Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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nv n. D. T. Moonii.
J uno. tbo Innfy month.
U so the cultivator freely.
N o liquid "ardonl" nfioul.
E ueray I * necosanry now.
June , the opening month ol summer ,
! s not HUoly to bo a. very jubllnnt ono on
ilio furin this your. The Lcnson ia so
aackwnrd that much spring work Is yet
to bo do no , und at n time when other
emitters cnnnot bo neglected. Many
'n.rrn.ors will bo constrained to modify
iholr pluns for want of tlmo nnd help to
: nrry thorn out , und plant loss tlmn they
Intondod. livery soil llllor will have un
ibundnnco of both hand nnd bond exor
slso this month ; for while Hold work re
quires uiiusunl muscular manipulation ,
the planning nnU preparation necessary
tor such important operations as haying
and harvesting will call foi1ho active
use of his mental faculties. With hoed
crops to plant and cultivate , grass to cut
and secure , groin soon to bo garnered ,
mil other urgent matters demanding at *
tontionthoro Is occasion alike for order ,
lyatoin , promptness , skillful and earnest
physical effort and good management.
A.t such ti time , when spring and
mminor work are mixed and
unusually pressing , the culti
vator should UBO both brain
and brawn to the best possible advan
tage. The wlso husbandman will fore
cast bis work. For such important la
bors as bnylng and harvesting ho will
provide in teuton by securing tbo nec
essary men , teams nnd machinery , hav
ing them in readiness when wanted , and
prevent delays and accidents when the
work opens bj personally directing oper
ations. Being thus equipped , and hav
ing fully urovldud for contingencies , tbo
enorgotio i\nd progressive farmer will
generally got through tbo most arduous
labors of the year with comparatively
llltlo dlfflcultv.
1 ho Culture ) oT Corn.
The success of the corn crop will
largely depend upon prompt wooding
and good cultivation. It is well to start
the cultivator or other weodor early ,
oven before the weeds appear. Some
farmers do the earlier wtedings with a
harrow , which does not injure the corn
while it is small. Frequent stirring of
tbo surface soil is the great secret of
good corn culture , so keep tbo cultivator
going. Thorough tillage not only adds
to the yield and value of corn , but is of
decided benefit in preparing the ground
for subsequent crops. But corn" is far
more easily cultivated now than for
merly , as nearly all ot tbo work ia done
by labor saving implements. Where
it can bo used the double culti
vator , with a span of horses , is more than n single one-horbo ma
chine , as it saves the labor of at loust
ono man. On light soils a little ashes ,
plaster or other fertiliser applied to
each bill ( or along tbo drilled row , if in
drills ) will help the corn crop materi
ally. But keeping the cultivator mov
ing lively , and thus stirring the soil , is
Tim I'litato Crop.
The potato crop is annually becoming
more important in many sections. It
should receive timely cultivation and
also bo protected from the Colorado
beetle or potato bug , in all localities
where that pest prevails. This euomy
can bo Kept in check by tbo liberal
use of Paris green or London pur
ple , the latter being the cheapest
amunition for the purpose. The mosl
olTcctual method is to apply it in liquid
form ; but great euro should bo used in
storing , handling , etc. , in order to avoid
personal injury , as both articles are
deadly poison. A Connecticut funnel
tolls us that ground plaster ( irypsuin ) is
the best article with which to mix the
Paris green to destroy the potato bug
that ho bus over found.
In regard to manures for potatoes
there are various opinions as to whlcl
nro most beneficial. Good hardwooi
ashes are however among the very bes
that can bo used , and a successful Now
York farmer assures us that ho has scci
very decided ollccts from piaster uset
on potatoes on his farm in a very dry
season Excellent icsults can bo ob
tallied by the use of hen manure made
line and scattered freely close to the
rows. "
Root crops will soon require wccdinf
and thinning. Both operations shnulc
receive ctirly attention. When thinning
' turnip , teot or carrot crops.a great doa
of work can bo saved by using the garden
hoe for that purpose. The plants tbouh
bo separated about the width of a com
tnon hoc , nnd ono thrust forward nnd n
pull back with the hoe will do what ia
necessary. If too many plants are loft ,
nil but the strongest should then bo
pulled out by hand ; but ono cannot af
ford to spend tlmo enough to thin Iho
whole crop by pulling out the surplus
plants with the lingers. In weeding ,
much hard work may bo saved by using
n cultivator that will run close to the
rows , but weeding onions a necessary
evil can bent bo done by getting down
M- on hands and knees , the old buck-aching
process. A good onion wood or that
will save this grief is a great desidera
tum.Many farnvsra tnako n. great mstako !
in attempting to grow roots of largo
/size / and obtain extra quantity per aero.
The object oupht to bo rafbor to got
those of medium size and of the betft
quality for ono bushel of these may
contain moro nutriment than two or
even thrco bushels of overgrown sped-
iiietm ; and , fuvthormorc , greatly lessen *
the labor of dlgplnrr , Blot-tug and feed
ing. Some roots wo have Been were BO
largo as to bo little better than wooden
pulp for fcoa. Animals would not oat
thorn unless very hungry.tmd when they
did so the roots proved moro or less in-
Igeatlblo nnd afforded little nutriment ,
( Jiirn unit Millet for Soiling.
As grass la late and likely to bo short
in many localities , the sowing of Boiling
crops should not bo noglocleu by those
who have much stock to proyl'lo for.
Soiling crops are valuable in ill w-
bens , and especially nocosbtiry to supple
ment the liny crop when the latter IB
diminished. Fodder corn is probiblv
Iho boat for this purpose , notably ff
Bonui fertilizer can bo uucd to Insu'ro a
ft , quick growth. Corn sown in drills Is
preferable to broadcast , and ono bushel
per aero , drilled in , will glvo best re
built * . Sweet corn is best for soiling pur
poses , the evergreen or mammoth sweet
being u favorite variety therefor. Corn
may bo put In ut intervals of ton davs
tinfll the mlddjgof 3uly. Savorr.l Ulnila
of millet "miiy also bo so n for ( oil
ing , but the golden ( or ( Ionium ) vari
ety docs best on fairly good soil , and
of lato. years it hits iuuroiuud In popular
ity. Mlllot has the advantage ever
corn" ; that it moy bo sown httor say any
time In July , or even curly In August.
Oats nnd" port8 sown together make a
coed soiling crop when put in early in
the Benson , but for late uowing corn and
millet nro most excellent , und nlto-
eother preferable.
llujliiK mid Harvest In ; ; .
llvory farmer who hits much grass or
grain lo cut should muko oarlv prepara
tions for haying und hm-vouting , gen-
onilly the moat Important and laborious
operation ! ! of the season. These who
hnvtt not iilroady provided for the ro-
qulHito men mid teams , tools and um
rhluory , bhould lose no tlmo In com
plating thulr arrangements ; for when
Urnss or grain is ready to cut every delay
or contingency ought lo bo guaided
against so far aa possible. There in no
economy in using poor , cheap imple
ments , as loss frequently results from
their breakatro or failure to operate
well , which usually happens at the very
time when tholr use can ho mndo most
advantageous. The shrewd farmer
knows that to have matters run smooth
ly and Hucccsstullv at such a time in
volves not only timely brain work in
planning and forecasting , but personal
supervision and often severe physical
labor when the active campaign is
opened , nnd therefore provide : ' accord
The grass crop mu t have boon great
ly improved by the recent copious rains ,
nnd hence all interested should bo
cady for work as soon as it is lit for
utting. Most good farmers now favor
arly cutting , the time of. bloom or
hereabouts being considered the best
o obtain the most profitable returns.
Clover hay should also bo cut early
ay when the last sots are in blossom
ind the IIrat ones a little turnod.
The wheat harvest should also bo pro
vided for in advance. Thoao who have
nuch grain to cut will nnd It for tholr
ntorcdt to early Bccure or arrange for
ho necessary machinery , with the
requisite force of mnn and teams for
Jielr ready manipulation. The careful
nrinor will also bo prepared in season ,
or it is even moro Important to prompt-
y cut wheat than grass , as the grain is
ho moro liable to damngo from delay in
gnrnorlng. Most farmers favor cutting
vheat before It is fully ripe. One great
advantage in the early cutting of both
'rain and grass is that moro attention
can bo given to the details of the im-
> ortnnt work , and this is a doclded gain
where ono has many acres to harvest.
I'arni I.tvc Stork In June.
Domestic animals require good care In
luno as well an In January , as they often
sullor from heat unless protected. If
ihero are no shade trees in"tho pastures ,
temporary sheds of poles with brush
roofs will afford relief to the animals ;
and if vou sot un a few rubblnu posts
ind provide boxes of salt easy of access
it will promote their comfort. Don't '
tofturo your working horses with blinds ,
check reins , cruppers and like useless
contrivances. See that the collar
and all parts of the harness fit
properly , to prevent injury from
dialing. Assist the animals to protect
themselves ogainst flies , feed thorn regu
larly , hitch in the shade , nnd note and
do other things which will add to tholr
comfort and your prolt. Provide good
pastures for all stock not kept in stables
or Boiled. Cowa expected to yield golden
June butter should have good pasture
and access to pure water but do not
allow them to gorge themselves with
rank growing clover , which causes n
condition of bloat that often proves seri
ous and sometimes fatal. Sheep shear
ing should bo done with care and skill.
Do up the lleoccs nicely , and keep them
free from dirt to bccure the highest
price. Look out for the ticke that now
leave thu shorn sheep and resort to the
lambs ; dip the latter in tobacco water or
some other decoction prepared for the
purpose. Give a meal slop daily to
young pigs intended for early market.
Watch the chickens and protect thoin
from hawks , owls , rats and other ene
Orchard unit rrult Gitnlcn.
Fruit growers must watch their
trees , bushes and vines this month and
fijht the voracious Insects persistently.
Spraying with Paris green will destroy
the codlin moth and most other orchard
and garden posts except the curculio ,
for which shaking or jarring the tree is
the sovereign romudy catching the in
sects on a cloth spread under. A tca-
bpoonful of the poison named to a bar
rel of water ib enough ; in applying use
some spraying instrument that will do
the work olTeetually. Remove cater
pillar nests by using a swab of keroiono
emulsion or lime wash , and sprinkle
hellebore on the currant worms. Mulch
the strawberries , if not already done
straw is good for this purpose , but a
coarser material may bo used currants
and gooseberries are also bettor for
mulching. See to the raspberries nnd
blackberries , only allowing suoh suck
ers to grow as are needed for next
year's fruiting. The thinning out of
fruit is important and should not bo
neglected. This process is essential
and rarely overdone. Grafts sot the
past spring should bo examined , nnd if
iikeiy to bo crowded , remedy by remov
ing the excess. Now grafts may yet beset
set if dormant scions are used. It is
well to now look after the tree labels
and rectify errors or obliterations as far
as possible.
Short Stop
Now uush the mixed spring and sum
mer work , but bo systematic and thor
ough. Shade in the pasture for stock
may bo a modern idea , but it is a good
ono. AH haying and harvesting tools
and machinery should bo provided in ad
vance and kept in good condition. The
late spring extends the season for tree
planting , remember. The working
teams should be handled carefully ut
this busy season. Yes , keep right on
addintr to the compost hoij ) . How
about extra Juno buttery While ecur-
ing extra field laborers be sure and got
good house help for harvest. Uproot
played out old small fruit gardens ;
the land is wasted. Apply manure
plentifully to all hoed crops. Stir the
burfaco soil frequently us soon as the
corn is up. Good hardwood ashes will
help potatoes and onions amn/.ingly. A
good clover sod turned under fits the
ground for almost any other crop.
Itaibo plenty of root& this eonson. Weed
the garden often and early. Protect all
insect-destroying birds. Salt pastured
animals regularly , and BOO that they
have shade nnd good water. Flltny
water does not help a cow to glvo good
milk. Fight Ineoct enemies persistently
to save your crops. Aim to excel in all
your operations , and resolve to inn ICQ
j-our farming pay bettor than over this
IATABBH Tor Over Two Years
my little girl's life was
mndo miserable by a
CHILDREN case of Catarrh. The
discharge from the nose vras largo , con
stant and very offensive. Her eyes be
came inllamed , the lids swollen and very
painful. After trying various remedies ,
I gtivo her 8. 8. 8. The first bottle-
seemed to aggravate the disease , hut the
symptoms soon abated , and ia a short
time she was curixl.
, ' Ailc your Uruzslit for i ,
, botllo of Jlig . Iheonlr ,
/ non-polto'iout remedy for all l
' the uunatural discharge * and
I private dUeuei of men und the
debilitating wcukntis peculiar
i to women. H cum In a Jew
Ids ) * without tbe aid or
uUIclly ot n doctor.
"A * Cniivrkil jimrriran Cure.
WnnuUcturvU by I
Tt nc > Chemtal Q\ *
u.a. A ,
" Pure Diood , rtiftet Hetlth. "
Sick Headache
Symptoms , 1 "pt ' oec'n ' in tiia
morning , on waking from a deep deer *
At fi'it there la nn oppressive feeling in
the head , willed gradually merge ! Into
n severe heavy" in the temples , ful
ness nnd tenderness In one eye nnd
extUJInfT ncross the forehead , nnd dis
tressing llckncss at the stomach ,
Sick headaches are the out
come of biliousness or disor
dered state of the stomach ,
cause great suffering , and often
lead to serious illness.
Indian Sagwa
promptly removes the 'causes
of sick headache by cleansing
the system and regulating the
stomach , liver , and _ bowels.
$1.00 n bottle. All druggists.
Kickapoo Indian Oil
kills pain instantly. 35 cents.
Good nil the time. It removes
the languor of morning , sustains - '
tains the energies of noon , lulls ,
[ the weariness of night.
'Root ;
Beer !
| delicious , sparkling , appetizing.
Don't be deceived If a deaier.for the saVe
of larger profit , tell * you some other kind '
Is "juitascood" * ti fil e. No imitation i
is as C3od as tbe genuine UmBi1.
hover falli to Kro | instnnt relief In the worst
peases. nn.t cBWU cure. where other , full.
TrUI I'.ckin KIJKK of UrutzliU or lr 11. I
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing.
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burna , Etc.
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specialty Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
Great Keys
Such as St. Peter carried in pictures , and
the rest of us carried In discomfort , went
suddenly out of use on the introduction of
the famous " YALH" locks. Then some
happy people jumped to the conclusion
that any small Uey meant a "YALE"
lock. Not so. It's easy to make a worth
less lock with a little key , and it takes
less metal. Your protection lies in one
word. See that" YALE" Is stamped on
every Key. If that is there , security is
there also. Sold wherever locks sell.
and Complcto Treatment , consisting oj
btippoBlturlei Olntmant tn i ptula * , also la Uox
blind or Ulooillnu Itchlnit. Chronic , 'ituaont or llcredl-
tarr I'lloi. Tals UcmoJr has noyer iieon known to
fall. IIperboi.Oforli ; iontbrmo.ll. Wlir uitcrfrom
Ibis torrlblB itlieana irliea a wrltton Kuarantoo Is
tiutltlveljrKlTun with 6 boieior rofilml tlia monarlf
not cured Sontt stamp for iron Sample. Uuaratltea
lnuoJ bj Kulm &Co. , Drucztiu , Solu AgeDU.eornu
Itf and t > o = rlns streoU , Omaha. Nob.
AcoxciMTini BArrriu , . , . idiu.iiiu.
lC uilIlra.u4TMlUe.
r nice. t nM * .
.1'-1 ! ) : ! ww JUu
" 40 CO
E , M HAJt1AR O . .JUOuim
" "
To UKUItY nua laVEIU'OOI. , .
C AII IN , oo to 8SO , According to niuuinor
and locallnn nf tiiiitorouin.
Iiilornuxlliiti ) mid Muorauo ui law ratos.
NEW yonit am ) GLASGOW.
vlalAindomlcrrr , uverr Kortiilslu.
jiuaanii . . . .SI-ATM OK KKVADA si . i ,
JulyHtli . 1TATI ! OK NBIlHAbKA . . . .1 ! M.
I abtn , 1(0 , second Cabin IJJ , bU-urnte , 119.
Apply to AU.A.N A CO. . < liluBito ,
II 1 ! . MOUUK , ISl'J Howard SI , Uumlio.
torneU Vutut ani Flneat in the World ,
r u4flj ? r Aocomodatlonj unalcelleo.
Rvnrr BMurdar ,
Atrrgulkr Interval ! .
r lo on loirex termt to and from the principle
CCJTCH. Z33U3H , I&I33 4 ALI > ttltTiaiitTiL FOmTd.
Eicunlon ticket * T U Ue to return l > r ltli rtb1 > l < >
turrxjud Clrdo A North ot Irvluxt or Koplu A Olbralu *
Crtfu ut Kxi7 Crflrt ta izj Ixrui it Leiiit Ettil.
Apply lu aoy ol our loc l AiiOuUor tu
tlUOXUtiUa , CUteaao , 111
InpurMinncoof ordinance No. 3.0JJ , rcqulr-
Ina water ami cmcornoetlons to tjo ninao to
nn < l within the eurli lines on certain strcoK
nvcntics nnd iillors. lit Street Imiiroremont
niitriois NO < . XA u\4i : . 423.121.423,4i % 427.
4.9 , 4. . 4'M , 4-11.4 B. 4H : , 4il. : m 4J5. 437. 4SS , 431) .
4tl. 411,41. ' . 4U 441.449. 4V. 4.11. 4M , 4.1S , 450 , 457 ,
4.11 * . 45 : . 4M , 4HI. 4B2. 410.417 and 470 ro poctlvoly.
In the city ofOmuhn , you nro heroliy tiutiflcil
to innko nil nocesinry connections vtItli water
mid ens ninths , or luttor.ili. nnd to complete
sucli work on or before the SIM tiny of June ,
IKJi. ns It 1 tlio purpose to onvo the strcoti.
uvcmics nnd nlloyi In the s-\ld district * , nnd
iiioroprirtlouliirlyilescrlljou ni follows , to-wlt :
Jxo. aw l'i\rrf or uth nvemio from lioavon *
worth street to Hickory strcot.
No 44.1 Alley In block > . Hnnscom 1'lnoc.
> o447 I.e.ivcnworth ftttoot from tlio west
line of IGth ntroct to wtistllno ot SOth avo.
No4il < ! th street from tlio south line ot
Plcrco btreot to the uorlli line ot Hickory
No 4v4 LoAvouwortli1 Street from the wuit
line of 10th strcot to1 flio otm line of lllh
No 433 ISth street frofti the south line ot
Jones street to tlio nort llno of Luiivonworth
No 43V ( Socncor strcot ) tram Sherman avo-
ntio to i4th ! struct , Ji
No427 Lathrop strcot from Sherman avenue -
nuo to I8lh street. ,3
No 43 $ Hurt strcot from the west line ot
13th street to the east Uno of IGth street.
No 4Jlr Spriico street from the west line or
Ed street to the oust | lipof ) 24th struct.
No 4JO Cass street tram (1 street to 24th
No 4 1 Mason street f rlfm 29th strcot to 3)th )
. '
rniir Mnenn atrnnt/.fmin ttir * nnal Hun nf
oOth Ftrcct to the uast line of 31st street.
No 4X1 SM street imm.tho north line of Eu
clid I'liico to the norllUInoof Woolworlli nvo-
No43l Cnllfornla street from 13th strcot toNe
No 435 tzurd street from 121U street to 14th
No 410-I'arli or street from 24tli street to the
oa t line of sflth street.
No 437 Sovrnrdstroot from21th stroutto2Jth
No 4J3 Ohleugo street from 2M street to 23U
No 430 Galdwcll stroat from 24th street to
the west line of Shlnn's addition.
No 440 Sherman uvonuo from south line of
Gr.tnd nvcnuo to bert stroot.
No 411 39th stroat from Pnrnam street to
the north line of Davenport street.
No44J Davouport street from IDth street to
40th street.
No44'l 40th street from the south line of
Davenport street to Oumlnz stronU
No 441 Madison uvonuo from llth street to
Sherman nvenuo.
No 419 ChlcaRO street from west line of 2jth
strcot to 3th street.
No 430 St. Mary's nvonuo from the west line
of ifitli street to the east line of "ith strcot
No 411 17th street from Harnoy street to St.
Jlnry'a avonuo.
No 411 The itlloy from 22nd street to 21th
strcot lnl'aulson'3 addition.
No 4KIOth strcot from Farnam strcot to
Harnoy street. . . . .
No4S > 2jth strcot from the south line of
1'opploton nvonuo to the north line of Woolworth -
worth avonuo.
No 4.17 Davonportstreet from 24th street to
i3th ! street. _ . .
No MS Cuss 'troot from west Und of 21th
street to 103 foot west of 2.1th street.
No 4.VJ--Uass street from east line of 24th
street to west line of 21th street. .
No. 4U Hamilton street , from the west line
of 40th street to tlio cast Uno of the vlail'iatof
the Holt Line railway.
No. 401 The alloy In block 233. city. - .
No. 402 The alloy In hiock 10 , IvounUO &
Itulh's addition.
No.4M > Alloy In block IS. city.
No. 407 Alloy In block ja. city , from 10th
street to 20th street , nnd
No. 470 Ninth street , from Paclllc street to
alloy north of 1'nclDo street.
Dated at Omaha , Jntinf , tHrj.
Chairman Hoard of 1'ublic Worics.
In pursuance of ordinance No .1092. rcq'ilr-
liiK sewer connections to be made to and with
in tlio curb lines on certain sreets. avenues
mill alloys In Street Improvement Districts
Nns. avi. 443 , 447.4211 , 424 , 4JT. 4'Jfl. 427. 423. 4J , 4M.
431. 432. 43 ! ( . 4.11 , 413,430 , 437. 4.K , 4W , 445 , 411 , 4)2. )
44 % 414. 449. 430.451. 4.14. 4Y1. 4.1ft. 4r > 7. 4.1S , 41' , 43.J.
401 , 4'i2. 44 , 407 and 47(1. ( respectively. In the city
of Omaha , you are hereby notified to inako all
noctissary connections with bO'vor niulns or
latturals and to complete such work on or be
fore June - " < J , 1692. as It Is the purpose to pave
the streets , avenues und alloys In the suld dis
tricts , and moro particularly described as fol
lows , to-wlt :
Xo. X > 9 I'aric or 29th avenue , from Leaven-
worth street to Hlckory'streot.
"No. 445 Alloy In bloeltU. Hun SCO in pl-c7.
J > a 447 Leiivonwortli str ot , from the west
line of 10th street to well , lluopf 2Jth uvenuo.
No. 423 Jth stroot. frftiu the south line of
1'lcrco street to the ndrth line of Htukory
Na 424 Lonvonworth Htreot , from the west
line of 10th strcot to tlio east line ot llth
street ,
No. 475 12th street , from the south line of
Jonoa Mtrcctto the north line of Loavonworni
stroot. ,
No. 425 Spencer street , from Sherman av
enue to 21th street.
No. 427 Lathrop street , from Sherman avenue
onuo to 18th street. > '
No. 4i8 Uurt street , from the west line of
ISth street to the east Uno of inth street.
No. 42J Spruce streoU'froni tlio we t line of
22d strcot to the east line of 24th street.
No. 430 Casa street , from 22U strcot to 24th
No. 431-Mason strent.from 20tu street to23th
No. 41. ' Mason street , from the east Uno of
20th street to the east line of 31st streat.
No. 4t.l : 32d street , from the north line of
Kuclld place to the north line of Woolworth
No. 4 H California street , from 15th strcot to
10th Htreot.
No. 433 Izard strcot , from 12th strcot to IHh
No. 4 iO Parker street , from 24th street to the
oust line of 29th street.
No. 4J7 Sownrd street , from 24lh 6 1 root to
:5th street.
No. 4JS Chicago street from 22d strcot to 23d
No. 439 Onldwoll strcot from 2Ith street to
tha west Uno ot Shlnn'a addition.
No. 410 Hliorman uvonuo from south Uno of
Grand uvenuo to Fort Htroet.
No. 441 3Jth street from Karnam strcot to
the north line ot Uavenuort street.
No. 412 Davenport street from 39lu street to
4Hh street.
Na 443 10th street from the south line ot
Davenport street to CuinlnK street.
* No. 4U .Madison uvonuii from Hth street to
Sherman avonuo.
No. 419 Chicago street from 2Hh street to
2tlh street.
No. 4SO St. Mary's avenue botwocn the west
llneot 2Gth street and the east line ofTtli
N i. 451 17th street from Harnoy street to
St. Mary's avenue.
Na 45l--Tha alloy from 2nd strcot to 21th
stooetln P.iulson's addition.
No. 4S519th street from 1'urnam slroot to
Hnrney street ,
No. 453--,8th street from tlio south line of
1'opuloton avenue to north line of Wooiuorth
No. 417-lavenport streol from 24th street to
23th street , all In the city of Umaha.
No. 45S--Uass street from west line ot 24th
street to l'J3 feet west of 23 street.
No. 450 Oass street from the oust line of
2tth street to the west line of 21th strcot.
No. 413-- Hamilton street from the west line
of 40th btreot to the cast line of the viaduct of
the licit Line Hallway ,
No..4ftl.-Alley Ui block 233. city.
In blooK Kountzo & Uuth's
No. 4C2--AHoy 10.
No. 445-Alloy In hloclc 18. city.
No. 407 Alloy In block 13 , city , from 10th
strcot tn 2uth street , and
No. 447 Ninth strout , from PaclUo atrcot to
alley north of I'aolllo strcot.
Vou nro hereby ordered to mnko thonocos-
B.irry soworconnootloim within the tlmuspo cl-
llcd In this notfi'o. or the samu will bo niado by
the city authorities , and the cost thereof as-
Bpmed iicalnst tlio property opposite the same
und specially pencilled thereby.
Dated at Omaha thls&ih day of Juno , 1992.
Chairman of thu Ilouid of I'ubllo Worka.
. _ Jiinu8-a.i5.ia.
An ordinance to amend section I ot chapter 17
of th revised ordinances of JVJ.1. ontltlod ,
" 1'eUillors mid Hucksters , "
llottorlnliied by thoclty couuoll ot tlio city
otlJmalm :
toctlon I. That section 1 of chapter 47 of tlio
rovlnod ordlnancusof lttf > . entitled. 'Toddler *
und HuckHturb , " be , and the same U huroby
amoiiiled no as to reail an follows ;
Section 1 Hotull vendor * of fruit , vo ctu-
bles. wfif , butler , and otUur farm ur'iiiuctfl.
not raUed by ueh vendors from thulr own
farms or uurdLiu , or from the fanua or Kiir-
duiunf tholr omployuru ; but piirnliabod by
them fur the purpoiuot > olllni { a alu at re-
tull from waeous tir otur vohlclpa on the
streuix , and all visndor of nuts and groceries.
oil or iitliormorchaiidisc , from door to door ,
on thostrexUand alleys of this oily , shall bn
hold and deemed to bo liuiikbloni ana It bhbll
bo unlawful formiuli porkoui. and for all pod-
d en not llucnied under Uiu law of this ttute.
tooarry on tbo busine .of liuiikslurini ; or
pedullnir , orln miy manner lo uxuiclio such
calllnKUpuu the streuU.timl alleys In tlilnclty
without lint procuring a iiceiiko for to dolujr.
iit'Ctlon 2. That .ild kdollun 1 of laid ohuptor
47 of the vovlsed ordlnauodof ll-W , as heretofore -
fore uxUtljis , bo , and Uiuaauie U LoroUy ro-
puiildl , fct
kootlon 3. That thl nhllunneo tnlco odoct
and bo In force from und Aftvr its paoiairo.
1'atfvd , Mayiltli , IsUWi . .
w ourfc
Approved , liny 2Mb. its ! .
, 11KMI8.
To the owners of all lot ) and pnrt of lots and
rosl cst.ito a'onK Cnnilnt street from a point
BOO fcot west of 4M avenue to * .1th avenue nnd
Intersecting strcots at follows , to wit : 43th
street from Hurt strcot to Uard stroot.
You nro hereby notified that the nnflor-
slmied. three dlslnton sted frcoholdors ot the
city ofOmnhn , have been duly nppolnU-d by
tboiniyor. with the of tlio elty
council of said city , to assess the damnco to
the owners respectively of the property
nlfooted by the ciiatiRo otpradoot Ciimlni ?
atrooi from n point : J fact west of 4Jd nvcnuo
to 41th nvunuo nnd Intc oetln ) ! street ns fol
low * , tn wit : 41th street from Hurt strcot to
iTirdstrootOeclart-d nrcoisiry by onllnnnco
No. HO , pisso I 1'obruury S , 1 0. ' , approved
Kiibrutiry 0. ISW.
Vou nro further notified , thAt liavlnc nc-
copto I said appointment , nnd duly qualified
ns required by law , wo will , on the ISth day ot
June. A. I ) . , ls9i nt the hour of N o'clock In
tbo forenoon , nt the odleo ot T. O. Ilrunncr ,
room J. Ware block , bouthcast corner of 13th
and Knrnam streets , within tbo corporate
lltnlts of s.iUI olty. moot for the purpose of
conshlnrlni and miikluR the iisscssmunt of
daniiuo to the owner. * trspuctlvolv. of Maid
property , nltoctod by said clmiunof uncle ,
taking into consideration special benollts. If
anv.Vou nro notified to bo present at the time
nnd ulaco aforesaid , tnd maku any objections
to or statements concernlnz Hiild nssossmuut
of damage * Us you may consider iiropor.t
Omnba , Juno C , 1392. jGdlH
In liursnanco ot nn orJtnanca ot the city ol
Omalia , passed and approved Mny 17,1SU2. on
tltlod "An ordinance calling a special clootlun
to > oto upon the acceptance of the amen lurt
proposition of the Nobruska Central rnlhrty
comtmny and tlio Issuance of coupon bonds
of Iho cltv of Omnlia In the stun ot two hun
dred and ( ifty thousand dollars iJiW.O-U ) to aid
the Ncbruski Central Hallway company In
acquiring depot KrounJs , m the con
struction ot a tinlun railway and pas
senger depot , and In the construction of
other railway lmurovoiiiont.s upon said
grounds , and to nutliorlr.u a tax for the pav *
monl.of the Interest upon said bonds and to
create : i sinking funil for the payment of tbo thereof , ami repealing ordinance No ,
io : > 4 , passed nnd approved Miiy 10th , 1892.
I , Oeorco P. llonils , miiyor of the city of
Omaha , do liornby Issue my proclamation nnd
Klvo publlo notlco unto the lozal voters of tha
oily of Omaha , Douglas county , Neb. , Unit on
Thursday , the 10th day ot June , 1832 , a spoolal
election will bo hold In said olty at the follow
ing polling places , namely :
Klrst District Southeast corner Seventh
and MHrcy streets.
Soconv District Northwest corner Eighth
and LoKvcnworth streots.
Third Dlstrlot-1208 Jones street
Fourth District 1227 South Thirteenth
Fifth District Northeast corner Seventh
and Pnclflo streets.
Sixth District Southeast corner Sixth and
PaclUo streets.
tjoventb District C23 I'lorco street.
Eighth District Southwest corner Eleventh
and Center streets.
Ninth District 1932 South Sixth strcot
Tenth District Intersection Ninth and Ban
croft slroot , northeast cornor.
Eleventh Uislrict-HKM South Thirteenth
struct , northeast corner Arbor street.
Tlrst District Intersection Fourteenth and
Jones streets.
Second District 1001 South Thirteenth
Third district Intersection Eighteenth and
Loavcnworth streets , south side.
Fourth Dlstr.ot Intersection Twentieth
and l.oavonworlh streets , south side.
Fifth District Intersection Twonty-thlrd
and I.oavonworth streets , south sldo.
Sixth District Intersection Twentieth
strcot and I'oimlnton avenuo.
Seventh District 14J.J William stroot.
Eighth District-1314 South Thirteenth
strcot ( McCandllsh ) .
Nlnlb District Intersection Sixteenth and
Center streets.
Tenth District JSi ) South Twentieth strcot
( Lovntti Woodman. )
Eltiventh District Intorsecllon Twentieth
and Ilnncroft streets.
Twelfth District 1531 Vlnton street ( Donovan
van ) .
Thirteen th District In torsoctlonThlrteonth
and Valley streets , west sldo.
Fourteenth District Intersection Twen
tieth and Uoulcvard streets.
First District Intersection Twelfth and
Chicago streot.
Second District 317 North Fifteenth street
( Woodwortb ) .
Third District 112 South Fourteenth street ,
( A. J. Simpson ) .
Fourth District 1112 Douglas street (0. ( J.
Uiinan ) .
Fifth District Intersection Capitol avenue
and Tenth streots.
Sixth District Intersection Harnoy and
Ninth streets , east side.
Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and
F.tniiin streets.
Eighth District 1315 Harnoy street ( J. S. Mo-
Cormlok ) .
Ninth District 1211 Howard itreet ( Kil
kenny , Bray & Co ) .
First District Intersection Seventeenth and
Davenport streets.
fcccoml District Intersection Twonty-sco-
end and Davenport streets , north sldo.
Third District Intersection Twonty-IUth
and Dodga streets.
Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth
and Dod 1:0 streets.
Fifth District 4W Soutb Fifteenth street
Sixth District Intersection Twentieth and
Donirlus streets.
Seven tb District Intersection Twenty-sixth
strcot null St. Mary's avonuo.
Eighth District Intersection Twontloth
street nnd St. Mary's avenue , west side.
Ninth District 1818 St. Mary's avenue
( Itobobeaux ) .
Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth
and Leavcnwortli streets , north side.
Eleventh District 10IJ Howard street ( Hlc-
fflns ) .
First District Intersection Sherman avenue
and Mamlorson slroflt.
Second District Erlllng building , west dido
Slierr.ian avenue , between Ohio and Corby
Third District Intersection Shormaa
avenue nnd Lake street.
Fourth District 15W Grnco street , South
west corner Sherman avenue and Urnco street.
Fifth District 1317 bherman avenue Te.i-
mnn ) .
Sixth District 1151 Sherman avenue ( Er-
Seventh District Interjection Blxtoonth
and Izurd streets.
Eighth District 80S North Sixteenth streo
( U. O. Clark , agent ) .
Ninth District Intersection Cass and Fif
teenth streets.
Tenth District 013 North Sixteenth stroo
( Sears , agent ) .
Eleventh District Southwest corner Elgh
tocnth and Cnss streets , 4.-J North Eighteenth
First District Lyceum hall , 4823 Nortl
Twenty-fourth stroitt ( ( Jr.ilg ) .
feecoud District Intersection Thlrty-slxtl
street und Grand uvonnu.
Third District Intersection Military avenue
and Grant strroU
Fourth Distrlot Intersection Twenty
fourtli street and Mnndoreon strools.
Fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourtl
and \Vlrt treots.
Sixth District Intersection Thirty-third and
Parker streela.
Soronth District 2333 Lake etroot ( W , A
Eighth District 2625 LaUn street ( Sasstrom )
Ninth Distrlot 2yiu North Twunty-fourtl
Tenth District Intersection Twonty-olghtl
and Franklin streets.
Eleventh District Intersection Twenty
fourth and Fr mklln streets.
Ttvolfth Distrlot IOW North Twontloth
First Dial riot 2313 Leuvenwortli street.
Second DistrictInlurscctlon Twenty-ninth
ftvpnuo and 1'oppluton Avenue , uast side.
Tlilrd District Intor&eotloti T vonty-nlnth
street ana Woolworth avuiiue. i ) uth fdc.
1'Oiirth Distrlot Intersection Twenty-ninth
anil Mozonth streots.
Fifth District Intersection Tlilrty-socona
avenue nnd Thomason stieet.
Sixth Dlstrlnt-1012 Twenty-ninth arenuo.
teventh DIstrlct-lntoriootloa Thirty
fourth and Francis streets.
EiailTII TV A II I ) .
First DIstrlct-2934 Hamilton street.
Hocond Distrlot 1SU Ouiulng stroot.
Third Dlitrlct Intersection Twentieth and
Nlcbotsi streets
Fourth District 291C Ginning street ,
Fifth Dlstrlct-2108 OumuiB tree , ' , .
blxtb District Intersection Twenty-second
and Uurt street * .
tiovontli District Intersection Twentieth
and Cttbsitrootu.
First nistnot-IntcMootlon Thlrty-iocona
anrt Uuinlng streets.
Second District Intersection Fortieth and
Cumlng streets , north * Idc.
Third District In tersoctlon Fortieth and
Far n mil btrcota.
Fourth DlJtrlot Intericction Thirty-second
avenue and Davenport itreot.
Fifth DUtrlot-iaril Farnum street
filxth District aioi Leavenworth street
lor tbe pur o e of submitting to the leg a
yoturs of said olty. for thuir acceptanoo or ru
Jeotlon , tha amended propoiltlon of the No- *
bruikH Central Hallway company to tbo olty
of Omaha ( hereinafter written dt length ) and
tbo questions , lm | | the bonds of tb city o
Omaha be Ujued , regliterod and delircroi )
as provldta Jn aia arueuded proportion
shall an itnnual tax be levied to pay thu Jn
toreit on susb bonds a * U becomes duo ? ami
( hull a furthur annual tax , commencing tbo
tunth year , prior to the maturity of ueli
bond i , bo levied , In addition to ull otbo
taxea , for the cro tlon of a , sinking tund su Ill-
clout to pay such bond * at the inatuntr
Said quMtlooa. and tbi toceptanco or rejeo-
Ion ot said nmonJpd ptoposltlon , In dilbinlttod
o nld legal voter * , nnd will bo voted upon
n the innnncr and form following :
"Tho Ndhrnskn Contra ! Hallway company
IMS mndo tlio followln ; proDOJltlou lo the
Itv of Umaha !
The amptidpd proposition of the Nobraslci
Central Ktliway company to the city ot
Omaha , Neb.
To tbo Mayor and City Council of the Olty
of Omaha , Nob. : Tlio Undersigned , tbo .Ne-
irask * Central Hallway company , proposes to
tcqulronnd ta.o possession of , , for railway
nirposos , that certain tract otland. locntnil
vllhln tha district bnumluil by Flflofnth'
treet , Chlcniustrcot , Etovcnth street , t'nll *
ornln ulrooU tint the rUht ot way of the
Omnha Holt Uillway comptny , except the
onth half ot block Alois ; inml4. block3 ; * ,
ot I , and north one-half of lius S nnd %
bleak S7 : and to cio--t thcroon n union
latsonsor depotr.n the corner ot Flftnonth
nnd Chlcaco streets , to Post , Including tbo
other railway Improvements on said cronnns ,
tot loss th n four hundred thousand dollars
JIUO.OO.1. .
I'rovhlctl , th l .ty ot Omnha. In Douglai
ounty , Nobr.i i < a. wlil dunnto to the tuul
{ obraskn Central Hilhvay company two
itindroil and lltty thousand dollars ( JiUOJJI
of Its four (0 ( pur cent bonds. 8IOO.WO thereof
o bo diit d January 2 , 1S.X1 , and $151,000 thereof
o bo dntcd Junuhry 1 , li > 9l , to become due
and paynb.o twenty yean fmm their rospcc
Ivo datus. with inlorest i ) ly.iblo
ully , nil niynblo nt the ll o il agency of tlio
stMo of Nor.islca In tlio city of Now York.
Hald bonds to bo of Iho denomination of one
Ihousaml itollurJ ( { 1.0 JO ) onoli , nnd onoh
thereof to recite.
"Tills bond Is ono ot n sorlos of tno hundred ,
nud fifty (1,0) ) bonds of ilKo nmou nt und tenor , nro tMitoil by tlio city of
Oinulia , In Douglas county. Nnbriikn ,
to the Nebraska Cent nil Knllxvny
compnnv. to uld H In acquiring
IniKllnlbo olty of Omaha fur union depot
mm icrnitmil purposes und in the construc
tion of : i union railway pHssoncor dnuot upon
nnld Rrounil , nnd Its railway'm , sldo
tracks , turnouts , Hwllehus nnd npproacttcs
lu .Uln.r thereto , nnd oilier railway Improve
ments therewith connected. "
Snld bonds to bo oxcmtlod nnd roMstorod nt
or ItMincdlnto'iy after the dates thereof , nnd
ImmcJInuily thereafter dollvorod to Ibo l'lr t
National of Omaha , Nob. , trustco , to ba
bold lu trust for doilvory lo tlio Nebraska H.illwny comp my , Us successors or
assigns , by SMI ! trustuo , In Installments as
hereinafter provided.
The suld Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany plans to construct , or cniuo to bo foii-
slructod. a line ot railway In tbo stnto ot
lowit , not loss than lU9mllo lu extent , from
ibo east approach of n brldxo , which tbo imld Contra ! Hnllw.iy comuiiny his : nlso
nlnnnod to construct over tlio Missouri river ,
Intersoetlnn orcounoctlnr with or roncblnv
tbo lines of two or moro ot tbo following rull-
wny corporattonj , vizi
Tbo Illinois Central lUllwny company , tlio
Wlnona & Southwestern Hnilwny company ,
tbo Mlnnonpollsr.t St. Louis Ilnllnny ooni-
, tbo ChlcEiRo , St. 1'iiul & Knnsiis City
Ranv : ; coinpunr , tbo ClilonRO , Fort Madison
& DOS Molncs Unllwny company , tbo Alobl-
on , Topek'i & nntu I'o Itullwny comnany ,
tbo Ilnltlmoro & Ohio HulhvHy company , tbo
Ohio fi Mississippi Hatlwnv company , Ibo Keo-
kuhYcxtcrn Hnilwny company , tbo Qulnoy
tJmtilm ft Kansns Olty Hallway comcany ana
iho lovra Central U.ulvray company ,
Ono hundred thous'ind ( tloo.OJll dollars of
said bonds shnll bo dellvurml by said trustee -
too to said Nebraska Central llullnny
lunipuiiy. Its KUVUUU140IH or ussitcns.
when it or they eliall bnvo ncciulrod nud
Iftkon possession of Hint certain tract
of land locnlod within the district
bounded by Fifteenth street , Chicago etreot ,
Biovcnth atroot , Cuilforiiln , strcot nnd the
right of w.i.v of the Onialia Halt H.tllwny com-
piny , ( cxcopt the south half of blocks 'IS , lot n
utid 4 , block 2S , lot 1 , und the north half of
lots 3 and : ) , block -Ti :
Provided , thnt the said ono hundred thou-
BRnd dollars ISIW.OJO ] of suld bonds shall not
bo delivered until utter the said Nebraska
Central Hallway company , Ita successors or
iisslpns , Hhull hnvo uooslruclol thn sild line
of railway In th > i stale of Iowa.
Ono hundrrd nnd fltty tliousmid dollars
[ il5nOM ) | ofsalJ bonds shall bo delivered by
said trustco to eald Nabraska Central Hullway
company , its successors or atslRns. when It or
they nhnil huvo completed tno oroctlon of a
union passonaer oopot upon snld tract of.lund
ahovo described , to cost , Inolullnx tbo ether
railway linprovomenta on said grounds , not
less than four liundroU thousand dollars
iSUO.COJ ) ; proof of such cost to be mndn by tbe
sworn stateni. > rt ot tbo preildont and trens-
uierof said rnllway compuny. Ulcd with the
city clerk of Omaha , nccomp.mlcd by oortlfl-
cato slicncd by the city attorney and city cn-
ginoor. that In tholr nulnlon such amount lian
artually been expended.
rroriued.that if the s-ild Nebraska Central
Hallway company , lis successors or assigns ,
ehnll full to acniiiro nnd taUo possession of
sala land. ItsliHil not bo entitled to receive
nny purl of said ono bund red thousand dollnrs
iSlOO.iHiO ) Installment of bonds : nnd. further
provided , ibat none of said ono hundred nnd
Ufty tbousiind dollars HlMtWO ) ) Instnllmnnt of
bonds shall bo delivered until at least ono rail
way company In addition to the Nebraska
Central Hallway comoiny shall bo actually
uslnr ; snld union depot ; and ,
1'rovlded further. That tbo mayor and tha
city council shall , by resolution , upon tbo full
performance of the undertakings on the part
of Raid railway comp.iny heroin contained ,
order the delivery of said bonds at the times
aforesaid : nnd.
Provided tuitbcr. .That all matured coupons
ill all bo removed and cancelled by said trustee
betoro delivery ot the bonds to wlncii
they are attached ; nnd.
Provided further. That the mayor nnd city
council of the city of Omaha shall causa to bn
levied on ibo titxab'o property ot said city an
annual tax suiHoIent for the payment of the
Interest on said coupon bonds as It becomes
duo. nnd after the expiration of ton (10) ( ) years
from tlio da to of said bonds Iho mayor and
oily council of said city shall oauso to bo
lovlcd In addition to all ether taxes on tbo
tixablo property of said city an amount of
tax suniclcnt to uroalea ulnluni fund tor the
payment at maturity of said bonds , ( the
amount ot tax to bo levied for such slnklu ?
fund not to 'exceed twenty-llvo thousand dollars
lars U23, ) in any ono year ) ; said tax to bo
continued from lo year uulll the said
bonds are fully paid.
The acquirement of the said lands anil Im-
provon.ents heroin contemplated Including
the said railroad In lown. shall bo begun
within imo year from Mar 1. 1893 , and
bo pushed to completion without unnecessary
delay : and shall bo comnletod within tbreo
years from the 1st day of July. 1892.
In case any of the terms , limitations , condi
tion * or provisions propone I herein relating to
Ibo bozlnnin ? , projroas nnd completion of
sain Improvements are not complied w th ,
( unlcta delay In directly and necessarily
caused &y Injunction or other judicial pro
ceedings , or by unavoidable accident or act
of Providence ) , the said company snail not bo
entitled to receive said bonds or any thereof ,
oven though Uioo'cclorRof told olty of Omaha
shall have by tholr vota authorized the Is
suance of suld bonds ; but ail right tosald
bonds shnll by such default and without any
judicial determination become forfoilod.
Provided , however , thnt If the boglnnlnr ,
protrovt or completion of said Improvement !
shall bo dclnjeu orobstruotod by any of tbo
aforesnld causes , the times heroin allowed for
Hie prozruts nud completion of said Improve
ments shall bo extended lo iho extent of such
delayer obstruction ; and should a dlnputo
nrlse between iho mild olty nf Omaha nnd the
said NobrasKn Central Hallway compiny
with rusuact to the causa or ox tent of any such
delay , the same at Iho election of mlcl No- Hallway company , shall bo
referred for determination to n board nf ar
bitrators , to bo appointed aa hereinafter pro
In consideration of receiving the proposed
subsidy the Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany aerocs to allow all railway companlei
the following rights : The rlirht to run tholr
locomoUvos.pasirciisor and frelzht trains ever
IU main anU passing trials within tlio city of
Omuba ; anil over Its proposed brldgo nnd approaches
preaches , the rlir.liti touiosach portion of lu
terminal grounds , opoU nnd facilities ai mBj
Lo nocebsary and proper for Uiu conduct ol
tbo business ot Buuh roads ; Includ
ing nny enlargmcnt of Its depot
and depot grounds : the right to have
their oars switched and delivered by Iho Na-
bmskn Central Hjllnay company upon all of
Its switch tracks : ibo right to connect tliclr
roads at any point within ono hundred ( lul )
miles of said olty of Omabt with nny line ol
railway vibloh tlio Nobrnaka Central Hallway
eopipuny , or It * tuocotsom or ansUns , may
construct or caune to bo conntruclcU oistol
tbo Missouri river , and to run tliclr locomo
tive * , passenger and freight trains ovorthu
main and pasulng truckn ot said railroad ;
It boliu hereby aereed tint In case
tlio Nebraska Central Hallway com
pany shall construct IU prnnoxed line
cost of the Mieaotirl river , through thoaxoiu'y
of any other corporation or party. It will
canle such corporation or psrty to oxeoutti
und deliver to the oily of Omaha u good and
ufllclent Instrument binding It or him to
Hbldo by tbo terms , conditions and provisions
of thin prnpoiltlon. the uuio as the sr.ld
Nobraiikii Central Hallway company would
have boon bound If It had built tno same ,
Loforo delivery of the aforoiald ono buncliiKi
ibousHtid dollars ( tlW.Of ! ) Installment oi
Provided , that the uionnd onjuyroontby
ncli railway companies of oicli nnd every of
cald rlciiti > imll bo upon Just anduiiunl terms
anU the nayinontflt jukt und fair coinpens-
tlon to the .Nebraska Cautrnt Htllway con-
pany , Its successors or Resigns , und supjoct to
ueli operating rules nd regulations of the
Nebraska Central Hallway company , lu mo-
ces orsorH lgni. aa blind bo noccsiury nnil
proper , lint and ronionable.
And the said Nebraska Central Hallway
compuuy will submit any diipiito nrlilnz between -
twoon It aim nucli olber company or com-
panloi ui to thoutennd onjoyninnt of nny
right * under tbla uropoiltlou , or nt to tlio
terms , cornr/ansatloa , operating rulot mit
rogalatlons , rotating thoruto , to a board ol
arbitrator * , to bomauVup of threoponona
who are judscjnt tbo stale dlitrlot court or
Its iuoce tor , of tbo dUlrlct umbracliig the
county of Duuzloj. to bo selected by a two-
third * vote of all the persons who ru dUtrlot
Judxet ot said court ,
Provided that anyiuch railway company
othertbau tald Neuraaka Central Hallway
company. Its successors or oMlgna , shall hnvo
tbe eloctlou to submit any nuch dliputa tu
arlirltratloQ or to pursue any ether romodjr
Wtiorcrer arbitration Is provided for by
thU proposition , the party doslrlut to submit
a.r tuiuuu to arbitration oausti Ui b
torved upon Iho ether party n written njtlci
which shall tot out thonmttcr In OUpUte tope
po submltlrd , ap.'i the tlmo proposed for the
hearing , which shall not bo loss than thirty
< 3'l ' da s after the tlmo of service ! nail there
upon the ndversn pirty shtll within twenty
r.Mdays ) > > tteriuoh norvlen upon It serve Its
niisniir. It nnr It havo. upan the party do-
cinnd nt thrt arbltrMIon ,
The Honr.1 of Arbltritors. when oriftnliod ,
thnlllmvopoTor to II x the tlmo of ho.trlnsr
nnd to adjourn the s.vns frj-n tlmo lo tlmo ,
ami to nriko ull IILVHH ? irv rules ant rojuln-
tlona for thn production ot luitlmony In the
poxcation tit o'thcr partv , an.l othorwtso t
comprl a fa rninl trhilt Iho decision ol
a mnjorlty of the bo ird ulnill control nnd tin
Qua ! dotormlnnt on ot thu hoard sli ill bo llnal
mil cotu-lnsHo upon tha turtles , of aI niat-
ll" | ) tlMtl'l n lltr.Mdp < l ,
Wherever arbitration utiAll bo retorted U
Midi iir.nir it Ion sni t uutnwo\Ciii lviuxiiHviy
of the parlies ( oxropt ns heraln oliowlioro pro-
vl , o I ) , ns to the mtltors anil things Involved
nail decided thnrcln.
Snld Nobri ka ; ontrnlHilw.iy : company. Its
siio.-cj < ori and assigns , thill tr.tuspurt freight
Inclutllna triniferuf freight nn1 ! allolmrjoi
ncldcntal to ssld irnnspnrtalloiil over any
irl'leo nnr1 ipurn i'ir > , us wnll ns ovnr TIV
railway It shall construct within ono hnndrml
100) ) miles ot the Missouri rlvnr wllbln tba
tntoof Nobr.iik.-i. for Just or nvisonabln ritns
or charges , nnd In case ot dlHercinuo ns to
wbut constitutes just nnd reasonable rales or
cltnrgv * unaor IUK iixr.i.raini , tne mayor KIM
city council or slid rnllw.iy comuany may
sulmil ) iho s.imo to arbitration lu thu mnnnor
and lo tlio arbitrators above provliltnl for. but
this pir.icraph rospootlng frolghl oluirics
Hhull not become oporntlvo or In force until
3vo years from thu duto of Ui * delivery ot the
lailluiltllmont ot the bonds tmolnbotora ro-
fe/red to.
( tl > further proposo.l that aald bonds shall
bo delivered lo tha Nehrnnlia Central rnllwny
: ompiny. Its siu'couon or assigns , only upon
tbocxoGittlon by ihn s-vld Nebraska Central
railway comutny or Its suecossurs. nnd deliv
ery lo tlio elty ot Orimlis ot an umlortnklu In
writing lo the elToot tint the principal dopol
of said railway couipaiiy.tUennoriloniccs nnd
principal nriclilne shops wheu built shall bj
atntoil nnu infilntitm > , l within tlio corpornto
Imlts of the city of Oiimhn , nn I that a vloln-
tlnnnf tbo torniiot said undertaking by the
ltd Nobr.iskn Central railway company or us
successors or nnslgns. ahnll render tbo said
Nebraska Conlru railway company , or Its
successors. Indebted tn the sal I olty of Omaha
n the full amount ot silil ponds , and Interest
This proposition shall , after being duly
noknowluiUed by the Nobrasxn Central Hall
way company , bo recorded In the ollloo of tlio
resistor of dacds ot Iljiulnsconnty.Nebraska ,
anil for a period of twenty ( JJ ) yean from and
utter thl < dnlo , sbill bo roterrotl to by giving
tha bonk anil pa go wherein tha same is re
corded lu any tnort'agrdoo I of trust , deed ot
conveyance , or loaao of said depot and depot
around * , with the statement that the said No-
lipisUn OiMiinil r tl KV cxmnnnr. lls snr-rm-
Bora nnd asslcns , are bound by the terms , llml-
tatlonit. piovislous and coiiuiiluns ot inn
proposition which nro horaby made Itucovp-
ntnti that uttaob lo ana run with tlio said
property Into wnojoovor handx It may come.
Provided , that the city council of the city ot
O-rrilm. ( the m\vor Rpnrnvlng In dun form )
ihallonact a certain ordinance ( nhloh nt the
data hereof , is pending cunsUlerntlon before
Bnld oounoll ) , entitled "AnorJlnnnco crantlng
permission nnd nuthorlly to the Nebraska
Jcntrul Hnllwoy entupnny , Its btiocestors and
ns.slgns to construct railroad traolis nlong.
across , over nnd under cc'lnln atrcots and
alleys In the city of Omaha subject to curtMn
conultlong. und to vncatn parts of cert-iln
streets nnd alleys In the city of Omaha unoa
compllnnco with certain otlirr condltioiiB. "
And It is also provided , that If salt ! Nebraska
Contnil railway company shall not , within
fnrty-flvo < 4M days of being nottQed by tha
city clerk of tlio adopt on ol
tuts proposition at the election
licld to vote upon Iho same , tlio
with the said olty clerk its wrllton rntlflca-
tlon of th's proposition under Its corooralo
seal , none of snld bonds shall bo Issued , nnd
all tbo terms mid provisions of this proposi
tion shnll bo hold for naught.
The Nebraska Central Hallway company
agrees before nn election bulng on'lod to sub
mit to the voters of the city of Omaha tbli
proposition , thnt It will execute mid deliver
tosald clly n bond wllb good und snfllolcnt
surotles In tlio sum of live thousand dollars
tfj.000.10) ) and tlvo thousand ilollurs ( J.'i.roaroi
cash , conditioned upon tbo payment of tlio
expenseof Raid aloatlon.
This proposition und the ncccptanco throat
by the city of Omaha and tbo ratllloatlon of
this proposition by said Nebraska Central
Hallway comp-iny , or lls successors or as-
slgncs , as heroin provided , sliall Lo construed
and understood to conatltuto a rontrncl
between tlio Hald Nebrusku Central
Hallway company. Its successors or assigns ,
and tbo said city of Omuln. and all the to'ins ,
conditions , agrcomonts and provisions made
on the part of the NobraMkn Central Hull-
way company In this propilsltlou con
tained nro hereby made tlio covenants
ot tbo snld Nobrnsk-i Central Hallway
comuany , Its successors and assigns , which
eliill attach to nnd run w th all ofita snld
property nnd bo binding upon any party Into
whoso bunds it or any of It may come.
In witness wheroot tlio nald I ebrnska Cen
tral Hullway company has o.iusod thoio pres
ents lo by oxoculcd this IQth day of JIav. A.
D. , IBS. ' .
By .T. n.
Vicn Prcsldeuk
Attcotr .TntIN 1 ,
[ SKAT- . ]
Witness : ALEX. O. OHAULTON.
Etatoof Nebraska , I
Douglas County.B8 [ <
On this icth day of May. A. D. . ISO ! , before
ne , a notary publlo In and for slid eontity ,
perHonnliy appeared the above named J , II.
Diimont and John L. MoOaguo. who are lo mo
personally known to bo the Identical per
sons who signed tbo foregoing Instru
ment as vleo president und aecrotiiry of
tlio liobraska Central Hallway company :
they ncknowle go tlio said Instrument to bo
the voluntary not and doaa of tbo said Nebraska -
braska Central Hnllwny company and their
voluntary act and dred as such vloo president
nnd secretary of snld company.
Witness my hand and notarial seal the date
lastnforcsald. ALEX. Q. CHAItl.TON.
tsEAul Notary Public.
Shall the above nnd foregoing proposition bo
accepted and adopted , shall said bonds bo Is
sued , registered anddtilvored and shall an an
nual tux In addition to the usual nnd nil other
tnxos bo lovlod upon the taxnulo property of
tbo City of Omaha , Douglas county , No-
brnsk'1 ' , snlllclont to p-iy the intarcst on Bald
bonds us It becomes due , nnd nt Iho
tlmo ot levying iho annual citv tax ,
commencing tbo tenth year prior to Iho
maturity of suld bonds , shall n tax lu
addition to all ether taxes bo lovlod upon tba
taxiib o properly ot suld olty of Omaha. Doug-
lusounty , Nebraska , nnd continued nnuu-
nlly thereafter from year to your until thereby -
by aslnUliu funQ shall b.ivo been obtained
Bufllciont to pay said bonds at the maturity
thereof ?
The above questions shall bo regarded as
ono question nud all ballots of lo.'nl votcn
cast nt said election containing tbo a'jovo
propoaltlon and ciucstluiis In the form of the
nfllclul ballots , to bo pruparcd by the city clerk
of said city lor sild election , with
an "X" murk following the word "yos"
upon said ofllalal ballot shill bo countert lu
favor of tlio acceptance of said amended prop
osition , tlio Issuance of Raid bonds unit the
levy of s.iId taxes In payment of Iho prlni'lpal
nnu Interest thereof ; und nil ballots ol lozal
voters cast nt said election containing tha
nhovo proposition and < iurHtluhg in tbo form of
Iho otflclui ballot , lo bo preparo.l by tin-
city clcr * of mild city for said
election with un "X" innrK following the
word -'no" upon said otllolal ballot rlmll
to counted utul considered us against
tlio ucciiptanoo of sat'l umendoil propo-
Hltion , tlio Hauanco of Hild bonds mid
tbo luvy of Bulil inxeii In payment ot tlio
principal and Interest thereof. If two-tlilnu
of all Iho UallotH voted by nald lozul voteix of
said city of Omaha. Douglas county. No-
brnsku , at said election Khali Lo o it In favor
of tlio acceptance of mid amended proposi
tion , the Isiimnco of said bonds nnd the levy
of said tuxes In payment of thu principal nnd
interest thereof , tbo foroioliu propo
sition will bo hold to lie and tlioforu-
golng rjuomoiiN will ba Imld to bo answered In
favor of the issuance of mid bonds and the
Invy of snlil tjxca , nnd ttio Hald bands there
upon xbHll bo Issued , rojclsteroj and delivered
In accordance with tlio terms nnd condition ! )
of suld amended proposition , und snld luxe *
( bull be lovlud accordingly J otherwise not
Which election will bo open utH o'clock In
tlio morning , and will continue open until 0
o'clock In Iho afternoon of tbo same dor.
Dated at Omaha , Nnb. . this Hth Un v of May ,
IE92 ( .SignedUEOIIQE ) P. IIE.MIH.
, , Mayor nf tno Ully of Omnhn.
alii , wind mills , limks , pumps , otc. U. 9
Indian Hcrvlcu. Pine Hldgo Avuncy , Khaniion
Co. . H. D. . May -'nil , ivri-bealocfpropuMiiln ,
endorsed ' 'Proposals ' for llulldlnat Maiorlal.
etc. " an tlio CIIBO may ho and addrosn ; < l to the
undersigned ut Pine Hldgo Agenoy. H. D , will
IHI received ut thin agency until I o'clock p. m.
ot Juno 21st IbW , for furnishing nn I ilullvur-
Ing ut various paliiuon Iho Pine Itldgo IiUlliui
reservation lo bo designated by'tho ( indor-
blxnoil , about 2X1,00 , ) foot of nssortuil Jlimbor :
1IH.WKI sblnglus ; 02 wlndoWR : 4' ' ) doorui fi.W )
brlckHi y.4 0 foot of quarter round Iron , hnril-
wurti , palnU. rouk , muni , otc. , ultto 11 vo Ci ) ton-
foot wind inllla andpowuM.vrlthtanks.purnpx ,
KulvunUed Iron , plpu , utc , A full list
uf nil vinntorlal may bo obtained by
application to the unlurslgnod. lllddurn
are roiiulriid to tUe npocltluay | | In lliolr
bids thu prooscd prluo of oucli nrtl-
clu offered for delivery under u cunlraot.
Jho right In reserved to rojeot any or all bhN
or any part of any bid If di-omuu for Iho bust
Inturottof the norvlce. CKiiTiriKii CHECKS
h.ich bid must Iw accoiupanlud by a certified
chock or draft upon uomo United Btatos di > -
poiltory or solvent nutioniil bank In the vi
cinity of thu residence of tlm bidder , nmde
payable tn the order of thu GiimmlkIonnrof
ludlaii Affair * for at Joaat llvo pvrcent of thu
amount of iho proposal , which check or Uruft
will bo forfultud to iho United ritutea In oasu
any bidder or bidders receiving an aur.ird stiali
fall 10 promptly fxociito a contliiot with good
and sulllclont mi re 11 us , otherwlso to bo returned -
turned to iho bidder , lllda uuromiianlnd by
caul ) In lieu of it eortitlod cliuuk will nut ba
considered. For further Infiirmutlon u * to
polnUof d tlv rv. trniiatmrtiitlon. ntuvni |
Aclmj I" H. ludluu AgvuL'