Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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EclhtTtd ty Carrier to any part of the City
tlun'ncM Office No 41
irirf , Ft'iinvvsJ .
TFlF.IIIOsFh'NRlt | | | jailor No 23
N Y. Plumbing Co.
( 'ouncll Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's cbattcl loans.'CCH Sappblocfc.
A mnrrlngo license bos boon .Issued to
Preston E. Clinch , colored , nnd Pfiulmo
Ebroman , white. * Both parties are from
The regular monthly mooting of the Potta-
wattaimo County Fruit Growers nnd Gard
eners association Is postponed until further
Mrs. Davis and her band of mission
worker * will hold a mooting this evening at
the Union Christian mission on Upper
11 roadway.
William Haph , who Ims been living on4
George I/1. Wright's farm , onst of the city ,
lias dlsnpncaretl nnd his friend * have been
unable to llnd any clew nto his where-
Htchotah Council Mo 3 , Degree of Poco-
liontai , will moot this evening In regular
council In the wigwam or tno Hod Men ,
corner of Droadwuy nnd Mam street , at the
eighth run.
Articles of Incorporation have been lllod
with the county recorder ny the First Frco
Mothodlit church of this city. The trustees
* ro II. W. Lowory. D. C. iCddy. O. H. An-
tone. A. J. Fairbanks and T. II. Allen.
A stipulation was lllod yesterday in the
tllvorco suit of L , UaraUa ngultm Mnry
Bnrndtx by which the defendant withdraws
her answer , confesses that she has no do-
fcnsonnd'withdraws the appearance of her
attmncys for her.
About fifteen members of Fidelity Council ,
Hoynl Arranumcnt to South Omnhti
'ihursduy night to witness the Itistallntlon of
a now council with thirty motnuera that has
Just been orgnnircd there. At the close of
the exorcises n banquet was served.
Judge Decmor rendered n decree yesterday
In the case of D. E. Wheeler against John II.
1'lumer , treasurer of Poltawattamlo county ,
nnd othcrx , enjoining the defendant fiom
collecting special grading taxes for I ho years
IbS. * . , 1SST , liiOl and 1SIU against three lots m
Hyatt's subdivision.
Kddla Carter , the 7-year-old boy who fell
through a trap door at tbo Welr-Shugurt
\\arcbouso last Tuesday evening and has
been lying at the point of death over slnco
from a fractured skull , died yesterday morn
ing at 101-15 o'clock. The iunoral will occur
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock ' nt the resi
lience of bis parents , 1421 High street.
County Auditor Ilondrlcxs has compiled
the reports of assessors from the various
townships of Pottawattamio county , on per
sonal property. The total assessed valuation
is { 3lGut > SO. Tbo assessed vnluo of vehicles
ls'f4. > , lHir . merchandise $ .1S. > ,4)7 : ) , moneys and
credits $215,070 , furniture $ ii",977. The num
ber of acres exempt by reason of planting of
foicst trees 1M24X. fruit trees 804 . The
total value of exemptions Is f31r > ( JO. The
assessors report 3,0.12 dogs in the county , of
which 2,723 are mnlo does This Includes the
canines of the Bluffs.
B. J. Donngbuo appeared in police court
yesterday morning In a state that apparently
bordered on the delirium tromens. The
peculiarity of the case was that ho had just
Jlnlshcd a course of treatment nt a Jag-cure
establishment , and had purchased a ticket
foi Dakota. Ho started for his now homo
ever , and ho knew nothing rooro until ho was
inundcd up by the police charged with belnij
drunk. Ho stated that ho had not the
Eliphtcst appotlto for liquor , but somehow
while under the Influence of the opium in the
asthma cure ho had managed to get aboard a
largo load. When ho explained his case to
the court ho was discharged and wont on bis
way to Dakota.
_ _ aw *
At the Ilostnn Start- , Council nluffr , In.
Our Now York buyer having pur-
chiieed n , manufacturer's stock of 150
lo/en children's nnd misses'
< / straw lints
at 2Cc on the dollar , wo will put thorn on
sale todny at prices that will readily
clcur thorn. "Seo show window. " They
rnngo in price from lOc to G2e { Now is
a cliunco to got a straw hut at a nom
inal cost.
FoTiiEiuxaiiAM , WJIITULAW & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Davis sells reliable paints and drugs.
Ogden house furnishes board nnd
room nt popular prices ; from $25.00 to
135.00 per month , according to room.
Jurvis 1877 brandy , highest tost.
I'EKSOXAT l-AHAUIl.ll'118.
MUs Male Chapman of Colorado is in the
city visiting friends.
Mrs. A. A. Hall nuJ daughter of Grinnoll
MO the guests of , Mrs. P. J. Monteomory.
Miss Cera Mason has gona to Missouri
Valley to spend throe weeks visiting
The ladies of the first Baptist church gave
n social Thursday night , at which ubout $70
was cleared.
Edward P. Schoontgon returned yesterday
from Boston , where be has spent the past
year at college.
I. M. Troynor nnd n. J. Clancoy leave to
day for Minneapolis to attend the republican
national convention.
A. T. Fllcklngor has cone to Minneapolis.
Before returning ho will take a few weeks'
trip to Hpokano falls , Wash. , unn other
western points.
harry Inmnn leaves to day for Chicago.
Ho has secured a position selling pools for
the Western Pool association at the various
race courses over the country.
13. U. Whlttlojoy , who wiis mentioned in a
RRK telegram yesterday from Gu'.hrlo , Ottl. .
as making n heroic llcht against n band of
train robbers , Is well known In this city ,
ho liavlnu- formerly Hvml hero. Ho Is a
brother of U. N. WhittloHoy of the Olobo.
Mm. rfelner'H Millinery imi : > nrlumi
Are hcndquurturs for huts , bonnets and
ovary thin ir In the line of millinery , nnd
on Juno 1 nnd nftor wo will soil all lints ,
InlCBt styles , nt nnd below cost. C.tll
nnd bo convinced. No trouble to show
goods. Children's nnd bnblos' lints nil
puces. Sale includes both stores , 202
nnd ! )41 ) Broudwtiy.
Chapman discounts every dealer on
Burccn doors and windows. See him
before you plueo your orders. 10 Drvant
tttrcot ,
Jurvls 1877 brandy , bettor than linu'd.
Thrco , liirlfn at Work.
All day jestorJny the attorneys In ilio case
of the Citizens State bank against the Union
t'ncltla llnllwuy company and others , bur-
rangucd the Jury In the library room at the
court house , and at the hour of adjournment
the case was given to the Jury.
' 1 ho trial of the cuso of ito state against
James Hat ns occupied tno fero part of tbo
iliiv. Hurrlti la charged with stealing n $30
gold watch chain from U < B. Jucquomin's
Jewelry lore , In company with n mini named
l''ux ThU co o wus glvon to I ho
Jury early * in the afternoon. All
iho icfunif jurvmen were then out ,
uud thci kherllt un.l ull hU deputies
\\cro ent out line the nigh vuya 10 bold men
up und mnuu them came In nnd decide who
\\ciOLTlitiiniiUuud who were not ut i'J u
( tax. Thcro wus n grime , cxouus ontuoiiirt
of ( oiiiu of tli oii > who wore not looking for a
job ot that kind , but the sheriff cornered
( iiough to miiku up Iho tvou dozen , and the
trial of Ut-orgu Andeitnn uud Ueorgo Wclli ,
charged with lobbing thu residence of 1'oJt-
matter I. M. Treynor lust winter , wn coin-
itioni'ud , Auderhou Is suld by tuo authorities
to Im the inun who served a term in thu ponl-
tunllary Inr breaking Icto the unto of the
Metropolitan hotel. Ho guvo hU uurne as
Jobu Mill attuattlmo.
Jurvla 1877 brundy , sold by all dealer *
Commencement Exorcises at the High
School Broporlj Observed.
TlorM Otrcrlngi-Snltlccts of the
Yiulnu * i : > * njrn An Intorcntlnp 1'ro-
Crnin Succmsfully Itendcrrd No
Jlopo for \V 31. Jnnci ,
Lost evening the commencement exorcises
of the High school occurred in the opera
jotiso , which was Hllod to overflowing with
the friends of the graduates. Shortly after
3 o'clock tbo curtain arose nnd displayed a
combination of fcinlnlno and tloral
beauty , the arrangement of which had evi
dently been planned with artistic oyo.
The platform was decorated wllh cut
flowers , palms and other tropical plants ,
whlio above the class and at the roar ot the
stage hung the motto of the class , "Nou slbl ,
scd pntrliu. "
After an Invocation by Ilov. Q. W. Crofts
and a musical selection by linns Albert's
orchestra Miss May Uotts delivered u
oration on "How to Succeed In Life. "
Hho held that effort lies at the bottom of
success and that iho humblest endeavor is
worth n thousand aspiration. .
Miss Mntilo A. ( Jiurk followed In avoll
prepared oration on "Silent Forces. " The
speaker wus u trillo ucivous at first , out alter
tbo nervousness had worn off she
handled her subject In a very interesting
Miss Sadlo A. Davis' subject was "A
Noble Life , Count Leo Tolstoi , " nnd oho
traced the interesting literary IIfo of this
ecLontrltc but gifted man In a discriminating
"Antiquated Maidens" was the subject
chosen by Miss Annie do Groatinml she
bundled this apparently uncaptlvailng sub
jcet In a very captivating manner , giving the
young men in thonudicnco to understand
tbnt tlio members of the cluss welcomed tha
prospect of being old maids , In a way that
led the casual obsotvor to.believe thai the
speaker nnd her companions were mattl-
moniully provided for.
MUs Helen M. Donuhoy road a well writ
ten poem on "Masters of the Situation , "
after which n class sketch ( after Colsor ) was
presented by Alias Hello Fletcher , In which
the trials and tribulations ot the school Ufa
of the class of UU were depicted in graphic
tnougb antiquated language.
A song entitled "i'ho Little Shaking
Quakers , " by a number of Iho pupils of Ihc
High school , was quite atiovclCy und brought
down iho house , it received an oncoro. Miss
llattlo Uronowcg then delivered an excellent
oration on "Man , a Nautilus. "
MUs Nellie Hcpfora gave her Idea as to
what Is n practical education. She consid
ered the two main points to bo looked after
by ono who wishes a practical education , the
building up of a strong moral character and
the training of the mind to think accurately
and continually. Tbo mun who can earn an
honest living , who places purity before all
things else and who has learned the secret
of utilising his , ntnd to tbo best advantage
has attained a practical education.
After a violin solo by Hans Albert , a
"Faust Faittaslc , " there was a discussion
on the question , "Should the president bo
elected by direct popular vote' ' " the afllrm-
alive being argued by Bertie U Marsh , ana
the negative by Frances E. Munsllold.
"A Social Question" was Miss Allco Nel
son's subject , which she treated In an inter
esting manner.
Au excellent oration was that of Miss
Kutlo M. bhopler on "Crowding In nnd
Crowding Out , " and her delivery was very
Charles W. Wnlto. the only centleman in
tha class , closed tbo program wllh a stirring
oration on "Patriotism. "
AU through iho exercises ihoro was one
notable foatuio , and that was tbo almost cm-
tire absence ot morbid sontimcatalism which
so often creeps into graduating orations and
mars the pleasure of the audience. Without
an exception the orations presented a com
mon sense view of things , and In this way
bore record to the excellent Instruction the
members of the class have received during
their years of school training.
After another selection by the orchestra
the graduates were presented with their
diplomas by Superintendent Sawyer In a
pleasing address . and the evening's enter
tainment closed with the singing of tbo class
Roltor , thottillor , 310 Broadway , has
all the latest styles and newest goods.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Jnrvis 1877 brandy six gold modals.
W. H. Gray , the Hotnl Gordon chef
IB the pontloman who prepared the
Grand banquet.
Jnrvis Wine Co. , Santa Clara , 'CaL
Patronize blue ice wngonsfor Mo. river
channel ice. Mulhollund & Co. Tel. 102.
Dr. Soybcrt bad tbo pleasure last night of
shooting a couple of times at a brace of
burglars who were In tbo net of robbing the
residence of W. H. Olemapuor nt l'J9 South
Eighth street. The doctor was on his way
to the Woman's Christian association hos
pital , accompanied by C. C. Jones and
H. A. Adams , the Sandwich gontlo-
raon and when they were oassfn ?
the Oleraachor residence they naw two
fellows Jump from one of the windows and
start to run awav.i Soybort culled to them ,
but they did not answer or stop running and
realizing that they were burglars ho endeav
ored to atop them with cold load. Neither
shots took effect as fat as couU bo learned.
Mr. Olomachor and his family were away
from home during the evening nnd when
they returned they found tbo homo had boon
thoroughly ransacked and several ar
ticles of small value taken , includ
ing two razors. Ttjo pollco were notl-
ilod of the burglary by telephone and an
an ofllccr was dispatched to the sccno and
made a search of the neighborhood In the
bopo that ono of Soybert's bullets had taken
effect nnd that , a wounded burglar might bo
discovered. The soaich , however , was vulu
Tlio liulioB of Trinity church will servo
lint dinner und supper in Masonic torn-
plo , Saturday * Juno 4.
Pastures for horses and cattle on
Goorpo F. Wrlght't ) farm south of Coun
cil UlulTs : COO noroa blue crass ; running
water. For terms apply to James Raph
at furin IIOUBQ opposite Wubash lound
house , or addtossF. P.Wright , Bald
win block.
International Cure association rooms
are In annex to Grand hotel , o20 First
avenue , Council BIulTa , In. For euro of
alcohol and opium disease.
Mo llnin for
The friends ofV. . M. Jones , who have
been hoping fur his recovery , were shocked
yesterday afternoon toloarn that UP bad Buf
fered a sudden rclnpie and was much worse.
All ovo/ilng his pnyslcmns wflro bv his bedside -
side , dolnis everything that could'bo done to
prolong his life , hut nt II o'clock they stated
that thoto was no bopo whatever for his recovery -
covery , nnd that In all probability uu would
not hold out until morning ,
Trains leave for Mitnawa at 0 , 11. 1 , 2.
3 , ! , 5. 0 , 7 and 8 o'clock.
Jnrvis wines the oldest and best.
Strawberry short ciuco nt Masonic
toinplo , Saturday , Juno 4.
Have you seen the wonderful Ilurd
rofrlcorntoiB , tbo newest ana best out ;
the gonlno Now Process and Quick Meal
vanor atovos light llko gas absolutely
safe. At Cole & Colo's , 41 Muln btroot.
the Ju > | UTtor.
Lamplioro & Kenned v have commenced a
suit for f'J'J damage * against M.Velkor \ In
Juutice Hammer's court. The suit U tbo ro
suit of the encounter a South Omaha man
had with Moat Inspector Welkor a few days
OKO wheu Welker poured coj ] oil over a oeof
carcass wblrh had been offered for sale nt a
Ilroadwav meat market. Ed Molt , S. T. MeA -
A tee and C. W. Spctmnn , Wclkor's bonds
men , are made defendants to tha suit. The
plaintiffs claim that tholr meat was nil right ,
nnd tnat oven It It bad not bion tbo moat inspector
specter would have had no right to mane It
any worse than tt was. The case will bo the
first ono of the kind slnco the moat Inspector
was appointed , and will bo of considerable
Interest. The trial will take place next
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , host
A l.lno or Hiircnlns.
Wo are headquarters for lawn mowers ,
refrigerators , gasollno stoves nnd bicy
cles. The Hercules lawn mower cuts
grass a foot high. A 12 , 14 or 10-inch
lawn mower for only $5.00. Ga olino
stoves S.'i.OO to $8.00. Most cotnploto line
of bicycles In tlio city.
11 South Main street.
Dr. Chamberlain , eye , oar , throat ,
catarrh. Shugart block , Council Bluffs ,
t'lrcnipn'n Tntirimnicnt.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
allway will soil ttok'ots to Atlantic .and
return tine faro for the round trip.
Special train Wednesday , Juno 8 , loaves
local depot , Main street , 7:110 : n , m. Ro-
turnlng loaves Atlantic 8 p. m. Tickets
on sale nl olty olllco , 10 Pearl street , and
local depot.
A. T. EMVKI.L , City Ticket Apcnu
. H03IK 1'KUaUXA.T Ul'lNlUXS.
Vnrloiio Lenders KxprcnK Tlirnmolvrs Con.
ccrnliiR tlio 1'robnlilo Outcome. , Mlnn. , Juno 3. Miles Kohoo ,
an Illinois doltgatc-at-largc , and an office
holder , Is for Harrison and boltovcs that at
least forty-four of the forty-eight doloeatos
from his state will bo with him , supporting
the president. He says ho likes Ultimo , but
fccis that It would bo dishonorable for Dlalno
to accept. *
Chauncoy I. Flllcy of St. Louts , delegate-
at-largc , said bo believed his delegation
would obey Its instructions and vote for Hur-
rlson , nt least on the tlrst ballot. Ho thought ,
however , Missouri would cast two-thirds of
its vote for Blame with Hnrnson out ot the
way , but beyond that ho made no predic
tions. ,
H. R. Sluel of Indmnap'jlls , n delegate
from the Indianapolli district nnd ono of the
Harrison delegates , had considerable to suy
about tbo situation fron his point of view.
"We are now satisfied , " said he , "that wo
liavo a majority of the national committee
and can control the temporary organization
if wo should wish to do so , which wo do not.
Wo do not consider that that cuts much of a
llguro with the main question. Wo are get
ting not only the doubtful delegates , or those
so considered , but have had a number that
were elected as delegates | and supposed to bo
against Harrison come into our .headquarters
and say they wanted to join the Harrison
forces. "
Senator Fclton of California said : "I urn
not for Blalnc. I do not want things to get
so hot hero , though , that the horse wo bet on
will bo badly handicapped at the start.1
It has been said that Fclton would second
Harrison's nomination on behalf of Califor
nia , but the senator states that ho was in
vited to do so but bas dcclluoa the honor.
South Unkotn All Itlght.
When interrogated as to his views Gov
ernor Mcllotto of South Dacota answered
tho'qucry by a question of his own. Said ho :
"Is It logic to turn down a man vbo boat
G rover Cleveland when the patronage of the
government wus against him and put up u
man Who was beaten by Orover Cleveland
when the republicans had the patronage ? "
and ho Immediately added : "It is well to
remember that if Blaine is nominated Cleve
land is sure to bo nominated ou the other
Colonel H. Clay Evans , a dologate-nt-Iargo
from Tennessee , discredits iho report of a
stampcdo to Blaine in the Tennc&ioo delega
tion. " 1 am for Harrison , " said he , "and 1
think our delegation is solid for htm with
ono exception. John C. Houeu is understood
to be for Blaine , but I behevo the remaining
twcnty-throo votes wjll bb for Harrison. "
Colonel Jamas Lewis of Mow Orleans , the
colored veteran of Louisiana , gave similar ,
tidings from the sugar state. "With two
exceptions , " said he , "our entire delegation
will bo for Harrison. They were Instructed
or him and thov will follow their instrue-
lons. Even William Pitt ICcllogg's convor.-
ion Instructed htm for Harrixoo , although
ho says ho will vote for Blaiue. "
Colonel W. O. Bradley of Kentucky ,
national commlttooman and a dolegato-at-
largo , said : "Kentucky Is for Harrison. Wo
have twoutv-six delegates and every district
convention except two instructed for Har
rison. Blaine may get thcso two districts.
but I don't think bo can posstbly got any
more. "
Soimtor lllscnck of Now York Tulles.
Senator Fran U Htscock of Now Yolk , n
dclegato-at-largo , does not ngrco with J.
Sloat Fassott , us his views , given with great
deliberation , will show. "I am for ho nom
ination of HarrUon. In my judgment tbo
republican party should have bad but ono
candidate before this convention , Mr. Blaine
thought so and tbo president thought so ,
and Mr. Blaine declined to bo a candidate
for reasons which were very satisfactory to
him and which would huvo been satisfactory
to every one else. The delegates huvo 'been
elected with the understanding that ho' was
not m the light. Mr. Blaine has never Indi
cated any change of his purpose and it would
bo unfortunate at this late day to change the
policy adopted by him very unfortunate In
deed. I have always been n supporter of
Mr. Blaine , as have ninny others.
"As to how the vote of fsow York will bo
divided , I do not doslro to make any predic
tions. The other delegates will bo bore to
speak for themselves In a day ot two. "
Gtmnlml In Ills Opinion.
Hon. J. C. Burrows , the distinguished
Michigan congressman , expressed himself
tersely , but carefully : "lam for the man
who ran carry the election , " said ho. " 1
think every man should coma hero with the
view of bringing his best thought and best
judgment to the consideration of ono ques
tion who can carry the country and bring
success to the republican party ? nnd tbo
man who comes hero for ono individual , re
gardless of consequences , is not a wise party
man. "
An afternoon paper creates some sensa
tion by the statement that a ncphaw of
Jumca G. Blaine , who lives In Minneapolis ,
wears a HarrUon badgo. Thn nephew says
ho does not believe that there Is sincerity in
the present hurrah for his undo.
Will Mnmlimto Ilurrlion. .
Cbauncoy M. lepow of Now York will
nominate Harrlnou aud Colonel Henry M.
Duflleld of Michigan will present A Igor's
name , unless It should bo thought best to
have another state present It.
Ono of the liveliest contests to come before -
fore the convention will bo between the
Gentile and Mormon factions of Utah , which
are contesting for exclusive recognition. A
conlldenllul letter has been sent out by the
Utah Gontllof , addressed to all the dele
gates to the convention. It warns them
ngalnst the Mormons und asks to have
the contesting delegation denied admit
tance to the convention. It Is In
pure us follows : "Contesting delegations
Mil bo sent from Utnh to Minneapolis ono
by the regular organization , which bus boon
in existence for tbo past twenty years , the
second by a few disgruntled inoa who have
joined with the democrats and with their
own motion appointed committees and proceeded
coedod to organize , as they cull II , tbo re pub
llcan tmrty. The latter uro for Blaine or any
one to beat Harrison. The Mormons do not
llko Harrison und thoGontllo member of this
delegation Is connected with lilaluo by umr-
rlaeo. Tbo regular party have chosen C. C.
Goodwin , editor of the Salt Lake Tribune ,
and C. E. Allen , county clerk , both strong
republicans from away back , who will tuy
by Harilson from first to last , "
Appointment of U li m.
The appointment of the Minnesota contin
gent of usbcrw , which means , the majority of
them , ban kept clear of politics to a con lder-
able extent. Sergeant-ut-arms Meek appor
tioned them out to ono or txvo local organiza
tion * and Institutions which selected tholr
reprotentotlvos. tie far as presidential
proferoncoH are concerned tboy are as Impar
tial as could bo secured.
Work of the Nulloiml Cummlttuo.
Tbo republican national committee will be > -
g'.n tts sessions tomorrow. On it fulls the
work of arranelng ull the details for the
conduct of iho convention. Tomorrow the
work of making un the roll will begin. It 1s
the duly of the national commlttoo to make
up the tcinporarj roll of delegates enti
tled to ndrolsMnn to the convention.
The roll cf statns. will bo called and
whore scats nro Wntcstod each dclccutlon
will bo given 'a Whrlng. There are more
contests this year than over boforo. In more
than eighty cases ° two ! persons nro flgntlng
for the sani" seaw. ' 'Tho ' south furnishes by
far the laigcst number of thoio disputes. In
some of them threats ot the entire state
delegations are 'at' Issue. Thomost bitter
northern contest "comes from the Fort
Wayne , Ind. , dlltrfbt , whore McDonald , a
Blaine mnn , ucclares the Harrison delegation
were not elected , IVb will bo hero to make a
contest with SW'feflowors to back It up.
From the District of Columbia Perry Carson Andy Gloason have on ft light with Cal
vin Cbaso and Siqion Wolfe. If-these men
were not conlcstiinU the old-timers would
think somothlng Viis1 wronir.
Ilnrrlnon A'crilnut the Field.
There were sam'o bets made during the
evening , of which the largest wus $ l,00 > )
oven on Harrison's nomination against the
flold. Marcus Jnhuson , revenue collector nt
SU 1'aul , took the Hnrrlsoti end of the bet ,
and Dcloguto Custls of Minneapolisa Blaine
man , the other end.
There Is no chunga In the chairmanship
talk tontchu All parties seem to ngrco on
Mclvlnloy for permanent chairman. Ho Is
warmly supported by tno Harrlsan men. nnd
the Blaine ncoplo arc apparently not opposed
to him. Tbo only question fn that connec
tion Is whether ho will have the united sup
port of his own state. In case tbo Ohio del-
cratlon is united for him his selection will bo
For temporary chairman John M. Lnntrston
of Virginia Is still the fnvorlto. The selec
tion of temporary chairman will probably bo
made after tomorrow's mooting.
Homo of the I'rlnclpiil I'lankfl In tlio IMnt-
form to llo Adopted.
MiXNBAi' , Minn. , Juno 3. On the pint-
form there Is substantial unanimity except as
to tno or thrco planks. Tbo silver plank Is
the one which will receive the most careful
consideration to meet the divergent views
prevailing In different sections , and the nro-
ciso extent to which declaration shall bo
made relative to federal elections Is also a
matter on whlcb delegates differ. A num
ber of the most Important men now hero have
been consulted und , ns a result , the principal
features of the platform can now bo given.
Its koynnto will bo "American" throughout
nnd in everything.
The platform will begin with n general re
cital of the record of the republican paity *
nnd the fact that It has always boon In favor
of freedom nnd the protection of the rights
and liberties of the American people nt homo
and abroad.
President Harrison's administration will
bo endorsed as boncst , able , conscientious ,
aud as having promoted the peace of
the country nnd ttio prospoilty and safety ot
Its business interests. Iho nrm , dignified
and patriotlo conduct of foreign relations by
President Harilson und Secretary Blaine
will bo especially commended.
The Turin' and Sliver 1'lnnks.
The McKlnloy tariff law will bo endorsed ,
and attention drawn to the fact that under It
many new Industries have been established ,
giving employment to American labor. The
reciprocity section of the bill will bo espe
cially mentioned.
The Springer ( reo wool bill will bo de
nounced as an attempt to destroy an Industry
of the Ami'rlcan farmer , built up by the wise
protective policy * of the republican parly ,
nnd the general tariff' ' policy of iho demo
cratic house will bo-'nssailed.
The silver plonk Is' ' likely to bo more liberal -
oral thftn that of other conventions , based
upon the firm expectation of Iho administra
tion that the approaqhlnp monetary confer
ence will result in such agreements as will
make it possible , to ( utillzo our cntlro silver
product as mor.oy.
On the subject of. federal elections , the
right of every American cltlzon to cast one
ballot and have hnf , . ballot counted will bo
upheld as the grcatosp safeguard of a repub
lican constitution. 'u
Our Merchant Marine.
Ever mindful of the promotion of the wel
fare and fclory , .Qt i the .United fcjtates , thc\ \
necessity toff&o rehabilitation of the
merchant marlM ! to 'Its former high
place on tho3' high , seas will bo
a clause in tup. platform. In this
connection attention will bo drawn to the
progress which has'beon made toward the
restoration of the American navy and liberal
appropriations for the navy will bo advo
cated with an allusion to the niggardly naval
appropriations of the democrats.
Encouragement will bo recommended to
shipbuilders , to the end that American snips
made in American shipyards of American
material and made by American workmen
may once again fly the American flag in
every part of the ocean , carrying American
manufactures and protected by an American
navy with guns of Amcricau make.
A careful supervision of immigration will
bo recommended to prevent undesirable per
sons landing on our snores , nnd approval
will bo given to tna exclusion of contract
and of Cblnoso labor as necessary to tbo pro
tection against degradation of Amoilcnn
labor , American homes for Americans and
the honest people ot otber nations who come
hero to become American cltbons , will occur
in tnls or other parts of the platform.
Union Veterans \ \ 111 bo ItcmcmborcU.
The party will renew its acknowledgment
of obligations to the soldiers and sailors who
fought for iho union , and reference will bo
made lo the dependent and disability pension
bill by which tbo party redeemed its pledge
to keep from the poorhouse the veterans ot
the war and their families who bad become
helpless through no fault of ttolr own.
Appropriations will bo recommended for
all internal Improvements necessary to pro
vide easy and cheap facilities for intercourse
between the people.
The Nicaragua canal project will bo en
dorsed as a measure , which will bind tbo dif
ferent sections ot the country closer togolhor
and aid in the maintenance ) of our promin
Other measures for tno good of the coun
try , which became laws In the Fifty-
first congress will bo enumerated , In-
clndlng the moat inspection bill ; tbo
antitrust bill ; tbo copyright bill ;
the bill maintaining the publlo land In the
interest of the actual settlers : the alien land
bill ; tbo private land claims bills ; tbo customs
administration bill ; tbo nnttlottcry bill ;
the bill to provide an exposition to co'tourato
tbo 400th anniversary of tha discovery of
America and a long list of other Important
Mucollnncous Matter Mentioned.
Homo rule for Ireland may possibly also
nnd a pluco In the platform.
On tbo question of civil service reform a
square , open declaration In favor of it will
bo ono of tbo things Incorporated In tbo plat
Tbo platform will so ] to It that no charge
bo made against the republicans a * a party
in connection with the Bennett school laxv ,
which in state ' 'elections ' ban caused many
Germans m Illinois' and Wisconsin , who are
naturally republicans , to bolt. The plank on
this subject will bo drawn carefully , but In
such terms ua t6rubb\v that the party Is in
favor of personal liberty and against Inter
ferences with thht ( right.
A vigorous effort Is to bo made bv Chlca-
goans , and thnVo'wbo are working with.
thorn iu the World's fair project , to have tbo
convention ondorao'tuo gruui ot government
aid to the fair. ' t'
I'rupoioit CoJ4httitloimt | Amendment.
A memorial la .the republican national
committee has.b6en prepared , In which the
endorsement of tie ( platform of the conven
tion Is asked for iho following sixteenth
amendment to the constitution : "No state
shall puss any InvT'tvipeetlng an establish
ment of religion or prohibiting tbo free oxer-
else thereof , or us"o Jta properly or credit , or
any money ralrtdrpv taxation or authorize
either lo bousea for the purpose of founding ,
maintaining or aiding , by appropriation , pay
ment for borvlcon , expenses or otherwise , any
church , religious denomination or religious
society , or any Institution , society or under
taking which Is holly or iu part under
sectarian or ecclesiastical control. "
ThO pioposltlon has no sectarian tlngo. It
Includes anong Its moit aetlvo supporters
Charles P. Dalloy , ox-chief justlco of the
supreme court pf Now York , n prominent
Catholic layman , Habbl Got'.bold and John
Jny. _
Texan Dolf-KUtloa Knruuto.
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno U. The colored wing of
the Texas delegation and three wblto repre
sentatives Men n. Ixnke , McDonald , J ,
Alien Myort und W. T , Burns arrived at
tha Grand Papilla today. The colored uiou
with the exception of A. A. Wtitto and A. J ,
Johnson , nro Inclined to support the presi
dent. Mr. Whlto Is outspoken for Bliilno.
Acconllne to tbo statement ot the whlto
members of the Texas delegation , everything
In the south Is Blaino.
rt.OIUDA tlM001t.VTS. :
They Cnmblno nlth the AUInnco Men nnil
Nominate n Ticket.
TAMIM , Fin. , June 3. About midnight tl.o
democratic convention completed Its perma
nent organization to the advantage of the
Mitchell ndhfront * . Mitchell then sought to
push his advantage by moving to proceed to
nomination for governor. His opponents
sought to Stave off notion bv dilatory motions
and the alliance mnn demanded the nJoptlon
of the platform before the nominations were
made , but the Mitchell men were too strong
i/.ul pushed the nomination ot Mitchell for
governor through without allowing any
other nnmo to bo mentioned.
Judqo Mitchell In his speech ot acceptance
declared against the third party , und strongly
advocated the free coinage of silver.
The coiuontlon completed Its ticket by the
nomination ot It. R Taylor for Justlco of iho
supreme court ; Dr. J. L. Crawford , secretary
of state ; W. li. Lnmar , ntlornoy general ,
nnd W. B. Blocuson , lloulonaut Governor.
C. D , Collins was iiotnlnntod for
ntnto treasurer , L. N. Shells for super
intendent 'of publlo Instruction , L. B.
Wombell for c < imml Monor of agriculture.
'Iho only now men In the state nominations
nro Shoals and Collins. Tno latter U n vorv
proir.tncnl alliance man , Both had the solid
support of the alliance. National electors
were nlso chosen , nnd then the convention
adjourned to 4 p. m.
AViuiti-il to hio Algrr.
DHTUOIT , Mich. , Juno a. General Algor
received the following message this after
noon :
"Tho Maine. Now Hampshire und Vermont
dolegiillons will arrive Iu Detroit at 7 o'clo.'lc
tonight. They will ho dolUhtod to sou you ut
the station. J. II. MAM.UV. "
At : : ! 0 the delegation passed through De
troit. They were met at the depot by Gen
eral Algor and took supper wllh him. As
they were about to leave they gave thrco
cheers for the general.
At H o'clock the train departed , A poll of
the delegates shows that twoutv-nlno nro for
Blalne , two for Harrison and ono for Hood.
\Vlth Blaine out of thn raeo Mr. Manlcysuvs
n largo number of iho delegates will Lo for
Algcr , and in case Blnlno Is ulncod In nom
ination ho thought three-fourths would bo
for Algor for vloo president.
Ward Club * Ccttlnc : Itruily lor tlio Coming
A number of the republicans of the Eighth
ward mot last evening nt Schroedor's hall ,
Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets , for the
purpose of reorganizing the Eighth Wurd
Republican club , In accordance with the
Instructions ot the central committee. The
ofllccrs elected were : John W. Nichols ,
president ; T. L. Barnett , secretary ; Dr.
Spaldlng , treasurer.
The mootipg wns unanimously In favor of
holding the probosod rally after the jMinno- '
apolis convention , and will participate In the
demonstration. The following conimlllco
was appointed by the chair to make arrange
ments by which the club can m iko n credit
able showing at that tlmo : C. E Brunor , T.
S. Crocker snd Ed. Lender. As soon as the
campaign is fairly opened the club will hold
n meeting ovorv week.
Tbo Second Ward Republican club bold a
mooting last night at ( Caspar's hall on South
Thirteenth street. George Stryker , the pres
ident , presided over the mooting. As no vice
president was elected when tbo club was or
ganized a week ago , F. G. Fleming was
chosen to that position ,
The committees on by-laws and constitu
tion nnd halls were given more tune in
which to make their renorls.
A committee composed of Messrs Swick-
ard , [ Caspar , Masterman and Franks was
appointed to confer with other ward clubs
for the purpose of making arrangements for
a rally just after a republican candidate for.
president is nominated at the Minneapolis
Major Polrman made a brief talk on
what the club should do. Ho behoved that
it should discuss , besides political matters ,
all subjects ot municipal and ntato import
ance , .such as the Nebraska Central propo
sition !
The club will again , mcot next Friday
iijtiti : jfui GUILTY.
Icnva Cltl7cns Accused of Stealing Debris
from the Flood IHHvhnrKcit.
Sioux CITV , la. , Juno I ) . [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ben. ] At tbo preliminary trial
of A. J. Wcsti'all , candidate on the alliance
ticket last year for governor , an > l eight other
farmers for larceny , there was no prosecu
tion and tbo defendauts were discharged.
They were accused of stealing lumber and
paving blocks whih bad boon washed down
the river in the flood.
DunliurdH In Sj-Hslon.
CnnAii RAI > I S In. , Juno 3. ( Special Telo-
pram to THE BEE. ] The annual confcrcnco
of the German Baptists or Dunkards con
vened hero today. Tno standing commlttoo
mot and selected the following ofllccrs :
Moderator , D. Van Ininan of MoPherson ,
Kan. ; reading clerk , M. J. McClure of Mor
risen vlllo , ill. ; writing clerk , D. L. Mills at
Mount Morris , 111. ; doorkeeper , S. H. Miller
of Waterloo , Iu. Tbo members of the com
mittee were nearly all present. The first
public meeting will bo bold m the tabernacle ,
but the business proper of the conference
will not commence till next Tuesday. The
number bore at present Is comparatively
small to what was expected , on account of
the inclemency of the weather.
Ccdur Jtuplds.
OEIUH RAPIDS , la. , Juno 3. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | An organized gang of
burglars has evidently entered the city.
Thursday night the residence of C. Yottor
was entered and Jewelry and clothing to tbo
value ot SJOO taken , and last night the resi
dence of Henry Rtckol wns visited , where
several hundred dollars worth of clothing
and sllverwnro was stolon. Attempts were
made to enter other residences.
I.cnmr'n Improvement Company.
LEMAJIS , Ia.t Juno a. ( Special Telegram to
THE Bnu.J Articles ot incorporation of the
Lomars Improvement company were Hied for
record today. Tbo company starts with u
capital of $100,000 and authorized capital of
5200,000. Thooflleors are : George E. Rich
ardson , president ; Matthew Worth , vice
president ; M. A. Moore , treasurer ; E. D.
Cbosscll , secretary ; Ira T. Martin , attorney.
Koport of tlio' Census Ilnrenu nn the An.
ne ccl Vnliiittlon of the Country.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 8. The census
bureau today issued a bulletin on the subject
of assessed valuation of property In tbo
United States in 1SOO. Tbo bulletin shows
that the assessed value of all property , ex
cluding railroad property , except In certain
specified states , bas Increased from $10,00- :
01)3,543 ) , In IBM ) to $34,651,5 5,405 In IB'JJ , an Increase -
crease duilng the dccado at $7,74iG'JIiK3 < . > , or
4'.84 per cent. Should It bo found upon the
completion ot the Inquiry In telntlon lo the
true value of property that iho same
relations exist as existed in 1BSO thn absolute
wealth ot iho United States , according to tbo
eleventh census , may bo estimated at fu. < , -
(148,000,000 ( , or more tbun 1.000 pir cnmta , as
against * 514 per capita in IBO'J , $780 per
caplln In 1870 nnd * 870 per capita in IbbO.
Owing , however , to the fact that in some
states properly Is asseited at Us full vuluo
and in others ut only a fraction of its value ,
comparisons of the wealth of tbo states are
quite Impossible. In some states the lists of
the kinds of taxable property vary greatly
from those In others.
Texui Kottlemmita uiul Town * UoiuitutcU
by u Torimilo.
GAI.VKSTOX , Tox. , Juno 8. Reports con
tinue to como In fro.-n the moro obsouro vll-
jagcs of destruction by Tuesday's cyclone.
At Lufkln several porsous were Injured , a
number of them fatally , and a number of
bulldlnen demolished ,
Bliuico reports a number of houses do-
strored and at least twenty persons badly
Injured , nix fatally. The llttlo child of Mrs.
Cullnnbauh was thrown on a red-hot itovo
aud burned to death , Hi mother and tbioo
Hitxfi nnd Et-ongth Imposalblo
\ \ IficutRlch.Pu-o Blod--If the
Ltfa Current is "Thin" or
Tainted , Many Ills Basalt
A Caao ia Point.
lAnnemmmontiMml or"tliln" ulocul. When Ihl *
lM > ro t nUli ( > lmlj-3 , | neiy.iho lionit illMurbeil Hint
Ilia colorotlio * kln | > nlot > rirhlto. The Momnph Is
cn , wltli n leniloncj-lo lilnn Inn. Tlio ni'tvon nro
moro or l s Mialtfrv | . The imtlcnl l nrmuiti unit
wnkpfiil. Ktliiiii > t.on nf nil | nner ut tlio. t o Ijr l n
lunrkod tcntnrr , 1)roi ) | ) , ( unvimi'llon , or ilorny or
tlio ncrriiiis y tu n ninjr tie tlio ro tilt , ctpcHnllr 1C
tliprolsmi litlicrllol tumlenc ) tunnra BID nub ills
line * . )
Miss , \llop Macomber of Maitlnsunn * . Iowa ,
recently bookkeeper for Drexel . \
of this city , sayss
'Tor a number of yours 1 XMIS wcik and out
of healtn. Doctors culled It nn i inlu.
.My nervous nvgtein was grntly Impaired I
was \\akofnliu night , nnd by dny Iriltiblo. I
lackea ambition , und It WHS u Rrcat t-irort to do
unythlng leinililng exorcise of my mind or
"My appetite u as poor , my tongue coated , mv
liver nnil stomnih tomlrr und hoio My color
uaa sometimes pnlu or chnlkyhlte ; sonio-
times it was tinged with yellow from the slug
gish uclloa of th m or.
"At times my feet , arms und face were
gn-ntly swelled. At such times my heart
seemed recblonml I sullerod greatly tioin pal-
pltatlo-i My heart would beat very fait , but
it wus not regular. Then my bond would pain
me and 1 would fool faint.
"So\crul phystclpiiitried mp ca obut ] think
thov treated my Kji ) > ( min nn l not my real con
dition. At nnv rate 1 got no benefit until after
u com so of livntment with DrH. Copelaml A :
Sbepard. 'Ihi'-o phylclnns did for mo moro
thnnthuy promised. I um to lay entirely well ,
nnd this result Is wbollvdiio to their treatment ,
1 believe my cure Is pirmuuont and complete "
Mr. Chnrlqp Kessler , a resident of
Omaha for 23 years , nnd doing business
r.t 1214-1210 South 13th street , in aimer
to n rooont Inquiry , says :
Three years a-o I began tq suiter from ca
tarrh. Us approach wus slow , hntste.idy. und
I gradually felt It < ) Increasing hold upon inc.
Day and night I was obliged to huwk and
spit to Keep my throat und nose from Illllns up
My throat became extremely sore and law
from tlilscoustantolTurtlo clcur It
My nose became ontlrofy closed , so I could
nothroatho Ihroiigh It at all ncllhcrday nor
Every morning I wolxo up with my month
and IhronV dry and parched. My condition
prevented sleep , and I arose moinlngs llrcd
out nnd nilsoi.iblc.
Af tor being In this condition ono yc-ir I le-
cnntolosomy hcarlii ) . ' . which , for two yo.irs ,
growjioorer o\erv dny. Mv deafness grcutly
liuorrorod with my business , an It was very
dlfllcnltfor mo toeuiry on cuinersiuUm with
my customers.
I experienced , also , a constant ringing In my
After receiving treatment from Drs , Copo-
lund und bliup ird tot n short tlnic. I um much
bolter. My throat-ind tioso uro nourly well. I
can brciitlio fieoly thioii'h mv ncso. My
henrlng iHgroitly ln'iiclilod. and buLOmlni ;
bntlor every ( lav. I sleep und rest wull nt
night. I am still under treatment und look
for u perfect cure In u short time.
Kv Yoik Life Building ,
IV. II. COPF/ljAND , M. T > .
O. S. UllKL'AHU , M. D.
Consnltlni I'hyslcluns ,
RVKOlAltTlKSt CuUrri. ) Asthma , Hronehl-
tln , Nervous Diseases , ll'ooil Diseases , Khoii-
inallHiii. Comminution , und ull chronic affec
tions of the , Lungs , Ktomuch , Liver
und Kidneys. ,
Olllun hours' 0 to II a m. . 2 to ft p.m. , 7 to S
p.m. Sunday , in n.m. to I p.m.
Catarrh tronhlo-i uiul Kindled diseases
treated KiioceRsfully by mull , bend 4o In
BliimpH for iiiCBllon | circulars. Address ull
loiters to ' 'opulund Mellcul lustltule , Now
York Life Iliilldlnu- , Omaha , Neb.
other children being probably fatally Injuicd.
Tbo path of Iho storm IK now a aosolHto
waste , all vocciatlon being destroyed. Ap
peals for aid buvo bo en made.
High water hus done much dnmnga to the
rallrcuds In the vicinity of I'on Huron. .Midi.
HobcrtT. Day WHS hunted yc-htordnv at Ifo-
luinn. Wniili. . for Iho minder or T. U. lleube
H Is suld that two moro Indict mfnts uu'itliist
Muvorlolc bunk otllclulHof lloston lm\o been
pi iced on tlio neeret Hies.
Juek Arnold of Kumar. Vox. , stuhb d Will
Phort to dentil und filnlly wounded Juim *
bhort during adUuuto ox nr some land.
Work on the the coiistim'tloii of the Hint
Ithor tunnel wiisbuiriin t Lou , ' Inland Uity.
It U expected Unit worK will bo completed In
two yours.
An enormous Increase la ro nor ted In oml-
erutlon from Uupur AlHucolo A merion , ilnu. U
Iu s.ilit , to tlio injury u.iu i'd to trade by tlio
operation of the /oiUcroln treaty.
A. H. lludgu of LoulHliinu bus been ap
pointed depiirtiuont commander for Unit state
nf UioUrand Army of the Itopubllo. vice its
foiiiiorcoinmunder. removed for refusing 10
ruco.n zeiolorcd poxtti.
Olllccm uro luclosu pnraull of the robhurs
who nuld up tin ) hanta Iu train In Indian
Territory. It Is reported $ .vyjuj In money WIIH
Kuuured by the Uumllts. United Mutes troops
will co-operato wllh tliuolllcerslnthupiirault.
Illshob Qiilntuid und bocrelury Truey aJ-
dressed ttiu Aradiiulltig class of ciidetH ut
Annapolis , Md. Tlio illploiuuH were then de
livered to the eudola , liculiinlnx with tlio
honor mini , Naval O.idet John D , Hoiiiot of
Oh Iu , und to tlio iiieiiibem of > lie oluus In
order. _
A dispatch from C'a'cuUu nyu that there
hu\o been over 3.WOO death * fiom choluiu.
Advices from Hlmnuliul utato Unit ninny
iihti-ClirUtlanu huvo boon urroMi.d In U'uHnni , '
und Klung llo. In Iliinun now und much
wor o p'ucurdH ' huvp liuun pouted ,
lly tlioconfcttilonof an urrcsttd annrclnst
I'nr.b pollen ollleliiU huvo succeeded In rucov-
erlni ; u vu l quantity of d/numlto which
been stolen from government iimyuilue * .
IpOU SALE I'xtra fine , tlioroufehbrotl , .tor *
* i ov Dull , solid color , registered stock ! 1 *
months od. ! ras. I Irst nrcut.
- _ , , *
11' YOU hn\o anything for silo or trndo see
_ li II. Shoufo. limadnay nnd Mnln strcnti
tt < i IOWA f irnit for silo. Improved 1(1) ( ) acres
In llnrrlsoti county. (10.0) per. icro : 121 aero *
Improved. I2J.OO ! 8J noru * . Jlf.tH Kor bnr ln
In Iowa aim Netirniku funm call on or wtito
to JuhtKon tt \\n fatten. Council UlunX
IfOU 1U.NT : DwollhiM In nil p-irts of the
jeliy. . P. II. Sliunfp , Jlro.uln.iy nml Mnjju
STOKAOB nnd Cuiitntalaii-Stnvo * . furn- (
turo , etc. , stored nnd sold on commission nt
lowest r.itcs. li. Kliinuluui. ; rj ) llroiuhr.ix.
AN linositncnt unM-\ln. Now double house
situated nt Niin. 114 nn it 1 0 .7th HI , , Connell -
ell lilulN. IniprovonieiiN now and flrst-elasi
IIOIIHP , cnnt'iliM 11 rooms. 2 hath rooms. ! 2 line
tmnlreys. 10 closot.o , front und baoK stilrs ,
lint Mid cold water service , gas , etu. , worth.
? " , iVii ) , will soli nt n It ireiiln inul sollo.l bone-
lUo offers 1'oiost Smith , llAldwIn block ,
SAIin-On small pnymentB. fruit anil
Kiirdon liind mnr Council llhiirs l * 11.
Mionfe.JIroddway und Main street. _
I OU SAM : OH UiNT-Tarost : nnd most
/ UtniUMblcniRiitiiiiirKatlii tha west , doln\- \
f itnii ( TsCOAtKi jo J.00) . o o ish bus'iiensn month :
bank boa\ Mill show It ! Kilt oilifol. splrndll
M.I ? IISM' , ' , nil ° .V ! : l > " < loiso on balldliu
, llcuullku Coiinull Illuirs ,
O nMA111' ' ? "l > lco r ° ° ' n f < irroiitlii"i7rif\yn
X/milUllnit , fmntiiR on l'01rl und Main
streets , with till niolern ciinvunlences , Tor
terms npnlr to A. l . N'leholuaur II. U. Cory ,
roonijl. u'jonts for ImllUin , ' .
ffiOK UENT-nai Hoi-ond acnne. . duelllns
J. Mitli U roonm , fiiriuun. mine , Imlh. uleelrlo
licllP , one of tlio most dcHlruhlo ii-Kldenwis In
Council Illuirs : rc-nt , aoo pur montli U U.
glioafo. llru.ulffny and Main strict.
PpOUSAIiK A iicr.t four-roo n dwelling on
AvonuoH ; ir ) ri'.tJ.M : sniull mnntlily pay.
mrtits. U II. blioafc. llixiulwny und M.iln ,
UKNTA'ttoof the" best CiifrUg llntsim'
- I ourth street.
T710II SAM : I'nrnltiio Hxtures lei : < -o ami
Jt.1 eooit Mlllof hotel with 4J rooin-t In u uood
ISebinsUa cltyi will ti.ido for stock of 'enerul
iiu'rehandlsc. li U. Shoiifo , Itro.idwuy and
Main strict.
TpOH SAfi-A : comfortable Iho room ilwull-
: * Ing imur riilriiioiint mirk. I' Jl.ttoilt
f. 0 cash , iLiliiiico In muiithlv u lyinents li II.
aheiife. llroudtt.iy uiul Main sticuU
IPOIt SAM : A nowsK-rooni iluolllnir , laa , _ .
J-M ifthiixonuo. price , J'.U ) , JUKI uasli. Vi.
unco In monthly payments i : . II. felicafu
llruulttny and .Main streets.
17Ult SAM : A linrgiitn , thrru-ronm d cll-
* lug. IH1S I'lftli IINCIIIU. prlco JtO ) . will
tiiKu team good horsrs In tr.ult ) und lialutiec in
muiitlilv piiymehts. K II , Shoife. llro.idwuy
and Mam strceti. _ ,
lOU SAM-Or triide. A Nl\-rooni fr.imo
\\olllnir \ , nichth avenue. cor. autli st. , prlco
Ji' ' . E. ) l , blienfe. llroulw.iv nnd .Muln sts.
Jjlplt KHNT-night-rooni d elllnc. JlVnx \ \ \
f liiKlon a\o. . modern style and conxon-
IPIICOS , in excellent ropnlr , rent jr. . 11 II.
glicnfc , llioul\\u ) and Muln sis.
IfOU bALn The only hntol In a smalt town
Win II us from Council II uTs MlnHnutcu
cioiuii pnrlor with peed trude. I'liinltiiro In
voices utJI.OOfl , buiullni : $ , > , UOO. Will trade for
good resident Di-operly In Council lllulTs. n ,
simp for tlio rliht party. II U. bheafe , llroud-
u.iy and Main utrjct.
Vnar.TAIlLn gardener wanted. A thor
oughly experienced \02otublo k'urdoner ;
noncolliers nocil nuiilv. tend rcconimemhi-
lloiib lo box : i. Council Itlnll's , Iu ,
WANTED To buy u nice , vonnir driving
horse ; weight from l.OV ) to l.iuo ; ulko to
trndo a ru.irly now onu-seiitod top buggy for
u two-touted one. 0 , S. Uevoll. ion Ilro ndvuiy
Council lllnrfs.
"I71OK SALE At u barguln , housn und lot on
llro.ulw.iy , onuoslto now Noitlnu'stci
depot. furt-MJOO ; fViOcash : peed locution for a
saloon. Apply to Leonard llvcrctt.
JllIKl UiUUlUtll (
llcst fuallltlos. uppirilus nnd Honoliai
fur Hiicccssful tie.itmnnt ot every form
of disease remilrlti : medic.U or
Hnr-'lc U tru.itmunt.
CO beds for putlents , boird uii'J uttond.inss.
llcst nccoiiioJutions In tlio west.
Write for circulars on dcformlt.os anl
briiLos , trussm , club feet , ourv.ititres of Rnlno ,
nlles , tiimon , c incur , irrh , bronchitis , In-
Imliiilon.u'uctricUy , pirulys-ls , onllunsy , kld-
nov. b adder , oyo. oar , skin unl b'.ool und ull
' np U/niDTPW
UlohAutiO Ut YfUiutlll llookon DUj.iuui ut
Women I'ltni : . AVe h.ivoliitoly ud led i lylni
Inilep irtinont for women durlnuuoiillneinuo
Hrlctly nr.vato.i Only Iteirablo Jlcdlcal 1
ttitnto iiiuldn ? u Kpojl iltyo :
AU H'ood Dlse.isas sticcossfully troatoL
t-julillltlo 1'nlson lemovcd from the Byjlem
without mercury. New UoMtoratlvo Troitt/-
mcnl for lxsa of VITAL POWUll I'orsona 1111-
uble lo visit us nmv ho treated ut homo by
corrosnon lonco. All communications conlf-
dentlul. Medicines or Instrument * sent by
mull oroxprcss , securely packed , no murks in
Indicate contents or sender. Ono pcisonal In
terview pruferro I. Call nnd consult us or send
history of your cuso , und wo will send In plain
wrupuoi , our
Dnni7Y1 MFM I'linEs Upon 1'rlvato ,
UUUn IU ' " * - "
fapcalat or Norvoiia Dis
eases , Impotency , Svplillla , Qluot und Varlco-
tele , with question list.
Jlruces. Appliances for Deformities ft ; Trusoi.
Onlymiinufuctory Intho Wontof liMlfUltM-
ITylll'l'l.l.t.\UKt , TltUaaill , , KI.KUfK.Vt
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute ,
20th and Broadway , Council Bluffi
Ton mlnntos' lido from center of Omuh.i on
Omaha und Uounoll UluITi eloutrlu motor Hue.
OfCnum.ll IHU31
Cnpltil stco't
fcurplus irn I I'ronts HHOUU
NetCupltiil nnl Surplus. . . . . . . . { tfao ,
lilroctorJ. . o h'liiu ilin. K f. riiiifiri K1.
Ole'i.on.K K. llirM. A. Mllhr. J. V. Ulna ill. I
iniilOlmrlBJ H Unnnan Tr.ins I ) inU-
Ingbuslnois , capital anJ mirpliu o
liny bunk In s'oiilliwusturn Iowa. j *
All Kin Isnf Dyo'tu ' nnd Cleiinlndone In ths
hUhcklhlyloof ilio urU K.ulwl un I utiliiul
fubrliH iniido to Uk ua jrood UK IIUIT , lloil
feathernclouno I by Klo.-im In IIr < t-olim man
ner. Woi k promptly ilonoiiiid ilolivoru I Inull
pin ts of vhu 10 jptry. ben.l for urlto llau
O. A. MAOIIAN. - - I'ltOl'lllin'OIL
" Ollllroidwiy. Noir North vo ( tin
oju.xi- warn , ini
and every other grndn domundol by
nil uliittscn of trade.
jjjOKUK'K oi.n s 'jjn ,
t-05 AND -07 I1UOADWAV , Council Ululf * . '