Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Prawinj the Lines on th9 District Court
* Jurymen ,
They Will Ho I'nUI According to the Num-
TTor of Hours Actniilly Kncasnl
Appealed to the County Com
missioners Without Avail.
On top of tha roasting the district coutt
Jurymen hnvo boon receiving lately from the
press and county attorney on account of the
Romowhat erratic manner in which they have
been coming to their conclusions ot late , ait
order tins been Issued by Judge Doomcr
which has lilted their hearts with feelings
of cilnuled pain nnd disgust. They have
been iti the habitat receiving full pay for all
tlmo the ) blflKj spent in tbo city from the
il tdny when they commenced operations
until the close of court , regardless
of how many days vacation tliov have hud
by order of the court. Judge Dccmcr bas
decided to put a atop to this , and day before
yesterday Issued nn order to Clerk Campbell
not to pay them any foes when they woio
excused for moru than two unys at n timo.
This will make ijulto n hole in their wages ,
ns two weeks nto Friday they were excused
until Tuesday after Decoration day , nnd
there have been ono or two other vacations
granted them of about the sumo length at
different tlmcH during the tcr.n.
Tbo Jurymen were so worke-l up over the
prospect of losing their icouoy thnt they
waited In n body on the Board of bupcrvl-
oi8 ychterdiiy nnd requested them to take
eornf action In the matter. The Mipervisors
refused to do anything in their behalf , but
told thorn It wns'n question between thorn
nnd the court solely. Thoj then called upon
Judge Dccmcr nnd complained of tlio treat
ment they had rocelved from him , but
obtained but , Httlo moro satisfaction
from him than from the supctvisors.
"Well , " Fiild or.o of the Jurymen us they
\vcro leaving , in a fit of contldi-nco to n
Iriond who happened to bo standing near ,
"we'.l gut thnt extra tnouoy If wo hnvo to
Rluv out. night and day for n week while we're
dclitorutltig on verdicts. Wo'vo boon in the
business too long to let a Httlo thing stump
us. "
ritiit : ; ntnni
flrnnil Kxriiriioii to I.itko Muimnn ami ll <
turn Iiy thn lloston Store.
Tlio Boston Sloro nnd Lulco Mnimwu
Motor company will ciyo iv grand free
excursion to Lulco Muiuiwii anil return
to all children under 14 yours of nfjo on
on Saturday , Juno 11 , lit 12 o'clock
All children are requested to bo at the
Boston Store at 1U o'clock to receive
their tickets and inarch in a body to the
train , headed by the Y. M. C. A. Boys
Drum Corps. Boys nnd girls rnccs will
bo hold at the biiso ball park immoJi <
utcly nftcr the arrival at the lake.
Hoys from 0 to 8 1st prize , mot\la- :
phon'o ; 2d prize , spiral game ; ltd prize ,
musical top.
Boys from 8 to 10 1st prize , hook and
ladder ; second prize , hose cart ; lid
prize , drum.
Boys from 10 to 12 1st prize , nine
pins ; 2d prize , Stanley in Africa ; 3d
prize , base ball game.
Boys from 12 to M 1st prize , "Win
ning His Way , . " ( Carlton ) ; 2d prize ,
anubusis ; 3d prize , domlnos.
Girls from C to 8 First prize , Japan
ese bureau ; second prize , doll chair ;
third prize , knife and fork.
Girls from 8 to 10 Fhvt prize.scraj
iilbum ; second prize , wall pocket. ; third
prize , tripod.
Girls from 10 to 12 First prize , photo
holder ; second prlzp. card rocuiwr ;
third prize , candle stick holder.
Girls from 12 to 14 First prize
liver stand for perfume ; second priy.o
uuiLiu ui jjuriiuuu , biiuu | ni u ,
work basket.
Free for nil rnco Ink stand.
LAKE MANAWA IB ono of the most
plcnsunt smntnor resorts in the west.
The past year lunyor Rood hus rnudo
many ohtingoa nnu radical improve
ments. There is good flehlnf , ' , hathinK-
bcachos , etc. On the whole it oan Declassed
classed as n very ploiisnnt rrtaco to spend
nn enjoyable dny'u outing.
ParontH can rest assured that their
children will be properly taken care of ,
ns they will bo under the supervision ot'
iv competent body of nwjlMunltt , ropro-
Bcntativos of tlio BOSTON STOKE.
Watch the daily pavers for the an
nouncement of our CUE AT JUNE SALE
which opens Wednesday , Juno 15th.
Something1 now ; beautiful shell cut
pltifcfl tumblers with your initials , 75c a
cot nt Lund Bros.
Jurvis 1ST ? brandy , highest test
Davis soils reliable paints and drugs.
Ogden house furnishes board nnd
room at popular prices ; from fci > 3.00 or
635.00 per month , according to room.
I- * Hot weather prices in picture frames
at lUloy & Shorrndon's art store.
Pastures for horses nnd cattle on
Gcorpo F. Wright's farm south of Coun
cil LUuiTs ; 500 acres blue grass ; running
water. For terms apply to James Ilaph
ut farm house opposite Wnbuh ; lound
house , or address F , P. Wright , Bald
win block.
Jnhvircs U e tldctt rr.dbest ,
Dr. Chnmborlain , .oyo , oar , throat ,
catarrh. Shugart block , Council Bluffa ,
JitrvisVino Co. , Santa Clara , CaL
Trains leave for Mnnawa nt I ) , 11 , 1 , 2 ,
8 , 4 , 6 , 0 , 7 and 8 o'clock.
For Rout First class saloon ; good lo
cation ; line lixturos. Responsible party
can got long lease on good terms. Ad *
dross D 21 , Boo olllco , Council Bluffs.
Jnrvls 1877 brandy six galA mod.ils.
Intornntionnl Cure
association rooms
nio in annex to Grand hotel , fii ! ( ) First
tivonuc , Council BlutlB , In. For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
u Nciitutlcin.
Mm. Crum , who lives ut Utl : Third uvoiuie ,
inadu a rather stiirtlliiK dUcovury lust evening -
ing whl'.o ' sliova * cloaiiln ; out the collar
undnnieath her house. Upon rakln ? up n
pile of rubbish that hud bocn lying under
n stairway for nobody Unows now long ho
unriirthcu u hknll Unit loll Its lildlug place
ur.d rolled down to her fret , tlnally
lur untl Binlllnc up nt hrr in a Jaunty
bortof vvuy. Mrn. Crum was budly Iriynt-
onud nt her discovery , und the skull ,
especially In the dim , supuchral Imht of the
cellar was not a vary Inviting looklnt object ,
to u\'tho least. I1 did not tulto the now
lon tofcpruutl throuuhout thu nelKliborhooil
thnt Mrs. f/ruin hsd found thodoud body of
u mm In her cvllur , and the neighbors
allotvod tholr lnmu'inauors to play upon tto
facts In the fiisj until there ViM a very
r Kpuctuhlo foundation for o lirst-clues
A small boy was Kent on the run to the po-
Hi i * Kliitiou , uid ) Ublef Bcanlan , Marshal
Tern plot ou und Ofllcer Murphy tculc the
pan , i WUKOII ami went to tbo tceno. Tnuy
took shovels und due up thu bottom of ted
collar to find tbo rest ot the wan tbut hud
lull bis bead la so ktrauga u uluco. Mrs.
Crum haa boon llvlnc In the house only three
inonthsnnd she did not Know what happened
before aha came there , so that the ensovaa
full of poslblltlos. | The police failed to
make any /nr'hnr ' ' ( li'cov'r cs. however.
Purlog tlio evening thd man who ! ! cd ttcr
before Mrs. Urum called nt the house , uuv-
ing iicard of the nndlnp of the scull , and
claimed it , saying ho had lost itvhllo llvlnp
In the houso. Marshal Tcmplcton refused tn
Blvo It up nnd it now occupies tin honored
place In bis collection of curiosities.
Minor .Mention ,
N Y. 1'iumblngCo.
Council BlulTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Chautnuqun ofllco , No. 10 Pearl street.
Yesterday wus the hottest day ot the
cason so far , the thermometer reaching CO0
during tbo afternoon.
A rnarrlatro license wn < Issued yesterday
to Ncls U. Niclson nnd Jcnslno Laxvrltson.
both of Council Blurts.'iiod that JIICIRO McCtCo nxnocts to
hnnd down Ills decision In the Fifth ward
aldcrmanio contest next Monday.
The members of tbo graduating class of
the Ugh school wtro ontortnlncd nt a picnic
nl Miiniuva Thtirsdnv afturnoon by 1'rof.
Eastman , the principal.
Colonel E. J , Abbott lun presented a llfo-
sized portrait of himself to the city , and It
now occupies n conspicuous place In the
olllco of Marshal Tomplcton.
On Monday evening the union of Younp :
People's Society of ChrUtlnn Badoavor will
pivo a social In tlio parlors of tbo Young
Men's Christian association.
The funeral of MM. Mury Larson will take
ptaco this afternoon nt4 o'clock from the res
idence , 131 Twelfth street. The remains
will bo Interred In Walnnt Hill cemetery.
Mayor Lawrence has Issued n circular to
business men , calling their attention to the
city ordlnauco which forbids the scattering
of paper and other rcftiio on the public
street .
County Clerk Campbell's report was sub-
milled to the courd of supervisors yesterday.
It showed the total receipts to hsvo been
? lr84.1fi , and thu expenses $ J3.0. Tno board ] sinedie. .
Detectives Dempsey nnd Savldgoof Omaha
wcro in the city yesterday testifying before
the srund jury In rocrard to the case of Paul
Lyons charged with the theft or several
watches from Mm. Uurhorn.
A .mnnll blaze took pluco last evening tn a
small rroccry store nt the corner of Twonty-
tliird street and li road way , the property cf
Zlegler it L.Uoj. It was extinguished before -
fore much damage was donu.
The funeral of Mrs. J. M. Ourslcr will
occur from the family residence on Fourth
street this evening at 0:1)0 : ) o'clock. Kov.
Stephen Phelpj will oniiiiato nnd the remains -
mains will bo intorro.l in Kulrvlaw camo-
Dntoctlvo Ed Johnson of Dos Molnos ar
rived In the city yesterday nnon nnd left for
homo on the evening train , taxing with him
William Coon , who ; ho says , is accused of
stealing a diamond valued at about $73.
Coon was formerly In Columbus , Nob.
The Ninth district convention of the
Women's Christian Temperance union will
be held at the Broadway Methodist church
in this city Juno 23 and ! 24 , and delegates
will bo present from nil the unions In this
part of the stato. Mrs. J. M. Aldrich will bo
present nnd deliver nn address.
Mw. Butler , the wife of ono of the follows
who Is locked up in the county Jail for com
mitting a'brutal assault on Julius /.Immerll ,
reported to the authorities ot Omaha that
her bus Band was lost. Bho was told that ho
cuulu cosily bo found whan wanted , und
went away much relieved.
Commander titoadman of the Grand Army
of the Hopubhc Is about to issue- call to tub
Crand ! Army posts of western Iowa for n re
union In this city July 4 , the day when General -
oral H. A. Algcr of Michigan speaks al the
Twin City Chautauqua. It is his intention
to malio that day a memorable ana to tbe old
soldiers , ns well ns to Cnautauquans.
D. W. Vreoland of Mnnawa callad at the
city marshal's ofllco yesterday and identified
tbo chisel wbicli was found on Dan Curtis ,
the chcwcr , ns ono that wus stolen from bis
place a few nights ngo. His name was found
engraved on the blade. It Is possible that
tbo charge of burglary may bo made ngalnst
Curtis in addition to that of mayhem.
The following ofltcers were elected by the
Hallway Employes ; club ut their last mcct-
Inc : President , L. Kendall of the Milwau
kee ; vlco president , G. W. Jackson of the
Union Pacific ; treasurer , J. L. Mlthcn of
the Northwestern ; executive committee , J.
Cutter , Northwosteru , nnd 1 * . J. Christlan-
soi , Hock Island. The club now has 430
The supervisors voted yesterday to dls
pouso witn the services of the clerk who has
uu un u uu 111 iuu uuiuu ui uuuuty wiuiK
Campbell In copying the probate roccrd nnd
bringing it up to date , after July 1. The
work in this department is not nearly done ,
and the clerk expects to got around the
action of the board by having an order ot
court appointing him another deputy.
Charles LoeiTal and Fred Jones , the two
boys who robbed Fred Lamb's cipar store
several months ago und stole a lot of ciguts ,
pleaded guilty in the district court yesterday
and wcro sentenced to pay a line of $20 and
given twenty dayc in which to scrape to
gether the ni6noy. It was supposed that
they would both bo sent to the reform
school , but tbo parents nppoarod Dcforo
Judge IJcciner and begged so hard that they
might bo tot off with a light punishment and
promised so many times to look after tholr
wayward sons in the future that the good
nature of tbo court got the bettor of Justice
with tbo above result.
Jtirvis 1877 brandy , bettor than Imo'd.
L. W. Tul leys , farm nnd city loans.
Council Bluffs , la 103 Pourl stroot.
Reltop , thotjvllof , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styloa and uowoat good. ) .
Satisfaction jjuarantoed. ,
Jarvis 1877 brandy , sold by all dealo 1-3
Cloning Uut Grnrcrlcg.
Am going to quit business , and so will
close out my stock of procorios at cost ,
for cash only. IL V. Stead , 104 Broad
way. Fixtures for galo.
Hnvo you scon the wonderful Ilurd
refrigerators , the nowcst and best out ;
the Konino Now Process and Quick Meal
vnnor btovos light like < ras absolutely
safe. At Cole & Cole's 41 Main btroot.
W. II. Gray , the Hotel 'Gordon chef
is the /ronilurnUu / who prap.iroi the
Grand banquet. _
W. A. Mnurcr Is expected homo to'iay
from a week's visit to Dubuquc.
Mrs , J. A. Hannoy has gene to Lewiston ,
III , , to vlxit friends for two or three months.
Miss Mbcca Doughty , ono of the teachers
In the city schools , has returned to her homo
in Glcnwocd.
Mrs. Morna Moore , ono of the teachers in
the High school , left last in-ciiinc for her
homo In Johnston , O. , to spoud the tu minor
J. L , Templeton returned last evening
from the llroincn's tournament nt Atlantic.
It was decided not to-bold any state tourna
ment next ycur , but an International tourna
ment will be hold In connection with the
World's fair , to bo participated in by the
winning teams at this year's tournament.
Mr. Tuniplcton was chosen delegate to the
nutlonul iiromon'a convention which moots
tit Louisville , K ) ' . , In October.
Thu following persons went to Mnlvorn
Thuibdny night to attend the Installation
uxcrdsoa of n new lodge of Odd Fellow * ,
Uobekuh dcgrco : Messrs ! , nnd Mesdames
Snare , TuoKor , Gates , McCune , Klstnll ,
I'Uhor , Matthews nnd Smltuy ; Mrs. Nutt ,
Mrs. UauKhorty , Mm. Holln , Mrs. Maxwell ,
Mrs. Wutis , Mrs. Witter , Mrs. Van coy. Mrs.
\\oathoruoo and Mrs. Klrkland ; Misses
, Huff , Uritton , Fiuo nnd Walts ,
nnd MO BM. PothMJgo and HMallic. The
entertainment doted with a banquet , and
the Hlufiltos returned borne on u special
train , which left Mulvern at 1 a. in.
Hurt , the Jeweler , has moved from
Pearl htreot into his no < i quarters. 4ir >
Broadway , lately occupied oy twvlnga
Patronlzohluo ice wajjonsfor Mo. river
channel Ice. Mulholland & Co. Tel. lUi
Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , bast
Tim riro Itomiril.
Ci.2VEi.AND , O. , Juco 10. Junkt1 planlne
mill , together with a largo amount ot lumber
and valuable tnanhlnery , burned uiu moru
lac- Loss , f'JJO.OOO ; Inturoa.
.Tn Epits of All Obstacles Trade is Greater
a Year Ago.
Uutlncss Well Stutnlncd niul Incrcrt niB I"
Volume A IVi-ck < ni Wnll Street
Features of the Murket fail
ures fur tlio Week ,
New YORK. Juno lo.-U G. Uun & Go's ,
weekly lovlow of trade says : Tbo aggregate
volume of trade , in splto of all obstacles , Is
greater than n year ago , by about 7 per cent
measured by the clearings outside of Now
York , and 3 pjr cent measured by railway
earnings on all roads reporting.
The Iron trade this week Is improved ,
copper Is unchanged. Tin advanced by
speculation 35 cents per 100 pounds , uut lead
depressed to four-fifths of a cent.
The boot and sboo business settled down
to a good , steady summer business.
Thorn Is a moro healthy condition in the
leather market , and moro demand for wool
ens. Silks nro quiet , linen dull.
Speculation has not boon violent during
the week In most branches , but wbbat.Is
nearly I cent and oats ono-quartor of a cent
Pork products and coffee remain un
changed , but oil i * nearly 1 cent higher.
Sales of cotton have been enormous at an
advance of one-eighth.
Business failures occurring throughout the
country for the past seven days number 192.
ns ugaltistyOT for lust week and ---I for the
same wculi of lust year.
Northern I'nclllc Crcutcx n l''c\v Surprlsei
Other I'ciUiireR.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 10. BiMdstreot's weekly
review of the Now York stock market Is in
follows : Early in the week the bear party
had matters very much tholr own way. They
hurt a sharp tlfo in exchange nud the actual
shipment of S'JOO.OOJ gold to Europe to as
sist them aim were encouraged by the In
difference of ttio London market nnd tbo
continuance of selling from that quarter.
The success of the bears -in hammering
prices was , however , moderate. Their chief
energies In that line wcro bent to reducing
the values of the coil stocus nnu some of the
grangers. As usual in a narrow marKet -
Kot their selling became too extended
for comfort or safety , and the
largo operators who ll'guro as the
loaders of the party pursued their customary
course in covering up short lines and leaving
their smaller followers to shift for them
selves. Thu movement In Northern Pacific
preferred was the most important of the
week. The liberal buying which ndvanced
the price from5:3 : to 5 % e.vmo apparently from
Philadelphia , and from that quarter , too. came
the report that tbo company is not without
powerful friends whose purpose U to bring
it out of the financial troubles In which It Is
involved. Exactly bow this Is to bo accom
plished it is not donnitoly stated , though
there are Intimations that tbo retirement of
the preferred stock and its conversions into
nn income bond are the plans In view. The
prcsenco of a largo short interest In tbo
stock of course facilituten the Improvement.
The drive at the coal stocks was duo to the
beginning of another suit , this ono in Penn
sylvania , certain stockholders of the Lehigh
company appearing in the role of applicants
for the annulment of tbo leases.
Nebnuk.i'n AveniRO Indicates Quito mi IH-
croiisc lit Othur Stntes.
WASHINGTON , D. U. , Juno 10. The acreage
of winter wheat based on returns to the
Departmental Agriculture Is O'J.U ' per cent of
the actual acreage of lust year. There is a
small Increase in sovorul of the southern
states nud an enlargement in Nebraska of SI
per cent in winter wheat. Tbo percentage of
the sprint ; wheat area is 100.3. Tbo percent-
ape of Iowa IsiUti ; Minnesota , 103 per cent ,
Worth Dakota i5 per cent , South Dakota 118
and Nebraska 107. The aggregate Is nearly
100 or nearly tbo same as last year. Thu
condition of winter wheat has slightly ad-
vniirn.l thf nnrppnt.nrrn hoinr R. ! l Tn t.Virt
middle states a slight advance is uotod and
generally in the southern states. In the
centra ! west n strong advance is soon In
Ohio and Kansas , which is increased by two
points in Michigan nnd Indiana. The * per
centage of principal states is Ohio 84 , Mich
igan bO. Indiana 87 , Illinois SU , Missouri 75 ,
Kansas 87.
The condition is high on the Pacific const ,
07 In Washington und ( IS in Oregon and Cal
ifornia. The condition of spring wheat is
O'.1. : ! , Minnesota , OJ ; Iowa , 91 ; Nebraska , 1)8 ) ;
South Dakota , Slo ; North Dakota , D2. It
was between UO and 10D in thu mountain re
el on , W la Washington , nnd 07 in Oregon.
The nren in rye is 110.2 per cent , of last year's
brcauth and coi.dition averages ( U , an nd-
vance of n little moro than 2 points. An in
crease of B.U per cent In the breadth of bar-
lev is reported. Its condition Is 03.1 ; New
York , 03 : Ohio , 02 : Michigan , 84 ; Indiana ,
S3 ; Illinois , 01 ; Wisconsin , Oo ; Minnesota ,
03 ; Iowa , IK ) ; Neoraska , 84 ; California , < j > .
The acreage of oat.i is 90 per cent of last
year's brcadlb. The general condition is
88.5 per cent.
OMUIA , Juno 10. f
The storm center Is developing energy nnd
Is In South Dakota tonight. The crest of the
hot wava overlies the Missouri valley and
thence southward to Texas. The weather
grow decidedly warmer. Sorao of the chief
maxima wcro 00 ° nt Omaha , Sioux Uity and
Yankton , 91 = at Kearney nnd Concordia , Oic )
at Vulentino and 08 ° at Worth Platto. Southeasterly -
easterly winds continue In the lower Mis
souri and now prevail in the Mississippi
valluys. Fair weather has continued from
Dakota southward. Cooler , rainy weather
prevails In the upper mountain region ? .
I'or Ilustrrn XnliriiHka , Uitmlm unil Vicin
ity Contliiiiril lulr lint
, wvutlirr will pru-
\iiil iliirlngMitiinlny , mill HlintviirH , prolmlily
lit'uvy thiindur Htorum , fiilliiircil Iiy cooler
wt'uthttr , uro likely uu Niimmy.
WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , Juno 10. For Ne
braska nnd South Dakota Winds shifting
to cooler northwest ; clouay weather nnd
rain , and probably storms in oust portion ;
much cooler Sunday.
For North Dakota Cloudy weather and
rain ; cooler west winds.
1 * . 12. O. Convention Cloioil.
Yoitif , Nob. , Juno 10. [ Spoclcl Telegram
to Tin : BEE. ] The last day of thoP.B.O. con-
vcnllon opened this morning. In splto of tbo
extreme hcatpartof the morning wui devoted
to the election ot grand chapter officers. By a
unanimous vote Mrs. Lulu Patrick was reelected -
elected as grand chapter president ; first vlca
president , Mrs. Alice Carey Brlggs of Supe
rior ; second vlco president , Mrs , Minnie Fer
guson Smith of O'Neill ; recording secre
tary , Mrs. Anna Thomas Wlehoff of Wohoo ;
corresponding secretary , Mrs. Jennie Bryant
of Omaha ; treasurer , Miss Elizabeth Jones
of Hastings.Tho rest of tbo morning wan
voted to other Important business , The af
ternoon oponoii with singing by the grand
chapter. All the unfinished business of tbo
secretory was finished up and then followed
the Installation of otllcora. Tbo society
then joined In singing the closing order and
the third annual state convention of the P.
10. O. wus at an ond. Tno York chapter ten
dered the ddlogdtos and visitors n reception
tonight at the hall. An excellent program
had boon arranged and a general good tlmo
was enjoyed ,
_ _
Tcnnli I'liiyiTB Meet.
Gi.KSWOoi ) , la. , Juno 10. [ Special to TUB
UP.I : . ] Tlio Southwestern Iowa Tonal * ns-
foclatlou mot at Tabor yesterday. Tbo
following officers \vero elected : President ,
T. M. Donelan , Olonwood : vlco president ,
11. B. Gray , Hastings ; secretary , Profi
Mlles , Tabor ; executive commltto , Prof.
Bartlott. Tabor ; William M. Evans. 'Mai- '
vern. A largo crowd witnessed a spirited
contest between tbo different towns. Tabor
won tlrtl place easily ; Malvara iccond ,
Hustings third , Olenwood fourth.
The aoxt meeting will bo at Tabor Juno 2J.
t 'Bi.
coxTisoKtJ rnou-rtriST r or ,
pluuso. Ho took the ft/reo car for the West
hotel. Tlio car was Jimin d with ncnplu.
They greeted him with."Well , , you'll bo
nominated \iy \ acclamation Jn IS'.K ' ) , unywoy. "
When lie alighted from-jlho car the- crowd
on the streets followed ( ilin Into the West
hotel. I The Jam of pcoplcjfttliaro surrounded
him and called for nspfcclv Ho gracefully
responded with a few
Wiiu tlio Orciit Journal * of thn Country
Think at tlio Condition's Artton.
XstsCmMo. . . Juntfh\ the Journal
( rep. ) will say tomorrow tt roparil to Harri
son's ronomlnntlon : "Harrison may not bo to
brilliant a innn ns Blalnc , though his
speeches nro marvels of otatorical ability ,
out ns u vote-bettor ho is Blalno's superior.
"Llko nil great popular favorites , Mr.
Blalnu bas many bitter caomlcs , and llko all
men who hava been prominent In public Ufa
for many years , ho has too much record to
undertake its defense with safety in a na
tional campaign. While both nro grout men
mid splendid republicans , Mr. Harrison Is
the butlnr candidate and thn convention Is to
bo congratulated upon its choice. "
Want * Democratic Harmony.
New VOIIK , Juno 10. The Herald will say
editorially : "When the republicans are dt-
vldcd by factional hostility iw they are today
there Is greater need of barmony among tlto
democrats. If Harrison and Blulno sec lit to
split one party , there In no reason why
Cleveland and Hill should split the other.
if they would both rctlro from the rnco a
western man could carry New York. 'Ihnt
would moan the Inevitable of Harri
son. If neither Cleveland nor Hill sees this
the convention at Chicago ought to sco this
and act accordingly , "
The World will snyt "Mr. Harrison Is a
much batter representative ot hits party Ideas
than Mr. Blatna would liavo been , * How
strong a candidate ho Will bo wo must wait
to BCD.
"Air. Dlalno has friends ot staunch loyalty
and long memories , and the Issue between
him and the president baa loft them resent
ful in an unusual degree. "
riilthrul Services Itotvnrdcd.
The Tribune will say : "Merit wins. The
people reorganize and glaaly reward falthtul
and effective servico. In sixty years no
president , except Lincoln and Grant , have
romlorod by wise administration such excep
tional service to the people ns to secure a
re-election. All the efforts of zealous frftmds
would have been of no uvalt bad not the
republican mllllns believed that President
Harrison , by really rare sagacity , lldolity
and firmness , had deserved at their hands
exceptional confidences and honor. Under
no other president Dare American com-
mcrcu , Industry and the prosperity of the
American people mntio such progress , and
the nation rightly judges that triumphs in
peace are no loss worthy of lanrcls than tri
umphs In war. '
"Tho nomination of Wultclaw Hold for
vico-prosldent completed the work o ! the
convention. On this subject it becomes the
Trlbirno to speak briefly. The distinction
was oat saught and cannot insure
a more zealous and moral sup
port of the ticket' by the Tribune
than it would have given to any candidate
whom the convention could have chosen.
The uotniuatton ot Mr. Hold docs , however ,
impose upon this Journal special obligations
of courtesy and fairness and patriotism ,
which it will endeavor so to discharge as to
dcsorvo thu approval of friends and tbo respect -
spoct of opponents. "
.Sentiment of tljo"Clilcno ( I > reg > <
CHICAGO , III. , JunclO. The Inter Ocean
( republican ) sr.ys : "Blainu and McKlnlov ,
nbovo all others , are the names to Idr.cllo the
enthusiasm of the people , ibut the convention
was not to bo lifted into the air and dashed
to the earth again by a cyclone , whotbor
natural or manufactured. The deliberate
Judgment of the country duly expressed
favored the nomination of 'Mr. Harrison and
thnt settled It. " I I
The News Record ( independent ) says :
"The result is gratifying from a standpoint
of high patriotic sentiment. Mr. Harrison
was not antagonized .because of any alleged
failure ot his administration. None ot the
partisans complained' of.uuy ofTlclal act of
his as president. I Ho : / > had done well
according to tbo doctrinal policies of tbo
party ho represented. 'Tho objection that
was found against him wus the outcrowth of
personal dissatisfaction of politicians. Ho
had not given Tom , Dick and Hurry all they
asked for. They wanted to run his administration -
tration for him. "
The Tribune ( republican ) says : "it matters
little now by what methods ho ( Harrison )
secured this high honor or that his following
in the northern states was reinforced by a
strong , hut impotent contingent from the
south , which cannot old him in November ,
much as it may havodono for him in Juno.
Ho is the loader and nvory true republican
will rally to his standard with the same de
termination that would have been shown if
Mr. Blaine bad been the standard bearer. "
bays tbo Tiroes ( democrat c ) : "Last WCOK
Blaiuo throw up the portfolio of state. To
day the chief whom ho thus dellcd calmly
attaches him to his car of triumph and with
out apparent exultation will use hts friends
for his mirth , yea for bis laughter.1'
From u Silver State ,
DRNVCII , Colo. . Juuo'10. The Denver Re
publican will say editorially In the morning ;
"President Harrison's
rononiinulion moans
another great victory for the republican
party in November. Among all the mon
spoken of for this nomination during the past
voar , ho was by far the fittest , uca in select
ing him the republican national convention
added another triumph of wisdom to thu
many which have distinguished similar
bodies in the past. That his candidacy wil
call forth the full strength of the party at
the polls is proven by the fact that it aid so
in 1SSS , when ho was httlo known. Binca
then he has grown immeasurably In the esti
mation of his follow citizens regardless of
partisan bias and especially In the conlldouco
of his own party. "
The Kouky Mountain News will tomorrow
morning say editorially : "Tho nomination o
Mr. Harrison is what the News anticipated
The Irresponsible and unrepresentative bcala
wag element of the south , which are con
trolled by tbo federal onlccnoldors and arose
so much human putty , moulded at will by
these who fester the fortunes of the appoint
ing power with the gold power that has
steered the financial policy of tlio party unti
It Is completely switched Into the single golt
standard groove , dlctatoa and secured tbe re
sult. "
Ho Gives a Communication to tlio 1'ulill *
mid It U tin Kxculloiit One ,
BOSTON , Muss. , Juno 10. Ex-Socrctary
Blaluu and Mrs. Blaine left for Uar Harbor
on the 7 P. u > . train over tbo Boston &
Maine road. Before ho left the city this
evening , Mr. Blaine iravathls communication
to the Boston Journal :
"Tbo resolution , energy and persistence
which marked tbo proceedings of tlio con
vention at MiuiioapplU iwlll , if turned
against a common f , , .win too election in
November. All minor differences should bo
merged in tbo dUormtfaiti9n ( of every repub
lican to do all In bis powa io elect the ticket
nominated toduy. r/JW G BLAI.VE. "
What Thuy Salil Altu'r It Wu Over.
MINNHAI-OUS , MlnnMilunp ( 10. When ques
tioned as to the result , Chairman Clarluon
said : "Wo were bcotonj but I am not
ushumcd of tbo tight Wo , ulodo. Wo will go
in now and uo our best. ' * .
"Why wo did not win I I'-AVo did not have
votes enough , " said . \Yplcott of Colorado ,
"Tho other fellows h aA the most votes , "
said J. Slnut FussotU nl b
"No , no , " uld Governor MoICInloy to a
suggestion of regret tuat'iio did not gut the
nomination. "It's bananas It Is. "
Held Kecrlvi'H the > 'e\rg.
WIIITB PIAINS , N. Y. , Juno 10. At 10
o'clock tonight the telephone in Hon. Whlto-
nw Hold's country residence Dear this vil
lage botraj to ring and the ox-mlnUtor and
his family received ( ho .information tbut ho
had been nominated for vice president by
Many prominent republicans called upon
Mr. Held aucl congratulated him upon his
nomination. Ho alto received many dis
patches ot the same import.
llurrUou Club Meeting.
An ndjpurncd mooting of the Douglas
County Harrison club mot at Koch1 * ball
la Douglas precinct yesturuuy afternoon.
The good fanning weather , nnd the excite-
jncnt over nominations prevented as full n
turn out ns should hnvo been , but those tht-ro
made up In enthusiasm for lark of numbers.
Among other thlncs done Mr. Herman
Tlmmo. the proMtlcnt of the club , was ftsked
. to vacalo iho chair n few moments and John
I A. Mnc.Murpliy was called to Illl It pro icm.
A * resolution was then offered recommending
Mr. Herman Tlmmo for the vacant county
commisslonorshlp , ma'lo so bv the death of
his brother , George Tlrame. it was carried
nnd a committee appointed to draw up the
resolution , to bo presented to the proper
ofllcors by the temporary chairman , The
Harrison news drifted out there and the
meeting adjourned gloriously.
. - . .51
lo Culls thn liliilno l.omlrrn Together nntl
= a Tlu-y rn\k \ IHUnrly.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. . Juno 10. After the
adjournment of the convention last night ,
Jhairmun Clnrkson called the Ulaiuo loaders
ogothor. The victory of the HarrUon poo-
ilo on the test vote WAS bitterly discussed ,
tnd tno advisability of dropping Blaine and
nklng up McKinley or Shorinau was dis
cussed , but without definite remits.
Asked If It had boon definitely decided to
present Blntno , Chairman Clorkson said this
nornlog there haa boon no chnnqoin the
irogram. "I think , however , " ho said ,
'Blaino will bo presented by Fornkor
and seconded by Wolcott nnd
others. The situation at present
i mlstlfylng. At this stage a Onnc horse
could have the nomination if the stragglers
could unlto ota the richt man. Massachusetts
and No'v York can nnmo the man if they
unlto. Indeed , almost any two prominent
states can have the man. McKinley could
jrobably'havo the nomination It ho wanted
t. As to Sherman , I cannotsay surely bccauso
[ think that because of hts position on the
Chinese and silver questions ho would got no
support from delegates of the western and
silver states. In the dark horse contingent
there are prominent Mclvinloy , Heed and ,
iiusk. I bollovc It Is necessary to have Husk
QU the ticket snmowbcro to attack the alli
ance nnJ save the state of Wis
consin and possibly other states where
the farmers alltnnco Is particularly
strong. _ Wo have not dropped Blaino. Wo
iiavo formed In line of battle nnd a com
promise candidate , if there Is one , must
come forward after the balloting begins. "
Chairman Clarkson said , uflor bo reached
tbo convention hall , that the Blaine loaders
bad decided at the conference today not to
delay the business of the convention , but
reach a ballot as soon as possible. It is un'
dorstood the conference practically dotcr
mined to throw the entire Blaine strength to
McKinloy. It is claimed the full Blaine
strength can bo transferred ex
cept Idaho and a few scattering votes.
It is understood that Porakor has joined the
movement and Is ready to do whatever is
necessary , first to defeat Harrison and second
end to nominate a new man. Ho said the
Ohio delegates were disposed to bury per
sonal differences and name tbo man they
believed weula bo the winner.
NlfJIIT Ol > ' 11AKI ) WORK.
Itoth ructions Strained Kvery Ncr\c fur nil
MiNNnAi' , Minn , Juno 10. The loaders
of both the Blaine and Harrison following
maintained a sleepless vicil throughout tbo
night , endeavoring to rally every aclcgnto
favorable to their rcsncctivo loaders. The
morning opened with the Harrison people
still confident ana the Blaine managers no
loss determined.
Chairman Clarkson said ho had received
a largo number of telegrams this morning
from prominent mon throughout the country ,
who heretofore bad boon urging him to harmonize
monize- the opposition In support of the presi
dent , requesting him now to make every ef
fort to bring a reconciliation of
the warring factions ny a union on
some man satisfactory to both elements.
McKinley , Husk and Allison have all been
suggested In these telegrams.
Increased bitterness was shown between
factious this morning. It was discovered
that ten of the Kansas dulogatos , one-half of
tbo ontira delegation , wore working for a
stampede to McKinley , nnd this bas stirred
up considerable strife in the delegation.
SityH Hill IlitHii't Withdrawn.
Titov , N. Y. , JunolO. An afternoon p.iper
prints an intcrviow with Hon. Edward Mur
phy , who declares there ! no"truth what
ever in the published statement thnt David
B. Hill bas written him a letter authorizing
the withdrawal of Hill's
name as a candi
date for the presidency.
Said It Wi : an Unmitigated
WASIHXOTON , D. C. , Juno 10. Hill declined
to afilrm or deny thu story that ho h d son t a
letter of wlthdrrwnl. His secretary , how
ever , said it was a mugwump lio.
movements at Ooriiu Stcnineri ) .
At Now York Arrived Gallla , from Liv
erpool ; Bohemia , from Hamburg.
At Hamburg Arrivoi Ilhaotia , from
New York ; Fuerst Bismarck , from New
At Brow Head Passed Umbrlo , from
Now York.
At Liverpool Arrived Cuflo , from N ow
I. PAN6LE , M. D.
Th Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Eipericnce.
f treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I/ungs : DI
canes of the Eye and Kar , Fluand Apoplexy , llenrt
Disease , l.lver Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
and Flotilla In ano removed without
the knife or drawlnc a drop of
blood. Woman with her delicateornani re-
etorod to health. Drojy cured without tapping.
Special Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to 80OO forfeit fur any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot euro without moroury.
TapeWorms removed in two or three- hours , or uo
pay , Hi uioirliolrt * or rilw cured.
Will care Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
The only Pliyalclun who can tell what all *
u i > oroii without asklug a question.
fill correspondence strictly confidential Medlclno
Bout by expruu. Address all letters to
G , W , Pangle , M , D
BBB Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Aged in our cellars , Indorsed by the Med
lias been awarded six ical faculty every
where the
gold and four silver being
purest , safest and best
medals , at differcn stimulant. Ask for it.
world's expositions. Take no other. De-
ware of imitations.
mms.'K smkn )
Santa Clara and San Jose , California.
Host faollltlas , apparitns i nil
( or suecosstul treatment of every form
of diseaserumilrliu modleaf or
Hur4loil treatment ,
ta bofls fnr patients , bo ird nn-1 attendanai
IJcftt aucomoUations In tlio west.
Write for circulars on deformities nnj
braces , trusses , club foot , curvatures of .solno ,
ulloB , tumors . , oancor , catarrh , bronchitis , In-
halailoii.electricity , paralysis , opllemy. kld-
nov. bladder , oyo. ear. bkln and bloc-4 and all
leal operations.
operations.WflMPW A SPECIALTY1.
Ut l/UllluH / ItookonDlsuasoiof
Women KltEfi. Wo have lately udilo-1.1 lylu ?
Jti department fur women during confinement ,
ftrletly private. ) Unlv Reliable Medical In-
Etlluto making a Spool ilty o.
All Ji oed Dlnuusos succiHifully troatol
byplillltlu 1'olson removed from the syntoni
without mercury. Now Uestnratlvo Treat-
incut for Loss of VITAL I'UWKlt. 1'orsom mi-
ublo to visit us may bo treated ut homo by
rnrrespon lonce. All communications contf-
( Inntlal. MedlclncH or Inslruiiioriti. Bout l > y
mail or ox press , seenruly packed , no in irH to
hid cutu contents or sender. One personal In-
torv.ew preforro'l. Call and consult us or son-1
history of your ease , and wo will send In plain
wrapper , our
Rnntf iu HIGH VIIF.K : upon iTiv.ito.
, Kpeolal or Nervous Un
cases , Itnpotenoy. Syplillla , Qluot uuU Vnrlco-
relo , with question list.
Ilraceu , Appllance.s for Deformities ft. Trusoi.
Only manufuctory In the Wostof nr.t'Oit it.
1TX Al-l'l.lAAVKS , XKUaxUH , ULKUfltlU
Onialia Medical anl Surgical InslUute ,
26th and Broadway , Ooanoll Blali.
Ton mlnutnV rldo from center ot Omiiha o i
Oniaha and Council lllutT < olojtrlo motor lino.
Of Council IlluK-
Surplus uu.i I'ro'iits' ' . . ' . " . ' . " ! ! ! ' . ! ! ! ! . ' . ' Ho'fOtiu
Net Capital nnJ Burplu ' . . ( Vtllll
Dlructun J , I ) . KJauiU < ui , K. U mm firs , , f. I
Ol"3 ln , IS. B. Hurt , I , \ . Mllljr , J. V , tlliioiiin
ere Charloi K. llnnann. Transacteonoral bunk >
Ing bumno'is. Largest capital and surplus of
any bank In Southwestern loivu.
Funeral Director , Em balmer
14 N. Main Street ,
Q. EL. MVE1R.S ,
end every other grade deniuiidol by
all classes of trade.
UKKHK'K OJ.D t-TJ\Nr > .
20) AND .07 mtOAIMVAV , Council Dlulfi.
"IjlOH SALE Extra ( hit ; , tlinrmiuhhrcd , Jor-
* - suv onll , holld color , rcglstoiod stock ; li
months old. 7'JS S. 1'lrrtt street.
IK YOU Imvo iinythliiK fur s'llo or trade ROI >
K. II. Slioafo , llroailway : uil ( Main strent.
Iiii IOWA fririns forsiti1. Improved 10) ) nore <
In laiTl.sin ( county.l'J.03porucro ' ; 1'JI aoroi
improved , C.M.OO ; 8J uurj ; . J.l''U ' I'or bar/ilm
In Iowa ana Nolirnskrt ( anni call on or writs
toJolinion fi Van I'.Utun. C'uunoll
li-'OK ' HUNT Uwolllnei In nil parts of tlio
- * - city. K II. Hlioafo. llro.uhviiy and Muln.
STOUAOU nnd L'oniinlsslon Htovus. fnrni-
turo , otu. , stniud and sold on uoinnijailou at
iowuat rates. U ICInnuniiii. : r.M Kroadw.ty.
Ii OU HAM' : On small paymoiits. fruit unU
Kiirdon land nuar Uonnull lilnlTu. K. II.
Kliuafc. llroailway and Main struct.
FOR IlKNT flJO Second tivunno. dwelling
with 9 rooms , furnace , rairjc , buth. clcctrlo
hulls , ono of the most deslrahlo icsldenens In
Coiiiifll ItlnlTd ; rent , MUX ) par month. H. 11.
glmafu. liro.iilway nnd Muln HtruoU
Ij'UHSAlJK A noc.t foiir-ronm dwelling oil
X' Avennu I ) ; irlce. ? 7."ij ; Nmall monthly puy-
iiicntg. K. II. Sliu.ifo , llroadway and Mnln.
TJ1OK KKNT Two of the heat Uarrlss liatu on
JKourth htroot.
FOU HAMC Knriiltno ilxtnrca I on HO anil
goodwill of hotel with 4'J rooms In u goad
Nehrasliii city ; will trade for xtouk of punurat
muroliandNu. 1C , II , tilioufo , II road way and
FOUSAIiK Acniitfortahliillvo room dwull-
Ini ; near Kalrniiiiint ii.irlf. I'rlco , 81. BOO.
f" > ) cash , lialanco In inonllilv naymenta. E. II.
tilioafc' . Hrondway and Malimlicut.
FOU SAMiA nuw Hlx-rooin dwulllnsr , IBU
1'lfth avuniio. jirlee , Jl.'Ul , t | ( K ) cash , bill- .
unco In montlily paymentK. . U , Bhcafti
llroadway and Muln strcuti. '
fjiOU BALE A harualn. throe-room dwell-j
J-1 Inc. 1018 Fifth avuniio. prlcn J70J. will1
take tonm Koud horaus In trmtu and halancu in
monthly payments. 15. II. Hhuafo , Uroadway
Hnil Mm n at roots.
" 771OH HAIjK-Or triulo. A vlx-rnom frama
Jiwolllmr. . Eighth iivoiino. uor. " < lti ) HU , prloo
40J. K. 1 1. Bliuafc. llroailway iyil ( Main sta.
I710H KICNT-KlKhl-rotitii dwelling , 2JI Witflh-
* Inu'lon avo. , modern style nnd eouvan-
Inncot. In excellent runalr , rent 4J" > . 1C. II.
bhuafo , llro.idway nnd Main HtH.
T31OII BALE The only hotel In u small town
JS'Jmllea from Council lllill'n. ! Han nn leu ;
cream parlor with KOOL ! trado. I iirnlturo In
voices ntil.OX ) , building t..uou. Will trudn for
good resident propurty In Coiinull Iliuirs , a
Hiuip for thu rlttlil p irty. K. II , Bhonfo , llroud-
wiiy unil Mai" utreou
T/1OH HINT : Kour room framodwulllnx , 1407
J. Ivlnlith Kvo. , Ill oxoellent lupalri dry cel-
lan city wiitur : rent J10. 1C. II , tihcufu , llroad-
wuy and .Miiln Htreet.
FOU SAM ) Iloel | anil loitaiiriint In u pros-
puionu Nohra'ika city , ii'iylnu husfnots , |
irood reasons forNulllii'j , nrlcu f I.OJO. n In u
Bnup. K. 11. bheafe , llroadwiiy anil MnliiHtrt'ct ,
\\7ANTii : > NobrasUa lamln In
' for Council Illulfe propurty. I' . 11. Bheufu ,
HroaiUvay anil Main gtrcol.
THOU HAMS Oro'ory nlock , ( Ixtiirun , liorsuH
JL nnd biillillirprlcu J.V--00. 1'rolltn iivuragu
tlW per month ! location bet In thu city ) 111
hoiilth oaiuo of tulllnii. ! { , II , Bhoafo , Urodd-
uy nnd Main etrueU
171OH HAM' A mnro und colt. Will tnku
- * - payment In lot lllllui : . Apply to I.conaid
\ \ / ANTKD-ToaniH to III ! In Irit 1 , | , | OrU 18.
Wllllaina' Ilibt addition to Council HliiirH.
Iowa. One-half nigh and the haluncu In
triiile , Apply to l.eonant Kvurutt , l/'oiinull
Hluirg , Jn.
rpOlt HAM : Hliiiidard Innl muro. 7 yiiarn
-L1 old , Hlrod by Dr , [ Aiehlhiilil. No. i'lllft ; Hub
dam by ( liutiwooj , renonl ' : ' . ' 7U. Khc In u line
chestnut , hasithowii peed upoud , I * m.'iitlo und
well hiokun lo drive ) BliiKlu or double , woUhn
uboiil I.O.w Ibs. May liubi'on nt bainofW.U.
IHtfrbiiolc , V8Vt > -t Itroudwny , Council
Ulu in. I'rlco tavj. JucobHIiim.
D 1(1)0 ( ) aloio for sulu An uld imtaPlUhed
und well paying drilK utoru In llvt'ly coun
try town , al BO rt'Bldenee iiroperty. Addrusn
UlurK 1CIIU , Mltlu Bluux , Ilurrlaou uuuuty , I