PflRT THREE. i _ FHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PRGES 17 TO 20 , \ I l TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JUNE 5 , 1892-TWENTY PAGES. NUMBER 353. CHINESE MEDICINE CO CAPITAL Achievements Tint Have Made Him Famous Remarkable Suc cess of the Chinese Doctor. Results''Not Words , Have Given Him Ilis Rep utation Facts for the Sick to Read Evidences That Place Him at the Head of all Others. "Who Tins not hoard of Dr. Chanp Gco Wo ? Who docs not know of his marvel ous cures ? His reputation and fume extend fur nnd wldo as the fjreiit heulor for nil ailment ? . How many families and unfortunates bless his name for what ho has done for them. Coining to Omahiva. few years ago , by his remarkable success in the treatment of disease , ho has built up a large practice nnd made hundreds or friends. The number ho has cured who have been abandoned by others are legion. Could ho have lasted ? Could ho have sustained his Immense practice if ho had not benefited nnd cured those who had placed themselves in his care ? No , not for eix months. And what has ho had to contend ngainfit ? What insurmountable difficulties have been thrown in his wnyV They hrtvo been such that most ordinary men would have quailed under them. Not ho. Ills skill and indefatigable will have won the day. nnd at present his ability is finally recognized even by his ene mies. Slander , arrest and race prejudice have cut no figure. His achievements , nnd they onlv , nave won him fame and distinction. Again , far u long time before bo became known , his patients wore those who onlv came to him as a last resort , mostly old chronic cases , who have failed com- ploicly to obtain relief through their doctors. While the doctor does not claim to euro ovcrv one , but of all those cases ho has succeeded with 03 per cent. No wonder , then , that people had their eyes opened and sought the relief to bo ob tained at his hands. Jealous of him , nnd feared , ho has therefore been maligned nnd slandered by many , but , like the luster of the diamond , his uamo will sllino for all ilme , and cannot bo taken from him. WHO IS HE ? The doctor is a regular graduate of China , and , by the way , what difference nud It will not cost him a cent. Ho ba * a Brand conservatory for uotblnz una the choicest of flowers are cut aid placed in bis room , and his tables are decorated with roses in the middle of winter. The country keep up" his library uud bo has as many servant as he can use. Ho never needs to write a letter himself and his high-ptlcod prival ecrotnry Uc < n > the crowd away fromhim , and ho has stenographer * and clerks at hi uo.ik und call , llo uevor need * to open hi own door and It be wlihos to shave it will b trango II ono ot tbo colored Doy about th oxocutiro ruuuilon cnnuor iklllfullv baudl ttio raror. The stable * which Uude Sam baa tutlt for him uro a * fine as m&ny a house am Jluw You ( lot Jute the M hlto House. The entrance to the mansion I * worth a de scription. Tba pane cocbero ba * a roof up hold by great stouo columns , each as big around as a Hour barrel , and it cover * a stone plulforin or porch so largo tbat it would fur nish Ibo foundation of the ordinary seaside cottage , la tbe middle of tbl * porch be tween two great window * are the frontdoon of the white house. Those are double door * of highly polished walnut and Into cacti door u sot an oval piece of nlato glass with panels of m > - salc glass about it and through tbe&e Ibo doorkeepers cau sco who wish to enter and , If they r dangerous cranks , can refuse to open the door * . la one of these door pi ales a card hcnc * . This curd I * made of tin and upon It in bltr-K letter * U nuinted : "Open 10 n. m. Closed : ) p. tu , " Tbo white houto l I , docs it rnnko wtioro a in an comes frcm , if ho is a man , nnd can euro diseases that others full in. ; ROOTS AND HERBS. The doctor uses remedies that have boon tested by millions of people in China through centuries , until , by years ot trial , it is known what they will do lor each particular complaint. Many are not known in this country atVill. They are per fectly harmless in every respect. Delays are dangerous. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Call nnd see the doctor at once before yoJf case becomes nRgm-nited. or ' 9 to ° late. Ho makes no charge for consultation or advice , buf will 'tell you candidly what hu can do for you , nnd whether your case \e \ curable or not. Hundreds of livinrr witnesses as to his success ho can refer you lo , and testimonials without number in his ofllco will satisfy you as to his skill. Is it surprising , then , that ho is known from one part of the country to the other ? . TI7HY do they want him to go ? Is it becausehe has nothing Vtodo ? Certainly not. It is because his business is suc cessful. Because he cures people and does not kill them with poisonous decoctions. He will remain in spite of all competi tion. Two more doctors coining to help this \veek. DR. C. GEE. WO has practiced medicine in Omaha for three years , and has been called to sign only six death certificates in that time , and then only was called in at the last moment , when death had fixed his hold upon his victims. What a wonderful success ! In view of the dull times at present prevailing , the doctor will make a big- reduction in his prices to thos2 who cannot afford to pay full terms , and solcits all who would take , advantage - vantage of this great opportunity to call upon him at once and receive the benefit of this great opportunity. fnror yon hnTC rionc rac. and reft ntmrcd I h ll not let nn uiipurtnultr imssio return the compliment l" racoiumendlni : your skillful assistance to nny one necdlni. trcntincnt. ly irk'ntl who wus lukln ? your rheumatism rem edy Is it In ) acltirrbelter rapidly. \numny puulKb tills Icttur II It wlllnssUt you or help you in any vrity. " 11A& 8TOTB3. FOUND AT LAST. , After years of unsuccessful .search for Cure , Martin 'Anderson Gets Cured by the Chinese Doctor A Voluntary Testimonial. _ . , Omaha , Net. , March IS , 1893. To whom It may concern : Tills It to certify tkat 1 bare been n constant Buffer always closed to visitors at 2 p. m , , and after this tlmo if you have important matters and I must see the president you must use tbe door-bell. The door-boll is ot brouzo and like the door-knob1 ! it was especially designed for the white houso. These door-Knobs are ench as big around ns u base ball and they have a , screaming American eaplo cut lute each ot tncir brass faces. Passing these doors you come into the vestibule and this , is a vesti bule with a capital V. It Is so. big that you could turn \vaijon load of hay uruund In it without touching the walls and the celling is so high that the man who arovu the wagon could stand up and bis head would not clazo it. At the back of it Ts a wall of the finest of glass mosaic. It is made of precious stones and colored class and crystal and at night it shines like tbo Jewels of the palace of Monte Christo. Tbo lloor is of mosaic and these beauties come out in striking contrast to some of their surroundings. There is for in stance at the further door of the vestibule through which you pass to go up to tbe pros- dent's oltlcB , n ( J walnut umorolla stand and the wooawork ol the room you seals grained to represent black walnut and is by no means genuine. Against tbo wall there are a cou ple of $3 wicker chairs in which the messen gers sit , for this room is for half the day pub- Ho property. property.Tlio Tlio 1'rcslilent'n l.irlor . Tbo parlors of the white bouso uro on the ground floor though there are enough rooms on tbo second iloor to give a place for a sit- tlugroom and the bedrooms are so big and so airy and have such beautiful viowa that any ordinary mortal could sit in them without getting the blues. Of the parlors below stairs only tbo cast room is shown to visitors and it is hero that tbo president holds his noon receptions. This is rerbaps tbo blggost par lor in tbe United States and It is a wonder of magnificence. Its walls are of silver and gilt and In them are set eight massive mir rors , each of wbicU Is as big as tba tops of two billiard tables placed side by bide , uud your foot sinks almost up to tbo ankle in the rich velvet carpet whica covers the lloor. This room Is eighty foot long nnd forty foot wlda and it lakes moro than 400 yaads .to carpet It , The furniture is cushioned with genuine hair and it Is covorc'l with the finest. of satin. This room is now lighted by elec tricity and there are In tbo neighborhood of a thousand incandescent lights in the man sion , Tbe cbandellers in tbo east room cost $ .iOiX ) apiece and each contains G.UJQ plocea of tbo 11 nest Bohemian glass. Historic paint ings bang upon tbo walls and the portrait * which look down at you have cost Uuclo Sam In the neighborhood of $25 an iui-b. Itoumi Tapered With Silk. Most of those parlors of tbo wblto bousa butro beeu croatly improved smco the presi dent was elected. Tbo blue parlor has been redecorated by Tiffany and tbe entire wall is now draped In a blue gray sill : , Hue enough to malco a ball dress for a million aire's daughter , and this silk was made nt Patterson , N , J. Bilk curtains bang at tbo windows and there Is a dado about tbo lower part of tbe wall , which Is bandpalntcd , and tbe mouldings are tlngod with 6od. ! The room has the sumo blue tint that it bad bo * fore , but ucdur the cloctriu llpbt it looks far liner tban it did when Dally Mudlson used tu recolvo within it and when Harriet Line hero held bor rcccptlonx. In addition to this is tbo rod parlor which Is furnished through out in rod and bus nno furniture and many curious pieces of rare bric-a-brae Tbo crecn room lias boon redecorated and the pink of the peachblow and a touch of gilt has boon added to It. The furniture is ot gold and satiunnd tbo long promenade corridor with Its porlinluof the presidents of the past has boon made luoro beautiful than over. Tbo blue , rod and green rooms open Into thls , corridor rider and also the east room , conservatory and state dlnlngruora , uad at one end of ft there is a stairway loading to tbe second iloor. Tbe corridor lUelf U lullv a wide at tbe average parlor and it Is luruUhed Just like a parlor wltb > .ofl carpoti , fine furniture and cosy corner * . I don't know how much It cost to furnish It , but you may get seine idea of tbe money spent on the ttxlcg up of the white house by tha fact tb t the decora tions uud tbe refilling of tba east room dur ing this administration ara said lo have oott more thuu tlU.txw. It would indeed bo an woman who would FOR the benefit of these who Hvo In the country nntl cnnnot afford lo uomo to Omnhn nnd treat , ho puls up In bottles nine different medicines , aoh ono for n certain dUoa . They are ns follows : CATARRH CURE DR. BLOOD PURIFIER SICK HEADACHE CURE C. FEMALE WEAKNESS CURB LOST MANHOOD CURE GrEE INDIGESTION CURE ' KIDNEY AND LIVER CURB WO'S RHEUMATISM CURE ASTHMA CURE You can get them from your drujjgtit or by writing to Omaha. Addioss the Chinese Modicno Co. , Omaha , Nob. All other persons afillctod with these diseases write to Dr. C. Goo Wo , 6101 N. 10th St. , Omaha , and enclose 2o stamp for reply. Ho will send you , free , a question blank and a book. Fill out the blank and the necessary Chinese Medicine will bo scut to euro your case. Everything is sent scnlcd and free from public gaze : . Persons living In Council 13 ufTs , South Omaha or'Onmlm cun ilso call ut the office - fico and got iv bottle of medicine for trial. Prlco $1. If you cannot call and BOO the doctor In poreou , Bond for'a question blank. Consultation Free. Office Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Call Today. RESCUED AFTER BEING GIVEN UP TO DIE. Remarkable Cases Abandoned by Other Doctors but Cured by Dr. Chang Gee Wo , the Chinese Physician Statements from the Lips of the Patients Themselves. Omalia.Neb..ApriI5lS02. ToVriiom It May Concern : 1 liuva been n constant KtitTcrcr for ninny years with rticumatl'in nml ilyfpepMn. ami nf Icr trying all the doctor * 1 kocw or mid received no lielii I heard Hi Dr. ( . ' . ( iie Wolnt'jo piipors and concluded to try hlH mcdlclm-n , mo In n short time. My lumlly wnnnlRorlclc. but tlco doctor cured them nil nt-'ul. 1 Lave l o rent him n number of Irlends Minm lie cured utvonnd of various troubles. Call on BO for particulars. THOMAS COL'SHU.V. t3tl llarucy Btrc Omaha , Neb. , April 3,1332. this freely and for the benefit of uny one who may te nick , on 1 would ndvlio them to consult tba Culncso r \YHERETHEPRESIDENTL1VES \ What the Candidates and Their Wives May Dream of Through Bummer and Pall. VALUE OF THE PRESIDENCY IN DOLLARS It cullyVortli n Humlreil Thousand a Vunr A Mantliui Thut Hun Cost fvro Millions 1'uixjriMl With Silk Some Utlit Thing * of Which rcoitlo Sever Jlcur. \VABnisaTox , D. C. , Juno 1. [ Special Cor- ospandcnco of TUB fccc.J Agroat president tial battle Is at band and tbo wnlto bouse Is the medal to bo awarded the winner. For iho next six mouths It will bo tbo most Im portant ot all the buildings of the United Stated in the eyes of tbo public and it is in teresting to know Just what H is. Public men say the bouso is entirely too small , but 1 notice those who get in seldom want to cet out , nnd all who are out are mighty anxious to got in. David Hill , bachelor as ho is , thlnlts that Harrison's bed , which is six foot wide-would just suit him , and his frugal bachelor tnonl could bo as well cooked on tbo Croat ranges of the whlto house kitchen as upon those of thu Arlington whore ho is stop ping. Mrs. Harrison says the bouso ought to have double tbo number of rooms it bus now , hut she has not yet persuaded tbo pres ident , lo clvo it up at tbo close of his term , and ns for Cullou , McKinley , Tom Hcod and John herman , they are boiling their brains night'and day to see if tboy cannot got a lease of tbo mansion lor tlio next four years. It is IBSfr the same with tno loading democratic candi dates In all parts oC tbo country. Boles of ff Iowa U rcudy to throw up bis farm. Palmer of Illinois would resign from tbo senate , and Gray of Indiana thinks tbo whlto house would just tit him. . It Is the same with Gro ver Cleveland and bo Knows all about It tor ho spent bis honeymoon tbcro , and his wife Knows the establishment irom tbo kitchen to tbo attic , , WliHt the rrcilclrnrj' Amount To. Qj ' Tbo presidency of the United States is worth moro than most people suppose. Tboy look upon the fat salary of $30,030 n year which our chief executive gns as his solo revenue and every now and then some news paper b talcs that it costs all of this and more to keep up the establishment. I aou't hslievo ft word of It. Nearly every president saves money while ho Is la the white bouso and the txlras which the president gets are nearly equal to bis salary every year , llo pays uo rent in the tlrst place , and bo has a furnished bouso free. Ho has nothing to lay out on light or boat , for Undo Sam pays bis cat bills and no can have a wood flro In every room In bis homo from morning till midnight Jefferson. Iowa. To whom It rnny concern : 1 < Jc lre to Ftuto tlmt 1 was dnnpcronrly sick with quick consumption and ab u on tso IniiKsand was reduced to tlm lowest extremity with tliut drcnd dis ease. 1 culled In fccvurul doctors and could Kctno ttcnt'flt from any of thmn. and they pave me up to tllu. 1 KIIS finally : lri i-il to call In Dr. C. Ceo Wo , which I illd , nct am now imppyto Bay that lam com- | > letely cure I and restored to my former health und visor , lean'tray too much in favorof the Chinese doctor , and would advise anyone suD"erlnK with simi lar diseases to call oil Dr. C. dee \Vo nnd be cured. JOILN 1.\UODV. From Mt. Ayr , Iowa. Dr. C. OeoWo.Omnha , Neb , Dear Doctor I have your letter of the 1st Inst. , and In reply will ay 1 do net think I shall rcqulio further treatment from yea , ns the mcdlcuio you tent tins bad thedeilred effect nnd has entirely cured ucof my lnillec < tlon trouble * uml tie ! ccuprnl condition of my health In BO much improved that I think 1 am w ell. Also my nervous system Is all rlcut. 1'Jeubo accept ay Mnccro thanks for the great Is laundry has stationary tubs and patent vasbing machines. The cost of keeping up Uo white liousn , including the president's alary , Is more thau $100,030 a year and , otwlthstanding the ofllclal troubles of his losltion , its occupant ought to bo happy. A Alugnlllccnt Mansion. I have socn many or tbo fine houses of the 7tilted States , but the whlto house has some advantages over ull and it ought to make n cry comfortable home. Its rooms are all urge and the ceilings of the first floor must > o nearly twenty feet high. The windows are big nnd the house Is perfectly well veatl- ated and though thcro are said to ba rats in bo batoment tbora It no damp or musty smell about it. The grounds surrounding it are tilled with old forest trees In wbicn. the > Irds are now sieging their spring songs , ana the backyard , which contains many acres , is rolling and it has all the natural bcautlei of bill and hollow , and in the center of a wide stretch of velvety lawn.there is a Beautiful fountain which casts up a spray of silver and diamonds into the face of the Washington sun , und tbo view from tbo roar of the mansion Is otiu of tbe finest ol the United States. Looking over a bsautiful park you see the silvery Potomac winding in and out of Its Islands of croeu und boyonu it rise the hills of Virginia already covered with verdure. To tbo left the great obelisk known as the Washington monument touches the sky with the aluminium nail of Its massive white marble linger nnd. across tno rlvor are the Hags of Fort Mycr and the old yellow bouse of Arlington where George Washing ton lived with tbo widow Custls before the white house was built. Tlio vyiilto House as It If. But lot mo give you a description of the white house In plain coramonsonso words. The people really unotv but little about it and tbo pictures published of it give only its outlines. It stands , you know , in front of a brautliul park hlcb when Washington city was a village was used as a raca track , but which is now full of fine old forest trees. There is a bit : iron fence fully ten feet high botweHn the front yard and the street and the driveways which load up to tbo front door are of the shape of a half moon , and pavements of tiay as wide as tbo ordinary city sldowulk run alone those to tbe pone cochero. This pavement It well Kept , but tbo asphalt is cracked in places and in tbo summer It almost blister * your feet under tbo sun. Tbo whlto house iUolf covers about ono-tblrd of an acre. It Is a long , low two-story building with a busomont , which ut the front It almost Hush with tbe sidewalk and at the back Is level with trio lawn and forms almost a third story to tbo mansion. You all know tbut the wblto house is of u dazzling cbastly whitebut It has not that rich mellow tint of white marble nod iti colons produced by white load. Tbo build ing Is made of sandstone and it has been painted again and again until In some places it Is said that the while lead upon it Is act ually n quarter of an inch thick. Ttio build ing wns modeled at r a castle in Dublin and when it was first built it oost fJ3J.OLK ) and since then about tl.TUO.UOJ nave boon spent upon it so that the tout coil of it today is something lilco $ iOtK,000. ) This seems a great fleul of money , cut as you go through It you see that but little was wasted. cr for mnny y eats with catarrh , asthma and hronchlnl uirectlnn * of Ihe throat , r.nd tried hi ) the patent meil- IclncB and icmedlen I over hcnrd of , but wllhnnstic- ofH. 1 treated with doctor * In various pnrttof Iho country , but noneof them could do inoany peed lur- thertluin clvlnirmcushort Icmporary reilel. 1 * uf- fenHlnlirhl nnu day , and continued to prow worse. n < ttwllhhlindlniuO : the medicine 1 Inn ! taken. Iliad ulmustKlven u.iniy ra o as hopeless when 1 wmln- lormcJliyufnend ol Dr. U. Ceo Wo. thu Chinese doc tor , and : ulvlM > il to po and see him In the hope ol Bet- tlnz relief at lca > a , 11 not a permanent euro for my trouble. 1 wasslowin muklnir up my mind to make rnc'li a radical change In my treatment , as IJtnovr n trial with the chlncJO doctor would brlnir me , but Ifinalljr concluded ui'dvo him a L culled at his unice _ mJj tliitLuH'ntlon.i J Jpuno Hie doctor a. cloven-c'iitunnrtilnffneiitlwuan thoroughly pouedon- my condition mil ! It took only n. very stiflit time to cunTlncc me that he wus the narty 1 mis so lout ? In Bcarcb of. He told me my en BO nus curable and unit he ciiul.l cure me. and piepur.Hl ma a tpt'clnl treat- mcnt to FUR my condition nnd In two wwts 1 wn co zuuUiJttlur llmfl tiid tno 1 lilies t confidence in the doctor's ability anil f'Ljiulttcil luy ta to bis trcut- incit. 1 continued 10 crow better rapidly , und am no v entirely well. 1 owe Iny cure to Dr. C. Ceo Wo , and am not ashamed to admit It. 1 ad. such furnishings and the wires of the varl- ous candidates will not need to "bring any pieces from their own homes In order to help out the white house , i How the Xext I'rtnlilrnt Will Dlno. This is equally so u to the dinner table arrangements. Mrs. Harrison has improved the looks of thu stale idmingroom and the private diningroom is good enough for any ' .family. The slate dinlngroom is nn immcns'o apartment and oa the nights of state dinners it blazes with electric riys. It has , perhaps , the most beautiful marble'maulols - in America , which were'carved ' in Italy and which have trreat mirrors above them. Its big table will seat fifty and Undo Sam.has supplied the president with enough china to dine hundreds and have a change of plates at as many courses as you will find at tbo swell ' dinners of the Ctmi'oie. it is nice to drink out of cutglass and cat oven your buckwheat cakes and sausage on presden plates and drink yojr coffee out of the finest of Havlland cups. It was Hayes who bought tbe Haviland set of china for tbo wuito house and Mrs. Harrison bos added to the china closet a now set .of American china , which will compare with the finest products of Europe and tbe far cast. The designs for this china were made by an American artist. Among ths articles la It are an especial ' ovsler plate service' , a1-dozen soup plains , twelve fish plates , a dinner service of a dozen pieces with a platter t\ua twelve plntcs each for Ihe game course andJ the desert. There uro after-dinner coffee cups and saucers , tea cups , and saucers' and other pieces all elaborately and appropriately decorated. The next president wilt wipe his mouth with the llucsi of damask linen and Undo Sam fur nishes tbo napkins and tablecloths for tbe rulers of his nepbcwi. The napkins used at tbe wblto house at stale dinners are almost as big as tablecloths , und they shine lllto silk nnd ore very heavy and Ihlck. The glass used in tbo wblto house is cutglass and whether one wants to drink out of tbo water coblet or tbo champagne glass , or wlsbcs to end bis dinner with a pony of brandy , he cad have his ( esthetic soul delighted by dosscl aj white as tbo purest diamond and as thin at an egg shell , und as he looks into it bo will sea tbo American cagla engraved upon its side. Nearly every 'president iuys now linen for tbe whlto bouse and ono of tbo pleasures of tbo next firbt lady of tbo land will bo tbo shopping she can do at govern ment expense in rcplerilihlng the linen and china closets of her establishment. Sue will not have the pleasure ol dome her own mar keting. That is out of fashion now , though President Harrison's " 'grandfather used to start out every morning and walk to Gcorgclown and pick oat tbo choicest cuts for bis own table. The president now has n steward , and I dun't suppose that either Mr. or Mrs. Harrison have any Idea of what they are going to eat before tbov sit down at tbo table. The cooking is nil done In the baiomcnt , abd Mrs. Harrison bos had the whole loworrurtof the establish ment renovated. Tbo kitchen Is now tiled both as to flonr and a * to tbe dado of tbo sldo walls. When she camoiu she found that there were three rotten wooden floor * placed ono on top of tbo other , and she had tneso taken out and tbeso tiled floors put in their place on a bails of concrete. The laundry in tbe white house Is a vtrv fine ono and all of its arrangeraf nis are of the best. A Word About 'the Conservatory. II must take nearly half an aero of glass to cover the llowori o ( > the while bouse con servatory. It keeps Mvo men busy all tbo time to toke care of It ) and tbo dnost ol nil kinds of flowers from crcbidi to roses are continually In bloom here. There are broad India rubber plants which are worth from 5U to 1100 apiece , nnd there are some flowers which are absolutely- worth their weight in gold. Oa ; he nigbl of u white house dinner or reception the tvuoltt manuou is decorated with flowers , and at pee state dinner not long ago I hero was a floral picca on the table wblub used 8.030 flower * la its making. At a dinner to tbo suproma court 3,000 flowers were used to maku a Wiple of Justice , and at tbe last diplomatic r eeplloa the mantels of the parlors were banked up with flowers , and ut another llmo they were covered with im mense double tulip * riling out of hanics ol erooo. Everjr tut dinner reo ulrcut fct l a t vl o all who wnnt relief from their troubles to cull on IJr.U. ( iiv Wound they will bo curod. rorall partlc- uU" , BPly | ° rWrltU tUMAUTlN L. ANDEKSON. 5121 Cuuilng street , Uiaalia , Neb. Omaha , Ncb.Marcb TO , ' 93. To whom It rnny concern : 1 have teen a loin : lima sufferer with Etomnch trouble tmJ cenurul dclilllty and could rind no relief from any of the doctors I treated lth. 1 was so badly run don n that I thouubt Itlinpos'lblotollvca month. My Irlendshnd given raeupui die nnd Ihnd loft all eoar.lce mysalf. A friend told mo ot Dr.'C. Goo vVo. n ho ita .cnre < t also , anjl navlsoJ mo to call und see -him nlthoal delay , as tlicro was no time lolofcc. I hnd tried all the doctor * 1 could tinund all the patent modltlnrx. but without rcllel. 1 finally made up my m'nl ' to Msll th Chinese doctor , und from Una moment dale * my recovery. I accepted IHu terms and placed myseli under bis rare. 1 um now- entlrely well an J owe my cure to Dr. U. Ceo \Vo , and lakogruut pleasure In rceommi-ndlnB other * to him , THUS. CUhVEUT , Northwest corner Twelfth and Farnam streets , under Irou llunk , Uuiuhu , Neb. 1 1,000 roses , nnd during ono wlnlcr 0,030 sprays of the lily of the valley and 400 strings of sinllax were used. Odil'TmiifrK About the Whlto House , There are many odd things about tbo white bouse of which tbo people know but llttlo and which will ba interesting to the various candidalcs and their fr'.cntts. There is a verynice billiard room down In ono corner of the basnmcnt , whichif , the next president can handle too cue , will give him n fair chance to Rlny with his cabinet when tbo good people jiiuk they are discussing the affairs of state , and there are no end of good wino closets which can bo properly stocked for n consid eration. Those closets have seen good liquors in the past. It was in them Andrew Johnson k pt his favorite Bourbon end the sherry of which bo was so fona. Hero John Tyler stored away bis Jamaica rum and tbo Ma deira which ho imported himself , trading ship loads of corn from bis Virginia planta tion for it , and it was hero that Thomas Jef ferson had bottled un the $11,000 worth of champagne and other liquors which ho served up while ho was in the white bouse. Jef ferson spent more on liquors than any oiber president on record , but Arthur was noloa for his fine wines , and Andrew Jackson spent a pretty penny on punch during bis admin istration. There are manv odd things about this basement , and every inch of it is marked with history. It was down hero that Andrew Johnson's daughter bad her dairy when her falber was prosidenl , and bore sbo made her own butler and cave her guests a drink of buttermilk fresh from tbo churn. At this basement door it was charged that Airs. Lincoln peddled out extra milk of tbo white house , and down hero Buchanan's servants ate bun almost out of house and home , and cave , to it Is said , some of the best ponorbouso steaks to feed the stable dogs. It must bo odd to rummage tbrougb tbo attlco ot tbo white house , and to look over tbo old furniture used by tbo presidents of tbe past , and it is odd to go through tbe second floor rooms and notlco how tbe president does bis business. The Jtuslncis Part of the Whlto House , The business part of tbo white bousa has been entirely remodeled by Proxldent Harri son. Private Secretary Hal ford has the the small room at tbo southeast corner , and tbo President has taken the room which Uan Lament used to occupy , which was the office of President Lincoln. The other rooms furlhor on beyond the ono In which tbo cabi net meets are all largo and airy , and they are fitted up for tbe living rooms of the lamily. In the president's business office you will find a half-dozen clerks , and you can ronch out your finger and touch nnv part of the world. Tbcro Is a lelograph operator - orator wboiekev In connected with Iho cable and lelegraph wires of tbo United States , and tbcro is a cleric who does but little else than attend to tbo newspapers , nnd the president gets bis papers from everywhere. In one largo room tbcro are a number of clerk * , and among these is Colonel Crooktho , cashier of the while houso. There is an ele vator in the white bouse , and , all in all , tbo old mansion Is packed full of Interesting things. FllANK U. UilU'ENTElU Jtctimi of u j'limuuit Oun. Instructions were fivon fiomo tlmongo by Secretay Blulno to General Georjjo S. Bachelor , minister nt Lisbon , tomnko n courteous request for the return to the United States of the famous "Lon Tom" pun , a fortytwo-pounder , of the celebrated private armed brlg-of-war General Arrc&tron , which played such H heroic part in the buttle of Fayal with the British squadron in 1814. Information mation has been received nt the Depart ment of Slnto that Iho Itinc of Portugal 'has expressed his consent to present the pun to the Unhud Btutob , it now bolnp in the Castle of Jimn , ut the Island of Fayal. Secretary of the Navy Tracy has or- do rod a uliip of war to bo sent to Fayal at OH early a duto as possible to receive the gun. It la prpposed to have it mounted in Lu fay otto square in this city , opposite tno white house. NEBRASKA FACTORY NOTES Home of the Attractions at the Coming Manufacturers' Exposition. MANY FACFORIES WILL BE IN OPERATION Items Oathorott at Kandom Over the Stnto Several Cltlos Itooin the Cigar Uiulness A. Paper Mill to llo Started. From what has already been published on .bo subject tbo public generally have the den that tbo coming manufacturers' oxposl- -iou will surpass anylbing of the kind over icla in tbo west , and yet it is to bo doubted If they more than half appreciate its full scopo. Every foot of space in the vast building will bo occupied by on exhibit of some sorter or other , while the whirr of machinery will remind ono of a great factory. Besides manufactured goods those who visit tbo exposition will see : Two cigar factories with a foroo of cigar- makers rolling and finishing cigars , illustrat ing the method of manufacture , the different kinds ot tobacco used , etc. , an instructive object lesson for smokers. A bag factory , turning out flour sacks , burlap sacks , etc. , of interest to tbo millers who are tbo largest buyers of sacus , of in terest to ladles as being on industry employ ing women ; of intercut to all who buy fiour in sacks. A complete broom factory In operation , showing the method of handling the broomcorn - corn , tying it onto tbo handle'sowing , trim ming , etc. Of interest to every woman who wields a broom and to every man who enjoys a tidy home. A mustard factory showing the materials and method of combining and boilling Ger man mustard. Visitors will b9 expected to snoczo while watching the operation as an Indication of respect for the stronglb of Ibo mustard. Two complete overall factorial. Ttiltors will be enabled lowliness the culling of bolls of cloth inlo pieces , Ibo sowing of tbo pieces together into garments on machines running at lightning speed and managed by deft fingered girls , the butions nf u whole gar- moat sewed on by a machine in a minute's lime and Ibo buttonholes cut and worked in another minute. A harness factory turning out light and heavy harness , bor&o collars , etc. . a most in- leroiung brunch of manufacture to every ad mirer of a goad horse. Visitors will bo ox- pooled to lauo ibe bint and see to it that tbolr horses In tbo future are rilled out with Nebraska irannlnirs. A job priming oflloo turning out embossed printing , a novelty in the line of printing. A complete shoo factory with sixly pcoplo at work , showing every stop in Ibo operation of tnaktuu a shoo from the culling of tbo leather to tbe packing and shipping of tbo sboot. A shirt factory of interest to men who wear shirts and to women who make them. A box factory showing tbo method * of manufacture in this , one of the rapidly grovv. log industries of Ihe slate. A bed spring factory turning out woven wire springs by moans of a inacnmo which is one ot tbo hiuiplest and at ibe same tlmo ono of Iho most interesting to bo keen in the wnolo range of manufacturing. A tottn factory showing1 tbo most Interest ing portion of tbo operation of manufacturing tbe world's ' , purifier. A hat factory with a force of men turning oat gonU' derby baU , shrinKlng tbo material aowu from a pluco largo enough lo cover Ibo whole man until it Is small enough to fit bis head. A button factorr 4 with Austrian button- maker * cuulof up tbo tholls into pearl but- _ . . Oakland , Neb. To whom It mar roncf rn : I Imvu boon a MI He re r for many yoari and havi trlcJ H tri'iu many doctors and pxtent medicine ! , but they never cuve me much br p. The doctor * pro noiinreil my cnta llrlEht'n illn'u o nnd liopele * * . I etmcroil njjrcnt deal and KOt no ri-llef until , nt the nd- vici'iif 11 lilfiul , I went to too Dr. C. Ueo Wo. thg Clilneiu doctor of Uuiaha. 1 took Ills medicine lot two months nnd am completely cured. I owe my euro to the Chtnoro doctor and am thank- lulto hlui for It. Very truly , A. O. MOOKI..Oakland. Neb. _ . J'ocntello , Idatio. April 2 , Ittli To whom It may concern t 1 have LeoT a nonsianl sufferer for debt year * wltll n itltorilcioJ Flomncb , hlood poisoning nnd liidlne thin , nnl tn l n great mnny doctors and remedial , nut cot no help. .Vycaso 1 considered liopclcar. J > Jrlenil iirtvl-eil mo to call on Dr. C. Ceo Wo , which S imidc no iluhiy In do lac. Tlio doctor examined nn anil told mo hu i-onld cure mo , and I now itnrul com pletely cured , n mine wltnem to hu crrat still ns I tmilerof the Mck.nnd am ulettiiodto bo able to reo- ommend him to all gulTerlnir puoiilo. AI.K. KD1S. tons , polishing , finishing , etc. A cew In dustry for the west and one which , by reason ' son of the methods employed , will 'bo of great interest to all classes of people. A corncob pipe factory showing the methods of cutting , boring and turning cob * into pipes. A barbed wire factory will transform com mon wire into barbed fence wlro for whlcb purpose heavy machinery will be in opera tion , A cronmory showing how cream Is turned into butter bv moans of a separator , the modern contrivance which has done away with the old-time churn. These are some of tbo complete factories * which visitors will bo enabled lo sea at tbo coming exposition. In addition to the above over 100 manufacturers will display their .various products In the different stages of completion , In a wny to show tbo metboas of manufacture and otherwise Instruct and en tertain the visitor. Visitors to tbo exposition will coo the pro ducts of tbo best factories of all the promi nent Nebraska cities. Xclirubka City Talks Kxhlblt. Why not have ' 'Nebraska City day" at the exhibition of Nebraska manufacturers at Omaha ! says the Nebraska City Nowi. Tbo cost would bo but little and it would give our people a chance to advertise the city ana their goods at but llttlo expanse. Tbe spec ial trains can easily bo secured and no doubt- many would bo eager to embrace the oppor tunlty of visiting tbo metropolis. Tbo state manufacturers' exhibit at Omaha is close at hand , says the Nebraska Citr Press. Within two weeks It will have be gun , and llttlo has peon aono toward mak ing n proper showing on the part of the in- uustries of this city. It is a fact that no other city In tbo state can produce so varied an exhibit us Nebraska City. But If full justice is done us every manufacturer must take uu active interest In the plan. Yet If ho can not see tbo benoilts to bis own busi ness from such an advertisement , ho can not bo pursuaded. Tbo cost of transporting tbo exbibltto Omaha will bo nothing , nnd tbo only expense then , In case tbo material can bo sold there , in tbo care necessary. But tbo advantage to bo reaped by the elty as a whole , in showing tbe stuto and thu thou g. auds of visitors from without tbo state , it enterprise can not bo over estimated. Ao- > tlvo work should bo begun at onco. The I It looks very much as If Omaha. In plto of her large population of smokers and her many advantages DS a'distributing point. Is to be outdistanced by many much nmailer Nebraska cities in tbo manufacture of cigars. List week 1'luttsraouth came to tbo front with tbo announcement that sbe bed moro cig&rmakors at work In her factories than Omaha , and now comes tbo following an nouncement from a West Point puper : "Tbe lirm of Welding , ICuntz & , Kerl , cirar manufacturers , have decided to make a stock company of their Institution and run it on a large scale. Tbe capital stock of the company Is to ho tfl.OOO , Mr. Welding In forms us tbat the company will employ from , sixteen to twenty men the year round. It seems to us that tboro is no valid reason why as good cigars cannot bo made hero at any where else , and by making a good cigar West Point merchants would undoubtedly patronize a borne institution in preference to outsider * . " Factorr Strays. An electric oupply and contracting com pany has been established at Kearnoy. Tbo Beatrice paper mill , at ono time ono of Beatrice's most Important and largest manu facturing plants , wbicb has been Idle for looro than a year , owing to some legal com plications , Is to bo rovlvou at onco. Mr. H. W. Barnbolsal , late of HarrUburg , Pa. , ba * leasco tbo property for * long term of years , has purchased new and additional raacbln- ory and expects to have tbo mill in operation by July U. Ho will Increase tbe capacity la twelve tons of paper per day and will em ploy regularly en nvemgo of thirty-five men , tiirht or ton of which will bo ( killed work- tuen brought from tbe east. Tbe mill IB already fitted out Is one of Iho largest and completnst In tbo country , having cost orlg- inally nearly " Mr. Barnhel * * ! I * tlready on Ibo frouu * .