fHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 10 , 1892-TWELVE PAGES. FINALLY KILLED THE HOODOO Omaha at Last Succeed ? in Winning from Oolumbus a Qatne of Ball , HARD HITTING AND SHARP FIELDING Combination Which the Conquering Ilnck- yc * Couldn't Ort Over Tolcim , Mill- nnil Tort Wnj-no Al o Winner * Othnr llomoi. Omaha , 12 ; Columbus , 7. Toledo , 21 ; Kansas City , 7. Minneapolis , 8 ; Indianapolis , 1. Fort Wayne , C ; Milwaukee , 1. ELUTHE GREAT ' Clausen has struck the banana peel at last , and struck It hard. After making the matchless record of fourteen straight , ho met his first reverse - verso nt Sports man's park yester day afternoon. It all' bat broke bla heart , and Ous Bchmolt's whiskers curled up like so much cxcohlor. It vita a rcdhot summer day , and yet there and enthusiastic crowd on band \yfls n largo Jo witness the alleged Invlnctblo JSwodo take a tumble to himself. So Jluglo the bells and bo merry , for It was the most slcnal victory Undo has scored thl year , being not only the firat game Clau sen has lost , but tbo Hrst Omaha has won from the Buckeyes , ns well. So clvo her n cheer , Itvlll do no harm. From the way Omaha began the proceed ings she looked Itko tx sure winner. Won It from the Sendoir. Shelbock. who , for a change , was ns lively us a cow's tall In fly tlmo , waited with most commendable patience , and Frederick , the unconqjorcd , lot him walk down. The crowu , ni If possessing a prflsclonco of what was to happen , sot up a great About nt this. GlikR' well plocod sacrifice boosted Shy to second. Then the Boston boy took another on wide ones. "Hoy I beyt beyl" cheered tno delighted spectators. But when the agriculturalist fouled out to long-legged Brcckcnrldgo nil Jubilance subsided. Uncle was the next whlto sock UD. Ho nerved himself , nnd before the people could raoko up their minds that It was so , h rapped o'ula sharp single. Sny ran in , Kelly down to third and ths crowd yelped In ecstasy , U was a timely hit nnd merited the no- pluuso It got. This hit of peed playing seemed to unnerve the Ohloans. nnd Walsh , In his vaulting ambition to throw Uncle out nt llrst , knocked a pauel out of the rlutit field palisades , nud the Boatonlan scored nnd Uncle brought up at third. Joe's old friends sympathized with him , but they all cried" "Oh 1 oh ! " Collopy waxed a llttlo lly over Walsh's bead nnd Undo lumbered In with the third tally. ino arowa was wnu. Collopv miscarried in his attempt to nip second. The Giraffe throw htm out. lnrl ) } ' Win Uncertain. There was blood In Wmsh's eye when ho picked up his dub and stopped to the bat In the Buckeyes' half , Ho made bis characteristic snatch ata high one , and the bleachers guyed bun. But their jcors were quickly changed to cheers , for the next ono Colonel Darby let go bo met full in tbo face. It was a corking two-bagger , tlo stole sflcond and cnmo lu on a wild pitch. O'Kourko , the combustible-headed Bulgar ian , struck out , and so did the representa tive from Genoa. Big Lally got thrco balls , nnd the fourth was the wild pitch which lot "VYnlah In , and which nljo nllcltcd a groan from ( ho grand stand. McClellan hit snfo nnd Lally wont to third. Then Breckonridgo got his base on calls , and a gray-back perched on otfcry bag. Hero's where "tho I told you so's" had tbolr inning. But they took It all back when the Falls City youth struck out. Colonel Darby was the recipient of an ova tion for this clover worlt. It was ono , two , , thrco for the Hustlers In the second , President Hayes lllod to Mc- Clcllan , Colonel Darby to O'Kourko , and Vlck died at 11 rat. a hey Tloil the Score. Then the Bucks tied the score. Jnnlz rattled out a Iwq-sackcr nnd Clausen asmgio , tbo giraffe loping in on the latter , \jvlnlo Froddv ran clear 'round to third on the hit , for Vlck lot the ball got through him. A passed ball allowed the great uncon- rjiieroa to tie the ucoro. But that was all. Walsh ponpcd up ono to Gllks nnd Roddy sent , him a grounder , which be fumbled , and Kcdily was safe. The Count , however , How to Vlsncr and the Jig was up. Shoibccir. who was right in the thick of tbo tight nil the afternoon , opened the third with n hit. Bubbling ever with Ringer ho Btolo second , nnd on Jantzou's wila throw to head him off kept on to third. There ho anchored. Ullks went out to Lally , the Bean Eat or fanned , but Viinor , whoso sonorous coaching was largely Instrumental in Ficddy's downfall , S went lo llrst on balls. He stole second , but } - \\as loft with Shy on Uncle's bolug Urea out nt llrst , In their half the Bucks stooped to the bead of the procession. 1 Lallv whaled out a throe-bagger and scored on Billy McClcllau'a second saro drive. Brockcnrldgo sent up a high ono to Ylckory , which Ylckcry muffed , nnd McClellan run in. , Abboy's ' snerlllco moved Buck nloug ninety feet , but Gilks a moment Inter nailed him at third. Jnnlz made nnotber hit , but Freder ick the Great struck out. This warmed the Hustlers up and from this on the bnlllo was u prolty ono. HiiroViis Kiiinn 1'rutty Hitting. The Callopolcd off with a snfo , Hnyiis was thrown out at first , Durby wns soaked wltb thu ball nnd tbo Holly Point man , Shcibcck and Gllks made singles in rapid Bucc'csslou , nnd by nlco huadwork and speedy traveling T llrst. four got In , Mi , halynu should I'nvo hoard the resound ing bbout that grouted this .lino work. It sounded line olu times. Kully and Ylsncr were both thrown out at flMt. It looked Him victory now , sure , but the Srbtndz family Uopt plugging away nil the lame , 'l hey wouldn't glvo up until the last doe was bun IT. nnd were Just as full of vim us ever , only Fruddy ovlncod symptoms of weariness. \ Walsh opened up with ono between Sbv - * * .nnd lioboi't , but Kcddy'stnp to Shv forced him ntsucoud. A pasted bull put O'Uourlto on second nnd bo came clcur In on Collopy'a ' error. * Cnnipau got llr&t on balls , only to bo forced at second , though , by Lally. Mo- Clolland w out out to He wo. And iho Bucks were still ono behind. Wo Uud It Won , In the next Undo wai sidetracked at Ilr.it , Collopy made n tilt nud stele second , coming in on Hayes' buto over WuUb's head. Durby tout ono over to Lally , and Yick forced the President out at second , and wo had two to the need once n.oro. Brci'Uunrldco lopped off ono of thcsa ngalu by hi * torrlilo hit ever the loft Held fouco , tbo lust I do Bucks got lu tbo gmno. In the sixth Omaha broke It oil. They fccoiod another quartette , and mind you on only thrco hits. But I bey were poaches , every ono of them , tihrlbock , still brimllng with tbu tame Inudublo resolution with which bo wont Into S tbo ligbt , iiuuto faces at Freddy until ho KOI „ * bU biwo on balln. Gllks. Kelly nnd VUncr followed with the tlio of smashes abovu nlluded to , and tbo first tbroo runner * fell in Unclo's arms at tbo bench , old Joe waltzing 1 homo himsBlt a few moments later on a steal , a oritlc by Uowo nud u poised ball. How prolty that was. Hie corluj { stopiwa right Ucro eud the subsequent proceeding ! were short and swcot. Atthocnd of their tmlf McQuald called the Kama In order to lot , Clausen catch bis breath , nnd the rest of tno loam the train bound for Minneapolis. Dut U WM a line contest , Indeed , nnd Oiriahn fairly srae&red herself with glory , every mnn playing ball with n dash and bril- llanco that moans victory nlno tlmot out of ten. ten.Keep It up. Thoscoro : OXJAIIA. 8UMMAIIV. Ramon rum : Oninha. 0 : Colutnbut , 3. Two- Imso hltiYutsli.Juntzjn. . Thruc-btiso lilts : I.iilly. Iloinu runs : HrcokonrldKo. Iliiiu on bnllsi Off Durby , 3 ; elf Oliuisan , 4. lilt by pitcher : lly Clausen , I. Struck out : lly U.iruy. 3 ; by Uluunon , 2. 1'nsiod balls : lly llityus , 2 ; by Juntznn , 1. Wild pitches : lly Hurbr , 1. Tlmo of gmno : Ono hour niul thirty minutes. Umpire : McQuuld , Hilly llnrnoy Saturday. The ball team will bo idle teday , but on Saturday It will open n serins with the now members of the league , the Fort Waynes , who will arrive from Minneapolis this after noon. SInce Billy Barney , the old Baltimore manager , took charge the Fort Waynes have been playing a stiff parae nnd tbroo excellent contests may bo looked forward to. Tomorrow will bo the llrst Saturday on which ladles will bo admitted frco nnd a largo representation of the fair sex will un doubtedly bo on hand. President Stout's move In throwing open the gates to Indies on every any .in tbo week , except Sunday , has become popular nnd now the ladles'will mnko UP a largo proportion of tbo audiences nt the half games. Tbo sport is very popu lar with thorn nnd ninny Omaha Indies nro becoming as expert In the game as the most inveterate fan. Manager Schmclz of the Columbus team said yesterday that ho con sidered the free admission of ladies nn ex cellent Idt-a and no will "endeavor to put It In effect when he returns to the Ohio capital , Tbo positions of the two teams tomorrow : Onmlia. Positions. 1't. Wnynu. Hiimllboo Pitch Wadsworh llnyos Oiiu-li Uiijidnlo Howe Klrbt. Jlotz. llunsjlu Second Smith Colmuy Third Alvord bhulback Sliort Holland Vlinor lilt-lit Sutolliyo OIIUs Middle IIorlovur Kully I.uft Uonachuo There being n half holiday Saturday , a big turnout will doubtless be on baud. Maimj-fr Kowa Signs llnnglu. Omaha has nt last secured a now second baseman. Manager Howe signed Moxlo Hcnglo , the Old Minneapolis favorite , nnd bo will arrive hero lu tlmo "for tomorrow's game. This gives the Hustlers something like an outllcld uL'aln , with Joe Vlsncr wnu is play ing ball for keeps , and coaching out of sight In right. Gllks In middle and Kelly In loft. The toani , judging from yesterday's nice exhibition , have taken n brace , and from this on out better work can be expected at their hands. J'lo for the Pirates , KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , Juno 9. Toledo won from Kansas City today without an effort. Weather pleasant. Attendance' 1,200. Score : Kansas City. 0 01300021 7 Toledo 03203003 0 11 Hits : Kansas City. 11) ) : Toledo. 13. Errors : Kansas City , 7 ; Toledo , 2. lliiltorles : Ilughoy , rayno and McMuhon : Uowald nnd Durllns. Karnod runs : Kttnsiui Oily , 2 ; Toledo , a Tvro- Imso lilts : Manning , Alberts. Gottlnscr. New- oil. Tliroo-basu lilts : .McMuhOn , S : Lyttle. Andrns. Cnmplon mid Armour. SucrlOco lilts : Sunday , A minis. Gettliiger , Newell , Armor , Oowald. Stolen buses : Oettluuor , flloho'.l. 2 : NOHUII. Doiinlu plays : Armour to Campion to Aonoll. llnaos on ll U : Suiiduy. I'uynu. Ii r- IhiK. StMiol ; out : Cumplou , liowiild. Time : Ono hour "and rorty-llvc uilnutus. Umpire : Borud. Hilly Cnn Io It , Too. MiKKKAroMS , Minn , , Juno 9. O'Brlzn's homo runs saved Indianapolis from n shut out. Batting by Carroll and Parrottwas the feature. Wouthorvwm. Attendance 1,000. Score : Minneapolis 0 03101201-8 Indianapolis 1 00000000-1 Huso Ultn : Minneapolis. 17 ; Indianapolis , 5. Errors. Minneapolis , 1 : Indianapolis , 3. lluttcrlos : Swurtzul nnd Dlxon , Sulilviui nnd Nngle. Neither Could Omaha. MIMVAUKHE , Wis. , June 0. Milwaukee could not touch Wadsworth's pltcnlng. At- tonclanco'100. Weather fine. Score : Milwaukee 0 00 0 01000 1 Kort Wiiyno 0 1040100 * 6 Ilatterlcs : Winner , Twltcholl nnd Dona hue ; Wudsworth nnd Uuudalo. Base hits : Milwaukee , 4 ; Kort Wayne , U. Errors : Milwaukee , 2. Kurncd runs : Fort Wnyno. 8. Two-bus o hits : DucdiUo.Hollnml , Stolen buses : Ward , Wldncr. Mot ? Holland , Ilosrluver- . First base on bulls : Twltcliuil. Hit by pitcher : \Vnrd. Struck out : MoGurr , Krol . Ward , Twltchell , Koat. Hamburg , Henry , Collins , Wutlxworth. I'usscd balls : DuKdalo. Wild pitches : Wudswortb. Time : Two hours nnd flvo minutes. Umpire : Gueu- thur. STAT1J LKAflUU. Dissertation on I'luttsinouth'H Mlutortuncs PIATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Juno 9. [ Special Telcgrnra to THE' BEE. ] People down In these parts are not saying much those days about their base ball club. They don't like to entirely disown it and yet they nato to claim nny relationship with iu It bos not boon the gll'.torlng success that Its projectors mapped out. In fact , it has bcon ono grand failure. It Is now in fifth place. If Kearney had any kind of luck It would bo In last , for Kearney has played bettor ball than tbo Plattsmouth team. But tbo boys bero bopo for better1 results. Tbo toarn has had n long string of catas trophes , liver sinca tbo team wns signed certain ot its members were dissatisfied. Long , whom tbo local management picked up out of the wet , not a bad case of enlargement of tbo cranium because nome other team of fered bun f > moio than the local team was giving him , and ho Jumped to Watertown , VVls. Ho was uovor roloascd , and now bo wants to coino back , .Myers of Car roll , la. , bccamo nllllctcd with the idea tbnt he was tbo only pitcher on tbo grcon glebe nud bo , too. Jumped to St. Joseph , Mo. Myers Is a fair pitcher , but couldn't hit u houno and fields llko an ox. Kennedy bad some reason for his wrath. Ho signed hero thinking that Beatrice would not bo in tbo league , nr.d when it did come In Snapper wanted to go there , Tbo local management would not release him und his bull playing was of the despondent sort. Ho Is a mugnllloont player and with Beatrice will wiiuc a great record. His rc lo'iso has been sold tn that team for sundry cord hard dollars. Norman Leslie Baker and Leo Pond have bcon signed to strengthen tbo team and thuy are playing good ball. U'llBcbo , uu old lowa-llllnoia man , has been signed for nn nuttleldor und catcher. Ho Is a good man and is badly needed. Tbo boys expect to win half of tboir games on this trip. It will bo strange If this league docs pot turn out some crack players. In tbo catchIng - Ing line Mnuplii , Fear , Jones , Graver and Chlloi uro all lirst class men. lu pltcnliig Pcrrino , Heovoi. Yupp , Hoffor. Hourko , Summers , Cattono , Johnson and Slugel are nil line mon. Of tbcso probably Pcrrino , Hooves , Hotter , Johnson and blagcl are the bi-st , iteovcs U probably the best colored pitcher In tbu stair , Taylor , Sboubau and Wilson uro till star llrst base men , Taylor is a colored man. At second Pond , McKibbon , Stral- ton , and Fowler are all right. Fowler U colored. In fact , ho U colored no badly that the uco of spades is not in it. Ho i * a great player , though. Pond , McKibooa and Strut- tou are all great players. At third Hollhuu of Beatrice is the star. Ho is great. Joan Patterson , Marso und Vun Arnutu are alto sonio pumpkins. Marsh and Patterson are torrltio stlckert. Kennedy la no doubt tbo right short ttop of theloatruo. Grceu U at homo lu tbli place whoa bo U all right. At pros nt ho has n broken thumb. Klpp and Purcell nro Also great short men. There are some great outfielders in the league. Clark , Schanot. Sam Patterson , llah * dall , Pendor , Pottlford nnd Holme * nro nil fielders from up the crook. Of these Sam Patterson , Clark , Sonanot , Knndnll nnd Pottlford are ail lino. From the forecrolflg list it can bo scon that tbo Ne braska Statd league has some great material In It for ball players. Taking teams as a whole probably Beatrice Is the best all- around team In the league. Their captain , Gatowood , U also n great second baseman and n comer. Ho knows a good ball team when he sees it. All the KIIIM Wnrn Karneil. BEATniCE , Nob. , Juno 9. ( Special Tele- cram to THE BEE.I Boatrlco redeemed her self today , bjnchlna her hits and doing some very good all 'round iilaying. The visitors But up n splendid Holding gnmo and made entrico earn her laurels. There was a big attendance present nt the geme , among whom were many ladles. Score : lloutrlco , . 0 4 1'rcinont 0 1 Kurnod runs : flontrlco. 4 ; I'romont 1. 1'lrst baboon bulls : Off Holmes. 1 ; olT Kliiiinol. 2 ; Struck out : lly Holmes. 2 ; by Kltinnol , I. ThrDO-baso liltx ! Jones. Two-boKO hits : Am- tin , lioxYtmin , Taylor. Ilnso bits : Heat rice. 8 : l-'rcmont , 4. Sncrlflro lilts : lloatrlcn. 4 ; 1'ro- inont , 3. Double nlays : Kltnmol to llowmnn. Cureoll to Ansiln u > Itowiunn , lloilbun to Stont-y to Taylor. Hit by ultohpr : By Holmes , 1. Wf'd pltclic i llolmos 1 > KrrorA : lloutrico. 61 rromonUl ) . Hattorlcj : llolmcf and Jones , Klniinol nnd Palmer. Tlmo of came : Onu hour nnd thirty minutes , Umpire : Hurt. Beatrice and Plattsmouth play tomorrow nnd Saturday. Tlnypil n Itcprntor. GUANO ISI.AXD , Nob. , Juno P. [ Special Tolocram to Tun BKK , ! ( jrand Island was defeated in ono Inning the fourth by Hoh- rcr's Hod ) . A largo crowd saw the gamo. Grand Island was unlucky enough to make her errors when Hastings made her hits. Score : Ornnd Island 0 7 Hastings 1 1 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 14 Kims earned : Grand Island , 4 : Hastings , 3. Two-base hits : 1'ottlforJ. Klpp , Ucrlnm. Three-base bit : Itourkc. Sacrllleo bit" : John- Ron , Wnlek. Double pluys : HolTcr to llourko. Itasi's on bulls : OlT I'ucKurd , 2. Struck out : lly Pucktird , 3. I'ussod bulls : Murray , 3 ; MuKariund. l. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Piilmer. HASTISOS , Neb. , Juno 0. [ Special Tele- pratnto Tin : BEE. ) Hastings against Urand Island today. Score : llastlnis 34024000 1 11 Grand Island 0 202001)03 7 NATIONAL I.KAUUH. St. I.ouls Munngoii to ( lot In Ono Unuio on the Orlotcff * B.u.TiMoiin , Md. . Juno 0. The Baltimore nud St. Louis clubs started to play two catncs ibis afternoon but only managed to complete tbo ono. The Baltiraoros had com pleted their half of the second inning in the second gnmo when n storm followed. The score wns fi to 0. Weather threatening. At tendance --)0. llnltlmoro 000020120 5 St. Louis 0 0013002 * 0 Hit's : Baltimore , 0 ; St. I.ouls. 5. Errors : Diiltlniore , C : St. Louis , 1. Burned runs : llul- tlmoro , 2. H\ttorlcs : : Guuson and Cobb : Dwyer und llucklcy. Cohiiiols Go Io\vn u 1'cjr. WASMIXOTOX , D. C. , June 0. Tbo Senators Du&sedtbo Colonels in the championship race by winning today's game. Score : Wnshin ton . . . . 0 22001010 0 Louisville. 1 1000010 0 3 Hits : Washington. C : Louisville , 5. Error ? : Washington , 4 ; Louisville , 2. E-irned runs : Wuslilimton , 3 Ilultorlos : Knoll and Mllll- Riin , Jones nnd Grim. Ouiikcr.t I.oso Twice. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Juno 0. The Phila delphia and Cleveland clubs played two games hero this afternoon , the visitors win ning both by batter , playing. Attendance , 8,100. Score : First game : Cleveland 0 03102002 8 1'hlludelphln 0 .4 Hits : Clovoland.il ; Philadelphia , 0. Errors : Cleveland , 2 ; 1'lillaUelphla , 0. Earned runs : Cleveland. 4 : 1'hlliidolphla. 3. HaUorlos : Cuppy nnd Zlmmor : Esper and ClotnonU. Second game : Cleveland 0 00102300 0 1'lillaclelplila 102000000 3 Lilts : Cleveland. B ; Phtladolpliln , a Errors : Cleveland , 1 ; 1'hlludulphiu. 5. Earned runs : Cleveland. 1 ; I'lilludutphln , ] . HuHorles : i ouug und O'Conner ; Koero und Clements. > ow York Won One. NEW YonK , Juno 0. Only four innings were played in the llrst game when rain stopped the match , leaving tbo score Cincin nati 2 , Now York 3. Attendance , 1,037. Ucoro of second game : Now York 0 0 Cincinnati 5 Earned runs : Now York , 0 ; Cincinnati , 2. Butteries : King and Boyle ; Chamberlain and * Murphy. Cliungo in the I.oulnvlllo Club. ST. Louis , Mo. . June 9. A Loulsvlllo dis patch says : The chances are that within the next twenty-four hours the Louisville Base Ball club will have bad a change which will cause some little astonishment almost be yond a doubt. Fred Pfoffor will bo playing second base , and either Harry Taylor or Tom Brown will bo captain of the club. Offi cers of the club refuse to confirm the rumor but admit thai something is "going to drop very soon. " Stake Kaccs Drawn Irtrijo Crowd to Morris Turk. Moimis PAUK Uicu THACK , N , Y. , Juno 9. Despite tbo rainy woatbar that prevailed this afternoon , fully 10,000 people assembled at the Westchosior course , mainly to witness the race for thn Belmont stakes. Klrst race , so von furlongs : Ham II ton (3 ( tel ) won. Key West ( rf to D ) second , Julio ( a tel ) third. Time : 1:30. : tccond race , tnllo nnd ono furlong : Mnrs (4 ( to 1) ) won , Uloiiinlnj ; (5) ( to 1) ) aocond , Llzzla (15 tel ) third. Tlmo : 1J7. Third race , Larchmont stakes , six furlongs : Krntiola (5 ( to S ) won , Douovun (7 ( to 1) ) saoond , Hesperus (5 ( to2j third. Time : lIO'i. I'onrtli race , onc-bulf mlle : Morrollo (7 ( to ft ) won , Simmons ( LI ) to 1) ) second , Alux ( I'J to 5) ) third. Time : 48y. Flftli race , Dolniont stakes , ono mlle and n quarter : Patron (1 ( to 5) ) won , Sballburk (5 ( to 1) ) bucond. Tlmoll : : ( Only two stutters. ) Six tli race , six furlongs : Oiilsyrlan ( B to 1) ) won , Alciildo ( it ) to 1) ) Hooond , Urout Onus ( II to5)tlilrd. ) Time : Jll . Sport ut Ht. l.ouH. ST. Louis , Mo. , Junn 9. Weather boauti ] ful , track good , attendance largo. First race , Bolllmr. six furlonzs : Ninon (3 ( to 1) ) won. Or.innlo A (0 ( to I ) second , Dewberry (7 ( to I ) third. Time : UltJIi. Second race , for'-your-olds , four furloncs : Kliu-Knustna (7 ( to 10) ) won , Uoldn (0 ( to DHOU- end , I < KUelund ( S to 1) ) tnlrd. Time : 4'JH. 'Iblrd nice , Oosconiido itukoi for U-year- olds , $1.000 added , ono mlle : Wlxhtman ( I to 5) ) won , Uoldntono (13 to Daucnnd , Sllunlo Cool ? to5) ) third. Time ! HW . Konrtn race. Hulling , six furlongs : ICIIduro Ute 1) ) won. St. luo ( to U locond , Crab Cider ( J to l ) third. Time : UllJi. Fifth race , selling. HI ! fnrlongs : Coitu Itloa (1 ( to I ) won. Kuby I'ayno ( oven ) second , llur- baraiSJ tel ) third. ' 1'liuo : 1:13. : blxth race , ono mlle : Olilof Justice (8 ( to 5) ) won , NnroJto ( ItBocond , Ureat liopca ( Il < i3) ) third , Time : lil ; . ' t-uventli race , hitndlciip , ono mlle ana ono- clglith : llollvnr liuuknor to i ) won , Guldo (4 ( to & ) second , llonnlo Ilyrd (10 ( to J ) third , Tlmo : ! : ) * , UusulU nt llutvtlioriip. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 0. Hawthorne track slow. 1'lrnt race , six furlonn : Tnctiulan won , Gll- son Hccond. I.uonlloi third. Tlmo : lJ.it : ; . bccond ruco , Qvo furlongs ; Townsuml won , llrlltou second , Kcley Holey third. Time : lt7Vi. IIrd ruco. live furlonss : Hawthorne won , Union boeond , l.o.-rand tlilrd. Tlinu : IUH. : Fourth ruco. lx turloiiK > : The Hero won , Cntuin second , Lombard third. Tlmo : l-M. Flf tb race , onu mlle : fclr llovya , only ouo ran. Tliuu : lWi- Ciolni ; to Turro lluutu. Some famous trotters posted through this city lost night enrouto to tbo Terre Haute meeting from the Pacllla ilopo. They will rest up at Council Uluffs for a day or two before reiuuilus ; their Journey out. la tbo strtnt ? Is Frou Frou , 2:0. : > li ; Fousta , pacer , 3W4'5 Faustina , Sldmott ? , ' OJI Follow , Fouituslno and Lon Souaicn Those famous flyers are owned by J , A. ipu tln and Count Ynllson of tbo Clovonlale slbcK farm , south ern California. ' " YoO. O. Juno U Too nltcndanco at Latontn today was J fair , the weather cloudy and the tracit hoaryu I'avorltos won ft majority of the races. , ) ft I'lMt race , sollln ? puMo. for 3-yc r olds and upwards , noii-nlnncrs liero < sy | furkinRV : , L. Mtinsoti ( I to 1) won. Tcnnv.Jr. . (5 ( to I ) foc- onrt. Ontcrirtfl : ( to.l ) third. Time : tls ' . bccond r.tep. solllne parid for 3-your-nlds nnd upwards ono mlle nnd n sixteenth ! John llorkloy in US ) won , tendon tffiioko ( 3 to liscc- onil. UoorkatU to 5) ) third. TUnc : l:5 v < . Third r ice. purto for aiye , r-old Ulllcs. ono mlle : Yo Tnmblpn ( ovwtl'won ' , llrocnwlcb ( H to Si second , Julia May 110 tel ) third. Time : Fourth race , purse forl-yonr-old , five fnr- lotiRi : Sillnill ( toftl won , Mlly Jnn (3tol ( ) lucond , Fay (2 ( > 4 tel ) third. Time : 1O.V4' : . Fifth roce , sollln ; , purse for : i > y car-old i , four nnd u Imlf furloius : Henry Voiinn 1:1 : to 1) ) won , Oovotto(2 ( to 1) ) second , Carrlo 1'o.irsall (20 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo ; MVJ. ( Jnlloplnc nt Onrllnld. CHICAGO , III. , Juno 9. Oarllold park. Clear ; tniok.slow. Attendance , .1,000. First nice , half mlloi I'oUm won , Frank Kvnns second , Johnny Campbell third , Tlmo : 1 * 0 > > 0Sucond race , nlne-slxtoenths of n mlle : Nativity won , Snnta y.tilldii second , Mlko fabollcy third , Tlmo ! UlTlf. Third race , solllntt , tlirca-nuurtorsof n mile : I'rollUuto won , Heil Stone second , Crispin third. Time ! l : VS. ronrlb rice : , the Adams Imndlonp , tbroc- nuartors of u mlle : hn Oolonln won , Yallora HCcoiUI , Silverado third. Tlinu : liiH. : ( Fifth race , selling , olovon-slxteunthi of n mlle : Johnny Greener won. Dick Scott second , Millie V third. Time : 1:3 : M. Sixth raco. iilmi-slxtoontlii of n tnllo : Iiiitlnus won. Cora W acicoitd , Itandom third. Tln.a : ll5y. Tips forToil.iy. Hero is the choice from the Morris Park program of likely winners : 1. Hir Uiclmrd Miles Standlsh. 2. Itox-Fldulla 3. Mudstonu Tournament. 4. Tlio Ironmaster Tormentor. li. Ijliolu Kulndrop. 0. Oottysburg Oynoauro. 1111.1V 31U11FI1Y FI.UMCUU. Ho Declarer ftls Inability to Continue tlio Fight Agnlnst .Jolinilln. SJLJT PIIAXCISCO , Cal. , Juno 9. Fifteen hundred people assembled at tbo 1'aclllc club last night to witness the conclusion of the glove contest between Billy Murphy of Now Zealand ana Johnnie Murphy of Boston , which was postponed from May 31. Johnulo Murphy entered the rlntr at 0:03 : , ready to light. Billy Murphy followed In street cos tume. Ho announced ho was unabla to cont.inuo the fight on account of tbo condition of his right hand , which ho disabled in the other contest. Ho praised the ability of his opponent , whom bo called tbo best mnn bo ever mot. Billy Murphy nnnouncod ho was In better condi tion at the late go than when ho fought Grinlu , und bo hoped soon to fight the Bos- Ionian for the cba < nplonshin ot tbo world , lloforoa Sullivan then awarded tbo light to Johnnie Murphy , nnd said as far as ho was concerned all wagers were off. Ten Hound * to n Drnvr. STIIACUSE , N. Y. , Juno P. Fred Warner and James Konnarcl , tbo St. Paul kid , sparred ten rounds to & draw hero last night. Warner weighed 130 ana the kid 115 pounds. Dr. Blrnoy's ' Catarrh Powder for tonsll- itls. For sale by all drdgglsls. GO cents. SOUTH UJl.tlI.4. T. 1 * . Woub'g Jfnrrow liarapo from Drown ing Notes aiiiVperSoimU. J. P. Webb , a well knfa'wnlical newsdealer , had a narrow escape from 'drowning yester day afternoon. Ho was fishing in the river near tbo sownr outlet in tompauy with A. C. Powers. Mr. Webb sfcpned on n half submerged stump in order to make a longer cast , and losing bls > balance fell head long lute the river. The current Is quito swift at this point and the.bank sloped so ab ruptly that the tishcrmdh Hvas carried be yond his depth. Ho wns''utiablo to swim and would surely have beau , drowned bad it not been for the courageous notion of bis companion. Mr. Powers sprang into the water ana succeeded in grasping Webb by the collar just as he. was about to sink for the third time. Being nampcrod by bis clothing be cumo near being drowned himself , but finally succeeded in reaching the shore and saving the Ufa of his com panion. Neither of the gentlemen were much the worse for their ducking. Serious Ituimwiiy. A serious runaway occurred on the T street viaduct about noon yesterday. T. L. O'Connor was driving ever with a single rig when ono of Ulynn's transfer teams , which was approaching from tup opposite direction , took fright at a passing train and dashed into the buggy at full speed. Mr. O'Connor Jumped and escaped with a few bruises. 1'ho borso was uninjured but the buggv and har ness were entirely ruined. Mr. Glynti promptly paid all damages. . Building I'nrnilts. The following building permits were granted by Inspector Mayflold yesterday : Lena Kunzol , cottupc. Twentieth and O street- ) $ 339 I' . 11. 1'uttcn , two-story frame. Twcnty- sccond street , between 11 und 1 3,000 James L. Gott , cottage. Twenty-second und Mllroy 350 Total $ 3,053 Notes and 1'orsonal.s. 1 , M. Dawson of Nowmau Grove , la. , is in the city. William Brocklo of PordvaJ , In. , is the guest of B. H. Hawloy. Miss Bosslo Housman has gene to Charles City , la. , where ho will spend the snnimor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Porter are receiving congratulations oyor the birth ot a daughter. Tbo ladies of tbo Mothodlst church will give n "blue Jay" social this evening in the church parlors. John McDonald , formerly a resident of this city , now of Creston , la. , is spending' a few days in town. Tbo ladles of tbo Baptist church will servo uuppor from 5 o'clock to 10 in the Fowler block Saturday evening. H. S. McDougball has returned from Grand island where ho passed iho state pharmaceutical examination. H. Hoymen returned from a visit at At lantic , la. , yesterday. Ho got awav with nothing worse than a sprained anklo. Mike Markason was arrested yesterday on < complaint of Mrs. J. Grcon , who charged him with being tbo father of tno unborn child of her daughter , Myrtle Hnndorsou. Tbo girl roiusod to appear us a witness and the case was dismissed. The Park Exchaugo saloon on Twonty- fourtb street bos boon iinoccupled forsovornl weeks. Yesterday it > vos discovered that some ono had broken into'tbo building and destroyed or carried off thir entire stock of liquors nnd cigars. Thcrp11's-no clew to the thieves , " Chris Johnson was'laMi ? 50 and co s yostordarin police coUrt'-for caressing the cranium of Charles JjTorrUis with a plko polo. Ho was committed'to' tbo county Jail in default of payment. tt'Ua'blow was the re sult of a quarrel ever tbo .bauMuggors' atrlka at Swift's. Ji' ! The 7-year-old son of Joe Madden , who lives on Twenty-fifthtract ! opposite the High school building , ii Ufttfgerouitly ill with black diphtheria. A uiimUtr of otbor cases am reported. The city authorities have had tbelr attention called to.lbo matter and will take measures to provout the spread of tbo dUoaso.'f Fortune of uu Uinulia Veteran , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno P. [ Special Tolocram to Tun BEE. ] THE BEE Bureau of Claims received notion from Commissioner Hftum today of tbo allowance of tbo pension of U&vld H. Curtlss of Omaha , at the rata of $13 per month from October ID , 16U1 , and $0 per month from December 4,1691. In this case Curtlss was represented by THIS BKU Bureau of Claims , and tbo speedy manner In which the claim was pushed to tlnal allow ance shows the facilities afforded by THE BEE Bureau to voUrans for * ouring pen sions. . * Partuola for gardoo'partles are lined with rose color and decorated with a wreath of Uowors outsldo with grimes for fringe. LOOK OUT FOR THE Saturday Attractions i . . . IN THIS EVENING'S , AND SATURDAY MORNING'S BEE , A Sale that Beats All Others. Nothing like 'it Ever offered in Omaha. WARM WORK AT ATLANTIC No Records Broken by Iowa Firemen But the Time "Was Good. COUNCIL BLUFFS SECURED A PRIZE Divided tlio Money In the Hose Contoit with Ilnrlan Mini } ' 1'oople Witnessed tlio Inhibitions Closing ot the ISuptUt Conference. ATLANTIC , la. , Juno 9. iSpscial Telegram to THE BBE.J The Iowa state tournament today has been another period of , great suc cess nna hard work for the prizes and glory. Thcro hab bcon a high wind prevailing all day which lowered the tirao several seconds and the day was unusually hot. All the flre- mea were in prituo condition and mndo a flno exhibition and ono that will do them proud to go on record. The attendance at the contests was as largo if not greater than yesterday , and the patience exhausted in waiting on tbo races whiloslt'isg on the hot beeches was romarn- able. The races have generally boon on tlmo , nnd the boys ran ever the 300 yards with n spirit that would indicate that tholr lives depended on getting tbo prizes. Some good records were nwdo. but nothing has yet been mnao to lower past performances. The first race on the program today was the li'.ildor climbing contest in wnlch II. U. Gillett of Atlantic , John Walkup of Marion and Chet French of Stuart were contestants. Uillott stopped through Ibo ladder. French made the climb In 7 boconds and Walltup touched the top round in 0 1-5 seconds. Gillett lott afterwards cave an exhibition , making the climb in U 3-5 seconds. Contesting Hose CoinpniilCR. Tno 44 class boso contest was next called , in wblch Corning , Council Bluffs , Harlan and Vinton companies ontorod. Tbo race was a tie betxvoon Council 11 luffs and Marian. They divided the money. The Harlan boys made nn elegant run of 300 yards , laying 100 yards of hose , break coup- line and attach play plpo in 40 2-5 seconds. This afternoon the first on the list was the amateur hose race , in wblch were outorod green companies which bad never made a record in tbo stata association. Adair , Vln- ton and Corning entered und Vinton captured tbo prlzn money In 49 1-5 seconds. Tbo drill contest between tbo Fullortons of Marion , Uuthrlo Center flro department and tbo Montzor drill corps of Marion was won by the last named. In tbo 41 class hose race four companies entered und thoiCldora took tbo llrst money. Tomorrow will bo a grand day. Tno state bolt uud ether stnto prizes will bo awarded. O | > ponud to tlio V. 31 , O. A. CKIUU IUrn > 3 , In. , Juno 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Uni ; . ) At today's session of the Gorman Baptist Brotbroo conference it was * decided 'that card playing and other light games were wrong nnd tbo Young Mon'n Christian association ana lilto organi zation * were not in harmony with the gospel. Tbo following committees were appointed : John Wise , Enoch Klioy and Danlnl Vunl- men , to relieve ministers nud cldOM of tbelr oQlcos when the church was satisfied that such should bo done ; DV. . Sbouffer , J. W. Sbowaltor. J , H , Mooroand U. C. Sharpe to select music for hymnals ; D. L > . Miller , J. It. Moore and Ij. W. Totter on the compil ation of hymnal , Tbo mom bora of tbo ud- visory committee elected were L. W. Totter , two years , nnd Daniel Hayes , three years. It was decided to hold the next annual meeting tn iho southern Indiana dis trict , the town to bo decided upon by the committee on location after the vurlous places have boon beard from , Tbo conference - once then adjournsd. A ultf meeting was hold In tbo Tabernacle this evening , utter which tbo brethren departed - parted for tnolr homes. MuiUon ConvlrttnU During the afternoon the Madson case was submitted , and after being out half an hour the Jury returned a verdict ot guilty. Mr. Madsou was requested to bo present tomorrow morn ing to receive his sentence. In such coses the line may bo { 500 , but it cannot bo loss than $300. Wbea tbo verdict was road tbo prisoner tat in tbo roar of the room , reading u newspaper , and Dover looked up to ieo what had happened. $100,00 IN CASH In ordnr to Introduce more generally DR. PfiAi'3 LIVER PILLS , wo publish tbo rebus given nbovo. nnd for It's correct solution will give 81UO.OJ IN CASH , di vided as follows : To the llrst two persons sending us correct ans wer ! vre will Klvo f 10 each : to the next ono sunclliiK u a correct nnawcr wo will Biro Mia cusli ; to tbo next twcnty-llvu per onn aundlng 119 cocroct una- wcr , wo will Klvo II osch. ' To the lam two persons sondlnic us correct eolu- tlonn wo will RlTO 110 each : to third lant wo will RlrutS ; and to tbo next laat twoiitr-llvo , wo will KlTO II each. Knch answer to the nhovo rolms must boaccom- pnnlcd by thirty emits , for which wo will acini you a box of tboo excellent little pills. Puitftgo 6Umi > urcoptcd. This olWr closes on November 1st , 18.13 , nnd the prlzrH will l > o forwarded to tbo fortnnuto onue on tlmtdatu. 1'oriion * Uoalrlng a Hut of the prlio win- nur8 , hiukl ( enclujo a Belf-uddrusacd , stamped uu- vulopo. Answers and orders must bo sent to The Peal Medicine Co , Cleveland , O. A.MUS 1SMENT3. Ono Week , Commencing Sunday , June 12. i of tbo DAVIS 1111 "WE SuppiirtlnK tlio sterling actor. Mil. I.1NDON. mill Ills liunilHomu nnd taluntud daughter , HUNA IJAHI.IH MNIJO.N , I'rcsontlnB tlio llr t four nlgliti of the auRniccmont A. IA 13 El Tt T m t ( Tlio Ken of .Monto Crlsto. ) ClmnL'oof | jUTliur | ilny. 1'rlcos lie,25cMe , DOe and Tie. Farnam Streei Theater | Alta Tiifsilny , Frldiiami Snliinlny , DODD OPERA CO. , EXR.MIMIR 40 - SINGERS - 4O MATINKK WKHK 01' JUNK OTII. in NIGHTS in lu IN A BAR. liOOM.U THE COW110V DUO. 8 HIP ii BnowH a. _ OflDINANOB NO. 8081. An ordinance locating certain additional \vutor bydrants In tbu city uf Uinabu. lie It ordnlnod by the city council of l.ho city of Onialnt ; Kuotlon 1. Tbut tbo American Water Works Company ho and UIOHUUKI U hereby ordered to pmco additional water liydrants In tbu city of Omutia. ns follows ! Onu ut tbo corner of U'Jnl and MunJefion streets. Ono at tbo corner of 31th and llundc"ri > oii Btreels. Onu at thn corner of 'lltli and I'riUt strcotH. Ono on U.'nd street at the north line of Euclid 1'laco. bootlon - . That this nrdlnnnco shall tuko olfuct and bu In foroo from uud uttur lu pusa- Ut-'U. 1'usjod Muy tli , 18 , JOHN GHOVEB. City Ulnrk. O. X * OUAI'I'KB. Actlne 1'reilduntUlty tiounolL Approved May iUth , IblC- . IblCUCO. . I1. Hi : MIS. Mayor. PROPOSALS FOU PAVING. Scaled proposals will ho received by tlio nn- diTslKiiod until ltJ : : o'cloolc p. in. . Juno 17th , 1M , f ° rtho following kinds of p\vliiK : ma- Shcel iiHpb.iltntn. Sioux 1'ulls or olbor cr.mllo. U Idle Colorado sniidhtoiio. Ui'd Coloni'io nuiidstnne. \\ooUrnlT. Kansas , atone. Yltrllled brick. An I brick bloalts. all aocordlne to spcolDoa- tlons of ib'tt. ns modified by the resolution udoplud bytliollonrdof 1'ubJIo Works ut Its inroiliigor Miiyll st , I8ai. I or pavliiK tmrt of Hie followlnu streols , nvenues nnd niloys Intho , city of Uinalin , foni- prlsed In Htroot Improvement districts Nni. p , 4.N , 4-.TI , 4L-J , 4'7 , 4'J' . 4 , 4.U. 1 , 41. . 4A 414. 4lN4 : l.4iT. : 4M.439 , 440 , 4II.4K1. 44X 441. Hi. 413. 451. 431. 4.4. 45 % 4.VI , 4.VT. 45S , 431 , 4111 nnd 402. oidorcd linuroved by ordliiuiieo No-4. : i,033 ind : ' .OSO , und for ronavlnu'Htiout Improvement ciUtricts iNos. a.VJ , 44t and 450 , ordered repuved bvordlimneo No , : i.0s5. und more particularly described as follows : rso.a.yj-l'iirKorSinh nvonuc , from Leaven * worth htrcet 10 Hickory Htroot. No. 44 * > Alloy In block 3. ilnnscnm plnco. No. 417 fjctiVLiiiwortlistrdot , from the west Una of lUlli street tovost line ofDtli uvonuo. No. 4J-fth fitiuat , from the Bouth line of Plerco street to the nortli line of Hickory struot. No. 474 Lonvomvortli street , from the woit line of lOtb street to Ibo oust line of 1Kb Htroet. No. 423 I2tb street , from the south line of Jones Htroet to thu north line of Luavonworth strool. No. 42C Spencer street , from Sherman av enue to 31th street. No. 4'j ; Latin op street , from Sherman av- onuu to ISth Htroet. No. 4.8 Hurt street , from the west line of IStli street to the oust line of intn street No. 4'JJ Sprnuo stieot , from the west line of ISNlstri'ct to the east line of mill street. No. 4UU Ciihsstiuot , from IX'd street to 24tli htioet. No. 4J1 : Mason strcnt.from 20th street to'JJth avoiiuu. No. 4r. Mnson stroct , from the oust line of uOtli htroot lo tlio oust line of Hist Blroot. No. 4:11 : Il.'d hlroot. fiom Hie north line of Kuclld pluco to tbu noith line of Woolwortb uionuo. No. 4'll Oallfornln stroct , from 15th street to loin Mtrei. No. 4ir l/.urd street , from ISlu strool to Htli street. No.4ft : I'nrlier street , fromSltb street to tha oust line ofJth street. r.o. 43T Kownrd struct , from 21th street to Ifith stroot. No. 43 ! Chicago sti cot froiu 23d street to kl si i cot. No. 4iQ : Onldwc ; Blrcol rotn 2Uh street to tlio west line of Hnlnn't ) addition. No. 41(1 ( Sliurnuii iivonno from soutb line ot Grand uvuiino lo Kort i-troet. No. 441 UJih struct from I'anmm street to the north line of Davenport streot. No , 4IL' Davenport struct from 3'Jtb street to 40lh street. No. m-ldlli street from the Bouth line of Davunport struct to Cumins street , No. Jit Mudlson nvcnuo from llth htrcet to No. 4 < u Uhluugo street from 2Hh street to 20tb streot. No. 450 Ht , Mary's avenue between the west line of ' 'Olli street und tbu oust line of nth street. No. 1M mil stroct from Hartley Blroot to nt. Mury H UVUIMIU. No. 43) ) Tlionlluy from 3'nd street to SUlt oteeet In I'aulbcn'H nddltlan , No. m-.lUlhstreet from 1'nrnum street to Hiirnuy htiecU No , 4.A > J--.blli street from tboHOiith line of I'oiiululon uvuiiuo to juiiili Hue of Woolwortlt iiveinio. No. 4.--Iixvonport ) Btreol dom''ltli street to V-'itli HtreoU nil In tbu city of Onmlm. No. 4. > 8"Uus3 street from wunl Hue of Ultli street to IDS feat west of 23 Hlruot. No. 4v.i--OiiHS street f 10111 HID oust line of 21th snout to tbo went line of-'lth strnut. No. 4i--limlltoiiKUeot : ] ; from tlio went Una of mill HtiL'ot to tbo oust line of iho viaduct of the licit I.lnoUnllwiiy. No. 4il-Alluy ) In block 2i9. city. No. --Alloy In bloeU 10 , KounUo & : Kntb'n nddlllon. I'.icli bid tospoolfy aprlco pcrKqunro yard fortbu pitvliiK und rounvlntt co'iipluio on ouch Direct , averjno nnd ulley uopurtluly In a.ud linprovuinunt dlHtrlCLH , \Vork to bo done In nccordulico w tli nlans and Ri/rellliitlona on Illo In tbo ulllcu of tbo bourd of public works. hucli propoi.il to bo mudo on printed hlunlu furnished i.y tb loird. ; und tn bo necom- punlod by uueriIliad chuilk In tlio following KIIIIII for tlio dlll'orenl. dUtrlcU : l ) . trlcln , 421. 4i % 4'J7.4.U4'J , 4-JO , III , 4r. , 4JI , 4.7 , 4W , 4)2. 411 , 4H. 4S , 4.11 , 411 , 4.14M. . 417. 43' , 4v. > , 4111 nnU < K. JOO euch. DIstrlolH , JM. 4' ) , Ul , 1C. , M. ; ) I'J 4tii.4ll.4ll undtivj. * 3Woiicli , And dU- trlct 447 SI.C05 , puynblutotbo city ofUmnli.i an itn ovidoiiL'o of wood fulth Tbu board renurvos tbu rlnht to awurd tlio contract on nil tbo said dUlncw together oren on oaeh dlktrlut separately , snhjcet 10 thu HU- luctlonuf Iho mulorlul by tlio uropuity own- urs or Ibo mayor mid city council to reject nny or nil bid , Jp , " Chairman of tlio Hoard of 1'iiLllo WorKn. Omuhii , Neb. , Juno'Jml , le'Ji Jiino3-3.0-10. IT BTANI.i AT TIIK IlKAII- NASllVII.I.i ; , l-or YOUIIK Ijidloi , TKNN. , abulldluui y oniuurt. 7 VnndorblU < IJ tiuiilU from 2U Miuu . An Munli , Uriuuiluw uov. uuyuui . v. I'uicis.u. u ,