4 rr v v irrvi ? n 1.009 anvur AU v\ntQ. UR , TIME'S ' OFFICIAL SHOES Berne of the Mon Who Are Willing nnd Anxious to Wear Thorn. UNSEEMLY HASTE OF CERTAIN APPLICANTS A the niitrlct U Wluilly Oulnldn the Oily the IUt of CaiiilliLitr * U Our. tnllcil CliniiRi > < Unit AV111 J'robulily Itr-inlt. Just nt UiU tltno thcro Is a most decided nnd painful uncertainty ns to who will put on the onicla ! shoes which wore worn by ( Jcorgo K. Tlmino , the docoaiod commis sioner from the Third district. There are nny number of gentlemen whn nro anxious nnd desirous of serving the public In this oftlclal capacity. Hut one thing Is cor- ttiln , and that li that the appolntoo will bo n man who has slrong republican tendencies. This Is duo to the fact that the appointing power Is strongly tinctured with republi canism. Under tbo provisions of the statues the appointing Cp'ower rests wholly with the county clorH , the county judge and tbo county treasurer , and as all three of these gentlemen nro republi cans any person can see that It would houseless - loss for'a democrat or an ulllunco man to Another thing Is certain , and that U that the next commissioner must como from the country , ns the third dis trict is wholly outside of Omaha nnd South Omaha , It Includes the precincts of West Omaha , Union , Jeffer son , Klkhorn , Valley , Waterloo and Chicago , which will bar and freeze out uny city man who might have ambitions In this direction. llarl < l fsVlio Aru Willing. There will bo no lack of candidates , for already John Williams of JJIkhorn. David Kued of West Omaha , Peter Mangold of Jotlewoti , M. A. Upton of West Omaha , W. C. Whitmoro of Val ley , Omar Whitney or Klkhorn , Herman Tlmmo of JclTorson and H. C. Patterson of \Ve.st Omaha have bared their breasts nnd are only waiting for the political lightning to strike. These gentlemen have not. all made per sonal applications , but In cases where Indi vidually they have not consulted the powers that bo , their friends have held close com munion with tlio men who turn the crank of the machine. Gustavo Anderson wanted the job and sent UcorL'o Gibson to make the application * Gibson was informed that in- ' nic'adot residing in the Third commissioner district Judgn Anderson resided in the Fourth ward of the city of Omaha. This little matter of nonrcsldonce dampened tbo Judge's ardor nnd he gracefully withdrew. "It Is a blooding shame , but it is neverthe less true , " said n county ofllcial , "that tbroo of the above named candidates were in such great hnsto to enter their names that they did not wait until Mr. Tlmmo wiw burled before they publicly sought the oftlco. The Information mation of his death wai received in this city at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning , nnd baforo noon o ( that day three gbntlomcii had duly ( lied tticlr applications , fully believing that lr they weni upon the principle that 'tho early bird catches the worm' they might bo three time winners. " A petition signed by a majoiity of the voters of Chicago precinct has boon tiled asking for the appointment of H. A. Nolto as county commissioner , vlco O. K. Tlmmo. The men who bold the destiny of the np- polntoo in their hands are not saving a word about what they Intend to do. They simply remark that they will inako hnsto slowly , and after considering the applications now in " nnd these that are to como , "will appoint the best man. When the appointment will bo made , no man Knows , though it has been given out that the now member , whoever ho may bo , will not bo appointed in tlmo tn sit with the board at the adjourned mooting to bo held tomorrow afternoon. They , however , admit that he racy bo In his seat and roadv to vote at the mooting which will bo held one wcoii from tomorrow. \Vliut the Jloiird May Do. The meeting which will bo hold today will develop nothing in thu way of rcorgan- i/.lng , ns the two republican' members , " Messrs. Uorlln and Stonberg , will insist that the now man shall como In nnd have his say. Who will bo the chairman is an open ( lueslion , though It is conceaod that Mr. Berlin will roach up and plunk the plum. Mr. Sionberir has said that ho did not want the honor thrust upon him , and the now member could hardly oxpcct to bo elected to prosldo over tbo deliberations of iho body. Messrs. Paddock and Van Cnmp , tbo demo cratic members , on account of bolng in the minority will have no aspirations. Immediately after tbo now member takes his seat and the chairman is elected tbo com mittees will bo reorganized. Al the present time tbo committees are as follows : Finance Paddock , Van Camp and Stou- borg. Judiciary Van Camp , Paddock and Ber lin. Construction Berlin and the entire board. Charity Stonbarg * Van Camp and Pad dock , Koads Paddock , Van Camp and Stonborg. Bridges Vun Camp , Paddock nnd Berlin. Poor Farai Van Camp , Paddock and Ston berg. Court House and Jail Paddock , Van Camp and Berlin. Should Mr. Berlin bo elected cbnlrman the chances are that Mr. Stohbcr will have the chairmanship of judiciary , llunnco , court house and Jail and poor farm , with the newman man holding the chairmanship of charity , ro'ids ' nnd bridges. Construction Is sun to fall to Mr. Paddock , but It will be an empty honor , as the county is not 'engaged In constructing anything this ye.ir atldo from roads nnd bridges , and the respective committees will look after those. The two democratic gen tlemen will not bo forcotieahowever ; one of them will bo allowed to tall up each com mittee. Whether or not the democratic em ployes of the county will bo discharged und their places lilted bv republicans Is n question tlml will not bo ccttlcd until r.ltcr the organization. If they should there will bo several good jobi to give out , the best being superintendent of inn poor farm county auditor , county physician and "clerk ' to iho board. All of 'the parties wcro ap pointed to hold until January 1 , 16'JJ , but thcro Is no law to prevent their removal at any tlmo. WEBt'iNo WATKII , Nob. , Oct. 28 , ' 00. Dr. Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought the third bottle of your Tree of Life. It is Indeed a "Troo of Life. " Doctor , when you to kindly gave mo that ilrst boltlo my right Mdo was so lanio and son ) and my liver en larged BO much that I could not Ho upon my right side at all. There was a soreness over my kidneys all of tlu < tlmo , but now that I rouble is all over. I sleep Just as well on onuslJo ns on iho other , and my nleop rusts and rufrohoi me , and 1 fuel the best I've foil In lifteon yuars , and I know that it U all duo to your Tree of Life. Yours very truly , D. P. Duni'sr. For uiilo by all druggists. Among .Military Jlli'ii , The troops ordered to the vicinity of old > fort Felturman from Kort Hoblnson arrived at their destination Thursday nnd have tulicn up their summer camp. The troops ordered to iho Powder rlvor country will arrlvo at their destination tomorrow. Thu War department will then bo In position teat ijuell uny rustler war that may ariso. A general court martini it culled to moot at Parti ) . A , Kussell. Wyoming , next Mouday inornli g. t'aUo l.t'oniiiiiy U practiced by pooplu who buy inferior arti cles of food becuuso cheaper than standard goods , lufanla nro ontltltd to the best load obtainable. It is a fact that the Chill llordon "Kaulo" Brand Condensed Mllic Is the boat Infant food. Your grocer and druggist keep It , Walnut Illll | { | mlilioniu. The Walnut Hill ninth ward republican club \vlll meet at 40th uud Cumlng street Saturday evening , Juno II , at ti o'clock. 01m. Is hoped ( ivory republican inturutitod In com ing cumpalk'U will uo present , ji. Illguby , piesldont , M , W. lycri > ou , jet-rotary. Ovorcumu by Html. An old soldier tiuuiud William H. Picker- Ine , from Iho notional mllltarr homo at Fort Lcnvenworth , wa < ovcrcomo by the boat veitenl.iv t t noon at Fifteenth and Farnam strcats. It was n slight casn of sunstroke , nnd I'lcKorlntr wai removed to St. Joseph's hospital , where hu li recovering. IIUI.M : s Onr.iliu Kri' | > i Ui | HIT ( Sun. I Krciird lio. pertH from Oilier Oltlri. NBW YOIIK , Juno 10. Tno following table , compiled by Uradstrect's , gives tbo clonrlng house returns for the week ending Juno U , 1S'J7 ' , nnit the percentage of lticroao and do- crense , iw compared with thu corresponding week of lasl year : "Late to bed and carl v to rise will shorten the road to your homo in the skloi. " But early to bed and n "Littlo Early KIso'- , " the pill that maitos lifo longer and bettor and wiser. TIME TO WAKE TJJP. Mr. ThiHiiin Swubo .Suy * Sunintlilns Iju Donu for tliu ' ' 1'uuplu'r ; CIKIvolition. Mr. Thomas Swobc- , who spent several days at Minneapolis this week , Improved the opportunity to study the methods of handling a big convention. "The arrangements at Minneapolis were well nigh perfect , " said Mr. Swobo , "and the visitor could not help going away favorably Impressed. Tbo conven tion Hall was admirably adapted for tbo purpose , and Its preparation alouc must have cost a small fortune. There wcro accommodations for all comers , and there wcro room * for several thousand more. A most ofllcicnt accommodation committee had agents ut all trains to gli'o information and assign rooms to these wbo wcra not already provided for. Minneapolis spent an enormous - mous sum of money , reported at'JJ.UOO ' , but it will got back every dollar in cold , Hard caih , net to mention tno magnificent adver tisement. It is probable that 51,000,001) ) will bo left in that city during the. convention. "Tho prospect in Omaha lor the people's party convention when compared with Minneapolis , Is not very encouraging. A meeting of the linanco committee - too wns called the other day and only one member responded , Wo need at leas't $5,000 or $15,000 , more , but tbo business men are not responding a > they should. The i committee has gone ahead preparing tbo Coliseum and has incurred .an expense ai af § 4,000. Seven thousand chairs have boon engaged , and the total seating capacity will I boaDoutU.OOO. " 1 tell you that the Omaha convention will bo nearly us largo as the Minneapolis af fair. The people of this city do not realize It , and they are asleep. At Min neapolis I mot Colonel Shaw , the nassongcr agent of the Burlington at Cincinnati , and ho assured me that at least 1,500 to 2,1)00 ) will como to Omaha from Ohio and Indiana alone. Ho told mo that the special train which car ried the Cincinnati crowd to the republican convention hud already been chartered by the Ohio Independents for the trip to Omaha. I am receiving a great many Inquiries for rooms. Ono letter yostoruay from away down in Texas euagod accom modation for a party of 100 from one little town , I feel sure that there will bo an attendance that will astonish our people ple , and the outpouring from the south will bo especially remarkable. ' The coinnuttoo on accommodations Is making lists of all hotels , apartment buildIngs - Ings , lodging houses and dwellings that will receive guests during the convention , to gether with the number lliut can bo cared for by each , and wo will bo prepared to lodge all who como. SVlmt wo need now Is money to carry out the plans. The members of tbo llnanclul committee cannot afford to let the matter go by default , und business man should give them a loyal support. This con vention is going to be a big thing , nnd Omaha will cot back uvery dollar I * , costs several times over. " Disease' never successfully attacks a sys tem with pure blood. Jo Witt's Sawaparllla , uiaucs pure , now blood and onrluhoi the old. . THE YEAIl'S WORK. Htuilnnln lu the Vlty NulioulH rouily1 for III Aiiiiinit ICKiimlimtlciim. The closing examinations ot the year Ins tbo schools of Omaha will begin next Thurs day , The examinations for entrance to the High tfchool will como llr-it , There will bo about :1SJ : candidates for admission to tbo High school. It is ox pot-ted that fully liO'Jof that number will enter thu High school next your. There nro now Kill In actual attendance lu the High school. Sixty-eight of this number will graduate this month. Probably 125 of thu remainder will not enter school next fall. This wo u let leave ! i | : ) of the present xtt toi.danca to oiitor school again next fall. From the eighth grade there will ha an 11.II - croisu ot UOJ from out of town sources , In- cludltiti ohlldreu from famlllot that move liao the city during thu sumniar , ami ttioro will ha lu all probability about novouty-ilvo pupil * tvho will apply for admission to iho Omaha High si-nool at the beginning of the year. This will swell iho number in nctual uttundaucu next fall to 718 pupils. Tha ca : pacity ol the lllith school will ho uti'lraly ' tiikon up nuxt year with tlio Hlgb Hchoul pupils und this only ompliinizes thu stitto- tncnl th'it ttio now < ; ontnil Rchool building will ba very inuuh needed at the opoulnt ; of the EUboal your. Ttio enrollment of High tchool buplU thl > yonr was over 7UJ , but of cour > u the dally attomluneo u always con- slilunibly uslow tlio onrollraont. Sanaparilla destroy * such ( l sons UH scrofula , ckln dimiio , czama , rhou muliiui. Its tlmolv ma savoa many lives. . Uliln't Say If. OM.VIU , Juno 10. To the Editor of Tun BEI : : I am quoted in TUB Bun of Thursday ns having staled at our meailnc in North Omaha \Vodnosdar evening that it was blub ttmo to atop thu Union Pacitlo robbery. Now , 1 did not malto such a Htaiomont , and I bopi ) you will ix > rroct It , as U has done me un Injubtloo to bo misquoted m that way. J. QUINT. COMMENCEMENT DAYS AGAIN Interesting Olasws Soon to Ba Oraluated from Omab.1 Schools. WHEH THE EVENTS WILL OCCUR Imlle.itlnix Tlmt l.on.il IMtic.ttloiinl lintl- ItitliHis Ilitvo Mini n Snrin ! rii ! Vrur 1'rogruiii * for llto Oct-.nlmi Yliino U'lni Will "fnuo u l.'ul I'iircu-i-ll. " Commencement days again ! All over the land sweet girl uraduatos and inaiity sonlnM nre memorizing tluir snlultitorlos nnd. vale dictories , orations and thcso. ? . propar.itory lo their Jinal uppsaranca in college , hall und Hominnry , when they will "tako a last faro- well" ot clnssmai.es and lower class men nnd mnlds , and step out Into thu world , with sheepskins iintlcr their tinni , nnd the knowledge of the schools nt their command , ' Locally , the school" Imvo already com menced tno making of graduates , the University of Omaha having been llrst in too Held. llrmvni'II Hull Comuicncrmriit. Sunday evening Dnnynoll Hall will Inaugurate Us twunty-fourth unnunl com mencement exorcises slnoo its incorporation nt St. M.itthl.u church , Itnv. John Wil- llains of St. llurnao.is preaching the annual sermon , Monday ul 1) ) o'clock ' the art nnd essay exhibition will Uo Mold In tlio chapel of the school , uml Monday overling at 8 o'clock the annual muslcnlo will take mace , the program of which Is ns follows : I'AIIT I , 1'innn Quartet lloiorn Mos/.kowskl Mls > in U iriooold. .M. Uco.l' . 13. Smith , 1C. llrown. Vociil Solo \Vhcro H Heaven ? Mtirtl .Miss K. Kvcrls. I'liuio Duel Uomloop. IS'J. No. 4 Iiloliuer Miss 1C. Smith und Miss lUir uss. Vocul S : > o-Vou Itouyn MUs.T. Means , PlnnoSolo Dornroschon Hondo Miss A. Nelson. Vocal Solo Su Sirm : : Hose Ardltl MIssJ. l.eftwich. I'litno Duet Adiiulo and Allcsro from dp. 'j llcothovcn M. und .1. .Menu * . Vocal Solo-ltlir. , lUiio Holly , Klni Vun [ .on nep Miss 1C. Collins. I'AItT II , t'lano Quartet Invitation it-lit Vulso..Weber Mis * K. Abbott , .Miss M. Murphy , Miss O. llo\vi' . Miss .T. Kennedy. VoenlSolo l/OrolosIn ( Tliu UIucui..Ecliorzo Miss M. Wonworth. ! t'lano solo-Hondo In K l-'lnt Weber Miss M. I'litnam. Vocal Solo Dutch Dolls Ostlcro Muster Windsor Dohurly. 1'lanoKolo ( a ) Tliuro Was a 1'rlnco Knllak ( b ) Slumber Sou ; ; Ourlllt Miss KllaC'ullnn. Vocal Solo Lee : < lu My lloart and Sec. . . . W. O. Smith Miss M. Means. Piano Solo ( a ) Forest Scones , lllrd as l'ro : . . ' . ' | > iet. un. S' Schumann ( li ) ICnincnirjl , Ostrow Portrait. No.J Uubensteln Miss K. Collins. Vocal Solo-La I'rlmavara Terry Miss I. Kennedy. Vocal Solo untl Uhorns lilsu. Glad Snni- mer sun. . . . . ' Leslie Mlsd K. Holt and Vounl Olass. Tuesday at 10 o'clock the commencement exercises , awarding of honors and conferring of diplomas will occur in the chapel of the institution , tha program for which Is : March llonsrolso ICowtilskl Miss 1C. Abtmtt and Miss A. Nohon. 1'roccsslon of Pupils , Kaculty , Trustees , Clergy , Hector and Jilsliop. Itccltatlon , ThuVlilstllns Kuelmuiit Miss t'oarlo llarnus. A Study , Tim Imagination Miss Mantle Parsons. Piano Solo , I'olonalso . Chopin Miss M. Putnam. Kss.-ty , Tim Moanlus of tlio Kllzabcthan Agoof Literature . MIssM. Milriihy. Essay , Tlio Effect of Giouiuu Intellcot Upon Itomim Institutions Mlaa N. Hviirts. Vocal Solo , Allah . Oliadwick Ml s K. Holt. Ks-iay , The Inlliiem'o 6f the Baconian Method on i-'uloiifu . Miss llattluUrciltt. Essay. The Orlirln and Duvelopment of the j-blrit of JJburty . . Miss .Mul : o Means. ' Vocal Duet , Joyful Strains ; Waltz , Komlo . Uambert Miss Madso Menus and Miss Jennie Means. liccltatlon , Katu Shelly . .lesslo Conoway. Essay and Viilodlclnry , What the Ideal istic School Is Dolir. for iho Nlnetuenth Century. Miss Abba Ilowen. Piano Solo. Kayawlak ; 1'olUh National Dance Wleniawskl .Miss Kntu Collins. Presentation of tliu prizes and medals by the router and vice principal. Uon- fcrrliiKOf ( llil | < iinis : and crosses by the blslion. Mau'iilllcat , creed , collects and benediction by the bishop. March , on. M , No. 1 . Schubert Miss M. llnue. Miss 1C. Collins. .Miss C. Howe and Miss. ) . Means- The class uumoer ? eight , Misses Pearl R. Barnes , Josslo F. Conway , Aladgo P. Means , Haltlo M. Onjutt , AboaV. . Bowen , Naotn , F. Evarts , Aladgo Murphy , Maude A. Par sons. The class motto is "Suavitor in raodol fortitor In ro. " UciillQ in manners , rcsoluta In deed , Hiicri'Xt Hi-art CiiiiiiiiL-iiconn'iit. The coinmoncomontexercises of the Sacred Heart boitrding school In I'urk I'laco will beheld hold at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of Tuosdny. Juno 21 , The musical numbers , instrumental and vocal , are subjects of vor.v special procu ration. A pleasing little drama in the Ger man language , brief , and in plot and language sprightly and amusing , will ho played by nine porformern.A charming llttlu dialogue will bring on the stage , in n short Kngllsh entcrtainmont , the six youngest pupils of the academy. Other numbers of a literary char acter lill out a program of unusual Interest. Thu members of tbo graduating rluss ara Misses Kavln of LaCrossc , Leo , McNnmara , i'uudt nnd tVllliauis of Omaha nnd Suhanu of Pupilllon. Miss Kevin Is the vatodlcto- nun of bor class. U may bo noted that all thu litoraty matter presented , including the German cotaedk'tta , is entirely original , excluding nil tbosu "selections. " und ndaplutlons ordlnuilly onturing into school program ] . Ht. Uov. Bishop Scanncll will ure-ildu over the axercisos and confer grudu- ntlng honors , premiums and crowns. huliuol Uoiiiiiiuiicuiuunt. The commoncomentoxorciscs of tlio Omaha High school will bo hold on the evening of Juno 'J3 In Doyd's now theater. The class will bu the largest over graduated from the Omaha High school. There arc lifty-oisht younp ladles and ton younp men In tno class. It is also considered the brightest class ever sent out from tliu Omaha scat of learning , Tbo following iLombcm of tbo class will take part in the graduating exercises : Ora tions and ossayx , Jessie Bridge , ( jraco Hughes , Hattie Ojgood. Helen Smith , Scott Brown , Henry Clark : declamations , Koplna Bulinlieim , Luther Loisonring ; music , duets , Jesse To iv no and Uoua Strang , Arthur Car ter and ( jcorn'lu Brunor , Clara tipolimm and Llda Ax lord. idy Class day will bo observed the Wednesday before commciicemunt. The uxcrclses will Include an athletic contest lu the morning and the class exercises proper in the after noon. Miss Cora McCundllsh will address the lower classes and give them a little wholeso'mo advice , Louis Rdwards ' will speak to tun seniors in the same strain and tno Ivy address will ho delivered oy Ben Ginsberg. Misses Kdnu Robertson and Mar garet McIColl will rovlow the history of Die | class , and Miss Netlio Stnlloy will endeavor to lift ttio veil and foretell the futuru of the class members. The exorcises will conclude with it poem iiy Miss Ida Mayor , I'lTBomiul of tlio dam. Followiniturolho namoi of the mnmbars ofthocluis ! Vivian AlvUoc , Ida Axford , Mary Bochol , Marirarot Bennett , UlllUn Benson , Elizabeth Brohm , Jo.tlo Beverly , Jobslo Brldgu , Klnora Brooks , Uoorglo ; ilrunor , Mary Buck. Sophia Bullnlioim , Harriet Chamberlain , Mabel Coluy , Murgurot ( Jolvln , Nora U-iugbtory , Cora tJoinoy , § Carrlo Uraff , Clara Gilbert , IClttto Ilsscr , Blanch Hammond , LUllau liar PS tor , Katie Ilcolau , Margaret Hooy , Nelllo Ilolmui , Grace Hucbus , Myrtle Hushes , Kuslo Hun- teen , Lillian Joliuston , Tilliu Larson , Klttlo Liiwrouco. Cora McCandlUn , Pearl Mo. Cumber , Marcurot MclColl , Nellie McLean , Ida Mover , Bertha Newman , Hultlo Obcr- ( elder , Hattie Ossood , Kmma O good , Kadlo Packard , Alnm Peters , Mltinlo HeoJ , Edna ICobcrtsou , Mabel Simon , Bosslo Bklnner , Atinutt Smlloy , Helen Smith , Clara S pet- in an , Lorcuu blooue , Hona Slraiig , Ada ! Swan , Cora Swansea , Mary Swaiuon , slo TownOraco VandorvBorU Maude \Valiaco , Aniv Wiitta. 'Iho voiiiis men nro ! u'llllam lUrilott , S.-ott llivwn , Arthur T. Carter , Hnnry I Clarke. 1-Vatilf Dotv/ellor , Loun s , Bon GlnsticJ-y. Luther Lolsenrinir , Charles Morrison , A\trod \ IMiTtou. The program lor Iho fcouirricncomenl cxor- cUe.Is at follow * : r ' March . . Orchestra Hw.iy. .Voiiirn Ti-mionoli" . llattlo 'lanii Duel. Uvorture tiX/iimpi : . v. Ml Spotmiin Ksmv. What Port -.1 . Miss llrlik-o UrooUs , Miss liutlnhulii Mmulollni ' ' IhH-U .mil Vt-'prlrirllinH. . . . .Men'ol sohn ( I'laiio I * . . .Artli-iv T. Cnrttir.MIsiOcnrxlc llrunnor Unit Inn , uiir Cuuntn-'H I'lllurc. . ! . Se'ott llrown tuleuliun " , j. ; Oi-i-hrstri K BV The Monotones Helen Smith Poelntntlon fulhir I.e si'tirlns I'lnlio Dui't Italv , MiwiWkl MNsesTownonml Slrnnx. Lsjny A Nu Iucteil Hero , . Ml < s Ornci'Hushes Unit Ion--A M-tn nnd n Uvular of Mun : Henry Olnrlt UliT.sUliortis-aool Nl ht Leslie I'rusldontN mid MM * , Presentation ot diplo mas. mas.Mn rob. TIHTO will bo no graduatlnc class nt Cromhlnn o'dloL-o thh your , a chaneo in the cour-so of otudy several voars nco having ru- HultuJ in Iho consolidation of two classes. FACTS , WOT VISIONAUY VAPOUINOS Whit : Viitln ; ; tin ; lUmd.s Cull AvcoiiipllliM Onuilm'.i riitiirn In tlio ll.ilunri' . OMAHA , Juno H , To the Editor of Tin : BIK : : 'J'hu Nobr.xska Central proposition In Its nntirn indobtcdnuss and cost to the pcoplo of Doucla" conntv at the end of twenty ynrs represents n per ciplta ; tax of less than 810 m the onsU of our present population , a tax of JVJ cents per year lor each of us. nnd cer tainly not the terrible drain upon our re sources that It Is represented to bo by some of our eminently "conscn-atlvo" citizens. I recognize i fully that a tax upon the commu nity for the benc'Ilt of any Individual Interest is wrong In principle and can only bo Justi fied upon the fact being well demonstrated that incidents have arisen in the adminis tration of public affairs that ImpciMtlveiy doidand that order of patriotism , whereby the community at largo ( s ucnolltad at a coin 1110:1 expense and with no complaint from the true citizen. When wn stop to consluor thu trilling expense and tuo many and varied bonollts arising from ttio propsiUon before us , wo realize its public nccoslty nnd benefits and ought not to liesltato a moment in according lo the proposition all the en couragement required irom us ai n body politic. The condition of our nffaira locally are at a crisis. It Is usole.ss for us to attempt to couco.d the fact , deceive ourselves or to compare - pare our condition with other bodies who are prosumablv worse olT than ourselves. The emptv buildings , wholesiile , retail , and dwelling houses of all kinds are mute nnd earnest testimony which no subterfuge can overcome. The own ers of such properties are fairly en titled to some roivard for the energy and en terprise displayed in the upbuilding of our city ; oven if their Judgment was at fault , wo Imvo nil indirectly received bencllls from their enterprise In the way of labor , prollts , ana In the solidifying of the values of our realty. Something must bo done , nnd of the heroic order. The largo amount of realty that this enterprise forever takes out of Cho market , the largo sums of money that will bo paid out for realty , terminal improvements und thn build- lug of the bridge , reaching millions and to bo paid out in our midst , will , to 11 largo extent , assist us ii bridging over the temporary dullness of affair which Is general , putting us in condition to iliciit nt its dawn the era of prosperity which Is sure to come. In the meantime wo are- Assured a conservative , legitimate nnd wholesome growth , giving us prestige over all * competitors and forever KOttllna the question the city that is to command the supremacy of all that is tribu tary to the Missouri valley , How can we us tear expect the growth in jobbing and manufacturing enterprises that our situation warrants when wo stop to con sider that to rcacn Hit seaboard wo have to pay tribute to Chicago , to Chicago roads controlled by Chicrtgo'raon and worked as n matter of justlco In tlio. interest of Chicago , having been constructed largely for tbatpur- poie , or else seek an outlet over the route controlled by the same power that lays the embargo on the crossing of tbo present bridge } Uollof at any cost must ba had or Omaha relegated to the "iniuht have boons. " Kcllof , if immediate , would bo a profitable business investment at four times the pro posed cost , it is a foolisti business proposition to aslc this enterprise , now ai > d struggling if you wish , to enter a city of 15'J.UO'J ' population on the same basis that old established lines enter a city of 500,000 population. Bearing In mhid the fact that St , Louis paying tribute , bo it over so small , to cross"the Mississippi river will uo met hero with the toll required to cross thu Missouri river , this proposed road and its connections absorbing the Mississippi river's toll gives us that advantage over St. Louis , and to that extent removes a largo competitor for the business tributary to the Missouri valloy. The question of maximum rate is simply raised to cloud tbo issue. Give us the bridge and the increased mo- mcntum of growth that it will bo a main factor in starting , the competition it will cause , for competition it. will surely bo , no mater who controls It , nnd with thn Increased trafllccaused by such growth the rate question will solve itself in obedience to Inexorable business laws , Just ns such ques tions have solved themselves in Wisconsin. Illinois , Indiana and other states , and it will do it quicker than the false stimulus of leg islation has over done or will do. The benefits that wo would rcoolvo nro manifold. Our true inlets nnd outlets oelug via the Sault Stc. Marie and the gulf , by tub ) proposed roau under the provisions exist ing , making connections open to ail roads seeking such connection , it will unable us to roach , Independent of Chicago interests , Lake Michigan , Lake Superior nnd Sault Slo. Maria points , which means compotitiou in rates llko that enjoyed by Dulutli , St. Paul and Minneapolis , which nro of the very lowest. To bo able to roach the Sault Ste. Mnrio or Canadian Pacitlo route to both At lantic and 1'acillc coasts , relieving us of tha obnoxious and unjust discrimination caused by the Inlerslnto commerce bill , wnich Is only lived up to when benolliing the railroads nt our expenses , nt other times rumnlnlnc In innocuous desuetude , is worth tha proposed cost many times. Uy reaching these outlets wo hasten the opening to iho gulf , ns nothing brings railroads like railroads , and' shorten tbo tlmo whan a great trunk line , radiating from Omaha and extending through the Dakotas - kotas and tha whole northwest , will compel that umpire to seek an outlet hero , paying tribute to our enterprise , building up our manufacturing nnu business Interests and tnaklnuj t-he-greavgity-wo , nro destined to bo if wo take ndvnntugo of our opportunities. This road In construction and when com- plutcd will act us a stimulus upon every present dormant Interest , Invite ethers , nt- trnct to our elty iiud glvo employment to thousands , cheapen thu cost of materials , nnd in tha single ilaiii of nnthracllo or until coal will savu In lessoned freight charges to our citl/.ons nnd citizens of the stnlu tnnro than enough lo pay both the principal nnd Interest of the proposed Hubsldy. The fuels HOI forth nro not visionary , but nro wifjln the most com mon probabilities , \vllh the proposed im- provumonU completed our Importuned is Increased fourfold. Lot us unite in making Omaha's destiny usiurad , It becomes u publiu duty to vote tlioo bonds. TAXI-AVKII. TO CtOIIIMH till ) Effectually yoi gently , when costlvo or bilious or when thu blooJ Is impure or slug , ( jisl'i ' to permanently CUM habitual constipa tion , to awaken the kldnoya and liver lo n healthy activity , without Irritating or wank unlng ihoin , tu dlspsl hoadaobos , colds or fevers , use Syrup of Flat. . FAILED TO GET ACTION. Union Drpul Oucatloii Unsettled Owing to Atluntloii , The fute of tlio union depot was not deter mined vostorday. The conference between thu railroad men and the cltlzeus1 committee was attended by Protldoiit Clark , Director Fred Amos and Vlco President Kimuall of tha Union Pud tlo , by General Manager Hot- ( Irogo of too n. & . M. , and by Herman Kountzo , John Horbnoh , Andrew Koiowator nnd Couuclluiuu Prlnco on iho part of the ° Uy < UyOn On account ot the absenoo of tie ) greater I'Tt ' o' the comiiilttoe , aovoral of the mom bars being at Mlnuoapolls , It was uf food that no iiojitlvo move should bo mudo until n fuller attendance of the committee Is hod , Aiothor meeting will bo unllod for n week or tun days hanco. At yesterday's conference , however , the matters in conirovoriy wnro dlscunsod In formally for nu hour , anil thuro Is every rea son to beltovo that the city nnd the railroads will bo nblo to como to satlsfaurory terms , Tha p-opo ltlon mndo by thu eommlUeo la that the Union Depot cotntinn.v shall wnlvo till claim to the ? loOOt ) 'worth of viaduct bonds. In ro'.urn for which Iho i-lty Is tova the ootupnn v a uloar tlllo to the depot ground' ' . .Nlcasrs. Clurk , Holdrcga nnd Amos nsstirctl tlio cmiunltto that the rnilroatls wcro ready to agrco to that proposition , nnd they offer to gunranteo that tha construction of tha union depot , shall bo pushed with all possible speed. Messrs. Clark and Amos loft the elty last ulRlU for Now Vork in order to attend the funeral of the Into Sidney Dillon. Mr. Htiiiliiiiiiin Iti-iiuiliiH in Oinnlin , Mr. .1 , U. llucbanan remains In Omalm , ns general ngent of the Sioux City & Pneltlo nnd the lilithorn. Attorn long conference Wcdnosdny with Mr. Ilughltt of Iho Northwestern system mid 'sov- oral direators In the Western Pns- Bcngor nssoclatlon , the nbovo conclusion was reached. What Mr. litichauan nikad of the association is not known , but the live- year contract wns not forthcoming , nnd the general passenger nitont eould not sco his wnv clear to nco3ptiT\g \ the plnco without seine other gunrnntco than the ono proposed. Itullroail Notnv , W. \ y. Ilowoll , traveling passenger ngent ofwe the Milwaukee , has "returned from a western trip. Frank I Prophet , traveling pasicngor ngent ofwe tha Union Pnclllc , who Ims ocun 111 for n WCUK past , is recovering. The Trans in issourl L'nssongor nssocintlou moots at Chicago next Tuesday lo oloot a successor to James Smith , resigned. AH indications point to the election of Mr. Falthorn , who seams slated for tha plnco. The following bulletin was posted this mcrning in union rucille ucnutiunriors , signed by K. Dickinson , assistant general mumiger : "As n marlc of ruspoct to the lat Sidney Dillon , chairman of tha board of directors of this company nnd for many years Its president , tin general olllcoo of this company will bo closed on thu aay of his burial , Monauy , Juno 18 , 1891 ! . " The , shops will close out of respect to tliu memory of thu ox-prcslduut. DoWitt's Snrsuparllla clcansos the blood TO DISBAK FxlANK MUNN. .Iiiilge Iliivlx OriluFH it Trlolty Ijiiwyer's Pi-r- mationt Kellreiiient I'roiii rraetluu. This morning n sensation is promised ns ono of the attractions in the criminal division of the district court. Frank K. Munu , tlio nUornuy , will bo arraigned for disbarment. There K not liable to bo nny slip , as Judge Davis has instructed County Attorney Muhonoy to prepare the papers in tbo case. Acting under those In- tructlons , the county attorney hns lllou an iiformation in the onlco of thu clerk f the district court , wherein it is ceiled that Frank 1C. Mtiim hns bcou Imrged with having knowingly induced ono jcoro Hoffman to subscribe to n fulso nlll- 'uvit ; that Munn has been tried by iv Jury of its pear. * nnd convicted of the crlmo of ubornntlon of perj\iry. The information ilso cites Munn to appear before .Tuago ) avit tomorrow morning and s > how : ausb why honcclorth and forever 10 should not bo prohibited from practicing aw before nny of thu courts of the state of Nebraska. The usual custom In cases of disbarment s to bring the matter to tbo attention of the bar committee appointed at each term of courtbut , in this case tbo crimois so flagrant that n trial will ba had before .ho court , in which Munu was convicted. Attorneys who know the facts in the case express but little doubt about Munn having to move out of the losal ranks. They state that on account of his having boon convicted there will bo no reason why Judga Davis should not , cuter up the order. Why this case will provo of intoroit is owing to the fact that during tbo history of the Dotighis county courts , which dates bacit to 1S57 , a inMolitlOQor at the bar hns never Doou removed permanently. Some years ago two attorneys wcro suspended while eases in which they were interested were pending in the supreme court , but subsequently they , vera reinstated und allowed to continue as members of tha profession. Troitblu fur .llorearty. Attorney Edward F. Morinrty is In trou | ble oncj more. This time he has been cited to ( appear before the Judge of the probate court ( , and show causa why ho should not bo fined for contempt. Today is the date lixed for tiio explanations. The information lilcd against Mr. Morlarty states that on March 25 ha iilea a fnlso anil fraudulent probate notice in the matter of thoojt-.ito of Tarosa MuGlvon , deceased. The notlco , so the Information states , pur ported to have been signed by ox-Judgo Shields. Another count in thu information charges that on April ' _ ' ; ! Mr. Morinrty appeared before the p'robato court and then and tbcra filed n false and fraudulent notlco In the matter of tbo cstato of Nullio 3. Klcff- nor , deceased. The paper so filed boars dale of Juno i' { , 1801 , and purports to have boeu signed by ox-Judgo Shields. Both of the papers are pronounced forgeries. ( 'ourt Nntun. ' Experience R tabrook hns brought suit 'ngninst J. F. Tilly , superintendent of build ings' , Andrew Kosnwiuot' city engineer , nnd J. J. ( Jalllgan , chief of the 11 ro department. Ho alleges that during the mouth of Miy : , with a largo force of men , the defendants entered upon his promises and destroyed property which ho vnluod nt $ -,000. The property in question was the old .k'll'orson Square stables on Six teenth near Cass street. The building was llrst condemned ns n structure dangerous to the public safety and ilia council passed nn ordinance ordering it removed. In tlio case of tlio stata ncnlnst John J. Wills , chnrged with having shot J. C. Her- nuy , tha jury last night returned u verdict of guilty. Do\Vltt's Sarsaparllla is reliable. $2.25 A MONTH ( HQ&JE. ) TREATMENT TWICE A DAY , Specific Oxyp Produces Naturally PUHE men HLOODI J3J3AUT1I-MJL - COM' PLEXIONS ! GLOWING HEALTH ! Free Trial Inhalations. Really Cures ; Cntnirli , Oronchltlu. ABthinn , Hay Fovor. Consumption , Ileadnuho ( sluk or norvouu ) , Uyapujwlu. Nervous Prostration. . \ / B 'V/v/ * It Call on or write without notion , THE SPECIFIC OXYGEN CO , , Sulto 610 Sliuoly Ullc. , cor. loth and Howard Sts. , OMAHA , NKIJ. Eyes to led freouy an KX 1 > T OPTICIAN 1'urfect adjustment. Bujicrlor lenses , Nor ousheivdueho cured by using our .Spoolaolei und nyujlabios 1'rlcui low for IlMt clim THE ALOE & PENFBLD CO , , 114 8. IClh St. , Cruk'hlon Hloclc , 2S ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAG-HER , Oinaha.Nefo 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The umltiont upoelnlUt In nervous , chronic , prlvnlo. Moo.l , skin itml urinary ill'i > os. A rcjnlsr i nd rodhtcrcil RriKlnnlo In moitolno. n * diplomas nnil rt'rittlcateA allow. l till trontliiK with tlio ' rnturrh , pi'rnmtorrhoca , lost manliooil , iomhiM Wi' no . . nUhl lo n . tmi itoicr ! , irplillu. uronti'st ' succcii . - ilrk'luro. * L-on orrlidOH , KHct , vnrlcorolo.cto. No mercury uteJ. Now trrnlniunt forlo of vltnl IIIIWIT , I'littloi iinnblo to VIMtmu nny botrantol nl homo bjr oorro'iiomltnci' . Mo'ltuna ' or Inilrutnrntt ! > ont bjr mull ( ir < ' < pri' ourolypHCKoit.no m rk to Inillcnto contents or nnitiir. Ono pcrionnl Inturvlow prutDtroil. CunsuliMkm tree. rorrap nilrii < < u etrlctlr nrlvnto. Hook ( .Uysttirlni of Ufa ) eanl trva. UOlou buuraUk. m. tut ) p. m. Bununjs ID n. m.tu 13 m. Solid stamp lur rcpir. Kvcty MAN can he S'niONO anil VIO- OUOUSIn.itre | pcr.ls _ _ . . _ l'y mini ! flPANISII NJtKVINIJ , theBrcntapntilRli Jletiiedy , YOUNO MKN OH OLD sullrrlnu ( rein NltRVOUS DJ51IILITV , IOST ot FAI1INO MANHOOD , nlKhllyciiiissloniconvulsions , iimvoui P'O'lratlon , consul by Iheuse of opium , tobacco or nlculiolw.tkc. lulncss , incui.il ilcnresslon , loss opower in cither sex , spermaior- nr.rnoRK AND AFTKK . , . UJ.K rlicu.1 caused by stltalmsn nntl nvcr iiululRcnCD or nnvtirrsonnl wenk' ncsacau be icslorctl ID pcifcct bc.ilih nnil iho NOIim VITALITY Olf STllONO MJtN. WoRlvoa writlen Kunrnntea withe boxes to cure nny c.tro or ruimiil HID money. $1 o.'iotO boici 35 For Sale in Oniaha by Snow , Lund & Co. All I lie latest styles in Soft and Stiff Hats. STSTSOH'S SOFT andS TIFF HATS. AULABAUGH FOR CO , , HATTERS AND FURRIERS 218 South 15th Street. Purs Stored and Repaired. A Wrluon Gunrnntoo to Cure Every Case or Money Hofundod. Our cure Is pornmnont unit not a patching np. G ! OI treated soren yearsnjo Imvonovor soon a ymptora ilnco. . llyilescrlblni ! cnso fully wo can trjit you by xn&ll , and wo ftlTo the BAIQO atronx Ktinrnntoo to euro or refund nil money. Tlioe who prefer to como here Jcir treatment cry n do so an J wo will piy rallroa'l faro both wayBandliotol bills nhllolioro , If wo fall to euro We challenge tlio world for n case that ocr Mnjlo Hemcdy will not \vrltoforpartlcularaanilBe6 tbievlflence. In our seven years prnctlco with th * Maulo Kemeily It hits been mo t Jinicult to ororcoma tbo prejudices nxalnst socalled speclllc.i. IJut unilor ouratrong Riinrnntoa thousnuda are trylnit It and ba limcurod. W6euarantoo to euro or refund OTery dollar , and as wo bar a reputation lo protect , nlso mmnclal Inicklnu ofWMioWlt Is perfectly § af to all who wlli try the treatment. Heretofore yon have putting up unit paying out your money for illlloront treatments , and although you nro not yet euro I no one has paid bach your monoy. Wo will positively cureyou , Oldchronic , JoopueatoJ cai s euro ! In0) loin days. InvoitU.i-.o < jur flnanclal itanillnv , our rcputftllon ns bu Incss men , \Vrlto us for nainoi nn I addrcucsof those wo bavo cured who h T8 Ktron permission to refer to them. It cost * yea only Post * ncctoilo this. If your symptoms nro sera throat , ruucoui patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nnJ joints , hair fulling out , eruptions on nny part ot tbu body , fcollnKof Kener.tl dcproulon , pains In bead or bones. You have no time to waste. TIIO who ara constantly taking mercury nnd potash , should UD- continuotU Constant use of these Oru3 will eurcly brine sores nnd cntln.- ulcers In tbo end. Don't fall to write. All correspondence sent sealed In plain en- vclopo.Vo Inr'to the most rlxU Inrestluatlou aJ will do all in our rower to nldyoutclU Addrojs , COOK RK fRDY CO. . - Omnhn. Neb Anovr and Complete Treatment , conilstlnit o ; Bupposlturlea. Ointment la cjipsuloj , nlso In Box and I'llls : n 1'oiltlve Cure for external , Internal blindnr UleodtUR Itching , Chronle , Ilooant or llurudl- taryl'llus. Tnls ItomeJy h never buun known tc ( all. 81 per box. 0 forfi ; eontby mall. Why surtttrfrom thin terrible illsOBsn when a wrltton gaarantoo is positively Klvon with n boxoi or refund the money If not cured Send stamp for free tiatnplo. tiuaradteo Isiuod by Kulm A Co. , I > ruiml l . Solo AvenU , corner 10 and I > oc clasiitreeti. Omaha. Nob. DR. 13.C. WIWf-3 NBItVKA.NI ) IlltAINTIlEAT- MK.NT. nepuclHufor Hyalorln. DUilnm , FHi , Noil- rnl Ia , Hoadttchu , Nervous 1'rostraton cttuited by alfuhoior tobncct ) , W.iVofulnun. .Montal Uouroj alon , ijoftnossof tlio llriiln , oautliu Insanity , misery decayiluatli. I'rumtture'Ohl A''o , llarriiuoii , J/on of 1'owur In cither ser , liuputcnoy , LuucurrUda an ' nil Foiualo Wuikness i , Involuntary lioaai , Spur inatnrrhca ctusoil by ovur-uxurllun of tha brnln f-oll-iiliuiiiiivor-lir.lnli.Mnco. A month' * trjiitma-i tl , G for C-3 , by mall. WoKuurnntouilx boiuj tocu' Kneli order ( urU bo Ye i , wltli o will no.nl writ' imarnnt"elo rotund If not unriiJ. ( iuurantoo In , only by A. tiehrotttr , ilriiKKlm. role luunt. uotilb rnrnor Kitl' ' mid Kir miu t . 'in.thn WOODEN SIDEWALK UUSOLUTlON CONSTRUCTION. Council C'hnnibor. Omalin , N'eh. , May 21 , IS'.IT. Holt resolved by the c'ty ' coiinull of the ulty nf Oiniihit , tlio mayor rononrrlnir : Tlmt wooden Rldewalka bo constriiotcd In the city of Oimha a dcsliiiiited below , within live days after the publication of thN resolu tion , or the iiumonal service thcrnof , us hy ordlnanco U authorized and required ; sncn side wnl Us to he In III to Iho Krndoon iho st routs snoulllod heroin , nnd to ho constructed of plno Dlanlc of Hiioh width and thickness nnil bo laid upon joints of such dimensions and In such iiiaiiiinriiH In prescribed by the Hpoclllcatlon * nu Illo In the olllco of tlio Hoard of I'ubllo \Vorkniiud under llRbtiporvMlon , to wit : Wi'Ht Hldo of 10th st rout , lots 1 to 8 oxclnnlve , block 7 , Hazel Terrace , U feet wido. temporary ' West sldo of J.Hli street , lots 1 and 8 , block 21H. elty , U feet wltlo , temporary K"ido. West sldo of Jith ! street , lots I and 2. block n. Kounlzu's 'M addition , U foul wide , temporary ICiiHt sldo of 20th Hlroot. lots 2 , : i. n , 7. hook ! 17 , Kounmi & Kulh's addition , lowered , ru- pnlred iind rululil. , , Knstsldoof lath Btroot , lots I to 7 InoliHlvo , Lcls I'lace , II fret wide , present ur.'ido , Kmttsldo of li'th .striiol , lots 1 to III InoUwlvii. M , Donovan'a subdivision , i ! feet. wide , present u sldoof Dili strnot. lot lOuiiil i > ( of lot ! ! . lvounl/.u'i.2il addition , 0 feel wide , present iist sldo of UHh street , lots 1 to I ) Inclusive , block 7 , Arbor 1'laue , 0 feet wide , present a do of ' 'ilth sireut , lots 5 and H. 1'ruyn's suhillvUlon of rihlnu's addition , 0 feet wide , ' 'nliiit ' h Miio of C'lld well street , lot.blonlc 13 , Hhlnn's addition. 11 feel whlu. present prude. . DII Hi nliloof Iliimlltoii strout , lot I , block II , Hhlnn'ii Kildltlon , n ftel wide , present grudu. And ho It furlhur ruiolvuJ ! That the Hoard of 1'ulillo Works bo mid lioiuby lit anthorlzod and dlroiilud to cause u cony of this resolution lo hu piibllshod In Hie olnelal paper of the elty for ono week , or bu hurvod on ll.nijwnorsof said lols and unless such ownorn shall within II vo days after the publication or tiorvlou of such copy construct Hild Hldewallis : is hnroln renulrod , Unit the Hoard of I'uhllu Works uau o iho auino to DO clone , the cost of conmruulliii ; said sidewalks respective y to bo asos sod amilnst the loul osliiUi. lotorparlof lot In trout of uiiduljul- Hlduwalks. { 'resident of iho Council. Attest : JOHN ( HtOVKy. Oily OlurU. Approvodi OKO. 1 . JIE.MI8. Mayor. NOTIOITO : CON8THUOT BimiWAfiKB. To tlio owner * of the lots , parts of lots und real e tale dosi-rlbod in the above rosolu You unit each of you tire liurshy notl lud to construct woodunsldowalU * as loiiulrod by u ro.olution of thu cliy council and imiyor of Iho oily of Oiualia. . ' ' ' " COUy. I. - - ' ' . . Olinlriuan Hoard of 1'ublluprk . Oiiiijho , Nou. , Juno 4 , IbW. Jld7t THE SPECIALIST , Isunjwrpiisseil in thetroatmontof all formsof PniyAtfi DISEASES , and all dlsorlors and doblllllos of youth anU mnnliooil. 17 years' oxporlence. Ills resources and f.tollllles lira practically unllinltod. The Doctor Is recom mended by the pre , nnd endorsed In thn stroiisust terms by tliu pcoplo for fair treat mentind honest professional advice. The most powerful remedies known to modern sclpnco for the Hiiccosftful treatment of the following diseases : GONORRHOEA Immcrtli'.to relief. A com plete cure without the loss of uu hour's lima from business. QLKET Onu of the most complolo and suc cessful treatments for gleet and all annoyfn ; dischargesyet ; known to the inudlonl profoi- bliin. The rosulti are truly wonderful. STBICTUKE Orontest known remedy for the troHtmcntof .strlctnro , without pain , cut- tliiLor dilatlnv. A most rpinarlcthle remodv. SYPHILIS No tri-almont for this torrlblo blood dlscaso lias ever been more stu-cesifnl. nor had .stronger cndorhomcnts In the llshc of modern science this disease U positively curable and every trace of the poison entirely removed from the blood. LOST MANHOOD , nnd ambition , nervous- less , tlniMHv. ilenpoudency and all wenknes ? mi ] disorders of youth or manhood. KulloC > hlnlned ntonce. SKIN DISEASES , and nil diseases of the stomach , blond , liver , klitnuys and bladder ire treated su ecossfnlly with the uroalos viiown roinoillcs for the cmo-isii. Wrlto for olrouUirs andriuojtlon list , frco. litli u nil JYu-imm fit THIS "UIK 1WBCT" The Only I'orfoe * , Vnln l und Jfuotiil Syrlugc in tlio World. Is tlio only .syrlnEo over Invented Iiy whlcli vaclnal nJuutloiH can boiuliiilnlstor- cd without luaklns nnd sull- IIIK tlio clutlilnc or nooej.il- tatliiK tlio use or u vussul. und wliluli 0:111 : ulbO bo u od x1 H for root : il Injections. SOFT miniiRK uui.n , HAUDKUlUlKUllELL. I'RICK SU 00. Orders Solid tod. The Aloe & PcnfoldCo. 1 tit It Street , Kc.xl lo rosloto ' MANDOLINS The Liikesklo n . . tVOS & JIKAI.V , 160 to llil SUlo St. , Clilt KO. WOODKNSIIJEWALICHKSOLUTION CONSTKUCTION. Council Olminlior.Onmliu , Noli , Slav It. IMJ. Ho itrusolvud by tlio oily counoll of tlio oty ) of Omuliii , tlio iniiyiirfonciirrlinj : That wooden mdownlns ho coiistnictoil In thuolty of OimilKiua dosliiinttod bolovv , wllli- In II vo ilayH nf l r tliu ptiulluatlon of this romi- 3 Intlon , or the porHonal Hurvlco thereof , in ly ordlnitneo ) iintliorliud and roiiilri | < n : hiicli Hlclowuilii to lie lulil to tlio ur.iihi on thn ulreou spoollled liuroln nnd to bu constructed of plno plunk of tmcli width nnd thleknesn anil bo lulil nponjoUts of sucli dimensions and In SIIL-II inantier nn H prnsorllioil by tlio jpoulllent oiMon Illo In tlio olllcu of tlio lloiird of I'niille Works , and under lt HUiiurvIslon , to wit : West sldo of illiUtrcut , south HI feet lot X UlouU I , rortlund I'luuu ' , 0 foul wide , pre unt Crude. North slilo of llrowno Btroct , lots II und ( - ' . bloc'KV , UiiKonorii'-t itildltli < nl ) feet wide , torn- pornry erikdo. KimtHlilelHtli street , low liJ to L > 3 Inulnslvo , block ' . ' , HiiKoUorn' ' ) mldltloii , U feet wide , teni- sreet , lots 18 to 2-J Inolnilvo. ii. UiiBoUuruV itddltlon , U fuot wlilo , tuiu- por.iry itrudo. , . . , Houtli side Mimon street , lot 2 , liloulc I. , Kountzo ( t Uuth's addition , ( J fuel wide , pres ent urudu. And ho It further revived ! OThultlia Hoard of I'nlillo Worki l > o itnd liuro- by In aiitliorUud nnd dlreeted to 0111110 a cotiy of thN resolution to bu pulilmhed In till' of- ( luliilpuporof the t-lty for ono week , or bo orvol : on tlio owners of Bald loll , and uiiluM miuh owners ahull within live d.ij'H uftor the publication or service of Hiicli copy cointniut Hiild hlduwalks UH herein reiiulrod , Hint , in of I'nlJ'.la Worxs UHIHO Ilio H : " ' ' ' ' t < > ' > donn. the t-oslof constructlii * ld "W" rixpuullvoiy tu bo mo.s'jud " " " , ' ( ' , , L i > lniu. lotorjiartof lot In front of mm . 1'awud , May in. ibBt JAVIJ ! f iho ( 'oil null , A e.t Approved ! QKO. V. Mltfor. NOTian TO CO.NSTKUCT HIDLWAMCH. To the owni'M of tlio loin , parti of lots und iciilostuto dusurlbed In thu nbovo roiolu- Voii and ouuti of you uro hoieliy notlllud lo coniitruBt wooden Hldewalkii tin ro'iulred l > y u rorto.utloii of the city council unu mayor of the uny o'0' " "tts , > . , ' ? , ! ? { ? . . 1"a itoiiy. > " . IliltlvllArrr.il , Uliutrmun Hoard of 1'ulillo Work * . OmiiUii , Nub. , Junol , IWi Jld7t