THE OMAHA DAILY "BEEFRIDAY : , JUNE 10' 1892-TWELTE PAGES. SPEGlRli NOTICES. \ nVKUti KMK.NTfi VOU TlIKSlT COMIMNS A lll tin token until tt.Mp. m. for llm evening nnil until 8.30 p. m. for tlio morning orSundur edl- " Jill ndvrrtUfmontii In thono columns 3 cent § word Mr tlrst inncrtlon and 1 cent n nor < I ir each titinequonl Insertion or R per IV'o I'cr month. No .nlvcrtlicninnt tnkon for leu thanittccntfi for thnflnt Insertion. Terms cnuli In nUrnnco , Inltlnls , HfnirM , irinboK.oloc cli count nt Kwonl. All advertisements mtiit run con ; tpcmlTclr , Advertisers , brrequesting * numbered rlirck.ritnliftTO tlio Icttori nclclromed to a num. Jicrr'd letter In cnro of THE HEB , Answers to nfl- drcMcd will bo dcllTorcd on presentation of the check. Tt\vANTr.t ! > . POSITION i I.AWVKU'B OFFICE. Abate retcl law 16 months. u o Irpcirrltor. eood references. Address IIZ2 , lleo. 4i8 II' A-WANTKII.IIYAIiAIY OF KXPKIIIKNCK. A A position ns KorerncM , or pupils to lireimro for tollexa. Address 117. Hcoontee. Mt79 H yff WAMTED-MALEHELP. Y > -ACC1 DE.NT INd. 8OI.1C1TOH3. III 11KK lll.tia Ji S78 1) - > OKNT8 WANTKW IN KVI'.HY TOWN ANII J > cltrln the west on extra literal tornn , to soil _ lliB nounlar ton roar pollcr of the Mutual Ho- ToT v Hind I.lfn atsoclatlon : also the now 110,000 combination pollcr of the Preferred Mutual Accl * Hcnt finoclallon of Now York ! con only tin per jcur for preferred rlsX ! nave money hy Insurlnir , make monor 1 > T representing these wldianako rompanlmi < lro netntii can tlonlilo their Incomo. Write for circulars nnil terms to U. 11. llohlson , CrniTnl Mnnoucr , Omaha , Noh. 121 U-WANTKI ) , HAIlNKSSMAKiitB : TO KKHP JJawair from Cincinnati , o. ; Covtngton and New port , Ky.J strike there. _ Maxi JI2 p-WANTKI ) . HKN TO CANVASS TUB CITY | J 'experience unnecessary ! salary paid wooklr , at BlnKor offlco. lilU DouKlas. M3g ) J13 _ | > -WANTKI > A UVn. AC11VK MAN , WITH J some pluck and push , to represent us In your locality. We have somcthlnir rntlrely now thnt ( roes , and unless you can make from f"S to 1220 per month wo don't need you. No peddling , Hotter wrllc today. Address "Manufvclurcrs , " box KV)3 , gmton. Miss. J1523-J19- ] 1 -.M'AN > V1T1I'USll WASTHll IN KAC1J CITY , , lilo-wn end linmlel to IntroUuco the fastest BOlllnic I lioiisehold article on record. Orera million sold In Philadelphia. Will pay comnotont person $4 pnr .clay. Addrens with stamp W. 11. Williamson , 44 N. ' ltd strep t , I'hlladclpliln , Pa. -M1SI JySO" U TKAM8TKIIS AND H. It. I.AHOUHHS FOB .1) WyomliiK or Uotith Dakota. COO H. 10th < t.162J30' 162-J30' B -WANTl'.l ) , THAMSTHIIS , SIlOVKl.rUS AND rockiuen for WyotnlnK and South Dakota. Al > .nbor Agency , 1 12U Fnrnam street. 174 J3U /fl _ WANTUI ) AllKNTa BAMPI.K HABHfjOCIC , Jipal. It'.i'i , free by mnll for 'io stamp ; Immense , tmrlvnllcd. Only need one over Invented. Hunts nclKht * . Ualos unimrnllcd , tit a day. llrolmrd ft L'o. , VhlludelpliU. 1'a. > 13U 1U _ BI 'K WANT A FlUST-Ct.ASP CA UPUT MAN TO cut nnil lay ; call bet. 0 and ( J'M ; p. m. Omaha I'Mirnltnru Co. 301 TD AOKNTH. MOST WONDKUFUI , ADVKHTI3 J Jlniffchomo over known. Patented. Hvory mer chant buys , Kncluso stamp. ArcJ Mfc. Co. . lln- cine. WIs. M3831C' -WANTKDAT ONCH , ONB WOOD WO11KKII , JJono trimmer and ono palntur. Steady work nnd good pay to llrst class mechanics and nobor men. No other nccil apply. Him 111 on CurrlaKO Works , . In. M 370-13 T > WANTKD. KXPEH1KNCKD ACCIDKST IN- JOsuranco solicitor to tnko charge of city work. Address HO , lieu. WJ T } WANTHD , 8AND3TONK CUTTKIta AT IIAIl- JJlnn , In. , to work on court house , Just starting. Arthur Watson. 438 0 * TUAVKI.INO HAl.KSMUN TO SKJAi 1IAKINO powder. To the right men liberal nalary nnd commission conlrncto will lie mndc. Kxporlonco not necessary. If you answer nny nit In this col umn answer this ono. United titntcs Chemical Works , HIU 810 Tan Huron , Chlcngo. SH5S III * TJ-MAN TO TAKK OAltK OF HOUSES. IIIIMIS JOlimlm Hag Co. , llth st. viaduct. 4G9-11 * J WANTKD. HOY FOIl AUCIIITKCT'8 OFI'ICB Jntoncc. Fisher & I.nwrle , Pnxton block. 4C51I Ti-WANTKII.NIHllT HOYMUST UNIlKltSTANU .Ololephone. Dr. Iioeuwntcr , Uce bulldlnK.C3 C3 I ) ' 'n-WANTKU , OM ! CAHUIAUi : AAINTBIt , Itn- J341I | Uoditost. 475-11 : f > WANTKI ) , S CVIINIiit : PIIKS3 FKKDKHS JJnt once. Carpenter Paper Co. 474-U' T > WANTKI ) , A NIAT AND INTKIJ.IGKNT J'coiiplc , man and wlfn without children , woman o nsslnt In houseworkKQ per month. Address LI { U. Hoc. 476-11 B-IOO SPKCIAr. POMCEMKN WANTKI1 FOIl service nt special clcctlonJunoUt , pay (300 per flay. Apply at Pollco llcndigunrtors , Xu , . H17 Jack son street , not later than Saturday noon , Juno 11 , W. H Ponvoy , Chjof ofPolleo , M 491 , Vj WANTKI ) OOOD DllAUdllTS.MA.N AT ONCli JjKlshcr A Lairrlo. Architects. M4UO 10 0-WANTKD. FIU8T CLASS COAT MAKKUS. J. /IJWInkler , Button , Nob. M'ji : 12 * -V-OOO1) SALESMAN , FAIR SAIWIIIY , 117 N. flJlCtli , MI04 11 * \j \ | \YANTBI ) , AOKNTB ; MOUT WOltK , HIU fL > monoy. Hcnd stamp for particulars and terri tory , C. U H. P. Co. , S'fl Dearborn St. , Chlcaeo. M41B 13 * WANTED-FEMAliE HELP. muneration. COT N. Y. Life , M22i CiWANTKI ! ) . LADIK3 Oil YOUNO MKN TO taku light , pleasant work at their own homcai II.U ) to $4,00 pur day can bo quietly made ; work pent by mall ; no canvassing , her particulars nd- dross " ( ilolio Mfg. Co. , llox M31 , Boston , Mass. " KetabllBhcd 11SO. Mall jya * p WANTKI ) , YOUNO LADY , HAPID AND COIl- v rcct accountant , to copy checks ; no experience required , only a thorough knowledge of addition , u'hu llooton btore , Ouiaha , buforo 10 lu the morning , 414-i ) 01.111 , WANTKD , MUST UK GOOD COOK AND aundrcis. N. W. corner 21th and Furnam , /1-WANTED , FIRST CLASS GIBL. NO WASHING V'or Ironing , mutt bo good cook , wages K a week. tmillnncyst. 434 12 * _ C A , GIBL AT NO. 8 WORTHINOTON PLACE , near South Tenth st. to do booking , trashing and Ironing. Three In family. Good Vages. 411-il * _ CWANTHD. . COMPETENT GIHL , GENERAL housHWork , ; small family , luqulro Mrs. II. I ) . Reply , 4405 Humllton st. 458 WANTED , ACTIVE LADIKS AND GENTLE- on for traveling ; salary , ftt ) and oxpcntes : no mnva .lng. Call atUil Dodge st. 471 12 _ /1-WANTED GIBL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- Vvwork In family of two. C01 S. 23th st. 470 10 n-WANTKI ) . A TAlUmRSS. APP1A" JMMK- \Allutoly , Morsa Dry ( iuudu fompaiiy. TOR KENT HOUSES. 1)FOR HUNT , 11OUSKS , 17 PKR MONTH AND iipnurtls. Thu O. F , Davis Co. , 1HU Fiirnani.ill ( ill 13 V-FlllST CLASS lll'.SIDKNCK FLATS. 3 Oil 4 /rooms ; now block , llnoni C 81(1 ( ti. 22d. 041 AND JIKST HU1LT IIRICK ll-HOOM . -'rcHlilenen In the city ; full collar , fiininci ) , laiin- dry nnd tulx , mantels aiut grates , bath , electrlo tiells , si > euklng tubes , oak finish , polluhed Moors ; t'rstclnis 111 uvory rospi'ct ; nsphiilt pavements ; JO'.H h'milh ; xth ) nve , near Hantcom park. J M , llrunnur , 44 > Hen bldg. M222 \-rou IU.NT : , ii-uoo-M nousi : ISIZCIIIOARO 'H. 710 1-k-FOR RUNT , 7-ROOM COTTAGB , CORNKR JL/ftith und Capltnl avcnuu. Sill D-IO-HOO.M 11 OILS ! ! WITH MAUN FOR HUNT ; _ furnlturo forsalo. IW7 Fiirnum st. 7UI -lni.M ( MODIMIN DWKLLING. CORNKR .Until uud Capltnl avunuo , furnlihvU or unfur nUhud. linjulrotW Piuton block , 81V 1 I ALL PARTS TUB CITY. PH1NTKD 1 J- ' llsts , ( ivorgo J , Paul , lUUi Farunui street. S-TV-COATKS. RKNTAL AUI5.NCY , 1011 FARNAM. { * ' * : G-Jy4 } T | -3UO MSO.N IHrsr , . HALF 1ILOC1C NOIITII ' Uuliirnee. 17.00 , city nator. Alto olhor rooms pnd hou i' at lowest prices. U. F. Hutti , room 4 , ' llro biilhllni ; . 3i7-Jy4 , AND FLATS. U , T1JAU1 > , jiTIt 'and Davenport. 11374 is * 1FOR RK.NT. S IIOUHliS , B ROOMS. WITH AND -l-'wltliuiit modern cnnvanlencos , voutral location. Knqulni .ilia Cnpltal avonuo. Tj-OFKICKt FIRST FLOOR HOARD OFTRAD K J Uoorgu J. Paul , I0)i ) Farnam. Ite'J ID * V--A i.AUDI : mx-itooji UOOI ) LOOA. Vlloii. 831 H. 31.1 itroct. D--FOR HUNT , IIKSIRAHLK HOUSES AND if.liU-iifO lints , cheaii. Houses for tale ou monthly paymiuiU , J. W. Squlto. 1st Nut. bank. MUUyT D-1U ROOM HOUSK.MODF.RN IMPROVKMKNT.S , 1 blocks from city ball , t blocks from postoaice , apply UU Furnam. 420-10 1VFU11NIHHKD HOUSK FOR HKNT , WILL J An lit H nkuly f urnlshud houno fur July , August nd Sapteuitvr , during abscucouf owucr , io Urst class lanitly without cnlldrcu. ( 'aro of property of niorv Importance than runt. Address U IS , Uc . 4SIJ9 - \ - WITH LAUNI1UY , HATH. SHADK 'Iti'oi , luwni a blocks from court bou o und city all. Uu > t front. Poiivtulou July 1. DuTUJnml. yn , 413 Dee tildti. 42j - OH HKNT , T\YO NICK HIIICIC HOfSKS uoar llanscom patk , Kos. Ill ] and llll HoutU rot , juit north of Poppluton avenue , M < U ) -IIOt'SK ' NO , * & HARNKY BT" FUH"NACK and all ccuipleto , Uso.W-P.Coalcs. 1611 Faruam < 0 II FOR RENT-HOUSES. \-FOR RKNT , rURRISIIKD IIOU8K FOR TUB tvmmar , No. 2201 Webstar slreiit. Z. B. Knight 4C71I * TV-NKW MODF.RN C-ROO.M COTTAOK. lawn -L/Miaile. cto. Star lxan & Trust Co. , 1st floor N , T. Llfo. 10014 II-NKW MODKRN fi ROOM COTTAOK , LAWN , J'shade. Star I/jau A Trust Co , 1st floor N , Y. Llfo. M161-18 D-FOR RKNT , 8 ROOM HOUSE , 13 < 3 SHERMAN avenue , with nice yard , harn for.1 horses and buggy IiODse.AlI In good rcpalri rent t25 per month. Inquire at premises or at IW ) Sherman avo. M4U FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. _ " 17 FURNISI1KD ROOMsVoTlKNT WITH ALL -L/raodcrn / convculoncos. Oil Douglas street M33 J13 _ _ E 3 ROO.M9 LIGHT HOUSE KUEPINO. 2iTO llrlstol street. 811 _ -NICK ROOM , ALL CONVEN1KNCKS. 1723 Davenport street , _ M321 16 -FURNISHKIt ROOM , PRIVATE FAMILY , modern conveniences , 11Q1 California st. , refer ences required. _ MII9 It * -NICK COOL ROOMS. ALSO ROOMS FOR LIGHT N. lith st. 432 11' 1-A NICELY FURN1SHKD FRONT ROOM IN 1'prlvato family. Moderu conveniences , SOJI Hurt street. Milt 12 * _ TT FURNISHKD ROOMS FOIl IIOUSKPKKK. LJlnit , If dcslrnhlo can take c.iru of rooms for rent ! nlso other room. 218 N , ISth street. . FaRNISHED ROOMS ANOBOARP. -S ICK ilWJM ANb'tlO A RD FO It TWO OKNTLK- incn ; one-half block from motor ; good , nlco homo 3l8So.2Utb SU -FOR UKNT. FU11NISIIBD ROOMS board. 1810 Chicago St. M224 13 - ! FIRST AND 8KCOND FIXJOR F-DK81RAI1L1 at "Tho Frcntor , " 118 N. 2Sth street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -FURNISHHD ROOM , WITH OR WITHOUT bnanl , nil convenience ! ; terms reasonable. COT North 20th street. 8'.U 14 * _ - N1CKLY FURN1SIIKD FRONT ROOM WITH F-A nnd board. Wanted , day boarders , at 1711 Dodgo. _ 3W-S * tTWO PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS AT THE JL' Mcrrlnm. SQ5-13 * 7-FURNlSUHD ROOMS. DA Y HOARD , 1712 CAP1- - tel nvo. MIS3 12 * - FRONT ROOMS AND FIRST CLASS F-SOUTH bourd. 1812 Chicago. MlGO 12 * 17NICHLY < FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM. ALL JL'conveniences ; 1015 Douglas. Mini 12 * T7-FOII HKNT , NICELY FU11NIHHI5I ) ' KIIONT -L room with board for gentleman , 623 N. 19th st. KENT-UNFURNISHED BOOMS. FOIl HUNT , 4 ( I.NFUBNISIIKn HOOMS SUIT G able for housekeeping. 17UJ Webster street. / 1-4UNFU11N1SHKDCHAMHKH3 FOIl HOIISE- vJkeeping to munntul wlfo. No cblldren. 319 N. 17th. 421) G-'IORC UNFUItNISHF.I ) BOOMS , NICK IflCAlr Ity , 2317 California ; references. Soti-12 * FOB 11ENT-ST011ES AND OFFICES , 1 FOR BBNT , TIIK 4-STOHY HltlCK HU1LDINO .Lull ) Fnruam sU The bulldlnx has a tlrcproof ce ment basomcut , complete stcamhoatlne Uxturos ; water on all thu lloors , gas , etc. Apply at tbo olllco of Tbo Uco. 913 I-FOB BENT , STOBli XCO , 1118 JACKSON T-GIIOCHIIY , MEAT MAUKHT AND DKUO Jstoro , with ilxturoi comploto. U. TUard. Slth and Davenport. 3137SI3 * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T-FOIl HKNT. TIIK OLD IIASKKT FACTOHY AT Kckornmnn place , lOxW ) , 2 stories with boiler nnd onijlne JJiiier month. O. F. Harrison,913N..l.lfo. .MlGO J30 WANTED TO RENT. K-WANTED IMMKDIATKLV , A FUllNlSHEO bouso for the summer months , for n family of three. Address Itoom 74 , Ogilcn house. Council UlulTB. M4S1 1U- T.T WANTED , DKSIC BOOM IN A GOOD OFF10E , -Ivrcnt to bo pnld luvorlt. . Address II3J. Uco. JI478 II RENTAL AGENCIES. T H. C. QABV1N & CO. , 2033HUELEY HLOCK. .181 STORAGE. M OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND UKSTSTOHAOE house In tlio city. Williams & Cross,1241 llarney. M CLISAN , DltY AND 1MUVATKLY STOIIEO furniture. Heating stoves stored over summer. 1207 Omaha Stove Hopatr Works. ( ' 10 J15 WANTED--TO BUY. VT-FUBN1TUBK BOUGHT , SOLD , STOBED. IN Wells , 1111 Fnrnam st. Q- & VT WANTED , A LAUGH SAFE AT ONCE ; AD 1 > press U It , lice. 430 10 TVT SAFETY. MUST HK GOOD AND CIIKAP FOB i\cash. Address U 17 ; Heo. M451 IP FOR SALE-HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. r -A QR1SAT BALB HORSKS , HUHIUI'.S , WAKONS , UUUJIK3 , HARNESS , CARRIAGES. Stake trucks , pxpress nagons. light nnd heavy , all kinds of harness and some scrnpcrs. They must go. If you have money In your pocket so much the hatter ; It will talk louder limn time , hut wo nro open for a snlo either way , They'll bo gone In n for days. 19 ! Hlicrmali avenue or North ICth street. Man thcro will tell you all about It. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. , Kuom \Vlttinoll building. . 179 T ) FOR BALK , A SIXTY DOLLAR TOP HUUFY , -t for $ J5.IX ) . II. K.Colo. Continental block. M23Q 15-FOR BALK , TI5AM OF HORSKS , 2 WAGONS , X hnrncss. Win. Munsky , 703 S Uth at. 251 U * p-SPLBNDID SPAN OF CARRIAOK IIOHSKS , JL ( lurk hay , perfectly matched , stylish , gentle , young ; owner leaving the city ; must bo solil nt onco. Thos. F. Hall. 1X17 Paxton block. 04 FOK SALE-MISOELLANEOUd. " -8CRIINd , liullHoVvKS' PATHNiCTlESTON earth. Mculo to tit windows. Used In best resi dences In Oniiiha and elsewhere. Can bo taken out and replaced by anyone In a moment. If you need screens , get our estimate. William J. Welslmns , ngcnt , Room 111 Kuroaob block , Omuha , Neb. Neb.M217J10 Q FOR SALK , ONKHILLIARD AND ON K POOL table , UrunsiTlck'Halko make , almost now. In quire of Gram ! hotel , Council UlulM. 310 Q FOR BALK , F1IKS11 J tTHSBV COW. ' 323 N. S7th street. QlBFIVK FHKSII MILCH COWS FOR BALK AT QlB 35th street. U. 1. McDonald. M4I3 ! ! Q FOIl SALK CI1KAPA01 COI.UMI1IA SAFF.TY bicycle with cushion tl'o. Address II18. Hoe. M4SO 12 * MISCELLANEOUS. 1) I AWNMOWURSSHARPENISD. 617 N. ICth -LVstrcot. M33U 11' 1MHS. . It. B. GLICK. MIDWIFE , HAS III- Jtturnod. 1603 MBIOII street. B'J'-ia- 1 > CARPKTS AND \VALL 1'APKll CLKANKD J.VBS bright us now ; cnrpots cleaned without removing - moving from tloor. T , llurley , 627 S , 21st nve. 472 8 CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MRS. NANN1K V. WARRK.V , CLAIRVOYANT Tollable business medium , llflh year at UU N loth. ltd S MADA.Mi : FRITWJO CUMINU hTRKKT. clairvoyant auit trance medium ; Independent volcosl tells pmt and tuturo. MUUJ JH' ARRIVAL K.XTRAORDINARYI WONDKKKUI. S rovolatlons. Challenges the world. Mrs. Dr. M. Lvgravo , dead tranoo clairvoyant , nstrologlst , palmUtaudl'fo reader ; tolls your llfo from the crucllu to grave ; uultos the separated ; reuses mar. rlogo with the one you lovoj tolls where you will succeed and In what business belt adapted for ; hat the rolebruted Kgyptlan tireastplato for luck destroy bad Influences ; cure * tits , Intomporanea and all private complaints with IUBISUUO , baths and alcohol treatment. Send t..OO , lock of hair , numo and date uf birth and receive accuratu llfo chart ! 3 cents lu stamp * for circular ; elvo lultlali SJ ono you will marry ; nlso photos of aatuo. Otlloa ICUTboulb llth street , llrst floor ; hours , V . in. toll p. m. Como oue. corno all , and bo convlno d of this wonderful oraclu. _ MStit-10 _ f IM ASriAliU TRK Al'MISNT. K J. ma ! baths , scaln t d hair troatnunU maulcuro uud chlrouodUU Mn. Post,91V > i t ) litb , Wllhncll blk _ _ _ _ twJ ri MADAMU SMITH. 11:1 DOUULAS" STREirS J- room T , 3d tloor , Alcohol , sulphur aud sea baths. MM7-1U- 6TOVYE , MASaKUSB KLKOTRICIA.V , 3TJ HnnjBO block M Ml-13 * r-o F. 'GF.LLKNUKCK , IIANJO TKACUKH , wHUHo poOr61 N. l h U yg HUYINUAPIANO KXAMINU TIIK now scale Klinball jilanoi A. UospplU Douiclaa. tou \r-FOll BALK. A PIANO OF Tilt ; FAMOUS WKll. Ur uitko ; uivd three months ! will cll at fuo- tory price , lugulro ajoil b. Ulh ulreet , Ml li " " ' MONEY TO LOAN-ItEAL ESTATE. \\K.X'ttNTltALMAM'4VViiibVfM ulK uiuiI ( Wl MOKEY TO IQAK-REAt. ESTATE. Continual ' i city proportr.n.COO and unwnrrts. 6 to 8 i > er cent. No delays.V. . Farnntu Smith \ ColStli aril Unrnor , \\T-C. W. ItAINKV. 315 OMAHA NAT ! ITK III.HO , M Cltyraorlg goi. Loncstrntcs. Money on hnnil , \V-T PE CKST MONKY-NKT TO ' crs on Omnhacltr property. No ottra chltrnoi ofnnyklnd.Vby pay man rst il Money H chonp You cannot full benefit of low rates from Ulobo Loan A Trust Co. , ICtb and Oodgo. 143 TV-MONK. ? TO 1XAN OX IMPHOVrtO OH U.V " Improved Omaba property at lowoit rates on hort notlco. Cash on hand. Fidelity Trust com pany , 1611 Farnam street "CO _ \V-WANTKDAT ONCK , APPLICATIONS KOK > > lonnsof tl.OUDnnd upward on bvslneis , rcil donco or fnrm properties. O. J , 1'nul , 1G05 Farnam tfljrt' _ AV T 1'iavATK MONKY , IST AND so MOHTO AOK ' loans , lowrntes. Alox. Moore , 431 Uco hulldlni ; . AVW _ vn W MONKY TO IJOAH ON IMPHOVKI ) CITY ; property , low rnto. A. C. Frost , bile. \V DON'T FOIUJKT THAT Wl AHU MAKINO ' low rates on Improved and unimproved loans on Omaha property. No delay and all business transacted nt this olllco. Fidelity Trust company , 1014 Fnrnam street. 7W \\T ANTUONYIXAN ANDTItUSTCO. , IIS N. Y. I Life , lends nt low ral for ehulea sceurlty oh Ncbraskaorlowafarmsor Oniahn city property. W JIJ5.0UO TOr.OAN , SUMS OF W.OOJ UPWAHIWl can placq loans on nny Inslda Improred prop erty to any amount where raluo Is back of the loan * Ames Kntato Auoncj , ISOr st. IW Ay LOANS. O. 0. WALLACi : , 3U UliOW N IH.K. -MON BY TO LOAN ON IlKAL K3TATK. Til K O F. Davis Co. , Ii05 Farnam at. CI1J13 W MONKY TO LOAN. J. D. ZITTLK , IIROWN lllk. MMI ) \y-C. F. 1IAJU11SON , 013 N. Y. LIFE. 600 \\r-OMAIIA HAV1N03 HANK MARKS LOANS < i on real pstaU ) at lowest market ratrs. Ioans made In small or largo sum * and for short or long tlmo. No commission Is charged , and the loans nro not sold In the east , but can always ha foil nil nt the bank on the cornorof 13th and Douglas streets. OJ3 \y HISAIi KSTATK LOANS , 0 TO 7 PKIl RKNT ! 'i no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W. U. Molklo , First National Hank bid * . \V WANTKI ) , SOMK (500D LOANS AT LOW * < rate of Interest lor au eastern capitalist who will visit Ouiaha this week. C. F. Harrison , 01 ] N. Y. Life. < 1)1 ) 11 W-OEO. W. P. COATKS , 1011 KA1INAM. 132J-jy4 \\r-PlUVATK MONKY TO PLACK ON IM- ii proved or unimproved property , llutchlnson & Wead , 1WI Douglas. MB'J-12 ' MONEY TO LO AN-CHATIEL3. V-WH-1. LOAN MONKY ON ANY i ) OF -VBcearlty ; strictly confidential- . 15. 1IAIUUH , room 1 , Continental block. 103 X \-BOirTPHlTCliAUD , It. 3 , W1TUNULL IILK 103 r W11KN YOU WANT A CIIA1TEI , LOAN 8KB MY , It. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. 104 X DO YOU WANT MONEY ? If so , do not fall to got our Jatqs before bor rowing. Wo make loans without delay , publicity or removal of property , on furnlturo. pianos , horses , wagons , etc. , at tlio lowest possible rato. Wo will carry the loan ns long as you desire , nlv- ngyou the privilege of paying It In full or In part at any time to suit your convenience , and any part ; > ald reduces the cost of carrying the loan lu pro portion to thu amount paid. Thcro are no charges of nny kind to ho pnld In advance , but you get the ull amount of the loan. If you huvu a loan with other parties , or hnvo > ought n piano or other furnlturo on time and IIml the payments n llttlo larger than you can meet con veniently , wo will nay It lor younnd carry the loan ns long as you ilcMro. It will bo to your advantage to see us before se curing nloan.OMAHA OMAHA MOUTOAOE LOAN CO. , Hooui ll.Crclghton lllook , 15th S.I. , South of postolllco. X ' MOSEY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN O UABANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , muleswagons , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. Payments of any amount can bo made at any timereducing both principal and Interest , thus Klvlng patrons all the beuentsof tbo partial pay * -ucnt plan. Money always on hand ; no delays ; no publicity ; lowestratos ; huslnossconfidential. FIDELITY LOAN OUAHANTEE CO. , ICO 114 , Wlthncll blk. . lith and Harncy. X 110 , fM , 130 , HOO. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON FUH- nlturo , horses , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska Loan Co. , 1310 Douglas St. 1W7 X -CUATTLE LOANS SM N. Y , LIFE. MO11H1S. 43JJ 14 * X-CHATTELLOANS MADE ON FUHNITUHE pianos , llvo stock , etc. , without publicity or re. niovnl property nt the lowest rates nnd the easiest payments. Dutf Green , rooms 8 and U Harker block. 175 L 120.000 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SKCUIUTY business conUdonttaL Hooui 403 Karbach block. 211 Jy3 BUSINESS CHANCES. A7 FOB SALE TIIK FUBN1TUHE AND LEASE JLof a Si-room hotel and hnrroom ; steam heat electric light , centrally located , doing nnooclbusl ness. Dull Urocn , Darker block. M2U.MP Y-M CASH. PEBIIAP3 HALF , DALANCB IN trottrlng bred sUHIoni and a y.jiing pacing geldIng Ing that can boat 2:20 three times to exchango-for a Rood stock of merchandise or clear land. WrKo lor particulars , IL Chamberlln , Kearaoy , Nob.7U712 7U7-12 V-CASH PAID FOB ENDOWMENT POLICIES J In old line companies. Send description. A. 1C Hrocklesby , box3.IJ , Hartford , Conn. M823 ID- Y-KOlt SALE , MANUFACTUBING 1IUSINESS. 1,100. 100 per cent protlt cuarantned. Address A CI , Ileo. M2GJ T' FOB SALU-ONE'HALF OB ALL OF IIAHD- wnro stock , Good location. Good Undo and rcrsonablo rent Addrcsi Lock Hex 817 , Lincoln , Neb. 234.13 V FOB BALK. COAL YARD , CKNTBAL LOCA- 1 tlon , ehcd , ollJce. scales , trackage. Apply to B. 13. Harris , Wi N. Y , Life bnlldlng. 300 12 * PAHTNEH WANTED HY GOOD AUCT1ON- Y cer. Invcstlcato. P. T. Culdwcll , box 42South Ouinha. M377 I3 Y HAKKBY FOB BUNT AT SOUTH OMAHA : In good location and roasonabla ront. J. W Johnson , 11)17 Clark street , Omnba. M45'l 13 * V FOIl SALE J3.600 STORK OK GKNEHAL J. mcrchandlso In Western Nebraska town , cheap for cash only. No trade. Splendid chanca for lomoono. Address 11. U , llooorJIco , (3'J-ll- Y-IF YOU WANT A GOOD IIUSI.NKSS THAT will pay you laricu profits by Investing small capital call at 1912 Harney struot. Mllj ! > Y' MANUFACTUBING BUSINESS FOB HALE OB exchange : on account of Ill-health of owner a line manufacturing business for sale or exchange for good real cttatu ; prnllts are double the coat of production ; ono branch shown an Increase In three months of over twlco the amount nf previous uioutu. Address Lock Box P. O. 378 , Omuhu , Neb. MISI10 FOR EXCHANGE. Z -UNiNCUMHKHEb"LANl)3 IN BASTKBN NE braska and Kansas for good Insldo Omaha or Council Illuifs proparty. Address Bom & mill ) , Umporla , Kan. M779J21 * Z-STANDABD I1BED HOHSEd FOB CLEAB farms or lots. 11. J. Kendall , < ll Drown Ulk 2JJ JIO r/-CLKAN STOCK OFGENKBAL M'D'S'B ; WILL AJtako real ostuto A money , liOxJJJ , Frankfort , Ind , 10S Z-FOB 1\CHANI1E-FINE H1'.SIIKNOB , NEW. 13 rooms , moderu Improvements ; on motor line , 1 uillo from P , O. Will exchange for good bust * ness lot or farm lairds. W. , 1 * . U. box OJi , Omaha. IU9 Z A VALUAIILHCOKNEBLOTON H. IITU ST , for suburban property. A valuuuloeiiulty In lot fouiood horse , balance very cusy terms. Fidelity Trust Co. , lull Farnam 117 y-.SALiOB KXCHANOE-SEC.37-SII-17 , 1'HKLPri A < county , Nob. Clour good pasture for Chicago property. 1. S , Hort-oii , 19th street and Wahash venue. Chicago. . M-2til-llJr rHI ACBKS IOWA LAND. SMALL I5NCUM /-Jbranci' , for horses , carriages , bugulvs , etc. Ad dreisllO. Bet ) . * * . * 318 y FOB EXCHANGE , ( iOIDCLEAB LOT FOB /Jhoroo. carriage nnd harness. J , H. McShuiio , 214 Ho. llth st. M37D IU * ( /-FOB BALK OH KXCHANGK. A FIVK-YKAB < fJoti\ bar mare , weight about I XX } Ibs. , Is very speedy. llainbloloaUu stock , I1.UUO ; a flno | > aclng KUldlnir , threa years old , Miixy Cobb stock , I1.UUU ; both are just beliic driven ; will take good land lor ouo or both or Lincoln lots. H. C , biultb , Falls City , Neb. 41) V Z-FOH THE BUMMUII , A FIHST CLASS UP- rlght piano for a nlco Uorso and phaotoii. Ad drvssll II , live. 477 IO4 y-FOB K.XCHANGE. K < iUITY IN 60 ACIIBS f-tfot typowrltrr and blcyclu , or either and pliwtou or cash , W , 1) , Whltuey , Hc rcr fitNob. . V- ISO ACBKS KIBST-CLASS FARM LAND 1N /-'Holt county , NcU , tooxchbngo for rood city ur town property. Co-opvratlva Laud aud Ix > l Co.uj5 N , ICth itront , ( u'J IJ Z-KINK BAA'CH IN WYOMING TO TBADK FOB city t > rep rtr , value tU.UUJ. A bargain. Ad. dre * U 31 , IJou. U4I8 IP CLKAB FAHM3TOTHADB FOIl CITY PHOP- crty , llentdunco taluo about UW ( preferred. Ad res II II , 110 * . \ll7d IP OR SATjE-REAL ESTATE. - . ilJM UPt - Paey terms ; takocloar propertyVts Hrstpayment. G. G , Wallace1 , Urown block , ICth aUd Douglas , IArKY'8 ADDITION KINK IOT NKAB MOTOR Jllne , 1200 each j HcaMi. bal. - . * ; . , ; per cent , llesldenco tots within n ni es of poitonirc , t-ViUearlu 1-IOcash , bal , long 11 recent 7 per cent. Flno lot with six-room cottage nl 3ith and Hurt Itrccts. Price. U OJVW rash , bat.caty , I'ottcp * George Co. . 8. W. cor , ICth and Kartfam. MM7 Iy4 * 170H SALE-BIG HAHOAIN IN OUCMAHI ) 1II1.I I.lot , will take good liorso as flrslp payment , bal < nnce , monthly payments. n Wo will sell you a lot dltt cheap and furnish money to build you a homo on monthly payments ) overal locations. , Wo will build ron a-cottage to suit on monthly payments ; small payment down , \ Two newsroom cottages In Ktrkwood , ono block from car linocheap on monthly payments. HurcMn In clear lot In Walnut lllll. only 11,100.00. Bargain In clear lot In Orchanl Hill , only I700.0J. Bargain In clear lot In Crelghton cllclghts J-tW.UO. Bargain In a bountiful home In. J atayetto Place , the finest rosldcnoa terrace In Omaha , ovcryouo ad * niltslu I it us show It you. For terms , prices , cto , tfhll on Fidelity Trust Co. , 1811 Farnam at. 117 ' 1\\KI ? NOT1CK THAT WE ARK THE SOLE -Lngents for thirteen lots In Portland Place , which thp owner must soil nt Once nnd authorities us to oner at from 8.10 to MX ) less than same lots have cvi-r been ottered or than adjoining lots can ho purchased for. All Iota are within thrco blocks of motor , In n growing community , and will cost within ono year just double the price asked for them now. The terras will suit any one , viz. : One- half In three or llvo years nt 7 per cent , balance monthly payments' with usual discount for cash. Hemembor there nro but thlrtcen'of them. Fidelity Trust Company , 1C14 Farnam slrcoti S5ily2 KOUNT7.E PLACE BAHOAIN9-9-HOOM DWELL- liiK.fS.MJ.OU. Will take clear lot ns tlrst pay ment , bnlnncoSlVCIO per roonth" J , J. Gibson , solo agent ItonnUo Pisco. First National bank. CTi fAFAYKTTK PLACE ; YOU MUST SKK THIS JLtproporty to appreciate 111 two Jiomp.i for sale at bargain. Call for terms , etc. , Hilcllty Trust company - pany , 1014 Fnrnnni st. 117 170BSALE-1.00J AOHE3 OF NE1IBA3KA LAND J ? nt great sacrifice. Apply for particulars to O. II. Peterson , owner. 111 ] a. Uth strcat , Omaha. M1M Jyl FOB HALE-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS , 3. houses & lots. ThoO. F. Davis Co. , IWi Fnrnnm st ( ill-Jli T7OB SALM AT A BARGAIN , LOT li , HLOCIC S , JL1 W. L. Solby's tlrst addition to South Omaha ; small payment down , balance monthly If dcslrod. Inquire G , B. Ttschuck , Omaha Dee. 334 I Oll SALE , NOS. 4101 AND 4101 LAFAYETTE J nvoln Lafayette Place , now 8-room dwellings , with bath , gas , etc. , electric gasllghtlng nnd every other modern Improvement , line lawn , trees and sur roundings one block from electric cars. These two houses will ha sold at n big bargain ; will Uku lot ns Pnrt payment ; let us show you the property Idellty Trust company , 11)14 Farnatn st. 117 3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES STILL FOR 8ALH IN Lnfnyettu plncu. You will make a mistake If you buy without Booing us about these homes. Itont f r$35rand ( JitUMpor mouth. Finest luvostmont In the city. - ' , 2 < 5 , ly 3 Cjl-SM ) FULL LOT NKAR PARK. 'jpW.OOO cliolco homo. Windsor Place. f2. .VculliKoniiI full lot near park. f2,7VJ house nnd lot , Uth nnd Chicago. ft'iOO ! business property. South Omaha. CMVOhousonud barn , Walnut lllll , M.500 line brick holme , Orchard Hill ; barn. f.200 ! house and lot , Jtli nnd Grant , Sl..M ) cast front corncr.UM and Davenport. K.wa full lot , ncnr 40th nud Fnrnam , f 1.1.900 vast front on Hnnscom park. (10.000. 2 lots fronting llanscom park. C. F. linrrlson. Uli N. Y. Life. SCC-11 TUS1NESS PHOPKHTY FOR SALE , CHOICE JJconlrnl Improved brick. Pays good rental. Only J-1.63J neccnsary to handlolt. Must bo sold quick. Oco. N. Hicks , aua N. Y. Llfo Hldg. M41U IP STOCK FABM FOB SALE OR RENT. OWING to death of partner will soli or rent at a bargain ono of the best stock farms in Nebraska , suitable fur cattle , sheep or horses. Can giro title to II.RSO acres of land : 700 acres lu cultivation : crops now In. Balance divided up In pastures with abundant water. Feed yards nnd sheds for MO cattle. Good houses , otablcs. grain cribs , bins nnd scales. Ilousu and yards supplied with water from reservoir sit uated In Wood Hirer valley , the bent farming dis trict In Nebraska. Lund Increasing In value. Rail road runs through property , nnothor ono surveyed : close to schools and churches. Address Datcfs \ Co. . Eddyvllle , Neb. i. o M47MB * LOST. T OST. LADIKS' POCKETUOOKi CONTAINING -LJmonoy and papers , seal black silver trimmings , between Park school and SaiuucJ Burns' store. Lib eral reward for return to HVia. ojd street , or S A. Mcgcatb , Omaha , Ware block. ,3 : M45310' STBAYKD , A HAY MARK , AllOCT 800 POUNDS. Upturn to L. Altmnn , fcOj N > 10th. ' M < 47 10 A BLACK SATIN SHODPING HAG CON- LOST talnlngspcctnclos nnd purmi.v 'Return ' to Lon * hart's grocery. 024 N. luth. lortcitard. _ 473 a OB STOLEN. FBOM 42ND & MIAMA STBAYED 1 bav mare , B years' ' bid , weight 1160 , branded on left shoulder (1N,1 ( ) front and hind feet white. Any Information Address N. Hanson , S. E. cor. 24th and Cumlng sin , . I ; M4SU 10 * FOR RENT-PASTURES. . I > ABTUBEFOR CATTLK&UOK3KS. T.MUBBAY 203 HAVK TIIK BUST HORSE PASTURE IN WK this state at Gtlmoro station , three miles south of South Omaha ; 1UO acres blue grass , spring water , board fence. Have a good half mlle track on the farm. Will taken few horses or colU to break or train. Barton & Phelps or A. W. Phelps & Son , Uulldera Exchange , Now York Llfo building. .M7SH-J21 * HORSES AND CATTLE PASTURED AT STOCIC farm , Uollcvuo. U. T. Clarke , 219 Hoard of , Trade , Omaha. 213 IfANTKD-IIOHSKS TO PASTUIIK. CALLliD I for and delivered. U. A. Lludquost , 310 S. 15th. -MJ72 STOLEN. STOLEN , FROM MY PASTURE IN NORTH Omaha , 1 largo bay horse , hlud feet partly white ; I dark bay horse with letter S on right shoulder , star on forehead , pigeon toed , weigh about 1,200. Return to J. Bcrryman , 49Ji N. 16th meet , M423 10- HAIR.GOODS. fABHEST STOCK IN ENTIRE w'lST ! THEAT- J-i rlcal wlgsand beards a specialty. Wigs , hangs , switches , hair chains , etc. ; send for catalogue. Mall orders solicited. Davlcs , HI S. 15th at. , Omaha. HI PAWN BROKERS. ' LOAN OFFICE , 1510 DODGE ST , aBNYDER'S 183.130 * FRUD MOI1LB , OFFICE 1511K FARNAM ST. 113 TAKEN UP. rpAKKN UP , A 1IORNLK3S HIHNDLi ; STEER ; -Lwclght about 1,400Ihs. Owner can havonninuh eating nt 1403Lcnvcnworth t. , paying charges nn prlovlng property , ml2-lli-'tJ2-U ) > EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. PANADIANEMPLOYMENTOFFICK.IMU FARNAM vv upstairs ; umlo and foiualo help. Tel , S3I. W7 WOODEN SIDH WALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council CImtnbcr , OiiuUia , Neb , March 1S.189J. Ho It resolved by Iho iilty council of tlio city of Oinalin , tlio mayor con iirrlnK : That woodou Hlihnvalks bo constrtictod In the cltr of Umthu : na duslKiinloil below , Wltliln llvo days iiftor the imblloutlon at tlila rosolutlon , or tlio personal sorvlco thereof , na by ordinances is authorized and required ; such slilowulks to bo laid to the oresont x ratio on tlio streets spool lied herein , nnd to bo con- Htruotod of pine plunk nf such wlcllli and tlilukness nnd bo lulu uioa joists of auoh dlinonalona and In Much niunnur na la pro- t > cribocl by the Hpocllluutlont ( in ( lie In the olllco of the llouru of 1'ublto Works und under ItHiipurvlslon. to wit : Houtli sldo of I'aul street , lut 7. block 1 , Ilor- bueli's third addition. U foot xvldo , West side nt Twonty-tlilrd Htruot , lots II , 0 and 10 , bloelc 187W.clty addition , 0 feet wide , South sdo ! of Nicholas street , lots 1 , S and 3. block 1'JJii , ulty addition. U.ftlit , wide. Kiist sldo of Twcnty-Kiiuond Htrcet , lot A , block Wi . city nddltlon. 0 fi36L wldu. And bo It fnrtfior resolved ! i' That the Hourd of I'libjloUVorlo bo and hereby Is authorized unddlrcptod to cause a copy of this resolution to bo uubllshod In tlio ofllolnl pnnorot tlio city rpr ttno week , or bo servoil on the owners of 8'lullots , and unless suoli owners sliill ; within llvo..fays | uftor the publlentlon or sorvlco of tfinili copy construct unld sldovvalUs us tioroln'ruiiulrcd. that the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works caiHctliu Biimo to l > o dono. tlio cost of ( . oiistruetjliiifsalil sldu ulka ri'spootlvoly to be iiKscs > ud , | : ulnst the real estate , lot or pirt of lot Iil/rdiU of und ubut- llnSHiicli Hldowulka. til ho , Maroh V > , 1693 the Council. Attest ; JUII3 UltUVKH. ' ° 'ty ' Olork. / d * Approvo-1 : QEQ/jK HEMIB. Mayor. JA .i NOTIOB TO CONSTHTOT.JAini\VAMCS : , To tlio Owners of tlio iDts.VlrU of lots and real e tutu dwor.uod In tlio ubovo rusolu- tlon ; You nnd 040)1 ) of you lire hereby notified to construct wooden sliluwulks as rcuulroU by n resolution of tbo city council nnd mayor of the city of Omulia.of which tlio ubovo Is a copy. P. W. WUIvllAUHKH , Chulrinan Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha. NuO. . Jiinoj. 1M. ' . JidTt _ PROPOSElTciIANGE Of GRADE. ORDINANCE O. 185. An ordinance de < ilniliiir Uio nooo slty nf chuiiElnt ; the eruilu of SUih lreo ; from Hick ory btroot to Muitha btluut. and liiteriectlin : streotn und uppidntlns tlireu UUinturuktvd uppiaUors to u tci > unddutorminoihodaiu- UKUS to property OWIIUM , vilcli may bu euuscd by aucli chanRO uf rudo. and ordurliiK thu cltr uniflnterto makou prolllo uliowliiK Biich clmnno. Uu It ordained -hy the olty council of the city of Ouiaha ; Kectloiil. That it U proper and noccsiary , and U U hereby declared proper and ucobS' Bury to cuunjfu the itrudo of 20th street from Itlokbry Btroot to Mnrtha street , nnd inter * soptlne t roots , no that said erado olovntlona will bo nn follows , the Rrndo botwcon the points cited lie I us uniform atrnlghtllnus. Section 8. Or.tUo ot 2 < Jth street Klovntlon KlovMlon ot West of Knst Curb , Curb. South curb of Hickory st , as established . . . .SM63 KC-OO A point. 4UO foot south ot the south line ot Hickory St. . . .310,09 21R.OO North curb of Shlrloy st. us cstslillshcd . . . . . . .103.00 1W.OO South curb ot Shlrloy st , ns ostitbllshod . 107.00 107.00 North ottrbot Dorcns st . IB UK ) IBI.oo Southcurbof Dorons st . 1(11,00 ( 101.00 North curb ot Martha st , as ostiibllshod . , . 172.00 ITiOO Section 3. Orado ot Uornns street Klovntlou Elevation otbouth of North Curb. Curb. East curb ot 0th are , as established . 190.00 180.00 Westcurb.of seth si . 101.00 101.00 East curb or anil st . 101.00 101.00 West curb of 2sth Mrcot as cs- tabllihod . 1S1.00 150/0 Bcctlon 4 , That the olty engineer bo. and hereby Is , Instructed to make a prolllosliow- Ing such proposed chungo of RraOo. Seoilonll. Thut the mayor , with the ap- prorn ! of the olty council , appoint tlireo dlslii- teroitod appraisers to appraise , nssossuiid do- tcrmlno the dnmnRO to oroporly owners which may bo caused by such chnngoof crude , tak ing Into consideration In making such ap praisement , the special be no lit H. If an ) ' , to Hiicli property , by reason ot such change of . Section n. That this ordinance take otToct and bo In force from and after Its passage. a City Clerk. K. P. DAVIS , ( 'resident City Council. Approved JunOSndlSgfcoiupMls ! ; Mayor. pREVm ® QRJETS BR AIWKJ ) r IKE V/AIST.-REPAJRJ / BROKEN oNy BUY ONLY THE 'FISH BRAND" CORSET SHIELD. Hy mall on roaolutof prleo. Omaha Rubber Co. , 15 0 Kitrnatn St. , Cor. 10th. . N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange , BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , IC07 Gtroot. OMAHA RRILWKYTIMEGHRD , leaves { CHICAGO UtJltMNUrOX * . I Arrive Omaha. I Depot 10th am Muon 3ti. | Orni * > aGeing Going I CIIIUAGO. IL 1. & PACIFIC. I From Knst. I Union Depot 10th A Marcy Su. | Knst. Going CIHCAUO , It. I , & PACIFIC. From West. Union Depot 10th nnd Msrcy Bts. I West leaves I UNION 1'AVIKIU. I Arrives Omaha. [ Union DepotlOth nnd.Marcy Bis. | Omaha. lUllIOAUO , Mil , . _ _ _ . PAULArrUe | COmahal U. P. depot and Marov Sts. Onmlu 7.0'i pm Chicago ISxpruss /U.3 | > a m 11,30 it m Chicago Hxpress | 4M p m Leaves SIOUX CITY & PAC1FH' . lArrlvoi Onmlm Depot. 101 li nnd Muror Sts. I Omahi 7.2U ami Sioux City Passenger IV2Up m tM p ml St. Paul Kxprms , llUOOa in Loaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. 1 Arrives Oinahal Dopot. 15th and XVobsUr tit. I Omaln 6.45 p ni | St. Paul Limited. . . . ; . . l.ouvoi F. , M. . 'cMO. ' . VALLKY. lArrivol Omuha Dopot. Uth and Webster St < . lOnuth.i f.UO a in Deadwood Ktprou . in P.UO n m ( ix. : Snt. ) Wyo. Uxp. ( ISx. Mou. ) 5.2) p m 6.10 p m Norfolk ( Kx. Sunday. ) 11.1) a m 6.4i p in St. Paul Hxpron U.'ji n m l.cnvos C. , ST. P. , M. A O. jArrtvoi Omaha Dopot. lith and Webster 3ts. I Omaha i iiiru * Tramforl Union Ikipot. Council Hlulfs. ITrniiitaf 7.45 a m.tiloux | City AccOinmodatlon7 | IO.Orp ( g IM p ui | . fit. I'aul l.'jprsn . , . . . | V.t'i ' a PKOPOSA1-S FOR CURBING. Boutod pronosalH will bo received Iiy ( he un- dorUiiod until ! :3U : o'clock u. in. Juno 17 , IbU. , for the eurldn ; with red Colorado xaiidttono. wlilto Colorado sttndtitono ana llerua Hund- Btonu uccordlnz to apculllcatlonii part * of cer tain slieotsciiiiiprliiofi In street Improvement UUtrlcU nuinhorua uiid doorlhod as follow * , ' No. 449 Chicago street , from vest line of Twenty-fifth street to Twcnty-slxth stioot. No. 4M-Cns struct , from west lint of Twen ty-fourth street to u point IM feet went of Twcnty-llfth itrout. No. | j-Ciias ! ) utrect , from east line of TWCII- ty-foqrth treut to the wmt line of Ttronty- fonrtli Btrcot In the olty of Omuhii. " Kncli bla to specify u jirleo per Uncut foot for tlio curbing cbuiplolo lu nald linprovummt districts. Work to bo done In nccordnnca nlth plani and siiouiaoatloim on file In thu olllco of the Uoard of 1'uhlto Works. Proposals to lU ) made on printed blank * fur * nUliod by the tio.ird and these atcompanlcd wlthri cortltlod check In Iho sum of I-WO , pay able to the olty of Omaha , as an uvldunco ot good faith. The board roerrna the rlsht to reject any or all bids and to vralro defect * . p. \ \ . iiiuKii Chairman Hoard of'l'ubllo Work * . Omrilm , Juno 2 , ise. Jnuo Si it , 0. 10. SPECIAL ORD1NANCK NO. 170a An ordlnnnro levy Ini a fipcctal tat and ime - incut upon coitaln loH , unru of lots and real estate In the ulty of Omaha , for the con struction ot wooden sidewalk * . Whereas , the owners , respectively , of the lots , parts of loti and real trUuto horotnaftor described , have failed to construct sldoxvalk * within the tlmo allowed by ordinance , utter due and proper notice so to do. and Whereas snoh sidewalks have boon duly oanstructod by J , R Knowlcs. the conlrno- tor to whom was awarded the contract for constructing nnd repairing sldownlks , and \Vhori > a's the lots , parts of lots nnd real estate have each been spoclullv bcnollt- tvd to the full amount ot the special tax and assessment heroin levied , by roasun of such Iniprovotiicnl opposite the sntne.tvspeetlvoly ! Tiioroforo , for the purpoio of coverltiR and pityingthocoslofxnch Improvement : Itu It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : Section 1 , Thnt the govern ! sums set oppo site the lots , inrls ot lots aud real estntn here.- ItiHf tor described , bo nnd tlm siiiuo are hoi-oby rcspootlvuly luvlud tntl assessed upon unuh of Bald lots , pirts : of lots and real estate , ns fol lows , to-wlt : O U Halloa ot ul n'ivj ft olSC. ft lilk 1 Ambler 1'loco f3 03 Uatulo hills HIM ft sV50 ft olSO ft blk 1 do 30 30 OUT 1'lpen nWftsTODftolMft blk 1 do 1053 UAMcKiithron n.MftaiOftolMft ) : , blk 1 do 1000 OH Iliillmi ctal SUM it , or-u it UIK l ( to > > Marlnda McOlary It I hllc2 do 10 M do It 2 blk 3 do 10 00 O U lliillou It'tbll ; 2 du 10 IS ( 'hat ' I'Harrison * it 4 blk 2 clo 1018 Murdoolc (1 McUlnutl It ft bile 3 do 10 00 KraneNKollorltOblkS lo 1041 Jacob EnglartltTblU'J do HIM II K KrolKbuum It 8 blk 2 do 10 04 Kmma Knapr > llOblk3 .ilo 10-M do It 10 blk 2 do1 10 22 Lewis Kolker It 1 bile n Ilogcs & Hill's 2d mid in 10 do It 2 blk 0 do 1250 Sarah Mover It 5 blk 0 do 12 01 Law W Hill It n blk 0 do 12 01 do ItThlkO do li Ho Clms.l JonnsounlftltRhlkOdo 1'S I1 A Vnnzago It 1 blk a Door Park 10 : w AnnaMQ.McCornilnkutnlltVblk ; ) do l.'i 81 1'otur Nelson lUlhlka do IB 81 Goorjio Helf It 4 blk ! ) do 15 SU into r iinth it n blk n do ir. us KrcdSchnollttnblky tin' 15 117 ' Joseph l.ols It 7 blk II do 10 77 Clara I'orstor It Hblkn do 10 iw AnnaMU.MuCoriiiiukctiitltOb'.kn no 10 ; i" It 10 blk U do 150 ! ) Joseph Ksormayor It 11 blk a do IB 77 llortlia I'uttc It 12 hlk II do 1.1 77 Ilerllm 1'uttoH iiblki : : do 1700 Julia K Vunduirooklt 10 blk IB l.oavcnworth llnsliioas Plnco X > G.1 do U20 blk lit do 743 du It 21 hlk 10 do 7IO ! do It 2J blk 10 do 7 . ' do It 2'l blk 18 do 741 do 11241)11(10 do 7-11 do It 23 blk 10 do 7 : do H ai hlk 10 do . 7.'IO do It27 bile II ! do 7 Side do It SS blk 11 ! do 722 do It 21) ) blk 10 do 720 do It M blk 10 do 720 do ll.IllbliUO do 11 01 Stephen A JloWhortcr It 7 blk 10 McCormnek's udd ID 41 Dotvnlo I ) MulrltSblklO do 2112 do wS8M ft ItO blk 10 do 23 3U Mary J Graham o'iS ft It7 blk : i Orchard Iltll 7 01 Gcorjre K Marker 1120 blk II do 4,1 44 Ulms Ubliernianll21 hlk II do 45 41 OunnarKkwald Itl blk 17 do ia 2,1 \VOUrlanlt2blkl7 do 10 f.t ! 1'otor M Conklln HII blk 17 - do 10 50 Kllznuoth ( ianstorlt4blkl7 do 10 M James K YOUIIK H. > blk 17 do 10 fill Horace T llolden It G hlk 17 do 10 M Merion Wlnstanlov It 7 blk 17 do 10 60 Cijpecht Its hiic 17 do 10 CO Kll/.abuth A Flannogati It 0 blk 17 do 10 50 O J Plcknrd It 10 blk 17 do 10 r,0 tioorgo K Harltorlt 11 blk 17 do 10 no Edward Johnson It 12 blk 17 do 10 5'l ' John M Adams It Klblicl ? do W M John S Oatilllold It 14 blk 17 do 10 Mi do It 15 hlk 17 do 10 51 ! Ooorco K llaikcrlt lOblk 17 do II or K J MoLatiRhlln It 17 blk 17 do 10 67 Kcorizo K llarkor It 18 blk 17 do 10 6.1 KuponoS Albright It 10 blk-17 do 10 U7 James It Thur&ton ot al It 20 hlk 17 do l.'l a2 .Tamos RosonstolnltUhlkU-Popplcton l"k W II A J 1'opploton H7 blko do IN ( m do It II blk 10 clo : i7fv ! do It 7 blk 10 do : O'J PJSloinmolllt 17 hlk 11 do 10 Ob do It IS blk 11 do 1000 W M U Glandlng It CO blk 11 do 13 03 A J Fonnlotonltlblkn do 2021 Georco PStobblns It2 hlk 17 do 10 03 A J I'opploton lti : blk 17 do in 1C do It ( I blk 17 do 10 la do It 7 blk 17 do 10 l.'l do It 8 blk 17 do 10 HO do ItU blk 17 do 10 node do It 10 blk 17 . do 10 117 G A Lindqulst It 1 Redid ; Grove 1 ! > 81 do It2 do 12 0,1 , Isaac Obcrfelderlta do 120) ) do It 4 do 12 IK ) George W Air.esot al Itfl do 12 0(5 ( do ItO do 1200 Klinoonll ( Jhnptnlt ? do 12 00 Nathan SholtonltS do l-'OI Lyiiiun KleliarJsoii ItO do 1200 ( JhasS Kverost It 10 do 1205 llonrvS Iletliltll do 12IK1 WT VnilS otnl It 13 do 120(1 ( John Wnlluco It l.'l do 12 III ) Chas \j McUatily It 11 lo 12 01 Klnion H Ualhoun It 15 do 12 IKi Win Heelcineyor it in do 121)0 ) do It 17 do 12 03 Union Trust Company It 18 do 12 OH do It ID do 111 HI Home Investment Co 1121 do . ' 17 02 211 Rood It 1'8 ' do VO U liyron Hood Estate It 1 blk 4 Hood's nth add II 40 do U2 blk 4 do 1000 do ltDL'Ik4 do 1U 00 do It 4 blk 4 do 1001) ) do It 5 blk 4 do 10 OJ llyron Heed estate lti ( line 4 Kocirsotlindd 10 00 do It 7 blk 4 do Hi 00 do HHblk4 do 1(100 ( do It II blk 4 do Hi 00 do It 12 blk 4 do 1KB l W . . Maxwell It 1 blk o Sweeny' * add 22 8S do nil ! ft It2 bile 0 do 10 M Ctms HlRby It , I blk a Tbornbtirc I'laco 18 77 Kamnol U I'MiilUnur It 2lillei ; do 1528 Nolllo.M 1C Unrnsll.'l blk a do 1540 \V 11 Russell 114 bll ; 'I do 15 ra do It n blk a do Hi .V ) Henry L Weber U 0 blk a do 17 4'1 Ursula N Cliupln It 7 bll ; : > oo 17 BI : clo It 8 blk U do 18 67 Mary Hndlitck It I blk I'J Wllcox 2d ndd M 72 Maria flrlnbltn blk 10 do 1:1 : K ) James . T Tlrown It Chile 10 do 111 HI O I' Davis company nl.l ft It 10 b 10 do l.'l 80 do II ) ' . UHll b 1 ! ) do 1710 llyron Heed estuto eKi ft n WM ft tax 12 hectinn2l-l.Vii ; 2050 Hyron Itocd estata w 210 ft oUO'l ft n 103H tax r.'soction 21-15-1:1 : on 41 llyron Heed estate w JOO ft o a l ft south ot Hurniiy lax 12hoctlon ; ; n 71 llyron Hud Eitato 0137 ft n'ii'J4 ; ! ft tax It I'J sootlon 2I-15-III DO 81 Ky mini Ulchardson n 3l ft sub It 1 tax lot 10 section 21-15-ia 10503 Section 2. Thnt the Bpcehil tuxes and HS- B0.ssmonts levied and nsscssed us aforosald , hlmll ho duo Immediately upon tlio pussugo and approvnl of this ordlnanco. nnd Mhiill bo- nnniodutlniiunt ] If not paid within fifty dayn thereafter : and thitroupon Interest slml ! Lo added at. tlio rate of onu per cent n month payable In atlvanco from the tlmo said tuxes liiioomu HO delinquent. Koction : i. That this ordlnanco shall tnko oiruut and bo In force from and uf lor Us pan- R P. DAVtS. I'rotlaont Ulty Counall. Approved Juno 2nd , 180. . UKU. I' , I1EMIS , Mayor. The above tax Is now duo and paynblu ut the olllco of the city trousdrur nnd will he- comudollniiiont | nnd bear Interest after .Inly ItWas' een In hoeilon 2 of above ordln- unt'u. Hlv.NUV IIOM.N , Olty Tioasiircr , OIIOINANGE NO. 070 An ordlnanco to amend uout Ion 45 of chapter 42 of the i-ovlsL-d ordinance * of IsW , entitled "Mlsdomuanoru , " Ho It ordained by the ulty council of the ulty of Omuha : Section 1. That Koction ( .1 of chapter 4'J of the rovlsod ordlnnnco of IbiKl , untltnid " , Ms- | dcinuanor.s , " be and the HIIIIO huruhy U umunilod BO us to road us follows ; foe. 41. Any purson or iihtoulatlnn of tier- uonn who ahull permit In Ills , bur or their house , out-lioubu , yard , or other promises under hU. her or their cotitio ) . nny Kiimlilln with cards , dlco or other Iiiipliimuntu ordi- vlccs used In xumbllii ! , ' , ur who ulmll penult any loud or iinusul noises tliuroln , or Hlmll Hiill'or or permit liny pifrHonor iiomona to lighter or thrimtun to lluht In fciiuh promises , sball bo ( Itemed jtulliy of keuuinv a dUnrderly liinise , und on * conviction Ihori'Of , Khali bo lined In nnysunr not loss than llvo dollars lttorox- ] eeedliiK two Hundred dollnn. ItiMl ) . Hentlon'.1. Thit : uld Huotlori ( lot nild : chi > p. tor42nuheruufoiu uxlstlnx bound thoHump U hereby repealed , Auction a , That thli ordinance take ulfact and bo In forcu frcm and uftor ) ti pimago. a 1'rosltlont Ulty Council , Approved MaytBth. IbCCj. OEO. I'.iliKMIS , Mayor OUD1NANOE NO. 8003. An ordinance dcolnrlnc the condition of cer tain lots and lands In tlm city of Omnlin to bo ft nuKiiiro nnd dlrcotlng the board of inthllo works to take the nceoiiary ! stops to , . " . ' " ° B1" ' > o ntid report to the city coun- oil the expense thereof. Ho Itordalnod by the city council of the cltr of Omaha : . Section I. The present condition of the fol- lowliiB lots nnd lands U hereby ilatMitrcti to bo n nnlsancoby reason of the ox Istunco of stns" tmnt wnlor upon the same. Lot No. 7 In Disc's addition. do 8 do do 0 do do 10 do do II do do 12 no do U do do 11 do do 40 do do 41 do do 42 . do do 43 do do 41 do do 4 block No. 8 , McCormtok's adftltloir , do n do K no do 7 do H , do do 7 do 1\ do do R do u. do do l do 12 , do do 2 do 12 , do do 4 do 12 , ' do do r. do l-.1 , do Tijat part of old 27th street In McUorutlok'n addition. Lot No. ! i block No. 7. 1'lnlnvtuw addition. do n do 7 , do do 7 do 7. do ilo R do 7 , do do 17 In Heed's 2d addition. do 22 block No. in , Shull's 2d addition. do 2.1 do 10 , do Tax lot No. S4. Hoc. SI , T. 15. It. lit. Lois 21 and 21 , block U , KounUoVId addition. bocllon2. The board otpnblto works Ishuro- by directed to tlko the ncocssiiry steps to canso suld nuisance to bo abated , nntl for that purimso It shall bo the duty otthuuhalrnianot thuhourclot pnbllu works to servo nollco lu wrltlnstpon \ the owner , occupant or agent ot nny lotorplocoof Innd In or niton which tiny of said nulsinuu : tuny hu found , Thu board shall fix nduto upon which all Interested par- lias may appear bofora the bimrd and bu huitrd lOiiirilnipsald nuisance. The nollco shall bo In form as follows : t the Hoard of IMlhllo Worksot the Ulty of Omuha. To . Von are hereby notlflod that the following described premises , to-wlt : . . , , , , . have been declared to bo nulsanco by rtason of . , . , . Von nra horehy directed to abate said nttls- nnco within thirty dnys from the date of this uotlco or said nulsnnco will buauutod by the city nnthnrltles and the exuunso thereof lov- Icd asa special tax aKalinU the property on \vlileli said inllsiiiieii uxNtf. The Hoard of Public Works will bo In sosston on the . day of . 1SJ. , . . between the hours . and . at which tlmo an opportunity will bo Riven you to I m luiaid In renui-d to sutd nnlsunco. Dated this . day of . ISO. . . . Chairman of the lloirdof Public Works ot the Oily of Oinultn. " bald notice shall bo served by any polled of- llceiif tlm elty anil Iho service shall bo bvdo- UvorliiR uvopy of the notlco to Uio owneroo- cnpiintor iiKont personally or by louring , ono at. Ills usual ulueu of residence nt any tliiui be fore llvo days provlom to thu day sot for hcar- liiKlntoi-o ted parties ; provided , that \\lien- ever the owner , ocunpantor apent of the lot orplccoof lontl In oriipon which ar.y ot said ntilsanco may bo found Is unknown or cannot bu found , thu s.ild chairman shall clvo notlco to the owner or iiKunt by causing to bo pub lished In the ollloliil p'ipur of the city n copy ot the notice , herein provided for. for llvo eon- socutlvo days ; thu lastof said publication be ing ul least llvad-.iys previous to Iho day sot for hearing Interested parties. If the ownur , ocoupantor iigenl shall neglect or rofusoto comply with the requirements of said notlco within tlm tlmo specified therein , It shall bo thu duty of the board of pnbllo works to proceed ut once upon Um expiration thereof to caii'-o the nnlsatice to bo nbatud , Section : i. That thu hoard of public works Is hereby directed Ki report to the city council upon the completion of thu work the cost and U\IOIIM | > ot abating Uio sild nulsuuuo upon each siparato lot uud tract of land before de scribed. * Section r , This ordinance shall takootroct and bo in force from and after Its passage. E. , . . DAVIS. President Ulty Council. Approved , Jn , . . . AInyor. GRADE ORDINANCE NO. 174. An ordinance changing the grndo of Douglai stieei from llith slreoot to 20th street , nut Intersecting streets and alleys next nortb and south of Uunulas street from Kith to20tU streets. In the olty of Omaha , and repealing so much of ( Irado Ordinunco No. 1IH and so much of ull ordlnuncus In uonlllct here with : lie It ordained by the city council of the city of Omaha : .Section 1 , Whoru.'iB , It has been declared necossury to change the grade of Douglas strcnt from Kith struct to 2Uth strnot and cur tain parts of the Intorsucllng streets and alloys lierelniiftcir Kjit'ellled : And whuruas , tlu-cci disinterested freehold ers have been appointed by thu mayor and eonllrmod by Iho city connell to apiir.ilso the damaKO-i arising bv ro.istm of the t > a.d chiingo of L-radn : nnd Whereas , Hiild appraisers nflor duly quali fying according to law and oxamlnlnr tbo properly elVeclcd , have made their report and the city connell has approved the same. Tiioroforo , Iho gr.ido of said parts of Douglns street und Inter'tcclliig .streets , Is hereby changed and established s ; > that the ulovu- tlonssliall bo us follows , the grade between the po nts cited bulng uniform str.ighl lines : Uradoof Douglas street Klovntlou Elevation of ? oiith of North Utirh. Uurb , East curb of 21th fit 1S2.00 l.VI.utl West curb of 10th street lia.KI ] , SI Eastcurbof liltli Htrcet lll.uO 1I1.M West unrb ot 18th street I-'I.W 121.M East curb of 18th street 122.M 122.50 WuHtcnrhof 17th street 100,00 ' 10.1.00 East curb ot Ktlf xtreut 104.01) ) 1 a.00 West curb of Kith street ul.OO ' 62.0. > Section : . ' . Grade of 17th street Elevation Elovat'oit of West ot Enst Unrb. Uurb. Month curt of Dodsont . OJ.OO 83.05 North onrbof Douglas st . 1US (10 ( lull.OD South curbof Douvlnssl . 100 , 03 1)4.0 ! ) South of line alloy south of Doiulas at . I17.a'l 113.81 Suction : i. Grade of IHth Htrcut Houth curb of Dotlgust . Iva.OJ 121.01 Northonrbot Douglas st . r.'L.V ) 12..W Hoiithctirhof DonglasHt . 12i. < i'j ' i22.r > 'J ' North curliof I'arnam ut . lil'.r.O ' rjO.Ol ) Suction J. Oradu.of lOtli street Soutlienrbof Doduust . liii.O ] I.3.CO Northcurbof Doii'.MusHt . in , 2:1 : HIM Billlth curbof DotlgliHHt : . 14'l 21 MI.M Noithcnrbof 1'arnamut . I'M.'jO lll' ' bcctionH. ( Jratluof alloy hutwucn Douglas and Dodge blroots. ICth and ITtli streets. Elevation of Ojntcr llni ) . East line of 17th st . MM A point 22 ft oust of oust line of I7lh htrcot . IH.S3 Hoctlon ( I. Tlio grades of the alloys next north und south of Douglas strujt. from IHh utiuct to 20th street , shall ho straight lln'JS lie- twcun thu established urades nt lliu Inioraocl- Inu Ktrcutsund jiolnissjiuclllcd bei'oln , t-ectlon 7 , Ho mueli of Orado Ordlnanco No. 1)8 und so much of all other ordinances dulln- Ine thugradnu of tlio abov'UHtrouU.iis uonlllcts with the provisions of thin ordlnanco , Is liuru- by repualud , f'uiitlon fl. , This ordlnanco shall take olTcot and ho In fen > o from and utter Its passage. Q Olty Uiork. n , P. DAVIS. President Ulty Council , Approved Juno 1st , HU2. OKOUOi : 1 > . 1IKMIS , Mayor. NOTICE Ol'1 ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOR GRADING OF 1UTH STRUCT. To the owners of ull lots , of lots nnd rout ustnto along Ninutoeiith Htioct from Alason tttroct to I'lurco street : Vim urn huniby notltlod that thu under' signed , tlireo ilUlntureKtod freeholders of thu city of Omaha , have been duly appointed oy tliu mayor , with the npin | > valof thpully coun cil of mild city , to ns us4 the damage to the OWIIOM respectively of thu properly ulToutod by guiding Nllii'tounth Htreut from .Mitson btritut to Piorcu street , duo lard iiucex'i'iry by nrdlnaiicu No. ! l 01 , passed Mariih a ) , Iftl ) , ' , , nu- moved April ) , IWii Von urn fnitlier notified , that , having ac cepted li.ud appolntmunt , and duly iiialllled | IIH required by law , wo wllj , on the IHth day ol .Inno , A. D. If ' .l. . ntthu hottrof So'ulouk In tin .if urnooii , lit the olllco of T , U , llrunnur , KOUIQ 1 , Wurb block , within tlm corporate limits ol : ild city , moat for thu purpoBo of consldurlnx mid iniiUliiK tlio iiuiiM inont of dumau to tlu OWIIOM rcdpootlvmy of said properly , alToi'led by bald gradln ? , tuklnjt Into conitldurutlun Hieelal | hunollts. If any , Voit nro notlllod to bo present ut tlio tinii nnd plin.-o aforosikld , and miiko any Objootlont to or Htalements coni ) rllir ) < Hild : iu u6smonl of dumugw , us you l"llJr > ) , , { ' } | /JNni / JUII'N MEUitri"i\ ED. uuitbiu- : . ponimlltoe of ApprnUors. Oinnliii , Juno 7-lkoi J7dlut frtb'i blood , rc lib * Uf tni"IUJi' kiiovrufti-UlJou - ? * * * *