Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    / 1rrr 1 n y ; M
' n the convention may be , they will bo loyal
{ u Harrison tbitiughout.
\VrtshburnofMlnnesotasalJ : "It
fnnljos It clear that lllaltiO will acfopt 1 !
ftlven the norr.lnotioo. I don't know the rno-
tlvo ol the resignation , but 1 think It was
duo to the treatment ol Dlnluo by the presi
dent. "
IVlton of Ciilllnrinii for tliirruon.
Bonator Folton of California said , after
reading the corroipondonco from Wa linK- (
ton : " 1 don't tblnk U ha * nny ulijnlOcnnco
M a factor In the contest , Whether Illalno
Uacandldntoornotthero will bo no stam
pede. It will bo Harrison the sumo as It
trould have boon before. " '
Hon. John O. Now , manager of the linrrl-
lon forcoi , bud n brlof opinion , but an cm-
pLntloone. Hoinid : " 1 think the resigna
tion will not chanso nnvthlug. It will have
no effect. There Is no dntiRor In the woi-ld
of n sUmooilo. Wo have got the dolegntw
to fleet Harrison and wo are Rolng to do It. "
Within n few moments nft > r the reception
of President Harrison's acccplnnco of Mr.
TJIuIno's resignation Senator Wolcott from
Colorado was callna upon for bis views In
reference ) to the sudden changoot the polit
ical situation.
Hutiutor AVolcott'H Talk.
Ho said :
'It docs not chnnpo Iho situation matcrl-
nlly , except to accentuate the result which
the president in his Interview and Secre
taries Miller ana Foster In theirs uttrmptod
to Inflict upon him. His friomli have real
ised for some tlmo tlmt the president sought
to ngRrnndlro the olTcots of the wisdom and
sagacity of the secretary of state , but It
„ appear * that they not only ilcslro to tgnoro
him , but bocauio ho did not seem disposed to
* "write a letter" every few mlnuttw they saw
* Jit to throw inud. i'lio resignation may bo of
? omo help bore , as It leaves vftcant auothor
ottlco to pcddlo for Harrison votes. The
' assistant postmaster general , the chief
of the bureau of engraving and printing and
cores of heads of doDartmouts till the lobbies
und promise olllcos and fuvors promUcously ,
but tho.V nro having no effect. Blaine would
huvofiOO votes today on the rtrst ballot.
Every train swells vhocnthu Iaim and brings
In in now support. The only solid Hnrrlsou
delegation Is Indiana. Four years ago Iho
Indiana delegation said that If wo would
give them Harrison they would ask neither
money nor speakers. They began clamoring
for money ns noon as Harrison was nomi
nated. They nro roartv for the same appeal
ngaln and their claims carry llttlo weight.
It Is refreshing to find that one convention is
to ba hold in this country where the ofHco
seeks the man. As for Colorado , wo nro , of
couno , for illalno , and the tar northwest is
of ttio same opinion. Harrison 'could not
carry Colorado. "
Quay anil I'ornkar.
When asked for tbo opinion of Blalno's
resignation from ttio cabinet , Senator Matt
Quay snla : "Blamo's resignation will , un-
doubtcdtv produce his nomination. "
Ux-tiovcrnor Forauer of Ohio said : "Tho
resignation has strengthened Blaine , and the
convention will at once nomlmuo htm. Thcro
is no second cholco. Algor or Kusk will Iiuvo
second place. "
\V. O. Brnilloy , delogate-nt-lurgo fron
Kentucky , snlit : "I think Blaine r slgncc
to take the mesldoncy If ho could got it
but I don't bollova ho can. It will bo Harri
son on the tlist ballot. "
I.lknty Winner * ol the Nomination Are
Hiilil to Uc Numuroii * .
Mixxiui'oi.ii , Mum. , Juno 4. Late tonight
there are many rilmors of ' 'durlt'horios" and
"compromise- candidates , " but most of this
talk emanates from uncommitted doUigatoj
mid docs not revive much crojotico as truth.
The names moat frequently moatloncd are
Cullom , Alter , McKlnloy and Algcr. The
aivision in ino iiinois , umo ana Indiana del
egations uiako these delegates qulto willing
to settle down on a favorite , should the situ
ation warrant it , Algor already has
thn delegation from his own stato. It is
said that Cullom can have the forty-
eight votes of Illinois whenever the contest -
test reaches a stage which would indlcato
the possibility of his selection , but the
senator himself is loyal to Harrison , and docs
not permit any discussion ot his availability
by uls follow delegates from the Prairfo
state. Notwithstanding this fact , it is evi
dent that certain of the Illinois delegates uro
but awaiting fovorablo opportunity to start
n popular movement in his favor. In the
event of demoralization of both the Blaine
ona Harrison fprcos , It is boliovcd that Algor
would bo the palncr of most of Blalno'a
strength , wlnio the administration dologatoi
would bo divided bolwpcn Cullom ana
McKIuloy. A few delegates outsldo ot
Illinois arc mentioning the mnmo of Hobort
T. Lincoln , but the suggestion docs not
arouse any enthusiasm iu the Illinois dele
McKlntcy ns u Possibility.
McKlnloy has bcon agreed upon by the
Ohio delegates us chairman of choir delega
tion , and ai ho will undoubtedly ba rnado
chairman of the convention , ho might sud
denly boconio n formidable crmlldato.
The natqo rf ) Allison J * warmly urged by
the antl Blulne dologutdi of tlio Iowa delega
tion. The pormanuut chairmanship is re
garded to bo sottleu , McKlnloy's cholco being
conceded on all sides. It U also considered
settled that McKiiiloy will bo the head of
ttio Ohio delegation. At ttio meeting of thai
UutOn'ntion on Wednesday ox-Governor For-
ulcer will nominate MuICInloy lor ctialrm in ,
und tlioro will bo no opposition. For tern-
poiury chairman thuro 010 now two candi
dates , Lanu'ston of Virginia and Horuco Porter
ter of Now York. Lungilon U bolng backed
by llio Blaine men und Porter by the Harri
son crowd. Ttio contoit will bo resumed
whuii Iho national cDinumtoj moots again on
A I'ronii Oil | li > n.
The Trlbuno in thu morning will say ;
What Mr. Blalno's ' lotlgnuiloii incins Is for
his tuppoitOM lo . ; multoi no dlftaicnco
Wllii'lhu Harrison foreus unit It Is not their
basilicas to Interpret ins notion. Of
ttio action of Mr. Olainu makes bis ovu iioml-
uiului Impassible. Ills nomination under
luvh clicumstancrii would da an act ot folly
thai the leader * who still urge-him will
iiuvur commit. As they uo not want to com
mit it they will still suok to use hU uamo as
a cover , but iliolr real design I * to ilofout the
prmldont , and after that the Ucluco.
WHAT Till ; hi.SA10ItS : HAY.
r W Kxproi Opinion * iinil All Are ( limnloil
In 'llirlr
, D. 0. , Junu-I. On the sen
ate side there \ \ as uot u corporal's guard of
senator * to bo found , Hut of the small num
ber pro.sont tticro wcro two -'diirlf tioraoV'
for some republicans en ttio Uouso aide , who
feared u 'Kilkenny cut light" b''twooi : Harrison
risen und Bluine , hnd suggested tlmt the re
publican ticket illicit bo Allison and Aid-
rich ,
Senator Allison was in his committee
room wuou the uown came , and Senator Ala-
rich , by a coincidence , was hy his sideSor. . -
Btor Allison did not want to talk for
publication , but ho l uttver uncivil onoughto
refuse point blank , BO ho said that the
now * was nsurprUo to him ; n $ much no as
it wai to anybody. As to the result , ha had
uo opinion to express , Thou bo told a story ,
and the moral of thnt story was that no mut
ter what lianponoil to Individual ! the great
prti.dptci of party muvod forward lu con
stant progress.
Dr. Blruoy1 * Catarrh Povvuorouros citarru
For ulo by nil drUfijUts. O'J oouU.
Howe's Rustlore Knock the Tar Out of
Dad Clarke's Beat Curves.
OnnMiHi TlircohnRgara unit Homo
Ilium In lioiintpotm IMontltudo A Dif
ferent Tuna from Thnt at the
Two Wcck ,
Omaha , 9 ; Toledo , 4.
Columbus , 4 ; Kansas Cltv , 3.
Minneapolis , 8 ; Fort Wayne , 4.
whom the millenni
um plan ruthlessly
J _ toro from us , made
his dabut nt Sports-
man'n park jester-
day afternoon ns a
pitcher for the other
It was not a suc
MM Ills old confreres
fell upon him in the
opening inning and
U wa biff I smash ! bangl .until the fracas
was over.
Kelly hit him a bolt In the sixth that fairly
knocked the amalgum out of his inolnrartor
it had boon loosonoa by Sholbock und Darby ,
The Boston boy's drive was a clean ono
way out Into the northwest corner of the
lot , and It netted him four bases.
Shy and the Kid wore contented with three
cushions each.
It looks ns if the blaachor who yelled at
Dad ever In Columbus the other duy that ho
had n pane of glass In his arm , was right.
Don'tit !
Twelve hits with a total of twenty-two
bases and nlno Dig fat runs was the way the
Hustlers ladled it to him.
uut the particulars coma later.
The day was a line ono. The florco rays ot
tbo sun were tempered by a thin strata o.f
gauzy clouds , refreshing breezes blow fitfully
nercss tbo Held and the llttlo dickey birds
chirped hilariously.
They were so glad to welcome undo homo.
Vet notwithstanding this harmonioui con
dition of things but a moderate crowd was to see old Dad knocked into a cocked
KOWO'H Tcoplo Played Hall.
Those who remained away will bo sorry
this morning whoa they road the score.
Desplto their ragged play of late the
Rustlers put up nu almost Hawlcss gaino ,
none of thalr errors costing a cent , excepting
Suebock's ! , which lot < n a run.
Every man throw all his nerve and bono
and sinew into tbo struirglo. and such slug
ging and such Holding are seldom met with
in tbis neck of tltnbor.
Haves' cntchinp was simply plcturosquo ,
and Bob ( Jilks cavorted In , over and around
the diamond line ona nossossod nf the powers
of ubiquity.
McQuald's umpiring was a thing of beauty
and a joy forever.
Shelbock had Just cut a now sapling and
Iho llrst ball that came within roacu ho
pasted such a lieu that Dad swallowed his
gum.A great wad of Yucatan big enough to
have choked a horse 1
It was a ttm'c-sackor and the grand stand's
old slogan , "Hoy I hey 1 hey ! ' raug on the air
for many moments.
Then tno Porkooolltan caught ono of Dad's
most modorii slants squnro ever tbo heart
and Kent it hustling out toward Jo IT Bod-
ford's sign for a cnuplo of more , and every
body was tickled almost to doatb.
Of course Shy scored.
Kelly could only got ono down to Clarke ,
but on his throw-out at Urst Booby ambled
down to third. On Fnrmor Vlsnor's clunk
for a singlaGIlks Joined Shy on the bench.
Collopy's sacrifice sent Jo to second and ho
trotted to third a momnul thereafter on n
wild pitch.
Uncle's Ions fly fell Into Armour's trap , .
and the Black Pirates came in.
I'lr.itea Tonic Home , Too.
In about tbrno shakos of a lamb's tail they
smashed all the brightness out of tbo summo'r
It was all accomplished of tor two men were
out , for VIckory.who never pitched more map-
nttlcout bad In his life , curled thorn around
both Ely and Parsons' necks In such a tan
talizing way that all they could do was to
slash aimlessly and vaguely ipto the ambient.
At this critical Juncture Campion got la a
scratch two-bagcer , Ucttingor u single and
Nlctiol anotucr double , and those hits ,
coupled with Shoibock's blunder , scored the
three runners.
Tbo grand stand was as silent as the gravo.
Armour ended the agony by flying to
Tno old Jubilance returned when unclo's
brigade ramo right back at 'em and raited la
another brace.
Governor Hayes popped un an altltudln-
ous Hy und tbo oarson ran and planted him
self squarely under It , and then made ono of
thamost superb and successful muffs you
ever bohold.
My ! bow tbo good people from the coun
tryside did lauiru , and clap tholr hands and
guy thu ministerial.second baseman.
JJut who over saw a parson catch a flyt It
It had bcon u yellow logged caicuun , you bat
it would never tiuvo goUtm away I
Darby felt so good ever tbo clergyman's
misfortune that ho Just chucked out a sinitlo
for the fun of the tblng , and for the fun of
the thing the governor wont to second.
Vickcry nushcd a llttlo one to Dad. Ho
snatched It up , took aim at Campion , and lot
her Hy. It knocked a blue Jay off her nest in
one of Parmoloe's maples , and before tbo
ball got back Hayes was homo , the kid on
third and VIck tickling himself under the
arm at second.
Of course a great shout , all at Oswogo's
expense , want up at this. Tim people did so
love to BOO Dad getting the worst nf it.
On Shy's bit to Kly. Darby was nailed at
the plate , and a rnommit later Mr. OIllis
forced Shy at second , VIck scoring on tbo
put-cut ,
Kelly was thiown out at first bv the
And the Black Pirates wcro tucked away
without us much us a ainoll.
Nlrhol us u
A llko fate befell Iho icustlots in the third ,
but the frog-skinning pirates squeezed In a
run in their half , tholr last In tbo game.
Campion hit safe , wont to second on Get-
tinker's sncrlllclal strike , and scored on the
Five Cent Plecu's uso-tings/cr.
Say , ill at Niuhol U qulto n batter and a
ball plu\ur , to boot , Isn't ' hot Ho faced
VIck Just four times , mid pasted him safe
every 1(1110. (
The other man that can do that to Viol :
hain't been born you
ShelbccK threw Jack Nowcll out at first ,
and Iho packing bouso millionaire dislocated
his shoulder blailo couching for the warp mid
wool hitTnosnas Ullbort was weaving over
the pUto.
Uut your unclo's hired men were not half
through with their Job.
In taa fourth utter Dad , In demoniacal Joy.
hud slammed out both Darby and Vlclt ut
tint , ho ppmivdup the cockles of his thoracic
racic department and banded Shy his oase.
Then tbo lad from the bailed beau metropolis
and the ono irom tbo of sulnotsund
beer both larruped him ttafo. and Shcibock
ran In.
Thu agriculturist win tired out nt Urst by
the ngllo Mr. Uly.
Again In tno tlfth they scored after two
ir.on were out. Collapy und undo both
foulud In quick concussion to Campion.
THOU iiuyoj thumped Dad for a single , the
kid tor tnpk' , and VIck for a cue timor
too , the IIMI trio scoring , of course ,
By this tlmo the grund stuud was out of
Ucll ) ' Hume Itun.
In tbo seventh Kelly hired n small boy in
expectorate on hU band * , then ho braced
hlmiclf nt the pluto , lifted his tree aloft bentt
his back and ulff !
TJio air teemed f.ill ot Hying bits of yarn ,
leather and rubber uud till that vraj left of
ono of Al Uoact'd very beat wont tailing ,
salllnp , not exactly o\ortho dark blue ira ,
but 'way ' out ever Nlcbol'a head to tbo ro-
moton corner of lha yard. Befora tbo bat
tered and pulpy mass could bo fished up from
out an aroblpolafto of plifwood and dogfcn-
nol , Kol was shaking hands with unulo at
tbo oatmeal canl
And ogaln in the next , nnd two men were
out , Just as Jhoy were In the two preceding
Newell lot Darby's dust agitator got
through his slender but symmetrical limbs ,
Vlvk bit safe and Ely allowed ono to glvo
him the high , low nnd there you are I
The kid was In with the ninth tolly.
And that was nil , for although Vlckortr
stole second and third Just as easy ns eating
shortborry strawcnko , not another man oversaw
saw first.
Tnnt was only bccattso the boys wore
tired , howayor , for your uncle said they
could have stood there a month and knocked
out. singles , doubles and other votrotablos as
long as Dad felt like handing them to thorn.
And I bellovn ( Jnclo was right.
Hero are the details :
AH. n. in. an. n. f < > . A. K ,
Miclbcck. ss. 4 2 1 0 1 t : i 1
Gllks. 21) 3 1 U 0 1 8 1 1
Koliy , in r , i a 1 o o o o
Vlsnor. rf
Coiiopr. ab r , o o t 0 o 2 2
Howe , Ib 5
llnycsc. 5 2 1 0 0 0 U o
IhirbV. If
VIcliery , p 4 1 3 0 3 U 7 0
Totals 41 0 12 3 4 27 10 I
An. n. ID. HU. an. 10. A. K. ss 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
Nicholson. t\ \ )
Campion , 11) 10 00
( icttmnor , If
Nloliol , tu )
Armour , rf
Hurley , o ! 1
Clarke , p
Totals M 4 8 3 0 37 18 4
Omnha . . . . 0
'lolodo 4
Huns earned : Omaha , p : Toledo , & Two-
Imuo hits : Gllks , 1 ; Gumnlun , I ; Nlohnl , 2.
Throe-base hits : Sholbook , 1 ; Darby , 1. Homo
run : Knlly. Double piny : Viekory to Huyos
to Howo. I ) iso on bails : UIT vlckory , 2 :
Ulniku , 1 , Lofton buses ! Onmhu , H ; Toledo ,
n Htriiek out : Hy Vlokorv. ) > ; Ulnrko , 3.
Passed bulls : Hy Hurley. 1. Wild pitches : Uy
Olnrku , 1 Time ot came : Ono hour and
twenty-live minutes , umplroi McQuuld.
Toledo This Afternoon.
It looks as if Omaha had about dumped all
her bad lurk. Toledo was u plcnio yesterday
and ought to bo today. Omaha wants all
throe of these games , nnd uncle says she
shall bo gratified nnd moro too. Ho prom
ises to pivo Columbus the razoo next Tues
day , Wednesday and Tnursdav and Fort
\Vnyno and Indianapolis too. Ho lutonds to
A big crowi will bo on band today , for the
feeling prevails that the Rustlafs must win.
The positions.
Oinnhas. 1'osltlon. Tolodos.
Darby 1'ltoh 1'oars
Hayes Citub : Durllns
Hone first. . . .i Campion
Ullks bocond Nicholson
Collopy Th rd Newell
Sholbeck Short. Ely
VHnor Right. . . Armour
Ilundlboo Loft UcKlneor
Kelly Middle. Nlcuol
Uamo called at 3:30. :
This \Vu a Great Gnmo.
KANSAS CITV , Kan. , Juno 4 Every run In
the game between Columbus and Kansas
City today was earned. Columbus batted iu
lucic than the Blues and won. Attendance ,
1,800. Wcathor pleasant. Score :
KnnsnsCltj 0 0030000 0 3
Columbus 0 0200200 * 4
BllMMAitr :
Huns earned : Kansas City ! 8 ; Colnmbus , 4. Two-
bnso lilts : Mnunlnn. Anilrus. Throe base lilts :
Merrltt. Homo rurs : Kltoljorg. Wuloli. Double
plnys : Walsh , McClelland and llrcukunrldife. Huso
on balla : OH 1'nyno , 2 ; oft Stovcni. a Bacrlllce
hits : Cntnoy , Campnu , Struck outt Hr
Payne , 4. 1'as cd bnlls : Hy MoMahon , 2. Stolen
bases : Kltoljorg , Walsh , O'ltourko. llmo of Kama :
Two hours. Umpire : ciornd.
Signer Antonio Did Wliut Olinmborliiln
Mndu it Mu nt fur Commy.
WASIIIXOTON , D. L ) . , Juno 5. After Wash
ington had knocked Chamborlaln outof the
box in the first iniiui ? Mullano Hnlshod out
the gama and the ( Senators wora unable to
add to tboir scoro. Attondunca , 2,800..Scora :
iishlimton 5 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 P 5
Cincinnati 7
lilts : Washington. 10 ; Cincinnati , 13. Errors :
WiishUiKtoii , U ; Ulnuliinutl. o. Earned runs :
W.ihhmittoi ! , 5 : Cincinnati , It Itiitterlos :
GastrlKlit and Mllllgun ; Chuniborliiln , Mul
lane and Murphy.
Ouukurs' Klghth .SuroonsU'o Victory.
Piin.AiiELriiiA , Pa. , Juno 4. The Phillies
leant up tnelr wlnnlutr streak today , although
tboy wore guessing up to the eighth inning ,
wtion triples by Hallman and Doluhanty and
a slnclo by Clements produced tbo dcsirud
runs. Attendance. 3.DUO. Score :
Bt Louis . , . 0 0 3
I'lilladolphln . 0 * 4
lilts : Sr Louts. 7i I'lilluilolpliln , 10. Errors ;
Bt. Louis , "i I'liUiijlolphln , J. Kurnud ruiiH :
St. UuiU , 1 : I'lillailclplila. 'J , llatturlos :
Uloiibou and Jluukloy. : WuyliliiK and Cloiiionts ,
Uncle (
UM.TIMOUK , Md. , Juno i. Chicago won an
easy victory" today. Weather fair. Attend
ance , U , 100. Score :
ll.iltlinoro . 3
Clilouco . 0 0 0 3 3 0 L1 0 * 7
HUH : Haiti more , B : Chicago , 13. Errors ;
Hultlniori' . 4 ; Ulilo.igo. : . ' . Kurncd runs : Uultl-
nioru , 1 ; Chloaun. 4r lluttoi-lus : llullliiton and
Itoblnson ; llutclilnsoii and Klttrodgu.
KuiinuU htlll
NEW YOIIIC , Juno 4. New Yorlt won easily
tbrouKh sujforlor battlnp. Weather threaten-
In , Attoudauco , ' . ' ,100. Score :
Now York. . . . , . 0 0 a o 1 1 o 1 1- o
Louisville. . 0 2
lllth ! Now Yor1 : , 11 : J.oulsvlllo. n. I'rrors :
Now York. 'J ; Louisville. 4. L'nrnod rmist Now
York , 4 : Louisville , 2. naileries : King uuU
KluliU ; btrutlDii and Dowtu. , ,
Morkfd It to thu .Splilcrn.
Nnw YOIIK , Juno 4. The Broplclya loom
today won hands down. Attendance , 3,007. ,
Score : '
Hroolclyn . fl
UlovolHiul . U tOlSOO , 00 4
IIIU : IlrooUlyn. 1 ' : Glovoliiml , 0. Krrors :
HrooUlyn , 'i ulovolhni ) , 4. lliirnod runs ;
llrooklyn , I ) ; Cluyuluiiil , 1. llattorlcs : Fiuiu
uud Dulloy ; Cuppy nnd O'Connor ,
DUoitoif * Funny Ciiiiuu.
x , Mass. , Juno 4. Plttsburff should
have boon shut out touav , as Stivctts was
ilcudy and Uept thorn down to four hits ,
inado In ax muuy innines. Errors helped two
Pittflburgers around. Boston made their six
runs thiouuh various combinations , earning
but two.Voodcock ut times was very olToct-
Ivo , Ilostou havlntr cloven man loft on bases.
Attendauco i,704. ) Woatbor fuir. Score ;
lloetou , 0
I'Htaburi- o 0010000 1 a
lllut Iloiton , 10 ; I'lttkburi ; , 4. L'rrorni lloa-
ton , Ci I'lttMuur/ . Kurnod ruim ; lloitoii , 2.
Il.iltorlcs : Btlvots a > id Kelly ; WoodoouUuiid
Tor a T u-l > ollur AVolyutu ,
The Arcades and Iloiorvc * cross bat * To
day , Juno 6 , for iv purse oT"10. They play In
the following position * :
Arcades. Poalllon . Iloiervc * .
jJUIiy . short stoj ) . , . fctrlksr
llrown . , . cutTflier. . . .Sponlo
Slirillon . pltolior . MoAtilllTo
llowoll . . . . . . . , , sml liaso. . . . . liVinan
Ulinbori ? . . . . . .Irl bmu . . .Arnont
Nolau . , . . . .lnt hiise . Ltinil
Itiinnoln . rlRhf n d. . . . . . . Lyncii
Lnnati . . . . ( JcnloriJHiUl I . Analmoh
loft n ld..i . Wlrtn
Ilc.ttrlco ItnnKA Out Another ( Intno nt
Krnrnvy'it ipeno. :
BRATniCB , NOD. , J/noN. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BER.J The second eamo of ball
between Kcnrnoy and Boatrlco was olnyod
bora this afternoon bofora a big crowd. The
day was exceptionally fair and sutnmerlike.
Both clubs put up a splendid gome. Score :
Itu.Urlco. . 1 B
Koiirnoy . . . . 4
Earned runs : IJoatrlce.Ji Kearney , 1 , Tlrst
base on bulls : O1T UarrloU , ' . ' : off Castono , : > .
atruok out : Hy Uorrlck , 3 ; by Custom1. 4.
Three base bits : Puiir. Two-basu hits :
l.nti v. ltrntlr.\ l > , i\di r Ittiso liltst
Iluutricu. 8 ; Koirnoy , 0. sacrlllco hits : l nie ,
Jones , Derrick , Melon buses : lloultlcc. 7 ;
Koiirncy , .1 , Daiiblo iilnvs : C.islonu to Hhor-
Imin. lilt by pltclu-r : 1'oiider. t'ustoni' . Nnf ;
boriitn , Wild pilches : Derrick , 1. I'nssed
balln : Poir , 2. Krrots : Iloutrlco. 4 : Kuurni-y ,
4. Tlinouf Riimu : Two hears unil thirty luln-
utos. Umpire : Hurt.
At n meeting of the Doatrica Base Ball as-
socmtlon this availing ttio roilcnatlon of Al
F. Cole as socrctarv was lllod and accepted.
Mr. Cole Intends being absent Ic the south
during the remainder of the slimmer.
riattmunutli Htlll Loalnc.
Pi.ATTSMOUTn , Nob. , Juno 4. | Spocin\
ToloRratn to TIIK BunJ Ploltamouth was
dofoatcd again today. Score :
I'liittstnouth 0
Urand Island o * 0
Kuniod runs : Grand Island , 0 ; Plnttsmoiith ,
5. llaso hits ! Griiml Island. 0 : LMnttumouth ,
10. Errors : Qrund Islnnil. 4j PlntUinouth , 4.
II ittorles : Hourko , Horror und Mbrray ; Yapp
and Muupln. t
Standing ot.tlio Tomii * .
I'.C. w. r , PO.
Columbus. . . . . . 20 u .741 Minneapolis . 10 14 .417
Milwaukee. . . . 17 U .bit Otnnlin > . 13 17 .411
KnnanaUljr. . . 17 II . .bit.Mi Kott Wnyno. . , U 17
Toledo U U .5111 liutlannpolls. 1 17
lloslon 2 ! ) 11 Navr Vorlt. , 20 n .613
Brooklyn . . . . 21 It .mi Uloroland. . 20 20 .fflO
Cincinnati Zii IU MV LouLivlllo. . 17 M ,4IU
Culc.iKO. . . . . . . 23 1H MVMl WhnblnKton , 14 21 .3(3 (
IMillndalphtn. . 21 1'J .St. I/oiiH. . . 11 20 .310
IMttsbuiKa 2U llnlthnuro. , a M
ncatrlro. . . . . . . 13 4 IlnstlnRS < , o 11
Urand Island , . 14 7 Kunrnoy . . n u . 'old
Frumont U 8 I'latUmoiitu. . C 14 .SIX )
Htunillnpr of the Tin } ors.
The battliiR and Holding averages of the
Omatm team up to tbo present series ol homo
games U appended. It will bo seen that
Kelly , the loader in batting , has fallen to
fourth place , ami Collopy has exchanged
places with him :
n An u nn su sn AV
Collopy 424 1i Id 27 7 0 .875
Vlsner II & 3 I 13 5 6 .811
Darby II M 9 17 3 0 .800
Kelly 23 110 13 S3 3 V .VM
SliclDock ; 23 IK 19 32 8 12 ,281
Itowo 23 107 13 27 5 3 .253
( Jllks . 2S 121 11) 2) 7 18 .218
llnyui 18 U ) 0 13 2 2 . !
Wvitlako .IU tl II 12 3 .UK )
Vkkcry II 07 S 2 0 .1.11
llnuillbou 10 31 3 120 .128
In the Holding per cjmt .Olllcs loads , as the
standard of- the catcnorVlncludcs both their
woric iu the Hold nnaobchlua the bat. The
men rank as follows- , . ,
ro. A. E. pint cr.
' " " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " > ' "
Howo1..V'\ ? . . l ? . . 3 l B 7 Iwil
Wcstlnku CS 33 6 , l 5
Iln > qs lil.C.1. . . 78 20 0 .1)15
llnnJlboo , A. * . . 10 41 2 .tWi
Darby . ? . . . . ' . . . . 11 It . ) . . * > IT
Vlckerr . . . . ' . . . . . . S 41 7 .H75
Vlsner ; ? . ' . . ' . ' . " . . . 18 1 3 .8U
bhulbeck , . . . : „ . . ! . . 6'J G7 IU .bM
Kelly 4 3 0 .811
Collopy n. . . . . . . < 0 81 IS ' .810
AMONG TiuaiATiims. .
lllgli School lioyi ) HJutplay the Crolslitou
Tbo fUgh School and , tbo Crolghton Rods
played an Intorcatmg amp of ball , at .Hascall
parfc jcstorddy. , Th'6 feature of lha pnmd
iwas the baao'runnlng oYlho High Schools.
Tbo High Schools would liuo to hoar from
any nlno under IB iyosrar Dates token on
every | doy ezcopt Sunday. Yesterday's
game :
Two-unso * lilts ; McKonny , ' Duncan. Tliroo Imio
lilts : I'otonun , McUnu. Homo runs ; McCnn.
Double plays. 0 Karnod runs : Forest lawn > , 1) ) .
htruckoul : lly.Vodlcka , It ; by Spoonur.IS. Sacrl-
tltn Ii'ts ' : Korost LnvriiH , 1 IliiHca on balls : Vo-
.illtlca , 2 ; Rpoonor , 4. I-yft on LIVHOB : lorost Lawns ,
'll ; C. II. V.JN1. C. A.,9 Uiniilro ; SUullold.
The Uocttots popped It to the Sturs ngaln.
Score :
Itockots. . . . ! > . . < 4 19 373330 0 33
Stars i.O 1000000 0 7
Kuim earned : ItookoU , 4 ; Stars , 2. Two-
basis lilts : Uardner. llolinos. 2 ; Slmnnon , 2 ;
I'uterson , 2. Thruo-hnso lilts : Oarclnor , Hliun-
11011 , Cassldy , lluvomgss. Homoruns ; Gard
ner , llaso on bulls : Olf HUaimon , 2 ; elf
Hoiish , 2 Struck out ) Hy Shannon , 0 ; by
Konsli , 4. Tlmo. of ffame : One hour nnd
thlrty-llro minutes. Umnlro : I'runk Kolloy.
The Burt Street Clippers > > ould llko a
gamu with tbo Cathedrals or any nine In tha-
clty under 13 your * of ago. Address P. Fitz-
putrlck , Til North ICightconth street. The
clippers are : ' A. Peterson , pitch ; R Peter
son , catch ; II61mc9 , first ; Conn , second ;
Mullen , sbort ; Fltzp.itrletc , third.
The South Omaha Uasa Ball club and the
Black Diamonds of Omahft-wlll cross bats at
the Syndicate parlt--LTound * Sunday. Tbo
teams are cousUtutcjjpa fpllowd :
S. Omaha. Portions , lllack Diamonds.
I" . TlOknor . 1'ltulu.i . Wrlslit
Hart . OJCMIH . .
Clark . IIHf't.o . Stnbun
A. Tlcknor , . , . BMjiM- . , . , . . . F. jlolnziimn
Lyncn . . . wArftt. * . . . Lfllurphy
H.iylo. . . . , . Third . Hhebor
i > vu . tifery . . . . . . . .11111
Buck . MMitld. . Iloliizinun
( Jotolioll . ; . . . , , . . .yjoll ! ) . , . . . .llanns
[ rnoM TusTKiiDAl Bvt'osn ' nnmo.v.l
MorrU 1'iirk I'tirnlilira it Mco Diiy fur the
fc I'ortu- > lHj rH.
MOIIHIS J/Aitif , N , V'-jJjino 11. Tbp talent
bad all thojboatof it tJljyv { four of the 'six
rucos going to fltst cl.olcos in tbo betting.
I'lrst riu'u , hlx furlonuw Great Onus ( il to 1) )
won , llrowi ; Huaiity ( I to 1) ) second , Tom Huyus
(4 ( 10 1) ) third , Tlrno : 4tUi. . ,
Second ruoo. ono injloj Two Hits Cl tp 5) ) won ,
to SI second. Lord Motley (15 ( to I )
tnlrd. Tlmo : l:4n. '
Third race. Dobtttiinto atiikos. flvo fur-
lonBs : Mondloaiit II'J to 1) ) won. Dnulllu filly ,
( | -J to 1) ) leeund , Pruprluty H to 1) ) third. Tlmo ;
Hurpil i > at r.atonlii.
CiKciN.viTi , O. , June-8-Throo out of four
favorites won at Latonlu today , Cllntlo'C.
and Hosoboy were unexpected winners.
1'lrst race , sollliiK puttie , for 3-yoar-oldi and
upwurdu , ulx furloiiKtv Illptiona ( U to 3) ) won ,
Outyruf t D to li boutiml. KxcoUlor ( D to 1) ) third.
Tinio : lJ7 : .
Second raim. solllnt 'purso , for 3-yoai'-olds
mid up , pnu inllo mid twouty yardn : Urvlllo (4 (
toft ) won'M > ud Howard ( U to S ) iLCOnd , Mb
l ihlra. Tlmo : 1 48Vi ,
Third ruco. pur ifor 3-yoar-oldi. noveu
furlon si Ollnilo O ( < 1 to l ) won. Pondloton (10 (
to 1) ) soconil , Iiondon fJ to W third. Tlmo :
I'ourtu race , purse , for malden 3-year-oldi
and upward , flvo nnd one-halt turlon tsi
bov (1 ( to 1) ) won. PoddlnrtT t i ) sjsmJ. Lottie
( Sto II third , Time ; 1:11 : M. ,
rifth race , pnrso. for innldon 2-vonr-nld
four and ono-half fnrions : Pliitut U to „ ' )
won , Yoiiltndcn | 7 lo I ) second , Ujvorncsi (4 ( to
1) ) third. Tlmol M'j.
HI. liuuls I'rocrit u
ST. Louts , Mo. , Juno 8. Weather throat
onlng ; attendance , light.
1'lrst race , bandloin , ! ' < furlongs : Uiinnu
(8 ( tu 1 | won. Uoynl Tltish ( oren ) second , Give
away (4H ( to t ) third. Tlmo : 1MW.
Sucond race , luinillcap , for 2-yo ir-nlds , four
and ontvhulf furlong * ! Hrownwood ( I to I )
won , Miss Mosoly (8 ( to 1) ) second , Tno Juwol (7 (
to AI third , Tlmo : 17.
Third race. SOTDII and one-halt furlongs :
Nolllol'nnrl ( I to I ) won , LniiKloy (4 ( to 1) ) HOU-
ond. 8l ht Draft (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l.WiJ : ,
Toiirth rneo , sollliiR. nun mlle : Loporlno ( A
to.t ) won. Mean EnoiiKh (2 ( v 1) ) second , /enter
(4 ( to H third. Tlmo : H44'J. '
rifth rnco , sclllti . ono mlle : May Hardy (2 (
to 1) ) wcin , Coronet ( .M to 1) ) second , Kolom ( S to
1) ) third. Tlmo ! 1:41.
( liillopliiK lit ( Inrllnlil.
CittCAOo , ill. , Juno 3. Qarllcld tracK re
sults :
First rneo. half inllo : .TaeU I.ovoll won.
1'raiik Evans sorond , Lottie Wall third. Tlmoi
Sucnnd rnuc , threc-nuiirtors of n mlle : J. II.
1'roed won , Governor wheeler sooond , Pullman
third. Tlmui 1:10.
Third race , sailing , sovon-olehths of u mlle :
Solrtlss won. Gonilnrm soconil , Hankriipt
third. Tlmoi 2iO. :
I'onrth raco. tbruo-foiirlhi ol n mlle : Hrssio
nisi mil won. llnclo KnmW stooml , W H U H
third. Tlmo : l:4IM. : .
Kltth race , selling , ulovon-Nlxloanths of n
inllo : lll Man won , Crispin second , Ituflln
third. Tlmo : tar. :
l.n riocho Won thn Oaks.
Lovnox , Juno 3. This was the last day ot
the hpsom summer mooting. The principal
event was the race for the Oaks stoke , next
In interest among the great turf events In
England to the Derby. Baron do Hlrsch's
great fllty , La Floeho , who -started among
the favorites for the Darby und ran second
in that race , craved tbo winnor. The Smow
second , Lady Hermit third. Tlmo : 2:43- ! ! ) .
'Wealhor fair and cool , with fashionable
Htlll Winning.
LOSDOX , Juno 2. The American champion
blo.vcllst A. A. Zimmerman of the Now Yorlc
Athlotlo club' won the half mlle handicap
event today. Timor 1 : ll15. .
Shootlsts ut Coiliir Itnplil9.
OEBAII Kxrtus. In. , Juno 3. At the shootIng -
Ing tournament hero tody at ulay pigeons ,
Qcorgo Hnudorson made a score of 115 out of
l'J5 , breaking tbo record.
Score In the CliPHH Mntrli.
Losnoy. Juno 8. Blackburn lost the fifth
game of the chess match today. Tbo score
now stands : Laskor , ! ) ; Blackburn , 0 ; Drawn ,
_ _
Flour Output.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 3. The North
western Millar says the flour output last
week was among tbo largest ever made ,
being an aggregate of 103,700 barrels , against
149,800'barrols ' the previous week , 128,230
barrels for thn corresponding tlmo in 1891.
The direct exports last week were fi 1,050
barrels , against 77,350 barrels the preceding
I'uul Ilolnrloli Demi.
Paul Hoinricb , assistant auditor to the B.
& M. , died at his residence in this city last
night after a protracted lllnoss. The remains -
mains will bo taken to Now York today for
interment , accompanied by Edward Brandt
of the Burlington. The funeral will bo hold
this afternoon at " o'clock at the rosldonco ,
2005 Burt street.
World's Fair Souvenir , Illustrated , being a
complete and conolso history of the princi
pal world's fal 9 train the Crystal Palace ,
London. 1831 , to > ho World's Columbian Ex
position In Chicago. IBUt. With oxplanator
tables and.inupj. Published by The An-
aba uo Publishing company , Chicago , bound
neatly In cloth.
It arcly falls to the lot of tbo reviewer
to notice BO exhaustive a work as the
"World's Fair Souvenir , " which has
boon compiled with so much care by a
former resident of Omaha , John D.
Jones. For purposes of reference , o
comparison and for general information
the work Is a magnlflcont rodox of tbo
push and energy of a city that is the won
der of the world.
In Its compilation expense has not
been thought of , and the richness of its
illustrations of the World's fair build
ings , cuts of the mon and women who are
directing to a succossiul issue what bids
fair to bo the greatest exposition of an
cient or modern times , pictures
of the colossal business blocks thn
stand as monuments to the enterprise of
heir owners and builders , is typical of
the "Chicago gait , " as the rush and
bustle of the grout city by tbo inland Boa
has boon described.
The book has boon arranged upon" a
most comprehensive plan , the object of
the publisher being to glvo a complex
resume of what may bo soon in Chicago
in 1803 , and at the sumo thno give the
nformatlon in a compact form , so that
the work may bo a valuable adjunct to
ho library and reading room. Its use
fulness will not end with the close of
the exposition , but on the contrarywlll
grow in value with yours , for it is the
most perfect compendium yet issued of
an ovon'c which cannot fall to have nn
influence for many decades to comoupon
all I lines of art , literature nnd com
merce. As Mr. Jones says in the Intro
duction to the work : "As an educator
this event will leave Its impress upon
succeeding generations and boar fruit In
all realms of human thought , ingenuity
and progress. "
In addition to its complete opltomo of
what has boon done , is doing and will bo
done when the fair opens , it oomos to
the general public at n most opportune
tlmo. It brings before the American
people the forces that are actively at
work to make the exposition u , success
worthy of a nation thnt in a littio ever a
century has , from nothing , bulldod the
mightiest republic of earth. It not only
gives full ptigo art typo illustrations und
descriptions of the principal buildings
of previous world's fairs and all the
buildings of the present World's Colum
blnn Exposition , together with portraits
and biographical sketches of its
olllcprs and chiefs of departments
hut it tolls "How to Rouch the
Fair , " gives descriptions of Chica
go's parks and boulevards , its places of
timuBomont , the wholesale and jobbing
interests , Its railroad facilities , and in
general is the most complete guide book
to the city that stands at the edge of
Lake Michigan.
Do you want ono of these boolcs ? A
few minutes' work will secure ono for
you. Bond to THIS OMAHA Bins one sub
scriber to TIIK WKKK&Y DKK at $1.25
and ono will bo sent to you by mall. The
book sells for 81.00 , but THE BKK has secured -
cured a largo number of copies , enabling
the publishers to make ( .hia liberal oiler.
It Is the best thing In this line ever offered - -
forod and you are euro to bo olotisod.
You can hnvo tnu paper and book sent
to your address or the book ulono and the
paper to some other parson ,
Omaha , Nob.
,1115 and 1117 Farrmtn Slrcot , Otnahn , Nob.
Brocatell Woo !
Satin Damasks
Damasks Art *
Silk Furnit'ro
Damasks Lace
Art Curtains
Silks. Drapery
Lace Chenilles'
Curtains , Curtaina
Brass Beds from $25 upwards.
THE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
bowels , purify the blood , arc pleasant to take , safe and
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , BrighL's' Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash ,
Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Cora- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- case that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
Bull Durham
Whether on the hills gaming ; In
the place of business ; or at home ,
It always fills that niche of com
fort a good smoke. Put up In
handy packages , and recognized
everywhere as a'Pure Granulated
Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali
ty ; it recommends itself to every
smoker's use. Sold everywhere.
Is always uniform in quality. Pure , sweet and clean.
that the
Behr Bros. & Go's.
Hiuo attained , nml llio high prnlso they Imvo cllcltol from the uorlil'ii MOST RC-
NONNIH ) ARTISTS , from the press nntl from n public long prejudiced In favor of
liler nmkps , It I < ? sato to assume tlmt the InUnimonl mint bo iiossussol of UNCOJI
M0 >
Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska.
Established 1866.
la not coniplotoly stocked without the
Flno Brands of
Brewers of
. . . . . . , .
drink. i n 1.1 wo. " " * ' l.AVIJlo1
' ton prefer nn It licit to n clii"i | , r i uiiiiuiiii ilrlrik. 'limyiironlw y iilriillit | unil IS olil < > t a I oil or IKjuors. 'J liu inoltn if ) Anli il ir-lluwh
i/brovf , intorial "liiiitliiiw tliuuu , bill bow noml , " liai built u | >
Mrtf lAu ? m-mlll l lnnlntf To the moil utoni * ii In Uui word.
Oraaba Branch t , E. Cor. 13 h and Jonts Btr , GUKKUU , Gensral Agin1
Savings Banks of Omaha
On Regular Pass Book Accounts 4 pr ; cent per annum ,
For 3 months and less than 6 months , 41 per cent per annum.
For 6 months and more than 6 months , 5 per cent per annum.
OMAHA oAvlnUo II A Mi.
Everr MAHonlio
B'/KONO and VIO-
13 | fiWI I OllOUBill aPAmgn all leiuerti
N1JUVINU Oil OI/M iulfcrliiK from NJlilvoutJ L > HI > III.I K , jyu i or
KAII.INO UANnoOOluUbllyc.inl > iloniconvuliluni , ntrvoin
, proilrallon , causid by Ibeme of opium , tobacco or alcohol , waVo-
fulnen. ineiiul iepr ilon , Ion ol power in cither ti , ipermnlor-
Tirnoi IAMU ArrKR un. rliwa cauted br lellabui * and over loduli iicfi or any pcrtonal weak'
neu can ba rc.tored lo p i ecl beallU and llio NOUIVU VITAWTY Of BTHONO MRM.
Wogl willten Kuarante wiihfibo > lo cure any caie or refund the money. | | boijO lom | J '
FOP Sola In Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co.