Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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    rl f'l'/LA'lt'l Vi'tfl , c ,
t , Business Portion of McCook Devastated by
a Ojclono.
rirtjr I.lttlo Ones Cnncht In the UchrlB nnd
DhnRcronsljr Hurt Heroic Deeds of
Xlnn.Vrnr-Old Dan McAiJIno
1.1st of the Victims.
MtCooK , Nob. , Juno J. ( Special Tolefjrara
lo TUB BEE.I McCook wns visited today
with n terrible oyclono. Considerable dura-
ago wns douo and a number of people son-
omly Injured. It had bean a nlco day , clear
and bright , with the wind blowing from tha
southwest. About 3 o'clock la the afternoon
it clouded up In the cast , although tboro
; * ras no porcoptlblo change la the torn-
nurnturc. At 4115 p. m. , without a
moment's warning , a small , writhing cloud
was s on approaching from the oast. It
pasted over the city and crossed the Hopub-
IIcan river , whuro It turned and came back
ov r tbo city from southwoet to northeast.
At that tlmo the streets wore crowded with
people and many farmers wore getting ready
to go homo nftcr a day's shopping.
As the huge funnel shaped nlqud passed
ever the B. & M , shops and roundhouse It
teamed to suddenly drop dotvn to the ground
first striking the business building owned by
II.V. . Cole and with Its nwful power ralsod
jift metal roof clear oft of the ono-story
part la the rear , whirling It around ,
bringing It down with terrible force In
almost ils former position upon tbo
liends of tbo cipnrmnltors who were at work
tuoro. All osoapod oxcoot ono wtio rocolvod
several cuta on tbo head. The thick brick
walls alone saved thorn from most serious
injury. This building is occupied by Joseph
Kclzenstoin as a cigar factory und his damage
not very great.
Aliiriiiiiil the Cltlzaim.
Dy this time the strouts wore thronged by
torrlllud occupants of the buildings who
hastily rushed out of their various places of
business. Ttio storm center seemed to ralso
up In tha nlr and again drop to the ground
about three blocks away. In a moment the
air was tilted with flying timbers and the cry
was raised that tbo Congregational church
was In ruins and hundreds of children buried
in tbo ruins. Some ono had nresonco of
ralnd enough to turn In a gcnuraf alarm , and
vho flro dopartmunt responded nobly. Amid
tha screeching of whistles of the engines In
the railroad yards and the din of the flro
bolls iho crowd rushed towards the fallen
Tbo children of the city were rehearsing
for Children's day at the Congregational
church and that edifice was packed to Its ut.
most capacity with tbo little folks.
But two minutes before tbo cyclone struck
the building about 200 of the smaller chil
dren bad tluisbod their exercises and bad
Just gouo homo.
The church wn ralsod from its foundations
ns lightly as If it had boon an egg Bholl
and then crashed down with a dull thud
I > lUo the booming of n cannon in one mass of
ruins , burying about sixty children , to
gether with the pastor of the church and
T several tcachora. The children who had
W first loft tbo building ran screaming with
W terror to their homcn. Many were hurt by
I lying ( timbers , but so tar as known nonb
With willing bonds the fallen timbers
wcro removed from the ruins and it was
scarcely' thought that unv would bo got
out olive.
* All Italonsud from the Debris.
progressed rapidly , moa work
ing Vvith that energy lliat dnngo'r .nlono
brlniis , nnil soon nil were released from tholr ,
imprisonment. The timbors. in falling had
formed nn arch over the heads of tboso who
were in tbo building , and some were
uninjured. Nona of tbo injured have died.
Savon of the children are seriously injured ,
and it is feared that several cannot llvo but
a few hours.
CAJUHT.U , UUTH CHESSWKI.L and her llttlo
sister are among these most seriously in-
lured. Maud and Laura McMillan wcro
badly brulsod about the head and book and
tbo pastor , Hov. W. Stevenson , is seriously
injured , being burled under the church
organ , and it Is fourod ho Is hurt Internally.
Dan MoAlpIno , although u lad of some 8 or
0 years , was ono of the heroes of tbo hour.
Although seriously injured , ho was pulling
nway the rubbish and helping others out
when the people reached the ruins , when ho
fell over and It was found ho was badly cut
and Is now lying in a critical condition.
Another llttlo boy was caught up by the
wind nnd carried safely out ot the falling
Avails und * ot down on the ground some dls-
tnnco away , moro scared than hurt.
, Maud Crcsswell bns her face badly
Coined and her lower Jaw broken , and also
oAc log. Others have logs and arms broken ,
ana still others seem to to burt
internally. Tbo list of injured
numbers about fifty and as many
were carried homo at once It is Impossible
at this hour to got ttio exact number. Had
the cyclone .struck tbo church tlvo minutes
earlier ut least 250 would have boon burled
In tno ruins.
TIMU ran
Cncrcotlc Work l Jfucdml to1'ut tha 1'ro-
JoeCiirSnccenslul hlinpo.
GKAXD Isi.ASn , Nob. , Juno 3. I'o the Edi
tor of Tii | : BIK : Permit mo to most heartily
thank you for your tltnoly and appropriate
editorial on the subject of the Nebraska ox-
litbltni the World's fulr appearing In your
issue of Thursday of this weak. The com
mission fully rnullzos the necessity for onor-
KOtlo work from this tlmo honcofortb , and
deeply ret-rotn the fact that the appropria
tion wusnol suniclcntlylarpo to warrant con
tinuous nnd enorpotlo work from the
a tact , but the conditions were such
that ot necessity the funds hod to
be as carolullv husbanded as passible , nnd
tboro seemed to bo no other wav to save
thnn to itcop tbo commissioners off duty and
consequently off pay , but the ilmo bns comn
at lust when ncllvo work must bo douo or
the whole enterprise abandoned and the
tate disgraced in the eyes'of tno nation ,
The derision has been in favor of as oner-
getlu und persistent work ns possible upon a
systematic plan promising gr on test results
* OJllhlo from the amount of money ox-
jioivSctf , nrcl I fool coritldcnt thcro will bo no
rcnsoimblo grounds for complaint of any
look of cnnrgy In promoting the Intcroits of
V iho exhibit it ; the futuro. MET
i ConimissioDor Goncrnl Qarncau has np-
t pointed supoilutoudonts for tbo various do-
; partnii'ii's and has put them to work In their
: rosoeutlvo , lines , and each superintendent
* appointed Is ackiiQwlodged to bo a mun
\ Ihoroiicblv competent and enthusias
tically euurgeilc , peculiarntnoss tmvlngboon
tno eoleatm in making the selection , audit-
4 I.entirely aofo to say they will do good
AWork and render most valuable assistance
Yd thn commissioners and commission in gen
eral , and insure un oxhlblt from this stuto
wl.ich will not only bo a source of Just prldo
in every loyal citizen of the state , but nUa
tue mean * of vast Improvement in tbo wnvo
the material dovclopmout of Nebraska. '
It Is indeed tbo opportunity of a lifetime ,
nnd with the hearty Interest and co-opera-
tlon nf the peoolo nnd such assistance as Is
. . ntitolutoly necessary Nebraska will
t'il : < if > mtagoof the opportunity anil enjoy
lu . HID sure to follow from a proper
. < > i -if our wealth of natural resources
iff advantages In tbo way of soil ,
'ii'ttto aud clioan lands , certain to
u o troblo-ln valua In n very nhort
i i' lino. Development is all that Is
i , and a proper exhibit at the
vi ' 'ulr will do moro thnn any other
iit'i updblbiy could to hasten development.
Thu lOinmUsloa is In deep earnest in inviting -
viting every paper in this state And every
loyal clllzon of Mils state to loud huarty help
in putting Nebraska to the trout , und with
< ual help tbero can bo no such thins : as fail
ure. BETH 1' , MouLer ,
Alleged llurelar * .Captured ,
. NKUIUSKA CITY , Nob. , Juno 4. ( Special
Telegram to TUB HKR. ] Henry Castile and
o young man named McDonald were orrostnd
today charged with robbing Stroblo'a dry
foods store at Drownvlllo , and will bo held
tonwalt indentltlcatlon. Onicors loft this
city this afternoon for an Island flvo miles
down the river , where It is said the goods
are concealed with others concerned in
robbery on guard ,
Ono of the Oldest Institution * In the Stnto
In Trouble.
CBKTIUI. CITT , Neb. , Juno 4. [ Special
Telegram to TUB OBB. ] This community
was olectrlllrd this nftornoon by the closing
of the doors of the I'lntlo Vulloy bank. Mr.
D. Martin is the president and S. D. Storrett
cashier. It was supposed to bo ono of tha
solid banns of the state. It is alleged that
the cashier has boon trying to bear corn on
the Chicago Qnard of Trade , but oaa weather
has been against him aud it is said that ho
hns sunk all ho had and close totOO.OOOof the
bonK's money besides.
The bank oxamlnor has been telegraphed
for and It. will bo impossible to clvo
any doflnltn llguroi as to the condi
tion of the bank until ho comes , and
makes an examination. Mr. Martin Is con
sidered strong financially nslda from his
Interest In tbo bank and'as ho says bo will
do everything in bis power to proyont de
positors from loslrig , the fooling of "tho pub
lic is that the liabilities will bo paid m full.
The deposits run between tOO.UOJ and
$100,000 of which the county bus 831,000 ,
Mr. titarrott has kept In the shade today and
his version of. the story cannot bo glvou.
I'rcparlng lur the Itoaiilnn.
QIIAND ISLAND , iNob. , Juno 4. ( Special
Tolcgrarn to Tun BKK. ] At n mooting of the
reunion commlttoo tonight thcro wore pres
ent Chairman S. P. Mooloy , Secretary
Qoorgo Caldwell , C. F. Bentley , Harry Harrison
risen , George F. Ryan , Qoorgo of this
city and J. U. Moagnor of Columbus. It Is
considered early for outlining-tho program In
particular , out somti special features wcro
considered and will bo woruod for. Among
tbcso will bo at least two balloon ascensions
and partobuto doconslons. A commlttoo
also appointed to provide a flambeau club as
a special feature and a commlttoo was ap
pointed to neo that seating capacity will bo
provided about the speakers stand. The
comnnttoo adjourned to Saturday evening ,
Juno 20.
Injurud In n Ituiinvrny.
WCEPIXOVATEII , Nob. , Juno 4r ( Special
Telegram to TUB Br.n. ] Whllo W. H. Klrk-
endoll aud family were out driving this after
noon In a cart the horses became unmanage
able and tipped tbo vehicle ever , throwing
them out. Mrs. Ktrkaudall was seriously If
not fatally Injured. Sbo struck on her bead
and right hip and has not recovered con
sciousness. The child was thrown in the
mud a few yards , from the parents and es
caped injury.
Troops for Wyoming.
Four KOIUNSOX , Nob. , Juno 8. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The six troops of
tbo Ninth cavalry stationed bora are under
orders to.hold themselves In readiness for a
moment's notico. Major Isloy , Nlntb cav
alry , gooi In command , the oojcctivo point
being the crossing of the Powder river in
Uncovered u Ghottly Itollc.
NmniASKA CITT , Nob. , Juno' 4. [ Spoclal
Telegram to THE BEE.J Workmen engaged
In grading for the B. & M. in Jho southeast
ern part of the city jestorday unearthed the
skeleton of a woman. The remains wore
found at a depth of sixteen feet , apparently
in tbo bottom of an old cistern , anil were In
a fair state of preservation.
Cloned nil Interesting Session.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 4. [ Special Tolo-
pram to TUB BBC. ] The South Central Bap
tist Young People's union closed a very In
teresting session-tonight , which began .horo
yesterday. Delegates from all ever the
southern and central part of tbo state of
Nebraska were In attendance. .
Snow nml lliUn.
FonT ROBINSON , Neb. , Juno 4. [ Spoclal
Tcib-eram to TUB Bni : . ] Rain has boon fall
ing tbo past twenty-four hours Interspersed
With snow end hall. The rain fall regis
tered at post hospital was three Inches , when
the gauge ovorflo'wed.
1'olltloal Amilrs In That Country Not the
Smallest Imiicluablo.
\Coplirtdhtedtsa2hiiJiimtJ \ Qnrtlm Oennttl.\ \
VALPAUAISO. Chill ( via Ualveston Tex. ) ,
Juno 4. [ By Moxlcan Cable to the New
York Herald Spoclal 'to THE BEE. ] A
conference of ministers wao held In Santi
ago yesterday. Some members of the cabi
net wished to retain their folios until after
congress had made some move , but it was
11 n ally decided to present tbelr resignations
to the president. It Is thought that a new
cabinet will bo formed by a coalition of
both parties.
Tbo project for increasing taxation Is caus
ing much uncn&inoes among tbo commorclal
and laboring classes. It appears that Minis
ter Mott had boon deceived on tbo strength
of bis political party. A largo number of the
liberal party is opposing him.
Tbo nltrato producers ot Iquiquo have
ogroea to the terms of the proposed restric
tion of the output.
General Canto before leaving for Europe
says that the objoot of bis visit Is purely
military and in no sense political. Ho in
tends to visit the military establishments of
Franco , Germany , Austria and other coun
tries before returning to Chill.
Tbo Herald correspondent nt Montevideo
telegraphs that Colonel Hcrrcra , brother of
the president , has been arrustcd and put in
prison for writing a violent article against
the governor.
Tbo lioraldcorrospondcntat Buenos Ay res
telegraphs thatf Honor Terry has refused to
aocopt tbu portfolio at the minister of
Bandits are robbing the houses of the people
ple throughout the province.
Hold and Silver Imports for the Last
NEW YOKK , Juno 4. The exports of specie
from the port of Now York lost week
amounted tof J.UoS.lSl , of which 1,847G05
was gold and W 11,150 silver. Of the total
exports $1,500,000 gold and $50.3,700 silver
wont to Europe , and 147,505 irold and 78,450
silver wont to tbo West Indies and South
America. Tbo Imports of specie during the
week were f , ' > 0.i'.Hj ; , of which $4,200 was gold
and $10,195 silver.
Tbo steamer La Champagne which sailed
today took $300,00 gold couslanod to Havre ,
and the steamer1 Saalo took 11,000,000 gold to
Bremen. _
* T'iBKurt in jail.
UIICYENNC , Wyo. , Juno 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBS.J Frank D. Toggart
pleaded not guilty to the charge of being an
accessory to an attempt to commit murder.
Ho is the attorney who smuggled a six-
shooter Into the county Jail to Klnoh Mo-
Klnnov. The prosecuting attorney refused
to accept a plou pf guilty to tbo charge of
assisting a prisoner to escape , which would
Involve only a light sentence and a lino.
Taggart Is still in Jail , bavmg been uaablo to
secure ball.
Umhrulln Tritit ,
AUUNV , N. Y. , Juno 4. What Booms to bo
a combination of umbrella manufacturers
was Incorporated today under tbo naino of
ibo Umbrella company , with a capital of
W.OOO.OOJ. Tbo bunnoss is to bo transacted
and located In all states and territories of tbo
United Statoi and In foreign countries , with
principal oftlcos la Now York City.
l-iiuiillur ' Cruel Deed.
KBXSINQTOX , Pa. , Juuo 4. Dynamiters
early this morning blow up the bouso of J ,
1C. Turner , a Jeweler , killing Turner and
Emma bchofTor and seriously injuring
Turner's wlfo and two children , A POJJO is
bunting for the guilty persons.
llnnk Htutumeiit.
NKW YOKK , Juao 4. The bank state
ment shows tuo reserve has decreased
rjOU.000 and specie has increased &Q3.000.
Tbo banks now hold f . ' ! ,07i,000 , 111 oxccnn of
requirement * .
The earl and countots of Meath leave by
tba Ilurllngton tula afternoon ou tbolr Journey -
noy homeward to England.
Many Mombora of Parliament Will Aban
don the Oommoni for Good ,
Sketches ot Several Who Will do Out from
the 1'renfliit Homo Net or to Itcturn
ns MmnliBm llnnl Work
for I.lttlo I'ny ,
ICopurlaMeil 13J1 by Jama Gordii nsnne',11
LONDOV , Juno 4. [ Now York Herald
Cnblo Spoclal to TUB BEE. ! Here wo
members of Parliament are , at the oloso of
this llrst week of Juno , all under soutonco of
death. Some of us , perhaps a good many ,
may bo "called back , " but wo shall have lo
pass through the transition state , receiving
Judgment through the medium of the ballot
box. Some ot my friends on both Mil us of
the bouso will go Into the tight depressed
and norvoui. Some , tired of the wbolo
business , think It Is not 'good enough
to waste moro llfo In. ' There Is
no remarkable distinction tboso days in
being a tnomborof the House of Commons ,
Hero advantages are only to bo obtained by
these who understand how to push tholr
fortunes , without allowing modesty to stand
in tholr way , or who Uavo powerful influ
ence * to back them , up.
Fine Olil Kngllnh Cloittleiiitin.
A good many of the present number will
voluntarily rotlro from publlo Ufa. Lotus
take a glance at those. They are interest
ing llguros in tholr way. My oyorests ( first ,
upon a tall , thin , handsome old man , with
something in his aspect which instantly ar
rests attention wherever ono might moot
him. Ho looks like a rollo of days gene by ,
"a tlno old English gentleman , ono of tbo
olden time. " So In truth bo is. for is
blr Hatnald Knlghtloy , who was llrst elected
to Parliament forty-seven years ago. Ho
has kept bis scat ever since. For hundreds
of years past there hns usually boon a
Knlgluloy in Parliament , and always for the
same county Northampton. The Knight-
11 y's bavo bad their estates In that part
of the country slnco 1415. They had on an
cestor wnoso name Is recorded in Doomsday
Book , a thing which very few families In
Kncrland can boast of. The Knightlays sup
ported the puritan cause throughout the
civil war. Even now Sir Hainnkl causes it
to bo added to bis nnmo in the Parliamentary
Guldo that , though nominally u conservative ,
ho Is not pledged to any part ) * . It is said
tholr coat of arms , which Is hunc up in the
old hall In tbelr house at Fourloy , contain *
814 quarterlies. That I hope , Is dlfllclnnt to
satisfy the most exacting demand of proof of
good family of long decent
I never beard the present head of tho'fam
ily spook In the House of Commons. Ho
usually comes In. takes a corner soil and
glvos a silent vote. Ho Is ono of these men
who nro always to bo depended upon in an
emergency , who Is sure to run true and
straight , no matter who is crooked. Ono is
sorry to sco men like this disappear , for at
any rate they lend a picturesque touch to the
external aspect of our political lifo.
Homo Other AnclmitHinl Honorable * .
In the loboy a few days ngo I nearly ran
against a very old member of the House of
Commons. Mr. Charles Villlors , the real
nuttier of the free trade movement. Ho
began long before Mr. Cobden or Mr. Bright
were hoard of. His form is now bent and
nearly double , but ho comes to the house
whenever an Important division Is expected.
Ho is n liberal , but like many of the best ho
could not stand Mr. Gladstone's sudden sur
render to Mr. Parnoll. Ho Is exactly 00
years of ago and has been a member of Par
liament fifty-seven years.
Mr. Gladstone can beat that record , for became
came hero in 18'1'J. I am.told that Mr. VII-
llera does not- Intend to give politics upIn
spite of his advanced'aero , and , of course ,
there willl bo no opposition to him. The
English people never "go'baok" on an old
servant unless bo has taken extraordinary
pains to provoco them.
This pleasant looking elderly gentleman is
Sir H Selwyn Ibbotson. who has Jus received
a peerage , out will not take It up until Par
liament is dissolved. Ho has had twouty-
seven years' service and deserves to bo
transferred to the calmer atmosphere of
the House of Lords , and here is
mv excellent friend , Gcorgo Cubltt ,
who has been In Parliament thirty
two years , and for whom n peerage is also
said to be reserved. Ho Is the owner of a
beautiful property near Dorking known as
"Donboies. " Few trav.olors in Surry have
omittou to notice his house and the lovely
church which ho built close by it , on tbo top
of the hill above L'orklng. Ho is going , but
wo hone to welcome his son among us In the
801110 Jlopo for Howard.
It must bo romom bored that the great
shower of rewinds for services during the
present Parliament does not come
till the close of the last session ,
many are the fond expectations which nro
being cherished at this moment. Wo may
safelv say that a goodly proportion ot them
Is destined to bo disappointed and Lord
Salisbury knows well how to keep secrets of
this kind. Some new peers there must bo.
In accoraanco with established usage , and
tbo honor does not appear to bo loss coveted
because the radicals are threatening the
upper bouse with Immediate extinction.-
The members who nro going out of i > ubllo
llfo by their own cholco bavo all the best
bargain. At the present moment they are
not anxious about the election. Tboy will
look on with Lucrotlan calmness from the
shore upon us who are struggling In tbu
breakers. They are not going to lose , any
thing which Is prized very highly.
llavu .Highly I'uw Comforts.
The House of Commons work Is as a rule
desperately dull und dreary and moroovar
hard. A man is nuro to bo called upon to
serve upon various committees. That In
volves u great deal of labor with no reward
of any kind. A member of a commltto in
congress acquires influence and a certain
distinction oy his position. Not so boro.
Even In the arrangement * for pononal com
fort and convenience the House of Commons
cannot bo compared to congress. When any
thing occurs to bring together a full attend
ance wo are all Jammed up topethnr like boys
upon a form In school. Wo wear our hats if
wo like , but if wo take thorn off thora is no
place to put thorn , There is no room pro
vided for the papers which a speaker may
require to refer to and If ho wants u glass of
water bo must put It on tbo floor at his foot.
Before ho has advanced far in bis speech
ho bus generally kicked the class ovor.
Ho Is not allowed to read letters or news ca
pers lu the house , and if bo wants 19 write a
note bo must scribble on his kncos 111 pencil ,
The passages between the boncbos aro"so
narrow that any member who pa&sos you is
sure to tread ou your foot. If you should
chance to bo asleep for the time this process
will not improve your temper.
1'ovv Favors for LiuUet ,
It involves considerable trouble to cot
frlonds lute the gallery , and for ladles'
orders ono has to ballot \vooks before
hand. I bavo known a member
to ballot all through the sessions
and not succeed. Tbo dralnago of tbo place
In spite of nil tbo money that has boon socnt
upon it is very defective. The ovll smells
which fill tbo corridors and the lobbied In
wurm weather will remindona of the dirtiest
city on the continent. When once wo are
entered the products of the house wo cannot
got out again , unless wo llnd a member of
the onposlto party ' -to pair with. " You uro
always exceedingly doubtful whether you
will got homo to dlnuor.
It Issuppoiod that the bouso does not now
keep lalo hours , but at tbo boit
it must bo 1 o'clock in tbo morn
ing before a Jadnd member * can
bopo to reach homo. The cost of an election
in the first Instance Is seldom loss than jCUOO.
Sometime it inuy amount to more than
double that turn. There is afterward a con-
tlnual drain upon tbo purse of a mumDor for
local subscriptions , though some constituen
cies are very good to their representatives lu
thatronpoot , my own among thorn ,
Looked nt all around , I often wonder why
there should bo so muob competition fpr a
seat in Parliament Of course , o member
of Parliament is still somebody , Ho
has. access to Important source * of
Information from which tbo eouornl publlo
is excluded. If anything of moment is going
ou bo may easily place himself In tbo inldit
of It. There are time * when bo may honestly
feel be bu dona bis country a distinct
stirvlco by bis vote. But . ffHhe main the
garno ls hardly worth tHB jt-andto. The
prize , when you huvo wotf. at , is fAr loss
datzling than It looked uXom a aKtanco.
But that applies to all U'rtVr * as Solomon
and nttcr him Thitcrarar continually
preached unto us. , . . „ . _
A MF.MnnivpyaPAiiuUIKNT.
Wlf.ttAAt AND Ar lMlit. .
IlUMln'n Ilulor nnil * tjj KiiJ-'it ICmneror
Will Kxchnngo Qyyr vilct.
ICopurtjtitttl IK ) } by Ktto Vi * ultf > cJil / l { Vow. )
BKIIUX , Juno 4. Tbo cz t ) must ' bo highly
pleased with the manner IS/WK'lch / the plant
for the meeting between h ! raw It and tha emperor
poror were concealed until'ncy were upon
the ova of being realized. TnaoDlclal orpins
bore Insist that the propoiaYYbr the mooting
emanated from the czar , who wrote , suggestIng -
Ing that the Interview bo bold at Idol , giving
tbo short tlmo nt bis disposal ooforo ho re
turns to St , Petersburg as the raasou for his
not coming to Potsdam. A stronger reason ,
how-over , U his \votl grounded disllko to thn
railway Journey necessary to roach I'otsdiun
nnd the possible risk of nlhtllsv. outrages. Tbo
emperor will moot the czar off the port of
Kiel In the Imperial yncht.
Will Ilitvo No i'olltlrnlSlfciiillciiiicp.
Pains nro taken In ofllcml quarters to deny
that the Interview will have any polltlcn
character , but It Is generally bolluvcd the
day's cotivorsatlon between the omptrors
will do much to promote tuo friendly rela
tions of both empires. Honoris from relm-
bio sources state that she czar has moro than
once lately given proofs of his doslro to
avoid any action that woula bo likely to
cause irritation In Germany. It is
oven' stated that nttotnpU of Franco
to prevent any nutl-Gormani demonstrations
at the Nancy fetes are duo to Baron Mohron-
holtn , the Russian ambassador to Franco , ox-
prosslng to President Carnet the czar's
liopo that no demonstration would occur.
The fact that the Interview' happens on tno
* amo day as the Nancy fetes causes consid
erable remark , as whllo piUrlotio French
men will bo displaying tholr love for Russia ,
nnd probably reviling Germany , the two
emperors will bo quietly conferring to the
adnnnttwo of thotr mutual Interests.
The past week tins been ono of the hottest
oyor known hero. The mercury rose to 1)3 )
degrees in tbo shade at ttmos and It was
rarely below S > 0. '
I'lcitHcil the I.lttlo Qiicon.
All Berlin was present nt thn review of
the garrison before the queen regent of Hol
land. Queen Wllholmlnaw s not present at
the Berlin rovlovr , She witnessed the ro-
vlow at Potsdmn and clapped her bunds ns the crown prlnco , nttlrod In
the uniform of the First regiment of the foot
ghards , inarouod past with bis regiment ,
The queen recent appeared impressed with
the exceptional warmth of her reception
The Krouz Zoltungromarks that the queen
regent's visit has had a favorable ofToct In
'Holland ' , where the students have declined
to take part In tbo Nancy fetes in order not
to bo present in the ovcnt of anti-German
Hcrr Kroohs Is against the romouitlzatlon
of sllvol. Hobos declared , that the intro
duction of free coinage would load to a great
commercial crisis. America's dcslro for a
confnronco , ho said , a b.'from her false
Ununcial policy of saving up unsalable silver.
Instead of free coinage bringing to her the
control of , the world's monby..markot , as the
silver men imagined , Atndiica is in such a
fix that she Is obliged" .to , look for help
abroad. . j' ' %
Itefiiscil n CnthollQi Jiirlul.
The refusal of the CatlioUc authorities to
allow C.ithulto' burialj' to1' the remains
of Dr. von ForckonUoclt' burgomaster
of Berlin. Is ono oft the great
est blunders that could ; ' have been
committed nnd'wlll do thp Cathollo cause
Immense Injury. The provost of St. H.
Edwin church , the chlbrCAlhoHo chursh
of the city , trios to assume all' responsibility
for the action , but it is raollUniowu that this
decision was approved , . by. the highest
Catholto authority. , Th0 ° ITrolsinnlgo
Zoltuug states that Hprr Stock , president
of the municipal coup'd'il , 1io sticodcU from
the Catholic cburch'ns a prgtestaht against
whit he considers an act. of unjustifiable
Intolerance. Ills action pnjbablv Influenced
tbo lower house' of tb0 dlot , where
Catholici bavo been gaining , .for years ,
which rejected a motion' in favor of allowing
the return ot oxp'ellod Catholic orders ,
including the Jesuits.
The German sugar producers have ro
colvod overtures from tbo Austrian sugar
producers proposing the establishment of a
syndicate for iho sale of raw sugar to ope
rate nsramst. the American sugar trust. The
overture ? were favorably rocolvod. If they
are successful the French producers will bo
invited to co-operate.
Great Bills of Ktponso but a Comlort to
Patriotic llrltons.
[ Copj/rfoWcUS9-'bu Jama tf.ordin Rcnntlt. ]
L.oxnox , Juno 4. fNow York Herald
Cable Special to THE Brc. | The Naval
Annual , which has just boon Issued , glvos
some Interesting Qgurcs relative to tbo Brit
ish navy. Among other items which ought
to glvo the anil-naval taxpayers of America
a chance to reflect is the expenditure during
the prat seven years of 2,009,000 for now
ships. glanca at tbo books show.s what a
tremendous cost , nnd , incidentally , waste ,
the British navy Is to Vho nation. Warships
of Iho very latest designs became obsolete
bolero tboy navoevcn loft the building yards ,
while fabulous suras are spent annually in
rollttlng aud altering useless ships.
But generally the British navy shows up
vnrv well. England bus now ready for war
103 ships , Franco. 100 , and .Russia 57. Tbo
total displacement of the British lleot Is
roughly 12,000,000 tons ; of the French navy ,
500,000 , nnd of the Russian navy , 20,000. "
Sporting anil Thctttrlciil Talk.
M. Coquolln , the actor , loft today for Paris
in a most , dejected mood , after having exper
ienced ono of the most disastrous of failures
during the short engagement at the Theater
Comlquo. Tbo opposition of Mmo. Born-
bar dt at the Royal English opera house was
so strong that the eminent Frenchman was
obliged to play to empty benches until Ins
patlouco was exhausted , his engagement
came to an abrupt end.
Mr. A. A. Zlmrnorman of the Now York
Athlotloclub bus'gouo to Berlin , where lie
will rldo for the Gorman blcyclo champion-
rotcr Jackson returns to Amnrlca with
'Parson" Davloi. Hols not going to chal-
lunge Sulllvun , because the latter .bus stated
ho would ruHro from the rlhg after mooting
Corbott , but ho will send Uaylos to malio a
match with Oorbolt. S/aujJi / nud Jackson
will box live rounds touigtaow night and
Hall and Mitchell will Jnjigft at the sarao
placol , , ! j |
Horrcshoff's Boston tp / id a half rate
cutter , Winoah , wblch igyas built for
J. Allan of the Allan IJtie lasgow , galled
her maliion race In the Qtyftg today. Eight
Clyde crucus , all twp anjd .Quarter raters ,
started and the Wanoahwf * last ovur the
line. In reaching ncro3sl Joith"sho JooK
second plnco and 'in beating down tho-nvtr
wont well to windward , finishing first. In
the round she was two tnriujlcs iiohlnd tbo
loading yncit ) and four miWtw nhead Qt tbo
third. At iho finish thd A'tllatto won first
and the Wcnouh second mnxr Hho was two
minutes nnd sovcntocn BccnrlHk belimO ,
t TO t
This medicine for b.iliics prevents and
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
drugs , but by supplying the tecth-formSng
ingredients which arc lacking in inost
mothers' millc and nil artificial foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. ? i.oo a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
Unlvonlty-pruuurntory. ( KititblUhod IbTO. )
uilKUUO , ilJ.l.soiYOUIIK Ladloi ami
Children. 1'or further purlluularnuadium
TilcLouiMQ SCHOOL , 2J.JJ i-rulr.o Avo.UhlOi > KO
Healthful , Agreeable , Cleansing ,
Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc.
Removes aud Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
A Written Guarantee
SYPHILIS to Cure Kvory Caio or
Money Kofundod.
Our cut * Ii permanent and not np. CM I
treated Boron ream nzohiwoneTor BPOH it ijmptoni
tlneo. ) lrdescribing cao fullrwo cun tr t you br
mail , i il wo Rlro the rae strong Bunrniitoo to CUM
or refund nil money. Thosa nha prater to coma hero
f or treatment run do o an I wo will pir rallroul f ar
both wan * od hotel bllli nlille lioro , If wo fell to euro
W challenge the world for a cua that our Mnglo
Itemed ? will not euro. Write for particulars anl not
thQtTlilonce. la oursovon years practice with the
Maaloltemeily It 1ms boon most Jlillcult to orerooruo
tbo prejudices nRMnat socnllnd apeclflci. Hut under
our strong fuirnnloo thousands are trying Itand beIng
Ing cured. Wogunrantoo to curd or rotund every
dollarand as wo bare n reputation to protect , also
financial bucking ofKOOOJlt ) 19 perfectly info lo nit
who nil ! try tbo treatment. Heretofore ) you bare
pulling up nnd paying out your ruonoy for dltraroot
treatments , nml nUhounh you are not yet euro ! no
ono has paid back your raonoy. Wo will positively
euro you , Old , chronic , deep seatal cilia * cured lad )
toOJdays. InveJtlxato' financial lUnlln ? , our
reputation as bu lncsi men.Vrlto us for naraoi nn 1
adUrcdosnf those wo have cured who hava given
pennliAlonto refer lo them , H cosu you only .post *
getodo tbls. If your symptoms are sere throat ,
mucous pitches In mouth , rheumatism In bones and
joints , hair falling out ' , eruptions on any part of tbo
body , ftfllnnotKona'ral iloprostlon , pains la heal or
bones. Tou have no tlmo to waste. Tbose who are
constantly taking mercury and potash , should Jlf
continue It. Constant use of these drugs will surely
brine sores and eating ulcers In tbo end. Dou't fall to
write. All correspondence sent scaled In plain en
velope. Wo InvUo tliemost rlKl.l tnvoitlgatlou and
wllliloall lu our poncrto aUyoulnlt. Address ,
COOK REMEDY CO. . - Omaha. Neb
A. troman's afm
is to look her bc t
but sho'll never
roach it without
perfect hon 1th.
For perfect
health , tnlto Dr.
Pierces Fiivorito
Prescription. All
the functional Ir-
ropulnritica nndvenltiiesso' ? that niako llfo
miserable to women , nro cured by it. It'a n
powerful , invigorating tonic , nnd n soothing
and strengthening ncrvino purely vege
table , perfectly harmless. For ulcerations ,
displacements , bearing-down bcnsatloiw , un
natural discharges everything that's know n
as n "fcrnalo complaint" it's a positive
It's the only ono that's guaranteed tpgivo
satisfaction in every case. It costs you "noth
ing , unless it helps you. You can nQ'ord to
try it , on these terms. " Con you afford to
neglect it ?
A remedy that docs enrols ono that can bo
guarantceiL That's what the proprietors of
" Favorite Prescription " think. If it fails to
benefit or cure , in any , case for which it'a
recommended , they'll refund the money. No
other medicine for women is sold on such
liberal terms.
In the day tlmo |
attor a good |
night's sloop , !
thoro's IndlgeB-
tlon and stomach
K38I I O by remoYliiK the waste J
B * IBabO matter which Is cldg- ,
Ing tbo oystom , will ruro nil IIIUniiH <
and Nervous Disorder * , and nlllj
qalekljr reHere Kick llondaclic. <
Covered with a Tatlcleii and Soluble Coaling. !
Ot all druggists. Price 25 cents a bos. fc
Mew York Depot , 38. Conal St. r
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are mod In the
preparation of
tfftlch it
piiro and tolnbte ,
the strength ol Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowrout or
ujari ali , ar Were eco-
noailcal , coitlmj lest than one cent a cup.
It Is delicious , nourishing , and KA.SILY
SoM by Urocera eterjirlicre.
W. BAILEE &CODoi-cheiter , Macs.
for Bomo Uma troubled .
anobstianto BASHorHUMOK , that
upraul over my fuco nnd brenbt. I con-
Bulled iiliy.slcluns , aud used many rcinc-
dies without > \ euro. At tlm suggestion
of a friend I used Bwlft's Spccltlc , which
completely cured me. Tills was two ycnra
ago. nnd I Imvo had no return of the trou
ble. E. II. WELM. Chesterfield , Vn.
8. 8. 8. Is the safest and best remedy
for all troubles of the Blood und Skin. It
cures by removing the cause , and at the
tame time builds up the general health.
Bead for our Treatise , mailed free.
mVIFT Bl'KCllflO CO. , Atlanta , tit-
And the OUI3ATHHT OK AM , Pnrco-Oommly CVnimnles In the KUNXlHS'l * OK
Aljlj I'lirolual Kntcrtiilnincnt' * .
Hess and Hoss.
Undrr the Ma'iagomont ofV. . (1. ( Snivtli.
p " A Till A IIKVY ? NKW or SUNOS. puni'TV niui.s. F
' , . .
u roi.uiKica OWN iciiNTiuollinA : ) : FN
-aiM-.SS A NUMItKlt. "
, \ DUM.AK roitrv. "
N Features : TIIK Tin : UKKMA 110WKUY H HAND. HAM * N
rn TI
German South Omalia Tug of War Team and
tlie Omaha Swedish Tug of War Team ,
For $1OOO Purse and Gate Receipts , at . . . , .
ADMISSION , 50c AND 25c.
DON. wur. F. CODV.
"KulTalo Bill. "
ni nro fnjnillarvith the fnmotQ
"DulTalo IJIU'fl" wonderful wild west show.
1'rior to his vonturu abroad , Mr. Cody exhib
ited nt Staten Island , in Now York Hnrbor ,
whcro lie bccama aflllctud with Mahirln.
Knowing tlni virtues of Kickapoo Indian
Sapv.i , ftfr. yoJy scut , to the agents for thla
wonderful Indian remedy , and nftcr using a
few bottles was permanently cured.
"It U.a remarkable medicine , " said. Mr.
Cody , "and I have known of its virtues a
long tlmo. You may use my name and say
that for what It clnlms to do it has no'ciiiuf ,
nnd for malaria nnd chills it is far supoiioi
to quinine- many ways. "
This , from the leading plainsman In Amer
ican history , n man whoso integrity Is un
questioned , should prove beyond n shadow
of doubt tlmt Kickapoo Indian Sngwn Is just
what Is claimed for It : nn honest inotllcino ol
superior curative qualities , combining the
best of the vegetable kingdom gathered
froai the forests aud es-rJcus of nature.
Unlike fc Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Otter Chemicals
arc used in tha
preparation of
ifast Cocoa ,
which is absolutely pure
arid soluble ,
It has more than three times the strength
of Cocoa mixed witli Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is far more economical ,
costing less than one cent a cuj > . It
is delicious , nourishing , and i ; A SILT
Sold by Crocprs over/where.
W. Baker & Go , , Dorchester , Mass.
The Original anil Genuine
Imparts tlio moot delicious taito and test
EXT11AOT riOUl'M ,
TLEMAN ttt Mad.
ra - , to IiU brotlinr VI KH ,
May , 16CL cer.D'
LEA h railtl.NB'
that Uiclr tauco la
hlnlily oitoomcrt la
India , end U In niy
npialon , iho moat
palatable , an neil
aa Ilia niMt ultcttk
come itituco that U
luade. " See.
Beware of Imitations ;
" * - " nrntmr"-V
r i\ \ i i -
BOO that you get Lea & PeiriiiB1
Blgnitaro on every bottle of Orlidna' & Oonulna
. . . .
UM.M.W. itEiaia m'.itv a Ami llllAI ? ! TUUAT *
MK.ST. a vedao fur llnturls. HlulnBii , Kill , Nau
ralgla , J/onlnclio , '
Norvom l'ro iratoi ; CAUtoi t > /
nloonuor | tobacco , Wakufulnuit , .Mentill J > < | Dra > '
lun , rioltuonof lUu Uralii.C4Utliuluiunltr , ml 9rr ,
dvotr.dealli , rramituro UU Ace. llarrjimi. Jmi
of I'oiter la clllmr 9i , Impitler.or. liuuonrrboa ai > I
all F m l WuaknoiiM , InnuluiiUrr J < u i , Kinr
uialorrlie * fame I ( > r orufeiorllan of ttij brain
holf'HUUniOfOr-liidtill.1'uco. A uiontb'i IraatuDii
II,6 Jor . br mail , WvituarantoaiU buiui toaurj
K cb order rorilbcuoi. wltli H will r ui | nrlttti
cuaraotidto r ( uo'l If not cur 4 lluarante * Ui-i 11
onlr lr * tchrulrr , itru sl l. ole aifonl. mulUjuj
cotutr Itlb a 4 Vatuttu Hi , OuiUa.
Spoclal Iteturn KupnKoniPiit otthnt Hlchly Sue-
cossnu .Minstrel t-arco
. foinouy.
I'rcBontfd by the Combined Torcesot
Gco. Thntuhor ,
Htiirhoy Doiiffhorty
Hurt Shepard ,
Job n Coloinnn ,
' Hd Marble
Thatcher's U. J. Jose ,
Rtiymoa Moore ,
II. W. Frilltnun ,
Thos. Lewis ,
Minstrels A. .T. Powers ,
W. J. Powot-8 ,
Dox. Cruogor ,
J. H. Powers.
Ida Fltzhugli ,
Mninio Gjlroy ,
Ginco Huniilton ,
Blsinuho Htiydon ,
Alice Trudollo ,
Curinno Cook ,
Edilh Hull. '
Gcorgo W. Loxvis.
G. W. ,
C. B. Whoolcp.
Harry Avory. Comedy Co
Frank Kile worth ,
Ed Royco.
Under the MuiuiKiinont of Henry J. Sayors.
Farnam Street Thsatsr 1 > 0iWJia
btinilny niHtliii-u nml nl lil. Mondnv , Tueailur ,
Friday , Mntiinliy.
- IN -
40 - SINGERS 40
O.V7 ,
17 ll K , JiilioU.
H 1
Minstrels ,
Under tlio 1'nmonnl Dlrccllunuf .1.11. IIAVKHI.V.
WAU KOOTK , ManiiKor.
rniii 1'iNKsr sitfii JUCST jiiff.tTitKi , uit-
< l.l\JZ.lTIOfl.\ WtHll.l ) .
Dlrci-t irniuitSlv Alcmlln' linn at llitiurl } ' !
Ciiilni ) , Chlriiifii.
, KOTK Atilii'eluck'lliiirii'lujr iiltnriiooii Ilivorly'i
.Mlnmiuln wlllKlvuu friiii iipi < fi nlr I'linvcrt at HKI
; iirtliwi' t oiirnor of I'.uli nnil riiriiiini ulruulii , til
tvlilcli tlm pulillo urn Invltuil. lluvurly Muntoilon
miiku no itrvut purmla.
Week of June 6.
in a Bar
ThoareatMorilTc-mpo uico Drama
f.r iho Family Oi olo.
BAM ATI vo , " th
Wonderful Hpantili
Itrnieilx , It told vrllli a
Written Guarantee ;
tocuia nil Nciroui till-
nan , aucli u Wrak
Memory , I u ol Ilrala
1'uwer. Iloadaclie ,
Walcerulncfi , l.wi t M an.
liooil , Kf rxrtuneM , Jjii-
iltude , all diulnt ou4
of I jwrr of lti
Oruani In
. i rltlicr aex. cauuil by
oiH-nntlun , youthful Inillncrftloii * , iir ln > KCMV |
. opium , or * tfimiluiili , nhlili
jiiul tu liillriiilty. OHHUJII.IM | | | mid Iiituullr. I'm up
In i.oliveiiknl form t'i uirrv In Ihuvril lunkit. 1'ilM
II u j'Ufknti' . nt 0 fur ii.vllh crrry ( i uidrr wo Kin a
written auurniitoo to cure or rufunu tha
inonur. Hiiitlimull tu nnjraildrrM. C'lanlur ftw
In ) luln eiitvloj'C. > ltnllon this | mi'vr. AdJrvu ,
VADillD CHEMICAL CO. . llroncli OPlc.foi U.B.A.
3MI > onll-.rnSlrcit. CIIICAOO. II.U
Knhr & Co. , Car 1Mb A DauulM BU.
JA fuller A Co. . Cof lltb 4 DouuluBt *