Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Annual Ccnvcntion of the National Yard'
masters Association.
I'rcnldrnt Hicks Contents tlio Ilody nml
Kiplnlm tlio ( llijcct of the McotliiR
Safely Appllnnrvii Coiulilereil Irilno
rornmlly Clinrgoil with Murder.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 8. [ Special to Tnn
Den. I The third annual convention of the
National Ynrdmnstors association convened
at Knights of Pythias hall this raornlnu nt 0
o'clock. The convention was called to order
by President J. D. Hicks , general yardmaster -
master of the Big four road , with head
quarters at InUinnnpolls. Aftnr prayer by
Hcv. Mr. Liwby of St. Paul's Methodist
Episcopal church of this city , Muyor Weir
delivered an address of welcome , In which
ho paid a compliment to the line looking
body of men before him nnd enlarged some
what uporf the beauties nnd advantages of
President Illeln responded on behalf of the
dcleantua ana complimented the mayor on
hln felicitous remarKS , Ho stated that the
welcome extended them by the people of
Lincoln was the heartiest yet received from
any city In which the association bad mot.
The con vontlon then look a recess until after
noon. The afternoon session was elvon uo
to n discussion pf tnovmlous safety nppll-
nnccs Invented for the raoro effective protec
tion of the lives of railway employes.
Hiiltitjr Appliances 1'iivoreil.
After the close of the discussion on safety
appliances President Illcks announced the
following committee : On draw oars A. V.
Shaw , J.V. . Coneys. Fred Dewey , Joseph
MeMnhoii and J. M. Olunt. Tbo coramltteo's
report , which will bo presented tomorrow ,
will bo thoroughly discussed , as the matter
Is ono of the most Important to coma before
the convention.
Secretary Marshall said to TUB Bnn repre
sentative this evening that n strong memo-
ml will bo presented to congress on this sub
ject by the association. Tiro-thirds of tlio
accidents to railway mon , ho said , resulted
from the present system of drawbars In use
on the different railroads in the countrv.
The association does not recommend any par
ticular drawbar , but simply asks for the In
troduction of a uniform system on all roads.
The election of ofllcers will tuko place to
morrow. The delegates Include many of the
best railroad mon of tno country. The list
Is as follows : President , J. O. Hicks , In
dianapolis , representing the Big Four ; sec
retary , II. P. Muishnll. Cincinnati ; J. W.
Conris , Cincinnati , Panhamllo : J. F. Nady ,
Columbus , O. , Uip Four ; William Thomas ,
Columbus , Panhandle ; A. D. Shaw ,
Washington , D. C. , Big Four ; Wil
liam Klrktey , Columbus , Ohio state
railroad commissioner ; Jerry Dally ,
Toledo , Lake tihoro & Michigan Southern ;
A. L. Dunbar , Moadvlllo , general manager
O > Noll's Crossing Alarm company ; J. H.
Werrick , secretary Ohio State Railroad com
mission ; C. E. Chevrolet , Sioux City , Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omahu ; Jos
eph McMafou , Chicago , Hock Island ;
J. B. SafTord , Chicago , Automatic
Draw Bar company ; O. b. Tarr ,
Boston , Boston & Maine ; J. II. Hlllman ,
Denver ; P. P. Lyons , Denver , Union Pa
cific ; A. T. Buijuannn , Chicago ; J. M.
Glunt , Staples , Minn. , Northern Pacific ; J ,
McNautjht , West Superior , Eastern Minnesota
seta ; Fred Dewey , Duluth , Northern Pa
cific ; D. C. Clark , West Superior , Lake Su-
poilor Transfer & Terminal company ; C. II.
Gross , Dubuque , Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Local Delegate ) ) .
The local delegates arot E. Sherlock , O. D.
Sparks , C. J. MnLaugblln , D. B. Murphy , E.
Dolqn and F. Atwood. Moat of tno visiting
delegates are accompanied by their wives. .
This evening the entire party were ton-
dcrqd n reception by Mrs. A , Li. Manchester.
The local committed which , together with
the local delegates , consists of C. E. Hector ,
William ParscUs , C. S. Manchester , W. H.
Manchester and \VHliam UlfTon , Is doing the
honors for Lincoln. The delegates and their
ladles nro being treated to carriage rides and
visits to the several state institutions. The
convention will conclude with a picnic in
Lincoln purk tomorrow afternoon.
Irvlnu Indicted fur Murder.
County Attorney Snell this afternoon filed
n formal chnrgo of murder against W. II. Ir
vine. The indictment charges Irvine with
having killed C. E. Montgomery unlnwfullv ,
feloniously and with deliberate and premedi
tated malice. Irvine is now confined In the
county Jail nnd shows no signs of the Insanity
that has been attributed to him recently.
An Information was also filed against
( Jrcen S. Gravely and DanCoshlnn , charging
the former with murder In the first degree
for the murder of Ctianos Thomas. Cashtun
is charged with having harbored and pro
tected Gravely while he was eluding the
Itrully Hurt lu a Kmuurny.
Tom Murphy , living at 2138 J street , was
seriously injured In n runaway accident last
night. Ho was driving a team of spirited
horses when they started to run away. Ho
tried to stop them , but before ha could do oo
ho was thrown from tbo wagon and drugged
over tlio ground for nnvoral blocks. The
bones of his loft foot were broken , his lugs
badly lacerated nnd his head cut opon. Ho
was taken home , but today grow worse and
was romovad to the hospital , where Is was
discovcicd that he had also sustained severe
Internal in Jin IPS.
Driven from Their Itesorts.
The police have boon engaged all day in
their crusade against the houses of 111 fama
and as n result of their efforts the moral at
mosphere In certain parts of Lincoln Is much
clearer this evening. Thcso disreputable
dlvos hnvo oxtstod for a long time In the dis
trict bounded by Seventh and Eighth and L
and M streets. The inmates were locked up
ana their household goods ana personal
effects thrown out of their houses. They
will not bo allowed to return and will bo
closely watched to prevent thorn from secur
ing quarters In otlior Darts of the city.
for 11 J ow High School.
The Board of Education this afternoon
Issued a call for n special election to vote on
a proposition to vote ? 100UUO , in bonds for
the erection of a now high school. The
estimated cost of the election Is
( UK ) , and thcro will bo ono voting
plncu In each ward. The call settles a
long continued agitation for a now
high school building. The necessity for the
building hag long beer admitted , but the
rapid growth of the publio school system in
the city has made the erection of so many
ward schools necessary , that the high school
project has bcon deferred until now , The
friends of the project claim that tbo bonds
will bo voted by u good majority.
Yurdlct of tlio Coroner's Jury.
The inquest ever the remains of Bert
Mouborlyand Frame Nowbcirythotwoyoung
boyi Hilled in the Missouri Pnclllo yards in
this city last evening , was held this after
noon , hut it was not until late this ovonlne
tuut iho Jury returned Its verdict , The parent *
of the dead boys were represented at
tlio Inquest us well as the railroad company.
The principal witness was J. U. Casey , the
engineer of the switch engine. Ho tostllloj
that ho did not sea tlio boys on t'io
cnglno until Jiut before tbo accident.
The sldo trade where tbo accident
occurred was on n down grade and
the track was covered with grass. Ho shut
on steam and reversed the cnglno whou ho
inw that u collision was Inevitable , nnd also
used band , The prais on the track pre
vented iho sand from reaching the rail * .
The Jurv returned a verdict strainer
that the boyi came to tholr death In the
manner stated in tlio evidence ana censured
the railroad company for not enforcing its
rules prohibiting all parties from entering
The of the deail
the right-of-way. parents
boys have umuloynd attorneys and will &uo
the Missouri 1'nvlllc for heavy damages.
Jtrudy for tliu llxpo.
Over 00 men were at work In the Coliseum
building yciiordny putting the exhibit * In
nauo and a coed " 'any ' worked well alou
Into the iilaht , Tno manufacturers from
Nebraska City , Hoatrloo , Lincoln and i ro-
mont tinvo tholr exhlblu nearly complotea.
Tlioro nro still n fiiw Omutia manufacturer !
Who ore hanging back anil who will have
nnru work to tinUh their exhibit * lu llmo fo
the opoplng night.
Do\VUfsSa i pa.lU ? cleanse * the bload
Bold by the Sheriff to the Boston Store
Going Quickly Now ,
Uiiilcrntnm ! Now I AVe llntifclit Kvcry Ynrit
of Stonelilll'R DroBi ( locuM unit Slllt the
Slicrln Attnchcil nnd Thnt lliey
Aru licltiR.SlitiiRlitcrotl.
At 39c , the entire stock of all wool
mohair brllllnntino , 4SJ inohoa wltlo.
black nnd nil colors , were Too , our prlco
HOW , J59c n yard.
At GOo , nil Stone-hill's all wool
French bedford cords , all colors , in
cluding tans , and all Slonohlll's , wool
poplin checks , 69c. were SI,00.
At OOc , nil tlio all wool storm
the latest fancy weaves , in blacks ,
ntivys1 and tans , all the all wool llcrht-
weight broadcloth worth $1.2.3 , ijo at
COc u yjird.
AHSlonohlll's fancy plaid surah silks ,
all the gros raln silks and all the fancy
trimming silks ire at ii'Jc. ' f
All Stonohlll's changeable clonblo
warp tnlTctns and surnhs , also all the
hltfh-pi'lcod ilgurcd china silks , go at
COc iv yard.
All the faille silks inblackand colors ,
aatin rhadaiuos , all the Slonohill bro
cades and china silks in black , navy and
tans , po at ( io ! ) a yard.
Plain and fancy not veilings 80 , worth
up to 2.C.
Pompadour not veilings , all colors , ICc
a yard.
All silk molinc nets , double width , Oc.
All the double width pompadour and
Tuxedo veilings , very latest styles , 39ou
yard , worth 7Cc.
All tlio point do Irlando lace from
the bankrupt stock goes at oo , lUc , 15c ,
worth up to COc' .
Black and cream chantilly laces , lOc ,
5c , 2oi : .
Juvenile soap , 43c a box.
Shandon Bolls soap , 43c a box.
Capo May soap , 43c n box.
Cuticuni soap. 15c a cake.
30 per cent glycerine soap , 17c.
All odor * , including Lundborg'a , East
man's Wood worth's at 2-5o .
, , go - an ounco.
Fancy glass stoppered bottle eon taili
ng ono ounce of perfume , Sic.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Doug1 as.
Put Chicago In Your i'ockot.
A great work , "'s Dictionary of
Dhicago. " If there is n feature or insti-
ution in the World's fair city a full do-
cription of which does not appear in the
) ook , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price ,
! o cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plbto and elegant map it contains. Per
ions ordering copies will please onclos-
0 cents extra for postage.
Dr. Cullirno.-o. oculist. Baa building
New I.'loctrlc
In accordance with tbo provisions of tbo
now contract botwcon the city nnd the Now
Omaha Thomson-Houston Electric Light
company , by concurrent resolution , the coun
cil has ordered arc lights at the following
street intersections : Thirteenth nnd How
ard , Twonty.fourth and Wlrt , Twenty-fourth
and Locust , Twenty-fourth nnu Eramott.
Twentieth and Castcllar , Sixteenth nnd
Center , Twonty-lirst und Chicago , Seven
teenth nnd DurtTwentysecond nnd Cnss ,
1'wenty-tirst nnd Cnltforuta. Twentieth und
Nicholas , Tucnty-sl.xth and Elamllton nnd
i'wouty-iourth nnd Grant.
Slrlcncss Auiuiif ; Children.
Espoclnlly Infants , Is prevalent nt nil times ,
jut Is largely avoided by glvlnc proper
nourishment and wholesome food. The most
successful nnd reliable of all Is the Gall
Qorden "Undo" Brand Condensed Mlllc.
Your grocer und druggist Ueop It.
Tut Glilc.t n In YD ir L * n't ) * , .
A great work. "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If there is n feature or inati-
tutlon in the World's fair city n full de
scription of which does not appear in
the book , wo have yet to hoar of it
Price , 25 cents per copy. For sale at 209
Herald building , Chicago. Scotho now ,
complete and elegant inap it contains.
Persons ordering1 copies will pleuso en
close 0 cents extra for postage.
llnllilIiiK IVrmlU.
The following permits were Issued by the
superintendent , of buildings yoUorday :
Herimui Knuntzo , two-story frame ua-
dltlon to dwell I ni : , 1 > l Seventh avenue. ? 1,000
August Uoliuu , nnu-Etory fnuno resi-
douco. Twenty-fourth and Valley
Streets . i.fiflO
Vf , Kuiulnll , ropulrsto dwelling. 62) Park
avunuu . 1,000
Two minor uermlts . lee
Tot\l . . . _ . . . 8J.OJU
Io\Vitl's Snrsapnroia cleanses the blood ,
Increases the appotlt and tones up tlio sys
tem. It has bcnoflttod many people who
have suffered from blood disorders. It will
help you.
l.lcenaoK ,
The following marrlagd llconaos were
Issued by Judge Ellor yesterday :
Name and uddruss. Age.
I Otto aowlnner. Onmlm . 42
1 Anna lov Oovwall , Unmha . . . . . . 23
j J. W. ICuutiiiiun , Oinulia . 22
I Lnolunu Aloxuiuler , Oniiilm . ' 'I
i J , U. Lorsurd , Omaha . 31
1 Sarah A , Morrison , Omaha . -ja
Tut ChlciiK" 111 Vunr 1'ockct.
A great work , "Moran's Dictionary of
Chicago. " If tlioro is a feature or insti
tution in the World's fair city n full ( In
scription of which does not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of it. Price.
Sft cents per copy. For sale at 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plete nnd elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose
0 cents extra for postage.
Entire Rosa Pry Goods Stock Which Vo
Got from the Creditors
Sticli Terribly Low I'rlcp * llnro N'ovor llcon
Touched llrtiiro Ono Cnn Ilnrdly Itcnl-
Izo Thut Knelt Things nro I'oaslblo
CJoiuo n Hushing.
Ladles' roaily made llnon tlro sea ,
waist and skirt handsomely braided ,
worth up to $7.00 a dress , go nt 7oo.
Misses' llnoii drossoa , htindsomoly
braided , nil sl/.os , : it GOo fur otitlro suit.
All the ladles' waists from the bank
rupt Block in satucns , porimles , lawn * ,
outing flannel , worth up to SU.OO , no at
Indies' $3.00 black Bilk and cashmere
shoulder capus at Sl.iM.
100 ladles' olzo black and colornd
moire parasols goat 2 io ,
Ladles' all wool ciiBhmoro shawls in
blank , red and blue , fiUa.
Ladles' black ulllf , frlntroil nnd em
broidered 3 cornered sluiwU $1,00 , worth
85. ( W.
Ingrain carpets lOo a yard.
Black wool brocade grenadines , black
wool lace bunting ? , iron frnuio grena
dines at Oc a yard , worl h 2-jo.
' 12-inch half wool plaids , invisible
plaid brilliantines and wool budfurd
cord , go nt 80 a yard.
12-inch wool striped nnd plnld honrl-
ottas , the entire stock of Jamestowns
and wool cheviots , double fold grena
dines and 44 inch wool lace buntings , all
go at l5c. ! None worth loss than 60c.
Bargains in patent medicines , down
stairs in drug doparnmcnt
Hood's $1.00 sarsaparilla , 7oc.
Horsford'a Phosphate 40c nnd 75c ,
Pond's ox tract , 40c and 76c.
Alleock's nlastors , 2 for 2oc.
Custorin. 21c.
N W. cor. 10th and Douglas.
Hnydon Bros. 3-string cabinet grand
upright piano , now scale , S187.CO.
of the llnir.ilo.
At 3 o'clock Thursday Buff Jones and
his cowboys will rope John L. Sullivan ,
the fighting bulTnlo of the herd.
Rusliicsa i'roporty I'ar Silo nt n Hiirgnln.
Choice , central , substantially im
proved brick , paying good , sum rental.
Only S,8'2o ! ) necessary to htuidlo it. M'ist '
bo sold quick. George N. Hicks , 303
Now York Life oldg.
I'ut Chicago In Your rocket.
A great work , "Moran's Dictionary o
Chicago. " If there is a feature or insti
tution in the World'a fair city a full de
scription of which does not appear in the
book , wo have yet to hoar of it Price ,
25 cents per cony. For sale nt 209 Herald
building , Chicago. See the now , com
plete and elegant map it contains. Per
sons ordering copies will please enclose
C cents extra for postage.
Now Yorlc and Koturn.
July 3 to 0 one fnro for the round
trip. Choice ol routes from Chicago.
Return limit August 15. Call nt Chi
cago. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. ticket
oflico , 1G02 Parnam street.
J. L. DC BuyoiBK , City Tkt. & P. A.
SpectaclosDr. Ctillimoro,221 Boo oldg
Koumt Trip Tickets.
The only line running through trains
direct to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Manitou nnd Pueblo. Low rates to all
points in Colorado , Utah or Pacific coast
points. Past time oh elegant vcstibuled
trains , free reclining chair cars and the
celebrated "Rock Island dining cars. "
Comfort , safety and speed secured when
ticketed via the "Groat Rock Island
Route. " Ticket ollco | 1002 Pnrnain street.
J. L. DnBnvoisu , G. N. W. P. A.
City Ticket nnd Pass. Agt.
Democratic Convention.
Chicago nnd return ono faro for the
round trip. Tickets on sale Juno 17 to
21. good to return July 0 , Secure
tickets and sleeping car accommodations
at office of the great Rock Island route ,
1602 Parnatn street.
J. L. DE BEVOISK , City Tkt. & P. A.
rNSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 8.
L 1892 :
D F DeBols to 0 II Cook , lota 4 and 8 ,
block : i. 1'ortland ulaco J 1,200
0 A liliidiinest and wlfo to O A Iton-
stromet a ) , lots 10 nnd 17 , Llndiinust's
add 050
Joseph Darker and wlfo to School Dis
trict of Unialia , lot 4 , block I'J , Kountzo
lid add 7,500
G L ) Orockcr nnd wlfo to sumo , lot 5 ,
same 6,000
O L' Jayncs and wlfo to Molt : kow , lots
12 and U , block 1 , Sherman uvcnuo
park 1.4pO
Total amount of transfers 815,700
Drunkenness. nTSfl
A disease , treated as such nnd permanently
nontly cured. No publicity. No in firm
&ry. Homo treatment. Harmless nnd
all'octunl. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Hawkoyo. Send 2c stamp for
pamphlet. Sholcoquon Chemical Co. ,
Burlington , la.
Kollcc * of fire Una tir lens wultr iM head , flfiy
ccntmcacli mlilHfrmiil linden ccnti ,
. .
iiutl Mrs. U. II. Htibtlii. ut New HiiVL'n , Conn , ,
Siouday. JiinuUtli , Ibl ) . ' . Knnoral burvlco at
the Itnstln residence. 1U'-"J llurnuy street ,
Uniiihu , Katurduy , Junollth. at 2 o'clock In
the uftiirnoun. Interment Immediately af
ter at Koit'iit Ijiiwn couiotor > . Frio ids of
tlio family itro Invited.
Advance of the
Pipe Brigade.
Retreat of the
Cigar Cohorts.
Yes the Pipe is coming to the
front as never before. The high
price of good cigars is helping
drive them out of use. Millions
of smokers use
B.ull Durham Smoking Tobacco.
H is the most popular Brand in the market. Smoked for overtwenty.
five years its fame is still growing Quality always the same. .
The Millions dfi Danger * Wntor Contains
anil tlio llnpMKyYllli Which They In
crease Dontt Tnke Any Chances.
Few people hnvmnnr l < Je how Impure cton the
purest drinking mitrr In. The Tory bc t known hfiil
of perm" . Thor ra tlia inoKt prolltlc crentnrc * of
which wo hnvo im knowlcduo , for n rlneln tmomnjr
bo the cnu ntlTo parent of more thnn 8 l.xt cn million ,
nvo hunilrral Ihoiimn I ilcsconJnnt In n ilajr , Thar
nronl o pOMCMecliof grent Vllnllly , for Ihcy cnnbo
cnrrk'ilRrontilHniico * In water without losing their
: > pwor orprcKluUnrt' ' < HvH'o. They cnn holroncn or
oven bollcil without belnit do'trojred. They mny bo
ccpt Orloil for j-enmnnd yet when placed In n tuttnblo
nicilliim will comotu Ufa nnil produce fcrmuntntlim
nnddcfujr. TlipjnroUioi < rent producers of nmliulal
forcr , Krlo , nnd nioit tctloindlnon rs.
'Hut , " yon snjr , " hiitcnn hodnno tonvold
tlnco they < nnnot bn killed by bol Inn ? " There li but
ono thlnK nhk-li will olTpctlTcly destroy them nnl
thit 1 coming In contnct with spirits , A small
ilnonntof pure oplrttnln the wnlrr will olTuctiinlly
till tlioni nnl destroy their evil utrocK but It nhould
> c Imrno In mind tlmt nothing but the purest mid
jcit nilrlt' ; Fhould bo u cd for thU purpo cnnd thnt
notlilnK Is pqunl to whl'kcy. Nut the ordlnnry
wl\l \ klc ? which nra upon the uinrkut , but something
tnrnbovc thorn tomcthlnir which h highly endorsed
jy the srk'ntltle world. Stio'.i n nhMicy I * DuiTy's
I'uro Mnltwhich l today moro popular thnn over
before In It hhtory , nnd which Is doing womlcnto
lctruy the germs of every disen'o. Tlicro nro him-
Ircds of families who use It constantly In connec
tion with thulr drinking wntr , both nt thotihlo
nnd between nu < nt * . llownro of nny druggist or
srocer who scckn to ofler you Fomcthlng ho rnyal *
'Justus KooJ. " UulTy's I' tlio unly pure medicinal
will-Key upon the market.
"OANATIVO. " the
Wonderful Spanish
lirincdy , In > oiwllli \ a
Written Ouarantoo
to euro all Ncivoin DU-
cosrii. suili niVfnlc
Memory , Ix > ra of Ilrala
1'owcr , Hondaclic ,
hooil , Kcrroiunesii , ! at-
Dcforo& After Uso. Ios3 of i power of the
rhot'jgrnphcd from life. ( irncratlro OIKIIIS In
M ji .m . , ! J.I tlttlCf SCX , CAUSCll tiy
, joMtliful Inillscretlnns , or the ncfsslva
nscortobniro , ophnii , or etlnnilnnl' , wlilcli ullliimlrly
Irnd to Inllrmlly , Oii'uinplloil and Iii'iinllv. 1'nt up
In convenient furin to carrv In llio\nt piiclitt. 1'ilco
| 1 n imcLnco , 01 C for f5 , \ \ Itli every ? o order we qtn
written auarnntoo to euro or rotund the
monoy. Sent by mail to nny ncMress. Circular fttt
In plftln cnvcloi'C. ' Mciillou tills im | > tr , AoUlcsa ,
HADIID : CHEMICAL co. . n ncii oir.ccforu.s.A.
S5S Dtaiborn Street. CIIIOAGO , IIU
Ituhc A Co. , Co.r 15th & Douglin Ets.
J .A. Fuller & Co. . CorI4tl > & DoiiElns Stf.
MKNT. n apociaofor llystorU. DUtlnaii , Kill , Nou-
ralKla , lleiulncuo , Nervous 1'rostraton cnusod br
nlcoboior lobaeoo , Wakofulnois , Mental Uooroj-
ilon , 8of tuossof tlio Drain , c&utlnz Insanity , mlsorr ,
decay , doAtli , 1'romituro OU AUG. llarrcnou , J/oai
V.owor' ' " Cllll8r ler > Impotonoy , l.oucorrhea an I
all temalo Wc.iknos > . Involuntary l < ouei , Spor'
mutorrhoa caused by ovor-oiortlon of tno brnln
oir-abuioover-lnttuUonco. A montli'i trcntaian'
< 1 , uforS.i , uy mall , Wonuarantoaslx bozet toeurj
Kacu orrtor torfiboxoi , with IS will nand wrlt'.3 >
KuaranUoto refund If not curod. UuarantoolmjM
only by A. Schrotor , ilruealjt. solo ngcnt , south -as
corner ICth and Farnam Mn , Omaha.
The Kings ol Specialists ,
For 27 jrenra the names ot Dra.
Botta & Dotts have been household
words ID the homes of thousands of
people \rho tiara been rescued from
tbo Jtwa of death throuitu the won
derful ability , ibe matchless skill of
these great masters of medicine anil
surgery , whose kindness and benav-
olence , whose self-sacrificing devo
tion to the welfare of tholr fellow-
mm will ver live In the bo&lts of a
grateful people.
Cure KIDNEY. L1VFR , eases.
, < ?
Hydrocclc and Varlcocele ,
Tiles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers
rermanentlr cured by a method at
once late , certain , palaleii and euo-
Tbo anful effeotg * f early Tic * and
exeeiilr * Indulgancei , reiultlnc la
Ion of manbood and prematura de
cay , quickly and permanently te-
Call open or address with stamp ,
Drs. Belts & Belts ,
110 South llth St. N. H , Corner 14th
and Douglas Sts.
Tooth-Food. -
- .
This medicine for babies prevents anil
cures pains : of teething and resulting
diseases , nohby putting children to sleep
with an opiate ; for it contains no harmful
drugs , but fyyisupplying the teeth-forming
fngtcdicntsiwhich are lacking in most
mothers' milli .nnd all artificial foods.
It is sweet .and 'babies ' like it. $1.00 a
bottle , at albdruggists. Send for pam
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
The Only 1'crfoo * , Vnslnal
mid Itoojiil Hyrlugo lu
tliff World.
Is tlio only uyrliiKO ever
Invontoil by which vuKliml
njootluni on u bo utlmliilstur-
cd without ( cutting and soil-
IIIK tlio plothlne onicoebsl-
tullnu the UBO of u vussol ,
ami which citu also bo used
for roptal Injoctloua.
SOFT rtllllliril IIIIMl.
J'illCK 9H OO ,
MallOrilora Bollollocl.
tiicAloe & PcnfoldCo.
13th Stecct ,
That's the condition a man must be in who can't appreciate the
unprecedented values we've been giving throughout this entire season.
A man with any head at all who has attended any oi'our great special
sales , or who has seen any of the goods that came from them , can see
at a glance that we've had some special object in view to sell goods the
way we've been selling them. Confidentially speaking wehavehad _ an
object in view , and that object has been to make money. That's whaT
we're in business for to make
money and we believe we can do more
business and make more money by giving a man more goods for his
dollar than he can get anywhere else. That's our little scheme.
at special sale we will offer four hundred
The Serge Suits TheCheviotSuiti
Are veryflfme goods. They are Are in a very handsome wood
made up handsomely have bro-wn plaid. The sizes run from
splendid linings and first class 34 to 42. They are lined with a
.trimmings. They are in a very good twilled lining. These suits
handsome dark shade of blue , and are just as handsome and stylisrrf
are as good a thing as ever
you as a good many high priced suits.
saw sold for twelve-fifty To seethe " "
The "every day" price of these
the crowds serge in ( or in serge ) suits is seven dollars the special
the price till they're will
gone price till Friday night will be
Saturday ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In Our Window ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Guess ! ! ! ! ! !
All the latest styles in
Soft and Stiff Hats.
218 South 15th Street.
Furs Stored and Repaired.
\Vo Bond the rmrrnlons French
Itomcdr CALTHOS free , nnJ n
loualduariintootlmt CAM iios will
( VrOl lll.clmriio < - - ntnl lnn > ,
and IHTOUi : Vicar.
C/'se it and fav if satisfied.
Hol icirrlnn Jc > pU , OmUmtl , Ohio.
National Bank.
Capital $109,033
iii-ii Ins Oin,0)3 )
Offlceri aniJDIroctOH Henry W. Vatotp3il I > l
R. C-Cuslilnif , vlca proildont. G S. AUurloJ. W. V
Morse , Jolind. Colllnj , J. N. IL IMtrlclc. Lairli A
Itoed , Caihlor ,
Council Chamber. Omulin , Nob. , M-.rch 8lbQ2.
Do It resolved by tlio olty council of tlio
city of Oiniihn , tlio mayor voncurrlnx :
Tint \u > oilcii Hldunullis bo oonstructou In
ttio city of Onmlm us iloflniuiteil lielow , wltliin
llvo duyB uftor tlio publication of tills resolu
tion , or tlio personal survlco tlioroof , aa by
ordinance U nutliorUod and required ; micli
sldowiilUs to bo laid to the present pnulo on
tliostrcotb apcol'jod huroln , and to bo con
structed of plno plank of such wldlli und
tlilcknpss und bo laid upon joists of snob
dimensions und In such iminnor H U pro
scribed by the speclllcutloiig on flio In the
olllco of tlio liourd of I'libllo Works aud under
Its supervision , to wit :
EastsldoofIWthnvo. . lots 12 tola Inclusive ,
blocks , HOKJCS& lllll'a bocond udultIonU foot
WKa8t sldo of 20tli ftvo. , lots fltoll Inoluslvo ,
block S , UOKSS & 11111'a second addition , 0 feet
wldn. '
And bo It further ro olvnd : . . . , . ,
That the Hoard of I'llbtlo Works bo nnd
lioroby Is nuthorlzod itnd directed to cuiisuit
copy of this resolution to bo" published In the
olllclol paper of thoolty for onu week , or bo
served on tlio owners of s-ilil lot * nndunlosa
Huoh owners Hlmll within llvo duys nftor the
publication or sorvlco of nigh copy construct
s.ildBldowalkH ui heroin roqulruu , that t 10
llourd of Publio Works cause tbo Haniii to bo
done , the cost of constructing Bin sldowalks
rckpoctlvoly to bo ussos od nRaliist the real
oitato , lot or u-irt of lot lu from of and abut-
tlni : BUCli sldowalks.
ru6Sed March 8l ,
I'reildont of tliu Council.
Attest ! JOHN UIIOVE- " .
Olty Olork ,
Approved : GCU. l , HEMIB ,
Mayor ,
To the owners of the lots , parts of lots nnd real
ostHto described In 110 above resolution :
You und each ot you ere hereby notlllnd to
construct wooden sldownlk * as reiiulrod by u
resolution of the city council and mayor of
the city of Oiuiiha , of which the above U a
C01' *
' P. W , ,
Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works.
Oraana , Nob. , JUDO 4 , lb . ) id7t
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Sealed proposals will bo received bv ilio 1111-
dorslcncu until 1'U : o'clock p. in. , Jiinn ITth ,
18'J- ' ' , for the followlns kinds of pavlnc nm-
tcrlal. vl/ :
Sheet nsphalttim.
Sioux Kails or other crnnlto.
Whlta Colorado sandstone ,
lied Colorado Handstonu.
Woodrnir. Kansas , stone.
Vltilllod brick.
AnJ brick blosks. all ncoordlnzto specifica
tions of 18'J2 , ai modified by the resolution
adopted by the Hoard of I'ublio Works at Its
nicelliiRof Muyil'st , 169. .
1'or pavInK part of the foIlnwIiiR streets ,
avenues and alloys In the city of Oinulia , com
prised In street Improvement districts P < oi.
Til , 4 , 4U : > , 4UJ. 427 , " . 4 ! > , WJ , 431Mi , 4 :1. : 4)4. )
4n,4ifl.437. : 4tf. 4 : ,440 , 441 , 44. , 443. 441. 14' . . 4I'I ' ,
451. 4SI. 454 , 4i4M , 4 : > 7. 4M , 4.V , 4BI and 4ffiJ.
ordered Imiirovcd by urJIuunco Nos. .IUM
nnd . ' ,080 , und forrepnvlnsf Btrentlinprovomont
districts os. 3.V ) , 447 and 45J , ordciod renavod
by ordlnanco No , if.OSJ , and inoro particularly
described as follows :
No. 3J9 I'aricor''Uth avenue , from I.oaven-
worth street in Hickory slroot.
No. 441 Alloy In block : i , llanscom place.
No. 447 IiuiivoiiworilibtruGt , from the west
line of 1th ( ! strcot to west line of 2'ih ' ) itvonuo.
No. 42'1 Cth street , from the Houth line of
Pierce street to the noitU line of Hickory
No. 431 Ijoavcnworlh street , frojn the west
line or 10th sticct to the oust line ot llth
No. 4M-12th street , from the south line of
Jones street to the north line of l.ouvcnworth
No. 420 Spencer street , from Sherman av-
cnno to31th street.
No. 427 Ijrithrop btrcot , from Sherman nv-
onuo to 18th meet.
No. 4'.8 Hurt street , from the west line of
15th strcot to the east line of Ifitti street
No. 42J Spinco street , from the west line of
22d street to the east line of J1th ! street.
No. 4'JO-Cuss strcot , from 22d htrcot to 24th
No. 431-Mason atrcnt.from 20th street to23th
No. 412 Mil son sticot , from Ilia cnst line of
30th btrcot to the cast line of 'list ' street.
No. 4y-nd ; : street , from the north line of
Euclid place to the north line of Woninortli
No , 431 California street , from 15th strcot to
10th street.
No. 433 Izard street , from 12th street to I4th
No. liO-I'arl * < cr strcot , ( romSlth street to the
east line of'"Jth strcot.
No.4:17 : Howard street , from 21th stioot to
"Mil strcot. , ,
No. 4M Uhlcago stieot from 23d stioot to 2.Jd
No. 4M Onldwc ihtrcot rntn 21th street to
the west line of BnlnrVn addition.
No. 410 bhonnnn uvonun from south line of
Grand iivonuo to Kort stioet.
No. 411 3'Jth ' stioot fiom 1'arnam strcot to
the north line of Davenport htmit.
No , 442 Uaveuport street from JUlh street to
40tIi st rcct
No. 44J-40th otrcot from the south line of
Diivenpoi t street to Oiimiim street.
No. 444-Mudlbou avenun from llth strcot to
Bhorninn avonno.
No. 4'J-Chlcago ( street from 2ith street to
" No-Vw-Kt. Mary's nvenuo between the west
line ot ' 'Oth strcot und the uatt line of 27th
No. 451 17th street from Ilanioy street to
rJt. Miiry'H avenue.
No. 4.M--Tlio alloy from 2nd ! strcot to 21th
sti'ovt In r.mlson's addition.
No. 453"10thstreet from I'urnum street to
No , 45l".Bth street from tlmBonth line of
I'opplotou uvouuo to north line ot Woolworth
u venue.
) street from24th tea
No. 4S7--lavonport street
a Ui street , all In the city of Onmlm.
No. 4W--CuHB street from west , line of 21th
street to IDS feet west of 23 street.
No. 4W--Oass street from iho on > t line of
24th street to the west llnoofJIth street.
No. 453 UumtltoiiHttootfrom the wcit linn
of 40th stifcot to the east line of the viaduct of
the licit Line Hallway ,
No , 4Hl Allcy In block 23 , city. .
No , 4G2 Alloy In bloo'x 10 , Kountzo & lUith'a
addition. , , .
Hieh bid to specify a prlco per sqimro yard
fortho pavlnii and reuavlni ! coinpluto on uach
struct , avunuu and alloy bepurutoly In eild :
Imiirovonient districts. . . .
Worktoliodono In accordance plans
and Bucollleutloim on lllo lu the olllco of
the board of oubllo works. ,
Kuch proposal to bo mudo on printed blunki
furnUhed uy the board , and to bo uei-om-
ed by acortlllod oheok In the folluwliiB
pan fo ? the dlllercnl district , : UUtrlcU.
bums ' 4JM 4W. ! 4JO. 4JI , 41. , 411 , tit , 4 ,
' 5l.451. 450. 417. 4 ,4/ ' , 4U |
utrlcW , 42J , 4 * WlO.
430 , 349 140. 441 , ll'l and 'ir > 0. } . " > 00ench. And dis
trict 417 } IUM , pnynblo'totho city of UmaTmVx
as nn evidence of irood faith \
Tlio bomd iosun os tlio right to award the
contracton all thohiild districts togolhor oren
on each district separately , subject to the se
lection of Iho iiiati'rlul by tlio mopotty own
ers or , Iho m.iynr nnd city connull to
reject any or all bids and to walvo dofiicts.
Chairman of the Ito'ard nf I'libllo Wo'rlts.
Onmlm , Nob. , Juno-nd , I Ml-
Jiino2-i-0-IO. :
Council Chamber. Omaha , Neb , March 1M83
Ho It lusolvod by the i-lty council of tli&tiiA
nf Omaha , the mayor concurrlni ; :
That wooden hlilewalks bu constructed In
the city of Uimilm as dcslKnatod lielow ,
within llvo days after Iho publication of this
resolution , or the por.snnal Horvico thureof , uu
by ordinance is anthorl/ud and iciiulrcdj
such sldouulks to bn laid to the mcsonl r.tilis
on the streets B pec I lied heroin , and to bo con-
btruotod of plno plunk of such width and
thickness nnd bn laid upon Joists of snuh
dimensions and In such manner us Is pre
scribe ; ! by the specifications on lllo In tlm
olllco of tlio Hoard of 1'ubllo Works and under
It supervision , to wit :
South sldoof 1'iuil street , lot7 , block 1 , llor-
blook l ! ) i , city addition , fl feet wide.
Kast side of Twcnty-sacond street , lot o ,
block l ! ! j. olty addition , foot wide.
And bolt further resolved :
Thut the Hoard of I'ulillo Worlcn bo nnd
hereby Isauthorii-od anddlroeted to cause n
ropy of this resolution to bo published lu the
ofllclal pnporof the city for ono week , or bo
served on the owners of H.ild lots , and unlosi
such ownur.ssh ill ATlthln llvo days after the
publication or sorvlco of Hiich copy construct
said sldownlkn as heioln required , that the
Hoard of I'nbllc Works caiuo the Hiimn to ) > o
dono. the cost of cnnstruutlni ; said slduwullm
respectively to bo iihsessed against the real
estate , lot or part of lot In front of and abut
ting such Rldowulkii.
Prised , Mairb 13 , 160 ! , .
I'roslilent of the Oouncll.
Attest : JOHN ( JltOVKH.
Oily Olork ,
Approved : GHO. 1' . HII.MIH.
1' .
To the Owners of Iho lots , puts of lots and ,
jonl estate dcrtcr.bod In tlio nlJ ivo/iow p
Vou'and oioh of you nrnlioroby notified to
construct wociiliinHldowalUK IIH reoulriU by it
resolution of tlio city council and mayor ot
the oily of Omaha , of which tlio abovii Is a
copy. 1' . W. HlltKliAUSiit ,
Chairman Uo'ird of 1'ubllc Works.
Omaha , Nou. , Juno 4 , Ib'j ; . jld7t
To out-of-d6or folks
'TlB ' not the tire thut innltos llio bl-
hyclo , not-tho saddle , nor thp Htool ,
nor llio Hnohos , nor the boitrlriKH , nor
'tis the
ftriy other ono roqulnlto
whole ColumhluH iiro Imlftncod to
the cquipolbo of BUCccsBful nicety.
All nhout Columbian , Illustrated In n
liook about I'olumblai , frno on appli
cation to any ( 'olumbla uxent , oi'Hunt
by in.ill for two 2-cent htnnipn. I'opo
Mlf. fo.iil \ Columbus Ave. , Ho < ton.
You nio hereby nntlOcil tlut the following
described promlscn , to wit ! , ,
, , , , , , n
lots 5. , 7. H , ( . 10. II. 12. 1 1 and II , I" 'look 10.
Kount o's fourth luiuplumuiiury uddl ; on tg
thoc tyofOmnhi mill lyhu butwuoii Cento ;
Btroet and Hickory Htrcut und 'loiilh iitiuol
nnd Kloventh bticet Imvobvun declared by
ordlnanco > 01o boa iiuUanco by rouion
of tlm same boiiu Mow Krudo and allowing
itnfiiunl water to aocummtilute thereon. v
You are hereby rtliocted to abate uald niTSj
nnco by the IIIHiiK of said lots tothocitabj-
llshod irado within 3J days f 10111 the 28th dajf-
of May , IW. , ( irfiiild iHiUanoo w 11 bo abated.
by thoclty authorities ami Iho uxuonio therfl- .
ot levied us u special tux itKulutt , iho proitvff t
on which said nuUunou nxl i .
Chairman ofthoUoardof I'ubllc WorUi.
JunuO , 7,8 , U , 11.