THE OMAHA 'DAILY BEE : TllUttSDAY , JUNE 9 1802--TWELVI3 PAGES : THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFa T OFFICE ! - NO. 12 PEA UL STREET. rtjlTcfcd by Carrier to any partof the City It. W. T1LTON. - MANAGEn. Ilii lncpsOmec , NEt | | Kdllor JltliOllatMXTWt. K V , PlumblnBC'o. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , conU Chnutauqua ofllco , No. lOPonrl street. Exncrloncc social In the parlors of the now Tlrondwny church this evening. HofnSsh- monts will bo served. The 1'rcsbytertnn latilosvlll entertain a toclnblo In the church parlors this afternoon from 3 U\0. Thluiblos. Thcro will bo un Ice cream nnd cnito socia ble nt the Hethany Daptlst church , corner of Iliph street nnd Sixteenth avenue , tonight. ( Jconro Williams nnd Charles Alloti wcro lined f 10. 40 aplcco In police court yesterday morning for creating u disturbance on Uroad way night befora InsU liluft City lodce , No. 59 , dca Trcubunds , Is to ( jlvo a picnic In Hock's garden nuxt Sun day. .tucob Louie Is to dcllvor the uddross. A goodly sized delegation from Om.iha Is ex pected. All members of Golden Uod Camp No. T , Iloynl Neighbors of America , who desire to accompany the degree staff 10 South Onmlm this ovonitiK will meet at the corner of llrondway and Pearl street to go ou tbo 7 o'clock motor. Ton of the bovB who graduated Tuesday from the school for the deaf will go to Wash ington , U. C. , wticro they will nttond the National university. Most St them uro poor boys and will bo obliged to pay their own way through the university by woi-lilnR. The Huwltoycs und Streotsvlllo nines played a game .vcslorday morning which re sulted In n victory for the former , the scoio beltiK 10 to 8. They will piny any nlno under 35 years of njo In this city or Umnha. For further particulars address V. Urown , Harrison risen street. Miss ICntlo Shcplcr , who graduated from the Illirh school last week , has been presented with n line gold ung by Mrs. E. Burnorn in honor of her grades during her four years' course In the High school being the highest of any member of the class. The ring is on- prnvcd with the words , "Highest in Class , Junoll , 189- . " Charles Pcnnlngton , n bralicmnn on the Milwaukee , was nrroited yesterday oftor- ' ooon on an Information Illod In Justice Swoningon's court charging him with steal ing n gold ring valued at $ . " > Irorn Kd Uacli- wltr. Ponnlngton claimed that bo Intended to give the ring bnck , and as ho was per fectly willing to do so after being arrested , Kachwltz teen bncit the ring , paid the coats and dismissed the suit. Iltivo you seen the wonderful Hurd rcfricorators , tlio newest mid best out ; the Conine Now Process nnd Quick Meal vapor stoves lifjht like gnu absolutely bafc. At Cole & Colo's 41 Muin street. Jnrvls 1877 brandy , better than irao'd. L. W. Tulloys , farm nnd city loans. Council Bluffs , In. , 103 Pearl street. Roller , thotallor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styloa and nowoat troodj. Batisfaclion guaranteed. i 'Kits o.v. i r. v.i HA u IA vim. Misses Mamlo and Lulu Bentley of Hamburg - burg are visiting the family ol Prof. H. W. Sawyer. . Misses Maud Virgin nnd Jennie Wallace ( ro in DCS Moines visiting Mrs. James H. W.vraan. Miss Koliso of Nebraska City Is In the Bluffs , a guest of her sister , Mrs. L. B. Gorham. J. P. Filbert and family loft yesterday for Los Angeles , Cal. , where they will make tholr ( uturo homo. Miss Hotta Scroggs of Lenox , la. , Is In this city visiting her cousin , Miss Maud Mo- Donald , on Harrison street. Mrs. G. L. Springer has boon called away to visit her sister In Jasper county , who nns become insane thi'ough ' sickness Dr. A. P. Hanchott leaves tomorrow for n three weeks' visit In the oast. He will nt- lend the national medical convention In Washington , D. C. Airs. U. O. Francis loft Tuesdav evening for n three weeks' visit with friends In Chi cago. Mr. Francis loaves today for a sev eral weeks' trip through the west. Jnrvis'1877 brandy , sold by all dealers Mm. rrelllc-r'n Millinery I m Are hcndqnartors for hats , bonnets nnd overythinir in the line of milltnorv , and on .luno 1 and nftcr wo will sell all hats , latest styles , at und bulow cost. C.ill nnd bo convinced. No trouble to show poods. Children's nnd babies' hats all prices. Sale Includes both stores , 202 rtnd 341 Broadway. Jnrvis Wine Co. , Santa Clara , CaL t I'laypil fur .sucker. A story has Just como to Hffht In which A. 61. ttaydon , a well known resident of thU elly , Is the chief hero. Ho formed the ac quaintance of a smooth talking individual the other day , and the smooth talking Indi vidual gave him to understand that ho wns looking lor men to work for him at Dos Molncs. Ho hold forth enticing Inducements to linydcn to enter his employ , and the old , old story that has broken so many hearts and pocltotbooks wai told over again , Havdon and tils tn-bu omplovor loft over the Hock Island for Den Molnos , and the em ployer did not discover * that ho wa dead broke until ho reached a small station this side ot Atlantic. Tbun iho awful truth Durst in upon him. Ho had to have $10 , und us that wns the size of Haydon's nllo Itxvasnll Hayden could do , but ho did'it. Pretty soon ho loft the train , nnd when ho reached Atlantic Hayden began to nsk whore lito Jrleud had KOUU.'fho conductor told him that iho fellow ho had been riding with had done a good deal of ridlni ; bock nnd forth over the Uock Island , nnd ho hud spotlncl him for u confi dence man. Hayden go : off the train nnd retraced his foot tons , Ho telegraphed baclt to the other stations along the line nnd suc ceeded In having the fellon nrreatod. Ho RIIVO up the money , however , und Uayticn hus not yet decided whether or not ho.will prosccuio. W. II. Grjiy , the Hotnl Go-don cbof Is the poiitlomta who propirol tha Urancl banquut. Pastures for horses nnd cnttlo on Goorco P. Wrlprht'H furra south of Coun cil HlutiH : 600 uuros blue gnifs ; ninninfj wutor. For terms upply to Junius Rutih nt farm IIOUBO oppoalto Wivbash lound liouso , or uddiosiP. P. Wriyht , Utild- win llocU Jurvis wines the oldest nnil boat , Dr. Clminborlitln. Oyo. oar , throat , ctUui rli. Slmg-iirthlouu , Council BluHs , lliircl.irii IMviKl Oiiltty , M. Hock , who robbed the roiluonca of L O. Hinpklo on South Sixth strvot , entered a ploix of Bullty in the dUtrlut court yesterday , The Bumo plea was made by M. ISnVlo nndG , It. Smith , who burflurlzcd 13d Sherlocli'h loloon and stole several thoutnnd clears , u. L. Smith , ho was urrestnl nt tbo sumo UmowlluEtiBlo und O , R Smith , was Uw- cnurpci ) , thcro bcloir no vvldcuco lo warrant tiU being hold any longer. Jaiuoi Fox was on trial yestcraav for tno thuft of it 3j pod ! wntru from R nuruorn'a luwclry stoio kcvtral montliH uga Ho tried to prove nu nliiil , nud latroduiod u uitne s who sworu that Vex was with ulm lu Bomb Omaha ut 9 , U mid 0 o'closk on iho day when Ito tboft was corarolttpd. . Jurvla 1877 hr.vnJy lx gold inodil a. Uloalng Out < .rornrli > . Am Roing to quit budincss , mid BO will close out my atoulc o ( jrrocorlos at cost , Jor wish only. IL V. Stead , 10113road- wuy. Fixtures NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS How a Qang of Dtsperato Prisoners .Ar ranged to Break Jail. DISCOVERED' AT THE LAST MOMENT AVIicii the , ) nllpr Ciipturcd the Implements Wth Which the Uork Hud Itecli Unuo the Men M'cakciicil Local Nctr * Notes. The Kind hearted Jurors who set Oeorgo Wells frco after n trial In the district court the other day may be thanucd for the almost successful attempt that was made by the prisoners now ctmilnud In the county jail to escape. Wells wiis nno of the follows who robbed the residences of I. M. Troynor , nnd although ho claimed to have been merely a spectator of tbo ullulr , his story was so thin M to deceive no one excepting the average juror. lie was discharged , however , wbila Anderson , his accomplice , was found guilty. At u late hour Tuesday nU'lit It was dis covered that in some way n saw hid been smuggled Into tbo jail nnd the prisoners hid. been busily cugnced In sawing their way out. The discovery was purely accidental ns the men had covered up tholr work * ory ingeniously by malting n paste composed of soap and dirt , nna bud fastened the broken ends of a chain and a padlock together so that no ono unless ho happened to bo looking very closely would have noticed that any. thing of the kind bud beer. done. The suspicious of the jailor were aroused by some strange actions on the part of some of tha prisoners , arid ho stationed himself where ho could BOO without being seen. It was not lone till ho saw Anderson , the con victed burglar , working with a flno saw in one hand nnd n rudely constructed handle in the other. Pouncing upon Anderson , ho made him glvo up both saw nnd handle bv moans of various blood thirsty throats. A search was nt once made to sco what harm hod boon done , and it was then l-'arncd Unit tha pris oners had succccdul in potting a cnuln suucci through nnd a padlock half way severed , fco that the other halt of the padlock apd nn iron bar were all that kept them from the fresh nir. All the prisoners wcro locked up In the steel cylinder , whore they will bo kept until tholr cases nro finally disposed of. The Kong In on unusually hard one , o'.ght of them hav ing already served terms in the penitentiary and n largo proportion of the whole number on a fair way across the stuto again. Two of iho prisoners were Induced by Sheriff Hnzon to talk. They stated that four saws , done up In a small bundle , were thrown through the rear window by n man shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday morning , and all the sawing was done between that time and nightfall. It is thooplnlon of the sheriff and his in nn that the" saws wcro bougnt in Omaha byVclls. . who was dis charged Saturday night , and brought to the jnu with a view to giving bis pal , Andersen , his liberty. The tools arc of tbo finest steel. and cut through an iron bar In short order. Another halt hour's work would probably have enabled all the prisoners in the jail to multo their.oscape. If the story told by the prisoners la true , there are still three saws concealed in the jail , but as tha prisoners are nil confined in the steel cylinder there is no danger of their using them in making their escape. roil TIIK COOfc UVKNINUS. Xoto the Clcurini ; Prices on Coats nnil Capes at the HcistonStore , Connell - ell ItlllllH , III. GUIAT INDUCTION IN ouu COAT DE- I'AUTMUNT KOK THIS WKlilv ONIY. As the spring1 tfado in this depart ment is almost ut un olid wo nro deter mined to uloan out the bulnnco of our stock ut nbig sacrifice. SHOO bliiEiers , in black only , to po nt $1.0 ! ) for this week only. $5.00 bln/.ioi'B , in tans nnd grays , to gent nt $2.09 for this woolc'only. $7.60 reefers in tana , prays , blacks nnd small chocks , to go at So.Ti ) lor this week only. $8.00 reefers in navy blue with pearl buttons , reduced to $4.78 , for this week only. SKI.00 Bedford cord reefers , in tans and greys , reduced to 57.48 , for thia week only. $15.00 and $17.50 capes , in tans and greys , with embroidery or trimmed with lace , to go at # 10.78 , for this week only. Just Received A largo line of infants' coats in tans and white. Short coals wo soil from $1.25 up , with ii nice embroid ered capo and bkirt Long coats fiom $1.50 to $7.50. Anyone ono desiring to purchase anything in this line would do well to look us through before going olt-ovfhoru. WALL PAPER Remember wo are la the lend.getting in on the home stretch , DISTANCING OUR WOULD-BE COMPETITORS. BOSTON STORE. FOTIIEKINO1IAM , WlIITHLAWiV CO. , Council BlulTs , la. Jarvis 1877 brandy , highest teat. Davis soils reliable paints nnd drugs. Ogden house furnishes board nnd room ut popular prices ; from $ 'Jo.OO to $35.00 per month , according to room. Trains leave for Muimwa at 0 , 11 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 0 , 7 and 8 o'clock. llcimhllcan County Contention. Chairman A. S. Hazolton of the republican county central committee has issued n call for a county convention to bo hold in tbo superior court room in this city on Thursday , Juno S3 , at 11 o'clock a. in. , for the tallowing purposes : I'lrst To elect twenty delegates to attend the rnpubllcan Ktato convention to bo hold at DCS Molnes on Juno'.M , UUJ. Hecond To elect twenty delegates to attend the republican conprovtlonat convention to bo hold ut Atlantic on July M , 1MJ. ' . Third To oloet twenty ilolojotoj to attend the republican JudlcHI convention to bo hold at Olonwood on July 21 , Ib'X' ' . I'mirth To transact such other business as IIIHV properly comu before the contention. The ratio of rouri-sontiitloii will bo one dolo- u-iitii for each township and ward In Council llluir.s and ono additional delegate for every forty votes or f rautlnn of llftuon or over cast for lion Hiram C. Wheeler for governor-on November 3,1MI ) , Meetings in the several townships nnd wnrda for tbo selection of delegates will bo U&ld Saturday , Junu IB , IStU , at 8 o'clock p. m. unless otherwise ordcicd. Each township mid ward will select n member of the county central committee aud n chairman of this committee will bo chosen at the convention , Tlio Onkdiilu Keitnliin. OAKDAI.K , Neb. , Juno 3. All persons north of tlio I'ltitto river nttonding the North Nebraska District reunion of the Grand Army of the Republic ut Oak- dale , July 11 , can obtain transportation for ono furo for the i ound trip en the following ro.tds : B. & M , river railroad , Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific , Chica go , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , Kromont , Klldiorn & Missouri Valley , Missouri Paulllo , and the Union PuclUc. J. S. Dn\viv. Patronize blue lee wagonsfor Mo. river channel ice. Mulholland & Co. Tel. 1U2. Jurvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best la O\er Mining , All tha lawyers and politicians and many others In western Iowa Know PhutViol of Sb'lby or know of him. Ho was In Council HlulTs for a few hours yeiterday. Ho Is no longer "of Kholby , " but of Pueblo , to which place ho moved about two years ago , and tUoro ho U now located , engaged in the practice of law aud ou tha sldo looking after extensive mining interests. Ho 1. ou his return trip from Chicago , where ho uas been on business for other parties , ono of tbo purposes of which wus to close a SUU.UJO deal by which ibmn o ( ' Iho protuliK'uU in the World's fair city Uu- como still further Ibvesfor * id western" mines. Mr Wicks Is enthusiastic over the inlnlnp'outlook. The grnnt interest centers about tbo Cripple Creolecsmn nndCreede. In the former sucu well known men ns Carter Harrison of Chicago nnd Messrs. Wright nnd St. John of the HOCK Island are largely nnd actively interested. Mr. Wicks says that whllo the oxcltoraont Is most mtcnso about thceo two points , yet there is n rapid nnd substantial development going on among many other" good properties. There aio thousands of cugor prospectors roaming over the mountains , nnd this Intelli gent , enthusiastic search for further treas ures must result In the development of many valuable and now properties. Mr. SVIcks is the president of the Mining Stock exchange of Puoblo. and is ns couvor- lanton mining a ; ) m b enthusiastic , For Rout First class saloon ; good lo- iatton ; fine fixtures. Responsible parly can got long lease on good terms. Ad dress D 21 , Boo olllce , Council Blults. IUT DTK HIS CHIIK. : . .Iiillniliniiicrll Mildly DUflRiircd In n Kiiluon Uow. Julius Xlmmcrh , who keeps a saloon nt the junction of Uroadway and Scott street , lost a largo section of his face yesterday nftcr- noon , und although the man who swallowed it wai caught soon after the deed was done ho could not. bo mtuio to dlsgorgo , nnd X.I in- merit will probably go down to his grave with the marks of his experience. Thn'o strangers entered his saloon aud commenced to crouto n disturbance. Zltnmerll remon strated with them , but without effect. Soon bo went Into the back room of tbo saloon nnd. was basy about something , when his visitors followed him , nnd , according to the 9tatair.cnIs of oyowtt- nesses , Jumped upon him without nnv provo cation , and commenced to pound him Ono of tlio assailants pulled a murderous looking chisel from n hip packet and would probably have used It with serious effect bad nol ono qf Zlmmerll's friends sclzcM It. Xlmmerll was apparently gaining the bolter of the other man when the latter siozod the loft cheek ot liU adversary itnd bit out a piece about the sizu ol n silver dollar. During tbo encounter Ztmmerll's ' thumb was almost sev ered from his hand. Iho affair was loportcd to the police , nnd within an hour- three men wcro captured and put In the city Jail , but no char o was en tered nculnst them. They gave their names ns Scott Butler , Dan Curtis nnd Frank Me- Nnal , Curtis was the ono who did the chewing - ing , end the other two , so far as known , wcro not particularly Implicated in the tight , except that they worp with Curtis when bo entered the saloon. Curtis will bo charged with mayhem und will undoubtedly go across the state. What charge will bo placed against the other two Is not positively known yet.Tho The opinion of the pollco is that the three were members of n bouscbrcaklng gang that had como over from Omaha with the Inten tion of doing n Job during the evening. They think that the fellows entered Xlinmerll's saloon and Curtis and Butler engaged the proprietor 1" a light so that In the axel to- tnent McNcal could go through tbo cash drawer. The fact that ono of the man had a larco chisel , such as are commonly used for getting Into bouses , is thought to bo nn in dication in this direction. International Cure association rooms are in annex to Grand hotel , 520 First avenue , Council Blulls , lu. For euro of alcohol and opium disease. Hurt , the jeweler , has moved from Pearl street lulo his now quarters , 415 Broadway , lately occupied oy savings bank. SOUTH OJt.llI.l. Uflcct or Warm Weather on the New btr.idtiiiiint Pitting. , The effect of the hot sau of yesterday was very evident on the Stradamant paving on Twenty-fourth street. The bill of the Strad amant company against the city , amounting to $03,000 , was protested by the city council on the ground that the pavement was not what it was represented to be. A suit is DOW pending and the city has been waiting to see whether the pavement would stand the sun before confessing Judgment. The pavement cracuod nnd softened perceptibly yesterday. The horses' hoofs nna the tires of heavy wagons cut into the paving nnd patches of soft material began to appear hero and thcro during the afternoon. The impressions of wagon wheels could bo distinctly seen and in one place even-a bicycle left a plain traclc. Handing rermiu. The following building permits wcro granted by Inspector Miyfleld yesterday ; Fred Ilnllocif , residence , eighteenth and Q streets $ 1,000 M. E. Davis , residence , Twentieth stieet , between 11 and 1 1,00) Dnna Merroll , store Ijnlldln.Twenty - fourth Atrcot , between N and 0 1,500 R. It. fatten , fiamo residence. Twenty- second and II btruclM 3.000 Total 5fl..V IVnnteil Moro Uonpy. There was a small sized strlle _ nt Swift's packing house yesterday. Sixteen of tha beef gang refused to go lo work and tholr planes were promptly Oiled by now raon. The men struck Monday for $1'.50 per weeK and full time. Tholr demand was granted , and en couraged by this thov struck again yesterday for full pay for live days' work und extra pay for all over time. This time they were not so successful. Notm nnil Court Ilonin has returned from San Diego , Cal. Cal.Paul Paul Stevens has returned from Atlan tic , la. Miss Jennie Morris Is visiting relatives at Daclson , In. Ex-Councilman Dougherty leaves today lor a business trip to the west. C. E. Walker left yesterday for Auduboc , lu. , where ha wilt visit his father. John A. Mohr of Ponca , Nab. , Is tbo guest of Uev. nnd Mrs. Robert L. Wheeler. Miss Laura A. Means will bo united in marriage to ( jesrgo B. Boxtressor of Omaha. Mrs. T. B. Scott and children left yester day for a month's visit at Sioux City ana Wayne , la. Mrs. Dr. E. K Ernbout and daughter tart yesterday for a two weeks' visit with rela tives at Atlantic , in. Chris Johnson was arrested yesterday for assault nnd battery. "Ho is accused of strik ing Charles Narncss over tbo bead with a club. club.M. M. E. Sutton of Charles , City , la. . Is tbo guest of his brother , Juago A. L. Sutton. Mr. Sutton thintts of locating In South Omaha , John Vnnlsr , who was crushed by nn ele vator at iba Cudaby packing bou o Tuesday , is reported as dead from the effects of the accident. Ho. resides In North Omaha. The regular weekly conference mooting was held at tlio Presbyterian church last night , Kov. Wheeler SDOIIO upon "Daniel nnd tils Lions and Some Otnur Lions. " V.l.VUIir T1IK tlttOVl * OF DK.lTll. " Two Anarchist * Cluvrrly Captured by the rolled ol Itiiiiif. Rom ! , Juno 8. Prince Edcsualchl recently received n lottur slgnod by the "Group of Death" dynamiters , ordering him under pain of being blown to plocos to bury the sum of 109,00(1 ( florins at a certain indicated spot in the suburbs. The prlnco notified iho pollco und a number of o 111 cor a watched tbo place wbero the money was to bo burled , and suc ceeded in arresting two well known anarch- it.ti whllo they were engaged In digging UD tbo ground , The men wuro recognized as old offenders. The prUonors declared thivt they belonged to a gung which Intended to blow up Prince Edcscalcbl't residence with dynamite. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Itrcotercd Over Throe Hundred lloilloi. PJI.UIU.JutioS , An ofllclul report has been made of the recent disaster in DlrKou- berg silver mine. Tha bodies of 'Ml of the 833 men who lost their lives have been recov ered , leaving only twenty-eight bodies itlll In the in I no. Two hundred and ninety-two women wcro left widows by the flro and OliO children under 4 years of ego were made orphans. fur Another Treaty. PAIIIB , June S. It 1 ? reported that negotia tions are pending between the Culled Slates nc2 Prance for a treaiv milking conccsnous ou cattle and refrigerator beef. SADLY SEED ASSISTANCE Pennsylvania's Strijik' Qities rind Their Preaihg 'Nceils , KEEPING UP THE SEAI FOR THE DEAD -ETIT. Kvetf IMIo of WrcchajrsidUcs Up u Victim or tlm Disaster Ctlf gn I'roll'en As- slst.inco Itcllcf rMcnsurc That - lliuc IIcoit.Comtnc.iccd , itilj OIL CITY , Pa. , JunSS,1 At nconforonco to day of vho 1'ltuburgi Pplladolphia , Oil City nnd TltUBVlllo relief .committees It was do- elded to glvo TltusvtH6Vwand " Oil City 95 par cent of the relief fund. Uudolph Bliuikon- burg of Philadelphia expressed great contl- donco in the committees , and sntd ns ttio loss hud not been exaggerated ho thought the people of the country should bs requested to make up a fund of &UU,000 to relieve the ind Mnro Ilcail llodlcs. TITUSVIM.E , Pa. , Juno S. It Is raining hard again , but it Is hoped that this will nol add additional trouble to tbu aftltctod city. As the dobrU U being cleared away moro bodies are found , and It may bo several weeks before the onVlro story ot the disaster Will bo known as far ns the loss of lllo Is concornod. Witnesses who wura on top of tha irou tanks and houses report that they saw scores of bodies lloatlng down with the rush of waters , and It Isuot known yotwhoro they hnvo boon lodged. Among the 4OOJ , telcigramawhich have been rocolvod hero the past throe days thcro arc ubout lo'J which the telegraph companies huvn been unable to deliver for the reason that the persons addressed cannot bo found. About lltty cablegrams have already boon received from E.uiopo , making Inquiries about friends hero. Mavor Wnshburn chas wired Alayor Post that Chicago will do its part in this hour of our calamity , as Tltusvlllo did in 1ST1 when Chicago called for nld. The mighty rush of waters has changed the chunnol ot the crook so that OIIQ of the rollncrlos which was situ ated upon the ban It of the crook is now in the ccntor of the now channel and a number of dwelling houses which were high on tbo bun ic llfty foot from the crook are now at its very edge. D.imiRO to Propel ty. AVlillo tlio loss of life hero is probably not much , if any , larger than that of Oil City , tbo damage done to proportv is probably tun times greater. Tbo devastated araa is nearly three miles lu length and four or five blocks In width. For most of that distance the loss is to the tracks and sidtnga of the different lines of railroads. Tlio severest loss , however , Is in tbo destruc tion of tbo refineries nnd manufacturing plants whore so many of tha survivors earned a llivollhood. It Is this loss of permanent employment for months to coma that will fall heavily u lion the working classes , and which will necessarily put them on the list of those requiring relief. All of those who escaped lese clothing and household effects , and many little hoards of money which they wcro sav ing up for a rainy day. iMauy persons wcro led to bcllovo that the disasters along tlio valley approximated Johnstown , but bad as it , is. there is no com parison between the two places. Johnitown and connecting towns wpro blottad out , whllo both at this placa and Oil City only portions of the places , wcro in the track of tbo devouring elements. In Johnstown the rescuers -.vero all strangers , whilu in this pluco and nt Oil Cltjythq work was done bv citizens , and some Of the most heroic deeds were performed byj thpsb who offered their lives in their efforts to save others. The relief committee 'nowfully organized and Is doing effective \vwk. Clothing and sup plies are distributed tb all In need and as these were forthcohilng' ' Immediately , there has be&u but little if mi 'physlcial suffering. DISASTROUS rXol ) AT OKL1UC1IS. Much Property Destroyed anil Ono I.lfo Iiiist by iij iUlcu Illsc. OEUIICIIS , S. D. , Juncfji. [ Special to TUB This section eiflerloncod a downpour of rain Sunday morning and the preceding nleht , and Horsehoud brook was raised very suddenly from an Insignificant stream to a mighty torrent , which rose at the rate of about , four feet per hour until the whole valley , nearly a milo in width , was covered with a solid sea of rushing water about eigh teen feet above low water mark , nnd from thioo to ton feet o\-er the entire valloy. All settlers In the valley left their houses lor high land , with sorannarrow escapes on nc- countot the suddenness of tlio rise , aud many took chances on their lives in nttompting to liberate stock that was inclosed in the low lands. Ono man , Homer T. Hunt , lost bis Ufa In attempting to ride n horse across a ravine near the main channel , In order to liberate some horses that were on the bet tom. Although ho was an export swimmer the swift current carried him down the val ley about eighty rods until ho struck the main channel and was sucked under lu n mighty whirlpbol. His young wife , to whom' ' he had only been married about three months , with his other relatives , stood on the shore to sco him parish without being able to offer aid. Other fatalities aroapprobondod. Soin stock was drowned. All the bridges in the valley except one were washed out. The railroad embankment was cut out in half a dozen ulacos and six trains , Including one passenger train , are detained nt this town waiting for the track nnd bridges to bo repaired. The water soon oil. leaving the trontops and bushes along tbo crock lodged witti drift rubbish , but loft the meadows In good , condition. No damage was done to the crops which are looking ox- ceealngly promising. The body of Mr. Hunt was found todav after two dnjV searching. It wns dragged from the bottom ot the crook , in about tiftcen foot of water , near where ho was taucn under in the whirlpool. Over 100 men , including graders and brldgomon , with a number of grading teams , are busy repairing the damaged , railroad. The dump was washed out and damaged in many places along the creok. tbo longest being about DOO feat of grading taken out. Crops and grass are looking splendid , and the farmers are icclmg very Jubilant overtho flno prospects. Tor Their Hcllcf. Mr. J. A. Bellman just received a tele gram from the scone of tbo recent great oil llro In Pennsylvania asklnr fur aid , Tbo message is from the Daily Dorrlclc and says "every dollar's worm of relief that wo can ' get Is'noeiied , " Mr , Bellman lived In the oil rocions for nearly twenty years ana knows just hQi7 badly tbeso oil lire suf ferers need relief ) and is already proparlnc a program for a grand henolH on- tcrtulracnt for this > cnu , o to which Omaha people will bo asked to contribute. The en tertainment is to Dfreiffin eoon. Kemovlnir JCaliH nt Oil City- Oil. CITY , Pa. , Juno.S.-rSeven unidentified victims of Sunday.-inishl's tire and flood wcro burled this morning. The relief fund for this city and" TUusvillo cow amounts to SfCO.BOO. Seven hunllrcd'cooplo have already been aided. Jt Is believed the number will bobOO. The people have recovered from the stunning effects of 'Jbaj ( > | ow and the vvorlt of removing the ruins Is being actively proso- cuted. Flvo hunUreau men are at work. Nothing has yet Dooii tlono on tbo west sldo. Clomlbuptt , JH lima. DUIIUQUE , la , , Junei $ . ; A cloudburst nt Zwinglo last night caused Otter 'creok to rise thirty feet in two hours. Tbo Hood struck tbo hamlet about-ll o'clock nnd swept away several umall bunalntrs. Eighty rods of the Cascade nurrow gauge railway were tern up and carrion away by tbo torrent. No lives were lost , but about 100 head of horsoj ana cuttle were drowned. I'orty I'liuuruU ut 'lltuftriUc. TITUBYJU.B , Pa. , Juno 8. About forty funfrals were bold hero today , Tbo work of searching for bodlei is being actively carried on. H Is supposed many corpses are lodged under piles of rubtnsh. DUonfectaata are being trocly used to prevent the ttpread of dlseaje. Many people uro already tick through excitement and exposure. Atil from the Btunilard OH. Oil'CITY , Pa. , Juno 8. The Standard OH company uas tent a contribution of fJJ.UOO to SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFF3. SALE Rxtra duo , thoroiichbred - sc.v oull , solid color , registered stnukj it months old. 72JS. rirst strtot. IT YOU liavo anything for silo or trade sao 1111. Sho.tfo , llrcudway and Main strcnt. IPO IOWA firm * ( or sate. Improved IBJ acres In Harrison county , 119.0)porncro ; I'jJacrot Improved , J2J.OO : 3) ) acra . Jlf.'JV 1'or bar * Un * In Iowa ntu Nobr.tska furms call on or vrrita toJohtijon & V.xn I'.ittcn , Council IllnnN. OU UiNT-IwollliUS In nil or tlio city. K. II. Blioaio Hro.uIway nnd MMn. STOUAOE mid Co umlsalon-Stove * . Mrnl- cure , oil. , stored unil od ! on commission at lowest rates. U Klnnohati , 370 llrovlw.xy. AN ln\oslmcnt oai.r.tlii. Now doiililn homo situated nt > o . 114 unil 1 0 S. Till Su , Coun cil bhilT.- " . Improvement , now nn 1 llrst-elan house , contains t < rooms , v bath rooms. 3 flno imntroy * . 13 closets , front nii'.l bnsK stilr * , hot .iiul co d water service , ia . olu , worth 5.W. will soil-lit u li irjnli\ und solicit lionu- file olTeM. Forest Smith , U.Udwln blok , Council IHutK I OIt SAKE On small payments , fruit nnd jrmlen : Innil noir Council HltifTa. E. II , Shcafc , HroadWiiy and Main street. Foil KENT DM Second nvonnc. dwelling with 0 rooms , furn ice , ramp , batli. cloctrlo bells , ono of the most doslr.iblu ipsldcncns In Council HlulTs : rout , per month , E. It. tjliotfq. Ilroadway ami Mjjiln trcct. Troll SALE A neat four-room dwelling on JL1 ASCIHIO II ; price , 175 K Rtnall monthly J > .v incnts. 15 , II. Blioafe , llro.ulway and Muln. TT10H llnNT- Two of the best OjrrlRg Huts on -i ? 1'ourth street. . FOR SAI.K I'lirnltuo fixtures lease and uooclulllof hotel with 43 rooms In 11 uocnl Nebraska oltys will trade for stock of L'onorul merchandise. E. II. Shoafo. Uro.nlwuy mil Main struct. FOHriAIiE A comfort-iblo live room dwell- INK near Kalrmoiuit Uiirk. 1'rlce. tM. \ . J.VJ cash , h.ilauco In monthly u.iytnciits. K. 11. blieafo. llroadwuy an.l .Mnln street. FOR SAI-E A now six-room dwolllnz. I8i ! rifthavonuo. price. J'.SM , li oiish , liiil- anco In monthly pivmcnts. E. 11. Shoafo 11 ro idway and Main streets. fi > OK SAUC Aharon , tlirco-roo n dwoll- -I ? Ins. 1H3 ! Klfth uvcniiu. prlen ? 7l . will tulle team Rood horses In trirto amllml'inee in tiiunthlv piymetiH. 10 It , Hliu ife. llro iUw.iy anil M tin streets. FOH SAIjE-Or trade. A sK-rnom frimo dwolllnz. nichth nvonno. cor. ' 'Jth st. . price CMJii. 13. il. Shciifc. llro ulw.iv and Main ats. C10K UENT-EUht-loom dwelling , Sil Wush- * liuton avi ! . . rn "tylo nn'l eonvon- lencoi. In excellent , repair , rent tiK. . II. iilicafo. aivl Main sts. 9ALK The only hotel In a small town Foil 5J miles from Counoll HiiiTs. Il.isnnlce cream p.irlor with goo.l trade. l < 'nrnluiro In voices tittl.WO , bulldlnz * . ' , UOO. Will tr.ido for Hood resident property In Council llltilTs , a snap for tun rliht p irty. li II. Shoufe , Hroid- wny and Main Btrcct. WANTED To buy a nice , vouiis flrlvlnx liorso : wolRht from I.OM to 1,100 : also to trade a pearl/ now one-seated top IniRuy for a two-seated one. O. 9. Dovoll. 10J3 Bio adway Council IIlull's. Foil SAI.i ; At a bargain , houeo and lot on Uroadway. opuoslto now Northwestern depot , fort-.DOO ; iMOcusli : peed location fooa saloon. Apply to Leonard Kvorett. TTIOK UHNT Four room frame dwolllnff , HOT JL ? nichth avo. . In oxrellent repair : dry col lar : city water : rout $10. K. II. Shoafc , Ilroad way and Main sticet. _ Foil SALn Hotel and restaurant In IL pros- parous Nebraska city , p-ivlns business , need reasons for solllne , price $ lUJti. It Is a snap. E. II. frhonte , Itro.idway and Maliistit-ot. J Nebraska lands in . for Council Illutrj property. E. II. Sheafo. Uroadway and Main street. T7\OH \ SAljE Gro.ory stock , flxtnros , horses Jnnd bnllillirprlco U-'UO. 1'rollts avoiano JiOU per month : location best In the city : ill health eansu of sotting. E. H. Hhuafo , llro-id- miy and Miiln street. SAhE A miiro and colU Will tike FOR - in lot filling. Apply to Lcouaid Everett. IX ; ANTED-Tcnina to fill In lot I , block 18 , T V Williams' llrst addition to Council HlulTs. Iowa. One-half cash and the b.ilanco In trade. Apply to Leonard Everett , Council lllulTs , la. . A Written Guarantee SYPHSLI to Cure Kvery Case or Money Refunded. Our cure is permanent nnd not a tiatcblis up. Cn'ei treated oTenre r iwoniiTenoYor een ymptom ilnce. lljr describing case fully vra can treat jou br rosll , nd wo lTO the snmo strong Ruamntoa to rura or refund all money. Tliosa who prefer to corao lioro fortrcatmentcRndotonnJwo will pay rallroadfars both way land hotel bills wlillolicro , If wo fall to cure W challenge the world for a case that our Maglo Kcmedy will not euro. Write for particulars nnl got tbiOTldence. In our eovan years practice with th Maclo Remedy It lias been most dllDcult to overcome tbe prejudices nealntt socalled ipccltlcs. I'.ut under our tron fcunrnnteo tbousinds are trylnu It and bo Ingcured. Wo guarantee to euro or refund every dollnr.and asVebava a reputation to protect , also financial balking of KTO.OXllt Is perfectly safe to all whowtli try tlio treatment , Heretofore you liavo puttlnifupaod paying out your money for different treatments , and although you nro not yet cured no one has paid bnck your money. Wo will positively cureyou , Oldchronicdeepneitol caias cure 1 In0) to'JJdays. InvoJtUato our llrmnclal standing , our reputation as business men. Wrlto us for names an J addrcMcsof those wo hnvo cured wbo have given pcrmlaslontorefertotbom. It cost * you only post- are to do this. If yo'ur eymptoTCs are sere throat , mucous patches la mouth , rheumatism In bouos and joints , hair falling out , eruptions on any part of tha body , foiling of gonaral depression , pains la bead or tones. You haven * time to wastu. Thoia who ara constantly Uklng iiercnrr and potash , ibould dis continue It. Constant uieof these drugi will eurolr trlng lorei end eating ulcoriln the end. Uau't full to write. All correspondence cnt icalml In plnlp on- Tclope. We Invite ttiemost rlicll Investlgnttou nJ vuldoalllnour powerto aM you in It. Addreu , COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omaha. Neb NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOH GRADING. To the owners of all lots , parts of lots and real estate alone Sixth Bticot from a polnt.WD fouteouth of the soutli line of Credit l' ° onolor addition to lUnoroft street , Vou are hereby notified the umler- slcned. thrun disinterested f rro holders of the cltv of Oiuahii , have buen duly appointed by the mayor , with the of the city council of bald city , to assess the damages to the owner * , , respostlvelv. of the prop erty alToctt-d ny grading Sixth htrcot from a point MO feet south nf the south line of Credit Fonder addition to Iluii- crof t street , declared necessary No. : > ? , passed May l ) , 16 ! ) . ' , approved May Ii. . IbOJ. You are further notified that having no- coptedsald appointment and duly quiillflod ii B reiiulred by la'V. wo will , on the 17th day of .luno , A , U. IBi ) ' . at tuohourof 10 o'clock intho forenoon , at the olllce of Bhrlvor & O'Dona- lioc. HOlKnrniim ( .treet , within the corporate llmtlBOf said city , meet for the purpose of cons'dorliu nnd makini ; the assessment of daniaso to the owners respectively of said property , affected by s.tld cr.-ullnirtukliis Into consldunilIon special boncllts. It any. You are notified to bo presunt at the time and place ann > > , ald and make any objections toorHtatomcnts coiicernlnr said assosdincnt of damuKta as you niav consider propor. (1 1 * t J SI I Ibi \ i IC * T. O. IIHUNNKK. T. IJ. McOULLOOII. Omaha Juno 4.1692. Jndiot NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR GRADING. To the owners of nil lots , parts of lots and real estate along Mason street from Ibth street to 20th street , . , , . . You uro hereby notified that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of tha olty of Oimiti.t. liayo been duly api > olnted by the mayor , with the approval ol'thuclty ' coun cil of Kiild c.ty , to assess the diuiiaite to tlio ownerH rcHpeetlvely of the pioporty nlleelod by grading Mason utruet from IBth street to iiitli btreot , declared iiucessiiry bv nrulnunco : W70 Jpjssod May 17. IbiK , approved May IN , You are further notified , that having ao- coptodbuld appointment , mi. ! duly qualified us required by law , wo will , on the llth day of June. A. 1) . IMtf. at the hour of lu o clock In the forenoon , at roomJ.MO. N. } . Ufo bulldliiB , within the corporate limits of Hald city , moot far the uiirpo oof connUlorlnt ; and inakliie HS- leHitiient ofUamago to the owners respectively of said property , ulfucted by said Krndlnir , luliliiB Into coimldorntlon special benolliB , It You are notified to bo present at the time- and place aforesaid , and muku tiny oDjucllons to or statfinenta concernlnc H'lld iiSHUBsment of daiiiauus us you way consider proper. 1 , II. olCUIJJjljOUll * IL W. ( JMIHO.N , J. . KEEVE. Omaha , May 27,1601 JOdlt bo applied to relieving the needs of the suf ferers by Hood nnd nro alont ; tbo river , iDttlnly lu Oil City mid Tltusvllle. I/I run I'ortloii of Vienna 1'looilod. VIENNA , Juno 8. A snow storm occurred hero yesterday , followed by torrents ot rain. A largo portion of tbo city has been lloodod , owing to Ibo consequent rising of tbo wuler in the Danube uud thn cauol. CALIFORNIA'S FINEST PitOBUOTION. JARVIS 1877 BRANDY HIGH , BJPE AND MELLOW. Aged in our cellars. Indorsed by the Mcd , Has been awarded six ical faculty every ! where as being the. . and four silver gold purest , safest and bcst medals , at different stimulant. Ask for it. ' Take no other. He- world's expositions , . ware of imitations. WINE OO. , GROWERS , DEALERS AND DISTILLER ? , Santa Clara and San Jose , California. K. W. PAMIE , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. HEADER OF DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. PKormrcroii OF TUB WOKUVS HEniJAL DISr SAUY OF 31E1HCINK. Hraat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd I.ungs ; DI * . cases of the Ej e and Ear , lfita and A poplexy , Ueurt Disease , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Somlnnl Weakness , Diabetes , BrlBhfs Dancer"theumatlsm , I'oialyJia , White Swelling Scrofula , Fever Sores , Ceiicors , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the Unlfo or drawlne o drop of blood. Woman with her delicate orpans restored - stored to health. Propey cured without tapping : . Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. S5O to 8GOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis ease i cannot euro without mercury. Tape Worms removed In two or throe hours , or no pay. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured. THOSE WHO AUK AFI'OCTKD Will eave Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calllnc on or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. Tlio only Physician who can toll what ulla a ] )0ioii ultluiut iiHkiiic a question. AH correspondence strictly confidential. Uedlclno sent by express. Address all letters to G , W , Pangle , M , D 8B6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lov/a. W. C. ESTEP , Funeral Director , Embalmer 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL , BIjUKFH. PROPOSALS FOH FILLING LOT OF RKAL KSTATK. Scaled propoiaU will bo rocolvnd by tlionn- di'rsl.iiou until lu : : o'ulouk p.m. . Juno ' 'l , 1W.1. for Illllnu lot I'b ook ILIlansconi nluco.ln tin ) city otOiniiha , Hui'l lot having heuu declared u nulH.inuu by ordinance No , -.Si : ! . Huuli lllllr.K to bo done In ucuordanco with the liiKtructloiuof the city enslncor nnd hoard of public woil.a. II ( ! H will bo inndo ou printed blank fur * nlHhod by the boar.l , mid to bu ucuoiupnnlud by iiccrtlHed cneck In the mini of tXK ) , payiiolu un uvldonuu of Kood T'IO bo'ird rcscrvoH ( ho rlzht to reject any or Clmlrman Hoard ot 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , Nub. , junu Dili , lb'/A JuiteU,10l'Jl7 ' Onialia Medical and Surf ici INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FOH. TI-IB TREATMENT OP ALL West faollltlos , upinritiis nnd for succussful tro.Uiiient of every form of disease roiiulrliu or snr lo tl treatment. M beds for patluntu , bo ird and . Hest acvonioJations In the \ . „ . , . , . Write for circulars on deformities anil braces , tnusus , club foot , curvatures of snlno , lilies , tumors , utncor.oiifirrli. bronchitis , In-1 halationelectricity , p irnlysls , nnllonsy , kld- iiov. bladder , eye , oar. bkln und blood and all surgical oporttions. tll(3DA ( < 3I0 ? \I7flHJTDlJA \ SI'EOI A l < T V. UltJUllUlJU Ut WUlllDfl llookon Ilso.i30 ot Women FKEE.Vii ha\olately milled .1 lylnx- In dop irtniont fur women durlnu con.lnoinunb. Ftrluliy private. ) Onlv Kollablo Medloul lu- Btituto making a Bpouljlty o : . , . , All II oed Ulsuasort suecosstully troatol , Hjnhllltlo t'olsnn lomovcd Cram the uystom without nuireiiry. Now Itostoratlvo Treat * inunt forloai of VITAfj I'OWKIL Persons un- ublu to vlnlL us ID.iv bo treated at homo by lorrospon lunce. All communications conlf- ( Iriitlal. Mo-lielncs or liiHlriinionti sent by mail oroxpress , snoiiruly paekod , nn inarkH to ind catoi'ontcntHor sunder. Ono personal In- terylow pruferruJ. U ill and consult u or send history of your case , and wo will send In plain wrapuor , our Rfintf Tn MEN l''K REs Upon 1'rlvato , DUUa IU mC.11 , .v.poollli , , r Nurvoii3 DM- eases , Itnpotoncy , HvphllU , Oloot mU Varlco- rolc , withquoMtion llsU ItraccH , Appllunous for Deformities A ; Trusoi. Onlymaniifactory Intho Westof ItKVdttn. JT\- At'l'l.lAt > UKi , THllnXEii , JSLKUflllU JIATTJSltlKH ANO UKL1S. Omalia Helical and Suniicil Institute , 26th and Broadway , Oounolt BluEfi Ton mlnutob' rlilo from center ot Uni'ilu end d O > unull lllutN oloutrla nuilor lino. is via the Chicago , Milwaukes & St. Paul R'y > as represented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:45 : a. m. City Ticket OIHce : 1501 Far- nan ; St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Aeent ; , Of Council III u Si a , fcurplUB unJ I'roflts , OUJ NotOapltal anil , . . . . . llruclur-J. ) l ) . K4 uuu nu i. M. I. dim i tri. li'aioci. a K Ilirt. I. A. Jllli r , J. V il ndClwrlm lu llnnnuii. * lutKonoral Ing bumiiui * . \ \ and surpluiof any Lmiklu ifouthwuntorn town. 'ON TIM BDEPO3IT3