Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Was Unsettled nntl Unusually
Neivous Yesterday ,
Corn WnnUmcttlod wtill I'rcqncnt Chnnirct
In 1'rlcc l.onRH Sold 1'rccly at the
„ Opening with n
Adtnncr ,
CniCAnn , III. . Juno P. Wheat was unsettled
ftntl iiortoufc today and closed with a loss of
nicnlof ycHtcrduy'H sain. Tliooi onlnB was
nt ntout ) yesterday's figures , duo to rains
mid storms lust nls'it ' and tn firmer cable' ,
ImtKoon declined l4o ! , on llio reports of a
Jioivy bjnk failure In 1/ondon and
rumors of a flurry In I'arK A rally of
I'm followed on unfiiNorublo news
wh'ch ciu cd an niivunco at Liverpool.
The ndriic < t In thin rcKurd were con-
lllctln ? . liowotor. nnan cables reporting the
outlook ninru fauirablo In botli Hussla and
11 auce. Tliu rc ult w as a IICM out market for
tlio ie t of tlio duv , compared with that of
jfslerday. Ourn wns unsettled , with frequent
chiinsts In prices the weather and thoiiciv-
otmicss In Hheat bolnir the ruritrdlllnir Influ
ence" . At thoopcnlim the loin's told frculy
mid the Murt Hint ut u sllRht advance ! the
price soon worked donn from l'io to lite. A
r.illv of ' .u followed , but ( ho pain was after-
wains lost and the ulosu slionud a loss of from
] 'i < : lo l ir.
Ouu followed wheat and corn and showed a
IOSH of from * lo 'in. ,
I'rovlslons * ere largely Inlliioiicod by crulns
nnd closed uomuvhat lower.
Tno londlii ! ; futures r.m ed as follows :
.lime. I f- .
Juno 22' ' <
M'l't ' i
Junn saw
Angi 3US
.Inly 10 .17) ) . 10 10
Sept 10 w low
July 0 40 C37I
he pt GU7 ! ( Ji7
Inly. . r , .r > fl 27- ! B27'n '
(1.1' ( ) tl it\
UiutN-Btcady ; No. 2 5IUo ; No. 3 yellow ,
BI ! OV.v.
( 'uf h ( inotntlons wcro us follows !
it Dealers ask nn d vinio of lOoovcr
last ucck ; winter p.ttents , $ l.'l.@l.40 : winter
itraleht , tilX : : smln- patents , M.r.ttl.45 ;
Iprinx Ktr.iluhtH. ? J.KB1 ( M.
\ViiKAT-No. 2 spring , SJWc ; No. 3 spring , SOJj
BSOSiC ! No. 2 roil. H7 o.
OATS-NO , tt m'.tfi.icc ; No. 2 white , 'M\ic \ ;
No. o white , : ! ( ( BHJC : ,
live-No. 2,8 c.
IIIILCT No. 3 , COc ; No. 3 , S8Q55c ; No , 4 ,
KdKi e.
1'i.Ax SEnn-No. 1. 11.03.
TIMOTIIV SKKD'rlmo \ , J1.50OI.34.
I'HIIK Alcs4 , per lib ) . . tlO.i7 : ! iai0.40 ! lard , per
100 His. tti.\'MH\i'y \ \ , ; short rll > s sides ( loose ) ,
| Ul7li'in.iO ! ' ! : : dry milted shoulders ( boxed ! ,
kI'S ; short clear sides ( boxed ) . HS.r//iJO.fc'J'/5.
WIIISKLY Distillers' llulshod oods , per sal. ,
Hun AIIS Unchanged.
Receipts and shipments today wore its fol
lows :
On the I'roduco oxchanco todav tlio bultcr
naikclwas unchanecd ; fancy orcamory.IB'/itA
{ 7c : tine western. l.'iOUlo ; ordinary , UaioCi line
dairies , IKiilCc. Eggs , H ( ar > e.
No\v York .Markets.
NEVT YOIIK , Juno a Fi.oun Kecelpts. ! 4,700
pkus. ; exports , : i,09a bUs. and .5,172 sucks ;
inarkot acthe , closing Irregular ! sales , 45,100
COIIN MEAL rirm and quiet.
AVliEAT Kocolpts. 47.V.H ) hii. : exports , 155.CSO
bu. ; sales , 4.iW.l ) J bu. of futures. i.GOOU bu. of
* pot- Spot unsettled , loner and quiet , closing
weak : No. 2 red , ! Hc@l O0t alloat , OSJic ©
ll.OO'i f. o. U. ; No. 3 red , Kjo ! : ungraded red ,
BlcOtl 00 : No. 1 northern. 0.'Meo3 ic ; No. 1
liard,05Ji05J ! ( o ; No. 2 northern , CO'ic : No 2.
Chlciigo , ( llic ) ; No. 2 Milwaukee , Olc : No. 3
fiprliiK , hoHc. Options weak ; No. 2 red. Juno ,
OiJfflOJc ! ! } , oloslns t OlMc ; July , 025'rajc. }
closing at Ifji u ; August , lUfiffiL'l ' c. closlncr
nt9lic : September,0iSi2ilJ4Ljcclosing ; ! ( atOJ c.
JJVE Strong ; western , S4G9DC ,
llAin.uv M ALT Quiet ,
COHN Itccolpts , 17.895 bu. ; oxpotts , 8,185
bu. : sales. J.WU.OJO bu. of tut tires und 121,1)00 ) bu.
of spot. Spot market lower ; free sellers weak ;
nctlTo : No. 2 , 68'i'i9u In elevator ; ri'Jii5Juoo '
nlhvit : ungraded mixed , 5t < 2.ilc ( , Opt ons
opened firmer , closed weak ; June. 584ivj Je.
closing , 58c : July , S5'i(2ifc ( < . ' , elosliigr > lo ; Adjust ,
fjW35"Uc , cloblng 65c- ; September , SSOjj c ,
closing Uc.
OA1S HccelptR , WsKil bu. ; exports. 20,103 bu. :
sales. 41,000 bu , of futuics and CJ.UOO bu. of
c ; No. 2 while , 4.4bf.
HAY Eusy and < | ulot ; shipping , $7.0007. 0 ;
Rood to choke , JAOKS'JOO. '
llor.s Steady butiiet | ; state , common to
cholco , 2W- . " > e ; 1'acillc coast. 2Ju2so.
HudAit - Ituw. quint hut Him ; tcllncd In good
demand : muscovado , W test. at2ic. !
MOI.AKSII I'lrm but quiet ; foreign selling
at lu.u for M ichliNew Orleans , steady , quiet ;
Klo In full demand.
CoTTOMjtKi ) On.-Iull and firm ; crude ,
If'ic ' ; yellow. 3Ji3'- .
TALLOW Quiet and steady ; 12.00 for paek-
Inc. 4 13-lCc.
HOSIN btojdy : strained , common to good ,
fl.3Uj.35. ( ) |
EGOS Moderate demand : western , poor to
Jirlmc , KOlOKo : receipts. U.550 plt H.
CUT JlKATs-Qulot and ( Irm ; middles , rulet.
LAUD Quiet but steady ; western steam
closed at Itltaji ; hales , 5.M tierces ; options
culcBr > 00 tluiecH ; July. MU ; Auguat. li.ll ;
bcptcmbur , l.7lK2C8U , oloslng nt W.78
IIUTTEH tiood deniund und llrm : Elgin , 18c.
K Moderate demand and easier ; part
N .Moderate ; American , 814.47.
K Dull : lake , tll.8.1.
LKAD-Qulct : domestic. SJ.20ffll.25.
TIN rirm ; straits , i3l.b5OSLl > a
St. l.ouU .llnrkutH.
PT. IouiH.Mn..Jiino 8.-Kjotm-Unchangort.
WIIEAI Was tuibottlcd and nervous , nnd
after riinnlnz down and up two or three times
c.osod l4'c below yestordav : cash sold atkG c ;
Juno closed atbOc ; July , biVici August. b4hci
Dvcemhur , B7)ic. )
CoiiN 1'ol lowed wheat , but did not fluctuate -
ate so much and closed only lo below yostor-
diiyca ; h closed nt 4Co ; July , 40 > c ; bepium-
bcr , 41 c.
UATH Lowort cash , 31u } bid ; July closed at
D'ic : September , 31u.
IIAHI.BV Nominal.
llitAN Memly .Mid unchanged ; cur lots
slicked , end bhlc , OlJiUCc ; country point lota ,
IIAV-lllghcr ; timothy , 112.03(217.00. (
lil'.AD Flrinoi ( t.LU7li ,
lIUTiuu Unchanged.
l.dos Unchanged.
FLAX SIKI ) Quicti Wo.
COIIN MKU , rirm at $2.cnO2.CA
\Viuiitr bio.idy at $1.10
( ! < ITTON TIKK Unchanged.
I I'ltoviBKiN-rirm ; pork , Jobbing , $11,23.
i.Aiii-w.i. < t .2a
lliiv HAIT JlH'ATh-Loo'o shoulncre. $ .1.50 ;
lonirannd rlbu. $ t > .4.t ! bliorU , fauj ; boxed lots ,
15o more.
lUcMiN-Hhoutders , $1.00 : lena and rlba.
r. 'it' ' ' ? . : MinrtB , K.aTMWT.Wi sugar ouroJ
iiniiin , O.WK3lo.fiO ,
Urci.ilTs-Kiuur , 3.0C01h .t wheat , 13,000 bu.t
corn.K\UX > bu. ; oats , I7.WJ bu.t rye , uonoi
biir.oy. l.o Obit.
Hiii'MKNTK Klour. 4.0W1LRnoiit ; , J.COO bu.i
corn. J.WJ bu.j oils , 7.0JO bu.j ryi % none ;
biirk-y , none ,
MiLWAVKFr , Win , Juno 8.-ri.ouii-Slcady.
\MlBAT-\\cak : No. 2spilngMcj July , blc ;
No. 1 noithern , hue.
( JoitN-Kirmi No 3. 4 CHOlic.
OATb-Muip acthoi No. 2 white. 3CCW7 > iei
No. . \\lilte i , iCJsJTc. /
lUui.M-Uull : No. 2 In store , IklVioi sumnle
on liavl. . Mii ) 5'lo.
1U K-Aih uuulnjr : No , 1 In more , 7Ujc. !
riuiViBiii.sK I'ltmer.
1'OI.K JIH--il ,
l.Aitn K35.
Uu'KliTi riour,7lO.MbHi w heat , 7,741 bu I
liailvy , . ' ,400 bu.
bi irutikTt Hour , 8.S40 Ibst wheat , iicnot
burley , 6uO bu.
my J
KANSAS City. Ma , JuuoB. WIIKAT Steady ;
NIL 2hur < l , 72Jifti74ci No. ' 'red. Kxasvc.
Outi.s About steady ! Nu. 2 mixed , 43)4. ) ®
4Uixivs ! white , iti4vv.
OAit Tlniclv ktuudyi No 2 mixed , 20321(0 ( :
No. 2 uhltf , ! MJ3ilu- ,
lUCKii'iti Whuut , 01,0.0 bu , ; corn , 6.0JO
Uu t nuts , none.
iui'UK.M-h-\Vlicat , 58.COU but corn , 3,000
bu , , outs , 2tuo Lti.
Important drain Iti'purt.
Niw : YOIIK. Juno P. The 1'oitsnyn The
ovrlculturul buruuu'ii report on vralu , duo
licit I'flUuv ufturuoou. Isu matter
coukcijuiuiu Uuutuul Lwcuutu while tt ; cru-
tncnt estimates nro not always treated with
proal respect , the Juno report will eo far to
ward settling Bomo sharpiy disputed ques
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omatm I'rodttcc Uilrkct.
HIDE * . KTtt Ko. 1 uroon hides , 3' ! No. 1
( treen salted hides. 4ftl > { o ; No 2 green salted
hides , 3-IMUc ! No. 1 green salted hide ? , ? 5 to fj
Ibs , 4944c ; No. Z green s iltcd lildci , S. to 43
Ibs , . rQ3 < ( o : Na I voul calf , A to 15 Ibs. , Co ; No. 2
Tonlcal. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4ci No , 1 drr flint tildes.
7c ; No. S dry flint hides , Get No. 1 dry salted
hides. MMe ; bhccp pelts Oroen Balled , each ,
53 fl.5 : erson naltcd shearlings ( short
woo.ed early skins ) , each. IMMSe ; dry shcar-
llnRi ( abort woolod early KXIns ) No. 1 , each ,
fyatCcj dry shearlings ( short wooled early
f kins' , No. 2 , each , 6c | drr dint Kansas and
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lh. , actual
weight. 1 M4'ci dry UlnlKansna and Nebras
ka murrain wool pelt * , per lb. . actual weight ,
Mllte ! ! dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts.
per lb. , actual weight. loftlZKct dry flint Colo-
radomiirralnwool pelt , peril ) , actual weight ,
r aiOodry ; pletcs and bucks , actual weight.
7WV. Tallow and crone Tallow. No. 1. B ©
4oi tallow. No. 2 , n uUe ; crease , white A. 4c ;
grease , white II , il4c ! : crcupe. yellow , 3e ;
grease , dark , 2 > { c : old butter. 2'toj ' beeswax ,
prime , ir/aiVrouh ; tallow , l'Ql c.
rntliTS OallfornU Hlvoralde oranges , $150 ;
Washington navnix. t Hfair ) ; to choice lom-
onn , t l.S'514 ' to ; fancy lemons. H.Mt bananas.
crated , IJOJ.r 0 ; rlorld-i tomitoos , $4.0J ®
4 M per crate ot six baskets ; pineapples , J-.W
Vi.oiTAntr.s : California cabbage. 2'o per
It ) . In crates : homo grown lettuce , n ®
4Do per do ? . ; southern onions , l.lM
tier bul.i llormuda boxes. (225 ; Nebraska
hnml nicked tctins. Sl.SSa'J.OO : racdlutn , il.50 ®
l.Co : Co orado and western Nebraska pota
toes. 5J2. ( > Oo : natho potatons. 4JJM''C ' ! Lima
uoan , < c perlb. ; Bplniicli , Ji.BCQi.IOO per bill. ;
radishes , : CV24 c ; plopliint. 2o per lb. : now Cal
ifornia potatoes , KiifcZVo porlb. ; ououmbcrs ,
ll.fifl per doz.
I'oui.Tiiv Good old fowls , 7So pnr lb. , live
welslit ; tin nl I spring chickens , not Wanted. I'atklng stock. 8IOoi small lots of
cholco stock to retail trade , 1214o.
Cott'iu .Mnrkct.
Nnw YOIIK , Juno Futures closed weak ;
Rales. I54.4U ) biilvs : June. t7.57Ht7.59 ; July.
S7.Gaa7.B5 ; Aiisust J7.09i47.70 ; October. 7.85Q
7 83 ; November , * 7.9J7.UO ; December. SS.05
ST. Louis. Mo. . Juno R Firm : middling ,
70-lCc. Sale" , none : receipts , 30J bales ; ship
ments , 1,100 ; stock , 81,100 bales.
I.Urtpiiol M irkeU.'oor , , Juno 8. WHEAT rirmt No. 2
red western spring and No. 2 red winter , Cs
lld-H mid.
Cults Klrm ; mlvcil western. 5s Id.
LAUD 1 Inn ; western. 31s 9d.
Ciuisc : Ameilciu lineal white , 51s Cd ;
American flncsl colored , 49s 9d ,
CollVo .Mitrxct ,
NEW YOIIK. Juno 8. Options opened
higher and closed barely xlotdyMiles. : .
10.530 bags. Including June , ! l..7'rfat.i.V. :
July. ! ! > ; Auirust. { I.MOOIJ.15 ; Hen-
Ictnbor. $12.IOinil..15 ; October. ? lAli > : December.
$12.111 ; bpot llio , quiet , oaiyi No. 7 , SUOOSfi
I'hllndolplil i Ur.ilu .Market.
DKU'iitA. PH. , Juno 8. WHEAT Pair
Inquiry ; No. 2 icd , June , ir.'
COIIN Improvement at oiicnlug lost ; No. S
mixed , Juno und .',5G.v ' > ' .io.
OATS HIglier : No. 2 white , 4Ji ; ® < 3o.
Tinders' Talk.
CnicAnn , III. , June 8 & D iv
toCockroll Ilros. : Wheat opened ! ic higher
on rainy weather , better cables and the un
certain predicament of a local short specu
lator. Prices broke liic quickly on heavy soil
ing bv Now York on the London , Oriental
bank failure , and recovered I'goontho lead
ing local short attempting to buy. At the advance -
vance thcro was heavy selling by brokers
thought to bo acting for Armour and
Kent , and the leading short line was
considered reduced to manageable proper
tions. The cast bought hack consldoralilo
wheat on strong bocond Kugllsh and Trench
cables without causing much Hurry , and tlio
market bro' a and closed 2c below the opening
flgurcb under rebelling by Now York on re
ports of failures In China and India , caused
by the Orlcntnl suspension. Wu think wheat
will llnd substantial buyers again at bJc.
Corn auC oats opened weak with
short lines piuttv well eliminated
and longb Inclined to realise on firm spots on
account of IncrciihCd receipts and the boarlsh
attitude of shippers. The decline In who it
broke the market In bplto ot manv private
bad crop mcbSagcs. Uhcso grains , hovvmer ,
have many friends who will buy with freedom
and hold with tenacity unless crop prospects
lmpro\o soon. Piovlalons resumed their
doAiiward course slowly on country holders
gradually unloading long products. Paokcis
are about the only shorts now , and as they
nave the live hogs to care for they urn reluct
ant buycts of products except on breaks.
CmiMtio. Ill. JunoS. ! ' . u. I.oan i Co. , to
T > mican , Ho'.llnsor & Co. : Another active
day n July opened at 67ic , sold as
iu. . as from 85 0 to SiJi. and closed at 85 = Uo.
Uoaslp tins It that I'urdrldno lias boon a
heavy buvcr. The government report duo on
Friday la expected to show cousldorabln Im
provement In the condition of tlio winter
whoatcrop. If It docs not , wo may see a fur
ther advance. Cables fiom Knjrland are
rather disappointing. The early udxanco of
this morning v , as lest at the close. Tbo Trench
cables are Btion. , weather lint , wheat crop
Buffering for want of rtln. The wcathor hi
thenoar future Is the srroit factor on values.
With present conditions wo feel friendly to
wheat , and bcllcxc purcluibcrs on weak mar
kets will make money. There has been heavy
realizing on corn todav. July opened nt Me.
closed at 49 , ' e. Thu weather Is moro settled
and planting progressing favorably. The
crop cannot bo anything but late , and wo
think thoucrcago will bogrpatly reduced. On
breaks It wilt pay to buy. The fluctuations In
oats were hi sympathy with corn. The pro\I-
Blnn market \\EIK quiet until near thu close ,
when there was considerable liquidation. The
buylnc was by local operators.
There Was no Change In the General Clmr-
nrti-r Tnihiy.
Nmv YOUK , Juno 8. The stock market
showed no chance n general character today.
Thcro was a resumption of the outward move
ment of gold but the amount wa { < not sulll-
clcnt to have any Influence upon the cotitso of
prices , especially In vluw ot the unusually
strong position of the banks. The crop pros
pects wcro discussed and tho' rouorts are
taking on n moro fa\ornblo tutn , though the
boars still regard the graurors an the
most vulnerable points In the market. Today ,
however , both Bt 1'aul and liurlin ton were
remarkable during most of the session for the
stubbornness of their resistance to pressure
and the mitcrlal losses wcro generally out
side of that group at stocks. The claim ot the
boais , however , that prices cannot go up with
out loadorshlu on the part of the bulls was
fully exemplified In the staviritlon In prices
Been when the sellliu pressure was lifted and
thu covorliu demands H.itlsllcd with the utter
neglect of the uholo list.
It Is evident also that the coming presiden
tial oumo ilgn Is heglniiuu to haio lin usual
Influence to restrict speculative operations.
Late In thu day , howo\or , theiu was a sharp
upward xpurt In North American and North
ern I'arlllo Drefcrrrd which was based on buy
ing by tlio Insider * nnd a rumor that
the Viinderbllts hu\o been purchtib-
crs of North American and woio about con
cluding a tralllo agreement by which freight
would bu diverted from the Union I'aclflc.
Hut the rumor lacked confirmation and both
Northern Tactile preferred and North Ameri
can roio about 1 per cent each , and the out 10
list followed with alacilty. Notwithstanding
tlio iinnouucemcnt of u heavy banking failure
In London the ruurKot closed active and llrm
ttibtrotu generally ut HlUht gains for Dm
day. The trading reached 2t9,9J5 listed and
g,3S2 unl sted.
The following are the closing nuotatlons for
the leading stocks on the Now York titock ex
change today :
Thutotul saloa ot Blocks were 258,287 slmrea ,
Including : AtchUnu. 4l)10t ) Delaware. LaeKU-
wamm . .Ve lorn. : : Krle. IjfbSSt Ixjulnvlllo
& Nuvhvilo , 52 tliwourl Tactile. 8.20U ;
NurtU Auiurlcaa , 10,0 ; UcitdluK ,
St. I'anl. 27n71 : St Pant und Omnhi. .
Union ruelllc , 0.210 ; Western Union , 4.88J.
Notr Tork 3taney .Itnrkrt.
NP.W YoitK. Juno 8. Moiter o\ CAMay
njLlOIJi per cent ) lual loan 14 per cent : closed
offered at l' { percent.
1'nlHE MBIICAMTIM ; I'ArBlt-S'iSM per cent.
STKItLIMI KXCIIANOE QllloU Dtlt tlr.ll lit
H.fcT'v lor slxly-day bills nnd (1.63's for de
mand ,
The closing quotations onbonds !
ir7. . . _ _ Mutual Union Cs. . . IU7M
IT. 8. 4s coup , , _ * . J , O. Int. Cert. . , . Ill
tl. S | i < reg. 100 North. 1'aclflclits. I18H
racinccsor . > . . . . \m \ North. I'acinc 2n-ls. 1124
Ix > ulslanastp'd4s. . . 9I < Notthweslcrn Con. l < 7
Tenn new net. 6s. . . 100 Notthwest'ndebis , . 106W
Tcnn. new not. Ss. . . 100 Oregon Alrans.s. ( . S44
Tcnn. now set. 3s. . . . 7,1 ! tl. 1 , . A. t. M. ( ten f > s 1W4
Canada So. 2nd * . . . . 103 St. U AS. K. ( Jen M. HI
Central 1'acinolsts. , 103' '
Pen. All. (1. Ists. . . US' Tcr.'l' . l ! ( J.Tr.ltcti 7
Don. A It. O. 4i. . . . . . tl I'ox. I'.H.O.Tr. llcts i <
Krlo Snils Union Tacltla Ists. ,
M , , K. AT.ion. Cs. . West Slioro
SI , K. AT den. Ds . llio (1. W 62
London itc\lc\r.
CopyrightedISHbj Jtmji f7)nlid HemietM
I.ONIION , Juno a [ Now York Herald Gable
Special to Tun llnu.1 Today has been ad
versely Influenced by rtiniurs of the dllllout-
tlcs of an Important eastern lltinnclal Institu
tion which 1ms uxciclscd a vciy nocldod check
on new business. Consols ha\o itlNcn wav
froin 1-10 to'i per cent. Indian rupee paper
advniireil ft per cent owliiR to a mo In the
price of Bitter. Porolgn Ko\oriinicnt eeciirl-
tlos close sotr.owlmt heavy , The feature la
Iho f.ill of 2 i per cent In I'ortu-
cucso on the rojvellon by the go\-
ornment of the bondlioidors' proposition ,
A decline also occurred In Bp'tnlsh , Italian ,
Keyutlan , Itnirllluu nnd Argentine Ixsnes. In
Bplto of the.erv favorable tr.illlo Rtatcmcnts ,
homo r.illw ays iiio a been more or less dull all
day. In the majority of cases a decline of Ute
to * i per cent Is cit.tbllshcd. * llrlijhton o-
forred Is the exception , which la \
per cent , bidder. American railways ha\o
been more or less flat all day
on continued realizations by weakened ho'd-
cra. Erie preferences liavo fallen : i percent ,
Atcmson Income 1 nnd nonr.y all ntliur.H ! j to
% Now York boucht all shares thrown on
the murkut huro. Ojuadlan lines ha\o been
very little dealt In and closed
dull In Bvmpiilhy with Arnurlcun.
1'rlccs are not altered to any auprco able
oxtunt , There h is scarcely been any demand
made. Short loans have bcun obtained at 'i
to ! J pet cent. The dig.omit marlcot has been
equally quiet. Two and throe months bills
wore anotcd at } i to H nor cent.
Nu\v York Mining Quotations.
NEwYoitrc. Junes. The following are the
closing mining stock quotations :
Host A Holcucr 123 Horn Mlvcr. aw
Con. Cnl A , Va S'M Mexican ISO
Dctultrood 210 Ophlr 240
Kuicka Con 160 laVBKC 200
Oouldi Curry 100 Icrra Nevada 1UO
Halo A Norcross. . . . 140 Standard 135
HotnqBtakc U5
Fiimnclul Note * .
orKANSAS CITV , Mo. , Juno 8.-Clearings , $ IOG7.-
Nnw Vonic , Juno 8. Clearings. $109.420'GJ ;
balances , fi.S4l.U5 :
lUi.Tl.MOHE , Md. , June 8. Clearings , $3,320-
769 ! balances. } 20.,307.
PHILADELPHIA. Pa. . Juno 8. Clearings. $12.-
717t03 : balances. $2,23J3'J. ' Money Z'/ ' per cent.
CiiiOAQO , 111 , Juno 8. Money easy nt
3i@5J ! } per cent ; bank clearings , $ io,312,4ir > .
LONDON , Juno 8 Amount of bullion cone
into the Hank of England on balances today
was . ' 8iOJO. )
CINCINNATI , O. . Juno 8. Monoy. 3.35 . per
cent. New York exchange , 25o premium.
Clearings , $ . ' ,3.8,230.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 8. Gold to the amount of
39.10,0)0 was taken today for shipment to
Europe by tomorrow's stonuicrs ,
ST. Louis. Mo. Juno 8. Oloarlti''s , 11,143,172 ;
balances , iOH.OJO. Money , quiet , 43 percent.
New Yurie exchange , 75c premium.
HOSTON , Mass , JunoS. Cloarlnss , $17,142,097 ;
balances , (1,140,54 ! ) . Money. 2 nor cent. Kx-
chtiugo on Ni'w York , 10(3il2 ( ! < e discount. '
WASHINGTON' , D. 0. , Juno B The offerings
otbllvor to the treasury department today
agcrozntort hX'.COO ounces. The amount pur
chased was713,000 ounces at prlcea fiom $3.0J50
to 10 070.
Cnttlo nnd Hnpg llotli Actlvo mill Sovuinl
1'olnts JIlKhor.
OMAHA , Juno 8. Kecolpts are running some
what lUlitor thin last week , the three days'
supply bohu 5,09i cattle , 111,72.1 ho s and 4.17
sheep against HbOJ cattle. 'l..4ll ho js and 1,3.15
sheup the llrst half of lust week.
' ) he general cattle marKut was active and
rather sloadler than for tlio preceding iwo
days. Conllnuod moicruto ollerlngs and u
moro favorable tone to eastern marUetH mndo
the situation a llttlo moro fuxouiblo
to the selling Interests. There wns no
ciuotablo advauco In urlccs. but ( -oo < l block of
ail kinds moved more ficolv at firm pilccb.
Occasional hales of handy fat stoew weio at
5c to lOc advance while half fat or rough
heavy cattle v. orchard to boll at Tuesday's
prices. Fair to peed 1-X)0 ) to ] ,40n-lb , steers
sold froii S.i.T.'i to 81,15 , I'ulr to cholco IUJ to
l.-'OO-lb stecra sold from Jir > 0 to it. 15. It was ,
taken all together , u fulrlv satisfactory mar
ket and ovorvthlngdccent found a purchaser
before the close.
The market for cows and mixed stock
snowed no particular change , prices being
pretty much In Tuesday's notches. Extreme
sales of cows nn 1 heifers were at from $1.75 to
S.U5 , the bull : of tlio fulr to good stuff solllni ;
from } -Mr > to J.MMI. Hulls , o < on nnd stags sold
nt fiom.50 to J.I 15 and at from If..73 to
$1 M.
The stocker and feeder trade waa practtcall v
dead. Tneii ! Is noouUldo domiind tospoakof
and nupplics of both fresh and stulo cattle are
decidedly limited. Only a tow scattering
sales were nrndo and these were at a decline
of lOo lo 2" > o from last week's prices. Kopro-
bontntlvo sales :
nurssRD IIIIF. : :
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. IV. No. Av. Pr.
1. . MO 8,1 2.17..1001 $ J 75 2. . 0.15 $ .190
1. . 770 JM 49..1UI 375 10..ia2S UOO
: i..iu.'J 3M jo..ins 3 8J ; i8..isiuj :
2. . 840 360 7..IO < W 380 15. . 017 300
14 , . 01'8 350 7..1121 3M 1 .128J 305
14.1115 3 01 10..1IU 36.1 21..1174 31)5 )
o..ir45 y ai 20..uai 3 si I..HOO 400
f > . . 850 J 20..12UJ 38.5 48. . 1201 400
22. . 931 370 22..IIOIJ 3 & 2..UU" . 405
1..U30 370 18..1110 385 IS , l.U ! 405
1M..1I52 3 75 7..1J20 3 90 17..1381 4 10
1..I110 375 49..1118 390 18..1.113 410
14. . WO 375 I ) ' ) . . 1113 ill ) ) 3..1UU 415
S3..1235 3 75 33..1JW 393
23 , . 810 3 CO 20 , . 70S 355 14..1115 300
81111'1'INn AND CXI'OItT lliBVE8.
18..1084 350 1C. . 010 3 S3
1" 010 3 b5 DrJ..lV.'l 3 Bi
8.1100 3b5 10. . 121) ) ! 3 U )
1. . DM 2 03 2. . 085 2 25
0. . 750 2 00 4,114. : 2 25
2. . 810 2 Ori 3. . 10,13 2 40
23 , . 1(17 2 t'5 2.,114 % 2 75
18 , , 70J 2 10 1. . 040 2 80
0 , , 7S1 2 10 12. . 025 2 Ki
2.1055 2 25 2 , .1100 2 85
3..1100 2 2. 11. . OY ) J 03
225 o. . Wi : t 01
7. . B83 1 75 1. . 42) 2 M 2 , . COS 32)
U. . 313 2 10 1. . 510 3 00
] . . 310 2 75 1. . 130 4 50
2..1510 25) 1..1750 2 M 1..1200 300
1. 1040 2 50 1..1700 275 1..1403 UOJ
1 : lii73 2 50
1..1310 300
2..1975 3 15
8TOCKiil3 : AND Kr.KDCIlS.
COO 2 25 1. . 531 U 00 3..1077 330
2. . 475 250 17. . 031 3 10 4 , , 7X2 33
1. . 83 25) 14. . WO 3 30 4. . 757 3 375S
3. 300
Hoes Receipts wore a disappointment to
dpalcru , fallliu about fi.OJU khnrt of last
Wednesday and albu about that much short of
thu estimates. Itccolptu for three duya are
about IJ.OX ) short of the sumo tlut-e days luvt
week , tbo quality not uotlceubly dllToront ,
Advlcei fiom other markets woie favorublo
and with free buyliiK by looal dualurn und
outsiders the early trade was brisk at a 5a to
lic ) advance. The market rather Improved
under thu nctivo compotltlon and thu non-
oral laurkot was fully a dime bettor than
yoslorday. Kalr tOiood ho : * of all welghtu
sold lur/oly at from t4.00 lo tl.oS with u fuw
nice heavy and butcher weight load ! at tl 07 H
and ( I.7U und quite a few of the common , llzht
aud mlxud loads ul from (1.50 tn H.5714. Thu
peua were cloarcu uurly , the bulk of the bog *
Bclllnf nt from 14 60 id II.M. ncalnst from II.V )
to JIA > Tuesdiiv , The general avermo of
prlcei Dild wo * ( i atrjnghlnst .N > 4 Tuesday
andfJ.OaS last Wo.mosdny. Keprcscntritlvo
No. Av. Sh. Pr. . . , No. Av. Mi. Pr.
49. . . . . .170 8J tl 50 01 2)8 2IJ J4CO
7-V' , . 210 49 4 % 70 240 32) 4 CO
- . , . .213 12) ) 4 SS 58 M ! 3JO
7,1. . . J 240 4 Mr 87 . . . 2 0 2SO 40)
" . . .224 350 4 M < 5. . . . 87J 4 GO
; : . . .17J 8J 4 5V - . . . .20 4 GO
13 . . . . .221 12) 4 M 8- . . .2VO 120 40)
70 . . . . 205 10) 4 M 70. . . . .2.10 SO ) 4 GO
61. . . . . .211 80 4 M. . 0) . . 2J7 .CO 40) )
10. . . . . .250 40 45A1.,1 51 . . .221 1C ) 4 CO
73. . . . . ' . ' . 2 U'O 4J" 71 . . . . 231 80 4 CO
M . . . . 24.1 455 7J 217 400 40)
77 . . . . .191 0 4 N't' ' I 0.1 . . . . 2C9 400
70 . . . . .107 4 ! ) 4 OT'4 CO , . . . 2,14 2JO 4 C2i |
W . . . . .IW 4 51V4 ' 72 , . . .245 10) 4 < V-"i
' . . 247 01 . . . . .250 80 402i |
en. ; . . .V20 ° ii 1 70 2.W ! 40 4 G2Hi
01. . , . . JM 240 i
m -
74C4 7J 22(1 ( 200
C4OS 101 80 4 fiO . ' 78 2H 200j 401 > i
OS ,13 , 100 i oa < i C7. . . . .22S 103 4 0.4
54 Ml 211) ) 4 CO ' I o : . . . 224 200 4C5'i '
71 40 4 00 42. . . . .2.V.
05 i 20) 4 CO 37. . . . .214 40 4li2V
05 . . 20) 80 4 no 100
70. , . .133 2JO 4 CO 71 24 4fij
01 202 4)0 ) 4 UO 77 .231 121 4W
81 201 4 00 75 220
08 , o20 4 0) 70 , .2.4 40
68. . .200 4) 4 00 C4 2111 240 40.4
44 i. 30 80 4 GO C4CO 223 4lU'4 '
447.V , . . : i7t 40 4 U ) HI 'JU 40 If'i ! i
7.V , . .211 SO 4 0) 40 UW 40'i
. . , . .274 too 4 bO 72 SSJ 12J 40.3
CO . . . .219 1(1) ( 4 00 (8 ( 2.'IS 200 4CJ
O'l. ' . ' ' ' 2""M 103HI 4 U 54 : ill 80 4(53
05. . , . .210 HI 4 CO 54CO 2112 8J 4M
01. . . . .an 43 4 0) 0. ' ail 40 403
CO. . . . .2 40 4 ia 27J SO ) 405
82. . . .2 1 241) ) 4 00 . . . . 20ri 403
02. . , . .2M 2QO 4 0) C5 . SSO 2C-J 405
t > 2. . , . .221 40 4 0) 70 MO 120 405
07. . . . .Ml 200 00 01 214 - 403
7J. . , . .244 8) 00 59. . . 203 120 401
78 . . . .223 280 ( X ) Oi 2 0 . ' 00 403
03. . . . .211 12J GJ 01 2RI J43 405
M. . , . .2-'fl KiO GJCD 70 . . . ail 24) ) 403
70. . . . 2J1 10. ) 10 247 1JO 403
07. . . . .25J 12) ( ,0 63 . 2-2 40. 4B3
C' . ' . . .2-11 120 ,0GO 03 . .24J KIT 4G7 ! <
7,1. . . . .242 80 03 GO 2U > 407H
W. . . . .215 89 03C ) 09 2M 8) 47J
I.S. . . . .204 100 CO 54 30) 470
73. . . . .2.H 80 0 ! ) 51 297 470
1 . . . 200 200 0) ) 137 243 420
10 70 350 2 375 423
1 01 4 00
' Only ono load of sheep was rcccUcd ,
but it was blllnd dlicci to a local packer and
notolTored on the murkot. No change tn the
situation , demand good , market f.rm. Quota
tions arc : 1'alr to coed natives , fl.tuHl
01)0 ) ; fair to good wes > toin , J4..VJOO ! com
mon and stock sheep. $ IOoHil- . = > ; good to
cholco 4)toUJ-lb. lambs , W OOJJO.JO.
Itccrlpts und Dlsiioiltiou of Stock.
OfTlcla ! receipts and disposition of stock na
shown bv the books ot the Union Stock Yards
company for the tnonty-fotir liouts ending at
5 o'clock p. m. , Juno 8. Is' ' ) . ' :
Omaha 1'acklnu compnny.
TlieU. II. llnuimond Co. ISO 257
Swift &Co 408 1,548 210
Tlio Ctidnh ) 1'ntklng Co. 2,3Sa
Klngnn & Son am
Cooy ilia
Bpcrry i 11 187
Viultol' . ill ) i. 5
Cleveland D50
Shippers nnd feeders 324
Totals 1,315 7.0W 210
Clilcupo Llvo Stock Market.
CHICAGO. 111. , Juno 8. Ifapeelal Telegram to
Tins UFE.I There was a better tone to the
cattle mirkot today. Tlio demand from tlio
different sources shoncd Improvement
und with mcoliits of only 14.0JO licud ,
the trend of Iho market was Blfghtly
in tno direction of am udv.inco. thoiiph none
resultoU. All pradcs except common Krnssy
stuff wcro In derail nil iat steady prices. The
latter tire bcRlmim ? to urrho In con
siderable numbers , and , as Is usually
the case , tire bclns moio or less
severely dlscrlmmatcd against. Tat cows
und lietfoiF , good to cholco light and middle
light steers , averages of from 005 to l.'M ) Ibs ,
sold to the test ndvantagc , though the
hiavler weights wcro , less weak than for
a number of days past. Quotations range
from $1.60 to J 1.75 for Joan old cows and thin
'loxuns to from J4.50 to f4 73 for extra ship
pings In steers. Mostcxf today's trading was
uottor tbim at ft J5 and salesiclow $ . ' 50 were
al o few. The general market closed firm.
The Iio0' market Inade a futthcr gain of 5o
today , the limit again , bollix reached. There
wore not many s.ilos at that llguro and It Is
thought that matiV' could liavo been obtained
for anything at tKof'xjIoio of the any's work ,
but there were many gules at from 81.U ?
to $1.1)7' ) ' ; , and the bulk of the business
was transacted at better than Sl.btf.
The Increased strength was a result of
the dropping ofT In the arrivals from the ic-
ccnt avcrago both tis regards quantity and
quality. Around the opening EOIIIO hos
changed hands at prices that looked lOc higher
than Tuesday. Dut tbo app-.rcnt gain was not
more than 5c , scarcely that much on the late
Globing quotations were $1.03 to fl.07'4 for
medium and heavy weights and $4.00 to $1UJ
for light. ( Julls tuul llgtu pigs went ut from
.7o'to J4 50.
Trading In sheen was nt about Tuesday's
pilces. 'Ihu lighter receipts served to Impart
a somewhat sto idler feeling , but there was no
appreciation In values. Hood to cholio sheep
were quoted at from $500 to iB.'J'i , and poor
to falrqualltlcs from JI.O ) to $1 75. Lambs
wcro unsettled and weak at from IM.SO to JT..M.
Of late supplies of spring lamps liavo Ibeen by
far too to bo consistent with llrmtiess.
Jtecelpts were : ( Juttle , H.OWj llo s. L'j.OJO ;
sheep. 7.UOJ.
OATTI.U Hccelpts , 10,030 ; shipments , 5,000 :
prlmo native utocrs Htcady : Texans und
other grades lower ; best steers , gl'J. > ® l.50 ;
others , fJ.Mfel.n ; Texans , fllooat.-J ,
1 Reecinls. (1.00 ( j : ali'miiuiits. L'MO :
mutton hhccp steady ; lambs and other grades
Iloas-llocolnts , 20,000 ; shipment' , 8,000 :
market active und 510c higher ; mixed and
paoitors , Sl.TJitM 6j ; prime heavy and butcher
weights , tl S7iG..yuOi ; light , $ 1.054 8J.
bt. 1-ouls l.lvo htoclc 3Iarlcot.
ST. Louis , JIo , Juno 8. OATTI.E Ilocolpts ,
COiO ; Hhlptncnts , I,4uU ; market steady at yes
terday's decline ; fair to u'oo I natlvo steers ,
$ J.40iUi 10 : Texas aud Indian stcorb , f..COaa.SJ ;
caiuicr ? , $ . ' . ( Jta-.bO. (
lloas Hecolpts , n,355 ; shipments , 1.7G4 : mar
ket 5u higher ; fair to best heavy , H.5UI70 ;
mixed or to good , $1 10@I.GJj light , fulr to prime ,
S ) ft © 4.05.
HiiKUf KcceltriM | ) : shlpir.cnts,4,177 ; trarkot
steady ; fair to good nutlve muttons , $1 5j ©
Kansas City ll\o block Market.
KANSAS OITV. Mo , Juno 8. OATTM : Ke-
colpts , S.'MO ; shipments , l.JJO ; marknt steady :
dressed boot and shipping steers , 114 ( & 4.I5 ;
Texans and Indians. e.l.M : cons , ( ; ;
Btocuursand feeders. il.laZ'VO ,
Hoas Kecelpts. U.60U ; bhlumonts. lf > 00 ; mar
ket active and IWSISc btghor ; all grades , * J.h5
I.SO ; bulk , * l.r > Vt,4.71.
bllKEi' Hecoluts , MU ; shluments , 1,600 ; mar
ket uuchunged ; muttons M.OO.
I.lueolii IHo Stock.
LINCOLN" . Neb , Juno 8. [ Special to Tun
IIctil-UuRolpts ot hogu at Wont Lincoln today
were light and not up to the demand. I'rlcos
ruled higher , the range being from $1.50 to
fl.57S ! , ono load Belling at SIM.
Disease never successfully attacks a sys-
torn with pure blood. Dovvltt's Harsaparllla
maucs iiuro , new blood and onrluboj tbo old.
Kccurod the Illgliont I'unson Ilato.
WASIIINOTOV , D. C. . Juno 8. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Bec.J TUB BBU Bureau of
Claims today rccoSvod nolloo from tbo coin-
mUslonor ot pensions of the allowance of
tbo pension of Kllstia C. Davvson of Oakland ,
Cal. , at tbo rate dflffefe per month from No
vember 10 , ISiil.yAllo a pension to Jacob
Wilder. Bt. .losepji's qospital , Oinabn , at tbo
-nto of $13 per mouth from February 'JU.lbOU.
The Bureau represented tno claimants in
ouch case and oiftamed tbo highest rate
under the laws posalbjo.
To Clcpiup the hint cm
Effectually yet gently , when costlvo or
bilious or when tbo blood is impure or slug-
glib , to permanently cure habitual constipa
tion , toawalton the kldnoya'aud liver to n
Ucaltby activity , iwUhout Irritating or weak-
oulng them , to illSpill headaches , oo Ids or
fovura , USD Syrup of Fl gs.
ORDIN OB NO. 8080.
An ordinance cKiAiglm : the curb llnoi on
Charles btruot from I'Uh to UGlh streets. In
the city of Omaha , and ropoallnu HO much of
all ordinances 1-j conlllct heruwlth.
Ho It ordained by the olty ojunoll of the city
Hectlon 1 , That the curb lines of Charles
btrcot from 24th to Mlh streets , In the city ot
Omiihu , tire hereby changed to a uniform dis
tance of 14 feet on each side of tlio center line
of uuld Htroet
Hootton 2 That no much of nil ordinances In
conlllct with the provision * of thin ordlnunco
bo und the game are hereby repealed. ! " fc n
beetlon a Thli ordlnunco shall tuko cftoot
and bo IB forcofrom and after lu pubaago.
tiA K. I' , DAVIs.
* .fJ-M'ro ldent Olty Council.
Approved June 2nd , Ib
The coming tro-
mnn cnn be
licalthy. Bhowill
I * , it sho's wlboly
tared for. As she
enters wo man
hood , Dr. Picrco'a
Knvorifo rrescrlj > -
tlon builds tip nnd
strengthens t U o
system and reipi-
. Intos nnd pro-
Imotca the lunc-
tlons. It's n suiv-
portlnt ; tonic , ntul
n nuictinn , Btronptbening ncrvino. It cor
rects nml cures nil tlio o dcllcnto dcnuipo-
incnts nnd ncnlnicssw ix ulinr to the fox.
In every cnso tor whlcu it's rccommcndwl.
tbo " Favorite Prescription " is gum-ant era
to ctvo Mlisfnctlon. It tliero's no help ,
there's no pny. It does nil that's claimed for
it , or the money is refunded.
It's n risky way to soil it but it Isn't j/otir
risk.Tho manufacturers tnko nil the risk by pell-
ing them on ( rial ! Jt's an I'imi/t / fo your
intrlliycncc for any dealer to attempt to nub-
ftituto other medfclnw for tlieao , by rccom-
minding them to bo "justns coed , " only
that ho may make n larger prollt ,
An ordinance or.lorlnc the Improving of the
alley In block No. 18 , clU' . In street Imlimxo-
nioiit district No. lin , and ul vlnit thirty
tla > s ti the properly ownerIn mvld district
In which lo determine and designate the
material doslrod to bo used for said Improv-
llo Itordalnodby thoelty counoll of the city
of Omaha !
Bcctloii i. That street improvement dis
trict No. 440 In the city of Omalri bo and the
same Is hereby ordered Improve I , said Im
provement to consist of pivlng ,
Section „ ' . That thirty days next , after the
passage und apiro\alof | this ordinance' bound
the s DUO Is hereby allowed to the owners of
all lots und real csliito In said street Im
provement district , to determine nnd desig
nate the material desired to to used for the
Improving of the same , an I notify the elty
uoutu'll thcicof. It having been nnd being
hereby determined by the mnyoi and cltv
council of ftnld city , for re isons which appear
rliiht und propertlmt nil the real estate In said
Rtrect Improxcmeut district.shall bo charged
nnd R ( > titrd with the cost of Improving tlioro-
In. to ho thereafter determined and establish
ed according to the lioncllm to the
property In s ild street Improvmuiit district ,
and the llo-ird of 1'uhllo Works N horobv di
rected to glxo notice to the owners of lauds
nnd lotn , Kitbjeet to local assessment , for the
cost ot said Improvement ? , to determine and
deslgnato thomatutlal to bo used for such Im
proving , by publication In the olllolul paper
of the city for tlnco commentvo ! days , rt
least fifteen days prior to the lapio of said
thirty days.
Section : i. That this ordinance shall tuko
effect and bo In force from and after Its p is-
1'usscd May 31st , ISO' ' .
JOHN auovns.
auovns.Olty Olork.
President City Counoll.
Approved Juno 2nd , is1)- ) ' .
BEMIS.Mayor. .
Council Chamber , Omaha , Neb , May 12 , 1502.
Do It resolved bv the city council of the city
of OniHha , the mayor concurring :
That wooden sidewalks bo constructed In
the city of Omaha , as designated below , wll bin
five days after tbo publication of this resolu
tion , or the personal service thereof , us by or-
dlnanto Is authorl/oJ and required ; such
sldowalKs to bo laid to the present grade on
the streets specified herein , nnd to bo con
structed of plno plank of such width and
thickness and bo laid noon joists of such
dimensions and In such manner as IB pro
scribed by the specifications on file In the
ofllco of the Hoard of 1'ubllo Works and under
Its supervision , to wll :
Kust hide of itnn street , lots 1 , 2. U , 4 , block 1 ,
IJogKS& Hill's I'd addition. 0 foot \\ldo.
And bo It fuithor resolved , That the Board
of 1'ubllo Works bo and hereby Is authorised
and directed to cause a copy of this resolu
tion to bo published In the olllclal paper of
the city for ono week , or bo served on the
owners of said lots and unless such owners
shall n Ithln live days uf tor the publication or
service of such copy construct a dewalks as
hoicln required , that the Hoard of 1'ubllo
Works cause the sumo to bo done , the com of
constructing said sldowiilkBrespectlvoly to uo
assessed against the real estate , lot or p utof
lot In front of and abutting Mich sidewalks.
President of the Council ,
Attest : JOHN QKOVnS ,
City Cleric.
Approvedi GEO. P. 11EMIS ,
To the owners of lots. Darts of lots and real
estate described In the above resolution :
Yon and o.icli of you are hereby notified to
construct wooden sidewalks us required bv a
resolution of tbo olty counoll and mayor ot
of the city ot Onuilin , of which tbo above Is u
copy. P. W. lUUKIlAUbEU.
Chalrnrin Board of 1'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Nob. , Juno 4 , 1802. J4d 7t
An ordinance declaring the necessity of grad
ing the alley In block 10 In Konnuo'h Fourth
Supplemental addition fiom Hickory
ctreet to Center street ; also in block J ,
Kount/o'4 Fourth addition from Center to
alloy north of Dorcas street , and appointing
three disinterested appraisers to assess and
determine the damages. It any. to the prop
erty owners , which may bo caused bv such
Bo It ord lined by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
b ctlon. I. That It Is proper nnd necessary
nnd It Is horebj declared proper aud ncccssury
to grade to Its present cst ibllshcd grndo tlio
alley In block 10 Konnt/o's Fourth bupplu
mental addition from Hli-kory street to Con tor
htrcot. and also to grade to Its established
grade the alley In block 1 Kount/e's 4th addi
tion from Center street to alloy noith of Hot-
btrcct uud llth Htro'it.ln the city of Oniuha.aud
oy reason of their low condition and water ac
cumulating thereon being a mils-nice.
hcctloiri That the mayor , With the approv
al of the city council , upDoInt three disinter
ested appraisers touppralbO , assess aud deter
mine the dumago to property owners which
may bo caused by such griding , taking Into
consideration In making such appraisement , uny , to such property
by reason of such grading.
Section3. That this ordinance shall take
elfoot and bo hi force from and after Its pass-
City Cleric.
President City Council.
Approved May 28th , Ib'Ji
Ib'JiGEO. . P. UEMI5 ,
Union Stock Yards Company
est cattle , hog and sheep innikot In the went
fl\HlHI Write to this houao for cor-
. Uillrtllrt | Teot Market Reports.
Wood Brothers ,
Bouth Omaha Telephone 11W. - Chicago.
W. K. WOOD , fllansgors.
Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully
furnished upon application.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chicago , K'lstHt. Louis , Kansas City , South
Oiiialu , sloux City. Port Worm.
A. GrillV. . K. Danny. II. V. TallmaiUa.
Chlo zo. Hot Sulciuiaa. lattlu Saloiman
Crill , Denny & Company ,
Live Stock Coaunlsilou. Hooin V7 UxchaiiKu Ulil'g ,
South Omaha.
A. D. Boyer &Company ,
t& and & 0 Exchange Ilulldlnn'Bonth Omaha.
Corrcspondenco solltltud and urumptlr iiniwerj.t.
bpuclul ttltentlon to urilers I or storkers Header * .
Ustatllihid , 16sl " - Incorporutjd , 18W
Capital lullf paid , l.-J.UJJ.
Waggoner liirney Company ,
\Vrlto or irlro us for prompt and reliable markat
Perry Brothers k Company ,
Llvo Stock Commlsalon.
Hoora 61 Uxchungo Hiilldlng , Houth Omaha
Tolophonu ITilT.
Qosiman & Dudley , M. H. Hegarty & Oo , ,
Wooms CO undfil. Bx- Itoom 31 Kxoaujo
Bouth Omaha , - Neb South Omah i , - Neb
Union Stock Yard National
The oalr bank at the yards , Capital and iur-
plus , tUO.OUO. Collectlonii growing oul of tuu lira
stock buslnuts should b senl dlroot to luls bank.
Bhlpt > ers can deposit fur ct Jlt ul tlivlr liuuu Liu *
J. H. GLE1N.
Contractors and tntirontr rtOM for all klndi of
building , plastering palntlmrto- rocolro
copr of Cllonn'n nrcMloctn iiml bull dors rtlrcclo r
rrre , bf sending their nimp , lm < ln ? onrt loon
tloa to Iho iiunllshpr. .1.11. ( Jlenii , 111 S. IMh ft
ING COMPANY. Tents , awnings , Inrrnu-
Flaj ? , hammocks , oil nnd lln , eaters ot nil kinds , . clothlns Bend flag * , banners , etc. Send
for cal'gua. Ilia Knrnntn forcalilogue.TOJy. ICIh
Sisal , manllla , cotton
Importers nnd ratfs , flour ropo. lu'inp , Juto. cotton -
lacks , twlno.
, burlaps
ton twlni'i" tarrpit cord-
njy uc 8Hf. mint.
n.O.DAXON Successor to. ! . J. Wllk-
, cnsoii , M'f'ti clgnr. paper
Blejclci told on immthlr packing boxes. All uovol
pajrmonts. 120 X litb n tics In box Una.
1110 Douglas St.
Fietorr corner llth nnd IxiuulM stresti.
W are making oloie prices to osih bJfsrj , n1 art )
Ulna cUn of ituodi wQloa U Y rj * ! -
nbltwltii morchanu.
Manufacturer's naent , 1 cm uiply | roti with every
thing In shoes , mpn'n.nnui < n's nnil child int low
est factory prlioii niitl discounts. IMoil tt > lon.
1401 bnrnnm btrcct. lloum 15.
\Vholpsalo Mfrn Agents Hoots , i > hooi , rubbers
llostnn Itubber Shot-Co. felt irnoils. I3U3 , lol
1103 , liui. Iloillnrney-Bt llnrnoy u
Offloa , R. 9th and I.onven-
vrouli at' . Oraauu.
Joh , I'.arborar. Airt.
MfrR Comfecllonors and
Jobber ! of fofolun nnd
domailla fruits , 1110
Howard st.
Carrlaga fcullderi. llo
and patrol wagons *
16tb , opi > Court IIOUI9.
Clotlilnit , notionfiirntsli ,
Ingn ( live us n trial Uanufrt and wliolosl *
Bampl09 prepaid by ex clotblor * . UN Uarner
pros 11U llarnc ) . itrjuU
LIME CO. , Mfrs. Bttlvnnltcd Iron
. . oornlco , window capo ,
Hard and soft coal. B B. .
mclallo ikylUliti , etc.
ocr. 16th and Douglai- .
iti. 1110 , K12 Uoilge-at.
Contractors and mib contractor ) for all kinds of
bulldliiK. pla tcrlnK. pnlntlni ; ot- * . , will receive n
copy of ( llpun's archllcctH and bullilors directory
free , by rcndlnu tlielr nninp. biiilness nnd luca-
tlon , to the pufillshir. J. 11. Ulcnn. Hi b. IStli
H.E. SMITH il CO. ,
Dry Eoods , notions , fur Dry Koodi.notlong , gent's
nishing goods Corner furnishing goods Cor.
lllh and Lloward fcts. llth and Uonard-sU
1NO CD ,
Upholstered furniture
idlKlMW Nlcholii si Qraco and Tblrtoonth
\Miolcsnloonly. ilroots.
120I-1M5 Jones street , 10th nnd Ilarnay straots ,
Omaha. Omaha.
Council Chambcr.Omaha , Neb , April 12. 1803.
Uo It resolve , I by the city council of the
city ot Omaha , the mayor concurring :
That wooden hldewalks bo constructed In
the city of Omalm as designated below within
live days t'tcr the publication of this resolu
tion or the pcibonal service thereof , as by
ordinance Is authorl"d and required ; such
sldowalks to bo laid to the urosont grade on
the streets spaclfled heroin and to Lo con
structed of plno plank of such width and
thickness and bo laid upon joists of such
( HineiiHlons and In Mich manner as Is pro
scribed by the specifications on file In the
olllco of the Hoard ot 1'ublle Works und under
Its supervision , to wit :
North sldo ot California street , tax lot , block
24 , section 1U-1.V1X 0 feet wide.
North alduoT California street , tax lot , block
2. . heeilon -n-ii l : , 0 feet wide.
West sldo of Thlrty-tlilrd street , lots 1 to L'l
Inclusive , block 12 , Omaha VIew , 4 feet wide.
And bo It further resolved :
That the Hoard ot 1'ublle Works bo and
hereby Is authorized and directed tocauso a
copy of this resolution to bo published In the
olllclal paper ot the city for ono * eek or bo
served on the ownois of said loU. and unless
such owners shall within five days nftor the
publication or service of such copy construct
said sldowiilka an herein required that the
lloitrdof 1'uullo Works cause the same to be
dono. the cost of constructing said Hldowulkd
rcupootivoly to ho assessed against the real
oblate , lot or part of lot In front of and abut
ting such sldowalkB.
1-assed April r.-bU. ,
President ot the Counoll.
City Olork.
Approve. ! : OKO. I' . HCMlS.
To Iho owners of the lots , parts of lotH und
rciilcstatodubcribcd In tlio ubovo rosoln-
Vou'and each of you are horeuy notlflcd to
construct woodoiiKldowalKs as rciinlred liy a
resolution nf tlio city council and mayor of
the city of omalia. of wh * { h" " - . a
, , , ,
1 Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works.
Omaha , Neb , Juno 4 , 18J- ' . JldTt
To the owners of lots and parts of lots and
real estate. In block 10. Knnnt/o 4th Hiipplo-
mentary addition , uud In block 1 , KounUo
4tli uddltlou.
Vou are liereby notiflel that the under-
sinned , three disinterested freeholder ! ) of the
city of Om.iht. have boon duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of thoelty
council nf said olty. to Hbsesi the damage to
tliuouiioru resperthely of the properly af
fected by gruUliu alloy In block 10 , Kountzu
Uli Hiitijileinuntui-y adclltlcn , and alloy In
block 1 , KounUo 4th addition , declared nuo-
tssury hi ordlnunco atBJ , jiusscd Way " 4 , IbW ,
apnrovt'd Muy'.M , in/.1.
Vou are further notified , that having ac
cepted Hiild appointment , anil dulv qimilllfd
an rcqulrod by law , wu will , on tlie Ibtli cmy of
June , A. I ) . 1(0. ( ' , at the hour of 10 o'clock In
tbo forenoon , at the olllco of T , 11. McOulloch ,
room 81. . Now York l.lfo bulldliiv , within the
corporate o limits of said city , meet for thu
purposoof coiibldorlnzund making the aHscmi-
mentof dunugo to OKI ownuis rcH > ootl\cdy uf
Kuul properly. iiirooteJ bv HHI ! | grading. ink-
In i Intocoiifcldoratioii npuclal benelltk. if any.
QVou uru notified to bo prciunt ut thu tlmu
and iilaco afonsuld and make any objcot'onx
tonralatcmeiits contouiln Bald aotunHiniul
of damugvu an you may umjldor propur.
1. H I ( Ulll.l.wUII.
Omaha , JuuoO , 1S92. } 7dlt
B , A MO WHORTin ,
HSBd Of Trado. nrektt
fa gr ln. ta. Prl al
wire to N. T. , CMcata
and SU Louis.
GO. , ' liardnnro anil
Corner 10th and Jaclion mechanics' tools.
Streets. KOI Doujlns Htrett
Iliiltdern llnr.ltrnro nn |
I'oalrnrlors' Surillu |
821 South lUlli ttrcct.
Hardwood lumhor , wood
enrpou nnd i > arquit lmport d.Amorletn I'urfc
flooring , IsnJeo-noit , Mllw uks >
nrJrnullc romanl nl
fth nnd DoujUi. Qulncj
Manor mDrolinnU , 1113
llrirnoj-st. Mfrs Ken
ncdy't K it Ir.dU lilt Wholesnlct liquor denliri
tors. liWI Knrnnm it. <
Inipnrtcrs nnd Jobborsof
millinery , nations Mill
orders prompt. 503 113.
llth l.
Plnnog orRnns. artists ft'.V. imti bt. IMinoi )
rantorlnls , eta 1513 music nnd musical In *
Douglas st. struDients of all kladl
Carry a full itock of
printing , wrapping and Itorliivd and InlirlcMtnz
writing paper , card pa
per ota oil * , nxlo urcsic , etc.
Mfrs of "K It S" pant" , Mfrs celebrated "Ilnci"
uhlrtnnnd overallsetc skin" orcralls , pants ,
Uli IS 8. Hill st. ehlrts , ooats , etc. Kau
Established , ISTd BRANCH & , CO. ,
WHITNEY & CO. Produce , fruits of all
Butter , eggs and poultry kinds , 0stcrs. 817 B ,
H19 H. Uth st. IJthsU
Hnttcr.crKsclioejcpoul- Uuttgr , cheoi * , t/is >
trjr , hides nii < liain0 ;
Uli lion aril Btri'OU ponltrj nu4 jam * .
liefer to Com'l Nal-llank BIT Soutti Utb Btrm
Oar spcclnlUesi nuttir ,
ags aad poultry , UlJ
( Kstntlllslicil 1S3J )
Wbolsalo butter & cues Butter , clicoie. SKIS ,
vcKetu , , *
s lrultspoul
Burs and soils ( or
try a
cash. < 13b. lltlist.
SIOTO repairs aud wato ?
attachments for anjr
Hinl of store mad * .
1J07 Douzlus.
, Toys , itolli , albums ,
Manufacturers of sash inner KuuJ house fur *
doors blinds ana Dishing nooils. oj1'1 ' ?
moulding * llrandi of- ( Iron's cnrrlngcs. Ul *
Ooo , lithaodlaidbts Larnr.m btroou
Council Chamber. Omilin , Nob. , May 21 , 1692.
Ho It revolved by tbo city council of the city
of t malm , the mayor concurring :
Th it pori'ianeut sidewalks bo constructed
In the city of Omaha us designated below ,
within llvo davs after the publication of this
resolution or the pcramtal service thereof , us
by ordinance Is authorl/cd and required ; such
sldowalks to ho laid to thu permanent grade
as established on the pived hlruotn specified
heroin and to ho constructed of stone , arti
ficial htone. bilokortllln * iiccoidltur tonpool-
llcallonson flloln olllco of the Hoard of
Public Works , and under Its Bupcrvlblou , to
wit *
iiist : sldo of 3Jth avenue , lots ! ! > . 10 , 17 , 18 ,
block 11 , llaniiom Plivcc , 0 feut wide , pcrma-
Ktist sldii of 30th avenue , nil of block 4 ,
Hnnscom Place. (1 ( foot wlJo , permanent giade ,
Kustbldo of Mason street , lot J , block 2J1 ,
city. 2J feet wide , permanent grado.
Kast sldo of Hth street , lota I and 5. block
310. oily , feet wldo. perm mont grade.
Kant hldo of llth street , lots 4 nnd 5. block
314 , city , d foot wldo , permanent grade.
L'antsldo of 50th htreot. sections 27,15. 13 ,
Iliiitman's reseivo , 0 feet wide , iiurmanent
And bo It further resolved :
Tlmt the llo ud ot 1'iibllu Works bo , and Is
herobv. authorl/od and directed to causea ;
copy of this resolution to bo publlsho 1 In the
olllclal paper of thoelty for ; ono week , or bo
tervodon the owners of said loin , and lhat un
less such owners xhall within llvo days after
the publication or horvlco of such copy con-
htriict such sidewalks as heieln rc-iiuliud , that
the Hoard of Piihllo Works oauno the mime lo
bo done , the cost of coiiHtiuctlng H.ild Bldo-
walks respectively lo bo assosjod against the
estnto. lotorpirtof lot In front of and.
ulmttln huch sldowulkn.
Passed .May 2 , '
18U'r J ( DAVIS.
1'rcRldiMit of tlni Council.
City Clerk.
Appro\cd : aio. : r. iinMis ,
Muyor ,
lo the ownurHof lots. partHof lots and real
estate dcbvrlhod In the ahovu rtisiilulluni
You and each of you uro hoioby notllle I to
construct purmitnontsldowuIkH an required by
n rcHoliitlon uf tlio city council and m yor of
: the city ot Omaha , of which Iho nbovn Is a
copy. 1' W , IIIItKUAI'HUIl ,
! Chiilnntin Hoard uf 1'nullo WorMs
I Oinah-i. Nul ) . . .1 uno 4. IMtt. Jl d 7t
TothoownoTfiof all lots and partx uf lotH
and real cstalo ulotiK Ohio hlicul from ojmt. .
line of DcuUu'B addition to U.nd vtiuut. ou
are luiroby notllli-d that th iinilersUiied.
thrtodlvlnleruilud freuholdoiH ot tlio city of
Omiilm , have boon duly apiwlnlcd by the ,
mayor , with the approval of the city council
of Mild olty , lo iisyfsn Iho dum IKO to Urn
owners r < 'Hiiccti\uly < if the prupo'ty nlfuctod
by trudlnx Ohio ( trout from miHt l > nu of
Uciilso'ii addition lo 22nd utrnet , duolaii ; ; !
necusHary by oidluunco 3MI. piunud May 21 ,
leU2.iinirovedMiy' ( ' * , 1st ) . ' . Von mo further
notlflud. thai hti\liif | accopti'd wild iippolul-
niKiit. and duly uu illllud u rtiuliiid | hv law.
HO will , on thu2uth day of Junu , A. J > .
the lioni of liio'olouls in thu fiiroiioiHi. at Iho
otllooofT. II. McCullouh. loom M.1. N. . l.lfo
bulldliu , within the vuipuritu lliiillH of Bitld
cltv , meet for the purpo'.o of coiiHldiirliu and
( iiaUlim Iho iikicsbiiinnt of damaxu to the
oHiicra roMivcthuly < ; f n.ild pioporty. aircolud
by Mild L-nidlnf , tulcxi/ Into coimlderuilouv
apoclnl bcnulllii , If any. Vou uiu nolllled to bo TV
pruHenl at Iho tliiio and plncu nfiiruaild and \
make any olijoctlonx lo or BtiiUununtu con- "
ni.HO > niunt of damazot an you
W " aATLfa
< ' <
Omaha , Juno 6,1632. aATLfaJMlol