216 * II-WANTED. AT ONCE. ONE WOOD WORKER , JJnno trimmer and ono painter. Steady work nnd peed pay to first-class mechanics and sober men. No other need apply. Sheldon Carrlaco Works , Slioldon , la. M 370-13 O-WANTED. EXPERIENCED ACCIDENT 1N- jOsnrnnra solicitor to take charge of city work. Address IIP , lice. 403 T-TUAVELINO SALESMEN TO SELL RAKINO JJpowdcr. To the right men liberal salary and coninil-nlon contrncts will bo mnile. Experience not neccpnary. If you anstrer nny ad In this col umn answer this one. United Hates Chemical Works , 8)0648 Tan Huron. Chleoito. M4M 13 * B -MAN TO TAKE CARE OK HORSES. IIKMIS Omaha UOK Co. , Hth st. viaduct. 4O > 11 * 'BVANTKU. ; . ONK CAlllllAUK l. II09- I1II 1'odgosu 475-11 T > WANTED , A NBAT AND INTKLLIQKNT HDcouple , man ami nlfo without children , womsn to assist tn hiiuseivork- per mouth. Address U 11) ) . lice. 17C-H p-100 SPECIAL POMCEMKN WANTED FOR JJ/icrvIco nt epeclsl clcctlon'JunoIS , pay 1300 per ( lay. Apply at Police Headquarters , No. 1417 Jack son ntrcet , not later than Saturday noon , Juno 11 , V. ' . H , t'eavcy , Chlut of Pollco. M 431. B-WANTED , FIRST CLASS COAT MAKERS. J. Wlnkler , Sutton , Nob. J1JWIJ * 'iJJflOOD SAliKSMAN , FAIR SALARY. 117 N. JJlCtb. M494 11 * T > WANTED , AGENTS ; LIGHT WORK , DIG Dmoney. Send stamp for particulars and terri tory. C. L. H. l'.Co.'JiJ Dearborn st , , Cblcuuo. B-WANTED , MEN TO TAIfjJ ORDERS FOR clcsrs from dealers : $00 to I1UO per month and expenses. Address with stamp llrown Rros. Ic Co. , 7 Dearborn street , Chicago. HI. 607 ll'JI B SALESMAN ; OOOD OPENING : SALARY OR commission. Address with stamp. National Cliiar Co. , St. Ixuli , Mo. Ki IS * TJ-WANTEl ) , IMMEDIATELY. A OOD ALL JUround tullor. K. J. O'Rourk , Plattsmouth. > 'cb. | 610-10 * -WANTKD , IMMEDIATELY. M CARPENTERS. j J 'Apply to O. Cbrlslonien , foreman. The ( J. U. Hammond company , South Omaha. COO H WANTED , SIX CANVASSING AGENTS FOR Omaha. C02N. Y. Life. 613 T > WANTED , MEN TO TIIAVEL KOU OUIl CAN JJnilu nurseries. Stone & Wellington , Madison WIs. TJ WK ALLOW AGKNTS TO DELIVER GOODS JJboforo paylnK for them. Hundreds of them are making Ji.OU to 112.00 a day. Our Perfection Ad justable ( recently patented ) nnd Taylor Shoes ex pand with every motion of the foot. They nro ap preciated anil dally recommended by thousand. " . ? io competition. 2s'ono but thosn moaning business 1 need apply. Address , with 2c stamp , Consolidated Shoo Co. , Lynn. Mass. MSai 11 * WANTED. FIFTEEN GOOD QUAKUYMEN. Apply atC04 Paxton block. Vaucourt k Lcmlst. 3til2 * WANTED. LADIKS Oil YOUNO 11EN "f ako light , pleasant work at their own homes ; 11.00 to II.UO per dny can bo nulotly maile : work vent by mall ; no canvassing. For particulars ad dress " ( .lobe Mfg. Co. , Hoi & 331 , lluston , Mass. " -G1HL WANTED. MUST Dli GO ( D COOK A ND lauiidrois. N. W , corner 'lth and Furuatn. Furuatn.4J5 4J5 _ /I WANTED , KI1IST CLAirS ( JlllU NO WASHING V or Ironing , must bo good cook , nnges ti n weefc. PI24 lllnucy st. 4.14 12 * C-WANTED. COMPKTKNT (2IRL , OKNKRAL bourework ; small family. Inquire Mm. H. D. gU'ely ; 440j Hamilton et. 4IJ8 C -WANTED ; ACTIVE LADIES AND OENTLE- men for traveling : salary , tCO and czpcnies : no ranvakstnit. Cull at 1721 llodcu St. 471 12 * WANTED GIRL FOR flENEUAL 1IOU8B- i In family of two. 001 ti. Mlh st , 47010 * < n-JIRL WANTED , FOR GENERAL HOUSE Vvwork. 2221 Hurt st. 4'W 13 * -WANTED , A LAUND1IKSS. APl'LYV. . U. Mlllard. Omaho Nat , bank. SOS /-1-WANTKD. COMPUTENT UIIIL FOR UEN- Oeral liousovrork. tua B 2ith ) st. 414 12 * _ 4p WANTKI > . YOUNO UVDY TO DRAW COK- * wee at Coliseum ; call on Consolidated CotTce Co. HGI2 _ / - l WAN l + : i > , SKIRT AND WAIST HANDS. SIC- V-/Cnl.c. Iliiom 10 , Wlllinoll block. Mii7-l2 : * _ CI WILL PAY LADIKS A SALARY OF 110 PER week to work for mo In their locality nt homo ; lUlitnorki ( rood pay for part tlm : wrltn , nlth In'iur. 3 > r > . H. U. Farrlngtun , HojcTiX. ' , CMrniro. 111. - , , , . - " * FOB BENT-HOUSES. B-F- RENT , HOUSES. 17 PER MONTH AND upwards. The O. V. Davis Co. , IWi Fnrnam.oil oil 12 , -KlllrJT CLASS RES1DK.NCK FLATH , 3 OR rooms ; now block. Rnoiu 0. Bill H. 22d. 11 AND III'.ST IIIIILT lIRICi : H-I100M . o la the city ; full collar , furnace , laun dry and tubs , mantels and Kmios , kstli , electric bolls , i-pcaklnit tubes , oak tinlsh , pollihud Hoers ; \ nr.t cln s III every rusprct ; asphalt pavements ; 103U touth 10th ave , near Haiitcom park. J M. j7 funiier.4 llt-o bide. ' A-fOR RENT , II-ROOM HOUSE 1812 CHICAGO /sU 710 \-FOR RENT , 7-ROOM COTTAGE , CORNER JiHb aud CBpljol avenue. am Br T. . - DM HOUSK WITH UARN I/Oll RENT ; furniture for sale. l ( 7 Farnam st. 7M T\-l > IIOlM MODERN DWKLLINU. CORNER JL/itli and Capitol avenue , furnished or unur nltbud. Inqulruum'itxton block. tin * r\-U\iiKi. ( ALLPARTSTUKCITY. PRINTED 4-'jsts. | tioorm J , Paul , liDi r'urnam street. RENTAL AGENCY , 1014 FA UNA JL 7-V-3ROOMHONJI8T8T. , HALF 1II.OCK NORTH l-'of tirnce , O.W. ( city water. AUo otber rooms > nd boinn at lowu.t prices , 0. F. RutU , room 4 , Ueo bulltlliii- . , 8n-Jr k-HOllSES AND FLATS. R. TIZAIll ) . 24TII Jaud Davenport , M3T4 II * WFOR RUNT. 1 HOUSES. 8 ROOMS. WITH AND 'without modern cnnveuleuces , central location. inquire 2U10 Capital avcuuu. ) -OK 'ICK : FIRST FLOOR HOARD OKTRAD H Ueurvo J , Paul , 1004 Faruam. tU 10 * .TV-A LARGE SIX-ROOM UOUSK. UOOD 1.OOA. i Atop , m Kautsirocu uiwu' B--FOII RUNT , IJESIIUIILU HOUSES AND residence ! nuts , cbnau. Houses fur sale ou monthly t > ayw ou. J , W. Bqult * . 1st Nat bank , XUJIJyf FOB BENT-HOUSES. Continual. D-10 HOOM HOU3EMODERNIMPItOVKMKNT3 , 2 blocks from city ball , I blocks from postoRlco. Apply 1.118 Ftrnnm. 4W-IO -7-ROOMS WITH LAUNDRY. HATH , SHADR trees , lawni 3 blocks from court hoaro anil city linll. Ka t front. Possession July L David Jnral. son , 44J Bee blilg. tit D-KOH RKNT , TWO NICK RRICK HOUSK8 near Ilanncom park Nos. 1142 and 1144 Bouth Jnd street , just north of Popplcton avenue. Ibcse houses have eluht rooms ouch , with bath , furnace , splendid brick cellars , eta ) are onlhellanMOm park nnd Pacific street motor lino. Klrgnnl neigh. borlioodi pleasant and healthy location. Keys at my olllce , 303 N. r. Life bld'tf. ( l o. N. lllcks.MII9 MII9 IJ D UOUSK NO. 2S2i HARNKY ST. , FURSACB and all complete. Gco.W.P.Coatcs , Kill Farnam 440 II NEW MODERN B ROOM COTTAOK , LAWN , shade. Star Loan A Trust Co. , 1st floor N. Y. Lite. M4S7-I6 -FOR RENT , FURMSHKD HOUSE FOR Till ! summer , No. 2201 Webster street. / R. KnUbt 4C7 H * -NF.W MODERN MIOOM COTTAOK. lawn shsdo , etc. Star IMUD A Trust Co. , 1st floor N. Y. Life. 4M11S * D-KOH JIENT , 8 1IOOM 1IOUAK , 1OT2 BHKHMAN avenue , with nlco yard , barn for3 horses nnd buggy house , all In good repair : rent fM per month. Inquire at premises or nt IS-f ) Sherman avo. M4S3 \-FOR RENT , NICE C-ROOM COTTAGE , 3512 'Cass U tOU-llS * D 1-8-ROOM HOUSE , ALL CONVENIBNCKH , AT 823 South ; Wlh streetnearLeavcnwortb. MS2.117 * FOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS ITJ iffisiiKi ) 'ROOMS .TO RKNT WITH ALL modern conveniences. 812 Douglas trcot. M32 ! ) J13 E-S ROOMS LIGHT HOUSE KEEPING. S-X llrlstol street , . . 511 -N1CF. ROOM , ALL CONVENIENCKS. iT5 Davenport street , M32' 16. -FURNISHED ROOM. PIIIVATK FAMILY , modern conveniences , 1'JOI California St. , refer ences required. M419 14 * -NICE COOL ROOMS. ALSO ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping , N. 1Mb at. 432 11 * A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN private family. Modern conveniences , 2024 Hurt street. M444 12 * -NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. Oil N 13th St. 511 12 * E-isiB KAHNAM ST. . NICELY FUKNISHED front rooms ; good table board ; terms reason * I ble. ili = li ' " * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. F-N1CB HOOM AND HOAUDKOHTWOGENTLE- men : one-half block from motor ; Rood , nice homo 318 So , ? 0th St. MW1 FOIt BENT. KUHNISUED 110OMS AND board. 1810 Chicago bt. M224 13' F-KUHSISHEI ) HOOM , WITH OH WITHOUT board , all conveniences ; terms reasonable. C07 North Wth Btroot. 3ttl H * -TWO PLEASANT FllONT BOOMS AT THE Morrlam. 39V * l-FUnNI3HED ItOOMS. DAY BOAHD , 1712 CAP- I1 to lave. M 3 12- F-SOUTH KHONT BOOMS AND K1HST CLASS board. 1812 Chicago. M40U 12' F-NICELf FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM. ALL conveniences ; 1015 Douglas. * M4'J1 12- F-NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AT THE Shelton. 3. E. cor. 2ith and Dodge. 435-16 * -NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND DAY board , 1717 Chicago St. 503-12 * FOB BENT-TINFTJBNI3HEJJ ROOM8. i -im"UKNn\TijN7mJNT3HKi > HOO.MS SUIT V > ablofor housckoeplnK 17l Webster street. /S 4UNFUUNWUKDCIIAMUKIW KOU HOU9E- vjkccplnsto inanandirlfo. Nocblldrca. 319 N. 17th. G-,1 ( UNKUUNISIIKD ItOOMS , NICE IXJCAL- i'y. Z117 California ; references. 5MJ * * BOARDING. H -PULLMAN HOUSE , U10 DODG15. KOH GOOD " board nlco rooms , conveniences , rat ; and loca tion U cannot bo excelled. MM. Horn , prop. FOB BENT-STOBE3 AND OFFICES. T-FOll UKNT. THE 4 STOIIY 11I11CK I1U1LD1NO .l 18 Karnam st The bulldlnit hasnnreproof ce ment basement. complct3 stcamhcatlng nxturos ; nator. on all the Hoers , gas , etc. Apply at tbo olllce of The llco. 818 1-KOlt HENT , STOUE 22X00 , 1118 JACKSON GHOCEHY , MEAT MAIUCET AND DIIUO I store , with fixtures complete. U. Tliard. Z4th and Davenport. MS7S la * FOB RENT--MISCEII.ANEOTJS. J VOB ItENT.THE OLD UASKET KACTO11Y AT Kckcrmann placo. 40xtiO. 5 stories with boiler and engine tii per month. C. F. Harrison , VI2 N. Y. Life. illO ) JW WANTED-TO BENT. K WANTKD.'DKSK HOOM IN A GOOD OFFICE , rent to be paid In work. Address U 22. lleo. M47 $ U K WANTED. DETACHED IIOU3H IN DESIli able locution , not less than 10 rooms. J. K. llaum. 1210 llarney. t > l 12 BENTAJj AGENCIES. L -E. C , QA11V1N & CO. , 2033UEELEY 11LOC.K. STOBAOE. M OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND I1KSTSTOHAGE house in the city. Williams & Crojj.nil Harnoy. M CLEAN , IIHY AND PRIVATELY STOUEH furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Douglas st , Omaha Stove llcpalr Works. WANTED-TO BUY. \T--i KUIINITUUE UOUUUT , SOLD , STOHED. Wells , 1111 Fnrnam st. friS T WANTED , A LARGE SAFE AT ONCE : AD > dress n 12. Roc. 4JO 10 T SAFETY. MUST MB GOOD AND CHEAP FOR cash. Address R 17 , lleo. M4M 11 * VT WANTED , TO I1UY A HOUSE Oil MARE li ( blsck preferred ) to weigh I.10J to 1,200 pounds , Hultable for carriage nnil buggy. No plugs neoU npply. 313 S. 15th st , , In otore. i7 ! 10 FOB aALE-JFUBNITUBE. 0 OFFICE KUilNITUu AND "mTUIlK8 OF ono of Iho finest offices In city. Inquire 014 Paxton - ton blk. L. U Johnson. t > 1812 * FOB SALE-HOUSES , WAOON8 , ETC. 1A GREAT HALE OF IIORSKS , HURRIES , WAIiONS. RUUIHES. HARNESS , CARRIAGES. Stake trucks , express wuirons. light and heavy , all kinds of harness and some scrapers. They must go. If you have money In your pocket so much tin ) better ; It will talk louder than time , but we are open for a sale either way. They'll bo none In a few ilsya. VKl Sherman avenue or North 10th street , Man there will tell you all about It. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. . Room 4 , Wlthnoll bullJInir. 279 1KOR 1 SALE , A M.VTY DOLLAR TOP HUOFY , forfOS.U > . 11. E. Cole. Continental block. > : J I > -SPLKND1D til'AN OF CARIIIAOE 1IOHSKS. dark bay , perfectly matched , stylish , gentle , youuiii owner leavlnir the city : must be sold at onto. Thos. F. Hull , U)7 ) Paxton block. 4C4 > -FOR KALK , FINK JKHSEV UULL CALK. 3 .mouthsold , ail.N.aitUst. , 4'J7 n * FOB SALE-MI30ELLAN.EOU3. Q-FOR SALK.ONK RILLIARD AND ONE POOL table , Hrunsnlck-llalko make , almost now , In- qnlru of Uruiid hotel , Council 111 urn. 310 Q -FIVE FRESH MILCH COWd TOR HALE AT J30 N. th struot. H. I. McDonald. MIU II * Q-FOIIBALICHKAPAUI ; COLUMIIIA SAFETY bicycle Hh cushion tlru. Address R 18. lice. .M4M ) 12 * MISCELtA.NEOUS. ItLAWN MOWERS 8HARPKNCU 117 N. l th street. MHO II * 1J-MR8. 11. B. CLICK , MIUWIKU , HAH RE' JVturned. ISOS Mason street , SV7-U * OLAIBVOVANTd. NANNIE VTWARRBN , rellablv butmcss medium , Ulth ; * > rut II'J N ictb , C-MADAMK FltlTX. SM CUMI.NO b Uclalrvoyant and trance medium ) Inderwndent Tolccs ; tells past and future. IHU jn > 8"ARRIVAL KXTRAORU1NARY : WONDBRfUL revtutlons. Cballengvs tbe world. Mrs. Dr. M. LeijraTe. do J tranoo clairvoyant , astrulotilst , palmlit anil lf ! rejideri tvlls your llf ( root tu * cradla to graves uultustba separittoU : causes mar- rUvtj with the ODD you loves Ull * wnervyou will ucc'Oi-d and lu what buslous best adiplod for : has tbtf colobrsUJ Kgyptlaa broastplite lur luck and to duslrov bad InnuvDCus : cure * flu , lateuipuriincit and all prUklv complaints with uiassatie , balbi and alcohol treatment. b mi 1100 , lock ot hair , name aud dale of birth aud receive accurate llfu cbarti Jc nl In jtamps tor circular ) give Initials of one you will marry ; also nholoauf s m . GrHoe HUT Souuh llth strc lBt t Boor ! tiours , * . m. luU p. ui. fumeouo. cooie all. anil t > s convlncsd of lull wuoderful uracl * , _ MA3 3i AOEglATH3. _ ETC. -MAS9AOK -L real bath * , scalp and hair treatment , manlcuro ami chiropodist , Sirs. l'ost,318 8 15th , Wlthnell blk * 1S3 rp MADAMK SMITH 1131 DOUGLAS STIIKKT , JL room 7 , W floor. Alcohol , sulphur and f baths. * MIJW STOWK , MASSUUSB Kf.KCTlUCl'AN , LKI Ramie block M MI-IJ * tp-MADAMELARUE , MASSAGE , 415 HO. 15TH 1st. . Hat 4.3d floor. MSM13 * TEHSONAET U-TO U L.1 VES. COJIB KI11DAY KVEN1NO IBo'clock. Will wait for 1011. E. MS 10 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. 7-0. K. ( IK1.I.KSIIKCK , UANJO TKACHKIt , , orMSN. Ijtli n. Vlt rEKOHK BUYING A PIANO EXAMINE THE new scale Klmbalt piano * A. Hospe.lSU Douglas. V KO11 SALE , A PIANO OFTI1K KAMOU3 WEB- stcr make ; used three months ; will sell at fac tory price. Inqtilro.ZUUtfS. Uth street , 30118 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ir-CENTRAL LOAN i TRUST CO. HEK 11LIH1. V V31 \v r-LOANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' city proporty.W.COJ and upwards , ti to 9 per cent. No delays. W. Farnam Smith A Co.,1 Jtli anil Harney , \\r-C. W. RAINEY , 315 OMAHA NAT. II'K IlLDd. vl CltrmortRaKoj. Lowest rates. Money on han-1. - W ) ir 7 PKR CK > TMONET NET TO nORROW- v crs on Omaha city property. No ottra charges nf any kind. Why pay high ratoi ? Money Is cheap Youckn Kot full benefit of low rates from Globa Loan A. Trust Co. , loth and Dodgo. 143 \V MONEY TO LOAN O. IMPROVKI1 OR UN Improved Omaha property nt lowest rates on short notice. Cash on hand. Fidelity Trust com pany , ICI4 Farnam street. 7CU W WANTED AT ONCE , APPLICATIONS KOH loans of 11,003 and upward on business , rosl donee or farm properties. G. J , Paul , low Karnam WiPU1VATK MONEY. 1ST AM ) 51) MOHTOAOK loans , lowrates. Alex. Moore , 401 Ueo tiolldlnK. lui If MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY > property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk.Wl Wl f DON'T 1XJHOKT THAT \VK AUK MAICI.NO I low rates on Improved nnil unimproved limns on Omaha property. No dolav nnd all business transacted at this olllce. Fidelity Truit compnnr. Itll Farnam slrecL 7W \\r-ANTIIONY WAN ANOTIlUaTCO. , 3U N. Y. < ' Life , lends nt loir rates fnr cliolca sccurltr on Nobraslcaor loira farms or Omaha cltr property. T\r 1121.003 TO LOAN. SU.M8OK$5OW UPWAUD3 ; ' ' can place loans on any Inside Improved prop erty to any amount where value Is back of the loan. Ames Heal Kstato Aeency , 1507 Karnam st. VJl r LOANS. O. G. WALLACE , 312 11ROWN RLK. 101 \\7-MONKYTO IX3AN ON 111IAL ESTAT13. Till i O F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam st. CI1J12 Wn MONKY TO LOAN. J. D. ZITTLE , . IltlOWN Blk. , t MM ! ) w-c ! . V. UAItlUSON , 01S N. Y. L1FK. 530 W-OMAHA SAV1NO3 HANK MAKKS LOANd on real estate at lowest market rntes. Ixians made In small or largo sums and for short or Ion tlmo. No commission Is charged , and the loans are not sold. In tbe east , but can always bo found at tbo bank on tbo corncrof 13th and Douglas streets. 933 W-UBAL KSTATB LOANS , B TO T PKIt OKNT ; no additional chnrzes for commission or attor ney's fees.V. . U. Melklo , Hrst National Uank bliU. r GEO.W. P. COATKS , 114 ( ! FARNAil. I32a-jy4 \\r-PHlVATK MONEY TO PLAC1I ON 1M- provedor unimproved property. Uutchlnson & Wead , 1521 Douelas. JHSV.12 MONEY TO JLOAN-OHATIELS. X WILL LOAN MONUY ON ANY KIND OK security : strictly confidential- . K. 11AHHIS , room 1 , Continental block. 10. r-KOll'T PHITCUAIID. 11. 3 , W1THNELL HLK 103 X WUKN YOU WAST A CHATTEI , TX > AN 3EU W. It. Durli , room 20 , Continental block. 101 -DO YOU WANT MONEY ? Jf BO , do not fall to get our jstos before bor- roirlnir. Womnlcolonnj without delay , publicity or remoTBl of property , on turnlturo. plnnoi , lior e , wngons. eta , at the lowest possible rato. Wo will carry tlio loan at Ionic as you ileilre. clr- Inif you tbeprlrllego of paying It In full or In part at nny time to suit your conrcntonco. ana any part paid reduces the cottof currying the loan In pro portion to tbo amount paid. There nro no charges of nr kind tn uo paid In advance , but you R t the nil amount of the loan. If you uava a loan with otbor parties , or have bought a piano or otbor furniture on tlmo and find the payments a little larger than you can meet con veniently , wp will pay U for youoad carry the loan as lone as yon desire. It vlll bo to your advantage to 803 us before BO. caring a loon.OMAHA OMAHA MOtmJAGE I-OAII CO. , Itoom U , Crelghton lllock , litU u , South of pojlofflce. 103 --MONEY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN Q UAUANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagon" , etc. . at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. , Payments of any nmount can bo made nt any timereducing both principal and Interest , thus Riving patrons all the benefits of the partial pay ment plan. Money always on hand1 no delays ; no publicity : lowestrntc * ; business confldontlnl. FIDELITY LOAN UUAUANTKE CO. , IW It 4 , Wlthncll hlk. . IStli and llarney. -110. Ki. IM. 1100. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON FUIl- nlturo. horses , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Uouglas St. W7 X- LOANS say. Y. LIKK. toaj uy X-CUA1TEL LOANS MADE ON KUIINITUKK pianos , live stock , eta. without publicity or re. moral property at the lowest rates and the easiest payments. Dull Green , rooms 8 and 'J llarkcr block. 175 X-rW.OUO TO LOAN ON CHA'ITKI , business conudontlat Itoom 40) Kitrbach block an BUSINESS CHANCES. y KOIl SALE TIIH FUUNITUKK AND LEASE ' nf 'a .t3-rooui hotel and bfirroom ; steam heat electric light , centrally located , doing uesa. Dun Urcen. llarker block. V Hi CASH. PKIUIAl'j HALF , IIALANCB IN -L trottrlnc broil Btnllloin ami ny ung pacing geld Ing that can beat ? : : 'J threa times to uxchanxe'for n coed stock nf morchandlsu or clear land. Write Jor particulars , 1L Chamborlln , Kearney , Neb. V-CASII I'AID VOK ENDOWMENT I'OLICIKS -I In old llnocompanloa. Send description. A. 1C Orocklesby , bux m , Hartford , Conn. MU3) 10 * Y' 1'XM SALK , MANUKACTUIHNU 11US1NKSS. I3W. 100 per cent prottt guaranteed. Address A C4. Dee. . MMJ \T-KOH SALE-ONE-IIALK Oil ALL OK IIAUD- X wore stock. Good location , ( ioofl triido and rcrsonublo rent Address Lock Ilex 817 , Lincoln , Neb. % U 13 yp H ) BALK. COAL YAUI ) , CKNTHAL LOCA- tlon , sheil , olllce. scalus. trackage. Apply to 11. E. llnrrli , Wl N. Y. Llfo building. 300 12 * - ' WANTED 11V GOOD Y-1'AUTNHU AUCTION- eur. luvcstlifato. 1 * . T. Caldwell , box I'J.tiouth Omaha. M3II 12 V UAKKIlY KOIl UKNT AT SOUTH OMAHA : 1 In good location and reasonable rent. J. W Johnson , 1'JIT Clark street , Omaha. Mli3 )3 ) > O.500 8TOOK OK OKNEIIAL incrchanilUo In Wfitern Nebraska town , cheap for cash only. No trade. Splendid chauco for someone. Address II. 14. Bcoofflce. 439-li * V-IK YOU WANT A OOOD UUrilNEBS THAT J will par you largo profits by Inventing imall capital call at IM'J Harnoy ureoV. M4U 11 * Y MANUrACTUIUNG UUdlNESS KOIIHALE Olt eicbange ; on account of lIHiouHli of owner a tine manufacturing buslnois for sale ur exchange for good real oitato ; prnnts are double the cost of1 production ; ono branch bhons an Increaia In three months of over twice HID anmnnt of previous month. Address Lock Ilex 1 * . 0.3' , Omaha. NvU JUJ4 lii V-f'OH SALE , CAHH GJlOCKItY 8TOIIE IN X Walnut Hill , romonlou tl'ou Immediately. Inquire at 1450 Military ovo. Ull ! } V MEATMA11KHT , COML'f.ETE. GOODTHAIIE , 1 KOOd locution nnd IUHO. Will bear Invrttlga- tlon. Good reasons' for selling. If you want a paylug business , call. I'nncoast & Cu. , Aslilnod , Kfb. Mil If FOR EXCHANGE. y-iiNiNcuuiiKUE : > IMNDJ IN KASTKHN NEbraska - < braska and Kansas for good Insldii Umaba or Council Uluas property. 'Address Haas A Hulls. Kmporls Kan- TIVJ Z-3TANUAIll > 1JUED HOKSKS KOU CLBAU farms or lot * , a J. Kcoilall , < OJ llrown lllk Z-CLKAN STOCK UFUUNKUAL M'U'S'Ki WILL take real estate A oioncy , Ilox''A frankfort , lod. ILU Z011 KXCllANUK-riNU UESIUBNCtf , NEW. U rooms , modern Improvements ; on motor lino. 1 mil * irou r. u. Will axchanga for good tiuil- ncis lot ur faim loads. W , , 1' , O. tie titU , Quiaba. 1M Z AVALUAULBCOllNEULOTON B. 1ITU BT. fpr suburban property. A Tilu uluug.uUrm lot for coed bone , baUooa Terr easy terms. hdeUtr Trust Co. , IsU Vurn.ia HT V-tO ACMK8 IOWA IANII. bMALL KNCIW braow , for bortos. caii | ej , buiglcs , etc , Ad ilresi It . lloo. Kt Z-KOIl THE SfMMKH..AaVlKST CLA3 right piano fora nice hrfrSWRpJ phaeton AU- dresi n II , lira. , ' ? " ' 4IT to- Z-KOIt EXCHANGE. KOVUXY IN M ACHES for typo * rltcr andbleieOf.Mtrior \ nnil photon or cash. W. U , Whitney , BenWr CityNob. _ y-IMACUKS KIUSTCLAsa'AllM LAND IN 'Jlloll county , Neb. , to ex hjrnec for goort city or own property. Co-Up ratl l ( lAnil nd 1/ot CO..50J \Mulhttrort. II 191 1 13 / FINK RANCH IN WVqitl.Stl IX ) TRADE FOR 'Jcltr property , value W.PW" A bargain. Ad- res- Hal , lleo. I" ou M43 ? II * /-CLEAR FARMS TO TttXli'c ' FOR CITY PIIOP- /Jcrty , Hfuhlenco value nbbul tJ.TOJ preferred. Adere-s U2I , Uec. < * - < M47S 11 * ' / WANTED , CLEAN STtXlvpK MEUCHANDISE fJtot land and cash. Ilavo 'twrt ln In city prop erty for sale or trade. C. lx > wpth , Heal Ketato Ex- ihnnce. Lincoln , Neb. E OB SALE-KEAX. . ESTATE. 170U SALE-HOMES' . ANY I'ltlfH. I7W , fl.UO UI'i J. easy terms ; take cleur projierty ns Brst payment. "I. G. Wallace , llrown block , k'.h and Douglas. no LACHY'S ADDITION-VINE LOTS NEAU MOTOIl line , two Ptichi Hrnsh , bal. S , I. 8. vcr.rs , * per cent. Hcsldcncc lots within 2M miles of postonicc , r.'xJonfh : 1-10 cash , bal. long titco nt T percent. Fine lot with six-room cottage at ittth and Hurt streets. Trice. K,80Ji c.iMi , bal. easy. Potter A George Co. , S. W. cor. ICtb amj Karnnm. > IM7Jy4 -DIU I1AHO\1N IN OUCHAIlll HILU lot , will take goodhorso ns llrst payment , bal ance , monthly payments. Wo will soil you a lot dirt cheap nnd furnish money to build you a home on monthly payments ; several locations. Wo will build yon ncotlojto to suit dn monthly payments ; small pnymrnvdown. Two newO-room cottages In'Klrkwood , one block fro in car line , cheap on monthly payment * . Tiarcaln In clear lot In Walnut Hill , only II , 100.00. llargaln In clear lot In Orchard Hill , only I7UJ.OJ. llargaln In clear lot In Crclghton Heights , t&U.OO. liargaln tn a beautiful homo In Lafayette Place , the Uncst resldenc : terrace In Uniaha. everyone ad mits It. I-flt us show It you. for terms , prices , etc , call on Fidelity Trust Co. , IGII Karnani st , 11 ? niAKE NOT10B-THAT WM AHE TUB SOLE JL agents for thirteen lota In 1'ortland I'lace , which the owner must sell atoncoand authorlica us to Oder at from $3)0 ) to IJJO less than same lots have aver been ottered or than adjoining lots can l > o purchased for. All lots are within throa blocks of motor , tn n growing community , end will cost within ono year just double the price asked for them now. The terms will suit any one , rli. : One- half In three or flvo years nt T per cent , balance monthly payments with usual discount for cmh. llemcmber there are but thirteen of them. Kldellty Trust Company , 1GI4 Knrnncn street EfUjZ KOUNTZE I'LACE UAllQAlNS-9-ltOOM DWELL- Ing. KH .00. Will take clear lot in llrst par- menu balance ttVOO per month' J. J. Gibson , solo agent Kountjo 1'laco. First National bank. C3J LAKAYETTB I'LACE : YOU MUsT SEE THIS property to apprcclato It ; two liomoA for sale nt bargain. Call for terms , eta , Fidelity Trust company - pany , 1814 Farnnm et 117 pollSALE 1.0 ! ) ACHK3 OK NEI1HA5KA LAND JL'at great sacrifice. Apply for particulars to Q. U. 1'clerson , owuer , 14U d. UlU street , Omaha. M19J Jyl T70K SALE-ON MONTIIDY 1'AY.MENTS. 3. ibouses & lots. The O. V. Davla Co. , liOJ Karnam s C1I-JI3 FOll SALE AT A 1IA1IOAIN. LOT 15. 11LOCK 8 , W. L. Pethy's first addition to South Gmaba ; small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire U. U. Ttschuck , Omaha lice. SSI 17OH BALE , NOS. 4103 AND 4101-LAFAYETTE -Lnieln Lafayette I'lace , new 8-room dwnlllngs. with bath , gan , etc. , electric casllghtlng and every other modern Improvement , fine lawn , trees and sur roundings ono block from electric cars. These two houses will be soldnt H big bargain ; will take lot as ? art payment ; let us show you the property IdelltyTrnst company , 1614 Farnam su 117 U BEAUTIFUL I1OMK9 STILL KOU SALE IN OLafnyctte place , You'wlll make a mistake If you buy without seeing us aboutthese , homes. Itcnt for f&OO and { 40.CO per month. ' Klnon Investment In the city. Sii Jy 3 Q1.SOO KULL LOT NEAIt PAUlt' fWJXf ) choice home , WlmJt9rVl ce. Fi.aa cottage and fullloLuanrimrk. H.760 house anil lot , -'Jtli nod Cplcagn. siness property. . . barn , Walnufllltl. fi,500 fine brick house. Orchard Hill ; barn. fi.KJO bouse nnd lot , V.'th limit ; rant. (2.2UO east front corner , 35(1 and Davenport. R.oOJ full lot , near 40th nhd Farnum. 113.000 cast front on llanscom park. 110.00) 3 lota fronting Hniiseoui park. C. K. Harrison. UIZ N. Y. Ufo. BUSINESS I'KOI'EHTY , FOU SALE , CHOICE central Improved brick.1 Priys' good rental. Only t32o necessary to handle It. Must bo sold quick. Geo. N. lllcks , SU5 N. Y. Llle-liUla. M41U 11 * STOCK KA11M KOH SALE Oil KENT. OWING to death of partner will-sell or rent at a bargain one of the best stock farms'Irtl Nebraska , sultabla for cattle , sheep or horses < . ' n give tltlo to 3.IVSO acres of Innd ; 7UO acres In , culOvatlon ; crops now .In. llalancadlvldad upln4 > utures with abundant water. Kccd yards and sheds'fnr Wpcattlu. Good houses , stables , grnln'crlbs , blns'nnd scales. House and yards supplied with water from reiervolr sit unted In Wood Hirer valley , tlio best farming dis trict 111 Nebraska. Landlncroistng-ln value. Hall road runs through property , another one surveyed close to schools nnd'churches. Address Date's I Co. , Kddyrllle , Neb. ' M477-K. * LOST. LOST , VALUABLE PAPERS , NO VALUE TO nndrr. Suitable reward for their return to tb Bee onico. 49C-12 * LOST I'OCKKTllOOK WITH HILLS , GOLD ANI : illvcr. alto notes , license nnd key. Itcward fo return to A. M. Lessor , 114 N. Hth. WM2' STHAYED OK STOLEN. FIIOM 42ND A M IAMA streets , 1 bar mare , U years old. weight 11M ) branded on left shoulder ( IN ) , 1 front and hint feet white. Any Information address N. Hnnsen S. 15. cor. I4tu and Curalng sts , JlWllI * FOB BENT.-FASTTJRES. TTLE&UOHSES. T.liuhllAY .208 \yrE HAVE THE BEST HOUSE I'ASrTUllE IN > ' this state atlillmoro station , tlirce miles eoutb of South Omaha ; 1SJ ( acres blue grass , spring water , board fence. Have a good half mile track ou the farm. Will take a few horses or colts to break or train. Uarion & I'holps or A. W. 1'helps & Bob , liulldcrs Exchange , New 1 ork Llfo building. M78fl-Ji4 HOUSES AND CATTLE I'ASTUHED AT STOCK farm , llcllevue. U. T. Clarke , 219 Board of Trade. Omaha. 213 TVANTED-HOIISE3 TO IMSTUIIK. CALLED lor and delivered. G. A. Llndqucst , 316 S. 15th. 3IJ72 HAIR GOODS. L 'AHGEST STOCK"I"N : ENTHTE VTESTS THEAT- rlcal wigs nnd beards a specialty , Wigs , hangs , nwltches. hair chains , etc. ; send for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. 1J.ivies , 111 A. lilt ) st. , Omaha. Ill PAWN BROKERS. BNYDER'S LOAN OFFICE , 1513 DODGE HT. 133.130 * l UED MOHLE , OFFICE 15H FAHNAM HT. 117 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. riANADIANKMPLOYMENTOKFlCIC.WJFAirNAM w upstairs ; mala and fcmala help. Tel. Sal. W7 THK ItKA'LTV ilAHKliT. rNSTEUMENTS placed on record Juno ID , L IS ! * . ' : WARRANTY HERDS. Frederick Pries to John Tidcman. S.xGO rods at point JO rods a of tiw cor 10- IB-ia . S John Tiduman to Troilcrlck 1'rlcsJaj rods In ho carnwsuinu . KLBtudluy to llolln'ta Lawr } ' , lot 3. block 4. lloyd'B add . 0 11 KUoodrluh nnd wlfa to [ 'rank Stiles , loll , block i Uramtiicrcy-Uark . 800 nij Ilowo nnd wire to Henry Sims , lot 4. block 103. South Ontom1 , . 553 Kl'TuUey and wife tojtYJ/i / Uonkllue , lot IB , blocks , Gnimmorc-y Jiark . 2,000 QUIT CLAIU hCEDS. J W Slpo and wlfo to J NWfegeruId , lot U. block : ) . SolphrirBpnluRa . l J U Taylor and wlfo to iK iUCIrkendall , o aa fuel lot ? , block I , . Jiajics ft bel- don's add . & , . . 1,000 Joseph 'Crow ( special uiJUTCr ) to 0 P Davis company , lotCijbMk2 , Hitch cock' * 1st add ? .r jff. 100 IIKI il . Total amount of transfer * iuO ( PROPOSALS FOn"CURBING iileilirouo-iaU will cu received hy the un- until UUo'cluok o. in. June IT , 1SU. , for the cnrblliK with red Cfinirado aundatono. whlto Colorado uandslottaJ and lleroa iiniiil- 8tonu accordlni : to 8peellla t10n parts of cer tain strcuU comprised ln ueet liuiiroveiiient t dUtrlcu tiutnbarud uu < i described as follows , towlt ; No. 419-ChloaKO street , from \iejt line of Twonty.flfUi street to Twenty-sixth street. ti < t. 4J3 OBH street , from won lint of Twoii- tv-fourth utrpet to u point 1'Jb feet west of Twenty-llfth street. Nu. J'J Uubs street , from east line of Twcn- ty.fQurthntreot to the HMt line of Twotity- fonrth struct In the city of Omaha. Kach bid tueueclfy u price uor llnonl foot fur ihii curbms coiupleto lu suld Improvement districts. Work to bo done In accordance with pinna and specifications on file. In the ollico of the Hoard of Public Works. Proposals to bo tnado on print wl blanks fur nished by thu hoard nnd those aocompunled with a oirtldort ehook lu Iheaum oflAiw. pay able to the city of Omaha , its an vvlduiica on goo4 faith. The board rosercrs Iho rlelit to reject any or all bids uud to waive defects. i' . \ \ . UlUICIIAUSElt. Chnlriunn lloarJof Publla Works. Omaha. Juuoi ItfJi Juuo S'J , . 10 , PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ANP llL'T Breast 11 PUmp. Is tlieonlr I ) , one mndn. Buy NO DTHKlt andre ro Hint It hxi the "llfh Urnnd" Trade Mark. PriCG50ccaeli By mull ( at > our rl k ) ndd IVc. Money lo accom pany order. Ask your druggist for them , or OnialiallubkrCo V arnam St- Cor. IB.h. I W _ . TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , y BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megoath , Dealer , RRILWRYTIMEGHRD , Leaves ( CHICAGO RIIIttilNrtro f * V. ' . Arrjvj Omaha. | liot | 1011 ni 1 MtoiSU. l.U p m Chlc&79 Vestibule S.U ) n m ! > .M n m Clnaizo Express. 9.3'J it m ll.M p tn Chlcaza Expresi. 4.2f p m B.M p m Chicago , t Iowa Local. . . . . . 6.IM p m Leaves HUULINGTON & MO. ItlVEU.I Arrives Omaha. Dcpnt 10th ttnrt Mason Sts. I Omah- 10.15 n m . .Donver Vostlbulo Limited , . . 4.05 p m 10.15 n m Dorxtlwoort Express 4.0) p m 4.40 p m Denver Exprois tf.ll .1 m 4.10 p m . , . * . .Denver Expons. . . . . . . . . 11.10 p m 0.10 p ru Hastlnci Local ( U1T p' m S.15 a m .Lincoln l ) e.ilExcoptSun.l. ( . . 11.30 n m . Loivoi I K. C. . S r. J. , t 0. 11. I VI / Omahn. I Depot nth nil Mini "i\\ I O n > H.5I a ml . . . .Knni City Diy Krprn'i..I rK < X ) p m mlK. IX Night Etp via U. P. Tram | li.43 n m Going I CHICAGO. H. L A PACIFIC. I I'rom | Union Depot 10th .t Marcy Sts. I East lO.'H p m Atlantic Express .20 p m 4.85 p m Vestibule Express 1.10 p m r T j p m Night lxp ss 8.M n in 7.0J a m Kast Express 1.00 a m Going I CHICAGO. U. I , A PACIFIC. I From West. I Union Depot 10th andMaroySts. | West , 1 , 'JU p m Denver Limited 4.2J p m 1.03 a m Kast Exprois 2.00 a m 10.U ) a m . .Kansas Cltv ( Except Sunday ) . rt.30 p m 1 .caves UNION PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha. [ Union Dopo'.lOUl and Marcy Bts. Omaha. 7.Sa m . . . .Beatrice. Express MO p m 9JU n m Denver Express ( .03 p m 1.15 p m Overland Klycr. 7.01 p m 4.15 p m llluoSp'c AStrmsbjjKxex ( Sun ) I ! S ) p m 6.30 p m Pacific Express 10.43 a tu 8.15 p m . . .Denver Knst Mall 4.15 p m Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. ' PAULlArrlvo cOmahal U. P. depot and Marcv Hts. I Onu.h' > 7.05 p ml Chicago Express | ' . ' . .3'a m 11.30 a m | Chicago Express. . . . | 4.0 p m leaves I 8IOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Onmhsl Depot. IQIh and Mnrcy Sts. I Omah . D ml Sioux City Passenger. llO'-Mp m p m | St. Paul Exprcs llOUOn m Leaves I S10IJA CITY A PACIKIU ( Arrives Oinahal Depot. 15th and Wobstgr sts. Omaha 6.45 p ml St. Paul Limited , Leaves | K. , K. .V MO. VALLEY. lArrlvoi Omaha | Depot , 15th and Webster Sti. Omaht P.OO n m Deadwood Express S.7J p m H.UQ n m ( Ex , Sat ) Wyo. Exp. ( Kx.Mon. . ) fi.3 ] p m ! > .13 p m Norfolk ( Ex. Suuday. ) 11.1) a m 6.45 p m St. Paul Kxiiross 9.2i n m Leaves I O. , HT. P. . M. A O. ( Arrive * Omaha ) Depot. 15th nnd Webster Sts. ( Oruaba P.lu a m . .Slcux city Accommodation. . l > .0i p m : ,15 p m Sioux City Kxpros * ( Kx. Sund'y ) 12.1) ) p m 5.45 p m SU Paul Limited 9.2 } a m I..15 p m Bancroft PaMengerKx. ( Sund'y ) B.4S n m Leaves ( CHICAGO Jc NOUTiL WESTKItN I Arrlvoi OmalialU. P. depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts. I Oniaba 7.20 a m ( Ex. Sun'yl Carroll Passongor. S.SUp m lO.fJ a m Chicago Express 0.05 p m 4.05 p m Vestibule Limited 9.20 A m lia p m Eastern Flyer 2.15 p m 0.40 p in ( Ex. Sun. ) Chic. I'AH. ( Ex. Mon. ) 8.05 a m TransferCHICAGO&.N'OHTllWKSTEllN ( Arrival Transfer Union Depot. Council Bluffs. | Traasfor 11.80 R Chicago Express 1JU p m tja p m Vestibule Limited li.iO n in 7.U ) p m Eastern Flyer l.W p m B1M p m ( Ex Hun ) AtUntlo Mall ( Ex Mon ) 7.3J n m 7.10 a m ( Ex Sl.Cerfell 1'afaonger ( Ex S ) 0.45 p m Leaves I OMAHA Jt &T. LOUIS. ( Arrive ! Omaha U. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sts. Omaha I. p'in | HI. Louis Cannon Hell ll'.Vjpra Laves I MISSOUUI ( Arrival Omaha ) Depot 15tb nnd Webster Sti. | Omab * . 10.80 a ml. .St. Louts Express. . . | B M a m 1XJO pm | . .St. Louis Kxpresi I 5.10 p m Leaves CHICAGO , U. L & PAC1K1C. Arrlvji Transfer Union Depot.Council UlulIJ. Transfer C.55 p m Night Express 8.3J a m IO.VO a m Atlantic Erprsss 5 5 p m 4.S5 n in Vostlbulo Limited 12.60 D m _ -ooves | K. a , ST. JOE A C. 11. ( Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Bluffs. ( Transfer 10.00 n in I. . . . Kansas City Diy Kxproii . I .v.'l p m 10.15 p m.Kansas | Cltv Night Exprati. . . | U.2J q m . .eaves ( CHICAGO , IIUHI/.N & ( JUI.NCYArrlvn | Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Bluffs ( Traniti H.M ) am , Chicago Express fi.40 p m 10.00 pm , Chicago Express 025 a m 7.05 p m . . Creston Ixjc.il . 7.15 a m Leaves I H1OUX CITY * < PACIFIC. ( Arrives Transfer ) Union Depot , Council Bluffs. ( Transfer T.45 a m | . .bloux City Accommodation. . ( IC.OJ p 6.M p m l . SLl'Aul Exprssi . I 9.40 a WOODENS1DEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber , Omaha. N'ob. , Alarcli 8.1503. Ho 't resolved hy the city council of tlio city of Omaha , tlio mnyor concurring : That \voolun : Hldowulks bo unnstriictod In the city of Onmlm 119 doslKiuiteil below , within llvo days after tlio publication of this resolu tion , or the personal service thereof , IIH by ordinance Is authorized und required ; such sldownlku to bo laid to the proiunt crudu on the street ! ) spccl'jod heroin , nud to 1m con structed of pine plan ) : of such \vlHh und thluUnoss and bo laid upon joins of such dimensions null In such mnnnur as U pro scribed by the speclllciUlons on fiioin tlio otllco of lliu Hoard of 1'ubllc WorUs ni ( under Its supervision , to wit : K stBldooC ) thave. , lots 12 to 10 Inclusive , block D. Dossai ; Hill's second adultlon.C foot wide. East side of SOth ave , , lots 8toH Incluslvo , block" , 110pgs& Illll's second uddltlon.O foot wldy. Aiul bo It further rotolvr > < J : That the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works bo nnd hcroby Is authorized und directed to cuiiso a copy of this resolution tu bo published In the olllclul paper of the city for ono week , or bo nerved on the owners of said lots and iinluss such ownurs xhall within Ilvo days afiur the publication or service of such copy construct said sidewalks HS heroin required , thittthu Hoard of I'lilillc Works cause thu saino to bo done , the cost of constructing t > < tla sidewalks respectively to bo assessed against the real estate , lot. or uurt of lot In ( rout of ami abut ting such sidewalks. Passed March fl.l President of the Council. Attest : JOHN QKOVBe , City Clerk , Approved : OEU. I' . HEMId , Mnyor. NOTICE TO CONSTHUOT SIDEWALKS. To the owners of the lots , parts of lot * and real ustuto described In the ubovo resolution : You und ouch of you are hornby notlllod to construct wooden sidewalks as required by a resolution of the city council aim mayor of the city of Omaha , of which the nbovo la a C ° ' 'y' 'y'P. . W. IimKlIAUSEH. Chairman Hoard of Public U'orUa Omana , Nob. , Juno 4. 1W > . ' . jldt NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM- AGES FOU GRADING. To the owners of all loin , parts of loti nnd ruiil citato alons Sixth street from a point MJ font south of the south Uno of Orcdlt Konolor uddltlun to Hancroftstri'ot. Vou uro hereby notlllcd tbnt the undor- slsnod , thren digfntorojtod free hoiaor * of the cltv of Omaha , have boon duly aimolnlad by the mayor , with the uprmiv.il of the city council of said city , to a oss the damascsto the ownorrf , rospoctlviily , of the property - orty infected nygrndlnj Sixth Htreet from a point MX ) fcut koutli nf the south line of Circuit 1'onclor addition to Hun- croft street , declared nocusnary byordlnanco No. yoJ7 , passed May 1. ' , isJ. ' , npprovoa May " > ] o/ ' "Vau'aro further notlfled that bavins uc- copied said upiHilntnient und duly nuullllotl naxtuiulrutl by law , ITU will , on thu ITU ) day ot Juno , A. 1) . IbW , at ton liourof lo o'clock lit the forenoon. nttUoofllce of Shrlvor & O'Dona- hoo. 11011'arnuni blruot , within thocorporitte limit * of mid city , moot for thu purpose of coo * dorliu mid makiiiK the nmbssment of duniiuu ta thu owners rv41 > ovtlY ly of tiitld property. alToctod by said gradlnir , taking Into consideration special bcnullti. It any. You lire notlllcd to bo present at the tlhie nud uUcu uforusuld and iuuku uuy objuutlons tunr tatemcnta concernlnr said a i > es mout of damage a * you umv conjldi.r prouer. \V Jl. IJ n 11111V r. IH T , O , llltl NNBU. T , U. McUULLOOII. Omaha JUDO i , 1KO. JfidlOt VARDMASTERS ODITE BUSY They Transact Considerable ) Business and Adopt Bosolutiom IOW THEY WERE ENTERTAINED LATER lemlinrs of the Convention Treated to n Ulilo Over the Capital City Interest- Inir Iteftolutloita Adopted Nr- nrnskn New * Note * . LINCOLN , Nob. . Juno 10. [ Special to Tun HUB. ] The afternoon nnd availing sessions > i the National YnrJmaJtOH association ivcrn divided DJtwcon busluusa niul pleas ure. Article 1 , socttoa ! J ot the coiulltutlon tvns Qiiioiuiocl so ns to admit to racmborshlp yardmnstcrs'assistants not over K caw of aso nnd not disabled. The coiivon- lon by unanimous vole refused to rodtico .ho annual dues ot tbo association from $1 to 'X ) cents. Section 3 , nrticlo vl of the constitution was amended so ns to provide for a membership or rclustntomunt ( oo of $10 , to take effect July 1 , 1SJ . A veto of thanks was adopted thanking the 3\vlVcbmmi of Lincoln for courtesies extended - tended the yordm.mtcM during tholrslay In Lincoln. The comralttco on drnwbarj submlltod resolutions roportinp tn fuvor of the SnfTord automatic coupler , without the plnpulllttg lover. The resolutions wcro as follows : Whereas , The ercat Incroixso In loss of llfo nnd Mini ) unions the ralltond employes on- RnKo.l In tm ) hazardous duties of yard mid triilu service , bus awakened not only all em ployes whoso vocation la ono of rout risk , but the whole people of our country , to the neces sity of sonio legislation by contrrossi that will lessen the danger to these mpn vrho risk Ufa and limb In n loyal performance of their duties , therefore be It lo ! olved , by the rallro.ul yardniasU'rs as- setnbled this dny In tliQ city of Lincoln , Nub. , that wo do unrtie. itly ask congress to pass the bill linking tinlfortnlty In car coutllliiK a law. Hcsolvcd. That via fuvor thundoptlon of the SntTord Improved uutninntlc couulor without the pin-pulling iittuchtncrit fur nil card used In Interstate commerce. Unsolved. That the thanks of the Vtird- mnstovs association ara tendered to President Harrison In nciilti. for the third lime , callltiK lliu attention of cotigrcso. In his , -nicssngo to that body of lawmakers , to the grant necessity of snino nctlon Dolni : tukrn by conirress that would lesbuii the nnncor to those who are engaged In the hazardous duties of yard > nnd lr.itn service. Kesolvud , That It Is our belief that wo voice the sentiment of those ciiK'D-'cd In tho.vanl and train service when wo say that thu use of tbo master ear builders' typo of drawbar has Increased the number of accidents unions those wlioso duty compels thorn to decoupling coupling of ears. Hcsolved. That the use of any vertical plane coupler Is Impracticable without tooil and sulnclcnt check chulns and wo earnestly roe- ointnond the application of them la uny sor- vlco. vlco.Late Late in tbo afternoon the ladles who bad accompanied their husbands to the conven tion , together with the ladles of tbls cltv , paid the convention a visit nnd were wel comed b.v a neat little speech from President Hicks. Mrs. Manchester of Uiii city re sponded , after which the convention ad journed to take nu extended ride over the city. Thanks Telegraphed the President. WASHINGTON" , D. C. , Juno 10. The presi dent has received tbo following inossago : LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno. 0. The I'rosidcnt , . Washington , D. C. : The third annual con vention of railroad yardmasters , now in ses sion here , tender you a vole of thanks for your personal Interest and ofllclat messages in bohalfoftbo bettor protection of the lives and limbs of railroad men and bavo adoptoa resolutions asking congress to legislate on tbis important subject without delay. I. HICKS , President YardmaUors' Association. NKIJUASKA. CO.U.UKNCK.MKNTS. Crete UlRli School and York Colleco lirad unto Classen. CHETE , Nob. , Juno 10 , [ Special to TIIH BEK. ] The first division of "M graduating class ot Grata High school held their exer cises in tbo Methodist Episcopal church tbls evening. Class of ' consist ! ) of twenty-six. Thirteen received their diplomas this even- In ? . The second division will do likewise next Friday evening. The following are the graduates of this evening : Jennie Atwater , Ncttlo Aksamlt , Maggie Alloy , Mumio Kouscb , May Eic'holberger , Lcuna Ireland , Lcstor McCown , Carne Lowe and Ira Konegy. YOUK. Nob. , Juno 10. ( Special to THE Bnr..l Ycstorday was tbo second nauual commencement day of York college. By 10 o'clock a largo nudtctico had gatharod In the spacious new chapel. In an institution so young tuoro could bo no graduates In the standard courses of study ; however , there wcro three In the toachor's courso. These with Ilvo others , selected bccauso of ad vanced standing , wcro tbo onitoM of the oc casion. All did themselves and the college creait. xuouga no ono was aavanccu oo- .vond the sophomore year tbo orations wcro fully equal to those of the nvorago graduate. Tbo following is a list of the subjects and speakers : "Xonoblu of Palmyra , " -Minnie Buswoil : "Influence of nn Ideal , " Jennie Ware ; "Tho Handwriting on the Wall , " L. L. Enloy ; "Mako Haste Slowly , " Holon' Hopper ; ' -Personal Duvolopmont , " Anna Jennings ; 'vEquitas Mtilltris , " W. J. Medlar ; "Ambition , " Bullo Ht ynolds ; "Tho Scholar's Hope , " A. L. Deal. After the orations tions wcro delivered President Cieorgo pre sented ccrtllicatoj to Misses Jennings , Hop per nnd Ware , who had satisfactorily com pleted the teacher's course. Tbo music was furnished by the York Military band and by Miss Chambers , who sang n solo and re sponded to a hearty cticoro. In the evening occurred the annual-musical concert , which murks the close of tbo college year. The concert \yas glvon by the direc tor of the department of music. Miss Law- re n co , who has won high favor \\lth the bust musical critics of the city , assisted by her pupils and by Miss Marie Chamber * , the noted concert soprano , who is dlroctor of tnu ic in the Iowa Agricultural collcso. A line nudienco was present at thu concert , which was first class , The trustees have been in session during tbo week and hnvc not yet completed their work. Unusually important business has como before them. Every knotty question which they hnva taken up bas been fairly mot rather than evaded and seemingly satis factorily solved , at least for the prctont. Tbcs'o vital matters l.nvo been thoroughly discussed Jrom every standpoint nnd practi cally unanimous conclusions reached. Anaugomonts bavo almost been completed for. Importing a well assorted out/it / of phys ical and chemical apparatus. The teaching forca hus been strengthened. With all thOaa now attractions , the friends -of the Institu tion bollevo that it Is being placed upon a solid foundation , ana they confidently expect n largo increase ol sluaoiiU noxl year. _ A THAGKUV IN IJOVD COUN1V. Itonr Over n Claim Ilnlt In n Fatal Kltootlnir. UUTTE Cirr , Nob. , Juno JO , M , T. .lamoi , roilulng six mile * northeast of town , was shot tvvico by a young man , name unknown , James was building a hnuso on an unsur- voycd strip , whoa ho was attacked by two men. father nnd son , with tbo Intention of driving him from tbo claim. The olilor man advanced upon J nines with a uholKim , ordering him from tbo place , saying that ho wanted that pluco. James retreated Into a corner between a wagon , nnd the bouso , when ho knocked bis assailant down with a spade which ho bad In tn bands. Then the young man draw a revolver and II red four shots , two ot thorn 'taking effect. Jatacs Is probably fatally wounded J'unru Ntudeiiti. , MOD. , June 10. ( Special to TUB Bn.1 Hon. Judge \V. P. Norrls of J'onca dcllvcrotl a lecture bcro last evening to the pupils and patron * of too public schools , Tbo aubjcct of the address was "Our Debt to Antiquity.1' The judiro gave a florlous description of tbolnherltuuco from antiquity , tracing many of the great discoveries and Inventions ' of tbo nlntocnth century to men wbo lived mftay conturloi ago. OIUNII IOLXND , Nob. , Juno 10. [ btioclal to TUB UKK.J .The drugjrlits buvo deuarted , Before loavlug , however , tboy passed some' Btirnpjf rojolutloni , complitaentlng the cow ulttoo of arrangemenu conilitlng of Mesura. .luckholt , l-'arnsworth and Uovdcn of this city , upon the able nnd complete fudlmcnt of their duties And expressing the hope that the association would a nln moot hero in the uture. It must bo vrodltod to nil the dniff- 'lsis of tbo city that they worked as ono mftn or the success of the con volition. T tutors nxiuiirri ; TO XWOMINHJ. Vnlontlno flUen n U'nrllho Air lljr the SoUllpr.4 nnd iiuli.ico. : | | V.U.RXTISK , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Spoclnl Telegram - gram to TUB Hsr-J At daylight yesterday ho accoutormonU of war commoncoil rolling n from Fort Nlobrarn , followed tn the oven- ng by General E. A. Cnrr , cotumindintr the cavalry from that past , ourouto to tbo scene of tbo cattle disturbances In Wyoming. Most of tbo day wai spout in loading four special rains , the last ono leaving last ovouine. The command consists of headquarters and baud and MX troop * of the Stxlb cavalry , itoO men , : VK ) hones , eighteen six-mule teams , thirty pack mulct , two Hotohiass guns nnd camp oqulppio. : Ttio soldiers uppoarod ready lor ; ba severest Hold sorvicu. Thu transportation lookoil iw though months had b on spout getting It ready tor campaign service and avery dntail .comoii . to have boon carried out loaning to ho comfort of the command while In the lelJ. Everything moved llko clockwork nnd a martial air prevailed the town for the entlro day. Many rozrot * nro expressed b.v the citizens iioro , particularly the farmer. * living along the bonier of Hose-bud ngoney , that the cav alry should bo taken from this country , as It Is generally understood that the garrison of fort Nlobrara Is what keeps the settlers on such good terms with the noighborj to tbo north , the Sioux. I'lro at Unnhar. Uyxn.ut , Mob. , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB 3GB. ] Two frame buildings , with tholr con- .onIs , occupied ns tempcranco saloons , were destroy oil by tire nt 3 o'clock this morning , ' bosses : Charles Ncthauj , bulldlnij , $ a,000 ; 'nsuranco , $2,000. Dnvld bcott , building , yO. ) ; Insured InUuiu , JI5U. Joe Unyder , 'urnlturo stoo'.c nnd book account , tIUUO ; no nsuranco , 1 < \ Haofluor , stock nud furiil- lure , $ . ' > 00 ; total loss. S. H. Uouclilns nnd family bnroly escaped with ttaclr Ilvo * . . I'lro nt North llnnd. NOUTII BUND , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKE. ] The residence of John O'Hntr , living Ilvo miles north of hero , was discovered to bo on llro while the fatntlv was nt dinner today unu burned lo Iho ground. Nothing was saved. The loss Is f 1,000 and insurance $500. HulcUln of an Old Nchrnnlmn. NBIIIIASKA CiTr , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB BCB.J Mows bas been received In this city of the death In Chicago , b.v suicide , of J. G. Bloss. Mr. Bless was well known to all old- tirao newspaper men ot the stnlo , and was laontlllod with several Journalistic ventures in this city. I'rom Friend to Frlnnit ( Joes tbo story of the excellence of Hood's Sarsaparlila and what It has accomplished , and tbls Is tbo strongest advertising which is done on behalf of this medicine. Woon- ( leaver to toll honestly what Hood's Sarsap- arilln Is nnd what it will do , but what it has done Is far more important and far mora po tent. Its unequalled record of cures In sure to convince these wbo have never tnca Hood's Sarsaparlila that it Is an excellent medicine. A LABORER'S ARGUMENT. Nclirnslin Central Wilt ( Jlvo Slnro Work ami HO Ability to I'ny Mitre Taxi's. OMAHA , Junu S. To the Editor ot Tnn Br.i : : I hear that a few laboring men nra opposing the Nebraska Central bonds. I bcliovu tnoy are doing themselves and our city a croat injustice. The argument tbat tbo laboi'lnir man will pay the larger sbaro.of the contemplated tax in Increased rent la very farfetched and docs not agree witb local experience. As a laborer living in Omaha since 1SSJ , T find my experience llko others has been &s follows : * LTp to 1SSO bond * wore issued for general improvements. My ronr. Increased from S10.00 to $12.50 nor month , nnd my earning capacity was taxea to Its limit , only losing six day's' work In tbat period. Since then bonds have boon issued to a inoro limited extent , yet In splto of that fact nnd contrary to Mr. Denver's theory while my rent has decreased ta * 7.50 per month , my earning capacity bas * decreased still more ( for a largo period I bavo not averaged twelve days' work per month ) and if no bonds had been issued at all during that period I can trace several days' work that would have boon lost by me. Which condition lu preferable for the la borer low rents nnd uructlcaily no work , or an increased rent witb. increased labor , with broad and meal for wifu and liUlo ones ! As n laborer who will apply for work on tbo Nebraska Central , If built , I will lake ray chances of getting labor at market prices for labor , knowing that I can do no bettor than cot market nncos whether this road is built or not bum , ana cciiovltiK tlio building of this road will stimulate the demand any- IQW , if not the price locally for labor. Tbat uo\v labor will bo brought here 1 foresee and believe that la ono of the reason ? that the road should bo built and encour aged ; that it , will bring moro labor , moro capital , more industries is the reason wo want it. This enterprise caunot draw the Ino against honest labor , Hcgardlni ; additional taxes , Mr. Denver or [ need not worry over that , if ouraolllly to iay them is increased much nioro largely ; .ho laborer with increased demand for his u bor can nay his rout or tax a proat deal oasior. A LAIIOIIIII. Dr.nirnoy's Catarrh Powuorcuroi caurra For sulo by ull drugBl.ts. 5U conls. The IntelllKfiit J'orulcniir Wrltnt In : i paper contributed to the Ge.'itlo- niun's Mii < ri/.lnu : , Major General Patrick Maxwell tolls a , builjrct of otorlos of how English Is sometimes mutilated by the smart baboo und the intelligent fot- uigncr. Here is an example taken from 11 memoir of the Into Hon. Justice Oonooluil Chuiifler Mookorjco , by , Mo- hontlro Nauth Mookorjeo , his nephew , prhilod nt Calcutta. Describing the grief of the family on the death of his undo , the author says : "Tho liouso presented a Bccond 13ubol or u pretty kettle of lish , " Kurlhor on , describing tlio career of the justice , hosuys : "His lirst huslnoss on milking an Income waste to cxtricato his family from the dilllcuU ties in which it iiad boon lately on warped and to rcrttoro hauplncHiand hiinflhhio tu tlioro sweet and wollholoved fucoa on which lie had not seen the toft and fas cinating beams of n Him per for many n grim-visit'Tcd your. " In another pluco , "This Is the lirfit time that wusooa Dleador tulting a scat on tlie Hcntral leglslatlvo council solely by dint of hia own legal weapon ; and ho was an nu fait , and therefore undoubtedly a trims- condcntul lucre to the council , ' Again , "Justice Moolccrjco very well understood - stood the boot of ! iis cllunt , for which ho would carry a logomachy , U9 if his wheel of fortune depended upon it. * * * His elevationotouted a catholic ravishment throughout the domain , " In u touching sketch of the justice's personal appoimmco the author prettily observes , ' 'When u boy ho was lilumon- tous , but gradually in the course of tlmo ho bou.unu plump as a p'irtridgc ' , " Dr. Blrnuy's Cutnrrh I'owdnr for tonsil * Hit. For sale by till druggists. 50 conti. ItOHKS Ulf Jlf.VH. Clinton Seotl'irtl In Young LuiiM Home Journal ; Twlno not for me these crimson ( juuons ot bluooi That nmlco Damus'-'iis uardonv u d llht ; Wronthu nut tlio royal blostunm thut perfuiut Thu atur-brl ht upauoii of Ivjyutlun nluht. Nor yet thu Italian rote tlmt E rlundod Thu lrow of I'utrurch'ti Laura , nor the That warrwd In merry KoKlund-whltoand Till Joy's head drooped and Borrow knelled tliu hours. Hut pluck from yolidor lioiljTo-row In tin ' 'lolu'- ' * As puru as woot , an dollimto a fair Ttio ilnar Kt boon Kioto iluytt of Junotlmo yield , Tuo ualt ) wild ru tbntHylva lorci to