Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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JCESIO Undorwood Fatally Shot at West
Point While Resisting Aircst.
r o Mullet * Ncccmmry to inil llio I > c pcr-
nto .Mnn'fl Lift- Detail * or tlio AflHlr
Nrhrn Uri DriiRKlst * ft ( Iniiul
Ishinil btitto rs Notes.
WEST POINT , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special to
Tun llEB. | West Point UM had another
win shot by thu city marshal. Last nigut at
11 o'clock City Marshal Alex Sims shot and
killed JOMO Undurwood , a hongor-on at the
liouso of prostitution run by MO&RIO St.
JCKSO Underwood , alias Jim Davis , the de
ceased , was an agent In the house ol prosti
tution run by AIopRlo St. Ulalr. About
two months ago Undorwood was
arrested by the marshal on the above
cluiree , and secured his conviction ,
and since then Undciwuod hm been waiting
jor r.n opportunity to "do up thu marshal , "
Underwood was considered a bad man on
general principles , and bclnt ; an exception
ally well uovclnpcd man , people somewhat
foa rd him. Last evening trailers culmin
ated by Underwood and bis mistress , Maggie
Bt. Glair , maulng the rounds of the saloons
nnd making dlro threats apalnst Marshal
Blms. About 11 o'clock tno couple wont
to their resort , when tbo marshal heard
Df their capers , and proceeded to the huuso
to arrest Underwood. A llKht ensued In the
front room In which the hanging lamp was
uncalled nnd matters upset generally. In
tlio scramble Undorwood throw the marshal
flown nnd was choking him. The marshal
bas but ono hand and being ot slight
build was not ciipablo of grappling
with lih powerful assailant. The
marshal begged Underwood to lot , loose
tils grip on his throat , that bo need
not shoot him. but this was bis opportunity
to carry out his threat of vougeaucu , and ho
was Improving It.
'Iho maribul saw at a planco it was simply
a question of who would bo killed flrst , so ho
pulled the trigger of his 8a-callbro self-cook
ing rovoluer nnd flred , the ball penetrating
Undorwood'i abdomen lust two inches
to the right of the navel. The
ball was afterward found Just
nnder the suln m his back , it
having pone through his body. This shot
dm not phnzo Undorwood , but bo continued
choking Marshal Sims , when Grant Nohgh
appeared on the scene and dragged Under
wood off the marshal and oul of doors.
All this lighting occurred In the front
room. Once out , the light was about to bo
resumed , as Underwood started again for the
marshal. Sims thereupon fired another
shot Jrom his revolver Into Undorwood , the
ball striking him near the heart. The latter
turned back and passed through the house to
the rear of the building , where ho fell uncon
scious and so remained until bo expired.
Sheriff Gallon was upon the scene immedi
ately and picked UD Iho limp form , and to
gether with William Brolllngor and your
correspondent sarriod the the body Into the
liouso upon a bed , where ho expired at mid-
nlijht. Just torty-llvo minutes after being
shot. Ho never regained consciousness.
Underwood's mistress , Mngglo St. Ulalr ,
who was present at the shooting , went into
hysterics and fainted a do on times. In a
short while two women from another house
of prostitution came In and consoled her , and
Inter on took the hysterical female to
their bagnio.
Public feeling Is decidedly with City
Marshal Sims , as ho has boon making a good
rccora In keeping the inmates of the houses
of illfumo within proper bounds. Underwood
was a young muu and a giant In physique ,
but was a moral lopor.
M. J. Hughes was Immediately appointed
temporary marshal and took charge of the
city marshal and cared formaltcrs generally.
Sheriff James 11. Gallon took churgo of the
body until morning.
The coroner's Inquest completely exonor-
alcd Marshall Sims for Iho killing.
1 * . 1' . ( ) . Session.
YOKK , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bin : . ] In splto of tbo very warm
weather of yesterday the P. E. O. socloty
held a pleasant and profitable afternoon ses
sion , much Important business oemg trans
acted , At S p. m. an open session was held ,
ho program being as follows : Prayer
by Ilcv. Urosthwoit ; vocal solo. "Tho
Nightingale , " Mra. Allco Caron Brlggs of
Superior ; paper , "Tho Charms and Bouoflts
of Secret Orders , " Miss Annlo Viinsicklo of
Hastings ; BOO , Mrs. Clara Crawford of Nel
son ; vocal solo , "Dreams , " Miss Elizabeth
Jones of Hustings ; recitation , "A Itluo
Against Time , " Mrs. Barnett of York ; vocal
solo , "Best of All , " Mrs. A. G. Andrews ,
Tno session opened this morning at the
usual hour. During the devotional oxorclsrs
n sacred solo was beautifully rendered by
Mrs. Andrews of Omaha. Besides tlio tmsl-
ucss discussed , two excellent papers were
road by Mrs. Crawford of Nelson and Miss
IJorn 'Spcor of Superior. The memorial
hour was beautifully and touchlngly ob
served , The secretary reported thu loss of
but ono sister , Mrs. Ida Lanpwortby Scott
of Holdrcgo. A brief sketch of her Ufa was
road by Miss Mocro of Holdrcgo and the
memorial hymn sung by Mrs. Crawford nnd
Mrs. Brlpgs , uftor which the socloty ad
journed until ii p. m.
The afternoon session wat called to order
by the president. A paper was read by Mrs.
Grace Kipp of Hastings. The constitution
and by-laws wcro considered and heated do-
hates uroso. At 4 p. m. the secretary ad
journed to accept the courtesies of , the York
chapter In a drlvo around tlin city.
s' Convention Conrludcd ,
UIIANII ISLAND. Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special to
Tun BEC.I The quiet of the midnight hour
was broken last ulght by about 100 of the vis
iting druggists , who soicnadcd Mayor Boy-
den , secretary of the Hoard of Pharmacy.
This morning the association was culled to
order at 0 o'clock. The Paddock pure food
bill WAS road and discussed , A recess of ton
minutes was given to liberally discuss tbo
' After the rccoss the annual election took
place , resulting as follows : President , J. H.
ICnenlcstcln of Norfolk ; vlcu presidentV. .
L > . Heilmar. , Tecumseh : G. W. Howe , Vis
itors A. F. Stroll/ . North Platte ; D. B.
Davis , Chadron , and Jerry Ho wen of Wood
Klvor ; secretary , Mrs. Julia Crlssey , Omaha ;
tioasuror , Clmtlos F. Sherman , Omaha.
Nebraska City was chosen as the location
of the next year's convention. VUliing
members took In the bate unll game between
Grand Island and Hastings this afternoon ,
Ono of the most successful conventions the
asiqclatlou bus uvor held was closed tonight
by a grand ball and banquet.
railed to , I'lircluiBii tlio I.lno.
BnxTiucL' , Nob. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUG. | At a mooting of the
board of directors of tbo Bealrlco Street
Hallway company this morning , the contract
between that company and the B ntrlco
Uapld Transit and Power company was de
clared off and all further negotiations be
tween the two companies suspended. Several
months ago iho Hupld Tianslt and Power
company undertook to buy the car line
known as the lieatrlco Strcot railway , its
tracks , equipments , oto. , now In operation In
this city. The Knpiii Transit company pro
posed to electrically equip. the road and was
clvcn lo Juno I lo make Us nocussary pay-
monM , Tim payment a have not been wade
lo Urn Juto.
it is quite pronauio mat tno lieatrlco
Street Hallway company , tbo owners ot
Wblcb nrolnrgoly Intoroitcd In ibo float rlco
LIKlit and Power company , will electrically
iqulp ibo borso car lino.
Slduuy Iti'iinblleanii OrgttiiUe.
SPMV. : Nob. , Juno 1) ) . ( Special Telegram
to Till ! Biu. : ] Local republicans organized a
club tonight on Iho league plan , alocilng
Judge Ncubaucr president ; Charles Tree-
nllr , O. D , Lyon and Ed McLcrnon , vice
prceldents , and \J , JV , 'foso , jcijretary , A
resolution'edlMig forth the Imcorlanco * , , j
norolooti J uio umo t tucn of tbj ( rtfriy for sonulO nua bousS flnd rcgi'&stluK Hon.
Henry St. Uayucr lo bacomo a candidate for
tbo tonulo was carried uralil cboer * . Mr. St.
Kuyocr delivered ouo of hU cbnrdcierlsllo
bpeochcs ( ull of enthusiasm.
Iluldri'tfo Will Cult briito.
HoLDiitOF , Neb. , Juno 0. ( Special lo TUB
Jliiu. ] HolilrcKO will celebrate In croud
style the Fourth. A lar o fund bns been
raised , and Iho alffcront committees nro busy
making nrcparntions. E. U. Bmiol will bo
president of ibo day and W. 11 , Frank
Niirrnwly Kurnpoil Dnntli.
llASTiso" , Nob. , Juno 0. fSpcclal Icle-
prnni to Tnn Br.n.J Frank Daromu1 * , n
painter , fell from a high scaffold today and
was seriously injured.
vinws or itAiuto.vo MIX. :
Horcrnl ( Jiic tlonn of Intercut III * '
riKKitd nt I.lnruln.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special to TUB
Dec. ] Tbo second davs' session of the Nn-
llomil Ynrdmaslors atioctallon was called lo
order promptly this mornlnR with President
lllcm In the chair. A motion was cirncd to
suspend the regular order of business nnd
tnko up several proposed amendments to the
constitution. These amendments wcro dis
cussed and finally udoolcd.
Secretary Marshall road n communication
from Superintendent Hltt of tbo Hock
Island , with headquarters at Horton , Kas. ,
In which bo uxprcsscd regret over his Inabil
ity to bo present at the convention. Ho re
turned thanks for the fnvorablo comment of
tbo association on his recant promotion , nnd
conurutulalcdlboorganlzullonon Its growlnp ;
A telegraph message was received , nn-
nouuvlng thu death at Toledo ot Jnmoi
Fanning , a member of Division No. 0 , mill
who was to hnvo boon a dclccato lo Ibis con
vention. The following resolutions were
adopted ;
Wbcioas. It has pleased an All Who 1'rovl-
dunce to remove from mirmllntono : uf our beloved -
loved incmbcr-t. Itrotlier Jiuiit-s Knnnlnit , of
Division No , ft. Toledo , O. , who died at Toledo ,
Juno f , 1SU. ; und
Whereas , Wo have learned with sorrow of
his untimely death It teaches us truly we are
reminded tliit-ln the midst of life wo arol'i
death , therefore , ho It
Hcsolxcd. That the members ot tills associa
tion do tender to tbo family of our deceased
brother our heartfelt sympathy. Mny the
widow arid the fatherless children loan on
Him In their hour of sere bereavement , who
has over promised to bo a Imsoarid to the
widow and a f.ithor to the fatherless.
Itcsolvcd. That a cony of tlicso resolutions
bo sent to the futility ot the deceased brother
and to the press of Toledo , O.
The resolutions were presented by A. D.
Shaw. Jerry Ualloy , T. J. Hllltnan , W. A.
Manchester and Charles E. Chevrolet.
Olllcml School Opinions.
State Superintendent Goudy has given of
ficial opinions as follows :
1. A library being a very Important part of
tbo uorklna apparatus of the schoo' , the
school board bus authority to make provision
for this by voting a tax , the same as for other
S. A joint district oin bo formed only bv the
joint action nf the county superintendents of
tbo counties In which the territory lies ,
U. When a hcliool Is closed by the board
dur 115 the continuance of the county Insti
tute the teacher Is not entitled to pay.
4. The dltcction given by tlio voters at the
nn nil ul meotiiiK regarding tlio amount of
Bchool to bo for the ensuing year Is final
nnd not n proper subject for consideration at
a special mooting.
0. A diploma or ncortlfloatc from the state
normal school should bo rcelstered In the of
fice of the county superintendent of the county
In which the holder Intends to teach.
Stiito School Apportionment.
State Superintendent Goudy today Issued
the annual state apportionment of school
moneys. From tbo report It Is noted that
the entire amount to ba apportioned among
the several counltos Is $ n9.iS3.iiT. : Of ibis
amount ? 111,3M.SO Is derived from Interest
on county bonds , ? 105,24 .3y from Inlcrcsl on
unpaid principal school lauds , $31,839.89 from
school land leases , $57 , > 1U9.-K ) from state taxes.
S13,0.)0.09 from Interest on Btato
bonds. Tbo total amount Is apportioned
among the sovcral counties of tbo state In
proportion to tbo number of school children
in each. Thcro ore In tbo slate U33.115 chil
dren of school ago , and the apportionment
gives a fraction ovor'Jj-cents to each scholar.
Douglas county receives $31,781.82 and Lan
caster 517,050.
ItccoUcr Cillibon'H Ilcport.
Receiver Ulboons of the defunct Comrnor-
clal and Savings bam ; of Kearney filed his
monthly report today. It Is as follows :
"I hnvo collected to data $1,035.69 and tiavo
commenced suits for Ibo collection of $20i20 ! ,
of past duo paper. With the law's delays the
prospects are anything but encouraging for
immediate results. Nor can I at the present
time see much hope or encouragement lor
these who are cicditor.s of the uank. "
( losalp nt tlio Sfito House.
F. A. Barton of Pawnco City , who has been
appointed superintendent of tbo Nebraska
educational exhibit nt the World's fair , has
established headquarters In the olllce of the
Elate superintendent of public Instruction.
Tbo rase of J. L. Moore , trustee , against
James B. Klmo , ct al. , from Dawos county
was tiled with the clerk of thOBupromo court
this aftcrncon.
The supreme court will coavono tomorrow
afternoon atu o'clock.
Tbo Fraternal Order of Protectors was
today authorized to do business in Nebraska
bv Insurance Auditor Babcock. It Is a No-
uraska company Incorporuled by I. E. Pierce ,
J. H. MacCall , W. A. DIUvortb. J. W.
Dowecso. .1. F. Bullcnpor nnd C. II. Wlllard.
The principal place of business is at Lincoln.
Lincoln In lirluf.
Ilnv. Wlllard Scolt , formerly of Omaha
but now of Chicago , will deliver tha oration
in connection with the Stnto ur.ivorsliy com
mencement exorcises Instead of Prof. Scud-
dcr of Cambridge , Mass. , who Is unable to
1111 his engagement on account of Illness.
Tbo buildings along tbo recently pur
chased Rock Island right of way are being
hurriedly moved out and everything points
to tbo curly completion ot the new route.
Assistant Attorney General Summers ad
dressed n well attended republican meeting
this evening.
Tno funowls of Bert Caborly and Frank
Mowborry , tbo two boys killed in the Mis
souri Pacltlo yards , look place loday.
Judge Hall ibis morning entered his de
cision sustaining the demurrer tiled by the
Sun Publishing company to the petition of
ox-Mayor Uruham for $ -JO,000 damages. Mr.
Graham was given permission to ilia an
amended petition.
Health Olllcer Burtram today quarantined
cases of dlphlhoilaat FalrJlold and Tenth ,
Nlnlh nnd South 2731 Q , Twenty-fourlh and
N , 1011 Benlon und 32:21) : ) Fairslreot.
S.itHI'.ietlo n
Is guaranteed to every ono who takes Hood'
Sarsaparllln fairly nnd according to illreo
tons. This Is the only preparation of which
100 Doaos Ono Dollar" can truly bo said.
( SSTHuvo yo soon Hood's Rainy Day ends
Balloon Puzilol For particulars send to
C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell Mass ,
Hood's Pills euro liver ills , Jaundice , bll
10U8UOS3 , sick hoadachc , constipation.
Wanted Traveling salesmen with ox-
liorlonco to Boll u line of underwear and
plovcs nnd mitts on commission , in No-
hraskn , southern Iowa und southern
Minnesota , from now until Sontombor 1.
AddrobS , with references , LOCK Box 280 ,
Dubuque , la ,
\V. R. Bennett Co. soil Union soap.
I'ut Chicago In Your 1'ocltot.
A great worlc , "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there is a feature or Insti
tution in the World's fair oily a full do-
Ecriptlon of wliluh doomiot appear in the
book , wo huvo yet to hoar of It. Price.
Zf > cents per copy. For sale at 209 H-jrald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plete and elegant map it contains. Persons -
sons ordering conies will please enclose
U cents extra for postage.
C. I * Brotherhood soils Union soap.
Now Yurk uiul lluturn.
July n to 0 one faro for the round
trip. Choice ol routes from Chicago.
Return limit August 15. Call at Chicago
cage , IlocU Island & Pacillo IJy. ticket
olllci * , 1002 Fitrnam street.
J. L. DK BuvoisK. Cliy TUt & P. A.
I'ut CltUatfO hi VuiitPocket. .
A great work , "Martin's Dictionary of
Chicago , " It ihpro U a feature or Inati-
! tutlon in thu World's f.Ur city u full de
scription of which dooH not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of It. Price ,
j 25 cents per copy. For sale ut 209 Herald
I building , Chicago. See the now , com
pluto and ole ant map It contains. Pur
eons ordering ; copies will ploasu oncloa-
C cunts oxtru for postage ,
Hundreds fuul Thousands of Remnants of
Silks and Dresi Goads
* ,
In Uonnrqucncc of the Ini'notifto Sate * of the
ll.niurupt Stonrlitll Dross ( litmli iintl
Slllt * Which \Vo nought from
the Shcrlir.
All the remnants of brilllnntlnos txnil
henrlotlns contuin from 5 to 1 yards ,
just enough for u dross pattern , go tit
32.00 for onUru pattern , worth up to 75o
n. yard.
All the remnants of French bedford
cords , nil wool 60-inch dobolgo nnd
Btorm serges , running In full dross pattern -
torn lengths , go nt &J.OO for ontlro dross
pattern , worth up to $1.25 a yard.
All the tcmtmnts from J yards to 2
yards long go ncqordlng to length at lOc
and 2-je o.tch : none in this lot worth
less than 60o a yard.
Thousands of remnants and pieces of
silk , just tlio thing for trimming and
fancy work at Co , lUc , 25c , eta , according
to size of remnant.
All the fine whlto goods from the
bankrupt stock go at 3Jc , Cc , 8c , lOc
yard , worth up to 25c.
All the imported French sateens ,
worth up to 60o a yard , go at lOc.
All the fine French ginghams , worth
up to 35c a yard , go nt 7 c und 12Jc.
Fine shirting percales at 7ic , worth
All the linen and American laces gent
nt 3c a yard , worth up to 25c.
N.V. . Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Jtniuul Trip Ticket * .
The only line running through trains
direct to Denver. Colorado Springs ,
Man I ton and Pueblo. Low rates to all
points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast
points. Fast time on elegant vestibuled
trains , free reclining chair cars and the
celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. "
Comfort , safety and speed secured when
ticketed via the "Great Rock Island
Route " Ticket ollloo 1002 Farnam street
J. L. DisBnvoisi : , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket and Pass. Agt.
1'coplo Who Lnndcil In .lull on a Rather
Hot Night ,
Henry Hartman , a teamster ot 030 South
Seventeenth street , wont homo last night
and found his wlfo in a compromising posi
tion with ono J. Flnvan. Harttnnn was so
enraged that ho caused Flavau's arrest.
Hartman was also placed in Jail and held as
a witness.
Mluo Kraus was arrested last , night at the
corner of Thirteenth and Williams for abus
ing nnd threatening to kill his wlfo.
John Lacy cot on n spree last night and
assaulted a Mrs. Morrison , who resides on
Douglas botwoan Tenth and Eleventh streets.
Lacy was arrested and will be given a hear
ing this morning on the charge of assault.
Doctors ? Pshaw I TakoBeocham's Pills.
J. Marks sells Union soap.
Miss Catherine V. Curry of Syracuse ,
N. Y. , champion typewriter operator of
the world , will give an exhibition of
irapid typewriting at Rohrbough Bros. '
commercial college , over The Boston
Storocorncr of IGth and Douglas streets ,
Friday evening , Juno 10. All are cor
dially invited to bo present.
The \V. A. Fuse Soap Co. , are pub
lishing each week a different list of ton
merchants who soil Union soap. Watch
for your grocer's namo.
Dr. Cullimoro. oculist. Baa building
Hayden Bros. 3-strinc cabinet grand
upright piano , now scale , $187.50.
Havony's minstrels drew a fair summer
night audience lo Boyd's last evening. The
show did not no with Iho snap which has
characterized previous performances under
the manogomont of ibo prince of minstrel
directors , but the warmth of Iho night may
have boon largely responsible for the ratho'r
Inane performance. Kis'oll , the nun manipulator
later , is a wonder. Mr. Elwood , the feranlo
impersonator. Is very clover , and nn old
Omaha boy , Charley Sully , rnado a hit as a
character comedian.
Do Witt's Sarsaparllla ii reilablo.
M. Levinson sells Union soap.
I'ostul'a Now Homo.
Plans have oeen boon completed by Fisher
& Lawrlo for a thrcc-atory building nt 1820
Farnam strcel , now occupied by Phillip
Lang as a shoo store , to bo occupied by the
Postal Telegraph company. The front will
bo Italian ronnaUsnnco in style , wtiito brick
nnd terra cottn trimmings. Building will
commence as soon as Mr. Lane removes from
tbo site , which ho bas occupied for years.
Dr. Blrnoy's Catarrh Powder for cold In
head. i''orsulo by all druggists. CO cants.
Not long ago , at a wedding dinner ,
says the Indianapolis Journalone of the
guests told this story : In a western
town a small number of zealous people
decided to put up a Young Men's Chrlb-
tian association building. A committee
was appointed , and they sent for a con
tractor to undertake the work. When
ho came , the IIrut thing ho did was to
inquire , in a very worldly and matter-
of-fact sort of way , into the financial re
sources of the organization. The presi
dent replied : "Never fear , sir ; wo arc
sure of funds ; the Lord is on our side. "
"That Is all -very well , " replied the ron-
tractor , "but I want someone that 1 can
send the sheriff after if necessary. "
* *
Somerville Journal : St Peter You
say yourself that you wore a compositor
on u daily paper. What earthly claim
have you , then , to como in horoV
Compositor When I came to an italic
"i. o. " " in distributing I always took it
over to the Italic case , instead of putting
it in my pocket to throw into the gutter
after I "got outside the oflico.
St. Peter Ilustlo this man down to
the other gate. A good liar is bad
enough , but ho docbn't ' oven know how
to toll n plausible lie.
Puck : "Binhop , " said a young Metho
dist preacher to Ills spiritual superior ,
"won't you give mo some advice how U
gain nnd keep the love of my congrega
tion ? "
"Yes , brother , " replied the divlno ,
'when you marry , select a woman from
some oilier congregation than your own
and bo sure that she is not handsome or
stylish in her dross. "
Wco hostess Mamma , shall I Invite
Lucy Llttnay to my party ?
Mamma Certainly. She Is the in In
Istcr'd daughter.
"Do ministers' | daughtora got invited
everywhere1" !
"Always. "
They lias lots of fun. L guoss. I wlsl
ray papa was n minister , 'stead of a
mU'itblo blnnor.
Mrs. Kingloy I am BO disappointed
I can't get thoi earing wrap I wanted so
Mrs. Bingo-VWby , , what's the matter ?
Mrs. Bingley jjly husband mot with
such heavy loiaoatnl prayer mooting the
other night.
4 4t
Reporter 'JIf 'you will allow mo to
haVe the sermon which you are to del Ivor
on Sunday , I will .copy it and print it in
Monday's ) paper. " The Rev. Do Geode
* 'l cannot nllow ny sermon to co out
of my hands. If you will come to church
on Sunday you .c.m hoar It and take
notes. " Roporlor ( with dignity ) "I do
not work on Sundays , sir. "
A story coraca from Boston that n
letter" intended for Bishop Brooks nnd
ndurossed "Thd Right Reverend Bishop
of Massachusetts , The Palace , Boston ,
U. S. A. , " was returned undelivered to
the postoflleo by the intelligent carrier ,
endorsed : "Not found at the Palace
A merchant has been fined 100 marks
nt Frankfort , Germany , for using a bible
quotation to head an advertisement.
DoWill's Sarsaparllla cleanses the blood
W. A. Brown sells Union soap.
An OHIclnl Account of the Ainnzoni of the
KliiRof Dahomey.
M. Jean Bayol , who has figured as the
representative of France at the court of
its majesty , the king of Dahomey , says
ho Now York Sun , furnishes us with
) robably the flrat trustworthy account
.hat . wo have over had of the famous
amazons of that mighty monarch. The
entire military forced of the king
imount to about 22,000 only. The
amazons number 1,500. They nro ro-
crultod among the daughters of the
chiefs , and also among the young lady
captives" his majesty. Their uniform
consists of a jacket without sleeves ,
very short trousers , and a tunic ,
Their capa are ornamented
vith a piece of embroidery
pprosontlng bomo beast or rep-
, ilo. the crocodile being the favorite.
IMioy are divided into two battalions
mdor the command of a distinguished
ady renowned in the country for her
deeds of daring and her skill In killing
, ho enemies of her sovereign , The
amazons accompany the king when ho
joes to war , and they fight under his
orders til ono. Their courage is above
iroof , and tholr ferocity , according to
\I. \ Bayol , surpasses anything that can
bo imagined. Ho witnesscd'tho human
sacrifices at Abomoy , and hero is his de
scription of the exploit of ono of the
Amazons :
" 1 saw a man brought in on an akoko ,
, ho baggngo carrying contrivance which
, ho negroes use in transporting their
calabash or their pots of palm oil. The
unfortunate man was bound and gagged ,
and a black cap covered his face to the
nose. Two big negroes carrying this
jurdon halted before the king , who
spoke to the mingan ( oxeeut oner ) . The
alter then asked the crowd of spectators
f it would bo u good thing to sacrifice
Lhis man in the honor of the memory of
tlio preceding monarch. The crowd
responded in the allirmativo , whereupon
; ho king declaredithat ho would send
iho man to liirf father. The execu
tioner then gave the doomed man
al sorts of messages for the
defunct king. Then the victim
was thrown upon the ground. An
amnzon about 20 years old advanced
boldly toward him. They wanted to put
lior to Iho lest fotvsho was a now recruit
and had not as yet killed anybody.
With her sharp edged saber , which she
nold in both handa , she strlick the un
fortunate messenger three blows on the
neck. Then she quietly chopped of the
last pieces of flesh that still held the
head to the trunk , after which she care
fully wiped her snbor and retired to the
ranks. The head was taken into the
king's palace and the body tossed into a
trench. "
If the French should succeed in cap
turing the king of Dahomey it is not im
possible that they should' send him to
interview his father.
Tut Chicago In Your t * > i'c 5.
A great work. "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti
tution in the World's fair city a full de
scription of which does not appear in
the book , wo have yet to hoar of it
Price , 25 cents per copy. For sale at 209
Ilorald building , Chicago. See the now ,
complete and elegant map it contains.
Persons ordering copies will please on-
cloao 0 cents extra for postage.
A. II , Daublo sells Union soap.
I'ort-nlno VcnrH forTr.ilu 1C obliery.
Oliver Curtis Perry , the nerviest o !
modern robbers , has been sentenced by
Judge William Rumsoy , in Rochester ,
N. Y. , to forty-nine years and throe
months' confinement in Auburn prison.
Perry , it will bo remembered , hold up
a Now York Central express train last
February in the most approved style ,
directing the actions of Its conductor
and engineer nnd overcoming the ex
press messenger's resistance after a
liorco duel. Thou ho sought to escape
by seizing a locomotive and speeding
away pursued by an engine-load of
armed men on a parallel track. Finally ,
after a running auel for several miles ,
ho took to the country roads , holding up
farmers for vehicles und meals as ho
found use for thorn.
Perry pleaded guilty to live indict
ments. Deducting the full amount of
commutation for good behavior , the sen
tence will aggregate twenty-nine years ,
four months and twenty-three days. Ho
in 20 years old now , and consequently ho
will bo upwards of 05 then.
It is understood that Perry , despite
the advice of counsel , refueod absolutely
to plead guilty until ho had , boon assured
surod that about $300 In his possession
ut the time ho was arrested and the
whole extensive nnd carefully selected
arsenal should remain his individual
property. Thla rpquest was finally ac
ceded to.
Dr. Blrnoy's ' DatocrhPownoroures catarrh.
For nalu by all'drufpfUts. DU cants ,
A. Potorsoru&.Co. sell Union soap.
Itcnt.ofu Drons Suit.
A curious . 'Ingnl controversy is re
ported as lllculv tto arise in Now York
through the bringing of an action to
recover tho.ront for'a dress suit. A
certain tailor /who lots out dross suits
at the rate of 32 per night furnished
ono to a mombor.of nn Artie expedition
encamped juatuiQwnt , or supposed to bo
within gun -ahot of the North Polo.
The explorer was tendered n reception
by some friends previous to his
departure , and In order to bo
clothed properly for the occasion
ho had to hire the suit in ques
tion. Next morning the explorer's
mother packed Iho.milt in his Saratoga
trunk , , not knowing that It wasn't hla ,
nnd ho took U up to the North Polo with
him. It has been used doubtless at the
principal blubber feeds nnd walrus hunts
to Impress the natives But now the
owner of the suit comes in with a claim
for 82 per day for rent of the eult , which
probably In the llrst Instance coat about
$20. By the time the explorer cornea
back if ho gets back on lime the
claim will amount to $702.
Spoctaoles.Dr. CulUmofo/Jll Bee oldj ?
That's the condition a man must be in who can't appreciate the
unprecedented values we've been giving throughout this entire season.
A man with any head at all who has attended any of our great special
sales , or who has seen any of the goods that came from them , ean sos
at a glance that we've had some special object in view to sell goods the
way we've been selling them. Confidentially speaking we have had an
object in view , and that object has been to make money. That's wha t
we're in business for to make money and we believe we can do more
business and make more money by giving a man more goods for hia
dollar than he can get anywhere else. That's our little scheme. Today *
at special sale we will offer four hundred
The Serge Suits The Che viotSuits
Are very fine goods. They are Are in a very handsome wood
made up handsomely have brown plaid. The sizes run from
splendid linings and first class 34 to 42. They are lined with a
trimmings. They are in a very good twilled , lining. These suits
handsome dark shade of blue and
, handsome and
are just as stylish
are as good a thing as ever
you suits ,
as a good many high priced
saw sold for twelve-fifty To see The "every day" price of these
the crowds serge in ( or in serge ) suits is seven dollars the special
. till ' will
the.price they're gone price till Friday night will be
Saturday ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In Our Window ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Guess ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
Mr. Frank O. Carpenter , tlio cclobratoJ news
paper correspondent , Is no\v In Itusslu on a
tour of tbo fuji\lno-strlelca provinces , mid
Is unaor comiiiUslon to wrlto nn exclusive
copyrighted series of dessrlptlvo letters for
THE HUE. The flrst letter will npponr enrly
In July. Mr. Carpenter bas prepared tbo
following prospectus which forms ono of tbo
most valuable and attractive features.over
presented to readers of THU BED :
How 30,000,010 nro stars In si--Terrible scones und
lieartrondlns stories The fnmlno rq.'ions.
7.MXKJ.OUO bushels of wheat needed Iho
Atncrio in Hour und corn ; where It Is sent
end how distributed The uovernmoiit nnd
the liuiilno I'onny soup-bouse * and thu
Iowa corn.
Scones nlon ? ono of the most wonderful rlvurs
of the world Tbo Volu-u is nuviiblo ( : forever
over U.nOO miles nnd tbo worst f.iiiilno dis
tricts llo nlona it It KOCS throiilb Nlj" ' ?
Novgorod where the great fair In hold und
where 8100l O.UUO clmiyjes hands every year.
How the crops are belnzput In Russian Innu
and land taxes-How tno people live-1 ho
peasants and thnlr wairos-1 will not to Itua-
Bia at the time of planting whoii the famine
will bo at its
A chat with the author of the "Kroutzor Son
ata" and a special urtlelo about him A
queer story about a queer man.
Two million soldiers which cost $1,030.0(10 ( a day
' soldiers The
Russia's blB forts-Queer
Cossacks RUbsla'H bis ; Iruncltuls.
How this autocrat looks , nets and lives Ills
stables which cost MJO.OJU n your HlH 1,000 ,
hostlers and his 8IUO.OM net of hurnuiS-UU
palaces , bis dangers , oto. BoinothhiB about
tbo nihilists.
Queer money Hchemos The land bunks for the
purclinsn of laud by poiisiints itussiaii
imwnbrokliiir. Interest rates , etc. Rich men
In Russia I'ortuno and fortune making.
A look at the capital of 100,000.000 Its won
derful ship euiial Its inarKota and Us stores.
All about Russian courtship nnd marrlaso
Boehil Immorality Tlio foundling asylums
of St. ruters'nirx nnd Moscow and thiilr
thousands of fatherless babes Women's
work and wasros Ouoor customs und ous-
tuines The Ucorijliiii sluvo 1'lrla und the
Turkish murkot for thoin ,
Queer rind * nnd bow they nro built All
about the trniiBslhcrlan load now bolnirctm-
Btruuted and bow wo "hull io ; around tbo
world by roll KiiMlun Hlepplniears-Somo-
thlliK about the trniibcnbpliin road and how
AmurloHiis built the croat line from Moscow
to Ht. I'etorsburK.
Letters fronl the Itnud of thu secret hervlco at
\Vnsbliistoii-l oBpcctor liyrnuH and the
I'Jnkortons will Klvu nip a o ; bunco to KM on
llnourtluluon this BUbJect-Thospy syBtoiii
of ItussIa-A chut with the Knsiluu head of
111 ICiis-
rovoliltloiilfltH are
Whut iho
sitttodny-Quccr stories ol tnuiii und their
the Muscovite empire bai boon our f i lend
-TJi" liiilUo story of our latest purchasu-
Itusslu at the World'sjiilr.
How the ciiir Iw Inching on Uhlnn-Slbarla
SlBior thin tno United StatcR-It : sold and
silver regions , its prUoiu , oto.
Queer stories from along tbo llosphorus
Russia und InJIu.
Hovr the 1.030.000 nobles of Russia llvo ana
how they roll In wealth while the poop lo
sturvo Jiidluu who wour fur > tcoallni ; ( ix'.UJU '
a set nnd fur hat bands that coat ( OUU uplccc ,
etc. , etc.
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Liver nnd Stomach , roslorintr the
constipated opnns lo healthy activity ,
ACHE , BILIOUSNESS , nnd all other
diseases arising from n disordered con
dition of the Liver and Stomach.
They are the Only Hellblo VeRntalilo Liver
I'lll Hold ; They are 1'orfoutly Harmless ; The
re I'unily Vegetable ; Try Them.
DU. Schcnclc's Hook on Consumption , Liver
Complaint and Dyspepsia Sent Kroo.
j. ii. fccm.r\cK A. hoN. riiiindoi pii la
For Nerro'H Proitrotlon , Ncrr.
ousand riijutcol PcMlltjr. Vltn'
t : > liiu tlon , Innninnla I'/imln
tlio Hack. Cold Hand ! or t cot. ,
llad Circulation , llluo Lines
antler the Krcs , 1'lmplea
Illood I > laea > 03 111 cltli
or ecx. They make
now healthy blood
" " mrcmont
"f fioV .
Iwpnro Illood or
l'n" Krrorn. l' ' iiM
iitmi > iat&liK.IIUIIin )
Ncr.lTonla IMIIii. 11.0
reilUr lleD * r. Mlccnls
anal. lfcrmlu l > r Wruir-
! * r cnt l r mnin
KOK B.U.i : IN OMAHA. KEll. , 1JX"
Kulm & Co. . Co.r 13th & Doughi Eti.
J .A. I'lilliT A. Co. , Cor. Mlh ft Duuglai SU.
A. * J. FotUT & Co. , Council Illulh. la.
TIII : :
rNSTHUMENTS placed on rocorJ Juno 0.
L isirj :
Omaha Ilrowlris iissoclatlon to III Cole ,
' . . . . . . .
lot 18. liloolCU , Koiiiit7C I'Jiien. . .
KU 1'Bttcrinn and wlfo to J ; , ' ' ! ; J
4 , blo.'k ' . ' . UlmcbuuKh A : I'littcifcOHa
Omaha , sub lot I of tux lot !
1J and 1 lledlcatfH strip KO feet wide ml-
jolnlnauald properly on cast. . . . . . . . . . . 8.000
South Oiiinha Land compnnv to It I )
OolTnmn. lot IS. blooU HI ) , "outli Oiiiulm COO
Herman llnscli and wlfo to M.irlii Mticlc ,
lots H mill 1 > , hlouli U , Ji-roinit 1'nrk. . . . . . I , MO
JoniiioMcIntosli to A M lion * , lot H.I
blook 1 , .Mclntoali Bill ) , and lot J5 , block
tt. I'hllllpVuad. . . . . . . . . . I.7W
John I.fiiilco to John Minister , Iota 1 to 4 ,
liloclf VI , vlllairoof Mlllurd . . . . 1,400
John ltiBKortdicl : < to Fiumy UaHX'orHbuir.
lot 17 , biockU. llawthorno . . . 1
H i : Hamilton to A I'Tultoy , lotL'J , block
1. ' , Clifton Hill . 1
Alfro'J HUndnii and wlfo to J W Hall. oi !
of yw 0-l. ' > -iy . 0,000
South Omaha I , and company to IA
Ituth , lotb. block U37. South Omaha , . . . 1 , 0
J II Adams , administratrix , to W It Dls-
tln , nwfc.l5-ia . . . . 1
Q \V I'oyntpn , Bnuolal master , to Wi
Irhih. lot I. block II , Patrick's SnU add I.'W
0 A Kiiwlur. sairiy , to i : I Uosvard , lot t ) ,
block 1. Uodlck park . 120T
Total amount of trnnsfera . 8 ir.li5
DoWJtt'a Sar.aparllla dostroy/i aucn v > \ -
sons axEcrofula.'HKlD diuoaae , czoraa , rbou-
tnatutn. * Its timely uuu suvos mauy livos.
CnBh Grocery sollrt Union
. _
_ _
1C. Janltowskl sella Union eoap.
The Only IWfoc * . Viislnal
mid Jfeotal Syringe in
the World.
IR the only syrltigo over
Invented by which vaginal
iijuctlons c-iiilxiadiiilnlatar-
ud u llliout leaking and soll-
liig thu elothliu nrnocofcsl-
tatln thu use of a vessel.
and which also bo uvod
for rectal Injections.
SOFT Riinnr.R mi MI.
HC ft ! ! OH.
Mailorders Solicited.
Tlic Aloe & PcnfoldCo.
ISHi Street ,
Next lo I'oslolliM. '
is via the Chicago , Milwaukea
& St Paul R'y , as represented
on this mao.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m.
City Ticket OIHce : 1501 Far
nam. St. , Omaha. .
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. V
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
ave Yoor
nvostcslotl fron'y.uiilC' : : ! K'L1 OtTIOI.VN
PerfectailJitsMnoiit. SiiporlorIcmai. Nor
otislii-udaclio onrcil by imliiit our apootuolot
and liyoaliiwm 1'ilcoj low for llr t clas
Kocids. < - "
111 S. Ifith St. , Creltjhlon Illock.
A now mill Complctu Trvntmont , cunilstloi
fluppoiHorloi , Olnlmunt In i ptuloi , nliO In U
nrt I'lllt ! A 1'oiltWo I'ura fur llitsriml , liitorn
Lllndor U ! rtlngllclilnit , Uhroiilo , llco.intor Ueredl-
tarjr l'llt ) . Tfllt Homo I ) ' h nuvur Ii an known to
fiill. ( iixrboz o for linuniuir mill.Vlir sutler Iron
tlilt torrlblt rtliuiiiu when n wrlltoii uusrantoo l >
puiltlt lr l on vrlllid lMxo or infiind ttm monM (
not cj/td.-en.l Utiuip for fni Hniupio. UturaBK *
liiuo > l bflCulin i.Cu. , lru vlit , ijjlu Agonti.corntf
It an.l DoC f\tit \ ftrunH , jmab * . Hub
ircaillnir IMi tint
It the oolr relUblo euro for the tired feellnx pecu
itor to wonu-n tnflcrlriK with nolle bearti , ) > fttB la
nido , uliouldor and mm , weak auJ buom apelle ,
Irrezular ) > ul > , ftlntluK , eiaotuerlnt < . Tlioiii
tufltlfy to Iliolr pormuuent curb. KLEOINT
DIl. MILK3 MEDIOAI. 00 , Klkhurt ,
Kor Hull * by Kuhu Ii Co. , lit ) , and li ) > uclu ji