djTl * , . M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 7 , 1892. SPEGIHL NOTICES , _ . -4f - - M MM. u IIVKRT19KMBNT8 roll THESE COLUMNS .A will b taken until 13 : * ) p. m. for the ovenlng and until 8:30 : p. m. for the morning or Sunday odl- All savertlsoments In these columns 2 cents n . ( word * for firm Insertion ana I cent a word i \ir each subsequent Insertion or tt per * IrrtO per month No advertisement taken for leu than cents for the first Insertion. Terms cash In ndvnnco , Initial * , figures , symbols , etc , each count no n word , All advertisements must run con secutively , Advertisers , by requesting a numbered check , can li fi the letters addressed to a num bered letter In care of THE ( UK. Answers o ad- rtroMod wilt be delivered on prcsentatlon'of the check , TJACC1UK.NT IIMH1. - -AOKNTS WANTKI ) IN KVKHY TOWN ANn JJcltr In the wcit on cxtrn liberal terms , to cell the popular ten rear policy of the Mutual llo- MrvoFund I.lfa anoclatlont also llin now flOUOO combination policy of the Preferred Mutual Acci dent association of Now York : cost only lie p r j sr for preferred risks ; save money br insuring. rnako moner t > r representing these wideawake companion : lire agents ran double their Income. Write forclrculan and terms to U. 11. Koblson , General Manager , Omaha , Neb. 121 --tTO-WANTKD , HAUNKS3MAKKH3 TO KKKP JJaway from rlnclnnatl , U.i Corlnuton and Newport port , Ky.i strike there. M.WU .in- E-WANTED. MEN TO CANVASS Till ! CITY ; exporlonco unnecessary ; salary paid weekly , at blnKCTUfnco. 1MB Douglas. .M3.-J .IIP IJ-WANTKD-A UVn , AC11VK MAN. WITH .1 Jsomo plnck and push , to represent u > In four localllr. Wo have something entirely now that cues , and unless 7011 can make from f7J to (250 per month no don't need TOIL No peddling. Metier write. today. Address "Manufacturers , " box M)3 , Ho lon , Mass. M323-J1I ) ' -MAN WITH PUSH WANTED IN EACH CITY , town and hamlet to Introduce the fastest selling lionsehotd article on record. Orera million sold I. ) Philadelphia. Will par comnetont person ( I per day. Address with stamp W. U. Williamson. 44 N. 4th street , I'hlladolphla , lra. MI2I Jy30 * 'JO-TKAMSTKR8 AND R. R. LAHORKRS FOR " 'rrrrvyomlng or South Dakota. 000 S. 10th st. 152 J30 * 1 TO-WANTED , TBAMSTKRS. SHOVKLKIIS AND J JJCDckmen \Vyoinlnu and South Dakota. AI- j bright Labor Agency , ll'Al Foruam street. 174 JM . -WANTUD , MAN OK OOOD CHARACTER AND -UbuslncsH experience as aiconcr manager nnd nollcltor , nr nn old line lire Insurance company In northern Nebraska. Need not be an experienced ' life solicitor. Address , with reference , A M. Dee onlcc. M J 7 ) T > -A GOOD UARUUR WANTKD AT ONCE. 1325 4.3.13th st. 275-C * Aj-WANTUD - AGENTS. 8AMPLK 8A8HLOCK , J'pnt. I D7 , free by mnll for 2c stamp ; Immense , unrivalled. Only good ono over Invented. Heats weights. Sales unpnrullod , (1) a day. Jlrolmrdi Co. , 1'lilladelphla , 1'n. M3I3 10' TJ-AOKNTS WANTED-LADY AND OKNTLE- J'msn ngonts wanted In all cities nnd towns to sell the Howard combination sign. See businessmen onlyIIO.OU to Ci.UU per day , Address with stamp , the Howard Shin Mfg. Co , , Scdalla , Mo. M3I5 ; -WANTISI , A F1UST CLASS J'palnter at once , Fremont Carriage Mfg Co. , Krcmonl , Neb. . MMI 7 * TWB WANT A KinST-CLASBCAlll'KTMANTO JJcut nnd lay ; call bet. 0 and 0:30 : p. m. Omaha furniture Co. 801 7WK ALLOW AOKNT8 TO DBL1VER GOODd JJhofore paying for them. Hundreds of them are naklmt f.S.OU to I1J.OO a day. Our Perfection Ad- } u > table ( rrcentlr patented ) nnd Taylor Shoes ex pand nlth over/ motion of the foot. Thar nro ap preciated and dally recommended by thousands. No competition * None but those meaning business need npply. Address , with 2c stamp , Consolidated Adjustable Shoo Co. . Lynn. Man. M3SM * 1J AOKNT8. MO3T WONDKIirUL ADVEItTIS J'lnK fchotno over known. 1'atented. Kverf mer chant Ijuyo. Kncloso stamp. Arc ! Mfg. Co. . Ha- cine , Win. M333 10 r > -WANTED , ACTIVE MAN WITH tiSO 00 TO JJlnvcitt. position worth tJ.OUO a rear , located In ilncoln. Kofercnco roniilrod. Call or addro s room ! 7 , Llndcll hotel , Lincoln , Neb. MOT 7 * JB - TKAM8 WANTKD ON SOUTH 1&TU ttrcet nnd Vlnton. C. A. Jnnson. MJ7R V * " 1.J-WANTKD , AT ONCK , ONE WOOD WORKKK , JJono trimmer and ono painter. Steady work and coed imy to llrst claps mechanics nnd sober men. Mo other need apply , bholdon Carrlago Works , Sheldon , la. M 370-1.1 T > AOKNTS. THIS SIMPLICITY HLOTTKR J > ruler sells In overr onico. Lareo profits. Ad- nrcss Western Introduction Co , box 1WJ , Denver , Colo. J137J 7 * \ WANTED-FEM A1.B HELP. -WANTKD. oHrroil QKNHRAL HOOSK- rtork. Applr at 4103 Farnam st. 11IW 8 * p-WANTKDLADYOi'noOD ADDRESS ; LAHQK Vyroniuneratlon. COJ N. Y. Llfo. M220 C-WANTKD. LADlKd OR YOUNO MKN TO take light , pleasant work at tholr own homes ; f 100 to 14.00 per dar can bo quietly made : work . ent by mall ; no canvassing. For particulars ad- 'dreis'-Clobe Mfg. Co. , llox 6331 , Uoston , Mass. " KatablUhed 1881) ) . M2C4 J 73 * p-WANTBD. FIRST-CLASS GIRL. NO WA8IHNO VVor Ironing , must be a good cook ; waves ti.00 a week. 2124 Ulnnor street. 2SU-B * C-WANTKD , GIRL FOR OKNKRAL I1OU8K- work ; small family. 12J No. 40th st. 236-7 * rpl-WANTKD , GOOD DINING ROOM I GIRL AT if , v Clty hotel , cor. 10th nnd Harnoy. . 803 B TP-WANTKD. GIRL FOR OK.NK11AL , HOUSB Virork. 11)32 ) Chicago Btrcct. Sfi6 * p WANTKD GOOD GIRL TOR OKNKUAL vvliuusonrork ; good wages. Applr 2118 Seward Btrcel. M. > 32 8- a-DINING ROOM O1RLS WANTED AT NEW oMnurant , 1021 Farnam , opposlto N. Y. Ltfo Dulldlng. MS33 S * WANTKI ) . GIRL FOR GKNHRAL 1IOUSK- ork. Applr at 1130 South SJnd st. H IIO'J * FOK BENT-HOTJSES. -FOR RKNT , HOUSKd. 17 l-ER MONTH AND pwaril . ThB O. F. Davis Co. , ISOi Karnara. Karnara.Oil Oil 11 CLASS RESlDENCi : KLAT8. * 3 OR 4 ; now block. Room U. 810 8. 22d. Del I T\-NEW AND MKST I1UILT URICK 11-ROOM ' J-'rcsldonco In the cttr ; full collar , furnace , Inun- drr and tubs , mantels and grates , bath , olectrlo bells , nucaklngtubes , oak tlnlib. polished floors ; .JlrBtelass In every roipoct ; asphalt pavaments ; lion .South SOth nvo , near Ilanscom park. J M. Itrunnor , | < 3 Ileo bldii. M221 lTs ) R HUNT. AMODKIIN 10 ROOM HOUSi : , 2225 J-SDodito fat. , good ropalr.olcgaut locationlow rent , y. A. Kuhn. 15th and Douglas , 1SS-7 1-FOR RENT , 14-ROOM 1IOUSK 1812 CHICAGO 'St. 7(0 .TIT ) KOR RKNT. HOUSE 8 ROOMS. ALLMODKRN L'Improvements. . Thu O. K. Davis Co. , 1505 Far Jlnam i 184-7 I fl-FOR RENT. SEVERAL NICK HOUSES NKAR -UHauscOm Park. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Llfo. ! 30 II 11-FOR RKNT , SMALL HOUSE. FURNISHED , J-/K100. Apply Jiethurton Hull , 305 S. 13th utreot. RKNT , 7-ROOM COTl'AaU. CORNER i.'apllol avcnuo. 313 | TliROOM HOUSE AND RARN 2018 DAVEN- 'J-'port street ; nil inodorn conveniences , too not tag. Thoa. F , Hall , COT I'nxton block. M707 "H 17-ROOM HOTEL , OKNTRALLY LOCATED , -L/nll la good repair. J. 11. 1'arrotte , Douglas TJA-IO ROOM HOUSE WITH IIARN FOR RKNT ; J-/fufiilture forsnlo. 1807 Farnam st. 758 II-P-UOOM MODERN DWELLING. CORN Kit JL/iitli nnd Capitol avanup. furnished or unfur Dished. InqulroiiUJ 1'nituu block. 81U -10 ItOOM RRICK , KVERY CONVENIKNCE. iBjement plan. Keys adjoining ftUI Cajdtol . ALL 1'ARTS TU K CITY. PRINTED | lils , ( ioorno J. Paul , Io05 rarnaui street. _ -COATIIS. RENTAL AGENCY , 1014 KARNAM. B-J RO'MSONIHT8T. . HALK HLOCIC NORTH of Grace , 17 CM , city water. Also other rooms { mil homes at lowest prices. 0. V. llutts , room 4 , , live building. 3J7.Jy4 5 FOR RENT.-FURNI8UEP ROOMS. "VFt IINISHKD ROOMS TO RKNT7lTIl ALL < Lvmodorii convenleucei. 1)11 ) Douglas ilreoL ' . Hurt JU ROOMS , 710 N. 20lh st. S77-C- E-3 Ri'OMS ' LIGHT HOUSE KKHl'l.NU. Urlilul .troi'U 511 T > NICK ROOU , A1O , CONVKNIE.NCKS. 171 J llaM'iiport itruut. M8j3 18 , _ ' r-TOit 'RKNT-FURNISHKU FRONT ROOM IN Juprlralofauillr ; rout cuiup. 1521 Lo v nworth tr ut. HIT C _ -TIIIIKK ROOMS AND KITCHEN FURNISHED for housekeeping. ZOtt Howard strcot. ROOMS , MODERN IMPHOVtS- menu. J119 todge struvt. MJc ; ! PtTRNISUED ROOMS AMD BOARD. > * l ; AND HOARD FOR TWO OBNTLli- . vUJ. ujcu ; on liulf bluck from juotor ; gaud , ulco touiu 3IBt < o. VClb HL _ VURNISUSD ROOMS IND M 4 1J TP-DHMRAULK ' WRoT AND SUl'OND FLOOR 4. foutu rouuu at "Iho Frenier , " 110 N. th su t. &H69 19 p-l l FAllNAM ST. . NICKLY FURNISHED 4.rooiui ; utUboarJ ; Uruis rt oiut > l i , - , MM71 * FOIV RENT-UNFURNTBHEli JIOOMS. * " ' G -4OIMIKST7 ? 4 IINFURNl'sHED ROOMTr able for housekeeping. 1701 Webster street. % M083 f1-4 UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS TOR HOUSB- vJkecplng to man and wlfo. No children. 919 N. Itth. 42U G-S NICK ROOMS. Jll 8.23TH STREET.M2S3 M2S3 7 * G-3 OR 8 UNFURNISHED ROOMS , NICE LOCAL- Ity , 2217 California ; references. 35C-13 > FOB RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T-FOR HKNT , TI1K I STOIIY I1IUCK DUILD1NO .1 1D Fnrnara su The building has a fireproof ce ment basement , completj steamheatlng nxtnrcn water on all the floors , gas , etc. Applr at the omco of The Doe. Via I-FOR IlKNT , BTOIIK MXCO. 1113 JACKSON L Sit ! I-ClllOCKKY. MEAT MAItltET AND DRUG store , with nxturcs complete. U. lliard. 31th and Davenport M37J U * FOR KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T-FOR RKNT. THE OLD 11ASKKT FACTORY AT < ' Kckcrmann place , IOW. 3 stories with boiler and engineIJiper month , C. F. Harrison,913N. Y.I.lfo. sllGO J30 MISCELLANEOUS. K DKSIC ItOOM , WITH USE OK DESK FOR TWO wi-ok . perhaps longer. C. M. I'rlor , general do- llrerr. cltr. M373 V RENTAL AGENCIES. L -B. C.OAUVIN A. Ctt.aHSHKHUiV HLOCIC. STOIIAOK. - ) . CIIKAI'KST AND 1IK8T STOUAQ15 M-OUK8T. cltr- Williams & Cross,1J11 llarnor. - , 1)IIV AND 1'rtIVATKlA' STOIlKn M-CLKAN furniture. Heating ntovo * stored over summer. 1207 Douglas st. Uuiaha Store llepalr Works.UDJli ( UDJli WANTED.-TO BUY" . f FURNITURU UOUGUT , SOLD , STORED. 1 Welts , 1111 Farnam st. IM N-WANTED. TO nUY M AC11KS AT tJOO I'BIt acre. O. K. Harrison. 3D.VS FOR SALE--FURNITUKB. O -KOUSITUIIK. NKW AND HKCONO-IIANH , AT 31'l ' N. ICth strjct. A nplcndlil parlor center tsblo ill bo given anar , call and sea us , 1. llrujsul. ron3ALE--HO H3E3 , WAODN3 , BTO. D-A GRKAT SALE Ol' uonsns. suuuiEs. WAIiONS , 1IUOUIK9 , IIAHNIi'83. CA Kill AGES. Stake trucks , express wngons. light and heavy , all kinds of harness nnd some scrapers. Thoj must go. If you have money In your pocket so much the hotter : It will talk louder than time , hut no are open for a sale cither war. They'll bo gone In a few dars. 1U27 Sherman avenue or North 16th street. Man there will tell jrou all about It. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. , lloom 4 , Wlthnoll building. 879 I ) FOll SALK , A SIXTY DOLLAIl TOP BUOFY , fortMOO. 11. K. Cole , Continental block. M233 p-FOU SALE , TKAM OP IIOHSES. \VAOON8 , X harness. Wm. Monsky , 703 S 13th St. 851 p-KOIl 8AI.K , SPAN HIO DltAI-T HOH9KS , J- good harness , wagon and coal box ; bargain. Vnndcrcrcck. 1010 Martha street , M335 8 * IJ-A 1 MAN 81'KKDING I1UOOV , VEHY LIGHT ; nlio ono skeleton wa on , 4 wheel , weight 0 Ibs. The abovoaro now nnd placed In our hands lo sell nt cost. Drummond Carriage Co. , Eighteenth and llnrnor. SOI B FOB 8AIjE-MI3OEI.IjANEOTJ3. -SCREENS , iumilOWBS' I'ATKNT. IICSTON earth. Made to nt windows. Used In best resi dences In Omaha and elsewhere. Can bo taken out nnd replaced br onrono In a moment. If you need screens , get our estimate. William J. Wclshans , agent , lloom 111 Karbavh block , Omaha , Nob.M2I7J10 M2I7J10 Q-KORSALK , ONKUILLIAUU AND ONE 1'OOfj table. > . .mswIck'Unlko mnko. almost now. In- qnlro of .Grand hotol. Council IlluHs. 340 Q-A. M'CONNGLL OF RED OAK. IOWA , HAS three vault doors for salo. Write him for prices. M332 8 Q FOR SAL1 , FRESH JEHSEV COW. 3i ) N. 87th ! street. MI8CELL AN EOUS. R LAWN MOWERS SUAlll'ENEU. 517 N. 10th street. MS3 H * CLAIRVOYANTS. 3 MRS. NANNIE V. WARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT reliable business medium , fifth rear at 119 N loth. 033 S-MRS. UAWTUORN. UEI.1A1ILK RUSINICSS medium , C23 N. Ktu street , cornur of Webster. Bundorseicepted 312M J a * S-MADAME FUITZ. 2330 CUMING STREKT , clalrvorant and trance medium ; Independent voices ; tells past and future. SlJtM J12 * S-ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY : WONDERFUL revelations. Challenges tbo world. Mrs. Dr. M. Legravo , dead trance clairvoyant , astrologlst. palmist and I'fo reader ; tells jour life from the cradle to grave ; unites tbo separated : causes mar riage nlth the ono rou love ; . tolls whore you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has tbo celebrated Uirrptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Influences ; cures tits , Intemperance and all private complaints with massage , baths and alcohol treatment. Send (2.00 , lock of balr , name and date of birth and receive accurate Ufa chart : S cents In stamps for circular ; glvo Initials of one you will rasrrr ; also photos of same. OHlce 1UU7 South lltb drool , flrst floor ; hours , U o. m. to 9 p. m. Come ono , coma all , and ba convlnoad of this wonderful oracle. M20t-7 * S MRS. DR. DH RAE. ACKNOWLEDGED RY press and public to bo the greatest known ex- part la mind reading , phrenolosr , modern palm- litrr , electrical psrohologr and foroaitlng future events ; before , whom jour future llfo lies like an open book. Tbo ladr. by the use of Edison's trans mitter of thouitht , the latest electrical Invention of the ago. combined with her wonderful natural gift of psychic powor.cnn rovcal your past , preient and future with thn greatest accuracy , your very thought passing through the Instrument to her. All business strictly confidential , llualncss hours ] . Sundays from 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Rooms ill South ICtb. , opposlto Hotel Urnns- wlck. MJ07 b' MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. rT-MASSAGK TREATMENT. KLKCTRO-THKR- X mal baths , scalp and balr treatment , manlcura andcblrouodlnt. Mrs. ro t,31' > M S ISth , Wlthncll blk 9S9 q' MADAME SMITH. 1151 DOUGLAS STRKET. L room T , 3d floor , Alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. MJiJ-lO" ri STOWE , MASSEUSE ELECTRICIAN , JL 823 Ramgo block. M 331-13' fl'-MADAMK LA RUK , MASSAGE , 41(1 ( SOUTH -s-IMh St. , 3d floor , flat 4. M3J7 8 * PERSONAL. F-IK THE PARTY THAT 8TOLH THO3H flowers from tbo residence at 21st and flurt will return same they will save an exposure. M 8ns-7 > MUSIO , i ABT AND LANOTTA QE. V-o7V. GELLENIIECK. RANJO TKACUER , with Hospe , or ail ) N. 18th st. VIJ 1IUYING AI'IANO EXAMINE TUB now scale Kltnball piano i A. Uoipo.1513 Douglas. vn \7-FOR HALK. A 1'IANO OF TUB FAMOUS WK11- iBtorroaku ; used three months ; will tell at fac tory prlco. InqulroJUOV B. 13th street. mi U MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. r-CKNTRAL ' IXAN ) A. TRUST CO. IIEE 11100. Vn W-IXANS ON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED cltr propert-UC09 and upwards , U to 8 per cent. No delays. W , Farnam Smith i Co.,15lh and Uarney , vn \ vC.W.RAINKY. . 315 OMAHA NAT. IJ'K IILDG. ( .Itrniortgagos. Low < tratos. Moaoyoa hand. UU y-PRIVATE MONKY. 1ST AND 3D MORTGAGE I loans , lowrntus. Alex , Moore , 401 Uoo building , WMONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY property , low rate. A. a Frost , DougUs va _ \\r-ION'T FOROBT THAT WK ARK MAKING low rates ou Improved aud unimproved loans onOmsha prouerly. No dolsT and all business tranjactod at this omco. Maullty Truit company , 1611 Faraam street. _ tof \VrANTa ( . " < v.l , < OANA-N1 > ' 1'llU4TcoN , Y. 1 Dfe. lend . * at low rales for cliolco security on NcbrnkaorlOHnfaruu or Omaha city property. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 971 ' -OMAHA 8AVIN03 HANK MAKB3 WANS on real enlalo at lows < it market rates. loans mail * In small or lame sums and for short or long tlate. No couimlislou Is cbariroil , and ( he loans nro not sold In ttia east , but ecu always I > f ouod nt Iho baukon the cornorof Ulh and Douilas streets. streets.8M 8M ' -IIIJ.OOOTOIjOAN.8UMSOKIi.WiUPWAUU3i can plac loans on anylnttttu Improved prop erty to any amount wbero value Is back ot the loan. Ames Hoil Kstata Agency , 1501 Farnam sU WJ vF a. a. WALLACE,311 UROWKULU. lot -MONKYTO LOAN ON HEAL KSTATE. TH " V , Pavls Co. , I'M Faroaui t W - TO LQAN , J. I ) . ZITTLB , BROWN Ulk. ltil r-C r , HARRISON , Sit M. Y , LHfK. 6SO W WANTED. TO IXAN II.M ) AT8 riK CBNT , C..llMrlg , lIW.V , - MONEY TO .LOANr-nEAI. ESTATE. ContlmidL \\r 7 PKII ; CENT MONKYNKT'TO TiOliitOW- > ' CM on Omaha cltr propertr. No octr * charge * nf any kind , WhrparnlKn rates ? Money 1s cheap Yoncangct full beneHt of low rates Iron ) Globa Loan & Trust Co. , ICth and Dodge. 14 } -MONKY TO 1XAN O. * l.Ml'ROVKD OR UN Improved Omaha propcrtr at lowest rates o n short notice. Cash on hand. HJollty Trust com puny , 1614 Karnnm street. 7dl -WANTBrTAT ONCE , APPLICATIONS FOR loans of 11,000 and upward on business , reM dcnco or farm properties , G , J , Paul , 1W5 Faruam IW.l.l.4 * \y-RBALESTATE LOANS. TO 7 PR II OKNT ; > ' no additional charges for commission or attor ney's fees. W , 11. .Memo , First National Dank hlclx. VM , MONEY TO 1.0 AN- CHAT PELS. 1/JAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF -iVtecurltr : strictly confidential- . K. HARRIS , room I. Continental block. 102 V-R011TPH1TCHARO , R.3 , W1THNKLL HLK X WHEN YOU WANT A CHATTKL LOAN SEE W , R , Davis , room 20 , Continental block. 101 X DO YOU WANT SIONKY ? If so , do not fall to get our Jatcs before bor rowing. Wo tnakn loans without delay , publicity or removal of property , on furniture , pianos , homes , wnconn , etc. , nt the lowest poislblo rato. Wo will carrr the loan ns Ions nn you doslro. giv ing you thu privilege of paying It In lull or In part nt any time lo suit your convenience , nnd nnr pnrt paid reduces the co t of carrying the loan In pro portion to the paid. Tin-to nro no chnrcus of nny kind tti be paid In advance , but you ant the ull amount Of tha loan , If you have a loan with other parties , or have bought n piano or other furniture on tlmo nnd find the piymuuls a llttlo larger than you can meet con veniently , wo will pay It for you and carry the loan as lontf ns you desire. It will bu to your advantage to see us before securing - curing a loan.OMAHA OMAHA MORTOAOK LOAN CO. . Room II , Crclgliton mock. 15th L , South of postolllco. V MONHY TO LOAN. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. On household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. at tha lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of possession. Payments of any1 amount can bo mode at any timereducing holli principal nnd Interest , thus giving patrons all the bcncllts of tha partial par * ment plan. .Money always on hand ; nn delays ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business conlldontlal. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTKK CO. , ICO R4 , Wlthncll blk. . lith and Homer. X-110,123. IAO. 100. ANY SUM TO LOAN ON FUR- nlturo , hones , or any good security ; lowest rates. Nebraska I/onn Co. . nil ) Douxlns st. IW7 X -CHATTLE LOANS .821 N. Y. LIFE. MORRIS. 432J 14 * X-CHATTEL LOANS MADI3 ON FURNITURE plnnos. llva slock , etc. . without publicity or re. moval property nt the lowest rates nrtd the easiest payments. Dull Green , rooms 8 and 8 Rarker block.- I73 _ X 120,000 TO LOAN ON CHATTEL SECURITY business coaQdontlal. Room 40J Karbach block. 211 Jy2' X-UEO. W. I' . COATES , 1011 FAHNAM. 333-jyl BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-FOR 8ALK-THK _ of n 33-room hotel and barroom ; steam heal electric light , centrally located , doing a good bust ness. Putt Green. Marker block. M27M1 * V H CASH. PKRHAPJ HALF , DALANCI3 IN JL trottrlng bred stallions and ay ung paclue geld Ing that can beat 2:2J : three times to exchange for n good stock of merchandise ) or clear land. Write for particulars , U. Chamborlln , Kearney , Nob.7C712 7C7-12 \7 A GOOD CHANCE I 11AVE FOR SALK A -L stock of groceries and fixture ! In Cedar Rapids , la. , a town of twenty thousand population ; stock andflxturos fill Invoice ) between live nnd lx thou sand dollars. Rest location In the city ; trade llrst- clasj. ( iood rcniou given for nulling. None but thoio who moan business need wrlto. Address 1C. U. . ISI 2nd street. West Cedar Rapid * . la.MJil 9' V CASH 1'All ) TOIl KNDOW.MKNT I'OLICIUS J In old line companies. Send description. A. 1C Urocklesby , box SJJ , Hartford , Conn. M'J23 1' " V A HOTKL FOIl SALK Oil KXCHANOK FOlt -L Improved farm. Address Box 11 , North Bend , Neb. 517 8 Y-KOK SALE , RESTAUHANT AND BAKKHY calrUold , Net ) . Address W. M. Clark , Fnlrtlold , Neb. M2-W 0' Y-FOll SALK , MANUFACTURING MUSINKSS. (30U. 100 porcentprotlt guaranteed. Address A Cl , Bee. M2t ! ) T-raK SALE-ONE-HALF OR ALL OF HARD- wnro stock. Good location. Uood trade-and rersonablo rent Address Lock Box Si7 , Lincoln , Neb. 231 13 Y IXR'8ALK ) , COAL YARD , CKNTRAL LOCA- tlon , shed , office , scales , trackage. Applr to 11. E. Harris , WW N. Y. Ufa building. 300 12 * 1'AllTNKR WANTED BY GOOD AUCT10N- Y cer. Investigate. I' . T. Caldwell , box 42. South Omaha. M377 12 FOB BXOHANQE. r/USINCUM1IBRUD LAND3 1 * , ' EASTERN NK- ubrasku and Kanias for good Inside Omaha or Council lllutls property. Address llos A Hlllls. Emporla , Kan. M779J21" STANDARD BRED 1IOHSK3 FOR CLEARer or lots. B. J. Kendall , 403 Drown Ulk 2J3 .110 Z-CLKAN feTOCK OF GENBRAL M'D'S'E ; WILL take real ostatoi money. lloxIJi , Frankfort , Ind. 103 Z FOR EXCHANUE-FINE RESIDENCE , NKW. 13 rooms , modern Impruvementa ; on motor line , 1 lullo from 1 * . O. Will exchunga for good busi ness lot or farm lands. W. , I' . O. box ( itii , Omaha. 109 17 A VALUABLE CORNER LOT ON 8. HT1I ST. ufornubarban propartr. A valuable cqultr In lot for good borso , balance very easy terms. Fldelltr Trust Co. , loll Farnain 7-NOW IS TIIBTIMETOBUYOOOD NEBRASKA Jlnnd If vou over expect to net It. Will exchange ICO acres N W U (32) ( ) , ( W ) , (12) ( ) . "H miles nouthwunt of O'NIol , Neb. , for cash , stock of harneis , saddles and trunks , boots and shoes or stock of furniture. Don't want any other exchange , must bo A 1 to get them. No old stock named. Small encumbrance. Wrlto If rou mean business. Address C. K. , loci box 21 , Onnwa , la. 191-G * Z-SALE OR EXCHANGE-SEC. J7-8n-l7. l'HEU'3 county , Neb. Clear good pasture for Chicago property. I. S. Horgan , 13th street and Wabnsu avenue , Chicago. M-2U1-10 * r/ TWO GOOD FARMS FOR MERCHANDISE. SJl > . 11. Dlckson , CrclKhton , Ncu , SS3 U * Z-1N TUB CITY FOR 3 DAYS ; CASH AND Undo for merchandise ; any sliod stock. Address - dross II 5 , Bee. -MJJI-S' Z-fO ACRK8 IOWA LAND. SMALL KNCU.M- brnnce , for horses , carriages , buggies , etc. Ad dress II0 , Iteo. 353 Z FOR TRADE. ATTKNT1ON , MERCHANTS : II4.0UO.OO No. 1 stock drycooils and shoes , clean nnd f/csh goods. Will ezchango for southwestern Iowa or eastern Nebraska land and one-third cash nnd bankable notes. A Iso a I13OUO W stock on sauio terms. This la a chance for business men and no others nocd apply. Fullonwldcr It Oliver. No. 3 Iron block , Indianapolis , Ind. M3sO 7 * . Z-FOR EXCHANGE , GOOD CLEAR LOT FOR horse , carrlago and harness. J. II. McShano , 215 So. 14th st. SI378 10' IIAKKRY FOR RENT AT SOUTH OMAHA : In good location and reasonable rant. J , W Johnson , 11)17 ) Clark street , Omaha. M3U il * gOB ; & & 'rig REAI < i E8T'ATE ' ? TpOR BALE-HOMES , ANY 1'RICK , 740. fl.sViO UT Jettsy terms ; take clear property as Ilrat payment. O. U. Wallace , Urown block , ICth and Douglas. _ . 110 1ORSALE > H1G1IARGAN IN ORCHARD HILL X1 lot , will take good her o as flrat payuioot , bal ance , monthly payments. , Wowlllaoliyou a lot dirt cheap and furnish money to build you a homo ou monthly payments ; several locations. Wo will build ron a cottage to suit on monthly payments ; small payment down. Two news room cottages lu lUrkwood , ono block f rum car line , cheap on monthly payments. Rarcala hi clear lot In Walnut Hill , onlr 11,109 00. llitrKaln In clear lot In Orchard Hill , only * 7UUO ) . Hariialn In clear lot In CreUhton Heights , J.-.OJ.OO. llamaln In a beautiful homo In I.afnyetlo Place , the flnust rusldenoo terrace In Ouiaua ovurrono ml- mtuit. Let us how It you. For terms , prices , etc. , call on Ildcllty Trust Co. , ICIt Farnam st. ) ) T 17011 MAM ; OR EXCHANGE , COTTAGK FRONT- JL. Ing south on WestCumlng st. ; la Carthata addi tion ; flva rooms , largo attic , pantry , closets , fores pump , clstorn , cesspool , cemented cellar , conven iently arranged , well built und llnlihuj In hard pine. Price , ti,40J. Will taka a lot us part payment , balance to suit. Applr to W. K Kurti , TH N , Y Llfu Hid * . 4 < 17 TAOUNT/K PLACE RARG.11NS-9-ROOM DWKLL- IVlng.W O.1.00. Will take clear lot asdrotpay- ment. balance I-'U.UO per icontU- . J. Gibson , > ale anent Konntia 1'laca. First National bank. IVld F AKAYKTTB PLACE ; YOU MUST HKK THIS -lJpro ; > rtr 10 appreclato It ; two homes for sale t bargain. Call for terms , oM. , Kldclltr Trust cow- p nr. U14 Fornam si. 117 17OR BALK-OX MONTHLY PAYMENTS , SO JL houses & lots. The O , F , Uftvls Co. , 1505 Furotra st. . C11-JI2 1OR 8ALK AT A UARGAIN , IXT li , UI/1CIC T JW. . L. Bvlby's first addition to South Omaha ; sc.u.1 .v.Tuicnt down , balance monthly | f deslrud. Inquiry ( U R. Tttcbuck , Ouiatia lle . S34 BLOCKS FROM MOTOIl. tOOO. 1100 V/or horsa and bufgjr flrtt i > ruut , balance easy , Addren. A lice. | S .i IfOIl BALK. KOi 4101 AND HOI LAFAYETTJ3 A ar In Lafayctto 1'laco. nroOm dw lllnt ! ยง . with batb. lai , etc. , eUotrlo KailhintlnK and orory other uodoni Improvemvot , one Imwu. trees and sur rounding * ono block from electric ear * . Tb > wo bou c * will t cold at a bur bargain ; will take lot as part p ymont : lei u * show yo ( be siroporty na lRrTrust C9BH > 0UU Varown it III i-rf * . * * Vfc- FOR SALE-REAi ESTATE. ' ' irORSALK iUOJ ACUK3 OK"N4HRA3KA } LAND -I. at great sacrlrlco , Applr fhr Utlcnlars to U. H. I'ctcrson , tinner , 1112 S. Uth-nreot , Omnlm , _ [ _ _ _ J _ MIM Jrl rPAKK NOTICE THAT Wll 'ARK ' TUB SOLT3 -L ncenU for nlxteon lots In I'Mllhhd I'lace. which thn owner mn t sell nt once and nuthorlics us to oner at f rom fiW ) lo 3JO less tliarmame lots have aver be n oflcred or than adjolnlnn lots can ho purchased for. All lots are nlthlr ? three blocks of motor , In a growing community , > nd will cost within ono roar Jutt double the. price asked for them now. The terms will suit any ono , tit. : One- half In three or Ore years at til > cr cent , balance monthly payments with usual discount for casli. Remember there nro but sixteen of them. Fidelity Trust Company , IC1I Farnam rtroct 100.XHO. N. W. CORNKR UTH AND HICKORY , JLlots graded , beautiful view , nil ! bo worth doubto price asked when 15th street Tlailuct 1 > completed , II. G. Clark A Co. , Ills Harnoy * traot. M272 8 /IHKAt'K'Vr ' 1'ROl'KRTY IN OMAHA , ONE MILK v from postolllce. on3tsl near I-c.ivcnworlh,2 lots 60rl 10 feet each , largo trees , street graded , ride- walks , etc. . only fl.MJU each , will double In two Tears. H. (1 Clark A Co. , 121b Harncy street. M2738 3IIKAUTUTLHOMV.3 STILL FOR HALK IN Lafayette place , You will make n ml'tnko If you buy without Beting us nbout thepo homos. Rent for fsjoa nnd JiULCO per month. Finest Investment lu the city. ! SiJy3 I OR 8ALK AT A ORBAT 1IARGA1.V. 0-ROOM -1- cottage with water , gns , bath nnd f urnacc. F. K. Darling , Darker block. > ! 31 0 LACK VV ADDITION-FINK LOT8 N1IAH MOTOR line , 1200 each ; ( ii cash , bal. 2 , 4 , ( i. .vcnrn , * per cent. Resldenco lots within 2 { miles of tiostolllcc , M.V ) each ; 1-10 cash , bal , long tlmo nt 7 percent , Finn lot with six-room cottage at 3Jth nnil Butt street ! ) . 1'rlco. W. 0) : f-VJU cash , baU easy. 1'otterA ( ioorgo Co. , 3. W. cor. ICth nnd Farnam. M3.17 Jyt ONLY 11,100 BUYS m ACRES IN BROOKLYN mid. , worth at least Mil ) per lot. Gooil for ( J4K ) loan. Nonresident sent deed In blank. Good till Wednesday. II , H. Harder , 1811 Farnam , 3838 Cjl.800 FULL LOT NKAR PARK. 4pf 1,000choice home , Windsor I'lace. M' V ) coltaiio nnd full lot near park. 12,750 houio nnd let , XMh and L'lilcnKO. R.SUO huilnens property. South Omaha. f2lUOIion < nand barn , Walnut 1UII. fii.MU flue brick house , Orchard Hill ; barn. tt.VUO house nnd lot , ? Jth nnd ( Irani , I'.V.TJO cast front cornorB"Hl nnd Davenport. f2 ; IOU full lot , near 10th and Farnam. tl3.iU ! > i > est fronton Hanscom park. tlO.OOJ , 2 lots frontlne Hnnscora park , C. F. Harrison , .112 N. Y. Llfo. CCG-1I FOR ItENT--PA3TTJRE3. ORCATfLKAVlOItSES. T. MURRAY 3)3 - TO I'AfTUUK AT YIT-ANTHD. 27 HOItjKJ ' Door Creek Ladco twelve miles north of Oratlia. hluoKrasi.sludoand running water. Stuck called for and dollverod. OrvlllJ C. Johnjon , UJ7 r/ixtoa blockOmah , Tolophonollii. UU J7 \irK HAVE TUB IIB9T HOR3K PASTURE IN > this state nt Glluioro station , three miles nouth of South Omaha ; IKI acres bhto Srais , uprlnit water , board fonca. Have a good half mlle truck on the farm. Will lake a foir horses or colts to break or train. Barton A 1'halus or A. W. 1'holps A Son , Builders Exchange , \orkLlfobulldlnir. . MTii'l-.Ht * OUSE3 AND CATTLK l-ASTUHIII ) AT STOCK farm. Bellovuo. U. T. Clarke , 313 Board of Trade. Omaha. 213 lArANTKD , 1IORSKS TO PASTURE. J2.SO I'KR l month , plenty of shade , grass and running water. Inquire at Omaha Heights. Wm. Burkamp. M230 9 * rANTKD-HOIlSKS TO PASTURE. CALLED for aud delivered. G. A. Llndquoil , 310 S. IStb. A1S71 PAWN BROKERS. ' OFFICE IMltf FARNAM ST. SNYDLH'd LOAN OFFICB , lili ) OODlltSI1. . S.SNYDLH'd . 183J3U' 001)03. TIIKAT- Ju rlcal wlEsaud boards a specialty. Wlcs , bangs , switches , hair chains , etc t sand for calaloguo. Mall orders aollclloJ. Davles ) llt' ; 15th st. , Omaha. 11. tinl 111 JL/pcarls. Return to Aloe & Pcnfold Co. . Ill S. 15th , aud receive reward. IK ! 357-7 * EMPLOYMENT iA&ENCY. /-CANADIAN KMl'LOYMKN-JOKVIClMMKi FARNAM \J upstairs ; male and female , \\of\i \ \ \ Tel , SSI. M I N C TON For Sale , Rent or. , Exchange , BEST IN THE WPRLD I- Jos. P. Megeath Dealer , THU 11UAL.TV . placed on record Juno 0 , L 1393 ; WAKIIANTY PEED.1. P O Hansen and wlfo'to Clirestcn.Han son ot ill , lot 5 , block 4. 1'atrlck's . J 3,500 II O C.iso nnd wife to M A Place , lot 17. block r > , Crolghtnn Heights 3.000 J J U trues and wife to C 0 Williams. wK lot ? , block li , Shull's'-'d add 1 C O Williams to Margaret Ilarnes. anno. 1 ll M Ilurllmt nnd wlfo to J L I'lorson , Iotl2. Illmobaiigh place 0,200 Anna Maxwell nnd husband to J L I'lor- HOII. lot ? , lluukoyo plnco 400 G A Llnctquest and wlfo toJ U I'll ray , Iot3 , blooli , 1IM. Omaha CO.OOO J U Fur ay and wlfo to O A Lindquest. nVi , nVJ aw , sw svv , sV5 so nnd nw ko i'A. 110.01 } sellt-lS-in , eVJ no. nil aoH of 4 lying w of Elkhorn rlvorand all nwU of a lying w of Elkhorn river In 14-10. . 3,003 I ) K Dcvm and wlfo to II H Clarlc , lot 0 , Stewart place 3.COO Charles Nelson nnd wlfo to II P Kuun , lot21. block 0. Crelghton Heights 1.0:0 : M T McDonald and husband to F P Klrkendall. o K f t of H 101.7 ft , lots 2 and : ) , block i Capitol Illll'addltion. . . 23,000 Western In vestment Co to T 1 * Cramer , lots , block 1 , Sunrlso addition 400 QUIT Cf.AIM DCBDS. Robert Skotchley and wlfo to John Sim mons , sub lot 15 In. of lot 14 In U-13-13. . CO DKKDS. G T Und ley ( special administrator ) to Eli Curtis , n K. loll. Andrews W & T'H sub i 4,172 Total-amount of transfers $141,723 WOODKN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. OmahaNob. . , March S.1S02. Ho It resolved by the city council of the city of Omaha , the mayor concurring ; That wooden nldowulks bu constructed In the city of Omaha us designated below , within live days uf tor thq publication of tills resolu tion , or the personal service thereof , as by ordinance Is authorized and required ; such sidewalks to ba laid to the present grade on the streets spocl'lod heroin , and to bo con structed of plno planlc of such width und thloknr-ss und bo laid upon Joists of such dimensions und In such manner as it pro scribed by the specifications ou ( lie In the olllce of thu Hoard of I'ubllu Works and under Its supervision , to wit : KiiBtsldoof.-.lthavo. , lots I ! to 1 ( ! Inclusive , blocks , lioggs& Hill's second addition , C foot wide. East side of 29th nve. , lots 8 to H Inclusive , block 2 , UoKgs & lllU'a second addition , 0 feet whin. And bo It further foiolvnd : That the Hoard of Public Works bo and hornby Is authorized and directed to cause n copy of this resolution to ba published in the ofllclal paper of tbo city for ono week , or bo served on the owners of sil : < ) lot * and unless BiichownorsHlrall within live days after the publication or service of % icv-oopy construct Haldsldowalks HV herein , roijulrud , that the Hoard ot Public Works chtue0tho same to bo done , the cost of construutlilelsakl sidewalks respectively to ba iissoafed-iagalnsttho real estate , lot or u irt of lot lu.ajjcuu of and abut ting such sidewalks. ,7wr March 8.l I'rislddn ) ( < if the Council. Attest : Approvo'd ; t.f ' Mayor. NOTICE TO CONSTIll ql'gtDE WALKS. To the owners of the lots , pnrjUof lots nnd real ostuto described in the ubuYa. resolution ; You and each o ( you aril'uvroby notllled to construct wooden sldewull < suHs required by n resolution nf the city cctilliHl und mayor of tbo city of Omaha , ot wbUh the above Is a P. WltlCHADSEn. ClKilrmnn 4.P. Hoard of Public \Yorks. Omana. Nob. . Juno 4. Ihi ) ' . ' . ' * jtdit NOTICE TO BI3LKCTW MAThJUlAL F6u PAVING' . To thoownertidf lots and land fronting up on street In'provomciit districts nuruborod and described us follows ; No. 416 Alloy In block 19. olty. So. 467 Alloy In block I'd , from 10th street to i street. No. 170 Ninth street , from Pacific street to alloy north of 1'aclllo street , nnd subject to asseiumunt for the paving of the sumo. You are hereby notified In pursuance of or dinances Nos 'MM. 303 ! and iJOUl , passed and approved Juno ii , IWJ , to select ana determine upon the Kind of material tn bo usnd In pur- ing said Improvement districts on or before July ? , 18V , or iho olty council will duterinluo ( aid material. If sheet nsphaltum lapctltlouod for by property - orty owner * , they ; uust state In luolr uotltlon for pavln * whulher pllch-Uke. land or over flow , or California asphalt U to bo used. DaUxJatOiuBtia.IluU , UiUCtbiliiy of Juno , 1603. P. W. IlIIlKHAySKlt. Cbalrmau of the Hoard ot I'ubllo Work * Juus 0-7- "Home Patronage" All our syringes are made In Omaha. "FISH BRAND" FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Knch ono has six hard rnnbor pipes In wooden box. Ho sure the trade mark "FISH 11IIAND" Is or each one , take no othor. Ask your drug m for ham or Omaha lltihbor Co. , 1SZO Farnam St.Cornon GUi. Ladr clerk In nttondnnco. nnrpnlno llnl. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of nrt ordinance of the city ot Omaha , passed nnd approved May 17,181)2 ) , en titled "Au ordlrmnco calllnz n special election to vote upon the acceptance of the amended proposition of the Nebraska Central rallwiy company nnd the issuance ot coupon bonds of the city otOmnhu In the sutn of two hun dred atid.tlf ty thousand dollars ( IIW.OW ) to nid the NebraskaContrnt Knllway company in acquiring Uopot KrotmJs , in the con struction of n union railway and pas- sensor depot , and In the construction ot ether railway Improvements upon said grounds , and to nuthorlzo a tax for the pay ment , ot the Interest upon said bonds and to croivto a sinklu'g fund for thn payment of the principal thereof , and ropoiillnzordinance No. fcM ) , passed and approved Miiy 10th , 1892. I , Oeurco I' , llcinla , mayor of the olty of Omalm , do haroby Issue my proclamation nnd Clvo puhlla notice unto the lo < nl rotors ot the city of Omnhii , Douglas county , Nob. , tint on Thursdity , the Ifltli day of Juno , 1832. n election will bo hold In said olty at the follow ing polling places , namely : rniST VTAIID. First District Southeast corner Seventh and .Moray streets. Soconv District Northwest , corner Eighth and l.u.ivenworth streets. Third District 1208 Jones street. Kuurth District U18T South Thirteenth street. Fifth District Northeast corner Seventh nnd I'nclllc streets. Sixth District Southeast corner Sixth and I'aolOo streets. Seventh District G2J Plorco street. Elshtli District Southwest corner Eleventh' nnd Center streets. Ninth District 1812 South Sixth street Tenth District Intersection Ninth and linn- croft stri-ot. northeast corner. Eleventh Dlstrlct-llCJ South Thirteenth street , northeast corner Arbor street. SECOND TVAHD. First District Intersection Fourteenth nnd Jones streets. Second District lOOt South Thirteenth street , Tliirn district Intersection Eighteenth and Lonvunworth streets , south side. Fourth Dlstr.ct Intersection Twentieth and l.oavonworth streut-t , south sldo. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-third and Loiivenworth streets , south side. t-lxth District Intersection Twentieth strcot Hnd 1'opploton avonuo. boroiith District 142. ! WUIItun street. Eighth District -1311 South Thirteenth street ( McCandllsh ) . Ninth District Intersection Sixteenth nnd Center streets. Tenth District 18J3 South Twentieth street ( Lovett.t Woodman. ) Klavcnth District Intersection Twentieth and lluncroft streets. Twelfth District 1531 Vlnton street ( Dono- vnn ) . Thirteenth District IntorsectlonTlilrtconth and Talloy streets , west side. Fourteenth District Intersection Twen tieth and Uoulovard streets. TIIIIIU WAIltl. First District Intersection Twelfth nnd Chicago street. Second District 317 North Fifteenth street ( Woodworth ) . Third District 112 South Fourteenth street , ( A. J. Simpson ) . . Fflurth District 1112 pouglag street ( O. J. Cnuuii ) . Fifth District Intersection Capitol avcnuo and Tenth streets. Sixth District Intersection Harnoy nnd Ninth streets , east side. Seventh District Intersection Eleventh and Furaau streets. Eighth DlstrIct-1315 Harnoy street ( J. 3. Mc- Cormlok ) . Ninth DlstrIct-1211 Howard ( treat ( Kil kenny , Bray & Co ) . KlUltin WAHD. First District Intersection Sovauteonth and Davenport streets. - fcccond District Intersection Twenty-sec end and Davenport streets , north side. Third District Intersection Twonty-flfth and Don s streets. Fourth District Intersection Seventeenth and Uod no streets. Fifth District 420 South Fifteenth street. Sixth District-Intersection Twentieth and Dougliia streets. Seventh District Intersection Twenty-sixth street unil St. Mary's avonuo. Eighth District Intersection Twentieth street and St. Mury's nvonuo , west side. Ninth District IblS St. Mary's avenue ( Kohobcauxl. Tenth District Intersection Eighteenth nnd Loiivcnwortli streets , north side. Eleventh District 101:1 : Howard street ( IIIp- qlns ) . rirrn WAIIP. FlrstDlstrict Intersection Sherman avenue and Manderson street. tieoona District Erfllng bultdln ? , west side Sheri.ian avenue , notwoon Ohio and Coruy streets. Third District Intersection Sherman avouuo nnd Litko street. Fourth District 1003 Grace street , South west corner Shorimm iivenuoond Uruoestrcot. Fifth District 1317 bhorinan avenue Tun- mnn ) . Sixth District 1151 Sherman avenue ( Er- fllngl. Seventh District Interjection Sixteenth and Iznrd streets. Etchth District 808 North Sixteenth street ( U. U. OInrk. agent ) . Ninth District Intersection Cass and Fifteenth - toonth streets. Tenth District C13 North Sixteenth street ( Scars , agent ) . Eleventh District Southwest corner Eigh teenth and Unas streets , -Jr. North Eighteenth street. SIXTH WAItn. First District Lyceum hall , 4823 Nortl Twenty-fourth street ( ( Jriilgl. Second District Intersection Thirty-sixth street nnd Grand uvonuo. Third District Intersection Military avenue and Grant strruU Fourth District Intersection Twenty- fourth street , and Mundorgon stroets. Fifth District Intersection Twenty-fourth and Wlrt streets. Sixth District Intersection Thirty-third and Parker streets. Seventh District 2J32 I > ako street ( W. A Mosslckl. Eighth District 2025 Lnko street ( Sastrorii ) Ninth District 2310 North Twenty-fourth street. Tenth District Intersection Twenty-eight ! and Frankln } streets. Eleventh District Intersection Twenty fourth nnd Franklin strnots. Twelfth District 1350 North Twentieth Btreot. SEVENTH WAIID. First District 2813 Lcuvonworth street , Second District Intersection Twenty-ninth avenue and 1'oppleton avenue , uust sldo. Third District Intersection Twenty.ninth street urn ] Woulworth avenue , south ilde , loiirih DIstrlot-IntorsoctlonTwenty-nlnth. and Mo onth stroets. Fifth DUtrlot Intersection Tlilrty-sccoua avenue und Thomuson street. Slxtli Dlstrl t-lOI2Twenty.nlnth avenue. tovcntli Dlstrlot-Intursootluu Thirty fourth and Frnncls streets. UlailTII WAIID. First Jilntrlot-SOH Humllton street. Second DUtrl'ct 222J Uumlng street. Third Dlilrlot-InterBoctlon TwoutletU and Nicholas strooti Fourth District MlOOuinlng street. Fifth District 2108Ouniliu strou' . , Sixth DUtrlot Intersection Twenty-second and flurt streets. Seventh Dlatrlctlntsrsootlon Twentieth and ( JahBitreotH. MNTII WAIID. First District Intersection Thlrty-iocond and Oumlna itreeU , Second District Inloraectlou Fortieth and Cumlnu streets , north aide. Third District Interseutlon Fortieth and Farnain stroota. Fourth District Intersection Thtrty-iocoud avenuu and Davenport moot. Fifth DistrictI'urimin street Klxth Dlstrlot-3101 Leavonwortli street For the purpose of subialttlnit to the loxa voters of inlu city , for their uocoptanco or ro Jeotlon , the amended propoiltlon of the No urusku Central Hallway company to the olty of Omuhn. ( hereinafter written , it lenuth ) uiu the Quostlotis , shall the bonds ot the olty o Omalm he Ibsncd , reulatero'l ' nnd dullverod ai provided in said utoundod proposition shall uti annual tax bo luvloil to ptylhoin torost en such bond * us It becomes duo ? nn : shall u further annual tax , couimcnolni ; ( ho tenth year prior to the maturity of met bondi , bo levied , In addition to all ether tnxct , for the croutlou of slnklnx lund RulU- elont to pay ucb bonds * t the maturity Iborootr fiatd qucstloui , and th * ceej > tauce or rejoa- tlon ot said amended proposition , li submitted o 8Md legal roton , and will bo voted upon n the manner nnd form following ) "Tho Nebraska Central Hallway company ma made the following proposition to tbo cltyofOmRhat The amended proposition ot the Nebraska tantrnl Hallway company to the olty ot ) nmhn. Nob. To the Mayor nnd City Council otlho Olty itOmnha , Noli. : The undersigned , the No- iraskn Central Hallway compiny < proposes to acquire and taUo possession of , for railway purposes , that corUIn tract of land , located within the district bnundml by Fifteenth trcot , Chlcmo street. Eleventh street , Ucll- ornta itroot , and the rUht of way of the Omnhn Holt Ititllwny company , except the ftoutu hulf oi block 89 , lots 3 and 4 , block VS. ot I , and north one-halt ot lots 2 nnd 3. block 771 and to otout thereon n union pnssonior depot on the corner of Fifteenth and Chlcato streets , to cost. Including the ether railway Improvements on said grounds , not loss turn four hundred thousand dollars J 100,000.5 1'rovldoii , th i .ty ot Omaha , In Douglni county , Nobr.\iKi ; , will donate to the snld < obrnska Contrnl Hallway company two hundred nnd fifty Uunivuid dollars ( j > .v\00j ) of Its four (4) ( ) percent bonds , iioo.000 thereof o bo dated January 2 , 1SO.I , nnd JI.M.OOOtlieroot o bo duted Jnnunry 1 , I SOI. to become due nnd payable twenty years from their rcspec- Ivo dates , with interest payable soml-annu > ally , all payable at the npenov of the tate ol Nouraska In the city ot Now York. Said bonds to bo qf the denomination of onu housand dollars ( (1.000) ) each , and each hereof to roclto. "Thl < bond Is one of n. series of two hundred and fifty (2JO ( ) bonds ot like amount and tenor. whlt/h are Issued hy the olty ot liuiklm. In Douglai county. Nobniskn , o the Nobraikn Central Hallway company , to aid it In acquiring and In the city of Omaha for union depot ana terminal purposes nnd in the construe- Ion of a union railway pimcncor depot upon aid ground , and its railway truo'is , sldo racks , turnouts , switches nnd approaches oiidlnz thereto , and othdr railway Improve- nonts therewith connected. " Said bonds U ) bo executed and registered at > r lmmcdijtoy after the dates thereof , nnil mmo.llntoly thereafter delivered to the First bank of Umnha , Nob. , trustee , to bo icld In trust for delivery , to the Nebraska Central Hallway compttiv , Its successors or asslius , by said trustee , in Installments ai hereinafter provided. The said Nebraska Central Hallway com pany plans to construct , or came to bo con- tructud , a line of rallwuj In the state ot lown , not lets than 100 miles In extent , from ho anst approach ot a bridge , which the said Nebraska Contrnl Hallway company has also Manned to construct over ttio Missouri river , ntersocllnu or connecting with or roachln ; the lines of two or more of the following rail way corporation * , vlzt 'I'ho-Illlnols Ccntrnl Hallway company , the Wlnonn & Southwestern Hallway company , the Minneapolis & SU Louis Hallway com- iftnv , thoChlcugo , SU 1'aul & Kanias City tallwny companv. tbo Uhlo.igo , Fort Mndlson ft Dos Molnes H.illway company , the Atchl- on , Topok i & Santa Vo H.itlway company , the llaltlmoro& Ohio Hallway company , the Jlilo .V Mississippi Hullwnv company , the Kco- kukVcstcrn Hallway company , the Qulncy omiiha & Kansas City Hallway company ana the Iowa Central Huilwar company. One hundred thousand ( IIOO.MJl dollara ot said bonds shall bo delivered by said trus tee to aald Nouraska Central Hallway oinpuny. Its suceecisors or UDSIKIH ) . when It or they shall have acquired and : akon possession of that certain tract of land located within the district Bounded bv Flftoenlh streot. Ohlcniro HtrcnK jiovonth street. Uallturnln strcot and the right of wny of the Omaha Belt Hallwav com pany , ( except the south half ot blocks US. lot .1 und 4 , blnok 28. lot 1 , and the north half of lots 2 nnd 3 , block 27) ) : Provided , that the said one hundred thou sand dollars ItltXXO.'O ] ot said bonds shall not bo delivered until nftor tbo said Nebraska Central Hallway company , its successors or assigns , Rlmll have constructor thn said line of railway In tVm state of Iowa. One hundred and filly thousand dollars L $ 150.0001 ot Biilcl bonds shall bo delivered by said trustco to said Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors or assigns , when It or they Ahull have completed tno erection of n union passonccraopot upon said tract of land above described , to cost. Inoluilng the ether railway Improvements on said grounds , not less than four hundrud thousand dollars iHCO.OOJ ) ; proof of such test to bo nuidn by the sworn itutotnipf. of the president nnd trcas- urorof said railway company , ( lied with the city clerk of Omaha , accompanied by certifi cate sinned by the city attorney und cltyou- glnoor. that In their opinion such amount has actually been expended. I'rovidcd , thnt if the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Us successors or assigns , bhall fall to acquire and take possession of sala land , Itshall not bo entitled to receive any part of said one hundred thousand dollars iSlW.iiUO ) Installment of bonds : and. further provided , that none of snld ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars (1150,000) ( ) Installment of bonds shall bo delivered until at least onu rail way company In addition to the Nebraska Central Railway company shall bo actually using said union depot ; and , 1'rovlded further , Th.vt the mayor and the city council shall , by resolution , upon iho full performance ot tbo undertakings on the part of said railway company herein contained , order the doll very ot aald bonds at the time- aforesaid ; nnd , r..Tbatall matured coupon * shall bo removed and cancelled by aald trustee botorb delivery ot the bonds to whicn they nro attached ; nnd , Provided further. That the mayor nnd city council of the city of Omalm shall cause to bn levied on the taxable property of said City an annual tax sulllclont for the payment of the interest on said toupon bonds as It becomes duo. nnd after the aspiration of ton (10) ( ) years from the duto of said bonds the mayor and city council of sild city shall cause to bo levied in addition to nil ether taxes on the taxable property of said oily an amount nf tax siiniclcnt to create a slnklnz fund tor the payment at maturity of said bonds , ( the amount of tax to be levied for such alnklni fund not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars lars ( (31,000.00) ) In nuy ono year ) ; said tux to be continued from your to year until thesahl bondsuro fully paid. The acquirement ot the said lands and Im provements herein contemplated including the said railroad in Iowa , shall bo begun within ono year from Mar 1. 1892 , and bo pushed tb completion without unneoessliry doliiy : and shall bo completed within three years from the 1st day of July , 1892. 1 n case any of the terms , limitations , condi tion ! or provisions proponed herein relating to the beginning , progress nnd completion of sala improvements are not complied w th , ( unless delay Is dlrrctly and necessarily caused by Injunction or ether Judicial pro ceedings , or oy umivoldablo accident eruct of 1'rovidcnco ) , the said company shall not bo entitled to receive said bonds or any thereof , oven though the electors of aald city of Omaha Bhullhavo hy their vote authorized the Is suance of said bonds ; but nil right tosald bonds shall by such default and without any judicial determination become forfeited , 1'rovldcd , however , thnt If the boglnnliu , proitross or completion of said Improvements shall budolnjed or obstructed by uny of the aforesaid causes , the times boroln allowed for the progress and completion ot laid Improve ments shall bu extended to the extent of such delay or obstruction ; und should a dispute arise between the said city of Omaha nnd the said Nebraska Central Hallway company with roaooct to the cause or extent ot any such delay , the same rit the election of tald No- l.ritska Centrnl Hallway company , shall bo referred for determination to a board ot ar bitrators , to be appointed as hereinafter pro vided. In consideration of receiving the proposed subsidy Nebraska Central Iuilwy com pany azrucs to allow all railway cotnpanlei ( ho following rlBhts : The riirhtto run their locomotlvos.pae atigar und froliht trams over Its main and pimlag tracts within thu city of Omaha ; ii'nl over Its proposed brldgo and approaches preaches , the rls/jit. / tousosuoh portion of Its terminal grounds , opots nnd facilities ni may Lo ) nocesiury and proper for the conduct of tlio business of such roads ; Includ ing nny cnlargmont nf Its aeput and depot grounds ; the right to have their oars switched und delivered by the No- bruska Oentrnl H-illway company upon all of Its switch tracks ; the right to connect their rends at nny point within ono hundred ( IW ) miles of salu olty of Omaha with any line of railway HUloli the Nebraska Central Hallway company , or Us BUOCOSSOIS orusiUns , may construct or cause to bo constructed eastot the Missouri river , and to run their locomo tives , passenger and freight train * over the main und passing trnukt oi said railroad ; It being hereby unrend tint In case the Nebraska Conlrul Hallway com pany shall construct Ita proposed linn enotof the Missouri river , through thoagonuy of any ether corporation or party. It will cause such corporation or p irty to exocutn nnd deliver to the city of Omaha a good and uuOlclont Instrument binding It or him to libido by the terms , conditions nnd provisions of this proposition. Uio snmu as the > ald Nebriuku Central Hallway company woula have boon bound If It had built tno name , Leforo delivery of the aforesaid onu hundred thousand dollars (1100,030) ( ) Installment ot bonds , Provided , that the usoand enjoyment by such railway companies of etch and every of saldrlhtn mmll bo upon just und equal terms nnd tbo payment of just und fulr componia- tlon to the Nebraska Central H.ulwuy con - pany , Us smccctisom or assigns , and HUbjoot to Euob operating rules und regulations ol the Nebraska Contra ! Hallway uorupinv , Its ma- cessnrnor UBJlifns , HI uliall bo necessary nnd proper , just und reasonable. And the said Nebraska Central Hallway company wilt tubiult any dlsputn arlilng be tween ft ana such other company or com- panto * to the use and enjoyment of uny rights under this pronailtlon , or M * to the terms , compensation , operating rulci and regulations , relating thereto , lo aboard of arbitrators , to bo made up of three purloin who are judioinf the state district court , or its succoktor , of the district embracing the county of Uouglau. to bo tolootod by a two- third * vote of all the pernous who are district judges ol said court. I'rorldod that uoy vuoh railway company ether than laid Nebraska Ontral Hallway company , its successors or assigns , shall have the election to submit any vuoli dlsputo to arbitration or to pursue nny other rurnvdy. Wlioreror arbitration U provided for by this propoiltlon , the party doilrlnt to lubmft Jiir taa.U j ta arbitration tliall oaua * to b * served upon the ether party n written mtlot which sh < iU et out the matter In dispute to bo submitted , and the time prouotod for th * hearing , which Minll not bo less than thirty fJl ) dajs after the tlmoot < orrloo | nnd there upon the adverse party shall within twenty ( tvi day * after inch scrvtoa upon It , servo lt kpsnur. It anr It hnvo , upon the party do- muiulln ? thn arbitration. The Board of Arbitrators , when orianltoil. shall have power to fit ttiotlmoof hearing nil tondjourn the same from tlmo to tlmis and to mike nil nocoiiarr rulci ami regula tions for the production of testimony In the ponpulonof either partr , anil otherwise ta comurl n fatrlnnd spooJy trial ; the decision ot a majority ol the bo ird shall control nnd th llnal ilotormlnutlon of the board li ill bo final and conclusive upon thn p.irlles , of alt mat * to < ulvnlltol "n 1 r1 < lip'l | < Wherever arbitration shall bo rcsortod ta Mien urultr.ttlon iti\il : liotnooxeiiislvu romeuy of tbo parties ( except ai herein uNowhcro pro vided ) , as to the matters and things Involved nnd decided therein. Said 'obrnska Central Rillw.iy company. U * fiucposviM and assigns , shall trunipori freight ( Infludlng transfer of freight an I nil otrirgos Incidental to stld transportation ) over nny lirijleo > il iinuroi" ' ! " * . IIH wnll n * ovor'tnv railway It shall construct within ono hundred (100) ( ) mllea of the Mlwttrl river within the state of Nebrnnka , for just or rotionnblo rntna or cluugos. nnd In case of dirferonco as to what constitutes Just nnd reasonable rates ol uliarKu uiiuor iii , iira r.iini , tuo m.iyur aim olty council or sOd r.illwuy cotuuany may sutimlt the stmo to arbitration In the manner and to the nrbltrators aliovo provided for , but this pir.igraph rospoctliti ; freight oharjot shall not booomo opcr.xtlvo or In force until flvo years from the datn of the delivery ot thu last Installment ot the bonds horolnbofom ro < tarred to. It Is further proposed that said bonds shall ba delivered to Vho'Nobnukn Contrnl railway compiny. its suiceisors or assigns , only upon the execution by the said Nebraska Central railway comoanv or Its successors , nnd deliv ery to the city ot Omaha ot an undertaking In irrllln ? to the ofTeat tint the principal dopol of said railway company.lts general ofllccs Anil principal miicnlno shops when built , Mmll ho ( orated ana maintained within the corporate limits nf thn city ot Omnh.i. an I th-it n viola tion of the terms of stUil undertaking by the aid Nebraska Central railway company or it * mccessorsor nsilgus , shall render the said Nebraska Central railway company , or It * successors , Indebted to thosal I olty of Omaha In the full amount of laid Donds , nnd Interest thereon. This proposition shall , after bnlng duly acknowledged by the Nebraska Central Hall way company , bo recorded In the odleo of the resistor of deeds of U.uiKltis count v.Nouraska , and for n period ot twenty ( ! > ) ynnri from and ufror this date , shill bo referred to by giving the book nnd page wherein the same Is re corded lu nny mort 'ngi'.dcoil of trust , deed of conveyance , or loasoutsald depot and depot grounds with the statement that the s ild No- hr > ska Central rAllwHV eotnunnv. Its M'ii"-u - on nnd nsslsns , nro bound by the terms , limi tations. , piuvisions ami conuitlons o ( Inn proposition which are hereby made Its cove nant ! that attach to and run with the said property Into whosoever hands It may conic. Provided , that the city council ot the city ol Omnh.1. ( the innvor itpnrnvlug In dun form ) hall omicta certain ordinance ( whloh at the date hereof. Is pending consideration lioforo said council ) , entitled "Anordln\nco : rrantlng permission und authority to the Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its successors and nsslgns to construct railroad tracks along , across , over and under conuln streets und alleys In the city of Omaha subject to certain conuitlons. and to vncuto parts of curtain streets und alloys In the city of Omiiha upon compllnnco with cortuln other conditions. " AnH It la nlan ti .10 Idnri thnt If Mnltl Nnlivfiat/fk Contrnl railway company ahull not , within forty-Dvo (45) ( ) day * of being notified by thu city clerk of tbo ndopt.on ol tnls proposition at the election held to vote ucon the same , lllo with the said city clerk Its written rntlfloa- vlon ot th's proposition under Its cornorato aeul , none of suld bonds shall bo Issued , nnd all the terms and provisions of this proposi tion shall bo hold for naught. The Nebraska Central Hallway company agrees before an election liolnz ca led to unb uilt lo the voters of the city of Omaha this proposition , that It will execute 'ind deliver to said city a bond with good unit sutllclcnt sureties In the sum of flvo thousand dollars ( JS.OOtUO ) nnd flvo thousand dollnrs ( JJ.HXHO ) eush , conditioned upon the payment of thn expenses of said election. This proposition : ind the acceptance throof by thu city of Omaha and thn ratification of this proposition by said Nebraska Central Itallwny compnuy. or Its sncccssots or as- algncsi , ax heroin provided. Htinll bo construed and understood to constitute a contract between the Bald Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its Hiioccsiora nr assigns , and thu mild city of Onmhi. and all the tunns. conditions , agreements nnd provisions made on the part of the Nebraska Central Hall way company In thU proposition con tained are hereby made the covenant ! of the said Nebraska Central Hallway conioany , 119 successors und assign * , which sliull attach to nnd run all of Ita snld property nnd bo binding upon any party Into whoso hands It or any of It may come. In witness whereof the said Nebraska Cen tral Kallway company has o.iusod these pres ents to bo executed this 10th day of May , A , D. , 180i NEUKASKA. CENTRALKAILWAY CO. By J. II. Vice President Attest : JOHN L. McOAGUE , Secretary. iVItnesa : ALEX. G. OHAHLTON. State of Ncbr.isUa , U. Douglas County , f8" ' On this loth day of May. A. 1) , . ISO ! , be for * mo , u notary pUbllu In und for Bald county , personally appeared the above named J. 11. Uuiuont nnd John L. .McOaguo. who are to mo personally known to ho the Identical par sons who signed the foregoing Instru- raout ns vice president und secretary of tbo Nebraska Kallwny company ! they aoknowlojgn the said Instrument to ho the voluntary not and deed of the said Nebraska - braska Central Hallway company and tholr voluntary net and deed nssuch vlco president nnd secretary of said company. Witness my hand und notarial seal the date last nforcsnld. ALEX. O. CI1AULTON. IBBAU ! Notary Public. Shall tbo nbovo and foregoing proposition bo accepted nnd adopted , shall said bonds bo Is sued , registered and dell vorod and shall nn an nual tux In addition to the tisuul and allothor taxes bo levied upon the taxable property of the City of Omaha , Douglas county , No- brnskn , sufllclont to pay the Intorcst on said bonds ns It becomes due , and nt the lima of levying iho annual city tux. commencing the tenth your prior to the maturity of sutd bond * ) , shall n tax In addition to all ether taxes bo levied upon the taxnb'v property of said olty of Oinahu , Uoug- IHS county , Nohrualci , and continued annu ally thereafter from year to year until there by u sinking fund shall li.ivo boon obtained HUfllcicnt to pay said bonds at tbo maturity thereof ? YES. The above questions shall bo regarded ai ono question and nil ballots of loxnl valor * cust at said uioctlnn'containing the abovn proposition und question * In thu form of the nfllclal ballon , to bo prennrcd by the city clurlc of said city lor said election , with an "X" mark following the word "yim" upon snld olllclal ballot slrill bo counted In favor of tbo acceptance of snld amended prop osition , the Issuance of mild bonds unu the levy of s.ild taxes In payment nf the principal nnd Interest thereof : and nil ballots of legal voters east nt Bald election containing tha above proposition und questions in thu form of the olilclul ballot , to bo prepared by the city clerk of snld city for said election with an "X" murK following the word "no" upon said olllclal ballot shall bu counted ntid considered as against the acceptance of salrt amended propo sition , the Issuance of said bonds and the levy of said tuxes In payment of Ilia nnd Intorcst thereof. If two-thirds ( > f all the ballots voted by said loual volarx of nild city of Omaha. I/oughts county. No- \it \ wku , atsald election HliaU bo o ibt In favor of'ihu ' inrcoptunco of s ild amundud proposi tion , the iKaiinnco of said bonds nnd the luvy of said taxes In payment of thu principal and interest thereof , thu forogoliu propo sition will bu held to bo adopted und the fnru- KOlnit questions will bo hold to l.e iinswurod In favor of the issuance of salt ] bondi , and the Ipvy of said tuxufl , and the said bonds thereupon - upon nhull bo Issued , registered and delivered In accordance with the terms and condition ! of said amended proposition , and snld tixos Bball bo levied accordingly ; otherwise not. Which election will bo open at H o'clock In the morning , and will continue opun until U o'clock In the afternoon of tha natno duv. Dated at Omaha , Nub. , thN IStli day of May , Kit lblsnod.1 UKOIIOKP. IlK.MIH. t Mayor of tlmOlty of Omaliu. _ _ PHOP03AT-3 TOR HUIUHNO MATKHl ale , wind mills , tan Us , pumps , otc , U , 8 Indian Service , i'lnu Hldgo A--enoy , Shannon ( Jo. , B. ll , . May 2/th / , IW/ ' . Healed prnpus'ilH , endorsed "Proposals for llnlldlni Material , uto. " us thu case may IKI and uildreesnl lo the iniilorslgiiud at I'lno Itldgo Agunuy , H I ) . , will bu rocolvcd ut thin uzonoy until 1 u'cluik p. m. of Jnno21sU IbW. for fiirnlslilng mil dollvur- Inir at various polnl.son thu I'lno Itldgo Itnlliin reservation to bo designated hv the itndor- fclgnud , uboul "MOOD , footof ahsortod liimbur ; llyi.OOU Bhlnglus ; M wlndowx ; 4(1 ( dooriit U.UO ) lirlcUs ; ' . ' .I'.D foutof quarter round Iron , hard * vraru , jialiiU , rock , uiind , otc. , also IIvn ftt tun- foot wind mill * und powerswith tiiiiUs.niiiniiK , Kulvurilzotl Iron pipe , uta. A full list , of all material tuuy bu obtained by application to the uir.lurnlgnnd. lllddurs xro i oi u I rod to Hti.ta itpoolllfally In thulr bids the proosvd prluu of ouch iirtl- ole offered for delivery under a oonlrnet , Tha right li rosorvud to rujuut any or all bids ir any part of any bid If iluemuil for the best intcrostof tha vcrvlco. UeiiTiriuii UIIKUKH Kneli bid must bu uccoiiipunluil by ucertrlled check or draft upon some United BtatcsMo- poiltory or solvent imtlonul bank In thu vi cinity of the residence of Iho bidder , miido puyiiblo to thu order nf the Conunliisloiier of Indian Affair * for at Joust ( Ivu poreunl of thu umuuntnf the proposal , whloh ubuck or tlmft will bo forfeited to thu United titates In vusu uny bidder or blddoru receiving nil aw irditliuli fall lo promptly vxuuutu u contract with good and sulllolunt Murutlui , othurwlsu lo bu re turned to iho bidder. Illds accompanied by cash In lieu of H uurtliiud check will not ba considered. I'or further Information us to itolnUnf dollvury. transportutlon. etc. . apply to OAl'T. OioUOE ; LKltOV 1IUOWN. U. l ) . A. ActlnsU.B. Indian Agent.